O'Bleness harris Henry O'Brien 1897nws C. W. 1904nws Charles Edward phist Charles William harris Frank phist Frank 1876nws George phist George harris Hannah phist Hannah (Biggs Peoples) phist Harmon phist James phist James B. 1889nws Jennie 1904nws John phist Pamela Sue harris Selden phist Seldon harris William phist William O'Bryan 1897nws J. C. O'Dell 1889nws Mary O'Donald 1900nws Bridget O'Donnel phist Margaret (Davis) phist R. J. O'Donnell 1903nws Mary O'Halleran births Edward births Thomas O'Haver births Orina births William O'Leary 1860 Ann 1860 Anna 1893nws Gertrude E. 1893nws John births John 1889nws John E. births John E. births Joseph Vear 1893nws Nellie births Nile Jordan 1893nws Patrick 1860 Rachel 1860 Wm. O'neal 1840 Cane O'Neil 1892nws Barney marr Cain 1897nws W. W. (Capt.) O'Reilly phist Joe O Hair 1860 John 1860 Rosey 1860 Thomas O. Branch & Co. 1861nws --- O.V.I. 1883nws 140th, --- 1912nws 18th Rgt., --- 1916nws 18th Rgt., --- 1883nws 36th, --- Oak Grove cemetery 1889nws --- Oakes family 2000q Oakes family Oakes 1893nws Clara 1893nws Wilde Oakley 1850 Abagail 1998q Anna 1998q Bennett 1830 Bennett 1850 Bennett 1860 Bennett phist Bennett 1860 Esther 1850 Lucian 1860 Lucius 1850 Lydia 1850 Mary 1998q Miles 1820 Miles 1830 Miles dindx Miles 1819tx Miles 1820 Miles Jr. 1830 Miles Jr. 1819tx Miles, Jr. 1876nws Orion 1850 Orlow 1860 Osmen? A. 1860 Phebe 1881nws Phebe 1850 Phoeba 1998q Suzanna 1850 William 1860 Wm. Oaks births Adeline C. births Benjamin Frankli births Charles Arthur 1850 Clarrissa births Edward 1850 Goram 1877nws Gorham births John Wesley 1850 Levi 1893nws Levi 1850 Lovina births Lovinia 1860 Mary 1876nws Mathias 1878nws Rosanna 1879nws William births William E. births William Oscar births Wm. Oarst dcerts Gertrud Oaty 1856nws Alvira 1856nws John Oavis dcerts Evalyne Oawson dcerts Mary Oberholzer dcerts Glenn dcerts Hazel dcerts Lewis Oberriter dcerts Anna Oberst births Christina Obertries 1860 August 1860 Cartz 1860 Casper 1860 Margaret Obra 1866nws Morgan Obries dcerts Edward Ocleary dcerts Ellen Oconell dcerts Omelia Oconner 1850 John 1850 Margret 1850 Mazy 1850 Pilix 1850 Sarah Oconnerton dcerts George Oconnor dcerts Dan dcerts James dcerts Tommie Odell 1878nws Homer Odge dcerts Stella Odgen 1830 Alvin 1830 Saturt? Odlchir dcerts Charle Odye dcerts Margare Oean dcerts Mary Oedwads dcerts Dora Oeffler 1904nws Andrew 1903nws Charles 1903nws E. J. 1904nws Lena Bell 1903nws Mildred L. 1873nws Peter 1903nws Wilhelmina E. Oell dcerts Marny Oerlen dcerts Anna Oetjen 1897nws Albert 1897nws John Oevol dcerts Bertha Offett 1850 Cordelia 1850 Cornelia 1850 James 1850 Jane 1850 Lycurgus 1850 Susannah Offitt dcerts Stillbo Offut 1868nws Lycurgus Offutt births Cornelia dcerts Martha dcerts Orvil dcerts Stillbo Ofunn dcerts Melissa Ogan harris Lew, Ogden larkin Adah larkin Allen 1819tx Alvan 1840 Alvin 1850 Alvin 1850 Alvin 1860 Alvin larkin Alvin larkin Alvin larkin Alvin harris Alvin 1881nws Alvin 1892nws Alvin 1897nws Alvin phist Alvin larkin Alvin (Jr.) larkin Alvin (Sr.) births Anace murray Anise 1850 Annes 2003q Annis 1850 Darcus larkin Dorcas (Graham) murray Dorcas Mrs. 1850 Eli murray Eli births Eli 1860 Eliza 1999q Eliza (Carpenter) larkin Eliza (Forrest) 1860 Eliza A. 1850 Elizabeth larkin Elizabeth harris Elizabeth 1876nws Elizabeth murray Elsworth Kenny 1913nws Eugene dcerts George 1920 George W 1850 Hannah 1850 Hannah larkin Hannah (Keller) larkin Herbert murray Howard 1850 Hugh 1850 Hugh 1860 Hugh larkin Hugh larkin Hugh harris Hugh 1867nws Hugh harris Ignatius 1850 John 1860 John wrdead John larkin John phist John Riley 1920 Katie E harris Lovina 1850 Mary 1860 Mary larkin Mary harris Mary murray Minerva Mrs. 1895nws Miss murray Mittie 1850 Nancy 1860 Nancy larkin Nancy harris Nancy larkin Nancy (Jordan) 1850 Noah larkin Noah murray Noah harris Rachel murray Roda E. 1999q Sabert 1850 Sabert 1860 Sabert larkin Sabert 1897nws Sarah D. 1892nws Sibert 1840 Tabert ? 