F* 1860 Luke 1860 Mary 1860 Winnie F. W. Baptist Church of Middleport 1876nws --- Faehnie 1893nws Albert 1893nws Joseph 1893nws Joseph Faehnle 1893nws Albert 1893nws Berna births German 1893nws Joseph 1893nws Joseph 1897nws Joseph births Joseph 1897nws Lizzie Faggart dcerts Florenc Fahnestock 1860 Eliza 1860 Wm. Fahnle births Fahnle 1862nws George 1876nws Mr. births William Fahule 1881nws Joseph Failor 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Ressa Fair family 1902nws --- Fair phist Ruth 1840 Samuel larkin Samuel Fairbank dcerts Clarenc Fairbanks 1998q Elizabeth Fairman dindx Gideon Fairview cemetery 1885nws --- Faist dcerts Harpol Faley 1860 Alice 1860 Francis 1860 George C. 1860 M. Falkner g1820 James Falkner? g1820 Daniel Fall g1820 John births Mary Faller 1860 Betsy larkin Edward 1860 Flora 1860 H. 1862nws H. 1871nws Herman 1862nws Isaac 1860 J. 1860 Jiny 1860 Joseph 1860 Matilda 1860 Nancy Falloon 1889nws A. E. 1893nws George 1893nws Mrs. Falmer/Talmer? 1920 Philip 1920 Rebecca A Faloon 1889nws E. Falsom 1820 Asa Fana dcerts Katheri Fanthorey dcerts Nancy Farel 1999q Nelson Fargo 1893nws Bessie 1893nws J. E. 1893nws Nettie 1893nws Nina Faris 1897nws Eva phist George phist Helen phist Henrietta dcerts Matthew phist O. R. 1830 Sarah Farley P. M. Church 1876nws --- Farley 1860 ? 1904nws Addie 1860 Adelaid 1860 Albert 1850 Almira 1860 Alwina births Amanda Jane 1920 Arden M. dcerts Artemis 1920 Artie M 1999q Barbary Jane 1860 Barbrea J. 1920 Bessie 1920 Calvin 1920 Catherine P 1998q Charity Elizabeth (Cuckler) 1920 Cora M 1893nws Dora A. 1920 Dora E 1860 Dorrinda harris Dr. dcerts Edith 1860 Elias 1860 Eliza J. births Eliza J. 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Emma 1860 Ester births Ethel May 1920 Fern M 1920 Frances R 1920 Frank E 1920 Frank W births G. F. 1920 George F 1920 Gladys W. 1860 Gracey 1860 Harriett I. 1850 Henry murray Henry 1851nws Henry 1920 Henry W births I. L. 1860 Isaac 1860 Isaac L. births Isaac L. 1860 Italey 1905nws Jack Lemeir 2000q Jane 2001q Jane 1860 Jane 1860 Jason births Jason Lee 1860 John 1860 John 1867nws John 1850 John H. 1860 Jonathan 1860 Joshua wrdead Joshua murray Joshua 1998q Josiah births Josie births Leona dcerts Lonnie dcerts Lucille 1920 Lumarrh? 1860 Manday I. 1860 Martha 1860 Mary 1860 Mary dcerts Mary 1920 Mary A 1920 Mittie M 1860 Moses 1860 Nancey A. 1920 Nancy E murray Nora 1920 Prudence A 1850 Rachael 1860 Rachel 1860 Rhoda dcerts Rhoda 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah A. 1850 Sean 1860 Sharlet 1850 Silas 1860 Silas marr Silas 1860 Stephen 1920 Stephen 1905nws Stephen dcerts Stephen 1860 Susy 1920 Terry J 1860 Thomas 1867nws Thomas 1905nws Thomas dcerts Thomas 1860 Vinson 1860 Vinton 1920 William G. Farmer's Rest 1893nws --- Farmer births Blanche E. 1850 Clarrissa 1859nws Dudley 1840 Ephraim dcerts Iyda 1830 Jonathan 1850 Lavinia g1820 Lewis dcerts Lewis 1850 Lovica 1860 Mary dcerts Mary phist Mary W. 1850 Nathaniel 1840 Orvil 1850 Orville cmarr Polly 1850 Sarah 1862nws Sarah 1850 William wrdead William 1862nws William Farmers' Exchange 1878nws --- Farnell dindx Mariam Farnham 1893nws L. F. Farr 1917nws Jonas Farra 1920 Catherine 1920 Charles H 1920 Erma 1920 Floyd dcerts Floyd 1920 Gladys 1920 Ines 1920 Isaac 1920 Joseph 1920 L? 1920 Martha 1920 Mayme 1920 Mona 1920 Otis 1920 Trilla Farrar 4thInf John Farre dcerts Cora Farrel & Butler 1881nws --- Farrel 1850 John Farrell dcerts Mary Farren? 1860 A? 1860 Elizabeth Farrer family 1998q Farrer family Farrer births Farrer births Joseph Farrington 1830 Asa 1892nws Desdemonia Farris dcerts Matthew 1860 William Fartc dcerts Mary Farvier marr Nathan Fattz 1850 George 1850 Joseph 1850 Mary Faught dcerts Anorew Faulkner g1820 Andrew dcerts Saia Fauster dindx Isaac Fawcett 1850 M. 1850 Margaret 1850 N. 1868nws S. P. Fcreman dcerts Milfcro Fearing larkin Paul phist Paul Feasley dcerts Alice Feeney 1854nws John L. 1893nws Peter Feger 1919nws A. J. (Rev.) Feiger dcerts Alice 1860 Cate 1999q Catherine 1999q Christiana dcerts Clara 1876nws E. 1893nws E. E. graybd E. F. 1862nws E. F. 1883nws E. F. 1895nws E. F. 1999q Ernest 1860 Ernest 1875nws Frederick 1999q George 1867nws George L. 1883nws George L. 1893nws Harry 1893nws Harry 1897nws Harry H. dcerts Helen 1878nws Henry 1921nws Henry P. 1897nws Ina 1999q Jacob 1860 Jacob dcerts Kate dcerts Nellie 1999q Philip D. 1999q Susanah Felds marr Filghamon Fell dcerts Albert 1920 Alma S dcerts Anthcny 1920 Anthony dcerts Bernard 1920 Bertha E 1920 Dana A dcerts Deliah dcerts Edna 1920 Edna G 1920 Edna V 1920 Frank J 1920 Freda A dcerts Henry dcerts Kathrin dcerts Margret 1920 Margrette Fellow births Kate M. Fellows 1867nws A. 1920 Arthur births Arthur births B. F. phist Benjamin F. 1850 Bethiar 1860 Charlotte 1860 Christopher 1860 Eleanor 1840 Elihu 1860 Elihu births Eliza 1850 Ellanor 1920 Ellen M 1850 Franklin 1860 Franklin 1860 G. W. 1860 George 1860 Henry 1850 Isaac 1860 Isaac phist Isaac 1859nws Isaac H. 1858nws J. H. 1850 John 1860 John 1819tx John 1820 John W. 1830 John W. 1840 John W. 1860 John W. dindx John W. 1892nws John W. phist John W. 1850 Justice 1840 Justin 1860 Lauson W. 1850 Lucy 1860 Lucy births Lucy 1860 Lydia births M.E. 1860 Margaret 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1860 Mary births Mary births Mary C. phist Mary E. births Mary E. 1850 Rabecca 1840 Samuel 1860 T. births Wallace W. Felton dcerts Mary Fender dcerts Stillbo n. Fenemore 1840 Samuel Fenian dcerts