D'Hebecourt harris Marquis Francois D'Wolfe 1855nws Daniel D**mbach 1850 Philip 1850 Catherina 1850 Christina D...diery g1820 Jabez D?n 1860 Emma? 1860 Illegible 1860 Ina? 1860 James 1860 John 1860 Mary Dabney coal bank 1879nws --- Dabney furnace 1897nws --- Dabney Salt Co. fair Dabney Salt Co. Dabney Salt Works 1876nws --- Dabney pomry C. W. 1865nws C. W. 1867nws C. W. 1868nws C. W. Daerfer dcerts William Daft? 1860 Eliza A. 1860 George W. 1860 Henry C. 1860 Jacob 1860 James 1860 John C. 1860 John G. 1860 Lucey C. 1860 Martha J. 1860 Sharlott 1860 Susan J? 1860 Virginia Dahney Salt Company 1875nws --- Dailey Family harris --- Dailey 1876nws A. C. phist B. dcerts Barbara 1920 Biron? E 1920 Bruce? C 1920 Celeste C 1920 Chester A dcerts Clark 1920 Cordelia J harris Daniel 1820 David 1830 David larkin David harris David phist David 1819tx David, Jr. dcerts Donald 1920 Donald D 1893nws Flora Mabel 1920 Goldia L dcerts Holly 1920 Howard 1893nws Isaac 1920 John M 1850 Johnson 1892nws Julia Ann 1920 Lena A 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1868nws Mary 1830 Nimrod dcerts Orvil harris Orville D. 1920 Phoebe 1850 Serepta births Serepta births Stephen dcerts Thelma 1830 Thomas 1850 Thomas dindx Thomas phist Thomas dcerts William 1920 William A Daily family 1998q Daily family Daily 1860 Catharine 1840 David larkin David 1856nws Julia A. 1856nws Nimrod 1840 Philip 1830 Robert 1840 William 1856nws William 1856nws William M. Dain 1860 A. 1830 Asa 1830 Bial 1840 Capon 1860 Flowrance 1860 Gemima 1830 Jeptha 1860 Margaret 1860 Marietta 1860 Mary 1854nws Nelson 1860 Samuel Daine larkin Asa Daines 1819tx Abial 1895nws Andrew D. 1892nws Jane dcerts William Dains cemetery 1923nws --- Dains 1923nws A. J. 1840 Abial hrdsty Abial 1860 Amanda 1860 Andrew 1820 Asa hrdsty Asa 1855nws Bail dcerts Bertha dindx Bial dindx C. P. 1820 Calvin dindx Calvin 1830 Calvin P. dindx Calvin P. 1860 Catherine 1850 Charlotte 1908nws Charlotte 1908nws Clara 1850 Clarinda 1860 Clarinda 1923nws Dennis 1850 Diana 1907nws Ella (Griffith) 1920 Ella E 1850 Franklin 1920 Irvin 1904nws J. E. 1907nws J. E. 1850 Jane 1819tx Jephta 1840 Jepsthan 1820 Jeptha dindx Jeptha 1860 L. 1840 Leonard 1850 Leonard hrdsty Marinda 1850 Nelson 1860 Rebecca hrdsty Rebecca (Shumway) 1850 Rosel 1868nws Rosel 1850 Royal 1850 Samaria 1860 Samaria 1907nws Samuel 1923nws Samuel 1923nws Sarah 1860 Sharlotte 1897nws W. A. 1923nws Wallace 1908nws Will Dairst 1892nws Mary Dais 1867nws George 1876nws George 1879nws George Daise 1860 Catharine 1860 Elisabeth 1860 George 1860 Matilda Daishart g1820 George Daker phist John Dale 1893nws Clay harris Mr. Dales 1850 C. Daley 1860 Ann E. 1860 Elvisa F. 1860 James 1897nws P. F. 1860 Phiba dcerts Phoeba 1860 William F. Daloff 1850 Lewis Dalrymple 1897nws Eph. Dalton family 1999q Dalton family Dalton 1920 Anna 1860 C. S. 1920 Freda 1860 Ida 1920 John marr Joseph, Jr. 1920 Leona phist Margaret 1860 Maria 1860 Martha A. 1920 Mary births Mary A. 1920 Nellie dcerts Nellie 1920 Thomas 1879nws William births William S. Daly dcerts Koles Dalzell 1844nws Taylor & Co., --- Dameion 1820 Amos Damerin g1820 Antonius Damewood 1920 Bettie M 1920 Elizabeth P 1920 Everett M 1920 John P 1920 Lewis W 1920 Madgaline 1920 Mary J 1920 Myrtle E 1920 Owen D 1920 Ruth W 1920 Wallace W 1920 Wanda A? Dana 1854nws J. M. 1877nws James harris John dindx Joseph 1867nws Mr. 1879nws Samuel Danbey Salt Works 1876nws --- Dane dindx Thomas Danes births Clara dindx Jephiha dindx Jeptha Danford 1860 Elizabeth 1820 Samuel 1819tx Samuel Danforth 2001q Ann (Whitehead) dindx Saml. 1830 Samuel 1840 Samuel larkin Samuel larkin Samuel phist Samuel 2001q Walter R. 2001q William Danials dcerts Ralph Daniel & Rathburn's Bank 1862nws --- Daniel & Rathburn 1862nws --- 1862nws --- 1855nws Bakers, --- Daniel and Rathburn 1861nws --- Daniel g1820 Alex. larkin H. G. 1854nws H. G. 1855nws H. G. 1867nws H. G. 1873nws H. G. dcerts Helen 1860 Henrietta E. 1860 Henry 1856nws Hiram G. 1855nws Kate W. 1860 Mary larkin Mary G. dcerts Sylvest Daniels 1920 Arabelle phist Arabelle (Skinner) dcerts Arthur phist Diana phist Dick 1917nws Dora 1893nws E. D. (Rev.) 1893nws E. D. (Rev.) 1893nws E. D. (Rev.) 1860 Eliza W. dcerts Ella phist Esther (Thomas) dcerts Frank phist Genevieve (Godfrey) harris George phist George 1920 George P 1897nws George P. 1860 H. G. 1868nws H. G. dcerts Harold phist Helena (Phillips) 1901nws Henry 1860 Henry M. phist Hugh 1920 Hugh R dcerts James g1820 Jesse 1893nws Lyla phist Manning 1920 Manning S 1920 Mary E phist Mary Elizabeth 1860 Mary G. dcerts Phillip dcerts Ralph g1820 Robert phist Roger 1920 Roger P phist Rollin phist Ruth 1920 Ruth C 1879nws Thomas dcerts Writerh Danielson 1920 John 1920 Juda 1820 Luther 1830 Luther dindx Luther 1819tx Luther 1840 Luther, Jr. dcerts Mary Danis dcerts David Danley 1879nws H. M. Dannius g1820 Antonius Dans births Esther Dansmore 1840 William Darby Family harris --- Darby 1892nws Daniel 1819tx Jebediah larkin Jedediah larkin Jedediah phist Jedediah 1892nws Jedediah O. 1830 Jediah 1850 Mary 1892nws Sarah Dare 1920 Electa M 1850 Elizabeth 1850 George 1850 Henry harris John Dargue 1856nws Thomas Dark 1853nws G N. Darling 1878nws Adam 1889nws Adam 1897nws Adam 1897nws James dindx T. Darnell 1998q Hannah Darst family 1998q Darst family Darst family 1999q Darst family Darst family 2001q Darst family Darst family 2002q Darst family Darst harris --- 1861nws A. R. dcerts Alpfoa 1860 Anna dcerts Arthur 1889nws B. L. 1920 Bessie dcerts Bessie 1920 Carrol 1860 Catharine 1876nws Catharine 1860 Charles births Claude 1904nws Clyde births Clyde births Clyde I. 1897nws Cora D. 1920 Cyrus P 1861nws Dan 1850 David 1850 David dcerts Delbert 1876nws Elijah 1879nws Eliza V. (Russell) dcerts Elizabe 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1892nws Elizabeth phist Elizabeth 1920 Ethel 1860 F. 1920 Frank murray Frank 1850 Frederick 1893nws Harman 1893nws Harmon 1893nws Harmond 1840 Henry 1850 Henry 1893nws Herman 1850 Isaac 1873nws Isaac 1850 Jackson 1820 Jacob 1840 Jacob 1850 Jacob 1850 Jacob 1850 Jacob 1860 Jacob 1873nws Jacob phist Jacob 1876nws Jenny dcerts Jerry births Jessie 1820 John 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1819tx John 1850 Jonathan births Jonathan murray Jonathon 1850 Julia Ann 1850 Lewis 1879nws Livona E. 1920 Lusore 1850 Margretta dcerts Martha 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1820 Michael larkin Michael phist Michael dcerts Milored murray Miram 1850 Miriam births Myrtle May phist Nancy 1860 Nina 1920 Ola 1850 Olive births Oliver P. 1920 Paul E 1879nws Permelia (Watkins) 1850 Peter 1873nws Peter births Peter 1850 Philip 1860 Philip births R. 1920 Ralph dcerts Robert 1879nws Roman 1879nws Roman births Sallie J. 1850 Samantha births Samantha 1850 Sarah murray Sarah 1860 Sophriah dcerts Stillbo 1850 Susan 1893nws Susie 1904nws Susie Lou births Susie Lou births Vern births Virginia O. 1881nws Warran 1850 Warren 1860 William dcerts Wilma Dart murray Benda 1879nws Harrison 1879nws Harrison 1875nws J. B. 1895nws W. H. Darts 1876nws Peter Dartt 1867nws Harrison Dary 1893nws Harley Dashner 1998q Sarah Dasins dcerts Willia Daud 1860 A. 1860 Catharine 1860 Franklin 1860 Leroy 1860 Zacariah Daugherty dcerts Annie dcerts Esther 1900nws Hugh dcerts Hugh 1897nws J. A. 1897nws J. A. dcerts Sarah dcerts Susan 1920 William F Daughtery 1904nws Mary M. 1904nws Robert Virgil Dauron 1850 Rawley Davenney 1893nws William Davenport 1897nws Colonel 1893nws E. R. (Col.) 1893nws Edward 1860 Edwin R. 1897nws Edwin Rush 1897nws Edwin Rush 1897nws Edwin Rush (Jr.) 1897nws Edwin Rush (Jr.) 1856nws Eliza 1897nws Eva T. 1860 Geneva 1860 J. B. 1897nws J. B. 1897nws J. B. 1897nws J. B. B. 1897nws J. H. B. 1860 John B. H. 1860 Joseph R. 1897nws Joseph R. 1897nws Joseph R. murray Lena 1897nws Lena 1897nws Lena 1897nws Lena (McIntyre) 1860 Mary 1897nws Mary 1897nws Mary A. (Ruffner) 1897nws Mary A. (Ruffner) 1860 Mary R. Davey harris William David 1851nws Isaac 1893nws Thomas H. 1850 William Davids 1893nws Sadie Davidson births Davidson births A. harris Andrew births Andrew births Andy dcerts Arthur dcerts Cathrin 1860 David 