1889nws Will 1876nws William Ogdfn dcerts Noah Ogdin 1891nws Alvin 1892nws Alvin 1897nws Alvin 1897nws Alvin 1998q Alvin Sr. 1820 Alvon 1920 Anna 1920 Anna Elizabeth 1891nws Annis dcerts Carl 1920 Carl H 1920 Charles A 1920 Clarence C 1891nws Dorcas (Graham) 1891nws Eliza (Forrest) 1920 Elizabeth 1891nws Elizabeth 1891nws Hannah 1891nws Hannah (Keller) 1920 Hugh 1891nws Hugh 1920 James S 1920 Jennie L 1891nws John 1920 John R 1920 Kearney E 1920 Lucile E 1920 Mamie M B 1891nws Mary dcerts Mary 1920 Mary J dcerts Minerva 1920 Mittie 1891nws Nancy 1893nws Nancy 1891nws Nancy (Jordan) 1920 Noah 1891nws Noah 1893nws Noah 1920 Pearl 1920 S.Roy 1891nws Sabert 1920 W. Ronald 1920 Wayne 1920 Wesley Allen 1920 William Ogle 1850 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1840 Henry 1850 Henry 1850 Lucy 1850 William Ogoin dcerts Izade Oharra 1862nws John Ohio & W. Va. railroad 1881nws --- Ohio and West Virginia Railway Company 1879nws --- Ohio Central Railway 1881nws --- Ohio Central 1886nws --- Ohio Infantry 1876nws 12th , --- 1876nws 21st, --- 1876nws 34th, --- 1876nws 36th, --- 1881nws 91st, --- Ohio Machine Co. 1889nws --- 1893nws --- 1893nws --- 1893nws --- Ohio Machine shop 1893nws --- Ohio Machine Works 1893nws --- Ohio River & Kanawha Salt Company 1879nws --- Ohio River and Kanawha Salt Company 1879nws --- Ohio River Salt Company 1876nws --- 1876nws --- 1901nws --- Ohio Volunteer Infantry 1906nws 18th Rgt., --- Ohio 1879nws 33d, --- Ohl 1891nws Dr. 1897nws Dr. 1897nws Dr. 1897nws Dr. 1897nws Franklin M. 1897nws Fred 1897nws Fred 1890nws J. F. (Rev. Dr.) 1897nws J. K. 1890nws Luttie 1897nws Mary 1897nws Mary Cynthia (Conant) 1897nws Mrs. 1893nws Rev. Dr. 1905nws Rev. Dr. 1890nws Rev. Mr. Ohlinger births Ohlinger 1897nws Abe deaths Albert births Anna 2002q Anna Maria births Anna Maria deaths Anna W. 1999q Barbara births Barbara 1910nws Carl deaths Caroline deaths Caroline E. births Caroline E.S births Catharine deaths Catharine births Catherine births Charles 1904nws Charles D. 1920 Charles J 1897nws Chris. 1901nws Christian births Christian marr Christian births Christiana births Christina births Christina births Christine births Clara 1999q Conrad dcerts Conrad marr Conrad 1920 Dorothy F 1920 Dorsey births Elizabeth deaths Elizabeth 1920 Elsie births Ernest Frank 1920 Eva M deaths Evaline 1879nws F. W. births F.W. marr Frederick W. 1904nws George births George dcerts George deaths George marr George births George Winni births Harry 1867nws Henry 1903nws Henry deaths Henry marr Henry births Henry L. births Henry W. births Herman murray Hugo J. 1920 Jackling H ? 