K & M railroad 1903nws --- K. & M. train 1893nws --- K?ehler 1878nws William K_llam 1844nws James Kaftina dcerts Robert Kalb births Betha Elizabeth 1897nws Fred births Geo. 1850 Hannah 1850 Harriet marr Henry 1893nws Kate 1850 Lydda 2000q Margaret hrdsty Margaretta 1850 Margret 1850 Michael Kale wrdead John B. Kaler harris George Kallam 1856nws Mary Frances 1876nws W. J. Kallern 1855nws Ellen (Bartlett) 1855nws William Kallum 1840 James Kalor 1850 Caroline 1850 Henry 1850 Margaret 1850 Mary Kalp 1850 Ab 1840 Abraham 1850 Catharine 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Mary Kalselmeir 1860 Adam 1860 Catharine 1860 Magdalena 1860 Margaret 1860 Martin 1860 Mary 1860 Philip Kanaw dcerts Mary Kanawha & Ohio Railroad 1886nws --- Kanawha Salt Works 1897nws --- Kane dcerts Ida 1905nws Robert Kanode harris Hiram births Mary Kantz 1850 Abraham dcerts Abraham 1850 Catharine 1850 Elizabeth 1850 George 1850 Henry 1850 Jacob 1850 John 1850 Joseph 1850 Magdalana hrdsty Margaretta E. 1850 Mary 1850 Sophia 1850 Wendel Kantzer dcerts William Kappel dcerts John 1904nws Mabel 1904nws William Kapple 1920 Emma 1920 Harry 1920 Mable 1920 Ronald 1920 Rosie 1920 Ruby 1920 William Karman 1920 Albert 1920 Arthur dcerts Charles 1920 Elmer 1920 Henry 1891 Jacob dcerts Jacob 1920 Ralph dcerts Rosa dcerts William Karmon 1920 Florence Karn 1840 William Karnes harris Carnelius harris Fred harris George W. harris John harris Michael harris Nicholas dcerts Stillbo Karns dcerts Paul marr Thomas Karr's Run public school 1879nws --- Karr 1850 * (blurred) 1897nws Ada 1920 Albert dcerts Angelin 1889nws Annie 1920 Arthur J 1893nws Blanche dcerts Bufia 1875nws Charles 1889nws Charles 1913nws Charles dcerts Charles 1920 Charles M 1920 Clara dcerts Clarisa 1920 Clinton A 1850 Daniel dcerts Della 1920nws District Supt. 1920 Eleanor E 1920 Ethel M 1920 Florence phist Frank Carson 1904nws Freda Evelyn 1850 George 1920 George 1889nws George dcerts George marr George 1920 Gladys E 2001q Hamilton 1892nws Hamilton 1920 Harold 1913nws Helen 1914nws Helen 1920 Horace E 1920 Ida M phist Ida M. (Carson) 1920 Irving R 1920 Irving R. Jr. 1875nws Jacob 1850 James 1920 James R 1920 Jane 1878nws Jane 1862nws John 1889nws John 1893nws John wrdead Joseph 1904nws Joseph dcerts Joseph 1920 Lucille births Lucy 1862nws Mad 1913nws Marcia 1920 Marcine 1892nws Margaret 1920 Marie A 1914nws Marsha 1840 Martha 1920 Mary 1914nws Mary 1920 May E 1850 Nancy 1897nws Nathan wrdead Otho W. 1920 Peter D 1908nws Peter D. 1892nws Polly 1850 Presley 1920 Purley births Randolph 1920 Rena E 1920 Richard dcerts Richard 1890nws Sam. 1850 Sarah dcerts Sarah 1850 Starling dcerts Stillbo n. 2001q Susannah (Nisewonger) 1889nws T. W. 1920 Thomas 1875nws Thomas 1879nws Thomas dcerts Thomas 1920 Thomas W phist Thomas W. 1892nws Tom 1920 Virginia 1913nws Walter deaths Wilbert 1840 William 1819tx William 1867nws William 1889nws William births William dindx Wm. Karrick 1855nws James 1855nws Mary (Bartlett) Karron 1854nws Sarah Ann Karsey 1850 George 1850 Marinda Karshner dcerts Maggie Kasler harris Ellen murray Guy Kaspar's store 1897nws --- Kaspar 1917nws Ada 1904nws Anna 1904nws Cora dcerts George 1917nws Hetzel graybd John phist John dcerts John 1897nws Mrs. phist Ray 1917nws William phist William Kasper dcerts John dcerts Leo dcerts Lillie dcerts William Kaspul 1860 Margaret Kassuth 1862nws Seli Katz 1860 Anna 1872nws Annie 1888nws Annie 1860 C. A. 1861nws C. A. 1862nws C. A. 1850 Charles 1860 Charles 1888nws Charles 1888nws Charles E. 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Emma 1888nws Emma 1860 F. 1860 George 1872nws George 1888nws George C. 1888nws Julius dcerts Julius 1888nws Katie 1860 Sophia 1888nws Sophia (Fisher) 1860 William 1879nws William 1860 Wm Kauff dcerts Anna 1894nws Benjamin 1903nws John dcerts Lillian dcerts Lousian dcerts Melfha 1894nws Melville dcerts Stillbo n. Kauffman 1875nws Mr. Kaufle 1879nws Stephen Kaufley births John births Stephen Kaute 1840 Abraham 1860 Abram 1860 Magdalena 1860 Margaret 1860 Wm. Kautz births -Ann- Emma Eliz births A. J. 1860 Abraham hrdsty Abraham 1867nws Abraham 1897nws Adolph A. 1881nws Amanda 1920 Ann E hrdsty Anna E. 1920 Barbara dcerts Barbara 1893nws C. J. 1860 Catharine hrdsty Catherine (Pfarr) dcerts Elilab 1860 Elizabeth hrdsty Elizabeth 1901nws Elizabeth 1897nws Ella 1920 Elmer 1893nws Elmer G. 1860 Emma 1897nws Emma J. (Donaldson) 