R** 1860 Catharine 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Fritze 1860 Leonard 1860 Magdalana 1860 Mary R? 1860 Carnelious 1860 David 1860 Josiah 1860 Rebeca R[a/u]msey 1889nws Will Rable 1850 John Rabold 1850 Abalina 1850 Adam 1850 Anthony births Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Joseph 1850 Peter 1850 Susannah Raccoon Star Mills 1876nws --- Race 1897nws Florence 1897nws Frank 1893nws Mabel 1897nws Mabel phist Mabel graybd W. A. 1873nws W. A. 1875nws W. A. 1876nws W. A. 1879nws W. A. 1883nws W. A. 1886nws W. A. 1897nws W. A. Racine Baptist Church 1875nws --- Racine Cornet Band 1889nws --- Racine M. E. Church 1875nws --- 1875nws --- 1877nws --- 1879nws --- Racine M. E. Sunday School 1876nws --- Racine World 1876nws --- Racine 1850 Gustave Racsliff 1855nws James Racy 1859nws John Radcliff 1920 Charles M 1893nws D. A. dcerts Evelyn 1883nws Flora 1920 George 1920 George R 1897nws Harmon 1920 Isaac F 1850 John W. 1893nws Lotus L. 1920 Maelva K 1920 Marian V 1850 Martha 1920 Mary K 1920 Nannie M 1920 Nathan 1920 Nora B 1920 O.L 1920 Ralph R 1920 Russell B 1850 Stephen 1920 Sylvia Radcliffe dcerts Charles dcerts George dcerts Katheri marr Stephen Radeford 1851nws Thomas Radekin 1920 Deana F 1920 Emily E 1920 Ethel 1901nws F. M. 1920 George harris George Albert 1920 George B 1920 Georgia N 1920 Ina G 1920 John E murray Maggie 1920 Nellie 1920 Neva Rader g1820 Adam 1889nws William Radford Family harris --- Radford 1860 Adda M. 1860 Affa E. 1850 Alba Eliza 1920 Alta Mae 1860 Amanda births Amanda 1850 Ann 1860 Ann 1850 Arthur M. 1860 Arthur M. 1860 Bedelia 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine 1912nws Charles 1921nws Charles 1920 Charles W 1920 Charley 1895nws Charley fair D. 1840 David 1850 David 1860 David hrdsty David 1859nws David 1862nws David 1867nws David phist David fair David (Mrs.) 1901nws Dock 1906nws Dock 1912nws Dock harris Dorothy harris Eleanor 1850 Electa 1860 Electa births Electa hrdsty Electe 1860 Elin 1883nws Ella 1850 Ellanor 1850 Ellen 1860 Ellen hrdsty Ellen (Ashworth) 1860 Ellen J. 1920 Emma 1912nws Emma 1860 Emma J. 1908nws Emmet harris Emmet W. 1860 Emmett dcerts Fannie harris Flora 1860 Florence 1860 Francis harris Frank 1893nws Fred. 1860 Frederic 1840 Frederick 1850 Fredric 1860 George 1881nws Grace 1920 Hariett dcerts Harriet hrdsty Harriet L. (Smith) harris Helen 1920 helene E harris Homer 1920 Ida B 1850 Isaac 1850 Isaac 1860 Isaac 1860 Isaac wrdead Isaac 1862nws Isaac 1877nws Isaac 1840 James 1850 James 1850 James 1860 James 1860 James 1855nws James 1868nws James 1912nws James fair James 2d 1859nws James 2nd 1873nws James 2nd 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John 1859nws John 1862nws John 1862nws John 1876nws John 1881nws John 1891nws John marr John harris John Emmet 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph wrdead Joseph 1862nws Joseph murray Katie 1881nws Lois dcerts Louis 1860 Lowry Agnes fair M. A. (Miss) 1891nws Maggie 1893nws Maggie 1850 Maria 1860 Maria dcerts Maria 1850 Martha 1860 Martha 1891nws Martha 1860 Martha I. 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1920 Mary 1912nws Mary 1901nws Mary (Laubner) 1860 Mary A. 1850 Mary Ann births Mary Ann 1860 Mary C. 1860 Melissa 1850 Nancy 1860 Nancy 1860 Nancy 1920 Ola Ida 1920 Roy Massar 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah g1820 Sarah 1891nws Sarah dcerts Sarah 1860 Sarah E. hrdsty Sarah E. 1860 Theresa hrdsty Theresa (Rice) 1850 Theressa 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas fair Thomas harris Thomas 1854nws Thomas 1855nws Thomas 1859nws Thomas 1867nws Thomas 1867nws Thomas 1875nws Thomas 1883nws Thomas 1885nws Thomas 1860 Thomas C. dcerts Thopas 1860 Viola harris Waid C. 1820 William 1840 William 1850 William 1850 William 1860 William larkin William hrdsty William harris William 1844nws William 1862nws William 1866nws William phist William dcerts William 1920 William H hrdsty William H. 1860 William I. 1850 William J. 1860 Wm. dindx Wm. Radican murray Frank Radiken murray John Raffel dcerts Kathari Raffell 1879nws Catharine 1879nws Francis J. Raffold dcerts Ella Ragans 1904nws John 1904nws Newt Rahn births A. 1901nws Adam 2002q Albert 2002q Amanda 2002q Anna Marie (Durst) 2002q Claudine 2002q Ernst 1881nws F. (Rev.) 2002q Frederick 2002q Frederick (Rev.) 2002q Mamie 1881nws Mary (Dorst) births Peter Raiden 2000q Elizabeth 2000q Thomas Railback 1892nws Daniel marr Daniel Rainier fair George Rairden 1920 Alice M dcerts Laurett 1920 Samuel 1840 Thomas Rairdon 1920 Anna M 1860 Eugene 1860 Joanah 1860 John 1860 Patrick larkin Thomas larkin Thomas larkin Thomas Raizer murray Frank C. Rakin 1850 John Rallings 1860 Ann 1860 Henry 1860 Margaret A. 1860 Mary A. 1860 Oliver M. 1860 Richard 1860 Roena Ralph 1892nws Abigail 1860 Ambros 1876nws Ambrose 1860 Anna 1850 Anne 1850 Charles 1860 Charles 1850 Edmund 1860 Elizabeth 1850 Emma J. 1860 Emma J. murray Emory 1889nws Emory 1850 Enos 1860 Enos 1830 Erastus 1892nws Erastus R. R. dcerts Ira 1998q John 1820 John 1830 John larkin John 1819tx John phist John dcerts John 1840 John G. murray Jonah 1850 Judy 1850 Lucinda 1860 Lucretia 1860 Luther 1862nws Luther 1850 Luther W. births Lydia murray Lydia Mrs. dcerts Mary 1998q Mary (Irons) 1921nws Nevada 1850 Nial Nye 1998q Obadiah 1830 Obadiah 1892nws Obediah 1860 Sarah A. births Sarah A. 1850 Sarah Ann births Sarah Ann 1998q Sarah L. (Smith) births Sarahan 1830 Stephen 1840 Stephen 1850 Stephen g1820 Stephen harris Stephen 1851nws Stephen 1860 Steven Ralson mcknze Elizabeth Ralstom 1851nws James Ralston and Stivers phist Ralston and Stivers Ralston family 1902nws --- RALSTON property 1893nws --- Ralston dcerts Amanda 1912nws Arthur 1920 Charles 1860 Eleanor W. 1850 Ellen E. 1850 Ellen W. 1855nws Granville H. 1840 James 1850 James 1860 James graybd James harris James 1844nws James 1844nws James 1867nws James 1884nws James 1893nws James 1893nws James phist James 1850 James H. 1860 James H. 4thInf James H. 1893nws James H. 1895nws James H. 1901nws James H. 1901nws Jessie dcerts Jonatha 1912nws Jonathan 1860 Lizzie 1912nws Lizzie 1920 Mary 1855nws Mary A. (Sarber) 1893nws McCoy 1893nws McCoy 1912nws McCoy 1893nws Minnie 1912nws Morris 1860 S. E. Florence 1912nws Sarah E. (Gaston) 1850 Sarah F. 1860 Sarah J. 1901nws Sarah J. (Hill) Ralueran? g1820 illegible Rambo g1820 Rueben Ramsey 1860 Ann 1998q Ann Buckingham 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Jane 1998q Jane (Porter) 1998q John 1860 John 1860 Mary F. Rancler 1860 Catharina 1860 Frederick 1860 Henry 1860 Mary Rand 1873nws A. P. Randall phist E. O. harris Mary Randel g1820 Christopher Randen 1850 Alonzo 1850 Anne 1850 Edwin 1850 Eliza 1850 Josephine 1850 Thomas Randoiph dcerts Cari Randolf dcerts Howard Randolph dcerts Randolph dcerts Ada 1998q Adelaide 1920 Alfred phist Alfred 1920 Alice dcerts Alice 1920 Anna M 1920 Bertha 2001q Bertha (Blake Reed) 1860 C. W. phist Captain Dayton 1920 Carrol 1920 Charlie 1920 Claude 1920 Clifford 1920 Clyde 2001q Columbia Ann 1840 David 1850 David 1860 David 1920 Dayton 1891nws Dayton dcerts Dayton 1922nws Dorothea 1920 Dorris 1920 Earl dcerts Edward 1860 Eliza dcerts Elizabe h. 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1920 Elizabeth 1920 Elouise 1920 Elsie 1860 Emery S. 1920 Eugene 1920 George 1922nws Guy 1860 H. S. 1920 Hazel M 1920 Helen 1920 Ida 1920 Inez 1920 Inez 1850 Isaac 1860 Isaac dcerts Isaac 1850 James 1860 James 1920 James 1904nws James dcerts James 1850 Jesse 1860 Jesse 1999q Jessie 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph 1854nws Joseph 1876nws Joseph phist Joseph 1904nws Kate 1920 Lena 1920 Lorena 1860 Lucinda 1920 Lucyitta? dcerts Lulabel 1850 Major 1860 Major 1850 Martha 1860 Martha 1860 Mary 1920 Mary 1889nws Mary dcerts Mary 1999q Mary (Patterson) 1860 Mary A. 1850 Mary E. 1860 Mary E. 1850 Matilda 1860 Matilda 1892nws Myrtle 1920 Nettie 2001q Nora 1920 Nora 1920 Ollie 1920 Opal 1850 Pheba A. 1860 Phebe 2001q Phillip R. 1920 Raymond 1920 Rosa 1920 Russe 1860 Samantha 1999q Sarah 2000q Sarah 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1920 Seldon dcerts Stillbo 1860 Susanna dcerts Tracy 1920 Warren 1920 Will Randomph dcerts F dcerts Stiiiro Rangos dcerts Stillbo n. Ranier 1867nws George 1867nws Sarah wrdead William H. Rankin dcerts Annie 1860 Charles phist Eliza Ann (Fish) phist Eliza Jane 1850 Elizabeth phist Elnor (Flood) 1850 Elvira 1860 Hellen 1876nws James phist John dcerts John 1860 John H. 1850 Jonathan 1850 Laura 1860 Laura phist Lentella phist Lord Roderick 1850 Magalina 1850 Martha 1850 Mary Jane 1860 Olive 1850 Robert 1854nws Robert 1893nws Robert 1889nws Sarah A. 1850 Sarah Ann 1850 William Rankins 1850 Ann dcerts Ellen 1920 Eva S 1850 James 1850 John harris John 1840 Jonathan 1840 Robert 1850 William 1920 William Ranne g1820 Michael Rannel harris J. W. Rannell harris C. S. (Dr.) harris D. V. (Dr.) harris David harris Joseph harris Joseph Watson harris Samuel J. harris Thomas harris William Rannells 1876nws C. S. 1876nws C. S. 1876nws Mr. 1889nws W. J. 1889nws W. J. (Capt.) Rannels 1876nws Mr. Rano g1820 John Ranud? g1820 Michael Raoebaugh dcerts Kenneth Raoekiss dcerts Helen Rapold 1860 A. 1860 Adam 1860 Anthony 1860 Barbary 1860 Catharine 1860 Eblener 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Joseph 1860 Peter 1860 Sofiah 1860 Susan 1860 Susannah Rapole 1860 Andy 1860 Polly Rapp 1903nws August dcerts Catheri 1903nws Henry 1889nws Michael 1895nws Michael Rappold births Rappold 1893nws Andrew 1884nws Andy 1879nws Anthony 1881nws Anthony births Anthony Jr. 1873nws Anton births Anton births Apolonia 1897nws Biggs & 1893nws Briggs &, --- births Catharine dcerts Catheri births Elisabeth births Elizabeth 1904nws F. A. 1904nws Helen M. 1897nws Joseph 1893nws Kate E. 1881nws Magdalena 1881nws Magdalena 1897nws Peter births Phillip 1871nws Sussanna 1902nws Undertaker 1892nws Will Rappolo dcerts Charley Rarden 1855nws Elizabeth 1873nws Jacob 1820 Thomas marr Thomas E. Rardin Family harris --- Rardin harris J. J. 1998q Nancy Rardon 1893nws Asa 1893nws Brose 2000q Elizabeth 1892nws Elizabeth 1890nws L. E. (Dr.) 1998q Mary Ann 1830 Thomas 1920 Thomas 1892nws Thomas dcerts Thomas Raredon 1819tx Thomas Rariden 1850 Hannah 1850 Thomas Raridon 1860 Edmund 1860 H. phist Jane 1860 Sarah phist Thomas Rasley 1850 John Rasp dcerts Anna 1860 C* 1860 C. 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine 1920 Charles Roy 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth births Elizabeth M. 1850 Geo 1840 George 1850 George 1860 George 1860 George 1888nws George 1850 John hrdsty John 1867nws John 1920 Katie E 1860 M. 1850 M. E. hrdsty Magdalena 1860 Magdalene 1850 Magdalina 1850 Magdaline dcerts Margare hrdsty Margaretta E. (Kantz) 1920 Sallie M 1920 Susan 1850 William 1860 William dcerts William Ratcliff 1860 Daniel 1860 David 1860 John 1860 Lucinda 1860 Martha 1860 Serena 1860 Stephen Rathborn 1819tx Elisha Rathburn's Bank 1862nws Daniel &, --- Rathburn's big store 1909nws --- Rathburn's 1897nws --- Rathburn & Sons 1883nws --- Rathburn family phist Rathburn family Rathburn store 1889nws --- Rathburn 1886nws --- 1850 Allen 1920 Allen 1920 Almeda dcerts Almeda 1850 Alnion 1850 Aloira 1850 Alonzo 1820 Alvan 1819tx Alvan marr Alvan 1830 Alvin 1840 Alvin 1850 Alvin larkin Alvin harris Alvin 1892nws Alvin deaths Alvina ? 