S? 1860 Lewis 1860 Nancy 1860 Rebecca J? Sace murray Homer Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1879nws --- Sacred Heart church 1904nws --- 1905nws --- Sad*** 1850 Elizabeth Saddler 1850 Delila 1850 James 1850 John 1850 Mary 1850 Nancy 1850 William Saddock 1860 G. 1860 Hanna 1860 John S. 1860 Thomas 1860 William Sadler 1840 James 1844nws James Saer 1860 Catharine Safford harris --- 1850 Henry 1840 James g1820 John 1892nws John H. g1820 Jonas 1850 Martha J. 1850 Mary E. larkin Robert harris Robert larkin Robert (Colonel) g1820 Robt 1850 Sarah 1850 Susan harris Thomas Cameron 1850 William Safreed 1850 David 1850 Eleanor 1850 Esther A. 1850 John S. 1850 Martha 1850 Mary C. 1850 Meyilla J. Sagan dcerts Miihan Sage 1860 John 1860 Martha 1860 Richard Sagert 1840 Samuel Sagles dcerts Ann Saiber 1909nws Elwood Sailes 1850 Amanda 1850 Catharine 1850 Leander 1850 Malinda 1850 Nathan 1850 Percy Sails 1850 James 1850 Mary 1850 Samuel Sain 1897nws Miss Saintmyres 1887nws Harvey Sairles 1850 Elisha 1850 Phebe 1850 Samuel 1850 William Sales 1830 Allen 1850 Amanda 1850 Andrew 1850 Jasper 1850 Mary 1860 Mary Saleseury dcerts James Salisbury family 2000q Salisbury family Salisbury Free Baptist Church 1871nws --- Salisbury 2000q Amelia 1860 Ann 2000q Anne 1850 Anne 1867nws Ash 1850 Aurelia 2000q Charlotte 1850 Charlotte 1860 Charlotte 2000q Ellen 1850 Ellen 1860 Ellen 2000q James 1850 James 1860 James 2000q John 1850 John 1860 John 1867nws John 1876nws John 2000q Mary 1850 Mary 2000q Samuel 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel births Sharlot 2000q Thomas 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas Sallance dcerts Jacob Salseni dcerts Edith Salser 1850 Adason 1920 Addie M 1920 Allen C 1860 Almira 1850 Amazon 1879nws Andrew 1879nws Anna E. 1920 Anthony dcerts Augusta 1920 Benjamin 1860 Caroline dcerts Carrell 1893nws Charles 1920 Clara E. 1860 Conrad 1920 Dana S. 1920 David 1867nws David 1890nws David 1893nws David 1897nws David dcerts David 1920 Donald C 1920 Edith M 1920 Edward C marr Eil 1840 Eli 1850 Eli 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Emmitt 1920 Ethel L 1830 George 1840 George 1850 George 1860 George 1920 Grace S 1920 Grover C 1920 Henrietta 1820 Jacob 1830 Jacob 1850 Jacob 1860 Jacob larkin Jacob phist Jacob 1840 Jacob, Jr. 1850 James 1998q James A. Garfield 1840 John 1867nws John dcerts John marr John 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph 1920 Katherine 1920 Kenneth M 1920 Lawrence E 1889nws Levi 1920 Lillian P 1850 Linny 1860 Lucinda dcerts Mahy 1850 Marcellus 1893nws Marcellus 1920 Marjorie 1860 Marsalla 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1920 Mary M mcknze Matilda 1920 Mildred A 1998q Molly 1860 Moses marr Moses 1920 Nial 1920 Paul W 1920 Robert E. 1920 Ruth A 1920 Samantha 1860 Samuel 1850 Sarah 1860 Sardine 1850 Solomon marr Solomon 1860 Susanna 1850 Susannah 1850 William 1860 Wm. Salsfk dcerts John Salskr dcerts Smantha Salsor dcerts Wiliam Salster 1819tx Jacob Salstir dcerts John Saltzer 1850 Alfina 1850 Elizabeth 1850 George W. 1850 Hannah 1850 John 1850 Matilda 1850 William L. Salvin 1897nws Hannah Sample 1878nws G. W. 1850 James Samples 1860 Caroline 1860 Hannah 1860 Ida 1860 James M. Sampson 1850 Allison 1860 Daiel J. 1860 Daniel 1850 E. 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Garrett 1860 George 1860 Ludda Samuel g1820 Alexander 1850 David 1854nws David g1820 Libert Samuels 1860 Ann 1860 Daniel 1860 Davy 1860 Isaac 1851nws Isaac 1860 Jane 1860 John 1860 Mary 1862nws Sam 1860 Samuel Sanborn 1850 A. H. 1850 Alex 2000q Alexander 1897nws Amos marr Amos 2000q Audrey dcerts Bina 1850 Charles dcerts Charles 1850 Charles E. 1850 Charles M. 2000q Clarence 1897nws Dan marr Daniel 2000q Dora 1885nws Edward 1850 Elizabeth 2000q Ella (Dillinger) 1876nws Ella M. 2000q Emma 1860 Ernest J. 1889nws George 1915nws George 1860 George W. 1885nws Herbert 2000q Homer 1860 J. O. 1850 Jeremiah 1915nws Jesse 1905nws John dcerts John 1850 John O. 1840 John W. 1840 Joseph S. 2000q Laura 1905nws Lois 1881nws Lucy dcerts Marcia 1860 Martha A. births Martha E. 1850 Mary 1850 Mary E. deaths Mary J. 2000q Millie 2000q Minnie 1893nws Oscar 1850 Peter M. 1850 Susan A. 2000q William 1860 Wm. M. Sanborne 1851nws Joseph Sanbourn 1819tx Joseph Sanburn 1850 Alonzo 1850 Amos 1850 Aurilla 1850 Calvin 1850 Charles 1850 Cyrus 1850 Daniel dcerts Daniel 1850 Emma dcerts Jessie 1850 John 1850 Joseph 1820 Joseph G. 1850 Leonard 1850 Lydda 1850 Matilda births Miram 1850 Osimer 1850 Ruth 1850 Sarah 1850 Susan Sandermilk dcerts Andrew dcerts Duglas dcerts Stillbo n. Sanders 1860 * g1820 Abraham 1860 Alvina 1920 Anettie births Antrishia 1840 Benjamin 1850 Benjamin 1920 Cecil A 1850 Charles 1850 Charles 1850 Chloa A dindx David 1903nws Doris M. 1920 Dorris 1922nws E. O. (Prof.) 1876nws Eakin &, --- 1850 Eben M. 1854nws Edward 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elnara M. 1860 Emeline 1850 Emerson births Emerson 1920 Emma 1871nws Emma 1920 Evelyn 1862nws Ezra dcerts Fay 1860 George dcerts George 1850 George M. g1820 Henry 1850 J. A. 1850 J. N. 1922nws Jessie 1840 John 1850 John 1920 Justine 1850 Louisa 1850 M. C. 1850 Margret 1850 Mary 1850 Mary dcerts Matilda 1873nws Mord 1862nws Mordecai 1920 Nile 1850 O. W. 1860 Oskar 1850 P. 1850 P. Jane 1860 Parlah 1850 Polly 1850 Polly D. 1920 R.L. murray Rob 1903nws Robert L. 1920 Rosa 1850 Sarah 1850 Smith 1850 Smith 1920 Vance 1850 W. 1890nws W. G. 1897nws W. G. 1850 W. V. 1850 Wash 1850 William 1850 William 1851nws William 1854nws William 1922nws William (Mrs.) 1862nws William G. births William J. 1920 Wilma Sanderson phist Col. John P. 1850 J. 1860 Job 1860 Philesta Sandford & Co. 1876nws --- Sandford 1893nws Ella M. murray Fred 1876nws G. P. Sands harris A. C. 1850 Allanson 1850 Ansel dcerts Cllie 1850 Ebenezer 1850 Electa 1850 Elisha 1873nws Elisha 1830 Elisha W. 1850 Jacob wrdead Jacob 1850 John dcerts Lucinda 1850 Martin 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Olive 1920 Olive J 1850 William Sandsbury murray Grace Sanes dcerts Charles Sanford 1875nws G. P. 1877nws George P. 1897nws George P. Sanmorn dcerts Sally Sanns 1893nws Aicorn &, --- 1840 Elisha g1820 John Sanoers dcerts Ellen Sanropn dcerts Clarfnc Sans 1820 Erastus marr Erastus g1820 Nathan Sansbery 1851nws Benjamin Sansbury 1913nws Amer 1856nws Andrew L. dcerts Anna dindx B. 1850 Benjamin phist Benjamin dcerts Charles 1921nws D. L. 1917nws David phist Eleanor May 1850 Eliza 1850 Esther Ann 1850 Franklin dcerts Frankly births H.M. 1850 Harriet phist Hester (Ledlie) 1850 Isaac phist Isaac dcerts Isaac phist Isaac L. 1850 James 1856nws James L. 1850 Jane phist Jessie Eleanor (Smith) phist June births Leslie Jas. murray Lovie Mrs. 1850 Lucinda dcerts Lucy 1850 Lydia births Lydia dindx M. phist Mary (Gildart) 1897nws Mr. phist Nancy (Darst) 1893nws Nellie phist Roy Custer 1850 Sarah 1856nws Sarah Jane phist Thomas 1856nws William phist William Ledlie Sanseury dcerts Esther dcerts Margare Santee 1920 Elizabeth 1920 Kathryn 1920 Osty 1920 Raymond Sapgeant dcerts Mary Saphero dcerts Lafe Sapold 1860 M. Sapp 1860 Albert 1881nws Albert 1882nws Albert 1894nws Albert 1998q Charles marr James 1860 James E. 1886nws Jennie 1860 Mary 1998q Phoebe (McHenry) dcerts Raymond 1889nws Thomas dcerts Victor Sarber 1889nws Charles 1850 Devol 1855nws Mary A. 1867nws Stillman Sarbor 1850 Stillman Sarcon 1860 Adrand 1860 Martha 1860 Osa Sargeant 4thInf Charles 1920 Clara B. 1920 Francis H 1819tx William Sargent phist Bradford graybd C. G. phist Carol 1850 Charlotte 1920 Clarence 1920 Edward phist Edward 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Ellen 1850 Enos 1920 Eunice 1920 Evline 1920 Harold phist Helen Frances (Elberfel 1850 Isaac 1917nws Jeremiah 1840 John 1850 John 1850 Josiah 1850 Lucreta 1850 Lucretia 1850 Marcellas 1850 Margret 1920 Olva dcerts Ruth 1867nws Samuel H. 1850 Sarah 1854nws Thomas D. 1855nws Thomas D. 1855nws Thomas D. 1858nws Thomas D. 1830 William 1840 William 1850 William Sarmdaz? 1830 Abram Sarnden 1840 Stephen R. Sarony g1820 Francis Sarsen 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Mary 1850 Robert Sarson 1860 Adney dcerts Adney 1860 Caroline 1920 Charles R 1920 Clara B 1905nws David dcerts Edward 1860 Edwin 1840 Elizabeth 1920 Ethel 1850 George 1860 George 1998q John 1850 John 1860 John 1868nws John 1920 Louise 1920 Margaret dcerts Marian 1850 Martha 1860 Martha 1920 Mary E 1860 Matilda 1860 Melvin 1860 Robert 1920 Robert 1893nws Robert 1905nws Robert cmarr Robt. 