1881nws Ernest Frederic 1840 George 1860 George hrdsty George 1901nws George births George 1860 Henry 1920 Henry hrdsty Henry 1881nws Henry 1881nws J. D. 1860 Jacob 1868nws Jacob 1901nws Jacob 1860 John hrdsty John hrdsty John Wendal phist John Wendal 1860 Joseph hrdsty Joseph 1920 Joseph H 1920 Kathryn L 1860 Magdalena hrdsty Magdalena hrdsty Magdalena (Roll) dcerts Maiy 1867nws Margaret hrdsty Maria C. 1860 Mary 1901nws Mary 1881nws Mary (Stahl) 1920 Mary A 1920 Minnie W dcerts Richard 1920 Ruby E 1860 Sophia hrdsty Sophia 1901nws Sophia hrdsty Wendal 1868nws Wendal 1862nws Wendel (Jr.) 1860 Wendell 1920 Wendell 1868nws Wendell 1840 Wendle dcerts Wendle Kavanaugh 1850 Jeremiah Kay & Sons flouring mill 1876nws --- Kay 1878nws B. 1878nws Bryant 1917nws Dr. 1893nws Frank 1876nws James 1881nws James B. dcerts Mary Kayer dcerts Isaac Kaylor family 2000q Kaylor family Kaylor dcerts Esta dcerts Sfnith Kayluk dcerts Paul Kays 1873nws John Kayser 1860 Adaline 1850 Amanda 1850 Elizabeth 1886nws G. E. 1850 George 1877nws George 1920 George B 1860 George E. 1920 Isabelle 1893nws J. M. 1850 James 1860 James M. 1920 Matilda L 1850 Nancy 1860 Nancy R. 1850 Noah 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah ?. 1850 William Kaysin 1840 ? Jonas Kazey 1851nws Rudolph Keairns harris Dr. Kearns births Edward marr Frederick births George W. 1920 Mattie 1920 William Keatley 1819tx Elizabeth Keaton g1820 David g1820 Martin Kebaugh 1850 Arnold 1850 Elias dcerts Ernest 1840 Isaac 1850 Isaac 1850 Joel 1850 John 1850 July Ann 1850 Lewis births Lewis 1850 Malissa births Manda B. 1850 Maria 1850 Mary 1850 Nancy 1850 Prescilla 1850 Rabecca 1840 Samuel 1850 Samuel 1840 Solomon 1850 Susan Keck hrdsty Anna M. 1893nws Jacob 1906nws Kate (Laubner) 1897nws Katie (Laubner) 1884nws Mrs. Keebaugh graveyard 1888nws --- Keebaugh 1920 Barbara dcerts Carolin 1920 Clive C 1998q Eliza Jane 1920 Ernest births Ernest Raymo 1920 Flora E dcerts Guy 1920 Guy B 1920 Harry B wrdead Isaac 1840 Isaac, Jr. births James births James Allen 1920 Lucius births Lucius 1920 Lucy dcerts Lucy 1920 McKenzie 1998q Nancy 1920 Rozilla dcerts Rozina 1998q Samuel 1926nws William dcerts William 1920 William B births William C. Keefer dcerts John dcerts Mar 1920 Mary J Keefers murray George Keeler 1920 Nettie Keen harris --- 1854nws Alpheus A. Keenan births John L. Keener 1897nws A. L. Keep 1901nws R. H. (Rev.) 1897nws Rev. Mr. Keeper's school house 1877nws --- Keepers 1850 "John, Jr." wrdead Allen 1850 Alvin 1850 Ann 1850 Annis murray Cinderella Mrs. 1850 Cinderilla 1850 D* 1850 George 1850 Hoise 1850 James 1850 John 1850 Lewis 1850 Mary 1850 Prudence 1850 Sarah 1850 Satara 1850 Theodocia Keeran dcerts Stevie Keesey 1904nws Charles R. 1904nws Emmet Keeton Family harris --- Keiitr dcerts Howard Keim 1850 Abraham 1850 Alice 1850 Benjamin 1850 Harriet 1850 Louisa 1850 Martin 1850 Missouri 1850 Robert Keiper 1898nws Rev. Keiser's clothing store 1897nws --- Keiser 2000q Abraham births Abraham graybd Abram 1920 Alma 1920 Carrie 1999q Carrie Hanna 1999q Christian 1920 Christian 1920 Dorothy C 1897nws E. L. 2000q Edward 2000q Emma 1920 Emma 1897nws G. W. dcerts George 2000q George W. 1920 Henrietta 2000q Henry 2000q John 1887nws John 1892nws John L. 2000q Kate 2000q Katherine (Fundling) 2000q Margaret 2000q Michael dcerts Mina 1920 Moses H. 1877nws Mrs. 2000q Nettie 1999q Orpha 1920 Utreva M Keister 1879nws Samuel W. (Rev.) Keith 1895nws William A. Keizer 1860 Abraham 1860 Catherine 1860 Margaret Kelaugh dcerts Mackins Kelinger 1860 John 1860 Mary Kellar dcerts Mabel Kellenback murray Joseph Keller births Keller phist Allan Harley phist Barbara Elberfeld 1920 Belle 1904nws Bernice 1897nws C. E. 1904nws Charles 1920 Charles F 1876nws D. 1840 Daniel 1850 Daniel dcerts Daniel 1920 Daniel M 1920 Doris M 1904nws E. M. 1920 Frances E. 1886nws G. W. 1920 Garth E 1920 Gladys larkin Hannah 1891nws Hannah 1920 Harry D. phist Ima (Elberfeld) 1850 Jackson dcerts John 1920 John R 1850 July Ann phist Katharine Mees 1850 Leonard 1920 Luella 1920 Mable J births Margaret 1850 Mary 1920 Mary W. 1920 Myrtle M larkin Rachel 1920 Ralph 1850 Robert births Robert 1904nws Robert Stewart 1920 Samuel R Kelley & Berry 1897nws --- Kelley 1860 A. C. 1897nws B. H. 1860 Caroline 1850 Elizabeth 1897nws Ellsworth I. 1893nws Glennie 1860 Lucy J. 1850 Maria 1850 Marilla 1860 Martha M. 1830 Samuel 1850 Silence 1850 Stephan 1850 