1850 Amanda deaths Amer D. 1850 Amos 1920 Amos murray Amos births Amos marr Amos 1904nws Amos Harold 1920 Arnold C 1850 Barbara deaths Barbara 1850 Benjamin harris Bertha Bean dcerts Cathari 1860 Catherine larkin Charles 1903nws Charles 1904nws Charles 1920 Charles E murray Charles E. 1897nws Charles F. phist Charles F. murray Charley murray Charlie births Cinderella 1850 Cinderilla dcerts Clara larkin Clarissa 1850 Clarrissa births Cynthia 1860 D. C. 1876nws D. C. harris D. C. (Dr.) 1901nws D. C. (Dr.) 1893nws Dan (Dr.) 1820 Daniel 1830 Daniel 1840 Daniel 1850 Daniel 1860 Daniel larkin Daniel larkin Daniel larkin Daniel larkin Daniel larkin Daniel larkin Daniel larkin Daniel larkin Daniel larkin Daniel larkin Daniel harris Daniel 1819tx Daniel 1877nws Daniel 1892nws Daniel 1892nws Daniel 1892nws Daniel phist Daniel 1862nws Daniel &, --- 1855nws Daniel &, Bakers, --- larkin Daniel C. larkin Daniel C. 1895nws Daniel C. deaths Daniel C. marr Daniel C. phist Daniel Clark M. D. 1820 Daniel Jr. 1840 Daniel, Jr. 1819tx Daniel, Jr. births David Roscoe larkin Desire larkin Desire larkin Desire (Rice) 1920 Doris R 1920 Dorothy J 1855nws E. (Rev.) 1920 Edna G 1862nws Elder 1840 Elijah 1850 Elijah 1920 Elijah 1889nws Elijah dcerts Elijah deaths Elijah 1820 Elisha 1830 Elisha 1840 Elisha 1850 Elisha larkin Elisha larkin Elisha larkin Elisha larkin Elisha harris Elisha 1892nws Elisha 1892nws Elisha 1892nws Elisha 1892nws Elisha 1892nws Elisha 1892nws Elisha 1892nws Elisha 1892nws Elisha 1893nws Elisha phist Elisha deaths Elisha marr Elisha 1876nws Elisha (Rev.) dcerts Elizabe 1850 Elizabeth larkin Elizabeth deaths Elmer R. deaths F.A. 1850 Francis larkin Francis Asbury 1920 Frank 1876nws Frank 1890nws Frank births Geo. Henry 1850 George murray George H. 1893nws Grace 1926nws Grace births Harriett 1877nws Hattie murray Helen 1860 Hester 1901nws Hettie 1855nws J. C. (Dr.) 1854nws J. Cullen (Dr.) graybd J. N. pmry88 J. N. 1876nws J. N. 1878nws J. N. 1879nws J. N. 1886nws J. N. 1886nws J. N. larkin James murray Jessie 1850 John larkin John harris John 1819tx John 1850 Joseph larkin Joseph harris Joseph 1854nws Joseph (Dr.) 1856nws Joseph (Dr.) 1893nws Joseph (Dr.) deaths Joseph N. larkin Joseph Newton harris Joseph Newton births Julia 1855nws Kate W. (Daniel) deaths L.M. larkin Laura (Higley) larkin Laura (Higley) 1860 Lester 1850 Lewis deaths Louis A. 1850 Lucinda 1860 Lucinda 1901nws Lucinda (Skinner) 1893nws Lucinda E. 1850 Lucretia 1850 Luther 1893nws M. E. 1897nws M. E. 1897nws M. E. phist M. E. (Senator) deaths Maggie E. 1850 Margaret 1850 Margret 1920 Martin 1850 Mary dcerts Mary 1920 Mary J harris Melton E. murray Melzer larkin Milton dcerts Milton harris Milton E. 1890nws Mitt. 1893nws Mitt. 1860 Nellie 1920 Norma L deaths Polly larkin Polly (Giles) 1850 Qeziah 1903nws Ralph R. 1920 Reginald 1860 Rilla larkin Roana 1850 Rosanna 1851nws Rowena 1850 Roxana 1850 Ruth murray Ruth E. 1893nws Sallie 1850 Sally 1850 Sally Ann births Sally Ann 1850 Samaria 1850 Samuel larkin Samuel harris Samuel harris Samuel B. 1850 Sarah 1830 Sereno 1840 Sereno 1850 Sereno 1892nws Sereno deaths Sereno marr Sereno 1850 Sereno, Jr. 1850 Sophia 1854nws Sophia H. 1830 Timothy 1840 Timothy 1850 Timothy larkin Timothy deaths Timothy marr Timothy dcerts Vella 1920 Velle A 1860 W. P. 1855nws W. P. 1873nws W. P. deaths Ward M. larkin William P. 1856nws William P. harris William Perry Rathrilirn dcerts Charif Rau marr Jacob Raub 1903nws George 1903nws Louise dcerts Mary 1903nws Nick dcerts Paul Rauch 1860 Charles 1860 Henry 1860 Lilley B. 1860 Roana 1860 Samuel Rausche g1820 Jonas Rauscher births Rauscher births Gottlieb Raush hrdsty Sophia (Betz) Raves (Ranes?) 1860 Alpheus 1860 James 1860 Leander 1860 Leroy 1860 Mary 1860 Mary M. 1860 William Rawley 1897nws James (Jr.) Rawling 1999q Anna Maria 1877nws John 1883nws R. D. 1893nws R. H. 1840 William Rawlings & Sons 1917nws --- Rawlings property 1893nws --- Rawlings 1889nws --- 1879nws Adrian 1920 Almus dcerts Amanda 1860 Amanda J. 1999q Amanda Jane (Gray) phist Ann 1860 Anna M. 1893nws Bart H. harris Bartlett 1920 Bernice E 1889nws Bertie phist Clara Faye (McHaffie) murray Dale murray Esta 1999q George Edwards 1860 George R. 1999q George Richard phist Harriet (Barr) dcerts Henry 1879nws Herbert 1920 Jessemine 1999q John 1860 John 1920 John L dcerts Lafayet 1999q Louisa J. (Edwards) murray Lucy Gray births M. E. dcerts Margare 1881nws Margaret L. births Margaretta phist Mary dcerts Mary 1860 Mary E. 1920 Maud 1893nws Mr. harris Nancy phist Nancy Sue phist Nancy Virginia 1920 Oliver M 1883nws R. D. 1893nws R. D. 1897nws R. D. 1876nws R. H. 1879nws R. H. 1886nws R. H. 1889nws R. H. 1893nws R. H. 1893nws R. H. 1897nws R. H. 1897nws R. H. phist R. H. family harris Ray 1909nws Ray murray Ray H. phist Ray Hollis harris Richard H. phist Richard Harold phist Richard Henry phist Richard William phist Robert William 1879nws Rufus phist Susan phist Susan A. (Russell) 1916nws Undertaker 1920 Vira/Vina 1881nws Warner phist William Craig murray Willie 1920 Winnie A Rawlins murray Bertha Miss murray Carlos murray Florence births Henry Bartlet births R.W. dcerts Warren murray Will Rawshaw 1892nws Catherine Rawson 1861nws E. I. W. 1861nws Joseph V. Ray g1820 Edward 1920 Eliza dcerts Eliza 1820 Isaac g1820 James 1820 John 1830 John dindx John 1819tx John phist John 1860 Margaret 1820 Martin 1830 Martin dindx Martin 1892nws Martin 1892nws Martin 1892nws Martin 1892nws Martin 1892nws Martin phist Mr. 1892nws Pamelia J. phist Professor Frank A. 1860 Samuel 1920 Samuel dcerts Samuel births Sarah A. 1892nws Susan marr Thomas 1840 Thomas W. Rayan 1893nws F. P. Raybould 1889nws Ida 1889nws Ida M. Rayburn 1850 Diana 1850 Elizabeth 1897nws J. R. 1844nws James 1850 Maxwell Rayfoco dcerts Budfcor Rayford dcerts Erma 1893nws Henry Rayl births Sarah Raymonds 1850 Jane 1850 John 1850 Julia 1850 July 1850 Mary 1850 William Rays 1897nws Eliza Rcmine dcerts Raymond Rcncaglione dcerts Lela Rcush dcerts William Rea 2000q David 1920 David 1910nws David dcerts David dcerts George 1920 Ida 2000q Jane (Jenkins) dcerts Magare 2000q Minnie 1920 Morgan 2000q Robert dcerts Tda Read 1860 Anna 1840 David 1860 Jacob 1860 Jared? 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary 1860 Minor 1860 Ripley 1860 Susana Reaf 1860 C. Reardon phist S. Patrick Reasoner Family harris --- Reasoner 1840 Nehemiah Reaves 1860 Calvin 1860 Charity 1860 Clarisa 1860 David 1860 Edward 1860 Eli 1860 Elijah 1860 Elisha 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Fanando 1860 Gehial 1860 H. 1860 Hana J. 1860 J. H. 1860 John 1860 John H. 1860 Josephine 1860 Margaret 1860 Martha 1860 Mary A. 1860 Matilda 1860 Perry 1860 Persena 1860 Philip 1860 Rosana 1860 S. 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah T? 1860 Susan 1860 William Rebel 1850 Anne M. 1850 Catharine 1850 Dorothy 1850 Louisa 1850 Peter Rebkscgkerm dcerts Frederu Record marr John Rectames 1887nws Ella Rectanus 1890nws Ella Rector phist Anna Catherine (Fishback phist Benjamin phist Charles phist Eliza Jane (Rankin) phist Ermina Florence phist John phist John Jacob phist Levin Ludwell phist Sarah Baldwin (Sherman) phist Sarah Ruth (Rust) phist William Lafayette Red Anchor Store 1893nws --- 1893nws --- Red Anchor 1897nws --- Red Star grocery 1897nws --- Red 1876nws Mary Redding harris Catherine phist Cynthia 1892nws Mary births Sarah A. larkin Thomas harris Thomas Reden 1850 Emirrella Redenoup dcerts Mary Redenour 1858nws Jacob 1858nws John Redfern phist Rev. William Redford 1920 Alba C 1920 Doc/Doe 1920 Freda N 1920 John H 1920 Mary Reding 1820 Thomas larkin Thomas phist Thomas Redinger births Florence Vic dcerts William births Wm Redman 1892nws J. H. (Rev.) harris Sarah Redmans harris The Redmond graybd B. J. 1887nws B. J. 1893nws B. J. 1893nws B. J. 1893nws Jessie 1893nws Jessie 1893nws Jessie 1893nws Jessie harris Judge Redmore 1844nws William Reec dcerts Elizabe h. Reece 1850 Anne 1850 David 1850 Elizabeth 1850 George 1850 Jane 1850 John dcerts Lee 1850 Mary 1893nws Roger B. 1850 Thomas 1850 William Reed and Watson larkin --- Reed Dress Making Business harris --- Reed births Reed births 5 feb 1871 1860 A. E. harris Aaron 1861nws Aaron 1850 Aba S. 1860 Abigail 1998q Abigail (Hoyt) 1860 Ada 1860 Addy S. phist Agnes Christine births Alfonzo 1860 Alfred 1920 Alice D 1850 Almira 1860 Almira 1920 Alsace L 1893nws Alzina 1850 Amelia wrdead Amos W. 1860 Andrew 1862nws Andrew 1850 Anna 1998q Araminta 1860 Arthur 1860 Arthur C. 1850 Austin 1860 Austin 1876nws Austin 1850 Benjamin 1920 Bertha 2001q Bertha (Barber) dcerts Betty 1897nws C. D. 1897nws C. D. 1867nws C. R. 1876nws C. R. phist C. R. M.D. graybd C. R. (Dr.) 1854nws C. R. (Dr.) 1876nws C. R. (Dr.) 1890nws C. R. (Dr.) 1893nws C. R. (Dr.) 1893nws C. R. (Dr.) 1850 C. W. 1895nws Calhoun R. dcerts Carolin 1860 Caroline births Caroline 1850 Catharine 1881nws Celina 1920 Charles 1878nws Charles 1903nws Charles 1904nws Charles dcerts Charles marr Clark 1860 Clinton 1860 Columbus dcerts Cora 1850 Cornelia 1850 Cornelia S. 1860 Corrissanda 1893nws Curt harris Curtis 1877nws Curtis D. phist Curtis D. graybd Curtis Darius 1860 Cynthia 1860 D. 1851nws D. 1854nws D. 1861nws D. 1862nws D. 1871nws D. 1873nws D. 1873nws D. 1876nws D. 1876nws D. 1887nws D. phist D. Curtis 1904nws Dane Frank 1873nws Darias 1873nws Darious 1850 Darius graybd Darius harris Darius 1867nws Darius 1873nws Darius phist Darius 1850 David 1850 David 1860 David 1860 David 1920 David J 1881nws Dennard dcerts Dennard 1893nws Doctor births Donard 1920 Dorothy 1904nws Dorothy E. 1876nws Dr. 1877nws Dr. 1893nws Dr. 1897nws Dr. 1850 Dudley 1860 Dudley 1850 Edward 1860 Edward 1903nws Edword 1889nws Elihu dcerts Elihu dcerts Elizabe h. 1920 Elizabeth cmarr Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth E. 1850 Ella dcerts Ella 1860 Ellen dcerts Ellen 1920 Elmer 1904nws Elmer dcerts Elmer 1999q Elsa Jane (McElhinney) 1920 Elsie dcerts Elsie 1860 Emelia 1850 Emily 1860 Emily larkin Emily 1893nws Emily births Emmet L. births Enid 1850 Enos harris Enos 1920 Erma 1897nws Etta B. 1860 Eunice phist Eunice (Curtis) phist Eunice Henrietta 1876nws F. B. 1860 F. M. dcerts Flariva 1850 Florence 1890nws Floribel 1920 Florival 1850 Francis 1920 Francis 1850 Franklin 1867nws Franklin B. phist Franklin Barstow 1858nws G. H. 1860 G. W. 1920 Gay births Geo. R. 1850 George 1920 George 1920 Gerald O 1920 Gladys 1860 H. W. 1879nws Hannah 1860 Hannah C. 1920 Hattie harris Helen phist Helen 1840 Henry 1859nws Henry 1917nws Henry births Hopper E. 1860 Howell dcerts Hulda 1860 Ida 1860 J. B. 1904nws J. F. 1850 Jacob 1860 Jaenette 1999q James 1850 James dcerts James 1850 Jane 1860 Jane 1892nws Jane murray Jennie (Harkins) 1850 John 1860 John 1889nws John 1890nws John dcerts John 1876nws John A. 1893nws John A. 1893nws John A. 1893nws John A. 1893nws John A. 1893nws John A. 1850 John L. 1881nws John M. 1893nws John M. 1893nws John M. births John M. 1920 John N 1904nws John N. 1920 Kate 1877nws L. Alberts (McElhinny) 2001q Lafayette 1850 Lafayette 1860 Lafayette 1883nws Larilla 1850 Laura 1850 Laura C. 1920 Laura M murray Lemmell murray Lemuel G. births Lena Evaline 1920 Leonard dcerts Lillian phist Lillian (Thompson) 1850 Lossen? 1860 Lucretia 1920 Lula W 1860 Lura 1850 M* phist M. W. 1920 Mabel 1920 Mabel E 2001q Magdalena 1998q Major 1820 Major 1830 Major 1840 Major 1850 Major 1860 Major larkin Major 1819tx Major 1861nws Major 1873nws Major 1879nws Major 1879nws Major 1892nws Major 1892nws Major 1892nws Major 1892nws Major 1892nws Major 1892nws Major 1892nws Major 1893nws Major phist Major dcerts Major 1850 Margret 1850 Maria 1850 Maria 1860 Maria 1920 Mariah 1881nws Mark E. 1860 Martha 2001q Martha (Hoffman) 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1920 Mary 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Mary E. 1998q Mary R. births Mary V. 1920 Matilda 1920 Matilda dcerts Matilda 1920 Mattie births Mattie births Mauck 1860 Milton 1920 Milton births Milton dcerts Milton 1820 Moses 1819tx Moses 1920 Murl(female) phist Myrta (Calderwood) 1850 Nancy 1850 Nancy 1860 Nancy 1892nws Nancy dcerts Naomi births Nelly Elisabeth 1860 Ocella phist Olive 1904nws Opal C. phist Opie dcerts Ora 1920 Orville 1850 Osella 1850 Park births Park 1850 Polly 1860 Polly 1867nws R. harris Rachel 1920 Ray 1893nws Reuben g1820 Rheuben g1820 Rhueben 1850 Ripley 1850 Robert 1893nws Ruben 1893nws Rueben marr Rueben 1850 Russell 1860 Russell 1860 S. S. 1883nws S. S. 1860 Salina 1860 Salvina 1850 Sam'l 1893nws Samantha 1830 Samuel 1840 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1892nws Samuel phist Samuel 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah A. births Sarah Jane 1850 Sardine harris Sardine births Sark J. 1850 Sher W. 1844nws Stella 1876nws Stella 1850 Susan 1920 Susie 1850 Sylvester harris Theodore phist Theodore harris Theodore Jr. harris Theodore T. phist Theodore T. phist Theodore T. Jr. g1820 Thomas 1920 Vernice 1920 Vesta dcerts Virgil dcerts Virgini 1920 Virginia 1850 W. births W. 1885nws W. B. 1889nws W. B. 1897nws W. S. 1850 W.B. graybd W__amore 1903nws Wade 1860 Wallace phist Wallace B. 1893nws Walter 1920 Walter F 1920 Warren 1920 Webster 1830 Whitamore 1840 Whitemore 1819tx Whitemore 1850 Whitmore 1820 Whittemore 1860 Whittemore harris Whittemore phist Whittemore 1998q Willard 1830 Willard 1840 Willard 1850 Willard 1860 Willard 1879nws Willard 1881nws Willard 2001q William 1840 William 1850 William 1850 William 1860 William harris William 1893nws William phist William dcerts William 1920 William F harris William F. phist William Frederick phist William Frederick Jr. 1860 William H. 1920 William R 1840 Willson 1850 Wilson 1860 Wilson births Wilson 1920 Win S 1850 Winnefred births Winniford 1850 Winny dcerts Winslow 1860 Wm. 1860 Wm. Reeder 1860 Addison 1860 Clara 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Louisa 1860 Margaret 1860 Wm. Reeds 1889nws F. B. Reedy? 1920 Leona M Reefer 1920 Eliza M 1920 George 1920 George J. 1920 Mable L 1920 Mary M. 1920 William H Rees g1820 Alexander births Catherine g1820 David births David births Elizabeth g1820 James 1860 John g1820 John 1860 Mary 1886nws Mary g1820 Samuel dcerts Thomas g1820 Wm Reese births Daniel 1860 David dcerts David 1907nws Ed 1999q Edward 1907nws Edward 1860 Elisabeth births Elizabeth 1909nws Floyd 1861nws George R. 1999q James Williams 1999q Jane harris Jane 1854nws Jenkins births Johannah Jane 1860 John 1907nws John 1909nws John phist John dcerts John dcerts Lena 1920 Linsmore? 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary phist Mr. 1860 Nancy births Richard marr Richard 1893nws Roger B. 1893nws Roger B. 1860 Ruth phist Sarah Anna (Jones) marr Thomas 1840 William births William Reeves family 2000q Reeves family Reeves 1850 "John, 2nd" 1850 ***iosia? 