People researching in Meigs County, Ohio

The following are summaries of the interests of various folks who are researching in Meigs County, in order by submission date. You can contact them at the email or other addresses listed. If you would like to be included in this list, send ua an email with a list of your family names or other research interests, and let me know whether you prefer to be contacted by email or another method. These are queries posted in 2000.

November 4, 2000  
WISE, HOLLIDAY:  My grandfather Gilbert Wise was raised in an orphanage in Meigs County.  His 
father was William Jackson Wise.  William was the son of Mikel (Michael) Wise 
and Jane Holliday who married in 1849.  Any information on Mikel and Janes 
parents or  their children would be greatly appreciated.  
Thank you, 
Rebecca Wise Green    (

November 4, 2000  
BUFFINGTON, HALL, PARR:  I am trying to locate the parents of John T. Buffington (1854-1939).  He may 
have been born in Mason Co. WV, but I think his family is probably related 
to those of Buffington Island.  His fathers name was supposed to be William 
Buffington.  There is a William Buffington in the 1870 Mason Co WV Census 
with a son named John T., but this does not completely coincide with info from 
my family.  It is possible they are wrong. He married Anna Hall (1852-1928) on 
Feb. 16, 1875.  There children were supposed to have been born in Meigs Co.  
John T. died in Beaver Co., PA.  I also need the parents of Anna.  It could be 
Thomas Franklin Hall (1829-1901) and Malinda Parr or Aaron Hall (1816-1892).  
They both had Anna's living with them, probably daughters, in census records 
for Lebanon Twp. Meigs Co., OH.  Any help would be appreciated.
Bonnie Hirneisen    (

November 4, 2000  
BECKLEY:  Looking for descendants of Jonathan Beckley who resided his life after
emigrating from CT in 1814 in Alexander Twp., Athens County. His son H.
Nelson moved to Rutland in 1849. Nelson's brother Walter followed to
Columbia Twp. later in 1800's as did brother Lewis. The next generation
seemed to include a John (Rutland), Wallace (near Wilkesville), Leonard &
Dennis in Columbia Twp. I'd like to find, also, where the family went
Mike Beckley    (

November 4, 2000  
EVANS, MCMILLEN, ROBERTS, SALISBURY, STIFF:  I am researching the above surnames. 
Edward L. McMillen    (

November 4, 2000  
ZIEGLER, PILES:  Henry ZIEGLER d 1916 Orange Twp Meigs Co OH bu Silver Ridge Cemetery  md
1867 Vinton Co OH to Phoebe PILES. Known children unnamed male b 1869, 
Elsie Lucinda b 1871, Elizabeth Ann b 1872, Oscar H. b 1876, Divres P. b 1877, 
Orestus Gustavus b 1880.  Henry was in Civil War 90th OVI Co D.  In May 1888 
he was a resident of Alfred, Meigs Co OH.

Tacy Ann (ZIEGLER) PILES b 1848 d 1914 bu Silver Ridge Cemetery md George H.
PILES.  Only know child a stillborn born 1883 Vinton Co OH.

Henry Ziegler & Tacy Ann (ZIEGLER) PILES are brother & sister, children of
George & Barbara Ellen (FRANZ) ZIEGLER.  I am guessing that their spouses
Phoebe PILES & George H. PILES are also brother and sister.

Looking for any info on this family; willing to exchange info.  Also would
like the location of the Silver Ridge Cemetery.  Is anyone willing to take
digital photos of their tombstones for me?
Helen    (

November 4, 2000  
BARNHOUSE, WOODS:  Am looking for Carrico (James) Barnhouse and Ema (Emma) Woods  I know 
they lived in that area 1857 or a little before. 
William Koleszar    (

November 4,2000  
NEASE, KOLB, CROOKS, HOUDASHELT:  Looking for any information about these Meigs Co. families.   Wm. &
Margaret Nease dau. Sarah E. married A. J. Crooks.  They moved to KS
1878.  Sarah died 1890 and her three youngest children, (Mitchell,
Herbert & Elsie Crooks) came back to Meigs Co. to be raised by family.
I think they lived with Margaret "Alice Mary" but have not proved
guardianship yet.   Elsie married Dana Houdashelt.  They had 3
children.   Mitchell & wife Bess owned furniture business in Dayton,
Ohio.  They had no children.   Herbert N. Crooks might have moved to
Calif.    Sarah (Nease) Crooks' oldest son Charles lived with Kalb family
in Kansas.  Does anyone have information about Margaret Kolb that might
link her to Kansas Kalb family?

William H. Nease  b April 15, 1821 in Ohio d September 02, 1899
..  +Margaret (Kolb-Culp) Kalb m June 17, 1849 in Meigs County Ohio
(10 children) b December 04, 1826 in Germany d October 22, 1902
.1   William Nease  b Abt. 1846-1849  in Ohio
.2   Mary P. Nease  b Abt. 1850 in Ohio
.3   Sarah Elizabeth Nease  b October 19, 1851 in Sutton Twps, Miegs
county  Ohio d December 04, 1890 in Neosho Falls,  Woodson county
Kansas   ( family farm)
.....  +Andrew Jackson Crooks m November 19, 1873 in Meigs Co. Ohio b
November 20, 1849 in Meigs Co. Ohio d March 31, 1920 in Kansas City,
Jackson  County   Missouri
.4  Margaret "Alice Mary"(twin?) Nease  b Abt. 1854 in Ohio
.5  Harriet E. (twin?) Nease  b Abt. 1854 in Ohio
.6  Maria D. Nease  b Abt. 1858 in Ohio
.7  Charles H. Nease  b Abt. 1862 in Ohio
.8  George Nease  b Abt. 1865 in Ohio
.9  Annie "Laurie" Nease  b Abt. 1869 in Ohio d 1920
.....  +Scott Mumaw  b 1872 d 1959
.10 Roice W. Nease  b Abt. 1871 in Ohio


Virginia Turley Willis    (

November 4, 2000  
RIFE:  I am looking for information on the Rife family.  In particular, I would 
like to know if Andrew Rife born about 1815 in VA and living in Meigs 
County in 1850 had a sister named Sarah.  Sarah Rife was born in 1822 in VA 
and lived in Gallia County (which borders Meigs) in the 1840's and 50's.  Her 
father's name was supposed to have been Andrew.
Loretta Lynn Layman    (

November 4, 2000  
WALTON, PACKARD, COWDERY, SHOUP:  Looking for info on William W. Walton, who married Amanda M. Packard 
on Dec. 31, 1859 in Meigs County, Olive Twp. Her parents were 
Achsah R. Cowdery and Origin L. S. Packard. Also seeking the grave of 
Amanda Packard Walton, who may also be buried under the surname "Shoup" 
in Meigs County. Any information is appreciated on Packard line or Walton line.
Virginia Walton Teker    (

November 4, 2000  
LEWIS:  Would like to find information on naturalization papers in Pomeroy,
Meigs, OH for John Morgan LEWIS.  Thank you, 
Kathy Lewis Lencki    (

November 4, 2000  
PILCHARD:  Have recently tried to track down my ancestors from family notes and it 
seems they were in Meigs County. I also come up with Letart and Pomeroy.
However, when I checked any Meigs county websites, I come up with no 
record- birth or death.  My notes say that my great-great grather, Peter 
Pilchard (1800-1877) was there, as were his children and their children, 
including my grandfather Charles Titus Pilchard.

