G* 1850 Barbara 1850 Catharine 1850 Christina 1850 Elizabeth 1850 John 1850 Margret G.A.R. 1916nws Middleport Post 125 , --- Gaarell dcerts Charles Gabb dcerts Susanna Gabbs dcerts Elizabe h. Gable births Chauncey births Mary Virginia Gabriel wrdead Abram Gaches 1883nws J. B. dcerts James 1920 James B Gacy 1840 Daniel 1840 Jeremiah Gaden 1840 Thomas Gaenta dcerts Samuel Gaffney gaffny Gaffney 1920 Flossie dcerts Leah 1920 Mary A 1920 Thomas Gafkin 1893nws John Gainer dcerts Genava dcerts Jessie Gaines 1920 Bernard 1920 Fred 1920 Genevieve 1920 Lona 1920 Ray 1920 Samuel Gaines/Garner 1920 Carey 1920 Samuel M Galagher harris Henrietta Rochester harris William Galagly 1850 Abel 1850 Elissa 1850 Hannah 1850 Lydda 1850 Matilda 1850 Russell 1850 William Galaspie g1820 Robert Galaway 1998q Anna Maria (Foley) 1998q Beulah 1860 James M. 1998q John 1860 John 1998q Joseph S. 1998q Lear (Smith) 1998q Malvina 1860 Melvisa 1860 Ruth A. 1860 Sahir? 1860 Sarah E. 1998q Thelma 1998q Thomas 1860 Thomas M. Galbraith 1851nws Stewart Gale 1854nws C. M. 1850 Catharine 1850 Dorcas 1850 Eliza 1920 Francis 1850 George 1895nws George W. 1873nws John marr John A. 1850 John H. 1850 L. M. 1840 Lawrence M. dcerts Mary 1850 Mary E. 1850 Susannah Galisbury g1820 Wm Gall 1897nws Otto Gallagher 2000q Alice 2000q Charles harris Hariett 2000q James 1920 John 1862nws John 2000q Kathryn 1871nws Linnie 1876nws Linnie 1893nws Mable 2000q Margaret 2000q Mary Agnes 1893nws Mrs. 2000q Susan (James) Gallcway dcerts James Gallespie 1878nws Ross 1830 William Gallia County Children's Home 1893nws --- Galliday 1819tx Daniel Gallipolis Asylum 1893nws --- Galliton Family harris --- Galloway 1920 Druzilla 1893nws J. M. 1920 James M murray Mrs. 1920 Murl dcerts Oruzelt 1920 Thelma 1920 Thomas M Galnor dcerts Lona Galt 1860 Catharine 1860 Joseph 1860 Mary 1860 Peter Galton 1844nws Henry J. harris J. H. Gamble dcerts Albert 1897nws Mack (Capt.) 1897nws Mack (Capt.) 1897nws Mack (Capt.) wrdead Samuel Gandee family 1999q Gandee family Gandee 1887nws A. C. 1921nws Abram dcerts Adoraha 1921nws Dudley births Essie 1921nws George 1887nws H. B. phist Jess 1887nws Jesse 1921nws Jesse 1895nws Jesse W. 1998q John 1893nws L. W. 1921nws Levi 1892nws Levi F. 1921nws Levi W. 1921nws Madgaletha 1887nws Magdalena dcerts Margare 1921nws Margaret C. 1921nws Margaret Elizabeth dcerts Ralph 1921nws Rena 1921nws Samuel 1998q Saray (Finney) 1921nws Wick 1854nws William A. Gander births Anna Magdaline 1860 Elizabeth S. 1860 George births George 1860 James M. 1860 Jesse N. 1860 John W. 1850 Mary 1860 Rebeca 1860 Samuel H. Gandy 1830 Eli g1820 Jonathan 1819tx Levi 1820 Levi T. larkin Levi T. phist Levi T. 1819tx Urich Gannamer 1854nws John Ganoee dcerts Levi Ganon 1860 Sarah Gans 1860 C. births Catherine dcerts Elenora dcerts Floranc dcerts Peter dcerts Theresa Gants 1860 Caroline 1860 Catharine 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Frederick 1860 John 1860 Mary Gaoner dcerts Lillian Gapehart dcerts Harriet Garber dcerts Elizabe births Ida Garby 1850 Benjamin 1850 Elias 1850 George 1850 James 1850 Marion 1850 Mary Ann Gardener 1855nws Alfred 1920 Barbara 1920 Earl 1920 Frank 1920 Harold 1920 Hazel 1920 Helen Gardin 1877nws Luana Gardiner 1867nws Alfred dindx Charles 1892nws Charles marr Charles births Chas. A. births Chas. Wm dindx David dindx David Admr. dindx David Jr. 1859nws Joshua births Melissa dindx Nancy Gardner family phist Gardner family Gardner farm 1889nws --- Gardner 1860 * E. fair A. (Mrs.) 1893nws A. D. 1893nws A. E. 1921nws A. E. fair A. G. 1867nws A. G. 1850 Abagail marr Addison F. marr Addison P. 1850 Adison 1850 Albert 1850 Alfred 1860 Alfred 1892nws Alfred 1893nws Alfred 1850 Alphius 1860 Amanda M. 1850 Ann 1860 Ann 1855nws Ann J. 1892nws Anna 1860 Anna J. 1850 Annetta 1820 Caleb larkin Caleb larkin Caleb larkin Caleb larkin Caleb larkin Caleb larkin Caleb harris Caleb 1819tx Caleb 1892nws Caleb phist Caleb 1850 Charles 1850 Charles 1819tx Charles 1892nws Charles 1879nws Charles A. 1890nws Charley births D. W. births Dana W. dindx David 1890nws David 1893nws David 1926nws David births David dindx David Jr. 1860 David W. 1889nws E. 1877nws E. A. 1905nws E. M. murray Eda murray Edie births Edith 1850 Electa 1850 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Emily dindx Ezekiel murray Frank murray Frank 1890nws Frank 1893nws Frank births Frank births Fred 1890nws G. 1893nws Grant 1850 Hannah 1860 Hannah E. 1893nws Harry births Harry G. 1890nws Harve 1897nws Harve dcerts Hattie 1926nws Hazel fair J. (Mrs.) 1860 James 1850 Jane 1895nws Jeff T. dcerts John 1850 John W. 1850 Jos 1903nws Joseph dcerts Joseph 1830 Joshua 1840 Joshua larkin Joshua harris Joshua 1819tx Joshua phist Joshua fair Joshua (Mrs.) dcerts Julia fair L. T. fair L. T. (Mrs.) 1999q Laura 1850 Leoanda 1850 Lewis 1850 Lucy harris Lucy 1855nws Lydia 1854nws Lydia A. births Mable 1860 Margaret E. 1851nws Martellas 1860 Mary harris Mary 1890nws Mary dcerts Mary 1860 Mary A. births Mary A. 1850 Mary Ann 1998q Mary Ann (Rardon) 1860 Mary F. 1998q Mary Frances births Melissa 1860 Millard M. murray Mrs. 1893nws P. (Dr.) 1893nws P. (Dr.) 1892nws Patty 1893nws Pearl 1905nws Pearl 1893nws Perrin (Dr.) 1877nws Presby births Raymond larkin Sally 1903nws Samuel 1850 Simeon 1998q Thomas 1830 Thomas 1840 Thomas 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas harris Thomas 1860 Thomas J. 1850 William births William dcerts William 1850 William R. murray Willie murray Willie 1850 Willliam 1850 Wm. F. Garen 1887nws Alice 1887nws Alice 1860 Amanda 1879nws Annie 1860 Aurilla 1840 Charles 1879nws Daniel 1860 David 1840 Ebenezer 1897nws Edna 1860 Eliza 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth C. 1860 Francis M. 1889nws Hannah 1878nws Hannah (Stansbury) 1860 Henry 1860 John 1879nws John 1860 Mary 1860 Milton 1860 Nancy 1860 Nancy J. dcerts Oaniel 1860 Samuel 1878nws Samuel 1860 Samuel L? 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah J. 1860 Sevilla 1840 William Garey 1860 Alexander 1860 Jane 1860 William Garhart 1860 Anna R. 1860 Harriet 1860 J. 1860 Jacob Garland 1873nws George 1890nws George dcerts Joisep 1920 Joseph 1907nws Joseph 1903nws Mary dcerts Sarah 1920 Sarah A Garlingea dcerts Willia Garlinger dcerts Hugo dcerts Mary Garlow 1890nws Virginia C. Garman 4thInf Emanuel Garmin g1820 John Garmnon 1850 Sarah J. Garner larkin A. 1850 C. J. 1860 Caroline 1860 Charles 1850 Damsel 1860 Damsel 1860 Edwin S. 1860 James M. 1850 James W. marr James W. 1860 John births John 1840 John A. 1855nws John G. 1850 John L. g1820 Lewis births Lillie births M.S. 1920 Mabel 1860 Margaret births Mary A. 1860 Milton 1860 S. 1860 Selas 1850 Silas fair Silas 1850 Silas J. Garnet larkin Mary Garnett 1876nws Mary S. Garonei dcerts Etlwoou Garoner dcerts Josepht dcerts Oavio Garonta dcerts Elciocg Garrell 1904nws Bessie Myrtle 1904nws Thomas Garret wrdead Addison 1876nws Dr. Garrett 1876nws Alonzo (Dr.) 1876nws Alonzo (Dr.) 1876nws Dr. 1876nws Dr. 1893nws Havelock 1897nws Mrs. 1893nws R. C. 1897nws Rev. 1893nws Robert 1890nws Will. Garrison 2000q Arthur 2000q Beverly births Christina 2000q Emily 2000q Francis Garrow g1820 Lewis Garten 1903nws T. A. H. 1903nws W. T. Garton Family harris --- Garton dcerts Mary 1920 Mary N 1914nws William 1920 William H Garvin 1920 Albert 1920 Foster 1920 Goldie 1920 Hannah 1897nws J. Laurel 1907nws J. Laurel 1920 James 1920 John 1920 Mary 1920 Sylva 1920 William Gary 1850 Eliza Ann 1850 George 1856nws Lois births Mary dcerts Mary 1850 Perry 1850 William Gashual 1850 Margaret Gaskill 1850 Alice 1860 Alice 1860 Cate 1860 Douglas 1850 Harriet 1855nws Harriet 1850 John 1850 John H. 1850 Kate births Kate H.B. 1850 Martha 1860 Martha 1850 Mary 1860 Mary dcerts Mary 1881nws Patrick 1840 Samuel Gaskin marr Bartholomew 1830 Susannah Gaskins g1820 Baten? g1820 James g1820 Rheuben Gasols dcerts Tthjai Gastel 1840 George Gasten 1840 James E. Gastin 1840 James 1840 John dindx John Gastins g1820 James g1820 Rheuben Gaston's dindx Thomas heirs Gaston 1820 Anson larkin Anson 1819tx Anson larkin Betsy (Brine) larkin Betsy (Brine) larkin Elijah larkin Hannah larkin James 1844nws James 1890nws James (Rev.) 1820 Jared larkin Jared larkin Jared marr Jared phist Jerod marr Jno. 1830 JOhn dindx John larkin John larkin John 1892nws John 1892nws John marr John larkin Jonathan 1893nws Jonathan 1876nws L. 1893nws L. 1893nws L. larkin Lucretia (Holt) larkin Lydia (Larue) larkin Mary (Woodworth) larkin Polly 1892nws Polly 1902nws Rev. 1892nws Salencia larkin Sally (Stivers) larkin Samantha (Woodworth) 1876nws Samuel 1893nws Sarah E. 1912nws Sarah E. larkin Selusia (Morton) larkin Semela (Brine) larkin Semelia (Brine) 1893nws Supt. 1820 Thomas larkin Thomas larkin Thomas larkin Thomas 1819tx Thomas 1820 William larkin William larkin William 1819tx William Gastons dindx Thos. heirs Gastow 1850 Celusia 1850 Lydia Gastrell births Mary births