H* 1860 David 1860 David F. 1860 Harriet C. 1850 Jacob 1860 Mary A. 1860 Sarah J. H*iser 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Valentine H. 1908nws Wood, Wilber H..... g1820 Andrew H? 1881nws Charles Elmer 1881nws Lovina 1881nws William H?worth 1858nws S. M. Ha? 1860 James Haag 1873nws L. 1893nws Lottie 1883nws Mr. Haagg 1860 C. 1860 Christiana 1860 Lewis Haas births August 1860 J. 1895nws Lewis 1901nws Rev. births Vincent Habel 1919nws L. W. (Rev.) Haber 1893nws Emma Habnl 1851nws Mr. (Rev.) Habrecht births Habrecht 1881nws Andrew 1901nws George 1901nws Joseph births Leonard Habsrecht dcerts Richars Hack murray Lewis murray Lewis Hacker 1903nws Gus Hacket g1820 Jeremiah g1820 Thomas Hackett 1920 Calvina 1999q Emma Jane dcerts Jasper 1920 Jasper N 1999q Jeremiah dcerts Joseph 1920 Mout? Hackey 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Henry 1860 J. 1860 John 1860 Laner 1860 Mary 1860 Susan Hackman harris Elizabeth harris Frederick Hackney 1861nws R. B. dcerts Robert Hacock 1850 Ann 1850 James 1850 Lucy Ann Haddock 1860 Edward 1860 Frances 1860 Nancy 1860 Rosanna 1860 Thomas 1860 Wm. Haddox family 2001q Haddox family Haddox births C.E. births Charity dcerts Charles 1895nws Henry 1895nws John W. dcerts Leah dcerts Leanna Haddum births Mary Ann Haden 1850 Amanda 1840 Archibald 1850 Archibald marr Archibald 1840 Catharine 1850 Catharine 1850 Edith 1850 Eliza Jane 1850 Fanny 1850 Geo W. 1850 Jane 1840 John 1850 John 1850 Lucinda 1850 Mary J. 1850 Melinda 1820 Richard larkin Richard phist Richard 1850 Sarah 1850 William 1856nws William Hadgin g1820 John Hadley larkin Adeline Hadlis 1860 John 1860 Mary Hadrick dindx Leonard Haeger phist Agnes phist Henry phist Rev. John Henry Haerlin harris Herman Haffie 1893nws Harvey H. Hagar dcerts Helen Hagarman births Lavina M. Hager dcerts Glenna dcerts Stillbo Hagerman 1910nws Eva 1893nws May Hagerty 1860 Jane Hagg 1881nws Edith 1881nws Lewis Haggard 1860 Maria 1860 P. 1860 Sharlott Haggerty 1850 Eliza Jane 1850 James 1850 Mary A. Haggy dcerts Allie dcerts Mildred Hagman births Christina 1897nws Julius births Kate 1862nws Michael Hago dcerts Dorothy Hague dcerts Alpheus 1889nws Dayton (Prof.) births Nancy 1859nws Thomas dcerts William Haight 1850 Henry larkin Mary 1850 Orpha larkin Phebe Ann 1850 Robert 1850 Senaca 1840 Seneca larkin Seneca larkin Seneca phist Seneca Hail 1850 Amanda 1850 Eliza 1850 Hannah 1850 Jacob Haines family 1998q Haines family Haines 1850 Elias 1850 Eunice C. 1850 Eve 1850 John 1850 John W. 1860 Mary M. 1850 Samuel 1850 Sarah J. 1850 Sheldon 1850 Westly 1850 William Hainey dcerts Raymond Haining 1850 David 1850 Eli 1850 Eliphus 1850 Gibson 1850 Hannah 1850 Hiram 1850 Jemima 1850 July Ann 1850 Leslie 1850 Margret 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Nancy 1850 Peter 1850 Sarah Hainny 1850 John Hains 1850 Abagail 1850 Abraham 1850 Abram 1850 Archibald 1840 David 1850 John 1850 Margaret 1850 Margaret 1850 Parker Hainy 1860 Benjamin F. Hairy? g1820 Reuben Hajney 1840 Michial Hakris dcerts William Halan 1860 W. Halbert 1881nws Will harris William Hale 1876nws Caroline 1830 Eli 1889nws Jessie 1893nws Jessie 1889nws Jessie M. 1840 Jewel dcerts Mary 1830 Sarah 1830 Sewel 1820 Sewell Haley dcerts Effie 1850 Elizabeth 1897nws Frank 1893nws Gabriel 1886nws James births Jno. L. 1830 John 1850 John 1892nws John dcerts John 1998q John Lewis dcerts Julia 1998q Julia Ann (Spires) 1850 Maria births Maria births Mariah births Roanna Jane 1886nws Robert 1897nws Seth 1850 Susan 1850 Thomas dcerts Thomas 1850 William Halfhill g1820 Dewitt dcerts Georgia g1820 Jacob 1840 Mathias 1840 Nicholas g1820 Nicholas 1876nws Reuben 1840 Samuel Haliday 1850 Aleck 1840 Alexander 1850 Alexander 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Jane 1850 John 1850 Mary 1850 Nancy 1840 Samuel 1840 William Haliway 1860 Anna 1860 James 1860 Mary Hall & Prather 1854nws --- Hall family larkin --- Hall births -------- 1876nws --- births Hall 2000q Aaron 1840 Aaron 1850 Aaron births Ada 1879nws Adaline dcerts Adcie 1881nws Addie 1881nws Alex. 1900nws Almira births Amanda births Amanda A. 1892nws Ann phist Ann 2000q Anna dcerts Anna 1850 Anne M. 1850 Benj 1881nws C. C. 1893nws C. C. 1897nws C. M. 1850 Caroline 1920 Carrie E births Charlotte dcerts Clarenc 1860 David 1850 Delilah 1920 Della 1850 Dennis 1920 Dora F or L. dcerts Edward dcerts Edwin 1889nws Ela 1920 Elenor M 1840 Eli larkin Elias 1850 Eliha W. 1850 Elisha C. 1850 Eliza 1850 Eliza 1860 Elizabeth phist Elizabeth (Watson) phist Elizabeth Page 1892nws Elle marr Elle 1850 Ely dcerts Eowarc 1850 Esther 1920 Esther dcerts Esther dcerts Fannie dcerts Francis 1876nws Frank deaths Franklin 1850 Gilbert dcerts Gilbert 1897nws Grant P. 1851nws H. 1920 Hazel E 1850 Henderson 1850 Henry 1866nws Henry phist Henry dcerts Henry 1892nws Hiram 1850 Irvin phist Isaac Lewis 1850 Isaac N. 1867nws Isaac N. 1850 Isaac S. 1878nws J. (Rev.) 1862nws J. N. 1850 Jacob births Jacob 1892nws Jacob H. 1850 Jada 1830 James 1840 James 1850 James dindx James 1881nws James 1892nws James phist James 1850 James M. phist James Wesley dcerts Jasper 1893nws Jean R. phist Jennie (Taylor) 1920 Jennings 1850 Jesse dcerts Jessie births Job 1850 Job M. births Job M. 1999q John 2000q John 1820 John 1850 John 1860 John 1920 John larkin John larkin John 1819tx John 1844nws John 1873nws John phist John dcerts John 1850 John H. 1892nws John S. 1920 Joseph dcerts Lawrenc 1920 Lawrence 1850 Leah phist Leah (Ford) 1850 Leander births Lettie S. 1850 Louisa phist Luther G. phist Lyman 2000q Malinda (Parr) phist Malinda (Parr) 1893nws Mamie dcerts Margare phist Margaret (Kinkead) 1850 Margaret J. 1850 Maria 1920 Mary 1892nws Mary dcerts Mary 1850 Mary J. 1850 Melinda 1850 Milton 1867nws N. D. 1850 Nancy larkin Nancy phist Nancy (Sayre) 1850 Nancy A. dcerts Nathan 1920 Owen 1860 Perry 1850 Phoeba 1850 Polly 1892nws Polly larkin Rachel 1999q Rebecca 1876nws Reynour 1850 Robert 1873nws Robert 1920 Roy phist Sally 1850 Salvinia 1860 Samuel 1999q Sarah 1840 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1892nws Sarah 1999q Sarah (Hayhurst) 1850 Sarah E. 2000q Sarah Hayhurst 1897nws Septimus 1819tx Sewell dcerts Spencer 1850 Spencer M. phist Spencer Marshall marr Spencer Marshall dcerts Stillbo births Stillborn 1860 Thomas 1850 Thomas F. 2000q Thomas Franklin phist Thomas Franklin dcerts Virgini 1920 Webb O. 1850 Wesley 1850 William 1889nws William 1892nws William harris William D. 1850 William H. 1876nws William H. 1850 William M. 1850 Winfield S. 1850 Z. C. Halladay dcerts Mary Hallahan 1856nws Thomas Hallam births Alice dcerts Carline births Caroline 1920 Carrie D 1920 John C dcerts Martha dcerts Wayne Hallem 1867nws R. Haller 1860 M. Halley dcerts Audrey 1893nws P. Halliday family 1902nws --- Halliday 1883nws A. L. 1897nws A. L. births A. S. births A. W. 1920 A.L. dcerts Alexand 1850 Alexander larkin Alexander deaths Alexander marr Alexander deaths Bertha A. 1860 Caroline dcerts Carrie deaths Cora 1840 Daniel 1860 Daniel 1860 Daniel Jr. 1840 Daniel, Jr. 1920 Earl E 1850 Edwin W. 1850 Eliza larkin Eliza (Parker) larkin Eliza (Parker) 1861nws Eliza (Parker) 1850 Eliza S. 1850 Elizabeth murray Elizabeth births Elizabeth 1885nws Elizabeth (McVey) larkin Elizabeth (Remington) deaths Elsie Larue births Emaline 1897nws Emma 1860 Emoline 1920 Eugene 1850 Frances 1860 Hanner J. 1850 Henry L. 1920 Hettie 1893nws J. E. & Co., --- 1876nws J. S. 1850 James deaths James W. 1850 Jane larkin Jane deaths Jennet B. 1840 John 1850 John 1860 John 1920 John harris John dcerts John marr John wrdead John M. births John O. phist John S. M. D. 1875nws John S. (Dr.) births Joseph Fredd 1850 Lary dcerts Lewis births Lizzie 1860 Lovina births Maggie births Marg't J. 1850 Margret 1903nws Marvel L. 1920 Mary 1850 Mary C. births Nancy deaths Perry G. 1860 Rachel 1920 Ralph deaths Robert 1854nws S. 1855nws S. B. 1920 S.A. 1850 Sam'l B. 1830 Samuel 1850 Samuel 1850 Samuel larkin Samuel larkin Samuel larkin Samuel larkin Samuel larkin Samuel larkin Samuel 1855nws Samuel 1856nws Samuel 1861nws Samuel 1892nws Samuel marr Samuel marr Samuel B. births Sarah dcerts Stillbo n. 1876nws Thomas 1850 Thomas W. 1920 Viola births W. H. 1903nws W. R. 1920 Walter 1876nws Washington 1850 William larkin William 1893nws William 1897nws William L. phist William L. deaths William L. 1850 William P. 1892nws William R. births William R. Hallidy 1860 A. 1860 Alexander W. 1860 Cephas 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Jane 1860 John 1860 Nancey 1860 Thomas Hallinghed dcerts John Hallioay dcerts Carolih Hallman births Hannah births Mary C. Halloway 1862nws James Halls 1840 David Halman 1881nws Mrs. Halny 1840 Salmen Halphill dcerts Laura Halsey births Halsey 1904nws Abe 1850 Adeline 1840 Adna phist Adna 1892nws Adney 1850 Adrey 1850 Amanda 1850 Amanda Aug. 1850 Augustus F. 1897nws Aurilla 1877nws B. 1854nws Barkley hrdsty Cassandra 1883nws Cassandra halsey Cassandra Halsey 1820 Charles 1830 Charles 1819tx Charles 1850 Charles S. 1856nws Dolley Ann 1920 Donald 1889nws E. M. 1890nws Ed halsey Edward Halsey hrdsty Electa 1860 Electa M. 1850 Enos 1850 George 1860 Hannah 1850 Harriet A. 1890nws J. B. 1820 Jacob 1830 Jacob 1840 Jacob dindx Jacob larkin Jacob hrdsty Jacob 1819tx Jacob 1856nws Jacob 1820 Jarvis 1830 Jarvis dindx Jarvis 1819tx Jarvis 1820 Jesse 1830 Jesse 1840 Jesse 1850 Jesse dindx Jesse 1819tx Jesse 1844nws Jesse 1892nws Jesse 1892nws Jesse phist Jesse 1892nws Jessie 1860 John 1920 John B 1897nws John B. 1860 Julia hrdsty Laura (Hecox) 1860 Leroy 1860 Lucy V. 1840 Luther 1860 Mahailla? 1850 Margaret 1830 Mark dindx Mark 1892nws Mark 1860 Martha 1850 Mary births Mary 1920 Mary E 1850 Nancy 1860 Nancy A. 1862nws Oleroy 1862nws R. J. 1878nws Rebecca 1850 Resena 1844nws Rodney 1858nws S. 1893nws Salmon 1920 Sarah dcerts Sarah 1840 Sidney 1850 Sidney 1856nws Sidney 1878nws Sidney 1850 Susan larkin Thomas L. larkin Thomas L. halsey Thomas L. 1850 Volney 1850 Volney graybd Volney 1920 Wellington W 1860 Wiley 1840 Willard 1850 Willard 1888nws Willard 1889nws Willard births William births William N. marr William N. births William O. 1860 Wm. Halsinger 1904nws Frankie 1904nws Robert Halsy 1851nws Dallyne 1840 Hanah Halter dcerts Janes dcerts Mary Halterman 1889nws Rev. 1897nws Rev. Haly 1830 Anthony 1840 John D. Ham 1860 C. harris Charles harris Charles J. 1840 Christopher marr Christopher 1860 Conrad 1860 John 1840 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1860 Peter Hama dcerts William Hambleton 1871nws Francis 1871nws James Wilson dindx Sarah 1871nws W. D. marr William O. Hamblin 1840 Nathaniel Hambrick 1890nws Charles Hamerstine 1860 Barbary 1860 Elias 1860 Elizabeth 1860 George 1860 J. 1860 Mary 1860 Nancy 1860 Philip Hami dcerts Iiiifn Hamia g1820 David Hamian 1889nws R. E. Hamiltcn dcerts Curtis Hamilton family 1999q Hamilton family Hamilton 1850 A. 1860 A. 1893nws A. L. 1893nws Ada Gertrude 1850 Adelaide 1860 Alonzo 1860 Andrew 1904nws Anna Laura 1860 Benjamin wrdead Benjamin harris Caroline 1860 Charles M. 1860 David 1860 David harris Duncan 1860 Edith dcerts Elizabe h. 1860 Ellen dcerts Estfher 1850 F. M. 1860 George dcerts Homer 1840 Hugh 1876nws J. 1850 James 1860 James 1860 Jane 1840 John 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John 1866nws John dcerts John 1866nws Jonathan (Capt.) 1897nws Joseph 1860 Josephus 1892nws Jude 1850 Julretta dcerts Kathryn 1860 Latesia 1860 Louisa dcerts Louise dcerts Lucile 1850 Lucy 1862nws M. G. 1862nws M. J. 1893nws M. J. 1860 Margaret 1897nws Marshal 1897nws Marshal 1900nws Marshal 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary E. 1850 Melinda 1860 Milton 1893nws Milton 1909nws Mrs. murray nfn 1860 Octavis A. 1866nws Robert 1866nws Samuel (Capt.) 1840 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1850 Socrates 1860 Sophia 1893nws Sophia dcerts Stillbo 1860 Thena A. g1820 Vincent 1904nws Wesley 1867nws Wiley D. 1860 William 1860 William 1891 William dcerts William 1860 Wm. Haming dcerts Eliza Hamlen phist N. Hamley dcerts Ellen Hamlin family 1902nws --- Hamlin 1850 Allen 1893nws Dr. 1860 Frances 1860 Nathaniel g1820 Nathaniel 1892nws Nathaniel 1850 Phoeba 1850 Wm. Arthur Hamline? 1850 Laticia Hamm g1820 (Hanus?) harris Alexander 1850 Bar. 1920 Blanche C 1850 C. 1920 Carrie L 1920 Clara B 1905nws Conrad births Dana 1920 Dana E 1920 Dora L 1905nws Elizabeth 1920 Elva A 1920 Eva M dcerts Ferdina murray Gustave W. 1920 Harold H 1904nws Harold H. 1905nws Henry 1905nws Henry births Henry 1920 John F 1905nws Kate 1920 Lenora A 1905nws Lizzie 1905nws Maggie 1920 Mary dcerts Mary 1897nws Mrs. 1905nws Pete 1920 Peter 1889nws Peter dcerts Peter 1904nws Teresa 1904nws Theo. E. 1920 Theodore C 1920 Victor V 1920 Virgil R 1920 Virginia E M 1889nws Will 1904nws William H. Hamman 1840 Conrad Hammer 1850 David 1850 Harriet C. 1850 Mary A. 1850 Mary E. 1850 Sarah Jane Hammerstein births Alice births Geo. J. 1897nws M. Hammin 1887nws A. D. Hammm dcerts William Hammon 1860 Christian 1860 Hanna 1860 Jacob 1860 Jane dindx John 1860 Lewis Hammond 1850 Oliver Hammontree 1884nws Mr. Hammund dindx Charles Hamp g1820 Wm Hamptom 1881nws John T. Hampton 1881nws --- 1920 Alice 1860 Alonso 1920 Alonzo 1998q Ann 1850 Ann Eliza 1860 B. 1860 Barbra 1850 Bradfield 1889nws Bradfield 1860 Caroline 1850 Catharine 1920 Clyde 1998q Diantha 1850 Diantha 1920 Donaly F murray Edna 1998q Edward 1860 Edward 1920 Edward 1876nws Edward dcerts Edward 1860 Edwin W. 1860 El? J. 1860 Elenn? 1860 Elizabeth 1998q Emma (Johnson) 1998q Emma (Nealon) dcerts Eva 1850 Evaline 1998q Eveline 1920 Floyd 1998q Forest 1873nws G. B. 1998q George 1850 George 1859nws George W. dcerts Gladys 1998q Hannah dcerts Hannah 1850 Harriet 1998q Harriet (Coudrey) 1860 Harriott 1920 I.? murray Ida fair J. B. 1861nws J. B. 1862nws J. B. 1873nws J. B. 1875nws J. B. 1855nws J. B. & Co., --- 1998q James 1850 James 1860 James 1860 James 1862nws James 1893nws James 1920 Jessie 1998q John 1860 John 1877nws John 1850 John B. 1890nws John N. 1998q John R. 1998q Katharine (Thomas) 1850 Lorance births Louisa 1860 Lucinda 1920 Lula 1906nws Lydia (McMann) 1920 Madge 1860 Manerva 1850 Mariah 1860 Marilla 1998q Mary 1850 Mary 1998q Mary (Bradfield) 1998q Mary (Williamson) 1860 Mary A. 1860 Mary J. 1998q Mary Jane 1998q May Jane (Williamson) 1998q Melinda 1920 Nettie J 1998q Samantha 1850 Samantha 1860 Sampson 1920 Sarah 1998q Sarah/Sally (Strong) 1850 Tailor 1998q Taylor Wayne 1998q Thomas 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas marr Thomas 1860 Thomas J. 1920 W. B. 1920 Wade 1879nws Wade murray Walter 1920 Walter H 1860 William dcerts William 1860 Windfield Hamptons fair J. B. Hams 1860 Florilla 1860 Mary A. 1860 Susan M. 1860 William Hamtonstell g1820 Abraham Hanahs dcerts Ruth Hanam 1860 D. A. 1860 Elizabeth 1860 John A. 1860 Mary 1860 Stephen 1860 Wm. J. Hanan 1861nws E. D. Hancock births Lucy Hand's Woods 1877nws --- Handasbelt dcerts Harry Handley 1860 John 1860 Mary A. Handsbelt dcerts Harry Handshaw 1892nws Margaret Handy 1850 Albert 1850 Elizabeth 1850 John 1850 Lafayett 1850 Russell 1850 Sarah 1850 Urich Hanerfolt 1860 Catharine 1860 Charles 1860 George M. 1860 Lanes 1860 Louisa 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary C. Hanes 1867nws Abraham 1860 Elizabeth 1920 Ella g1820 Frederick 1881nws Joseph 1860 Lydia 1860 Narcisas 1860 S. 1883nws S. S. 1867nws Samuel S. Hanesville cemetery 1900nws --- Hanesville M. E. Church 1881nws --- Haney 1830 Aaron 1860 Adaranda 1860 C. 1860 David 1860 E. 1860 Eli 1860 G. 1860 Gensinea? 1860 Hiram 1860 Lasley 1860 Lucetta 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary 1860 Nancey 1860 Peter 1860 Sarah Hang births Ella births Louis Hangdard 1860 Elizabeth 1860 F. Hanger 1859nws George Hanghnaugh 1860 Catherine 1860 H. Haning 1840 Aaron dcerts Allia 1860 Careline 1860 Clarinda 1882nws Cowdery &, --- murray Dora 1892nws Edward 1830 Eli 1840 Eli wrdead Eli 1859nws Eli 1902nws Elmer 1893nws Everett dcerts Ezra 1904nws Herbert births Herbert 1897nws Hiram 1893nws Howard dcerts Howard 1882nws I. D. 1877nws I. Z. (Rev.) 1877nws I. Z. (Rev.) 1878nws I. Z. (Rev.) births Isaac D. births J. 1820 James 1819tx James dcerts John 1860nws L. L. (Rev.) dcerts Levi 1881nws Lucretia 1999q Lydia Jane (Reeves) harris Margaret 1860 Marila dcerts Martha harris Mary Magdalene harris Matthew dcerts Minerva 1820 Moses 1819tx Moses 1886nws Rans 1878nws Ransom 1878nws Ransom 1886nws Ransom marr Samuel births Seily dcerts Stillbo births Stillborn 1860 W. 1904nws Wade Theodore births Wade Theodore 1859nws William 1886nws William dcerts William 1999q William Henry Hanings 1855nws Mark Haniny dcerts Harley Hankerson 2000q Blanche 2001q Blanche Hanks 2000q Ermina 2003q Ermina Hanlan 1886nws James Hanlen 1840 James Hanley 1861nws E. S. 1861nws Jehu 1861nws P. H. Hanlin 1867nws A. births Bertha T. 1897nws Brad (Dr.) 1893nws Clara 1860 D. 1893nws Dr. 1893nws Dr. 1910nws Dr. 1860 Evangaline 1850 James 1860 James births James dcerts James 1860 James P. 1850 John 1860 John 1850 Laticia 1860 Leticia A. 1850 Luticia 1860 M. 1860 Margaret 1850 Margret 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Nancey 1850 Nancy 1860 Pheba larkin Phebe (Hobart) 1860 Rachal 1889nws S. B. 1889nws S. Bradbury 1893nws S. Bradbury dcerts Samuel 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1860 Saretha M. 