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1850 Theresa 1860 Tracy 1920 Virginia 1920 Wheeler 1893nws Wheeler 1920 Wilkinson Sarsons dcerts Robert Sarston 1850 Elizabeth Sasher dcerts Charles Sattas family 2002q Sattas family Satterby 1920 Eveline 1920 George W 1920 Mary Saudermilk dcerts Andrew Sauer 1901nws Anna Mary (Finding) 1879nws Eddie 1901nws Emil 1891nws Eva (Kobb) 1901nws Frederick 1890nws George 1901nws George 1920nws George 1867nws John P. phist Lelia B. 1901nws Leonard 1920nws Mary 1901nws Matthias dcerts Robert 1879nws Val. 1891nws William 1901nws William dcerts William Saul's Saloon 1881nws --- Saul 1893nws Ada 1850 Ann 1860 Ann 1860 August 1860 Caroline 1850 Charlotte 1860 Charlotte 1855nws Charlotte Jane 1840 Edward 1850 Edward 1854nws Edward phist Edward dcerts Ei 1860 G**** dcerts Gamer 1850 Grace dcerts Grace 1840 Henry 1850 Henry 1860 Henry 1873nws Henry 1850 Isaac 1860 Isaac 1840 James 1860 James 1875nws James 1893nws James 1850 John 1850 Joseph T. 1860 Martha 1860 Mary 1867nws Mrs. 1893nws Nannie dcerts Rcbert 1860 Robert 1887nws Robert dcerts Robert 1860 S***** 1860 Sophiah 1850 Susan 1860 Susan A. 1878nws Susana 1850 Thomas 1855nws Thomas 1893nws W. T. 1860 William F. 1881nws William T. Sauleir 1860 Margaret Saullin marr Vincent Sauls 1850 Abagail 1850 Aurilla 1850 Franklin 1850 George 1850 Gideon 1850 Indianna 1850 Jackson 1850 Jacob 1850 John 1850 Levi 1850 Malissa 1850 Mary 1850 Sarah 1850 William Saulsbury 1888nws John 1892nws Thomas Saulto phist Ruth Saunder 1901nws Charles 1883nws Magdalena Saunders family 2001q Saunders family Saunders marr A.J. dcerts Alfred 1893nws Bert 1893nws Bertie 1893nws Burt 1893nws Burt dcerts Charlot 1908nws Chester 1893nws Daisy 1820 David 1830 David 1840 David 1860 David 1819tx David 1877nws David 1877nws David 1878nws David 1892nws David 1879nws Dr. dcerts Elisabe harris Elizabeth 1920 Emma 1881nws Frank (Ritchey) 1892nws G. 1830 George 1920 George 1892nws George 1892nws George 1893nws George 1860 George W. 1893nws H. L. 1893nws Hall 1908nws Henry dcerts Horace 1830 Isaac 1840 Isaac dcerts James 1892nws Jessie 1860 Julia A. 1893nws Lizzie 1893nws Lizzie (Calderwood) 1885nws Lola births Luella 1860 Martha 1851nws Mattias M. 1905nws O. E. (Prof.) harris Peter 1893nws Rachael murray Rob 1920 Sarah 1830 Stephen R. dcerts Stillbo n. dcerts Terry harris The 1893nws Thom. (Capt.) 1893nws Thomas 1881nws William 1905nws William Saundfrs dcerts Ruth Saurles murray nfn Saurs births Bertha births Leonard Sausbury dcerts Roy Sauser births Caroline Sauterbacb dcerts Charles Sauters 1860 Anna 1860 Margaret J. 1860 Mary A. 1860 Wm Sauugrn dcerts Arolln Sauvage dcerts Effa dcerts Valenti dcerts William 1897nws William S. Sauvagt dcerts Georgia Savage births Savage 1850 Abijah 1830 Adam 1840 Adam 1850 Adam dindx Adam 1892nws Adam marr Adam C. 1850 Amos births Annie 1850 Asel 1850 Barbara 1860 Barbary dindx Benj. 1830 Benjamin 1840 Benjamin 1850 Benjamin larkin Benjamin phist Benjamin F. 1860 Catharine 1850 Charles murray Charley 1860 Conrad 1860 Conrad 1862nws Conrad 1850 Daniel 1850 David 1920 Don dcerts Elizabe 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth births Elizabeth 1850 Euretta 1905nws Fanny dcerts Francis 1850 Franklin 1876nws Franklin 1860 George 2003q George marr George 1920 Grace murray Griff 1920 Griff R 1850 Hannah 1850 Harriet larkin Harriet (Benedict) 1850 Jane larkin Jane (Shepherd) 1850 Jefferson 1820 Jesse 1830 Joel 1840 Joel 1850 Joel 1820 John 1830 John 1850 John larkin John marr John 1820 Joseph 1830 Joseph 1850 Joseph 1850 Laura 1860 Lawrence murray Letta 1850 Lois 1862nws Lorenzo births Lorenzo 1892nws Lovina 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret births Margaret 1860 Margaret E. 2003q Martha (Partlow) 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1850 Matilda 1860 Matilda 1850 May 1860 Moses A. 1860 P. 1850 Peter 1860 Peter 1840 Polly 1920 Roger 1860 Sarah J. 1850 Val 1895nws Val dcerts Valenti 1860 Valentine births Valentine 1850 William 1876nws William dcerts William 1850 Zilpha Sawards? g1820 George Sawbuirt dcerts Andrew Sawter hrdsty Gerthrut phist Gerthrut Sawyer 1998q David g1820 Douglas 1998q Eliza 1892nws Eliza 1850 John 1998q Marilda (Parsons) 1850 Nat harris Nathaniel Saxon 1876nws James births Joseph births Martha 1860 Mary dcerts Stilleo dcerts Williap Saxson 1850 Diannah 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Francis 1850 Mary 1850 Samuel 1850 Washingto 1850 William Saxton family 2000q Saxton family Saxton 1850 Alma 1850 Alvin marr Alvin 1840 Andrew 1850 Andrew 1850 Ann 1999q Anna dcerts Beatric births Bertha dcerts Beulah murray Billie murray Blanche Mill murray Bryon murray Burnie 1850 Charity 1850 Clarrissa 1889nws David births David 1850 Eli murray Emma dcerts Emma dcerts Estaun dcerts Ester murray Ett Foreman Mrs. births Etta Blanche 1850 Euretta dcerts Fatalin 1920 George murray Gracy 1850 Hamilton 1892nws Hannah dcerts Harley 1850 Harrison 1860 J. 1862nws J. A. murray Jack 1999q James 1876nws James births James dcerts James murray James Sr. 1850 Jane dcerts Jcihn murray Jennie births Jno. (2nd) births Joel 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John murray John 1920 John H 1850 Jonathan 1820 Joseph 1840 Joseph 1850 Joseph murray Joseph births Joseph dcerts Laura murray Lew murray Lew 1883nws Lewis dcerts Louisa 2000q M. cmarr Margaret births Mariah 1920 Marie 1889nws Martha births Martha 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1920 Mary 1892nws Michael marr Michael 1850 Minerva 1850 Nancy 1892nws Nancy murray Nancy Ellen 1889nws Ocy murray Ora 1850 Osa 1850 Prescilla murray Raymond W. 1850 Rebecca 1850 Richard births Rila dcerts Rosa births Ross Herbert 1850 Sally 1850 Sarah 1920 Sarah 1867nws Sophia births Sophia dcerts Susan 1999q Susan Jane births Thomas dcerts Thurman 1889nws Tom births Vernie Victory 1860 Violetta 1877nws Will 1830 William 1840 William 1819tx William 1876nws William dcerts William g1820 Wm Sayan? 1830 John Saye phist Moses E. Sayer (Sayre) 1920 Goldie M Sayer( Sayre) 1920 John A Sayer(Sayre) 1920 Isaac H 1920 Raymond E Sayer 1860 Albert 1860 Alice 1860 Almena 1860 Almira 1860 Alvina 1860 Andrew 1860 Anna 1920 Anna Belle 1860 Benjamin 1860 Cassa? 1860 Charles 1860 Daniel dcerts Daniel 1860 David 1860 Deborah 1860 Delilah 1860 E. J. 1860 Eben 1860 Edward 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Emma 1860 Erdilla 1860 Francis 1860 Franklin dcerts Fred 1860 George 1860 Hannah 1860 Harriet 1860 Harrison 1860 Helen 1860 Henderson 1860 Henry 1860 Horace 1860 Horton 1860 Isaac M. 1860 Isreal 1860 Jane 1860 John 1879nws John W. 1860 Jonas 1860 Jonathan dcerts Julia 1860 Lafayette dcerts Lavinia 1860 Levi 1920 Lewis W 1860 Livina 1860 Louisa 1860 Lydia 1860 Mahala 1860 Margaret 1860 Martha 1860 Martin 1860 Mary 1860 Matilda 1860 Matson 1860 Minerva 1860 Moses 1861nws Moses 1860 N. 1860 Nathan 1860 Phebe 1860 Philip 1860 Rebecca 1860 Robert 1860 Sarah 1860 Susan 1860 Thomas 1860 Victoria 1860 Virginia 1860 Wm. Sayers 1860 Emily 1860 Ephriam 1860 Howard 1860 Martha 1903nws Ray 1998q Sarah 1903nws Thomas 1860 Viola Sayler 1893nws Eliza Sayles larkin Allen 1840 Amanda 1840 Emir 1893nws George dcerts Leander 1909nws P. A. 1854nws Peny fair Perry dcerts Perry Sayne dcerts Johanna Sayre family 1998q Sayre family larkin --- Sayre Family harris --- Sayre 1850 * 1893nws A. H. 1905nws A. H. 1906nws A. H. births A.W. g1820 Abner deaths Abner W. 1850 Abraham marr Adam H. 1860 Adeline 1920 Agnes dcerts Agnes 1850 Albert births Albert marr Albert births Albert S. 1850 Alfred 1850 Alice 1850 Almira deaths Almira 2000q Alonzo Curtis 1850 Andrew 1897nws Andrew 1860 Angelina dcerts Anna deaths Anna 1999q Anna Belle 1920 Anna E 1850 Anne 1920 Annie harris Annie 1920 August G births Barton 1892nws Belinda 1999q Benjamin 1850 Benjamin 1920 Benjamin 1889nws Benjamin dcerts Benjani 1920 Bertha deaths Burton E. 1850 Calvin 1920 Camilla dcerts Carl 1850 Caroline phist Caroline births Caroline 1920 Caroll 1920 Carrie 1850 Cassey 1887nws Cassie 1893nws Cecil 1920 Cecil L births Celicia A. 1879nws Charles 1905nws Charles H. 1920 Charles S. 1897nws Charles S. 1878nws Charley deaths Chas. Warren births Cilicia births Clairissa Emeli births Clark births Clyde 1920 Cora A births Cornelius A. 1850 Cyrene 1891nws D. C. 1892nws D. C. 1920 Dallas 1850 Daniel 1892nws Daniel phist Daniel births Daniel marr Daniel 1873nws Daniel Jr. 1850 Daniel S. deaths Daniel S. 1998q David 1999q David 1840 David 1850 David 1850 David 1860 David wrdead David harris David 1819tx David births David marr David 1820 David B. 1830 David B. 1850 David B. larkin David B. 1819tx David B. phist David B. 1820 David C. larkin David C. 1819tx David C. phist David C. 1850 Deborah 1920 Dela R 1850 Delilah births Delilah deaths Delilah 1893nws Dennis 1920 Dolly 1920 Doris 1866nws E. 1873nws E. I. 1850 Ebenezer dcerts Eber 1850 Ebert 1920 Edgar H 1893nws Edna Halcyon 1999q Edward 1892nws Edward births Edward deaths Edward marr Edward births Elbert S. 2000q Elijah 1850 Eliza 1920 Eliza 1999q Eliza Jane (McCormick) deaths Eliza R. 