Samuel Gaswell 1860 * 1860 Martha J. 1860 Mary Gatchel 1850 A. 1860 A. 1854nws A. 1861nws A. 1862nws A. 1850 A. E. 1850 C. R. 1850 E. A. 1850 Elias 1850 J. A. C. 1850 J. W. 1850 Mary A. Gatches 1860 J. B. Gates larkin Almira (Nye) 1998q Clara 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Henry g1820 Nathaniel 1878nws Percie (Copper) larkin Polly 1830 Russell g1820 Stephen 1860 W. 1840 Willson L. Gatewood dcerts James dcerts Marie Gath g1820 Jesse Gattenby dcerts George births Mary V. Gaul 1920 Cecil L 1920 Clara B 1920 Clarence E 1920 Daisey 1920 Delbert C 1920 Frank B 1887nws George 1892nws George 1920 Jacob dcerts Jacob 1920 Jessie M 1920 Louise 1920 Lucy dcerts Mary 1920 Opal 1920 Orvil L 1920 Orvis g1820 Ranson Gauls harris --- Gaun dcerts Hannah Gaund 1854nws Mary Gaw 1917nws Margaret dcerts Marguer Gayer 1840 John Gaynor dcerts Susan Geai dcerts Stillbo Gear 1860 Alexander 1850 Asa 1860 Asa g1820 Earl 1860 Frances g1820 Joseph 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1860 Richard Gearhart 1920 Mattice Gearman dcerts Ozias Geary dcerts Bessie dcerts Guy 1920 Hattie L births Hiram births Hiram Walker 1920 Joseph W births Marion Ellis 1920 Oliver dcerts Sarah 1920 Sarah E Gebhardt 1897nws Charles Ottis cmarr Frank harris Henry Gebhart marr John Gecglin dcerts Unnamed Gecoglein dcerts John Gee 1850 Andrew marr Andrew 1850 Emily 1893nws Jacob dcerts James g1820 John 1820 Joseph dindx Joseph 1850 Mary g1820 Moses Geer 1893nws Jennie dcerts Jennie 1889nws Jont. Gehan 1855nws Henry Geier hrdsty Anna M. (Hobstetter) Geiger 1876nws Catharine 1873nws Catherina 1878nws Jennie 1876nws William J. marr William J. Geigline dcerts John Gelinger 1860 Elizabeth 1860 George 1860 M. Gelkey dcerts Bessie Gellogly 1860 Caroline 1860 Henry R. 1860 John B. 1860 William Gelson larkin Erastus phist Erastus Gelss 1860 B. M. Gender 1850 Mad Geneier dcerts John Genheimer births -------- births Albert phist Anna Mary births Arthur F. 1920 Carrie 1920 Douglas 1903nws Douglas births Emma 1920 Genevieve 1920 George hrdsty Henry phist Henry 1920 Hortense graybd John 1897nws John 1897nws John births John births John births John P. 1920 Lucinda hrdsty Margaretta phist Margaretta hrdsty Mary (Schlagel) phist Mary (Schlagel) 1920 May Lucinda 1920 Nettie pmry88 Pharr & 1920 Ransom 1903nws Ransom births Regina births Thomas births W. S. 1920 Wesley Genheinfr dcerts Mary Genhimer dcerts Michael Genther dcerts Conrad Geoglein births Chas. Henry 1907nws Jacob dcerts Jacob Geoglin dcerts Nan Geogline births Frona births Fronia births George Geogory Farm harris --- Geonheimer 1850 Anne M. 1850 Barbara 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Henry 1850 John 1850 Margaret 1850 Mary 1850 Michael George 1921nws Burson 1920 Eliza A 1850 Hannah 1850 Harras 1840 John g1820 John 1999q Mary 1850 Mary 1893nws Minnie (Hysell) 1850 Robert 1893nws Wilbur 1893nws Wilbur 1920 William dcerts William Georley 1850 Daniel 1850 Emily 1850 Freeman 1850 Hiram 1850 J* 1850 Jane 1850 John 1850 Levis 1850 Louisa 1850 Waterman Georls 1840 ? Barbary Gephart 1850 John 1850 Magdalina 1850 Margaret Gerber 1893nws L. H. 1893nws L. N. (Capt.) Gerdin 1860 A. S. 1860 Mary 1860 William Gerheimer 1877nws Jones, Thomas &, --- German-American Insurance Company 1897nws --- German Evangelical Protestant Church of Peace of omeroy, ---1878nws - German Evangelical Protestant St. John's Church o Pomeroy, ---1879nws --- German Lutheran church 1905nws --- German M. E. Church 1881nws --- 1885nws --- 1897nws --- 1897nws --- German M. E. church 1897nws --- 1897nws --- German M. E. Church 1897nws --- German M. E. church 1897nws --- 1897nws --- 1897nws --- 1897nws --- German M. E. Church 1916nws Pomeroy, --- German Methodist church 1905nws --- German Methodist Episcopal Church 1890nws --- German Presbyterian Church 1890nws --- German Presbyterian church 1897nws --- German Presbyterian Church 1897nws --- German Presbyterian church 1898nws --- German Presbyterian Church 1900nws --- 1901nws --- German Presbyterian church 1904nws --- German Protestant church 1904nws --- German Protestant St. John's Church 1876nws --- German Salt Furnace 1893nws --- German 1850 Amanda 1860 Amanda 1920 Bert 1850 C. 1920 Carl 1903nws Edwim Thomas 1920 Edwin T 1850 Elisha 1920 Ellie M 1920 Elouise 1920 Eugene 1850 Fergason 1860 Furgeson dcerts George 1920 Harold 1850 James dcerts Jghn 1876nws John 1920 John P 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1860 Marrieta 1920 Maud larkin Milby phist Milby 1820 Nilby 1903nws O. E. 1920 Oatey E 1860 Osias? 1873nws Ozias 1850 Uzias 1820 William 1830 William 1840 William 1850 William 1860 Wm. dindx Wm. Geroleman hrdsty Frances Gerry dindx E. harris Elbridge pomry Elbridge 1878nws Mr. 1855nws O. H. Gerser dcerts Louis Geser 1860 Daniel 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Henrietta 1860 Mathew Gettinger 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Michael Geuhegmer 1850 Barbara Gever dcerts Lina Geyeir dcerts Dana Geyer & Newton 1890nws --- Geyer and Newton pmry88 Geyer and Newton Geyer births -------- --- 1877nws Abe 2001q Abraham 1860 Abraham births Abraham 1904nws Agnes (Campbel) hrdsty Anna M. (Keck) 2001q Anna May hrdsty Arthur N. hrdsty Carrie B. (Walker) 1883nws Carrie B. (Walker) 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine dcerts Charles 1998q Charles Wesley 2001q Charles Wesley births Charles Wesley births Clara 1881nws Clarence Garfield 1860 D. 1877nws D. 1893nws D. (Jr.) 1883nws D. L. 1897nws D. L. phist D. L. 1872nws Dana births Dana Sayre 1860 Daniel 2001q David 1850 David 1860 David 1860 David 1862nws David marr David graybd David (Jr.) graybd David (Sr.) births David Jr. 2001q David L. hrdsty David L. 1883nws David L. 1879nws E. Jr. hrdsty Edith M. 2001q Edward Lincoln 2001q Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1883nws Ella 1860 Ellen hrdsty Fordise C. hrdsty Frances C. 1998q Friederike Luise (Sommerock) 2001q George 1860 George 1998q George Hiram 1892nws H. C. 1892nws Harry 1860 Henry 1893nws Henry 2001q Henry Clay 2001q Jacob 1860 Jacob 1904nws Jacob 1998q Johann 1998q John 2000q John 2001q John 1860 John hrdsty John 1862nws John 1881nws John 1889nws John 1889nws John 1895nws John 1897nws John 1904nws John phist John births John dcerts John marr John 1879nws John (Rev., Sr.) 2000q John L. 1903nws John L. 1998q Lillian (Robinson) 1860 Louisa hrdsty Louisa births Louisa 2001q Lousia 2001q Lydia Ann 1860 Margaret births Margaret 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary hrdsty Mary 1876nws Mary dcerts Mary 1881nws Mary E. 1851nws Mr. (Rev.) births Nellie H. 2000q Norman W. phist Rev. George Hiram phist Rev. William 1903nws Ruth M. 2001q Samuel 1860 Samuel hrdsty Samuel 1881nws Samuel 1860 Sarah 2001q Willam (Jr.) 1998q William 2001q William births William 1860 Wm. Gibbe dcerts Hana Gibbons 1850 Charles 1850 D. O. C. 1850 Elizabeth 1901nws Elizabeth 1850 Ellen births Ellen 1840 Henry 1850 Henry 1862nws Henry births Henry 1850 James 1850 John marr John 1893nws Matt 1850 Rachael 1850 Robert E. 1850 William Gibbs' undertaking 1893nws --- Gibbs dindx Gibbs Gibbs school house 1889nws --- Gibbs harris --- 1920 Alonzo 1920 Amanda M dcerts Amanoa dcerts Ambrose 1830 Ashley dindx Ashley phist Ashley 1893nws Benjamin B. marr Benjamin B. 1840 Burris 1920 Charles phist Charles 1904nws E. M. dcerts Ediapro 1998q Eunice 1850 Florilla 1860 Florilla 1892nws Hannah 1850 Harriet 1850 John 1920 John C 1840 John S. dindx Joshua dcerts Lawrenc 1860 Leona B 1887nws Lucinda 1854nws Margaret dcerts Mary 1867nws Mary A. (Jenkins) 1920 Maud 1820 Miles H. 1830 Miles H. dindx Miles H. 1850 Presley 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1998q Sarah (Dashner) 1850 Sharlotte 1998q Sheldon 1850 Sheldon 1860 Susan 1850 Sylvania phist Sylvester 1897nws William 1860 William H. 1920 Winifred 1850 Wm. H. Giboney 1893nws Edward dcerts Nelli Gibsell 1877nws Huttel &, --- Gibson House 1871nws --- 1878nws --- 1881nws --- 1897nws --- Gibson 1893nws Andra Mabel 1850 Arthur 1860 Arthur 1881nws Arthur 1889nws Arthur 1860 C. 1860 Cate F. 1893nws Delilah 2003q Eliza dcerts Elizabe harris Ella dindx Erastus 1850 George dindx George 1860 Gerushia g1820 Gilbert 1850 Hannah 1830 Harman 1840 Harman 1844nws Harman 1850 Harmon 1850 Harmon 1851nws Harmon 1999q Harriett 1999q Henry H. 1850 Isaac 1850 Isaac 1860 Isabelle 1850 Issabell 1820 James 1830 James 1840 James 1850 James 1860 James larkin James 1819tx James 1893nws James phist James 1860 James A. 1999q James W. 1850 Jane 1860 Jane F. 1850 Jereshah 1999q John 1840 John 1850 John 1860 John g1820 John larkin John 1889nws John H. 1893nws John H. dindx JonathaN dindx Jonathan 1860 Joseph 1893nws Josie 1860 Louisa 1850 Margret 1860 Mary 1892nws Mary births Mary 1999q Mary E. 1860 Mary F. 1876nws Mr. 1877nws Mr. 1850 Nancy 1850 Rabecca 1892nws Rebecca phist Rebecca 1850 Rodney 1892nws Ruth 1860 Sarah