Thomas dcerts William Kellinsworth cmarr S. Kellum 1860 Anna 1860 Ellen J. 1860 James 1860 Wm J. Kelly 1860 Ann 1860 Austin 1830 Benjamin 1892nws Charles marr Charles phist Eda 1850 Elizabeth 1840 Hiram 1893nws Hiram 1860 James 1830 John 1850 John g1820 John 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Nancy 1862nws Philip 1892nws Samuel 1860 Sarah dcerts Silas 1840 Thomas B. harris Thomas C. 1860 Wm. 1860 Wm. E. Kelser's clothing store 1897nws --- Kelser 1897nws G. W. Kelsey 1878nws H. E. Kelton 1858nws Hiram 1819tx Noble 1892nws Prudence 1892nws Prudence Kemble births Catherine Kemich 1881nws John Arlando Kemp 1884nws G. M. 4thInf Joseph Kemper 1920 Alice dcerts Bina dcerts Carolin 1920 Glen 1903nws Glenwood dcerts Samkjel 1920 Samuel 1903nws Samuel 1906nws Samuel Kempton harris James harris Stephen N. Kendall 1855nws George P. marr James Kendle 1860 Elizabeth marr John Kendrew 1920 Ada L 1920 Donald E 1920 Edith K 1920 Elmer E 1920 Freda B 1920 Ivy T 1920 John B 1920 Mamie R 1920 Smith Kenedy g1820 Cornelius 1860 Eliza 1860 Ester 1840 Henry 1840 Hugh 1854nws Hugh 1860 James 1862nws James 1860 Louisa 1860 Maga 1860 Mary 1860 Netty 1860 Pheby 1840 Stephen Kennada 1850 Eli 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Henry B. 1850 Hugh 1850 Isaac 1850 Joanna 1850 John 1850 Malissa 1850 Margaret Kennady family 1998q Kennady family Kennady 1850 Alfred 1850 Amanda 1850 Arlands 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Esther 1850 Henry 1850 James 1850 Margaret 1850 Mary 1850 Melvina 1850 Phebe 1850 Sophronia 1850 William Kennard dcerts Charles Kennaw dcerts Charles dcerts Laura Kenneda 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Henry 1850 Hugh 1850 Mary births Mary 1850 Sarah Kennedy's Millinery Store 1871nws --- Kennedy & Diehl 1884nws --- Kennedy births Kennedy 1904nws A. M. dcerts Allie 1860 Amanda births Amanda 1860 C. 1860 Charles dcerts Clara murray Clyde murray Don 1919nws Dorthea dcerts Effie 1854nws Eiselstein &, --- murray Eli 1881nws Eli births Eli 1860 Eliza 2000q Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth J. 1860 Elizabeth R. 1860 Felix 1892nws Flora births Freeman 1860 Gas* 1860 H. 1860 Hannah 1860 Henry 2000q Hugh 1893nws Hugh births Hugh marr Hugh 1860 Hugh F. 1860 Hugins 1860 Isaac H. births Isaac H. births Isabel births Isabelle 1850 Jackson 1860 James murray James 1901nws James 1860 James L 1850 John murray John 1862nws John births Josephine 1919nws Leona births Lillian births Lillie dcerts Luella births Maggie 1879nws Mamie E. 1860 Manirva A. murray Margaret 1850 Margaret A. 1856nws Margaret A. 1860 Margret 1850 Maria A. 1860 Mary births Mary dcerts Mary 1999q Mary (Adams) births Mary A. 1860 Mary E. births Mary E. 1860 Mary M. births Mary M. births May M. 1860 Melissa 1871nws Miss 1889nws Miss 1871nws Mrs. dcerts Nathan murray Nellie dcerts Pearl births Richard 1850 Sarah dcerts Sarah 1860 Sarah A. 1860 Sophronia 1850 Stephen 1860 Stephen 1861nws Stephen dcerts Stilleo dcerts Stillo 1877nws Thurman 1860 Virginia dcerts Wanda 1850 William births William Clyde births William O. births Winter 1860 Wm Kenneoy dcerts Hugh Kenner 1851nws David S. Kenodrew dcerts Elmer Kent 1850 Kent births Kent 1850 Abel 1876nws Aleck 1889nws Alex 1897nws Alex 1850 Alford wrdead Alfred 1850 Annes 1890nws Carrie 1890nws Carrie 1893nws Carrie births Charles 1893nws Charley 1893nws Clarence 1893nws Clarence P. 1893nws Clarence P. 1850 David 1850 Dilatus 1830 Elisha 1819tx Elisha 1873nws Elisha 1850 Eliza 1850 Eliza 1860 Eliza dcerts Elizabe h. 1850 Emily 1850 Emma wrdead Emmanuel graybd H. A. 1890nws H. A. 1890nws H. A. 1893nws H. A. 1895nws H. A. 1893nws H. A. (Judge) 1850 Hamilton 1850 Hellena 1893nws Henry 1860 Hugh 1893nws Ida larkin John P. 1892nws John P. phist John P. 1850 Lewis 1892nws Lucena 1860 Martha births Martha 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1893nws Maud 1850 Oliver 1860 Patsy 1850 Phebe 1893nws Phoebe 1850 Rachael 1856nws Rachel 1860 Robert 1850 Sabina 1850 Salathiel 1820 Samuel 1830 Samuel 1840 Samuel 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1850 Smith 1856nws Smith 1860 William Keonig 1876nws Val Kepler dcerts Elizabe h. 1860 F. 1876nws F. 1860 Forinda 1850 Henry 1850 Jane 1850 Joseph 1860 Rachael 1850 Sylvester 1860 Wilbur 1850 William Kepp births August. births Lena births Leonard Kerkendall 1860 Ambrose 1860 Wm Kern dcerts Gertruo Kerns 