1897nws E. R. dcerts Earnest 1860 Elisabeth harris Eliza dcerts Elmer dcerts Emma dcerts Esther dcerts Eva births George dcerts Henry 1860 John 4thInf John 1903nws John 1904nws John dcerts John 1860 Joseph 1903nws Lucile dcerts Mabel dcerts Marcell dcerts Mary 1904nws Mary Priscilla dcerts Melvin 1887nws Mr. 1999q Nancy births Nancy dcerts Nellie 1860 S. 1860 Sarah 1860 Simon dcerts Stillbo 1904nws Theodore 1904nws Theodore Russell births Thomas W. births Walter 1860 William 4thInf William phist William dcerts William Davies' planing mill 1889nws --- 1897nws --- Davies planing mill 1897nws --- Davies 1876nws A. graybd Alban 1875nws Alban 1876nws Alban 1902nws Alban phist Alban births Alban births Edney dindx John 1889nws Morgan births NFN phist Oma Almona 1876nws P. S. (Rev.) phist Rev. R. R. 1851nws Simon 1891 Thomas dcerts Thomas Davinson dcerts George Davioson dcerts Harold Davis' butcher shop 1876nws --- Davis' Drug store 1911nws --- Davis' drugstore 1893nws --- Davis' meat market 1893nws --- 1897nws --- Davis' meat shop 1897nws --- Davis' stable 1897nws --- Davis Block 1893nws --- 1893nws --- Davis block 1893nws --- Davis family 2000q Davis family Davis Family harris --- Davis Ice Factory 1893nws --- Davis ice factory 1893nws --- Davis Ice Factory 1893nws --- Davis ice factory 1893nws --- 1893nws --- Davis meat store 1893nws --- Davis Planing Mill 1890nws --- Davis 1860 * 1920 ? Jud 1850 A. 1850 A. J. 1999q Aaron 1860 Aaron 1850 Abagail 1860 Abraham 1860 Abraham 1830 Addison 2003q Agnes (Fielden) 1850 Alason? deaths Alban births Alban. births Albert 1860 Albert C. 1895nws Alby 1850 Alexa 1850 Alexander 1860 Alice 1920 Alice M 1920 Alice N 1879nws Allan dcerts Allen 1850 Alles murray Alma L. dcerts Almeta 1850 Almond 1886nws Alonso 1850 Alonzo 1886nws Alonzo 1889nws Alonzo 1850 Alvin deaths Alvina Cath 1860 Amanda 1893nws Amanda 1850 Amirilla 1840 Ammon 1850 Amy 1840 Anderson 1850 Andrew 1860 Andrew M. 1860 Angelina 1850 Angeline 1860 Ann 1894nws Ann phist Ann 1920 Ann C 1860 Anna births Anna dcerts Anna 1850 Anne 1850 Anne 1850 Anne E. 1920 Annie 1894nws Annie dcerts Annie deaths Annie O. 2003q Anthony Elmer 1850 Asenath dcerts Augusta 1860 B. F. deaths Barbara 1860 Barbary 1840 Barnem 1830 Barnhim dcerts Bell 1920 Belle L births Belle U. 1850 Benedict 1850 Benjamin 1850 Benjamin 1860 Benjamin deaths Benjamin Ely 1926nws Bert 1920 Bertha 1920 Bertie 1920 Bessie 1850 Betsy 1892nws Betsy harris Bettie Ruth 1850 Bial dcerts Binhard 1920 Blanch 1897nws Bruce dcerts Byron 1903nws C. F. 1850 C. H. 1999q Caroline 1860 Caroline 1850 Casper 1850 Catharina 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine births Catherine 1860 Cenith M. dcerts Chamber 1850 Chamberlain 1850 Charles 1850 Charles 1860 Charles 1920 Charles 1920 Charles wrdead Charles 1890 Charles 1897nws Charles phist Charles dcerts Charles 1904nws Charles F. 1860 Charles S. 1893nws Charles W. 1883nws Charlie cmarr Chas. 1860 Christopher 1920 Claire 1920nws Clara phist Clara 1860 Clara J. phist Clara M. dcerts Clinton 1897nws Commissioner 1897nws Commissioner 1893nws Connie 1860 Cora 1903nws Cora Bell phist Crary 1850 Cridelia 1850 Curtis 1850 Cynthia 1873nws Cynthia 1889nws D. C. 1860 D. D. 1862nws D. D. 1860 D. L. 1862nws D. M. 1876nws D. W. 1850 Daniel 1850 Daniel 1860 Daniel 1854nws Daniel 1854nws Daniel 1855nws Daniel 1862nws Daniel 1877nws Daniel deaths Daniel M. 1860 Danl 1850 Darius 1850 David 1850 David 1860 David 4thInf David 1867nws David 1881nws David 1888nws David 1889nws David 1890nws David dcerts David 1860 David D. marr David D. 1870nws David E. 1862nws David L. deaths David L. 1854nws David S. 1860 David W. 1897nws Dick 1897nws Dick 1920 Don L murray Don L. 1920 Donald B phist Dorothy 1920 Douglas dcerts Douglas phist Duane 1850 E. 1850 E. 1893nws E. & Co. Drugstore, --- 1897nws E. & Co., --- 1893nws E. (Dr.) 1901nws E. (Dr.) phist E. A. 1860 E. B. 1873nws E. P. births E. R. deaths E.R. 1920 Earnest 1893nws Ed. (Dr.) births Edmond dcerts Edna 1920 Edtih 1850 Edward 1850 Edward 1860 Edward 1873nws Edward dcerts Edward 1893nws Edward (Dr.) 1893nws Edward (Dr.) 1893nws Edward (Dr.) phist Edward H. 1860 Edwin 1920 Edwin 1853nws Eiiakin 1862nws Eleazar 1860 Elevia 1820 Eli 1830 Eli 1850 Eli 1850 Eli 1850 Eli 1860 Eli 1840 Eli B. 1862nws Eli O. 1920 Eli W 1892nws Eliakim 1830 Eliakuim? 1840 Eliakum 1850 Elias 1879nws Elias 1860 Elias P. larkin Elias P. 1854nws Elias P. 1861nws Elias P. 1891nws Elias P. 1860 Elisa 1860 Elisabeth 1850 Eliz 1850 Eliza 1850 Eliza 1860 Eliza 1860 Eliza dcerts Elizabe 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth phist Elizabeth births Elizabeth births Elizabeth deaths Elizabeth Jane 1920 Elizabeth M 1860 Ellen 2001q Ellen (Jones) 1893nws Elmer 1893nws Elmer dcerts Elmer phist Elmer F. 1920 Elmer G phist Elmer Hugh 1920 Elola dcerts Elwood 1850 Emily 1879nws Emily J. (Quivey) phist Emma (Stagg) 1920 Emmett 1850 Erastus harris Erastus phist Erastus 1850 Erastus B. 1840 Erastus R. dcerts Esther 1920 Esther M 2000q Ethel deaths Etta 1897nws Eugene (Prof.) 1850 Eunice phist Eunice 1893nws Eva 1860 Evaline 1850 Evan 1850 Evan 1860 Evan 1854nws Evan 1855nws Evan 1883nws Evan 1854nws Evan D. 1890nws Evangeline 1850 Eve Ann 1850 Evelina 1860 Evin 1862nws Evon 1860 F. 1850 Fanny 1850 Flora births Flora 1920 Flora I 1920 Florence deaths Florence phist Florence P. 1920 Floyd E 1920 Forest O 1860 Frances 1860 Frances 1850 Francis 1850 Francis g1820 Francis 1920 Frank murray Fred dcerts Fred 1893nws Fred. G. dcerts G 1897nws G. B. 1906nws G. B. 1820 George 1850 George dindx George 1819tx George 1876nws George 1877nws George 1892nws George 1892nws George phist George dcerts George 1860 George A. 1920 George B 1860 George W. 1876nws George W. 1920 Georgia 1920 Georgie M phist Geraldine 1850 Gideon 1897nws Gretta 1850 Gwinn 1893nws H. (Jr.) 1860 H. J. 1850 Hamilton 1860 Hanna 1860 Hanna 1850 Hannah 1850 Hannah 1860 Hannah 1860 Hannah 1860 Hannah larkin Hannah 1882nws Hannah births Hannah 1876nws Hannah E. 1850 Harriet 1850 Harriet 1920 Harry E phist Helen 1920 Helen E 1920 Helen M 1850 Hellen 1850 Henrietta 1850 Henry 1860 Henry 1860 Henry 1860 Henry 1886nws Henry 1888nws Henry births Henry births Henry 1920 Herbert G deaths Herbert L. births Herschel Ithame 1889nws Hilah 1920 Homer A deaths Homer H. dcerts Honer murray Howard 1889nws Howard 1909nws Howard murray Hugh H. 1893nws Hugh H. 1901nws Hugh H. phist Hugh H. phist Hugh Hamlin 1856nws I. Henry 1860 Ida deaths Ida M. dcerts Inez deaths Infant 1850 Isaac 1860 Isaac 1855nws Isaac 1851nws Isaac E. 1860 Isaac M. 1860 Isabell 1860 Isabella 1920 Ivy 1885nws J. 1854nws J. (Dr.) 1889nws J. A. 1877nws J. F. 1909nws J. F. harris J. M. 1893nws J. M. (Rev.) 1860 J. P. 1872nws J. P. 1860 J. S. 1860 J. T. 1850 Ja** 1830 Jacob 1840 Jacob 1850 Jacob 1850 Jacob 1860 Jacob 1860 Jacob wrdead Jacob 1819tx Jacob 1820 James 1830 James 1840 James 1850 James 1850 James 1860 James 1860 James 1860 James 4thInf James dindx James 1872nws James 1876nws James 1877nws James dcerts James deaths James 1889nws James A. 1920 James E 1873nws James K. 1850 James P. 1920 James V 1860 James W. 1850 Jane 1850 Jane 1860 Jane 1894nws Jane births Jane births Jane 1888nws Jane (Howells) 1860 Jane A. 1860 Jane E. phist Janice 1850 Jasper 1850 Jemima births Jennie 1850 Jeptha 1850 Jeremiah 1861nws Jeremiah phist Jeremiah F. 1877nws Jerry 1920 Jessie A 1850 Jewell 1891 Jim 1820 John 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John 1850 John 1850 John 1850 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John 1860 John g1820 John dindx John 1819tx John 1855nws John 1889nws John 1892nws John 1893nws John 1897nws John 1897nws John 1921nws John phist John dcerts John deaths John marr John wrdead John C. deaths John D. marr John D. 1920 John G 1860 John G. 1840 John J. births John J. 1830 John Jr. 1850 John M. 1892nws John M. births John M. 1878nws John R. deaths John R. 1850 John S. 1862nws John S. 1879nws John S. phist John S. pmry88 John S. & son 1861nws John T. 1840 John, Jr. 1850 Joseph dindx Joseph 1867nws Joseph marr Joseph 1850 Joshua 1850 Joshua 1860 Josiah D. 1890 Judson 1920 Katie 1920 Kirk