1850 Acy 1850 Alexander 1860 Alfeas 1850 Alles 1860 Allis 1850 Amanda 1860 Amasi wrdead Amazia 1850 Amiziah 1850 Anamaria 1860 Angaline 1850 Angeline 1860 Anias 1850 Ann 1850 Anna 1999q Anna (Saxton) 1999q Barzilla 1850 Barzilla 1860 Calista 1850 Calvin dcerts Calvin 1850 Caroline 1860 Caroline 1860 Catharine 1850 Charity 1860 Charity 1860 Charles 1906nws Chris 1860 Cintha A. 1850 Clarrissa dcerts Clyde 1850 Columbus 1860 Crepta 1850 Cyntha 1860 Daniel 1850 David 1850 Edward dcerts Effie 1860 Electa 1850 Eli 1868nws Eli 1850 Elijah 1850 Elisha wrdead Elisha 1850 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1920 Elizabeth phist Elizabeth 1999q Elizabeth (Dix) 2000q Elizabeth (Irwin) 2001q Elizabeth (Irwin) 1850 Emily 1860 Emily dcerts Emma 1850 Esther 1893nws G. W. 1850 Gehial 1820 George 1819tx George phist George dcerts George 1860 George W. 2000q Gerald L. 2001q Gerald L. 1860 Gilman dcerts Gilmore 1860 H. 1860 Hana births Hannah J. 1860 Harriott dcerts Harry 1893nws Hattie E. 1850 Henry 1860 Hester 1850 Hope 1850 Hugh 1867nws Hugh 1867nws Hugh 1881nws Hugh dcerts Irene dcerts Iris 1840 Isaac 1850 Isaac 1860 Isaac 1860 Isaac C. 1999q Isaiah Manoah dcerts Iza 1860 J. B. 1867nws J. H. births J.W. 1860 Jacob 1850 James births James H. 1850 Jami? 1850 Jane 1860 Jane 1850 Jeremiah 1867nws Jeremiah 2000q Jerimiah 2001q Jerimiah 1860 Jerimiah 1850 Jerutia dcerts Jery 1840 John 1850 John 1860 John dcerts John 1873nws John 2nd 1999q Joseph 1840 Joseph 1850 Joseph 1850 Josephine 1860 Josiah W. 1860 L. 1867nws L. J. 1873nws Lafayette 1860 Lafyet 1850 Layfaette 1860 Leander N. 1850 Leroy 1850 Levi 1850 Lewis 1860 Lonsow 1850 Lowiza 1893nws Lucinda 1850 Lucy dcerts Luverna 1850 Lydda 2000q Lydia 2001q Lydia 1860 Lydia 1999q Lydia Jane births Malina births Malinda births Malinda J. 1860 Manerva 1999q Margaret Elizabeth (Ross) 1850 Margret 1850 Maria 1881nws Martha dcerts Martha 1850 Martha Ann 1850 Martin 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1850 Mary Ann 1860 Mary E. 1850 Matilda 1860 Matilda marr Matthias 1850 Nancy 1850 Noah marr Noah 1850 Olive 1850 Philip 1860 R. 1850 Rabecca 1850 Rachael 1860 Rebeca dcerts Rebecca 1820 Reuben 1840 Reuben 1850 Reuben 1819tx Reuben 1850 Rhoda 1999q Richard 1820 Richard 1830 Richard 1840 Richard 1850 Richard 1860 Richard 1819tx Richard phist Richard 1892nws Richard (Jr.) wrdead Richard D. 1999q Richard Jr. marr Richard Jr. 1840 Richard, Jr. 1850 Robert murray Robert G. 1999q Robert Lindsey 1860 Rody 1850 Rosanna 1860 Rosetta 1850 Rozetta 1999q Rueben 1830 Rueben 1850 Ruth 1860 Ruth 1860 S. 1860 Salina 1850 Samuel 1850 Sanford 1850 Sarah births Sarah 1860 Sarah F? births Sarah Jane births Sarah L. 1850 Sheperd 1921nws Sheriff 1921nws Sheriff 1921nws Sheriff 1999q Solomon 2000q Solomon 2001q Solomon 1830 Solomon 1840 Solomon 1850 Solomon 1860 Solomon 1850 Stacy 1860 Susan 1850 Susannah 1850 Theodore 1999q Thomas 1850 Thomas dcerts Virgile murray W. E. 1893nws W. E. 1860 Wasin 1850 Westly 1999q William 1820 William 1830 William 1840 William 1850 William 1819tx William 1886nws William dcerts William 1860 William H. 1999q William Jr. 1840 William, Jr. murray Willie W. 1850 Wilson 2000q Winfield T. 2001q Winfield T. births Zora Phylina Regenhart 1867nws William Regor larkin Jacob phist Jacob Rehm 1860 A* E. dcerts Anna 1860 Anna E. 1850 Arnold 1860 C. A. 1879nws Dr. 1883nws Dr. 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Emma 1860 Emma 1897nws Ernest 1860 Frederick 1860 Laner 1897nws Reckie 1879nws Rekie 1850 S. 1867nws Sebastian Reibel 1860 Catharine 1860 Catherine hrdsty Catherine (Gyer) hrdsty Charles E. 1860 Dorathy 1903nws Elber 1860 Elizabeth hrdsty Elizabeth S. (Ridenour) 1904nws Emelia 1904nws F. W. hrdsty Ira M. 1903nws J. W. hrdsty John W. 1860 Louisa 1889nws Maggie dcerts Mamie 1860 Mary 1860 P. 1860 Peter hrdsty Peter dcerts Stillbo hrdsty William 1860 Wm. hrdsty Zelda L. Reiber 1904nws Castine 1920 Castine(male) dcerts Castini 1920 Cora A 1904nws Della 1920 Della M 1920 Eber R 1920 Frederick C 1920 George E. C 1891nws Katie 1920 Margaret B 1920 Mary F 1891 Peter 1862nws Peter 1920 Ruth L 1897nws Wendell Reible 1862nws Peter Reid 1885nws Andrew (Sr.) 1889nws Andy Reider 1860 Caroline Reightmire murray Mary E. Mrs. Reinhart 1860 Catharine births Charlee 1908nws Conrad 1860 Frank 1860 G. 1860 George 1860 Jacob 1860 Magdalena 1860 Peter births Peter Reiniger 1897nws George Reinscheld 1862nws George Reinschild 1879nws John Reinwald 1909nws Clara 1909nws Frank 1909nws George 1909nws Otto Reioel dcerts Hwinnif Reisbel dcerts Winnifr Reising 1889nws Mena 1886nws William Sr. Reisinger murray Ellen murray Hellena murray Luther dcerts Thomas Reithmiller 1920 Ellen R. dcerts Ice 1920 Ina V 1893nws Mart 1920 Martin 1920 Ross A. 1893nws Ross A. Releford 1889nws Charles Relley 1860 Julia 1860 W. Remer 1860 Martha Remington's Addition 1875nws Pomeroy, --- Remington's store 1877nws --- Remington Family harris --- Remington Hotel 1897nws --- 1897nws --- Remington hotel 1906nws --- Remington House 1877nws --- 1878nws --- 1883nws --- 1884nws --- Remington 1876nws --- 1850 Anne C. 1860 Ansela graybd B. R. 1897nws B. R. 1850 Benj R. 1860 Benjamin R. 1860 Elisabeth P. larkin Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth P. 1860 Emer 1860 Martha 1850 Martha M. 1860 Mary 1850 Mary H. 1850 P. E. dcerts Senjami 1860 W. H. 1854nws W. H. 1855nws W. H. 1862nws W. H. 1867nws W. H. 1873nws W. H. 1876nws W. H. 1884nws W. H. 1850 William H. 1861nws William H. 1862nws William H. phist William H. Rempel harris Ferdinand Remple 1867nws Fred T. Render 1860 Henry Reno murray Emma Goff Renshaw dcerts George Renter 1892nws Emma dcerts Kathari dcerts Roland dcerts Sophia dcerts Valenti dcerts Willian Reny 1840 John Resener 1893nws H. 1893nws H. W. 1893nws Henry 1893nws Henry 1893nws Henry 1893nws N. W. Resner 1893nws H. W. Restine 1840 John Retsch 1879nws Ernest Rettich 1891 Joseph Reuchu? births Lavinda Reuter births Reuter 1862nws Adam 1873nws Adam 1873nws Adam phist Adam births Adam phist Agatha births Amelia Carolin 1897nws Anna M. births Anna Mary births Augusta 1897nws B. N. 1888nws Barbara births Barbara births Conrad 1873nws Conrod 1905nws Dolph births Elizabeth phist Elizebeth 1891nws Eva C. 1895nws George 1897nws George 1899nws George births George 1881nws John 1893nws John 1897nws John 1881nws Kate (Thress) dcerts Kathari births Katharina 1903nws Lawrence 1903nws Lawrence Oliver births Lina 1889nws Lizzie 1897nws Louis births Mary 1888nws Nicholas phist Nicholas births Nicholas 1897nws Otto dcerts Pauline dcerts Roland 1897nws Susie 1897nws Val births Valentine Reuter, 1884nws Mr. Reuther dcerts Clara Rev. Borneman 1901nws --- Rev. EISLE 1903nws --- Rev. Woodard 1917nws --- Reyel 1921nws Vernon Reynolds & Co. 1854nws Hopkins, --- Reynolds harris --- births Andrew J. 1860 Ann C. 1850 Anne M. 1850 Benjamin marr Benjamin marr Borus 1888nws Brad 1904nws Carrie Madge 1850 Catharine 1860 Charles 1850 Christian 1890nws David 1897nws Dr. 1998q Earl dcerts Edward 1850 Eleanor V. J. 1860 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Florence 1911nws G. F. 1904nws George 1911nws George 1840 Henry 1850 Henry 1850 Henry 1873nws Henry deaths Henry marr Henry 1860 Henry R? deaths Hury 1840 Isaac 1850 Isaac 1860 Isaac 1892nws Isaac 1892nws Isaac 1893nws Isaac phist Isaac 1850 Isaac A. 1850 Isabel 1850 Isaiah 1850 James 1893nws James 1850 James W. 1850 John 1860 John 1879nws John births John marr John 1850 Leslie wrdead Leslie 1860 Lydia 1850 Mahala E. 1850 Maria 1860 Martha 1850 Mary C. 1860 Mary J. births Mary M. phist Mr. 1860 Nicholas 1906nws O. J. H. 1911nws Oddie cmarr Ona 1860 Phebe 1860 Phebe Ann 1850 Rebecca births Rebecca 1840 Reuben 1895nws Roderick marr Rodrick births Sarah 1850 Sarah A. 1860 Sarah M. births Selina 1850 Sophia deaths Susannah births Susannah M. 1850 Theresa 1850 Thomas 1911nws Thomas births Thomas marr Thomas births V.E.L. 1850 Vincent 1850 Walter 1860 Walter deaths William E. marr William L. deaths William S. 1860 Wm. B. 1860 Wm. L. Reyon g1820 James Rffd dcerts Stiiro Rffves dcerts David Rffvfr dcerts Patifnc Rffvfs dcerts Louisa Rfntfr dcerts Ifora Rgcie dcerts Raymono Rhanor 1854nws George W. Rheinhart family 1892nws --- Rheinhart 1881nws George Rheinscheld 1862nws Isaac Rhem 1862nws Dr. 1872nws Lena 1872nws Reckie 1867nws Sebastian Rhes births Clara Rhienheld 1860 Isaac 1860 John R. 1860 Leonard 1860 Magdalena 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary Rhine g1820 George 1893nws W. H. Rhoades dcerts Carolin 1897nws I. M. wrdead Joseph 1885nws Kittie dcerts Lavina 1889nws Lizzie Rhoads dcerts Benjami 1868nws Benjamin 1920 Emma 1920 Mabel N 1868nws Susannah 1920 Thomas Rhodes births Ann Eliza 1920 Anna 1883nws B. F. 1850 Benj 1879nws Capt. 1861nws Charles 1920 Clifford S 1850 David dcerts David 1850 Dorothy 1897nws E. O. 1897nws Ed 1920 Edward C 1920 Ernest 1920 Floyd 1850 Frances 1920 Franklin 1920 George 1879nws George 1920 Grace R 1920 Hannah dcerts Hannah 1920 Irvin E. 1893nws J. M. dcerts James 1893nws James Wilbur births Jane births Jane 1850 Jincy dcerts John 1893nws Jua. 1920 Lavinia 1920 Louise 1920 Lovell dcerts Lovell 1920 Marion 1893nws Marion 1920 Mary 1850 Melinda C. 1890nws Melvin C. 1920 Nancy dcerts Naowa 1920 Ora O 1920 Ora/Ona births Osborn 1920 Paul births R. 1850 Rachael births Rebecca 1920 Roena 1850 Sarah 1920 Simon dcerts Stillbo n. 1876nws Thomas dcerts Thomas 1893nws Thomas Fredric marr Zacaria 1850 Zachariah Rhodfs dcerts Nancy Ri* 1860 Chaney Riable 1840 Peter Rian 1860 J. W. Rias 1860 R. Ribble 1840 John Rible 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Peter Rice's building 1854nws --- Rice family larkin --- RICE family 1902nws --- Rice 1860 C. R. 1850 **** 1903nws A. H. 1910nws Addie (McKaskey) 1850 Aleline 1920 Amy V 1860 Asbury 1920 Audrey W 1920 Avery F 1920 Belle 1920 Bertte? phist Bessie (Bailey) 1893nws C. E. 1893nws Carrie 1903nws Cassie M. 1920 Cassie M.O. 1850 Catharine 1820 Charles 1830 Charles 1850 Charles 1860 Charles 1819tx Charles 1890nws Charles 1890nws Charles phist Charles phist Charles Edward 1920 Charles W dcerts Charlie phist Cora Emma 1860 Cyrus S. 1893nws Daisy 1893nws Daisy 1893nws Daisy phist Daniel Russell 1921nws Del phist Delbert Bailey larkin Desire 1920 Dora B 1876nws E. 1855nws E. H. 1893nws Edith 1850 Edward 1860 Edward phist Effie Rosalie phist Effie Rosalie (Swisher) 1840 Eliza 1850 Eliza hrdsty Eliza 1877nws Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth harris Elizabeth 1878nws Ella 1860 Emily 1903nws F. D. 1920 Fen D dcerts Fred 1920 Fred V 1893nws G. J. 1910nws G. J. 1850 George 1860 George g1820 George 1895nws George J. phist George Jacob 2000q Grace (Wolfe) harris Grantland 1999q H. H. 1851nws H. H. 1856nws H. H. 1856nws H. H. larkin Hannah (Plummer) phist Hannah (Plummer) 1850 Harriet 1860 Harriet phist Harry Lewis larkin Henry 1876nws Henry phist Henry births Henry Edgar 1850 Henry H. 1855nws Henry H. phist Hylda Virginia (Switzer) 1854nws J. H. 1893nws J. M. 1893nws J. M. 1830 Jacob 1840 Jacob 1850 Jacob 1860 Jacob larkin Jacob larkin Jacob 1844nws Jacob 1844nws Jacob 1871nws Jacob 1889nws Jacob 1893nws Jacob 1893nws Jacob 1910nws Jacob phist Jacob 1893nws Jacob G. phist Jacob Harrison (Harry) phist Jacqueline Sue 1840 James 1850 James 1850 James 1860 James 1860 James g1820 James 1871nws James H. (Capt.) phist James Selman 1840 James W. 1844nws James W. 1850 Jane 1860 Jane 1893nws Jane phist Jane () g1820 Jeremiah phist Jerome 1860 Jessie 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John 1856nws John 1893nws John dcerts John 1920 John W 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph 1895nws Joseph dcerts Joseph phist Joseph Earl phist Joseph Frederick 1840 Joseph J. 1893nws Joseph P. 1893nws Joseph P. 1893nws Joseph P. 1893nws Joseph P. phist Joseph Plummer 1897nws Joshua B. 1820 Josiah 1830 Josiah 1840 Josiah 1850 Josiah 1860 Josiah larkin Josiah hrdsty Josiah 1819tx Josiah 1867nws Josiah phist Josiah dcerts Josiah 1860 Josiah B. 1855nws Kate phist Katharine H. 1893nws L. A. phist Larry Allen 1850 Laura 1840 Levi 1850 Levi 1860 Levi 1920 Levona A 1850 Lewis 1895nws Lewis A. phist Lewis Adam 1893nws Lewis Franklin phist Lewis Franklin 1850 Louisa 1860 Louisa 1860 Lovey 1850 Lydda 1850 Martha 1920 Marvin C 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary phist Mary Mitchell g1820 Matthew 1850 Milton 1920 Morton D 1890nws Mrs. 1890nws Mrs. dcerts Myrtle dcerts Nettie 1860 Nithala? dcerts Olive larkin Phylenda 1850 Rabecca 1860 Rebecca 1903nws Rebecca Meriba 1876nws Roena 1876nws Rowena fair Rowena (Mrs.) 1850 Rowena L. 1920 Ruby A 1877nws S. S. 