What follows is the beginning of a complete index to all the personal names and some of the institutional or business names mentioned in the various pages of this site. The complete index is broken up into smaller files to ease loading. The names within these files are listed in alphabetical order, along with a link to the page on which each name occurs. Clicking on the link will take you to that page. Once there, you can return to the index using the 'Back' or similar feature of your browser. A name may appear more than once on a particular page, but will only appear once in the index.
The following pages are indexed at this time: the 1820 census for Meigs and Gallia counties, the 1830 and 1840 Meigs Census, the partial 1850 Meigs Census, the partial 1920 Meigs census extraction, the birth, marriage and death records, the death certificate index, the USENET posts, the Researchers pages, the index to the 'Pioneer History of Meigs County', the newspaper transcripts, the Murray diary, the Hardesty biographies, and several brief extracts from 'Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio'. More pages will be added to the index as time allows.