dcerts Kirk 2001q Kisiah (Howard) 1860 L. D. 1897nws L. D. murray Lan births Lanna 1860 Laura phist Leah (Moore) deaths Lelian 1893nws Lena 1893nws Lena 1901nws Lena phist Lena murray Leon 1920 Leona 1919nws Leona (Lyle) 1893nws Leona Ellen 1860 Lewis g1820 Lewis 1859nws Lewis deaths Lewis 1860 Lewis F. 1860 Linsey 1890nws Lizzie 1893nws Lodrick deaths Lola B. 1999q Lon 1850 Lorenzo D. 1860 Loretta? phist Louise 1850 Louiza 1850 Lovica 1860 Lovina 1860 Lovina 1850 Lucetta phist Lucille 1860 Lucretia deaths Lucretia 1850 Lucy A. 1920 Lucy M births Lula Daisy phist Lydia dcerts Lydia deaths Lydia 1999q Lydia (Lathey) 1999q Lydia M. (Brooks) 1850 M. A. 1920 Mabel 1920 Mae M 1890 Mahala 1920 Malcolm 1860 Malvina dcerts Margare 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1920 Margaret 1876nws Margaret phist Margaret births Margaret deaths Margaret phist Margaret (Williams) larkin Margaret (Wood) 1891nws Margaret (Wood) 1920 Margaret A births Margaret Bell births Margaret Jane 1850 Marge 1850 Margret phist Margretta 1860 Maria 1892nws Maria 1860 Mariah A. dcerts Mariett 1850 Marietta 1920 Marietta 1850 Marilla 1850 Marilla 1850 Marinda 1999q Marion births Marion dcerts Marion births Marion A. 1850 Martha 1860 Martha 1860 Martha A. deaths Martha E. 1860 Martha J. 1860 Martha M. 1998q Mary 1830 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1920 Mary 1920 Mary harris Mary 1819tx Mary 1892nws Mary 1894nws Mary births Mary dcerts Mary deaths Mary 1920 Mary K 2002q Mary (Coulter) phist Mary (Jones) 1860 Mary A. 1860 Mary A. 2002q Mary Alice 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Mary Ann deaths Mary Ann 1860 Mary E. phist Mary E. (Crary) 1860 Mary I. 1860 Mary J. 1860 Mary J. deaths Mary Jane 1873nws Mary S. (Spencer) dcerts Maryann 1850 Mathew 1850 Matilda 1860 May 1920 Maynard 1920 Merle dcerts Mildred marr Miles dcerts Milliar phist Milton births Mini 1887nws Miss deaths Mittie deaths Morgan 1840 Moses 1850 Moses 1860 Moses 1862nws Moses 1889nws Moses 1878nws Mr. 1893nws Mr. 1906nws Mrs. 1860 Nancey 1850 Nancy 1850 Nancy 1860 Nancy 1860 Nancy 1892nws Nancy deaths Nancy deaths Nancy J. 1850 Naomi 1860 Nathan 1860 Nathan dindx Nathaniel g1820 Nehemiah murray Nellie 2001q Nelson J. murray Nora (Vale) 1850 Norman births Nutie M. 1903nws O. A. 1926nws O. S. 1890 Olive dcerts Olive 1850 Oliver 1920 Ora 1920 Oren 1860 Orinda F. 1920 Orlando 1860 Orlando * 1903nws Orlando S. phist Orlando S. 1860 Perin deaths Perin deaths Perley M. 1860 Pershil 1850 Peter 1850 Phebe deaths Phebe G. 1867nws Philip 1850 Philo 1893nws Polly deaths Polly 1897nws Prof. 1897nws Prof. 1921nws Prosecutor 1921nws Prosecutor 1893nws R. H. 1860 R. L. 1860 R. M. 1850 R. S. 1850 Rabecca 1860 Rachael L. 1920 Rachel 1888nws Rachel 1890nws Rachel deaths Rachel 1860 Rebeca 1860 Rebecca 2003q Rebecca (Statts) 1850 Rebecca V. 1850 Reuben 1893nws Rev. Mr. 1920 Rex 1920 Rheuben 1850 Richard 1860 Richard births Richard deaths Richard 1920 Rilla C 1893nws Robbie 1850 Robert 1850 Robert 1862nws Robert 1867nws Robert phist Robert M. deaths Robert M. deaths Robt J. deaths Robt Lincoln 1850 Rodolphus phist Roger 1850 Roxalana murray Roy murray Roy murray Roy 1897nws Roy 1920 Roy A 1890nws Rus. F. 1895nws Russell T. 1897nws Russell T. 1920 Ruth A 1860 S. B. 1867nws S. H. 1876nws S. P. (Rev.) 1920 S.H. 1920 Sadie 1897nws Sadie 1999q Sadie Elizabeth 1920 Sallie 1890nws Sallie 1860 Sally 1850 Samantha 1860 Samantha 1850 Saml 1999q Samuel 1850 Samuel 1850 Samuel 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1920 Samuel murray Samuel 1859nws Samuel 1862nws Samuel 1876nws Samuel 1883nws Samuel deaths Samuel 1890nws Samuel (Capt.) 1882nws Samuel H. phist Samuel H. marr Samuel L. 1920 Sanford 1840 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1873nws Sarah phist Sarah 1860 Sarah A. 1920 Sarah E 1850 Sarah E. 1860 Sarah I. 1850 Sarah J. 1860 Sarah L. 1893nws Sarah M. 1862nws Simeon 1920 Simeon V 1920 Simeon V Jr. 1850 Simon 1840 Stephen 1850 Stephen 1850 Stephen dcerts Stephen 1920 Stephen M 1840 Stephen, Jr. dcerts Stillbo 1850 Susan births Susan B. 1860 Susana R. murray T. H. 1876nws T. H. 1893nws T. H. 1893nws T. H. 1893nws T. H. 1893nws T. H. 1897nws T. H. phist T. H. 1897nws T. H. (Jr.) 1894nws T. O. M. 1850 Tamerlane 1897nws Telephone 1850 Tharza 1860 Theodore 1850 Thomas 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas 1920 Thomas 1920 Thomas 1886nws Thomas 1888nws Thomas births Thomas dcerts Thomas phist Thomas (Dr.) phist Thomas E. 1920 Thomas F 1850 Thomas G. 1893nws Thomas H. 1893nws Thomas H. 1897nws Thomas H. Jr. 1850 Thomas J. 1860 Thomas J. 1854nws Thomas J. 1850 Thomas R. births Thos. W. 1860 Timothy R. dcerts Tomas dcerts Vera deaths Victoria May 1883nws Virginia (Hayman) 1860 W. 1893nws W. G. 1904nws W. G. phist W. G. births W. H. 1889nws W. H. (Prof.) 1889nws W. S. 1897nws W. S. 1897nws W. S. 1860 Wesley 1860 Wesley 1879nws Wesley 1876nws Will 1889nws Will 1893nws Will. 1893nws Will. G. 1893nws Will. G. 1860 Willard 1820 William 1840 William 1850 William 1850 William 1850 William 1850 William 1860 William 1844nws William 1851nws William 1858nws William 1871nws William 1873nws William 1889nws William 1909nws William phist William births William births William dcerts William deaths William 1893nws William C. 2002q William G. deaths William H. deaths William J. 1920 William L 1890nws William M. 2003q William Marion 1920 William R 1862nws William R. 1860 William S. 1894nws William S. 1867nws William T. 1888nws William T. 1920 Wilmont 1920 Wilson dcerts Winfiel births Wisley V. 1860 Wm 1860 Wm H. 1860 Wm. births Wm. marr Wm. H. deaths Wm. Henry births Wm. M. 1850 Zalas 1890 Zelda 1850 Zerilda 1850 Zoley Davis, 1909nws George Davison 1850 Cynthia 1850 George 1850 Henry 1850 James 1850 Lucinda 1850 Mary Davos 1893nws Gretie Dawes 1881nws General 1889nws General Dawley births Harriett Dawney 1851nws Solomon marr Solomon Dawny 1860 Francis M. 1860 Harriett 1860 Jeptha 1860 Mary A. Dawrst dcerts Elizabe Dawson dcerts Annie 1897nws Arnold &, --- 1860 Augusta 1893nws Charles A. phist Collis births Dora B. 1893nws Ella phist Eunice (Davis) 1850 Francis Ann 1860 George dindx George 1890nws Headley births John dcerts John 1850 John A. 1895nws John A. marr Joshua 1850 Mary dcerts Mary 1893nws Matilda births Mattie M. 1854nws R. 1854nws R. 1854nws R. 1855nws R. 1893nws Robbie 1917nws Robert 1901nws S. E. 2001q Samantha 1860 Thomas 4thInf Thomas 1854nws Thomas 1876nws Thomas 1895nws Thomas H. births Thomas H. 1850 William 1850 William 1890nws William 1895nws William Day 1920 Albert H 1920 Alice births Alice dcerts Alice deaths Alice 1850 Anne E. 1897nws C. G. births C. H. births C. M. births C. N. deaths C.N. 1850 Ceilum 1860 Charles wrdead Charles 1878nws Charles 1850 Charles Lee marr Cincinnatius 1860 Cincinnatus 1850 Cincinnatus N. 1920 Clara births Clara births Clara May 1920 Clarrie deaths David Jr. 1889nws Dr. 1897nws Dr. 1898nws Dr. 1860 Elisa N. 1850 Eliza births Eliza dcerts Ella 1886nws Ellen dcerts Ellen dcerts Elmer 1879nws Emma 1920 Ernest D 1860 Estaline 1850 Esteline 1920 Evert 1850 Florentine Va births Franklin deaths Franklin 1881nws George births George Thomas 1897nws H. C. 1886nws H. C. (Dr.) 1860 Hana 1850 Hannah deaths Hannah 1885nws Howard births Howard dcerts Howard 1888nws Howard (Dr.) 1876nws Howard C. 1868nws Israel 1830 James 1860 James 1878nws James 1892nws James deaths James 1850 James C. 1860 James C. 1859nws James C. 1840 James E. births James Henry 1850 James Monroe marr James, Jr. g1820 John dcerts Justina 1850 Laurentine 1860 Lewis 1850 Lewis Case births Lewis Cass deaths Lucy 1878nws Lucy (Persons) 1850 Marietta Meigs 1860 Martha deaths Martha 1905nws Mary Alice births May deaths Nah murray Neva 1893nws Neva 1860 Ocy? 1850 Osee C. marr R. Anderson 1881nws Robert 1893nws Robert C. marr Robert C. 1860 Roland 1897nws Rosa 1905nws Rush B. births Rush B. 1860 S. 1885nws S. (Dr.) 1888nws S. (Dr.) 1851nws Selem 1855nws Selim murray Selin Dr. 1920 Stella 1909nws W. F. 1886nws William 1897nws William births William births William Elihah 1860 William F. 1897nws William F. births William R. Dayley 1819tx