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth phist Elizabeth births Elizabeth deaths Elizabeth 1999q Elizabeth (Hoskins) 1998q Elizabeth (Wells) 1999q Elizabeth (Wells) 1920 Elizabeth E births Elizabeth G. 1893nws Ella births Ella 1920 Ellen ? E. 1905nws Elma deaths Elmer dcerts Elson 1908nws Elson P. 1906nws Elson Paden marr Elun 1920 Emma 1897nws Emma dcerts Emma 1820 Ephraim 1830 Ephraim 1840 Ephraim larkin Ephraim 1819tx Ephraim phist Ephraim marr Ephraim 1850 Ephraim J. births Ernest H. 1920 Esther 1904nws Esther deaths Esther L. 1920 Etta 1850 Eueretta deaths Eva Bell dindx Ezekiel 1920 F A 1893nws F. A. births Fannie B. 1920 Fannie F 1920 Florice dcerts Frances 1860 Francis dcerts Francis 1893nws Frank H. 1906nws Frank H. births Frank H. 1850 Franklin 1920 Fred(a) B 1893nws G. W. 1850 Geo W. dcerts Geoege 1920 George 1887nws George 1906nws George 1921nws George dcerts George 1893nws George B. deaths George B. 1920 George W 1905nws Georgie Esther 1920 Gerald L 1920 Gladis phist Grace 1999q Grace (Ingles) 1850 Grace M. births Grant 1999q Hannah 1850 Hannah 1850 Hannah 1892nws Hannah 1892nws Hannah 1892nws Hannah 1999q Hannah (Frazier) 1999q Hannah C. (Sutton) births Hannah Jane dcerts Harriet 1850 Harriet A. 1920 Harry 1906nws Harry 1920 Hazel 1920 Hazel E 1906nws Helen J. 1850 Helen R. births Henderson deaths Henderson 1850 Henderson W. marr Henderson W. 1850 Henry marr Henry 1920 Herman 1920 Hilda R 1920 Hollie 1879nws Horton births Horton marr Horton 1920 Howard 1905nws Howard Emerson 1920 Ida 1910nws Ida M. 1999q Ida Maude 1920 Irene 1850 Isaac 1850 Isaac 1850 Isaac 1873nws Isaac births Isaac dcerts Isaac marr Isaac 1999q Isaac H. marr Isaac H. 1920 Isabel 1860 Isibell 1905nws J. E. K. 1876nws J. W. marr Jackson marr Jacob 1920 James 1999q Jane 1920 Jennie dcerts Jennie deaths Jessie Bell 1999q John 1820 John 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 1920 John larkin John 1819tx John 1876nws John 1891nws John phist John dcerts John marr John 1830 John Jr. 1850 John E. births John E. marr John E. 1840 John G. marr John G. 1820 John H. dindx John H. larkin John H. larkin John H. 1819tx John H. phist John H. 1873nws John J. marr John J. 1850 John W. births John W. deaths John W. marr John W. 1891nws Johnnie 1850 Jonas births Jonas dcerts Jonas 1830 Jonathan 1840 Jonathan 1850 Jonathan 1892nws Jonathan deaths Jonathan marr Jonathan marr Joshua 1920 Josie dcerts Josie 1905nws Julia A. 1998q Julia Ann births Julia H. 1906nws Kate (Brown) dcerts L births L. 1904nws L. W. 1850 Lafayette 1920 Laura 1920 Lee A 1920 Leo C 1840 Levi 1850 Levi 1855nws Levi 1999q Lewis births Lewis 1920 Lewis E. 1906nws Lewis Ellsworth 1999q Lewis Elsworth deaths Lewis R. 1920 Lillian 1920 Lillie 1920 Linda B 1920 Lizzie 1920 Lois G births Lottie V. dcerts Louis 1850 Louisa 1920 Lovinia 1850 Lurancy 1850 Lurinda 1850 Lydia 1850 Lydia 1892nws Lydia phist Lydia 1850 Lydia L. births Lydia V. 1850 M. G. 1893nws M. V. 1897nws M. V. 1908nws M. V. births M.F. 1999q Madison G. 1920 maggie E 1999q Margaret 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1893nws Margaret phist Margaret births Margaret Emilen phist Maria 1920 Marie 1920 Marjorie 1840 Mark 1850 Mark marr Mark births Marlin 1999q Martha 1830 Martha 1840 Martha 1850 Martha 1850 Martha 1999q Martha D. dcerts Martih 1920 Martin births Martin 1850 Martin V. 1920 Martin V. 1999q Mary 1840 Mary 1850 Mary births Mary dcerts Mary 2000q Mary (Hunt) 1998q Mary (Parsons) 1999q Mary Caroline (Harpold) deaths Mary G. 1850 Mary J. 1879nws Matilda deaths Matilda 1867nws Matson? G. births Mattie 1920 Maxine 1850 Mehale 1920 Mildred 1920 Millard 1893nws Millard births Millard E. 1920 Millie deaths Milton E. 1850 Minerva 1920 Minnie 1920 Minnie E 1999q Moses 1820 Moses 1830 Moses 1840 Moses 1850 Moses larkin Moses 1819tx Moses phist Moses births Moses 1840 Moses E. 1850 Moses E. deaths Moses E. 1920 Moses E? 1819tx Moses, Jr. 1878nws Mr. 1920 Muriel M 1891nws N. C. 1908nws N. C. births N.M. 1999q Nancy 1850 Nancy phist Nancy 1850 Nancy J. 1920 Nancy M 1850 Nathan M. births Nathan M. 1840 Nelson 1867nws Nelson 1893nws Nelson marr Nelson marr Nicanor births Nina F. 1999q Nye Canor births Nye Canor 1920 Okey dcerts Okey phist Orville 1893nws Otis 1897nws Otis births Otis 1920 Paul 1850 Phillip M. 1850 Phoeba 1850 Phoeba Ann 1887nws R. W. 1999q Rachel 1920 Raymond phist Rebecca 1999q Rebecca (Hall) 1850 Regina V. births Regina V. 1920 Riley 1820 Robert 1830 Robert 1840 Robert 1850 Robert 1850 Robert 1920 Robert larkin Robert 1819tx Robert 1892nws Robert phist Robert dcerts Robert 1897nws Robert F. marr Robert F. 1920 Roberta 1920 Rush 1893nws Ruth deaths Ruth births S. A. births S.A. 1850 Samuel 1850 Sarah 1892nws Sarah dcerts Sarah 1920 Sarah C deaths Sarah H. 1920 Sarah M births Seth Andrew deaths Sinah E. 1920 Stella dcerts Stillbo dcerts Stillbo n. 1920 Sullivan births Sullivan S. 1850 Susan 1999q Susannah (Ferrell) births Sydney births Sythie 1920 Thelma 1820 Thomas 1830 Thomas 1840 Thomas 1850 Thomas larkin Thomas 1819tx Thomas 1893nws Thomas phist Thomas dcerts Thomas marr Thomas 1893nws Thomas C. 1999q Urdilla C. (Weaver) 1830 Uriah 1840 Uriah 1850 Uriah larkin Uriah 1892nws Uriah births Uriah marr Uriah 1920 Urilda C 1920 Ursa? D deaths V.B. Horton dcerts Vedilla 1920 Velma 1920 Vera L 1920 Victoria 1850 Virginia F. 1921nws W. F. 1920 Waid C 1920 Walter 1905nws Walter W. 1920 Ward dcerts Warren births Wilbur 1893nws Will. 1920 Willard dcerts Willard 1999q William 1840 William 1850 William 1850 William 1879nws William marr William 1920 William F 1850 William F. births William Frankli 1905nws William Hudson 1920 Wilma dcerts Winfiel 1905nws Winona (Wines) births Zetta Sayre. 1921nws N. C. Sayrf dcerts Flia dcerts George dcerts Iettie dcerts Rush Sayvr dcerts Jennie Sbheele dcerts John Scaiff 1844nws William B. Scanlin births Bridget Scanlon births B. Scantion 1876nws Elia Scarbow 1840 Abraham Scgtt dcerts Nllit Schaaf phist Eleanor May (Sansbury) 1850 Elizabeth dcerts George phist George C. (Dr.) 1850 John 1862nws John phist Jon Martin phist Sally Eleanor dcerts Sarah phist Virginia Lu Schackert dcerts George Schaefer phist Albert N phist Catherine (Ebersbach) 1904nws Chris 1920 Clara 1881nws Dr. 1897nws Dr. 1900nws Ed. harris Flora 1862nws Frederick phist Jacob M. D. harris Jacob (Dr.) dcerts John dcerts Stillbo 1920 Wendell Schaeffer 1881nws --- births Christian births Christiania 1897nws John births Still born harris William Schaegel births Maggie Schafer 1920 Aloysius 1920 Claudia 1920 Joseph h 1920 Virginia Schaffer 1850 Caroline 1850 Catharine dcerts Edward 1850 Fred 1862nws John dcerts Mary dcerts Maud Schaffner 1897nws S. Schalis Family harris --- Scharb births Henry Scharf's barber shop 1900nws --- Scharf's millinery store 1913nws --- Scharf births Scharf 1998q Anna 1921nws Ed. H. 1850 Elizabeth births Elizabeth dcerts Eodward 2000q Henry 1850 Henry births Henry 1998q Henry/Heinrich 2000q Jacob 1998q Jacob/Jakob births John dcerts John 2000q William 1998q William/Wilhelm Scharff 1884nws Henry Scharp 1862nws Henry Scharper dcerts Martin Scheblaire 1892nws Catherine Scheibelear 1867nws Eli 1862nws John 1999q John George Scheiblein 1850 Betsey 1850 George 1850 John 1850 Susannah 1850 William Scheibler dindx George Scheiw dcerts Joseph Schellhase phist Agnes Christine (Ree 1919nws F. J. (Rev.) Schevalier 1860 Andrew 1860 Arthur 1860 Caroline 1860 David 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Franklin 1860 George 1860 Hannah 1860 John 1860 Leander 1860 Lola M. 1860 Peter 1860 Sarah Schevler births Merlin O. births Wm. Schibelair 1820 George larkin George phist George Schibelear 1860 Charles 1860 Eli 1860 Milton 1860 Nancy 1860 Rebecca 1860 Susan Schiblaire 1892nws Eli Schick 1920 Grace 1920 H.S. 1920 James W 1920 Robert A Schilling 1862nws George 1891nws George 1897nws George 1897nws John 1897nws John 1897nws John 1897nws John 1891nws Kate 1897nws Kate 1897nws Katie 1897nws Margaret 1884nws Rev. Schilveler 1877nws Eli Schimmalpfennig 1882nws Rev. Schivler births Dana O. births William dcerts William Schladel 1879nws Elizabeth Schlaegal 1889nws Maggie Schlaegel Brothers 1897nws --- Schlaegel phist (see Slagel) phist Anne dcerts Barbara phist Barbara (Weller) births Benj. Frank 1893nws Carrie 1897nws Carrie phist Carrie births Catherine births Clarence C. phist Conrad births Elizabeth births Geo. 1897nws George 1901nws George phist George births George dcerts George 1903nws J. W. phist John births John births John W. phist Katharine births Katie births Maggie E. births Margaret births Mary births Mary C. E. 1879nws Michael phist Michael births Michael 1887nws Mr. 1889nws Peter phist Peter births Phillip phist Robert 1903nws Ruth E. dcerts Thedore births Victor V. births Walter Well births Wm. Enos Schlaegle 1920 Lelah B 1920 Mary M 1920 Theodore E Schlagel hrdsty Anna E. (Kautz) hrdsty Mary phist Mary Schlagle births Anna V. Schlarb births Schlarb births Katherine Schlauger 1860 Abram 1860 Elizabeth 1860 George 1860 Henry 1860 John 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary 1860 Peter 1860 Philip Schlegert 1850 Barbara 1850 Henry 1850 Michall 1850 Philip 1850 Susanna L. 1850 William Schlekner 1850 Francis 1850 George 1850 John 1850 Lawrence 1850 Mary 1850 Otis 1850 Peter 1850 Sophia Schmall 1920 Adolph 1899nws Anton 1920 Catherine 1920 Freda 1920 Hilda 1920 John 1891 John 1920 Julius 1867nws Nicholas 1920 Otto Schmcll dcerts John Schmidt residence 1897nws --- Schmidt births Andrew 1879nws August births Chas. 1876nws Chris. births Christian 1897nws Elizabeth 1897nws Ella 1920 George 1897nws Gus. 1897nws H. F. (Rev.) 1878nws Herman (Rev.) 1920 Lena births Louis births Louis 1920 Mary births Rosa births Wilhelmina 1920 William 1884nws William (Rev.) 1919nws William (Rev.) Schmit 1850 Barbara Schmittauer dcerts Adaline Schmittaure dcerts