C* 1860 Mary 1860 P. C. 1893nws R. Caarry dcerts Huloah Cabell 1830 John Cable 1860 Abner 4thInf Abner 1850 Alonzo 1889nws Bessie G. dcerts Betty harris Charles R. 1891nws Daniel 1891nws Elizabeth (Ogdin) harris Eugene 1840 George 1850 George 1867nws George marr George 1850 Jonathan harris Martha 1860nws Martha 1850 Matilda 1850 Susannah 1850 William 4thInf William 1850 Zebina Cackler 1860 Charles 1860 Daniel S. 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Ellin 1860 Ellinor 1860 Franklin 1860 George 1860 Jacob 1860 James 1860 John 1860 John C. 1860 Louisa 1860 Martha 1860 Rebeca 1860 S. C. 1860 William H. Caddy 1879nws Rowena (Wines) 1879nws William Cade 1876nws B. M. 1879nws B. M. Cady 1920 Caroline R births Hezekiah wrdead John 1862nws John wrdead John C. births Mary 1860 Rebeca 1879nws Romena (Wines) 1879nws William births Wm Benj. Cahcoh dcerts Adeline Cahn 1860 Catharine 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Jacob 1860 John 1860 Mary 1860 Susan Cahoon 1920 Adaline g1820 Armilla 1920 Charles 1850 David 1850 Diana 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Hannah murray Hannah Mrs. 1840 James 1850 James 1850 James g1820 James 1851nws James 1851nws James 1830 James D. 1840 James D. 1877nws James Jr. 1920 Leona dcerts Leona 1884nws M. 1876nws Mary 1876nws Mary 1850 Mary A. 1897nws Mrs. 1850 Sarah 1850 Sevilla 1850 William 1876nws William 1877nws William dcerts William 1850 Wm H. H. Cain 1850 Alison 1850 Catherine 1840 Daniel 1903nws Edna E. 1850 Elizabeth 1908nws Elmost 1850 Francis 1850 George 1859nws James 1873nws James 1873nws John 1850 Lovina 1903nws R. M. 1905nws Robert 1850 Samuel dcerts Stillbo 1850 William Caine births Bertha Gertrude births John M. Cairell dcerts Gilbert Cairian dcerts Caifl Cairns 1871nws Janet Veitch Cake 1850 Frances 1850 Luther Calahan hrdsty Rebecca 1892nws Rebecca Calaway births Anna births Belle 1920 Charles 1920 Dora 1920 Elda R 1850 Elizabeth 1920 Everett R 1920 Guy 1920 Hary/Harry 1850 Hester 1920 Homer L. calway James C. 1850 John marr Jonathan 1850 Joseph marr Joseph 1850 Leah 1850 Mary calway Mary deaths Mary 1920 Minnie deaths Minnie M. calway Rosa Belle 1850 Ruth 1850 Sarah 1920 Sarah A 1850 Susan 1850 Thomas 1920 Vere Calb 1878nws Mrs. Calbert 1860 Angeline 1860 Emma 1860 William Calder 1840 James M. 1830 John phist Margaret Calderwood's bookstore 1893nws --- Calderwood dcerts Agnes 1859nws And. 1862nws Andrew 1893nws Andrew 1893nws Andrew 1893nws Andrew dcerts Andrew 1890nws Florence 1893nws Lizzie phist Myrta 1893nws Myrtie 1893nws Myrtie 1890nws Nellie 1893nws Nellie 1893nws Park Caldill 1920 H.F 1920 Ruby M 1920 Sophia H 1920 William A Caldwell 1860 Alfred 1860 Anna births Anna dcerts Benjam 1920 Benjamin larkin Betsy (Shepherd) 1860 Caroline 1920 Cecil L 1920 Cecil M 1860 Charles births Christenia births Christine 1860 Diana 1920 Dorothy M. 1890 Effie 1920 Emma 1891nws Estella 1890 Ethel 1887nws Eva births Eva 1920 Evelyn M phist F. C. 1920 Fay 1860 Gardner 1920 Garland R 1860 George 1860 George 1920 George E 1890 H. D. 1897nws H. D. 1860 Hamilton 1844nws Hamilton phist Hamilton B. 1860 Harriet 1860 Harry 1892nws Harry 1892nws Hetty 1860 Hiram births Hollis D. 1920 Howard B. births Hugh 1920 Izola E 1860 James 1860 James 1860 James g1820 James larkin James 1859nws James 1820 James E. 1819tx James E. 1892nws James E. 1830 John 1860 John g1820 John 1892nws John 1860 John T. 1876nws John T. 1840 John W. 1889nws Linna 1920 Lola M. 1860 Louisa dcerts Malissa 1860 Manum? 1920 MArtha births Martha dcerts Martha 1920 Milo (Marion M) 1893nws Mr. 1860 Nancy 1920 Ora A 1920 Pamela 1830 Robert dindx Robert 1855nws Robert 1844nws Sophronia murray Stella 1890 Sumner births Sumner C. dcerts Virgie births Virginia B. 1920 Vivian? D 1860 Wallace 1820 William 1830 William 1819tx William phist William dcerts William 1876nws William B. 1897nws William B. 1892nws William Hamilton 1860 Wm. Cale 1886nws James dcerts Lemon Caleb larkin Daniel larkin Elizabeth (Ogden) Calentine 1850 Catherine 1850 Celesta 1860 Genetta 1850 Jacob 1860 Jacob 1850 Jane 1850 John 1860 John births John E. births Lena A. 1850 Malinda 1850 Margret 1850 Maria 1850 Nancy 1850 Peter 1860 Savilia 1860 Selesta Calhoon 1878nws Hattie (Wright) births Helen 1893nws James dcerts John 1876nws Maggie 1878nws Noble Calhoun harris Captain murray Delbert births Hellen dcerts Leon Call g1820 James 1893nws Oney Callahan 1905nws O. P. 1905nws Oscar Callaway deaths Abigail marr Louden deaths Lowder Calleghan 1871nws R. (Rev.) Calloway Mining Co. 1868nws --- Calloway Mining Company 1867nws --- Calloway births Abigail dcerts Stillbo Callowell dcerts Samuel Calm 1876nws Mollie Calmer births Eliza G. Calodell dcerts George Calodwfll dcerts Stillbo n. Calogell dcerts Tgbcrge Calohan 1860 Fanny Calome/Salome 1920 Ernest 1920 Margaret Caloway births James C. births Reuba May Calowcll dcerts Mary Calowell g1820 James Calp 1860 Elizabeth 1860 H. Calvert 1850 Abner 1860 Abner 1860 Alsahane 1850 Archemid 1860 Arkanadus 1920 Clyde E 1850 David 1855nws David M. 1860 Edith 1850 Editha 1920 Effie D 1850 George 1860 George W. 1860 Ida M. 1860 Isabelle J. 1850 John 1860 John wrdead John P. 1850 Josepthas 1850 Josiah 1860 Josiah 2000q Mary (Burr) 1860 Michael 1850 Pulaski 1860 Pulasky 1860 Rebecca 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah C. 1850 Susannah 2000q Theophilus 1840 Theopolis 1850 William 1840 William S. Calvin eakin Catherine 1850 Elizabeth 1850 George harris Jacob 1860 Jerry 1850 Maria 1850 Robert 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah Ann eakin Stephen Calwetl dcerts Henry Camard 1840 Allexander Camberlain 1850 Mortimer 1850 Robert 1850 Sarah Camdon 1887nws Senator Camel g1820 Alexander 1854nws Samuel Camell 1850 Anna 1850 Charles Cameron dcerts Charles murray Charley murray Charley Itt murray Charlie births Florence wrdead Henry H. 1859nws Henry S. murray It murray Jennie Mrs. dcerts Robert murray Stella dcerts Unnamed Camey 1859nws Thomas Cammel g1820 William Camp 2002q Achalleous wrdead Archaleous S. 1850 Archelaus births Cora Essa 2002q Eliza Jane (Brown) 1850 Ezra dcerts Flora 1860 H. 1850 Hetty 1850 Issacher dcerts Itte 1883nws J. Q. 1893nws J. Q. 1908nws J. Q. births J. Q. 2002q James Ezra births John dcerts John marr John 1876nws John Q. births John Quincy 1860 Joseph 1908nws Leafy births Lefa May 1860 Louisa births Lydia 2002q Lydia M. births Lydia M. larkin Malinda 1850 Margaret births Margaret 2002q Margaret (Hedrick) larkin Margaret (Hedrick) 1861nws Margaret (Hedrick) births Margaretta births Olen Volner births Pearly births S.E. births Sevena M. 1860 Tredes Campbell family 2002q Campbell family Campbell Family harris --- Campbell 1904nws Agnes 1850 Alba 1920 Alba 1850 Albert 1850 Alex harris Alexander 1850 Almira dcerts Alva 1850 Anna dcerts Arthur dcerts Bernice 1913nws Bessie 1920 Betty J 1850 Catharine 1850 Catharine 1850 Charles 1888nws Charles 1897nws Charles 1876nws Charles J. murray Charlie (Dr. - dentist) 1850 Christian dindx D. P. 1910nws E. G. 1920 Elinor M. births Elisabeth hrdsty Elizabeth 1999q Elizabeth Ruth 1850 Ellen 1913nws Emma dcerts Emma 1916nws Emma J. (Dyke) births Emmie J. 1850 Esther 1855nws Esther harris Ethel 1885nws Eugene 1913nws Eugene (Mrs.) births Eugene G. 1920 Frank 1854nws George 1854nws George W. births George Waldo 1910nws Hannah (Story) 1850 Harriet harris Harry 1850 Ira 1890nws J. E. 1850 J. M. 1850 J. W. 1850 James g1820 James murray James 1819tx James dcerts James 1889nws James E. 1920 Jane H 1850 Jeannett 1855nws Jessie (Gillspie) 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John g1820 John 1897nws John dcerts John births John A. 1916nws John Alexander births Joseph 1893nws Josie 1893nws Josie 1867nws L. E. 1920 Lenora M 1850 Lewis 1881nws Lucy J. 1850 Lybel 1916nws Lydia 1850 M. A. 1850 Mahlon 1920 Marie 1850 Martha dcerts Martha 1850 Mary dcerts Mary 1920 Mary A 1999q Mary Alice births Mary E. births Mary Norword births Mattie J. 1920 Maxine M 1881nws Mrs. 1893nws Mrs. 1897nws Mrs. 1850 Murray g1820 Nal 1999q Nancy 1854nws R. g1820 Rany 1920 Raymond 1830 Robert 1840 Robert 1850 Robert 1850 Robert 1855nws Robert 1855nws Robert 1859nws Robert 1862nws Robert 1867nws Robert 1867nws Robert 1868nws Robert 1850 Sally dindx Saml. Jr. dindx Saml. Jun. g1820 Samuel wrdead Samuel dcerts Sarah 1870nws Spencer 1850 V. A. births Vernia Mary 1920 Virgil 1850 William larkin William 1889nws William 1916nws William births William C. 1920 William E births Wm. T. Canaan 1876nws William Canan 1850 Harriet 1840 John 1850 Nancy 1840 William 1850 William Canby 1840 William M. Cancooc dcerts Harley Cane 1860 James M. 1860 John 1860 Phebe 1860 Samuel Canedy 1860 Benjamin T. 1860 Mary 1860 Nancy 1860 Richard Canier 1850 Betsey 1850 David 1850 Dennis 1850 Sarah Ann 1850 Travaine Canis 1850 Alonzo 1850 Clarinda 1850 Erastus 1850 George 1850 John 1850 Rachael Canmpn dcerts Ella Cannade 1873nws Hugh Cannon 1890nws Jane Canode 1999q David 1854nws George 1999q George Washington 1920 James D 1920 John W 1999q Mary 1920 Neva F 1920 Vesta May Cantas g1820 Thomas Canter dcerts Canter 1860 Amanda 1860 Cyntha 1860 G. W. 1860 George H. marr George W. 1860 Hannah 1860 Harvey 1860 Henry 1860 James H. dcerts Jane dcerts Japes 1860 Jonas dcerts Marie 1860 Mary 1860 Rozilla 1860 Sarah Canterburg dcerts Callie Canterbury dcerts Blanche births Chas. harris Dorothy 1892nws Fannie E. dcerts Harriet births John marr Lewis J. Cantor dcerts John Cap? g1820 (Cass?) Capas 1867nws William Capehart 1920 Abner W 1904nws Albert E. 1920 Anna A 1920 Beatrice 1920 Bert E 1920 Charles W 1920 Clair A 1920 Clarence C dcerts Earl dcerts Edna 1920 Frank 1920 Hannah M dcerts Harriet 1920 Helen M harris Henry 1893nws J. 1920 Jedediah 1920 John W 1904nws John W. 1920 Lawrence 1920 Louise 1860 Margaret 1920 Mary K 1920 Mildred L 1920 Ora/Ana 1840 Philip 1920 Raymond 1920 Richard 1920 Russell 1920 Ruth dcerts Sarah 1920 Sarah J 1876nws Stephen P. 1920 Thomas J dcerts Willia 1920 William H 1920 Z--a Capehlart dcerts Hannah Caple 1860 Eliza 1860 Elizabeth 1860 John H. 1860 Maria 1860 R. 1860 Robert Capliner births Wm Caplinger 1920 Ira births Ira 1920 Johnny births Margaret Ma 1920 Maud 1920 William Capney dcerts Esther Capon 1840 William Cappel dcerts Herman Carahan 1887nws Stephen 1887nws Thomas Carbaugh 1840 Jacob Carder 1889nws Rev. Cardosa 1860 M. S. Carel 1860 Charles 1855nws Samuel Carell 1891 Gilbert Carelton 1920 Emma 1920 Guy 1920 Ida B 1920 Lillie M 1920 Silas marr William Careton 1887nws Anna J. Carey 1860 Daniel 1840 David 1860 James 1862nws James 1876nws Jane 1876nws Margaret 1860 Peter 1860 Rose 1860 Rose A. Carick 1860 Mary Cariens 1895nws Erastus 1854nws John 1886nws John 1883nws Sarah Caries 1860 Elizabeth Caril g1820 Franklin g1820 Rene Carkell dcerts William Carkendal 1860 Abris? 1860 John 1860 M. 1860 Madison 1860 Samuel 1860 Sarah Carl's Coal Work 1893nws --- Carl boys 1893nws --- Carl brothers 1890nws --- Carl Coal Co. 1893nws --- Carl family 1892nws --- Carl 1893nws Art. 1893nws Arthur 1893nws Arthur 1893nws Arthur 1877nws Benton 1909nws Bertha (Ashworth) 1893nws C. A. 1893nws C. A. 1893nws C. A. 1893nws C. A. dcerts Carolin dcerts Christo 1909nws Daniel 1876nws Elizabeth 1904nws Estella Mabel 1893nws H. V. 1893nws H. V. births Isetta 1904nws J. H. murray Jessee L. 1904nws John 1907nws John 1907nws Lydia 1907nws Mabel 1860 Margaret dcerts Mary dcerts Nathan 1879nws Stephen dcerts Stephen Carldenwood 1860 A. 1860 Agness 1860 Andrew 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Mary 1860 Robert 1860 William Carlen 1860 J. 1860 Margaret Carlens 1904nws Erastus Carletch dcerts Lillie Carletlon dcerts Silas Carleton burying ground 1893nws --- Carleton cemetery 1897nws --- 1900nws --- 1906nws --- Carleton Coal Co. 1867nws --- 1868nws --- Carleton College 1875nws --- 1897nws --- 1897nws --- Carleton Family harris --- Carleton 1889nws Anne harris Anthony 1860 Caroline harris Charles harris Columbus 1890nws Dr. 1860 Eleanor 1889nws Eliza dcerts Eliza 1892nws Eliza Jane 1860 Elizabeth 1901nws Ellen harris Emory 1881nws Eva Lida 1881nws Fidelia 1887nws Francis C. 1921nws G. F. 1897nws George R. 1897nws George W. 1881nws Grace 1881nws Grace 1888nws Grace dcerts Hattie 1920 Hetta L harris Homer 1850 Isaac harris Isaac 1868nws Isaac 1879nws Isaac 1881nws Isaac births Isaac 1867nws Isaac Jr. 1893nws James W. 1897nws James W. 1850 Jane M. 1860 Jane N. 1860 John harris John 1893nws John births John 1920 John R 1921nws Judge 1920 Julia A 1860 Latesia? 1850 Leonard 1860 Leonard harris Leonard 1893nws Leonard 1850 M. A. 1860 Mary 1867nws Mary A. 1907nws Mr. phist Mr. 1860 Sarah 1860 Silas harris Silas 1860 Susan 1889nws Susana 1860 Susanna births Susannah harris Thomas 1859nws Thomas 1894nws Thomas 1897nws Thomas 1881nws Thomas (Mrs.) harris Virginia phist W. J. B. harris Will 1850 William 1860 William hrdsty William harris William phist William 1876nws William Sr. phist William W. dindx Wm. Carley 1820 Ebenezer g1820 Elijah Carlile dindx Benj. 1877nws Charley 1877nws Lee Carlin 1862nws John Carlton church 1893nws --- 1897nws --- Carlton College 1876nws --- Carlton 1840 43 Sutton Twp 1860 C. births Columbus 1894nws Eleanor 1850 Eliza 1860 Elizabeth 1850 Ellenor 1860 Emaline 1860 Esterline 1850 Esther 1855nws I. 1830 Isaac 1850 Isaac 1850 Isaac 1850 Isaac 1862nws Isaac 1862nws J. 1850 Jane 1840 John 1850 John births Joseph A. 1840 Leonard 1850 Lucy 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1830 Nancy 1878nws S. P. (Rev.) 1850 Sarah 1850 Silas 1850 Susan 1830 Thomas 1840 Thomas 1850 Thomas 1850 Thomas 1830 William 1840 William 1850 William 1850 William 1862nws William 1876nws William marr William Carlyle 1876nws Alvey 1877nws Charles Carlysle 1876nws Rosanna Carman 1881nws Amos 1893nws Amos 1893nws Amos 1999q Cassie 1999q Catherine (Wilson) 1999q Charles 1897nws Elizabeth D. (Toban) 1999q Ella 1907nws Emma 1999q Emma Jane (Hackett) 1893nws Fred. 1999q Howard 1999q Ida 1907nws J. W. 1999q John dcerts John 1999q Martha 1999q Mary Etta 1999q Sarah Jane 1999q Sylvester 1999q Thomas 1897nws Walter 1999q William A. 1897nws William A. 1881nws William T. Carmen 1915nws Della 1915nws Wesley Carmer 1860 J. g1820 Jonathan Carmian dcerts John Carmichael 1999q Angeline (Smith) 1920 Columbus 1999q John 1879nws Mary [Martha?] Carmicheal 1860 Columbus 1860 Darcus 1860 David L. 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Emily J. 1860 James J. 1860 Martha 1860 Mary Carmine 1881nws Ettie marr John T. Carmines murray Minta Carmon 1893nws Fred. Carnahan 1876nws A. 1920 Albert M dcerts Alice 1920 Allen D 1920 Arthur E 1920 California M 1920 Catherine 1920 Curtis L. 1920 Delbert A 1920 Della 1920 Earnest 1920 Eber dcerts Ella 1920 Gretta? 