David Dayn births Harriett Van Dayton murray Annie murray Hannah dcerts Maria De Ford 1850 Maria De Witt's Run Church 1878nws --- De Wolf 1850 Calvin 1850 Clark 1850 Eliza De 1840 wolf John 1830 wolfe Nancy Deal hrdsty Anna M. births Christopher 1850 E. 1850 Frank births Victoria Dean Family harris --- Dean 1920 Abbie B 1920 Albert 1920 Alice 1860 Alonso 1889nws Alvina dcerts Alvira 1920 Anna? Nanna phist Asa 1883nws Burt 1860 Catharine 1920 Don E 1879nws Edgar 1920 Edna R harris Eli 1860 Elizabeth 1920 Elvira births Enoch Gerald wrdead eth* harris Fanny 1920 Genevieve A births George Earold 1881nws George F. 1860 George W. harris Gulliver 1920 Guy births Hannah 1920 Harlis N 1920 Harry 1920 Helen M dcerts Henry 1881nws Ida dcerts Ida 1920 Ida M births J. W. 1920 Jacob phist Jacob dcerts Jacob 1860 James B. 1860 Jane births Jane harris John harris John Nicholson 1893nws John W. births John W. births John Wesley 1881nws Joseph Clide 1876nws Josiah 1830 Kasson 1876nws Kate 1920 Lloyd E 1860 Margaret 1920 Mariam 1920 Mary dcerts Mary 1920 Mayme 1920 Morgan 1998q Nancy 1860 Nancy harris Nancy harris Nathan 1920 Nina B 1920 Norma B 1877nws Phil 1860 Ruth E. 1893nws S. J. 1860 Sam'l B. 1920 Sarah E. 1860 Sarah L. 1860 Seth L. 1860 Theodore 1860 Thomas 1889nws Thomas 1860 Thomas M. births Thomas M. 1889nws Virginia A. 1873nws Virginia E. 1920 Wilbur A harris Will 1820 William 1920 William harris William dcerts William harris William E. dindx Wm. 1920 Woodrow L 1893nws Zettie births Zettie or Jettie Deanis 1895nws Arthur H. Deare harris Jane Dearls dcerts Betty Dearman family 1999q Dearman family Deatz 1856nws Martha Debard 1882nws Charlotte Debarth harris Count Debeers harris --- Debussey marr George DeBussy marr George Decamp 1860 Abraham 1860 Allwilda E. 1860 Ann 1860 C. DeCamp fair C. Decamp 1860 Cefus 1850 Cephas 1859nws Cephas 1867nws Cephas 1860 Cephus 1860 Eliley E. 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Evaline 1860 F. 1860 Francis 1860 George 1860 Henry 1860 Ira 1860 J. C. 1871nws J. M. 1881nws J. M. 1893nws J. M. 1860 John M. 1867nws John W. 1867nws Josephus C. 1860 Manerva 1860 Mary 1860 Mary J. 1860 Mary M. 1889nws Maud 1881nws Milt. 1860 Pheby 1866nws Runnion 1860 Semeon 1840 Zenas Decker births Decker births A. E. births A. J. births Andrew J. births Bertha L. births Caroline births Caroline S. births Charles Robert births Chas Robert births Clara births Clifford J. 1875nws Clinton births E. H. births E.L. births Edna 1920nws El 1850 Elizabeth 1999q Elizabeth (Rowland Wine) births Elizabeth May births Enez Zana births Everett births Evert A. births Fannie L. births Harley M. births Ida 1873nws J.T. births Jack births Jackson 1862nws James 1879nws James dcerts James 4thInf Job 1895nws Job D. 1862nws John 1920nws Kathryn births Kathryn Irene births Lauarma Bertha births Lena births Maggie Marie births Martha births Martha G. births Mildred births Nancy A. births Nora Rachel births Not named births P.M. births Perley M. dcerts Rachel 1877nws Robert 1999q Robert J. 1890nws Robert J. births Robt 1889nws Ruby 1893nws Ruby 1893nws Ruby 1889nws Ruby B. births Ruby B. births Sarah births Sarah A. births Sarah C. births Sophia H. 1893nws Truda 1873nws W. births W. E. 1873nws William 1875nws William births William births William Elder births William Harris births William Samuel births Wm. E. births Worley L. Deeds 1860 Barbary 1860 Caroline 1860 M. 1860 Sophia Deegan dcerts Stillo dcerts Violet Deeker 1850 Jas 1850 Samaria 1850 Sophia H. 1850 William Deem 1878nws A. P. 1876nws Enoch dcerts Hannah 1920 Homer F dcerts Iva 1920 Lawrence M dcerts Lydia 1920 Ruby V 1897nws S. P. 1897nws S. P. (Dr.) dcerts Samuel dcerts Vergel 1920 Zelma O dcerts Zeloa Deemer 1854nws Fr. D. fair John (Mrs.) dcerts Mary Deems 1881nws Viola Deen (?Dean) 1920 Elsie 1920 Herbert 1920 Virgil 1920 William Deen 1850 James Deener 1854nws John Deer 1862nws George Deere 1920 John W Deerr 1886nws George murray Ida M. 1889nws Mr. 1893nws Phillip Deeter 1920 Ada harris boy 1920 Gertrude 1920 Gladys dcerts Hamilto 1920 Hamilton Jr. 1920 Hamilton Sr. 1920 Lillian 1920 Lucy 1920 Nona 1920 Nora 1920 Roy 1904nws S. H. 1920 Sophia 1920 Susan 1920 Win Deeters 1873nws Susan Deferd 1893nws David Deffenbaugh cmarr Kate Defigh harris Mary harris Phillip Deihl 1850 Catharine 1850 Catharine 1860 Christena births Dan'l 1860 Daniel 1850 Elizabeth births Elizabeth Clara 1850 Francis births Frank births Frank (Jr.) 1860 George births Henry 1850 John dcerts Lide 1850 Mary 1860 Mary births Nora C. 1850 Philip births Steven M. Deimer g1820 Michael Delaney births Alfred 1920 Alice 1920 Claude births Edward Clinto births Elsworth 1920 Mary 1920 Maude Delay 1920 Audra May 1860 Charles 1920 Charles M 1920 Elmer 1920 Henry C dcerts Lydia 1920 Lydia A 1920 Marcia dcerts Maxine 1920 Walter H Delchek 1850 Catharine 1850 Henry 1850 Michael W. 1850 William DeLeon Company 1897nws --- Delille 1850 John Delker 1890 Richard 1890 Winfield Delong dcerts Unnamed Deltombe 1897nws Mrs. DeMaine 1998q Marvin Dembach dcerts George Deming harris Hiram R. 1854nws James H. Dempsey dcerts Stillbo Dempster dcerts Lewis Denbauch 1860 Elisabeth 1860 John 1860 Magdalana 1860 Nicholas Denison 1920 Annabelle 1920 Caddie 1920 Carl L dcerts Cynthia 1920 Finley murray Finley 1920 Freda 1920 James E dcerts Nora 1920 Nora B 1920 Reva E 1920 Wallace Dennen 1854nws Michael Denney dcerts Effie births Jacob E. dcerts Matilda 2002q Rebecca g1820 William g1820 Wm Denning dindx Abigail Dennis 1883nws A. H. dcerts Anna 1850 Arthur 1860 Arthur 1877nws Arthur 1877nws Arthur murray Clayton 1850 Henry 1860 Henry 1850 James 1860 James marr James H. 1850 John 1860 John 1859nws John 1878nws John dcerts Leigh births Lillie 1850 Martha 1860 Martha 1860 Mary births Mary 1850 Mary E. murray Nancy 1860 Rosy 1850 S. M. 1860 Sarah 1860 Susan dcerts William Dennison 1920 Anna murray Elizabeth Mrs. births Franklin C. 1920 Howard 1920 Ida births Myrtle Glady 1903nws Reva Edith 1920 T. F. murray Walice murray Wallace 1903nws Wallace Denny mill larkin --- Denny 1893nws Arch. 1895nws Archibald dcerts Arthur 1893nws Clara g1820 David murray E. births Francina 1893nws Harry g1820 Henry g1820 Heral births Jas. F. murray Jess murray Jim 1879nws Leroy 1893nws Roy larkin Samuel larkin Samuel larkin Samuel larkin Samuel larkin Samuel larkin Samuel larkin Samuel phist Samuel 1890nws Silas 1890nws Silas g1820 William Densmore 1860 Ann M. 1906nws Anna 1906nws Anna Wilhelmine 1906nws Celinda (Moore) dcerts Charles 1906nws Charles Alonzo 1906nws Dora 1893nws Edith 1906nws Edith 1850 Eliza dcerts Eura 1906nws Hannah 1860 Henery 1893nws Mary 1906nws Mary Celenda 1860 Mary F. 1860 Richard 1889nws Richard 1895nws Richard dcerts Richard 1906nws Richard James 1860 Selenda 1867nws Wayne & Co., --- 1860 William S. 1906nws William S. 1906nws William Santon Denston family phist Denston family Dentan dcerts William Deny 1854nws William Depew 1850 Achib 1855nws Achsah 1850 Cyrene 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Ellen 1854nws H. 1830 Henry 1850 Henry 1850 Hiram 1850 J. A. 1854nws J. C. 1850 John 1850 John C. 1855nws John C. 1851nws John D. 1856nws Justice 1850 Justus 1855nws Justus 1850 Margaret 1855nws Margaret 1850 Mary 1850 Ophelia 1850 Richard 1850 Robert 1850 Sarah 1850 William Deplen dcerts Illso Deppart births Emma Deputy 1855nws William V. Derenberger 1892nws Christiana Dernbach dcerts George Dernback dcerts Otillia Derr 1893nws Phillip Derry 1860 Ausker 1860 Ellen dcerts Ellen 1886nws Harley 1892nws Huldah R. dcerts Irenia 1876nws J. G. 1886nws J. G. 1886nws J. G. 1873nws James G. dcerts John 1830 Peter dindx Peter 1860 Robert 1860 Sharlott 1860 Wm M. DeSavergue 1850 Jane Deshinger 1860 C. 1860 G. 1860 Jacob 1860 Mary Deshler harris Isaac Desill dcerts Charlot Desinger 1860 Caroline 1860 Catherine 1860 John Desteguer harris Rudolph Detisch 1920 Andrew dcerts Catheri 1920 George 1920 Gertrude 1920 Sadie 1920 William Deubach 1897nws John Deures births Sarah Ann Deutchman births Deutchman births John Jacob Deutenhoffer 1876nws Val. Deutscham births John Deutschman births Deutschman births John Devacht Family harris --- Devacht