Minfrva Fenimore 1999q Hannah (Sayre) 1999q Samuel Fenn 1851nws Harvey P. 1851nws Lucy Fenny 1854nws Elizabeth Fenstermach dcerts Clara Ferguson 1999q Albert dcerts Gertrud dcerts James 1999q Lizzie g1820 Matthew 1854nws Nancy J. 1884nws T. H. (Prof.) 1876nws T. J. (Rev.) dcerts Willian Ferra dcerts Evelyn Ferrall 1860 Anthony 1860 Barbary 1860 Christina 1860 Delana 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Hannah 1860 Henry 1860 Matthew 1860 Wendell Ferrel 1850 Bethenel 1850 Darias 1850 Edward 1850 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Hannah 1850 John 1892nws John 1850 Lovica 1850 Lovina 1850 Mahala 1850 Margret 1850 Mary 1850 Rabecca 1999q Robert 1999q Theodotia Ann 1850 Workman Ferrell dcerts Frank dcerts Helen 1921nws Otis 1999q Susannah Ferril 1886nws John Ferrill 1891nws Elizabeth Ferrington 1840 Bennet Ferris 1840 William J. Fesler 1850 Almira 1860 Almira 1860 Anna C. 1892nws Basheba 1860 Clara A. 1873nws Frank 1860 Frank W. 1850 Franklin 1889nws Harry L. 1820 Henry dindx Henry 1860 Mary L. fair T. (Mrs.) 1860 Thomas fair Thomas 1867nws Thomas 1868nws Thomas 1889nws Thomas 1893nws Thomas fair Thomas, (Mrs.) 1850 Thos Fessler larkin Alvira (Nye) larkin Thomas Fester 1840 Isaac Festler 1879nws Charlie 1879nws Nora Fetch dcerts Joseph Fetty 1920 Audrey M 1920 Elmer F 1861nws Levy 1920 Lillie Fetzer g1820 Jacob Fich 1860 Barby 1860 Conery 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Jacob 1860 John 1860 Laurance 1860 Mary 1860 Philip 1860 William Fick births Fick 1850 Adam births Annie K. 1920 Bonnie 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine births Catharine births Catherine 1999q Dana 1920 Dana 1850 Elizabeth 1999q Elizabeth (Goeglein) 1920 Ella 1920 Fred 1897nws George 1897nws George 1897nws George 1920 Hannah dcerts Hannah 1850 Jacob 1893nws Jacob 1894nws Jacob births Jacob births Jacob A. 1850 John 1850 John births John births John 1920 John Jacob 1920 Kathleen 1850 Laurance 1999q Laurence 1892nws Lawrence 1850 Margaret 1920 Martha M births Phillip dcerts Phillip births Stillborn 1850 William 1893nws William 1903nws William dcerts William births Wm. Fick? 1891 John Ficke births P.W. births Phillip Ficks dcerts William Fiebis dcerts Barbra Field cmarr C. F. 1850 Mary 1901nws Miss dindx Wm. Fielden 2003q Agnes Fielding 1854nws Mrs. Fields Family harris --- Fields 1850 Amanda 1850 Dudley dcerts Edward 1920 Edward E 1920 Eunice 1920 Frieda M 1920 George S 1850 H. 1866nws James 1920 John W. 1850 Lydia 1908nws Margaret dcerts Mary 1920 Mary E 1920 Rachel dcerts Rachel 1920 Sarah E 1920 Tillman dcerts Tilman harris Tom Fielos dcerts George Fife 1862nws A. 1850 Abraham 1860 Abraham 1881nws Abraham 1860 Clarissa 1850 Clarrisa 1893nws Edna 1850 Emeline 1860 Emily 1850 Enoch 1850 Henry 1860 Jabez A. 1850 Jarvis 1889nws Joseph W. 1891nws Joseph W. 1850 Maria 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Mathias 1860 Mathias 1862nws Mathias dcerts Stillbo 1850 William 1860 William Fifet 1860 A. 1860 August 1860 Catharine 1860 George 1860 Henry 1860 John 1860 Margaret Fiff dcerts Rfva Figer 1860 Barbary 1860 George 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary Figgins 1850 Betsey 1850 Elizabeth 1850 John 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Thomas Figlen 1860 Albert C. 1860 Cansada 1860 Eugene P? 1860 Joseph 1860 R. 1860 Sarah C. Figley wrdead Joseph D. 1874nws Marion 1840 Robert Fikench dcerts Mautha Fileman dcerts Willian Filkin 1999q Henry 1820 Henry 1819tx Henry 1999q Laura (Mimms) 1999q Orin Scott Filkins 1892nws Amelia dindx Henry Fillmore 2000q Adeline Barstow Filson 1889nws Frank 1889nws J. R. Ross 1876nws Joseph Finch dcerts William Findiing dcerts Charifc Finding 1901nws Anna Mary Findiy dcerts Edward Findlaw births Effie Luetta births Saml Findley 1920 ?Powell E 1860 Catharine 1860 Charles 1920 Edward L 1860 Eliza 1920 Ethel M 1860 G. 1920 Helen R 1920 Lizzie H 1920 Mary 1920 Millicent F 1920 Pearl L 1920 Russell F 1860 William Findling 1860 Barbary 1860 Becner 1850 C. 1860 C. 1920 Carl 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine 1920 Charles dcerts Charles 1862nws Chris 1860 Christ 1860 D. 1876nws D. 1890nws D. 1895nws D. 1860 Elisabeth 1920 Ema murray Emma births Emma 1920 Esther B 1920 Iva M wrdead Jacob 1890nws Jacob 1860 John 1860 Lisa 1920 Lucretia 1860 Mary 1860 Peter births Peter marr Peter wrdead Philip 1920 Russell O 1860 V. 1862nws Val wrdead Valentine 1860 Wendle Finger 1860 C. Fink dcerts John dcerts Peter Finlan wrdead James Finlaw dcerts Finlaw 1897nws Celia 1898nws Celia murray Effie L. 1860 Harriet 1860 James 1860 Milton 1860 Nancy dcerts Robert dcerts Rosa 1860 Samuel 1860 Zebijah Finley 1850 Barbary births Geo. A. 1840 Henry births Jerry 1893nws W. J. 1860 William Finling 1850 Abraham 1850 Barbara 1850 Dorothy 1850 Henry 1850 Henry 1850 Jacob 1850 Laura 1850 Margret 1850 Mary 1850 Mathias 1850 Philip 1850 Sophia dcerts Stillec 1850 Val Finney 1879nws E. B. (Rev.) 1889nws E. W. 1850 Elijah 1998q Elizabeth Harriet 1998q Ellen T. dcerts Hannah 1998q Hannah (Haskell) 1998q Hannah Jane 1998q Harmond, Barnhart dcerts Henry 1913nws Jacob 1998q Jacob W. 1998q James H. 1876nws John 1998q John Andrew 1998q Mary Ann 1998q Matilda (Woodward) 1998q Rachel J. 1998q Sarah harris Solomon 1998q Susan M. (Stevens) 1998q Susanna 1998q Susannah (Lang) 1998q William Akeman 1998q William Andre Finnley births Charles J. births Clara Louisa Finoley dcerts Vaugan Finolin dcerts John