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1920 Sarah dcerts Sarah 1820 Shadrack larkin Shadrack phist Shadrack 1830 Shadric 1860 Sibel 1850 Sophronia births Sybil hrdsty Theresa 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas 1850 Ursula hrdsty Ursula (Hicox) 1850 Volutia 1893nws Will C. 1876nws Will. 1893nws Will. C. 1830 William 1840 William 1850 William 1850 William 1860 William 1881nws William 1892nws William phist William dcerts William phist William Clifton 1860 Willie 1876nws Willie 1860 Wm. births Wm. Richard 1851nws Jonas Richards 1860 Abner 1920 Ada phist Addie 1850 Albert 1850 Ann phist Ann (McGraw) 1860 Anna 1908nws Anna 1850 Arthur 1850 Caroline 1908nws Clarence 1882nws Dal 1860 Daniel 1860 David births David 1920 Dillon 1908nws Dillon 1920 Dudley 1850 Ellen 1860 Ellen 1920 Evelyn dcerts Fred births Granville 1850 Hannah 1850 Henry 1889nws Henry 1850 James 1850 John 1860 John 1856nws John 1862nws John D. 1850 Jonas 1890nws Lewis phist Luman 1920 Lyman 1850 Madison 1850 Malissa 1850 Margaret 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1855nws Margaret A. 1850 Mark 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1920 Mary dcerts Mary 1883nws Mr. 1886nws Mr. 1840 Paton births Reese 1860 Samuel wrdead Samuel 1860 Sarah dcerts Sarah 1860 Thomas births Thos. Marsha births William Richardson farm 1879nws --- Richardson harris A. B. (Dr.) births Ada births Anna Marga g1820 Arnold g1820 Benj. dindx Benj. 1820 Benjamin 1840 Benjamin 1850 Benjamin larkin Benjamin 1819tx Benjamin larkin Betsy (Everton) 1860 Catharine larkin Charles 1892nws Charles W. marr Charles W. larkin Eliza 1850 Eliza Hodge 1860 Eliza J. 1860 Elizabeth 1893nws Elmer E. 1860 Evaline 1850 Ezra dindx Geo. 1830 George larkin George 1850 George W. 1850 Hannah larkin Hannah (Gaston) larkin Hannah (Lauck) larkin Hannah (Lauck) 1860 Harriott E. 1850 Henry S. 1998q Isabella (Johnson) 1892nws Joel 1860 John g1820 John 1820 Joseph larkin Joseph larkin Joseph 1819tx Joseph phist Joseph 1860 Josiah 1850 Julia 1850 Lucinda 1854nws Lucinda 1860 Martha 1860 Mary 1878nws Mary 1850 Mary C. 1878nws Mrs. 1840 Nicholas 1850 Nicholas larkin Nicholas larkin Nicholas 1854nws Nicholas 1860 P. W. 1860 R. births R. W. 1860 Ralph 1850 Reuben 1862nws Robert 1897nws Robert 1850 Ruth J. larkin Sally (Everton) 1860 Sarah 1860 W. 1860 Wm. Richaros dcerts Anne Richart 1854nws Lindvig Richarts phist Helen (Blaettner) Richey family 1998q Richey family Richey births Richey 1850 A. J. 1920 A.H. 1860 Alexander 1878nws Andrew H. 1860 Barby 1850 Calvin W. 1860 Catharine births Daisy M. 1850 Edward 1908nws Edward births Edward C. births Edward G. 1850 Elizabeth 1877nws Eva 1850 George births George G. 1850 Hannah 1850 Hannah E. 1850 Harvey N. 1850 Henry S. 1850 Hugh D. 1850 Isaac R. 1860 J. 1850 Jackson 1850 James 1850 James A. 1850 James B. A. births James Rod 1850 Jane 1850 Jas 1850 John 1850 John 1879nws John M. marr John M. 1850 John S. marr John S. 1850 Joseph 1850 Lavina 1860 Leander 1860 Marietta 1850 Marion 1892nws Martha 1850 Martha A. 1850 Mary 1850 Mary E. births N.A. 1860 Nancey 1850 Nancy 1850 Pelin A. 1850 Phobe 1850 Phoebe 1850 Rachel 1850 Samuel 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah C. 1850 Sarah M. births Sophia H. 1860 Theadore 1850 Thos L. 1860 Viola 1850 Washington 1850 Wm births Wm Edward Richie 1904nws Carl Allen 1862nws David 1875nws G. W. 1904nws H. W. Richley births Emma Richter phist Anna Catherine (Ehelent phist Christopher phist Elsbeth (Fischbach) phist Johann phist John Jacob Rickabaugh g1820 Adam g1820 Henry g1820 John Rickard harris --- 1899nws Elda 1830 John 1889nws Michael 1899nws Michael 1908nws Robert Rickens murray L.V. Mrs. Ricker.... 1830 Reeves Rickerson 1830 Benjamin 1830 Charles Ricket g1820 Anthony 1878nws J. L. Rickett 1858nws John 1921nws S. A. (Rev.) Ricketta 1875nws James S. (Rev.) Ricketts 1897nws Dr. 1877nws J. S. (Rev.) 1878nws Rev. 1882nws Rev. 1882nws T. M. Rickey 1860 Andrew 1860 Benjamin 1860 David 1860 Harriett 1860 John 1840 John M. marr John P. 1913nws Kate (Gotschall) 1850 Mary 1860 Rachel 1860 Rebeca 1850 Richard 1860 Sarah Rickus 1840 Thomas L. Rickwell 1881nws Rebecca Ricttey dcerts Andrew Ridding larkin Thomas 1819tx Thomas Riddle 1850 Catharine 1893nws Charles births Harriett May 1879nws Harry 1850 Jane 1850 John 1850 Laura 1850 Lydda 1860 Mary J. dcerts Nelson 1879nws Peter births Peter 1850 Rabecca 1860 Rebecca 1998q Samuel 1850 Samuel 1850 Stephen 1850 William Ridels 1840 James Ridencur dcerts Sarah Ridenour cemetery 1905nws --- Ridenour 1850 Aaron 1860 Amanda dcerts Ami 1920 Arni D 1850 B. F. 1904nws Bertie 1920 Bertie O 1920 Beul 1850 Catharine 1850 Christian 1850 Daniel 1860 Daniel 1920 Daniel 1887nws Daniel 1840 David 1850 David 1860 David 1920 David fair David marr David 1920 Delmer D 1920 Donald S 1920 Edith M dcerts Eliza 1920 Eliza J 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth hrdsty Elizabeth S. 1881nws Florence Adaline 1904nws Goldie Belle 1850 Hannah 1860 Hannah hrdsty Hannah (Osborn) 1920 Ida M 1840 Jacob 1850 Jacob 1860 Jacob 1860 Jane births Jno 1850 John 1860 John 1920 John hrdsty John 1860 John H. 1860 Julia 1850 July Ann 1860 Lina? dcerts Louisa 1920 Lowell 1904nws Lowell 1850 Luther 1860 Luther 1850 Lydda 1920 Lydia dcerts Lydia 1920 Manning E 1860 Margaret 1850 Margret 1840 Martin 1850 Martin 1860 Mary dcerts Mary 1850 Mary A. 1850 Mary Ann 1920 Mary C 1860 Mary E. 1860 Miller 1920 Milo E 1850 Nancy 1860 Nancy 1850 Nancy J. 1860 Olive 1850 Rabecca 1920 Ruth 1840 Samuel 1850 Samuel 1850 Samuel 1881nws Sarah C. 1920 Sarah E 1860 Sarah S. 1850 Sophia J. 1850 Susan births Susannah 1881nws T. P. 1920 Thelma 1860 Thomas 1850 William 1860 Wm. E. 1920 Zelda Rider 1860 Adam 1860 Abraham 1860 Agaita 1860 Antony 1860 Barbary 1860 Catharine 1850 Christina 1850 Conrad 1860 Conrad 1860 E. 1860 Eax 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Emrilla 1850 Eve 1860 George 1860 Henry marr Henry 1850 Jacob 1860 Jacob 1850 John 1860 John 1860 Lana 1860 Lawrence births Leonard 1860 Mag 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1850 Mary 1860 Mary cmarr Mary 1840 Mathias 1850 Nicholas 1860 Nicholas 1860 Pawley 1850 Philip 1860 Philip 1855nws Philip births Phillip 1860 Susan 1860 V. 1860 Val 1850 Valentine 1860 Valentine 1860 William Ridgeley wrdead Charles Ridway g1820 David Riebel dcerts Delsie 1920 Dorcell C 1920 Eber L 1920 Emma S 1920 T A phist William 1920 William J Rieble dcerts John Rieder 1891 Philip Rieldarfer 1850 F. B. 1850 Sarah Rieoset dcerts Thmwas Ries 1830 David 1830 Zenis Riese 1999q Clara Rieser 1871nws Mr. Rife dcerts Rife larkin Agnes (Knight) 1882nws Agnes (Knight) larkin Alvin 2000q Andrew 2001q Andrew 1840 Andrew 1850 Andrew 1862nws Andrew 1893nws Andrew 1903nws Arley Marvel larkin Bettie 1920 Charles 1905nws Clarence 1920 Dewey 1850 Eli graybd Eli 1862nws Eli 1873nws Eli 1887nws Eli 1890nws Eli 1893nws Frank 1873nws Hannah 1920 Harland 1830 Henry 1840 Henry 1850 Henry g1820 Henry wrdead Henry murray Henry 1819tx Henry dcerts Henry 1893nws Horton g1820 illegible dcerts Istillb 1860 Jacob 1840 John g1820 Joseph dcerts Lillie 1920 Lodger 1850 Lowiza 1850 Mary 2000q Mary (Nelson) 2001q Mary (Nelson) 1850 Mary Ann 1999q Myrta (Hutton) 1920 Myrtle 1850 Nancy births Nancy 1920 Ora S 2000q Sarah 1850 Silas dcerts St 1903nws Val murray Vall 1905nws Virgil 1920 W. V. 1850 William 1893nws William Rife, 1882nws Alvin Riffle harris --- 1876nws --- 1920 Bertha 1920 Clyde 1920 Cora 1920 Floyd 1876nws Frank 1920 Harry dcerts Harry dcerts Hartha dcerts James 1893nws Katharine 1920 Lyda 1850 Mary dcerts Mary 1920 Velma dcerts Velma Rifile dindx George Rifley dcerts Minerva Rigen 1850 Andrew 1850 Margaret Rigg 1860 Catherine 1860 Charles 1860 Jos wrdead Marion 1860 Samuel Riggs 1860 A. 1840 Alexander 1860 Alice 1860 Alzina dcerts Alzina 1850 Angeline 1860 Armena 1860 Augusta 1850 Augustus marr Augustus 1850 Bazil 1855nws Bazil 1850 Benjamin dcerts Betty 1850 Calden 1887nws Charles 1860 David dcerts Dewey 1850 E*ght 1861nws E. H. 1920 EE 1850 Elias 1860 Elias larkin Elias dcerts Elias 1850 Eveline dcerts Ezra 1860 F. dcerts Flora 1850 Frances 1867nws Francis larkin Frank 1860 Franklin 1860 G. 1860 G. D. 1850 George larkin George 1860 George W. 1850 Gilmore 1850 Hannah dcerts Hattie dcerts Ira 1860 Ira P. 1860 Isabell 1850 Issabell phist J. 1887nws J. J. 1868nws J. M. 1860 Jackson larkin Jackson Perry 1830 James 1840 James 1892nws James 1860 James M. 1850 Jane 1850 Jane 1860 Jefferson 1820 Jeremiah 1840 Jeremiah 1850 Jeremiah 1860 Jeremiah larkin Jeremiah larkin Jeremiah 1819tx Jeremiah phist Jeremiah larkin Jeremiah (Jr.) 1867nws Jeremiah D. 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John 1861nws Joseph 1860 Julia A. births Lelia births Lelia M. births Lola May 1860 Loretta 1850 Luaman 1850 Maria 1850 Maria births Maria 1860 Martha 1886nws Martha L. 1850 Mary 1860 Mary phist Mary 1860 Mary P. dcerts Mildred 1860 Nancey larkin Nancy dcerts Nancy 1850 Owen 1858nws Owen 1860 Perry larkin Polly 1850 Rachael 1860 Rachal larkin Rebecca 1892nws Rebecca phist Rebecca 1840 Richard phist Robert 1830 Roebel? 1860 Ruariah 1860 Samantha 1860 Samara 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah dcerts Sarah 1860 Thomas 1882nws Thomas 1861nws W. F. 1860 Walter 1850 Westley 1860 Westley 1850 Willard 1860 Willard 1850 William 1850 William 1860 William 1873nws William larkin William James 1840 William R. 1860 Wm. 1882nws Zella (Bradfield) Right 1830 Charles 1830 Eli 1850 Ellinor 1850 Hugh 1850 Jane 1830 Jesse 1850 John 1830 Josiah 1850 Josiah 1850 Levi 1850 Lewis 1850 Lucius 1850 Mary 1850 Rabecca 1830 William Rightmire 1897nws --- 1850 Harriet 1850 John larkin John 1859nws John 1892nws John 1873nws M. C. 1904nws Mary E. (Stansbury) 1905nws Mrs. 1909nws Mrs. 1893nws R. D. 1893nws R. D. 1904nws R. D. 1850 Rodney 1850 Samuel 1850 William 1877nws William 1883nws William 1889nws William 1893nws William Rigle 1860 Andrew 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary Rigley 1820 Samuel Rigo harris Janci Rigon 1820 Jacob Rihart 1850 Lewis 1850 Mary Riheldaffer 1893nws Frederick (Capt.) Riheldafor 1860 Clara 1860 F. B. 1860 Kate 1860 Sarah Riheldarfer 1858nws F. B. Rihing 1860 Jacob Rikerson 1893nws Rev. Mr. Riley dcerts Aegie 1920 Ella R dcerts Francis 1889nws Frank 1860 Henry dcerts Jennie 1881nws John 1903nws Leo dcerts Leo dcerts Mack dcerts Mary 1920 Mary F g1820 Matthew 1903nws Max 1920 Nancy dcerts Robert 1879nws Sarah A. (Rose) 1879nws Sylvester D. dcerts William 1920 William P Riling 1860 Catharine 1860 John 1860 Margaret 1860 Tusia Rimes 1820 Jacob Rind* 1860 C. Rindle 1860 George 1860 James 1860 John 1860 Nancy Rine 1862nws Abraham 1897nws E. W. 1890nws E. W. (Dr.) 1889nws Emma dcerts Matildi Rinehart 1893nws A. dcerts Emma Rines 1860 C. 1860 Margaret Ring dcerts Ada 1850 Adelaide harris Ellen 1860 Emma I. births Erwin 1860 James T. harris John 1850 Jonathan 1860 Lucretia larkin Priscilla Melloy 1860 Rosella L. 1850 Susan 1850 Tabitha 1860 Thomas 1850 Thornton S. Ringland 1850 Elizabeth Ringlespecker births Jacob births John births Melissa Ringold 1897nws Buck Ringwood hrdsty Rosanna Rinhart 1860 Andrew E. 1860 Catharine 1860 Jacob 1860 Susan Rinn births Mary Rinshett 1850 Charles 1850 John 1850 Philip 1850 S. Riodnour dcerts Lowell Rioenour dcerts John Riopelle 1840 James Riordan 1860 Amos 1860 Cerinda 1860 Hannah 1860 Jacob 1860 Mary A. 1860 Nancy 1860 Samantha Rioroan dcerts Mary Ripe dcerts Floyd Ripley House 1876nws --- 1876nws --- Ripley births ---- births Ripley 1893nws A. R. 1850 David 1860 David g1820 David 1850 Eli 1860 Eli marr Eli murray Emma 1860 Emma F. 1860 Esther A. 1850 John 1860 John 1877nws John births John dcerts John 1903nws John C. F. 1903nws John Charles g1820 Joshua 1890nws Laura 1893nws Laura 1860 Laura A. 1920 Lela 1860 Lony M. 1889nws Malinda A. 1860 Malissa R. 