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas 1860 Ths. 1860 Vinal 1889nws W. A. 1897nws W. A. 1893nws W. A. (Dr.) 1893nws W. A. (Dr.) dcerts William births William Arthur 1860 William R. 1893nws Willie births Wm. A. Hanline 1850 Frances 1850 Nathaniel Hanlon's 1876nws --- Hanlon 1860 Charles 1860 James 1879nws James marr James P. 1860 Mary births Mary J. 1860 Richard wrdead Thomas 1860 Wm. O. Hanna 1891nws Branson dcerts Elizabe 1910nws Gretta dcerts Izabe 1860 James 1854nws John E. 1860 Joseph 1844nws Joshua 1844nws Joshua murray Marcus Alonzo 1876nws Mary E. (Earnshaw) 1893nws Mrs. 1876nws Oscar dcerts Samuel 1892nws William marr William Hannah 1860 Harrison 1860 John 1860 Lucinda 1860 Martha 1860 Mary 1893nws Melissa Hannan 1860 Abraham 1860 Albert 1860 Antoney 1866nws Dr. 1861nws E. C. 1860 Elizabeth 1861nws J. E. 1860 Jacob 1861nws Jesse 1860 Joseph 1860 Mahale 1860 Mary Hanning births Alex dcerts Edward g1820 Jordan births Martha dcerts Mila dcerts Peter 1866nws Phillip murray Ranson dcerts Thelma Hannon dcerts Clarenc 1861nws Eson H. 1850 Henry g1820 Henry Hanns hrdsty Elizabeth Hannum phist A. D. births Alice L. 1890nws D. 1873nws D. A. 1897nws J. F. dcerts John 1889nws Verda 1890nws W. V. dcerts William Hano dcerts Henry Hansel phist Elizabeth Hansen 1840 William Hanshaw dcerts George larkin John 1819tx John phist John Hanson 1893nws Harvey 1893nws Harvey 1893nws Harvey 1893nws Harvey 1830 William Hanson? g1820 Robert Hantche births Hantche births Matthew births Matthias Hanun marr Henry Hanzsche 1850 Charles 1850 Harriet J. 1850 John Franklin 1850 John G. 1850 Margaret V. 1850 Samuel J. Happ births Happ births Phillip Happes 1889nws T. A. Haptonstall g1820 Charles 1889nws E. M. 1893nws James Dunn 1893nws Mack 1893nws William (Capt.) Haptonsti dcerts William Harbour dcerts Anna Harbrecht 1999q Anna dcerts Beulah 1999q Leonard dcerts Thresa Harden dcerts Dorothy 1920 Earl D 1920 Florence M 1920 Frances F 1920 Morris N 1820 Percy 1920 Robert A 1920 Roscoe D 1840 Thomas 1889nws William Hardey 1855nws John Hardig 1860 Electa E. 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Mary R. Hardin Family harris --- Hardin 1830 Alvin 1860 Charles 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Ezra phist Hannah 1860 James 1860 Joseph 1897nws Palmer &, --- 1914nws Quora 1914nws Rosoe Harding 1850 Adeline 1840 Alvin 1860 Alvina 1850 Ann 1850 Bersheba 1850 Caroline dcerts Casper 1850 Charles W. 1850 Edward larkin Eliza (Simpson) 1850 Eliza A. 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1897nws Elizabeth 1850 Elza P. 1889nws George 1840 James 1850 James 1850 James A. 1840 Joseph 1850 Joseph 1850 Louisiana 1850 Mary F. 1898nws P. larkin Ransom 1850 Reed 1850 Roena 1860 Sarah J. 1850 Thomas 1850 William 1917nws Zella (Bradfield) Hardman phist Thomas C. Hardon 1862nws William Hardway 1920 Blake? 1920 Chris 1920 Clara 1920 Gladis 1920 Harvey 1920 Lillie Hardy 1867nws Alice dindx F. 1867nws John 1860 S. 1830 Sarah 1840 William 1820 Wyman larkin Wyman 1819tx Wyman phist Wyman Hare dcerts William 1854nws Zassum Haresbaugh 1860 Catharine 1860 Henry 1860 J. 1860 Jacob 1860 John 1860 John F. 1860 Martin 1860 Peter 1860 Sofiah 1860 Val Harfold dcerts Sarah Hariford 1861nws J. W. Harkin 1850 Charles 1850 Daniel 1850 David 1850 Eliza 1850 Martha Harking 1876nws M. W. Harkins 1895nws Allen 1876nws C. B. 1862nws Charles B. murray Charlie 1862nws D. S. 1862nws D. T. 1889nws D. W. wrdead David S. phist David T. 1886nws Elder 1921nws Fred 1873nws James murray Jennie murray Major David 1998q Mary Ann dcerts Miflin 1889nws Rev. murray Sidney 1862nws Sidney 1876nws Thomas 1890nws Wayne (Elder) Harlan 1886nws Henry D. Harless dcerts George 1999q Mary Harley 1893nws --- 1850 Horace wrdead Joshua 1850 Lucinda mddltn Tomas 1850 W. W. Harly 1850 Jane 1850 Robert 1850 Susannah Harman 1860 Angelina 1860 C. 1920 Elizabeth 1893nws Ella murray George 1893nws George 1860 J. 1886nws J. J. births Jacob 1840 John 1893nws John births Joseph 1886nws W. E. murray Wallace W. Harmon dcerts Abe 1920 Abraham 1999q Albert 1850 Angeline 1999q Anna Maria (Rawling) 1920 Anthony murray Anthony births Anthony dcerts Anthony 1920 Audra murray Audrey phist Catherine 1920 Charles 1999q Charles Elsworth 1850 Coonrad murray Dessie 1850 Elizabeth murray Elmer 1920 Elmer D births Ettie May 1920 Exie? M 1920 Flora M 1904nws Harley Austin 1920 Helen E 1920 Hile/Nile B murray Howard births Ida May murray J. J. 1999q Jacob 1850 Jacob 1886nws Jacob 1902nws Jacob dcerts Jacob births Jacob J. murray Jacob Mrs. 1886nws John 1893nws John 1893nws John 1904nws Joseph dcerts Joseph 1920 Joseph N 1850 July Ann 1920 Lillie May 1920 Lois E 1850 Lovina dcerts Lydia 1920 Margaret A 1999q Marinda (Carpenter) 1850 Mary dcerts Mary births Mary Jane births Maud J. murray Melzer murray Nettie Tifton 1999q Pamelia dcerts Sophron 1920 Sophronia 1920 Velma B 1920 William E 1920 Woodrow W 1850 Zilpha Harmons 1850 Abraham 1850 Anthony 1850 Jacob 1850 Joseph 1850 Mahala Harnl 1851nws Mr. (Rev.) Haronc dcerts Joseph Harper 1860 ***** 1892nws Abigail castle Abigail 1850 Alfred births Alfred wrdead Allen 1860 Alma I. 1892nws Amos 1830 Andrew 1892nws Andrew marr Andrew 1998q Andrews 1850 Ann 1892nws Anna 1892nws Annie 1920 Carl 1879nws Charles 1905nws Clara cmarr Clara 1820 Daniel 1830 Daniel 1819tx Daniel 2003q Daniel 1830 Daniel A. dindx David births David F. wrdead Dustin 1850 Ebenezer 1860 Ebenezer N. dcerts Eliza 1998q Eliza (Sawyer) 1998q Elizabeth 2003q Elizabeth 1850 Elmer dcerts Elmer 1860 Elmer R. 1906nws Emerson 1860 Emerson G. harris Emerson G. 1850 Emma Jane 1840 Ezekial 1860 Ezekial 1851nws Ezekial marr Ezekial 1850 Ezekiel 1888nws Ezekiel 1906nws George 1920 Goldie 1854nws Greeley D. 1850 Greely phist Greely 1840 Greely D. g1820 Hambleton 1850 Isaac births Isaac dcerts Isabell harris Isabella births Isabelle 1876nws J. S. 1879nws J. S. 1850 Jane 1860 Jane dcerts Jane 1850 Joanna 1850 John 1920 John 1876nws John S. 1876nws Kate 1860 L. G. 1850 Lorina 1860 Lovinia 1850 Lurancy 1860 Lydia C. 1850 Lydia S. 1860 Malicia A. 1850 Margret 1860 Mariam 2000q Mary 1840 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary dcerts Mary 2003q Mary (McAllister) births Mary E. births Mary Jesse 1850 Melissa dcerts Melissa 1850 Miram fair Miss 1877nws Myron 1875nws N. (Rev.) 1850 Ruth 1850 Sally 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1850 Stephen 1881nws Stephen 1850 Susan 1905nws T. J. 1858nws Tempel 1840 Temple 1854nws Temple 1860 Thadeus dcerts Theodos 1850 Theodous 1889nws Theop. J. 1860 Theopelis I. 1850 Theophilus dcerts Theopol births Thomas H. 1905nws Violet Viola 1850 Volney 1881nws Volney F. 1860 Volny F. 1850 William harris William 1905nws William M. Harpold Family harris --- Harpold harris --- 1999q Adam 1840 Adam 1850 Adam dindx Adam larkin Adam larkin Adam larkin Adam larkin Adam harris Adam 1819tx Adam 1851nws Adam 1855nws Adam 1868nws Adam phist Adam harris Adam Jr. deaths Aurilla 1850 Barbara Ann 1892nws Christiana 1850 Dorothy 1850 Dorothy births Dorothy 1999q Dorothy (Roush) deaths Earl 1850 Eddith 1903nws Edgar 1920 Edward J births Edwin J. 1850 Elijah 1850 Elizabeth births Elson 1903nws Frank marr George B. 1913nws H. H. 1999q Henry 1840 Henry 1850 Henry harris Henry 1866nws Henry 1866nws Henry 1867nws Henry 1868nws Henry 1868nws Henry 1876nws Henry 1887nws Henry marr Henry births Henry J. 1850 Hester dcerts Hester 1850 Hetty J. 1850 Jerome 1850 John births John marr John 1850 Joseph 1913nws Josh 1850 Joshua 1877nws Joshua births Joshua dcerts Joshua marr Joshua 1887nws Laura dcerts Laura dcerts Lucy 1920 Lucy A 1850 Lydia 1850 Mahala 1906nws Mahala 1999q Mary 1999q Mary Caroline 1906nws Mary Caroline "Mollie" 1850 Mary E. 1920 Minnie 1920 Odessa R 1873nws P. 1850 Perline 1850 Peter harris Peter 1867nws Peter 1867nws Peter 1868nws Peter 1873nws Peter 1873nws Peter 1876nws Peter 1887nws Peter 1906nws Peter marr Peter 1850 Philip harris Philip 1851nws Philip marr Philip 1876nws R. 1850 Rebecca 1850 Riley 1867nws Riley 1876nws Riley 1879nws Riley 1882nws Riley 1887nws Riley 1908nws Riley 1913nws Riley dcerts Riley 1855nws S. marr Samuel 1850 Sarah 1920 Sarah 1913nws Sarah births Sarah 1999q Sarah (Jones) 1999q Sarah A. 1999q Spencer 1840 Spencer 1850 Spencer births Spencer A. 1850 Susan harris Susie 1895nws Theo 1850 Theodore deaths Thomas J. 1850 Vinton marr Vinton 1850 William harris William 1854nws William 1855nws William 1852nws Willim Harpole 1820 Adam 1830 Adam 1860 Adam 1860 Aurilla 1860 Caroline 1860 Dorathy 1860 George 1860 Henry 1860 Jerome 1860 John 1850 Joseph 1860 Joshua 1860 Ma? 1860 Martha 1850 Mary 1860 Nancy 1860 Napoleon 1860 S. 1860 Samantha 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1860 Theadore 1850 Thomas 1860 Vinton Harr 1920 Charles R 1920 Hazel 1920 Hobert 1920 Mable 1920 Willis Harra 1881nws Hannah Harre 1903nws Ernesi A. 1903nws Gus Harrel 1830 George Harrell 1840 George Harrington births Harrington dcerts Grace births Joseph Harrins? 1860 Mary 1860 R. Harris & Co. 1856nws Jones, --- Harris Family harris --- Harris 1860 A. 1920 Alma F 1920 Andrew Jr. 1920 Andrew Sr. 1860 Ann 1850 Anna 1920 Anna F 1892nws Annie g1820 Ansel 1860 Boliver 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine 1860 Charles harris Charles 1893nws Charles 1850 Charlotte dcerts Clara dindx Collins 1851nws Daid W. 1850 Daniel 1840 David 1850 David 1850 David 1854nws Davis dindx E. D. 1881nws Ed. 1860 Edward S. 1860 Eliza 1999q Elizabeth 1892nws Elizabeth 1860 Emily dcerts Estella 1920 Ethel A 1860 F. 1860 Fanny dcerts Fred 1860 Gabril 1860 Garry 1860 George dcerts George harris George Washington 1893nws Grace Beulah 1860 H. 1850 H. A. 1850 Hannah 1860 Hellen 1840 Hiram P. 1850 Hiram P. 1820 Hosiah 1920 Howard A. 1999q Jacob Asbury 1850 James 1860 James 1854nws James phist James dcerts James 1920 James A harris James W. 1881nws Jane 1893nws Jennetta 1876nws Jennie E. 1820 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John larkin John larkin John harris John 1873nws John 1884nws John 1897nws John 1897nws John phist John dcerts John 1860 John D. 1920 John F 1850 Joseph 1860 Julia 1860 Julia dcerts Katheri dcerts Katie 1905nws Kittie Marie dcerts Letha 1850 Levi 1920 Lewis E 1860 Lizzie E. 1876nws Logan 1850 Lucinda 1860 M. C. dcerts Macil 1873nws Magd'a 1920 Maggie B dcerts Margare 1920 Margaret 1850 Margret 1860 Martha 1877nws Martin 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1893nws Mary 2003q Mary 1999q Mary (Conley) 1920 Mary A 1850 Mary Ann 1920 Mary T 1920 Myrtle M. 1830 Nancy 1884nws Nora (Viney) 1893nws Norma 1903nws Norris 1850 Olivia P. 1920 Orris E larkin Polly (Smith) 1850 Rabecca 1850 Roasna phist Robert 1820 Robert B. 1860 Sally A. dcerts Samanth dcerts Sarah 1999q Sarah (Phillips) dcerts Stillbo dcerts Stilloe dcerts Stillso 1850 Susannah 1920 Sylvester J 1867nws T. harris Thaddeus (Rev.) 1850 Thomas 1850 Thomas 1893nws Thomas 1893nws Thomas 1850 Thomas B. harris Thomas Jefferson 1860 Ths. 1860 Virginia 1860 W. I. 1920 Walter K. 1920 Wilber F 1999q William 1860 William 1920 William 1920 William 1862nws William 1893nws William dcerts William harris William H. 1850 William R. 1867nws William S. 1905nws William T. dcerts Wilma Harris? 1860 James 1860 Jane 1860 John 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah A. 1860 Susan 1860 Willimina 1860 Willson Harrisof dcerts Cora Harrison dcerts Ada dcerts Andrew 1860 Benjamin dcerts Charles 1912nws Clyde R. 1850 Dennis 1860 Dennis 1850 Emma J. 1860 George 1879nws George H. 1912nws Hannah (Russell) births Henry 1912nws J. C. 1860 James 1850 James M. wrdead James M. marr John 1850 Lewis M. 1860 Margaret 1850 Martha wrdead Martin 1860 Mary A. 1850 Mary I. 1860 Mary J. 1860 Philip 1883nws Rev. 1860 Sarah 1850 Sarah E. 1850 Susan 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas births Thomas dcerts Valley Harrisonville graveyard 1892nws --- Harrisonville M. E. church 1878nws --- Harrisonville M. E. Church 1882nws --- 1917nws --- Harrisonville Presbyterian Church 2000q Harrisonville Presbyterian Church Harrisonville Presbyterian church 1913nws --- Harriss 1819tx Robert B. Harrold phist Martha Harroway hrdsty Frances Harry dcerts William 1893nws Willie Harsley births Phebe Hart's jewelry store 1897nws --- Hart & Flesher 1887nws --- Hart g1820 (Heat 1854nws Aaron 1871nws Aaron 1889nws Aaron 1891nws Aaron 1850 Abagail 1851nws Abigail F. 1860 Amanda wrdead Benjamin 1876nws C. C. (Rev.) phist Charlotte 1887nws Clara 1881nws Daniel dcerts Daniel 1876nws David 1920 Earl 1897nws Echo 1860 Eliza births Elizabeth dcerts Ella 1897nws Emily 1871nws Emrick phist Eric Alan 1920 Fannie 1891nws Helen births Isabella E. 1862nws J. W. 1891nws J. W. 1830 Jacob 1840 Jacob 1860 Jacob 1897nws Jacob 1891nws Jane (Mitchell) 1891nws Jessie 1860 John 1881nws John 1897nws John W. marr John Wesley 1920 Lee J phist Lester 1920 Linley M 1881nws Louisa May 1887nws M. J. 1860 Maggie 1881nws Mariam dcerts Marian 1850 Mary dcerts Mary phist Mary Jean (Nesselroad) 1897nws Mattie 1850 Michael 1860 Michael 1876nws Michael 1878nws Miss 1893nws Mr. 1998q Nettie (Manley) 1998q Nettie Manley 1920 Oscar 1920 Pearl 1850 Permela 1860 Permelia dcerts Peter 2000q Rachel 1920 Ronald 1891nws S. D. (Dr.) g1820 Samuel 1920 Sevilla dcerts Stillbo dcerts Stillso 1858nws Thomas 1879nws W. 1850 Willard 1850 Willliam Hartenbach phist Hartenbach 1891 Albert dcerts Hanna dcerts Jacob Hartenback 1920 Albert D 1920 Anna 1920 Hannah 1920 Margaret 1920 Otto 1920 Sarah Hartiage 1910nws Rev. Hartin 1854nws George Hartinbach dcerts Sarah Hartinge 1893nws Willie Hartinger's drugstore 1881nws --- Hartinger 1889nws A. W. 1893nws Arthur 1893nws Arthur 1850 Catharine births Catherine 1893nws D. S. 1893nws D. S. (Dr.) 1893nws D. S. (Dr.) 1893nws D. S. (Dr.) 1897nws D. S. (Dr.) 1850 Daniel dcerts Daniel dcerts Delbert 1893nws Della 1893nws Dr. 1893nws Dr. 1893nws Dr. 1897nws Dr. 1897nws Dr. 1897nws Dr. dcerts Eli births Georgia 1850 Isaac phist J. E. D. g1820 Jacob 1893nws Jed. murray Lizzie 1850 Lucetta 1921nws M. C. 1893nws M. D. 1893nws Mel. 1850 Merril 1893nws Mildred 1850 Phebe deaths Phebe dcerts Vincent 1876nws Vint. 1999q W. B. 1876nws W. B. 1893nws W. C. 1897nws W. C. (Rev.) 1893nws W. M. 1893nws W. M. wrdead Wesley 1840 William 1850 William marr William 1859nws William B. 1895nws William M. 1893nws Willie Hartingers harris Daniel harris Daniel (Dr.) harris Delbert B. (Dr.) harris Isaac harris J. E. D. harris Mary Elizabeth harris Melvin (Dr.) harris William B. Hartings dcerts Hannah Hartlage 1919nws C. F. William (Rev.) 1908nws Rev. Hartley family 2000q Hartley family Hartley 1897nws A. W. 1897nws A. W. 1900nws A. Ward dcerts Aaron 1900nws Almira (Hall) phist Almira (Hall) 1920 Bessie A 1900nws C. A. 1920 Carlos J 1920 Carrie M 1897nws Charles A graybd Charles A. 1897nws Charles A. 1897nws Charles A. 1900nws Charles A. phist Charles A. 1893nws Charles C. Ray 1893nws Clara Ethel 1920 Clyde P 1897nws D. A. 1897nws D. A. (Capt.) 1920 David dcerts David 1893nws David A. 1886nws Eliza 1999q Eliza Ann 1998q Elizabeth 1904nws Elizabeth births Elizabeth dcerts Elmira 1920 Everett 1920 Florence A. 1998q Henry 1840 Henry 1900nws J. C. 1900nws J. Carlos 1893nws J. W. wrdead James 1899nws John 1900nws John 1900nws John phist John dcerts Kate 1920 Katie murray Laura phist Lee E. births Lizzie births Lizzie A. phist Malcolm D. 1999q Margaret 1920 Margaret 1916nws Margaret dcerts Marshal phist Mary 1903nws O. A. phist Oliver A. 1998q Phoebe Emaline (Sprague) 1903nws Race A. 1920 Raymond C 1998q Samuel Edwin phist Thomas marr Thomas J. births Virginia 1900nws W. A. 1920 Walter F Hartman births Bertha dcerts Charles 1920 Charles N 1999q Florence 1920 Harold R g1820 Henry 1920 Mabel E 1920 Robert E dcerts Stillbo n. Hartmann births Adolph births Louisa Emma Hartsook g1820 Jacob Hartung dcerts Anna dcerts Christo 1920 Earl births Geo. dcerts Guy dcerts Harold dcerts Hazel births John Phillip 1920 Val. A 1920 Winnie A Hartwell 1897nws Walter Harvey & Russell 1897nws --- 1897nws --- Harvey Family harris --- Harvey 1998q Amelia 1850 Aurilla births Avmira 1920 Caroline 1920 Edgar W 1850 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Esther 1920 Golden 1850 Hannah 1830 Hezekiah 1850 James 1889nws Jane births Jay 1881nws L. M. births L. M. 1876nws L. M. (Rev.) 1889nws L. W. (Dr.) 1892nws Lewellian Vernon 1920 Lizzie 1897nws Lou phist Lu phist Lucy births Lucy Minola 1889nws M. A. 1892nws M. A. 1897nws M. A. 1910nws M. A. 1911nws M. A. (Elder) 1889nws M. A. (Rev.) dcerts Marcus 1893nws Mary 1850 Mary E. dcerts Mesach 1892nws Minnie (Dorsey) 1920 Rebecca 1850 Robert births Samuel dcerts Stillbo 1850 Susannah 1850 Theodore births Walter 1850 William Harvfy dcerts Stiilro Harvy 1850 Abbot 1850 Beson 1850 Deletha 1850 Rassana 1850 Samuel Harwood 1855nws John M. 1855nws Margaret A. (Richards) Has 1893nws Henry Hascol 1860 Charlotte 1860 Chas 1860 Dan 1860 James 1860 Mary Haseltine 1860 Alice 1860 Eliza J. 1920 Elizabeth 1860 Frederic 1860 George 1860 Hannah 1860 Juliaett 1860 Marilia? 