The only web record that I found was on my grandfather, Frank M. Pilchard in the 
Civil War, Ohio Volunteer Infantry 63rd, Company F under Captain Charles 
Titus. Again, I find no web record of Frank's birth or death, or any of the 
records on his children.

Also, Peter Pilchard, my great-great grandfather had three children that 
all died within three days of each other, but no record of this. Also I wish 
I knew how they had died. These Pilchards, starting with Peter, seem to have 
migrated from Maryland, starting with his father, Thomas Pilchard. It seems 
like my family was much a part of Meigs County. Maybe you can have better luck 
than I did finding any records.    (

November 4, 2000  
SALISBURY, RUSSELL:  Anne and John SALISBURY and their children were in Meigs Co., OH in 1850. 
Their children were Amelia (22), Mary (19), Ellen (12), Samuel (17), Thomas 
(10), James (7), and Charlotte (4). They were all born in England. I am 
searching for information on these individuals. Charlotte may have married 
Sanford Russell in 1862 although she would have been only 16. All help is 
Charlene Adams    (

November 4, 2000  
LINDLEY, LOBDELL:  I have limited information on a Sarah E. Lindley b. 1837 in Meigs County;
married a John Lobdell (Lobdill) and had two children--Harry E. and Levi.  
Sarah died in 1870 in Pike County.  John died of complications during Civil 
War military service.
Harry E. Lobdell    (

November 4, 2000  
MALOON, KING:  I am interested in the Maloon family.  Mark Maloon (Meloon, Malone) migrated 
to Meigs County about 1815, is listed in the 1820 census, Salem township.  He 
moved to Gallia County before 1830 but his son, Joseph, married a Frances 
King and raised three sons in Meigs County (Jonathan, William, Samuel).
Mike Meloon    (

November 4, 2000  
GRIFFIN:  I am trying to obtain information on my ggrandfather, John Augustus Griffin, 
and his father Burton.  John was born either in Athens or Meigs County, Ohio, 
in 1851. 
Robert Griffin    (

November 4, 2000  
ROOT, HUDSON, GRANT:  My gg grandmother was Electa F. (ROOT) HUDSON
b.Oct. 14, 1828 (or 1825) Chester, Meigs CO, OH
d. Mar. 2, 1922 Dayton, OH
bu. Woodlawn Ceme., Dayton, OH
m. Dec. 27, 1853 Meigs CO, by Rev. Alanson Fleming,
to John Wesley HUDSON
   b. 1832 (may be Clinton CO, OH)
   d. Dec. 20, 1863 Marietta, GA
   bu. Nat'l Ceme., Marietta, GA
They had 3 sons and lived in Dayton, OH.
The family history and obit says "Electa's father, Stephen ROOT, 
came down the Ohio River on a flat boat with U. S. Grant's father 
and settled there.  She was a close friend of U.S. Grant's all their lives".
I am just beginning researching on them.  Any help is very much appreciated.
I so far see on the OH site, GRANTS, HUDSONS, AND ROOTS which may play a 
part of this.
Marcia Snyder    (

November 4, 2000  
LUCAS, PROVO, GOLDEN:  Am looking for info on a Charles Lucas, b. August 1866, who was a listed as 
a farmer in the 1900 Meigs County, Olive Township census.  His wife, at that 
time was Lottie (Provo) Lucas b. April 1869.  I have heard that both of these 
people (my great grandparents) were married several times.  Charles and Lottie 
have four children also listed: Walter. b.June 1881; Ray, b. June 1893; 
Mary, b. April 1896; and Robert, b. October 1898.  The son Walter was my 
grandfather.  He was also divorced from my grandmother when he was committed 
to the Massillon State Hospital.  He apparently had gone insane from syphilis. 
I never got to meet him.  My father, and Aunt, and grandmother never spoke of 
the Lucas side of the family. In fact, if we questioned anyone about our Lucas 
relatives, the subject was quickly changed.  We all love a mystery, and we 
firmly believe we will discover some very interesting "skeletons". Needless to 
say, that prompted this whole search.  I know that Walter Lucas died in Massillon 
State Hospital around 1955, he had been there for more than 25 years.  I recently 
returned to Ohio for a short visit, and we found his unmarked paupers grave in 
Massillon. Our father Walter Charles Lucas Jr., died 11 years ago, and the only 
family member he talked about was a George Golden.  So any info would be greatly 
Joyce A. (Lucas) Dever    (

November 4, 2000  
JAREL, LUKE:  I'm just beginning research on great-grandmother Blanche Isabelle JAREL 
born in Middleport 24 Jan 1898 and died 1973 in Dunbar WV. Her parents 
were John Henry JAREL and Isabell LUKE. 

I have no information other than this, which I received from the SS office. 
Any help is very much appreciated!
Sherri Kenworthy    (

November 4, 2000  
DIDDLE, HARRIS, WRIGHT, FOUNTAIN :  I am trying to find the burial place of my gr gr grandparents, Benjamin Franklin 
and Sarah (Wright) Diddle. BF died Sept 1890 and Sarah died Jan 1891 in Bethany 
now Dorcas near Racine, Oh. I strongly believe they are buried next to their son 
and his wife, George 'Berry' and Fannie Diddle, at Greenwood Cemetery in Racine. 
Can anyone help me find who has the Cemetery records for the 1890 and 1891 time 
periods? These are two unmarked graves and if they are my gr gr grandparents, I 
would like to place a stone there for them.  Thanks for any help. 
Lavonne Bradshaw    (

November 4, 2000  
REEVES:  Looking for information on the REEVES.  There were too many Williams, Solomons,
and Richards to keep track of.  I am a ggggranddaughter of Solomon Reeves and
Elizabeth Irwin in Scipio Twp.  He was born 1805, as a twin to Lydia (there
were a bunch of those, too.)  Their son Jerimiah, then Winfield T., then Gerald L.
Reeves is my line.  I believe Walter (b. 1652 in Burlington, NJ; d. 1696; m. Ann
E. Howell) was our beginning in this country.  I'm thinking William, William Jr.,
Solomon, Richard, then my Solomon and Jerimiah is my lineage, but not positive.
Jerimiah and W. T. are buried in Wells Cemetery there.
Dixie Shaffer    (