Barbara Schmitz 1898nws G. W. (Rev.) Schmogrow 1919nws P. G. (Rev.) 1913nws Rev. Schmoll 1921nws George Schneider 1881nws Adam 1883nws Adam 1897nws Charles dcerts Christi dcerts Dorothy dcerts Earl 1897nws Father dcerts Frances dcerts Inez 1897nws John (Rev.) 1878nws Lucy 1897nws Rev. 1900nws Rev. Father 1901nws Rev. Father 1881nws Theodosia 1881nws Theodosie 1895nws William Schnelder 1899nws Rev. Father Schoeff births Elena Magdali births George Schoemaker 1897nws --- dcerts Mary Schoenberger births Emma births Henry Schoenlein 1897nws O. G. 1897nws Otto 1897nws Pilchard &, --- 1903nws W. F. Schoeppel 1855nws August 1855nws Sophie (Schwahner) Schoeuleih births Paulina Scholl phist Albert 1904nws Charles dcerts Elizabe h. dcerts Jacob 1904nws Raymond Charles dcerts Wanda Schoneberger 1887nws Gerhardt 1897nws Henry School Directors dindx School Directors School District #2 dindx School District #2 Schooler 1859nws Mary Schoonqvcr dcerts Sr Schorn births Schorn births Barbara 2000q Charles births Charles dcerts Charles 1895nws Charley dcerts Mary Schortel 1883nws Michael Schrader marr Martin Luther Schraner 1862nws John Schreiber's building 1876nws --- Schreiber & Duttenhofer 1862nws --- Schreiber House 1876nws --- Schreiber 1893nws Amelia 1920 Artie 1850 Catharine 1850 Catharine 1860 Catherine hrdsty Cathrina dcerts Curtis 1897nws Dolph 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1867nws Elizabeth 1920 Elmer 1921nws Elmer 1850 F. births Fritz hrdsty G. F. 1867nws G. F. 1921nws G. F. 1850 George 1920 George wrdead George dcerts George phist George F. Sr. 1850 Henry 1860 Henry 1867nws Henry dcerts Henry 1850 Jane dcerts Jane 1850 John dcerts Joseph 1920 Juanita 1850 Lewis births Lewis dcerts Magdeli 1850 Margaret 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1860 Mary dcerts Mary 1860 Mener 1878nws Mrs. dcerts Nichola 1850 Nicholas 1860 P. 1850 Peter 1860 Peter 1862nws Peter 1867nws Peter 1850 Philip wrdead Philip 1873nws Philip births Walter Will 1860 William H. 1850 Wm Schreiner's building 1875nws --- Schreiner block 1893nws --- Schreiner opera building 1881nws --- Schreiner 1897nws --- births Catharine 1901nws Elizabeth 1893nws Fred. wrdead Frederick 1873nws Jacob 1876nws Jacob 1873nws John 1876nws John 1879nws John 1881nws John 1893nws John 1893nws John 1881nws Lewis 1901nws Lewis 1893nws Loreno 1893nws Mamie births Maria 1901nws Mary 1876nws Mr. Schrerier 1850 Catharine 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Henry 1850 Mary 1850 Peter Schrfipfr dcerts Arttf Schriber's 1883nws --- Schriber 1850 Almira 1850 Christina 1850 Emanuel 1850 Henry 1850 Jacob 1877nws Leonard 1850 Mary 1850 Peter 1850 Solomon 1850 Susan Schrieber births Schrieber 1890nws Ella 1862nws Frederick Schrieder 1858nws Richard Schringer 1876nws Mr. Schrink births John births Walter C. Schriver 1840 Charles 1886nws Mr. 1840 Peter 1840 Philip Schriver? 1860 Abraham 1860 George 1860 Susannah Schroot 1862nws Fred Schroth 1998q Gottfried Schrtibfr dcerts Elizabe Schubbard 1840 George Schuchell 1897nws Nicholas Schueanan dcerts Theqoca Schuegman dcerts George Schukart 1897nws Charles 1897nws Otto Schuler hrdsty Anna M. (Deal) 1860 Anthony births Anthony hrdsty Edward 1860 Elizabeth hrdsty Elizabeth J. hrdsty Eva (Smith) 1860 Evey? hrdsty Frederick J. 1860 Jacob 1860 John hrdsty John 1876nws John 1881nws John 1860 John B. hrdsty John B. phist John B. hrdsty John G. 1860 Joseph hrdsty Joseph hrdsty Julius G. hrdsty Leonard births Mary 1860 Mary A. 1860 Wm. Schultft dcerts Christ Schultz 1903nws Albert dcerts Albert 2001q Alvina dcerts Garth dcerts Mary 1903nws Merion Dean 1897nws Rev. Schumacher 1998q Agnes 1999q Maria Magdalena 1998q Mary Magdalena Schumaker dcerts Norma Schuoir 1860 Elizabeth Schuqn dcerts Anna Schwab dcerts Stillbo Schwahner 1855nws Sophie Schwan 1920 Ernest C 1920 Kittie Schwarts births Charles Schwartswalder births Adelbe births M. Schwartz 1850 Catharine 1850 Christina 1850 Elizabeth 1878nws Helen dcerts Herman 1850 Jacob 1867nws Jacob 1850 Lena Schwartzeld dcerts Unnamed Schwartzwae dcerts Philip Schwartzwal dcerts Philip dcerts Sarah Schwartzwalder's nursery 1897nws --- Schwartzwalder 1920 Alice 1904nws Andy 1920 Della M 1885nws Frank 1904nws Glenn E. births M. 1897nws Michael 1897nws P. H. births Pearl 1904nws Philip Schwarz births Magadalene Schwarzwalder 1897nws Andy Schwarzwelder births Barbara Schwegman & Roedel's Hall 1897nws --- Schwegman & Roedel 1897nws --- 1897nws --- 1897nws --- 1908nws --- Schwegman & Roeder 1897nws --- Schwegman 1883nws G. 1883nws George phist George births George phist Helen (Skinner) phist Henrietta 1883nws J. dcerts James phist Rollin births Woodruff Ro Schwertfeger 1890nws Mollie Schwope 1904nws Charles 1904nws Frances Schworz dcerts Simon Schäfer 1873nws Joh. Sciens dcerts Stillsb Scihiecman dcerts Rollin Scilhlnluin dcerts Maxi Scmetzer 1860 Catherine 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Jacob 1860 John 1860 Mary 1860 Matilda Scot 1890nws James (Mrs.) Scott family 1999q Scott family Scott Family harris --- Scott property 1897nws --- Scott deaths (black) 1908nws A. I. 1893nws Agnes 1860 Albert 1876nws Albert births Albert births Albert Homer 1893nws Alex 1920 Alice V 1860 Allace 1850 Alles dcerts Aluilua 1850 Amanda 1999q Andrew g1820 Andrew 1890nws Ann 1850 Austin deaths Barbara 1860 Benjamin 1893nws C. F. 1897nws Captain 1850 Catharine 1851nws Catharine murray Catharine (VanBuskirk) g1820 Charles deaths Charles 1820 Charlotte larkin Charlotte 1892nws Charlotte phist Charlotte 1881nws Claire 1883nws Constable 1860 Cornelia 1889nws Coroner births Daisy births Daisy P. 1860 Daniel 1850 David 1920 David 1850 Deborah 1850 Delila dcerts Elba 1999q Eleanor 1850 Elias births Elias dcerts Elizabe h. 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth harris Elizabeth 1868nws Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth K. 2000q Ella (Robinson) 1850 Ellen 1860 Ellen F. deaths Elvern 1860 Emma 1920 Emma 1893nws Emma dcerts Emma 1999q Esmerelda births Esmerilda 1850 Ezekiel 1850 Francis 1860 Francis 1860 Francis M. cmarr Frank 1860 George E. deaths George E. 1920 Gertrude A 1876nws H. B. 1893nws H. B. 1879nws H. B. (Rev.) 1860 Harriet deaths Havenna 1830 Henery S. 1892nws Henry births Henry E. g1820 illegible 1999q Isaac B. pmry88 J. B. 1876nws J. B. 1877nws J. B. 1897nws J. B. 1897nws J. B. 1897nws J. B. 1876nws J. O. 1820 Jacob 1850 Jacob larkin Jacob phist Jacob deaths Jacob 1850 Jame 1850 James 1850 James 1860 James 1860 James L. 2000q James R. 1860 James S. deaths James S. 1860 Jane 1860 Jane g1820 Jane births Jane g1820 Jane? births Jennette F. 1889nws Jennie 2000q Jesse 1850 Jesse 1860 Jesse deaths Jesse 1861nws Jessie births Jno. R. dcerts Joanna 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John g1820 John 1844nws John dcerts John births John L. 1860 John R. graybd John R. 1920 John S 1850 Julie 1860 Laticia dcerts Laura 1892nws Lewis dcerts Lilly 1999q Lorenzo D. deaths Lucinda J. 1860 Lucy deaths Lucy M. deaths M.C. Chaplin 1850 Margaret 1850 Margaret Ann 1850 Margret 1850 Maria 1850 Mark 1850 Martha 1860 Martha births Martha 1850 Martin 1876nws Martin 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1892nws Mary dcerts Mary deaths Mary 1999q Mary (Harless) 1860 Mary I. 1860 Mary R. 1850 Moses 1868nws Moses D. murray Mrs. 1897nws Mrs. 1860 Nancey J. 2000q Nancy 1893nws Nancy 2000q Nancy (Dotson) 1830 Neima P. 1876nws Nelson 1860 Octavia 1920 Ovid A 1860 Patsey harris Polly phist President 1860 R. 1850 Rabecca 1860 Rebeca 1860 Rebeca E. 1830 Richard 1850 Richard 1881nws Richard murray Rose M. 1893nws Ross 1860 Rufus L. 1860 Samantha C. 1850 Samuel 1892nws Samuel marr Samuel 1840 Samuel R. 1850 Sarah dcerts Sarah 2000q Sarah (Williams) 1860 Sarah A. 1850 Sarah Ann 1850 Susan 1893nws T. D. (Col.) 1999q Talitha 1850 Thomas 1890nws Thomas births Thomas dcerts Thomas 1840 Thomas D. deaths Thomas Dana 1920 Thomas J 1860 Thomas J. deaths Thomas R. murray Tom 1860 Viola harris W. H. 1877nws Walter 1860 Wesley M. 2000q William 1830 William 1850 William dcerts William 1920 William J. 1889nws Winfield 1860 Wm. Scraggs murray Pratton Scroggs 1893nws J. P. (Dr.) births J.W. 1893nws James births James births Joseph Edmund 1893nws Matilda (Dawson) births Paxton 1893nws Willie Scubbins 1840 Eli Seacoy murray John 1879nws Mr. Sealey 1892nws Elizabeth 1892nws Orson marr Orson Sealover dcerts Freo Seals dcerts Amqrose dcerts Nancy Seaman dcerts Iredc murray Miss Seamans harris Dr. harris Frank Merrick Seamen 1860 John Seanan dcerts Jessie Searl 1850 Adam 1850 David 1850 Joshua 1850 Nancy 1850 Simon 1850 William Searle 1830 Sweatland 1820 Sweetland 1866nws William Searles births Flora M. births Norma Bell births William births Wm Searls family 1998q Searls family Searls births Anna dcerts Anna 2000q Benjamin Franklin 2000q Bert 2000q Daniel dcerts Donald dcerts Dorothy 1860 Electa 1860 Eliza J. 1893nws Elmer 2000q Elsie births Emma J. 1903nws George W. 2000q George Washington 1904nws Gerald births Gideon 1904nws I. H. 1860 Ira 1860 James W. 2000q Lewis 2000q Lily Bell 1998q Louisa (Phelps) dcerts Lucina 1895nws Lydia 2000q Mae 1860 Mary 1860 Mary E. 