1860 Nancy Haselton family 2000q Haselton family Haselton 1920 Addie 1904nws Addie Lola 1850 Albert 1850 Alice F. 1850 Augusta 1920 Blanch births Edith B. 1850 Eliza J. 1850 Elizabeth A. 1920 Elmer 1904nws Elmer 1850 Frances 1850 Fred 1850 George T. 1860 H. 1850 Harriet 1840 James 1850 James 4thInf James marr James A. 1840 James, Jr. births Lena May 1850 Leonard 1850 Mary A. 1850 Nancy 1850 Penasis 1867nws Phineas births Phineas dcerts Samanth dcerts Sarah 1850 Sarah M. Haskell 1998q Hannah Haskin 1830 Joel Haskins 1850 Alfred 1850 Amanda 1920 Asa A 1850 Christina 1850 E. 1850 Elizabeth larkin Eunice 1850 George 1850 Hannah 1830 Harris 1892nws Harris H. 1850 Hester A. 1850 James 1850 James M. 1820 Joel 1840 Joel 1850 Joel 1819tx Joel 1854nws Joel 1892nws Joel phist Joel marr Joel 1850 John 1897nws Kate (Ashworth) 1850 Malissa 1876nws Maria 1850 Mary 1850 Riley 1850 Russell dcerts Sarah 1850 Sarah J. 1850 Silas Parker 1850 William Haslet 1891 David g1820 Robt Haslett 1998q Catherine Philson 1998q Charles William 1998q Ida Florence 1998q James 1998q Nancy (McKinnis) Hass dcerts Elmer Hastel g1820 John Hastings births Caroline Hatch 1820 Aaron 1892nws Aaron 1892nws Aaron 1892nws Aaron 1892nws Aaron 1892nws Aaron harris Ebenezer harris Elijah harris Flavel 1860 G. harris Harriett harris Mary harris William Hatchie 1871nws John 1875nws John Hates births Hates births Vincent Hatfield dcerts Audrey 1871nws Sarah N. harris T. J. Hathaway 1860 Abraham 1860 Christiana 1850 David marr Jay J. 1860 John 1860 Leonard births Rebecca 1860 V. Hathorn 1861nws Pascol Hathway 1893nws Al Hatley 1860 C. 1860 Leonard Hatonstall 1893nws Will (Capt.) Hattie murray Miss Hauck 1860 August 1850 Augustus 1897nws Callie 1860 Catharine 1850 Charles 1860 Charles dcerts Charles 1850 Christena 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1897nws George 1850 Ilzah 1850 James 1850 Louiza 1850 Margret 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1850 Peter 1860 Peter 1850 Sarah Hauff 1900nws Mr. 1898nws Rev. 1899nws William (Rev.) Haughman births Catharine Haughmann births Christina Haught 1830 Peter Hauk dcerts George dcerts Hannah Haulsey dcerts Mary Haunn dcerts Julia Haunum 1893nws W. V. Haupt 1889nws Nancy Havelish 1860 Catherine 1860 Efer 1860 J. Haven & Stackpole larkin --- larkin --- Havens 1890nws Betsey 1890nws Richard 1830 Richason 1890nws Tabitha (Whitacre) Haverty 1830 John Havner harris John Hawells 1855nws Thomas Hawes marr John W. Hawk Family harris --- Hawk harris --- 1920 Alice W dcerts Alpha murray Ben dcerts Benjami 1892nws Benjamin (2nd) 1920 Bernice murray Bessie 1877nws C. C. 1920 Coy murray Dave marr David 1893nws Doyle 1899nws Emerson 1920 Emma M deaths Emma May 1920 Emmett 1920 Ethel J 1920 Everett R 1920 Floyd V murray Frank 1881nws George 1889nws George dcerts George deaths George H. deaths Gilbert 1920 Golda 1920 Hannah 1887nws Hannah 1920 Hayes G 1892nws Isaac 1897nws J. H. R. harris Jacob marr Jacob 1920 Jacob J dcerts James 1920 James B deaths James William 1920 John g1820 John dcerts John 1920 John A 1920 Leslie J 1920 Margaret murray Mary 1920 Mary E deaths Mary E. 1920 Milford H 1920 Murlie births Nancy Ann 2002q Nellie E. births Olin dcerts Ora deaths Perry murray Phillip 1881nws Price Parker harris Roy dcerts Roy 1881nws Sallie phist Samuel dcerts Sarah deaths Sarah Jane 1883nws Stewart &, --- 1881nws Tabitha deaths Tabitha D. dcerts Wesley Hawke deaths Dora Hawkins & McCormick 1859nws --- Hawkins 1897nws --- g1820 Abraham 1904nws C. F. births Clara Bell 1893nws Clara Edith 1904nws Clara M. 1893nws Clarence 1889nws Clarissa 1893nws Clark 1850 Clarrissa births Effie Oivia 1850 Elizabeth dcerts Flora births Flora E. 1920 Frederick L dcerts Freoeri 1850 George births J. J. births J. M. births Jno. M. 1850 John dcerts Laura births Lewis H. dcerts Lida 1893nws Lyda 1893nws Lydia births Mary dcerts Mary births Mary Jane births Mary R. births Newton births R. 1879nws Reuben 1893nws S. C. births Samuel J. dcerts Stillbo n. 1861nws Thomas V. 1861nws W. B. 1850 William 1893nws William births Zoida C. Hawks g1820 Abraham g1820 Benjamin g1820 Joseph Hawley 1850 B. Ellen 1860 B. F. 1850 Barbara 1850 Benjamin 1903nws Charles 1860 Clarinda 1850 David 1860 David 1860 David K? 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1920 Ellen V. 1850 Est. hrdsty Flora T. (Buck) 1860 Isaac 1840 James 1850 James 1860 James 1904nws James 1908nws James dcerts James 1920 James R phist James R. 1903nws James Richard Lee 1860 Jane 1850 John 1860 John 1908nws John 1860 John A. 1860 John W. 1862nws John W. 1850 Lavina 1860 Livina 1850 M. J. births Maggie 1860 Martha 1860 Mary 1860 Mary J. 1903nws Mildred births Minnie 1893nws Ola 1860 Presley 1850 Presley S. 1850 Rebecca 1860 Rebecca 1840 Russel 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1840 Samuel R. 1860 Sarah E. 1850 Sophia births Sophia 1903nws W. F. 1850 W. H. 1840 William 1850 William 1860 Wm. Haworth phist Elaine (Ervin) phist Ellis Hawthorn dcerts James 1861nws W. L. dcerts Waid Hawthorne 1920 Adaline dcerts Eliabe 1920 Elizabeth 1920 George dcerts George 1920 James 1921nws James 1921nws Pearl 1921nws Pearl 1921nws Pearl 1921nws Pearl Hawworth 1850 Hannah 1850 Sophia 1850 Warner Hay 1840 Adam 1844nws Adam Haycock 1850 James 1850 Maria 1851nws W. 1850 William Hayden family wallce Hayden family Hayden 1876nws A. births Albert 2002q Andrew 1850 Andrew births Archibald dcerts Bertha 1999q Charlie 2000q Charlie 1892nws Elizabeth births Eva Wilmina 1862nws George W. 1867nws George W. 1999q Henry 2000q Henry 2002q Henry 1850 Henry 1850 James 2000q Jenni 1999q Jennie 1830 John births Laurel Eugenia 2002q Lucy Ann 1892nws Margaret 2000q Margaret (Partlow) births Mary 2002q Mary Adeline births Mary Louisa 1850 Rhoda 1830 Richard 1999q Susie 2000q Susie births Wash marr William wrdead William H. Haydoen dcerts Molly Haydon 1819tx Richard Hayes dcerts Hayes 1887nws A. P. 1860 Adelbert 1889nws Aura 1860 Aurelia 1921nws B. F. 1820 Benjamin phist Betsy 1920 Bulah V 1860 Cabrice? B. 1860 Charles dcerts Charles 1920 Clifford dcerts Edna 1920 Edna M 1866nws Eli marr Eli 1860 Elizabeth 1900nws Ernest 1905nws Ernest 1920 Esther 1893nws Florence 1905nws Florence 1909nws Florence H. 1892nws Frances 1885nws Frank 1893nws Frank 1893nws Frank 1893nws Frank 1893nws Frank 1905nws Frank 1909nws Frank 1909nws Frank births Frank births Frank Ernest 1920 Glennis G dcerts Hazel 1920 Helen 1920 Helen B dcerts Henry 1920 Hilda F 1904nws J. B. 1876nws J. L. 1897nws J. L. 1860 Jerimiah L. 1881nws John 1897nws John 1920 John B dcerts Lena 1920 Levina 1920 Lucie F 1860 M. 1860 Malisa 1881nws Martha Dell 1876nws Martin 1878nws Martin 1878nws Martin dcerts Martin 1920 Mary 1881nws Mary Bell 1920 Mary L. 1893nws Maud 1909nws Maud births Maud murray Melinda Mrs. 1920 Mildred F 1920 Millard E births Minerva 1907nws Mr. births Nancy V. 1889nws Ralpir dcerts Ruth 1881nws Sarah M. births Solan William 1860 W. C. 1897nws W. J. 1920 Ward D 1860 William Hayfs dcerts Margare Hayhurst 2000q James 1999q Sarah Hayman 1850 "Spencer H., Jr." 1860 Adaline deaths Adda Bell 1850 Adeline M. 1850 Albert W. 1844nws Alexander deaths Alice 1920 Althia 1920 Amelia 1860 Andrew 1850 Angeline 1850 Anne 1893nws Anne M. 1920 Aurilla 1850 Austin births Austin T. marr Austin V. deaths Bertha 1920 Byron 1921nws C. E. 1897nws C. W. 1897nws C. W. 1860 Calvin dcerts Calvin 1850 Calvin M. 1850 Catharine 1886nws Catherine 1860 Charles dcerts Charles 1905nws Charles W. 1905nws Charles Weaver 1886nws Charley 1860 Charlotte births Charlotte 1850 Charlotte A. births Christian 1998q Clarence Edwin births Clarence H. births Cora Bell 1920 Coulter 1850 Daniel marr David 1850 David W. marr David W. 1910nws Dayton births Debbie 1850 Deborah 1883nws Deputy Sheriff 1920 Dorothy A 1850 E. C. 1860 E. C.? 1920 Edith 1998q Eliza (Newberry) 1860 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth J. deaths Ella E. dcerts Elswort 1850 Emily 1920 Emma E 1850 Esther 1860 Esther 1850 Esther A. 1860 Evaline 1850 Eveline dcerts Evelyn 1998q Ezra C. 1840 Ezra C. marr Ezra C. 1901nws Flora dcerts Fmma deaths Frank Edwin 1850 Franklin 1860 Franklin 4thInf Franklin 1858nws G. H. 1860 G. W. 1850 Geo W. 1850 George 1860 George dcerts George 1850 George N. 1886nws George N. 1914nws George N. (Mrs.) 1920 George N? 1920 George R 1867nws George W. 1867nws George W. marr George W. 1920 Gerald 1920 Gertrude 1920 Gretta L 1920 Guy 1850 H. 1860 H. 1867nws H. C. 1883nws H. C. births Hannah 1920 Harold 1860 Harriet 1850 Harriet E. 1920 Harry 1920 Harry 1850 Henry 1860 Henry C. 1881nws Henry C. 1886nws Henry C. 1889nws Henry C. phist Henry Clay 1868nws Hezekiah 1920 Homer 1850 Horace 1860 Ida 1860 Isaac 1920 Isabel dcerts Isaffii 1882nws J. C. 1887nws J. C. 1887nws J. C. 1897nws J. C. 1897nws J. N. 1897nws J. N. 1893nws J. R. 1820 James 1830 James 1840 James 1850 James larkin James 1819tx James phist James marr James B. larkin James H. 1850 James J. 1830 Jeptha 1892nws Jeptha 1850 Jeremiah 1860 Jeremiah wrdead Jeremiah 1850 Jerusha 1860 Jerusha phist Jim 1820 John 1840 John 1860 John larkin John larkin John 1819tx John 1893nws John 1921nws John phist John dcerts John marr John deaths John A. 1920 John H 1820 John H. 1830 John H. 1850 John H. larkin John H. 1892nws John H. phist John H. births John H. 1850 John N. pmry88 John N. 1868nws John N. 1890nws John N. marr John N. 1850 John R. marr John R. 1850 John W. 1860 John W. marr Jopha 1850 Joseph 1850 Joshiah F. 1830 Josiah 1840 Josiah 1850 Josiah 1860 Josiah 1861nws Josiah phist Josiah dcerts Josiah phist Josiah (Mrs.) 1920 Josiah C. phist June (Sansbury) 1920 Kathryn 1886nws L. L. 1887nws L. L. 1850 Leander 1876nws Leon S. 1860 Leonidas 1850 Letitia 1850 Lewis S. 1920 Lina 1850 Lovica 1850 Lucinda 1850 Lucius H. 1889nws Maggie 1850 Mahala 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1920 Margaret 1920 Margaret dcerts Marico phist Martha 1860 Mary 1920 Mary dcerts Mary 1850 Mary A. 1850 Mary C. 1850 Mary F. 1850 Mary H. 1850 Mary J. 1920 Mary K 1920 MAY 1850 Minerva J. deaths Mitta B. 1873nws Monroe 1850 Morris phist Mr. 1830 Nancy 1850 Nancy 1860 Nancy births Nancy 1850 Nancy E. 1856nws Nancy E. deaths Nehemiah 1850 Nelson 1860 Nelson births Nelson marr Nelson 1860 Olive 1920 Paul deaths Pearl 1920 Quentin 1860 R. C. 1850 Rachael 1860 Rachel 1920 Ralph 1920 Ray 1920 Rebecca births Rebecca dcerts Rebecca 1920 regina 1886nws Regina dcerts Regina 1850 Regina M. 1920 Richard phist Richard 1850 Richard P. 1860 Robert 1893nws Robert 1850 Robert H. births Rosa Blanche 1860 Rosanna 1920 Ruby 1920 Rush 1920 Ruth 1850 S. H. 1819tx S. H. 1862nws S. H. 1892nws S. H. 1892nws S. H. 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah dcerts Sarah 1850 Sarah M. births Sarah M. 1920 Sinah K 1893nws Sinah M. marr Spence H., 1820 Spencer 1850 Spencer 1860 Spencer larkin Spencer 1883nws Spencer phist Spencer marr Spencer 1830 Spencer H. 1840 Spencer H. 1850 Spencer H. 1860 Spencer H. 1892nws Spencer H. 1892nws Spencer H. 1892nws Spencer H. 1892nws Spencer H. 1892nws Spencer H. 1893nws Spencer H. phist Spencer H. births Spencer H. marr Spencer H. 1840 Stephen phist Stephen 1868nws Stephen S. 1850 Stephen T. dcerts Stillbo dcerts Stilloc 1850 Tharza M. 1920 Thomas 1850 Thomas C. 1920 Vera births Victoria 1883nws Virginia graybd W. T. 1887nws W. T. 1901nws W. T. 1920 Waid 1887nws Wick 1886nws Will dcerts Will 1893nws Will T. 1893nws Will. E. 1850 William 1920 William 1850 William H. marr William H. marr William Henry marr William L. 1860 Winfield 1850 Wm H. 1860 Wm. H. Haymon 1889nws G. N. dcerts Rush dcerts William Haynan dcerts Ester Hayne 1860 Alpheus 1920 Alpheus M 1920 Angeline L 1860 Manon 1920 William M Haynes 1998q Ann Buckingham (Ramsey) 1998q Anna 1998q Bessie Lee (Huddleston) 1998q Carrie (Woodrum) 1998q Edward Milton 1998q Elizabeth (Coleman) dcerts Ella 1998q Eunice (Gibbs) 1998q Harry Sheldon 1998q Isaac Newton 1998q John wrdead John births John W. 1998q John Wesley murray Leola 1998q Margaret Ellen 1998q Mary Jane 1998q Samuel Taylor births Sarah T. 1998q Sheldon Harrison 1895nws Wesley J. Hayros 1840 ? John Hays & Giles 1877nws --- Hays 1860 Hannah 1860 Isabella 1860 Isabella F. 1860 Joseph 1860 Samuel Hays family 2000q Hays family Hays 1876nws Alice dcerts Benjani 1850 Chandler 1889nws Charles 1878nws Charles T. 1878nws Charles T. 1889nws Dell 1850 Eli 1850 Elizabeth phist Eunice 1887nws French 1860 Hanna 1850 Hannah 1850 Hannah 1860 Hannah 1897nws J. L. 1878nws Jennie (Geiger) 1850 Jeremiah dindx Jesse 1856nws Jesse 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John D. 1860 John D. 1850 Levi 1876nws M. A. 1881nws M. Adelbert 1850 Martha 1850 Martin 1860 Martin 1855nws Martin 1861nws Martin 1862nws Martin 1873nws Martin 1876nws Martin 1878nws Martin 1878nws Martin 1881nws Martin 1889nws Martin 1850 Mary 1921nws Mary 1867nws Mr. births Nancy A. 1850 Philip 1867nws Samuel 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah J. 1860 Thomas 1851nws Thomas 1855nws W. C. 1860 William * 1877nws William C. 1850 William H. Hayse 1892nws Jesse births Nancy Haysell 1877nws Isaac Hayslip 1890nws Leta phist Mary L. Hayson 1860 Dorotha 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Ellen 1860 Isabella 1860 James marr James Hayward births Hayward 1860 Alice 1860 Benjamin wrdead Charles 1920 Clara 1830 Ebenezer 1860 Harriet 1887nws James 1860 John 1840 Lewis dindx Lewis 1868nws Lewis births Lewis 1860 Minerva 1920 Orville 1893nws Prof. births Rachel Ann 1920 Rosa dcerts Rosa 1860 Sarah Haywood births Alice Hayword dcerts John Haze 1830 Jesse Hazeltine 1850 Betsy 1850 Eliza dcerts Elizabe 1850 James 1850 Levi 1850 Margret Hazelton births Elmer E. 1895nws J. A. dcerts James births Mary A. Hazelwood 1860 A. 1868nws Albert 1876nws Albert 1877nws Albert 1877nws Albert 1860 Almeda 1868nws Barbara 1860 Barbary 1860 Elizabeth 1860 G. 1860 George 1860 J. 1860 James M. 1860 John 1860 John A. dcerts Joseph 1860 Lucy 1860 Malinda 1860 Margaret 1860 Martin 1860 Marttia 1860 Missouri 1860 Polly 1860 Rebecca 1860 Richard 1860 Thomas 1860 William Hazlett 1860 Ann 1850 Anne 1860 Aurilla 1850 Bridget 1860 Charles 1850 David 1860 David 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Hugh 1850 James 1850 Jane 1850 John 1860 John dcerts Julia 1850 Mark 1860 Mark Hazlewood 1876nws Albert 1855nws Eliza Hcarden dcerts Elizabe Hcfkins dcerts Manoavi Hcrde dcerts Richard Hcyd dcerts Stillbo He?zer 1858nws P. Heabe 1873nws Jennie B. Heacock 1920 Ida W dcerts Lucy Heacox 1873nws Arthur 1873nws Francis A. (Ashworth) 1840 Jephtha 1840 Luther larkin Luther larkin Trueman Head 1998q Amanda Headley 1900nws Ella dcerts Homer dcerts John dcerts Margare 1897nws Mr. 1897nws T. H. 1876nws Thomas 1895nws Thomas 1897nws Thomas 1900nws Thomas Headly 1893nws Ella 1893nws Jennie 1862nws John 1878nws John 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary R. 1876nws Mr. 1860 Thomas Heal 1855nws Mary Healey dcerts Mary Healie 1873nws Jennie B. Healy dcerts Bridget phist Fred (Mrs.) dcerts Magdale 1820 Michael dcerts Stillbo Heaner 1860 Elisabeth 1860 F. Hearry 1890nws Pat. Heartia 1862nws John Heater? 1860 Wesle Heath 1820 David dcerts Edward 1851nws Elder Heatly 1820 Elizabeth Heaton 1881nws A. C. 1860 Abner 1881nws Alice May 1850 Andrew dcerts Andrew 1920 Andrew D hrdsty Andrew D. 1850 Ann 1893nws Bessie births Burh 1860 Burt 1885nws Burt phist Burt 1881nws C. H. 1850 Caroline 1860 Caroline 1860 Catharine 1850 Celenda 1850 Charles 1850 Charles 1860 Charles 1867nws Charles 1878nws Charles B. 1920 Edison R 1850 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1878nws Elizabeth 1920 Elizabeth J 1881nws Elizabeth Mary 1860 Ellen 1881nws Emma J. 1867nws Ethan 1850 Ethel 1860 Ethel wrdead Ethel 1898nws G. G. 1897nws George 1879nws Harriet E. 1850 Jackson 1840 James 1850 James 1881nws James 1885nws James 1920 James E hrdsty James E. hrdsty Jennie L. 1850 John 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph 1920 Laura A hrdsty Laura Amanda (Watkins) births Letha phist Marry June 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary hrdsty Mary (Barton) 1850 Mary Ann 1904nws Mary Barton 1888nws Mr. 1897nws Mrs. hrdsty Nancy A. births Otto phist Otto B. phist Patti hrdsty Rachel 1850 Sarah hrdsty Susan 1893nws W. R. phist Wert 1830 William 1840 William hrdsty William 1904nws William 1920 William R births Wm R. 1860 Wm. Heavner births Fredrick births Sussan Hebard larkin Charlotte 1893nws Dr. Hebener births Fred births Mary Hebron 1998q John 1998q Mary Jane (McMellen) Heckar's Hall 1897nws Franz &, --- 1897nws Franz &, --- Heckar dcerts Henry Heckard 1850 Catharine 1998q Catherine Pike (Horton) 1850 Geo M. 1877nws Judge 1850 Lucy M. 1844nws M. 1844nws M. 1851nws M. 1854nws M. 1862nws M. 1868nws M. 1998q Martin 1840 Martin 1850 Martin 1852nws Martin phist Martin 1902nws Mr. Hecker 1876nws Mina Heckhard 1844nws Martin Hecok 1820 Milton Hecon 1820 Sylvester HECOX family 1902nws --- Hecox 1850 * (most of this info crossed out) fair A. 1887nws A. E. 1850 Adaline 1860 Adaline hrdsty Arli A. 1850 Arthur 1860 Arthur dcerts Arthur hrdsty Arthur E. 1883nws Arthur E. 1850 Austin 1860 Austin hrdsty Austin phist Austin hrdsty Barklay 1850 Clarrissa 1850 Collis? 