1920 Harold J births Harvey Dalze 1920 Iva 1920 John T 1920 Leonard 1920 Marie dcerts Mary births Mathias P. dcerts Olive 1920 Paul H dcerts Porter 1920 Porter M 1920 Robert E 1920 Ruby 1920 Sarah L 1889nws Stephen dcerts Thomas 1920 William B 1920 William R 1921nws William R. dcerts Williap Carnell dcerts Robert Carnes 1860 Alonzo 1860 Clarrissa 1860 Edgar 1860 Erastus 1860 George F. 1860 John 1860 Rachel 1860 Theodore 1860 Wm. Carney family 2002q Carney family Carney 1903nws Lawrence 1885nws Rev. Mr. 1876nws W. H. Carol 1893nws C. A. g1820 Franklin 1854nws Henry F. g1820 Rene Carp dcerts John Carpenter Family harris --- Carpenter Station 1886nws --- Carpenter 1877nws A. J. 1893nws A. J. 1897nws A. J. 1850 Aaron 1850 Abagail 1860 Albert 1850 Alvin dcerts Alvin 1860 Alvin I. 1920 Alvin J 1892nws Alvin J. 1860 Amanda 1892nws Amanda B. 1820 Amos 1830 Amos dindx Amos larkin Amos 1819tx Amos phist Amos larkin Amos (Sr.) phist Amos Sr. dcerts Analiza 1850 Anny murray Asa Mrs. harris Bert harris Bert Edwin 1893nws Bessie 1920 Blanche E 1876nws Carrie 1885nws Ceph 1850 Charles C 1920 Clara J 1860 Clarasa 1850 Clarrissa 1999q David 1854nws E. G. 1850 Edward 1893nws Edward harris Edwin 1999q Eliza dcerts Eliza 1999q Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth harris Elizabeth births Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth S. 1892nws Elizabeth S. murray Ellis 1877nws Ellsworth 1892nws Ellsworth K. murray Elza harris Emily 1920 Emma R 1860 Ester M. 1892nws Esther M. murray Eva dcerts Evert harris Frederick 1854nws G. H. 1850 General 1850 George 1860 George murray George 1850 Hannah 1850 Hannah 1850 Harriet harris Harvey 1850 Henry 1860 J. harris J. L. 1876nws J. L. 1877nws J. L. 1878nws J. L. 1879nws J. L. 1879nws J. L. 1879nws J. L. 1886nws J. L. 1893nws J. L. 1893nws J. L. 1897nws J. L. 1893nws J. L. (Senator) fair J. W. 1886nws J. W. 1999q James 1850 James 1999q James Grey 1850 Jane 1850 Jane 1830 Jeremiah 1850 Jeremiah 1860 Jeremiah dindx Jeremiah larkin Jeremiah harris Jeremiah phist Jeremiah 1879nws Jerry phist Jerry L. larkin Jesse 1920 Jessie 1920 Jock D 1850 John harris John 1861nws John dcerts John 1999q John Jackson 1920 John L 1860 John W. 1876nws John W. 1892nws John Wesley 1892nws John Wesley 1840 Joseph murray Josephus 1999q Julia (Grimes) 1893nws Lizzie 1893nws Lizzie births Lizzie 1850 Lydda M. births M. 1999q Maize (Gordon) births Marcia births Marcia L. 1860 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1850 Margret 1999q Maria 1850 Maria 1999q Marinda 1999q Marinda (Wilson) births Marsha 1860 Martha 1860 Martha 1920 Martha R 1850 Martin 1999q Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary births Mary 1920 Mary F births Mary J. 1920 Mary R dcerts Melvin 1920 Mildred V 1830 Miranda 1892nws Miranda 1840 Miranda W. 1893nws Miss 1881nws Mr. murray Mrs. 1850 Nancy 1850 Nancy 1840 Nathan 1850 Nathan 1920 Ney N 1878nws Noah harris Oliver harris Parker harris Percy 1920 Phoebe 1892nws Polly 1876nws R. S. 1893nws R. S. 1850 Rabecca 1860 Rebeca 1860 Rebeca 1920 Rebecca 1859nws Rebecca 1882nws Rev. 1850 Robert 1860 Robert 1861nws Robert 1881nws Robert 1999q Rosina 1850 S* 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1999q Sarah (Hedrick) larkin Sarah Ann (Simpson) murray Sarah E. 1850 Simpson 1850 Solomon dcerts Stillbo 1850 Susan M. 1881nws Susie 1999q Thomas 1920 Velma 1893nws W. H. 1897nws W. H. 1897nws W. H. 1875nws Wesley 1877nws Wesley harris Will 1830 William 1850 William 1850 William 1893nws William 1893nws William dcerts William 1881nws William H. 1895nws William H. 1840 Wm. dindx Wooster Carpenter? g1820 John Carpentes dcerts Alice Carpentr dcerts George Carper 1860 Barbary 1860 Christiana 1860 Franklin 1860 John 1911nws Lucy 1890nws M. P. dcerts Mary 1860 Wm. Carpeter 1877nws Wes Carr Home harris --- Carr harris Albert 1830 Alexander 1860 Avery A. 1860 Barney 1890nws Barney 1860 Biddy 1871nws Bridget births Bridget pomry Capt. Hamilton 1850 Caroline 1850 Charles 1879nws Charles phist Charles 1830 Chase 1840 Chase 1850 Chase dindx Chase 1879nws Chase marr Chase harris Cornelius 1850 Daniel dcerts Daniel marr Daniel marr Daniel T. 1850 Edward 1850 Eliza 1860 Ellen 1850 Emily 1860 Emily A. dcerts Everet murray Flo 1881nws Flora births Franklin harris Fred births Freeman Homer murray Geneveor E. 1905nws Genevieve 1850 George 1999q George Norman wrdead H. Harrison 1850 Hamilton dindx Hamilton harris Hamilton 1867nws Hiram births Howard Wiley 1850 Jacob 1860 James 1861nws James 1878nws James 1850 Jane 1850 Jane 1860 Jane 1999q John 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John 1881nws John births John dcerts John births John M. 1850 Lucinda births M. Milford murray March 1850 Marilla harris Marshall 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1920 Mary dcerts Mary births Mary A. 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Mary Jane births Minnerva A. harris Mrs. 1850 Otho 1860 Otho murray Rebecca 1850 Robert marr Robert B. 1920 Rose 1850 Samantha 1920 Samuel 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1920 Sarah J 1855nws Semantha 1999q Susan Rosaltha (Young) larkin Thomas S. phist Thomas, S. marr W.H. murray Walden 1850 Warren 1830 William 1850 William 1850 William 1850 William 1860 William marr William L. 1920 William S 1873nws William S. Carrel 1920 Annie 1850 Barbara 1850 Benton 1850 Christena 1850 Christian 1850 Daniel 1850 Elizabeth 1920 Gilbert 1850 John 1850 Leroy 1850 Margret 1850 Nathan 1850 William Carrell 1860 Barbary 1860 Benton 1860 David 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Jonathan 1860 Leroy 1860 Nathan 1860 Samuel 1860 Stephen 1860 Wilson 1860 Wm. J. Carrfer 1893nws William Carrick 1860 Edwin 1860 Jane Carriens 1897nws John Carrier dcerts Cathrin 1893nws David 1893nws David dcerts David 1897nws Elder births Eldo Rado 1897nws Eldorado 1897nws Eldorado births Francis births G. W. dcerts Inza births John C. births Joseph dcerts Joseph births Nellie May births Sarah E. births Warren 1893nws William 1893nws William 1893nws William births William Carries 1860 David H. 1860 Dennis 1860 Emeline Carrigan dcerts John Carrol 1861nws James M. Carrold 1862nws Morris Carroll dcerts Anna dcerts Clara 1920 Clara A dcerts Earl 1920 Eleanor E 1920 John W 1920 John W Jr 1893nws Margaret 1920 Margaret P 1920 Mary F dcerts Rosetta 1920 Rowlan E 1900nws Thomas births Thomas births Thomas Morris 1920 Thomas N Carry 1879nws Mr. Carsall 1850 Cordelia 1850 Emma 1850 Louiza 1850 Margaret 1850 Mary 1850 Matilda 1850 Reuben Carscn dcerts Maly Carsey 1860 Barbary 2001q Blanche 2001q Caroline (Spencer) 1860 Cate 1920 Dallas 2001q Della 1860 E. dcerts Earl 2001q Edith 2001q Edmund 2001q Edna 1907nws Effie 2003q Eliza (Gibson) 1881nws George marr James Morgan dcerts Janes 2001q John wrdead Juina 2001q Luther 2003q Luther births M.J. 4thInf Martin births Matilda 1860 Michael births Sarah births Sarah E. 2003q Sarah Emeline Carson births Carson 1882nws A. M. 1889nws A. M. 1889nws A. M. 1850 Alexander 1850 Benjamin 1850 Caroline 1887nws Cash 1850 Charles 1920 Charles births Cora 1850 David 1850 Diana 1860 Dianah murray Dora 1860 E. 1920 Edith 1920nws Edith 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1850 Ephraim 4thInf Ephraim C. dcerts Floyd births George Emmett births Hampton 1920 Hampton R 1920 Hampton R. 1850 Henry 1855nws Henry 1920 Herman R births Hollis Burton 1860 Ida D. phist Ida M. 1850 James 1860 James births Jane 1850 John births John 1850 Jonathan 1860 Jonathan marr Jonathan births Jonathan A. 1850 Joseph births Latica 1850 Letitia dcerts Lida births Lillian G. 1850 Lucetta births Madeline 1850 Mary hrdsty Mary 1850 Matthew 1920 Mona M births Nellie 1850 Pamelia 1855nws Phebe (Crawford) 1860 Polly 1850 Robert births Robert marr Robert 1920 Ruth 1850 Sarah 1850 Susannah 1850 Theodore wrdead Theodore births W. A. 1876nws Wells and, --- 1850 William 1850 William 1860 William 1893nws William 1909nws William 1913nws William births William dcerts William births Wm. Carsun dcerts George Cart 1860 Craford 1860 John 2002q Liddie A. 1860 Margaret 1860 Rebecca 1860 Sarah Carter 1920 Ada 1850 Anna Belle 1850 Bazel dindx Benj. B. dcerts Dorthy 1850 Elizabeth 1921nws Ewing dcerts Ewing marr Floyd H. dcerts Frank dcerts Gecrgl 1909nws George 1921nws George g1820 Henry 1877nws Henry 1878nws Henry 1878nws Henry 1850 Horace dcerts Ida 1876nws Isaac 1920 James 1920 Jane births Jane 1850 John dindx John 1850 Josiah dcerts Lewis harris Lovinia 1850 Mary 1897nws Mary births Mary I. 1920 Maxine phist Oberlin M. dcerts Orville births Polly 1900nws Rev. dcerts Samuel 1840 Sarah 1893nws Tom. 1893nws Villie 1920 Walter dcerts William Cartlich 1850 Eliza 1850 Isaac Cartman 1879nws S. L. Cartmill 1860 Charles 1860 David 1860 James 1860 Joan M. 1860 Julia M. 1860 Napoleon 1860 Sally Carton dcerts William Cartright 1850 Baby 1850 George 1850 Harvey 1850 Horace 1850 Mahala 1830 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Prince 1850 Ruth 1820 William Cartwright and Paine 1873nws --- Cartwright family 2001q Cartwright family Cartwright 1860 Albert 1999q Caleb larkin Caleb 1850 Canan 1998q Catherine 1920 Catherine 1860 Charles 1860 Clara 1893nws E. P. 1897nws E. P. 1876nws Ed 1893nws Ed 1895nws Ed P. 1872nws Ed. 1893nws Edward 1893nws Edward 1860 Edwin 1920 Ethel 1920 Eugene 1920 Frank 1860 George 1862nws George 1850 Harriet 1860 Harriet 1859nws Hiram 1840 Horace 1860 Horace 1862nws Horace 1860 J. 1844nws J. 1851nws J. 1862nws J. 1876nws J. 1877nws J. E. 1830 John 1850 John 1867nws John 1867nws John 1867nws John 1873nws John 1876nws John 1886nws John 1892nws John phist John 1999q John M. dindx John M. 1875nws Judge 1877nws Judge 1920 Mabel 1920 Marion 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1871nws Mary 1886nws Mary (Fletcher) 1999q Mary (Hoyt) 1920 Mildred 1920 Pearl 1860 Ruth 1860 Sarah M. 1999q Thankful (Whitney) 1893nws W. H. 1860 Wallace 1999q William 1819tx William 1860 Wm. H. Caruthers dcerts Erma dcerts Stillbo Carven dindx Elizur Carver 1920 Catherine 1920 Clarence C dindx Elizur 1920 Ernest 1920 James 1920 James 1920 Martin 1920 Percy Jr. 1920 Percy Sr. 1920 Rosie F 1920 Vella 1920 Wilmer R Carvey 1890nws Samuel 1893nws Samuel 1893nws Samuel 1893nws Samuel Carwin dcerts Thomas Cary 1851nws Lewis 1856nws Orson Casady 1860 N. Case family 2000q Case family Case house larkin --- Case 1892nws C. M. 1830 Cloe larkin Eliza dindx John larkin John larkin John larkin John larkin John harris John 1862nws John phist John births L.M. harris Leticia dindx Luther births Lutilla 1881nws Sarah (Styles) 1892nws Thomas L. larkin Widow larkin Widow phist Widow dcerts William Casey & Hutchinson 1886nws --- Casey 1860 D. 1886nws D. F. 1886nws D. F. 1999q David 1860 David 1876nws David F. 1860 Elza 1860 Emma A. 1860 James dcerts James marr James 1860 James M. 1860 John 1867nws John 1873nws Leander N. 1999q Maria (Carpenter) 1860 Mariah 1860 Mary 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah E. 1860 Wm Cashell pomry Cashell Caskgrcve dcerts Katie Casper 1860 John 1860 Mary Cassady 1860 John Cassey dcerts John Cassingham 1860 J. 1860 John 1860 Orin 1860 Pheby C. 1860 Rebeca Cast 1860 Ellen I. 1860 Harriet C. 1860 James 1860 Joseph P. 1860 Lydia A. 1860 Mary E. 1860 Naomi 1860 Wm H. Castc dcerts Rglert Caster Family harris --- Caster births Anna 1920 Archie R 1904nws C. L. V. 1920 Carl 1920 Caroline G 1920 Cassie H 1860 Catharine 1897nws Clement dcerts Clement 1920 Clement LV 1860 Daniel 1878nws David 1920 Edna F 1860 Elen 1920 Elizabeth 1920 Ellwood 1860 Emily 1893nws Emmet 1920 Estelline 1920 Eulah M 1920 Garnet 1904nws Garnet dcerts Harlan 1920 Helen 1860 Hezakire 1820 Hezekiah phist Hezekiah 1879nws James 1879nws James 1920 James E 1860 James L. 1860 James R. 1998q James Sr. 1860 Jerusha 1920 John R 1860 Jonathan 1860 Lewis 1878nws Lewis 1897nws Lewis 1920 Lovinia 1860 Margaret 1860 Martha 1860 Mary 1890nws Mary 1920 Maud E 1920 Myrta 1920 Myrtle C dcerts Oavid dcerts Oliver 1920 Oliver W 1920 Orville W 1893nws Rose 1920 Samuel D 1860 Samuel G. 1860 Sarah A. 1860 Susana 1897nws W. G. 1897nws W. G. 1920 Welcome 1920 Wesley dcerts Wesley 1920 Wesley F 1860 Wessley 1860 William harris William 1920 William B 1920 Winnifred dcerts Woodrow 1920 Woodrow W 1920 Worthen Casterson 1892nws Polly Castile 1999q Jame Castin 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Ferdinan Castine 1860 Charlotte 1860 John Castle 1850 Adaline castle Asahel 1850 Assenith 1850 Caroline births Caroline 1850 Elizabeth 1881nws Ella harris Emaline 1881nws Emmet Cooley 1892nws Glennie V. 1850 Hannah castle Henry 1840 Isaac 1893nws Isaac 1906nws Isaac castle Isaac 1861nws J. (Sr.) 1850 Jane births Jennie dindx Joel castle Joel 1830 Junia 1840 Junia 1850 Junia dindx Junia 1877nws Junia 1877nws Junia 1892nws Junia 1893nws Junia phist Junia marr Junia harris Junia (Jr.) 1892nws Junna 1920 Laurin A 1920 Laurin D 1920 Leslie dcerts Lorain 1850 Lorinda 1920 Mayme 1881nws N__e 1885nws Nial dindx P. 1830 Philander harris Philander 1892nws Philander 1892nws Philander phist Philander castle Phylander 1892nws S. M. dcerts Susan 1920 Susan J 1920 Virginia Casto births Allen dcerts Ann 1903nws Bert 1920 Cl??? phist Dale dcerts Ella phist Fern 1920 Gayly births Ina May 1891nws James N. phist Jonse dcerts Lawrenc births Lewis A. phist Liza (Cowen) births Louis Ransom dcerts Plcsant 1920 PS 1920 Robert dcerts Robert 1920 Sarah dcerts Soloman dcerts Stillbo dcerts Stllso 1903nws William J. Castoe 1890nws M. A. 1893nws M. A. 1908nws Mrs. Caston 1891 Lonso Castor 1920 Albert murray C. L. 1850 Ellen 1920 Emeline dcerts Emeline 1850 Guntia 1850 James 1876nws James R. 1998q James Ripley 1998q Jerusha (Green) larkin Lewis 1891nws Lewis 1998q Lovina (Chaney) 1891nws Lovina (Green) larkin Lovina Ogden (Green) 1920 Maggie 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1850 Noah 1850 Samuel 1877nws Samuel G. murray Samuel Mrs. 1850 William 1920 William G Castorn murray Emily Estella Castro 1897nws Henry L. Casy 1840 John Catchall 1889nws Flurry Cather 1902nws Hattie Cathern 1920 James 1920 Sarah Catholic burial ground 1905nws --- Catholic cemetery at Pomeroy 1893nws --- Catholic cemetery 1881nws --- Catholic Cemetery 1883nws --- 1885nws --- Catholic cemetery 1892nws --- 1897nws --- 1900nws --- Catholic Church 1888nws --- Catholic church 1897nws --- Catholic Church 1899nws --- Catholic Orphan Asylum 1875nws --- Cathoon 1876nws Maggie Caton 1920 Mary 1920 May 1920 Paul 1920 Ruth 1920 Samuel R Catrill 1860 Ann 1860 Phebe 1860 Rahel 1860 Samuel 1860 Smith Caughey 1851nws McFarland and, --- Caul g1820 James Caulip g1820 Solomon Caushua 1850 A. 1850 Margaret Cavanaugh dcerts Clara 1850 Hugh Cavender 1877nws Mrs. 1881nws S. R. 1889nws S. R. Caves 1926nws Henry 1926nws Morton Cavin g1820 William g1820 Wm Cavnaugh 1862nws Jerry Cavner g1820 Joseph Cawand 1850 William Cawder hrdsty Mary A. (Bell) Cawdery hrdsty A. W. hrdsty Callie (Parker) hrdsty Carrie Bell hrdsty Emma J. hrdsty Evanellie hrdsty George W. hrdsty Leah L. hrdsty Levina (Eckhart) hrdsty Nelson E. hrdsty Sarah E. (Bell) Cawey 1855nws George Cawhorn 1858nws J. M. Cawthorn 1854nws George Cayer 1897nws Adam Caywood's sugar camp 1877nws --- Caywood births Amanda 1850 Elizabeth 1840 James 1850 James 1850 Jeptha 1840 John H. 1850 Mary 1840 Thomas Cazy 1850 James 1850 John 1850 Leander 1850 Sarah 1850 William 1850 Willimena Ccnde dcerts Joseph Ceaser g1820 Augustus Cecil 1850 Aden 1850 Alminda 1850 Eliza 1920 Howard C 1850 Mary 1920 Mattie 1850 Rachael Ceelet 1876nws Mr. Celay 1860 James Cellenberg 1873nws John Center church 1906nws --- Center Stake school house 1886nws --- Cerben 1855nws Joseph Cerbon 1855nws Joseph H. CERT dcerts Cert f. Certes 1998q Anna Cewolf 1873nws Calvin Ceyfin g1820 John Cganolq dcerts Jcsse Chadwick 1892nws Martha 1854nws Susan A. Chafen 1840 Benjamin Chaffen 1840 Samuel Chaffin births ---- births Chaffin 1905nws Agnes marr Archibald births Augustus births Catharine 1860 Catura 1860 Clara D. 1860 D. 1860 Elizabeth 1898nws Gertrude 1998q Harriet N. 1860 Harriott dcerts Henry 1860 Janus B. 1860 John 1893nws John 1998q Joseph 1860 Joseph 1860 Josephus 1860 Josiah 1860 Lafayett 1860 Lewisa 1860 Lucey 1860 Martha 1860 Mary 1998q Nancy D. (Mitchell) 1998q Polly dcerts Samson dcerts Saran 1998q Stephen 1860 Vergil 1878nws William 1893nws William 1893nws William 1895nws William 1897nws William births William dcerts William marr William 1905nws William E. Chaffins 1897nws --- 1897nws Wes. Chafins 1860 Alanson 1860 Angeline 1860 Archibald N. 1860 Augustus 1860 Caroline 1860 Catharine 1860 Eli B. 1860 John 1860 Marissa 1860 N. 1860 Nancy 1860 Phebe 1860 Preston 1860 William Chaflin g1820 Orson Chafman dcerts June murray Reva Chaise 1850 Emerie? 