2000q Myrtle dcerts Nuth 1860 Richard dcerts Ruth 1860 Samuel 2000q Samuel Vinton 1860 Sarah C. 2000q Sarah Jane (Hutchison) 1903nws Shirley 1998q William 1860 William Sears 1860 Charles 1860 Ellen J. 1860 George 1860 Ira 1850 John 1860 Jonas 1860 Matilda 1850 Ruth Season 1850 Rebecca Seasongood & Mayer 1897nws --- Seatin 1892nws Samuel Seaton marr Samuel Seaver 1920 Garland 1920 Iva 1920 John H 1920 Kenneth Sebirt 1850 Abraham 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Louiza 1850 Martha 1850 Noah 1850 Peter 1850 Rabecca 1850 Sarah Sebohan 1860 A. 1860 Barbary Sebohm 1862nws A. 1877nws A. W. Sebrel 1861nws Perry Sec** 1860 Samuel 1860 Sarah Second Freewill Baptist Church 1876nws --- Second Rutland Church 1893nws --- Second Rutland Freewill Baptist church 1901nws --- Secoy 1881nws Allen 1892nws Aseneth births Charlotte Sedan 1856nws J. Percival 1856nws Mary Frances (Kallam) Sedberry 1908nws Connie 1908nws J. G. Seden 1840 Jacob Sedenshiker 1840 David Sedere 1892nws Minerva Sedges 1860 Alexander 1860 E? 1860 Eleanor 1860 George 1860 Henry 1860 John 1860 Wm. Sedlie 1830 William Sedon 1862nws Ezekial births Ezekial births Salvinas 1850 Sarah Sedore 1840 Abraham 1892nws Buckhant 1840 Buckout 1820 Jacob 1860 James W. 1860 Nancy 1860 Sarah J. See 1860 C. fair W. Seebers 1881nws Henry 1884nws Henry Seebohm's drug store 1897nws --- Seebohm house 1876nws --- Seebohm 1861nws A. graybd A. W. 1876nws A. W. 1887nws A. W. 1884nws A. W. (Dr.) 1893nws Barbara 1897nws Barbara 1897nws Charley 1893nws Harry 1897nws Harry 1897nws Mayor 1897nws Mayor 1876nws Willie Seebohm, 1897nws Mayor Seeds mansion 1889nws --- Seeholm 1879nws A. W. 1879nws Willie Seeley 1850 Adeline 1860 Ann C. 1850 Ellen 1850 Esther 1860 James H. 1860 John 1830 Jonathan 1850 Lydia 1860 Nancy 1850 Peter 1850 Shephard F. 1850 Solomon 1850 W. H. Seelig wrdead Peter Seely 1892nws Ezra 1840 Jesse 1840 Simon H. 1819tx Stephen J. 1840 Thomas Seelye 1892nws Aurelia larkin Jonathan phist Jonathan Seerris 1850 Daniel Seeton 1850 Sarah Segal 1875nws Bennetta Segiar 1892nws Eli Segrhen 1850 Gueny Segriest 1889nws Ellsworth Sehon 1876nws A. S. 1854nws E. W. (Rev.) Seibert 1860 Abraham 1860 Cerina 1860 Isreal 1860 John 1860 Louisa 1908nws Maggie dcerts Margare 1860 Martha 1860 N. D. 1860 Peter 1860 Rebecca Seibirt 1840 Nodiah Seidenabel births Anna 1920 Carl G 1920 Carrie B dcerts Charles 1920 George G dcerts Henry 1920 Regina H Seidenable dcerts George Seifert 1854nws Z. Zacharia Seifheit dcerts Frederi Seifhert dcerts George Seifried births Christian Seigler dcerts Ethel Seiler dcerts Sbaoara Seilling 1862nws George Seimer dcerts Susan Seitz births Anna L. dcerts Barbara 1999q Barbara (Ohlinger) births C. 1999q Conrad births Conrad marr Conrad births Emma births Frederick Wm. births John births Maria births Rosa Lena Selby 1893nws Alice 1877nws Bob dcerts Clarenc 1893nws Clarence 2002q Effie May (James Brown) dcerts Esther harris Frank harris George 1893nws Harry 1893nws John harris Metta dcerts Robert dcerts Samuel harris Warren Selbys harris --- Seldon 1999q Frances Selesy 1860 Charles 1860 Jacob 1860 L. 1860 Lewis 1860 Mary Self 1920 Alice 1850 Emma C. 1873nws G. W. 1850 Geo. W. 1867nws George W. dcerts Jacob 1850 James T. 1850 Minerva A. 1855nws Minerva M. Selhurst dcerts Mary Sellers 1920 Almira dcerts Almira 1920 Carrie E. 1920 Clara M 1920 John B 1920 Lawrence E births Rachel 1920 Robert dcerts Robert 1920 Rutherford B 1920 Samuel Semple 1889nws C. J. 1889nws Carl J. 1893nws J. N. 1893nws J. S. 1895nws James N. Senerfielo dcerts Margare Senton 1860 Benjamin 1860 E. 1860 Elijah H. 1860 John A. 1860 Joseph W. 1860 Mary A. 1860 Rachael 1860 Sarah A. g1820 Wm Serron g1820 Giles Sertin g1820 Elijah Service 1892nws Samuel marr Samuel Setrin? g1820 Jacob Settet? g1820 Anthony Settle 1893nws A. C. Settlemire dcerts Howard Sevan 1850 Alexander 1850 Elijah 1850 Horace 1850 James 1850 Levi 1850 Loranzo 1850 Margaret 1850 Marion 1850 Marvin 1850 Theodore Severance 1893nws Benjamin Seward 1882nws Sarah (Grant) (Simpson) Sewart 1893nws John Sewell 1860 Abraham 1860 Delila 1860 E. 1860 Elisa 1860 F. 1860 Hana 1860 Harriott 1860 Harvey 1860 James 1860 John 1860 Margaret 1860 Martha 1860 Mary 1860 Nancey 1860 Peter 1860 Pheby 1860 Rebeca 1860 Z. Sexeton g1820 Wm Sexton 1850 America 1850 Electa 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Emily 1850 Harvey 1850 James 1850 John g1820 John 1850 Joseph 1850 Margaret 1850 Maria 1850 not named 1850 Sarah 1850 Sophia 1850 Terzy 1850 Thomas 1850 William g1820 Wm Seyfied dcerts Elizabe h. Seyfrieco dcerts Catheri Seyfried 1897nws C. 1889nws Henry 1897nws Louis dcerts Ruth 1891nws William dcerts William Sfaris dcerts Ifrify Shack murray Minna Mona Shackford dindx Josiah Shade Valley school house 1894nws --- Shaefer 1920 Edith 1920 Forest 1920 Glennie 1920 Harry 1877nws John 1920 Marie 1920 Sarah 1920 Woodrow Shaeffer 1905nws Gustavus 1905nws Morris Shafer Family harris --- Shafer 1850 Abraham 1860 Anthony 1850 Benjamin 4thInf Benjamin F. 1860 Caroline 1860 Catherine 1860 Catherine M. 1860 Charles 1860 Elisabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1860 F. 1860 Frank 1860 Frederick 1999q George 1850 George 1860 George 1850 Jackson 1860 John harris John 1860 Mary 1999q Mary (Shoemaker) 1850 Michael 1860 V. 1850 William Shaffer 1850 Alex 1850 Alexr 1850 Benj 1850 Charles 1850 Chas H. 1850 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Franklin 1850 Jacob 1862nws Jacob births Lewis 1850 Mary A. 1862nws N. 1850 Noble 1850 Phoebe 1850 Reuben dcerts Sarah births Zemes Aaron Shafter g1820 Michael Shahan dcerts Francis Shain(Shane) 1920 Lillie Shain 1850 Alonzo 1920 Aton 1920 Cahrles dcerts Clara dcerts Curtis 1904nws Emory 1920 Harry 1905nws Harry Lewis 1850 Henry dcerts Joanna 1850 John dcerts John 1850 Joseph dcerts Josfph 1920 Laura 1904nws Lawrence dcerts Litiif 1920 Mabel 1850 Malissa dcerts Margare 1920 Margaret 1850 Margret 1850 Martha 1920 Murrell 1850 Rabecca 1920 Ralph dcerts Ralph 1920 Samuel marr Samuel 1905nws Samuel B. 1920 Samuel F 1920 Susan 1840 William 1850 William Shain/ Shane 1920 Milo Shaine 1830 William Shall 1891nws Mary Sham dcerts Fannkie Shamel 1886nws George Shan(u)ks 1851nws Fenilton Fenjbakr Shane 1893nws Arthur 1860 Charles 1860 Daniel 1893nws E. N. 1920 Joseph M births Laura 1860 Phebe 1860 Samuel dcerts Samuel Shanel? 1860 Benjamin 1860 David 1860 George 1860 Henry 1860 Mary Shaner 1859nws Abraham births Arvina dcerts Elzy Shanes 1920 Elza 1920 John 1920 Sofa V Shank dcerts Shank dcerts Elizabe h. dcerts James murray Lora 1921nws Lucy Murray Shanks 1851nws P. P. Shanncn dcerts Mary Shannon 1891nws David 1840 Ebenezer Z. births Elizabeth 1897nws Ella 1893nws George births Ida births Ida A. 1887nws J. D. 1897nws J. D. 1897nws John D. 1920 John T 1897nws Mr. 1895nws William Shanon 1860 Anna 1860 Catharine 1860 Francis 1860 M. 1860 Mary A. 1860 Peter 1860 Sarah Shaolev dcerts Leroy Shapes? 1920 M F 1920 Margaret Shaqbet dcerts Ralph Sharf 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Henry 1859nws Henry 1891nws Henry 1850 John 1850 Margaret 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1850 Wendal Sharfe 1862nws Wendel Sharkey 1850 Catharine 1892nws John 1850 Lowiza Sharon marr Lewis C. Sharp family 1998q Sharp family Sharp 1860 ? 1860 Andrew 1854nws Andrew 1886nws Andrew births Andrew 1850 Andrew J. 1860 Anna M. 1860 Anne J. 1860 Arnold 1850 Barbara 1892nws Betsey 1892nws Betsey 1860 Caroline M. 1850 Catharine 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine 1860 Catharine 1860 Dicey 1850 Dicy 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Elithe 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1850 Eve 1860 Ezra births Florence Ruth 1860 H. 1860 Henry 1850 Homer 1850 Huldy 1860 Isaac 1856nws Isaac 1850 Ivy 1860 Ivy 1850 Jackson 1860 Jackson 1860 Jacob 1850 James g1820 James 1860 James N. dcerts Janes 1860 John 1860 John 1860 John A. 1860 Laner 1860 Leonard 1850 Magdalana 1860 Malinda 1850 Malissa 1860 Malissa 1860 Margaret 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary J. 1850 Michael 1860 Phidelia 1850 Phidella 1892nws Polly 1886nws Rachel (Dunn) dcerts Reiece 1860 Robert B. 