1860 D. 1850 Dennis hrdsty Dudley A. 1893nws E. C. 1897nws E. C. 1897nws E. C. 1897nws E. C. hrdsty Elmina (Hitchcock) 1860 Elmina D. hrdsty Emery C. hrdsty Enos phist Estella 1860 F? R. hrdsty Fannie (Stout) 1860 Fanny 1850 Florence * 1860 Florence A. dcerts Frances 1860 Indley? 1830 Jeptha 1860 Jeptha larkin Jeptha hrdsty Jeptha 1854nws Jeptha 1855nws Jeptha phist Jeptha 1850 Jessetia? 1860 Joseph 1850 Laura hrdsty Laura hrdsty Linnie A. 1850 Lucy 1820 Luther 1830 Luther 1850 Luther larkin Luther 1819tx Luther phist Luther 1860 Luvey hrdsty M. Lillian 1850 Marilla 1860 Marinda hrdsty Marinda (Dains) 1860 Marrilla 1860 Martin graybd Martin hrdsty Martin 1854nws Martin 1873nws Martin 1873nws Martin 1877nws Martin phist Martin hrdsty Mary M. 1850 Mary P. 1860 Mary P. 1850 Matilda hrdsty Merilla (Thorn) dcerts Merinda larkin Mr. hrdsty Myron H. hrdsty Nancy W. (Stark) 1999q Norma (Lewis) hrdsty Omer E. 1999q Ray 1860 Sardine hrdsty Sardine phist Sardine 1830 Sylvester 1819tx Sylvester phist Sylvester larkin Thurman larkin Thurman larkin Thurman 1819tx Trueman 1820 Truman 1830 Truman 1850 Truman larkin Truman harris Truman 1868nws Truman 1892nws Truman phist Truman phist Truman Jr. 1860 W. C. 1820 William larkin William 1819tx William phist William 1860 Wm. dindx Wm. Hedgepath Family harris --- Hedley 1850 John 1850 Mary 1850 Thomas Hedrick 1920 Albert R 1860 Almeda 1860 Betsy larkin Catharine 1861nws Catherine dcerts Charles 1920 Charles F 1920 Clarence R 1860 Elisa phist Elizabeth larkin Elizabeth (Loucks) 1920 George E dcerts Helen 1920 Henry O 1920 James dcerts James 1920 James M 1920 Joseph S 1860 L. S. larkin Lemuel 1820 Leonard 1840 Leonard 1860 Leonard larkin Leonard larkin Leonard 1861nws Leonard phist Leonard 1860 Luke 2002q Margaret larkin Margaret 1861nws Margaret 1860 Mary larkin Mary larkin Mary 1861nws Mary 1860 Mary A. 1861nws Melinda 1920 Rosa larkin Sally 1999q Sarah 1860 Sarah 1861nws Sarah 1860 W. larkin William 1861nws William 1860 Wm. Hedrix 1850 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Leonard 1850 William Heelmann 1850 Catharine 1850 Conrad 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Jacob 1850 John 1850 Margaret 1850 Mary 1850 Michael Heff dcerts Wendell Heffner 1850 C. 1850 Eliza. 1850 James 1850 M. 1850 Thomas Heffron marr David Hefner 1850 Catharine 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Peter Heich 1862nws R. E. Heickeburg 1860 John W. 1860 M. 1860 Martha 1860 Matilda 1860 Susan 1860 William Heicohcks dcerts Stillbo n. Heid 1854nws P. (Rev.) 1919nws Paul (Rev.) Heifner 1860 Catharine 1860 Peter Heighers murray Jennie Heillman dcerts Flossie Heilman dcerts Anna 1850 Catharine 1854nws Coonrad 1892nws Eleanor 1920 Flossie M 1920 Frank dcerts Henry 1850 Jacob births Jno. H. 1850 John 1897nws John 1877nws Kate dcerts Margare 1891nws Mary births Mary births Mary Ann 1890nws Mrs. 1850 Philip marr Philip dcerts Stillbo n. dcerts Susan 1920 Virgie Heilmann 1920 Erma E dcerts Flora 1920 William Heimbach phist Clara phist Elizabeth phist John Hein House 1876nws --- 1877nws --- Hein 1867nws Joseph births Josephina Heines dcerts Heines dcerts Kathrin dcerts Marvin Heiney 1920 Arthur 1920 Audrey 1920 Bernice 1920 Clarence 1920 Daisey 1920 Dallas 1920 Donald 1920 Edith 1920 Elza 1920 Emmet 1920 Everett 1879nws Francis M. 1920 Freddie 1920 George 1920 Georgia 1920 Gladys 1920 John 1920 Laura 1920 Lotha 1879nws Mary F. 2000q Mary Frances (Provo Syfers) 1920 Minnie dcerts Msar 1920 Ocia B 1920 Ray 1920 Robert 1920 Roy 1920 Sarah 1920 William 1920 William J Heinterfout 1868nws Stephen Heiny births Jennette 1850 Susan 1850 William Heirth? 1860 Moses Heitger 1907nws Albert 1907nws John dcerts Mary dcerts Nancy dcerts Nichola Heitz 1867nws Joseph births Joseph births Joseph marr Joseph Heitze births Susannah Heitzman 1850 Catharine 1850 Charles 1850 Elizabeth 1850 John Heland 1854nws R. Helewick dcerts Edward Hell dcerts Corneli Hellgear 1920 ?Jessie 1920 Ursula 1920 William Hellyer dcerts Ursula Helm births Fredrick births William 1877nws Willie Helmick 1893nws Mamie (Waterman) 1893nws W. E. Helper 1840 Andrew Helwick 1860 Anna 1860 C. 1860 Caroline 1860 Mary Hem 1860 Wm Hemingway 1889nws Ida (Ruble) Hempleman 1906nws Rev. Hemsley 1920 Albert D dcerts Donnia 1920 Joseph 1920 Joseph Jr. 1920 Maggie E 1920 Ralston b phist Rollie Hena? 1860 Augusta Henafout 1876nws Mike Henasy 1860 Thomas Hencilwood murray nfn Hender dcerts Beveri Hendersn dcerts Harry Hendersoi dcerts Julius Henderson 1910nws Alma (Story) 1883nws Charlie 1920nws Earl 1920nws Fannie dcerts Florenc 1910nws G. T. 1897nws George 1904nws George T. 1893nws J. H. 1920nws J.W. 1877nws John 1897nws John G. 1897nws Jule 1904nws Mabel Clare 1897nws Mary 1883nws Mary (Bosworth) 1871nws Mrs. 1840 Nathaniel 1909nws Rev. Hendly 1873nws William Hendre 1840 Ann Hendricke dcerts Feany Hendricks dcerts Hendricks 1920 Alfred H 1920 Alice L dcerts Anna dcerts Charles 1920 Charles b 1920 Daisey L 1920 Edward B 1920 George E 1920 Harley F dcerts I 1920 Ira F 1920 John W 1920 Loren R 1920 Maggie 1920 Mary dcerts Mary 1920 Mary C 1920 Mary E dcerts Mildred dcerts Minerva dcerts Richard 1920 Ruby M 1920 Ruth dcerts Ruth 1920 Sarah L dcerts Stillbo dcerts Thomas 1920 Thomas F dcerts Virgini 1920 Walter dcerts Walter 1920 Walter M. Jr. dcerts Wilber 1920 William F 1920 William T Hendrickson 1920 Ethel Hendrix 1920 Mary M 1920 Shelton R 1920 Sylvia 1920 Woodrow Hendry 1850 Charles 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Furdenand 1860 G. 1860 Hester 1858nws I. N. 1850 Isaac 1860 Isaac 1860 J. H. 1850 James 1860 James 1850 John 1860 Lovina 1860 Lowisa 1850 Lowiza 1860 Maria larkin Nancy 1860 Sarah 1860 Stephen 1850 William 1860 William Henesy 1860 David 1860 Edward 1860 James 1860 Julia 1860 Margaret Henke 4thInf Christian Henkel harris Anthony dcerts Estalin harris Paul Henki dcerts William Henking 1893nws C. F. Hennessey dcerts David graybd Edward wrdead Thomas Hennessy 1901nws Edward dcerts Edwaro dcerts Mary Hennesy 1893nws Charley Hennis harris Ann Henoricks dcerts Edona dcerts Frankl dcerts Stillbo n. dcerts Unnamed Henrietta (Kriselmeier) hrdsty Henrietta (Kriselmeier) Henry 1998q Allen 1850 Allen 1998q Ann 1920 Anna A 1856nws Annie Eliza g1820 Brice 1920 Carl E 1920 Carl E Jr dcerts Clarenc phist Dutch 1998q Eliza 1850 Eliza 1998q Franklin 1850 Franklin 1876nws Gideon harris H. D. harris Harold 1866nws Jacob 1867nws Jacob 1867nws Jacob 1998q James 1840 James 1850 James 1860nws James 1998q James Harvey 1998q John 1850 John g1820 John harris John marr John 1998q John Thomas 1998q Joseph 1850 Joseph 1860 Lewis 1850 Lovina 1998q Lydia 1850 Lydia 1850 Malissa 1998q Mary 1850 Mary harris Matthew 1873nws Michael 1840 Morris 1871nws Morris 1850 Morriss 1920 Nella R 1850 Otis 1860 Paulina 1998q Rebecca (McCumber) 1889nws Rev. 1998q Sarah 1850 Sarah harris Sarah Ann 1850 Sarah K. 1866nws Syntha Ann 1860 W. 1998q William 1850 William 1850 William harris William g1820 Wm Hensen 1889nws John 1876nws William Henshaw 1893nws Anna 1830 George Hensler dcerts Jacob Hensley 1920 Anna 1920 Charles 1920 Dana dcerts Geopie 1920 George 1920 Herman A 1920 Iva 1887nws J. H. 1897nws J. M. 1920 John 1920 Margaret 1920 Willomena Hensly dcerts Anna Hensminger 1850 Asher 1850 David 1850 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Jane 1850 Martin 1850 Mary 1850 Nathan 1850 Sarah Henson 1850 Daniel 1893nws Essie 1890nws Harvey 1850 Martha 1893nws Mary 1830 Samuel B. 1895nws Thomas L. marr William Heoburn 1860 Hain 1860 Louisa P. 1860 Margaret J. 1860 Mary 1860 Purson H. Heoricks dcerts Ienoel Hepburn 1855nws Henry Hepell dcerts Wanda Hepp births Hepp phist August dcerts August 1860 Augustus 1879nws Augustus phist Charles 1889nws Councilman dcerts Elizabe 1860 Elizabeth phist Elizabeth (Blaettner) phist Franklin 1884nws Mary (Bauer) 1860 P. graybd Philip 1897nws Philip phist Philip births Phillip phist Richard 1901nws Wendel 1884nws Wendel J. Heppner 1840 Peter Herald dcerts Eugene Herbert 1893nws Maggie Herbet 1897nws Rev. Herdje births Elizabeth Hereshoff 1867nws Sarah Herin 1876nws Thomas Herington g1820 Joshua Heritage 1861nws Anna 1861nws Enoch 1893nws F. M. 1999q Harry 1861nws Sarah P. 1999q Ulah W. Herman 1874nws Ed. murray Frank dcerts George 1873nws John dcerts Minnie Hermans 1881nws Mr. Hermon dcerts Mildred Hern 1903nws Julius 1877nws Michael (Father) 1903nws Raymond V. Herold 1819tx George Heron 1820 Jeptha 1850 John Herr 1876nws William (Rev.) Herre dcerts Cecil Herrington 1895nws Francil births Glendaire g1820 Hezekiah g1820 Jlis? births Joseph births Louis 1893nws Myrtis 1889nws Myrtle Herritt 1906nws A. F. Herrman 1904nws Floyd F. 1904nws J. F. 1904nws Lloyd L. Herrold harris Christopher harris Joseph harris Martha Cable Herron Family harris --- Hersch dcerts Kathrin Herscher 1897nws Mike Herzog births Herzog births Max Herzogg 1860 Catharine 1860 Henry Heseng 1866nws T. M. Hesler 1840 William Heslop 1860 Charles 1860 John W. 1860 Louisa 1860 R. G. 1860 Robert G. 1860 Sarah 1860 Susanna 1860 Thomas Hess mine 1892nws --- Hess 1860 Bertha 1920 Bertha H 1897nws Brother 1889nws C. F. 1889nws C. J. 1860 Caroline 1860 Charles 1860 Charles P. 1920 Clara B dcerts Cora 1887nws Eddie 1860 Eliza dcerts Eliza 1920 Elizabeth C 1914nws Elsie 1860 Frank births Frank births Freida births Fritz 1867nws J. 1860 John 1867nws John 1889nws John dcerts John births Josephina 1860 L* 1908nws Leonard births Lettie Leona dcerts Lincoln 1920 Lincoln J 1860 Magdelana dcerts Margare births Mary Madalene births Mary Zidania 1885nws Mattie (Wells) 1897nws Miss 1889nws Nora 1897nws R. S. 1860 Robert 1914nws Robert dcerts Robert marr Samuel 1860 Susan births Wilhelma dcerts Willia 1885nws William births William Hesson 1913nws Bert dcerts Emma dcerts William Hester births Augusta 1850 Colonel Thos Smith 1850 Delilah 1840 George 1860 Henrietta 1850 Henry 1860 Lafayette 1860 Mary A. 1860 Matilda 1860 Philip 1860 Philip R. larkin Robert phist Robert 1860 Sarah E. births Smith 1850 Susannah 1850 William marr William Hetger births John births Mary Eletha Hetton 1850 Daniel Hetzel orchestra 1897nws --- Hetzel dcerts Fannie dcerts John dcerts Rosa 1911nws Will Hetzelr dcerts Stillbo n. Hetzer 1920 Alice dcerts Amanda 1920 Arthur A 1850 Betsey 1920 C B 1850 C. 1860 Charles 1920 Charlie 1860 Columbus 1860 Edmond births Edward 1860 Elizabeth 1920 Fred 1830 George 1850 George 1860 George 1920 George 1892nws George dcerts George 1860 George O. 1889nws George O. 1850 Henrietta 1850 James P. births Jno Marcelline births Jno. 1850 John 1860 John births John 1920 John V 1920 Joseph dcerts Lafayet 1920 Lafe(Lafayette) births Lettie Belle 1860 Lewis 1850 Louisa 1920 Mabel 1920 Margaret 1920 Marion 1860 Martha 1920 Mary dcerts Mary 1850 Matilda 1860 Matilda 1920 Mayme births Nettie Blanch 1850 O. S. 1860 O. V. wrdead O.S. 1850 P. F. dcerts Pauline 1830 Philip 1840 Philip 1850 Philip 1860 Philip dindx Philip phist Philip 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah births Sarah A. 1860 Sarah E. dcerts Stillbo 1850 William A. 1850 William N. 1860 Wm. A. 1860 Wm? W? 1903nws Zone Hetzes dcerts Frederi Hetzger dcerts Stillbo Heuthorne 1904nws George Theodore 1904nws James Heutzling dcerts Henry Hever 1876nws John S. Hevest 1860 Christence Hevnor 1860 Moris 1860 Sofiah Hewal wrdead Henry Hewett 1856nws John Hewit 1850 Amanda 1850 Archibald 1850 Casp 1850 Catharine 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Henry 1850 John 1850 Joseph 1850 Lorenzo births Lovina 1850 Mary 1850 Sarah Hewitt Family harris --- Hewitt 1854nws B. P 1860 C. wrdead Carpenter 1860 Catherine harris Ira 1860 Jane 1860 John harris John harris Moses harris Pardon 1860 Phebe harris Polly Hews 1860 B. 1860 Sarah Heyen 1919nws Doris 1919nws G. W. 1919nws Kenneth 1919nws William Heysell births Devalcy Hfnnfssy dcerts Margare Hftfr dcerts Alicf Hggcue dcerts Ethel Hiatt 1998q Oliver 1998q Rebecca (McCumber Henry) Hibard phist Anna Hibbard Family harris --- Hibbard harris Hannah harris James S. (Dr.) harris John 1840 John B. Hibbards harris --- Hibbs 1890nws J. C. 1889nws Rev. Hickard 1860 Catherine P. 1860 George M. 1860 Lucy M. 1860 M. 1860 Mary E. Hickenbottom 1860 James Hickman dcerts Clarice phist Earl phist Estella Lee phist Irene (Blaettner) 1866nws Robert Hicks dindx Benj. 1830 Benjamin 1840 Benjamin 1873nws Benjamin 1998q Benjamin BOles 1893nws Bertha dcerts Charlot 1920 Charlotte births Chas. W. 1893nws Clyde G. dcerts George births George A. 1887nws J. W. 1860 James 1860 James births Jas. M. 1860 John 1840 Joseph 1873nws Maria J. 1860 Mariah 2000q Mary 1860 Mary 1998q Mary Jane (McBain) 1860 Nancy 1920 Perry 2000q Pressie 1895nws Robert dcerts Robert dcerts Sopha 1887nws Stella 1920 Tresse 1860 W. wrdead Wesley births Weston larkin William 1873nws William 1893nws William H. 1892nws Williard Hickson 1860 Charls 1860 John 1860 Mary 1860 Selim 1860 Susan Hicox hrdsty Ursula Hide harris Emphriam 1860 John 1860 Katy 1860 Louisa Higbee dcerts Alex Higby 1850 Alex 1850 Anne E. 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Hulda E. 1850 Jacob S. 1850 Joseph 1850 Lucinda 1850 Samuel 1920 Surander? Male Higgenbotha dcerts Albert Higgendotha dcerts Stillbo n. Higginbotha dcerts Hazel dcerts Joseph dcerts Sarah Higginbotham 1920 geneva? 1920 Joseph 1891nws Joseph 1897nws Joseph 1897nws Joseph 1878nws Robert 1892nws Robert L. Higginbothan 1877nws Robert Higginbottam 1920 Dolly Ann 1920 Edward 1920 Kate 1920 Virginia Higgins harris Andrew harris Charles (Dr.) 1860 Daniel harris Daniel 1860 James 1878nws James 1881nws James births James births James Emmett 1860 Joanah harris John M. (Dr.) harris Joseph dcerts Laverna 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary 1881nws Mary births Mary harris Michael Higgnbotha dcerts James Highland 1840 ? William 1850 Caroline 1860 Caroline 1850 Clementine 1860 Clerrina 1860 Eliza I. 1860 Ella Ann 1860 Esther 1860 Esther I. 1850 Jane 1860 Jane 1860 John N. 1850 Lycurgus 1860 Lycurgus 1860 Margaret 1860 Mariah 1860 Marinda 1860 Mary 1860 Mary G. 1850 Mary J. 1860 Mary M. 1850 Miranda 1850 Polly 1850 Robert 1860 Robert 1862nws Robert 1860 Silas 1830 William 1850 William 1860 William 1851nws William marr William 1850 Wm 1860 Wm Highley 1873nws Milo H. Highsage g1820 Horley Higinbottom 1860 Elizabeth V. 1860 James 1860 John 1860 Philix M. 1860 Robt L. Higley's mill larkin --- Higley family 1998q Higley family Higley family 2001q Higley family Higley family 2002q Higley family Higley mill 1882nws --- Higley Mills larkin --- Higley 1890nws A. J. 1893nws A. P. larkin Acksah (Evarts) 1850 Adaline larkin Adaline (Simpson) births Adelbert births Alice 1860 Alice A. 1893nws Amelia (Shott) 1860 Austin larkin Austin 1851nws Austin 1854nws Austin 1893nws B. O. 1893nws B. O. 1893nws B. O. 1897nws B. O. harris Bernard 1903nws Bert (Rev.) 1820 Brewster 1830 Brewster dindx Brewster larkin Brewster larkin Brewster larkin Brewster larkin Brewster larkin Brewster larkin Brewster larkin Brewster larkin Brewster larkin Brewster larkin Brewster harris Brewster 1819tx Brewster 1862nws Brewster phist Brewster larkin Brewster (Jr.) larkin Brewster (Jr.) 1820 Brewster Jr. 1819tx Brewster, Jr. 1860 Caroline 1840 Catharine larkin Catherine (Wise) 1850 Charles 1830 Cinthia larkin Clarissa Fidelia 1850 Cynthia dindx Cynthia larkin Cynthia larkin Cynthia (Phelps) 1820 Cyrus 1830 Cyrus 1840 Cyrus 1850 Cyrus dindx Cyrus larkin Cyrus 1819tx Cyrus 1890nws D. B. 1850 Dennis 1820 Elam 1830 Elam larkin Elam larkin Elam larkin Elam larkin Elam 1892nws Elam marr Elam larkin Elect (Bingham) larkin Electa larkin Electa phist Electa 1820 Elihu 1830 Elihu 1840 Elihu larkin Elihu larkin Elihu larkin Elihu 1819tx Elihu 1876nws Elihu 1876nws Elihu 1877nws Elihu 1877nws Elihu 1850 Elisha 1860 Eliza J. dcerts Elizabe 1840 Emily larkin Emily (Reed) larkin Eunice larkin Eunice (Haskins) 1850 Frances 1860 Francis M. 1860 G. T. 1850 Geo 1999q Gordon 1893nws H. R. dcerts Hannah larkin Harriet 1893nws Homer 1893nws Homer 1876nws J. B. 1876nws J. B. 1820 Joel larkin Joel larkin Joel larkin Joel larkin Joel 1819tx Joel phist Joel larkin Joel (1st) larkin Joel (Jr.) larkin Joel (Jr.) larkin Joel (Jr.) larkin Joel (Jr.) larkin Joel (Jr.) larkin Joel (Jr.) phist Joel Jr. 1830 Joel P. 1850 Joel P. wrdead Joel P. 1861nws Joel P. 1862nws Joel P. larkin Joel P. (Capt.) larkin Joel Phelps phist Joel Sr. 1819tx Joel, Jr. births John M. 1897nws Joseph Bradbury larkin Joseph L. 1893nws Joseph L. larkin Judge larkin Judge larkin Judge phist Judge 1850 Julius 1890nws Julius larkin Julius Bicknell births Kate Martilla 1893nws L. M. larkin Laura larkin Laura larkin Laurinda births Lelia Elizabet 1850 Lewis 1850 Lowiza 1830 Lucius 1840 Lucius 1850 Lucius dindx Lucius larkin Lucius larkin Lucius 1876nws Lucius 1879nws Lucius 1881nws Lucius 1881nws Lucius 1892nws Lucius births Lucius M. larkin Lucius Milton larkin Major 1860 Margaret J. larkin Maria 1892nws