1850 George 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Nancy Chalfan 1867nws Charles F. 1877nws Clara murray Faker 1873nws John wrdead Joseph 1867nws Martha A. 1867nws Mary J. harris S. B. 1900nws S. B. 1866nws Samuel D. dcerts Susan Chalfant 1913nws Anne 1903nws Clara Chalfen 1892nws Samuel D. Chalfer births Catherine Chalfin 1840 Joseph Chalpan 1850 Baker 1850 Clarinda 1850 Deborah 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Harriet 1850 John 1850 Joseph 1850 Joseph 1850 Lorenza? 1850 Mary 1850 Samuel Chamberlain 1850 Aaron 1892nws Alice 1850 Almira 1860 Asher 1850 Eliza 1850 Hannah 1905nws I. J. 1850 Jacob 1850 John 1850 John 1860 Josephine 1850 Kitty 1850 Malissa 1850 Martha 1850 Martha 1850 Mary dcerts Nancy 1850 Robert 1860 Robert 1850 Samuel 1860 Sarah E. 1850 William Chamberlane dindx John D. Chambers 1881nws A. 1881nws J. (Rev.) births James H. 1920 Mary 1920 Will 1876nws William births William 1860 Wilson Champney dindx Danforth Champneys dindx Caleb Chancellor 1858nws E. P. Chancy 1850 John marr John J. 1850 Lethe 1876nws Lovinia 1850 Sarah 1840 William Chandler 1914nws Charles (Mrs.) 1910nws Charles (Rev.) 1910nws J. M. (Rev.) harris John 1860 Nathaniel 1910nws Rev. Chaner births Arvina Chaney 1860 Abigah dindx Alex 1998q Alexander Jr. 1998q Alexander Sr. 1920 Almus B dcerts Amanda dcerts Belva 1860 Catharine 1920 Charlie 1860 Charls 1920 Dora 1860 Emiline 2000q Enos 2001q Enos 1860 Enos dcerts Garnet 1998q Hannah (Lewis) 1915nws Harve 1920 Helen M 1920 Horace 1920 Hulda 1860 Hyram A. 1860 Isaac 1998q Jane 1850 John 1860 John 1920 John wrdead John 1860 Joshua dcerts Letha 1860 Lethe 1998q Lovina 1860 Lowisa 1860 Luvina 1998q Lydia births M.E. births Mabel births Maggie 1860 Manerva 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1860 Margaret M. 1998q Margery (Donaldson) 1920 Marion 1860 Martha A. 1850 Mary births Mary 1860 Mary A. 1860 Mary E. births Mary E. 1860 Mary M. 1860 Matilda 1860 Molley 1920 Nancy dcerts Napncy dcerts Olive 1920 Olive M 1883nws P. A. 1860 Paulina 1850 Perline 1850 Peter 1850 Philip 1860 Philip 1920 Priscilla 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1850 Sylvester 1860 Sylvester 1850 William 1920 William dcerts William 1920 William D 1920 William H 1860 William H. 1860 Wm. H. Channels 1920 Audrey 1920 Bertha 1920 Ira 1920 L 1920 Mary Channing 1860 Mary Chany 1840 Alexander births Mary Chapdon g1820 Peter Chapdu g1820 Peter Chapel graybd Simpson Chapens 1840 Joseph Chapin 1878nws Addison (Rev.) dindx Benj. 1830 Benjamin 1890nws D. L. 1875nws D. L. (Rev.) 1876nws D. L. (Rev.) 1881nws D. L. (Rev.) 1881nws D. L. (Rev.) 1890nws D. L. (Rev.) 1890nws D. L. (Rev.) 1893nws D. L. (Rev.) 1893nws D. L. (Rev.) 1893nws D. L. (Rev.) 1893nws D. L. (Rev.) 1893nws D. L. (Rev.) 1893nws D. L. (Rev.) 1893nws D. L. (Rev.) 1893nws D. O. (Rev.) 1890nws Florence 1893nws Florence 1850 Jane 1860 Jane 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph 1893nws Lexsa 1878nws Percie (Copper) (Gates) 1881nws Rev. Chapin, 1892nws Polly Chaplman dcerts Charles Chapman & Pilchard 1897nws --- Chapman family 2001q Chapman family Chapman 1879nws --- births Chapman 1860 A. 1893nws A. F. 1900nws A. F. 1920 A.T. 1872nws Ada 1999q Adaline 1850 Adaline 1860 Adaline 1889nws Albert 1850 Amanda 1920 Anna dcerts Anna cmarr Annie 1850 Arias 1920 Bertha 1920 Betrice 1875nws Brother phist C. O. 1850 Caroline 1860 Catharine 1850 Charles 1860 Charles 1920 Charles 1850 Chloe E. 1920 Clarence 1850 Clarrissa 1920 Cora 1860 Darcus 1830 David 1920 Dorty E 1860 E. A. 1887nws E. F. (Rev.) murray Eber 1920 Edith 1879nws Editor 1879nws Editor 1920 Edward 1920 Effie M 1850 Eliza 1850 Eliza 1850 Eliza J. dcerts Elizabe h. 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Ellen births Ellsworth 1861nws Emerson 1850 Emily 1920 Emma 1900nws Erasmus 1850 Esra 1820 Ezra 1830 Ezra 1840 Ezra 1850 Ezra larkin Ezra larkin Ezra larkin Ezra 1819tx Ezra phist Ezra 1850 F. S. 1891nws Fannie 1860 Flora 1920 Florence 1920 Floyd 1920 Frank dcerts Frank dcerts Frankie 1860 Franklin 1850 Freeman births Geo. g1820 George 1885nws George 1921nws George births George births George R. 1920 Gertie 1840 Gilbert 1920 Gilbert phist Gilbert Riley 1920 Guy 1897nws H. O. births H. P. 1850 Harriet 1850 Harriet 1920 Hartford 1850 Helen 1920 Helen dcerts Helen 1850 Henry 1850 Henry H. 1892nws Hepsebah cmarr Ida 1850 Jackson 1844nws James births James dcerts James 1850 James H. 2000q Jane Coats 1877nws Jared births Jas. F. 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 1860 John g1820 John dindx John harris John births John Ray 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph fair Joseph phist Joseph dcerts Joseph 1920 Josephine 1897nws Josh 1830 Joshua 1840 Joshua 1850 Joshua 1860 Joshua dindx Joshua larkin Joshua larkin Joshua 1893nws Joshua births Joshua 1840 Joshua S. 1850 Laura 1920 Lawrence 1920 Lawrence 1850 Leonard 1999q Levi 1850 Levi 1860 Levi larkin Levi larkin Levi phist Levi marr Levi 1920 Lora 1920 Luke? 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1850 Mary C. 1850 Mary E. 1860 Mary J. 1920 Mary L 1850 Mary W. dindx Mathias 1850 Matilda 1860 Matilda 1860 Minerva 1850 Minerva J. 1999q Minnie 1876nws Mr. murray Myrta 1999q Nancy (Sayre) 1875nws O. B. 1876nws O. B. 1878nws O. B. 1920 Olaf 1850 Orates 1920 Oren R 1850 Orinda L. 1840 Orten 1850 Orton 1850 Permela 1893nws Peter 1850 Rachael 1920 Ralph 1920 Ray 1850 Rebecca 1850 Riley 1905nws Robert Agnew births Rolan Dean 1860 Roxana 1850 Roxanna 1920 Roy murray Roy A. births Roy Arguile 1920 Ruby 1920 Russell 1920 Sadie 1850 Sally 1850 Sally A. 1861nws Sampson 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel dcerts Saoie 1840 Stephen 1850 Stephen 1860 Stephen 1877nws Stephen dcerts Stillo 1920 Terrence dcerts Thelma 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas phist Thomas 1840 Truman S. dcerts Unnamed 1860 Viola dcerts Virqgil 1860 W. S. 1850 William 1920 William dcerts William 1905nws William S. 1860 Wm. Chappelle phist A. A. Chare 1840 Lewis, Jr. Charles 1876nws Cha's 1860 Charles 1860 Edward 1860 John 1862nws John 1855nws John L. 1860 Margaret 1855nws Margaret M. (Ware) 1860 Mary 1908nws Russell, Charleton 1860 Edward births Ferdinand births Mack 1860 Margaret Charley/Cherlig 1920 Clara 1920 Delphia 1920 Elva 1920 Gladys 1920 James 1920 Pauline Charlton dcerts Anne dcerts Thomas Charringer 1879nws --- Charter Oak coal mine 1897nws --- Charter Oak Coal Works 1897nws --- Charter 1877nws J. H. (Prof.) Chase & Forrest 1878nws --- Chase burying-ground 1885nws --- Chase family 2000q Chase family Chase family 2002q Chase family Chase births (Clarence) 1850 Abagail murray Abe 1820 Abel 1830 Abel 1840 Abel 1850 Abel 1850 Abel dindx Abel larkin Abel harris Abel 1819tx Abel births Abel 1830 Abel Jr. 1840 Abel, Jr. dindx Able Jr. 1850 Adaline 1877nws Alice 1860 Allen? 1850 Almira 1892nws Almira murray Alonzo 1877nws Alonzo 1850 Amanda dcerts Amanda phist Amy Geary (Smith) 1896nws Anna D. (Wood) harris Aquilla dindx Archibald 1892nws Archibald marr Archibald 1905nws Atha 1912nws Athey marr Barack 1850 Barak murray Barak 1893nws Barak dindx Benj. 1840 Benjamin g1820 Benjamin 1892nws Benjamin marr Benjamin 1850 Berryman 1860 Burak 1860 Catharine 1886nws Catharine 1878nws Cephas 1830 Charles 1840 Charles 1850 Charles larkin Charles larkin Charles 1892nws Charles 1850 Charles M. harris Chief Justice births Clara B. murray Clarence 1892nws Clarissa 1850 Clarri 4thInf Cyrus g1820 Daniel 1850 David 1860 David 1860 David 1878nws David 1893nws David 1893nws David 1893nws David 1882nws Did 1909nws Dr. 1879nws E. W. 1912nws Earl 1905nws Earl (Mrs.) births Edith 1850 Edna 1860 Edna 1879nws Effie 1850 Electa 1877nws Electa 1860 Eli dcerts Eli 1850 Eliza 1860 Eliza 1830 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth births Elmer Francis 1876nws Elvira 1859nws Emeric 1920 Emery 1850 Emily dcerts Emma births Emma Louisa 1850 Esther larkin Esther (Nobles) 1893nws Etehel murray Ethel 1893nws Ethel 1851nws F. M. 1876nws F. M. 1883nws F. M. 1919nws Ferry 1926nws Ferry 1919nws Flora 1840 Frances 1850 Francis larkin Francis harris Francis 1882nws Francis 1850 Franklin larkin G. W. 1876nws G. W. 1881nws G. W. murray Garnet murray Garnet 1901nws George marr George M. 1896nws George W. murray Guy 1860 H. 1904nws H. W. 1999q Hannah 1850 Hannah 1892nws Harriet 1850 Harrison wrdead Harrison dcerts Hasle 1893nws Hattie 1820 Haviland dindx Haviland larkin Haviland larkin Haviland phist Haviland 1850 Henry 1860 Henry dcerts Henry births Henry F. 1840 Hiram 1850 Hiram 1860 Hiram 1920 Hiram 1876nws Hiram 1892nws Hiram 1893nws Hiram dcerts Hiram marr Hiram murray Homer 1867nws Hosmer 1912nws Howard W. 1885nws I. N. 1999q Ida L. 1850 Isaac 1860 Isaac 1890nws Isaac N. 1893nws Isaac N. 1860 Issic births Iva Ethel 1897nws J. C. (Mrs.) 1876nws J. C. (Prof.) 1893nws J. M. 1893nws J. M. 1875nws J. N. 1893nws J. W. 1919nws James 1903nws James E. 1850 Jefferson 1904nws Jefferson 1912nws Jerry C. murray Jim murray Jim dcerts Joeanna 1830 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John larkin John 1854nws John 1893nws John 1893nws John 1893nws John 1901nws John marr John 1875nws John C. 1876nws John C. (Prof.) 1876nws John C. (Prof.) dindx John H. 1819tx John H. 1868nws John M. 1897nws John M. births John M. births Julia I. 1901nws Kate 1919nws Kenneth dcerts Laura 1920 Laura A 1860 Leonallas births Leslie 1876nws Lew. 1820 Lewis 1830 Lewis 1840 Lewis 1850 Lewis 1860 Lewis 1920 Lewis dindx Lewis larkin Lewis 1819tx Lewis 1886nws Lewis phist Lewis 1876nws Lillie 1878nws Lillie 1850 Lorenzo 1850 Louisa larkin Louisa (Knight) 1882nws Louise (Knight) 1850 Lucetta 1850 Lucy 1850 Lueretia 1860 Lydia 1850 Lyman larkin Lyman (Dr.) 1904nws M. A. murray Madge 1850 Madison dcerts Maele dcerts Malvina 1904nws Mamie 1850 Manda 1920 Mansford 1850 Marcum dcerts Margare 1860 Margaret 1850 Marinda 1920 Marion 1897nws Marion 1897nws Martha dcerts Martha 1840 Martin 1850 Martin 1850 Martin 1850 Martin 1881nws Martin 1886nws Martin 1897nws Martin dcerts Martin 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1920 Mary dcerts Mary 1850 Matilda 1860 Matilda births Maud Gertrude 1893nws Melda Murl 1876nws Melvnia 1919nws Mildred murray Miles murray Miles 1912nws Millard A. dcerts Miloreo larkin Miriam dcerts Mittie 1919nws Morris 1886nws Mort 1850 Moses 1917nws Myrtle (Bradfield) 1850 Nancy 1904nws Nellie S. 1850 Nelson dcerts Newton 1850 Nial 1897nws Nora 1877nws O. G. (Dr.) 1850 Oen G. 1850 Olive 1860 Olive 1860 Olive 1892nws Olivia 1919nws Ollie 1860 Orpha harris Oscar 1889nws Oscar 1893nws Oscar births Oscar births Oscar dcerts Oscar 1850 Osker 1850 Osker cmarr Owen larkin Owen (Dr.) 1892nws Palmyra harris Philander 1850 Polly 1862nws R. 1876nws R. 1876nws R. 1876nws R. 1850 Rabecca 1876nws Rebecca (Throckmorton) 1904nws Rev. 1850 Rhoda 1881nws Rhoda 1850 Ronal 1850 Rosetta 1867nws Royal 1879nws Royal 1886nws Royal dcerts Royal 1850 Rozetta 1850 Ruey 1860 Rusetta births Samantha 1860 Samara 1850 Samuel 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah A. 1850 Sarah Ann births Sarah E. 1850 Scianda 1850 Sophia 1901nws Sophia 1850 Stilcen wrdead Sumner, murray Susan Alice 1860 T. J. 1830 Thomas 1860 Thomas 1889nws Thomas 1840 Thomas J. dcerts Tillie births Truman Judd dcerts Wade 1850 Warren 1904nws Wayne murray Wib murray Wilkey murray Wilkie dcerts Wilkie 1850 William 1860 William dcerts William 1912nws William E. 1912nws Wm. J. 1919nws Worley 1926nws Worley 1903nws Worley Dale Chatman 1877nws John Chaytor 1885nws Mary Cheadle 1850 Alfred 1850 Allen births Amanda dcerts Andrew births Del births Edgar Vernon births Edith A. births Effie births Effie births Effie I. births Flora births Flora M. 1850 Francis births G. F. births Gar F. 1850 George births George dcerts George births George W. births Guy births James Ward births Jas. births Jessie births Leonard births Lourisa R. births Louvisa births M. W. births Marvana M. births Matilda births Matilda M. dcerts Melly births Milby births N. G. births N. S. births N.W. 1850 Natham births Paris 1850 Rachael births U. G. births Vince A. births Warden Green Cheap Market store 1897nws --- Cheatam 1850 Adelia births Amy 1850 Ann 1850 Caroline 1850 Mathew 1850 Melvine 1850 Pochahontes 1850 Robert births Robert Cheatham family 2001q Cheatham family Cheatham 1998q Ann Eliza (Van Duyn) 1998q Caroline (Coleman) dcerts Della births Edith dcerts Eugene births George dcerts George 1893nws Hattie births Herman 1998q Kate 1879nws Kate 1867nws L. 1998q Leondius "Lee" 1893nws Lizzie C. births Mabel 1998q Matthew C. 1998q Robert 1893nws Robert births Robert dcerts Robert marr Robt. C. Cheatman 1893nws Lizzie Cheatum 1860 M. S. Cheatwood g1820 Joshua Check Salisbury Twp for the first entrie 1850 Check 1881nws James Chedle births Tilla births W. H. Cheedum 1860 Anna E. 1860 Caroline 1860 Eliza 1860 L. Cheek g1820 Charles Cheeseman wrdead Aleman Cheever dindx Abijah Cheney 1920 John 1855nws John 1920 Levy P 1920 Secil 1920 Wilkie R Cheng 1840 John Cherington 1889nws Judge Cherrington 1893nws Anna Eliza g1820 Clement 1904nws Dr. g1820 John 1921nws L. L. (Rev.) g1820 Thomas g1820 Wm g1820 Wm. Cherry 1830 Alexander Cheshire Baptist Church 1894nws --- Cheshire flour mill 1893nws --- Cheshire Free Baptist Church 1893nws --- Cheshire Free Baptist church 1893nws --- Cheshire Methodist Episcopal church 1893nws --- Chester cemetery 1879nws --- 1894nws --- 1901nws --- 1912nws --- Chester Presbyterian Church 1854nws --- Chestnut 1871nws J. William 1871nws Laura O. (Todd) Chestun dcerts Unnamed Chetem births Bessie births Robert Chetham 1879nws Henry Chevalier births Chevalier births A. 1858nws A. H. births A. P. births Amanda 1850 Andrew dcerts Arthur 1920 Arthur P. dcerts Bethel 1850 Betsey births C. births C.E. 1920 Carl A 1850 Caroline births Caroline births Caroline E. births Caroline L. 1850 Charles 1904nws Charles dcerts Charles 1920 Charlie births Chas. births Clara births Clyde Jacks births Collene 1850 Cornelia 1830 David 1850 David 1860 David births David births Dudley births Edward 1850 Ellen births Ellen births Ethel 1920 Ethel C births Ethel May births Fanny E. births Frederick births G. F. 1920 Garnett J births Geo births Geo. 1920 George births George births Glen 1903nws Grace births Gracie births Harriet 1850 Henrietta births Howard L. 1850 Hulda 1920 Ida E 1860 illegible births Iola 1850 Jane births Jane births Jennie 1850 John 1920 John R 1850 Jola M. phist L. dcerts Lander births Laura E. 1850 Leander 1920 Leander births Leander births Lina births Lula births Lulu births Lulu Bell births Lulu Belle births Mabel births Marion births Marion H. 1850 Mayard 2000q Melissa 2001q Melissa births Nettie births Nettie May births Orville S. births Otis E. 1860 P. E. 1850 Peter 1920 Peter 1859nws Peter 1850 Sarah A. 1920 Sarah J births Scott 1920 Shelton births Shelton 1850 Susan dcerts Susan 1920 Susanna 1850 Sylvester births