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah H. 1850 Seth 1860 Seth 1860 Sharlotta 1850 Susannah 1820 Thomas 1830 Thomas 1840 Thomas 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas 1892nws Thomas 1892nws Thomas 1860 Thomas ?. phist Thomas Jr. phist Thomas Sr. 1840 Vendel 1860 W. 1850 Wendel dcerts Wesley 1860 William 1860 William A. 1867nws Z. Sharpman 1840 John Sharpnack 1920 Anna dcerts Anna 1920 Clinton S. 1920 Dorothy A dcerts Dorthy dcerts Francis 1920 Hiram 1920 Hiram J 1920 Maggie 1920 Marion Shaster 1850 E. C. 1850 John Shastim? g1820 David Shatz hrdsty Ellen (Betz) Shaver births Abraham 1890 Alice 1998q Diantha (Hampton) 1998q Eli 1892nws Elizabeth phist Ella (Swan) 1897nws Everett 1897nws Everett graybd J. W. 1897nws J. W. 1897nws J. W. 1840 Jacob g1820 Jacob births Juanita 1890 Lucius births Marietta g1820 Nancy 1890 Wallace Shaw 1867nws A. L. 1820 Benjamin 1819tx Benjamin 1850 Caroline 1850 Caroline 1850 Caroline larkin Clarissa (Parker) 1850 Cushin 1820 Cushing 1830 Cushing 1840 Cushing dindx Cushing 1819tx Cushing phist Cushing larkin Cushing (Judge) 1850 Daniel 1855nws Daniel 1850 Elizabeth 1893nws Elizabeth 1860 Elkennith births Eva 1850 Jaben 1820 John 1830 John 1860 John 1819tx John 1850 Joseph 1860 Laura K. births Martha 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Milo larkin Peter larkin Peter 1819tx Peter larkin Polly (Parker) 1860 Rebecca larkin Sally (Shepherd) Shawi dcerts Stillbo n. Shawver dcerts Bertie Shayne marr Christopher C. Shea dcerts Timothy Sheats 1850 Alexander 1850 Henry 1860 Jacob 1850 July Ann 1850 Margret 1850 Mary 1850 Nial 1850 William Sheebers 1877nws Mr. Sheehan dcerts Arcgare Sheen 1854nws Daniel Sheenane births Margaret L. Sheets 1878nws Benjamin F. 1901nws Charlie dcerts Della g1820 George dcerts Ia 1830 Jacob 1840 Jacob g1820 John g1820 Leonard 1921nws Lucy 1850 Mary 1860 Melissa 1876nws Mr. 1840 Samuel births Thomas births Thos. Jefferso dcerts Walter g1820 William 1892nws William Sheffer dindx Charles H. Sheffield Family harris --- Sheiblear 4thInf Samuel Sheiblen 1850 Catharine 1850 Eli 1850 Elizabeth 1850 John 1850 Lydda 1850 Milton 1850 Nancy 1850 Rabecca 1850 Samuel 1850 Susan Sheild 1876nws Edwin Shelden births Clyde Sheldion dcerts Arthur Sheldon 1860 Ada 1860 Alvira 1860 Edward g1820 Edward 1860 Elizabeth phist T. S. 1860 Thomas Shelf 1850 Barbara Shelhase 1910nws Rev. Shell dcerts Picharc Shelton dcerts Adaline g1820 Claybourne g1820 Henley dcerts J g1820 Jesse g1820 Joel g1820 John dcerts Mary Shemem 1850 Adaline 1850 Esther 1850 Martin 1850 William Shenefield births Alwinlda 1920 Amy 1920 Carl H 1850 Catharine 1920 Charles E. D. 1920 Clair 1920 Clara B 1850 Cynthia 1850 Cyres 1878nws Cyrus phist Cyrus 1850 David 1858nws David births Edna 1920 Elmer births Finly Clar murray Fora G. 1920 Gladys 1904nws H. O. births H.W. 1920 Harold 1850 Hiram births Hiram 1920 John 1850 Josiah 1920 Lawrence 1920 Lizzie 1920 Lola 1920 Mable 1920 Margaret E 1850 Minery 1850 Nancy 1920 Phillis F births Playford 1920 Roger 1998q Rosanah 1906nws Wesley births Wesley H. Sheneofield murray Sherman Shener 1860 Florence 1860 Latitia 1860 Wm Shenerfield murray Wesley Shenilieu births Pauline Shennefelt 1920 Eva Shennefield 1920 Cora 1920 H.Q. Shenofield 2001q Minerva Shepard family 2000q Shepard family Shepard 1854nws --- 1860 Anne g1820 Calvin 1892nws Charles 1860 Franklin 1860 George dcerts Martha 1860 Mary phist Nellie dcerts V 1860 William wrdead William Sheperd harris --- 1819tx Thomas Shephard g1820 Calvin 1850 Catharine 1840 Charles 1850 Cynthia 1850 Howard 1850 Isaac g1820 Luther 1850 Lydia 1892nws Nancy 1820 Thomas larkin Thomas 1850 Vinton 1850 Westly Shephera dcerts Sauel Shepherd & Co. 1854nws --- Shepherd larkin Almira 1850 Ann larkin Annie larkin Betsy dindx Charles larkin Charles larkin Clarissa larkin Daniel 1889nws Elizabeth 1850 Esther 1850 Franklin 1850 George 1860 George D. 1850 Hannah 1850 James larkin Jane 1893nws Jane N. 1850 John 1866nws John 1850 John Westley 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1850 Mary Ann 1854nws Messrs & Co., --- larkin Nancy larkin Nancy 1850 Newton larkin Peggie larkin Polly larkin Polly (McFarland) larkin Polly (McFarland) larkin Sally 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah g1820 Solomon 1840 Thomas larkin Thomas larkin Thomas larkin Thomas larkin Thomas larkin Thomas 1889nws V. F. 1905nws V. F. marr Victor F. 1850 William Sheppard 1878nws Charles 1920 John W dcerts Vicla 1920 Viola W Sheral 1850 Dorothy 1850 Ralph 1850 Robert 1850 Sarah Sherdan 1851nws Thomas Sherer dcerts Matilda Sheriff 1876nws J. C. McElroy, Sherin 1860 Hellen 1860 L. C. 1860 William A. Sherlock 1850 George 1860 George 1850 George M. 1850 Jane 1860 Jane 1850 John S. 1850 Margaret 1850 Sarah J. 1860 Sarah J. Sherman phist Abel 1920 Addie 1850 Ann 1920 Chloe 1920 Edward 1850 Electa 1860 Electa 1840 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1921nws Elwood 1920 Fannie marr Harry F. 1920 Helen 1903nws Helen Gould dcerts Horace phist Isaac Baldwin 1850 James 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 1892nws John 1892nws John 1892nws John 1903nws Joseph 1920 Leona 1850 Lucretia 1879nws Martin 1850 Melissa H. 1897nws Mr. phist Nancy Elizabeth (DeWitt 1879nws Sarah (Steele) phist Sarah Baldwin 1850 Siloam wrdead William Shermen 1840 Abenezo Sherrod 1890nws Meek Sherry 1873nws Ni Sherwood 1860 Edwin M. 1850 George 1860 George W. 1850 Harriet 1860 Harriett 1850 Henry 1850 John 1860 John 1854nws John W. harris Laura larkin Parma 1854nws W. 1850 Wakeman 1850 Wallis 1850 Wilber 1860 Wilber Shevalier births A.P. 1860 Caroline 1860 Charles 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Ellen 1860 Huldah births Nettie 1860 Peter 1860 Sylvester births Willis Shibelue 1819tx George Shiblear hrdsty Eli 1999q Elizabeth (Merritt) hrdsty Elizabeth (Merritt) 1999q George hrdsty George phist George hrdsty Rebecca (Calahan) Shibler 1860 Charlotte 1830 Eli 1860 Geo 1830 John George 1860 Mary S. Shibley 1876nws E. (Rev.) Shidler 1820 David dindx David 1819tx David Shields 1920 Ada 1920 Adaline 1850 Amanda 1999q Amanda Alice 1998q Amanda Alice "Manda" phist Asa Nathaniel 1850 B. M. 1860 C. E. 1850 Caroline 1998q Caroline Eliza 1999q Caroline Eliza 1850 Chas E. phist Clarence 1920 Clarence W 1920 Cluade 1920 Clyde 1999q David 1850 David 1860 David phist David M. 1998q David Martin 1999q David Martin 1860 E. E. 1850 Edward 1998q Edward Douglas 1999q Edward Douglas 1920 Elijah 1850 Eliza C. 1850 Eliza J. 1999q Eliza Myra (Jeffers) 1999q Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1998q Elizabeth "Betsy" 1920 Elma 1920 Elvin 1850 Ephraim 1998q Ephraim Harris 1999q Ephraim Harris phist Ephraim Harris 1920 Etta C phist Etta Mae 1920 Eugene dcerts Garalde 1860 George 1920 George W phist Gladys M. (Roush) 1920 Golda 1920 Hazel N 1920 Herbert E 1850 Isaac 1860 J. M. 1998q James 1999q James 1830 James 1850 James 1860 James 1819tx James 1872nws James 1892nws James 1892nws James larkin James (Jr.) 1920 JAmes H 1998q James Harvey 1999q James Harvey 1920 James J 1819tx James, Jr. 1998q Jane 1999q Jane 1850 Jane 1850 Jane 1892nws Jane 1998q Jane (Martin) 1999q Jane (Martin) phist Jeanine 1999q John 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1851nws John 1892nws John phist John phist Judy 1850 M. J. 1860 Margaret 1998q Margaret Jane 1999q Margaret Jane 1999q Maria 1998q Maria "Marie" 1860 Martha 1920 Martha dcerts Martha 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary A. 1998q Mary Ann 1999q Mary Ann 1920 Mary C 1860 Mary J. 1920 mattie 1860 Minerva 1998q Nancy 1999q Nancy 1850 Nancy 1892nws Nancy 1999q Nancy (Martin) 1920 Orville 1920 Pearly E 1860 Peter 1920 Peter R 1860 Polly 1850 Rachael 1860 Rachel 1920 Ray 1920 Riley 1850 Sarah A. 1998q Sarah Ann 1999q Sarah Ann 1850 Thomas 1920 Vern 1920 Virginia C 1920 Vivian 1920 Walter E 1850 William 1850 William 1920 William 1892nws William 1850 Zilla A. Shielo dcerts Riley Shiff 1897nws Adolph Shifids dcerts P Shiflet) 1893nws L. Shiflet 1893nws Etta 1893nws H. 1893nws L. 1893nws L. 1893nws L. & Son, --- 1893nws Mr. Shiields dcerts Carolin Shiley 1851nws Jacob Shiling 1860 Barbary 1860 Elisabeth 1860 George 1860 John 1860 Margaret 1860 Michael Shill 1854nws Margaret Shilling 1860 Martha Shillus dcerts Asa dcerts James Shim marr Charles Shinefield murray Effie E. dcerts Grace Shiner wrdead Henry wrdead Thomas W. Shines 1860 Nancy 1860 Silvester Shink births William Shinn 1892nws Charity 1850 James 1850 Sarah Ann Shipley 1850 Aseneth 1850 Charles M. 1850 David L. 1850 Elizabeth * 1850 Geo T. 1850 Jesse B. 1850 Jessee 1850 Joseph D. 1850 Lavina E. 1850 Nancy M. 1850 Wm A. Shipman Graveyard 1886nws --- Shipman graveyard 1886nws --- Shipman Graveyard 1886nws --- Shipman school 1889nws --- Shipman 1893nws Bart (Dr.) 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine 1820 Charles 1850 Charles larkin Charles phist Charles 1850 Daniel 1819tx Daniel 1860 E. 1850 Elisa 1860 Frampton 1850 George 1860 George 1860 Hana E. 1850 Hannah 1860 J. 1850 Jacob 1850 James 1860 James H. 1850 John wrdead John 1860 John M. 1850 Lovina 1850 Mary 1860 Mary J. 1850 Mathias 1850 Sarah Shippy 1830 David Shipton and Co. 1844nws Taylor,, --- Shipy 1860 John 1860 Marila 1860 Orson E. 1860 Susan Mary Shirkee 1892nws Nancy Shirkey 1840 Hugh 1840 James dcerts Jane 1862nws Levi 1862nws Mary A. Shirkley 1892nws Mary Shirky 1840 Allexander 1830 John 1830 John S. Shirley 1890nws B. F. 1891nws B. F. marr Benjamin F. 1891nws Clara 1860 John 1860 Sarah 1860 Zora Shiveiy dcerts Frma Shiveler 1891nws Catharine births Martha dcerts Martha dcerts Mary dcerts Sophia dcerts William Shively 1867nws Joseph Shivler 1850 Elizabeth 1850 John dcerts Mary dcerts Sophia Shivley 1893nws Benjamin F. 