harris Joseph Guillaume harris Joseph W. Devall 1860 Charity 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Francis 1860 George 1860 J. G. Devalt 1860 Emily J. Devault marr Lewis Deveinnay dcerts Mary Develin 1920 Danny Devenney 1893nws Linda 1893nws Tillie dcerts William Dever 1860 Elizabeth 1860 William Deverr dcerts Philip Devett 1858nws T. B. Deviney 1820 Elizabeth larkin Elizabeth phist Elizabeth 1820 John larkin John phist John larkin Samuel A. phist Samuel A. Devining 1850 Catharine 1850 Ellen 1850 James 1850 Joseph Devinney dindx Daniel 1883nws Harriet 1904nws John (Mrs.) dindx John H. 1921nws Kate (Mitch) murray Maggie dindx Saml. A. Devinny 1819tx Elizabeth 1819tx Samuel A. Deviny 1850 Charles B. 1850 John 1850 John W. 1850 Rachael 1850 Thomas S. Devlin dcerts Jane Devol 1893nws Clara larkin Col. dcerts Edna 1901nws Simeon M. 1901nws Simon M. 1895nws Simson DeVore 1920 Alexander Devore 1820 Benjamin 1820 Benjamin Jr. murray Hartley DeVore 1920 Iantha Devore 1830 Jessee 1820 John L. Dew harris Cyrus harris Elizabeth harris Elizabeth Zane harris Harry harris Henry harris J. S. (Dr.) harris James harris John harris Mary harris Sarah harris Thomas harris Thomas (Jr.) harris Thomas (Sr.) Dewees births Anna births Annie DeWees phist Beulah Thelma Dewees births Elijah marr Elijah S. 1873nws George A. 1879nws H. S. dcerts Henry 1895nws Henry R. [or B.] 1999q Henry Spencer 1999q Henry Spencer Harris 1876nws Isaac births Ivanora dcerts Mary DeWees 1850 Rachael Dewees 1873nws S. B. DeWees 1850 Samuel Dewees births Sarah A. DeWeese births Ann births Annie births Clarissa F. Deweese 1881nws Elijah 1886nws M. M. 1886nws Mr. 1886nws Mr. 1881nws Samuel births Sarah A. Dewey 1850 Eliza J. 1850 Harriet 1850 John phist John dcerts Mary 1920 Mary E 1850 Mary J. 1850 Sarah E. 1920 Scott Dewhurst dcerts Mary Dewit 1850 Catharine 1850 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth g1820 Isaac 1850 James g1820 James 1850 John g1820 John 1850 Joseph 1850 Martha 1850 Nancy 1850 Peter 1850 Susannah 1850 Titus 1850 William Dewitt's run 1854nws --- Dewitt 1830 Catharine DeWitt phist Nancy Elizabeth Dewitt marr Titus Dewitte 1902nws Rev. Dewoff dcerts Fannie Dewolf 1881nws Allen 1862nws C. E. 1867nws Calvin 1873nws Calvin DeWolf births Calvin Dewolf dcerts Clark DeWolf phist Clement Dewolf 1897nws Dan (Capt.) 1868nws Daniel 1873nws Daniel 1862nws Daniel (Capt.) DeWolf 1920 Daniel D 1920 Dorr 1920 Earnest S Dewolf 1897nws Eliza (Rays) dcerts Ethan DeWolf births Eveline Dewolf dcerts Fannie DeWolf births Flora E. Dewolf 1881nws Josie (Paugh) 2000q Lydia Bigelow dcerts Martin DeWolf 1920 Martin C Dewolf dcerts Mary DeWolf 1920 Mary E 1920 May F Dewolf 1882nws Nannie J. 1892nws Polly graybd Samuel 1862nws Samuel 1868nws Samuel 1873nws Samuel dcerts Samuel 1878nws Samuel (Capt.) DeWolf 1920 William DeWolfe Family harris --- DeWolfe 1850 * 1850 Amanda 1850 Clement 1850 Daniel Dewolfe dcerts Dessie DeWolfe 1850 Eliza 1920 Fannie E 1850 Hannah 1850 Harriet 1850 John 1850 John C. 1850 Samuel DeWolff 1920 Cora 1920 Harold 1920 Harry D. 1920 Pauline 1920 Ruth Dexter Chapel 1877nws --- Dexter chapel 1877nws --- Dexter 1860 Josaphine 1860 Levi larkin Mr. 1860 Sally E. 1860 Susan larkin Timothy harris Timothy phist Timothy 1860 Wm. Dey murray Blanche Diadgon? 1860 Avis 1860 Catharine 1860 David 1860 Joseph 1860 Marion 1860 Melvina 1860 Thomas 1860 William Dial 1860 Catharine 1860 Christopher 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Frank 1860 Henry 1860 Mary 1860 Philip Diamond coal bank 1884nws --- Diamond Coal Mine 1879nws --- 1888nws --- Diamond 1840 John Dias 1876nws George Dice 1850 Barbara 1893nws Ella 1850 George 1850 John 1893nws Lucy Dick 1889nws Rev. 1909nws Rev. 1888nws Rev. Mr. 1893nws Rev. Mr. 1893nws W. V. (Rev.) Dickason 1850 Ellanor 1850 Fanny 1850 George 1850 James 1850 John 1850 John 1850 Lucy 1850 Lydda Dickenson 1860 Josiah births Lucy Dicker 1860 Alice A. 1860 Francis * 1860 Jane 1860 Margaret 1860 Robert 1860 Rosanna I. 1860 William Dickerson 1904nws Harry 1904nws Henry 1901nws Hettie (Rathburn) 1876nws J. Q. 1860 May 1871nws P. B. 1873nws P. B. 1868nws P. B. (Capt.) 1876nws P. B. (Capt.) 1870nws P. V. 1860 Rosa 1882nws T. G. (Rev.) 1860 William wrdead William Dickey 1860 Alvin 1867nws Augustus B. dindx Margaret 1830 Thomas 1860 W. 1854nws William 1854nws William Dickinson 1860 Carline 1860 Charles 1860 Harriott 1860 Josiah 1881nws T. G. (Rev.) 1882nws T. G. (Rev.) 1860 Theadore Dickson 1860 Benjamin 1893nws Clarence 1860 Ethal 1876nws H. 1860 Henry 1876nws J. F. (Rev.) dcerts James 1860 Marshal 1860 Mary 1860 S. dcerts Samaria 1860 Samuel 1860 Sarah 1860 William Diddle 1920 Alma 1920 Anna Grace 1920 Belle 2000q Benjamin Franklin 1920 Chessie 1920 Clarence ? E 1920 Dortha dcerts Fannie 2000q Fanny 2000q George 'Berry' 1920 Herschel C 1920 Jessie M dcerts John dcerts Mamie 1920 Mary M 1920 Oval 1920 Perry 2000q Sarah (Wright) dcerts Stillbo 1876nws Thomas 1920 William Diehl births A.H. 1860 Abraham dcerts Agatha 1860 Anna E. dcerts Beatric dcerts Carolin dcerts Charles marr Christian phist Daniel dcerts Daniel phist Daniel F. dcerts Dolly 1860 Elizabeth births Ernst Warren 1860 F. dcerts Fany 1867nws Francis 1860 Frank 1884nws Frank dcerts Frank 1897nws Frank (Jr.) 1850 Henry 1860 Henry births Henry dcerts Henry dcerts Kathari 1884nws Kennedy & , --- dcerts Mary phist Oswald C. dcerts Philip births Phillip births Willis Henry Diggins g1820 .......... Dike 1860 Abigail 1850 Amos 1850 Angeline 1850 Ann 1856nws Benjamin F. 1850 Doratha 1850 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Hannah 1850 Harrison 1850 Henry wrdead Henry 1850 John 1850 Phebe 1860 R. 1850 Samanth 1850 Sarah 1850 Simeon 1850 Susannah 1850 William Dikes 1860 B. F. 1856nws Benjamin F. 1860 Ema 1860 Fanny E. 1860 Ida M. 1860 Lydia 1860 Mary 1860 Palina I? 1860 Samuel 1860 William H. Dikewith 1860 Charles 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Hiram 1860 L. Dilchard dcerts Sarah Dilcher family 2000q Dilcher family Dilcher 2000q Andreas 1860 Anna 1900nws Anna Catharine (Lutz) harris Bill 1860 Catherine 1860 Charles 1900nws Charles 1860 Elizabeth dcerts Ellen 2000q Emma (Needs) 1860 Florida 1897nws Fred 1860 H. 1868nws H. 1876nws H. 1884nws H. 2000q Henry 1860 Henry harris Henry 1861nws Henry 1862nws Henry 1873nws Henry 1881nws Henry 1900nws Henry 1900nws Henry 1860 Josephine 2000q Lizzie Kettering 1860 Wesley J. 1860 William 1867nws William 1868nws William 1868nws William 1900nws William 1860 William L. 1860 Wm Dilchner 1881nws H. Dilgard 1920 Boyd dcerts Boyd 1920 Boyd Jr 1920 Catherine J 1920 Clara 1920 Yolanda Dill dindx Belinda 1908nws Clara (Dains) births E. Mary dcerts Edward births George dcerts George 1850 George F. 1889nws J. E. 1897nws J. W. 1897nws J. W. 1889nws James 1889nws James W. births James W. 1889nws Jessie births Joshiah dcerts Joshua dindx Josiah harris Josiah pomry Josiah 1889nws Josiah 1892nws Josiah births Josiah dcerts Josiah 1897nws Josie 1850 Julia births Katie larkin Major 1830 Martha 1892nws Martha dcerts Mary dcerts Robert dcerts Stillbo Dillard dcerts Stillbo Dillaru dcerts Hart Dille cmarr Carrie dcerts Heppy Dilley 1889nws Christian M. 1895nws Christian M. Dillinger 2000q Ella 1887nws S. L. 1893nws S. L. dcerts Samuel Dillon 1920 Cecil 1920 Ella 1920 Joseph 1920 Pearl Dilo 1920 Alvin 1920 Byrel 1920 Mildred 1920 R 1920 Verna Dilts harris --- Diltz 1901nws Abe 1861nws J. Dingledine 1850 Jacob 1850 Phoeba Dinnin 1998q James H. 1998q Melissa J. (Whaley) Dinsmore 1850 Harriet A. 1856nws Harriet A. 1850 Henry marr Isaac 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Richard Dinsmore/Drummond? 1920 Illeg. Dipiero dcerts Ettore Director of Chester dindx Director of Chester Directors of School dindx Directors of School Dirkson 1840 D.W.C. Dischinger births Dischinger 1893nws Frank O. births John births Kate Dishinger 1886nws Mrs. Disney 1892nws Samuel Divinea 1860 Catharine 1860 Elues? 