Sylvester births T? 1850 Thomas births Vertie dcerts Viola births W. births W. B. births Wilbur 1903nws William births William 1860 Wm. S. Chevelar dcerts Meria Chevelear 1840 Peter Chevelier 1920 Dudley 1840 John 1920 Ward Chevilear births Elsie Justi Chevlaer births Charles Chevront 1920 Alice C 1920 Charles 1920 James O 1920 Thomas I Chezem 1999q James 1999q Mary (Mitchell) Chidester 1884nws Nancy Isabell Chidle 1860 A. 1860 Francis 1860 George 1860 Louisa M. 1860 Milby W. 1860 Nane? W. 1860 Nathaniel 1860 Rachal Chidsey 1893nws William Chierman g1820 William Child 1840 ? Seth C. dindx John T. 1892nws Rosanna dindx S. 1820 Seth dindx Seth Childers 1850 Abraham g1820 Abraham cmarr Adelaide murray Bill 1850 Edith g1820 John g1820 Joseph g1820 Mosby 1850 Samuel 1850 William g1820 Wm Children's Home 1881nws --- Children's home 1881nws --- Children's Home 1897nws --- 1906nws --- Childs 1889nws James births Minnie 1840 Nathaniel dcerts Nellie dcerts Rofaert dindx Seth Chiles births Minnie Chilton 1860 Eliza 1855nws Eliza (Hazlewood) 1860 G. W. 1855nws George W. 1892nws Hattie 1860 William Chittenden 1920 Almira 1840 Ephraim dcerts John 1920 John H births Justin O. 1920 Justus dcerts Justus dcerts Mary 1920 Sidney dcerts Sidney 1882nws William 1891nws William 1897nws William births William Chittum dcerts Doshey Chitwood 1892nws George R. Chl dcerts Lizabe Chloe births Cornelia Choots 1867nws William Chriselcie 1881nws Mary Chriselman 1850 Adam 1850 Margret 1850 Martin 1850 Mary Christey 1920 Manley E Christian Church 1879nws --- 1893nws --- 1897nws --- Christian church 1901nws --- Christian Order church 1900nws Clark's Chapel, --- Christie murray Daniel Christman wrdead ------- Christy 1920 Ada B 1904nws Ada B. 1920nws and Gladys 1920 Beulah L 1920 Blanch 1920 Carl M 1920 Charles 1920 Charles L 1920 Clifford 1850 Daniel 1893nws David 1920 Delphin H 1926nws Don 1920 Don E dcerts Elizabe 2003q Elizabeth (Vining) dcerts Elva 1893nws Emma 1920 Floyd W 1904nws G. W. 1920 Garret dcerts George 1920 George A 1920 George W 2003q George Willaim 1850 Hannah 1920 Hazel L 1920 Helen B 1920 Howard W 2003q Ida Mae (Vining) 1893nws J. C. births Jessie M. 1920 John g1820 John 2003q John dcerts John 1889nws John A. 1920 John M 1850 Joseph 1920 Joseph wrdead Joseph F. births K. 1920 Kenneth 1920 Leona 1920 Lille B 1920 Lizzie 1920 Louisa 1850 Mary 1920 Mary dcerts Mary 1920 Mary E 1999q Mary Elizabeth 2001q Mary Elizabeth 1920 Mildred A 1920 Nola R 1920 Ora E 1920 Orvil 1920 Rilla 1850 Robert 1920 Rosa 1920 Roy R 1920 Sara 1850 Sarah dcerts Sarah 2003q Sarah (Vining) 1920 Sarah L 1920 Sidney 1920 Stanley A 1920 Walter E 1850 William 1920 William Chuich dcerts John Church family phist Church family Church dcerts Addie deaths Affie E. 1850 Albert L. 1840 Alfred 1850 Alfred 1850 Alice 1850 Alvina 1851nws Alvira 1850 Amanda 1879nws Amanda 1860 C. 1860 Cashius 1850 Catharine 1860 Catherine 1840 Charles 1850 Charles 1860 Charles births Ciresta harris Clem larkin Clem. births Clemens H. 1830 Clement 1840 Clement 1850 Clement deaths Curtis L. 1850 David 1860 David phist David phist Dolly births Eddie S. 1850 Electa 1860 Electa phist Electa 1850 Eliza 1820 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Ellen dcerts Ellen phist Elmer murray Elsie 1850 Emily 1860 Emma births Emma dcerts Esther 2002q Fred 1884nws Fred 1860 Frederick deaths Frederick A. dcerts Fredric 1884nws Freewill Baptist 1860 George 1876nws George births George deaths George 1850 Hannah 1850 Hannah dcerts Hattie 1850 Henrietta 1860 Henrietta phist Henrietta births Henrietta 1860 Henry M. 1850 Horace 1879nws Horace 1921nws Horace dcerts Horace 1860 Horris deaths Ida L. 1850 James 1850 James 1862nws James 1909nws James births James dcerts James 1850 Jane phist Jane deaths Jane births Jas. L. 1840 John 1850 John 1885nws John 1850 John H. 1850 Joseph fair Joseph deaths Joseph 1860 L. 1850 L. H. Church 1860 Lewis 1860 Lilley 1850 Lucinda 1850 Lydda 1850 Lydia 1860 Lydia births Lydia 1998q Lydia (Murray) 1884nws Lydia B. (Murray) 1850 Lyman R. 1860 Maga 1850 Mahala 1860 Mahala deaths Mahala phist Mahala (Lindesey) 1860 Manda 1860 Manerva 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1850 Maria 1860 Martha 1850 Martha J. 1860 Martha J. births Martha J. 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary C. 1850 Mary Jane phist Minerva births Minerva 1886nws Mr. 1860 N. 1850 Naoma births Naomi 1850 Nathan 1860 Nathan phist Nathan dcerts Nora 1840 Oliver 1850 Oliver 1850 Oliver H. P. 1850 Patty 1885nws R. 1850 R. A. 1908nws R. D. (Dr.) births Ray Burdell 1860 Rebecca 1860nws Rhoda 1884nws Rhoda 1860 Rhode 1850 Royal 1862nws Royal 1876nws Royal 1893nws Royal births Royal dcerts Royal 1998q Samuel 1840 Samuel 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel larkin Samuel 1819tx Samuel 1876nws Samuel 1876nws Samuel 1884nws Samuel marr Samuel 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah larkin Sarah births Sarah dcerts Sarah 1850 Sarah A. births Sarah A. phist Sarah Ann 1850 Sarah J. deaths Sarah Maria 1860 Sophronia 2002q Sophronia (Skeels) 1840 Stephen 1850 Stephen 1860 Stephen phist Stephen 1883nws Stephen (Mrs.) dcerts Strillo 1850 Sulvina deaths Susan F. deaths Thomas C. 1850 Viola 1830 William 1840 William 1850 William 1819tx William 1844nws William 1876nws William 1877nws William 1881nws William 1881nws William 1881nws William 1884nws William 1892nws William phist William 1850 William G. 1860 Willis phist Willis 1850 Wm Churchill harris Branch harris Patience Chute 1903nws Abe 1920 Ada 1920 Alice 1920 Bearl 1920 Bertha M dcerts Buelah dcerts Edith 1920 Emma E dcerts Everett dcerts Gladys 1920 Hazel 1867nws James P. 1903nws Lod 1920 Ruth M dcerts Sylvia 1920 Thomas ? 1920 Thomas W 1920 William 1867nws William 1867nws William Chutes 1867nws James Cilliland dcerts John Circle 1920 ? Melvin 1920 Agent 1920 Alice M births Allie Belle 1890 Almira 1920 Ann 1920 Audrey 1920 Augustus 1890 Augustus 1920 Augustus A births Austella Flore births Carrie E. 1920 Cecil 1890 Charles 1904nws Charles 1920 Clara 1890 Cora 1920 Cora E 1890 David 1920 David F 1893nws E. W. births E. W. dcerts Elias 1850 Elizabeth 1890 Ella 1920 Emma 1890 Ettie 1920 Florence 1850 Francis births Francis A. 1920 Garret A 1840 George 1850 George 1920 George 1920 Gilbert dcerts Hellen 1920 Homer 1920 Howard 1897nws J. M 1840 Jacob dcerts James 1921nws Jessie 1920 JNO. C(as is) 1830 John 1850 John wrdead John 1890 John 1890nws John 1890nws John dcerts John 1850 John W. 1920 John W. 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph 1921nws Joseph wrdead Joseph C. 1890 Katie 1890 Laura 1921nws Lois 1890 Lucy 1920 Mabel M 1920 Madison 1859nws Madison wrdead Madison G. 1850 Margaret births Mary Emma 1890 Melvin 1820 Michael 1830 Michael 1840 Michael 1850 Michael larkin Michael phist Michael marr Michael 1850 Osborn M. 1920 Otha 1850 Rachael 1867nws Rebecca 1920 Reed A 1890 Sallie 1889nws Sallie 1850 Sarah 1920 Sophia dcerts Sophie 1920 Stella P. dcerts Sulliva 1890 Sullivan 1920 Sullivan H 1920 Sullivan L. 1920 Susie A 1920 Verra M dcerts Virgil 1904nws Virginia 1850 Wesley 1890 Wesley 1920 Wesley Elias 1908nws Will Ciser 1860 Eliza 1860 Eliza 1860 George 1860 H. 1860 Henry 1860 Jacob 1860 John 1860 Martin Cjngrove dcerts Betty Clack 1830 Henry Claflin g1820 Orson Clagg g1820 James Clair 1881nws Hannah E. St. 1915nws John St. 1893nws Mr. St. 1915nws Will (Mrs.) St. 1881nws William George St. Clanathan 1840 John M. Clanda 1860 Barbary 1860 John 1860 Louisa Clara 1908nws Wood, Clarck births George g1820 Nancy Clare 1840 Hugh A. Clarengen births Lilly Clarenger births Thomas Clark's Chapel Christian Order church 1900nws --- Clark 1860 A. A. 1900nws A. A. g1820 Absolom 1860 Adeline 1900nws Alonzo 1921nws Alvy 1830 Amos 1850 Amos 1860 Amos 1860 Amos dindx Amos births Ann Elizabeth births Arabella 1860 Artenusser 1900nws Benjamin 1920 Bernard dcerts Bessie 1890nws Brandon 1890nws Brandon 1889nws C. E. 1893nws C. O. (Prof.) 1840 Caleb 1850 Caleb dindx Caleb 1859nws Caleb 1892nws Calvin marr Calvin 1840 Carlton 1860 Caroline 1850 Catharine dcerts Catheri harris Charles 1900nws Charles wrdead Charles E. 1893nws Charley births Chauncy births Chilla dcerts Clarenc 1888nws D. O. 1882nws Daniel 1904nws David dcerts David dcerts Delfhia 1860 Delila 1889nws Dr. 1876nws E. 1860 Eben 1854nws Eben 1858nws Eben 1876nws Eber 1856nws Eli 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1881nws Elmer dcerts Elvin 1860 Emery 1900nws Emma 1921nws Emmet 1885nws Emmor 1920 Erwin 1860 Francis 1860 Francis 1860 Francis M. 1860 Frank 1881nws Frank 1920 Frank W dcerts Frankli 1910nws Freda 1881nws George 1909nws George dcerts George births George M. 1998q George Roscoe 1999q George Roscoe 1850 George W. 1999q Golda 1904nws Guy Oliver dcerts Happy 1850 Harriet 1860 Harriet 1900nws Harriet Useba (Hutchinson) 1920 Harry P 1904nws Harry P. 1920 Hazel E. 1850 Henry 1850 Henry 1860 Henry 1856nws Henry 1904nws Henry births Henry dcerts Henry marr Henry 1920 Herman D g1820 Hugh 1850 Isabella 1890nws J. N. 1897nws J. O. 1878nws J. O. (Dr.) 1897nws J. O. (Dr.) 1890nws J. W. 1890nws J. W. 1890nws J. W. 1900nws J. W. 1860 James births James 1920 James B 1876nws James O. dcerts Jamfs dcerts Japmes 1850 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1920 John g1820 John 1897nws John 1860 John F. 1897nws John L. 1840 John S. phist John S. 1830 Joseph dindx Joseph births Joseph 1893nws Joseph (Rev.) 1893nws Joseph (Rev.) 1889nws Judge phist Judge Cedric 1885nws Katie 1860 L. S. 1850 Lewis 1860 Lewis marr Lewis births Linnie 1900nws Lorenzo births Lucinda 1877nws Lydia 1883nws Lydia 1860 Lydia S. 1892nws M. (Rev.) 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1860 Margaret births Margaret 1920 Margaret E 1920 Maria M 1860 Martha 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1893nws Mary 1850 Mary A. births Mary A. 1856nws Mary Ann (Weldon) 1860 Mary J. 1920 Mildred J cmarr Minnie 1893nws Mira 1920 Mollie E 1860 Nancy 1860 Nancy births Nancy dcerts Nancy 1998q Nancy Ann larkin Nathan dcerts Nathan pomry Nathaniel dcerts Nora 1920 Olive M dcerts Orville wrdead Oscar 1860 Patric 1873nws Patrik dcerts Philip dcerts Quell 1886nws R. E. 1886nws R. E. 1886nws R. E. 1892nws Rachel dcerts Ralph dindx Ray 1850 Rebecca 1860 Rebecca 1897nws Rev. 1893nws Rev. Mr. dcerts Richard births Robert M. 1860 Roseta 1860 Ruell 1860 Ruth 1879nws S. R. 1881nws S. R. 1876nws Samantha 1850 Samaria 1860 Samaria 1820 Samuel 1840 Samuel 1850 Samuel larkin Samuel 1819tx Samuel 1893nws Samuel 1914nws Samuel phist Samuel dcerts Samuel 1920 Samuel F 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah L. 1850 Sarah M. 1820 Silas 1860 Silas 1920 Silas 1876nws Silas 1998q Stella Belle (Watkins) 1999q Stella Belle (Watkins) births Stella M. dcerts Stillbo dcerts Stillbo n. 1850 Susan 1860 Susan 1892nws Susan births Susana births Susannah 1920 Tavener dcerts Tavener 1850 Thomas 1850 Thomas 1854nws Thomas births Thomas 1920 Thomas A 1920 Thomas Jr. 1860 Townsend 1906nws Townsend 1920 Valeria dcerts Verna dcerts Virgin 1920 Virginia 1900nws W. A. 1850 W. H. 1840 William 1850 William 1893nws William dcerts William marr William wrdead William Henry g1820 Wm g1820 Wm, 1860 Wm. 1860 Wm. H. 1890nws Zella M. Clarke 1850 Colrin 1856nws H. births Herman 1897nws Iva births James 1876nws Lewis 1850 Louisa 1850 Lucinda 1850 Nancy 1850 Polly larkin Sally 1850 Townsend Clarkson 1868nws John 1878nws John (Colonel) 1868nws Virginia Clausen 1892nws Hannah Clauter 1889nws Frank 1889nws Mrs. Clawyes 1858nws R. S. Clay births Bertha 1860 Catharine births Catherine J. births Evelin 1860 H. births Henrietta 1840 Henry harris Henry births Henry 1860 Hiram births Hiram 1860 James births James 1860 John births Joseph Matthew dcerts Louisia births Louisiania 1860 Mary births Mary Louisa 1860 Perlina 1860 Rosetta Clearry 1999q Katherine Cleckner murray George Clelahd dcerts David Cleland 1920 Blanch 1850 C. 1920 Dallas 1920 Dana dcerts Daniel 1850 David 1850 David 1860 David 1920 David 1885nws David 1885nws David dcerts Ella 1920 Emily dcerts Emily 1850 George 1850 George wrdead George 1920 Gladys CLeland 1920 Hannah O Cleland 1920 Hazel 1850 Henry 1920 Henry dcerts Henry 1850 James 1920 James 1920 James 1920 Kenneth 1920 Lottie M 1920 Mabel 1920 Mable H 1920 Marcella dcerts Merredi 1920 Okey 1920 Paul 1920 Robert 1920 Ronald 1920 Sarah dcerts Sarah 1920 Sarah M 1920 Thomas 1920 Verne D. 1920 Walter 1850 William 1850 William Clelland 1920 Clarice E 1920 Densel M 1876nws Henry 1920 Mabel G Clem births Manda Clemens harris Sam Clemmons 1850 Alexander 1850 Isabell 1850 James 1850 Samuel 1850 Susan Clendenin 1920 Emma J 1920 Orville L 1920 Otha H Clendennin 1893nws Mike Cleveland dindx Charles dindx George 1892nws Laura g1820 Rosel dindx Wm. Clickerer 1860 Catharine 1860 Frank 1860 Mary 1860 Peter 1860 Sofrah Clickman 1860 Anthony 1860 Catharine 1860 F. 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary Clickner 1860 Catharine 1860 G. 1860 John 1860 Laury 1860 Mary Clifford 1860 Catharine 1860 Eliza 1820 Henry 1860 John dcerts Martha dcerts Mary phist Paul M. 1860 Sarah Clifton Coal and Salt Company 1879nws --- Clifton Hotel 1875nws --- Clifton Nail Co. 1873nws --- Clifton Nail works 1893nws --- Clifton harris A. 1893nws George 1893nws George 1897nws Helen harris Mr. 1893nws Mr. dcerts Rose Cline and Miller's store 1883nws --- Cline harris --- g1820 Abraham g1820 Abram 1860 Acea 1850 Acy 1850 Adaline births Albert 1850 Alexander 1860 Amanda 1860 Anelisa? 1850 Anna 1850 Bertha 1850 Betsey 1860 Catharine 1860 Catherine births Charles Lewis murray Chester murray Chester 1904nws Clara Belle 1860 Daniel 1862nws Daniel 1897nws Dr. 1860 Drusilla 1850 Druzilla 1860 Edward 1860 Eliza 1860 Eliza F. 