Maria 1850 Mariah 1850 Mary 1860 Mary A. 1850 Mary B. 1999q Merton K. 1850 Milo larkin Milo larkin Milo larkin Milo 1876nws Milo births Milo dcerts Milow births Molly E. 1850 Nancy larkin Nancy (Cook) larkin Nancy (Cook) 1877nws Nancy (Cook) larkin Nancy (Shepherd) larkin Nancy (Shepherd) larkin Naomi 1850 Noama 1999q Oto K. 1893nws P. H. larkin Polly 1893nws Prof. 1850 R**** larkin Rachel 1897nws Ransom 1999q Robert M. births S. M. 1890nws S. W. larkin Sally larkin Sally larkin Sally (Clarke) 1850 Samuel larkin Samuel 1903nws Samuel births Samuel wrdead Sardine 1862nws Sardine larkin Sophia 1840 Susan larkin Susan larkin Susan larkin Theresa larkin Theresa Higly 1854nws Eliza J. Hii dcerts Sarah Hiii dcerts Stiiiro Hiland 1898nws Howard births Lycergus 1909nws Mary births Mary A. 1898nws Raymond phist Robert J. births Wayman 1881nws William Hilber 1881nws Amelia 1879nws Anna harris Margaret Hildebrand 1889nws J. W. births Jno. W. births John E. Hildreth dindx S. P. larkin S. P. Hileman 1889nws Cenia Hilewick dcerts Mary Hill cemetery 1893nws --- Hill Cemetery 1893nws --- 1893nws --- 1893nws --- Hill cemetery 1897nws --- 1901nws --- 1901nws --- 1903nws --- Hill Cemetery 1907nws --- Hill 1850 Aaran 1999q Aaron 2002q Aaron 1850 Aaron 1859nws Aaron 1850 Abagail 1920 Addie M 1920 Albert 1920 Albert W 1860 Aleflit M. 1850 Amanda 1856nws Amanda (Knight) 1856nws Amanda K. 1850 Angelina g1820 Anthony 1850 Antionetta harris Arnold 1850 Audilla 1920 Auta? births Bazil 1860 Benoni 1920 Carl dcerts Carl 1860 Catherine 1890 Chap 1920 Chapman dcerts Chapman 1850 Charity 1920 Charles R 1850 Charlotte 1920 Clara 1890nws Clara 1920 Cornelia A 1920 Dale W dcerts Edgar 1920 Edna G 1920 Edna G 1850 Edward 1850 Elcy 1850 Elcy 1920 Elenor 1850 Eli 1850 Elijah 1854nws Elijah 1920 Elijah W 1850 Eliza 1850 Eliza 1920 Eliza A births Elizabeth 1850 Elliott 1850 Emma 1905nws Esie 1905nws Ethel murray Ethell M phist Etta Mae (Shields) 1920 Evelyn 1920 Fannie dcerts Fannie dcerts Fien 1920 Floyd R 1920 Freda F 1860 Geo W. W. 1850 George 1850 George dcerts Gilbert dcerts Gladys 1850 Hannah 1850 Hannah 1890 Hannah dcerts Hannah 1999q Hannah (Chase) 1920 Hannah E 1920 Harry dcerts Hazel 1850 Henry 1920 Herman L 1883nws Hib dcerts Hilbert 1920 Hildebert 1920 Hiram g1820 Hiram dcerts Hiram murray Homer 1860 Indiana 1920 Ira W 1850 Isaac g1820 Isaac dcerts Isaac 1860 J. g1820 Jacob 1840 James H. 1850 James H. 1850 Jane 1920 Jerry g1820 Jesse 1920 John dcerts John marr John A. 1840 Johnathon harris Jonathan 1850 Joseph 1920 Joseph 2001q Julia 1920 Julian 1999q Lizzie (Ferguson) harris Lucy 2002q Lydia 1920 Margery births Mary 1850 Mary A. 1860 Mary A. 1920 Mary H 1998q Mary R. 1860 Matilda A. dcerts Myrta 1920 Myrta Jane 1850 Nancy 1860 Oliver 1920 Ora A g1820 Pardon 1920nws Pearl 1920 Pearl M phist Phillip Andrew 1890nws Pollard 1893nws R. C. 1850 Rabecca 1913nws Race 1920 Race D 1920 Ralph C 1850 Rebecca 1856nws Rev. Mr. 1876nws Reynour 1850 Robert 1920 Robert phist Robert g1820 Rufus marr Rufus 1850 S. E. 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel dcerts Samuel 1850 Sarah dcerts Sarah 1901nws Sarah J. 1850 Sarah Jane 1892nws Simeon harris Solomon 1920 St. Clair dcerts Stillso 1850 Susan 1860 Susan 1860 Susannah dcerts Unnamed dcerts Upton 1920 Violet 1860 Virginia 1881nws Washington 1920 William R 1860 Wm L. harris Wyllys Hiller births Charles G. births Henrietta E. Hiller/Miller 1920 Clifford L Hillerman 1858nws J. L. wrdead Madison R. Hilligas dcerts John Hills 1854nws C.T. 1892nws Charlie H. 1998q Love Hilpp 1886nws Edward Hilsinger 1893nws H. H. Hilson 1921nws Rev. Hilt dcerts Harriet 1867nws Harriet S. 1867nws William Hilton 1850 Andrew B. 1873nws Daniel 1895nws Daniel 1840 Hiram 1860 John H. dcerts Paul 1897nws Willie Hilverson larkin John Himg dcerts Millfor Himmarch 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Emily 1860 Francis 1860 Jane M. 1860 John 1860 Mary H. Hinbriener dcerts Harry Hinbush dcerts Burley Hinckle 1854nws Lewis Hindes 1867nws C. F. 1867nws Delilah births Warren Hindman 1850 Betsey 1851nws Mc. J. 1850 McClure 1850 Samuel 1851nws Sarah 1850 William Hinds 1920 Bertha B 1893nws C. W. births C. W. 1901nws Charles 1920 Dora L births E.W. 1920 Effie 1881nws Effie ?desta births Henry D. 1881nws Jo? T. 1893nws Neva births Neva Bertha 1920 Robert L 1920 Theophilus 1921nws Vivie (Hysell) 1904nws Warren 1920 William D Hine 1854nws Peter Hines dcerts Bertha 1920 Edward 1920 Emma 1903nws Fay E. 1891 George dcerts George dcerts Hazel 1920 Jeanne E 1903nws William Hiney 1850 Catharine 1860 Francis 1850 Francis M. 1850 Harrison 1850 Hepsaby 1860 James 1850 Jane 1860 Jane 1860 Jasper 1850 Lucetta 1860 Lucetta 1850 Michael 1860 Michael 1860 Newton 1850 Oliver 1860 Oliver 1850 Ssannah Hinkle 1879nws Gideon 1889nws Lavina 1878nws Strand HINKLEY family 1902nws --- Hinkley 1850 Abner wrdead Abner 1854nws Abraham 1840 Archibald 1840 Isaac 1860 R. 1877nws Roxalana 1850 Roxcellana Hinkly 1840 Enos Hinley dcerts Stillso Hinn 1998q Jane Hinsell dcerts Clara Hinstock 1860 Catharine 1860 David 1860 Elisabeth 1860 John 1860 Mary 1860 Menes Hinzman dcerts John Hirm 1860 Catharine 1860 Correy 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Fird A. 1860 Henry 1860 John 1860 Martin 1860 Mary 1860 Peter 1860 Susan Hirre dcerts Maggie Hirsch 1854nws Rev. Hisel marr Charles Hiseman 1920 Bertha E 1920 Loyd (sic) 1920 Myrtle 1920 Virginia 1920 Wilma Hisle 1820 Anthony 1820 Edward 1820 Francis 1820 Frederick 1820 Henwood 1820 John 1820 Leonard 1820 Nimrod 1860 Phebe 1820 Pulliam H. 1820 Robert 1820 Strother Hissam 1860 Abner 1860 Serena 1860 Thomas Hissey graybd M. W. 1888nws Rev. 1889nws Rev. Hissom 1876nws Levi Hissum marr Abner Hitchcock hrdsty Ardelia (Bond) hrdsty Elmina hrdsty Myron R. hrdsty Quarters Hitcheis dcerts Jaes Hitchens 1920 John 1891 John Hitchings births Hannah Hite 2001q Almont 2001q Alva g1820 David 2001q Harold 2001q Jennie (Griffin) Hitt 1889nws R. M. (Rev.) Hix 1859nws Benjamin 1919nws Fred 1850 George 1859nws Jeremiah 1860 Thomas Hixon births Elizabeth murray John Hmwcell dcerts Miltocn Hneson 1893nws Harvey Hoadley 1860 G. Hoag 1881nws Edith 1881nws Louis 1850 William Hoak 1860 Amanda 1860 Henry 1860 J. 1907nws James 1860 Mary 1907nws Mike 1907nws Peter Jr. 1907nws Peter Sr. 1860 Silvester Hoback 1850 Edna 1850 Elizabeth dcerts Eva 1920 Floyd C 1920 Ina 1920 Joseph R. 1920 Nora 1920 Ross Hoban 1889nws James 1897nws James Hobard 1862nws Alvin Hobart 1860 Alvin 1879nws Alvin 1860 C. Ann larkin California 1860 Ceryntha 1905nws E. L. larkin Esther larkin Esther 1882nws Esther 1903nws Esther P. phist Eunice H. (Reed) 1860 Florence larkin Isaac 1903nws M. C. 1905nws M. Carl 1876nws Mr. larkin Phebe 1893nws W. J. 1820 William 1830 William larkin William 1856nws William 1892nws William dcerts William phist William L. (Dr.) Hobbs 1860 Charles dcerts Charles 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Hiram 1895nws Hiram P. 1862nws Horum 1860 Isabel 1893nws John 1876nws Julia A. 1891nws Laura M. 1893nws M. L. 1862nws Milton 1893nws Norman P. 1840 Samuel 1893nws Samuel 1893nws Samuel 1893nws Samuel 1893nws Samuel dcerts Samuel 1893nws Samuel (Jr.) 1860 Sarah dcerts Sarah 1873nws W. H. 1860 William 1893nws William births William marr William A. 1866nws William H. births Wm. H. Hoben births Hoben births John Hobert 1850 Alvin 1850 Martha 1840 William 1850 William Hobood 1860 David 1860 H. W. 1860 Sally S. Hobson harris General phist Thomas Hobstetter family 1998q Hobstetter family Hobstetter 1892nws Amelia hrdsty Anna M. hrdsty Anna M. (Ihle) hrdsty Charley hrdsty Christina E. hrdsty Conrad births Edward Dan hrdsty Elizabeth births Ella B. 1920 Jacob hrdsty Jacob births Jacob dcerts Jacob births M. hrdsty Margaretta hrdsty Margaretta (Bycecker) hrdsty Mary C. hrdsty Peter 1892nws Peter phist Peter births Peter hrdsty Philip hrdsty Philip C. 1877nws Phillip 1920 Rosena hrdsty Susan E. Hobt 1897nws Albert phist Amelia phist Fridolin phist Susan Hockins 1878nws Reuben Hockstetter 1840 Peter Hodge fair A. M. 1881nws Dr. 1900nws Harry 1893nws Idon 1893nws Idon larkin Irene 1889nws John B. 1889nws John B. 1893nws Mabel 1893nws Sallie 1889nws Sallie C. 1889nws Sallie C. 1893nws W. B. (Dr.) 1893nws W. B. (Dr.) 1895nws William B. phist William B. Hodges 1850 Ann Hoeflich 1891 Peter Hoff 1860 Allice F. 1850 Angeline 1860 Angeline D. 1872nws Dr. 1873nws Dr. 1897nws Dr. 1860 Emma 1850 Emma L. 1868nws Emma L. 1893nws Frank 1860 J. D. graybd J. W. 1897nws J. W. (Dr.) 1850 Jonathan D. phist Josiah W. M. D. 1913nws Lou dcerts Lula 1850 Maria L. 1850 Mary Ann 1860 Mary P. 1872nws Nelville dcerts Neville 1850 Susan 1860 Susan 1860 William I. Hoffess murray Frederick Hoffian dcerts Montie Hoffman harris --- 1873nws --- births Hoffman 1860 A. 1873nws Amelia 1873nws Amelia 1920 Bobert 1873nws C. R. 1893nws Carl 1904nws Carlous dcerts Carolin 1920 Caroline 1920 Cecil 1920 Chriss M 1920 Clarence murray Clarence E. 1920 Clifford 1920 Della dcerts Dolly 1920 Dora murray Dr.Herman K. births Elizabeth 1920 Elza 1920 Emma dcerts Emma 1920 Estella M births Flora 1903nws Forrest 1920 Frances 1860 Francis dcerts Frederi dcerts George 1920 George L 1860 Gustave 1850 Hannah 1920 Harley J 1920 Henry births Henry 1904nws Herman 1850 John 1920 John 1867nws John 1881nws John 1881nws John 1889nws John 1893nws John dcerts John 1854nws John L. 1855nws John L. 1893nws Lawrence dcerts Leonard 1893nws Leron W. 1920 Leslie G 1920 Loring E 1903nws M. W. 1881nws Margaret 1850 Margret 1920 Marilla 1920 Marion 2001q Martha 1860 Mary 1881nws Mary births Mary 1850 Mary L. 1920 Murl 1920 Neva 1920 Nola A 1850 Oliver 1856nws Oliver dcerts Perry 1850 Peter 1850 Peter 1861nws Peter births Peter 1920 Peter E births Phillip dcerts Phillip 1920 Ralph L 1920 Raymond 1920 Ronald 1920 Rosa 1920 Roy 1860 Rudolph 1920 Sophia 1881nws Sophia 1920 Stella 1850 Susan 1850 Susannah 1920 Thelma L 1920 Verda 1920 Walter D dcerts William births William Cecil 1920 William R 1876nws Zelda A. Hoffmann 1873nws Frau Hoffmer dcerts Eliza Hoffnar dcerts John dcerts Katheri Hoffner dcerts Anna births Clarence births Elmer L. dcerts Emma births John births Lena dcerts Martin Hoffnfr dcerts Fmta Hoffnle dcerts Henry Hofiell dcerts Marcllu Hoflich births Hoflich births Augusta births Peter Hofman 1860 Frank 1860 Henry 1860 Mary 1860 R. Hogan dcerts Clara births David Emmett wrdead James 1892nws Katie births Pat 1900nws Patrick 1920 Patrick B Hoge 1860 Catharine 1860 Jacob 1860 Michal 1860 Peter 1860 Susan 1858nws T. Hogess 1860 Caroline 1860 Eliza 1860 F. 1860 Frederick 1860 Marlina 1860 Sharlott Hogg 1850 Alexander marr Alexander 1850 Betsey 1850 Catherine 1850 Christiana 1850 Emaline 1850 Jacob 1830 James 1840 James 1850 James 1850 Jane 1850 Lucinda 1850 Margaret 1850 Martha 1850 Michael 1879nws Mr. 1850 Osker A. 1850 Peter 1850 Sabrina 1850 Susannah 1850 William Hogrett 1920 Emma N 1920 Margaret M 1920 Wynum A Hogue boys 1893nws --- Hogue family 1890nws --- Hogue 1867nws Alex births Alex 1878nws Alex. 1879nws Alex. 1890nws Alex. murray Bert 1909nws Binus births Delmer Furdon murray Don L. births Don Lester murray Earl births Edith Maybell 1893nws F. dcerts Flora 1875nws James dcerts Kate 1889nws M. births Martha W. 1878nws Oscar A. 1879nws S. D. 1893nws S. D. births S. D. 1909nws W. D. murray Wallie births Wiyla Ray Hohenstott births Catherina Hohl murray Bertha Hoight 1820 Eli Hoiiry dcerts Montaga Hoimer dcerts Dfan Hoit 1850 "John, 2nd" 1850 Abagail 1850 Abijah 1850 Acel 1850 Albert 1850 Alonzo 1850 Amanda 1850 Amanda 1850 Ancin? 1840 Asel 1854nws Asel 1892nws Ashel 1850 Barzilla 1850 Belinda 1840 Beniah 1850 Benjamin 1850 Benjamin 1850 Caroline 1850 Celina 1850 Charles 1850 Clarrissa 1850 Columbus 1850 Cylvester 1850 Cyrall 1840 Cyrill 1850 Edmund 1840 Elias 1850 Elias 1850 Eliza 1850 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1892nws Elizabeth 1850 Emily 1820 Ezra 1850 Ezra 1819tx Ezra 1850 George 1854nws H. C. 1840 Hale 1850 Hamilton 1850 Harvey dindx Harvey D. 1850 Hays 1850 Hellen 1850 Henry 1840 Henry D. 1840 James 1850 James 1850 Jane 1850 Jane 1820 Jeremiah 1840 Jeremiah 1850 Jeremiah 1819tx Jeremiah marr Jeremiah 1840 John 1850 John 1860 John dindx John 1820 John Jr. 1819tx John, Jr. 1820 Jonathan 1840 Jonathan 1820 Joseph 1840 Joseph 1850 Joseph larkin Joseph 1819tx Joseph 1851nws Joseph 1892nws Joseph 1893nws Joseph 1840 Joseph, Jr. 1850 Lorain 1840 Lorenzo D. 1850 Lovica 1850 Lucinda 1850 Lydia 1850 Malinda 1850 Margret 1850 Maria 1850 Maria 1850 Maria 1850 Mary 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Mary Ellen 1850 Melvin 1850 Merat 1850 Merril 1893nws Minerva 1850 Moses 1850 Nancy 1850 Nelson 1850 Noah S. 1850 Polly 1850 Rhoda 1840 Robert 1850 Robert 1819tx Robert 1820 Robert H. 1850 Roena 1850 Rossana 1850 Royal 1850 Rozena 1850 Ruthann 1850 Sarah 1850 Susannah 1850 Theressa 1850 William 1850 William Hoiter 1876nws E. H. Hoitz 1840 Peter Hoke births Henry 1885nws Jacob births Jacob Hol?an 1858nws Patrick Holand 1860 W. Holck 1876nws Adrew Holcomb g1820 Abner 1860 Aganas larkin Anselm 1876nws Ebenezer g1820 Enoch 1920 George H 1897nws Isabella H. 1920 Laura E g1820 Lephannah? 1920 Maud E 1897nws O. C. 1893nws Otho 1897nws Otho C. 1897nws Rev. murray Rose 1920 Rose E g1820 Selvines murray Stella births Victoria dcerts Walter 1920 William R Holcombe 1875nws Bettie Holcome g1820 Stephen Holden dcerts Donald phist James H. (see Folden) dindx Joseph Holder hrdsty Louisa (Betz) Holdren 1840 George Hole 1850 James 1850 Jane 1850 John C. 1850 Mary 1850 R* Holebury g1820 Jacob Holecome g1820 Reuben Holey dcerts Julia 1861nws Timothy Holfe 1921nws Pete Holiday 1876nws Caroline S. 1876nws Caroline S. marr Daniel murray Ida Mae Harmon (Larrett) Holins 1850 Cath* 1850 Cynthia 1850 Eliathan 1850 George 1850 Hugh P. 1850 Luana 1850 Mary Holis g1820 Thomas g1820 Timothy Holland 1860 A. 1855nws A. K. 1850 Abagail 1830 Alfred 1850 Alfred 1860 Alfred 1844nws Alfred 1850 Alfred A. 1840 Alfred H. 1850 Andrew 1850 C. W. 1860 Elizabeth 1850 F. A. 1860 F. A. 1850 Francis 1860 Francis births Frank 1850 Geo A. 1999q George 1860 George 1876nws Hattie 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1860 Mahala 1999q Margaret (Ohlinger) 1850 Mary 1850 Mehala 1860 Robert 1850 S. A. 1860 Saml 1850 Samuel 1860 Sarah 1850 Simon 1860 Simon 1860 Thomas U. 1850 Thos Ewing births William Holland/bolland 1904nws Daniel 1904nws Sarah E. Hollett 1912nws Mary Holley 1861nws Bornelus 1861nws Granville g1820 Sarah 1861nws Thomas 1861nws W. C. Holliday chapel 1912nws --- Holliday harris --- 1920 Alfred 1920 Alice F murray Auta 1920 Bella 1920 Carol H 1920 Caroline S 1920 Carrie M murray Charley 1850 Daniel 1862nws Daniel deaths David B. 1920 Elsie murray Emma murray Emma murray Gill 1920 Gloria 1850 Hannah 1876nws J. T. (Rev.) 2000q Jane 1830 Jane 1850 John 1862nws John 1897nws John phist John marr John deaths John F. dcerts Julia 1920 Marion D murray Marion S. 1920 Marvel L 1920 Mattie 1920 Mildred murray Mimmie 1895nws Miss 1920 Myrtle L 1920 Nancy 1920 Orilla 1850 Rachael murray Ross 1920 Roy/Ray murray Wallace murray Walter 1920 Walter D 1920 Wayd C 1920 William Hollioay dcerts Ralph Hollman 1850 Elizabeth 1850 George 1850 Hannah 1850 Jacob 1850 John 1850 Mary 1850 Samuel wrdead Samuel 1850 Sarah Holly g1820 Baily g1820 Cornelius 1820 Eddy 1904nws John S. 1904nws John Stauton g1820 Nathaniel g1820 Sarah Holm 1850 Henry 1850 Joseph 1850 Margaret 1850 Mary 1850 William Holman dcerts Elizabe h. 2000q Elonora (Vansickle) 2000q Gilbert L. births Hannah 1920 Jacob 1920 John dcerts John 1920 John S. 1920 Louisa M 1920 Minnie 1920 Virginia Holmes and Kidd 1844nws --- Holmes births Alice 1920 Alice M 1860 Amanda J. dcerts Anfna 1920 Anna C wrdead Arnold 1897nws Charles 1890 Charlie 1920 Conrad 1850 David 1920 Dorothy F 1904nws Dorothy F. 1893nws Elmer 1920 Elmer H 1904nws F. E. 1920 Francis L 1920 Frank E 1850 Geo W. 1860 George F. 1876nws Harriet 1890 Harry 1850 Henrietta 1860 Henrietta 1873nws Isaac M. 1867nws Isaac V. 1860 J. D. graybd J. H. 1850 James 1999q Jane (Sayre) 1850 John 1890 John dcerts Joseph 1850 Josephine 1920 Kenneth H 1860 L. L. 1850 Margaret 2000q Margaret M. 1850 Martha 1860 Mary 1850 Mary A. 1850 Mary Ann 1860 Mary F. 1850 Mary J. 1850 Nancy 1889nws R. S. 1920 Roy 1890 Sadie 1850 Sarah E. dcerts Stillbo 1920 Susan 1897nws T. M. dcerts Thomas 1999q Thomas M. marr Thomas M. 1920 William H Holmian dcerts Hehry Holmon 1840 Jacob Holsey 1850 Alexa 1850 Alfred 1850 Aurilla 1850 Bartley 1850 Celesta 1850 Fanny 1850 Hannah 1850 Jacob 1850 Laura 1850 Lucy 1850 Marcelles 1850 Maria 1850 Marinda 1850 Mary 1850 Nancy 1850 Rodney 1850 Ronaldo 1850 Rozella 1850 Solomon 1850 William Holsinger 1920 Alva births America 1920 Fanny 1920 Frank 1920 Harold 1920 Lillie dcerts Lilly 1920 Martha 1920 Mina 1920 Ray/Roy 1920 Raymond 1920 Robert 1889nws Robert 1840 William 1920 Winnie Holstsmiller 1860 Josefene 1860 Lydia E. 1860 M. 1860 Rursula M. Holt and Webb 1876nws --- Holt 1820 Aaron 1840 Aaron 1850 Aaron larkin Aaron larkin Aaron larkin Aaron harris Aaron 1819tx Aaron 1893nws Aaron 1850 Adelia 1850 Arthur wrdead Arthur A. 1892nws Brittany fair C. B. 1873nws C. B. 1876nws C. M. 1889nws C. W. 1830 Charles 1840 Charles 1850 Charles 1902nws Charles 1876nws Charles M. 1889nws Charley 1850 Columbus larkin Columbus B. 1889nws Dennis 1890nws Dennis 1921nws Edna 1850 Electa larkin Electa larkin Elizabeth 1850 Emily births Emily A. dcerts Emma 1892nws Evelina births Grace May 1889nws Grandma fair H. 1868nws H. 1875nws H. 1876nws Henry 1840 Hiram marr Hiram 1830 Horace 1840 Horace 1850 Horace dindx Horace larkin Horace larkin Horace larkin Horace larkin Horace larkin Horace harris Horace 1855nws Horace 1867nws Horace 1867nws Horace 1868nws Horace 1868nws Horace 1877nws Horace 1877nws Horace 1892nws Horace phist Horace 1890nws J. B. 1904nws J. B. births J. B. 1850 John 1893nws John phist John larkin John B. harris John B. 1892nws Joseph 1892nws Joseph 1892nws Joseph 1892nws Joseph 1850 Lovina larkin Lovina 1850 Luana 1873nws Lucin 1850 Lucretia larkin Lucretia 1871nws Lula 1850 Malinda larkin Malinda (Bellows) 1850 Maria 1877nws Maria 1902nws Maria (Thompson) 1879nws Maria E. 