1876nws Ella D. harris Emma dcerts Evertt 1893nws Helen 1886nws John marr John wrdead Joseph dcerts Maggie dcerts Mina 1886nws Moses 1886nws Moses dcerts Moses dcerts Sarah Kerr's Run Colored Freewill Baptist Church 1884nws --- Kerr family 1998q Kerr family Kerr Family harris --- Kerr 1890nws A. S. 1893nws A. S. 1893nws A. S. births B.M. marr Ballard M. 1893nws Bessie 1850 Catharine 1850 George harris George 1820 Hamilton larkin Hamilton larkin Hamilton larkin Hamilton larkin Hamilton larkin Hamilton larkin Hamilton harris Hamilton 1819tx Hamilton phist Hamilton births Jacob 1850 James harris Jane 1892nws Jane larkin Jane (Murray) phist Jas. births Jno. Marion 1850 John g1820 John 1850 Joseph births Joseph H. 1850 Madison 1850 Madison J. larkin Margaret 1850 Marinda births Mary A. harris Matthew phist Mildred (Lewis) 1901nws Rev. larkin Sarah larkin Sarah larkin Sarah larkin Sophia larkin Susannah (Niswonger) 1893nws Walter 1820 William 1830 William 1850 William larkin William larkin William 1819tx William 1881nws William 1892nws William phist William marr William dindx Wm. Kersey 1850 George 1850 Lorinda Kerwin 2000q Alice 2000q James dcerts James 2000q Kathryn dcerts Maggie 2000q Mamie 2000q Margaret (Gallagher) 2000q Micheal 2000q Susie Kerwood dcerts Curtis dcerts John births Mary Annette dcerts Sarah Kerwooo dcerts Martha Keslop births Mary Kessinger harris Andrew dcerts Laura Kessler dcerts Frederi 1893nws Nellie Kesterscon dcerts Margare Kesterson 1893nws Elizabeth 1889nws Jerome 1895nws John dcerts John dcerts Joiin dcerts Lucile dcerts Stillbo dindx Wm. Ketcham 2000q Rhoda Ketchan larkin Theopholus phist Theopholus Ketchem 1820 Theopholus Ketley 1850 A. D. Kevan 2003q James 2003q Peter Mark 2003q Sarah E. (Wayne) Keyes births Augusta Louisa births David C. wrdead Edwin 1868nws Edwin births G.W. 1904nws Joshua Russell births Not named 1859nws Stephen 1867nws Stephen 1892nws Stephen 1889nws Steven births Thomas B. 1904nws William births Wm births Wm. Edward Keynes harris Ella Keyre dcerts Cecil Keys births Keys births Charlotte Naomi 1820 David births G.W. g1820 Gustavis dcerts Illoc 1851nws James M. 1877nws Mrs. births William 1889nws Winnie Keyse births Keyse 1850 David births David dcerts David 1850 Elias wrdead Elias births Ella Verona 1850 Eve births G.W. 1850 George 1892nws George W. 1850 Henry 1887nws Henry dcerts Irena births James M. dcerts Joshua births Joshua Russell births Lorena M. 1850 Mary A. 1850 Minerva J. 1850 Sam'l 1850 Sarah A. 1850 Stephen 1850 Susannah 1850 Thomas births W. births W.H. births William births William H. births Wm births Wm H. births Wm. H. Keyser 1855nws --- 1862nws Abraham Keyses births Mina Keysf dcerts Daisy Kfiiey dcerts Stillbo Kfiifr dcerts Ethel Kfisfr dcerts Jacob Kfstfrson dcerts Aionzo Kgenig dcerts Willie Kgncade dcerts Laura Khiber dcerts Dimmie Kiah g1820 Nicholas Kibbif dcerts Ellie Kibbins 1830 James C. Kibble 1897nws A. B. 1850 Andermon dcerts Anderso 1860 Anderson phist Anderson B. 1920 Anderson C 1920 Andrew 1920 Angeline 1920 Arthur 1920 Belle 1920 Bertha 1850 Bradford 1860 Bradford 1920 Carrie dcerts Carrie 1920 Charlie 1850 Cincinnatus 1860 Cincinnatus 1876nws Cincinnatus phist Cincinnatus 1860 Clarence 1920 Clarence 1873nws E. M. 1876nws E. M. 1889nws E. M. 1850 Edgar 1860 Edgar M. 1920 Eliza L 1920 Frank 1860 George dcerts George 1850 Hannah 1920 Hazel dcerts Henriet 1920 Henrietta dcerts Illcs 1920 Ira 1903nws Ira 1920 Jess 1920 Johann 1850 John 1860 John 1920 John dcerts John 1850 John P. 1860 John P. 1860 John Q? 1920 Kate phist Kate L. 1860 Lenora 1860 Lewis 1920 Lewis 1860 Louisa P. 1850 Lu**ra 1920 Lucy phist Lucy 1860 Mary A. 1850 Mary J. 1860 Masill? 1920 Mildred 1920 Nellie 1860 Otis 1920 Paul 1903nws Ray 1920 Roxie 1920 Roy 1850 Salvi 1860 Salvina 1860 Sarah 1920 Susie dcerts Sylvina 1873nws Walker &, --- 1920 William Kibbles 1889nws C. Kickendall 1850 Joseph 1850 Mary Ann Kidd 1844nws Holmes and, --- Kidder 1820 Abel births Victoria Kiddle 1850 Catharine Kidwell 1850 Edmund 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1850 Nancy Kieach dcerts Lutla Kiehling 1885nws Peter Kieling 1873nws John Kies 1830 Stephen Kilbourne births Willie Kile 1868nws William Kilgore 1893nws Edward T. Killdore 1920 Margaret Killeen 1920 Goldie F Killenger 1860 Barduif 1860 Henry 1860 Matilda Killer 1873nws Daniel Killinger dcerts Eva dcerts Geraldi dcerts Harold 1889nws