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1892nws Elizabeth S. (Carpenter) 1860 Elizabeth W. 1860 Emiley 1850 Emily 1893nws F. M. dcerts Fannie 1920 Florence 1860 Francis 1850 George 1860 George 1867nws George harris George W. 1920 Geraldine 1920 Glenn 1860 H. births H. T. 1890nws Harley murray Harry Bennett 1860 Henry marr Henry 1850 Hulda 1860 Hulda 1860 Hyram 1860 Isibell 1897nws J. W. 1897nws J. W. 1883nws J. W. (Dr.) 1860 Jacob 1879nws Jacob 1850 James 1860 James murray Jasper 1860 Jesse 1840 John 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John 1920 John murray John 1904nws John births John dcerts John births John H. 1998q Joseph 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph 1860 Joseph 1860 Lana 1840 Lawrence 1860 Lawrence 1860 Lemuel murray Lena 1860 Leonard 1860 Levinay 1860 Lewis 1850 Lovina 1860 Luca 1850 Lucinda 1860 Lucretia marr Maddison 1840 Madison 1850 Madison 1860 Madison 1878nws Madison 1897nws Madison 1850 Magdalene 1850 Malissa murray Mamie Dunbar births Manda 1860 Margaret 1860 Margaret dcerts Mariah 1920 Marie 1897nws Marinda (Branch) 1850 Marion 1860 Marion pmry88 Marion 1867nws Marion 1886nws Marion 1893nws Marion 1893nws Marion 1895nws Marion phist Marion births Marion dcerts Marion marr Marion 1860 Martha 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1920 Mary dcerts Mary 1860 Mary J. 1860 Melia 1860 Miles 1860 Millard 1893nws Mrs. 1860 N. 1850 Nicholas 1850 Patric 1867nws Patrick 1868nws Patrick 1850 Peter 1860 Peter 1850 Philip 1850 Rachael 1850 Rachael 1860 Rachel g1820 Robert 1860 Robert L. 1850 Ruth 1860 Ruthia 1850 Samantha 1850 Samuel 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1998q Sarah (McCann) 1850 Sarah Ann 1850 Socraties 1850 Solomon 1860 Solomon T. 1860 Sophia 1860 Susan 1860 Susannah 1860 Thomas G. 1878nws W. C. 1879nws W. C. (Dr.) 1860 Wesley 1850 William harris William 1879nws William harris William (Dr.) g1820 Wm Clinger births Abraham births Lelia B. Clinton 1850 Dewit 1920 Edgar C 1893nws Mr. Clipper baseball club 1876nws --- Clipper Mills 1875nws --- Clleek/Clleck 1920 Freda M Clodges 1860 Maria 1860 Silva J. 1860 T. S. 1860 Theodosia 1860 Wm. Clone dcerts Francis Clotz g1820 Abram Clough 1820 Benjamin T. 1830 John B. Cloun 1840 William Clous 1840 John Clouse 1850 Acy 1850 Catharine 1867nws Catharine 1850 Elisha 1850 Eliza 1850 Elles dcerts Harold 1850 Henry 1850 James 1850 Jesse 1850 John 1855nws John 1856nws John 1859nws John marr John 1850 Margaret 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1850 Obediah 1850 Rabecca 1850 Rosena 1860 S. F. 1850 Sarah dcerts Stillbo n. murray Syntha Ann 1850 William Clouston births Esta May 1920 Thomas 1904nws Thomas births Thomas 1920 Willie 1904nws Willie births Willie dcerts Willie Clover 1844nws Henry 1844nws Mary Ann (McHenry) Cluely 1890nws John C. Cluff 1850 John Clup 1876nws Louisa H. 1876nws W. E. Clure dcerts Joseph Cluse dcerts Joseph Clutery g1820 Henry Clutter 1860 S. Cnip 1893nws C. E. 1893nws Milo L. Co-operative store 1879nws Middleport, --- Co 1850 Mary Ann Co. 1893nws Davis, T. H., Meat and Ice Co??burn 1879nws A. T. Coal Ridge Salt Co. 1892nws --- Coal Ridge Salt Company 1901nws --- Coalinger marr Michael Coalridge coal mine 1897nws --- Coalridge Flouring Mill 1855nws --- Coalridge Salt Company 1884nws --- Coalridge Salt furnace 1879nws --- Coalridge salt works 1897nws --- Coalt 1860 F. E. Coates 1897nws Albert harris Arthur 1897nws C. T. 1897nws C. T. phist C. T. 1920 Cora M dcerts Elmer 1920 Frank 1999q Ida Mae dcerts Janette 1999q John Edwards 1998q John Henry 1998q Mary Frances (Gardner) 1999q Mary Rebecca (Barringer) 1897nws Prof. cmarr Sarah 1897nws T. C. 1897nws T. C. 1897nws T. C. dcerts Thomas Coats 1860 Anna C. 1860 Catherine dcerts Charles 1860 Eliza J. 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Geo W. 1860 Jacob 1860 Jeremiah 1860 John 1867nws John (Capt.) 1860 John E. 1860 Magdalena 1860 Mary harris Robert 1860 Thomas B. 1860 W. Cobb births Charles Steven dindx David dindx David E. W. 1920 Dewey L 1920 Dora 1920 Ella M. births Emma Jane 1913nws Frances 1877nws Francis O. births Harvey fair J. C. H. wrdead James 1920 James M 1850 John births Jonas 1873nws Nancy births Nancy Helen marr Nathaniel 1850 Oliver dcerts Roy 1879nws Stephen births Stephen births Steven births William Henry Cobbs 1860 Julia A. 1860 M. L. 1860 Perry W. 1860 Sarah Cobrison 1860 Taylor Coburn 1860 C. E. 1889nws Calvin dcerts Calvin 1850 Caroline births Caroline 1850 Cynthia 1850 Harrison 1889nws Hiram 1850 J. P. 1871nws J. P. 1879nws J. P. 1859nws Joshua 1850 Mary 1879nws Mary B. dindx Nich. dindx Phineas 1850 Selvester 1873nws Sylvester 1850 William Cochanor g1820 John Cochnower 1875nws Wilson Cochran dcerts Cochran births A. J. 2000q Aarea Quillin (Frazier) 1850 Andrew births Andrew dcerts Andrew births Andrew C. births Andrew J. 1879nws Charlotte births Charlotte 1920 Earnest 1860 Elizabeth births Elizabeth dcerts Emma births Emma E. births Estella Daisy births Eva 1850 George 1895nws George W. 1920 Harvey F 1850 Henry 1920 Ida dcerts Isaac 1920 Isaac M 1850 James dcerts James births Jennie B. 1850 John 1860 John 1897nws John dcerts Joseph dcerts Katheri births Luella dcerts Luella dcerts Mac 1860 Martha 1860 Mary 1920 Mary O dcerts Milinda 1902nws Miss 1920 Nettie B dcerts Nora births Phebe A. 2000q Rice births Rosa V. 1920 Ruth marr Samuel S. 1850 Sarah dcerts Sarah dcerts Stillbo n. births Wilber Rosco 1850 William 1860 Wm. Cochron dcerts Stanley Cockran 1850 Thomas Cocok dcerts Hannah Cocus 1860 Ann E. Codle dcerts Harry Cody harris William F. Coe's hall 1879nws --- Coe's Hall 1893nws --- Coe's Opera House 1885nws --- 1893nws --- 1893nws --- Coe vs. Will 1897nws --- Coe 1886nws A. S. 1886nws A. S. 1886nws A. S. 1850 Abraham 1904nws Amy Isabel 1920 Anna harris Beach 1886nws C. M. 1878nws Capt. 1920 Charles 1904nws Chlorice 1920 Chlorus 1920 Crystal 1920 Dorothy 1850 Ebenezer 1897nws H. K. harris Harriett 1878nws Homer 1920 Homer M. 1877nws Isabella 1850 Issabell harris J. Gaston 1850 James harris James 1850 Jane 1850 John harris John harris Josiah 1920 Kelly dcerts Lucy 1920 Lucy M 1920 Luellen 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1897nws O. P. 1920 oliver 1904nws Oliver 1913nws Oliver 1860 Pelus P. 1920 Ray 1893nws Rev. W. W. 1920 Richard harris Robert 1893nws S. P. 1893nws S. P. 1890nws S. P. (Capt.) 1850 Samuel 1904nws Sid P. 1893nws Sid. marr Silas P. 1850 Sophronia 1877nws Teddie 1920 Theodore 1920 Udal? 1893nws W. W. (Rev.) 1893nws W. W. (Rev.) 1893nws W. W. (Rev.) 1893nws W. W. (Rev.) 1893nws Will. (Rev.) 1850 William 1890nws William Coen dcerts Lucile Coevie dcerts Lulla Coffe 1862nws John Coffin g1820 David 1860 Isaac Coffman dcerts Adeline Cogb dcerts Ella Cogshall 1873nws Mr. Cohen & Cadot 1861nws --- Cohen 1860 Elisabeth dcerts Eva 1860 H. 1862nws H. 1855nws Harrison 1860 Robert 1860 Sofiah E. 1895nws V. S. 1860 William Cohew 1850 E. A. 1850 F. 1850 H. 1850 M. C. 1850 S. 1850 W. H. Coicle 1819tx Elizabeth 1819tx Michael Coilliger dcerts John Coins 1820 Jonathan Col??s 1873nws Edmund Colbert births Colbert 1860 Ann 1860 Magy births Maurice 1900nws Michael 1860 Morris 1881nws Morris 1900nws Thomas Colburn 1920 Calvin 1920 Dorcas 1874nws Minerva Colden 1854nws John C. Colder 1850 Daniel 1850 Elcy 1850 Eliza 1850 Eliza 1850 James 1850 James 1840 John 1850 John 1850 Lucinda 1850 Lyman 1850 Mary 1850 Phebe 1850 Phoebe 1850 Simeon 1850 William Coldwell 1850 Alfred 1850 Aurilla 1850 Charles 1920 Cora E 1920 Everett 1850 Geo 1850 Hamilton 1850 Hiram 1850 James 1850 James 1850 John 1920 John M 1850 John P. 1850 Louisa 1920 Louisa C 1850 Mary M. 1850 Regina M. 1850 Wm Cole 1860 A. 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Sofiah Cole Family harris --- Cole 1886nws A. S. 1920 Albert dcerts Alice 1920 Alison 1920 Allen 1920 Alvin dcerts Amanda 1850 Amy 1920 Arnade? 1920 Brenice 1920 Bryan 1850 Charles 1881nws Charles 1860 Charles C. 1893nws Charles O. 1850 Clarrissa 1920 Dora 1920 Dow 1883nws Dow 1920 Eber phist Ed 1920 Eddith M 1920 Eileen 1920 Elenora phist Elias 1850 Elijah births Elisabeth 1920 Elizabeth 1920 Elizabeth 1893nws Ella M. (Sandford Curtis) 1920 Estella M dcerts Ethel 1920 Frances 1920 Frank 1920 Fred 1876nws George 1877nws George 1920 Gerald A 1920 Gut 1920 Hallie 1920 Harold R dcerts Harriet 1920 Harriett dcerts Harvey 1920 Helen 1920 Herbert 1920 Homer S 1920 Howard 1920 Ireedie 1920 James 1860 Jane 1920 Jannie 1920 Jennie 1850 John 1860 John 1893nws John phist John marr John dcerts Julia 1999q Katherine (Clearry) 1889nws Katie dcerts Laurett 1920 Lauretta 1920 Leo R phist Lloyd 1920 Lloyd W 1850 Lorenzo 1850 Mahala 1920 Mary births Mary dcerts Mayme 1903nws Mera A. 1920 Milford 1893nws Mr. 1893nws Mr. 1920 Nellie 1920 Nona H 1920 Opal G dcerts Ottie 1920 Pearl E 1920 Phyllis 1999q Quince 1903nws Quincey 1920 Rosa 1881nws Royal 1920 S. Pert. H 1850 Samuel 1920 Samuel dcerts Samuel 1920 Syldia 1920 Sylvia 1850 Thomas births Thomas dcerts Thomas marr Thomas 1862nws W. 1920 Walter E dcerts Willia 1850 William 1860 William 1920 William 1920 William births William dcerts William marr William births William C. 1920 William H Coleman family 1999q Coleman family Coleman family 2000q Coleman family Coleman 1920 Addie 1860 Alice 1860 Almena 1850 Almira 1860 Almira dcerts Alonzo 1850 Ann M. 1920 Anna/Erma E dcerts Antione 1920 Arthur 1904nws Arthur 1860 Asbury 1920 Audrey 1860 August 1920 Bernard 1998q Caroline 1920 Caroline 1920 Carrie 1920 Carrie L 1860 Catharine 1860 Charles dcerts Charles 1920 Charlotte 1920 Clarence 1920 Clifford E 1920 Cora 1878nws Craig &, --- 1879nws Craig &, --- 1920 Donald 1920 Doris/Iris 1920 Edith 1908nws Edith 1920 Edward 1850 Edward H. T. 1850 Eliza 1860 Eliza births Eliza 1860 Eliza ?. 1850 Eliza J. hrdsty Eliza M. 1998q Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1920 Elizabeth M 1850 Erastus 1860 Erastus 1878nws Erastus H. 1920 Fanny 1878nws Frances 1920 Fred 1920 Garnet 1860 George 1920 George 1893nws George dcerts George 1920 George A 1904nws George A. 1920 George F. 1920 Goldia 1850 Hannah phist Hannah 1850 Harriet births Harriet hrdsty Harriet (Williams) 1920 Harry 1920 Helen births Helen births Hellen 1850 Henry 1860 Henry wrdead Henry 1920 Howard 1860 illegible 1860 Isaac 1897nws J. E. dindx Jacob 1850 James 1860 James 1830 Jane 1840 Jane 1850 Jane 1860 Jane phist Jane 1879nws Jennie 1998q John 1820 John 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John 1920 John wrdead John dindx John 1819tx John phist John 1840 John B. 1920 John E 1850 John R. 1860 John R. wrdead John R. 1850 John W. 1860 Josaphine 1850 Joseph 1920 Josephine dcerts Katie 1920 Katie J 1850 Lamton 1885nws Laura 1920 Lena 1920 Lloyd 1860 Lois 1860 Lorain 1860 Lorania dcerts Loyd 1850 Lydia 1860 Lydia 1892nws Margaret 1850 Marion 1860 Marion 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1850 Mary J. 1860 Mina 1920 Mora 1860 Nancy 1903nws Nancy (Bailey) 1920 Naoma 1860 Nelson 1920 Nettie dcerts Nettie 1850 Perry 1850 Phoeba 1850 Phoeba 1850 Phoeba J. 1850 Rachael 1860 Rachel 1860 Rebecca 1850 Rebecca E. 1920 Richard 1920 Robert 1904nws Robert dcerts Robert 1850 Robt 1920 Roy L 1920 Ruth 1885nws Sam 1998q Samuel 1820 Samuel 1830 Samuel 1840 Samuel 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1819tx Samuel 1873nws Samuel phist Samuel 1860 Sarah 1850 Sarah E. 1920 Stewart 1860 Susan 1998q Thomas 1820 Thomas 1840 Thomas 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas dindx Thomas harris Thomas 1819tx Thomas 1879nws Thomas phist Thomas marr Thomas 1860 Thomas? 1850 Virginia 1860 Virginia 1883nws W. W. 1860 Walter 1920 Walter dcerts Walter 1850 Warren 1860 Warren 1920 Warren 1920 Will 1850 Willard 1860 Willard 1873nws Willard 1876nws Willard 1876nws Willard 1840 William 1850 William 1850 William 1920 William larkin William hrdsty William marr William 1860 Wm. 1860 Wm. B. 1920 Zelda 1904nws Zelda Colenger dcerts Amelia Coler 1860 G. 1850 Garret 1850 Hannah 1860 Hannah 1850 Jane 1850 Rabecca 1860nws Rev. Mr. 1850 Sarepta Coles 1850 Clarinda 1850 Daniel g1820 Daniel 1860 H. 1860 Joseph 1850 Lucy 1860 Malinda 1850 Nancy Colgin 1879nws William H. Colier 1861nws W. L. Collard dcerts James dcerts Kathrin dcerts Susan Collet 1884nws Mary Colley 2000q Emma Jean 2000q Helen 2000q James K. 2000q Kate (Wolfe) 2000q Mary Ellen Collier 1861nws A. J. births Joseph G. 1854nws Wesley births Wesley A. Collings marr William Collins family larkin --- 1902nws --- Collins 1897nws A. E. 1905nws Albert births Albert dcerts Albert 1850 Amanda 1860 Anna births Anna Easter 1920 Ardis M births Arthur Darrel 1893nws Carl dcerts Carrie 1860 Catharine 1850 Catharine V. 1892nws Catherine g1820 Charles 1878nws Charles 1893nws Charles births Charles G. 1850 Charles H. 1860 Charles? dcerts Claude dcerts Clyde births Dana 1860 E. 1858nws E. 1893nws Edith 1860 Edmond 2000q Edmund 1850 Edwin 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth g1820 Elizabeth dcerts Ellen 1850 Emily 1860 Emma 1850 Ezra 1860 George 1920 George R 1920 George W 2000q George W. 1920 Gladys E 1903nws H. A. 1920 Harley W 1850 Harriet 1892nws Harriet births Henry A. 1903nws Henry Albert 1920 Hollis S dcerts Ida dcerts James g1820 Jesse dcerts Jghn g1820 John 1860 Julia 1920 Lenore M dcerts Lewis 1893nws Lucy 1850 Lydia births Lydia 1851nws M. W. 1855nws M. W. 1840 Maj...d W. 1850 Major W. 1855nws Major W. 1855nws Major W. 1855nws Major W. 1850 Margaret 1860 Martha 1850 Martha A. 1893nws Marti. 1860 Mary births Mary Jane 1850 Matthias 1850 Matthias J. murray Mr. 1878nws Mrs. 1897nws Mrs. 1892nws Nancy 1920 Octa E 1840 Paul 1893nws Pearl 1850 Rachael J. 1860 Rachel? births Raymond C. dindx Robert larkin Robert phist Robert W. 1905nws Rose Freda births Rose Freda g1820 Samuel 1850 Sarah E. 1850 Susan 1920 Sybil J 1850 Thos Corwin dcerts Victori 1860 Virginia 1830 William 1840 William 1850 William 1860 Wm. Collum 1819tx John Collums 1830 Henery 1830 John Colman family larkin --- Colmer 1820 Abraham 1830 Abraham 1819tx Abraham Colored Camp Meeting 1879nws --- Colp 1850 Henry 1850 Michael 1850 Susannah Columbia Chapel 1881nws --- COLUMN HEADE dcerts S: Colvel 1840 John G. Colver 1860 Allen 1860 Bridget 1860 Chancey 1860 Edward 1860 John 1860 Julia Colvill dindx John Colville dindx John Colvin murray Charley Colwell 1850 Analiza 1909nws Andy 1850 Anna 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Franklin 1850 Gardner 1850 George 1897nws I. M. 1850 Isabell murray Jake 1840 James 1850 James 1840 John 1850 John dcerts John 1850 Joseph dcerts Louisa 1850 Lucretia 1850 Lydda births M.E. dcerts Margare 1860 Margaret births Martha 1850 Mary births Mary E. 1999q Mary Ellen 1860 Miles 1850 Samuel 1850 Sarah 1840 Sophrona 1850 Sophronia dcerts Stillbo 1840 William 1850 William 1840 William, Jr. Comans 1892nws Charity Combes 1860 Charles 1860 Derinda E. 1860 Isaac M. 1860 John W. 1860 Malisa J? 1860 Nancey 1860 W. H. Comble 1897nws Ann 1897nws Ann C. 1897nws Edward Combs 1850 * 1909nws A. G. dcerts Alvin 1860 Caroline 1850 Charles 1860 Charles 1886nws Charles 1860 Elisa 1850 Eliza 1850 Harriet 1860 Harriott 1850 James 1860 James dcerts James 1850 John 1901nws John 1860 John A. 1860 Margaret 1909nws Margaret (Entsminger) 1860 Mary 1860 Milard 1882nws Millard 1882nws Nancy (Johnson) dcerts Nellie 1850 Presley 1860 Prestley 1860 R. 1850 Robert larkin Robert fair Robert 1868nws Robert 1882nws Robert 1886nws Robert 1886nws Robert 1886nws Robert phist Robert M. 1881nws Roberts 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1860 Selene dcerts Selim dcerts Wanda Comer dcerts Isaac Comings 1860 Thomas 1860 William Comley 1860 Ann 1860 F. 1860 Patrick Commercial Bank of Scioto 1844nws --- Commercial Hotel 1893nws --- 1893nws --- 1893nws --- 1893nws --- 1908nws --- Commins 1820 George larkin George phist George 1820 John Commissioners of Land dindx Commissioners of Land Compion 1920 Haskell 1920 Laurrie 1920 Louisa 1920 Lucille 1920 May 1920 Rudolph 1920 Steve J Compson wrdead Daniel 1917nws Edward 1917nws Elisabeth 1917nws George 1917nws John 1908nws Noah 1917nws Noah wrdead Thomas Compston 1895nws Noah Compton phist Walter Comstock births Comstock 1876nws A. (Dr.) 1850 A. C. 1860 A. C. 1867nws A. J. 1867nws Acel 1860 Alvilda 1860 Andrew J. 1868nws Andrew J. marr Andrew J. births As...... 1889nws Asa marr Asahel 1850 Asel 1850 Ashel dindx Benj. 1860 C. A. 1860 C. R. 1850 Caleb 1856nws Caleb 1859nws Caleb 1850 Calvin 1856nws Calvin 1859nws Calvin 1867nws Calvin 1850 Catina 1850 Diana 1860 Diana 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1855nws Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth H. 1860 F. C. 1850 Franklin 1901nws George 1854nws H. 1850 Harrison 1860 Henry 1926nws Homer 1854nws J. 1850 Josephus 1859nws Kataran 1850 Layfaette 1850 Lucy 1850 Lucy Ann 1850 Maria 1860 Maria 1876nws Maria 1879nws Mary C. 1860 Melissa 1850 Melvina 1860 N. F. 1840 Nathan 1850 Nathan 1850 Nathan A. 1860 Nathaniel 1850 Polly 1860 Polly 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1901nws Stephen (Major) 1850 Susannah 1850 William 1850 William 1854nws William Conade 1850 George 1850 Mary Conant 1929nws Amelia (Jenkinson) 1920 Augusta dcerts Barbara 1910nws C. P. 1830 Charles 1871nws Charlotte 1889nws Charlotte 1920 Delbert R 1862nws Elias 1920 Elizabeth wrdead Ellis 1888nws Fode 1897nws Frank dcerts Freda 1920 Freda P. 1879nws George 1920 Gladys 1820 Jacob 1830 Jacob 1840 Jacob dindx Jacob 1819tx Jacob 1897nws Mary Cynthia 1883nws Mel 1920 Pauline 1830 Peter 1840 Peter dindx Peter 1897nws Walter Newell 1840 William 1889nws William 1920 William E 1876nws Zo. Conard 1860 E. 