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Merrel wrdead Merrill 1877nws Mrs. 1868nws N. graybd N. N. 1867nws N. N. 1875nws N. N. 1889nws N. N. 1850 Nial larkin Nial N. 1892nws Polly murray Ray murray Ray 1850 Rosanna 1850 Roselina 1830 Samuel R. births Sevonia M. 1873nws Sydia births Willie R. Holt. larkin John B. Holter 1920 Ada 1920 Albert H 1920 Alda E 1920 Alice births Alice Amelia 1920 Aline N births Angeline 1920 Arvil 1920 Beatrice F 1920 Belle 1920 Bertha H 1893nws Blank 1920 Charles 1904nws Charles 1920 Charles W 1920 Clara L 1904nws Clifford Leo 1897nws Cora 1920 Cynthia J 1920 Dale W 1904nws Dale W. 1850 Daniel 1862nws Daniel dcerts David 1920 David B/S dcerts Delbert dcerts Delia 1920 Denver R 1920 Donald E 1920 Earl 1920 Earnest W 1920 Eber L 1850 Edward 1920 Ella dcerts Ella 1881nws Ella (Lee) 1920 Ellen births Ellsworth T. 1920 Elma M dcerts Elmer 1920 Elva R dcerts Emmalin dcerts Flora 1920 Flora M 1920 Frances Alice 1850 George 1893nws Glenn 1850 Hannah 1920 Hanson R 1920 Harvey L 1920 Herschel? P. 1920 Holley L 1920 Homer 1850 Jacob 1897nws Jacob marr Jacob 1850 James 1920 James 1876nws James 1889nws James births James births James Theodore 1920 Jemima F 1920 Jennie A 1850 John 1920 Lawrence births Lester 1904nws Lillian 1920 Lillian R dcerts Louisa 1920 Louisa E 1881nws Lucius 1920 Lucius W 1904nws Mamie J. births Mamie J. 1920 Mary 1920 Mary A 1920 Michael G. 1920 Mildred 1920 Minnie 1920 Mollie E 1920 Nora 1920 Omerson 1920 Owen N 1920 Salmon P dcerts Samuel 1850 Sarah 1904nws Stanley D. 1920 Stanley S 1920 Stella M. 1910nws Stella May 1920 Sumner 1920 Theodore J. 1920 Thomas births Thomas 1904nws Thomas E. births Thomas E. births Thos E. births Thos. births Timothy births Unnamed dcerts Virgini 1920 Virginia H 1920 Warren W dcerts Washing 1850 Washington 1920 Washington births Washington marr Washington 1904nws Wiiliam B. 1850 William wrdead William dcerts William 1920 William H 1920 Wilma Holts harris --- Holtsberry 1893nws E. H. Holtzworth 1860 Charles 1860 Christina 1860 J. 1860 Jacob 1860 Leah Holy Trinity Church 1879nws --- Holy 1854nws George C. Holzer harris Dr. Homadew dcerts Hermcn Homan 1862nws Thomas Home 1893nws Children's 1897nws Marjorie 1897nws T. S. 1897nws T. S. Homer dcerts Cora Homes 1850 Israel Honaker births C. marr Charles M. births Charles P. Hondashit dcerts Flrif Honden 1860 Van Honser 1860 Calvin 1860 John W. 1860 Louisa 1860 Rodolph Honston 1856nws Robert Hoo dcerts Ethel Hood family 2002q Hood family Hood 1850 Alexander 1875nws Alexander 1920 Alma B 1999q Amanda 1850 Andrew dcerts Arthur 1897nws B. L. 1920 Blanche 1999q Carson 1920 Charles 1907nws Charles dcerts Charles 1998q Civilla Catherine (Allen) 1920 Clifford 1920 Clinton 1850 Cyntha 1850 David dcerts David 1897nws David C. 1920 Donald L 1920 Dorthy 1999q Douglas dcerts Douglas 1920 Edith Leone 1920 Edwin H 1999q Elizabeth Ruth (Campbell) 1920 Erma F 1920 Estaline 1920 Ethel 1920 Eula M 1920 Fay 1920 Francis J 1920 Frederick 1920 Frederick 1920 George dcerts George 1920 George A 1920 George W 1920 Grant dcerts Grant 1920 Helen 1920 Henrietta 1999q Hobart 1999q Hobert dcerts Hobert dcerts I 1920 J.L 1850 James 1859nws James dcerts James 1920 James Sylvester 1920 James W 1850 Jane 1920 Jane dcerts Jane 1999q Joseph 1850 Joseph 1891 Joseph births Joseph dcerts Katheri 1920 Leah E births Lewis dcerts Lewis 1920 Lillian R 1920 Lloyd 1850 Lucy 1920 Margaret 1920 Margaret A 1850 Mary dcerts Mary 1920 Mary E 1920 Mary/Mollie 1999q Melinda (Arnold) 1850 Nancy 1998q Nancy (Dean) 1998q Samuel 1850 Samuel 1862nws Samuel 1850 Sarah dcerts Stillbo n. 1850 Sylvester 1870nws Sylvester 1920 Thelma M 1920 Thomas 1920 Verniece 1920 Vivian 1890nws Wall 1850 Wallace 1850 Walles 1999q Willard 1998q William 1840 William 1850 William 1850 William 1920 William 1862nws William dcerts William 1920 William Jr. 1920 Winnie M Hooid dcerts Allen Hook 1855nws Jacob S. 1855nws Mary Ann (Barch) 1862nws Mike dcerts Stillbo Hookins 1844nws Edward Hooks harris The Hooo dcerts I dcerts James Hoop 1887nws Isaac Hooper births Hooper harris Clement births Denver births Dora Ethel 1877nws Dr. births Ira births Ira W. 1854nws Isaac 1879nws Isaac dcerts Isaac births J. births J. W. 1873nws John births John births Lottie 1850 Lucy 1877nws Lucy 1883nws Mrs. births Nancy E. births Nancy Ellen 1901nws Ora E. births Ora Edith 1850 Osa deaths Perry 1860 Phebey 2000q Rebecca births Rhoda 1893nws S.M. 1876nws Stephen 1893nws Stephen dcerts Uc 1850 William 1876nws William 1876nws William births Wm. Hoopes 1840 Vincent Hoopper 1860 Caroline 1860 Francis M. 1860 Ira 1860 Lusa 1860 Phiba 1860 Satah? C. 1860 Stephen 1860 William Hoops 1920 Anna E. 1920 Isaac 1876nws Isaac Hooton dcerts Hazel Hoover pomry Hoover 1860 Anna E. 1860 Charles S. 1901nws Flem S. 1860 J. L. 1860 Jane W. 1860 Madora J. 1901nws Mary C. 1860 Matilda F. g1820 Sarah 1860 Sarah E. 1893nws William 1860 William F. Hoovfr dcerts Wiliiam Hope Family harris --- Hope furnace 1904nws --- Hope Manufacturing and Coal Co. 1876nws --- Hope Manufacturing and Coal Company 1889nws --- Hope Salt Company 1897nws --- Hoper g1820 Benjamin Hopes 1830 Samuel Hopkens 1840 Thomas D. Hopkins homestead farm 1881nws --- Hopkins harris --- 1920 ?Larry 1920 ?Maude 1850 Adelia 1855nws Adrianna A. 1850 Alfred 1850 Alfred 1860 Alfred 1860 Amanda births Ann 1894nws Ann (Davis) births Aurora g1820 Benjamin 1920 Bessie births Carrie 1850 Charles 1868nws Charles R. 1881nws D. A. 1867nws D. O. 1873nws D. O. 1879nws D. O. (Capt.) 1888nws David 1844nws David C. 1886nws David E. 1850 David O. 1868nws David O. 1902nws Dyantha 1867nws E. C. 1850 Elizabeth larkin Elizabeth 1920 Emma T births George 1860 George W. 1850 Griffith 1860 Harriet 1860 Isabell 1890nws J. W. 1850 James 1860 James 1873nws James 1876nws James 1877nws James 1851nws James H. 1860 James R. 1860 Jane 1889nws Jane 1850 John 1860 John murray John 1868nws John dcerts John 1877nws John A. 1850 John C. 1860 John W. 1850 Julia Ann 1902nws Katie 1860 L. L. 1860 Levi 1850 Louisa 1860 Manda J? births Manda Jane dcerts Margare 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary dcerts Mary 1860 Mary J. dcerts Michael 1850 Nancy 1850 Narcissa 1920 Raymond 1854nws Reynolds & Co., --- 1860 S. H. 1850 Samuel dcerts Spencer 1920 Spencer H 1860 T. H. (J. H.?) 1867nws T. T. 1860 Theopolis 1840 Thomas 1850 Thomas 1830 Thomas D. 1859nws Thomas D. 1867nws Thomas D. 1873nws Thomas D. 1873nws Thomas H. 1868nws Thomas L. marr Thomas L. 1867nws Thomas T. 1868nws Thomas T. 1873nws Thomas T. 1876nws Thomas T. dindx Thos. D. 1908nws W. B. 1850 William 1860 William 1855nws William dcerts William 1881nws William (Capt.) 1860 William B. 1897nws William E. 1860 William G. births William M. Hopkins? 1920 Clide H 1920 Florence G 1920 Louisa F. 1920 Park M 1920 Stella wi Hopp 1877nws George 1877nws J. G. Hoppas family 1998q Hoppas family Hoppas 1860 Alonso 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Ella 1860 Fred 1876nws Fred 1830 George 1830 Henry 1860 Melissa F. 1860 Townsend Hopper 1876nws Dr. 1873nws Ira 1999q Maggie F. Sneed Hoppes family 1998q Hoppes family Hoppes births Hoppes births A. births A. L. dcerts Charles births Charley 1850 Clarissa 1900nws Coroner 1900nws Coroner 1840 Eli 1850 Eli 1850 Elizabeth larkin Elizabeth (Hysell) 1893nws Emma dcerts Flcrill births Fred 1850 Frederick 1840 George larkin George 1819tx George births Herbert T. 1893nws Ida 1850 James 1890nws James 1897nws James 1897nws James 1909nws James births James dcerts James 1998q Jane births Jane 1850 Laura births Laura 1850 Lorinda 1850 Melissa births Minnie Maud dcerts Myrtle 1850 Nancy 1892nws Nancy births Nancy Orilla dcerts Rhoda births Rhoda Leo 1850 Sarah births Sarah dcerts Sebbie 1850 Townsend Hoppes? 1862nws Frederick Hoppess 1893nws George Hoppus 1893nws William Hoprecht 1862nws Leonard Hopson dindx Benj. 1830 Benjamin 1819tx Benjamin 1820 Robert 1819tx Robert 1830 Thomas dindx Thomas 1819tx Thomas Hopstedter 1860 Catharine 1860 Charles 1860 Christiana 1860 Conrad 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Jacob 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary 1860 Peter 1860 Philip Hopstetter 1850 Christena 1850 Coonrod 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Jacob 1850 Mary 1850 Peter Hoptonstall g1820 Abran g1820 Samuel Horace harris George W. Horbach births Peter births Peter Hord 1866nws Cabolt Horden 1860 Alice 1893nws Alice dcerts Carolin 1893nws Edith 1893nws Edith 1893nws Edith 1860 Elisabeth 1879nws Elizabeth M. 1860 John marr John dcerts Josephi 1860 Mary J. 1876nws Mr. phist Phyllis dcerts Polly 1860 Richard 1893nws Richard dcerts Richard 1860 Thomas 1876nws W. 1893nws Will T. 1889nws Will. T. 1860 William 1875nws William 1876nws William 1893nws William 1893nws William 1893nws William 1893nws William 1895nws William 1893nws William T. 1893nws William T. 1860 Wm Hordon 1856nws William Horey 1855nws James 1855nws Lucy Horiitz dcerts Louis Horkins murray Jennie Horl 1860 Albert F. 1860 C. August 1860 Catharine 1860 Charley Horley 1840 Samuel Horn 1860 C. g1820 Henry Horner hill 1881nws --- Horner 1860 C. 1860 Ester 1860 Fiar? 1840 Frederick H. 1998q Isaac 1860 John 1850 Malinda 1860 Malinda 1860 Miner? 1860 Molina 1860 Nancey 1850 Nancy dcerts Paul 1850 Russell 1860 Russell 1860 Samantha 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1860 W. 1850 William 1867nws William 1860 Wm W. 1998q Zilpha Hornley 1850 Louisa Horpion dcerts John Horr 1998q Johnathan Horrise 1892nws Aaron Horten's building 1879nws --- Hortenbach dcerts Albert Hortley dcerts Mary Horto'n & Pomr'y 1873nws --- Horto'n &Dabn'y 1873nws --- Horton's shop 1879nws --- Horton boatyard larkin --- Horton coal works 1893nws --- Horton Farms 1893nws --- Horton Home harris --- Horton 1860 "V. B., Jr." dcerts Annie 1998q Benjamin B. 1897nws Capt. 1897nws Capt. 1850 Catharine 1860 Catherine 1998q Catherine Pike 1850 Clara A. 1860 Clara A. 1850 Clara P. 1998q Clarissa 1862nws E. J. 1868nws E. J. phist E. J. 1893nws Ed. 1890nws Edith 1850 Edwin J. 1860 Edwin J. 1844nws Edwin J. 1889nws Eleanor F. births Elenor 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Ellen 1850 Frances 1860 Frances D. 1897nws Grace phist Grace 1884nws H. H. graybd H. M. 1881nws H. M. 1897nws H. M. 1889nws H. M. (Capt.) 1890nws H. M. (Capt.) 1850 H. S. 1860 H. S. pmry88 H. S. 1867nws H. S. 1868nws H. S. 1878nws H. S. 1850 Hannah larkin Horace harris Horace 1897nws Horace 1897nws Horace births Horace (Sr.) 1844nws Horace C. births Horace Jr. 1850 Horace M. 1860 Horace M. 1840 Horace S. 1998q Horace Seaver births Lazard Heneage 1860 Mary 1878nws Mr. 1885nws Mr. 1893nws Mr. 1998q Nancy 1998q Ruth 1879nws S. D. births S. D. 1850 S. Dana 1879nws S. Dana 1881nws S. Dana 1881nws S. Dana 1860 Samuel D. horton Samuel Dana 1998q Thayer 1850 Thayer 1860 Thayer 1850 V. B. 1850 V. B. 1860 V. B. larkin V. B. harris V. B. pomry V. B. 1844nws V. B. 1844nws V. B. 1854nws V. B. 1855nws V. B. 1859nws V. B. 1862nws V. B. 1867nws V. B. 1867nws V. B. 1867nws V. B. 1868nws V. B. 1873nws V. B. 1875nws V. B. 1875nws V. B. 1876nws V. B. 1877nws V. B. 1877nws V. B. 1878nws V. B. 1878nws V. B. 1878nws V. B. 1878nws V. B. 1881nws V. B. 1881nws V. B. 1882nws V. B. 1888nws V. B. 1893nws V. B. 1893nws V. B. 1893nws V. B. 1902nws V. B. 1859nws V. B. Jr. 1851nws V. R. 1840 V.B. 1844nws V.B. 1998q Valentine B. harris Valentine B. horton Valentine B. phist Valentine Baxter 1998q Zenas Horton? g1820 David? Hortung dcerts George Horville 1840 Richard Horwitz 1897nws Abe 1897nws Abe 1897nws Abe Hoschar dcerts Russfi Hoskins 1999q Elizabeth dcerts Hoiard harris Howard dcerts Kare Hossick 1850 George 1850 Helena 1850 Jane Hostetler dcerts James Hostetter dcerts Donald 1877nws James N. Hostettler dcerts Hostettler Hostottle 1830 Daniel 1920 David 1920 Joanna dcerts Joanna 1920 Mable 1920 Olen 1920 Phillip S 1920 William M Hotchkiss 1897nws John 1897nws John wrdead William Hotter 1840 George Houchens 1905nws K. M. 1905nws Wallace Paul Houchins 1903nws Clara M. 1903nws K. M. Houck 1860 Elizabeth 1851nws Isaiah (Rev.) 1867nws Philip 1893nws Phillip Houdaschelt 1890nws John Houdasheldt 1920 Clista J 1920 Elmer F 1920 John Houdashell dcerts Dann Houdashelt phist Adam 1909nws Albert births Albert 1920 Anna 1920 Charles 1920 Cora 1998q Dana 2000q Dana 1920 Dana 1920 Elsie 2000q Elsie (Crooks) 1998q Elsie M. (Crooks) births George Jr. 1920 Harry 1909nws John 1920 John P 1920 Margaret 1920 Mary 1920 Philip 1903nws Philip J. 1903nws Philip S. 1920 Stanley 1908nws Stella 1920 Walter 1889nws William 1920 William H 1920 William Jr Houdayshelt 1850 Catharine 1850 Philip Houdeshell 1820 Adam larkin Adam Houdorshelt dcerts William Houdshelt 1891 Albert Houge 1893nws Edith Hough 1840 Enoch Houk 1920 Etta J murray Mrs. Houl 1840 John H. Hoult marr Ruther Houndesheit 1819tx A. Houoashelt dcerts John Houser births Houser 1860 C. 1860 George births George births Marie Houston phist Ruth (Ervin) phist William Hover marr Jas. V. 1876nws Mr. Hovey 1892nws Anna M. 1999q Edmund births Electa J. 1850 Eliza 1850 Franklin 1998q Franklin D. 1999q James 1830 James 1840 James 1850 James 1850 James 1892nws James 1892nws James 1893nws James 1892nws Lorenzo D. 1892nws Lucretia 1850 Lucy 1999q Lucy (Brown) 1850 Margaretta 1998q Mariah (VanBibber) 1850 Marshal phist Marshall 1999q Nancy Elizabeth (McQuain) 1892nws Pamella 1892nws Sophia 1850 William 1850 William 4thInf William 1868nws William M. Hoving 1878nws Ransom Hovo dcerts Francis dcerts Nahcy How 1882nws Rev. Howaell dcerts Martha Howard 1897nws A. J. 1860 Abraham 1850 Abram 1850 Betsy 1850 Cerinda 1850 Charles 1860 David W. 1820 Ebenezer phist Ebenezer 1850 Electa 1860 Hugh M. harris Irene wrdead J.H. 1820 Jesse 1850 John 1860 John C? 1920 John E 1873nws Joshus W. 2001q Kisiah 1830 Lewis 1850 Lewis 1860 Mary E. 1850 Nancy dcerts Price 1850 Rh. B. g1820 Samuel 1850 Sybill 1860 Willis Howck dcerts George Howder dcerts George Howdeshell 1830 Adam g1820 George Howe and Co. 1844nws --- Howe brothers larkin --- Howe dindx Aaron 1897nws Blanche phist E. Tracy 1840 Estis harris Hannah Bingham harris Henry 1884nws J. W. (Rev.) harris James harris James Fuller (Dr.) harris John Ruwee harris Louis harris Oliver harris Timothy larkin U. G. 1844nws U. T. 1840 U.T. harris Walter Howel 1854nws David 1892nws John marr John 1840 Joseph marr Joseph Howell Cemetery 1897nws --- Howell family 2000q Howell family Howell family 2002q Howell family Howell graveyard 1897nws --- Howell 1897nws A. 1850 Almira murray Amanda 1850 Amarilla 1850 Amos 1860 Amos marr Amos 1860 Angeline dcerts Anifl 1893nws Anna dcerts Aretus 1850 Barbara 1860 Barbara Ann 1881nws Benjamin 1920 Benjamin F dcerts Beriha 1850 Charles 1881nws Charles F. dcerts Clarenc 1850 Crowill 1886nws D. H. 1850 Daniel 1840 David 1850 David 1850 David 1860 David 1893nws David marr David 1840 David W. 1881nws Dora 1902nws Dora 1905nws Dora Farley 1860 E. 1873nws Edmond 1840 Edmund marr Edmund 1850 Edward 1920 Edward G 1920 Edward Jr. 1850 Elily 1850 Elisa births Eliza 1917nws Elizabeth 1999q Elizabeth (Justice) 1902nws Elsie 1902nws Elsie dcerts Elsie 1850 Emily dcerts Emma 1850 Emuelees 1850 Esther 1850 Frances 1920 Francis 1920 Gretta M 1850 Hannah 1850 Harison 1850 Harriet 1855nws Harriet dcerts Harriet wrdead Harrison 1905nws Helen dcerts Ichard 1920 Ida M 1850 Irvin 1860 Irvin? 