D. dcerts Strllo 1850 Sylvanius 1999q William W. Gidd 1855nws Eliza J. Gideman 1893nws Private 1893nws William Giferd 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Hanna 1860 Peter Gifjson dcerts Arthur Giger 1860 Catharine 1860 Jenny C. 1860 W. J. Gigline 1860 "John, 2d" 1850 Barbara 1860 Barbary 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine 1860 Charles 1840 Daniel 1860 Daniel 1860 Elizabeth 1860 George 1860 Henry 1850 Jacob 1860 Jacob 1840 John 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John 1860 Laner 1860 Lucy 1860 Mary 1850 Matilda 1860 Moly 1860 Nicholas 1860 Outila 1860 R. 1860 Sophia 1850 Valentine 1860 Valentine 1860 Wendell Giikey dcerts Basil dcerts Joseph Gilamore dcerts Illsc Gilaspy g1820 Betsey g1820 Samuel Gilbert & Warner mill 1917nws King, --- Gilbert 1860 Casai 1850 Catharine 1850 Charles 1850 David 1860 David 1892nws Esther 1850 Francis B. dindx Isaac 1892nws John M. 1830 John W. 1892nws John W. 1999q Johnston g1820 Jonathan 1850 Keziah 1850 Louisa 1850 Martha J. 1850 Mary E. 1850 Obrer 1850 Reuben K. 1866nws Robert H. 1850 Samuel S. 1850 William W. Gilbraith 1850 Alice 1850 Eliza 1850 Hannah 1860 Margaret 1850 Stewart 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas Gilbrath wrdead Thomas Gilbreth hrdsty Alice (Alexander) hrdsty Hannah hrdsty Stewart hrdsty Thomas C. Gilby 1840 Sheldon Gilchrist 1850 Jane 1850 Margaret 1850 Robert 1850 William 1851nws William 1854nws William Gildart 1850 Benjamin 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Margret 1850 Maria 1850 Mary Giles' mill 1855nws --- Giles' old horse-mill 1855nws --- Giles family 2000q Giles family Giles births (without name) 1867nws A. J. 1867nws A. J. dcerts Adaline 1877nws Albina 1850 Albiny 1850 Andrew dcerts Annie murray Blance births C. 1850 C. C. 1850 Caroline 1830 Charles 1840 Charles 1850 Charles 1855nws Charles 1892nws Charles marr Charles births Charles J. births Chas. harris Chauncey births Clarinda 1881nws Cyrus 1844nws Elisabeth 1850 Elizabeth births Elizabeth Ann dcerts Elva 1844nws Emeline 1850 Emiline 1850 Emily Ann births Ettie 1850 Eunice 1893nws Frank 1879nws G. W. 1879nws G. W. 1850 George 1844nws George 1871nws George 1881nws George 1889nws George W. 1877nws Hays &, --- 1850 Hiram 1877nws J. S. 1844nws Jackson larkin James phist James 1897nws Jennie harris Joe 1877nws John 1876nws John A. 1820 John S. 1830 John S. 1840 John S. 1850 John S. dindx John S. 1844nws John S. 1877nws John S. 1877nws John S. phist John S. births John S. 1881nws John S. Sr. phist John S. Sr. 1820 Joseph 1830 Joseph 1840 Joseph 1850 Joseph dindx Joseph 1819tx Joseph 1855nws Joseph 1898nws Joseph births Joseph dcerts Joseph 1892nws Joseph (Jr.) larkin Joseph (Sr.) dindx Joseph Jr. 1876nws Julia 1893nws Lafayette 1893nws Lenora 1850 Lenpta births Libby Lois 1850 Lorenzo 1850 Lucy 1855nws Lydia Ann 1850 Margaret 1844nws Mary 1850 May 1850 Melvin 1819tx Miles H. 1879nws Miron S. 1844nws Myron 1850 Nancy births Nancy G. births Nettie M. 1893nws O. W. 1850 Oliver 1878nws Otho births Otho 1840 Polly larkin Polly 1850 Rebecca 1844nws Samantha 1844nws Sarah 1850 Seth 1893nws Stansbury &, --- dcerts Stillbo births Vernie Elvira 2000q Viola (Bolton) 1887nws W. A. births W. G. 1850 Warren wrdead William H. 1850 Wilson 1844nws Wilson 1878nws Wilson G. g1820 Wm Gilespi 1830 Joseph Gilespie harris Ed Gililan 1862nws Daniel marr Lanson Gililand marr Reuben dcerts William Gilingham 1860 H. 1860 John Gilkey 1886nws --- dcerts Gilkey 1881nws Andrew Jackson dcerts Andrw 1889nws Bowen phist Charles births Charles L. births Chas Lewis births Cullin R. 1850 Cyntha dcerts Cynthia 1850 David phist Dot (Hysell) dcerts Eugene dcerts Floyd 1850 Hannah 2000q Hazel (Bolton) dcerts Iilson 1881nws Ira Carleton dcerts Itiif 1850 Jackson dcerts Jfssf 1881nws John dcerts Joseph 1881nws Josephine dcerts Kate births Lewis Evert 1887nws Lovean B. births Mary M. births Octa Blanche dcerts Ralph phist Ruth H. 1850 Sarah 1881nws Sarah dcerts Sarah births Sylvia A. 1850 William Gilkhy dcerts Hatel Gilky graybd A. J. Gill 1860 Angeline 1860 Daniel 1860 Jacob 1860 Martha 1881nws Christania 1850 Christena dindx G. 1860 G. M. 1892nws Gordon 1892nws Gundy marr Gundy 1860 Henrietta 1840 James 1850 James 1851nws James 1881nws James 1892nws James 1860 Lovina 1820 Robert 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1860 Synthia 1850 William 1860 William 1917nws William marr William Gillaino dcerts Sarai Gillaland 1892nws Marianne Gilland dcerts Auto 1920 David 1920 Ferdinand wrdead Jacob 1860 John 1920 Leota 1876nws Lizzie 1920 Mary J dcerts O 1920 Orland W 1860 Sarah dcerts Stillbo 1920 Thurman Gillaspy 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Margaret 1860 Wm Gilleland 1860 A. 1840 Abraham 1850 Abraham marr Abraham 1830 Abraham P. 1892nws Abraham P. 1850 Adeline 1850 Alanson 1850 Charles W. 1850 Daniel 1851nws Daniel 1830 David 1850 Hamilton P. 1850 Harriet 1860 Harriet 1850 Jacob marr James 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 1860 John P. 1850 John W. 1830 Jones 1840 Jones 1860 L. 1860 Lucy 1860 Lydia 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary A. 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Matilda 1860 Matilda 1860 Nancy 1850 Polly 1860 R. 1850 Rachael 1850 Rensen 1830 Reuben 1851nws Reuben 1892nws Reuben 1860 Ruanna 1850 Rueben 1850 Sarah E. 1860 William Gillespie 1840 Baker larkin Catharine E. 1878nws George R. 1840 Silas Gillet Family harris --- Gillet dindx Samuel Gilliam 1860 Chas F. 1860 David G. 1860 Edward L. 1860 Florence 1860 Harriett F. 1860 John * 1860 Lutitia V. 1860 Mary C. 1860 Mary E. 1860 Wm Gillian 1897nws Rev. dcerts Stillbo Gilliand 1860 Adaline 1860 Anna dcerts G 1860 John 1860 Martin 1860 Q. J. dcerts Thurman Gillilah dcerts Sarah Gillilan dcerts Alonson 1877nws Daniel dcerts Eliza 1897nws F. (Rev.) 1901nws F. (Rev.) 1890 Frank 1890 Glen marr John W. 1897nws Rev. 1890 Wesley Gilliland 1890nws Almira 1860 Andrew J. 1860 Ann M. 1850 Anna 1850 Anna 1860 B. 1850 Benjamin 1920 Berdie M 1890nws Betsey 1890nws Betsey (Havens) dcerts Catheri dcerts Charles 1920 Charles C dcerts Clarenc 1897nws D. B. 1893nws Daniel 1890nws Daniel Jones 1850 David 1890nws David 1922nws David 1920 Deborah 1920 Eliza B. 1850 Elizabeth 1890nws Elizabeth 1922nws Ferdie 1920 Francis 1897nws G. W. 1920 George 1890nws Harriet 1850 Jacob 1890nws Jacob 1850 James 1850 James g1820 James 1890nws James 1850 Jane 1850 Jane 1920 Jennie 1850 John larkin John 1844nws John 1860 John P. 1850 Jones 1850 Joseph 1890nws Joseph dcerts Jotin 1920 Katerine J 1850 Laura 1850 Laura 1922nws Leota 1850 Lucy 1893nws Lydia (Spiller) 1890nws Margaret 1850 Maria 1890nws Mary 1893nws Mary (Harvey) 1920 Mary L 1881nws R. R. 1840 Reuben 1889nws Reuben 1890nws Reuben marr Reuben 1920 Stanley Eber 1850 William 1850 William Gilliliand dcerts Daniel Gillilland wrdead John W. Gillin 1860 W. Gillingham 1840 Charlotte Gillis dcerts Charles dcerts Jennie Gillisford dcerts Jane Gillispie 1893nws Catherine E. cmarr Harriett Gillispy g1820 Wm Gillmore 1854nws Elizabeth J. dcerts Francis dcerts Mary dcerts Vuna Gillmupre dcerts Stillbo Gilloare dcerts Lec Gillogby 1867nws H. R. Gillogley 1860 El? A. 1860 Hanner 1860 John W. 1860 Joseph A. 1860 Lidda M. 1860 Matilda 1860 Millikin 1860 Susana 1860 William Gillogly 1920 Bernice M ?gd 1920 Clara B. 1920 Fern R 1920 Finley 1920 Gold A births H.H. 1875nws John W. 1920 Laura W ? gd 1920 Rose C 1920 William E Gills 1820 James Gillspie 1855nws Jessie Gilman dindx Gilman dindx Benj. I. larkin Benjamin Ives dindx Daniel 1819tx Daniel 1893nws Daniel R. 1830 Henry 1840 Henry 1850 Henry 1819tx Henry 1892nws Matilda 1850 Nancy Gilmoe dcerts Rcoent Gilmon 1850 Adaline 1850 Angeline 1860 Cyren 1850 David 1850 Elliot 1850 Emeline 1850 Harrison 1820 Henry 1850 Horace 1860 J. N. 1850 Joseph 1850 Lewis 1850 Nathan 1860 Robert 1850 Sarah 1850 Stephen 1860 William Gilmore Cemetery 1886nws --- Gilmore cemetery 1888nws --- 1897nws --- 1904nws --- Gilmore Cemetery 1916nws --- Gilmore cemetery 1917nws --- Gilmore graveyard 1885nws --- Gilmore dcerts Gilmore births ___ade Ashwor 2000q Abigail 2001q Abigal 1850 Abijah phist Ada Marvella (Vining) 1860 Adaline births Adeline 1850 Alexander births Angeline dcerts Arlie 1897nws Arnold 1893nws Arthur 1850 Asa 1860 Asa 1860 Aurilla murray Autie 1873nws Barrie 1920 Carrie L. 1860 Catharine 1860 Charles 1897nws Charles F. births Columbus 1889nws Curtis births Curtis murray Cyrene Mrs. 1889nws D. S. 1850 David phist David 1860 David H. 1905nws Delbert 1893nws Dora Bell 1886nws E. P. births Edith murray Edyth 1850 Elijah marr Eliza S. 