November 4, 2000  
RUSSELL, HYSELL  :  I would appreciate any information on Martha Hysell b abt
1815 Meigs Co, OH married on 5 Dec 1833 to Ira Russell b 1812 NY.  I am
interested in finding Martha Hysell's parents/siblings.  I have their
descendants.  I also have Ira Russell's brother Samuel Russell b 1815 NY
married to Abigail Gilmore b abt 1822 Meigs Co, OH on 24 Jul 1846.  Thanks!
Melissa    (

November 4, 2000  
MCMAHAN, MCBAIN, MARSHMAN, TROP:  I am researching the above surnames.
Jentami    (

November 4, 2000  
MCCANN, BRAKE, NELSON, RIFE:  I am just beginning to do some research and am interested in hearing from
people with surnames - MCCANN, BRAKE, and NELSON.  My ggrandfather was
George F. McCann, b. abt 1879-80 in Columbia Township, Meigs County.  He was
raised by his grandmother, Harriett (Nelson) Brake.  Harriet (Father John
Nelson and Mother Elizabeth Nelson) and Edward Brake were married on October
25, 1849.  Edward died sometime around 1878.  They had four children 
Selena C. b. abt 1851, Mary E. b. abt 1854, William G. b. abt 1856 and Jackson
P. b. abt 1860.  Harriett had an older sister, Mary Nelson.  Mary married
Andrew RIFE.   I believe that Mary E. Brake could be my grandfather's mother
not sure.  I would like help in verifying this. Thank you.
Harold McCann    (

November 4, 2000  
BROOKS, CHEVALIER:  Searching for the parents or siblings of Josiah T. Brooks.  He was born 
in 1832 and died in 1864 while serving in the Union Army for West Virginia. 
He married a Melissa Chevalier and had 5 children.  They lived in the 
Reedsville area.  I would appreciate any help you can offer. 
Polly Houser    (

November 4, 2000  
WAGGONER, GREGORY:  Researching WAGGONER, GREGORY surnames in Meigs Co., OH, approximately 
1860-1869.  I believe my gg grandfather, Oliver C. WAGGONER, wife, Sarah 
Katherine GREGORY and child may have been living with other WAGGONER or 
GREGORY relatives in Meigs Co., OH at the time the 1860 census was taken.  
They were married in 1857 in Vinton Co., then I can't find them until 1870 in 
KY, though I know they resided in OH prior to 1870.  I also believe Oliver, 
probably born in MD, migrating through Greene Co., PA, was acquainted with 
Enos CHANEY, who was a resident of Meigs Co. at about the same time.  Please 
e-mail me if you have any info regarding these individuals or surnames.  
Susan King    (

November 4, 2000  
WILLIAMS, COY:  I am searching for information on Edward Williams who was listed in the 1820 
Meigs County Census and then disappeared. He married Susanna Coy 6 May 1818 
in Gallia County Ohio. One child was Francis Wilson Williams.  Thank you.
June Pierceall    (

November 4, 2000  
CORNELL, LINDSEY:  My ggrandparents were George W. Cornell, db March 1849 Va. and Mary A. Lindsey 
db June 1852 Oh.  They lived all of their married life in Bedford Township, 
Meigs County. Both died in 1901 and are buried in Baker Cemetery according to 
articles in The Democrat, March 21 and Nov. 21 of 1901. They had 8 children: 
John E., Alfred B., Lilly Rose, Horace, Beni. F, Malni, Omer, and Herbert. 
John E. was my grandfather, I would like to be in touch with anyone searching 
this family. I have contact with the son and grandson of Omer plus others of 
John E.'s line.  Thank you. 
John Cornell    (

November 4, 2000  
PHILLIPS, FARLEY:  Great-Grandfather, Isaac Phillips-born in Jackson Co. Oh.,  Died in Vinton Co. 1914.   
Married to Jane Farley, born in Ohio.
Son, John Oliver Phillips, born 1881 or 1882, died in 1923.  Buried in Bethel Cem. 
at Nelsonville Oh. He worked the coal mines.  Married Blanche Hankerson.  They lived 
in Athens, OH, or thereabouts.
4 Children that I know of: Virgil, who I think died in a coal mine accident.
Raymond, mailing address, Milfield, OH; had 5 or 6 children, one whose name was Jerry.
Garnet, I know nothing about her.
Mary Lenna 1909/1979, my mother, she went by the name of Lennie and married Mark Byers 
from Frankin Co. They had 6 children.    (

November 4, 2000  
GEYER:  John L. Geyer, b. Pomeroy, OH, 1875.  John Geyer b. Pomeroy, OH, 1845.  My
father, Norman W. Geyer, b. 1908, Pomeroy, OH.  I have several other family
members who were born in Pomeroy.
Stella    (

November 4, 2000  
BROWN:  I am searching for the parents of Samuel B. BROWN,born 1821 in Ohio, died (was murdered)
Jan. 1853, possibly in Meigs or Athens Co. Samuel B. married Harriet McKNIGHT, born 1819 in
Virginia, died 1893 in Ohio. This couple had four children who reached adulthood and all of them
moved to southwest Missouri in the late 1860s.I have the names of these children and their
spouses for anyone who would like them.

Family tradition is that Samuel B. was killed due to his participation in the Underground
Railroad but we have never found a written account of this event. Does anyone have such an
account of these activities in Meigs county?

Another thing in our family which has puzzled us for almost 100 years is a strange phrase in
our family Bible...." John F. BECK was". Who is John F. BECK, and how does he fit into this
family? Could he be the grandfather of Samuel B. on the maternal side? Who, oh, who has the
answers to our puzzles? How can I thank you for helping me?
Carol Dickey    (

July 1, 2000  
BROWN, MCDANIEL, WATSON, MAHAFFY:  I would appreciate hearing from anyone 
with information on the parents and siblings of my 2nd great-grandfather 
Gideon Brown, born ca 1813 in Meigs County, died ca 1890 in Gallia County. 
Gideon had three wives: he married Rebecca McDaniel on 15 Jan 1835, 
Maria Jane Watson on 21 Nov 1839, and Sarah Mahaffy after 1880. Gideon and 
Rebecca had a son, Samuel, born ca 1836. Gideon and Maria Jane had 15 children 
(I'll send the names if anyone is interested), Gideon and Sarah had a daughter 
they named Sarah.  Regards,
J. M. Brown    (

July 1, 2000  
BECKLEY:  I'm trying to track down brothers of H. Nelson Beckley (HNB migrated 
from Athens County to Meigs-Rutland, c. 1850). Can anyone find an obit 
for him referring to those who are survivors or preceded him in death 
who may still have been in Athens County or the part of Vinton County 
that had previously been part of Athens County (eastern Vinton County). Thanks,
Mike Beckley    (

July 1, 2000  
PACKARD, WALTON:  I am looking for the ancestors of Origen L. S. Packard (1811 - 1895) who
resided in Meigs County, Olive Twp. Also, his daughter, Amanda Packard,
(born 1838) married William M. Walton on December 31, 1859 and had five
children, one of whom became my grandfather. William M. Walton disappeared
on the Ohio River in the 1880's. I am seeking information about his origins
and eventual fate. His birth may have been around 1835 in Meigs County, but
he also may have been from Kentucky. Any clues are appreciated!  Thanks,
Virginia Walton Teker    (

July 1, 2000  
QUILLIN:  I am researching QUILLIN 's ALL spellings.