1860 Isabelle 1860 J. 1860 J. 1886nws J. M. 1840 Jane 1850 Jane 1860 Jane 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John W. 2002q John Wesley 1881nws John Wilbert 1830 Joseph 1840 Joseph 1850 Joseph 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph 1851nws Joseph 1892nws Joseph marr Joseph Y. 1920 Leonard 1850 Levi 1850 Loretta 1850 Louisa 1860 Louisa births Louisa 1850 Lucetta murray Mag Mrs. 1850 Marcellas 1873nws Mareel 1850 Marion 1850 Marion 1860 Marion 1860 Marion marr Marion 1860 Marselas 1879nws Marshall 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary dcerts Mary 1850 Mary Ann 1860 Mary I. 1850 Mary J. 1999q Mathew 2002q Mathew 1840 Mathew 1850 Mathew 1850 Matilda 1999q Matthew 1820 Matthew 1819tx Matthew 1917nws Matthew (Rev.) dcerts May 1920 May B 1850 Milton 1860 Milton 1830 Nathan 1860 Rana dcerts Raymond dcerts Reybecc 1850 Richard 1850 Roena 1860 Rosa 1860 S. 1850 Samuel 1876nws Samuel 1881nws Samuel wrdead Samuel L. 1902nws Sanford 1902nws Sanford 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1881nws Sarah dcerts Sarah 1920 Sarah A 1860 Sarah A. 1920 Sylvester 1893nws Sylvester dcerts Thelma dcerts Verly 1860 W. 1860 W. H. 1897nws W. H. 1893nws W. P. 1891nws W. W. wrdead W.H. 1850 Walles 1850 Wallis 1999q William 1830 William 1840 William 1850 William 1850 William 1905nws William dcerts William Howells 1862nws Fred marr Frederick 1888nws Jane 1860 Morris 1860 Sarah 1854nws Thomas H. Howery 1920 Brunetta 1920 Clara E 1920 Eddie L 1920 Helen 1920 Montague W harris Mr. 1920 Shirley F 1920 Verlin W Howet 1904nws Enos J. 1904nws Evert R. Howett 1915nws A. C. 1915nws Alma 1915nws Bernice 1915nws Bertha 1915nws George (Mrs.) dcerts Mary Howfll dcerts Joseph Howil g1820 James Howley dcerts Hoseann Howoson dcerts William Howshaldt 1840 Adam Hoy & Rundle 1854nws --- Hoy murray Mrs. Hoyd 1860 Anna 1920 Catherine 1920 Claud dcerts Claude 1920 Edna P dcerts Eliza 1920 Francis M 1920 Harley 1860 John 1860 John W. 1860 Lucrita 1860 Margaret 1920 Myra 1920 Nancy A 1920 Nolen F 1860 Orsuel F. 1860 Rachel Hoyes/hayes 1920 Delbert C Hoyes/Hayes 1920 Earnest F 1920 Rosa E Hoyt House 1882nws --- Hoyt births A. B. 1913nws A. L. murray Abagil 1998q Abigail 1871nws Alonzo 1914nws Arthur 1860 Augusta 1860 Cerinda 1879nws Charles hrdsty Cyrill 1893nws E. O. 1860 Eliza hrdsty Eliza (Rice) hrdsty Emily (Dudley) hrdsty Emily F. 1860 Evalinda 1830 Ezra 1840 Ezra larkin Ezra phist Ezra 1860 Franklin 1913nws Gus 1914nws Gus 1876nws H. 1892nws Hannah B. 1830 Henry D. 1830 James F. 1830 Jeremiah dindx Jeremiah hrdsty Jeremiah 1879nws Jerry births Jessie Reed 1830 John phist John 1830 John 2nd 1830 Jonathan 1892nws Joseph phist Joseph 1830 Joseph Jr. 1830 Joseph Sr. 1885nws Lon 1830 Lorenzo 1854nws Lorenzo D. hrdsty Lovisa 1860 Lydia 1860 Maria 1999q Mary 1892nws Mercy 2000q Minerva phist Noah S. 1830 Robert phist Robert wrdead Royal hrdsty Royal wrdead Royal C. 1860 Sylvester 1860 Syrill 1860 Theresa 1879nws U. 1883nws U. 1881nws Zelda Hrell larkin George Htook dcerts Robert Huaell dcerts Sarah Hubart 1819tx William Hubbard dindx Hubbard 1866nws Amos 1920 Harold J 1920 Helen M 1850 Jos. W. phist Mary 1920 Thelma C 1920 Thomas A 1920 Virginia A phist William Hubbel 1819tx Abijah phist Abijah larkin Abijah (Sr.) 1819tx Abijah, Jr. 1819tx Guy 1819tx Jesse 1875nws Mrs. 1892nws Sarah 1881nws W. W. Hubbell Family harris --- Hubbell 1897nws A. J. 1820 Abijah 1830 Abijah 1840 Abijah dindx Abijah larkin Abijah larkin Abijah larkin Abijah 1862nws Abijah larkin Abijah (Jr.) 1820 Abijah Jr. harris Abnez 1830 Barsby larkin Barsley 1840 Barzley 1862nws Betsy larkin Clarissa 1850 Eleanor births Eliza births Eliza J. dcerts George dindx J. Jr. 1840 Jabez larkin Jabez larkin Jabez larkin Jabez harris Jabez 1892nws Jabez births Jabez dcerts Jabez 1820 Jesse 1830 Jesse 1840 Jesse 1850 Jesse larkin Jesse larkin Jesse 1859nws Jesse larkin Jesse (Capt.) larkin Jesse (Capt.) births Lelia Nevada 1893nws Lucretia larkin Lura larkin Lurinda births Mary S. harris Mr. 1850 Nancy larkin Nancy (Smith) larkin Nancy (Smith) 1875nws Orphia 1892nws Polly larkin Sally larkin Sarah larkin Sarah births Viola 1867nws W. W. 1889nws W. W. 1893nws W. W. births W. W. 1844nws Widow 1889nws William Hubble 1850 Alonzo 1850 Barzilla 1850 Betsy 1850 Catharine 1850 Edward 1850 Eliz 1850 Francis 1850 Georgeanna 1850 Jabez 1855nws Jessey 1850 Lewis 1850 Marcus 1850 Mary 1850 Olive 1850 Samaria 1850 Vinton 1850 William Huber's saloon 1897nws --- Huber 1893nws Aug. 1893nws August T. 1878nws C. 1904nws Charles 1893nws Clara phist Elizabeth births Emma 1897nws George 1904nws H. L. dcerts Jacob 1894nws John 1901nws John 1871nws Joseph 1897nws Joseph 1871nws Lawrence 1893nws Lillie 1893nws Lillie Hubner births Fritz births John Huchins births Harriett births Rebecca Huck dcerts Lewey Huddleston 1998q Abraham Elias 1998q Bessie Lee 1998q Isabella (Johnson Richardson) marr John Hudelston 1903nws Anna L. 1903nws W. G. Hudlesten 1860 W. Hudnall 1999q Caroline (Davis) 1999q Levi dcerts Maringa 1892nws Richard Hudnall/Hudnell 1920 Benjamin Hudnell dcerts Anna 1920 Donley births Elizabeth Fre 1893nws Estella murray Jessee births Joseph births Lucy 1920 Oris? murray Silas Farley dcerts Thelma 1920 William 1893nws William S. Hudson & Roush 1875nws --- Hudson Bros' store 1881nws --- Hudson Bros. Co. 1878nws --- Hudson family phist Hudson family Hudson 1860 * 1920 Alda births Annie Eliza 1860 Austin wrdead Austin dcerts Catheri marr Charles 1860 Chas 1889nws Clara wrdead Coulborn C. 1820 David 1830 David larkin David 1819tx David phist David 1855nws Edith births Elizabeth 1920 Ella 1920 Emory 1860 Flora I. dcerts Freoa 1876nws Herbie 1860 I. Q. A. 1858nws J. Q. A. 1893nws John 1867nws Lewis 1860 Lewis V. 1875nws Louis 1879nws Low 1860 Lucy M. 1860 M. A. 1892nws Mary 1860 Mary A. 1860 Mary V. harris Mrs. 1920 Oscar 1860 R. R. 1862nws R. R. 1868nws R. R. 1873nws R. R. 1876nws R. R. 1877nws R. R. 1878nws R. R. 1878nws R. R. 1878nws R. R. 1860 Samuel 1860 Samuel births Samuel M. wrdead T.C. 1860 Thomas C. 1854nws W. N. (Dr.) 1920 Walter 1889nws Will J. 1893nws Will. 1850 William 1860 William phist William N. (Dr.) wrdead William P. 1860 Wm Hudson. 1893nws Will. J. Hudsonpiller g1820 Abr Huell dcerts Llna Huennerfauth 1889nws Samuel 1889nws Will Hues murray Annie Huey murray Charley murray Charley H. 2002q Ida Huff births Elmira marr Jeremiah 1830 John 2000q Jonathan 1895nws Lewis C. 1893nws Phebe 2000q Susanna (Moore) Huffman 1920 Birtha 1881nws Conrad murray Henry dcerts Henry 1840 Isaac 1830 Joel 1860 Lawrence murray Lizzie murray Louisa 1920 Wanita Hufman 1860 Abraham 1860 Catharine 1860 Grase 1860 Hanna 1860 J. 1860 Michael 1860 Rickes Huges births Morgan Hugg births Addie 1860 Adeline 1926nws Amer births Amor dcerts Arthur 1860 Arthur A. dcerts Celiah 1850 Charles 1926nws Charles births Charles dcerts Charles marr Charles murray Earl murray Earl 1926nws Earl murray Earl R. 1850 Elizabeth dcerts Emma 1860 Francis N. 1820 Isaac 1819tx Isaac phist Isaac 1850 James 1855nws James 1850 Jane 1926nws Jennie 1820 John 1850 John 1819tx John 1855nws John 1926nws John phist John 1871nws John (Rev.) murray Katie (Tamplin) 1850 Leonard 1876nws Leonard 1876nws Leonard 1889nws Leonard 1920 Lila C 1850 Lucinda 1889nws Lucinda 1850 Lucretia 1830 Lucy births M.A. 1920 Marvel 1850 Mary births Mary Genevieve 1920 Melina J dcerts Melissa 1926nws Melissa (Wiseman) births Myrtis Arvilla 1850 Nancy dindx Nancy 1892nws Nancy 1878nws O. B. births Ola Blanch 1920 Oren 1926nws Oren births Oren births Oren B. 1850 Osmin 1860 P. 1873nws P. 1895nws Phineas phist Phineas 1999q Samaria 1860 Samaria 1850 Stephen 1860 Stephen Huggins 1850 Catharine 1850 David wrdead David 1860 Edith 1860 Ester 1850 Esther murray Frankie 1860 Franklin 1860 H. 1850 Hannah 1850 Henry 1859nws Henry 1850 John g1820 John dcerts John 1897nws John T. 1860 Joseph 1850 Josephas 1860 Margaret 1850 Margret 1850 Maria 1860 Mariah 1860 Mary births Matilda dcerts Regina 1850 Samuel 1850 Sarah 1850 Savila 1830 Thomas 1840 Thomas 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas Hughes 1881nws --- 1851nws Alexander 1877nws Anna 1920 Anna M 1876nws Annie 1999q Atalanta (Lasley) 2002q Augusta Ann dcerts Blanch 1881nws Calvin 1867nws D. 1850 Daniel C. births David dcerts Davio 1920 Earl/Evan D 2002q Elijah 1850 Elijah births Elizabeth 1920 Elsie M 1920 Eva M 1889nws Flora phist Frances 1819tx Francis larkin Frank dcerts George 2002q George Washington 1920 Gordon G 1920 Helen 1920 Henry C 1920 Howard t 1999q James H. 1850 John 1854nws John 1862nws John 1862nws John R. 2002q Josephus 1897nws Katharine Clare dcerts Katie 1920 Leo C dcerts Lorcal births Margaret 1999q Margaret (Sayre) 1920 Margarete M 1920 Mary dcerts Mary 2002q Mary Ann (Pilchard) births Morgan M. 1920 Myrtle B 1889nws Peter dcerts Pobfrt 1913nws R. R. 1897nws Robert 1907nws Robert phist Roy 1920 Rupert D 1850 Ruth dcerts Stillbo n. 1881nws T. L. (Rev.) 1999q Thomas marr Thomas 1897nws Thomas L. (Rev.) 1920 Virginia 1909nws Will births William 1909nws Willie Hughey 1854nws Elizabeth Hughs g1820 Anderson 1860 Angeline 1860 Anna 1860 B. A. 1860 Charles 1855nws D. M. 1860 Elijah 1860 Elizabeth larkin Frances 1820 Francis 1830 Francis 1860 Geo M. 1860 George 1840 Hiram M. 1860 Ida 1840 James 1860 Jane 1860 Jemima 1860 Job 1860 John 1860 Josephus 1892nws Lurania 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary 1860 Peter 1860 Rachel 1876nws Sophia Hulbert House 1893nws --- 1897nws --- Hulbert 1893nws Ed. 1893nws Edward 1893nws Edward 1893nws Ira 1895nws Kara dcerts Lucina 1893nws Miss 1893nws Mr. Hulgamore 1840 ? John Hull family 1902nws --- Hull 1860 * 1998q Aaron 1850 Aaron births Aaron 1850 Abraham 1903nws Alexander 1860 Caroline E. 1850 Catharine 1850 Charles 1998q Charles Herbert 1893nws Charles Herley 1892nws Clara M. 1850 Cynthia 1998q Del births E. S. 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Emor 1850 Francis 1860 Gasper phist Gen. J. E. births Geo. Gifford 1881nws Harriet 1850 Hellen 1998q Henry 1850 Henry deaths Henry 1840 Hiram 1850 Hiram 1907nws Ida dcerts Ida 1860 Jacob 1830 James 1850 James 1850 Jane 1998q Jane (Chaney) 1893nws Jesse 1830 Job 1820 Joel 1850 Joel larkin Joel 1819tx Joel phist Joel harris John dcerts John 1850 John A. 1860 John H. 1819tx Josiah 1840 Leicaster 1830 Leicester 1893nws Leicester 1850 Lona phist Lucille (Davis) 1850 Lucy 1850 Lydda 1850 Margaret 1850 Marinda 1850 Martha 1850 Martha dcerts Martin 1998q Mary 1830 Mary 1850 Mary dcerts Mary 1920 Mary J 1850 Mary J. dcerts Mazie 1875nws Mr. 1892nws Nabby 1850 Nancy dcerts Oscar 1920 Oscar D 1860 Oscar D. births Ottie 1998q Pearle 1850 Rabecca 1903nws Ray Denvel 1920 Rebecca dcerts Rebecca 1860 Resin 1850 Robert deaths Samaria 1840 Samuel 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel wrdead Samuel births Sarah dcerts Sarah births Sarah Elizabeth 1850 Sophia 1850 Thomas E. dcerts Verda 1850 William 1860 William 1876nws William dcerts William 1850 Winnan Hulman 1840 Conrad Hulobert dcerts Hattie Hultzworth dcerts Charles Hum 1862nws George 1862nws Henry Humin 1877nws Anna 1877nws Conrad Humm 1877nws Conrad 1878nws Conrad Hummel harris Charles 1897nws Georgie May harris Mr. and Mrs. Hummer 1854nws D. 1855nws D. & Co., --- Humnfrey dcerts Lucinda Humphery murray Earl Humphretv dcerts Ashur Humphrey Family harris --- Humphrey 1890nws A. 1893nws A. A. 1883nws Adaline 1850 Ambers 1893nws Ambrose 1860 Andrew 1850 Ann 1850 Anna 1879nws Anna 1879nws Anna dcerts Anna 1998q Anna (Oakley) 1860 Asbury 1850 Asher births Asher births Asher E. births B. F. 1895nws Beldom 1998q Benjamin births Benjamin marr Benjamin 1850 C. S. 1998q Caroline 1860 Charles S. 1920 Clara B births Clara J. births Dan'l 1860 E. murray Earl 1893nws Earl murray Ed 1920 Eletha 1850 Elias 1860 Elmer 1876nws Elmer 1893nws Emerson births Emma births Estella births Eunice 1850 Evaline 1860 F. 1895nws F. T. births F. T. wrdead F.E. births Frances dcerts Frances births Frances S. births Frank 1920 Frank R 1885nws Frank T. 1850 George 1886nws George births George 1920 Guy L 1860 Harriet 1840 Henry births Henry Frankl 1850 Isaac 1860 Isaac 1881nws J. T. 1860 Jacob J. 1860 James dcerts James 1895nws James M. births Jno. T. 1850 John 1860 John 1855nws John dcerts John 1850 Jos C. G. K. 1897nws Joseph 1897nws Julia births Jullia Helen 1850 Kaziah births Lena 1872nws Linnie 1920 Lucinda 1860 Lurinda 1897nws Maggie births Maggie 1860 Mariah 1850 Marion 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary births Mary 1920 Mary E 1998q Miles Oakley 1850 Milton 1860 Milton larkin Mr. 1876nws Mrs. 1877nws Mrs. 1879nws Mrs. 1893nws Musser &, --- births Oren Earl 1860 Ossiah 1893nws Prof. 1893nws Prof. 1881nws S. B. 1885nws S. P. 1889nws S. P. 1889nws S. P. 1893nws S. P. 1893nws S. P. 1893nws S. P. 1893nws S. P. 1897nws S. P. 1897nws S. P. 1897nws S. P. 1889nws S. P. (Rev.) 1850 Samantha 1850 Samuel 1886nws Samuel 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah A. 1860 Sarah A. births Sarah L. births Sarah M. 1850 Sedore 1850 Seldon 1860 Seldon 1860 Seldon 1861nws Seldon 1868nws Seldon 1876nws Seldon 1893nws Seldon 1850 Sidney births Sidney C. dcerts Susanne 1897nws U. G. (Rev.) 1877nws W. A. 1879nws W. G. 1893nws W. G. 1830 William 1850 William 1879nws William dcerts William marr William 1920 William E 1876nws William G. 1890nws William G. dindx Wm. births Wm. Emerson Humphreys 1866nws Ben births Emma F. harris Hannah g1820 Henry 1890nws J. M. harris Matthew harris R. F. (Rev.) harris Samuel harris Stella Blanche 1820 William Humphries g1820 Joseph 1854nws Virginia Humphry g1820 James dindx Saml. g1820 William Humphy 1840 John 1840 Sidney 1840 William Humpiirey dcerts Letha Hundley dcerts George 4thInf James Hunker 1860 Elza 1893nws Ferdie 1860 J. 1873nws Jacob Hunnel 1900nws John Hunsiker 1919nws C. H. (Rev.) S. Hunt g1820 (Hurt?) 1894nws Charles 1926nws Dwight 1878nws E. F. marr Edward 1884nws Jennie births Lewis V. 1840 Malida harris Margaret phist Margaret 2000q Mary murray Seth births Seth E. births Silas Valentine murray Val births William births William A. Hunter 1850 Andrew 1860 Charles 1871nws Charles 1920 Charles A 1860 E. 1840 Ebenezer 1850 Ebenezer g1820 Ebenezer harris Edward larkin Elizabeth 1851nws Elizabeth 1892nws Elizabeth 2000q Emma B. 1850 Ephraim 1920 Harlin 1860 Harriet 1850 Harriet L. 1844nws Hocking H. 1850 Isaac 1920 Iva Jane 1860 John 1892nws Julian 1850 Lucinda 1920 Lydia 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1920 Otto 1850 Rebecca 1850 Rebecca 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1860 W. 1850 William 1860 William Huntingdon 1856nws Benjamin Huntley 1893nws --- 1850 Adrain 1850 Alexander 1860 Charles L. 1876nws Charles L. 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Henry 1892nws Henry 1897nws Henry 1850 Hiram 1876nws J. 1897nws J. W. 1840 John 1850 John 1850 Josiah 1860 Josiah 1862nws Josiah 1860 Martha A. 1850 Mary 1840 Samuel 1850 Sarah 1897nws W. H. graybd Will H. 1897nws Will H. pmry88 William H. g1820 Wm Huntly 1867nws J. Huok? 1920 Louis Huonell dcerts Evlrt dcerts Martha Hupp 1819tx Daniel dcerts Everett dindx John 1819tx John 1819tx Manuel 1850 Margret births Sarah 1850 W. P. Hurdman 1920 Carrie 1920 Frank Jr 1920 Marjorie 1920 Ruth Hurdon 1895nws Richard Hurlburt Family harris --- Hurley 1854nws W. W. Hurlow marr Joseph P. Hurst 1881nws Jacob Hurster births Katie Hurtler 1893nws Lida Husa g1820 Daniel Huse 1860 Daniel 1860 John 1860 John H. 1860 Joseph 1893nws Mary 1860 Ruth 1860 Sarah A. Huser g1820 Daniel dcerts John Hussel 1866nws Jakob Hussey 1850 Alles 1820 John larkin John phist John 1892nws Lucy Hussy 1819tx George Hust 1860 John Husten 1860 James Huster births Katharine 1820 Robert Huston 1850 John g1820 John 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Samuel Huston? 