Finoling dcerts Charles dcerts Iariett Finsterwald harris Fritz harris Harry dcerts Ida harris James Henry harris Jesse harris John dcerts Lewis harris Peter Fippy 1850 Sarah Ann Firby 1840 Nathaniel Firchfr dcerts Finw First Baptist Church 1901nws --- 1875nws Pomeroy, --- First Certificate dindx First Certificate First City Bank 1889nws --- 1897nws --- First Free Will Baptist church 1897nws Middleport, --- First Freewill Baptist Church 1876nws --- First National Bank of Middleport 1877nws --- First National Bank of Pomeroy 1867nws --- 1873nws --- First National Bank 1877nws Pomeroy, --- First Presbyterian Church 1875nws Middleport, --- First Rutland Free Baptist curch 1893nws --- FIRST dcerts Firs First dcerts Unnamed Fischbach phist Elizabeth (Heimbach) phist Elsbeth phist Johannes phist Philip Fischback phist Agnes (Haeger) phist Elizabeth Fischer births Fischer 1850 Adam 1850 Barbara 1850 Catharine dcerts Edwin births Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1897nws G. (Rev.) 1850 George births George 1850 Henry dcerts Jacob 1889nws M. F. dcerts Mary 1850 Michael 1897nws Sebastian dcerts Theodor dcerts William Fischler dcerts John Fiseler 1850 Rosina Fish property 1897nws --- Fish 1830 Abaslom 1840 Absalem 1850 Absalom dindx Absalom 1819tx Absalom 1860nws Absalom 1820 Absolom 1920 Allie harris Caroline phist Caroline 1892nws Clerk 1840 Deadima dindx Deiadama 1830 Diadama dindx Diadama 1854nws Diadama phist Diademia (Jones) dindx Diedama 1904nws Dorothy M. 1920 E? 1920 Edith phist Eliza Ann dcerts Elizabe births Ellen V. 1920 Fadie 1920 Flora 1850 Francis 1884nws Frank graybd H. C. pmry88 H. C. 1897nws H. C. 1897nws H. C. 1897nws H. C. 1897nws H. C. 1897nws H. C. dcerts Henry 1904nws J. R. 1850 James 1855nws James 1856nws James 1867nws James 1884nws James phist James phist Jeremiah 1850 John 1920 Josephine 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1851nws Mary 1867nws Mary 1820 Nathaniel dindx Nathaniel harris Nathaniel phist Nathaniel dindx Nathl. 1850 Polly 1860nws Polly 1921nws Ransom 1921nws Ranson phist Rebecca (Riggs or Barker) 1840 Samuel 1897nws Secretary 1897nws Solicitor dcerts Willial 1920 William Fishback phist Anna Catherine phist John Fisher cemetery 1894nws --- Fisher 1879nws --- births Fisher 1882nws A. (Mrs.) 1854nws A. D. births Adam 1920 Albert 1903nws Albert 1860 Alex 1890nws Alex 1890nws Alex. 1893nws Alex. 1893nws Alex. 1850 Ann 1850 Ann 1860 Ann 1879nws Ann 1897nws Ann C. (Comble) 1860 Anna dcerts Anna births Anna E. births Anna Florence murray Austin 1860 Caroline 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine 1860 Catharine 1860 Catherine births Catherine dcerts Cecil 1904nws Clinton phist Clinton births Cora May 1890nws Daisy 1920 Dana 1903nws Dana dcerts Don 1879nws Dr. dcerts Earmile 1850 Edward 1860 Edward 1897nws Edward (Dr.) births Edward C. 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth hrdsty Elizabeth phist Elizabeth (Davis) 1860 Emily 1860 Emma J. 1897nws Emma S. 1850 Evaline 1860 Florence 1897nws Frank 1905nws Frank 1860 Fred 1860 George 1881nws George 1905nws George births George 1920 Glennie 1861nws H. J. 1850 Henry 1860 Henry 1862nws Henry 1920 Hiram T 1850 Jacob 1860 Jacob 1854nws Jacob 1893nws Jacob 1905nws Jacob 1920 James M 1877nws Joe 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John 1876nws John 1881nws John 1897nws John 1897nws John 1904nws John C. 1850 John T. 1920 John W 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph dcerts Joseph marr Joseph 1897nws Joseph (Dr.) 1860 L. dcerts Lawrenc phist Leonard births Leonard dcerts Leonaro 1897nws Lizzie 1850 Magdalana 1860 Magdalena dcerts Margare 1860 Margaret 1860 Margaret births Margaret 1850 Margret 1897nws Mart (Capt.) 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1901nws Mary births Mary 1920 Mary Alice pmry88 McKnight & 1850 Michael 1860 Moby 1860 Nancy 1905nws Nina Fay 1920 Norman 1920 Paul P dcerts Peitr 1850 Peter 1860 Peter 1850 Presley 1888nws Rev. dcerts Robert 1860 Rosena births Ruth M. 1893nws Salina 1860 Salinas 1850 Samuel dcerts Sarah 1860 Sofiah phist Sophia (Ebersbach) 1888nws Sophia Fredreika 1860 Stephen births Stephen Theo. dcerts Stillbo n. 1850 Susan 1860 Susan 1850 Thomas 1921nws Thomas dcerts Unnameo 1920 Verda 1860 W. 1850 Wendell 1860 Wendle 1850 William 1920 William 1856nws William 1921nws William 1860 Wm. Fisk 1840 Lawrence dcerts Minnie Fiske 1920 Guy Fisler 1819tx Henry Fitagerald 1860 F. Fitch Bro's. 1887nws --- Fitch births Fitch 1887nws C. M. 1850 Cassias M. C. 1895nws Cassius dcerts Cassius 1860 Cola A. 1840 Cyrenus C. 1860 Elisha dcerts Hannah g1820 Hezekiah 1860 James 1840 Joseph 1850 Joseph 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph wrdead Joseph dcerts Lester 1850 Lester M. 1858nws M. L. 1876nws M. L. births M. L. 1850 Madison L. 1859nws Madison L. 1893nws Madison L. 1860 Mariah 1850 Mary 1854nws N. 1854nws N. M. 1850 Parmelia 1860 Samuel 1850 Sarah 1893nws Sarah E. (Bartlett) 1850 Thurza M. 1860 William Fitchpatirck 1855nws Mrs. Fite 1895nws Mathias Fitspatrick 1860 Isabell 1860 Peter Fitzgerald 1894nws Jarrett births Rachel 1894nws Thomas Fitzpatrick 1850 Isabella 1850 James marr James 1850 Mary 1840 Peter 1850 Peter 1850 Rosanna 1850 Thomas Flaherfy 1855nws Thomas Flanagan phist Thomas C. 1893nws W. H. Flanagin 1850 D. Flanders 1860 Casai 1860 Edward 1860 Fremont 1860 Lewis 1860 Mary 1850 Moses 1860 Moses Flanegan 1893nws Ida Flanegin 1897nws Abbie 1897nws Alma 1897nws