1860 James 1860 Joseph Diviney 1830 Samuel A. Divinney 1881nws Samuel Divinny dindx Samuel A. Dix dindx Dorothy 1999q Elizabeth dindx Joseph Dixon Family harris --- Dixon family 1884nws --- Dixon Hotel 1884nws --- Dixon House 1884nws --- Dixon 1893nws Anna dcerts Clara 1860 Elias 1892nws Emma 1892nws Esther 1876nws F.W. 1860 Henry births Henry 1820 James larkin James 1819tx James phist James 1830 James 1st 1830 James 2nd dindx James Jr. 1830 John larkin John larkin Joseph (Dr.) 1891nws Landlord 1860 Mary births Mary Loretta 1897nws Mrs. 1892nws Olga births Rachel 1881nws Robert 1893nws Robert F. 1830 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1892nws Sarah larkin Sarah (Benedict) 1892nws Waldo 1830 William 1876nws William 1886nws William 1892nws William 1860 William H. Doak 1840 Jonas 1850 Margaret 1850 Mary J. 1850 Matilda 1850 Milo 1850 Robert 1850 Sarah 1850 Thomas 1844nws Thomas 1844nws Thomas 1850 William Doan dindx Wm. S. Doane dindx Charles harris Charles phist Mr. Dobbins births E. J. marr Elisha J. births Frances B. 1830 John Dobson 1860 Joseph Doc harris --- Dochirtz g1820 John Dochler 1860 A. G. 1860 Eliza 1860 James C. Doctorman g1820 Frederick DOD dcerts Date o. Dodd 1886nws Bill 1860 Churchill 1860 Lucinda births Lucinda 1893nws Mary I. 1860 Rathburn 1830 William Dodderer Family harris --- Dodderer 1850 Abraham dindx Abraham 1850 Andrew 1892nws Andrew 1892nws Anna 1850 Cordelia dcerts Edward 1860 Edward P. 1920 Eliza 1860 Elizabeth 1920 Eric dcerts Francis dcerts Harriet 1850 Henry 1850 Jane 1885nws Jennie 1920 Lawrence 1850 Lewis 1920 Lewis phist M. M. 1920 Marion E 1850 Mary phist Matthew 1860 Matthew M. 1920 May 1850 Nancy 1850 Orange 1850 Philip dindx Philip 1850 Rabecca 1850 Rebecca J. 1920 Robert 1920 Rolland 1850 Ruby 1850 Sarah 1850 Wesley T. 1850 William Doddever 1876nws Edward 1876nws Lewis Doddrer 1850 Elizabeth 1850 M. M. 1850 Philip E. Doddridge births Lizzie Dodds phist Carrie B . Doderer 1840 Andrew 1840 Mathew 1820 Philip 1840 Philip 1819tx Philip Dodge 1850 Alvin dindx Antipas 1850 Ardena 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Hedgeman g1820 John 1850 Levi 1850 Lucinda 1999q Nancy dindx Oliver Guar. 1850 Philip 1850 Washington 1850 William Dodgson 1850 Catharine 1850 Joseph 1850 Maria 1850 Thomas Dodridge 1998q Bert births Clara B. births Elizabeth births Ellen g1820 George dcerts John 1860 Mary births Mary 1998q Nora (Spires) 1860 Thomas 1895nws Thomas births Thos. Dodrige births Margaret Dodson deaths Allen 1893nws Alvin deaths Alvin 1850 Angelina dcerts Anna 1860 Ardene C. births Carrie dcerts Carrie 1850 Catharine dcerts Charles births Churchill marr Churchill dcerts Clariss marr Dredgman deaths Eddie 1850 Elias 1850 Eliza 1860 Elizabeth 1860 F. dcerts George deaths Harry Clyde 1860 Hedgeman deaths Hedgman 1860 Henrietta 2001q Henry 1850 Henry 1860 Henry wrdead Henry 1860 Jane 2001q John 1850 John 1860 John marr John 1850 Joseph marr Joshua 1860 Lervit 1860 Levi deaths Levina M. 1850 Lowiza 1860 Lucinda dcerts Lucinda 2002q Lucinda (Hysell) births Mabel births Maggie 1850 Marrietta 1860 Matida 1850 Melinda 2001q Melinda (Wines) larkin Nancy 1860 P. 2001q Phebe 1860 Phebe births Phebe births Philip 1895nws Phillip D. dcerts Rathbur births Rathburn 1860 Robt 1891nws Roselma 2001q Samantha 1850 Samantha 1860 Samantha 2001q Sarah 1860 Sarah E. deaths Veronica 1860 Washington 2002q William 1820 William 1840 William 1850 William births William marr William births William E. Doerfer dcerts Earnest Doherty 1850 Anne 1850 C. W. 1840 Ferris 1840 James 1850 Jos 1850 M. C. 1850 W. M. Dolan 1920 Jackson Doland dcerts Andrew dcerts Ellen 1862nws John 1920 Joseph 1862nws Michael Dole g1820 John Dole? 1920 Alice 1920 Elias 1920 Mary 1920 Robert 1920 Saymond/Saywood Domig? g1820 James Domin 1862nws Henry Don 1905nws Robert Donahew 1920 Cassie 1920 Lavinia 1920 William Donahoe 1893nws Anna Leona 1905nws George W. 1905nws Harly Glenn 1893nws W. H. 1905nws William H. Donahoo 1850 D. 1850 Mr Donahue dcerts Andrew dcerts Carl dcerts James 1920 Pearl 1920 Ralph 1920 Raymond wrdead Salathiel dcerts Stillbo n. dcerts Unnamdo Donald 1850 Chas S. 1850 Jerusha Donaldson farm 1882nws --- Donaldson 1897nws Emma J. 1916nws Frank (Rev.) 1920 Grace dcerts Grace 1867nws Grace E. (Merrall) 1881nws James (Rev.) dcerts Lydia 1998q Margery 1893nws William Donally pmry88 A. B. 1876nws A. B. g1820 Andrew 1819tx Andrew 1892nws Andrew dindx Andrew Sheriff 1887nws Mayor g1820 Wm Donalson g1820 Ebenezer 1851nws Luther harris Mary harris Naomi Donavan 1921nws A. W. Donbery births Dorthy Donchue dcerts Lavina Donden 1854nws Joseph Dondon g1820 John Donelly 1840 Bernard H.Y. Donelson phist Luther Doney 1860 Mary J. Donilson 1850 John 1850 Lucinda 1850 Luther larkin Luther 1850 Margaret 1850 Margaret A. 1850 Matilda Donley 1820 Andrew larkin Andrew phist Andrew Donnaaly dcerts Rhoda Donnah?e 1879nws Calvin Donnally & Co. 1862nws Cooper, --- Donnally farm 1879nws --- Donnally 1860 A. 1860 A. B. graybd A. B. 1862nws A. B. 1867nws A. B. 1871nws A. B. 1873nws A. B. 1877nws A. B. 1905nws A. B. births A. B. 1876nws A. D. dindx A. Sheriff 1850 Adrianna 1850 Algernon B. 1855nws Algernon B. 1840 Andrew 1850 Andrew 1850 Andrew 1860 Andrew dindx Andrew 1844nws Andrew 1851nws Andrew 1855nws Andrew 1855nws Andrew 1893nws Andrew phist Andrew marr Andrew dindx Andrew Admr. 1895nws Andrew W. 1850 Anne Eliza 1850 C. E. 1860 C. E. 1861nws C. E. fair C. E. (Mrs.) 1860 Caroline 1893nws Charles dcerts Charles 1855nws Charles E. 1850 Eliza 1850 Ellen Sarah 1860 Emma 1860 F. 1889nws G. M. 1897nws George 1897nws George 1905nws George births George W. 1897nws Greta 1905nws Greta 1897nws H. F. 1850 Henderson F. 1905nws Jessie 1897nws Laura 1897nws Laura 1850 Leonidas C. 1850 Margaret 1850 Mary Jane 1860 May 1890nws Mayor 1860 Rhoda 1850 Rhonda C. 1897nws Squire 1897nws Squire 1897nws Squire 1900nws Squire 1897nws Wade 1905nws Wade 1860 Waldon E. 1850 William A. Donnalson 1868nws William H. Donnard wrdead Presley Donnelly & Co. 1855nws --- Donnelly g1820 Dominick Donny 1897nws Charles J. M. Donohew 1920 Anna 1920 Benjamin 1920 Chester A 1920 Evelyn 1920 George 1920 Martha dcerts Olive dcerts Ottie 1920 Ray dcerts Robert 1920 Roy 1920 Ruth 1920 Vernen Donohue dcerts William Donovan 1920 Alice 1920 Amos 1920 Amy 1920 Gilbert 1999q Joseph Henry 1920 Leora 1999q Minnie Ethel (Tully) 1999q Patrick 1920 Philip Doods 1860 Alvin 1860 Lucinda 1860 William Dooley 1854nws Mr. 1851nws Thomas B. (Rev.) Dooly 1850 Amanda 1850 Cornelia 1850 Frances 1850 Mary 1850 Thomas B. Doons births S.M. Door harris Barach harris Baruch harris Edmund harris Joseph harris Lydia harris Matthew harris William Dopp births Eliza E. Dorfer 1905nws Leanus 1905nws Maggie J. (Murray) Dorl wrdead Henry M. Dorman 1860 Henry Dormick 1860 Catharine 1860 Henry 1860 Jacob 1860 Margaret 1860 Wm Leport Dornick births Bertha 1850 Henry 1897nws J. 1850 Jacob births Jacob dcerts Jacob 1850 John births Maggie 1850 Margaret births Philip Dorr harris Rhoda harris William Dorsey 1893nws Charley 1881nws Dr. 1892nws Minnie 1868nws Sarah E. 1868nws Thomas Dorsf 1851nws Peter Dorson 1860 Francis A. 1860 George 1860 Hadley 1860 John A. 1860 Mary 1860 Thomas 1860 William 1860 Wm Dorst 1889nws A. H. 1890nws A. H. births Anna M. 1920 Archie M hrdsty Arthur Henry 1920 Carl J 1920 Claire M. 1920 Cora 1860 David 1860 David W. 1920 Edna hrdsty Elizabeth (Kautz) 1920 Frank hrdsty Henry 1892nws Henry 1905nws Howard Earl 1920 Jacob hrdsty Jacob 1819tx Jacob 1859nws Jacob 1876nws Jacob phist Jacob 1881nws John 1901nws John dcerts Lona hrdsty Lovisa (Hoyt) hrdsty Margaret (Well) hrdsty Margaretta (Wells) 1881nws Mary 1920 Mary B 1860 Mary F. 1905nws O. H. 1860 Olive A. 1920 Pearl 1860 Peter 1920 Peter 1862nws Peter 1903nws Peter 1903nws Ralph 1920 Rosa B hrdsty Sarah Ella 1860 Sophia hrdsty Susanna dcerts William Dort phist J. B. Dorton dcerts Bosley dcerts Oielaoy Dos 1860 Caroline 1860 Charles 1860 Mary Doss 1866nws Charles 1851nws Charles B. Dotey 1893nws --- Dotson wrdead George W.. 2000q Nancy Doty phist Anna Bell phist Edward dindx Joseph 1876nws William L. Doughekty dcerts Emiory Dougherty 1850 Anne 1850 Esther 1850 Ferree wrdead Ferree 1850 Isaac S. 1855nws James 1850 John C. wrdead Levi 1850 Mary dcerts William 1850 William T. Doughlrty dcerts Eaiory Doughtery 1892nws David M. Douglas 1850 Almira 1888nws Almira dcerts Amanda 1850 Cephas 1850 Clarinda 1850 Clarissa 1850 Danas wrdead Darius 1850 David 1893nws David dcerts Edward dcerts Edwin 1850 Effy 1840 Elijah 1850 Elijah 1850 Eliza 1850 Emaline 1904nws Emerson 1850 Esther 1850 Eunes 1850 George dcerts Gerald 1850 Hannah dcerts Harry 1904nws Harvey 1850 Henry phist Henry M. 1897nws Herbert 1850 James 1850 Jane 1850 Jasper 1830 John 1850 John 1850 John dindx John 1873nws John 1888nws John phist John dcerts John 1840 John, Jr. 1850 Lowiza 1850 Lucinda 1876nws Lydia M. 1860 Margaret 1876nws Margaret 1850 Margret 1850 Maria wrdead Martin V. 