The following is a list of the Meigs County Telegraph listing members of
the Meigs County Rangers. Many of these names
show up later on the list of Civil War Dead posted previously.
It was transcribed by Cheryl Hartley.
Transcribed from the Meigs County Telegraph, May 10, 1861
Below we give a complete list of the Volunteers of Meigs County. A more
patriotic band of American citizens cannot be found:
Eli Oliver
John McGrath
Thomas R. Cook
Joseph Goddard
Wm. S. Goddard
Joseph W. Lasley
Alexander Westfall
Samuel Parks
Fritz Balls
Joseph Karns
James Murray
Henry Ammons
D. McUmber
Harrison I. Lee
John McCullough
L.E. Campbell
J.A. Crowser
T.F. Carson
T.S. Cross
C.D. Campbell
Marquis Lyons
W.S. Reynolds
LaFayette Barton
David Morgan
Henry King
Curtis Bradbury
Rush Lyman
David Maler
William Wood
W.H. Cartwright
Peter Jeroleman
J.P. Ummenselter
George Jenkins
A.T. Biggs
Aaron Parsons
Stephen Shilling
Jacob Laudrach
James Atkinson
Silas Laughead
Samuel S Cochran
Junia Castle
Wm. Stewart
Wm. B. Wells
Elihu D. Robinson
David C. Bailey
Samuel W. Ross
Arthur Story
Patrick Conley
Joseph Radford
G.W. Hampton
Albert Valentine
Fred Seigel
Wm. Gideman
W.T. Coburn
Philip Feiger
Wm. Clellan
George L. Ruble
Andrew Gardner
Richard Buckley
George M. Crofoot
J.J. Sweesey
Clark B. Smith
Ashford Brewer
Hugh M. Thompson
Geo. W. Hill
John H Cummings
Ezra Saunders
S.A. Burnap
J.L. Wallar
S.S. Tubbs
Andrew J. Peck
J.G. Cornwall
A.B. Criss
Benj. Schaffer
Jos. H. Gilmore
Samuel P. Hysell
James F. Springer
Elisha Andrews
J.I. Mercer
F. Bestow
I.W. Ollum
T.W. Stephenson
A. Miller
Jacob Kimes
James Finlaw
Cornelius Springer
Aurelius P. Wiley
Edmund P. Tiffany
Warren Coulter
J.W. Coulter
J.M. Stebbins
Joseph L. Potts
Columbus Reed
Alex Quickle
T.C. Hudson
James P. Mathews
Charles Murray
E.H. Linton
Harrison Romine
Ozias Romine
James Romine
Jackson Brown
Thomas Nicholas
Wm. Fountain
Uriah Hoit
Leman Hysell
Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley
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