Clement QUILLIN b. @ 1750 MD d. bef. 1836 Jefferson Co Ohio m. Hannah unknown?.


Adam  QUILLIN  b. 1784 MD d. OH m.1811 Mary Harper b. 1798 OH
    Children Lucinda, ALexander, Jackson, Adam, Griffith, Rachel & Harriet QUILLIN

Amos  QUILLIN  b. 1789 MD d. OH Meigs Co. m. Jane Webster b. PA d. OH Meigs Co.
    Children Joshua, Jacob, William, Lemuel, Hezekiah, Uriah, William D., Hannah,
             Mary Jane, Alexander John QUILLIN

Elihue  QUILLIN  b. 1790 MD d. OH m. 1806 (1)Jean Baker (2) Sarah Cree
    Children Elihue, James, Adam, David, Matilda, Mary J., Issac QUILLIN

Joshua QUILLIN b. 1787 MD d. OH m.  1811(1)Martha Mann (2) 1827 Rebecca Bowles
    Children UNKNOWN

Rachel QUILLIN b.  1791MD d. OH m. 1806 William Frazier
    Children Aarea Quillin Frazier m. 1834 Rice Cochran

Susan Quillin-Thompson    (

July 1, 2000  
RIFE:  Just "fishing". Am curious to see if my name will get a reply.
My daughter is researching my family and that of her mother.
Marion Rife    (

July 1, 2000  
BECKLEY:  I'm trying to find where my Great-great-great grandparents, Jonathon &
Sarah Beckley are buried. They lived in Athens County as early as 1814.
They are probably buried somewhere in Lee, Alexander townships (Athens),
Knox Twp. (Vinton) or Columbia, Scipio, Salem or Rutland Twps., Meigs
County. Please e-mail me with any insights at Thanks,
Mike Beckley    (

July 1, 2000  
All from Meigs Co. and or Mason Co WV.
Patricia Edington    (

July 1, 2000  
Most of my ancestors were from the Rutland/Scipio township areas.
Sue Edwards    (

July 1, 2000  
LAX, PACKARD, HANKS, SUDRON:  I have been researching my LAX and PACKARD ancestors 
from Meigs County.  Would gladly furnish/or exchange information with 
anyone with common interests.  My PACKARD line in Meigs County begins 
with William Howe Packard, Jr. who came from Vermont with his wife 
Ermina HANKS about 1833. One of their daughters, Florence Estelle PACKARD, 
married Thomas LAX. Thomas LAX was born in Stockton-on-Tees, Durham, 
England in 1843, and came to America in August 1856, with his sister Sarah.  
Their parents were George William LAX and Elizabeth SUDRON.  George William 
LAX also came to Meigs County and at some point remarries (either in England 
or Ohio) and has two additional sons in Meigs county, George William
Jr. (1859) and John (1861).  Anyone interested in more information,
trying to establish a link with my ancestors, or having additional
LAX/PACKARD information can email me anytime at
Tom Turner    (

July 1, 2000  
MARTIN:  MARTN, Charles>William Albert, b.1863

Looking for any and all information on Charles MARTIN, possibly born Vermont,
m. Carrie unknown, possibly born Virginia. Son is William Albert MARTIN, b.
March 18, 1863, Rutland, Meigs County, Ohio.

William left Ohio and married Harriet Kimmerer in Gueda Springs Kansas in
1888. The family moved to Nebraska and then to Sedgwick County Colorado.

Katy in Colorado    (

July 1, 2000  
STOBERT:  I am researching the STOBERT family and came across a site that listed a
Wilbur STOBERT, born 1865, buried at Pine Grove Cemetery, Meigs County, Ohio.
My family line ends (right now) with John STOBERT, born 1858.  The family
claims he was born in Zanesville - but I have not found any links there.  If
anyone has any information on Wilbur STOBERT's family, please e-mail me at  Thank you,
Kathleen Anthony    (

July 1, 2000  
ERWIN:  ERWIN- George b.1810 PA. Martha b.1813 PA. Hugh b.1833 OH. William Harrison
b.1836 OH., John b.1838 OH., Janie b.1839 OH., Orian bo.1846 OH., Minerva
b.1847 OH., Joseph b.1849 MO. Searching for information about this family.
William Harrison ERWIN is my direct ancestor. (information from 1850
Census-Holt County, Missouri)  Born in Scipio, Meigs County, Ohio.    (

July 1, 2000  
PHILLIPS, COOPER:  I am researching a Jacob Phillips that lived in Pomeroy. 
The information I have so far is his marriage date: 3 May 1861 to 
Nancy A. Cooper in Meigs Co. His death record states he was born in Wales, 
died 4 Feb 1883 at the age of 42 years 2 months and 23 days. He was a miner 
and killed in a mine in Pomeroy. He lived in Pomeroy 1st Ward. I know of one
daughter- Mary Anne born 2 Mar 1866 in Pomeroy.  I would appreciate any
information others might have.
Linda Martin    (

July 1, 2000  
WILSON, WARREN:  I am interested in finding the descendents of the other children of 
Henry and Marilla (Warren) Wilson.  I have found Lydia's, George's, and Esther J.
Wilson so far.    (

July 1, 2000  
BAILEY, RARDON, WILSON:  Looking for anyone knowing anything about Joseph Bailey or 
his wife Elizabeth Rardon in Meigs County, OH.  Their daughter, Mary married 
George W. Wilson.    (

July 1, 2000  
SMITH, ANKROM, ROUSH:  We would like to contact others researching the families of 
Jackson Smith, born in Meigs County on July 19, 1816, and his wife, 
Nancy Caroline Ankrom, born in Meigs County on November 2, 1820.   Jackson's 
sister, Lydia, was also born in Meigs County on August 27, 1820, and his 
brother, Thomas, born November 21, 1823.  Jackson was the son of Reuben B. 
Smith and Christena Roush.  Thanks.    (

July 1, 2000  
STOBERT:  I am looking for information on the STOBERT family of Meigs County, Ohio.
This would be my husband's GGGGrandfather (or such).  I have a document
that states he was born in Meigs County.  I do not know what his father's
name was - but his mother's name was Emaly.  If anyone can help me out,
please e-mail me.  Thank you!!
Kathleen Anthony    (

July 1, 2000  
all believed to have lived near Long Bottom, Tuppers Plains and Orange. Any
information on these surnames please reply to
James Alden    (

July 1, 2000  
HAYDEN:  Looking for my ggrandfather's parents or where he (Henry Hayden) came from. I
know he was in Meigs County, Ohio because my grandmother, his daughter, was born
there 1876.  Also there were others; Susie and Charlie, also two others who died.
Doing a family research.  Thank you.
Stella    (

July 1, 2000  
EASTERDAY:  I am interested in locating any info on either

  James or Jonas Easterday - lived in Meigs Co., Ohio in 1850
    married to Drasila ??