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Sarah Conaway 1850 Almira 1850 Asbury 1850 Calfensia 1850 Charles 1850 Charles W. 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Felix 1850 Francis 1850 H. George 1850 Hannah 1850 Jeremiah 1850 Mahala 1850 Mary 1850 Phineas 1850 Thomas 1850 William Conde 1850 Acy births Aleonse births Christina dcerts Elizabe h. phist George 1850 Henry 1850 Jane 1905nws Joseph births Joseph dcerts Josephi 1850 Leander dcerts William Condecker 1850 Charity 1850 Michael Condee births Alice 1861nws Ami 1867nws Ami 1879nws Asa (Dr.) 1850 Catharine 1877nws Edwin 1850 Elizabeth 1858nws H. 1877nws Hod. 1893nws Hod. 1879nws Horace 1850 Joseph 1901nws Kate 1850 Margaret births Margaret 1850 Mary 1850 Mary Ann 1855nws Mr. 1850 Nicholas 1850 Sophia Conden 1877nws H. Conder 1860 Mary Condery 1844nws Jacob Condi 1840 Joseph Condiff 1886nws J. W. 1886nws J. W. (Rev.) Condrey dcerts Iva Condy 1860 A. 1860 Ami 1860 Barbary 1860 Catharine 1860 Christenia 1860 Edwin 1860 H. dindx Henry A. 1860 J. 1860 Joseph 1862nws Joseph 1860 Laura 1860 Malessa dindx Maria F. 1860 Mary dindx Mary A. dindx S. A. dindx Saml. A. dindx Samuel A. 1860 Selinda 1860 Sophiah 1860 Susan Cone dcerts Stillbo Conely wrdead Patrick Coner 1860 Catharine 1860 Hanora 1860 M. 1860 Mary 1860 Thomas Conet 1850 Jacob 1850 Oliver Congletcn dcerts Thomas Congnenour dcerts Lydia Congo 1860 Adalaide 1860 Emily 1920 Harley dcerts Jennie 1860 John dcerts Lizzie 1860 Mary 1860 Phebe 1920 Velma Congregational Church 1888nws Pomeroy, --- Congreve 1859nws G. W. Congrove 1904nws Aaron 1920 Abner R 1920 Adelia 1920 Agnes 1850 Alex 1850 Alexander 1860 Alexander 1850 Amanda 1860 Amanda 1860 Amos 1860 Anna B. 1850 Barbara 1850 Benjamin 1921nws C. E. 1920 C.illegible dcerts Catheri dcerts Charles 1850 Columbus 1920 Cora A 1860 Cynthia 1920 Earl 1920 Edna 1860 Edward 1850 Edward T. 1860 Edwin 1850 Elias 1860 Elias 1840 Elijah 1860 Elijah 1850 Eliza 1860 Eliza 1920 Eliza V 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth births Emma 1920 Essie 1904nws Etta Inez 1860 Frances 1860 Franklin 1850 G. W. 1860 George 1920 Gordon H 1920 Grace dcerts Grace 1850 Granville 1920 Hale H. births Isaac marr Isaac 1850 James 1840 John 1850 John 1850 Julia 1860 Julia births Lacy B. 1850 Laodicea dcerts Lewis 1860 Lydia dcerts M 1850 M. J. 1920 Malinda 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1850 Margaretta 1850 Marinda 1860 Marinda 1860 Martha 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1920 Mary 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Mary E. 1850 Mary F. 1860 Melissa dcerts Myrtle 1840 Nicholas 1920 Pearl 1903nws Pearl births Percila births Percilla births Priscilla 1860 Randall 1920 Raymond J 1860 Rebecca 1850 Sally 1860 Sally 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah A. 1903nws Sidney 1860 Sophia 1850 Sophia F. 1903nws Stella Irene 1860 Susan 1860 Sylvester 1840 Thomas 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas 1850 Thornton 1860 Thornton 1850 Warren 1850 Wash 1860 Wesley 1920 Will 1850 William 1920 William 1920 Winfield 1903nws Winifield 1850 Wm 1860 Wm. Conkell births Elmer births Joseph Conkle births Alice births Allie Dell births Alonzo dcerts Annie births Ira Wakeman dcerts Jacob births James 1890nws John births John dcerts Louisa births Mary dcerts Mary births Samuel dcerts Samuel Conklin births Rachel L. births Sam'l Conkling 1886nws Mr. Conley 1862nws Charles dcerts Charles 1867nws Francis 1862nws John R. 1999q Mary Conlin births Bridget Connally 1897nws Squire Connell 1881nws Mr. 1895nws William T. Connely 1920 Anna R 1920 Ellen 1920 William 1920 William B. Conner larkin Adah (Ogden) dcerts Ahmes 1920 Charles T larkin Charlie Cookman murray Clara 1840 David 1850 David 1850 Delila 1860 Delila births Delilah T. 1881nws Dr. 1892nws Eleanor 1850 Electa 1860 Emily 1884nws Esther larkin George J. dcerts Hannah 1850 Harriet 1860 Heppa 1850 Hepphe 1840 Isaac 1850 Isaac dindx J. 1854nws J. Samantha dindx James 1819tx James phist James 1819tx James, Jr. 1850 John 1860 John larkin John 1819tx John phist John 1850 Mary 1860 Mary E. larkin Mary Susannah (Bicknell) 1850 Milton 1920 Milton dcerts Milton 1850 Nancy 1850 Narcissus murray Nettie B. 1850 Parmela 1850 Samantha 1850 Tabitha 1850 Unis 1850 Waldo 1850 William Conner? 1920 Carrie Conners dcerts James Connerton dcerts Luke Conneston dcerts Broget Connett harris Lizzie Connlly dcerts Ellen Connolly 1920 Alice 1999q Anderson 1920 Anderson 1920 Ellen 1920 Ermaline 1920 Everett 1854nws Francis 1920 Homer 1920 Joseph 1920 Lettie 1920 Martha 1999q Mary Alice (Campbell) 1920 Willie Connoly dcerts Alice Connor 1830 David dcerts Harry 1883nws Isaac 1820 James 1830 James 1820 John 1830 John 1892nws Nancy Connor? 1830 James Jr. Conor 1998q Mary Conow 1860 Lovina Conrod 1860 Albert 1860 Curtis C. 1860 Lucy A. Conroy 1920 Alice B 1920 Alice R 1920 Doris V 1920 Essie M 1920 George A 1920 George E 1920 Harry D 1883nws Hugh 1920 Jack C dcerts James 1920 James H marr Joseph 1883nws Lorena (Woodruff) 1920 Lorena D 1920 Maud H 1920 Robert W 1920 William P Cons 1840 Ether Conserve births Emma Consol 1850 Elizabeth 1840 Reuben Constable dindx John 1854nws R. E. dindx Wm. Continental Hotel 1878nws --- Contosta dcerts Mabel Convers dindx Daniel Converse 1877nws George L. Conway 1840 ? Jacob 1862nws Charles 1840 Charles W. dcerts Leroy dcerts Minnie Coo harris Roger Cood phist Richard Cook wrdead A.J. births Allen births Alma May 1850 Alonzo 1851nws Andrew 1851nws Andrew 1850 Ann 1920 Anna 1850 Arminda 1850 Arthur births Bell births Belle 1854nws Britian 4thInf Britton wrdead Britton J. 1998q Carrie 1860 Charles 1851nws Charles W. 1850 Chloe 1860 Clarinda 1860 Clarisa 1999q Clarissa (Wood) births Cora Ellen g1820 Cornelius 1860 David dcerts Don 1920 Dorothy 1850 Edward 1893nws Edward 1850 Edwin births Edwin dcerts Edwin 1850 Eliza dcerts Eliza dcerts Elizabe 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1902nws Elizabeth 1855nws Elizabeth (Grow) 1850 Ellen 1883nws Ellen 1920 Elmer 1920 Emma 1920 Emma L 1850 Esther dindx Farhand H. murray Finley E. births Flora 1862nws G. W. 1850 George 1920 George 1905nws George 1893nws H. H. 1887nws Hamer 1860 Hannah 1999q Hannah (Enochs) dcerts Harvey 1920 Helen dcerts Henriet 1920 Hildred harris Homer 1893nws Homer 1850 Hugh harris Hugh R. harris Hugh Y. larkin Irene (Hodge) 1856nws Isabella 1877nws J. M. 1879nws J. M. 1881nws J. M. 1882nws J. M. 1883nws J. M. 1840 Jacob 1850 Jacob 1855nws Jacob 1856nws Jacob harris James dcerts James 1901nws James R. 1904nws James T. 1920 Jennie E 1850 John 1860 John births John 1840 Joseph births Joseph dcerts Josephi 1860 Josiah births Josiah 1855nws Lanson B. 1920 Lela 1920 Lod dcerts Lod dcerts Loretta 1850 Lucinda 1878nws Lucinda births Lucinda births Lucy dcerts Margare 1860 Margaret 1850 Maria 2001q Martha 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1998q Mary Abigale 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Mary Ann births Mary J. 1901nws Merrill births Mertya S. 1850 Miles 1917nws Miles murray Miles Mrs. births Mina M. marr Minter S. 1862nws N. C. larkin Nancy larkin Nancy 1877nws Nancy dcerts Nathani 1999q Nathanial 1920 Nathaniel births Nathaniel 1897nws Nellie C. dcerts Newton births Ninna dindx R. G. 1850 Rachael 1820 Richard 1830 Richard larkin Richard larkin Richard 1819tx Richard 1877nws Richard phist Richard 1850 Rolando 1920 Rosa dcerts Rosa dcerts Russel 1850 Russell larkin Russell births Russell 1830 Russell G. dindx Russell G. 1877nws Russell G. 1892nws Russell G. 1920 Ruth 1850 Sally larkin Sally (Miles) 1920 Samuel phist Samuel 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1850 Sophia births Sophia dcerts Stillbo n. 1860 Susan 1850 Susannah 1920 Theodore 1905nws Theodore Franklin births Velavia 1920 Velma murray Viola 1901nws Waldo 1850 Walter births Walter 1920 Walter G murray Warner J. (Peyton) 1860 Warren G. 1999q Warren Josephus 1820 William 1840 William 1850 William 1860 William murray William harris William 1819tx William 1867nws William phist William dcerts William dcerts Willian 1860 Wm. dindx Wm. 1840 Worrick 1840 Zubell G. Cook? 1860 Mabel ?. Cooke 1897nws Dr. Cooley Home harris --- Cooley 1860 A. 1999q Adaline (Chapman) 1819tx Asael larkin Asahel 1820 Asalarl phist Asel births Betsey H. larkin Buckingham dindx Caleb 1901nws Clara 1850 Edwin 1878nws G. W. 1860 George 1889nws George W. 1850 Harvey 1999q Henrietta 1850 Herbert M. 1860 Isaac 1860 Jane 1850 Kate 1860 Louisa 1999q Lycurgus 1999q Marha 1850 Martha larkin Mary (Parker) 1850 Milton 1855nws Milton 1856nws Milton harris Mr. harris Phil 1850 Rollen 1860 Salia 1920 Sarah A 1920 William R E Coombs 1851nws Eliza 1858nws Joseph J. 1876nws R. Coon 1840 George cmarr Henry 1860 Jacob 4thInf Jacob 1860 Martha 1889nws Mellie 1860 Samuel 1860 Sarah 1889nws Spence 1860 Susan Coone dcerts Michael Cooner Family harris --- Cooney 1897nws --- Cooper and Allen 1876nws --- Cooper family 1902nws --- Cooper births Cooper 1850 * C. 1876nws ?. W. g1820 Abraham dindx Abraham larkin Abraham 1830 Abram dindx Abram murray Adaline 1850 Adam 1920 Adella 1920 Alfred H. 2001q Alice 1850 Alice births Alonzo 1850 Amanda births Amanda dcerts Amanida dcerts Bert 1850 Betsey Jane 1860 C. 1850 Caroline 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine 1860 Catharine 1920 Charles dcerts Charles births Charles G. marr Charles W. 1850 Clarinda 1860 Daniel W. 1820 David 1830 David larkin David 1819tx David phist David 1876nws Dill 1862nws Donnally & Co, --- 1876nws E. N. 1886nws E. N. 1888nws E. N. 1897nws E. N. 1850 Ealira 1850 Edwin 1860 Edwin phist Edwin N. 1860 Elisabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1893nws Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth A. 1902nws Emma births Esther R. 1850 Eve 1889nws F. C. births F. M. 1850 Francis 1860 Francis C. 1860 Frank 1860 G. W. 1851nws G. W. 1861nws G. W. 1873nws G. W. 1876nws G. W. 1878nws G. W. phist G. W. births Garnett D. 1850 Garret 1850 Geo. W. dindx Geo. W. larkin Geo. W. 1850 George 1890nws George dcerts George 1840 George W. 1860 George W. larkin George W. 1867nws George W. 1867nws George W. 1889nws Gibb 1920 Gibson C 1887nws Gideon 1860 H. 1860 Henry H. harris Homer births Homer Everett births Ida 1860 Ida Ann births Ida F. 1850 Isaac N. births Isabella 1902nws J. D. 1893nws J. M 1860 J. M. 1873nws J. M. 1875nws J. M. 1875nws J. M. 1893nws J. M. 1897nws J. M. 1875nws J. M. (Captain) 1875nws J. M. L. 1871nws J. P. 1860 Jacob 1850 James 1850 James 1860 James 1890nws James 1893nws James births James 1840 James M. 1860 James M. 1844nws James M. 1895nws James M. fair James M. (Mrs.) 1901nws Joe Andy 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John wrdead John M. 1860 John T. 1893nws Joseph B. marr Joseph B. 1860 Julia 1879nws Julia O. 1860 Kate 1875nws L. O. 1893nws L. O. 1897nws L. O. 1850 Lemuel 1860 Lena C. 1892nws Leonard 1850 Lewis 1860 Lewis 1920 Lewis 4thInf Lewis dcerts Lewis 1895nws Lewis O. 1850 Liberty 1893nws Lou 1897nws Lou 1860 Lucey 1850 Lucy 1850 Lucy 1902nws Lucy (Branch) 1889nws Lucy L. 1902nws Madison phist Madison larkin Margaret (Wetzel) 1999q Margeret 1850 Marion 1850 Marsetta 1850 Marshal 1850 Martha 1850 Martha 1860 Martha 1860 Martha 1877nws Martha births Martha M. 1860 Mary 1875nws Mary dcerts Mary 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Mary E. 1860 Mary E. 1860 Matilda 1920 Mettie E births Minnie births Minnie B. births Minnie E. 1878nws Mr. 2000q Nancy A. 1887nws Nettie (Roush) births Perry 1850 Persis 1860 Persis E. 1860 Persis O. larkin Persis O. larkin Persis O. (Blackstone) 1860 Peter C. 1840 R...... 1840 Reuben 1850 Reuben dindx Reuben 1850 Riley 1855nws Rueben 1920 Sadie 1830 Samuel 1840 Samuel 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1873nws Samuel 1892nws Samuel marr Samuel 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah L. births Sarah L. 1840 Sophia 1850 Sophia 1860 Sophia phist Sophia 1850 Susan 1893nws Sybil 1893nws Sybil 1897nws Sybil births Thomas 1860 Thomas J. 1850 Van Ranseller 1850 Vincent 1876nws Vincent 1903nws Vincent births Virgie 1860 W. H. 1850 William 1850 William 1877nws William 1854nws William H. 1862nws William H. 1877nws William H. Coopers 1855nws G. W. Coosman 1860 John Copas 1850 Aaron 1850 Atha 1850 Betsey 1850 Henry 1850 John 1850 Lucy Ann 1850 Mary 1850 Matilda 1850 Nancy 1850 Phebe 1850 Sevilla 1850 Thomas Copeland 1862nws Charles harris Dr. 1882nws Dr. harris Harvey g1820 Samuel 1887nws T. A. (Dr.) Copen dcerts Clinton 1903nws H. C. C. 1903nws Howard Blair hrdsty Luther C. hrdsty Margaret (Spencer) hrdsty Mary C. dcerts William Copline 1860 C. 1860 Eliza Coppage 1860 Elizabeth 1850 Jane 1850 John 1860 John 1860 Mehala 1860 Selesta J. 1860 William M. Copper 1855nws Elizabeth 1855nws Estella Washington 1878nws G. W. 1878nws Percie 1855nws William H. Corban 1873nws James H. Corben 1893nws Charles 1893nws Charles dcerts Charles 1893nws Robert dcerts Virgini marr William H. Corbett 1860 Ann 1860 Daniel 1860 Hannah 1855nws Hannah Jane (Morse) 1860 Hiram 1860 Mary 1860 Rebecca 1860 Rosetta 1855nws William C. 1862nws William C. 1860 Wm. Corbin 1860 Almeta 1855nws Benjamin 1860 Charles harris Charles 1860 Harriett 1904nws Helen V. 1860 Hellen 1860 J. H. 1860 Mary 1904nws Robert B. 1860 Virginia wrdead William C. 1860 Wm Corby 1889nws John Corcoran wrdead Henry Cord births Mary E. Corge? 