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth births Elizabeth (Be 1850 Ellen 1860 Ellen 1850 Enos 1905nws Ernest L. 1850 Esther 1886nws F. O. births Fanny E. 1881nws Frank 1905nws Frederick 1850 Gaston 1860 Gaston 1850 George 1860 George 1889nws George dcerts Gerald dcerts Grace 1850 Harriet 1844nws Harvey 1920 Helen P 1860 Hetta 1850 Hindman wrdead Horace 1854nws I. M. 1850 Isaac 1889nws Isaac 1902nws Isaac 1850 Isaac M. 1862nws J. H. dcerts James 1860 Jaret births Jessie 1889nws Joe H. 1840 John 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John births John 1850 John N. births John W. marr John W. 1830 Joseph 1840 Joseph births Joseph dcerts Joseph 1850 Joseph H. 1860 Joseph H. 1895nws Joseph H. marr Joseph H. births Lemuel 1920 Leo O phist Leon births Lewis Earl births Lewis L. murray Lillie 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret A. 1850 Maria 1850 Marinda 1860 Marinda 1860 Martha 1905nws Martha Jane 1889nws Mary 1911nws Mary 1860 Mary A. 1893nws Mary C. 1850 Melvin 1860 Melvina Mary 1860 Mick dcerts Mildred 1920 Mildred M dcerts Myata dcerts Nathah births Nathan 1860 Nathaniel births Nathaniel 1860 Newton 1860 P. 1860 Perry 1886nws Perry phist Perry 1850 Polly 1889nws Polly 1850 Rachael 1860 Rachael phist Ralph murray Robert murray Robert 1893nws S. M. 1820 Samuel 1830 Samuel 1840 Samuel 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1819tx Samuel 1878nws Samuel 1862nws Samuel (sen.) 1860 Samuel A. 1820 Samuel Jr. 1830 Samuel Jr. 1850 Samuel P. 1860 Samuel P. births Samuel P. marr Samuel P. 1819tx Samuel, Jr. 1820 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah larkin Sarah 1819tx Sarah 1892nws Sarah 1902nws Sarah phist Sarah births Sarah J. births Sarah M. 1850 Solomon 1860 Solomon births Stephen marr Stephen dcerts Sttphen 1860 Susan 1889nws T. S. 1860 Theodore A. 1850 Theresa 1893nws Tiffin 1850 Timothy 1889nws Timothy dcerts Unnamed 1860 W. A. 1920 Waid A 1850 Welcome A. 1840 William 1850 William 1860 William 1862nws William dcerts William 1850 William H. 1860 Wm H. Gilore dcerts Janes Gilpan 1850 * 1850 John Gilpin 1920 Anna 1920 Geraldine 1920 Harry 1889nws Joe (Captain) 1889nws Joseph B. 1890nws Joseph B. 1920 Maxine Gilruth larkin James Gilsdorff 1881nws Peter 1881nws William Gilson 1820 Erastus 1819tx Erastus Ginn dcerts Alice 1920 Carrie 1920 Danna dcerts Ethel 1897nws William Gintear dcerts Charles 1920 Charles P 1920 Christine C 1920 Frank C Ginter 1860 Caroline 1860 Catharine 1860 John 4thInf William Ginther births Clarence dcerts Clareni births Conrad births Dana Howard dcerts Elizabe 1998q Fanny (Roush) 1999q George 1999q Jennie Louise 1998q John G. 1999q John Mathew 1999q Martha Katharine 1999q Mary Alice 1999q Mattie V. (Brown) 1999q Mide A. 1998q Oris Edgar 1998q Rosealtha (Buck) births Sadie births William Ginyher dcerts William Giore marr William L. Gipsan 1854nws Robert Gipson 1892nws Eliza 1892nws Nancy Giqney dcerts Sarah Gish 1840 John Gissel 1886nws John Gissline wrdead Co. E Gist 1840 Anthony 1887nws D. P. 1887nws G. W. graybd George W. Given 1851nws J. F. 1851nws J. F. (Rev.) 1851nws James F. (Rev.) Givens 1860 Amelia 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Elisabeth E. 1860 Henry 1860 Robert Givins 1860 M. Gladish 1908nws W. L. (Rev.) Glahalan 1850 Charles M. Glant g1820 Davis Glasburn g1820 David g1820 George g1820 John Glasgow Ohio Co. dindx Glasgow Ohio Co. Glass births Glass 1850 Amelia births Amelia 1850 Ann births Arnelia births Barbara births Clara 1860 Cyrus 1850 Elizabeth dcerts Giault 1860 Isaac 1860 Jacob 1850 Joseph 1860 Leonard 1862nws Leonard births Leonard 1850 Mary 1860 Mary J. 1860 Matilda 1860 Milia I. dcerts Norma 1850 R. H. 1860 Rachael harris Rhoda Barker Glassburn 1879nws Alice Glazier 1850 A. W. harris Abel harris Absolom harris C. W. harris Edna harris Emma harris J. W. harris Jane Henry harris John Henry harris Laura Hatch harris Loring B. harris Louis harris Louis B. harris Walter Gleasencamp 1881nws --- Gleason g1820 David g1820 Elijah larkin Phebe (Titus) Gleasoncamp 1897nws --- 1897nws --- Gleckner 1860 A. 1860 Barbary 1860 Henry Gleeson g1820 Asa Glem 1840 William Glen Bros. nursery 1893nws --- Glen 1920 Doloris marr Isaac Glenn dcerts Beatric 2002q Elizabeth Irene g1820 George dcerts Harriet 1908nws Russell, dcerts Samuel dcerts Sarah dcerts Stillbo n. dcerts Stillco dcerts Vera g1820 Wm Gleockner births Frank births Lawrence Gles dcerts Hollis Glickman 1860 Jacob 1860 Mary 1860 Peter Glidden 1920 Bessie N. 1897nws Charles 1897nws Ernest Blair 1850 J. G. 1850 Laura 1850 M. C. 1850 M. R. Gliooth dcerts Bessie Glison dcerts Stilloa Glitsh hrdsty John hrdsty Julia (Betz) hrdsty Mary Globe Coal Works 1893nws --- Glocekner dcerts Sophia Glockner births Glockner marr Alias 1860 Eafe 1877nws Frank 1873nws Franz murray George dcerts George 1860 H. births Lorenz Gloechner and Hysell 1897nws --- Gloechner 1877nws Frank murray Hannah Nelson Gloeckner & Company's flour mill 1897nws --- Gloeckner & Company 1891nws --- Gloeckner & Meyers 1877nws --- Gloeckner 1904nws Aloysius 1897nws Andrew 1897nws Andy dcerts Anna births Berte 1876nws C. 1897nws Charlie 1904nws Edith (Mason) births Emma C. 1891nws F. G. 1885nws Frank 1904nws Frank dcerts Frank graybd Frank (1st) 1897nws Frank (1st) graybd Frank (2nd) 1897nws Frank (2nd) 1884nws Frank (Jr.) 1884nws Frank (Sr.) 1929nws Frank G. 1884nws Franz and, --- births George dcerts George 1903nws George C. dcerts Hannah births Hazel Clio dcerts Jennie 1866nws John dcerts John dcerts Lawrenc 1883nws Lawrie dcerts Margare 1903nws Marvel M. 1920 Otis 1897nws Peter dcerts Peter 1904nws Veronica dcerts Wilhelm Gloeker 1881nws Frank Jr. Gloekner 1862nws Albert 1862nws Henry Gloes dcerts Juhn Glouston births Ray births Thomas Glover dcerts Carrie 1905nws Ellen Elizabeth 1998q John dindx John 1893nws John 1893nws John 1893nws John 1897nws John 1897nws John dcerts John 1893nws Nona 1893nws Nona 1905nws Sam Glum g1820 James Gnaser births Lizzie Gnathouse dcerts Helen Goaskill dcerts Alsinas Goble 1905nws Edward 2001q Emily/Emmaline 2001q Hiram 2001q Mary Ann Secoy births Nancy 1905nws Nellie Gobles dcerts Helen dcerts Hiram Godard 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Harison 1850 Jasper 1850 Jefferson 1840 Joel marr Joel 1840 John Goddard dindx Calvin 1892nws Curtis harris Dewey 1860 E. 1893nws Francis 1860 Henry 1860 J. 1860 Margaret 1850 Pearly 1850 Ralph 1860 Sarah ?. 1860 Sylas 1860 Thomas 1850 William 1860 William 1867nws William dcerts William wrdead William J. Godfreid 1871nws Louis Godfrey births Louis births Peter Godfriet 1860 Caroline Godlove 1840 Emanuel Godspeed Family harris --- Goeble dcerts William Goedeke births Emma Maria births Fredrick Goeglein harris Amanda 1999q Elizabeth 1912nws John Goegline dcerts Susan Goeit 1877nws Peter Goess 1850 Deidrich Goess_er graybd August Goessel 1999q Maria Catharina Goessler's Jewelry store 1893nws --- Goessler dcerts August 1897nws Norma Goets 1897nws Lewis (Prof.) Goett dcerts Edith dcerts Fliza births Henry births Joseph dcerts Mary Goff Emma murray Goff Emma Goff family 2000q Goff family Goff 1860 Aintry? 1860 Angalina 1850 Benton 1920 Cora 1920 Darrell dcerts Draper 1920 Draper L 1920 Earnest 1850 Eber 1860 Elisha 1850 Elizabeth murray Elsie murray Emma Leon 1850 Enos 1860 Ens? dcerts Flossie 1920 Francis (male) 1889nws George S. 1850 Henry 1860 James dcerts James 1897nws James A. 1830 John 1850 John 1920 John 1840 John B. 1850 John B. 1850 July Ann 1920 Kate dcerts Kennith 1920 Maggie 1920 Mamie 1920 Margaret 1850 Nancy 1860 Nancy 1860 Oliver 1920 Pearl 1850 Rachael 1920 Raymond 1920 Rebecca dcerts Rhea 1850 Richard 1830 Robert 1860 Robert 1840 Robert A. murray Rosanna Mrs. murray Sada Ogden 1850 Samuel 1850 Sarah 1860 Silvester 1850 Susan 1850 Sylvester wrdead Sylvester 1850 Tabitha 1860 Tabitha 1850 William 1860 William T. Goglein 1860 Susan Goglein 2 1860 Jacob Goglein 1860 Mary Goings 1877nws Henry Goins family 1893nws --- Goins 1860 E. Gold district 1917nws --- Gold 1928nws A. F. 1917nws Alfred 1917nws Alfred 1928nws Amelia 1917nws Amelia (Barr) 1917nws Arthur 1917nws Arthur 1917nws Frances 1917nws Fremont 1917nws Fremont 1917nws Helen 1917nws Homer 1917nws Lena 1917nws Leon 1917nws Marjorie 1917nws Raymond 1917nws Roy graybd T. H. 1876nws Thomas 1917nws Thomas dcerts Thomas pmry88 Thomas H. 1917nws Thomas H. 1917nws Thomas H. 1928nws Thomas H. 1928nws W. A. 1917nws Winfield 1917nws Winfield Goldberg harris Rube Golden 1860 Anna 1850 Caroline 1860 Caroline 1860 Charlotte 1894nws Davis 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Emanuel 2000q George 1860 George 1860 J. C. 1861nws J. C. 1876nws J. C. 1850 John 1877nws John 1855nws John C. 1860 John W. harris K. K. 1860 Mary A. 1830 Michael 1850 Sam'l 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1867nws W. R. 1854nws William 1854nws William Golding dcerts Thomas Goldsberry harris Blaine R. (Dr.) Goldthwaite harris John Golear 1860 Mariah 1860 Mary 1860 Thomas Golinger 1860 Barbary 1860 Christena 1860 Mary Gollidy g1820 Daniel Gomer dcerts Ed 1854nws Edward 1850 Edwin 1840 Ezekial dindx Ezekial 1999q Ezekiel 1850 Ezekiel dcerts Friley dcerts Helen 1850 