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary M. 1920 Minerva J 1920 Orville dcerts Orville 1920 Orville E 1893nws Orville Ernest 1850 Phoebe 1893nws Selly 1820 Sylvanius larkin Sylvanus 1819tx Sylvanus phist Sylvanus dcerts Virgini Ripple 1889nws Peter Rise 1893nws Roda Riser 1860 Charles 1860 Christ births Fredrika 1860 John 1830 Jonas 1860 Mary Risk 1861nws James B. Risley harris Geroger R. Ritchey 1876nws A. J. 1860 Arthur 1860 Calvin 1860 Edward 1920 Edward T phist Elizabeth (Sayre) 1889nws Elmer 1881nws Frank 1860 George births George W. 1860 Hannah 1860 Henry 1860 James 1873nws James births James 1860 John phist Joseph marr Joseph births Lavinia 1860 Livina 1860 Martha 1920 Mary F 1860 Minerva 1860 Nathan 1860 Rachel 1860 Rebecca 1860 Samuel dcerts Samuel 1860 Sarah births Ulysis 1876nws W. C. births Warren J. births William E. 1860 Wm. Ritchie family 1998q Ritchie family Ritchie dcerts Anna 1920 Carl A births Charles Denni births Clarence Wilb births E.C. dcerts Emma 1920 Harve A 1920 Henry W 1920 Ida M 1920 Josephine A dcerts Leah 1920 Leah L 1920 Linnie W 1830 Martha 1920 Mary E births Nathan A. 1920 Norma B 1920 Wayne E 1920 Zana E Ritchin 1850 Catharine Ritenour 1998q Savilla Riter 1860 M. Rither 1850 "James, Jr." 1850 * 1850 Charles 1850 Houghnsey 1850 Isaac 1850 Isabell 1850 James 1850 James 1850 Leroy 1850 Lowis 1850 Matilda 1840 Peter 1850 Phebe 1850 Royal 1850 William Ritz wrdead Peter Riverage murray James Mrs. Rivers 1920 Clayton 1920 Earl 1920 Edward 1920 Joseph dcerts Joseph 1920 Lannie 1920 Mable 1920 Myrtle 1920 Philip 1920 Ruth 1920 Woodrow Riverside Brick Company 1893nws --- Riverside Mill 1893nws --- Riverside Mills 1887nws --- 1908nws --- Riverside Salt Co. 1873nws --- Riverside salt furnace 1876nws --- Rizer 1920 Daniel 1920 Elisha dcerts Ifccf 1920 Mary 1920 Norman 1920 Richard dcerts Sallie 1920 William dcerts William 1920 Zelma Rlengler 1860 Joseph 1860 Trase Roach Family harris --- Roach wrdead Calvin 1854nws Jacob 1876nws Simeon cmarr Wm. Roadamer? g1820 John Roadcap g1820 Jacob g1820 James g1820 John Roadormire g1820 Jacob Roads births Mary Roath 1850 John Robb 1851nws James 4thInf James W. Robberman 1920 Elizabeth Robbins harris C. 1897nws Edna 1850 Emma P. phist Fern (Casto) harris James larkin Jane (Halliday) 1850 Jane H. 1897nws Mr. 1892nws Polly 1850 Rufus P. harris Samuel Robeits dcerts Electa Robepts dcerts John Roberman phist J. H. Roberson 1920 Bertha 1920 Clara M 1920 Earl 1850 Hannah 1920 Mabel 1850 William Robert 1850 Anthony 1850 Catharine 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Fred 1850 Gustave 1850 John 1850 Mary 1850 Peter Roberts family 2000q Roberts family Roberts births Roberts 1850 * 1860 A. 1850 Adelaide 1895nws Adrian phist Adrienne dcerts Albert larkin Albert John dcerts Alice 1850 Amelia 1878nws Andy 1850 Anna 1850 Anne 1850 Arthur 1854nws Arthur 1875nws Arthur 1894nws Arthur larkin Arthur B. 1998q Avery births Avery 1920 Avery M 1900nws Avery M. 1850 Benj. F. g1820 Benjamin births Benjamin B. 1902nws Bennett (Rev.) deaths Blanche 1830 Brin? births C. 1897nws C. A. births C.A. 1897nws Cam. phist Captain William 1865nws Caroline M. 1920 Carrie B births Cassie 1850 Catharine dcerts Catheri 1860 Charles 1920 Charles C 1920 Charles F births Charles H. deaths Charles H. births Charles Henry 1920 Clara A births Clarenc Frede 1900nws Clarence F. 1998q Clarence Frederick 1860 Clinton 1920 Clinton A 1900nws Clinton A. 1893nws Dale 1920 Dale R 1892nws Dale R. 1850 David 1850 David 1860 David 1860 E. 1854nws E. P. (Dr.) births E. R. 1865nws Edward K. 1920 Electa May 1850 Eliza 1860 Eliza 1860 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1892nws Elizabeth deaths Ella L. 1860 Ellen deaths Elmer Elworth births Elmer G. 1900nws Ethel M. 1892nws Frances births Francis E. 1850 Franklin 4thInf Franklin 1855nws Fredrick 1850 Geo 1840 George 1862nws George births Grace 1920 Grace E 1860 Hanna 1850 Hannah 1860 Hannah 1860 Hariett 1850 Harriet births Harvey Beckle deaths Henrietta 1850 Henry larkin Isaac Laveaux phist Isaac Laveaux 1860 J. births J.N. 1860 Jane deaths Jane 1867nws Jehu 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John 1920 John g1820 John larkin John larkin John 1861nws John births John births John deaths John births John E. 1850 John F. 1920 John Jr. 1860 John R. 1865nws John R. 1860 John W. 1894nws John W. births Josephine C. 1865nws Judson 1920 Kenneth E 1860 Lewellen 1860 Lilly C. deaths Lucy deaths Luella 1998q M. C. 1850 Mahala 1860 Mahala 1860 Mahala deaths Mahala A. 1840 Mahlon 1850 Malon robrts Malon marr Malon dcerts Margare 1860 Maria 1850 Martha 1920 Marvin A 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1850 Mary A. 1865nws Mary Emily births Mary Jane 1900nws Mary M. (Stewart) 1998q Mary N. (Stewart) births Mattie 1920 Mayme 1860 Melissa births Minnie 1850 Nancy 1887nws Nancy g1820 Peter 1892nws Pryor 1860 Rachel deaths Rachel E. 1850 Richard 1900nws Rita S. 1850 Robert 1850 Robert 1860 Robert dcerts Robert 1850 Rowena births Roxey births S.M. 1860 Saml 1850 Samuel 1892nws Samuel G. marr Samuel G. marr Samuel M. 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah births Sarah 1850 Sarah Ann 1920 Sarah F 1920 Sarah J births Sarah Jane deaths Sarah Mattie 1900nws Sherwood K. births Sidna phist Sina Maria (Jones) 1820 Solomon 1830 Solomon dcerts Stillbo n. 1850 Thomas A. 1871nws Thomas F. dcerts Tut births Virginia B. graybd W. A. (Capt.) 1889nws W. G. births W.L. 1920 Waid(?wade) C. births Wash 1850 William 1850 William 1873nws William 1887nws William dcerts William larkin William (Capt.) 1889nws William A. 1900nws William G. 1862nws William I. 1876nws William J. 1890nws William Tyler 1860 Wm. A. larkin Zimrode Adaline (Bicknell) larkin Zimrode Ella Robertshaw 1893nws Louisa Robertson g1820 David 1819tx Fenn 1860 George 1893nws Harry 1897nws Harry 1862nws J. W. g1820 James g1820 John wrdead John harris Josephine W. 1856nws William Robie family 2003q Robie family Robinet 1850 A* 1850 Aaron 1850 Catharine 1850 Elihew 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Ezekiel 1850 George 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1867nws Moses 1873nws Moses 1850 Mosses 1850 Perthenia 1850 Sarah 1850 Susan 1850 Susannah Robinett 1860 Anson 1860 Dem? 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Ezekiel 1860 George A. 1860 George W. dcerts Harvard 1860 Martha 1860 Mary A. 1860 Samantha J. 1860 Sarah A. Robinette 2000q Mamie (Bolton) 2000q Vernon Robins 1850 Harriet marr Rufus P. Robinson cemetery 1909nws --- 1919nws --- Robinson births Robinson 1860 A. 1850 A. L. 1860 Addison 1867nws Albert 1850 Allen 1850 Amanda 1860 Amanda 1850 Amos 1860 Ann 1860 Anna 1893nws Anthony 1893nws Anthony 1893nws Art dcerts Barney 1860 Belinda murray Burt 1858nws C. E. births Catmia 1860 Charles 1854nws Charles E. 1893nws Charley 1893nws Charlie 1860 Charlotte 1830 Claybourn births Clemency 1850 Cynthia 1860 Cynthia hrdsty Cynthia (Curtis) births Dadock 1889nws Dana hrdsty Dana E. larkin Dr. 1902nws Dr. phist Dr. 1850 E. A. graybd E. D. 1862nws E. D. 1897nws E. D. 1897nws E. D. 1850 E. L. hrdsty Edna 1860 Elen 1840 Eli 1860 Eli hrdsty Eli 1881nws Eli 1892nws Eli phist Eli 1860 Eli R. 1851nws Elihu dcerts Elihu hrdsty Elihu D. phist Elihu D. 1860 Elikin? 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Eliza A. larkin Elizabeth births Elizabeth 2000q Ella 1851nws Ellen 1866nws Ellen murray Elmer 1860 Emily dcerts Emily hrdsty Emily F. (Hoyt) 1887nws Emma 1851nws Erastus A. harris Fen (Dr.) 1820 Fenn dindx Fenn larkin Fenn phist Fenn 1902nws Fenn (Dr.) 1840 Flan ? births Flora Irena 1860 George dcerts George 1920 Harold D 1850 Helen C. births Henrietta 1860 Hortensia 1820 Isaac 1830 Isaac 1819tx Isaac 1860 Isabella 1920 Isabelle 1881nws J. 1867nws J. W. 1856nws James 1860 James C. 1860 James E. 1860 Jane 1920 Jaspar 1820 John 1830 John g1820 John 1881nws John 1893nws John 1893nws John 1819tx John, Jr. 1840 Joseph 1860 Joseph g1820 Joseph 1873nws Joseph 1881nws Joseph (Rev.) 1840 Joseph, Jr. 1850 Julia A. births K. fair L. 1840 Laurin hrdsty Leonora E. 1860 Lewis hrdsty Lewis 1998q Lillian 1860 Lorain 1875nws Lorain phist Lorin 1860 Louisa 1881nws Louisa births Lucy hrdsty Lucy P. 1860 Lydia larkin Lydia (Grant) 1882nws Lydia (Grant) 1850 M. E. 1850 M. M. 1860 Margaret J. births Maria births Marion 1881nws Martha 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1873nws Mary 1998q Mary Ann births Mary Isabell 1876nws Mr. 1876nws Mr. 1884nws Mr. 1860 Nancy births Nancy hrdsty Nellie M. 1920 Nova M 1860 P. C. 1862nws P. C. births P.J. births Permelia 1830 Phineas larkin Phineas 1882nws Phineas phist Phineas 1840 Phineas C. hrdsty Phineas C. 1892nws Phineas C. 1893nws R. D. hrdsty Rameal D. births Rebecca J. 1860 Rhoda 1860 Richard 1868nws Richard 1878nws Richard 1860 Robt N. 1860 Rozena g1820 Ruth 1850 S. E. 1850 S. H. 1860 Saphronia 1860 Sarah 1893nws Sheriff murray Silas 1856nws Silas 1881nws Silas 1883nws Silas 1853nws Sons & Co., --- 1892nws Sophronia 1920 Stanley J hrdsty Sula M. (Torrence) (Elliot) 1893nws Thomas 1920 Vesta 1860 W. 1860 W. D. 2000q W. F. 1897nws W. F. 1867nws W. J. 1840 William 1850 William larkin William 1858nws William 1859nws William births William larkin William Fenn 1860 William H. 1860 Wm. F. 1859nws Zadok 1860 Zidana hrdsty Zidana Robison 1850 Achalon 1850 Alfred 1850 Belinda 1850 Caroline 1866nws Celinda 1850 Chloe 1850 Cle**** 1850 Cyntha 1850 Daniel 1850 Edward 1850 Eli 1850 Elihew 1999q Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Ellen 1999q Ellen (McKee) 1850 Emily 1850 Hortency 1850 Joseph 1850 Lemon 1850 Lewis births Lucy I. 1850 Lydda 1850 Madona births Marion B. 1850 Nancy 1850 Nancy 1850 Nancy 1850 Permela 1850 Pheneus 1850 Rodney g1820 Saml 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1850 Seth 1850 Silas 1850 Sophronia 1850 Sylvanius 1850 William 1855nws Wilson 1877nws Zadock births Zadock 1999q Zadok dcerts Zellah Robnell 1840 Moses Robnett 1860 Allace J. 1860 Elizabeth L. 1860 Mary C. 1860 Mosses 1860 Purtheny 1860 Ruphis M. 1860 Sarah R. Robson births Robson 1862nws Ant births Anthony 1860 Casburt 1920 Eleanor 1860 Elizabeth births Ellen 1920 Gladys births Henrietta 1860 Isabella 1860 John 1860 Joseph 1860 Margaret dcerts Marie births Matilda 1920 Nannie dcerts Nannie 1920 Ralph 1907nws Ralph dcerts Ralph 1860 Sarah J. 1920 Steve A 1920 Tippie 1860 Wm Robuck 1999q Esther 1999q Paul Roby 1840 William H. Rochell 1850 Peter Rochester 1893nws Carrie (Rice) harris Henrietta harris John harris Lucy Rochler 1860 Abraham 1860 Bernhart 1860 C. 1860 Charles 1860 Harriet 1860 Henrietta 1860 Henry 1860 Margaret 1860 William Rock Spring cemetery 1890nws --- 1897nws --- Rock Springs Cemetery 1891nws --- Rock marr Malay W. 1875nws Mary L. Rockhill 1860 T. B. Rockhold dcerts Beulah dcerts Marcell 2001q Marcellus 2001q Marteena (Barber) Rockold 1860 Elizabeth Rocksprings cemetery 1901nws --- 1906nws --- Rocksprings church 1929nws --- Rockwell 1920 Alice M 1920 Doris dcerts Doris 1920 Florence dcerts Frank 1920 Joseph 1920 Lewis 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary dcerts Parmeli 1860 Permelia 1860 Rebecca 1860 Sarah 1920 Wiiliam 1860 Wm. Rockwells 1850 Joseph 1850 Margret 1850 Mary 1850 Sarah 1850 William Rodeamire g1820 George Rodebaugh 1920 Dorothy A 1920 Marjorie 1920 Nora 1920 Perry E Roderick 1850 Evan Rodes 1850 Calesta Rodger 1850 Ebenezer Rodgers 1897nws --- 1867nws Catharine (Merrall) 1892nws George A. dcerts Grandvi 1855nws Henry 1856nws Henry C. g1820 John 1920 Kate 1856nws Mary F. dcerts Pearl 1855nws Richard 1855nws Ruel 1876nws Sam 1855nws Samuel 1920 Stella g1820 Thomas 1920 William T 1855nws Zebulon Rodgerson dcerts Sarah Rodifer births George births Ida Alice births Isaac F. Rodney 1862nws Edward Rodofer births George births Lucy Belle Rodraker 1860 Mary Roecher 1911nws A. C. hrdsty Anna Maria hrdsty Bertha Elizabeth hrdsty Charles Albert 1920 Clarence E hrdsty Elizabeth (Limberger) hrdsty Emily Margaret dcerts John hrdsty John Casper hrdsty John Emmett hrdsty John Franklin phist John Franklin dcerts Lelda hrdsty Lucy Margaret hrdsty Magdalena hrdsty Magdalena (Rasp) hrdsty Minnie 1920 Nellie M 1911nws Nora (Story) hrdsty William Arthur Roedel's Hall 1897nws Schwegman &, --- Roedel 1860 Catherine 1860 Gustave 1860 John 1873nws John 1897nws John 1897nws Schwegman &, --- 1897nws Schwegman &, --- 1897nws Schwegman &, --- 1908nws Schwegman &, --- 1860 Sophia Roeder 1897nws Schwegman &, --- Roescher 1889nws Joe Rofs marr Joseph Rogers 2000q Alice 1860 Arin 1860 Catharine 1860 Charles 2000q Charlotte 1850 Daniel 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Ellen dcerts Elper 1850 Esther Ann 1999q Flora Drusilla (Westfall) 1850 George 1860 George 1860 George 1840 George A. hrdsty Hannah 1999q Jacob 1850 James 1854nws James 1860 John dcerts John 1856nws John B. 2000q John H. 1850 Joseph 1861nws M. R. 2000q Martha Anne 1860 Mary A. 1850 Mary Ann 1899nws Mrs. 1850 Nelson 1850 Rhoda 1893nws Rilla 1893nws Ritta 1873nws Samuel 1860 Sarah A. 2000q Sintha Anne 1860 Thomas dcerts Thomas 1850 Washington 4thInf Washington wrdead William Rohleder 1920 Harriet Rohleoer dcerts George Rohn 1862nws Jacob Roine dcerts Marvin Roison births Lucy Roker 1860 Agnes 1860 Anthony 1860 John Rolan births Elizabeth Rolens 1860 Catharine 1860 D. 1860 Daniel 1860 Mary 1860 Richard Roler 1830 Jacob 1892nws Susan Rolish dcerts Howard Roll hrdsty Elizabeth (Hanns) hrdsty Ignatius 1873nws Jakob hrdsty Magdalena Rollen 1999q Adda May (Adams) Roller births Roller 1850 Andrew 1850 Betsey dcerts Charles 1850 Deborah 1892nws Deborah 2000q Deborah Frances births Emma 1850 Granville 1840 Jacob 1819tx Jacob 1862nws Jacob births Jacob dcerts Jacob 1881nws Jacob A. 1850 James 1850 Joseph dcerts Lucy 1881nws Lucy J. (Campbell) 1850 Lydia 1850 Mary dcerts Mary 1850 Matilda 1850 Michael 1820 Molly larkin Molly 1819tx Molly phist Molly 1850 Peter 1850 Rhoda A. Rollin 1897nws Rev. Rolling Mill 1893nws --- 1893nws --- Rolling mill 1897nws --- 1897nws --- Rollins 1889nws B. J. 1860 Catharine 1850 Clarinda 1850 Ellen 1860 George 1860 Hamilton 1850 Henry 1860 Jacob 1850 John 1860 John W. 1881nws Maria 1860 Marion 1850 Mary 1860 Mary A. 1862nws R. H. 1850 Richard 1850 Richard 1860 Robert 1850 Ruphas 1850 William 1860 Wm. Rolston g1820 Andrew dcerts Lizzie Rolush dcerts Isabell Romanowski 1919nws Rev. Romina dcerts Bird Romine family 1998q Romine family Romine births Romine 1920 Albert 2000q Alvin R. 1850 Amos wrdead Amos 2000q Anna M. (Newcomer) dcerts Asenia 1900nws Asenia M. (Brown) 1885nws Bart 1900nws Bart 2000q Charity 1860 Danial D. 1830 Daniel 1850 Daniel 1883nws Daniel births Daniel O. 1999q David 1850 David 1883nws