  Daughter Maggie E. born in Meigs Co., Ohio December 23, 1850

Thanks for your help,
Judy McGinnes    (

July 1, 2000  
RARDON, REARDON, RAIRDEN:  Thomas Raiden and another family named Coleman were the 
first settlers to Long Bottom, Ohio, according to the Meigs County Gen. 
Society's publication The Megaphone.  His daughter, Elizabeth, married 
Joseph Bailey April 1, 1830. Anyone related to this family that would 
like to share information?
Lois Murphy    (

July 1, 2000  
CALVERT, BURR:  Theophilus Calvert and wife Mary (Burr) lived in Olive Twp., Meigs County,
in 1840, moving to York Twp., Switzerland Co., IN, after that.  They were
married in 1835 in Guernsey County and had 6 daughters born in Ohio.  Theophilus
is my gggfather.  Thank you,
Elizabeth Liberty    (email

July 1, 2000  
MORRIS, SCOTT:  I am looking for information for my 2 great grandparents, Abraham Morris and
Nancy Scott. They were married in Meigs Co., Ohio, in 1832.  Nancy was the
daughter of James R. Scott and Nancy Dotson. Abraham was born 1802 in PA., and
died 1877 in Vinton Co, Ohio. I will be glad to share what I have.    (

July 1, 2000  
SCHORN:  I'm looking for information on Charles Schorn, my husband's great-grandfather.
I understand he was a barber in Pomeroy for many years, played a violin in
civilian life and a bugle in the military. He enlisted during the Civil War
in West Virginia, then part of Virginia, and is famous for capturing the last
Confederate flag at Appomatox.

We heard he is being honored this Memeorial Day in Pomeroy and need details
of his life as well as the arrangement planned for May 29th.  If anyone can
fill in the details, our whole family would appreciate it!  Thank you,
Leslee Gantner    (

July 1, 2000  
WELSH, CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH:  I would like information about the history of 
the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, later the Harrisonville Presbyterian Church, 
founded in the 1840s in Scipio Twp., Meigs Co., by Rev. Thomas A. Welsh.  Any 
assistance will be appreciated.
Carolyn Ford    (

July 1, 2000  
BURROUGHS, HAYS, HOYT, BAKER, BARKER, DUNLAP:  Josiah Burroughs, b. ca 1747 and 
Hannah (Pearce) Burroughs were parents of: Esther Burroughs, b. 1804, OH; 
Elizabeth Burroughs, b. 1805; Hannah Burroughs, b. ca 1807; Joseph Burroughs, 
b. 1808; Josiah Burroughs, b. ca 1811; Edward Burroughs, b. May 1811; 
Job Burroughs, b. 1813; John Burroughs, b. ca 1815; Joel Burroughs, b. ca 1815; 
Harriett Burroughs, b. ca 1817.

  Edward Burroughs, b. May 1811 Meigs Co. OH, died 1893 IL, married July
1832, Minerva Hoyt, b. 1812. They were the parents of HAYS BURROUGHS, b. 1833
OH, died during Civil War 1864, Rome, GA. Hays Burroughs married Nancy Barker
(Nancy Baker?),  born 1832 OH.

  The Burroughs families settled in Meigs Co. OH; Wayne Co. IL; and
Tippecanoe Co. IN.  Have lots of information to share on these families.

Lois E. Branch    (

July 1, 2000  
WILSON:  Does anyone have information on Elias Wilson, born in Massachusetts?
His son was Henry Wilson, born NY around 1908, but moved to Meigs County,
Ohio.  Am looking for descendents of Henry's children.  Have located a few.
Planning a small Wilson reunion soon and would like to have more to add to
genealogy before that time.    (

July 1, 2000  
ALDEN, DOUTHITT, GROVES:  I'm looking for any connection to these surnames that 
lived in Meigs Co. back in the 1930's.    (

May 2, 2000  
SAXTON:  Want to contact any researchers with Saxtons who lived 
in Meigs Co., OH. Thanks.
Eric Blocher    (

May 2, 2000  
BUCK:  I am looking for information on John Buck born January 21, 1806 in Ohio who married
Elizabeth Ervin on April 10, 1834 in Meigs County, Ohio.  Thanks, 
Sharon    (

May 2, 2000  
BAKER, ROLLER, WOLF:  Seeking help in locating Wesely G. (Guy) BAKER, born
8 Feb 1808, near Clarksburg, VA. Married Deborah Frances ROLLER (WOLF) 6 Oct 1831
in Meigs Co., OH. Died 3 Jul 1890, Shelby Co., IL.  Can locate this couple in 1840,
1850, 1860 census of Meigs Co., OH. Then can find them in 1870, 1880, 1890 census
of Shelby Co., IL. These are my oldest ancestors on my BAKER side of the family.
Stan Baker    (

May 2, 2000  
ROUSH, BENNETT:  I am looking for information on the Roush and Bennett families living in
Meigs County.  My grandmother was Ella Roush who became the second wife of 
John Thomas Bennett.  Ella's father was John Roush and her siblings were May, 
Waid, and Emma.  They are listed in the July 1890 Meigs County School Age Census.  
I know nothing about the Bennett family.  My father was unable to get a birth 
certificate because there seemingly were no records.  His name was Thomas Thoburn 
(Vincent?) Bennett and he had a brother John Roush Bennett.
Catherine E. Bennett    (

May 2, 2000  
VANNEST:  I am researching the Vannest family in Athens and Meigs County, Ohio.  I have a
ton of information to share.  Peter Vannest and Rhoda Ketcham came to Athens County, 
and from what I understand they lived in Pratts Fork and attended church in Meigs 
County.  They are buried in Meigs County also.  I have a HUGE tree to share with 
family.  Contact me if you have any questions or additions for me.
LaShawn Smith    (

May 2, 2000  
BOLTON:  I am researching Jerry Marcellous BOLTON. He was born August 18, 1877, in Vinton
County, Ohio; he died Apr 2, 1947, in Carpenter, Meigs County, OH.  Jerry was the 
son of James BOLTON and Charity ROMINE. Jerry married Flora Alice (maiden name 
unknown, born 1877) and they had 5 children:

1) Lawrence BOLTON born c1900- died c1925 of gun shot wound.  I found Lawrence in 
   1920 Census in Columbia Township, Meigs Co. Ohio.
2) Mamie Nora (or Ann) BOLTON born May 9, 1901 Albany, Athens Co. Ohio.  She died 
   in Carpenter, Meigs County, Ohio in August, 1946.  She was married to Vernon ROBINETTE, 
   John MOORE, & Roscoe Montgomery.
3) Hazel BOLTON birth unknown- died of flu 1929, married to a GILKEY.
4) Viola BOLTON born c1908, married a GILES.
5) Howard BOLTON born c1909.