Laura 1854nws Laura Buffington 1920 Loring 1850 Malissa 1920 Mattie 1854nws Melissa 1859nws Melissa 1999q Melissa (Emmons) 1854nws Sally 1850 Sarah 1920 Wiley A 1920 William Gondar 1859nws George Gonder 1920 (K)Catherine births Catherine 1920 Charles dcerts George 1920 George Jr 1920 George Sr births Margaret Gontz 1850 Barbara 1850 Catharine 1850 Elizabeth 1850 John Good 1860 Alonzo 1860 August 1860 Augustus 1860 Carry 1860 Elizabeth 1867nws Elizabeth 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John W. 1860 Joseph 1860 Leonard 1867nws Leonard 1897nws Leonard 1860 Lucretia 1860 Margaret 1860 Rachael 1860 Rahena births Sophia harris William Goodale dindx Lincoln Goodfellow 1820 Moses larkin Moses phist Moses dindx Moses S. 1830 Peter 1820 Peter R. larkin Peter R. phist Peter R. Goodfellows 1819tx P. R. Goodin 1920 Exie L births Leander G. births Mary Jane births Sarah Jane dcerts William 1920 William S Goodlive dcerts George Goodman 1893nws L. M. 1893nws Maggie (Wilson) Goodnite 1920 Freda 1920 Garnet 1920 Mill R 1920 Ora V 1920 Oris Goodrich harris Bingham 1850 Elvira 1850 Ezekial 1840 Horace 1920 John 1850 Lewis 1850 Marcus 1850 Rachael harris Timothy Goodridge g1820 Levi Goodspeed harris J. M. Goodwin 1897nws Jack phist Rev. wrdead Samuel g1820 Thomas Gorbes harris Gerald Gorbey 1860 Elizabeth 1860 John 1860 Luther 1860 Thomas 1860 Willis Gorby 1876nws Ada J. 1920 Adaline E 1876nws Adi J. 1920 Alma 1850 Ann 1871nws B. births B. F. 1998q Benjamin 1850 Benjamin 1862nws Benjamin 1876nws Carson 1920 Clarissa 1878nws Clark 1850 Cyrus dcerts Cyrus 1920 Don 1862nws E. S. 1850 Eliza dcerts Ellswor 1920 Elsie 1920 Elsworth births Emma births Emmet E. 1920 Florence 1920 Guy C 1850 Hannah 1850 Harriet births Ida I. 1998q Jacob 1840 Jacob 1850 Jacob 1862nws Jacob 1920 James C murray Jessie 1850 John 1998q John Edward 1850 Margret 1850 Mary 1920 Mary B 1862nws Mary C. 1998q Marybell (Grapes) 1920 Max 1850 Pamela 1998q Peter 1850 Peter 1920 Roy 1920 Ruth 1862nws S. P. 1850 Samuel 1862nws W. D. 1920 Wade 1998q William 1840 William 1850 William wrdead William wrdead William H. Gorden 1860 A. 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Isaac 1860 Sidny B. Gordon 1860 George 1860 Hannah dcerts Helen 1850 James 1850 John 1860 Margaret 1850 Mary 1999q Mazie 1877nws Mrs. 1860 Saml 1850 William 1860 William Gore 1920 Elva 1920 Frank Jr 1920 Frank Sr. 1920 James 1920 Jean 1920 Mary 1920 Nellie Goreman harris --- Gorgan 1893nws John Gorham 1920 Earl 1920 Norah Gorley marr Alexander 1850 Eliza Ann 1850 Hamilton murray Jacob 1850 Jane 1850 John 1850 Mary 1850 William Gorlick g1820 Elizabeth Gorman g1820 John 1893nws William H. Goroy dcerts Jaies Gorrell 1895nws Jeremiah dcerts Rosetta Gorrison g1820 J. Gorsach 1887nws W. A. Gorshuch 1889nws Mary Gorslene 1883nws Will Gorslin 1909nws Lillian dcerts Robert Gorsline 1892nws Marvin R. Gorsuch farm 1886nws --- Gorsuch school house 1886nws --- Gorsuch 1840 David 1850 David 1860 David births David births David 1860 Horton 1867nws J. 1840 John 1850 John 1860 John 1851nws John 1862nws John 1867nws John 1871nws John 1876nws John 1879nws John 1879nws John 1886nws John 1909nws John dcerts John 1860 Mary 1860 Nicholas births Nicholas births Perry 1850 Rachael 1860 Rachael 1886nws Sally 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah I. 1860 Susana 1850 Susannah 1885nws Wilbur 1850 William dcerts William dcerts Wilmer Gosburn 1840 Adam Gosewihr dcerts Mary Goshwaw 1860 Adaline Goslin wrdead Charles William 1850 Eliza J. 1860 Elza 1850 Henrietta 1850 Jane 1860 Jane 1850 John 1860 John 1860 Julia 1860 Mary 1860 Robert 1850 Virginia Gosnay dcerts Clevia Gosney 1850 H. Goss harris Ed Gossett dcerts David 1920 David W 1920 Luoma 1920 Ulyria S Gossline 1860 H. Gosstle 1850 Elizabeth 1850 George 1850 John 1850 Mary 1850 Peter Gotfried 1887nws Louis Gotschall 1912nws Abraham 1886nws Abram 1913nws Bessie dcerts Catheri 1912nws Catherine 1908nws Catherine A. 1867nws D. 1913nws Eliza Ann (Turner) (Musser) 1909nws Glenn 1913nws Glenn 1913nws Hudson dcerts Jeremia 1888nws Jeremiah 1912nws Jerry 1913nws Jerry 1913nws Judson 1913nws Kate 1920 Manley 1909nws Oleva E. 1913nws Olevia murray Phillip 1879nws Phillip 1912nws Sarah C. 1920 William C Gotshall 1860 A. 1860 Catharine 1860 Jeremiah 1860 Lowisa 1860 Mary 1860 Sarah 1860 Susana Gottfried 1892nws Conrad births Conrad births F. A. 1897nws Frank dcerts Johana 1903nws Lena 1884nws Lewis 1897nws Louie 1890nws Louis 1897nws Louis dcerts Louis births Ludwich births Ludwig 1890nws Mrs. 1903nws Peter Gottried births Johanny Gottschall 1920 Charles A 1893nws Charles A. 1920 Charles V 1920 Elizabeth 1893nws Elvia Judson 1893nws Elza Hudson 1920 Emma E 1920 Harold D 1920 Howard 1886nws Jerry 1893nws Jerry 1920 John A 1893nws Philip Manley 1920 Phillip M births Susan Goudy 1860 * 1860 Eliza Jane 1860 Mary 1860 Robt Gough family 2000q Gough family Gould 1917nws Aaron 1820 Abel 1819tx Abel 1917nws Eliza births Eliza 1876nws G. T. births Geo. C. harris George harris George T. births Laura Lecta births Louisa births Ora M. births Oraldine births Oraldus births Orie M. 1873nws T. H. g1820 Wm. Goulden 1859nws George Goulding 1850 Ann 1850 Charlotte births Charlotte 1850 David 1850 Emanuel 1850 Geo 1850 Harriet 1850 Jane 1850 John W. 1850 Mary 1850 Mary A. 1850 Sarah 1850 Thomas Gouthrie 1820 Stephen Gow 1855nws Gurves Gowl 1873nws Jacob Gr- ? 1920 Earl 1920 May Gr* 1860 Ann 1860 B. 1860 Preston Graber 1904nws A. A. dcerts Anthony 1895nws Augustin births Augustus dcerts Austin dcerts Cathari 1897nws Ed. 2002q Elizabeth Helen births Henry A. 1897nws Lena dcerts Reinhol Grace Church 1897nws --- 1877nws Episcopal, --- Grace phist Earl dcerts Harriet 1886nws W. H. Grace/Groce/Crace? 1920 Benjamin A 1920 Blanche E 1920 Clyde E 1920 Earl P 1920 George B Gracer births Eliza Graces dcerts Melissa Grader dcerts Stillbo n. Grady 1900nws Bridget (O'Donald) dcerts Elizabe h. 1900nws Ella dcerts Elmer 1893nws F. M. 1900nws Fanny 1893nws Frank 1900nws Jennie 1893nws T. M. 1862nws Thomas 1867nws Thomas 1900nws Thomas Graessle 1897nws P. J. (Rev.) Graf 1860 Barbary 1860 Catherine 1860 Elias 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Ellen 1860 Frank 1860 P. Grafes murray Ethel murray Mary Graff 1879nws Eli births Elisabeth births Kate Graffenreid phist Baron de Graham murray Wesley Graham family 1998q Graham family Graham family 2000q Graham family Graham Family harris --- Graham births ---- births Graham deaths A.H. 1850 Abner 1913nws Adda 1920 Addie g1820 Alex dcerts Alphena births Alpheus 1850 Anna 1860 Anna 1860 Anna J. 1920 Anne 1850 Appy dcerts Arthur 1893nws Arvena dcerts Beryl 1897nws Bradbury and, --- 1850 Catharine deaths Catharine deaths Celesta 1999q Charles 1830 Charles g1820 Charles dindx Charles dcerts Charles 1860 Cidney A. 1893nws Clara 1893nws Clare 1860 Clarissa C. dcerts Clyde larkin Cynthia (Green) 1891nws Cynthia (Green) 1830 Daniel g1820 Daniel births Daniel deaths Daniel 1820 David 1830 David 1840 David 1850 David 1860 David dindx David 1819tx David 1878nws David dcerts David 1892nws Deacon murray Dora births Dora Elinder larkin Dorcas 1891nws Dorcas 1850 Druzilla 1860 E. births E.W. dcerts Earl 1920 Edward J. 1879nws Effie 1920 Elias dcerts Elias 1860 Elin 1920 Eliza J deaths Ellen murray Elza 1881nws Elza 1860 Emily 1920 Emmett births Ena G. births Estaline 1999q Esther Jane births Frankie M. 1820 Gabriel 1830 Gabriel dindx Gabriel 1819tx Gabriel 1850 Gehue births George E. dcerts Grace harris Guy 1860 H. larkin Hannah (Green) 1920 Howard E 1854nws Hugh 1873nws Hugh 1860 Ida May 1875nws Ira 1876nws Ira 1877nws Ira 1887nws Ira 1889nws Ira 1893nws Ira 1893nws Ira 1893nws Ira 1895nws Ira 1897nws Ira 1908nws Ira births J. H. births J. M. 1901nws J. W. 1820 James 1830 James 1840 James 1850 James g1820 James dindx James 1819tx James phist James 1886nws James (Rev.) births James A. 1893nws James H. 1820 James Jr. births James N. 1860 James P. dindx James R. 1819tx James R. 1851nws James R. 1881nws James R. 1892nws James R. deaths James R. 1860 Jane harris Jane 1860 Jane D. births Jas. H. births Jessieronie births Jno Wesley 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John 1920 John 1879nws John births John dcerts John births John A. 1860 John F. 1920 John H 1920 John R births John R. 1840 Joseph g1820 Joseph dcerts Joseph dcerts Joshua 1860 Joshua M. C. births Joshua N. 1920 Josuah M 1901nws Lecta M. births Leslie Roy births Levi 1908nws Lola M. births Lola May 1850 Louiza births Lovina 1999q Lovisa Ellen births M.L. 1920 Margaret E. 1860 Margaret R. 1999q Martha Wilson (Van Zant) 1999q Mary 1850 Mary 1876nws Mary births Mary dcerts Mary deaths Mary 1999q Mary Agnes births Mary F. 1860 Mary R. D. 1860 Mary V. 1903nws Mat 1999q Matilda Caroline murray Matt larkin Miles 1891nws Miles 1892nws Milford 1920 Minnie? 