Isabella 1879nws John dcerts Martha marr Robert W. Killingswor dcerts Elizabe Killingsworth 1903nws Eugene Killson 1851nws Harriet Kilton 1850 Hiram 1850 Horace 1850 Margret phist Nobel 1850 Ruth 1850 Twilla Kim 1920 ?Lotes 2002q Ambrose 1920 Bernice 1920 Clifford 1920 Dwight M 1904nws Dwight M. 1904nws E. G. 1920 Edward 1920 Esta M 1920 Herman 2002q Joseph 1920 Lucy births Mamie 1920 Maria dcerts Maria 1920 Mildred 2002q Robert 1920 Thelma F 1920 Wilford 1920 William R Kimball 1854nws --- 1820 Andrew dcerts Lydia 1830 Milton 1892nws Milton 1893nws Milton 1902nws Mrs. Kimbel 1876nws Mr. Kimble 1876nws J. Kimes 1830 Abraham 1840 Abraham 1860 Abraham phist Abraham 1860 Alice 1920 Amy births Arthur Benjamin 1850 Benton 1860 Benton 1891 Betsey 1850 Bial dcerts Cathari 1860 Catharine 1920 Cecil R 1903nws Ceil Rowland 1903nws Charles 1893nws D. S. 1850 David 1920 David dcerts David 1860 David S. 1850 Delila 1860 Delilah 1905nws Dwight births Dyke 1897nws E. G. 1920 Earl 1903nws Edwarc 1920 Edward G 1860 Efa? 1850 Effy 1830 Elias 1850 Elias 1892nws Elias births Elias 1850 Eliza 1860 Eliza M. 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1920 Elizabeth J 1860 Ellen 1920 Elsa B 1920 Ester L births Geo. B. McLella births Geo. S. 1850 George 1889nws George 1904nws George 1905nws Goldie Ellen 1920 Harry H 1904nws Henry Ascher 1860 Ida births Ira Elias 1903nws Irene Lizzie 1830 Jacob 1850 Jacob 1860 Jacob dindx Jacob 1819tx Jacob 1850 James 1860 James 1904nws James births James 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 1860 John 1859nws John 2nd 1920 John P 1860 John P. 1904nws John Rodney births John Rodney 1913nws Kate 1920 Leslie J 1850 Lucinda 1860 Lucinda 1905nws Luella Rhavetta 1920 Maggie A dcerts Margare 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Matilda 1850 Matilda 1860 Matilda births Matilda 1850 Nancy 1860 Nancy 1860 Nancy J. 1854nws Nancy J. (Ferguson) 1920 Octa L 1862nws Oliver 1860 Olney 1893nws Rona Dot 1920 Ronald 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1892nws Samuel 1920 Samuel A. 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1850 Sarah J. 1860 Scott 1860 Sophia births Susan 1860 Susanna 1850 Sylvester 1905nws T. W. 1830 Thomas 1840 Thomas 1850 Thomas 1876nws W. 1887nws W. 1920 Waid 1850 Washington 1860 Washington 1854nws Washington 1854nws Washington 1867nws Washington 1820 William 1830 William 1850 William larkin William 1819tx William phist William 1850 Winfield 1860 Wm. 1860 Wm. C. Kimmerer 2000q Harriet Kimmich 1873nws George M. 1873nws Rebecka Jane Kims 1820 Abraham 1830 Edward 1860 Frances 1860 James 1860 John W. 1860 Joseph 1860 Mary Kin dcerts Nellie Kinc dcerts Thomas Kincade Brothers harris --- Kincade 1893nws A. J. 1920 Alma M 1920 Andrew L dcerts Anorew 1860 Ch? 1920 Charley 1920 Elma F murray Frank 1860 John 1893nws John 1893nws John harris Joseph 1874nws Justina 1920 Mary M harris Polly 4thInf Robert 1920 Vella Kincaid 1867nws Elizabeth 1887nws Grace births Grace 1889nws John g1820 Mary Kincaide g1820 Hugh Kindall 1820 John 1830 John dcerts Sylvanu Kindel marr Gilbert births Raymond births Sumner births William G. Kindell dcerts Stillbo Kindle births Bell Annie dcerts George 1860 Gilbert 1889nws Gilbert dcerts Jack 1850 James 1893nws James births James 1850 John 1850 Phoeba Kindly 1840 Abraham Kindole dcerts Amelia Kindore dcerts Stillbo n. Kines 1840 Elias dcerts Illbc dcerts Theodog 1840 William dcerts Zzie King births King murray Adda 1904nws Albert births Alsinass P. 1819tx Beriah D. 1897nws Byron W. dcerts Celesta 1904nws Charlie Weber 2001q Clyde Everett 1907nws Della 2001q Earl 1905nws Earl births Edith Leonora 1889nws Elizabeth 1892nws Elizabeth births Elizabeth 1860 Emaline 1903nws Emily 2000q Frances 1920 Frances 1892nws Frances dcerts Frances 1907nws Francie 1904nws Frank 1900nws G. Walton (Rev.) dcerts George 1917nws Gilbert & Warner mill, --- 2001q Helen Mae (Musser) murray Ina 1830 Iredell 1820 Jacob 1830 Jacob g1820 Jared 1904nws Jennie Helena 1897nws John births John M. murray Julia dcerts Leina murray Lene Mrs. (Magg) 1862nws Leonard 1889nws Lewis 1920 Lou D(male) dcerts Lucenda dcerts Mary 1999q Matilda Jane 1820 Micager 1830 Micager 1920 Mildred phist Mr. 1860 N. M. births Parker phist Peter S. 1892nws Rhoda dcerts Roberi 1898nws Robert murray Roy births Roy 1892nws Sarah 1840 Selah W. murray Shafer 1905nws Sylvester Thomas wrdead Thomas 