1885nws Jacob deaths Jacob 1840 John 1877nws John births John marr John 1920 John A births John H. 1920 John P births John P. 1897nws Kate phist Katharine births Katie 1920 Lafayette F 1897nws Lena 1920 Lena W births Lenna 1893nws Leonard births Leonard 1905nws Lewis M. births Louis C. births Louisa 1903nws Lucile 1920 Lurinda births Magdalena 1897nws Maggie births Maggie 1999q Margaret 1999q Margaret (Root) 1897nws Marshal 1921nws Martin births Martin marr Martin marr Martin, 2nd 1899nws Mary births Mary deaths Mary 1920 Mary B deaths Mary E. births Michael marr Michael 1920 Nelson A births Olinda H. births Oneida births Orin Hayes 1899nws Paul Gerhardt 1897nws Philip births Philip 1899nws Phillip births Regina 1908nws Rome 1893nws Sarah E. ohlngr Sophia births Sophia marr Stephan 1873nws Stephen 1885nws Stephen 1897nws Stephen 1899nws Stephen births Stephen births Susanna 1897nws Val. births Valentine E. births Walter E. dcerts Wilda 1905nws William births William Ohnson dcerts Bertha Oichal dcerts Chisti Oiler births Aaron Wilber 1862nws Adam 1850 Amanda 1850 Benjamin 1860 Caroline 1850 Catharine dcerts Curtis 1850 Ebenezer births Edward 1860 Eliza 1850 Henry 1862nws Henry 1850 John 1860 John 1860 Lucinda 1860 Margaret 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary births Mary 1860 Melinda 1850 Nancy 1850 Perry 1860 Philip 1850 Samuel g1820 Samuel 1860 Sarah A. 1850 Susannah Oillaro dcerts Oillaro Oille dcerts David Oirtz dcerts Carolin Oixon dcerts William Okley 1840 Bennet Olaman 1868nws Robert Old Kyger church 1885nws --- Old Town Flats 2003q Old Town Flats Old Town larkin --- Oldacre 1881nws Richard (Rev.) Oldaker dcerts Cordeli 1920 Cordelia E 1920 Jasper D Oldakers 1999q Catherine Olders harris The Olear dcerts Electa Oleary dcerts Margare Olfarman 1860 M. Olinger 1850 "Martin, 4th" 1860 Abraham 1850 Adam 1850 Adelia deaths Ann M. 1850 Barbara 1850 Barbara 1850 Barbara 1860 Barbary 1860 Barbry 1860 C. 1860 Caroline 1850 Catharine 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine 1860 Catherine 1850 Christian 1850 Christina 1860 Conrod 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 G. 1850 George 1850 George 1860 George 1860 George 1862nws George 1921nws George 1921nws George M. 1860 H. 1850 Henry 1850 Henry 1860 Henry 1862nws Henry 1860 Jackson 1850 Jacob 1862nws Jacob 1921nws Jacob 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1862nws John 1921nws John deaths John 1860 July hrdsty Laura H. (McKenzie) 1860 M. 1860 Magdalane 1860 Maggy 1860 Margaret 1850 Maria 1850 Mariah 1860 Mariah 1850 Martin 1850 Martin 1850 Martin 1860 Martin 1876nws Martin 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1850 Michael 1860 Michael 1860 S. 1862nws Stephen 1850 Susan 1860 Valentine dcerts Valfiti 1850 Wendell 1860 Wm. Olive School District dindx Olive School District Olive 1860 Amelia dcerts Ida Oliver births ------ harris --- 1897nws A. K. births A.K. deaths Ada M. dcerts Adeline births Albert deaths Albert births Alex births Alex H. dcerts Alexand births Alfred births Anna May deaths Anna May deaths Annie 1850 Barbara births Belle births Bessie B. dcerts Charles births Dana M. 1830 Daneil 1850 Daniel 1860 Daniel births Daniel births David 1850 Dennis marr Dennis dcerts Dwight births E.A. births Earl 1850 Eli births Elizabeth 1860 Emily Ann births Emma births Emmett D. 1850 Fanny 1850 Francis M. 1920 Frank D 1860 G. 1850 Geo 1840 George 1850 George 1851nws George 1861nws George 1876nws George births George marr George 1851nws Harvey T. 1860 Isabella births Isabella dcerts Izetta marr Jackson deaths James R. dcerts Jennie 1820 John 1850 John 1860 John 1920 John 1859nws John 1866nws John 1867nws John 1881nws John births John births John dcerts John marr John 1830 John M. births Lena 1840 Leonard 1860 Liley M. births Lillian births