David births David 1920 Dennis F 1920 Dora 1920 Doris 1920 Edith 1850 Elias 1876nws Elias 1892nws Elias 1900nws Elias births Elias M. 1850 Elizabeth 1999q Elizabeth (McKee) 1883nws Ella 1920 Emeline L. 1920 Emma 1920 Erma L births Estaline 1920 Esther A births Geo. 1850 George wrdead George 1883nws George 1900nws George 1909nws George births George dcerts George 1886nws George Jr. 1920 George W 1889nws H. E. births Harley Henwood 1920 Harold C 1850 Harrison wrdead Harrison 1883nws Harrison 1901nws Henry Lester births Henry Lester 1900nws Herbert 1919nws Iva 1920 J.E. 1830 James 1840 James 1850 James 1819tx James 1883nws James 1920 James R 1850 Jefferson 1883nws Jefferson 1850 John 1920 John wrdead John dcerts John 1920 Joseph dcerts Joseph dcerts Kale 1886nws Lafe 1900nws Lester births Lucinda Marind dcerts Lydia births Lyora 1920 Malissa 1886nws Marellas 1920 Margarete S births Marta Bell 1920 Martha 2000q Mary births Mary C. dcerts Mattie 1909nws Mel births Melinda births Melvin births Melzer dcerts Melzer 1909nws Millard births Millard births Moses births Mulvina births Nelson 1850 Ozias wrdead Ozias 1883nws Ozias 1850 Polly births Ralph Raymond 1892nws Rebecca 1900nws Ruth Ann (Williams) births Ruth Anne 1850 Ruthann 1920 Sadie M 1850 Sarah births Sarah 2000q Sarah Elizabeth 1890nws T. births T. births T. births T.J. 1883nws Thaddeus 1890nws Thaddeus births Thaddeus 1850 Thadeas births Thadeus murray Vince dcerts Walter dcerts Wcrley 1920 William dcerts William Romines murray Albert g1820 Daniel g1820 Daniel, 1860 Eliza g1820 James 1860 Jane L. 1860 John W. 1860 Joseph 1860 Joshua 1860 Lemuel 1893nws Lydia Mable dcerts Marcell 1893nws Marcellus 1860 Margaret 1860 Vinson Rominf dcerts Jillia Roncher 1860 Catharine 1860 J. C. 1860 Mary Ronine dcerts Lucy dcerts Wayne Ronines murray Edith Church Ronshee 1860 Aaron 1860 Barbary 1860 Francis 1860 Godliss 1860 Jacob Rood 1920 Arthur 2000q Arthur George 1920 Charlie 1891nws Dall 1999q Daniel 2000q Daniel 1920 Daniel 1920 David 1903nws David 1920 Dora 1920 Ernest 1891nws Flora 1891nws H. P. 1920 Harley 1920 Herbert Jr. 1920 Herbert Sr. dcerts Hiram 1920 Ira 1920 Johnny 1920 Lucy 2000q Mamie (Kerwin) 1903nws Mamie Ellen dcerts Mary 1920 Mayme 1887nws Mr. 1920 Nora 1920 Polly Ann 1920 Sarah 1999q Sarah (Randolph) 2000q Sarah (Randolph) 1920 Stella dcerts Stillbo n. dcerts Stillir 1920 Susan births Vicca births Victoria 1920 Vironi Roofe 1860 Hana 1860 Jacob? N. 1860 John 1860 M. Rooney 1850 Mary 1850 Terrence Roop g1820 George g1820 Henry g1820 Martin Roope 1850 Martha Roos 1897nws Lewis 1897nws Louis dcerts Mary 1897nws Wendel 1897nws Wendel Root dcerts Agnes 1850 Albert S. 1850 Anetta 1873nws Anna M. 1850 Bertha 1881nws Charles 1885nws Charles 1901nws Charles marr Charles 1850 Charles F. 1860 Chas 1904nws Faye Yavowne 1850 Ferdinand 1850 Hanna 1860 Hanna 1850 Hannah 1860 Hannah 1890nws Hannah M. dcerts Harold 1850 Henrietta 1850 Henrietta 1904nws Hezakiah 1850 Isaac F. 1860 Isaac F. 1850 Isabel 1860 Isabella 1850 Isabella E. dcerts James 1860 James W. 1999q Margaret 1860 Margaret L. dcerts Martha 1850 Mary 1893nws Mary 1854nws N. dcerts Orville 1851nws P. 1854nws P. 1850 Perry 1860 Perry 1859nws Perry 1850 Peter 1860 Peter 1850 Sarah E. 1850 Sidney dcerts Stella 1820 Stephen 1830 Stephen 1840 Stephen 1850 Stephen dindx Stephen larkin Stephen 1819tx Stephen phist Stephen 1893nws Verna 1893nws William dcerts William 1860 William H. 1850 Zelotas Rooth 1889nws --- Roots 1850 Richard dindx Richard 1850 Sarah Rory g1820 John Rosa 1860 M. S. Rose Family harris --- Rose 1887nws A. J. A. 1920 Abbie births Alvin D.C. 1850 Amos wrdead Amos harris Amos 1850 Andrew hrdsty Andrew harris Andrew dcerts Andrew 1920 Andrew J 1891nws Anna M. 1850 Anne 1850 Asa 4thInf Asa hrdsty Asa harris Asa births Asa dcerts Avvie 1920 Bertha 1920 Bess E 1860 C. W. 1920 Carrie hrdsty Carry E. 1891 Casey 1920 Cassa dcerts Cassa 1920 Cassa Sr dcerts Cathari 1850 Celina 1840 Charles 1920 Charles hrdsty Charles M. 1850 Charles W. hrdsty Clara E. 1850 Cyrenas hrdsty Cyrenus harris Cyrenus 1859nws Cyrenus 1850 Daniel hrdsty Daniel harris Daniel dcerts Dcra 1893nws E. S. 1897nws E. S. 1860 Eckels 1851nws Edward H. g1820 Elijah 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth hrdsty Elza A. 1860 Emily dcerts Emma 1850 Enos harris Enos hrdsty Esta E. 1904nws Esther 1920 Evaline 1860 Florence hrdsty Frank W. 1850 Hannah 1850 Hannah J. 1920 Harry 1920 Harry E 1850 Henry dcerts Henry 1920 Herbert 1920 Herman 1920 Herschel 1850 Hetty 1920 J. Andrew 1897nws Jacob hrdsty Jerusha 1873nws Joh. 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John g1820 John larkin John harris John 1819tx John 1859nws John phist John hrdsty John K. 1920 John S hrdsty John W. phist John W. 1850 Julia hrdsty Julia A. (Newland) 1920 Lawrence 1920 Lester 1860 Lewis cmarr Lewis 1920 Lewis L. hrdsty Lewis L. 1860 Lewis W. births Lora Belle dcerts Louis births Lucius N. 1850 Maria 1850 Mary 1920 Mary dcerts Mary 1920 Mary A births Mary A. 1850 Mary Ann 1920 Mary E 1850 Mary I. hrdsty Mary V. 1850 Matthias 1893nws Myrtle 1920 Myrtle J 1850 Nancy 1904nws Oscar dcerts Phyllis 1850 Polly 1850 Rachael 1850 Rachel 1850 Rebecca dcerts Rebecca 1897nws Rev. 1897nws Rev. 1920 Rita g1820 Sarah dcerts Sarah 1879nws Sarah A. 1920 Sarah F. hrdsty Sarah J. (McKim) g1820 Seybert 1850 Simon 1850 Theadolia 1850 Thomas 1920 Ulysses 1850 Uz 1920 Virgil A 1919nws W. F. (Rev.) 1850 William hrdsty William S. 1920 Wilma cmarr Wm. Rose/Ross 1920 Eugene F 1920 Lucetta C Rose?rans 1875nws Bishop Roseberry harris Edmund harris J. L. (Jawk) harris John dcerts Lee 1876nws Mr. harris Robert harris W. A. Rosebery 1861nws Andrew Rosen 1860 Charlotte 1860 F. 1860 Mary Rosenburg 1876nws H. Rosertes 1860 Charles 1860 Katy 1860 P. 1860 Sarah Roshieth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 John 1850 Mary 1850 Sophia Ross 1886nws --- 1860 Catharine 1819tx Charles 1920 Clara L 1850 Daniel 1840 Daniel M. births E.M. 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1922nws Elizabeth births Elizabeth hrdsty Elizabeth (Fisher) 1917nws Eugene 1850 Evaline 1921nws Frank 1820 Henry 1819tx Henry 1860 Ida 1897nws J. C. g1820 James hrdsty Jared C. 1850 Jarred 1820 John 1850 John hrdsty John E. births Joseph hrdsty Lois J. births Lurilla 1860 Lydia 1920 Manda L 1999q Margaret Elizabeth 1860 Martha 1860 Mary 1850 Mary Ann 1854nws Moses 1922nws Oscar dcerts Oscar 1920 Percy F 1860 Samuel 1876nws Samuel 1860 T. 1860 W. J. 1850 William g1820 William 1877nws William 1860 William E. Rossen 1855nws Peter Rosser 1862nws David marr Frederick Rossetter 1868nws Truman K. Rossiter births Minerva Rosson g1820 James Roth 1890nws Charles 1862nws John P. Rothgeb harris --- larkin Barbara 1893nws Mattie Spence Rothgep 1851nws Zachary Rotush dcerts William Roucher births Barbara Rouell 1868nws L. D. Rougecorn 1830 Simon Roujh dcerts Horace Roumine murray John Roup murray Albert 1920 Anna M 1850 Candace 1884nws Candace (Jones) 1920 Carl M 1860 David 1860 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth births Elizabeth 1897nws F. M. 1860 Francis M. 1884nws Hal 1920 Halsie 1860 Harry dcerts Horace 1920 Howard 1830 Jacob births James murray Jim 1860 John births John 1850 Jonas 1884nws Jonas T. fair Lizzie 1850 Marion larkin Martin 1860 Mary larkin Mary 1882nws Mary 1884nws May 1893nws May 1893nws May 1893nws May murray Oscar 1860 Peter 1850 Philip Henry Roupe births Matilda Rousch births Arthur births Robet hrdsty Sarah Rousey dcerts Stillbo Roush Brothers harris --- Roush family phist Roush family Roush Family harris --- Roush harris --- births Roush 1850 "Michael, Jr." 1860 ? 1860 A. deaths A.H.A. R. 1873nws Abel 1890nws Abel deaths Abel births Abigail harris Abraham 2003q Absalom marr Absalom 1920 Ada F births Adah 1840 Adam 1850 Adam 1850 Adam g1820 Adam 1891 Adam harris Adam 1851nws Adam 1879nws Adam deaths Adam marr Adam 1920 Adda births Adda Z. births Addie 1920 Adele E 1905nws Adele Elizabeth phist Adelee Elizabeth dcerts Agnes births Albert H. 1850 Alexander 1920 Allan 1920 Allen 1893nws Allen 1860 Alma A. births Almerya M. births Almira M. 1850 Amanda 1860 Amanda 1920 Amanda dcerts Amanda births Amanda Maud 1850 Ambrose marr Andrew J. births Aneline C. births Angeline 1860 Ann 1860 Anna 1920 Anna 1890 Anna 1872nws Anna 1850 Anna M. 1850 Anne harris Annie deaths Annie M. 1820 Anthony 1830 Anthony 1850 Anthony larkin Anthony 1819tx Anthony phist Anthony marr Anthony births Anthony James 1889nws Arilla 1897nws Arthur 1903nws Arthur 1908nws Arthur 1921nws Arthur births Arthur dcerts Arthur 1920 Arthur E phist Arthur Edison births Arthur H. 1920 Arthur M births Arthur S. deaths Augusta Maud births Aurora births Aurora V. 1830 Balser harris Balser 1820 Baltser larkin Baltzer phist Baltzer 1850 Barbara phist Barbara 1903nws Belinda births Belinda 1840 Benjamin 1850 Benjamin 1897nws Benjamin births Benjamin marr Benjamin 1905nws Bernice 1920 Bernice M births Bertha deaths Bertha 1999q Bertha Mae 1905nws Bess 1920 Bessie deaths Betsey 1920 Blanch phist Blank 1819tx Bolser marr Bradford 1920 Bruce 1920 Bula births C. 1904nws C. O. births C.F. births C.T. g1820 Cady? 1999q Calvin 1860 Candis 1850 Caroline births Carrie Bell births Carrie Eva births Carrie Evaline 1850 Catharine births Catharine dcerts Cathei dcerts Catheri harris Catherine lalnce Catherine 1910nws Catherine (Yeager) 1920 Catherine L 1920 Cecelia 1860 Charles 1860 Charles 1890nws Charles 1903nws Charles births Charles dcerts Charles 1850 Charles B. deaths Charles B. births Charles Black 1920 Charles E 1920 Charles F 1920 Charles H births Charles L. phist Charlotte (Hart) births Chas. L. 1920 Chester B 2000q Christena births Clara Ellen 1920 Clara M births Clarence 1920 Clarence A deaths Clarence Porter births Columbia A. 1820 Cornelius 1830 Cornelius 1840 Cornelius larkin Cornelius 1819tx Cornelius phist Cornelius births Corwin Floyd 1920 Dale H deaths Dana R. 1904nws Dana Robert births Dana Robert 1850 Daniel harris Daniel 1861nws Daniel 1903nws Daniel 1910nws Daniel dcerts Daniel deaths Daniel 1920 Daniel P. 1920 Daniel W 1920 Darrill 1850 David 1850 David phist David dcerts David 1850 David C. 1920 David J marr David L. births David M. deaths David M. 1860 David S. births David S. marr David S. births David W. 1893nws Deisie Blanche births Delilah Mabel 1920 Della births Della births Dellie deaths Delman P. births Delmore Batton 1893nws Doctor 1892nws Dolly dcerts Donald 1999q Dorothy 1840 Dorothy 1850 Dorothy harris Dorothy phist Dorothy 1887nws Dr. 1889nws Dr. 1850 E. births E. 1893nws E. D. births E.B. births E.E. deaths Earl P. phist Earley McKinley 1920 Early 1920 Eber s. 1920 Ed L 1920 Edgar 1889nws Edgar 1920 Edison 1920 Edith E phist Edith E. phist Edna (Boston) 1920 Edna E births Edna Eleanor 1920 Edna M 1920 Edson phist Edson 1850 Edward 1905nws Edward 1905nws Edward E. 1920 Eileen 1920 Eileen S dcerts Elenore 1910nws Elhel Elizabeth 1850 Eli 1850 Eli 1860 Eli 1897nws Eli 1904nws Eli 1904nws Eli births Eli marr Eli 1920 Eliza 1892nws Eliza dcerts Elizabe 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1920 Elizabeth births Elizabeth deaths Elizabeth 1904nws Elizabeth (Hartley) 1905nws Elizabeth (Snider) 1920 Elizabeth A 2000q Ella 1920 Ella 1890 Ella 1850 Ellen 1850 Ellen dcerts Elma 1920 Elsie R 1920 Elwood R. 2000q Emam 1850 Emeline 1850 Emeroy 1920 Emma 1890 Emma births Emma 1860 Emma J. deaths Emma J. 1890 Emmet dcerts Emory 1897nws Ephraim births Ephraim 1920 Ephraim E. births Essie M. births Esther Bell births Esther M. births Evalina births Eveline 1920 Everett 1910nws Everett N. 1910nws Everett Newton phist Exceverie 1850 F. 1904nws F. Stanley Jr. 1904nws F. Stanley Sr. deaths F.E. 1889nws Fannie 1998q Fanny 1860 Fanny births Fanny 1920 Florence births Florence 1920 Florence M. 1920 Flossie G deaths Floyd births Floyd Cornelius 1920 Frances M 1860 Francis 1920 Francis deaths Francis 1860 Francis A. 1887nws Frank 1908nws Frank births Frank births Frank Elmer 1920 Frank S births Frankie P. 2003q Franklin 1920 Franklin G 1920 Fred O 1903nws Freda dcerts Frederi 1893nws G. E. births G.E. 1920 Garen A births Geo. C. 1820 George 1830 George 1840 George 1850 George 1920 George g1820 George larkin George larkin George harris George 1819tx George 1889nws George phist George births George marr George deaths George B. 1920 George H phist George Sr. 1904nws George V. deaths George W. 1920 Gideon 1905nws Gideon E. phist Gideon Early 1920 Gladys M 1920 Gladys M phist Gladys M. 1903nws Gladys May 1920 Glen W. 1897nws Glen W. dcerts Glenn dcerts Grace 1920 Guy 1920 Guy? 1920 H. 1893nws H. C. 1903nws H. C. 1905nws H. C. 1887nws H. H. 1897nws H. H. 1897nws H. H. 1897nws H. H. 1903nws H. Hayes births H.H. 1850 Hannah births Hannah deaths Hannah 1920 Harley W 1920 Harold G 1860 Harriet 2003q Harriet 1920 Harry W 1920 Harvey 1893nws Harvey births Hattie 1920 Hays H 1920 Helen V births Hellen E. 1830 Henery 1820 Henry 1840 Henry 1850 Henry 1860 Henry 1920 Henry dindx Henry larkin Henry larkin Henry larkin Henry larkin Henry larkin Henry harris Henry 1819tx