1881nws Thomas 1892nws Thomas 1893nws Thomas dcerts Thomas marr Thomas 1889nws Thomas H. 1893nws Thomas H. births Wallace Burton 1820 William 1920 William 1819tx William Kingcade 1850 George Kingeree 1892nws Catherine Kingree 1999q Abraham 1820 Abraham larkin Abraham phist Abraham 1830 Abram 1850 Frances 1854nws Francis (Mrs.) 1999q Magdalene (Byrd Allen) 1999q Solomon Kingry 1819tx Abraham Kingsberry 1830 Harley Kingsbury creek 1917nws --- Kingsbury family 1902nws --- Kingsbury 1897nws A. G. phist Harland 1840 Harley dindx Harley larkin Mr. Kingsley 1840 Abraham 1897nws Mr. 1897nws W. A. 1897nws W. A. Kinies dcerts Hcla Kinkade(Kincaid) 1920 Ira F Kinkade 4thInf David wrdead John 1920 Laura 1920 Marie wrdead Robert Kinkaide g1820 Thomas Kinkead 1850 David phist Margaret Kinnairdo dcerts Altoia Kinnell 1840 John Kinneman 1860 James H. 1860 James S. 1860 Jane 1866nws Jane 1840 John 1860 Wm. ?. Kinnerman wrdead James H. 1840 Mary Kinney 1850 Aaron 1850 David 1860 E. C. 1850 Eliza 1897nws Ella 1850 Elza 1850 John 1850 M. A. 1850 Mary E. 1850 Nancy C. 1858nws Nathan 1850 Rebecca 1850 Robt 1860 Sarah M. 1850 Thomas Kinole dcerts Rosa Kinorew dcerts Corda Kinsel family 1998q Kinsel family Kinser 1901nws D. Kinsey 1851nws Jonathan Kinson 1860 George 1860 Nancy 1860 Roxy 1860 Virginia 1860 Wm A. Kioo dcerts Betty Kirby 1851nws Charles A. 1897nws Flora May 1920 Harriet cmarr Leolian cmarr Thos. 1903nws Willis Kircher births A Kirekedall 1893nws Virgie Kirk 2000q Clarence 2000q Elizabeth 1830 Jonathan g1820 Nimrod 1840 William G. Kirkendal 1860 Barbry 1860 John 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary 1860 Oliver 1860 Ostin Kirkendale 1850 Austin 1850 Barbara 1850 John 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1850 Milo 1850 Oliver 1850 Samuel 1850 Susan 1850 William Kirkendall 1886nws --- harris A. B. 1850 Elizabeth 1867nws Joseph C. 1850 Mary 1850 Milo 1904nws Sam 1850 Samuel wrdead Samuel 1851nws Samuel 1850 Sarah 1904nws Vira Mame 1904nws Virgie 1859nws William Kirkendel 1895nws Joseph Kirker 1890nws Kyle larkin Thomas Kirkpatric 1850 Henry 1850 John 1850 Sarah 1850 William Kirkpatrick births Clyde 2001q Josephus dcerts Marvin 1893nws Rev. 1901nws Rev. 2001q Samantha (Dawson) 1859nws William Kiroy dcerts Harlebt Kirsty 1893nws John Kirwood 1887nws Perry Kiser 1850 Abraham 1850 Henry 1850 John 1850 Margaret 1850 Michael Kisinger 1850 Julia A. 1850 O**** Kitridge g1820 Jacob Kittering 1881nws Lizzie Kitton 1820 Noble Kizer 1850 Elvina 1850 Jacob 1850 Peter Kkcpp dcerts Viena Kleen 1901nws Elizabeth 1901nws Patrick Kleghbolt 1897nws Rudolph Kleih dcerts Izabe Klein's building 1877nws --- Klein births Klein births August births Barbara 1889nws C. H. 1904nws C. H. dcerts Catheri dcerts Daniel births Frederick Jacob dcerts Grace 1862nws Henry births Henry dcerts Henry marr Henry, Jr. 1893nws Hudy 1862nws Jacob 1901nws Jacob dcerts Jacob 2001q John 1904nws John dcerts John births Katherine 1851nws Lawrence 1897nws Maggie births Maggie dcerts Magoale births Mary 1877nws Nicholas 1879nws Nicholas births Paulina 1883nws Peter 1893nws Peter 1899nws Sophia Kleyst dcerts Joshua Klienfelter 1892nws Jacob Klindworth 1899nws A. J. (Rev.) 1919nws A. J. (Rev.) 1901nws Rev. 1903nws Rev. 1905nws Rev. 1905nws Rev. Kline 1920 C Henry 1850 Catharine 1850 Catharine 1850 Daniel 1850 David 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Henry 1850 Jacob 1850 Jacob 1861nws Jacob A. 1850 John 1862nws John 1850 Lawrence 1850 Magdalina 1920 Magdelena 1850 Margaret 1850 Mary 1850 Mary Ann phist Mrs. Dr. 1850 Peter 1850 Sophia 1850 Susan 1850 Susan 1861nws T. B. 1920 Tecora? M 1920 Versia? L Klingensmit dcerts Leda Klinger births Teresa Kllein dcerts Kathryn Kloes dcerts Barbara dcerts Frederi dcerts Jacob 1897nws Leonard dcerts Leonard dcerts Stillbo n. dcerts Stillro Kloges dcerts Charles Knaff murray Ezra Knap g1820 David 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Henry g1820 John 1850 Malissa 1850 Sarah Ann Knapp 1820 Abraham larkin Abraham 1892nws Abraham phist Abraham 1892nws Abraham M. 1920 Audray 1920 Bertha 1920 Burnie Jr 1920 Burnie Sr dcerts Clarenc 1860 Delila 1920 Edna dcerts Edward 1920 Elijah C dcerts Elizabe 1860 Elizabeth 1819tx Elizabeth 1892nws Elizabeth 1920 Ezra 1850 Filler 1820 George 1860 Hamur? 