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary dcerts Mary phist Mr. 1850 Nathaniel phist Nellie 1873nws R. H. 1897nws R. H. dcerts Ralph 1850 Raphus dcerts Robert 1850 Rosetta 1850 Ruphas 1850 Russell 1888nws Russell 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah dcerts Stillbo dcerts Stillbo n. 1850 Susan dcerts Walter Douglass family 2000q Douglass family Douglass 1840 David 1859nws Emeline 1820 John 1840 John dindx John 1819tx John 1883nws John births Lucinda 1892nws Mary 1844nws Nathaniel births Rosetta S. dcerts Sylvia Dourst 1850 Peter 1850 Sophia Douthitt family 2000q Douthitt family Dove cmarr Laura Dovener g1820 Wm Dovener? g1820 George Doviner g1820 John Dow 1850 * 1850 Amos 1850 Benjamin 1860 Catharine 1850 Cyrene 1893nws David (Capt.) 1860 Elijah 1893nws Elizabeth A. 1850 Francis M. 1893nws George 1893nws Harry 1860 Henry 1850 James 1850 John 1850 Lorenzo 1850 Martha 1860 Peter dcerts Robert 1850 Solomon 1850 Susan 1850 Susannah F. Doward 1881nws Jonathan Dowd Family harris --- Dowd harris Connor 1860 Delelia harris Francis Marion 1854nws H. L. harris Hannah harris John harris John (Sr.) harris John Worthington harris Owen 1850 Sarah Dowden 1854nws Joseph N. Dowderry 1879nws M. P. Dowdry 1879nws Jacob Dowie 1879nws Alex Dowling 1893nws J. E. Downard 1850 Clarrissa 1850 Daniel 2001q Electa 1850 Jonathan 1881nws Jonathan marr Jonathan murray L. E. 1850 Mary 1850 Presley 1850 Ruth 1878nws Ruth 1850 Sarah Downey 1893nws James 1860 Leuantia 1850 William L. Downie & Sons 1876nws --- Downie and Son 1876nws --- Downie 1860 Agnes harris Agnes phist Agnes births Alex 1860 Alexander phist Alice Stewart 1897nws Charles 1897nws Charles births Charles W. 1897nws Dick 1860 James births Jeanette W. 1860 Jennie 1860 Mary phist Rachel (Elberfeld) 1860 Susan phist Susan dcerts Susan 2001q Susannah (Crosbie) 1897nws W. G. 1897nws W. G. 1897nws W. G. graybd W. L. 1897nws W. L. 1897nws W. L. phist W. L. 1897nws W. L. (Capt.) 1897nws W. L. (Capt.) 1897nws Will 2001q William phist William phist William Bengle 1854nws William L. 1860 Wm Downing 1897nws B. (Jr.) 1855nws C. 1867nws C. 1862nws C. (Jr.) 1862nws C. (Sr.) 1890nws Charles 1830 Columbia 1840 Columbia 1850 Columbia 1850 Columbia 1860 Columbia harris Columbia 1868nws Columbia 1879nws Columbia 1879nws Columbia 1889nws Columbia 1892nws Columbia 1893nws Columbia 1893nws Columbia 1860 Columbia J. 1893nws Earle 1850 Francis 1830 Franklin 1840 Franklin 1850 Franklin 1844nws Franklin 1892nws Franklin 1860 G. 1830 George 1840 George 1850 George harris George 1858nws George 1866nws George 1867nws George 1878nws George 1892nws George marr George 1873nws George E. phist Hannah 1850 Hariet 1860 Harriott 1840 Harrison 1850 Harrison 1844nws Harrison 1860 Harvey 1840 Hollis 1850 Hollis dindx Hollis 1854nws Hollis 1893nws Hollis 1879nws J. B. 1881nws J. B. 1881nws J. B. 1884nws J. B. 1893nws J. B. 1893nws J. B. 1893nws J. B. 1893nws J. B. 1893nws J. B. 1893nws J. B. 1893nws J. B. 1893nws J. B. 1893nws J. B. 1890nws J. B. (Maj.) 1893nws J. B. (Maj.) 1893nws J. B. (Maj.) 1876nws J. B. (Major) 1884nws J. F. 1893nws J. F. 1897nws J. F. 1897nws J. F. 1897nws J. F. 1897nws J. F. 1897nws J. F. 1897nws J. F. 1850 Jane 1860 Janis 1850 John 1860 John harris John 1893nws John 1897nws John (Jr.) harris John B. 1876nws John B. 1897nws John B. 1921nws John B. 1897nws John B. (Jr.) 1884nws John F. 1893nws John F. 1893nws John F. 1893nws John F. 1893nws John F. 1893nws John F. 1897nws John F. 1850 Louisa 1850 Lucy 1860 Lucy 1850 Maria 1860 Maria 1860 Mary 1850 Mary E. 1850 Menora 1893nws Miller 1893nws Miller 1897nws Miller 1879nws Miller R. 1854nws Mr. 1850 Nancy 1876nws Nancy 1860 Nancy L. 1893nws Pauline 1850 Phebe 1850 Phoeba 1860 R. 1876nws R. 1876nws R. 1876nws R. 1830 Rodney 1840 Rodney 1850 Rodney harris Rodney 1844nws Rodney 1876nws Rodney 1876nws Rodney 1878nws Rodney 1878nws Rodney 1879nws Rodney 1892nws Rodney 1892nws Sam G. dindx Saml. 1820 Samuel 1830 Samuel 1850 Samuel larkin Samuel larkin Samuel harris Samuel 1819tx Samuel 1892nws Samuel 1892nws Samuel 1892nws Samuel 1892nws Samuel 1892nws Samuel 1893nws Samuel phist Samuel 1820 Samuel A. 1840 Samuel A. 1850 Sarah 1892nws Saul 1876nws W. C. 1877nws W. L. (Capt.) 1860 Westley Downington cemetery 1902nws --- 1902nws --- 1908nws --- Downington Freewill Baptist Church 1897nws --- Downington Methodist Church 1899nws --- Downs dindx E. Downward 1867nws Daniel 1867nws Presley Dowshen 1887nws Harrison Doyl 1850 Julia 1850 Robt E. Doyle 1840 Andrew 1850 Andrew 1850 Betsey 1850 Clarissa births Edward 1850 Frances 1851nws John 1884nws Julia 1850 Lucy Ann births Martin martin Mary 1850 Mary J. 1860 R. M. 1902nws S. E. 1850 Stephen Drake harris --- g1820 Aaron 1860 Adaline 1860 Clarissa 1840 Daniel harris Francis B. 1860 John W. dcerts Lydia 1860 Nancy 1893nws Pearl 1860 Sheldon H. 1860 Silas 1860 Skilton A. 1890nws Will Draper 1877nws Edna Draut 1897nws Mrs. Dreanon 1850 A. S. Dreftz births Susanna Dreman 1840 David Drennen dcerts Unnamed Dress 1850 Catharine 1850 Catharine 1850 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Jacob 1850 Jacob 1850 John 1850 John 1850 Josephine 1850 Julia 1850 Julia 1850 Margaret 1850 Philip Dresser phist Helen (Davis) Drewery births Henrietta E. Dringdelle 1840 Jacob Driskil 1860 Daniel Driter births Driter births Levi births Susan B. Driver births Elizabeth births James 1830 William Drown dindx L. D. W. Druffel 1897nws Henry Drummon g1820 Samuel g1820 Thornton Drummond 1893nws Cassie dcerts Fannie 1893nws Val. 1893nws Val. Dual dcerts Mariah Dubach 1877nws Mrs. 1862nws Nicholas Duc g1820 Henry Duckley? 1860 J. J. 1860 Mary 1860 Susanna Duckworth births Adam dcerts Adam 1920 Agnes B 1920 Albert C 1867nws Ann 1920 Anna l 1920 Arthur B 1920 Carl J 1920 Charles A 1920 Daisey S 1920 Dora A 1920 Elizabeth 1920 Ella May 1920 Emma M 1920 Eura 1920 Genevieve 1904nws Harold 1920 Harold R dcerts Heshel 1904nws James dcerts James births James Thoma 1904nws John R. 1920 Josephine H 1920 Marsha L 1920 Millard W 1920 Richard E 1904nws Richard E. births Sarah 1920 Sarah E 1920 Sarah J 1920 Violet 1921nws Walter 1920 Walter C births William 1920 Willie C Dudder 1830 Andrew 1830 Philip Dudeser dcerts Lewis Dudgeon 1920 Delilah 1920 Harry W 1920 James S 1920 Leo W 1920 Mina M murray Mrs. 1920 Rosa 1886nws William dcerts William murray William T. Dudgeons murray Jim Dudgon dcerts Delilah Dudley 1860 Allis 1860 Anna 1860 Augustus 1860 Charls W. 1860 D. 1873nws Daniel 1860 David 1881nws David hrdsty Emily wrdead Frank 1860 Jane 1860 L. 1860 Lucy 1873nws Samuel 1860 Sarah J. 1873nws Sarah J. 1860 Selesta 1860 Thomas Dudly 1850 Celista 1850 Daniel 1850 David 1850 Sarah Dudre 1840 Abraham V. 1840 Isaac B. Duel dcerts Luther Duell 1999q Elizabeth (Rowland Wine Decker) 1999q L. L. Duerr dcerts Betty dcerts John dcerts Mary Duffay births John Duffee 1901nws Everett Duffer 1881nws --- Duffey 1897nws Andrew 1920 Anna births Annie dcerts James 1920 James J 1920 Maria 1920 Mary B 1920 Thomas Duffy births Duffy 1860 Alice 1901nws Andy 1920 Beatrice E 1920 Bertha M 1860 Catharine 1830 Daniel 1860 Edward 1920 Ernest 1920 Freda 1920 Gertrude E dcerts James 1920 John births John 1920 Lillian 1920 Lillian J dcerts Mary 1920 Mary M 1999q Nancy 1860 O. births Owen 1860 Peter 1860 Thomas Dugan 1850 Ann births Emaline 1904nws Esther 1913nws I. L. (Rev.) 1850 Margret 1904nws Thomas dcerts Violet 1850 William Duggan births Emma L. Duglass 1860 Adaline 1860 Almira 1860 Derias 1860 E. 1860 Emaline 1860 Eunis 1860 Henry 1860 