1850 Nancy 1850 Nancy 1860 Nancy J. 1850 Nathan deaths Nimrod births Nora births Otho deaths Otto 1889nws Pearl 1893nws Pearl 1893nws Pearle births Perry g1820 Philip 1876nws Prosecutor births Prudence A. births R.A. deaths Raymond births Rhoda 1850 Ripley births Ruth Ann 1850 Ruthan births S. A. 1850 Sally 1893nws Sam 1850 Samantha 1830 Samuel 1850 Samuel births Samuel deaths Samuel deaths Samuel (black) 1850 Sarah murray Sarah 1891nws Sarah (Green) births Sarah E. 1860 Sarah J. 1860 Sophia * births Stephen A. dcerts Stillbo 1860 Susan E. deaths Susan E. 1850 Susannah births Truman murray Wesley 1893nws Wilford Cleve 1820 William 1850 William 1860 William 1920 William larkin William 1819tx William 1891nws William phist William dcerts William deaths William births Wm. 1892nws Zilpha Gram? 1860 Alpheus 1860 Joseph 1860 Lidda M. 1860 Rebeca Grambrill & Co. 1862nws Williamson, --- Grame 1854nws Joseph Gran g1820 Youngs Grand Dilcher Hotel 1887nws --- 1889nws --- 1897nws --- 1897nws --- 1900nws --- Grand Dilcher 1897nws --- Grand View Hotel 1885nws --- Grandee 1999q Henry Grandstaff dcerts Maggie Grandview hotel 1897nws --- Grange 1875nws --- 1875nws Salem township, --- Granheimer 1854nws John Grant & Co. 1882nws --- Grant Brick Co. 1893nws --- Grant brickyard 1893nws --- Grant brothers larkin --- Grant 1850 * 1889nws [M]ary 1893nws A. H. 1897nws A. H. 1850 Adeline larkin Agnes larkin Agnes 1882nws Agnes 1860 Alexander 1860 Alice 1877nws Alice 1879nws Allice dcerts Alvira larkin Andrew 1882nws Andrew 1850 Anne 1881nws Augusta 1850 Belinda larkin Belinda 1882nws Belinda 1850 Benson J. 1893nws Bertha 1860 C. graybd C. 1862nws C. 1862nws C. 1868nws C. 1876nws C. (Col.) 1879nws C. (Col.) 1881nws C. Callie 1889nws C. J. 1889nws C. J. 1850 C. S. 1860 C. S. 1850 California 1860 California 1878nws Callie C. 1850 Calvin dindx Calvin 1882nws Calvin 1889nws Calvin 1850 Candace 1893nws Carl 1850 Charles 1860 Charles 1867nws Charles 1860 Charlotte 1882nws Charlotte (Debard) larkin Charlotte (Hebard) 1881nws Clara 1998q Claraca (Merrill) 1854nws Clarisa larkin Clarissa (Merrill) larkin Cynthia (McNaughton) 1882nws Cynthia (McNaughton) 1850 Cyrus larkin Cyrus 1876nws Cyrus 1875nws Cyrus (Col.) 1882nws Cyrus (Col.) 1890nws Cyrus (Col.) harris Cyrus (Rev.) 1850 E. F. 1867nws E. R. 1873nws E. R. 1890nws Eben T. 1892nws Ebenezer T. larkin Ebenezer Tuttle 1882nws Ebenezer Tuttle 1840 Ebenezer Z. 1893nws Ed S. 1881nws Ed. 1893nws Ed. S. 1893nws Ed. S. 1893nws Ed. S. dcerts Edith 1895nws Edmund phist Edmund Sehon larkin Electa 1860 Electa M. larkin Eliza 1882nws Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Ellen 1850 Emma H. 1850 Esther 1860 Esther larkin Esther (Hobart) larkin Esther (Hobart) 1882nws Esther (Hobart) 1850 Ezra 1920 Fannie 1871nws Frank 1876nws Frank 1876nws Frank 1850 Franklin larkin Franklin 1882nws Franklin 1895nws Franklin 1860 Franklin I. 1854nws G. W. T 1850 George 1860 George 1872nws George 1920 Gus 1860 Hanna 1850 Hannah larkin Hannah (Davis) 1882nws Hannah (Davis) dcerts Harriso 1850 Harvey 1850 Helen 1893nws Helen 1850 Henry 1873nws Henry 1998q Henry C. larkin Henry C. 1882nws Henry C. 1889nws Homer 1890nws Homer 1897nws Homer 1850 Isabel 1873nws J. 1868nws J. S. 1854nws James F. 1820 John 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John larkin John larkin John 1844nws John 1868nws John 1878nws John 1879nws John 1882nws John 1892nws John phist John larkin John (Jr.) 1882nws John (Jr.) larkin John (Sr.) 1882nws John (Sr.) dindx John Jr. dindx John Trustee 1850 Julia 1860 Julia larkin Julia 1870nws Julia P. 1850 Kenneth 1850 Landress larkin Landress 1882nws Landress marr Landress larkin Laundres 1893nws Livina (Fuller) 1897nws Lona 1872nws Lottie 1877nws Lottie larkin Lovina (Fuller) 1882nws Lovina (Fuller) larkin Lucinda (Lellan) 1882nws Lucinda (Lellan) 1860 Lucy larkin Lucy 1850 Lydia larkin Lydia larkin Lydia 1882nws Lydia 1892nws Lydia L. 1850 M. W. larkin Mahetible (Mahew) 1850 Malvina 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1860 Mary larkin Mary 1882nws Mary 1883nws Mary 1893nws Mary 1893nws Mary 1893nws Mary dcerts Mary larkin Mary (Jones) 1882nws Mary (Jones) 1882nws Mary (Roup) 1860 Mary E. 1850 Mary J. 1850 Mehetable 1882nws Mehittable (Mayhew) 1893nws Misses 1877nws Nettie (Logan) 1893nws Norma births Norwood M. 1830 Oliver 1840 Oliver 1850 Oliver larkin Oliver 1855nws Oliver 1856nws Oliver 1882nws Oliver 1893nws Pearl 1893nws Pearl dcerts Pearl 1998q Peter larkin Peter 1882nws Peter 1856nws R. C. 1876nws R. C. 1877nws R. C. 1851nws R. R. births Ralph E. 1998q Ralph Eugene 1850 Rebecca 1881nws Royal 1850 Royal C. larkin Royal C. 1855nws Royal C. 1867nws Royal C. 1882nws Royal C. 1893nws Royal Clark 1840 Royal H. 1893nws Ruth dindx S. 1873nws S. J. 1893nws S. J. 1893nws S. J. 1820 Samuel 1830 Samuel 1840 Samuel 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel dindx Samuel larkin Samuel larkin Samuel larkin Samuel larkin Samuel larkin Samuel larkin Samuel harris Samuel pomry Samuel 1819tx Samuel 1882nws Samuel phist Samuel larkin Samuel (Jr.) larkin Samuel (Jr.) larkin Samuel (Sr.) 1860 Samuel J. 1895nws Samuel J. phist Samuel J. 1830 Sanders 1850 Sarah larkin Sarah 1882nws Sarah larkin Sarah (Boltwood) 1882nws Sarah (Boltwood) larkin Sarah (Jones) 1882nws Sarah (Jones) 1850 Sarah Ann 1850 Sarah P. 1859nws Shaw & Co., --- larkin Steward 1840 Theresa larkin Theresa (Smith Barker) 1840 Thompson larkin Thompson 1882nws Thompson 1860 Valeria 1860 W. H. graybd W. H. 1851nws W. H. 1868nws W. H. 1893nws W. U. 1893nws Washington 1850 William 1850 William 1860 William larkin William larkin William 1870nws William 1882nws William 1889nws William 1890nws William larkin William (Jr.) 1877nws William H. phist William H. 1850 Winslow 1850 Wm H. Grant? 1860 Lucinda Grants 1893nws Marion 1855nws R. C. Grapes 1850 Catharine 1850 David births Denver Jabez births Elisa Ann 1850 Eliza Ann 1850 Elizabeth births Ella Estella 1850 Harriet 1850 Henry 1850 James 1879nws James births James births Jas. births Jas. Wm dcerts Mariam births Mary E. 1998q Marybell dcerts Millaro murray Nellie births Nellie Clara 1892nws Ransom births Sarah Ethel 1889nws Verne 1879nws Willard Grase 1862nws Val Grasel 1862nws Frederick Grass Run church 1878nws --- Grass Run meeting 1878nws --- Grass Run school house 1901nws --- Grass 1850 Catharine 1850 Frances 1850 Mary 1850 Nicholas 1850 P. 1850 Peter Grate deaths Alfred S. 1920 Alma phist Alma 1904nws Alma Pearl dcerts Amanda 1850 Andrew 1920 Arnold murray Bertha Braley dcerts Carneli 1920 Cora 1920 Earl phist Earl 1850 Elizabeth murray Ella 1920 Emery 1920 Ester(sic) dcerts Esther phist Eugene 1920 Flora phist Flora (Corn) phist Frances 1850 Gehew 1850 Gen** 1920 George phist George 1904nws George R. 1920 Gerald K 1920 Hollis R 1903nws Hollis Ralph phist Jahu 1903nws James 1920 James A 1920 James E phist James Rodger phist Jasper H. dcerts Jemima dcerts Jennie 1850 John 1920 Julia 1850 Julia Ann phist Leonora (Belcher) 1920 Loring J 1850 Lucy Ann deaths Lucy Ann 1920 Mable 1850 Martin 1850 Mary phist Mary births Mary Isletta 1920 Maude 1892nws Myrta L. 1840 Peter 1850 Peter 1920 Peter murray Peter births Peter dcerts Peter 1881nws Peter Jr. 1850 Rabecca 1920 Robert 1920 Roy or Coy A phist Ruth births Sarah births Sarah Elta dcerts Sol 1850 Solomon 1920 Vallie M 1850 Vilinda phist William Robert Grates births Peter births William Charle Graut 1844nws Charlotte Grave 1850 Alice 1850 Barbara 1850 Catharine 1850 Frank 1850 Helen 1850 Philip Gravel Hill cemetery 1890nws --- Gravel Hill Cemetery 1893nws --- Gravel Hill cemetery 1893nws --- Gravel Hill Cemetery 1893nws --- 1894nws --- Gravel Hill cemetery 1912nws --- 1917nws --- Graves 1893nws Abba B. 1860 C. 1904nws Charles Edgar 1850 Converse 1860 D. 1858nws D. 1850 Daniel 1860 Daniel 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Emma births Emma 1850 Essacher 1903nws Herald 1840 Isiah? 