Lillie births Lily births Lulu births Maggie dcerts Malinda births Margaret 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1889nws Mary 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Mary C. 1860 Mary E. births Mary E. 1866nws Michael 1860 Nancy births Nellie deaths Nellie births Oneida 1920 Otto V marr Philip 1850 Ranson births Robert Ingerso 1830 Samuel 1840 Samuel 1850 Samuel 1859nws Samuel 1867nws Samuel 1892nws Samuel marr Samuel 1860 Sarah 1850 Sarah A. 1860 Sarah A. births Sarah A. 1850 Sarah Ann 1860 Stanley births Stanley dcerts Teresa 1840 Thomas 1850 William 1860 William dcerts William Oller dcerts Edna dcerts George Ollom dcerts Allison Ollum ? Ollom 1920 Alice Ollum 1906nws A. F. 1850 Isaac 1850 Menerva Olly 1893nws Bell Olmstead 1889nws Mrs. 1897nws S. H. Olney 1873nws Mr. Oly 1850 Aaron 1850 Henry 1850 James 1850 John 1850 Mary 1850 Samuel 1850 Solomon 1850 William Olynger 1860 Adelia 1860 Catharine 1860 George 1860 Henry 1860 Jacob 1860 John 1860 Leonard 1860 Mary Oman family 1998q Oman family Oman 1893nws Alexander 1998q Sarah (Sayers) 1998q Thomas births Thomas marr Thomas births Wm. Ombler 2000q Charles Christopher 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Francis 2000q George 2000q John 1860 John 1851nws John 2000q Julia Ellen (Turley) 2000q Margaret 1860 Mary J. 2000q Rachel (Hart) 1860 William Omen births Omen 1998q Alexander 1998q Anna (Certes) births John births John Sherman births William Omer 1860 Alexander 1860 Margaret 1860 Thomas 1860 William Ominger 1860 Christina 1860 F. 1860 John Ondeniaugh dcerts Cnaplcs Oneil dcerts Mable dcerts William Onillen dcerts Garnet Onyon 1877nws John Oocnnell dcerts Thiomas Oodson dcerts Emma Oonahue dcerts Thomas Oonchew dcerts Jerry Oouglass dcerts Rosa Opera House 1883nws --- 1897nws --- Oppenheimer 1897nws I. L. 1885nws M. 1897nws Mr. 1897nws Mrs. Or?ning 1862nws Wolf Orange cemetery 1892nws --- Orange church 1903nws --- Oranseng 1856nws Mr. Orb births Caroline Orbin 1902nws Clark Ord births Mary Ore dcerts William Orennen dcerts Unnamed Orourk dcerts Harold Orr family 1999q Orr family Orr births ---- 1903nws B. E. 1850 Belinda 1920 Bert E 1850 Calvin 1920 Calvin E 1920 Catherine E 1920 Clinton L 1881nws Cora Dell 1860 Darcus 1920 E. Paul berg Eva 1860 Freland 1920 Icelinda 1881nws Icelinda dcerts Icelino 1856nws Isaac 1850 Isabell 1860 Isaih 1850 James 1860 James wrdead James 1850 John 1860 John wrdead John 1920nws John (Rev.) dcerts Julia 1850 July Ann dcerts Lillian 1920 Lottie M 1860 Louisa 1920 M. Wayne births Mabel 1860 Malinda 1920nws Mary (Sauer) 1856nws Mary Ann 1920 Minnie A 1881nws Nora Bell 1920 O. Edith 1881nws Perry (Rev.) 1920 Perry R 1903nws Perry Reid births R.S. 1860 Robert 1920 Ruth M 1881nws W. C. 1850 William 1920 William A 1920 William C 1920 William I 1860 Zuniglas Orummoonu dcerts Margare Orwin 1889nws Rev. Osborn births Osborn 1897nws A. G. 1860 Aaron births Aaron births Aaron A. 1850 Adleine S. 1860 Albert 1850 Alexander births Alfred births Allen Edward births Allen Post births Almira births Aloa Addeen dcerts Antoine 1860 Antoniette 1850 Antonnette births Arrissa 1920 Asbury 1920 Audrey births Audrie Marie 1860 B. L. 1897nws Bertha 1897nws Bertha births Bessie dcerts Beulah 1920 Cara births Carrie Belle 1904nws Cassie Belle 1860 Charles births Charles births Charles M. births Chas R. births Clotes births D.H. births Dallas Lee 1820 David 1830 David 1840 David 1860 David 1860 David dindx David