Mary 1879nws Mr. 1897nws Mr. graybd T. C. 1876nws T. C. 1876nws T. C. 1889nws W. H. Flannagan 1889nws John Flasco dcerts Pauline Flatwoods Cemetery 1897nws --- Flatwoods school house 1894nws --- Flatwoods schoolhouse 1897nws --- Flaucher dcerts Stillpc Fleak Family harris --- Fleak murray Plat Flectcher 1878nws F. F. Fleehart Brothers harris --- Fleehart family 1999q Fleehart family Fleehart Family harris --- Fleehart larkin Joshua phist Joshua larkin Ruth larkin Ruth phist Ruth larkin Sally larkin Sally phist Sally Fleek 1855nws George E. murray Jim 1920 Laura 1855nws Lucy N. (Slagill) 1855nws Mary Ann Fleetwood 1885nws --- Fleims 1830 Thomas Fleming 1860 Anna larkin Bartholomew 1892nws Bartholomew harris Daniel births Estella V. larkin Hannah (Warth) dcerts Ifi dcerts Irvin 1854nws J. P. 1854nws J. P. g1820 James births James harris John 1860 Joseph harris Marcia 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary 1893nws Mr. dcerts Oscar harris Theodore births Wm. Loyal Flemings 1897nws John Flemming dcerts Lillie Flesher 1860 A. J. 1893nws Addie A. 1905nws Arthur G. 1860 B. F. 1887nws B. T. 1893nws B. T. 1860 Benjamin 1897nws Benjamin T. 1860 Caroline 1860 Charles 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Francis 1860 Harrison 1887nws Hart &, --- 1860 Isaac 1820 John 1830 John larkin John 1819tx John 1892nws John phist John 1830 John Jr. larkin Lucinda phist Lucinda 1819tx Lucy 1860 Manon 1892nws Martha 1860 Mary 1860 Millard 1889nws Millard 1893nws Millard 1819tx Robert 1860 Sarah 1830 Stephen 1892nws Stephen 1860 Thomas 1893nws W. A. 1920 William 1876nws William A. 1860 Wm. F. Fleshman larkin Jesse g1820 Rachel Fletcher 1920 Albert larkin Catharine (Warth) 1840 Charles 1850 Charles 1920 Daisy 1850 Emily M. graybd F. F. 1876nws F. F. 1890nws Fennimore F. 1850 George W. 1858nws H. 1850 John S. g1820 Joseph larkin Joseph harris Joseph 1850 Loretta 1886nws Mary 1854nws Melinda 1861nws Nelson 1890nws Raymond 1850 Sarah 1883nws Sarah E. 1890nws Solon dcerts Stillrc 1850 Susan 1850 William Flick 1850 Margaret 1850 Rosetta Flim? 1860 Perry Fling dindx John Flinn 1860 Elizabeth 1893nws Robert 1820 Thomas larkin Thomas 1819tx Thomas phist Thomas Flint dcerts John Flood phist Elnor phist John Florence G. hrdsty Florence G. Flower 1860 Elizabeth 1860 George 1860 John 1860 Peter 1860 Valentin 1860 Valentine Flowers 1866nws Alfred 1850 Benj. 1885nws Ed 1904nws George 1904nws Hulbert Ellis 1850 Marsha dcerts Norman 1998q Thomas Floyd 1893nws Alex. 1850 Catharine dcerts Michael Fltz dcerts Marie Fluke dcerts Cathari Flynn larkin Amelia dcerts Patrick larkin Thomas 1889nws Thomas Fncst dcerts Elizaue Foalan 1879nws William Foast dcerts Saiqah Foble 1856nws John 1856nws Lucy Focley dcerts Unnaned Fogg births Beecher 1860 C. 1850 Cecil harris Cecil births Cecil 1850 Clarkson wrdead Clarkson 4thInf Clarkson harris Clarkson 1850 Hannah 1850 Irena harris Irena larkin Jeremiah 1850 Lydda 1850 Mary harris Peter 1850 Stephen harris Stephen wrdead Stephen G. 1850 Thomas 1855nws Thomas 2002q Thomas P. 1830 Thomas P. 1840 Thomas P. dindx Thomas P. harris Thomas P. 1819tx Thomas P. 1856nws Thomas P. 1892nws Thomas P. phist Thomas P. 1850 Waldo harris Waldo dcerts Waldo Foggin 1920 Francis(f) Fogle marr Jacob Foidfn dcerts Cgforgi dcerts D dcerts Mary Foirit? 1860 Abraham 1860 Cerepta 1860 Citura 1860 D. 1860 John 1860 Mary 1860 Rindy 1860 Sally Folan 1920 Chester F 1920 Ella N 1881nws John dcerts John 1881nws Mary Jane 1920 Rachel M 1920 Rebecca dcerts William 1920 William A Folden births Albert Ellison 1920 Alma dcerts Alonzo 1856nws Andrew 1920 Anna murray Anna May 1920 Atta V 1909nws Atta V. murray Auta V. murray Barb 1920 Bertha 1903nws Bruce Harold 1920 Carrol A 1920 Charles murray Charley murray Charley murray Charlie 1891nws Charlie G. 1897nws D. J. dcerts David 1920 David L 1891nws David L. murray Dora A. murray Edna dcerts Elizabe 1850 Elizabeth 1920 Elizabeth 1920 Emeline 1920 Emerillas murray Emma 1926nws Emmarillus (Wiseman) murray Essie 1903nws Essie dcerts Funice 1850 George dcerts George 1920 George C murray Hattie murray Hattie 1920 Hellen L murray Herb murray Herb murray Herbie murray Herm murray Herm 1920 Herman 1920 Hetzel W murray Howard murray Howard murray Iva murray Iva murray Jab dcerts James 1920 James H phist James H. 1920 James R 1840 John murray John dcerts John 1920 John E 1840 Joshua 1850 Joshua 1850 Josiah murray Leon 1920 Leona B 1920 Levanda C 1920 Lewis H 1920 Loyal B 1920 Maggie 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1920 Mary 1920 Mary A births Mary E. births Mary Frances births Mary M. murray Mary Mrs. 1920 Myrtle E 1850 Nancy dcerts Phoeba 1840 Robert 1850 Robert 1856nws Robert 1871nws Robert murray Rouf Hurley Mrs. Rouf s/o Charlie murray Setta 1850 Susan births W. S. 1856nws Washington 1850 William 1920 William dcerts William Folding 1860 C. 1860 Christopher 1860 Lucetta 1860 Mary 1860 Peter 1860 Pheby Folen dcerts Orvil 1893nws William Foley 1920 Adeline 1920 Alton M 1860 Andrew H. 1860 Ann 1850 Anna dcerts Anna 1998q Anna Maria 1860 Betsey 1920 Blanche A 1903nws C. W. 1850 Catharine 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine 1860 Catharine 1860 Charles dcerts Charles 1903nws Charles Wesley 1920 Clarence E 1860 David P. 1850 Delpha 1920 Eldon C 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1998q Elizabeth (Wilson) 1920 Ernest S 1920 Ethel M 1920 Francis W 1920 Frank C 1850 Harrison 1860 Harrison 1920 Herchel W 1850 Irena births Irene 1920 Jackson 1850 James births James 1850 James W. 1860 James? 