1850 James Hutch marr George Hutchens 1860 Magdalena Hutcheson 1874nws A. Hutchinosn 1893nws Ransom A. Hutchins 1830 Alexander 1892nws Alexander 1892nws Cyrus marr Cyrus 1850 David W. 1892nws Harriet 1840 James 1850 James 1850 John 1850 Mary 1850 Matilda 1850 Rebecca births Sarah 1850 Susan 1850 Zimrod L. Hutchinscn dcerts Harrey Hutchinson 1886nws A. I. 1886nws A. I. 1886nws A. I. 1886nws A. I. 1886nws A. I. 1893nws A. I. 1900nws A. I. phist Abraham I. 1900nws Benjamin 1886nws Casey &, --- murray Della N. 1889nws Ed. 1920 Ester g1820 George 1900nws Harriet Useba dcerts Isaac 1920 Isaac L 1854nws James 1861nws James 1897nws Lawyer 1881nws Mary 1893nws Ross dcerts Ruby 1889nws Squire 1854nws Thomas dindx Wm. Hutchison 1850 A. P. 2000q Sarah Jane Hutenhamer 1860 C. 1860 Charles 1860 John 1860 Menea 1860 Sophia Hutger dcerts Nichola Hutson 1920 Alice 1920 Ira 1920 Marlene 1920 Rhonda 1920 Virginia Hutt 1893nws John 1895nws John Huttel & Gibsell 1877nws --- Huttel 1861nws George 1862nws George 1886nws George Huttle 1860 Arnold 1860 Clara 1860 G. Hutton births Hutton g1820 ? murray Agnese Mrs. dcerts Alma 1850 Angeline 1860 Angeline 1920 Angeline 1860 Augusta 1860 Benjamin dcerts Bernice 1999q Bertha Louella murray Bessie 1905nws C. M. 1860 Charles 1920 Clara dcerts Clarenc 1920 CM dcerts Coluneu 1860 E. 1850 Elias larkin Elias 1882nws Elias 1850 Elijah 1860 Elijah 1854nws Elijah 1871nws Elijah 1850 Eliza dcerts Elmer 1850 Emily 1920 Ernest 1905nws Ernest Dwight births Flora 1850 George 1860 George 1850 Hamilton 1860 Hanes dcerts Harley 1920 Helen 1850 Henrietta 1860 Henrietta V. 1860 Isabell 1850 J. S. 1858nws J. W. 1920 James 1840 John 1850 John 1860 John 1844nws John 1854nws John births John murray Less 1860 Lewis 1920 Maggie 1850 Mary 1860 Mary larkin Mary (Grant) 1882nws Mary (Grant) 1883nws Mary E. 1850 Melzar 1999q Melzer 1904nws Melzer E. 1999q Myrta 1920 Ralph 1850 Samuel 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1860 Smith dcerts Thelma dcerts Ulysus 1850 Valena dcerts Virgil 1920 Virginia 1921nws W. G. dcerts William 1860 Winfield S. Huusot dcerts America Hvsell dcerts Leeanoe Hyatt dcerts Carolin 1850 Eleanor 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Francis 1850 Geo. W. dcerts Joseph 1850 Margaret 1851nws Margaret 1850 Minerva dcerts Norma 1850 Rebecca 1850 Silas Hyde 1820 Isaac dcerts James 1893nws Mina 1920nws W. M. (Rev.) Hylbert 1920 Elmer 1920 Helen 1920 Phillip Hynes 1860 David 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Henry 1860 John 1860 Minerva 1860 Nancy 1860 Sarah Hyod dcerts Stillbo n. Hypes births Amanda J. births Joseph E. births William A. Hyrell dcerts Isaac Hysefll dcerts Charles Hysel births Earl dcerts Margare 1862nws Samuel P. births Sarah Lucetta J dcerts Stillbo Hysell family 1998q Hysell family Hysell family 2001q Hysell family Hysell famliy 2000q Hysell famliy Hysell run larkin --- Hysell births Hysell 1860 "Smith, 2d" 1850 A. births A.R. births Aaron marr Aaron 1840 Abel marr Abel 1860 Able 1860 Abraham P. births Acinda 1876nws Ackley &, --- wrdead Acquila births Ada deaths Ada 1850 Adaline 1860 Adaline deaths Adaline births Adda 1860 Adda J. births Adda Lulu 1850 Addison 1860 Addison wrdead Addison 1873nws Adelaide (Woodard) births Adeline 1860 Adeline R. births Adeline R. 1850 Adrianna 1860 Adrianna dcerts Aerlin 1850 Albert 1860 Albert births Albert dcerts Albert marr Albert 1860 Albert S. 1850 Alfred 1860 Alice F. 1850 Allen 1860 Allen 1867nws Allen 1879nws Allen 2001q Allen (Joe) 1999q Allen Coleman marr Allen Coleman deaths Allie E. births Alma 1860 Almira births Almira dcerts Almira dcerts Alven 1850 Alvin 1860 Alvin births Alvin marr Alvin L. births Alvin? E. 1850 Amanda 1860 Amanda births Amanda births Amarella 1860 Amarila dcerts Amarill births Amarilla dcerts Amelia 1921nws Amelia Martha (Murray) 1850 Amerilla 1860 Amila 1860 Amy 1850 Andrew 1860 Angeline births Ann births Ann deaths Ann 1850 Anna births Anna 1830 Anthony 1840 Anthony 1850 Anthony dindx Anthony larkin Anthony 1819tx Anthony births Anthony dcerts Anthony marr Anthony 1860 Antony 1860 Aquilla marr Aquilla 1850 Arabel dcerts Areloa births Arle 1850 Arlie births Arlie phist Armelda Roselma (Vining) 1850 Arnold 1850 Arthello births Arthur W. 1876nws Asbury 1893nws Asbury 1860 Asel 1885nws Asel 1895nws Asel births Asel 1850 Aurilla 1881nws B. 1859nws B. H. deaths Bailey 1850 Barbara dcerts Barbara deaths Barbara births Bart dcerts Bartlet 1860 Bartlett wrdead Bartlett marr Bartlett 1860 Benj 1999q Benjamin 1850 Benjamin 1860 Benjamin births Benjamin births Benjamin deaths Benjamin marr Benjamin births Benjamin F. 1897nws Bertha 1921nws Bertha births Bertha F. births Berthenia 1920 Bessie L 1850 Betsey 1850 Bial 1897nws Bill 1850 Birnett 1830 Boswell wrdead Boswell 1892nws Boswell marr Boswell births Bozzle 1860 Burket H. 1840 Burkett H. births C. E. births Cameron Clay 1850 Candace 1860 Candice births Carie Delia 1904nws Carlos Oakey 1850 Caroline 1850 Caroline 1860 Caroline births Carrie births Carrie Lula births Casey Ann 1867nws Cassa births Cassie M. 1860 Casy 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine larkin Catharine births Catharine deaths Catharine 1850 Catherine 1860 Catherine births Catherine births Celesta deaths Celesta dcerts Celesti 1881nws Celia 1860 Celista 1850 Charity 1860 Charity births Charity births Charity Valett 1840 Charles 1850 Charles 1897nws Charles births Charles births Charles deaths Charles 1860 Charles A. 1873nws Charles A. 1850 Charles M. 1860 Charles M. 1897nws Charley 1860 Chas births Chas. births Chas. A. dcerts Christi 1892nws Christian 1840 Christina 1850 Cinderella 1860 Cinderella J. cmarr Cinkler P. births Clarence H. births Clarence Henry births Claude Lenora births Clement births Clifford births Crary 1850 Curtis 1860 Curtis births Curtis marr Curtis 1850 Cynthia 1860 Cynthia A. 1850 Cyrene births Daisy Maud births Dannie E. births Danver deaths David W. 1850 Deborah births Delia Ann births Denver L. births Devalca harris Dey births Diratha births Dora phist Dot births Dot Bradbury 1877nws Dr. 1878nws Dr. 1883nws Dr. 1897nws Dr. 1897nws Dr. 1897nws Dr. 1897nws Dr. 1897nws Dr. dcerts Dwight births E.J. births E.S.F. 1850 Ebenezer births Ebenezer 1999q Ed 1897nws Ed 1897nws Ed. 1897nws Ed. births Eddie 1903nws Edmonia births Edna C. 1830 Edward 1840 Edward 1850 Edward 1860 Edward larkin Edward 1819tx Edward 1893nws Edward births Edward births Edward dcerts Edward marr Edward births Effa births Effa B. 1860 Elda J. 1850 Electa 1860 Electa 1868nws Electa births Electa dcerts Electa deaths Electa N. 1840 Eli 1860 Eli deaths Eli marr Eli 1850 Elias 1860 Elias births Elias marr Elias marr Elihu 1873nws Eliz. 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth larkin Elizabeth births Elizabeth larkin Elizabeth (Hunter) births Elizabeth J. births Ella 1850 Ellanor 1860 Ellazade 1860 Ellen births Ellen dcerts Ellen births Ellen Clara births Ellis W. 1904nws Elmer births Elmer 1850 Elmore 1895nws Elmore births Elmore dcerts Elmore births Elsa Emera 1850 Elzade births Elzade births Elzaida births Elzaide births Emerson 1860 Emery A. 1850 Emiline 1860 Emiline 1850 Emily births Emily 1860 Emily J. births Emma births Emma births Emma A. deaths Emma A. births Emma Etta 1860 Emma I. births Emma J. births Emma L. births Emma May 1890nws Emmet births Ernest 1860 Esther births Esther dcerts Esther 1893nws Eugene 1860 Eunice births Eunice 1860 Eva A. dcerts Evangel 1889nws F. H. phist F. H. births F. H. births Fannie 1850 Fidelia 1860 Fidelia deaths Fidelia births Filander 1860 Filinda births Flora deaths Flora O. births Florence births Florence births Florence A. deaths Florence E. births Florence Ellen 2001q Frances 1840 Frances 1850 Frances 1999q Frances Ann 1830 Francis 1850 Francis 1850 Francis larkin Francis 1819tx Francis 1878nws Francis deaths Francis 1860 Francis A. deaths Francis E. births Francis M. marr Francis M. 1850 Francis, Jr. marr Francis, Jr. births Francisco births Frank Worthy 1850 Franklin 1878nws Fred births Freda May 1830 Frederic larkin Frederic larkin Frederic deaths Frederic 1860 Frederick 1819tx Frederick phist Frederick 1860 G. 1850 Gabriel wrdead Gabriel births Garnett D. 1893nws Gaston 1895nws Gaston births Geo. Hannon 1850 George 1860 George 1893nws George 1908nws George births George births George dcerts George deaths George births George Harman 1860 George W. births Gertie 1850 Giles 1860 Giles marr Giles 1920 Giles M births Giles McClella births Gladys dcerts Glenroy 1897nws Gloechner and, --- births Goldela births Goldie May dcerts Gusta 1860 H. births H. B. 1860 H. P. 1860 H. T. 1851nws H. W. 1886nws Hal 1897nws Hal dcerts Hallida 1830 Halliday 1850 Halliday deaths Halliday marr Halliday 1860 Hanna 1850 Hannah 1860 Hannah 1889nws Hannah deaths Hannah 1850 Harriet 1860 Harriet L. 1860 Harry births Harry deaths Harry 1897nws Harvey 1901nws Harvey 1901nws Harvey births Harvey dcerts Harvey deaths Hattie larkin Hedgeman births Helen 1860 Helen I. 1830 Henery dcerts Henriet phist Henrietta (Church) 1840 Henry 1850 Henry 1850 Henry 1860 Henry 1844nws Henry births Henry marr Henry deaths Henry T. 1830 Henwood 1840 Henwood 1850 Henwood 1819tx Henwood deaths Henwood marr Henwood, 2nd births Herbe Lauvin 1893nws Herbert 1897nws Herbert births Herbert W. 1850 Hetta births Hettie births Hetty 1850 Hiram 1860 Hiram 1881nws Hiram 1893nws Hiram births Hiram marr Hiram H. 1819tx Holiday 1850 Holliday 1860 Holliday births Homer 1850 Horace 1860 Horace births Horace marr Horace births Horace R. births Howard Theodor births Huston H. births Ida Belle births Ida Grace dcerts Ina 1893nws Isa 1850 Isaac 1860 Isaac 1868nws Isaac births Isaac 1860 Isaac A. births Isaac A. 1893nws Isabel 1893nws Isabel dcerts Isabell 1860 Isabella 1908nws Iva births Iva May phist Izaak 1862nws J. B. 1897nws J. B. births J. B. 1893nws J. C. graybd J. H. 1890nws J. H. 1895nws J. H. 1897nws J. H. 1876nws J. H. (Dr.) 1879nws J. H. (Dr.) 1889nws J. H. (Dr.) 1860 J. M. 1902nws Jack 1850 Jackson 1860 Jackson marr Jackson 1840 James 1850 James 1850 James marr James 1860 James B. dindx James B. larkin James B. 1895nws James B. births James B. marr James B. 1860 James C. births James Elmer marr James G. 1860 James H. phist James Henry 1840 James M. 1850 James M. wrdead James M. marr James M. 1860 James P. births James P. 1862nws James R. 1850 Jane 1893nws Jane deaths Jane larkin Jane (Bailey) deaths Jane N. 1860 Jasper 1850 Jemima births Jemima births Jennie 1901nws Jennie (Russell) 1850 Jeremiah births Jesse B. births Jessie 1860 Jestina M. 1830 John 1850 John 1860 John 1819tx John 1870nws John 1879nws John 1890nws John 1897nws John births John births John dcerts John marr John marr John A. 1830 John C. 1840 John C. 1850 John C. 1850 John C. 1860 John C. larkin John C. larkin John C. larkin John C. larkin John C. 1885nws John C. 1892nws John C. 1892nws John C. 1893nws John C. 1898nws John C. births John C. deaths John C. marr John C. 1851nws John C. (2nd) 1871nws John C. 2d marr John C., 1840 John C., 2nd 1876nws John G. 1850 John H. 1860 John H. wrdead John H. births John H. marr John P. deaths John R. 1850 Joseph births Joseph marr Joseph B. 1860 Joseph H. births Joseph H. 1860 Joseph T. 1860 Josephine births Josephine deaths Jud M. 1850 Julia A. 1850 Julia Ann 1999q Julia Ann (Batterson) births Julia R. births Kasiah dcerts Katheri 1917nws Katie births Katie Ellen 1920 Kenneth W births Kesiah 1850 L**** 1860 L. births L. 1850 Larancy 1850 Laura 1860 Laura 1860 Lauransa 1893nws Leafy 1850 Leander 1860 Leander 1855nws Leander births Leander marr Leander 1860 Leander H. births Leander R. marr Leander R. 1856nws Leaner R. 1901nws Lecta M. (Graham) 1850 Leeman wrdead Leeman marr Leman 1850 Lena births Lena 1830 Lenard births Leo Marion 1840 Leonard larkin Leonard 1819tx Leonard births Lester 1850 Levi 1860 Levi 1893nws Levi 1895nws Levi marr Levi 1850 Lewis 1850 Lewis 1876nws Lewis 1886nws Lewis 1890nws Lewis 1893nws Lewis 1921nws Lewis births Lewis marr Lewis 1860 Lidia births Lila A. 1860 Lila V. births Lillie births Lillie May murray Lizzie births Lizzie births Lola A. 1878nws Long John 1860 Loranca births Lorenzo 1860 Louisa births Lovina births Lovinia J. births Lowrey 1901nws Loyd 1860 Lucetta 1893nws Lucetta births Lucetta cmarr Lucetta 2002q Lucinda 1850 Lucinda 1850 Lucinda 1860 Lucinda births Lucinda births Lucinda J. 1860 Lucindas 1850 Lucitta 1860 Lucreta births Lucretia 1860 Lucretia A. births Luena births Lula Maud 1850 Lurancy 1850 Lydia 1877nws Lydia 1999q Lydia (McCumber) births M. births M. M. births Maggie E. 1893nws Major 1850 Malissa 1850 Malvina 1860 Manda 1860 Manda M. 1860 Manervia dcerts Margare 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret larkin Margaret births Margaret larkin Margaret (Hysell) births Margaret Ann births Margaret Eliza 1860 Margaret F. births Maria 1860 Mariah births Marian 1850 Marinda 1860 Marinda births Marinda births Marinda May 1860 Marion births Marion deaths Marion marr Marion 1860 Marth 2000q Martha 2001q Martha 1850 Martha 1850 Martha 1860 Martha births Martha 1850 Martha A. 1860 Martha A. births Martha Ann 1850 Martin 1860 Martin wrdead Martin marr Martin births Marty May 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1866nws Mary 1892nws Mary births Mary dcerts Mary deaths Mary 1850 Mary A. 1860 Mary A. 1860 Mary Ann 1850 Mary E. 1860 Mary E. births Mary E. deaths Mary E. 1850 Mary J. 1860 Mary J. 1860 Mary P. births Mary P. deaths Mary S. 1850 Mathew 1850 Matilda 1860 Matilda deaths Matilda births Mattie dcerts May 1920 May L 1893nws Mayor 1860 Melissa births Melissa dcerts Meriam 1998q Miles 1850 Miles 1860 Miles 1886nws Miles 1893nws Miles births Miles births Miles M. 1860 Milo 1860 Milo H. dcerts Milox 1850 Minerva 1890nws Minerva 1890nws Minerva births Minna 1893nws Minnie 1893nws Minnie deaths Minnie M. births Minter 1850 Mita 1921nws Mittie births Mittie A. 1878nws Mr. dcerts Murtill births Myrta E. births Nail phist Nail R. 1860 Nancey 1999q Nancy 1850 Nancy 1850 Nancy 1860 Nancy larkin Nancy 1892nws Nancy births Nancy deaths Nancy larkin Nancy (Dodson) larkin Nancy (Smith) 1860 Nancy A. births Nancy Bell births Nancy D. births Nancy Elizabet 1860 Nancy I. 1878nws Nathan births Nathan marr Nathan 1998q Nellie 1893nws Nellie births Nellie I. 1920 Nellie O births Nelson births Netta deaths Nettie L. births Nettie P. 1860 Nial 1893nws Nial R. births Nial Spencer marr Nicholas dcerts Nile births Nilhelmina 1850 Nimrod 1860 Nimrod larkin Nimrod 1819tx Nimrod births Nimrod deaths Nimrod marr Nimrod 1850 Niraldo births Nora 1850 Olive 1860 Olive births Olive births Olive births Oral Clyde 1850 Oren births Oren graybd Oren C. marr Orien births Orilla 1850 Orin 1860 Orin 1860 Orin C. 1903nws Orla 1850 Oscar births Oscar dcerts Oscar 1850 Ose births Osie Viola births Otis deaths Otis deaths Otto 1830 Owen 1840 Owen 1850 Owen 1860 Owen wrdead Owen larkin Owen 1867nws Owen 1873nws Owen deaths Owen marr Owen 1860 Owin births Ozella H. 1840 P.H. 1860 Parthena dcerts Pauline births Pearl deaths Pearly Eran 1850 Perry births Perry deaths Perry marr Perry births Perthenia births Perthenie 1840 Peter 1850 Peter 1860 Peter 1855nws Peter deaths Peter marr Peter 1830 Phebe 1860 Phebe 1892nws Phebe 1860 Phebe V. 1850 Phelps births Phelps marr Phelps births Philinda deaths Philinda births Philip dcerts Phillip 1850 Phoebe deaths Phoebe 1850 Polly 1860 Polly 1860 Polly hysell Pulliam Holiday 1850 Pyrthania 1866nws R. N. 1850 Rachael 1860 Rachael deaths Rachel 1850 Rainy 1893nws Ransom 1893nws Ransom births Ransom marr Ransom 1850 Ranson 1851nws Rawson 1850 Rhoda 1860 Rhoda cmarr Rhoda 1860 Rhoda D. 1860 Rial 1860 Richard wrdead Richard marr Richard 1830 Robert 1840 Robert 1850 Robert fair Robert 1819tx Robert 1854nws Robert 1866nws Robert 1881nws Robert 1892nws Robert 1892nws Robert deaths Robert marr Robert 1850 Robert 1st dindx Robert 1st fair Robert 2d 1866nws Robert N. 1873nws Robert N. births Robert N. deaths Robert N. marr Robert N. marr Robert S. 1850 Robert T. births Robert V. 1860 Robt 1860 Robt N. 1850 Rockwell 1850 Rodney 1897nws Rosa births Rosa 1850 Rosanna 1860 Rosanna births Rosanna 1850 Rosetta 1860 Rosetta births Rosetta larkin Royal births Royal marr Royal, Jr. deaths Ruth 1893nws S. M. 1893nws S. M. 1860 Salinda A. 1871nws Sallie 1860 Sally deaths Sally 1860 Sally A. births Samantha 1873nws Samantha E. (Price) 1860 Samantha J. 1850 Samaria 1850 Sampson births Sampson deaths Sampson marr Sampson 1850 Samuel 1850 Samuel marr Samuel P. 1860 Samuel W. 1860 Sanila A. 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah deaths Sarah 1850 Sarah A. 1860 Sarah A. births Sarah A. births Sarah Ann 1999q Sarah J. 1860 Sarah J. births Sarah Margaret deaths Sarah Maria 1850 Sardine 1860 Sardine marr Sardine 1895nws Sardine M. 1860 Sargent births Sargent births Sarilda A. births Sarrianne 1850 Selamus 1850 Selda A. 1860 Seldy Ann 1850 Selinda births Sergent 1850 Sigler 1860 Sigler marr Sigler 1860 Sila M. 1850 Silas 1850 Sinclair 1830 Smith 1840 Smith 1850 Smith larkin Smith fair Smith 1862nws Smith 1892nws Smith deaths Smith marr Smith fair Smith (Mrs.) 1860 Sofiah 1850 Sophia larkin Sophia (Archer) births Sophmonia 1850 Spencer 1860 Spencer 1897nws Spencer 2003q Spencer births Spencer dcerts Spencer marr Spencer 1850 Spencer H. 1860 Spencer H. births Stanley dcerts Starlin births Starling Clvd dcerts Stella births Stella J. dcerts Stillbo dcerts Stillso 1840 Stodard 1860 Strader 1850 Strauder 1889nws Strauder 1890nws Strauder 1895nws Strauder 1901nws Strauder marr Stroder 1830 Strother 1819tx Strother 1850 Susannah 1860 Susannah 1850 Theodore dcerts Thomas births Thomas Henry 1920 Thomas T 2002q Thornton 1840 Thornton 1850 Thornton 1860 Thornton 1893nws Thornton marr Thornton deaths Thurman L. dcerts Unnamed 1830 Uriah 1840 Uriah births V.C. births Val B. 1860 Valentine births Valentine 1901nws Vernon births Verta 1920 Victor S births Viva births Viva C. 1921nws Vivie births Vye 1860 W. 1876nws W. E. 1883nws W. E. births W. E. births W. H. 1860 Walace N. marr Walace N. births Wallace births Wallace B. 1850 Wallace N. 1877nws Walter 1884nws Walter 1905nws Walter births Walter graybd Walter E. 1879nws Walter E. 1886nws Walter E. births Walter E. 1868nws Warren 1860 Warren H. 1873nws Warren H. births Warren H. births Watson murray Watt 1850 Wesley births Wesley 1850 Westen marr Western 1840 Westin 1830 William 1840 William 1850 William 1860 William 1844nws William 1885nws William births William dcerts William deaths William marr William 1850 William A. 1860 William B. 1860 William C. 1860 William E. 1877nws William E. 1897nws William E. births William E. marr William E. 1860 William H. 1860 William L. 1860 William N. 1859nws William N. marr William N. births William S. 1840 William, 2nd marr William, 2nd dcerts Williap 1850 Wilson 1850 Wilson A. 1860 Wilson A. 1860 Wm 1850 Wm. N. 1860 Wodson 1840 Woodson 1850 Woodson marr Woodson births Zettella Hysfi dcerts Charies Hysfii dcerts Elias Hysfll dcerts Elizabe h. dcerts Lelia dcerts Rodney Hysle 1850 Sarah 1850 Walter 1850 William Hyslll dcerts Ernest Hyson 1879nws Squire