Any information on any of these people would be greatly appreciated.
Patricia Montgomery    (

May 2, 2000  
BARNHART, HASELTON, HARTLEY, SWARTZ, INGLES:  I am researching my family who 
lived in Meigs County Ohio in the 1800's and early 1900's. Please visit 
my web site to see my family history.  Many other local  surnames can be 
found at this site.


Please send me an email if you have any information for me.
Dawn Hedrick    (

May 2, 2000  
DILCHER, REEVES:  I am looking for any information anyone has on the Dilcher and Reeves families.  
My family came from Harle, Germany and settled in Pomeroy, Ohio.  The Grand Dilcher
Hotel stood proudly on Main Street until it was sold to the Elberfeld's in 1919.  
Any information will be greatly appreciated.
Bethellen Coughran    (

May 2, 2000  
SEARLS:  I am seeking information on my great grandfather, Benjamin Franklin Searls.  He
lived in the Pomeroy area and on April 14, 1872, he married Sarah Jane Hutchison.  They had eight
children: Samuel Vinton, Daniel, Myrtle, George Washington, Bert, Elsie, Lily Bell, and Mae.
Benjamin had a brother named Lewis and his father's name was Daniel.  Thank you.
Sam Searls    (

May 2, 2000  
MOORE, HUFF:  I am searching for information on a Lucretia Moore, who was living with her
daughter Susanna and son-in-law Jonathan Huff (Hoff or Haff). This family is 
listed on the 1870 census of Meigs Co., Sailsbury Twp., OH. I found the son-in-law's 
last name hard to make out.
Charlotte Dumont    (

May 2, 2000  
I am searching for any info on Soloman and Mary OTY.  I think he died about 1873.  
They had seven children: John m. Alvira NELSON, Mary m. (1) William VONSCHRILTZ 
(2) George BROOKS, Henry m. --- KOONTZ, Samuel m. Emily WOODS (my ggrandparents), 
James m. Rebecca HOOPER, William Harvey m. Sarah Elizabeth ROMINE, Aaron m. Emma PHELPS.  
Any help will be greatly appreciated as I had a stroke last May.  My computer has 
helped a lot in my recovery but active research is out for now.  I will gladly share 
any info that I have.  Also searching  for George WOODS and Orpha TIBBS, parents of 
Emily.  All were in Meigs abt 1840.  Thanks for any help.
Juanita    (

May 2, 2000  
BRATTON, BRYAN:  I am searching for information on William Earl & Erma Bratton, need info on
marriage and a son born 1/9/17, Dailey Edward Bratton, who later married Ila Bryan 
from Noble county around 1938.

May 2, 2000  
SANBORN, DILLINGER:  I am seeking information on Alexander Sanborn (born 1854) who married Ella (Allie) 
Dillinger (born 1853) on 04-14-1873 in Pomeroy, Meigs Co., Ohio.  They had 9 children:
Homer, Clarence, Laura, William, Emma , Audrey, Millie, Dora, and Minnie Sanborn.  
Any help would be appreciated!  Thank you!!  

May 2, 2000  
ROMINE:  I am researching the ancestors of Alvin R. Romine who was born in Meigs County, OH,
on Oct 13, 1882, of Mary ROMINE.  Alvin married Anna M. Newcomer from Kanawha County, 
WV, about 1904 at the Free Will Baptist Church in Downington.  I would appreciate any 
help in finding out who was Alvin's father.  There are plenty of Romine families 
listed in the Meigs County lists.  Maybe someone can shed some light for me.
Ken Romine    (

May 2, 2000  
BARRETT:  I am looking for any information on Samuel BARRETT, b. early 1800's and lived in
Meigs County, Ohio.  His wife was named Jane/Jean or Joan.  They had a daughter, 
Anna M. Barrett, b. 1851, and moved to Mason County, VA/WV.  Samuel is my 
gg grandfather, and this is the only information I have.  Thank you very much,
Marilyn    (

May 2, 2000  
SCOTT, WILLIAMS:  I am researching the Jesse SCOTT/Sarah WILLIAMS family.  Jesse was
Superintendent of the Meigs Co. Poor House in 1850 according to the Meigs Co. 1850 census. Would
like more info and photos if possible of the Poor House at that time.  I am having a hard time
locating Jesse's birth place as he is listed as being from VA in the 1850>1880 census, but in your
death cert. list it says WV.  Sarah A. [Williams] SCOTT was from PA. according to the census.

William SCOTT/Ella ROBINSON, William is son of Jesse, Ella [Mary Ellen] was from PA.  Ella is name
on census.  Mary Ellen is in our family Bible.  Can not find any ref to her father other than an
obit sent on a postcard to Mrs. W. F. ROBINSON concerning the death of her Br. in Ponca, NE.  The
William SCOTT & W. F. ROBINSON families moved to Ponca, NE. in the late 1800's.
TYIA for any help.
Roger Scott    (

May 2, 2000  
VANSICKLE:  Searching for information pertaining to Elonora Vansickle b. 30 Aug 1851, Chester,
Meigs Co., OH.  Daughter of Henry Pennock Vansickle/Jane Coats Chapman.  She married Gilbert L. Holman
11 Dec 1881.  Thank you,
Linda    (

May 2, 2000  
HALL, HAYHURST, HALL CEMETERY:  Looking for information on the Hall Cemetery which was
located "in Meigs County at Great Bend in the midst of a field on the brow of the bottom land
overlooking the Ohio River at Old Towne Bar."   This decription from a 1916 Hayhurst family history
by Emery R. Hayhurst.  
This cemetery contained the graves of James Hayhurst, Sarah Hayhurst Hall, John Hall, and others. 
Faded copies of photographs show Jame's tombstone and island in river.  
"Cemeteries of Lebanon Township - Meigs County" in Pomeroy Library says Hall Cemetery probably destroyed
when locks and dams added to river.  Can anyone shed any light on this?
Martin    (

May 2, 2000  
WILSON, WARREN:  Henry (1804) & Marilla (1809) (WARREN) WILSON - my linage is their son
George W. Wilson.  Would like to share genealogy with others from this family.

May 2, 2000  
BEEGLE:  Linda Amos Goddard    (

May 2, 2000  
BALL, BAILEY, JENNINGS, PHILLIPS:  I'm searching for BALL relatives in Meigs and Athens
Counties.  They would be the children of Samuel and Sarah (BAILEY) BALL:

1.  John William (J.W.) BALL, b. 3-8-1850, d. 11-15-1925, m.1st 12-29-1884 SARAH E. JENNINGS,
    b.?, d. 12-22-1917.  He m. 2nd LIZZIE PHILLIPS on 6-22-1918.
2.  Sarah E. BALL, b. 6-27-1846, d. 10-20-1878, married ?.
3.  Mary Ann BALL, b. 8-5-1848, d.?, married ?.
4.  Martha Rose BALL, b. 4-20-1861, d. 2-22-1914, married ?.
5.  Lydia Elizabeth BALL, b. 5-27-1864, d. 10-26-1879, married ?.