Hester 1860 John 1860 Lewisa 1860 Lucinda 1860 Lydia 1860 Manda 1860 Mary 1860 Ruphes 1860 Russell 1860 Ruth Duke harris Basil 1850 Charles 1850 Elizabeth dcerts Ethel 1850 James 1850 James F. 1850 Mary J. 1850 Rachael 1850 Susannah Dulaney dcerts Mark dcerts Myrtle Dull dcerts Clark Dumble 1998q Ann Eliza (Van Duyn Cheatham) 1890nws Earl C. 1885nws Fannie 1890nws Fannie 1893nws Fred. M. 1885nws J. W. 1893nws J. W. 1893nws J. W. 1893nws J. W. 1893nws J. W. 1897nws J. W. 1889nws Jessie 1998q Joseph 1893nws Laura 1893nws Lizzie Dumont phist Estella Violet (Vining) phist Nicholas phist Roy Dumphreys g1820 Morris Dun births Albert Fisher births C. F. deaths William Dunbar 1879nws --- 1920 Annie E 1855nws Brooks & Dunning, --- 1893nws Frankie 1893nws Frankie 1860 H. R. 1879nws H. R. murray Hugh 1884nws J. T. 1860 James 1860 John 1860 Joseph 1860 Joseph 1920 Joseph H phist Joseph H. 1854nws Josiah 1860 Martha 1820 Mary larkin Mary 1819tx Mary phist Mary 1860 Mary E. 1893nws Maud 1893nws Maud murray Mayme 1897nws Mrs. 1860 Nathaniel 1860 Rebecca 1860 Samuel 1893nws Samuel 1860 Sarah wrdead Theo. 1860 Theodore Duncan phist Amos 1998q Catherine marr D.J. 1897nws F. O. 1873nws John 1920 John F larkin Mr. phist Mr. 1819tx William Dunfee 1920 Floyd E 1920 Frederick 1920 Garnet 1920 Harold 1920 Kathryn dcerts Kendal 1920 Kinard Dungan 1912nws Rev. Dunham phist Dunham 1840 Amos 1850 Amos 1860 Amos 1893nws H. B. 1850 Laura M. 1860 Laura M. marr William W. Dunken 1850 Charles Dunkin 1860 Ann 1860 James 1860 Janet 1860 Robert Dunkle Family harris --- Dunlap & Co. 1878nws --- Dunlap 1860 A. 1876nws A. 1840 Alfred 1850 Alfred 1844nws Alfred 1883nws Alfred 1850 Amanda 1851nws Amda 1850 Austin 1840 David 1850 David 1879nws Dr. 1893nws Dr. 1860 Elisa A. 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1878nws Ellen 1850 Fartelles dcerts Fontell 1850 Giles 1850 John 1920 John 1850 Mahala 1860 Mary E. 1850 Olive 1850 Sarah 1850 Sophia 1860 T. E. 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas 1850 Warren 1850 William Dunn 1879nws A. M. g1820 Aaron deaths Almira S. 1904nws Alonzo births Alonzo births Alonzo marr Alonzo dcerts Anna dunn Arthur H. births Arthur H. births Arthur M. births C. F. births Charles births Cynthia marr David births Edda 1904nws Edward dcerts Elbert births Elbert W. births Eliza J. dunn Eva Lee births Eva Lee births F. C. 1890nws Fred 1904nws Fred 1905nws Fred 1905nws Freeman C. 1904nws Freeman Cathcart marr Freud C. marr George W. births Harvey 1890nws James 1893nws James 1897nws Jennie marr John births Lena births Leonora deaths Linna May births Linnie Mary births Maggie deaths Margaret 1893nws Michael 1893nws Michael 1893nws Michael births Nellie Maud births O.P. births Orvil 1886nws Rachel births Robert births Samantha S. births Sarah E. births Sylvia Jane dunn Theodore births Theodore deaths Theodore 1876nws Thomas 1877nws Thomas dunn Thomas births Thomas births Thomas H. births William Maynard dunn William S. births William S. births Wm. Mayward Dunnberger 1850 Eliza 1850 John 1850 Olive 1850 Peter 1850 Sarah Dunsar dcerts John Duquense Fire Company of Pomeroy 1876nws --- Durant 1878nws J. L (Rev.) Durham 1850 Nicholas 1850 William Durkee 1819tx Benjamin Durnburgur wrdead George Durns 1820 Bial Dursi dcerts Eoith Durst births Durst dcerts Durst 1892nws Abraham 1830 Abram 2002q Anna Maria (Ohlinger) 2002q Anna Marie 1920 Arthur dcerts Belva dcerts Earl 1860 Elizabeth births Fredrika 1862nws Fritz births Fritz 1860 Henry 1903nws Henry 1830 Isaac 1840 Isaac 1860 Jacob dindx Jacob 1888nws Jacob births Jacob 2002q Johannes 1830 John 1860 John g1820 John births John dcerts John g1820 Joseph births Katharine dcerts Letha 1860 Levisa 1860 Margaret g1820 Martin 1860 Mary births Mary dcerts Mary dindx Michael marr Michael 1903nws Oscar 1840 Peter 1860 Philip dcerts Rachel dindx Samuel 1892nws Susannah dcerts Val dcerts William Duskey 1850 Catharine 1850 Daniel 1920 Daniel dcerts Daniel 1850 George 1920 George 1862nws George 1892nws George 1892nws George 1892nws George marr George 1850 John 1920 Lonnis/Lonnie E 1920 Mary dcerts Mary 1850 Mary Ellen Dusky 1904nws Clarence 1862nws D. 1830 George 1840 George dcerts George 1920 Gibbie M. dcerts Mary 1840 Thomas 1904nws Wilbur dcerts Zella Dust g1820 Abraham dindx Henry marr John 1892nws Michael marr Michael 1892nws Samuel Dustan 1902nws Rev. Dustin 1919nws Estella V. dcerts Garnet 1840 Helen Dusz dcerts Mary Dutcher forrst Freelove Duttenhafer 1867nws Val Duttenhaver 1860 Ellen 1860 Mary 1860 V. Duttenhofer 1862nws Schreiber &, --- 1861nws V. 1868nws V. 1889nws Valentine Duttenhoffer 1878nws Valentine 1878nws Valentine Duttenhofler's Block 1878nws --- Dutton 1875nws C. B. 1921nws C. P. harris C. S. phist C. S. 1860 Cary 1893nws Clara births D. K. 1840 Daniel harris Edwin 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth harris James g1820 Jesse harris Kingman 1860 L. 1850 Lucinda 1850 Mary 1850 Melvin 1860 Melvin births Osbert L. harris Samuel 1902nws W. H. (Rev.) 1904nws W. H. (Rev.) 1850 Wilson 1860 Wilson Duttons 1877nws Melvin Duval larkin Priscilla Duyne 1892nws Adriana B. VAN Dwacht g1820 Joseph Dye 1860 "Thomas, Jr." Dye family 2002q Dye family Dye 1886nws --- 1850 * dcerts Abigail 1860 Abigal 1920 Amy 1860 Andrew 1881nws Andrew 1886nws Andrew 1918nws Andrew dcerts Andrew 1909nws Andrew (Sr.) dcerts Artha 1908nws Blanche 1908nws Charley 1920 Dale W 1844nws Daniel 1850 David 1860 David dcerts David 1920 Doris O 1887nws Dr. 1892nws Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1920 Elma 1860 Emly 1920 Emma 1998q Ezekiel 1886nws Frank 1888nws Frank 1897nws Frank 1908nws Frank 1998q Furman births Gusta dcerts Hannah 1920 Harry 1918nws Harry dcerts Harry 1860 Hester dcerts Jaines 1920 James 1850 Jane 1860 Jane 1893nws Jane 1850 John 1860 John 1882nws John 1886nws John dcerts John 1920 John F births John H. 1860 John W. 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph F. 1913nws Lena (Musser) 1918nws Lena (Musser) 1860 Lieta? births Louisa 1850 Lowiza 1920 Lucy 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1860 Martha 1860 Martha dcerts Martha 1830 Martin 1840 Martin 1850 Martin 1860 Martin larkin Martin fair Martin 1861nws Martin 1868nws Martin 1908nws Martin 1918nws Martin phist Martin dcerts Martin 1878nws Martin (Jr.) 1860 Mary phist Mary 1860 Mary J. 1920 Melissa dcerts Melissa 1920 Nellie murray Nellie births Ora Bethel 1892nws Philena larkin Polly (Riggs) 1860 Rosela 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah phist Sarah dcerts Sarah 1860 Sofiah phist Stephanie 1893nws T. F. 1897nws T. F. 1897nws T. F. 1908nws T. F. 1998q Thomas 1820 Thomas 1830 Thomas 1840 Thomas 1850 Thomas 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas 1860 Thomas 1920 Thomas wrdead Thomas dindx Thomas 1867nws Thomas 1840 Thomas, Jr. phist Tippy 1871nws W. H. 1886nws W. H. 1886nws W. H. 1886nws W. H. murray W. W. 1920 Webber 1886nws Weber 1850 William 1860 William phist William 1886nws William A. phist William H. phist William H. H. (Tippy) dcerts Williay dcerts Zachari 1850 Zachariah 1873nws Zachariah Dyer g1820 Jasper Dyesville Mill Co. 1893nws --- Dyke Bros. 1884nws --- Dyke births Alice M. 1850 Alonzo C. harris Amos 1893nws Amos 1873nws B. F. 1895nws B. F. 1920 Beckie 1850 Benjamin 1920 Charles births Charles Ross dcerts Elizabe dcerts Ella 1850 Emma 1916nws Emma J. 1920 Ewing larkin Fanny 1850 Fenessa dcerts Flora 1920 Florence A 1920 Frank 1920 Grace murray Grace dcerts Henry births Howard A. dcerts Ida 1897nws Isaac births Isaac dcerts Isaac 1920 Isaac C 1850 James dcerts James 1920 Jonathan A 1920 Lewis 1920 Lizzie 1850 Lydia 1850 Lydia dcerts Lydia 2002q Lydia Louise dcerts Maggie 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1920 Mary A 2001q Minerva (Shenofield) dcerts Nary 1904nws Neva Goldie 1850 Phebe Ann 1891 Robert pmry88 Robert dcerts Robert 1897nws S. A. births S. A. 1920 Samuel births Samuel A. 1889nws Sarah (Branch) 1850 Sarah V. 1850 Silessteen murray Simeon 1859nws Simeon 1850 Susannah 1904nws W. H. 1850 William 1850 William 1920 William murray William E. 1850 William H. 2001q William Henry Dykes 1881nws William