1860 Elizabeth Corgliton 1860 Martha Corken 1860 George Corkin 1840 James Corley 1851nws Catherine Cormack g1820 James Cormish 1820 Abraham Corn 1920 Dora dcerts Emily phist Flora dcerts George 1920 Harold 1883nws Jasper phist Jasper 1920 Jennie 1920 Ruth E 1920 Wilder L 1920 Wilder L. phist Will 1830 William 1892nws William marr Willliam Cornahon dcerts John Cornel g1820 Daniel g1820 Elias g1820 Henry g1820 John Cornelius 1850 Alfred 1860 Branch 1860 Charles 1860 Emily Cornell 2000q Alfred B. 2001q Alfred B. dcerts Alma 1920 Anna M 1850 Ansley 1850 Aurilia births B. 2000q Beni. F. 2001q Beni. F. 1860 Charles 1920 Charles E 1920 Charles W 1850 Christena 1860 Christiana births Clara B. 1850 Corina 1860 Cornelia births Corrina 1850 Daniel 1860 Daniel W. births David 1920 Dorthy V 1902nws Dr. 1920 Ella Lucretia 1850 Emily 1860 Emily 1850 Francis 1881nws G. W. births George 2000q George W. 2001q George W. 1850 Harriet 1850 Henrietta 2000q Herbert 2001q Herbert 2000q Horace 2001q Horace 1904nws J. W. 1860 James 1920 James M 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1893nws John phist John (Dr.) 2000q John E. 2001q John E. 1860 Josiah 1920 Laura B 2000q Lilly Rose 2001q Lilly Rose 1860 Lorania 1850 Lydda 1860 Lydia 2000q Malni 2001q Malni 1860 Margaret A. 1850 Margret 1881nws Marion Asbury 1860 Marvin 1881nws Mary A. 2000q Mary A. (Lindsey) 2001q Mary A. (Lindsey) births Nora 2000q Omer 2001q Omer 1860 Permelia births R. W. births Robert dcerts Robert 1850 Russell 1860 Russell births Samantha 1860 Sarah dcerts Stillbo 1904nws Veva 1860 Virginia 1893nws William O. Corner 1819tx James dcerts Wilhelm Cornet 1850 Charles 1850 Charlotte 1850 Elizabeth 1850 William Cornich 1840 John Cornil 1860 Agnes 1860 Jessy 1860 R. Cornish 1830 Abraham 1819tx Abraham Corns 1883nws Jasper 1840 William Cornton g1820 John Cornwell harris Charles A. 1893nws Cora 1850 Cynthia harris D. C. harris David 1876nws Eliza R. 1890nws Etolle V. births Ettie V. harris Foster harris Frank harris Fred 1860 G. 1850 George harris George A. 1850 Goldsmith 1876nws Goldsmith harris Harold harris J. G. 1862nws J. G. 1889nws J. G. 1890nws J. G. 1850 James births James H. 1850 James M. 1850 John harris John 1879nws John G. 1881nws John G. births John G. 1819tx Joseph 1840 Joshua 1850 Josiah 1850 L. 1850 Martha 1892nws Mary births Mary births Mary Matilda 1830 Phebe G. harris Phoebe Goldsmith 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1892nws Sarah 1850 Virginia harris Walter harris William Cornwill 1830 Sarah Correl g1820 Jonas Correy 1860 Anna S. 1860 Isabelle 1860 Johor R. 1860 Mary 1860 R. Corry 1862nws William Cort 1866nws Isaac 1840 John wrdead John 1859nws John Corter g1820 Elijah Cortin g1820 John Cortney 1860 E. 1860 Margaret Corture 1850 Charlotte 1850 John 1850 Levi 1850 Peter Coruthers dcerts Thomas Corwell 1850 Amanda 1850 Corrina 1850 James Corwin dcerts Edward harris Thomas 1902nws Tom Cory g1820 Samuel Coschroe births Anna M. Coshew 1893nws Abijah 1893nws Harrison Davis Cosk 1850 William Cossin dcerts George dcerts Margare Costen 1850 Harriet Ann Coterells 1868nws A. Cothath 1860 Bosten 1860 Catharine 1860 Jacob 1860 Joseph 1860 Peter 1860 Ryana Cotrell g1820 Edward g1820 Elijah Cotrill 1920 Alta 1920 Beulah 1920 Henry murray Henry 1920 Leuan? 1920 Mary 1920 Thelman 1920 Wallie 1920 Wilson Cots 1856nws Mrs. Cottageville cemetery 1917nws --- Cottel marr Jefferson Cotter 1855nws Matthias Cotteral 1850 Andrew 1850 Ashial 1850 Austin 1850 Barbara 1850 Druzilla 1850 Eliza 1850 Emily 1850 George 1850 Henry 1850 James 1850 Joanna 1850 John 1850 Margret 1850 Mary 1850 Nimrod 1850 Thompson 1850 Willard 1850 William Cotterell 1830 Henry Cotterill 1920 Alpha 1920 Alpha D 1920 Alvia(female) 1920 Andronicus 1897nws David dcerts Ellen dcerts Enwin dcerts Labora 1920 Lauretta L dcerts Smith Cotterrell murray John Cottle births Amanda births Amanda A. births Arvillo 1920 Caroline 1920 Delmar births Delmar births Delmer dcerts Delmer births Edward 1850 Frances M. 1840 Jefferson 1850 Jefferson births Luther R. 1879nws M. M. births Nathan L. 1850 William Cottles 1860 Ellmore 1860 F. J. 1860 Fanny 1860 Henderson 1860 Jefferson Cotton larkin Lucy g1820 Luther Cottrall 1860 Alvinetta 1860 Andrew 1860 Barbria 1860 Caroline 1860 Charles ? 1860 Davis 1860 Druzilla 1860 Eliza 1860 Henry 1860 Henry T. 1860 Jane 1860 John R. 1860 Martha L. 1860 Mary 1860 Mary E. 1860 Milton 1860 Nimrod 1860 Phidelia 1860 Thompson 1860 Tirzah 1860 William 1860 William C. 1860 Willson? Cottrell 1893nws Dron 1850 Elias 1850 Elizabeth J. 1850 Granderson 1851nws Grandson dcerts Henry 1850 Hilah M. 1850 Jonathan J. 1850 Watson Cottril dcerts Dorothy Cottrill dcerts Aldia dcerts Carl 1883nws Charles L. 1998q Clarence Lee 1889nws Elijah 1920 Emma dcerts Emma 1920 Emma E births G. W. 1873nws H. L. 1920 Hattie dcerts Henry births Howard births Jno. W. 1887nws L. C. 1883nws Lester 1998q Mabel Annie (Ward) dcerts Margare births Martha 1920 Pearle 1904nws Purle 1873nws Samaria (Jones) 1920 Thomas dcerts Tirzah 1873nws W. 1904nws W. C. 1920 Wesley 1873nws William births William 1877nws William C. 1920 Woods Couch 1820 Firman dindx Firman phist Firman dindx Furman phist Jonathan Coudery dcerts Bertha dcerts Carrie dcerts Mariah Coudrey 1998q Harriet Coughenour 1893nws D. harris David harris Isaiah 1893nws J. M. 1893nws J. M. harris Jacob harris John 1893nws Joseph dcerts Melissa 1893nws Minnie Coughnour dcerts Alexand Coulson 1920 John harris Nancy Coulter 1850 Abraham 1850 George 1850 Hannah murray Harold 1850 John phist Maria 2002q Mary 1890nws R. H. (Rev.) 1850 Warren wrdead Warren 1850 Westly Coultrap 1889nws M. W. 1889nws M. W. Councilman Robbins 1897nws --- County Infirmary 1903nws --- Couplin 1850 Biddle 1850 John 1850 Magdalana 1850 Margret 1850 Peter 1850 Susannah Courhenour 1893nws J. J. Court House 1876nws --- Court 1850 Barbara 1850 Catharine 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Frederic 1850 Hannah 1850 Isaac 1850 John 1850 John 1850 Margaret 1850 Susannah Courtlaud harris George Courtney wrdead Adolphus harris William Courtould harris George Cousin dcerts George Cousins 1850 Ann 1850 Anna 1850 Benjamin dcerts Dorthy 1850 Elizabeth dcerts Francis 1850 Harrison 1850 Harvey 1860 Henry 1850 Jefferson 1860 John 1850 Jonathan 1850 Judy 1860 Lucy A. 1860 Mary 1860 Moris dcerts Morris 1860 Nancy 1850 Patsey 1860 Robert 1850 Sam 1850 Samuel 1850 Sarah 1860 Thomas 1850 William 1860 William Couvade 1860 George 1860 Nancy 1860 Sarah A. Cover? 1840 Susan Covert dcerts Benjami 1893nws Clara 1897nws Ella 1920 Gerald V 1920 Herbert E Jr. 1920 Herbert E 1920 Mattie 1920 Sarah F dcerts Stillbo 1897nws W. A. B. Covet 1889nws Brown Covets 1850 Barbara 1850 John 1850 Marietta Covey 1854nws C. C. Cow??an 1881nws James Cowan 1885nws Enos dcerts Flora 1860 Sidney Cowdary dindx Ethan Cowden 1893nws George Cowdery & Haning 1882nws --- Cowdery 1897nws A. W. 1901nws A. W. phist A. W. 1860nws Abagail O. 2000q Achsah R. 1920 Albert 1860 Alice dcerts Anthony 1860 Anthony W. 1860 Aran? 1860 Arius 1860 Arthur phist Augusta larkin Betsy (Simpson) 1860nws C. B. 1920 Callie hrdsty Caroline (Parker) 1860 Catharine 1920 Cecil 1860 Cerina 1860 Charles B. 1860 Charlotte 1903nws Claude 1820 Cyrus 1830 Cyrus dindx Cyrus larkin Cyrus 1904nws D. M. dcerts David 1920 David M 1860 David M. dcerts Dona 1920 Earl 1904nws Earle Kenneth 1860 Edward 1920 Edward 1920 Elizabeth larkin Ella Frances 1920 Ellen 1920 Ellen/Eileen 1860 Ellory 1920 Elmer larkin Emeline (Larkin) 1850 Emeline L. dcerts Emma harris Equire 1820 Ethan 1830 Ethan dindx Ethan larkin Ethan 1819tx Ethan 1920 Fred 1860 Frederic 1921nws G. W. 1850 Geo W. 1920 George 1867nws George W. 1873nws George W. marr George W. 1920 Gladys 1920 Gordon 1920 Harold 1860 Harriet 1903nws Heeman 1920 Herman 1904nws Herman 1920 Ina M 1920 Ira larkin Isaac A. marr Isaac A. 1850 Isaac E. 1887nws J. A. 1887nws J. A. 1820 Jacob 1830 Jacob 1860 Jacob dindx Jacob larkin Jacob larkin Jacob larkin Jacob 1819tx Jacob 1892nws Jacob phist Jacob 1860 Jacob A. 1830 Jacob Jr. dindx Jacob Jr. dindx Jacob Jun. 1889nws Jake 1920 Jana/Zana 1820 Joel dindx Joel larkin Joel larkin Joel 1892nws Joel 1892nws Joel phist Joel dindx Joel Jr. 1850 John F. 1860 John W. 1860 Josaphine 1860 Josiah dindx Jowel 1920 Kibble 1920 Lawrence 1903nws Lawrence H. 1920 Linnie 1860 Livina dindx Lois 1860 Louisa 1860 Lydia A. 1860 Maria 1920 Mariah dcerts Marjori 1920 Marjorie 1892nws Martha 1850 Martha A. 1920 Mary E 1860 Mary M. 1920 Maud births Melissa 1860 Melville 1920 Minnie M 1892nws Nancy 1920 Nellie L 1920 Nelson phist Nelson 1920 Nettie 1860 Olive 1920 Olive 1893nws Polly 1920 Rex D 1920 Riley 1920 Rosa 1830 Roswell dindx Roswell 1920 Ruth 1920 Sarah 1860 Sarah A. 1830 Sardo 1850 Susan 1921nws W. M. 1920 Wayne dcerts William 1850 Wm. H. Cowdery, 1892nws Sarah Cowdrey births H. births Harriet dcerts M Cowdry dindx Cowdry births Cowdry 1850 Abagail 1850 Alles 1850 Anthony 1850 Aream? 1850 Arius 1850 Arthur 1850 Augusta 1850 Betsy 1850 Charles 1840 Charles B. 1850 Charlotte 1850 Cyrena dindx Cyrus 1850 David 1850 Dow births E. E. 1850 Electa births Elmer Ellswort 1840 Ethan 1850 George 1840 George W. 1850 Harriet 1840 Isaac A. births J. A. 1840 Jacob 1850 Jacob 1850 Josephine 1850 Josiah 1850 Lovina 1850 Lucticia 1850 Lydda 1850 Margret 1850 Mary 1850 Mela 1850 Melville 1850 Nelson 1840 Nelson E. 1850 Olive 1892nws Roswell marr Roswell 1850 Samantha 1892nws Squire Cowell harris Ann Cowen 1860 Adalaide phist Ann harris Anne phist Bernice phist Diademia (Jones) 1998q Dorchester Earl 1883nws E. T. phist Edward phist Enos 1850 George 1860 George 1860 George fair George harris George phist George 1860 Hannah 1860 James phist Jennie 1860 John M. 1998q Leroy phist Leroy 1885nws Lester phist Lester phist Liza (Lide) 1860 Marion 1860 Mary 1860 Mary dcerts Mary 1850 Mills 1860 Mills 1860 Minerva 1860 Sophia 1883nws Sophia 1850 Sophronia 1860 Thomas 1850 William 1860 Wm. 1860 Wm. Cowey births Anna M. births George dcerts Isabell births John G. dcerts Mary 1862nws Robert births Sarah Cowie 1883nws --- 1881nws Celia (Hysell) 1920 Gerald R 1920 Helen M 1881nws James R. 1893nws Jimmie 1920 John 1913nws John 1920 Lillian R 1920 May B 1920 Oma M dcerts Raymond 1920 Raymond G dcerts Robert 1881nws Stanley 1920 Violet G 1906nws W. S. Cowles 1893nws Max Cowley births Barrlet births Thomas Cowner 1893nws Isaac Cowrey births John George Cox 1856nws --- 1850 Annes 1850 Charles 1850 Ebenezer 1860 Edwin births Eliza 1850 Emily harris George W. 1850 Henry 1830 John 1850 John dindx John 1889nws Joseph (Judge) 1850 Julia 1860 Lilly 1850 Martha births Martha 1850 Mary 1850 William 1850 William Cox? 1860 Emily 1860 Henry 1860 Julia 1860 Julia H? 1860 Wm. Coy 1850 Alezu wrdead Austin births Cath. births Catherine 1830 Christopher 1840 Christopher 1850 Christopher 1859nws Christopher 1920 Clair 1871nws Clara 1850 Elisy 1850 Elizabeth 1920 Fannie 1850 George 1920 George 1850 Hannah 1840 Henry 1920 Iva M 1920 Jack D 1850 James 2002q Jennetta R. wrdead John 1850 Jonathan 1920 Lenore M 1850 Levi births Martha 1850 Mary 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 2000q Susanna 2001q Susanna 1850 Tabitha 1920 Tom 1820 William 1850 William 1819tx William Cozart births Alva Austin 1905nws Alvin Austin 1850 Betsey births Chas Cecil births Chas. W. births Clara Roxey births Clarence Ed births Cora A. births Cora Annetta births Cora Francis births Dora El. 1850 Elizabeth births Elizabeth births Ella R. births Esther E. births Eunice Caucide births George Percy births Goldie May births H. D. births H. T. births H.V. births Harvi births Hazael births Hester births Hobart Olef births Howard Spencer births Irena births J. R. births J. W. 1895nws John births John births John W. 1904nws Joseph births Joseph births L. G. 1850 Lafayette 1840 Levi 1850 Levi births Lewis S. births Louisa M. births Lydia May births M. S. dcerts Marcia 1920 Mary S.Tudie births Maywood 1921nws Mrs. dcerts Nancy births Naoma births Pearl births Perry Edwin births R. I. 1850 Rale births Robert Earley 1920 Robert H births Rosco births Sarah births Sarah Belle births Sarah Estella births Uriah births Uriah C. 1905nws W. C. births W. C. births William Clayto 1904nws William Gurtha births Wm Gurtha Cozert marr Lafayette Cozzens 1897nws Robert Crabtree 1920 Anna 1998q Beulah (Galaway) 1920 Charles S 1920 John K 1920 Kenneth R 1920 Margarietta dcerts Stillbo 1910nws W. W. (Rev.) Craft 1904nws Elizabeth Sarah 1904nws George Craggs 1860 A. 1860 Ann 1860 Elisabeth J. 1860 Francis 1879nws Francis 1862nws Frank 1860 John 1860 Mary 1860 R. 1862nws Robert 1860 Thomas Craig & Coleman 1878nws --- 1879nws --- Craig family 1998q Craig family Craig 1850 Catharine 1887nws E. W. 1860 Edward hrdsty Edward W. phist Edward W. 1859nws Eliza 1867nws Eliza hrdsty Eliza M. (Coleman) dcerts Ella hrdsty Elmer C. 1850 James 1840 John 1850 John 1858nws John 1860 Lydia hrdsty Lydia C. (Brickell) 1850 Margrt hrdsty Marion B. 1850 Mary 1855nws Robert 1860 Sarah 1859nws Sarah A. 1867nws Sarah A. harris T. H. 1893nws T. H. 1850 William hrdsty William 1855nws William 1881nws William 1881nws William hrdsty William E. 1860 Wm. Cram dindx Jonathan Crambett 1860 Abigail 1860 Martha 1860 Samuel Crameer births Blanche Cramer 1920 Alberta B 1920 Alice E 1920 Alvira E births Blanche 1920 Eva 1897nws Frank B. (Rev.) 1920 Garnet E 1897nws Henry W. g1820 James births Margra 1920 Vergie 1920 Will Cramlet 1920 Ada 1920 Charles dcerts Charles 1920 Hazel dcerts Hazel 1920 Minnie dcerts Minnie 1920 Omer 1920 Ora dcerts Samuel dcerts William Cramlett dcerts William Crance/Crauce 1920 John Crandall 1820 Gardner 1854nws L. A. 1854nws Lyman A. Crandenburg 1862nws Adam Crandle Run 1889nws --- Crandles harris --- Cranger 1854nws Lizzie Cranmer 1820 Daniel 1819tx Daniel dindx Danl. Crans dcerts Charles Cranshaw 1876nws James Cranston harris Bishop Earl harris Earl 1877nws Earl 1893nws Earl (Rev.) harris James harris Martha harris Mary 1893nws Monte 1893nws Monte 1885nws Montie 1890nws Rev. Dr. Crarey 1860 Archibald 1860 Cynthia 1860 Eunice 1860 James 1860 Lodwick 1860 Lydia 1860 Mary Crary 1850 Anne A. 1876nws Arch. 1850 Arche dindx Archibald 1893nws Charles 1893nws Charles 1893nws Charles A. 1893nws Clara 1893nws Clara 1893nws Doctor 1850 Eunice 1893nws Eunice 1877nws J. M. 1850 James 1867nws James phist James larkin John dcerts John 1897nws L. C. 1893nws L. U. 1893nws L. U. 1893nws L. U. 1893nws L. U. 1893nws L. U. dcerts Lodowic 1850 Louisa 1850 Lydia phist Mary E. 1905nws Mary France dcerts Melissa 1883nws Milissa 1871nws Molly 1893nws Mr. 1850 Saml 1905nws Thomas F. Craus 1903nws Charles 1903nws Evelyn Mae Craven 1871nws Calvin Crawford's building 1854nws --- Crawford 1850 Abraham 1860 Anna 1920 Annie dcerts Annora 1850 Celina 1840 Charles 1850 Charles 1850 Charles 1850 Charles phist Col. William 1860 David births David 1850 David W. 1860 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Ellen 1850 Ephraim 1850 Florence 1856nws Franciana dcerts Francis 1860 George 1860 George W. 1860 Hanna 1850 Harriet 1850 Henry marr James H. 1860 John 1856nws John 1856nws John S. 1860 John W. murray Jonn 1850 Joseph dcerts Joseph 1850 Joseph W. 1840 Joshua 1850 Margaret 1850 Maria 1860 Mariah births Martha Onied 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1850 Mary E. births Mary E. births Mary Elizabe 1860 Mary J. 1850 Melinda births Michael Otis 1850 Nancy 1850 Nathaniel 1920 Otis 1860 Phebe 1855nws Phebe births Reuben births Reuben H. 1860 Roby 1877nws S. O. 