1878nws James 1920 Leota g1820 Levi 1897nws Lon 1850 Lucinda 1850 Marcilon 1850 Marcilva 1860 Martha dcerts Martha 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Morylva 1876nws Mrs. births Ola E. 1860 Oscar 1904nws Oscar dcerts Oscar 1893nws Oscar S. 1850 Osker 1903nws Pearl 1876nws Rosetta 1850 Sam'l 1860 Samara births Sophia E. g1820 Thomas 1850 William dcerts William Gray harris --- 1892nws Abraham 1860 Agnas 1850 Amanda 1999q Amanda Jane 1850 Aryam 1999q Blanche (Lyle) 1919nws Blanche (Lyle) 1860 Catharine 1999q Charles Richard 1999q Charlotte R. dindx Combs 1850 Daniel 1920 Edgar harris Edmund 1850 Edward dcerts Edward 1999q Edward M. 1860 Edward M. 1850 Elins g1820 Elizabeth 1850 Fanny 1850 Frederick 1850 George 1850 George 1860 George dcerts Gerlene 1850 Hannah 1850 Hannah 1860 Hannah 1855nws Henrietta 1850 J. W. 1850 James 1920 James g1820 James dindx James 1876nws James murray James W. 1920 Jerelene 1850 Jeremiah dindx Jeremiah 1892nws Jeremiah 1850 John 1860 John dindx John 1920 Leonard 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1850 Maria 1860 Mary 1850 Milton 1877nws Mrs. 1920 Myrtle 1860 Nancey 1860 Nancey J. 1999q Nancy 1850 Nancy 1850 Nancy 1850 Orison 1893nws Paul 1850 Phoeba A. 1850 Polly 1850 Prescilla 1850 Putnam 1920 Raymond 1850 Richard 1892nws Richard 1860 Richard S. 1850 Robert 1850 Sally dcerts Samaria 1999q Samaria (Hugg) 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah L. 1850 Susan 1850 Sylvester 1850 Tabitha 1860 Thomas 1850 Timothy 1850 Westly 1850 William 1850 William g1820 Wm Grayson 1897nws Asa 1893nws Edith 1897nws William 1895nws William K. Grayum harris Henry harris William 1875nws William (Captain) Greaser births Anna Marie births Catharine 1850 Daniel 1850 Elizabeth 1850 John 1878nws John births John 1878nws Leonard births Mary 1876nws Philip births Phillip Great 1906nws James 1889nws Peter births Winifred Greathouse 1904nws Charles W. 1920 David G/D 1920 Earl dcerts Granvil 1840 Henry dcerts Iearl 1920 Izora 1920 James A dcerts Jchn 1920 John 1920 John W 1920 Kathlene 1920 Mabel A dcerts Mary 1920 Mary J 1904nws Norma C. 1850 Solomon 1920 Virginia M 1920 Vivian V Greave harris Hannah Green Family harris --- Green 1876nws A. J. 1876nws A. J. 1876nws A. J. 1876nws A. Jewell 1850 Aaron 1860 Aaron phist Aaron wrdead Abbot 1850 Abraham 1860 Abraham 1850 Affa 1920 Agnes dcerts Alansan 1881nws Alanson 1897nws Alanson larkin Albert harris Albert 1891nws Albert 1860 Allis L. 1850 Anna 1920 Arlie dcerts Artie 1905nws Bart 1893nws Belinda 1850 Benjamin 1850 Betsey 1862nws Burt 1893nws Burt 1895nws Burt marr Burt 1860 Casai 1860 Casirah 1850 Charles 1892nws Charles 1904nws Charles A. 1873nws Charles E. 1999q Charlotte R. (Gray) 1893nws Clarence (Dr.) larkin Cynthia 1891nws Cynthia births Cynthia 1904nws Dana 1892nws Daniel dcerts Ebbenze 1820 Ebenezer 1830 Ebenezer 1860 Ebenezer 1819tx Ebenezer phist Ebenezer 1850 Ebinezer 1850 Edwin 1860 Elisabeth 1850 Eliza 1860 Elizabeth 1850 Ellen A. 1860 Ellen? A. hrdsty Emeline 1885nws Emery 1850 Emily 1920 Emma dcerts Emma 1920 Ervin 1850 Erwin 1920 Eva 1920 Fay 1920 Faye G dcerts Florenc 1920 Florence dcerts Francis 1881nws Frank 1904nws Frank 1920 Freida 1920 George 1897nws Gordon (Capt.) dindx Griffin larkin Griffin 1905nws H. E. larkin Hannah 1891nws Hannah 1840 Hans 1850 Hanson 1850 Harriet 1920 Hellen 1920 Herbert 1998q Ida May 1871nws J. R. dcerts Jackie 1840 James 1860 James larkin James G. phist James G. births Jenne births Jennie 1998q Jerusha 1830 Jesse 1840 Jesse phist Jesse 1850 Jessee 1820 John 1850 John g1820 John dindx John 1819tx John 1882nws John phist John wrdead John P. 1876nws Julia A. 1876nws Julia A. 1850 Kezia 1920 Leo 1893nws Lewis 1860 Lovina 1891nws Lovina larkin Lovina Ogden 1850 Lowiza 1850 Lydda harris M. M. 1850 Mahala larkin Margaret (Lasher) 1850 Maria 1904nws Marie Janie Sue 1881nws Martha 2003q Martha Elisabeth 1850 Martin 1860 Martin 1860 Martin? 1850 Mary 1920 Mary births Mary dcerts Mary 1893nws Mary (Wolf) 1860 Mary A. 1850 Mary Ann 1920 Mary C harris Miles dindx Moses harris Moses 1920 Myrtle 1860 Nancy births Nancy larkin Nancy (Ogden) 1879nws Nannie 1889nws Norma 1889nws Norma P. 1860 Oren?s 1850 Owen 1860 Owen larkin P. 1893nws P.M. dcerts Pearl 1893nws Preston 1893nws Preston 1893nws Preston W. 1860 R. 1920 Rett E dcerts Richard 1860 Richmond 1920 Richmond E. 1850 Ruphas 1850 Sally Ann 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1891nws Sarah larkin Sarah (Parker) 1999q Sarah Herrington 1860 Sintha 1999q Stephen R. 1850 Susan dcerts Susan 1850 Thomas 1920 Velma 1881nws Viola 1860 Waldo 1850 Washington 1998q William 1830 William 1850 William 1860 William g1820 William dindx William larkin William larkin William larkin William harris William 1819tx William 1891nws William 1893nws William phist William dcerts William 1893nws William (Jun.) dindx Wm. dindx Youngs 1873nws Zaphan'h Greene 1850 Abbot 1850 Cynthia 1850 Hannah dcerts Julia 1850 Lovina larkin Mr. 1850 Nancy 1889nws Rachel dindx Samuel W. 1850 Sarah 1850 William Greenleaf 1820 Elias 1819tx Elias Greenlee family 1998q Greenlee family Greenlee family 2000q Greenlee family Greenlee 1850 Alexander dcerts Alga 1859nws C. 1850 Catharine 1850 Christopher 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1878nws Ellen (Dunlap) 1893nws Finley 1860 G. 1850 George 1860 George 1850 Harriet E. 1860 Isabell dcerts John 1850 John M. 1850 Margaret 1860 Mary 1850 Morris C. marr Morris C. 1850 Peter 1860 Peter 1860 S. 1893nws Sam 1850 Samuel 1893nws Samuel 1850 Winfield S. 1850 Wm. M. Greenlees 1897nws Charles Greenler dcerts Alexand births Anna M. births Anne M. 1903nws Edith Mabel 1906nws Emma (Archer) 1886nws Joseph 1886nws Mrs. 1903nws V. S. 1898nws Vernon 1840 William, Jr. Greenlier 1885nws A. Greenough 1893nws Charles P. Greenwood cemetery 1897nws --- 1903nws --- Greenwood Cemetery 1906nws --- Greer harris Isaac 1890nws John H. Greer? births Howard Greeser 1862nws Leonard Gregard dcerts Stillbo Gregery 1860 Amelia 1860 E. 1860 Hannah 1860 May A. Gregg 1890nws Tabitha G. 1889nws William Greggory 1901nws John Gregorn murray Billie Bart Gregory 1850 Ann 1860 Ann E. 1897nws Asbury harris Capt. 1920 Carrie E 1850 David 1892nws David marr David 1894nws Edmund murray Effie 1860 Eliza J. 1850 Elizabeth dcerts Florenc 1850 Harrison 1860 Isaac 1886nws J. L. 1830 James dcerts James 1860 James A. harris Jehiel 1830 John murray John R. Mrs. 1920 Margaret E 1860 Margaret J. 1850 Margret 1860 Martha J. 1892nws Mary 1850 Matilda 1850 Nancy 1920 Nettie C dcerts Phoebe 2000q Sarah Katherine 2001q Sarah Katherine 1860 Sylvanis B. 1860 Thomas V. 1920 Virgil C 1920 Wesley A murray Wesley A. 1920 William B Greicser 1887nws Wendel Grenser dcerts Peter dcerts Stillbo Gresen 1850 Jacob 1850 John marr John 1850 Mary 1850 Peter Greser 1860 Elisabeth 1860 George 1860 Jacob 1860 John 1860 Mary 1860 Philip Gress 1850 Abelino 1850 Christina 1850 George 1921nws George 1850 Joseph 1897nws Katie 1850 Margaret 1850 Mary 1850 Michael 1877nws Mr. 1860 Peter 1920 Peter 1889nws Valentine 1910nws Zona Gressel graybd Frederick Gressell 1877nws Fred Gressle 1894nws Frederich Greuser 1920 Adolph 1920 Adolph F 1890nws Andrew 1920 Audrey 1920 August 1920 Bertram B 1920 Carl dcerts Carolin 1920 Carrie 1920 Catherine 1920 Charles E 1920 Clara 1920 Clara T 1920 Cora L 1920 David 1920 Edward 1920 Elizabeth 1920 Freda R 1920 George 1920 Grafton K 1920 Gustava 1920 Helen E 1920 Helena 1920 Herman 1920 Irene 1920 John 1920 John E 1920 Laura 1920 Leon 1920 Leonard 1897nws Leonard 1920 Lillian 1920 Lizzie 1920 Mary 1920 Maud A 1920 Mollie 1920 Norman W 1920 Peter 1920 Philip E 1920 Ruth 1920 Stella 1920 Theodore 1908nws Theodore 1920 Valentine 1920 Velma 1920 Wendell P 1920 William 1920 William T Grey dcerts Blanche 1840 Francis 1877nws Katherine Gribble 1900nws Doctor 1926nws Dr. Gridley dindx Elizabeth dindx Wm. Grier dcerts Carolin Gries dcerts Estelin Grieser 1873nws Daniel 1879nws Jacob 1873nws Joh. 1873nws Peter Griffeth murray Otto Griffin Family harris --- Griffin 2001q Allen 1860 Amanda 1920 baby girl 2000q Burton 1850 Catharine births Clarence births D. L. dcerts David 1920 Dortha J 1860 E. S. births Edith 2001q Effie (Woods) 1920 Emert 1920 Freda 1920 Garner 1850 H. 1860 Harriet 1860 Henry 1860 Hiram 1850 Isah 1820 Isaiah 1819tx Isaiah dcerts Jaunita 2001q Jennie 2000q John Augustus 1830 Joseph 1892nws Joseph harris Leander births Leander 1920 Lola 1850 Lowiza 1860 Lydia 1920 Mable 1895nws Malbert N. 1850 Matilda dcerts Nancy 1920 Nancy R 1871nws R. 1893nws R. M. 1873nws Ransom 1850 Ranson 1876nws Ranson 1860 Richard dcerts Sarah 1920 Sarah E 1840 Sullivan 1840 William 1850 William 1920 William 1866nws William dcerts William 1860 Wilson A. Griffis 1860 Ann 1860 Edwin 1860 Eliza g1820 Hezekiah 1860 John 1860 Martha I. 1860 May 1860 Sarah A. 1860 Susannah Griffith 1850 Candace dcerts Daniel births David 1850 E. 1850 Elizabeth 1907nws Ella 1902nws Emer. J. 1850 Emily 1850 Franklin births Griffith 1850 H* births Iraphine 1897nws Isaiah 1855nws Israel 1920 Jessie D 1850 John 1920 John 1907nws John births John dcerts John 1907nws Margaret 2000q Margaret Elizabeth 1850 Martha births Martha 1850 Mary 1850 Mary births Mary dcerts Michael dcerts Missour 1920 Missouri 1850 Nelson D 1879nws Rev. 1850 Robert dcerts Robert 1920 Robert L 1920 Rollin 1850 Sarah 1897nws Stella 1850 Titus 1873nws W. J. (Rev.) 1879nws W. J. (Rev.) dcerts William Griffiths 1860 E. 1854nws Edmond 1855nws Edward 1856nws Edward births Elizabeth 1860 John 1877nws John 1877nws Kate 1860 Margaret A. births Mary E. 1860 Sophia 1875nws Susan 1860 William Grifis 1860 David 1860 Jane 1860 Jessey 1860 Mary J. Grigsby 1844nws E. 1820 Elias 1830 Elias Grim 1850 Amanda 1850 Angeline 1860 Anthony 1920 Bert L 1892nws Catherine 1920 Curtis births David I. births Davis 1850 Delilah 1850 Dorothy 1850 Eli M. 1920 Ernest 1920 Fannie 1850 Hiram births Homer 1850 Hulda J. 1860 Huldy 1920 Ione 1830 