1860 Jane births Jennie Bell 1860 Jerusha 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1904nws John dcerts Kenneth 1860 Lidda M. 1860 Lovina N. 1920 Lucille 1860 Martha 1876nws Mary 1860 Mary E. 1860 Mary J. 1920 Maud E 1860 P. 1860 Phebe A. births Phebe Ann 1850 Phoeba A. 1893nws Preston marr Preston P. dcerts Ralph dcerts Rebecca 1904nws Ruth 1860 Salinda 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah J. 1860 Susan 1850 Susannah 1998q Thomas 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas marr Wilson A. 1860 Wm H. Folid 1860 Catharine 1860 Charles 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Margaret Follett larkin Anna (McQuigg) Follows births Benj. Follrod 1920 ? Nina R 1920 Ada dcerts Eltzage 1920 Emma 1920 Errol E 1920 Ethel M 1920 Helen E 1920 Leala 1920 Rayman 1920 William Follsod dcerts Edward Folman 1860 Elizabeth 1860 John 1860 Margaret 1860 Peter 1860 V. 1860 Valentine Folmer dcerts Anna dcerts Doris dcerts Dow births George 1883nws John dcerts Roy dcerts Stiiibo births Valentine Folner dcerts Mckinle Foloen dcerts Emma dcerts Kathari Folrath 1875nws Charles 1876nws Charles Folroo dcerts Emma Folsom dindx Joshua Folsum dindx Joshua Fom 1850 Esther Fonts 1850 Andrew 1850 Caleb 1850 Mary Foore 1840 Samuel Foose 1850 Amanda 1850 John 1850 Mary 1882nws Miss dcerts Stiibo Foraker harris J. B. Forbes harris Alvira 1860 Andrew 1879nws Ann wrdead Arthur 1920 Carl 1920 Eleanor dcerts Frincis 1893nws Lizzie 1920 Louise 1920 May 1893nws Nellie E. 1920 Waid Forbs 1862nws Andrew 1862nws David Force 1840 Albert 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Esther 1850 Joseph L. 1850 Lindley J. horton M. F. (Gen.) harris Margaret 1850 Mary G. Ford family 2002q Ford family Ford 1850 Adeline 1860 Charles 1860 Elizabeth phist Elizabeth 1850 Emory harris Frederick Ford phist Gilbert 1850 Harriet 1850 Hiram 1860 John 1850 La Fayette 1860 Lafayette 1860 Laram? 1892nws Leah phist Leah 1850 Lory dindx Lovy 1999q Lucy 1850 Maria phist Maria (Sayre) 1850 Marlat 1850 Martha A. 1850 Melissa phist Nancy 1850 Phi 1850 Sally 1860 Sarah 1850 Sarah A. 1840 Thomas 1850 Thomas phist Thomas Ford? 1860 Illegible Fordice 1820 John 1830 John 1840 John phist John Fordyce larkin Fanny (Parker) larkin John phist John 1850 Peace Fordyee harris Alleluia harris Alpha harris John harris Omega harris Peace Foreman 1998q D. 1920 Daniel 1889nws Daniel R. murray Dave 1897nws David 1893nws David R. 1850 Edward 1920 Edward R. 1920 Emerson dcerts Flla dcerts Fmiard 1850 Hannah dcerts Hannah wrdead J.W. 1850 Jane 1920 Jary 1850 Joseph 1998q Lucinda (Phelps) 1850 Lucretia dcerts Margare 1920 Martha 1850 Mary dcerts Mary 1920 Myrta dcerts Myrtia births Precilla dcerts Robert dcerts Stillbo dcerts Stillbo n. 1850 Susan dcerts Syras Forest Run U. B. Church 1916nws --- Forest 1850 Aurilla phist Awzina murray Burr 1860 Catharine births Cora Priscilla 1860 Cyrus murray David 1850 Elison 1860 Emily 1850 Florentine 1850 Gehial 1850 Giles 1840 Gordon 1920 Homer 1860 Infant not named 1850 Isaac births J. G. murray Jack Mrs. 1820 James 1819tx James 1850 Jasper murray Jasper births Jasper A. 1860 Jehial 1820 John 1850 John 1850 John phist John births John 1850 Lucinda 1879nws Lydia murray Mabel 1850 Marcelles 1850 Maria births Marion E. 1840 Mary 1920 Mary births Mary 1850 Orinda births Orinda births Pearley murray Pressilla 1920 Ruel E 1861nws Sarah (Hedrick) Forh 1860 Amarilda 1860 Andrew 1860 Charles 1860 George 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary 1860 P. Fork 1840 Israel dcerts Stilloc Forman 1893nws Daniel g1820 James 1893nws Nora Fornwald dcerts Edward Forrest births Forrest 1909nws Bessie births Bessie 1892nws Betsey murray Burr murray Burr Mrs. dcerts Carrie 1878nws Chase &, --- births Clarence B. births Clyde 1840 David larkin David 1886nws David births Earl larkin Eliza 1891nws Eliza dcerts Eliza larkin Elizabeth 1892nws Elizabeth births Ellen 1881nws F. A. dcerts Florent births Florentina 1877nws Florentine 1889nws Florentine 1891nws Florentine fair G. B. 1893nws Giles births Giles 1878nws Isaac 1878nws Isaac 1926nws Isaac 1889nws J. B. dindx James larkin James forrst James 1889nws Jap 1886nws Jasper 1900nws Jasper 1875nws Jasper G. 1875nws Jasper G. 1877nws Jasper G. dcerts Jcg 1999q John larkin John 1819tx John 1892nws John forrst John births L. 1909nws Marcellus 1926nws Marcellus 1873nws Marinda 1889nws Marion births Marvin births Mary 1830 Meage? 1897nws Myrta A. dcerts Orville births Percilla dcerts Presley forrst Robert forrst Robert McCorkle dcerts Roger 1830 Rosana 1890nws Rosella 1892nws Rosina 1999q Rosina (Carpenter) 1926nws Rozella (Plummer) larkin Sally (Hedrick) 1830 Thomas 1892nws Thomas dcerts Viola dcerts Wirley dcerts Worley Forsaeth dcerts Josephi Forsthofel dcerts Veronic Forsythe 1920 Izetta M Fortes 1820 Isaac Fortune 1904nws Albert S. 1860 Elizabeth 1860 George 1904nws Hilah V. 1860 Mary A. 1860 Sarah 1860 Z. Fosedice 1819tx John Fosrer 1855nws Thomas Foss 1913nws Charles (Mrs.) 1875nws F. 1879nws F. dcerts Lewis dcerts Robert Foster Family harris --- Foster 1860 "Edward, Jr." 1840 ? Edward dcerts Adaline 1920 Adeline 1920 Alfred J. 1860 Alice 1850 Ann 1860 Anna 1920 Antonia wrdead Azariah 1860 B. V. 