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Hannah 1850 Joseph 1850 Serepta Shlagel 1850 Adam 1850 Barbara 1850 Henry 1850 Philip 1850 Susannah 1850 William Shlagle 1850 Abraham 1850 Elizabeth 1850 George 1850 Margret 1850 Peter 1850 Philip Shlille 1850 Elizabeth 1850 John 1850 Mary Shliral 1840 ? Peter Shmitt 1854nws Valentine Shmler 1879nws John Jr. Shock dcerts Alerat Shockey 1897nws Marie (Speelman) 1897nws William E. Shoemaiker dcerts Vigini Shoemaker 1886nws Abe 1860 C. 1860 Catherine dcerts Charles dcerts Crayton dcerts Edgar 1921nws Edgar Franklin 1999q Edward 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Emily 1860 F. cmarr Florence 1850 Geo 1860 George wrdead George 1999q Hannah (Burson) dcerts Henriet 1999q Henrietta (Bissell) 1998q Ida 1999q Jacob g1820 Jacob 1893nws Jacob 1876nws James H. 1860 Jane M. 1999q John dcerts John 1850 Jos 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph dcerts Lafayet 1921nws Lafayette births Leonora R. 1999q Marian (Staneart) 1999q Mary 1860 Mary A. 1893nws Mrs. 1897nws Nettie g1820 Paul 1999q Rebecca (Phillips) 1893nws Rebecca (Phillips) 1850 Sabitha 1860 Thomas 1999q William Shofer 1860 Catharine 1860 Frits 1860 George 1860 Henry Shofmakfr dcerts Ada dcerts Rfrrtf Shoirer 1860 Lewis 1860 Mary Sholl 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Jacob Shoms 1819tx Samuel Shonambarger 1866nws Garhart Shonberger 1891 Frederick Shons 1860 A. 1860 Henry 1860 Phebe J. 1860 Sophronia C. 1860 Susan S. 1860 Thomas Shorer 1860 "Henry, 2nd" Shorkey 1850 Alech 1850 Hiram 1850 Hugh 1850 Leander 1850 Lucetta 1850 Margret 1850 William Short 1850 Agnes 1860 Agnes 1903nws Alex 1850 Alexander graybd Alexander births Alexander 1881nws Anges 1860 Barbary 1840 Benoni g1820 Daniel 1860 E. 1860 Eliza 1860 Elizabeth 1860 George g1820 George g1820 James 1854nws James 1850 Jane 1860 Jane 1851nws Jane (Small) 1850 John 1860 John pmry88 John 1856nws John 1862nws John 1867nws John 1893nws John 1893nws John 1893nws John 1840 Joseph 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph 1862nws Joseph 1881nws Joseph 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1850 Martha 1850 Martha 1860 Martha 1868nws Martha births Maud Belle 1840 Nicholas 1850 Nicholas 1850 Nicholas 1860 Nicholas 1868nws Nicholas 1860 Peter 1850 Tabitha g1820 Thomas 1850 William 1851nws William Shote 1850 John Shott property 1893nws --- Shott 1893nws Alice 1893nws Alice 1893nws Alice 1893nws Amelia 1876nws John 1893nws John phist John 1856nws Mr. Shotts 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Eve 1850 Margaret 1850 Mary 1850 Mary A. 1850 Philip 1840 Valentine 1850 Valentine 1854nws Valentine Shoup dcerts Nary Shovey 1840 Lorenzo Shovner 1850 Hannah J. 1850 Mary A. 1850 Ralph 1850 Susannah Showan 1840 Adam 1840 Peter Shrader pmry88 M. L. 1891nws Warren Shraile dcerts Charles Shreiber 1850 George 1850 Susannah Shreve dindx Godfrey Shrewsberry 1889nws --- Shrewsbury 1890nws Columbus 1893nws John wrdead Samuel Shriber? 1920 Lucy Shriever 1820 Godfrey Shrink births William Shrive dindx G. Shriver 1860 Abraham 1860 Catharine 1860 Christena 1860 F. 1860 George 1860 Henry 1860 Henry 3d 1840 Jacob 1860 Lana 1860 Lanes 1860 Lewis 1860 Mary 1860 Peter 1860 Philip 1860 Susan Shrode 1860 Fritze 1860 Lenard 1860 Mary 1860 Philip 1860 Susan Shry 1850 Amos 1850 Deborah harris Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1850 George 1840 Jacob 1850 Jacob 1860 John 1860 Joseph 1860 Julia 1850 Malinda 1850 Perley 1850 Sarah 1860 William Shuemaker 1893nws Mrs. Shuey dcerts Norma 1887nws Rev. Shuhway dcerts Sylvia Shular 1893nws Anthony 1893nws Lena Shuldo 1820 James Jr. Shulee 1850 Anthony 1850 Elizabeth 1850 John 1850 Joseph 1850 Mary 1850 Mary Ann Shuler Cemetery 1893nws --- Shuler school house 1893nws --- Shuler dcerts Alexand 1892nws Alexander 1893nws Andrew 1850 Anthony 1893nws B. 1893nws Bart. 1881nws Carrie 1850 Catharine 1881nws Catherine 1920 Coulter 1920 Earl 1920 Edna 1920 Edward 1850 Elizabeth 1893nws Esq. 1893nws Esq. 1893nws Esq. 1893nws Esq. g1820 George 1920 Guy g1820 illegible 1820 James 1840 John 1859nws John 1879nws John 1881nws John 1881nws John 1879nws John Jr. 1840 Martin 1860 Martin 1850 Mary births Minerva 1920 Nannie 1850 Peter 1893nws Ross Shultz 1903nws A. L. 1920 Albert 1920 Blanch 1903nws Carrie 1920 Claude M 1830 Hiram 1920 Maggie M 1920 Mary L 1920 Paul 1920 Thelma 1920 William A 1920 William H 1920 Wilma Shumabarger 1850 Jane Shumaker births Abram births Martha Luell 1893nws Mollie births S.V. dcerts Sarah births Sarah A. Shuman births Elizabeth Shumnay dcerts Arthur dcerts Magaret Shumway 1920 Alfred 1920 Allison 1920 Alta R 1850 Alva 1850 Amelia 1850 Andrew births Antionette M. 1920 Bertha M 1850 Caroline 1850 Charlotte 1920 Claud G 1850 Diantha 1850 Dolly births Dora 1920 Edna M 1850 Edward 1920 Etta 1920 Eugene L 1920 Eunice 1920 Evelyn F 1860 F. A. 1830 Farley 1840 Farley dcerts Flora 1920 Flora E 1920 Frank 1897nws Frank phist Frederick 1860 G. W. 1850 George dcerts George 1920 Glennie 1920 Guy A dcerts Henry 1920 Howard 1920 Inez H 1850 Irene A. 1850 Isaac 1860 J. C. 1860 J. G. 1850 James dcerts James births James C. births James M. 1850 Jane 1860 Jane 1819tx Jer. 1820 Jeremiah 1830 Jeremiah 1840 Jeremiah 1850 Jeremiah 1850 Jeremiah larkin Jeremiah phist Jeremiah 1904nws John 1920 John F 1840 John G. 1850 John G. wrdead Lawrence 1904nws Leland 1850 Lewis 1850 Lorance 1850 Lovinia 1850 Malinda 1850 Marietta 1860 Martha A. 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1889nws Mary 1860 Mary A. births Mary M. 1860 Milton 1850 Nelson 1850 Oliver 1860 Oliver 1920 Ora B 1850 Parley 1892nws Pearly 1850 Phebe 1850 Phels 1820 Phil 1830 Philo 1840 Philo 1819tx Philo phist Philo 1875nws Phobe hrdsty Rebecca 1920 Rubal F 1860 S. A. 1860 S. E. 1860 Salvina 1850 Samantha 1860 Sarah J. 1878nws Sarah J. 1850 Susan 1850 Sylvester wrdead Sylvester 1920 Victor R 1850 Washington 1850 William 1875nws William dcerts William Shunway 1920 Mary L 1920 Vernon L Shuretiff 1892nws James Shurlock 1840 George 1860 James 1860 Jane 1860 Margaret A. 1860 Peter 1860 William 1860 Wm Shurs births Olara Shurtleff 1895nws Seth H. Shuter 1840 Anthony Shutt 1876nws Amelia 1893nws Edie (Smith) 1893nws Effie (Smith) 1860 Elihu S. 1860 Harriet 1860 John 1893nws Peter 1893nws Peter 1893nws Peter (Capt.) 1877nws Sandford 1881nws Sandford E. 1881nws Sandford E. (Prof.) 1879nws Sanford E. 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah A. Shutter 1881nws Elizabeth Shutts 1851nws Sarah Shutz 1840 Anthony 1850 Benjamin 1850 Ellen 1850 July Ann Shwaryweller 1854nws Sebastian Shwarzwalder 1893nws Joseph Siaels dcerts Stty Sibert 1920 Abraham hrdsty Abraham 1873nws Abraham dcerts Abrahan 1850 Ann 1920 Anna B dcerts Donald 1873nws Elizabeth 1881nws George Ross 1881nws I. C. 1873nws Noadiah wrdead Peter hrdsty Peter hrdsty Rebecca 1920 Sibley 1881nws Violet Sibillenger? 1860 Wm. Sibley dcerts Augustu 1887nws B. E. phist Ben E. 1850 Benjamin 1855nws E. (Rev.) 1856nws E. (Rev.) 1887nws Ernest 1887nws Eva 1887nws Evalyn 1850 Ezekial 1850 Florence M. 1867nws H. F. graybd H. L. 1867nws H. L. 1882nws H. L. 1850 Hiram L. 1893nws Hiram L. 1850 Hosses 1850 Ira 1850 Laura A. 1850 Phoeba 1850 Phoeba M. 1850 Rabecca phist W. G. 1881nws Will G. 1893nws Will. G. Sibly 1876nws B. E. Sibriel 1840 Owen Sichman dcerts Carolin Sickfiat 1850 Michael Sickle dcerts Alice Sickler dcerts Adaline Sicles Family harris --- Sidd dcerts Ephriam Siddall phist Alfred Elberfeld phist John Michael phist Thomas Earl phist William Emerson phist William Emerson II Siddore 1892nws Elizabeth Sidebottom 1850 Edwin 1850 Frederick H. 1850 John 1850 Mary E. 1850 Mehitable 1840 Robert 1850 Robt 1850 Rozetta F. Sidensick dcerts Ployc Sidenstick dcerts Aldest Sidenstrick dcerts Green dcerts Nancy Sidenstricker 1921nws Alice births Alpha M 1920 Amanda 1850 David births E.J. 1850 Edward 1850 Elizabeth murray Floyd births Floyd 1850 Francis births Green 1889nws Greene births H. 1850 Joel 1850 John 1913nws Lillie 1913nws Sylvia Sidenstucker 1850 Albert Siders 1920 Charity dcerts Charity 1920 Charley dcerts Eva phist J. H. 1920 Joseph murray Joseph 1893nws Martin 1897nws Minnie 1897nws Minnie Sidney 1893nws Bertha Sieets dcerts Elbiats Siefried births Siefried Siegrist 1889nws John dindx Michael Siemer dcerts Berthol Sieminski 1867nws J. M. 1867nws Madame Sier 1860 Andrew 1860 Catharine 1860 Henry 1860 Mary Sies 1860 Peter Sifels 1860 Albert 1860 Peter Siford 1860 C. 1860 Catharine Sigel harris General Siggs dcerts William Sigler 1893nws A. J. births A.J. births Alonso J. 1850 Alonzo births Alonzo larkin Amelia (Phelps) 1850 Barbara larkin Barbara (Rothgeb) 1855nws Barbara A. 1854nws Barbary births Burly Scott dcerts Corneli 1830 Eli 1840 Eli larkin Eli marr Eli larkin Eli (Dr.) births Henry Elton g1820 John 1858nws Louisa J. 1850 Louiza 1920 Ollie dcerts Richard births Val Alonzo Sigley? 