Henry 1872nws Henry phist Henry dcerts Henry larkin Henry (Jr.) 1889nws Henry (Sr.) 1920 Henry C 1920 Henry C 1893nws Henry Dale phist Henry Dale 1820 Henry Jr. harris Henry Jr. phist Henry Jr. births Henry Riley births Henry Wilson 1819tx Henry, Jr. phist Herbert Gideon 1920 Herbet W births Herman Hayes 1920 Hershell 1850 Hetty 1920 Hilda E 1920 Homer births Homer phist Horace S. (Mrs.) births Howard Anderson 1920 Howard C 1920 Howard G 1875nws Hudson &, --- 1920 Ida A 1920 Ira S 1860 Irvin? wrdead Isaac 4thInf Isaac marr Isaac deaths Isabel 1890 J. J. 1893nws J. J. 1889nws J. S. births J.B. births J.J. marr Jackson 1830 Jacob 1840 Jacob 1850 Jacob 1850 Jacob larkin Jacob harris Jacob 1884nws Jacob 1892nws Jacob 1903nws Jacob deaths Jacob marr Jacob 1910nws Jake 1850 James 1860 James 2003q James births James dcerts James deaths James B. births James F. 1860 James H. 1850 James R. 1876nws Jane deaths Jane N. births Jas. M. 1920 Jennie L 1920 Jennie V 1851nws Jepthah births Jesse C. 1920 Jessie G phist Jessie Charlotte 2000q John 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1920 John wrdead John 4thInf John murray John 1890 John harris John 1851nws John 1889nws John 1890nws John 1890nws John 1897nws John 1903nws John 2003q John births John cmarr John dcerts John deaths John marr John 1867nws John (Jr.) 1920 John D 1904nws John J. 1860 John M. murray John Mrs. 1920 John W. 1905nws John Wesley 1830 Jonas 1840 Jonas 1850 Jonas 1850 Jonas 1860 Jonas 1892nws Jonas 1903nws Jonas births Jonas dcerts Jonas marr Jonas 1840 Jonas T. births Jonas W. 1850 Joseph 1889nws Joseph 1889nws Joseph 1893nws Joseph 1905nws Joseph dcerts Joseph marr Joseph 1905nws Joseph Franklin births Joseph J. 1920 Josephine 1905nws Josephine Elizabeth (Smith) deaths Josie Bell 1920 Josie V births Julia A. 1850 Julia Ann 1897nws Kate deaths Kate 1999q Kate A. (Murphy) births Katherine 1920 Katie R 1920 Kay W 1920 Kenneth 1903nws Kenneth H. dcerts Kosmer 1901nws L. F. (Dr.) 1905nws L. F. (Dr.) births L.W. dcerts Lafayet 1905nws Lafayette F. 1890nws Laura births Laura 1881nws Laura A. 1850 Laura Ann 1920 Laura L births Laura L. 1920 Lawrence marr Leander 1920 Lena 1920 Leonard M 1920 Leora 1850 Leretta phist Lester Winett 1920 Leverett L 1850 Lewis 1860 Lewis 1851nws Lewis 1903nws Lewis births Lewis W. 1920 Lizzie 1897nws Lizzie (Fisher) births Lizzie Mary 1897nws Lizzie N. (Jenkinson) 1920 LLewllyn H 1850 Louisa 1905nws Louisa deaths Louisa 1905nws Louisa J. 1850 Lovina births Lucenda 1905nws Lucetta C. 2003q Lucy phist Lucy (Jones) births Lucy May 1905nws Luther Martin larkin Lydia 1892nws Lydia births Lydia dcerts Lydia 1920 Lydia V 1850 M. M. 1920 Mabel 1920 Mabel M dcerts Magdale births Maggie Beatrice 1860 Malinda phist Marcus 1850 Margaret 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret births Margaret deaths Margaret 1903nws Margaret (Aumiller) births Maria 1860 Mariah 1920 Marie phist Marilyn dcerts Marion 1920 Marion E 1903nws Marion H. births Mark 2003q Martha births Martha I. 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1908nws Mary dcerts Mary 1920 Mary A 1850 Mary Ann births Mary Ann 1920 Mary E births Mary E. phist Mary Elizabeth (Skinner) 1893nws Mary Ellen deaths Mary F. deaths Mary J. 1920 Mary M deaths Mary M. 1910nws Mary Magdaline (Lietwiller) births Mary Margaret 1850 Matilda 1850 Matilda 1860 Matilda births Matilda births Mattie Ellen 2000q May 1890 May 1860 Melissa 1820 Michael 1830 Michael 1840 Michael 1850 Michael 1860 Michael larkin Michael 1819tx Michael 1855nws Michael 1887nws Michael phist Michael marr Michael 1920 Millicent 1850 Minerva 1920 Minerva births Minerva 1893nws Minnie births Minnie D. 1850 Miram L. 1860 Morgan dcerts Morgan 1920 Morgan L births Morgan L. births Morgan M. 1850 Moses births Moses marr Moses 1893nws Myra births Myrtis Catharin 1850 Nancy 1850 Nancy 1860 Nancy 2003q Nancy births Nancy 1850 Nancy M. births Nancy M. deaths Nehemiah deaths Nelia A. births Nelly 1887nws Nettie dcerts Newton 1920 Newton A 1850 Nicholas 1890 Nicholas births Nicholas deaths Nicholas marr Nicholas marr Noah 1920 Nora 1920 Norah B 1891nws O. F. 1910nws Okey Allen deaths Olive 1893nws Oliver 1920 Orin W 1920 Oris A murray Othelo births Otis Alexander dcerts Owen 1873nws Ozila 1920 Pansy 1889nws Park L. harris Paul 1890 Pearl 2003q Perry 1850 Peter 1860 Peter 1893nws Peter births Peter marr Peter births Philavin phist Philip 1920 Philson dcerts Philson 1897nws Ralph 1893nws Ralph E. births Rania Rhuda births Ray Lester dcerts Raymond 1850 Rebecca 1850 Rebecca 1905nws Rebecca Ann 1920 Richard phist Richard L. deaths Rilla Florence 1897nws Robert 1921nws Robert births Robert dcerts Robert 1897nws Robert E. births Rolla births Rosanna births Rosetta 1850 Rosilla 1920 Roy 1893nws Roy Martin 1920 Roy R or K dcerts Ruda phist Russell D. 1920 Ruth E. 1892nws S. Ann 1889nws S. W. 1920 Sadie M. 1889nws Samuel 1905nws Samuel 1850 Samuel A. J. 1999q Samuel P. marr Samuel P. 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1920 Sarah harris Sarah phist Sarah dcerts Sarah deaths Sarah 1855nws Sarah (Wolf) births Sarah A. 1850 Sarah Ann deaths Sarah Ann 1850 Sarah C. births Sarah C. births Sarah L. 1860 Sarah M. births Sarah M. 1905nws Sarah Margaret births Sibley A. 1850 Sophia marr Squire James 1920 Stanley F 1920 Stella births Stella dcerts Stewart dcerts Stillbo n. dcerts Stilloc births Sumner David dcerts Susa 1920 Sylvia H dcerts Synthia 1860 Thomas 1897nws Thomas births Thomas marr Thomas deaths Ulah 1893nws Vena 1920 Vicia F 1860 Victoria 1891nws Viola 1920 Violet J 1920 Virgil H 1920 Vola births Von Pearly phist W. Herbert births W.D. 1903nws Wade 2000q Waid 1920 Waid 1890 Waid 1893nws Wal. 1893nws Wall 1890nws Walter 1920 Walter D phist Walter David 1892nws Walter M. births Walter Newton 1850 Washington births Wilber 1907nws Willard 1850 William 1850 William 1890 William 1892nws William 1903nws William births William births William dcerts William marr William 1920 William D births William D. 1920 William G 2003q William H. births William H. births William I. births William J. 1905nws William Luther 1920 Wilma A murray Wilson births Wilson births Wilson S. 1860 Wm. births Wm. births Wm. B. 1920 Zana P 1920 Zelda dcerts Zelda births Zettie 1910nws Zurmehley A. (Lietwiller) Rousher births Gotleib 1862nws Jacob Roushier 1875nws Jacob Rousse g1820 Ranlin Roust dcerts Clara Row 1860 Adam 1850 Alamando 1850 Charles 1850 Eli 1860 George 1860 Jacob 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Ryena Rowain? 1830 John Rowe dcerts Amos dcerts Annie marr Charles 1920 Elizabeth dcerts John 1920 Parker dcerts William Rowell harris Theresa Rowin 1860 Adam 1860 Jacob 1860 Lana 1860 Mary 1860 P. 1860 Peter 1860 Philip Rowland 1850 Daniel births Elisabeth 1999q Elizabeth dcerts Glenna 1840 Jenken 1898nws Thomas Rowlane 1840 Mathuslem ? Rowley 1999q Chloe 1889nws Cora 1893nws Dr. 1893nws Emma 1893nws Emma dcerts Emma 1840 Esom births Eva births Fanny 1893nws Frank dcerts George 1892nws Henry 1890nws Isaac 1893nws Isaac 1893nws Isaac 1893nws Isaac 1893nws J. M. 1893nws J. M. 1903nws J. M. 1892nws Joseph dcerts Joseph 1893nws Joseph M. 1892nws Mary dcerts Myra 1885nws Oliver 1890nws Oliver 1903nws Robert Bingham g1820 Samuel dcerts Stillbo Rowley, 1892nws Rebecca Rowlin g1820 Wm Roy 1905nws Barbara L. dcerts Blanche 1905nws Dura g1820 James dcerts Kate dcerts Lawrenc dcerts Stillbo Royl births Sarah Royles g1820 Thomas Roz 1850 Almond 1850 John S. 1850 Melissa J. 1850 Ruth 1850 Simpson 1850 William H. Rozs 1850 Sardis Rpitchie dcerts Andrew Rqoller dcerts Phocese Rrain marr Isaac Ru* 1860 Adaline 1860 Elza I. 1860 James Ruard 1840 John Rubadue 1898nws H. A. 1903nws H. A. 1897nws Henry A. 1898nws Letitia (Price) 1897nws Lettie (Price) 1897nws W. Rubel dcerts Charles 1840 John Rubenstahl 1883nws George 1884nws George births George Rubenstall births Jacob Ruble house 1889nws --- Ruble 1850 Adam 1889nws Adam dcerts Adam 1850 Ann 1860 Charles D. 1850 George 1860 George L. 1889nws Ida 1860 J. D. 1850 Jane 1850 John 1860 John larkin John 1881nws John 1867nws John (Mrs.) 1860 Sarah Rucker 2002q Savanna Ruckler 1850 Daniel 1850 Ellen 1850 Jacob 1850 James 1850 John 1850 Samuel 1850 William Rude 1860 Harriott 1860 Lawson 1860 Leyla 1860 Mary 1860 Melia 1860 P. 1860 William Rued 1858nws R. Rufe? 1860 Albirta 1860 Charles 1860 Edwin 1860 H. 1860 Isaac 1860 Lucy 1860 Marselas Rufer dcerts Geicrge Ruff births Almira Ruffcorn 1866nws Lewis 1840 Simon Ruffe dcerts Joshua Ruffkorn 1850 Clark 1850 John 1850 Lewis 1850 Mary Ruffle 1860 Anna M. Ruffner births Albert 1860 Daniel larkin David births Henry larkin Joseph births Mary 1897nws Mary A. 1897nws Mary A. 1876nws Sidney 1861nws W. L. Ruffren 1854nws Donally & Co., --- Rugg wrdead John P. 1850 John Paul Rugless 2000q Ouida (Wolfe) Ruidlo 1860 Sylvanis Ruiss dcerts Clara Rule 1860 A. S. 1860 Charles 1860 Wm. H. Rumbaugh cmarr Jack H. Rumer 1850 E. 1850 Elijah 1850 Harriet 1850 Marsha 1850 Martha 1850 Phoeba Rumfield 1920 Alma 1920 Archie 1920 Arthur births Arthur dcerts Arthur 1913nws Cassie 1920 Fay 1919nws Floyd births Francis dcerts Francis 1920 Freda 1920 Henry 1913nws Henry 1892nws Henry Hollis 1890nws Hiram phist Hiram 1920 Hollis H births James 1920 James? 1919nws Jesta 1919nws Lena 1999q Lucinda 2003q Lucinda 1881nws Mr. 1998q Peleg M. wrdead Peleg M. 1998q Rache (Pettit) 1920 Robbie births Rose 1920 Sarah dcerts Sarah 1920 Verna 1920 Viola Rumfiled 1920 Myrta Rummel 1862nws ? 1920 Alberta 1920 Fannie 1920 Floyd 1903nws Gilbert 1920 Gilbert E 1897nws Gilbert E. 1920 Glennie 1920 Isaiah 1897nws Isaiah 1920 Melinda 1903nws Roland D. 1920 Rollin Rummell 1885nws Catherine Rummerfield 1850 Arthur 1850 Margaret Rummerfold 1840 Arnold Rummnnel dcerts Isaiah Rumnnel dcerts Fanny Rumsey's Millinery 1893nws --- Rumsey 1893nws J. A. 1893nws J. A. 1893nws Mrs. 1917nws W. E. Runaway Slaves harris --- Rundle 1854nws Hoy &, --- 1854nws John Runhart dcerts George Runion dcerts Annie 1860 Betsy A. births Emma A. 1860 Francis R. 1876nws Fred 1860 Frederick births Howard 1860 Jacob 1876nws Jacob 1860 James 1860 James F. 1910nws Joseph dcerts Joseph 1860 Joseph V. dcerts Katheri 1860 Lalica 1850 M. P. dcerts Margare 1860 Martha J. 1860 Mary A. 1860 Rebecca 1862nws Sam 1879nws Scott 1893nws Will 1860 William 1876nws William Runnells 1830 Isaac Runnels 1860 * 1860 Aba 1850 Abagail 1860 Abagail 1850 Ann 1860 Caroline 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Flora 1850 Hilda 1851nws Isaac 1860 James 1860 John 1860 Mahala E. 1860 Mellissa 1860 Rebecca 1850 Reuben 1860 Reuben g1820 Robert 1850 Sally 1860 Thomas 1860 Vinson Runner larkin Elijah larkin Elijah 1819tx Elijah marr Elijah Runnian 1876nws C. M. Runnion 1850 Albert 1867nws Calvin 1867nws Calvin M. 1850 Catharine 1850 Catharine C. 1850 Elijah births Florence 1850 Henrietta 1866nws Henry 1850 James 4thInf James G. 1850 Lucinda 1866nws Lucinda 1850 Marinda 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Milo 1850 Nancy 1850 Rebecca 1850 Samuel 1850 Samuel 1854nws Samuel 1850 Sarah 1850 William Runnions wrdead Samuel Runtin dcerts Alace Rupe family 2002q Rupe family Rupe 1904nws A. B. dcerts Addie 1920 Aldred B 1920 Aldred P 1920 Alma F 1920 Alva W 1919nws Alys births Charles dcerts Charles 1919nws Claud 1919nws D. P. 1920 Frieda L 1904nws Georgia Myrtle 1920 Georgie M 1920 Ida May 1897nws J. C. 1919nws J. E. dcerts Jacob 1892nws James 1893nws James 1893nws John births John dcerts John 1919nws Jont dcerts Joshua births Joshua Emory 1919nws Kathryn 1919nws Leo 1878nws Lucinda dcerts Lyda dcerts Lydia 1919nws Marcus 1919nws Marvin births Mary 1877nws Mrs. 1920 Nellie 1920 Ona W 1919nws Pearl 1893nws Rebecca D. dcerts Stillbo dcerts Susanna 1919nws Wayne 1920 Wilbur W births Wm. Worley Rupert wrdead Fred Ruppert dcerts Peter Ruppold births George births Helena Ruschel dcerts Carrie 1904nws Clarence Wilbert dcerts Daisy 1897nws Katie dcerts Paul 1904nws Philip Rusel marr Samuel Rusell 1904nws Florence 1904nws Will C. Rush 1850 Arnold 1850 Columbia 1850 David 1840 Jacob 1850 Jacob marr Jacob 1850 John 1850 John 1877nws John 1850 July Ann 1850 Lucinda 1850 Mary 1850 Mary Ann 1840 Nathan 1850 Nathan 1850 Phebe 1850 Pricsilla 1850 Rachael 1850 Ruth 1850 Sally Ann Rusk dcerts Lucy 1889nws William Russ dcerts Charles Russel g1820 Charles 1854nws Edwin 1904nws George 1873nws John dcerts Josephi dcerts Martha dcerts Orlando dcerts Ruben g1820 Wm Russell's coal works 1897nws --- Russell & Webster 1897nws --- 1897nws --- Russell and Russell 1876nws --- 1876nws --- Russell family 2000q Russell family Russell family 2001q Russell family Russell births Russell 1850 Louisa 1850 A**** 1904nws A. D. 1921nws A. D. 1921nws A. D. 1921nws A. D. 1893nws A. L. 1850 Abagail deaths Abigail 2000q Abigail (Gilmore) 1860 Abigal 2001q Abigal (Gilmore) dcerts Ada births Adrian 1850 Adrienna 1860 Adrin A. 1920 Alace(sic) 1860 Albert 1890nws Albert F. 1850 Alex 1850 Alexander 1850 Alexander 1860 Alexander 1893nws Alexander 1893nws Alexander marr Alexander dcerts Alice 1840 Allexander 1860 Alma births Almeda B. 