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine 1879nws Charles 1879nws Charles 1920 Charley 1860 Cornelia 1850 David 1860 David murray Davie harris E. 1920 Earle W harris Ebenezer 1920 Edmond M 1830 Edward 1850 Edward 1860 Edward dindx Edward harris Edward 1876nws Edward 1886nws Edward 1889nws Edward dcerts Edward 1860 Edward D. 1850 Elesia 1860 Elizabeth 1920 Elizabeth dcerts Elizage 1890nws Ella 1860 Ellen 1920 Emily Lucilla 1860 Esther dindx Ewd. 1920 Florence J 1920 Francis J 1920 Frank H 1920 Gineva 1850 Henrietta 1860 Henrietta 1860 Hezakiah 1920 Homer C. harris Hull 1920 Ira B 1860 Irena F. 1850 Irene 1830 Isaac 1850 Isaac 1920 Isaac dindx Isaac larkin Isaac 1819tx Isaac 1844nws Isaac 1860 Isaac D. 1850 Issabelle phist J. Edward 1882nws J. R. phist Joanne 1850 John 1860 John 1893nws John R. 1897nws John R. 1893nws John W. g1820 Jonathan 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph 1850 Laura 1860 Laura 1850 Luther 1860 Luther 1920 Mabel 1850 Malinda phist Maria (Skinner) 1860 Marinda 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1870nws Mary dcerts Mary 1920 Nana P 1850 Nancy 1871nws Nettie 1850 Orlando 1860 Orlando 1850 Renela 1850 Robert 1860 Robt larkin Sally murray Sally harris Sally dindx Samuel 1850 Sarah g1820 Sarah dcerts Stillbo dcerts Stilleo 1860 Susan 1920 Susie 1850 Thomas dindx Thomas 1871nws W. 1920 Wade G? C. 1850 William 1867nws William 1870nws William (Rev.) 1920 Wilma M 1850 Wm B. 1860 Wm. 1920 Zella May Fosz 1867nws Frederick Foulden 1859nws Robert Foulk 1850 Jane 1850 Milton Foulks 1873nws Edmund G. Founds 1904nws Calla Edna dcerts Charles 1920 Edna C 1920 Elva 1920 Emmeline 1920 Ethel 1920 Freda 1920 George 1920 Joie S ? 1920 Mary J. dcerts May dcerts Susann 1920 Unice(Eunice) 1920 William 1904nws Z. T. 1920 Zachary Founos dcerts Mary Fountain 1860 C. 1856nws David 1860 Emily 1858nws Mrs. 1893nws Mrs. 1856nws Nancy E. (Hayman) 1879nws S. W. 1885nws S. W. 1860 Warren 1860 Wm Foust dcerts Williai Fouth 1850 Ferdinand 1850 Margaret Fouts 1889nws Maria Fowfrs dcerts Ivan Fowler g1820 - dcerts Charlot g1820 Elijah 1883nws George 1889nws George births George Raymond 1840 Isaac births Isabel births Isabell births Isabella graybd J. M. 1861nws James 1840 John dcerts John births Jos. M. 1876nws Joseph births Joseph M. g1820 Sarah dcerts Stillbo n. 1892nws Thomas births Thomas F. dcerts Zella Fowles 1850 Olivia Fox family 1998q Fox family Fox 1920 ? 1840 Aaron W. 1850 Adelade 1860 Alex 1890nws Alex. 1893nws Alex. 1920 Alta M 1850 Anne 1920 Annie? 1893nws Arthur g1820 Asa 1920 Augusta M 1850 Charles 1860 Charles dcerts Charles 1920 Charles A births Charles Elihu wrdead Chas. larkin Clarissa (Higley) 1903nws D. A. 1909nws Dan 1920 Darb W 1893nws E. C. 1893nws E. C. 1893nws E. C. 1850 E. J. births E. S. births Elfa births Eliza 1850 Ellot 1850 Emily births Emily J. 1920 Emma dcerts Emma 1920 Emma L dcerts Euward 1883nws F. S. 1897nws F. S. (Prof.) 1860 Fidelia 1920 Fraley K 1920 Frances S births George Randolph 1920 Georgia dcerts Goloie 1850 H. M. 1860 Hannah 1850 Hannah D.D. 1850 Henry 1860 Henry 1890nws Henry births Henry births Henry B. births Henry M. dcerts Herbert 1920 Isabell dcerts Isabell 1889nws J. H. 1830 James 1840 James 1850 James dindx James 1850 Jane 1840 John O. dcerts Lanora births Lenoire dcerts Louise births Lovina 1920 Mabel 1850 Mahala births Martha J. 1840 Martin 1850 Martin 1860 Martin larkin Martin 1877nws Martin 1876nws Martiu births Mary C. cmarr Mary E. 1903nws Mary Gusta phist Mitta harris Mr. births Nancy J. 1850 Phidelia 1820 Philip 1830 Philip 1850 Philip 1819tx Philip dindx Phillip phist Rev. John phist Ruth 1820 Samuel dcerts Sarah 1920 William dcerts William 1897nws Wolf &, --- Fox? g1820 Thomas Fpcak dcerts Stillfo Frach 1860 A. 1860 Christena wrdead John 1860 Powell Fraction 1866nws Oscar Fraizer dcerts Elijah dcerts Lewis Fraley 1851nws William E. Frame 1873nws A. J. 1840 Meflin F. Framer 1860 Clarissa 1860 Lewis 1860 Lovinia 1860 Nathan 1860 Orval B. 1860 Perry 1860 Sarah 1860 William Frampton harris E. P (Dr.) 1855nws F. C. (Rev.) 1855nws S. C. 1854nws S. C. (Rev.) 1855nws S. C. (Rev.) 1855nws S. C. (Rev.) 1855nws S. C. (Rev.) 1856nws S. C. (Rev.) 1856nws S. C. (Rev.) 1885nws Stephen C. (Rev.) Framton 1855nws S. C. (Rev.) France dcerts Harry 1840 William Franchet 1860 Susanna Francies marr Benjamin Francis Family harris --- Francis harris Charles dindx John B. births Joseph 1920 Lilly 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary harris Mr. 1920 Samuel harris Sarah 1860 Thomas harris Thomas births Thomas marr Thomas harris Thomas (Jr.) harris Warren dcerts Wesley harris William harris William Blackstone 1920 Worley Frank 1860 Adaline 1920 Adeline 1920 Albert R 1920 Anna dcerts Aoeline 1920 Charles? E 1920 Charley C 1850 Daniel 1860 Daniel dcerts Daniel g1820 Ebenezer dcerts Elenor 1840 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1897nws Elizabeth 1860 Ellen 1860 Emaline 1904nws Ethel Gladys 1920 Florence E 1850 George dcerts George 1920 George H 1860 George W. dcerts Gertrud 1920 Gertrude A marr Goddleib 1920 Hannah J hrdsty Hannah J. (McKenzie) 1889nws Henry 1920 Herman R 1903nws J. P. 1901nws J. S. 1920 James B 1920 Jean Louise 1820 John 1830 John 1850 John 1860 John dindx John larkin John 1819tx John 1859nws John 1893nws John phist John dcerts John 1920 John S 1860 Julia A. 1850 July Ann births Lucy 1860 Luvey? 1878nws M. 1878nws M. 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1897nws Mary L 1873nws Moses phist Moses 1920 Nora A 1893nws Pap 1920 Ralph S 1920 Raymond F 1903nws Raymond J. 