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1840 Sarah 1913nws Sarah 1850 T. O. 1860 T. O. 1855nws T. O. births Vira May 1850 William marr William B. 1856nws William H. 1876nws William H. Crawley & Johnston 1897nws --- Creamens dcerts Wanneta Creamer dcerts Jacob dcerts Jennie Creary 1866nws Archibald Cree 2000q Sarah Creek 1844nws Edwin Creel 1887nws Mr. Creely marr Joseph Crees g1820 Henry Creger dcerts Eli dcerts Lula Creighton 1851nws Bessie Mead 1851nws Charles R. 1851nws Elizabeth R. dcerts Harry Cremean dcerts Unamed Cremeans dcerts Cliffo dcerts Margare Cremens 1861nws Henry Crenshaw dcerts Delly 1920 Dolly J 1920 Fred D. 1920 Fred Jr. 1920 Mattie dcerts Mattie dcerts William Crescent Coal and Salt Works 1878nws --- Crescent Iron Works 1881nws --- Crescent Iron works 1881nws --- Crescent Iron Works 1881nws --- 1881nws --- Cresley 1860 Chas 1860 Daniel 1860 Emeline 1860 Mary C. 1860 Robt 1860 Sarah J. 1860 Wm Cressip 1889nws Pleasant Crew 1920 Alfred E dcerts Alma 1897nws Bertha dcerts Celesti births Clara Edna 1920 Janet B 1920 Kate L 1897nws Nellie 1920 Robert dcerts Robert births Sampson 1862nws Sol 1920 Vada Crichton 1876nws Kate Cridner 1860 Catharine 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Filmen 1860 Henrietta 1860 Louisa 1860 Martin 1860 Mathew Crieder 1860 E. 1860 Julia A. 1860 Mary E. Crife 1860 D. D. Crim dcerts John Crimeanes dcerts Sylvest Crimins g1820 Willis Crippen harris --- 1850 Adelia 1850 Amos 1850 E. S. 1850 Elvira 1850 Emma harris Hiram harris Judge Crips 1860 Alfous 1860 Easter 1860 Nancey 1860 Saylor 1860 William Criss 1850 Alfonzo 1850 Amspoken 1850 David dcerts Edna 1850 Esther 1850 George 1850 Hannah 1850 Henry 1860 Joseph 1850 Margaret 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1860 Michael 1850 Nancy 1860 Philip 1860 Ragena 1850 Reason 1850 Sarah dcerts Sarah 1850 William 1866nws William 1867nws William 1867nws William 1868nws William 1873nws William Cristy 1861nws J. W. Crock 1820 David Crofferd 1854nws Joannah Crofoot 1860 Charles 1850 F. M. 1860 Florilla 1860 Francis M. 1860 Franklin 1860 G. 1850 Geo M. 1862nws George 1850 Harriet 1860 Harriet 1862nws Harriet 1855nws Harriet L. 1855nws L. S. 1855nws Leverett S. 1855nws Leverett S. 1850 S. S. 1850 W. W. 1860 Westley Croll 1850 Esther 1830 John 1840 John 1844nws John Crombaker 1860 David 1860 Emily 1860 Mary M. Cromford births Mary E. births Sarah Marill births William C. Cromlet 1860 Anna 1860 Catharine 1860 Charles 1860 Eliza 1860 George W. 1860 Henry 1860 Mary 1860 Nancy J. 1860 Samuel 1860 Sarah Cromley 1893nws George Cromwell 1856nws Eliza (Davenport) 1856nws George J. Cronder 1862nws Gotleb Cronen 1860 Daniel 1860 Jerry 1860 Jessy 1860 John 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary 1860 Mary A. 1860 Michall 1860 Owen Cronon 1862nws Jeremiah Crons 1860 A. Crook phist Gen. George 1855nws William Crooke 1920 Amos 1840 William Crooks family 1999q Crooks family Crooks 1859nws A. Q. 1897nws Alex 1850 Alexander 1850 Alexander 1920 Alexander S 1850 Alonzo 1860 Alonzo 1850 Andrew 1860 Andrew 1998q Andrew J. 1998q Andrew Jackson 2000q Andrew Jackson phist C. M. 2000q Charles 1860 Elena 1850 Elizabeth 1920 Ella E 1850 Elleanor 2000q Elsie 1998q Elsie M. 1920 Gladys M 1850 Hannah 1875nws Hannah 2000q Herbert 1850 James 1860 James 1850 Jane 1920 Jennie B 1850 John 1860 John 1862nws John 1850 Joseph 1862nws Joseph 1893nws Julia A. 1920 Lura N 1850 Lydia dcerts Mary 1850 Mary J. 1920 Mary M 1920 Mildred V 2000q Mitchell 1920 Myrtle B 1850 Nancy 1860 Nancy A. marr Orastis 1892nws Oratio N. 1920 Orville A 1850 Samuel 1850 Sarah 1998q Sarah (Nease) 1850 Sarah C. 1998q Sarah E. (Nease) 2000q Sarah Elizabeth (Nease) 1998q Sarah Elizabeth (Niece) 1850 Thomas 1860 W. 1998q William 1830 William 1850 William 1850 William 1862nws William 1892nws William 1893nws William 1860 Wm. dindx Wm. Crop 1830 Lucius marr Lucius Crosbey 1850 Jane Crosbie 1897nws --- births ? Ellen births Albert 1883nws Anna births Augusta M. births Charles births Corella births Daniel L. 1900nws Doctor births Edward 2001q Elizabeth 1897nws George 2001q Homer 2001q James phist James births James 2001q Jane 2001q Jeanette 2001q Jeannette (McMaster) 2001q John births Lene 2001q Lennox births Lennox births Lenox 2001q Mary 1885nws Mrs. 2001q Peter 1862nws Peter births Peter births Susan 2001q Susannah births Susannah 2001q Thomas 1856nws Thomas 2001q Thomas (Jr.) 2001q William wrdead William B. Crosby 1860 Anna births Charles Garfie 1866nws Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Francis 1850 Homer 1850 James 1893nws James 1850 Jane 1850 Jeanette births Jennie Ellen 1850 John 1850 Lennox 1893nws Leonard 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1879nws Mary 1860 P. 1850 Peter 1850 Susannah 1850 Thomas births Thomas births Thos. 1850 Wm Crosby. 1871nws Eliza Cross' mill larkin --- Cross mill 1887nws --- Cross larkin Adaline (Miles) 1920 Addie 1920 Addie? 1920 Amanda C. 1860 Anna 1920 Anna 1850 Anne 1850 Anne 1913nws B. E. 1920 Ben H 1850 Benjamin 1860 Benjamin 1920 Carl b 1904nws Carl Batey 1920 Charles Joseph phist Clara (Philson) 1860 Clementine 1850 Clemmy murray Cora 1920 Cora M 1897nws D. B. 1904nws D. B. 1920 Dana C 1913nws David dcerts David 1920 David B 1850 David B. larkin David B. 1877nws Davis 1920 Dilon 1920 Dorothy F 1860 E. phist Eber 1920 Edith M 1920 Edward 1850 Edwin harris Edwin 1892nws Electa May 1850 Eli 1860 Eli 1886nws Eli 1850 Elias dcerts Elizabe 1920 Ella dcerts Ellen 1850 Emily 1850 Esther 1913nws Frank 1920 George 1920 George D 1920 Goldie P 1920 Hattie M 1850 Henrietta 1920 Hettie S. 1850 Jane 1867nws Jesse 1913nws Joe 1850 John 1920 John murray John 1860 John A. 1920 Joseph A 1913nws Josephine 1875nws L. 1860 Leander murray Lew dcerts Lewis wrdead Lewis C. 1856nws Lucas 1920 Lucas M 1840 Lucius 1850 Lucius dindx Lucius larkin Lucius harris Lucius 1844nws Lucius 1844nws Lucius phist Lucius 1860 Lucrita dcerts Lucus 1860 Lucus C. 1850 Luke 1850 Lydda 1850 Lydia A. 1860 Lydia J. 1920 Manda? H 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1879nws Mary 1913nws Mary dcerts Mary 1920 Mary C 1860 Mary J. larkin Mary Susannah (Bicknell) 1920 Miles 1860 Milza? 1872nws Oliver 1913nws Otho murray Pearley 1920 Pleasant 1913nws Ray phist Ray 1920 Rinna L phist Ruth (Philson) 1860 Ruth A. 1850 S. C. 1850 Sarah A. dcerts Sidney 1920 Stanley 1850 Stephen 1850 Tharza dindx Thirza dcerts Tilda 1850 Timothy S. marr Timothy S. 1850 Vance 1860 Vance J. 1850 Wade larkin Waid harris Waid 1879nws Waid 1882nws Waid 1889nws Waid 1889nws Waid 1897nws Waid 1920 Willie B larkin Willie Bicknell Crouch 1850 Charles 1850 Emodelia 1850 Hezekiah 1850 Hiram 1850 J. W. 1850 John A. 1850 L. G. 1850 Lewis 1850 Lucinda 1850 Mary E. 1879nws Mrs. 1850 Priscilla 1850 Rebecca 1850 Selinda 1850 William Crough 1871nws Mary 4thInf Michael Crous 1860 Catharine 1860 George 1860 J. 1860 Michael 1860 Peter Crouse 1860 Barbary marr Felix 1860 J. 1860 John 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary Crouser 1850 Albert 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Horace 1850 John 1850 Minerva 1850 Nancy Croush 1920 Dorothy 1920 Frank 1920 Herman 1920 Kenneth 1920 Lizzie 1920 William 1920 Wyman Crow ? Crous 1920 Bertram C Crow 1909nws Agnes 1920 Albert O? 1860 Ann 1899nws Anna 1921nws Attorney 1920 Betram C 1860 Bridget births Catharine phist Charles dcerts Charles 1920 Charles B 1893nws Charlie 1920 Constant 1899nws Florence 1921nws Fred phist Frederick W. I phist Frederick W. II phist Frederick W. III 1909nws G. H. 1920nws G.W. 1893nws George H. 1909nws George H. 1920 Gladys 1920 Grace 1920 Harry phist Irving Carson phist Linda 1860 Margaret 1920 Maria 1920 Mary births Mary 1885nws Miss 1860 Sarah births Sarah 1860 Thomas 1889nws Thomas 1889nws Thomas 1899nws Thomas 1921nws W. O. 1860 William 1920 William 1889nws William dcerts William Crowe 1860 Ann 1860 Johanna 1860 John 1860 Mary 1860 Michael 1860 Thomas Crowell 1850 Albert murray Albert 1850 Almeda 1820 Arnold 1830 Arnold 1840 Arnold wrdead Austin dindx Benj. 1820 Benjamin 1830 Benjamin 1840 Benjamin 1850 Benjamin 1820 Eleazer dindx Eleazer 1819tx Eleazer phist Eleazer 1850 Elijah 1850 Hannah 1830 Henry M. 1892nws James W. 1850 Jane 1850 John 1850 Julia 1850 July Ann 1892nws LYDIA 1850 Mary J. 1850 Nancy 1850 Ruth 1850 Sarah 1999q Son 1850 William births William P. Crowells murray Albert Mrs. Crowley 1860 * 1850 Ellis 1860 H. E. 1860 Henrietta S. 1860 Isabelle S. 1850 Jane 1860 Julia 1860 Martha 1850 Mary 1850 Rebecca 1860 Sarah E. 1860 William Crowsaw 1892nws Elizabeth Crowse 1819tx Jacob Crowser 1820 Jacob larkin Jacob phist Jacob 1840 John Crowsoe 1830 Jacob 1830 John Croy 1903nws Bessie May dcerts Elizabe h. harris Frank g1820 Matthrion 1903nws N. S. harris Ray harris Robert Crumbaker 1850 David 1850 Mary 1850 Warren Crumlet births May Crump harris James phist Mary harris Virginia Crusett g1820 Charles Cruyett g1820 Charles Cuats dcerts Ary Cubbage dindx Philip 1855nws William N. (Rev.) Cuckler's heirs 1883nws --- Cuckler family 2000q Cuckler family Cuckler School house 1889nws --- Cuckler 1998q Charity Elizabeth 1889nws Daniel T. 1909nws Earl 1883nws Eunice dcerts Eunice dcerts Florenc 1886nws Jacob 1917nws Jacob dcerts Jane dcerts John 1887nws John J. dcerts Margare dcerts Melda 1893nws Miss dcerts Samuel dcerts Stillbo 1888nws William Cuilliry 1860 Catharine 1860 Fred 1860 G. 1860 George 1860 Jacob 1860 Mary 1860 Philip Culbertson 1850 Charlotte 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Margaret murray nfn 1850 Robert Cullan 1840 John Cullen 1854nws Israel 1859nws Israel Cullums 1915nws Fred 1820 John dcerts Stillbo Culp 1860 Catharine births Charles 1860 Charles E. births Charles E. births Coreann Mary 1850 Cyrus births Edward 1850 Eliza 1860 Harriet 1858nws J. W. 1850 Jacob 1860 Lydia births Lydia 1860 Magdalena 1878nws Mamie 1860 Margaret 1850 Maria 1850 Martha 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1860nws Mary 1860 Michael 1850 Phebe 1893nws W. A. 1860 Wendell 1860 William A. 1860 Wm 1860 Zilpha Culter 1879nws Mrs. Culters harris --- Culver harris --- 1860 Andrew harris Cromwell harris Lawrence 1860 Lewis harris Reuben D. 1892nws Sally Cumberland Presbyterian Church 2000q Cumberland Presbyterian Church 1897nws --- Cumings dcerts Ralph Cumins 1840 John H. Cummans 1850 Sarah 1850 Walter Cummingham dcerts Lillie Cummings wrdead Albert 1840 George murray Hannah Nelson Mrs. fair J. H. (Mrs.) 1854nws James 1889nws John H. 1876nws John H. Jr. dcerts Lenor 1856nws Sarah dcerts Sarah hrdsty Sarah E. (Radford) 1854nws William 1856nws William Cummins 1860 Albert 1920 Alva 1920 Ardis A 1920 Davis 1850 Delilah 1860 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1999q George 1850 George 1819tx George 1920 Harriet F 1850 J* 1850 James 1850 James 1892nws James 1860 James W. 1860 John 1819tx John 1850 Johnson 1860 Johnston N. 1860 Jowal? 1892nws Julia 1850 Lavina 1860 Lawson dcerts Martin 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1850 Mary C. 1867nws Mary C. 1850 Mina g1820 Moses dcerts Robert 1850 Sarah 1999q Sarah (Hall) 1850 Sarah A. 1920 Sarah E 2002q Victoria 1850 William 1860 Wm Cumpston 1887nws Jack 1876nws Jacob Cumstock wrdead Josephus Cundiff 1897nws --- 1897nws Cora 1920 George 1920 Glen 1887nws Melvina 1920 Ruth 1920 William Cunnigham 1860 John Cunning 1851nws Sophia Cunningham 1860 Ann 1893nws Anna E. 1850 Daniel 1887nws Ed. marr Elias 1850 Eliza H. 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Enoch phist Harrison B. 1908nws Henry dcerts Ida 1860 J. A. 1860 James dcerts James 1860 John 1893nws John 1860 John R. 1876nws John R. 1860 Mary 1860 Priscilla 1893nws Robert (Capt.) 1897nws Robert A. (Capt.) 1860 Robt 1850 Robt A. 1851nws Terance Cunts 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Mary 1860 Nicholas 1860 Sofiah Curby 1860 Charles E. 1860 Clark 1860 Francis 1860 J. E. 1860 Leolun 1860 Lucinda 1860 Malinda 1860 Mary 1860 Narcissa 1860 Thomas R. 1855nws William 1860 William M. Currey 1893nws Kate Currier harris Ebenezer 1854nws J. L. harris Josephine B. harris Judge harris Louise harris Louise H. harris Mary A. harris Olive Crippen Curry births Curry 1920 Aquilla R 1920 Charley 1883nws Charlie 1920 Clemma L 1860 David 1862nws David 1875nws David M. murray Dick dcerts Eliza 1920 Eliza A 1920 Ermina births Fanny births Francis 1920 Frank murray Frank 1860 James g1820 James 1862nws James dcerts Margare 1856nws R. B. marr Randal B. marr Robert 1860 Sarah 1905nws V. D. 1920 Victor D Cursey 1897nws Ed. Curt 1882nws Dr. Curtes 1850 Celesta 1850 Damon 1850 David 1850 E* 1850 Lucetta 1850 Marion 1850 Matilda 1850 Rhoda 1850 Samuel 1850 Sarah 1850 Sophia 1850 Sylvester 1850 Walter 1850 William Curtis & Woodriff 1871nws --- Curtis Family harris --- Curtis family 1902nws --- Curtis births Curtis 1850 Abner 4thInf Abner 1889nws Abner 1897nws Addie 1850 Adelaide 1920 Albert E births Allen 1860 Almoma? births Almona A. births Almornia 1850 Andrew 1860 Andrew phist Andrew 1860 Anna 1920 Anna 1901nws Arthur 1850 Availla 1885nws Barney 1890nws Barney births Barney dcerts Belinda g1820 Benajah g1820 Benjah 1871nws Bernard dcerts Bertha 1920 Bessie L 1860 Briget dcerts Carolin 1920 Carolyn 1860 Casai 1860 Catharine phist Celestia (Thompson) 1850 Chloe hrdsty Cynthia 1892nws Cynthia 1860 D. N. 1820 David 1830 David 1840 David larkin David phist David dcerts Delbert 1920 Don M. 1882nws Dr. 1920 Edith M 1893nws Edna 1871nws Edward harris Eli 1860 Elisabeth J. 1893nws Ella M. (Sandford) 1850 Erastus 1860 Erastus harris Eunice phist Eunice births Foster 1920 Genevieve 1904nws H. A. 1920 Harry 1871nws Helena 1920 Henry O 1840 Hiram 1850 Hiram 4thInf Hiram 1850 Hoat phist Horace births Howard 1860 Hoyt 1860 Hugh 1868nws Hugh 1873nws Hugh 1998q Hugh A. 1920 Hugh A. 1897nws Ida 1850 James births James dcerts James 1920 James A 1850 Jane 1860 Jane 1850 Jarvis 1860 Jarvis 1890nws Jarvis dcerts Jarvis 1895nws Jarvis A. marr Jarvis A. 1904nws Jewel Olmer births John 1830 Josiah 1840 Josiah 1850 Josiah 1860 Josiah dindx Josiah 1859nws Josiah phist Josiah 1850 Julia 1860 Julia dcerts Kizziah dcerts Leiis 1998q Lenora (Walker) 1882nws Lettie 1998q Leucius dcerts Leucius 1920 Lina births Maggie 1860 Margaret 1920 Mariah dcerts Mariah dcerts Mark dcerts Martha 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary births Mary births Mary A. births Mary C. births Mary M. 1860 Matilda births Mattie 1899nws May phist Merinda 1860 Michael 1868nws Michael 1895nws Michael 1893nws Michael (Jr.) 1920 Mildred harris Mrs. 1920 Myrtle dcerts Myrtle 1920 Myrtle L 1860 N. 1875nws N. 1860 Nicholas 1854nws Nicholas 1862nws Nicholas 1871nws Nicholas 1884nws Nicholas births Nicholas 1862nws Nicholas J. 1860 Nickolas 1920 Nora births O.P. 1860 Oerin 1920 Oran 1876nws Owen 1900nws Owen births Owen dcerts Owen marr Owen 1860 Owin 1860 P. 1850 Patrick 1860 Patrick 1862nws Patrick 1881nws Patrick 1873nws Patrik 1920 Paul R. 1998q Paul R. 1860 Peter 1893nws Peter 1860 Phebe 1850 Phoeba 1873nws Ric. 1920 Richard 1860 Rob. L. 1920 Robert deaths Robt Lincoln 1876nws Sadie phist Sallie (Grow) 1840 Samuel 4thInf Samuel births Sansoma 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah hrdsty Sarah 1902nws Sarah (Gilmore) 1881nws Sarah B. 1920 Sarah M 1889nws Simon 1893nws Simon 1893nws Simon 1895nws Simon births Sonoma dcerts Susan dcerts Sylvest births Sylvester marr Sylvester 1920 Sylvester E 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas 1867nws Thomas births Thomas H. 1897nws Tom dcerts Unnaeo 1858nws W. 1860 Wales B. S. 1899nws Wall B. 1860 Walter 1881nws Walter 1881nws Walter 1902nws Walter 1868nws William 1885nws William dcerts William 1850 William M. 1901nws Willie Curtiss 1819tx David 1867nws Nicholas 1862nws William Cushing 1844nws A. g1820 Henry harris Henry g1820 Joshua g1820 Nathaniel harris Nathaniel Cushman phist Annie phist Annie B. (Jones) phist Cary phist Edna births Eliza phist Gertie 1840 Jesse phist Mary phist Montie Cusley 1893nws Miss Anna Custar 1908nws Ella Custard dcerts Joihn Custer 1860 ? 1860 Adaline 1920 Alonzo 1920 Alonzo Jr 1920 Anna 1920 Asa 1860 Charles 1920 Clara 1860 David 1920 Effie births Ella 1860 George harris George A. 1860 Jesse 1920 Jesse 1920 Jessie M 1920 John 1876nws Maria 1860 Mary 1860 Matilda 1860 Rosanna 1920 Theodore Custis Family harris --- Cutchall 1889nws George W. Cuting dindx John Cutler larkin Betsy (Larkin) larkin Charles larkin Charles C. larkin Charles Curtis 1902nws Clarissa larkin Daniel larkin Daniel 1998q E. dindx Ephm. dindx Ephr. dindx Ephraim larkin Ephraim larkin Ephraim dindx Ephraim Admr. larkin Ephram larkin Ephram (Judge) harris Ephriam larkin Ephriam (Judge) 1850 Fanny dindx Jarvis dindx M. larkin Manassah (Rev.) larkin Manasseh larkin Manasseh (Rev.) larkin Mary larkin Nancy 1850 S. larkin Sally (Parker) larkin Sarah (Parker) 1840 Spaulding larkin William P. larkin William P. Cutshall 1854nws Matilda Cutters dindx Manasses heirs Cynthia R. hrdsty Cynthia R. Cyrus dcerts Betty cmarr James