births David births David H. 1860 Delia 1920 Delmar J births Delmer J. 1920 Dortha 1850 Drusilla 1903nws E. E. births E. E. births E.E. births Earnest Sylves 1920 Edith M 1904nws Edson E. births Edson E. births Eliza J. 1860 Eliza J? 1850 Elizabeth births Elizabeth births Elszabeth births Emy G. larkin Eunice (Knight) 1882nws Eunice (Knight) births Everett 1850 Ezra larkin Ezra larkin Ezra larkin Ezra births Florence Helen 1904nws Forest Rose births Forest Rose 1860 Frank births Freeman A. dcerts Genevie births Geo H. births George births George Benjami 1920 George H births Goldie Poline 1920 Grant G births H. 1860 H. L. 1854nws H. L. 1850 H. S. hrdsty Hannah births Hannah 1850 Harriet 1883nws Harriet births Harry births Hazel Dana 1897nws Helen 1897nws Helen 1830 Henery L. births Henry 1840 Henry L. 1892nws Henry L. phist Henry L. marr Henry L. 1920 Herman births Hilda Marie 1920 Hilda W 1840 Hiram B. 1920 Humphrey 1904nws Humphrey births Humphrey 1920 Icy J 1854nws J. 1860 James births James births James M. births James Martin births Jas M. 1893nws Jennie dcerts Jennie 1850 Jere 1820 Jeremiah 1830 Jeremiah 1840 Jeremiah dindx Jeremiah 1819tx Jeremiah births Jno. 1860 John 1873nws John births John dcerts John births John H. births John M. 1850 Jos 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph 1820 Josiah 1840 Josiah 1819tx Josiah 1920 Julia 1920 Julia E dcerts Juliaet births L. E. births L.E. births L.L. 1904nws Laura May births Laura May 1920 Lena M births Lena M. births Lena R. 1820 Levi larkin Levi phist Levi 1860 Lewis 1873nws Lewis births Lewis births Lewis E. births Lindley Ellwoo births Lizzie B. 1889nws Lou births Louis births Louis births Louis E. births Louisa births Lucinda 1920 Lucy births Lucy L. 1850 Lydia 1840 Lyman 1860 M. L. births Maggie 1920 Maggie E births Manlof 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1892nws Margaret births Margaret births Margaret J. 1860 Maria births Maria 1850 Martha 1860 Martha dcerts Martha 1920 Martha J births Martin 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary births Mary 1850 Mary A. births Mary Bessie 1860 Mary S. births Maud 1920 Millard Z births Millard Z. births Millie B. births Minnie B. births Minnie Lee 1920 Montie R. 1854nws Moore &, --- 1920 Nellie births Nellie births Nellie May 1850 Nelson births Neva May births Nevada Carolin 1904nws Nevada Caroline 1903nws Nova May 1860 Olive 1920 Ora B 1920 Philip births Philip Frederi 1850 Phoebe 1920 Ralph births Roland F. 1920 Ronald E. 1860 Rosanna 1850 Rose Ann 1920 Ruth A births S. 1850 Saml 1860 Samuel 1920 Samuel births Samuel 1920 Sarah dcerts Sarah 1897nws Senator 1920 Sonoma 1860 Sophia 1850 Susana births Tennie A. 1920 Thomas A births Thomas Augustu 1920 Vada C births Vida 1920 Virginia graybd W. H. 1891nws W. H. 1893nws W. H. 1897nws W. H. 1873nws W. P. births W.A. births W.H. births W.J. 1860 Wallace 1904nws Watson births Watson dcerts Wi 1890nws Widow 1872nws Will 1904nws Will births Will 1893nws Will. 1850 William 1860 William births William births William 1920 William E. 1878nws William P. 1893nws Willie births Wm E. 1860 Wm. births Wm. 1860 Wm. H. 1860 Wm. P. 1860 Zenos Osborn. larkin Ezra Osborne 1850 Aaron births Aaron births Amanda Elizab 1850 Anissa A. births Asbury Herman 1920 Bert births Bertha births Bertram 1850 Betsey P. 1920 Charles births D.H. 1850 David 1850 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth P. 1850 Ellen births Ellen births Ellis