I am having little to no luck with the girls of the family.  Thanks for any help!
Janet Gillman    (

May 2, 2000  
MILLER:  Looking for any info on John and Orpha Miller. 1920 census places them in Salisbury
Twp. (Middleport) with six daughters.  Orpha died Aug. 4, 1922. John on June 9, 1924.  Thank you.
Lucy    (

May 2, 2000  
SYFERS, HEINEY:  Monica Woodworth    (").

May 2, 2000  
TOBINS, DAVIS, KIRK:  Searching for the family by the name of Tobins that lived at wendy ridge.
Their neighbors were my grandmother Ethel Davis.  We also lived there as kids, we were the Kirk family
(Elizabeth and  Clarence).  I'm planning a trip in June.  My sister was born in my grandmother's house.
She would like to drive and see the place where she was born.  Can any one give us directions?  Thanks a bunch.
Linda    (

May 2, 2000  
GOUGH/GOFF, RUSSELL:  I am researching Gough/Goff and Russell in Meigs County Ohio.  Thank you,
Janet Goff Jenkins    (").

February 22, 2000  
ARNOLD:  Tanya    (

February 22, 2000  
KENNEDY, LOWERY:  I am looking for any information on a Hugh Kennedy and Elizabeth Lowery
from Meigs Co. They lived there in 1840. Hugh's mother Elizabeth was also there, but cannot find
his father.  I think there were other brothers also.  I believe they were in Rutland Twp.  Any info
on either family would be helpful. Would like to correspond with family members who may still be in
the area.  Sincerely,
Ora Conger    (

February 22, 2000  
HAYDEN, PARTLOW:  I'm looking for the parents of Henry Hayden born 1847, married a Margaret
Partlow.  Also would like to know her parents.  They were my ggrandparents I never knew.  Children
Jenni, Susie and Charlie are all dead.  They had two other children who died.
Stella Thompson    (

February 22, 2000  
WOLFE, PETTY:  Researching info on ggrandfather Abraham Lincoln Wolfe (aka Abram), son of
David.  Married Mary Petty 7/31/1873 and sired 2 children, James Howard and Kate who married a
James K. Colley.  (Kate and Jim had 3 daughters: Mary Ellen, Emma Jean and Helen.)  After Mary's
death from smallpox in Feb. 1882, and her burial in Guyandotte, WV, Abraham married Emma B. Hunter
in Huntington, WV, in Dec. 1882 and raised 4 more children whose descendents are mostly now in OH
and WV:  Ernest, Ouida (Rugless), Grace (Rice), and Mabel (Meischke).  Abram's first son, James Howard
Wolfe, b. 1875 in Rutland, Meigs County, OH, moved south to VA around 1906, married and started my
family who could learn very little of their northern cousins.  Searching for family members to fill
in the blanks.  Will appreciate any help offered.
Annette Overstreet    (

February 22, 2000  
WILSON, SAXTON, ANDERSON, MCLAUGHLIN, BICKLE:  T.J. Wilson was the son of Lukens. He m. M. Saxton
dau of Thomas and America Anderson. Lukens m. Mclaughlin dau of John and Barbara Bickle. I am looking
for more info on the Saxtons and John Anderson Rev War born in 1760.
Ronald Opfell    (

February 22, 2000  
BALL, ROGERS, HICKS, GRUITHOUSE:  I'm researching Alta M. Ball, b. Mar 1880 in OH, d. 16 Jul 1917,
Meigs Co. OH, m. Creed Beegle, b. Dec 1872, Meigs Co. or WV, d. 08 Sep 1966, Franklin, OH.  She and
Creed Beegle are the parents of Goldie M. Beegle.  I believe Alta Ball's parents to be William C. Ball
and perhaps a women named Rogers.  I have Goldie Beegle's old family bible listing the following names
and dates, but don't know who they are.  Any help with this Ball line or any of the surnames listed
below would be appreciated.  I will share any information I have as well.  

John H. Rogers b. 22 Jan 1841
Martha Anne Rogers, b. 15 May 1850
Charlotte Rogers, b. 27 Jun 1851
Alice Rogers, 24 Apr 1853
Sintha Anne Rogers, b. 25 Apr 1855
James Kenny Gruithouse, 16 May 1872
Mary Alice Gruithouse, 06 Feb 1874
William Blaine Ball, 10 Oct 1903
Mary Hicks 1887
Pressie Hicks
William D. Ball, Corporal US Army, discharged 1865, WV  Volunteers
Anne Ball

Thank you,
Ron Parks    (

February 22, 2000  
BYERS, HOLMES:  Would like to share info on the family of Joseph A. Byers and his wife Margaret
M. Holmes.  I have his civil war pension papers. He was in the 11th West Virginia Inf. Co. I. He was
enrolled May 1862 at Ravenswood for 3 years.  They were married June 31, 1869 in Racine, Lebanon Twp.,
Meigs Co. Would appreciate any e-mail re: this family.  Regards,
Carolyn    (

February 22, 2000  
KNOPP, BACHNER/BECKNER, CUCKLER, HOWELL, STAATS:  I know my family was from Meigs Co. My father
was born and raised there. I am looking for any info on the following names:  Knopp, Bachner (Beckner),
Cuckler, Howell and Staats.  If any info please contact
Joyce Knopp Redmond    (

February 22, 2000  
GARRISON:  Looking for information on Arthur and Emily Garrison.  In 1934 he was 27 and worked
as a laborer in the F.E.R.A. program.  She was 20 and a housewife.  Had two girls, Francis and Beverly. 
Beverly was a newborn and is my mother.  They moved to Columbus at an unknown date.  Looking for anyone
with info.  Thanks,
Sheryl Napier    (

February 22, 2000  
MORGAN, REA, WILLIAMSON, TEETERS:  I am researching the following people: my great great-
grandfather Robert Rea, his wife Jane Jenkins, my great-grandfather David Rea, also my other great
great-grandparents George Williamson and his wife Amarylis Teetors.  Their daughter was Ida Williamson.
These people are my grandmother Minnie Rea's family.  Also William and Margaret Morgan, my grandfather
Edward G. Morgan's family. These people lived in Meigs County in the middle and late 19th century
and the first part of the 20th century.
Jeffrey Rea Morgan    (