Jacob 1840 Jacob 1850 Jacob 1850 Jacob 1850 Jacob dindx Jacob 1850 John H. births John H. marr John H. 1850 Joseph 1920 Joseph 1897nws Lafe 1920 Lethia 1860 Lewis C. 1850 Limon dcerts Lucy 1850 Lydia 1850 Martha 1850 Martha A. 1862nws Martin 1850 Mary 1850 Mary A. dcerts May 1850 N. C. 1850 Peter 1860 Peter 1850 Phoebe E. 1850 Rosanna 1850 Ruhanna 1850 Sarah births Sarah births Sarah V. 1850 Susan 1860 Susanah 1860 Susanna 1920 Vashti 1850 William marr William 1920 William C 1860 William J. 1850 William W. 1860 Wm. E. 1920 Zilla Grimes's mill 1878nws --- Grimes & Stansbury 1878nws --- Grimes family 1998q Grimes family Grimes 1889nws A. J. 1890nws A. J. births A. J. births Alma 1850 Almira 1844nws Almira births Alva C. 1889nws Alvina 1850 Andrew dcerts Andrew 1850 Angeline births Carl 1860 Caroline 1893nws Charlie births Clarence Herbe dcerts Curtis 1850 Cyrus 1893nws Dell 1897nws E. H. 1905nws Earl P. 1877nws Ed. 1850 Edward 1844nws Edward 1840 Edward H. 1889nws Edward H. 1840 Elizabeth 1850 Emily births Emily births Emily R. phist Felix births Flora E. 1850 Florence larkin Florence 1850 Hannah 1905nws Harold Beauchamp births Henrietta 1830 Henry murray Howe 1878nws Ira 1909nws Ira 1881nws J. 1905nws J. F. (Rev.) 1850 James larkin James phist James 1873nws James S. 1877nws James S. murray Janie 1879nws Jehiel 1850 John 1881nws John 1893nws John wrdead John C. 1878nws John G. 1850 Joseph murray Josie 1999q Julia 1892nws Julia Ann dcerts Manta 1850 Margaret 1893nws Margaret 1876nws Maria births Maria 1878nws Mary (McKnight) births Mary E. 1876nws Merill births Merritt A. 1876nws Mitilda (Amos) g1820 Nancy 1877nws Nancy births Nancy births Nancy G. births Nettie M. births O. F. 1850 Osker dcerts Raymond murray Roma births Royal dcerts Royal 1909nws Vona (Braley) Grimm 1921nws Anthony J. 1881nws Bertha births Catherine 1879nws David 1889nws David births Davis 1891nws E. M. dcerts Frederi dcerts Herbert births Jacob 1999q Jane (Sayre) dcerts Jeremia 1881nws Jeremiah 1862nws John dcerts John dcerts Joseph 2001q Katherine Klein dcerts Mary 1881nws Mary Jane dcerts Van Grinder 1871nws Caroline Grindley dcerts Walter Grinds 1858nws J. Grisel 1860 F. 1860 Mener Griser 1840 Peter Griss 1850 Eli Griswold 1850 Margarat Griswould g1820 Jeremiah Grogan dcerts Grogan 1854nws D.A. dcerts Ellen dcerts Florill dcerts Frank dcerts Genevie 1893nws Jane 1862nws John 1871nws John 1889nws John 1890nws John 1890nws John 1893nws John 1893nws John 1897nws John 1897nws John 1897nws John 1903nws Margaret M. dcerts Martha dcerts Miriam dcerts Philip 1893nws R. G. 1893nws Richard dcerts Richard dcerts Robert 1893nws S. T. 1893nws Sadie 1903nws T. C. 1889nws Taylor 1889nws Taylor 1890nws Taylor 1893nws Taylor dcerts Taylor Groghan 1878nws John Jr. Groglein dcerts Jacob Groover 1819tx Ezra Gross 1897nws May 1897nws Ralston Grossenor 1876nws C. H. Grosvenor and Vorhes 1873nws Attys., --- Grosvenor graybd C. H. 1890nws C. H. (Gen.) harris Charles H. 1877nws D. H. harris Edward 1876nws Gen. 1887nws General 1893nws General 1893nws General 1897nws General 1897nws General 1897nws Grace 1867nws Mr. harris Peter harris Thomas Groth 1919nws Rev. Fr. Groton births Lewis Groundhog larkin --- Grout phist Rev. Grove hrdsty Abram phist Abram hrdsty Catherine (Will) g1820 David 1850 Elizabeth hrdsty Elizabeth (Campbell) 1850 Hiram 1840 John 1850 John g1820 John 1850 Lovica 1850 Luily 1820 Peter 1850 Samuel hrdsty Samuel 1850 Sarah Grovener dindx Rosewell Grovenor 1867nws General Grover 1860 A. 1890nws Alvira 1860 Antoney 1903nws Austin dcerts Bertha 1893nws C. W. dcerts Charles 1920 Charley 1893nws Charley 1893nws Charley 1920 Cynthia dcerts Cynthia 1890nws E. W. (Dr.) 1856nws Elijah 1878nws Elijah 1860 Elizabeth 1890nws Ella 1890nws Ella 1830 Ephraim 1893nws Eurd B. 1903nws Evart S. 1892nws Ezra 1892nws Ezra 1892nws Ezra 1892nws Ezra larkin Ezra (Rev.) 1893nws Francis M. 1860 George 1850 Hannah 1891nws Horace H. births John R. 1920 Joseph dcerts Milton 1830 Nehemiah 1860 Pheby births Romah Marie 1900nws W. 1893nws W. B. 1867nws William 1890nws William H. Groves family 2000q Groves family Groves 1860 Cynthia 1830 Ezra 1860 Helen M. 1860 Hiram g1820 James 1860 James A. 1860 John g1820 John 1860 Livina g1820 Nehemiah 1860 Sarah 1920 Sarah S 1860 Wm. 1860 Wm. L. Grow births Grow 1850 Abraham 1860 Abraham dindx Aeson 1860 Alma A. 1889nws Alma A. 1860 Antonnett A. 1850 Caroline 1860 Catharine 1850 Clark 1850 Edwin 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1855nws Elizabeth larkin Elizabeth (Robinson) 1860 Ellen 1860 G. B. births G. B. 1850 Geo 1850 George larkin George 1854nws George graybd George B. 1854nws George B. 1862nws George B. 1897nws George G. phist H. H. 1850 Hiram 1902nws Hiram 1830 Hiram H. 1840 Hiram H. dindx Hiram H. 1860 Hiram? ?. 1860 John 1850 Lorenzo 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1897nws Mary larkin Mary (Roup) 1890nws Mary E. 1850 Nancy 1860 Nancy 1879nws Nettie 1830 Peter dindx Peter larkin Peter larkin Peter larkin Peter larkin Peter 1819tx Peter phist Peter phist Sallie 1860 Samuel wrdead Samuel 1860 Sophia Growdon 1886nws J. T. Groyer 1893nws E. B. Grubb 1850 Mary 1860 Mary Gruerer dcerts Leo dcerts Leonard Grueser dcerts Aloysiu dcerts August dcerts Elizabe dcerts John dcerts Mary births Mary A. dcerts Peter 1891 Philip dcerts Philip dcerts Ralph dcerts Stillbo Gruithouse 2000q James Kenny 2000q Mary Alice Grukely 1862nws Christopher Grum? 1860 Lavina Grumbach 1878nws Rudoph 1878nws Rudulph Gruner wrdead Bart Grunlor murray Dora Gruser 1891 John 1907nws John dcerts John 1891 Lenard 1891 Peter dcerts William Gräs 1873nws Franz Gudgeon 1850 James 1850 Rachael Gudlepupp 1860 F. Guenther 1897nws Theo. Guess 1860 Anna 1860 B. 1867nws Brice 1860 Ebin 1860 Elizabeth A R 1860 G. 1860 Hannah 1860 Henderson 1860 Jane births Joseph Griffin 1860 Josiah marr Josiah births Mahlon 1860 Malon 1866nws Malon guess Malon J. 1860 Sarah 1860 Susanna deaths Tristram P. 1820 William Guildart 1860 Elizabeth Guinn 1856nws William E. Guinther 1897nws --- births Guinther dcerts Anna 1920 Anne 1920 Cayrl L 1920 Dorcel S 1920 Edison 1920 Fanny F 1897nws Fred 1920 Frederick births George 1920 Guy births Henry 1897nws John 1920 John C 1920 John W 1904nws Lawrence 1920 Minnie 1920 Mollie 1920 Rebie/Rubie 1920 Shirley 1920 William Guise 1898nws Catherine 1886nws Charles 1889nws Charles births Charles births Gilmore John Gulk g1820 John Gulliher 1860 Almira 1860 Erit 1860 Jane 1860 John 1860 Malinda 1860 Mary J. 1860 Newton Gump 1920 -arley 1920 Annie 1920 Netta Gundrie 1890nws Mr. Gunhymer 1860 Catharine 1860 Christina 1860 John 1860 Margaret Gunn dcerts James Gunther 1889nws Fred dcerts Minnie dcerts Ricka dcerts Stillbo Gunthner 1855nws Theodore Gurley 1868nws William H. Gurrell dcerts Louis Guth 1895nws August 1904nws Leonard dcerts Philome dcerts Regina 1904nws Sophia dcerts Sophia Guthaus phist Florence Guthre 1855nws Cuyan Guthree 1840 Charles H. 1840 Joseph 1840 Milo Guthrey 1892nws Charles Guthrie 1850 A. 1888nws A. C. 1890nws A. C. 1893nws A. D. 1893nws A. D. 1893nws A. D. 1850 Amy larkin Amy 1850 Ann 1893nws C. A. 1893nws C. C. J. (Dr.) 1890nws C. F. graybd C. M. 1897nws C. M. 1830 Charles 1850 Charles 1877nws Charles dcerts Charles 1893nws Charles A. 1920 Charles F phist Charles McKenzie 1893nws D. A. 1893nws D. A. 1901nws D. P. (Prof.) 1850 E. A. 1886nws E. A. 1892nws Elias phist Elias 1850 Eliza 1873nws Ester 1901nws F. A. (Judge) 1850 F. T. 1850 Florinda 1860 Francis P. harris Frank births G. E. 1850 G. S. 1860 G. S. 1867nws G. S. phist G. S. (Dr.) wrdead G.S. births Geo. Elza 1850 George 1873nws George dcerts George phist Hanman 1920 Harry marr Henman dindx Herman dindx Hinman 1867nws J. C. 1893nws James 1895nws James H. 1861nws John W. 1830 Josep 1850 Joseph larkin Joseph births Joseph Mauric harris Judge 1867nws Judge 1850 Keziah dcerts Lovina 1893nws Lucy 1920 Lycurgus 1893nws M. L. 1889nws Mag. 1892nws Mary 1850 Mary E. 1860 Mary E. 1850 Milo 1854nws Milo 1854nws Mr. 1850 Nancy 1920 Nevada births Roxena 1893nws Roy births Sarah births Sarah A. 1850 Sarah Ann 1860 Sarah F. 1850 Sardine 1854nws Sardine 1850 Sophia 1830 Stephen dindx Stephen 1892nws Stephen 1892nws Stephen phist Truman 1875nws William Guthries 1878nws Charles Guthrith 1860 Andrew 1860 L. 1860 Margaret Guthshall 1879nws Phillip Gutrie 1893nws Dun. 1881nws Sardine Gutt dcerts Sophia Guy g1820 Andrew g1820 Robert Guyer 1850 Doratha 1850 Elizabeth 1850 John 1850 Louiza Guyman 1819tx Noah Gwinn 1890nws Amos 1850 Aug. L. 1850 Catharine cmarr Charles R. 1850 Jacob F. 1850 James 1850 Joseph M. 1850 Mary A. 1850 Reuben 1850 Virginia Gwynn dcerts Elizabe Gyer hrdsty Catherine 1850 David 1860 Elisabeth 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John 1860 John W. 1860 Lewis 1860 Louisa 1850 Louiza 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1850 William 1860 Wm. Gygax 1875nws John dcerts Paul