1850 Hannah 1859nws Henry 1866nws Henry murray Ida 1850 Isaac phist Isaac 1920 Jennie dcerts Jennie 1895nws John phist Joshua dcerts Levina 1850 Lucy 1920 M. Bell dcerts Martha 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1892nws Mary births Mary births Mary A. births Mary R. births Phebe 1861nws Reuben 1860 Tillis 1897nws W. S. 1850 William 1920 William S Knapper dcerts Mary Kncpp dcerts Enry Kneebaugh 1897nws Elias Kneuler 1895nws Henry Knight family 2001q Knight family 1902nws --- Knight 1861nws A. L. harris A. R. 1850 Agnes 1860 Agnes larkin Agnes 1882nws Agnes larkin Agnes (Grant) larkin Agnes (Grant) 1882nws Agnes (Grant) 1850 Almira 1860 Almira larkin Almira larkin Almira 1882nws Almira 1892nws Almira 1850 Alvira 1850 Amanda 1860 Anar 1850 Anny 1887nws Arthur 1897nws Arthur hrdsty Arthur D. graybd B. F. 1876nws B. F. 1887nws B. F. 1897nws B. F. 1897nws B. F. 1907nws B. F. 1904nws B. N. dcerts Benjami 1830 Benjamin 1840 Benjamin 1850 Benjamin 1860 Benjamin larkin Benjamin larkin Benjamin hrdsty Benjamin harris Benjamin 1856nws Benjamin 1867nws Benjamin 1867nws Benjamin 1882nws Benjamin phist Benjamin hrdsty Benjamin F. phist Benjamin F. 1892nws Betsy M. 1893nws Bro. 1920 Burt hrdsty Burt N. 1860 C. harris Cabin 1840 Calvin 1850 Calvin larkin Calvin 1844nws Calvin 1882nws Calvin phist Calvin marr Calvin 1920 Carl E 1920 Chester 1879nws Commissioner births Cora A. 1920 Dale 1850 Daniel 1860 Daniel larkin Daniel larkin Daniel hrdsty Daniel 1882nws Daniel 1893nws Doctor 1850 Dolly larkin Dolly larkin Dolly larkin Dolly (Newell) larkin Dolly (Newell) 1882nws Dolly (Newell) 1860 Dolly A. hrdsty Dolly Anne (Newell) 1897nws Dr. 1905nws Earl Ernest dcerts Effie 1892nws Electa 1819tx Elijah 1998q Elizabeth (Mitchell) larkin Elizabeth (Mitchell) 1882nws Elizabeth (Mitchell) hrdsty Elma 1920 Ernest B hrdsty Ernest B. 1905nws Ernest B. larkin Eunice 1882nws Eunice larkin Eunice (Higley) 1850 Euretta larkin Euretta (Stow) larkin Euretta (Stowe) 1882nws Euritta (Stow) births Flora Bell 1905nws Frank 1850 Franklin 1860 Franklin larkin Franklin 1840 George 1850 George 1893nws George marr George 1920 Helen 1920 Howard H 1860 Howell 1920 Ida J births J.B. 1893nws Jacob harris James larkin Jane (Barton) 1882nws Jane (Barton) 1820 John 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 1860 John larkin John larkin John larkin John larkin John harris John pomry John 1819tx John 1882nws John phist John births John 1850 John T. 1850 Lewis W. larkin Louisa 1882nws Louise larkin Lydia 1882nws Lydia 1920 Mae 1850 Malvina 1905nws Marcus Erchel larkin Maria (Higley) 1860 Martha hrdsty Mary C. (Copen) 1850 Matilda 1904nws May Evaline dcerts Merrill harris Mr. 1850 Noel 1920 Nola N 1920 Nora E 1920 Norwood larkin Olive 1882nws Olive 1920 Peregrine? 1892nws Phebe M. 1893nws Philetus H. 1850 Rachael 1860 Rachel 1850 Rhoda 1860 Rhoda larkin Rhoda harris Rhoda 1882nws Rhoda 1866nws Rickoby dcerts Roland 1890nws Rubie 1998q Samuel 1840 Samuel larkin Samuel 1882nws Samuel 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah hrdsty Sarah larkin Sarah B. 1882nws Sarah B. harris Sarah Redman 1820 Silas 1830 Silas larkin Silas larkin Silas 1819tx Silas phist Silas 1830 Silas W. 1892nws Silas W. dcerts Stillgc 1867nws W. larkin Willis Knights of Pythias 1893nws --- Knode births Mary Knoll g1820 Peter Knopp family 2000q Knopp family Knopp 1850 A* 1850 Caroline 1890nws Cecelia 1850 David dcerts Electa 1850 Elizabeth 1893nws Ella 1850 F**essa 1909nws Fave 1890nws George 1903nws Harry 1850 Henry dcerts Henry 1850 Martha 1903nws Oren Dale 1850 Philip dcerts Viena Knoppk 1854nws Phillip Knotts dcerts Mary Knotz 1998q Anna Christina Knowles 1850 A. 1850 A. J. 1860 Adalaide 1850 Adelaide 1860 Alonzo 1819tx Benjamin 1850 C. 1860 Christopher dcerts Elizabe h. 1860 Ezra 1850 Ezra H. 1860 Frances 1920 Fred dcerts Fred 1850 H. H. 1860 Harriet 1850 J.C. 1820 James 1830 James 1840 James 1850 James 1819tx James phist James births James C. births James Frankli 1876nws Judge 1877nws Judge 1878nws Judge 1850 M. 1860 Martha 1860 Mary dcerts Mary 1920 Mary A 1860 Matilda 1850 Philena 1876nws S. S. 1877nws S. S. (Judge) 1860 Warwick Knowlton 1819tx Chaun. 