February 22, 2000  
I don't know exactly where to start but here goes.  I know that some of my husband's family is from
Meigs: James Gallagher, wife Susan James, was born in 1832.  Susan came from Ireland, born in 1835.
Their children were Alice, Margaret, Mary Agnes, Kathryn and Charles.  Margaret married a James
Kerwin.  They are both buried in Meigs Co.  Their children are: Kathryn, Mamie, Susie, Alice and
Micheal.  Mamie married an Arthur George Rood.  They are both buried in Meigs Co.  Arthur's
parents were Daniel Rood and Sarah Randolph.  Some of my family is also from Meigs Co.  My grandfather
lived there and my dad was born in the county.  This is what I know of them.  I found a Henry McNutt
on the 1840 census, but I don't know if he is the right Henry McNutt.  Henry J. McNutt is my
great-grandfather and I know he was born near Philadelphia, PA, in 1844 and that he died in Athens
Co. at the Plains in 1915.  Ira Francis McNutt, his son, moved to Meigs Co.  He married Myrtle Norris
and they had the following children: Mary Jane McNutt b. 1898, Fama Adeline b. 1907, Oscar Austin b.
1910, Ira Newton b. 1901 and Garrett.  He then married a Margaret Elizabeth (Griffith) Murphy widow
of William Henry Murphy.  Ira and Margaret had the following children:  Francis Dale and Franklin Delno
b. 1933, Flora Jane and Florence Jean b. 1934, David Earl 1937, died 1947.  My grandmother Margaret
Elizabeth and William Murphy had the following children: Charles Edward, Vance Donald, William G.,
Orrville Kenneth,  Golda Irene and Clara M. Murphy.  My dad says they lived at Tuppers Plains and
also mentioned White Chapel.  He also talked about a Grandma Spencer who lived way out in the boonies
who had a handicapped child that she kept hidden away from the public due to his deformities and who
died when he was 10 years old.  Any info on any of these people can be emailed to

Thank you very much.
Frances Fern Johnson    (

February 22, 2000  
AMOS, DEWOLF, SMITH:  In the 1850 census, John Smith, his wife Lydia Bigelow DeWolf Smith and
sons  were in Salem Township.  Am seeking parents and siblings of John, who was born May 5, 1818 in
an unknown location.  The sons are: Hiram Hamilton, Marcellus C. and Samuel Finley Smith.  Any help
would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you very much.
Shirley Hoffman    (

February 22, 2000  
SCHARF:  I'm looking for any information on the descendants (or antecedents) of Henry (Heinrich),
William (Wilhelm), or Jacob (Jakob) Scharf.  William emigrated to Meigs Co in the 1830's from Pennsylvania. 
William and his wife Anna are carried on the Meigs Co. census records through 1880, after which he
emigrated to Dearborn County, Indiana.  He's listed in the 1860 census as "William Sharp". I'm more
than willing to share any info I have on the Scharfs of Indiana and Northern Kentucky.
Jim Scharf    (

February 22, 2000  
GRAHAM:  Researching GRAHAM in Rutland, Meigs Co., 1812 to 1860.  Also looking for someone
who knows of early cemeteries especially around the Rutland area and could possibly help with a
longstanding problem.
Marie Terwilliger    (

February 22, 2000  
ALKIRE:  Searching any/all Alkire connections Meigs County OH.
Pam Zeirott    (").

February 22, 2000  
MATTHEWS, WILLIAMS, FILLMORE:  Looking for any and all information relating to 
John W. MATTHEWS, particularly date and place of death.

John W. MATTHEWS was born in Greenbrier (West) Virginia, son of Townsend MATTHEWS Jr. and Nancy
WILLIAMS. He is not related to Phineas Matthews.  Married Adeline Barstow FILLMORE 11 September 1828
in Gallia County, Ohio. They had 8 children: Myranda, Artemissia, Alexander Franklin, Sophoronia,
Fanny Jane, Anne Eliza, Mary and Cassius.

John W. MATTHEWS is found in the 1850, 1860, 1870 and 1880 Meigs County census records, Salisbury
Township. His occupations were innkeeper, merchant and huckster.

Adeline Barstow FILLMORE died in 1882 and is buried in the Pioneer Cemetery in Middleport, Meigs,

I have not been able to find when or where John W. MATTHEWS died and was buried. Any  ideas, help 
or suggestions are gladly accepted! Thank you very much.
Debbie Peppones    (

February 22, 2000  
COLLINS:  I am looking for information on the family of Edmund Collins (1808-1880), of Long
Bottom, Ohio.  Would love to share info with any of his descendents.  I am descended from his son,
George W. Collins (1851-1929).
Ed Collins    (

February 22, 2000  
SUDDOCK:  I'm looking for information on George Suddock who married Hannah Loudon on June 11,
1851 I assume in Pomeroy, Ohio.  Hannah was the daughter of John and Margaret Loudon, natives of
Durham, England, who came to America in 1834. Mr. Suddock was a native of Durham, England and came
to America February 17, 1846, landing in New York. He coal mined in Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Ohio.
In 1854 he went to California to mine for gold.  In 1866 the family moved to Kansas settling near
Emporia. This was my great grandfather and I would appreciate any information anyone might have.
Carolyn    (

February 22, 2000  
DILCHER:  My g-g-g grandfather Henry Dilcher settled in Pomeroy, Ohio, in the 1840's.  He owned
a shoe store.  His nephew, Andreas Dilcher, also came to Pomeroy from Germany to join his uncle.  The
only information I have on Andreas is his marriage to an Emma Needs, then he disappears.  Anyone with
any information on Andreas or additional information on Henry please contact me via e-mail.  I am also
trying to locate information on Lizzie Kettering Dilcher.  I am willing to share any Dilcher family
history I have.  Please share with me too.  Thank you for your time.
Bethellen Coughran    (

February 22, 2000  
OMBLER:  My grandfather's name was Charles Christopher Ombler.  He was born in Pomeroy, Ohio
on Feb. 18, 1891. His father's name was George Ombler and his mother's name was Rachel Hart. My
grandfather started working in the coal mines at a very early age. He had a brother by the name of
John or Johnnie Ombler and a sister named Margaret. If anyone has any information I would really
appreciate it . My grandfather married one Julia Ellen Turley born Feb. 20, 1888.

February 22, 2000  
SAYRE, GREER:  Any one know who the mother was of Alonzo Curtis Sayre, born 1837 in Meigs Co.,
in 1850 w/ Gpa in Jackson Co., WV?  Father Elijah Sayre but not his wife Mary Hunt.  ???????????
His death certificate of 1920 in MO says mothers maiden name Greer or Green?????
Please help.
Rodney Sayre    (").

February 22, 2000  
HORTON, KEISER, FUNDLING:  My grandparents spent their lives in Pomeroy.  I am 
already on a list for the Hortons  but would like to add my Keiser kin.

My grandfather George W. Keiser (1862-1934) son of Abraham Keiser and Katherine Fundling 
had siblings Kate (1860), Emma, Edward, Nettie (1873). (Nettie married name Wisecarver.)

Abraham came to America from Bavaria with his parents when a teen.  His father's name 
was also Abraham, Mother: Margaret.  Siblings:  Margaret, John, Michael, Henry.

Grandmother Katherine Fundling also from Bavaria according to census.
Janet Horton    (

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