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1860 Silas 1920 Stella R 1920 Viena V. 1904nws W. J. 1920 Walter J dcerts Wilhelm 1920 Wilhelmina 1840 William 1850 William 1897nws William 1860 Wm. dindx Wm. Franklin 1861nws Benjamin dcerts James dindx Joshua dindx Samuel Franz & Heckar's Hall 1897nws --- 1897nws --- Franz and Gloeckner 1884nws --- Franz 2000q Barbara Ellen births Emelie 1897nws J. A. graybd John A. 1884nws John A. births John A. births John H. births Josephina Anna 1897nws Otto Frary dcerts Harry Frasch births Andrew 1999q John births John 1999q Susanah (Feiger) Fraser dcerts Wanda Frasey 1860 Ann 1860 Catharine 1860 James 1860 John 1860 Lucinda 1860 Mary 1860 Thomas 1860 William Frasie 1906nws Bertha 1906nws Della 1906nws James Frasier 1895nws Jesse Fraush 1862nws John Frazer 1850 Allen 1850 Daniel 1850 Hannah 1850 Jane wrdead Jasper 1840 John dcerts John 1840 Lewis dcerts Robert Frazier family 1998q Frazier family Frazier 2000q Aarea Quillin births Adreinne Fern 1893nws Albert 1904nws Bert 1850 Betsey 1850 Cyrene dcerts Edgar 1890nws Effie 1999q Effie Jane 1893nws Elijah dcerts Elvin 1850 Ephraim 1820 Frederick 1999q Hannah 1904nws Homer dcerts Howard births James 1889nws Jesse 1890nws Jesse 1890nws Jesse 1893nws Jesse 1850 Lewis 1850 Louisa births Louisa dcerts Manda 1850 Martha dcerts Martha 1850 Mary dcerts Marygne 1850 Narcissa 2000q Rachel (Quillin) dcerts Riia 1830 Simeon 1850 Simeon 1819tx Simon? 1850 Thomas dcerts Walter 1850 Wealthy 2000q William 1850 William 1850 Wm. J. Frazili dcerts Miloedo Freach births Catherine Frech 1851nws John Frecise 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Lavinia 1850 Thomas Frecker 1920 ? L. 1920 Anna M hrdsty Barbara phist Barbara births Barbara hrdsty Bernhard phist Bernhard 1920 Bertha A 1920 Charles M hrdsty Charley D. phist Charley Dave dcerts Cinda 1904nws David 1920 David E 1920 Earl E 1920 Edward phist Edward V. births Elizabeth A. 1920 Ella M 1920 Elmer H 1903nws Elmer H. 1920 Elsie E 1920 Ester V 1920 Flossie O 1905nws Flossie Ola hrdsty George pmry88 George 1862nws George 1897nws George phist George 1920 George E hrdsty George E. phist George E. hrdsty Gerthrut (Sawter) phist Gerthrut (Sawter) 1920 Grace 1903nws Grace Ola 1920 Helen B hrdsty Henry phist Henry 1897nws J. G. phist Jo Frances 1895nws John 1920 John G hrdsty John G. 1903nws John G. 1905nws John G. phist John G. 1893nws Laura hrdsty Lena E. phist Lena E. 1904nws Mabel 1920 Mabel M births Margaret 1920 Margaret L hrdsty Margaretta phist Margaretta hrdsty Margaretta (Genheimer) phist Margaretta (Genheimer) hrdsty Maria phist Maria 1920 Martha E births Mary A. 1920 Mary M hrdsty Mathias phist Mathias 1920 Octa L phist Ralph 1920 Ralph J 1920 Raymond C 1920 Roy E 1920 Ruth M phist Sharon hrdsty Sophia phist Sophia phist Susan K. hrdsty Susanna K. 1903nws W. C. 1901nws W. E. 1904nws Wendel 1920 Wendel J 1920 Wilber 1904nws Will hrdsty William phist William 1920 William C hrdsty William K. phist William K. 1904nws Willie 1920 Willis G Frederick 1920 Alta L 1905nws Annie Liticia births Annie Lutic 1920 Barbara 1920 Bertha A 1920 Elizabeth 1920 Ernest M 1920 Essie P. 1920 Eva M 1904nws Frank dcerts Frank 1920 Frank J 1867nws G. P. 1905nws George births George 1920 Hattie 1920 Henry W dcerts Hulda 1920 Joseph dcerts Mary 1920 Mary E 1920 Mary L 1920 Nancie M 1920 Norman E 1920 Otter(Otto) H 1920 Peter W 1920 Reatha I 1920 Sidney C 1920 Thelma B Fredorck dcerts Grrald Fredrick 1920 Anna L 1920 Edna E 1920 Flora A 1920 George E 1920 Gerald C 1881nws Henry 1858nws J. 1920 Lillian M 1881nws Mary 1920 Milford 1881nws Minnie May Free Baptist camp meeting 1879nws --- Free Baptist Church 1893nws --- Free Baptist church 1905nws --- Free Will Baptist church 1875nws Pageville, --- 1897nws Rutland, --- Free? 1920 Ephraim Freed 1850 Adam marr Adam 1895nws Jacob 1999q Rebecca births Rebecca dcerts Sarah Freeman dcerts Berlin 1920 Bernice 1860 Catharine 1860 Darcus 1860 Ellis 1860 Hanner J. dcerts Ida 1860 Jeddiah 1920 Joel E 1860 John dcerts John 1920 Lowell 1860 Martha E. 1860 Mary E. dcerts Murl 1860 Rebeca dcerts Sarah Freewill Baptist Church 1885nws --- 1892nws --- Freewill Baptist church 1893nws --- Freezee 1893nws Robert Freid births Cella Freiner murray Mrs. Freman 1840 William M. Fremont births Cornelia N. Frenan dcerts Williar French family 2000q French family French 1897nws A. B. (Capt.) 1860 Abraham 1860 Amanda 1850 Benjamin 1897nws Callie M. (Capt.) 1860 Cassandra 1897nws Charles C. 1850 Daniel O. 1850 David phist Delbert Warner 1904nws Edward phist Effie Rosalie (Rice) 1860 Elisa A. 1876nws Esther J. dindx Eunice phist Eunice 1850 Frances g1820 Fred? 1860 Fremont 1860 G. dcerts Glenna 1860 Isaac 1889nws J. L. 1850 James 1893nws James R. 1881nws Jesse L. 1889nws Jesse L. 1840 John 1850 John 1860 John harris John 1876nws John R. 1902nws John R. 1897nws Llewellyn 1850 Lydia 1850 Lydia Ann 1886nws M. L. 1860 Malisa 1850 Malissa 1860 Margaret 1850 Margret 1860 Marion 1850 Martin 1850 Mary Ann 1998q Mary E. births Mary E. 1850 Morgan 1886nws Morgan dcerts Morgan 1886nws Morgan L. 1860 Morgon 1860 Morris marr Morris 1876nws Morris H. 1850 Morriss 1889nws Morton 1860 Moton 1860 Nancy harris Paul 1904nws Paul E. dcerts Phoebe 1860 R. 1886nws R. M. 1860 Richard dcerts Richard 1889nws Robert 1893nws Robert 1856nws Russel 1820 Russell 1830 Russell 1840 Russell 1850 Russell dindx Russell 1892nws Russell 1893nws Russell phist Russell 1860 Ruth 1860 Susannah 1860 Trefena I. 1850 Uniss dcerts Walter phist Warner 1850 Washington 1860 Washington 1850 William Frenz? 