Lurana births Emma May 1850 Eunice C. births Frederick Cly births George E. births Guy Ellsworth 1850 Henry dcerts Henry 1850 Hiram B. 1850 J. J. births J.M. births J.W. 1850 James births James births James L. births James M. births Jennie 1850 John 1850 Julia A. births Lewis dcerts Lucy 1850 M. J. 1920 Mae 1920 Mame births Marion 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1850 Mary A. dcerts Milored births Minnie B. 1850 Nancy 1850 Nancy A. births Ora Bell births Richard Elmer 1850 Saml 1850 Saml David 1850 Samuel dcerts Stillbo 1850 Susan births Sylvestor Nor births Verna 1850 W. H. births W. H. 1873nws W. P. 1873nws W. P. dcerts Ward 1850 William births William wrdead William H. 1850 Zenas 1850 Zilotas Osburn 1850 Daniel 1850 David phist David births G. 1850 Lewis births Loisa 1850 Lyman births Maria Elizabet 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1850 Olive births Orion dcerts Zelotus Oscar odd mcintyre, harris Oscar odd mcintyre, Oshem 1860 Caroline 1860 Florence V. 1860 Franklin F. 1860 John B. 1860 Josiah 1860 Josiah G. 1860 Mary C. 1860 Westley Ossman births Ossman births Frank births Theresia Osterhouse marr Henry Osterman 1860 Anthony 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Emelia 1860 F. E. 1860 George 1860 John 1860 Margaret 1860 Valentine Ota murray Mina Otno 1860 John 1860 Lana 1860 Michael 1860 Rosena 1860 Wolf Otterman? g1820 Nehemiah Otto 1860 Elisabeth 1897nws Harry 1862nws Ioachim 1860 N. Ottumwa, larkin , residing in Otty 1840 Solomon Oty 2000q Aaron 2000q Alvira (Nelson) 1860 Emiley 2000q Emily (Woods) 2000q Emma (Phelps) murray Guy 2000q Henry wrdead Henry 2000q James 1877nws James 1893nws James A. 2000q John births John births Marcellus 2000q Mary births Mary I. 2000q Rebecca (Hooper) murray Samaria 2000q Samuel 1860 Samuel 2000q Sarah Elizabeth (Romine) 2000q Soloman 2000q William Harvey births Wm. Oualls dcerts Mary Oucen dcerts John Ougon dcerts William Ouillen dcerts Virgini Ouillin dcerts Isabell Ouincy dcerts Nathan Ouivy dcerts Nathan Ours 1904nws C. J. dcerts Charles 1904nws Charles Emory dcerts Freda 1867nws G. W. 1873nws George W. 1850 Henry 1893nws J. U. 1850 James 1850 Jehu wrdead Jehu 4thInf Jehu 1840 John 1850 John 4thInf John 1873nws John Jr. 1850 Lewis 1904nws Mae 1850 Mary dcerts Mary 1850 Matilda 1850 Nicholas dcerts Orvilla 1920 Pearl dcerts Rindp 1904nws Robert 1893nws Rusha Herman dcerts Stillbo Ourst dcerts Robert dcerts Senjami Ouvey dcerts Elizabe Overall 1866nws J. Overholtzer family 1999q Overholtzer family Overly 1920 Eleanor 1920 Margerett 1920 Ollie 1920 Ottis E 1920 Robert Owen 1890nws Dr. 1897nws Dr. 1897nws Dr. 1850 Edward harris James harris James G. harris Jessie 1914nws John (Mrs.) harris Judah births Mary Ann 1897nws T. Spencer (Dr.) dcerts Uoa births Wiliam Owens Family harris --- Owens births Agnes dcerts Anna 1889nws Cassie 1862nws Charles births David murray Eigan 1920 Elizabeth 1920 James harris James births Jane 1889nws John dcerts John marr John 1920 John S dcerts Lavina 1840 Loderick L. harris Mary dcerts Mary births Mary A. 1920 Mary M dcerts Nomia 1920 Norman W 1920 Sarah harris Sarah 1897nws Street Commissioner 1876nws W. H. births Wesley births Wesley 1920 William harris William 1895nws William dcerts William Owers 1876nws Father Owfns dcerts David Owillen dcerts Garnet Owings 1893nws Clara 1893nws Clara phist James H. Owins 1860 *. H. 1860 Elisabeth 1860 W. H. Ownes 1862nws John Oxley dcerts Amanda