1820 Chauncey phist Chauncey 1905nws Howard 1851nws R. D. Knox 1820 Reuben harris Thurman g1820 Wm Knuatten 1850 Mary E Kobb 1891nws Eva Kober 1897nws John 1897nws John dcerts John 1897nws Peter 1897nws Peter dcerts Pfilr Koblentz 1903nws Artie A. 2003q Catherine kblntz Catherine 2003q Henry kblntz Henry kblntz Jacob 2003q Jacob Aaron kblntz John 1920 Lucetta 2003q Mary kblntz Mary 2003q Peter 1920 Phillip 2003q Phillip kblntz Phillip 1920 Ross S kblntz Susan 1903nws W. T. 2003q William kblntz William Koblenz 1894nws John Kochler births Kochler 1876nws B. births Bernard Kock 1887nws Katie Koehle 1897nws B. Koehler Block 1897nws --- Koehler 1850 Abraham 1998q Adam 1920 Adra 1920 Alma 1998q Anna 1920 Anna 1998q Anna Christina (Knotz) 1998q Anna Elizabeth (Walter) 1998q August 1850 B. 1876nws B. 1884nws B. 1905nws B. births Bernard phist Bernhard 1998q Bertha 1920 Bessie C 1861nws C. 1850 Charles 1998q Christopher 1920 Clarence 1920 Clarrie Fay 1850 Conrad 1998q Daniel 1920 Edgar 1903nws Edgar 1920 Edna May 1998q Frank 1920 Frank G births Geo. B. 1920 Gladys L 1850 Harriet 1998q Harvey dcerts Helma 1850 Henrietta 1850 Henry 1884nws Henry 1889nws Henry births Henry Edward 1998q Jacob 1920 Jacob 1998q Johannan Martin 1998q John 1920 John 1903nws John 1998q Katie births Katie births Katie E. 1920 Lenore 1920 Mable 1850 Margaret 1998q Martha 1998q Martin 1893nws Martin 1998q Martin Jr. 1920 Nellie 1920 Niel J 1998q Otto 1893nws Otto 1920 Pearl 1920 Robert Branch 1998q Rolf Herbert 1998q Rose 1905nws Sarah phist Sgt. Richard 1998q Sophia phist Virginia (Schaaf) 1920 Walter 1920 Wayne W 1920 Wilbur 1920 William dcerts William 1998q William Jr. 1998q William Sr. Koehley births Bernhard Koenig 1920 Dorothy dcerts Elmer 1920 Elmer C 1920 Ethel N 1920 George 1920 Harley 1901nws Henry 1920 Henry H 1905nws Henry Harrison 1920 Leo 1920 Leonard 1920 Leonard H 1920 Minnie dcerts Robert 1920 Susan 1903nws Susie 1903nws Val 1905nws Val dcerts Valenti 1920 Valentine 1885nws Valentine dcerts Verne dcerts Viegene 1920 Vina 1920 Wilbert F 1920 Willie V 1920 Zelada F Koening 1893nws Henry Koepf 1897nws Henry Koester 1897nws Christena 1897nws Clara 1897nws G. H. 1897nws John 1897nws Katherine 1897nws Samuel (Rev.) 1897nws William Koff 1893nws Bessie May 1893nws William Kohe births Katie Kohl births Andrew 1897nws Andy 1862nws Anthony dcerts Anton marr Anton births Arthur M. 1884nws Mrs. 1897nws Val. Kohler births -------- 1862nws George 1883nws H. L. births Henry dcerts Wilber Koiehler dcerts Anna Kolster dcerts Christi Konfff dcerts Minnie Konkle 1850 Henry 1850 John 1850 Lovina 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Michael 1850 Samuel Kontz 1850 Martin 1850 Mary 1850 Rosina 1850 Wendell Koons harris Jonathan Koontz 1850 Esther g1820 Jacob g1820 Martin phist Mr. 2000q NFN Kope dcerts Anna dcerts Jacob Korn 1889nws Charles 1921nws Gertrude 1921nws Henry 1897nws Peter 1921nws Peter dcerts Peter Kornig dcerts Ifonard Korr dcerts Pauline Koslentz dcerts Philip Koss 1854nws Absalom Kossuth 1878nws Rachel 1897nws Val. Kountz 1876nws Chris 1892nws John marr John Kozman harris Mr. and Mrs. Kraeuter 1889nws Jacob dcerts Margare Kraff 1851nws Theophilus (Rev.) Kraft 1897nws Charles dcerts Charles dcerts Elizaue 1897nws Ella dcerts Sophia Kraus births Kraus births Amelia 1897nws George births John dcerts Susan Krause births Krause 1897nws Dana Krauss 1873nws Joseph Krcskly dcerts Julieus Krebauch dcerts Maria Kreihbel 1876nws Dr. Kreimeimier 1881nws Henrietta 1881nws Phillip 1881nws William Kreinbihl dcerts David Kreiselmier dcerts Philip Kreiter dcerts Julia Krell 1820 George Kress 2003q Margaret (Maggie) 2003q Martha Elisabeth (Green) Kreuter family 1897nws --- Krider 1920 Alice 1920 Eldon R 1920 Emory L 1920 Freda W 1920 George V 1920 Grace M dcerts John 1920 Lizzie 1920 Margaret dcerts Mrsw 1920 Raymond F 1920 Thelmus 1921nws W. J. 1920 William J 1920 William J. Kriestneyer dcerts Ida Kriselmeier family 1999q Kriselmeier family Kriselmeier 1999q Katherine Krous 1862nws John Krouse 1851nws Donna Maria Kruhoten? g1820 Wm Ktedaucgh dcerts Lucius Kuehne 1897nws Charles Kuhn cmarr John dcerts Raymonc 1868nws William Kuhns phist A. W phist Helen (Ebersbach) Kuiper 1860 Allen 1860 Anna 1860 Avis 1860 John 1860 John M. 1860 Manerva 1860 Mary 1860 Mary J. 1860 Willard Kukendall 1860 * 1860 Cynthia 1860 Joseph 1860 Mary A. 1860 Sarah Kunnatz 1897nws George Henry 1897nws Jacobina Katherine Kuntz 1897nws Albert 1891nws Bailey &, --- 1897nws C. 1902nws Caris 1890nws Chris. 1897nws Chris. 1830 Esther 1862nws Nicholas Kupper 1855nws Hassper Kuppinger births Adam births Henry Kuppke dcerts Unnameo Kurfess dcerts Charles Kurtz harris C. L. harris Frank Kuth 1840 Solomon Kyl dcerts Arthur