1920 -rid? (male) Frerler 1840 William Frese 1860 Catharine Fresh marr Andreas Freyburg 1919nws L. W. (Rev.) Fri harris Ilber Frick births Fredricka Fricker births Fricker births Barbara dcerts George 1893nws Lena 1893nws Lena births William Friday harris John harris Leopold Friebis 1998q Carl Friedman 1893nws J. & Co., --- Friehl dcerts Mary Friend dindx Daniel dindx Hannah dcerts John 1903nws Larkin Friesenhaugen phist Anna Catherine phist Jacob Friesner harris Daniel harris Henrietta harris John harris John S. harris Kate harris William S. Friley dcerts Sarah Frisbie family 1902nws --- Frisbie 1887nws C. E. 1897nws Capt. 1920 Edward hrdsty Edward phist Edward dcerts France hrdsty Frances (Geroleman) 1876nws Julia dcerts Levicia 1876nws M. B. 1887nws Maggie phist N. hrdsty Nathaniel Frisby 1850 Francis 1850 Harriet 1850 John wrdead John 1850 Julia 1850 Margret 1850 Nathaniel 1850 William Frith 1887nws Christiana Frizzell 1893nws James 1906nws V. 1893nws V. F. 1893nws V. R. Frobst 1893nws W. B. Fromm 1868nws Matilda 1867nws William 1868nws William Frosh 1862nws Andrew Fross 1860 Catherine 1860 John 1860 Susan Frost 1883nws A. 1840 Abener 1999q Abigail 1920 Ada 1878nws Alpheus dindx Benj. 1820 Benjamin 1830 Benjamin 1819tx Benjamin 1893nws Betsey 1890nws C. H. 1920 Cecil 1920 Charles dcerts Charles 1892nws Chauncey marr Chauncey 1830 Cooley 1888nws D. A. 1904nws Dayton Harold 1920 Delphos 1904nws E. W. dindx Elam 1819tx Elam dcerts Elba 1920 Elizabeth 1887nws Elmer 1890nws Elmer 1890nws Elmer 1893nws Elmer 1898nws Elmer 1907nws Elmer 1860 Emily dcerts Emma 1920 Emmet 1887nws H.B. dcerts Hannah 1920 Harold D 1890nws Harriet (Gilliland) 1904nws Herald Davis 1904nws Kermet Hall 1920 Lester graybd Lester 1875nws Lester 1888nws Lester 1888nws Lester 1890nws Lester dcerts Lester 1892nws Lucy 1904nws M. A. 1920 Marinda dcerts Mary 1920 Mattie V 1878nws Mr. dcerts Oavio 1820 Samuel 1819tx Samuel 1920 Sarah 1897nws Sarah dcerts Sarah 1878nws Sarah J. (Shumway) 1876nws Silva 1904nws Truman dcerts Truman 1876nws William 1920 Willis R Fruit 1851nws Abraham 1867nws Bro. & Co., --- Fruith 1860 A. 1862nws A. 1860 Abraham 1871nws Abraham 1860 Ann M. 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Henry 1860 Valentine Fruth 1850 A. 1867nws Abraham 1850 Anne M. 1850 Conrad 1850 Henry dcerts Margare Fry harris --- 1860 Benjamin 1850 Caroline 1850 Catharine 1850 Charles dcerts Charles 1910nws Christina dcerts Dare 1850 David dcerts Donald 1850 Elizabeth 1905nws George 1862nws George L. 1889nws H. T. 1892nws H. Taylor 1892nws Harry S. 1998q J. D. (Rev.) 1893nws J. P. 1860 Jacob 1840 John 1910nws John 1876nws Julia A. (Hobbs) 1905nws Lawrence 1860 Margaret 1850 Maria 1860 Mary 1908nws Sallie 1892nws Sarah 1860 Silva dcerts Stillbo 1850 Thomas marr Thomas 1892nws Timothy 1850 W. H. 1876nws W. K. 1840 William H. Frye dcerts Emma Fryer 1840 Nelson Fschcinen dcerts Freo Fucile dcerts Salveto Fugale dcerts Edward Fugate 1850 Aliah 1850 Betsey 1850 David 1850 David 1850 Eliza Ann 1850 Elizabeth dcerts Fannie 1850 Frances 1850 Hiram 1850 James 1879nws James 1917nws James 1850 James C. 1840 Jane 1830 Jeremiah 1840 Jeremiah 1850 Jeremiah 1879nws Jerry wrdead Marion 1873nws Marion 1850 Phebe 1879nws Robert 1895nws Robert marr Robert 1850 Robt 1897nws Roy dcerts Sarah dcerts Stillco Fulcher dcerts Virgini Fulham dindx John by Exr. Fuller Family harris --- Fuller 1855nws Andrew 1889nws Atherson H. 1890nws Burt harris Charlotte Fuller 1855nws Eliza J. (Gidd) 1895nws F. H. 1878nws Ira harris James J. harris Job 1893nws Livina larkin Lovina 1882nws Lovina harris Olive harris Resolved harris Seth g1820 Stephen dindx Sylvester 1893nws Thad. 1893nws Thaddens H. harris Thaddeus 1897nws Thaddeus H. 1890nws W. G. (Col.) harris William Greenleaf Fullerson harris daughter harris Joseph Fullerton 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph wrdead Joseph births Joseph J. births Lillie M. births Lilly May births Lydia 1850 Rabecca births Ronal Reed Fullroad dcerts Stillbo n. Fullrod births Edward births George Fulsom 1819tx Asa larkin Catharine (Smith) 1820 John Fulsome 1819tx John Fulton murray Ada Hampton g1820 John harris John births John harris Lizzie 1893nws Lizzie 1854nws R. A. 1902nws Rev. harris Robert births Rosa E. g1820 Thomas 1885nws W. J. (Rev.) 1893nws W. J. (Rev.) g1820 Wm Fults 1873nws George Fultz 1860 Albert 1860 Amanda 1903nws Audrey 1903nws Benjamin births C.A. 1850 Catharine 1903nws Frederick 1850 George 1895nws George 1860 George W. 1889nws George W. births Issac J. 1850 Jacob 1860 Jacob 1866nws Jacob phist Jacob 1850 John 1860 John 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph 1866nws Joseph 1903nws Liston 1850 Margaret 1850 Maria 1860 Maria 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary A. 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Precila 1850 Priscilla 1860 Priscilla 1850 Saml 1860 Samuel 1850 Silas dcerts Stillbo n. dcerts Unnameo births Zella Cresceny Fulwider 1905nws Marion 1882nws W. H. Fundling 2000q Katherine Funk 1860 Anna dcerts Bertha 1860 Cynthia 1860 Evan dcerts Fred 1920 Henry 1860 John B. 1860 Martha 1860 William Furbee dcerts John Furguson 1889nws Jane Furlow 1850 Abijah 1850 Harriet 1850 James 1850 Mary E. 1850 Nancy 1850 Samuel 1850 Sarah E. Furnal marr David Fuyet 1860 * 1860 Abiah 1860 Francis M. 1860 James 1860 James C. 1860 Saml C. 1860 Susannah