1850 Almira 1860 Alonso births Altie Maud deaths Alura 1850 Alvin 1860 Alvira J. 1850 Amanda 1850 Amanda 1920 Amanda 1840 Amos deaths Annie 1854nws Anthony 1881nws Anthony 1897nws Anthony marr Anthony 1860 Antony 1860 Arlie 1859nws B. F. 1898nws Barbara 1999q Barbara (Losey) 1850 Bartlet 1850 Bartlett 1860 Bartlett births Bartlett marr Bartlett dindx Barzillai marr Benjamin births Benjamin B. 1850 Benson 1860 Benson marr Benson marr Berry F. births Bertha deaths Bessie 1850 Betsey births Betsey 1860 Betsy larkin Betsy (Smith) 1860 Betsy A. 1893nws Brad Herbert 1867nws C. C. births Caddie V. dcerts Carrie 1850 Catharine 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine deaths Catharine 1860 Catharine F. dcerts Catheri births Catherina 1850 Celeste 1999q Charles 1840 Charles 1850 Charles 1850 Charles 1860 Charles g1820 Charles larkin Charles 1889nws Charles 1893nws Charles births Charles dcerts Charles deaths Charles marr Charles wrdead Charles R. 1879nws Charles Sr. 1840 Charles, Jr. 1860 Charlotte births Chas. C. dcerts Clara dcerts Cliffor 1850 Collins 1850 Converse 1893nws Cora births Cora Estella 1850 Cyrus 1860 Cyrus 1860 Cyrus 1860 Cyrus marr Cyrus graybd D. A. 1873nws D. A. 1881nws D. A. 1886nws D. A. 1893nws D. A. 1895nws D. A. 1897nws D. A. 1893nws D. A. (Judge) 1876nws D. A. (Maj.) 1881nws D. A. (Maj.) 1879nws D. A. (Major) 1881nws D. A. (Major) 4thInf D. Albert 1850 Daniel 1860 Daniel births Daniel marr Daniel murray Daniel A. marr Daniel W. 1900nws David 1920 David F 1860 David M. dcerts Dollie dcerts Dorothy births Dortha Phelin 1860 E. births E.V. dcerts Edith 1906nws Edith (Densmore) 1920 Edward 1886nws Effie 1860 Electa 1850 Eli 1860 Eli 1867nws Eli births Eli dcerts Eli marr Eli 1850 Eliza births Eliza Frances 1879nws Eliza V. 1830 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1920 Elizabeth births Elizabeth deaths Elizabeth 1999q Elizabeth (Parker) 1893nws Elizabeth J. (McKnight) births Ella 1850 Ellen 1862nws Ellen dcerts Ellen births Ely 1850 Ema J. deaths Emerson 1850 Emma births Emma dcerts Emma births Emma J. 1893nws Ernest 1920 Ethel dcerts Eugene deaths Eva 1850 Evaline dcerts Everett 1860 F. C. graybd F. C. 1858nws F. C. 1867nws F. C. 1868nws F. C. 1873nws F. C. 1873nws F. C. 1878nws F. C. 1879nws F. C. 1881nws F. C. 1886nws F. C. 1897nws F. C. 1893nws F. C. (Judge) 1893nws F. C. (Judge) 1897nws F. C. (Judge) 1876nws F. C. (Maj.) 1876nws F. C. (Major) 1879nws F. C. (Major) 1879nws F. C. (Major) 1883nws F. C. (Major) 1889nws F. S. births F.C. dcerts Florenc 1897nws Florence 1906nws Florence Evelyn deaths Florentine 1893nws Frances 1906nws Frances marr Frances C. marr Francis 1860 Francis A. deaths Francis C. 1905nws Frank 1850 Franklin 1905nws Fred S. 1850 Frederick 1906nws Frederick marr Frederick births Frederick S. 1860 Fredk 1913nws G. W. births G.W. 1901nws Gap dcerts Gapfiel births Geneva 1893nws Geneviene 1893nws Genivieve births Geo. marr Geo. 1820 George 1830 George 1840 George 1850 George 1850 George 1860 George larkin George larkin George larkin George harris George 1819tx George 1862nws George 1893nws George 1905nws George phist George deaths George births George H. 1893nws George W. births George W. marr George W. 1819tx George, Jr. 1920 Gertrude M dcerts Gertruo deaths Gracie 1850 Granville births Granville 1920 Granville W 1860 H. H. 1912nws Hannah dcerts Hannah 1860 Harlow deaths Harlow births Harlow H. 1850 Harriet 1860 Harriet 1906nws Harriet phist Harriet 1904nws Harriet (Merrick) dcerts Harry births Harry Flood 1903nws Harry H. 1860 Harvey 1897nws Harvey &, --- 1897nws Harvey &, --- 1860 Helen deaths Henry births Henry H. 1840 Hiram 1850 Hiram wrdead Hiram deaths Hiram marr Hiram H. marr Hiram R. deaths Homer D. 1881nws Horace H. births Howard D. 1860 Huris? H. deaths Ida M. 1999q Ira 2000q Ira 2001q Ira 1820 Ira 1840 Ira 1850 Ira 1860 Ira 1819tx Ira 1862nws Ira 1875nws Ira 1879nws Ira 1879nws Ira 1879nws Ira 1901nws Ira births Ira deaths Ira marr Ira 1840 Ira, Jr. marr Ira, Jr. 1860 Isaac 1819tx Isaac 1881nws Isaac 1905nws Isaac 1906nws Isaac deaths Isaac marr Isaac 1860 Isaac N. deaths Isaac N. births Iva 1860 J. J. 1883nws J. O. 1897nws J. S. 1897nws J. S. births J.J. murray Jack births Jame E. 1850 James 1850 James 1860 James 1860 James 1889nws James 1892nws James births James marr James births James A. 1850 Jane births Jane 1850 Jasper 1860 Jasper 1895nws Jasper 1897nws Jasper 1893nws Jemima 1901nws Jennie births Jennie marr Jewell J. 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John dindx John 1851nws John 1893nws John 1897nws John births John dcerts John deaths John marr John wrdead John G. marr John G. births John H. dindx John Jr. 1860 John M. 1860 John O. 1893nws John S. births Jos. 1920 Joseph larkin Joseph 1889nws Judge murray Katie 1860 Lafayette 1905nws Lawrence 1860 Leana births Lelia Ethel 1905nws Leo Morris births Linnie 1893nws Lizze (Forbes) murray Lizzie 1893nws Lizzie dcerts Lizzie deaths Lizzie 1860 Lorance H. harris Louis W. 1850 Louisa 1860 Louisa births Louisa dcerts Lovina 1850 Lucetta 1850 Lucinda 1860 Lucinda births Lucinda 1850 Lucy deaths Lucy 1876nws M. births Mabel C. 1892nws Maggie 1875nws Major 1860 Malvina murray Manda dcerts Margare 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1889nws Margaret A. births Margaret A. deaths Margaret A. 1860 Margaret L. 1850 Maria 1860 Mariah deaths Mariah dcerts Marinda 1850 Martha 1860 Martha 1901nws Martha 2000q Martha (Hysell) 2001q Martha (Hysell) 1920 Martin R 1860 Marvillia 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1893nws Mary phist Mary dcerts Mary 1889nws Mary A. deaths Mary A. 1850 Mary E. 1860 Mary E. 1860 Mary J. deaths Mary J. dcerts Mattie 1850 Melissa 1893nws Melissa births Melissa 1860 Melissa I. births Merchant Clin 1900nws Milo deaths Minnie M. 1860 Mitchel 1901nws Mitchell deaths Mittie B. 1840 Moses g1820 Moses larkin Moses phist Moses Sr. 1877nws Mr. births Mytie Lee births N.D. 1850 Nancy 1850 Nancy 1860 Nancy 1860 Nancy births Nancy births Nancy A. births Nellie 1850 Nelson 1850 Newton 1860 Newton births Newton 1893nws Nora 1897nws O. E. 1897nws O. E. 1897nws O. E. 1850 Oren 1860 Orlando births Orlando deaths Orpah May births Orvilla births Otis 1850 Patsy dcerts Paul 1920 Pearl A 1850 Phebe deaths Phitbles dcerts Phobe murray Pleasant E. 1850 Polly 1893nws R. C. (Judge) 1906nws Ralph 1892nws Ralston 1904nws Ralston 1860 Randel 1906nws Ray DeValdy dcerts Raymond births Rebecca births Rebecca J. murray Rebecca V. 1850 Reuben 1920 Reuben 1850 Reverius 1844nws Reverius marr Reverus 1850 Rhoda 1850 Rhoda 1860 Rhoda births Rhoda deaths Rhoda 1850 Richmond 1860 Richmond 1840 Rivers 1830 Robert 1840 Robert 1850 Robert 1860 Robert murray Robert 1892nws Robert 1893nws Robert marr Robert 1889nws Rolando dcerts Rosa 1906nws Rosa L. (Moore) 1860 Rosanna births Rosanna births Rosetta murray Ruben marr Rueben 1860 S. 1903nws S. F. 1921nws Saint murray Sally Mrs. 1850 Samantha 1860 Samantha 1850 Samaria 1860 Samaria births Samira 2000q Samuel 2001q Samuel 1840 Samuel 1850 Samuel 1850 Samuel 1893nws Samuel 1894nws Samuel 1897nws Samuel deaths Samuel marr Samuel 1890nws Samuel J. 1893nws Samuel J. 1895nws Samuel J. births Samuel J. dcerts Sanfofo 1999q Sanford 2000q Sanford 1840 Sanford 1850 Sanford 1889nws Sanford 1893nws Sanford 1895nws Sanford births Sanford dcerts Sanford marr Sanford 1860 Sanfred 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1876nws Sarah 1860 Sarah A. 1850 Sarah E. 1860 Sarah E. births Sarah S. 1860 Savilla 1850 Serilla 1850 Shamrose 1860 Shannon 1905nws Shannon births Shannon marr Shannon dcerts Sheffie marr Sheffied, Jr. 1850 Sheffield 1862nws Sheffield births Sheffield births Sheffield deaths Sheffield 1862nws Sheffield (Jr.) 1840 Sheffield K. 1892nws Sheffield K. marr Sheffield K. 1850 Sophia dcerts Stillbo 1850 Sulvira phist Susan A. deaths Susan L. 1860 Susana deaths Susannah 1905nws Sybil 1850 T. 1898nws T. (Capt.) 1898nws T. A. 1850 Thomas 1893nws Thomas births Thomas marr Thomas deaths Thomas M. 1893nws Tim (Capt.) 1877nws Tim (Captain) 1850 Timothy 1893nws Timothy 1895nws Timothy 1897nws Timothy marr Timothy 1893nws Timothy (Captain) 1850 Unes dcerts Unnamed 1920 Vera 1850 Vesta 1860 Vesta deaths Vilin 1881nws Viola (Green) 1850 Virginia 1893nws W. C. 1893nws W. C. 1893nws W. C. 1893nws W. C. 1893nws W. C. 1897nws W. C. 1893nws W. D. 1878nws W. G. 1893nws W. K. marr Warren 1840 Washington 1850 Washington 1860 Washington 1906nws Washington deaths Washington marr Washington murray Will 1912nws Will 1897nws Will C. 1893nws Will. C. 1850 Willes dcerts Willi 1830 William 1850 William 1860 William 1920 William larkin William 1876nws William 1877nws William 1892nws William dcerts William marr William 1850 William C. 1860 William C. 1893nws William C. births William E. births William F. marr William F. 1860 William G. 1905nws William Loren 1860 William R. 1906nws William Staunton deaths Willie 1893nws Willis births Wm. W. Russello 1893nws Albert Russfi dcerts Iiicy dcerts Raymond Russfii dcerts Ralph Russle 1850 Charles 1850 Cyrus 1850 Daniel 1850 Hiram 1850 Jewell 1850 Roamy 1850 William Rust phist Ann (Medcalfe) 1860 Anna 1860 Charles 1893nws Charley phist Elizabeth (Newton) 1860 Evaline phist James phist Martha phist Mary (Crump) 1893nws Mary (Eblen) 1860 Peter phist Peter phist Samuel phist Sarah (Newton) phist Sarah Ruth 1885nws William phist William 1860 Wm Ruth 1920 Bernice 1904nws Bernice 1920 Della 1920 Ernest 1920 George L 1920 Harry 1904nws Harry 1920 Helen 1920 Ida 1897nws Ida A. 1920 John dcerts John 1920 Laura dcerts Magaret 1920 Rose 1844nws Theobald Ruthaford 1860 Al? 1860 Catharine 1860 Charles F. 1860 Eliza J. 1860 Eliza O? 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Evens 1860 George D. 1860 John 1860 John B. 1860 Mary L. 1860 Moses 1860 Philo 1860 Prudence Rutherford's 1909nws --- Rutherford cemetery 1905nws --- 1911nws --- Rutherford family 1998q Rutherford family Rutherford births Rutherford 1850 Aaron harris Aaron births Alma Odess 1850 Ann 1850 Barbara 1878nws Benjamin F. 1920 Bessie B 1850 Catharine 1850 Catharine harris Catherinus 1909nws Clair D. 1909nws Claire D. births Claire Dwi 1840 Daniel 1850 Daniel harris Daniel 1881nws Daniel 1850 David 1877nws E. W. 1893nws E. W. 1850 Elcy dcerts Elizabe h. 1850 Elizabeth 1920 Elizabeth 1920 Emerson C births Emma 1850 Esther murray Eugene births Eugene 1840 Evans g1820 Evans 1920 Evans A harris Evans W. 1850 Evens 1883nws Flora births Florence T 1850 Francis 1850 George harris George wrdead George E. 1850 Harmon 1850 Hellen harris Henry g1820 Isaac 1850 Ivins harris Ivins births J. G. 1850 Jackson 1850 James 1850 Jane harris Japser dcerts Jasper 1920 Jasper A 1850 John g1820 John wrdead John harris John harris John H. wrdead John W. births Land R. 1850 Lucinda 1897nws M. J. 1897nws M. J. 1919nws M. J. 1893nws M. O. births M.E. births M.J. 1920 Mallis V 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1909nws Mary dcerts Mary 1850 Matherd births Matthew harris Maud 1909nws Maud (Hayes) 1897nws Mel 1850 Melzer 1850 Merrel births Merrill L. harris Merrill O. 1893nws Minnie 1920 Minnie E.L.O. 1850 Morten 1840 Moses 1850 Moses harris Moses 1866nws Moses 1885nws Mrs. 1881nws Newton 1850 Philo harris Phio 1850 Prudence 1876nws S. W. larkin Sarah 1891nws Sarah births W.B. births W.J. births Wade murray Wade A. harris Walter 1850 William dcerts William Ruthford 1860 Aaron 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Elsey 1860 George 1860 Lucinda Rutitez dcerts Getcrge Rutland 2nd Free Will Baptist church 1901nws --- Rutland cemetery 1876nws --- Rutland Cemetery 1878nws --- Rutland cemetery 1897nws --- Rutland Christian church 1893nws --- Rutland colored school 1879nws --- Rutland Free Baptist Church 1876nws --- Rutland Free Will Baptist church 1897nws --- Rutland Freewill Baptist church 1877nws --- Rutland graveyard 1885nws --- Rutland M. E. church 1893nws --- Rutland Methodist Church 1893nws --- Rutland Presbyterian Church larkin --- Rutland Presbyterian church 1889nws --- Rutland Union Sabbath School 1879nws --- Rutschillig dcerts Theodor Ruttencutter 1917nws E. J. 1917nws Paul 1897nws W. E. Rutter harris Clyde dcerts James Ruysle g1820 Enoch Ryan 1850 Harriet 1850 A. 1850 Alice 1850 Cynthia 1850 Earl S. 1850 Ephraim 1860 Harvey 1850 James 1893nws Jennie 1889nws John 1900nws John 1889nws Lizzie 1860 Marinda 1850 Martha 1854nws Martha 1860 Mary 1850 Mary E. 1860 Wm. Ryason g1820 Betsy Ryden 1850 Catharine 1850 Eliza 1850 Margaret Ryder 1850 Alonzo 1850 Catharine 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Eve 1850 Lawrence 1850 Margaret 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Nancy 1850 Polly 1850 Rosanna 1850 Sarah 1850 Thomas 1850 Valentine 1850 William Rymmel 1891 Isaiah Ryse 1840 Stephen Rythep dcerts George Ryther dcerts Eliza dcerts Emma births Emma J. births Geo. 1893nws Hopkins 1840 Hoppine 1820 James 1830 James 1840 James 1819tx James 1892nws James 1892nws James phist James Sr. 1897nws Jones, Bradshaw &, --- 1892nws Mary marr Peter wrdead Rossel harris Roxelena