1830 Jacob Siglir dcerts Bunl Sihler 1919nws William (Rev.) Siierridan dcerts Btliy Siindler dcerts Don Siis births Mary Aur Siith dcerts Charles Silas 1893nws Robert Sildgers 1890nws Kate Silkett 1876nws George W. Sill 1860 Hana 1850 Hannah 1850 Mahala 1850 Martha 1850 Philip 1860 R. 1860 Rachal 1850 Ramsa 1850 Roena Sillefreis dcerts Anna Sills family 2002q Sills family Silman 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary 1860 Peter Sils dcerts Welling Silver Run and Pittsburg mine 1910nws --- Silverman's Hall 1875nws --- 1879nws --- 1879nws --- Silverman & Sons 1876nws --- Silverman 1860 Barbary 1860 Caroline 1860 Eliza 1860 Ester 1860 Jane 1893nws Joe 1860 Joseph 1873nws Joseph 1860 Lewis 1872nws Lizzie 1878nws Moses 1860 Moses F. 1889nws Mrs. 1860 S. 1871nws S. 1884nws Sam 1861nws Samuel 1862nws Samuel 1878nws Samuel 1860 Simen 1861nws Simon 1862nws Simon Silvery 1893nws Mr. 1893nws W. O. 1893nws W. O. Silvester 1819tx John 1879nws John 1820 Joseph 1819tx Joseph Silvestor 1820 John Silvey 1893nws Mr. 1890nws William O. 1895nws William O. Silviria 1860 F. Silvus Grocery harris --- Silvus harris E. G. harris Isaac Simaons dcerts Willi Simes 1850 * (blurred) 1850 Lucy 1850 Peter 1850 Rhoda Simmms dcerts Lida Simmon 1878nws Lue Simmons dcerts Benjami dcerts Bfif births Ella M. dcerts Elmira births Jacob 1878nws James births James Eldo 1895nws Jerry births John dcerts John births John J. births Lacy Blanche dcerts Leonard births Lucy Blanche 1850 M. J. births Martha E. births Sarah F. 1840 Thomas births William H. Simms family 1998q Simms family Simms 1871nws A. F. dcerts Adalaid 1879nws Alonzo F. 1897nws Armstead 1895nws Artemas 1873nws Barney births Carl Eugene births Caroline births Chas. Claybond births Cora H. 1840 Edward O. 1879nws Emma 1897nws Eva dindx Francis 1886nws J. P. murray James 1905nws James 1871nws Lon 1871nws Lon 1897nws Lydia 1875nws Marshal 1877nws Marshal 1878nws Marshal births Martha larkin Mary 1892nws Mary larkin Mary (Simpson) 1883nws Mrs. 1892nws N. T. wrdead Oliver 1893nws Orange births Sara births William births Wm. H. Simon 1897nws Jacob Simonim 2001q Clarissa Simons 1850 Chena 1909nws Eliza 1920 Genevieve 1819tx Solomon Simpson House 1876nws --- Simpson M. E. Church 1897nws --- Simpson M. E. church 1897nws --- 1897nws --- Simpson M. E. Church 1904nws --- Simpson Methodist Episcopal church 1921nws --- Simpson 1889nws --- 1903nws A. B. 1850 Adaline larkin Adaline births Adaline 1850 Ann 1860 Ann E. 1860 Anne 1850 Anne M. larkin Betsy 1903nws Booker F. 1850 Catharine 1889nws Catharine 1850 Daniel marr Daniel W. 1920 Edward 1890nws Eldo larkin Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth harris Elizabeth 1856nws Emeline B. larkin Emily 1850 Enoch 1850 Enoch T larkin G. Perry 1881nws G. Perry 1850 George 1850 George 1850 George W. 1850 Hannah 1850 Hannah 1921nws Harry 1855nws Henry 1856nws Isaac W. 1850 Jacob dcerts James 1920 James E 1850 John larkin John 1840 John, Jr. 1850 Jonathan 1850 Joseph 1830 Joshua 1820 Josiah 1830 Josiah 1840 Josiah 1850 Josiah larkin Josiah larkin Josiah 1819tx Josiah 1861nws Josiah 1873nws Josiah phist Josiah larkin Josiah (Jr.) larkin Josiah (Sr.) births Kate births Kate E. fair L. A. (Miss) 1920 Lillian larkin Liva (Nye) larkin Liva N. dcerts Lucile 1850 Lydda 1850 Lydia 1860 Lydia larkin Lydia larkin Mandana 1850 Mandoria 1850 Margaret 1892nws Margaret larkin Maria larkin Maria 1892nws Maria 1850 Marietta C. 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary larkin Mary 1850 Mary Jane 1850 Melinda 1860 N. 1855nws N. 1856nws N. 1856nws N. 1861nws N. larkin Nancy larkin Nancy (Hendry) 1840 Nathan 1850 Nathan larkin Nathan 1855nws Nathan 1867nws Nathan 1879nws Nathan (Judge) 1860 Newton 1860 Perry 1860 R. 1820 Robert 1830 Robert 1840 Robert 1850 Robert 1850 Robert dindx Robert larkin Robert larkin Robert fair Robert 1819tx Robert 1861nws Robert 1882nws Robert 1886nws Robert 1889nws Robert phist Robert larkin Robert (Jr.) 1840 Robert, Jr. larkin Rosantha larkin Ruth larkin Ruth 1892nws Ruth 1851nws Samuel larkin Sarah (Grant) 1882nws Sarah (Grant) larkin Sarah Ann 1850 Selina births Selina births Selinia 1850 Sophia larkin Susan larkin Theresa (Higley) larkin Theresa (Higley) 1850 Thissa 1860 Ulric? dcerts Vi 1850 William 1860 Wm. Sims family 1998q Sims family Sims Family harris --- Sims 1820 Barnet 1830 Barnet phist Barney 1819tx Barnibus 1850 Benjamin 1850 Catharine 1998q Catherine 1998q Christiana 1893nws David 1876nws David R. dcerts Earnest 1820 Edward 1850 Edward larkin Edward 1819tx Edward phist Edward 1850 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1893nws Elizabeth harris Elmer dindx Emanuel 1998q Francis 1820 Francis 1819tx Francis 1850 Francis N. 1850 Franklin 1850 Geo B. 1840 George 1850 George 1820 Hezekiah larkin Hezekiah 1819tx Hezekiah phist Hezekiah 1850 James 1840 Joaus 1820 John 1840 John 1850 John 1840 John N. 1819tx John, 2nd, 1850 Jonathan P. 1860 L. 1850 Laura phist Lawrence 1850 Lydda 1850 Lyman 1850 Malissa 1840 Maniel 1850 Maria 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1859nws Mary 1830 Morris 1850 Nancy 1892nws Nancy 1850 Oliver 1859nws Oliver 1850 Phebe 1892nws Rees W. 1830 Resse 1850 Sarah births Theodota 1820 William 1850 William 1859nws William 1877nws William Simson births Selina Sinclaip dcerts Harry Sinclair wrdead Ferman dcerts Flair dcerts Isaac dcerts Keriii Sinclaire? 1850 Ellen 1850 George 1850 July Ann 1850 Susan 1850 William Sines 1920 Fannie M 1920 Joseph dcerts Josiah dcerts Sarah 1920 Sarah M 1897nws W. M. 1920 Walter Singer 1860 David 1854nws Donegul births Eva 1920 Eva A births Eva D. dcerts Florenc 1920 Goldie M 1920 Guy G 1920 Iva R 1920 Margaret 1920 Mildred E 1860 Phebe dcerts Samuel 1850 Sarah 1920 Susie J 1840 Thomas 1850 William Singers 1920 Elizabeth M 1920 Ella J. 1904nws Eva Almeda 1904nws Guy 1920 Ida May 1867nws J. W. 1881nws Lizzie 1881nws Lizzie 1860 Louisa dcerts Rose 1920 Samuel 1860 Sarah 1860 Thomas 1860 William 1920 William 1851nws William 1851nws William 1860 William B. Singleize 1850 C. 1850 Charles A. 1850 E. B. 1850 E. J. 1850 M. E. 1850 Margaret 1850 W. H. Singleton harris C. R. Sins 1892nws Emmanuel larkin Nicholas Siodnseick dcerts Eloyer Siois dcerts Ntti Siosin dcerts Davio Siseman? 1920 Ezra M 1920 Tressa Sissell marr John Sission 1850 David 1850 Elanor 1850 Francis 1850 Jessee 1850 Nathaniel 1850 Nathaniel P. 1850 Sarah Sissle 1820 John larkin John 1819tx John phist John 1819tx Sarah Sissn dcerts Lewis Sisson 1850 Abby 1850 Almira g1820 Amos births Ann E. 1860 Caroline births Charles 1999q Charles F. births Chas F. dcerts Ciall 1860 Clarrisa dcerts Clyoe births David marr David 1920 David M 1883nws David M. 1920 Dessie M 1876nws Dr. 1901nws Dr. births Earl B. 1850 Elisha 1840 Elisha S. 1860 Elisha S. 1866nws Elisha S. 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1999q Elmer 1850 Emaline 1860 Emiline 1999q Emma Estel (Borham) births Estelle E. 1876nws F. M. births F.M. 1999q Frances (Seldon) 1913nws Fred 1860 George 1905nws George 1999q George Carl g1820 Giles 1850 H. B. 1862nws H. P. 1890nws Harry g1820 Henry dcerts Henry 1860 Isibel 1862nws J. M. wrdead J.W. 1893nws James 1893nws James dcerts James 1850 Jane 1920 Jesse W 1999q John 1850 John 1860 John W. 1890nws Joseph 1892nws Julia births Julia Ann 1920 Kenneth A 1893nws L. F. 1893nws L. F. 1893nws L. F. (Prof.) births Lee Byron 1860 Lemon L. 1999q Leo Byron 1850 Levi births Lewis, 2nd births Loyal F. 1850 Lydda 1893nws M. 1876nws Malone 1920 Martha dcerts Martla 1850 Mary births Mary dcerts Mary 1860 Mary A. 1920 Mary M births Mary M. 1860 Melvina 1920 Melvina C 1860 Miles 1860 Nancey M. 1850 Nancy 1854nws Nathan P. 1999q Nathaniel P. 1999q Paul 1860 Perimah 1860 Pocahantis 1893nws S. F. 1850 Sam'l 1850 Sanders 1876nws Sarah F. (Wines) 1860 Simeon g1820 Simeon 1895nws Simeon L. g1820 Simson g1820 Stephen 1860 Susana 1850 Susannah 1893nws Val 1905nws Vesta 1876nws W. J. 1999q Wallace 1860 Warren 1920 Warren W 1850 William 1860 William 1892nws William 1893nws William J. dcerts Willis 1920 Willis M Sisters 1875nws David (Dr.) Sith dcerts Clarice dcerts Emma dcerts Harper Sivearenger wrdead James Six 1893nws Mollie 1893nws Mollie dcerts William Skaggs 1840 Elisha Skean 1902nws Mrs. Skeel 1878nws L. D. Skeels 1920 Freda 2002q Sophronia Skein 1850 Geo M. Skeiner 1860 John 1860 Margaret Skelley 1860 Achsah 1860 Anne 1860 Harriet 1860 Jasper 1860 Rhoda 1860 Robert 1860 Rodna Skelly 1850 Almira 1850 Classintha 1850 Eliza 1850 Harriet 1850 Robert 1861nws Robert 1850 Rodney Skenel births Emma births Joseph Skervin 1855nws Minerva M. (Self) 1855nws William B. Skidmore dcerts Sarah 1850 William Skiels wrdead Thomas Skiles 1860 Cinderella 1998q Ira M. 1893nws Ira M. 1860 Isaac 1893nws Lewis 1903nws Lewis A. 1854nws Samuel 1903nws Sarah Ellen 1860 Thomas Skillinger 1850 Robert marr Robert W. Skiner g1820 Henry Skinnel births Joseph Skinnell births James Willia Skinnen dcerts Harvel Skinner Hardware Co. 1889nws --- Skinner 1850 Alvin 1850 Amanda phist Ann Maria (Thomas) phist Arabelle phist Arthur 1820 Asahel 1840 Asahel 1819tx Asahel 1844nws Asahel 1877nws Asahel 1893nws Asahel 1850 Ase 1850 Asel phist Ashael 1840 Ashael, Jr. 1830 Ashel 1860 B. M. graybd B. M. 1867nws B. M. 1889nws Ben dcerts Benjami phist Benjamin D. 1876nws Benjamin M. harris Benjamin Manning phist Benjamin Manning phist Benny 1850 Calvin dcerts Catheri 1890nws Clara phist Clara dcerts Clara 1860 Clara M. 1860 D. 1830 Daniel 1840 Daniel 1850 Daniel 1892nws Daniel marr Daniel 1850 David deaths David births Dean Cook births Dennis 1893nws Edna phist Edward phist Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Emeline 1850 Emily phist Estella (Hecox) deaths Florence R. 1860 Frank P. phist George 1860 George A. 1895nws George B. 1921nws H. P. 1850 Hannah births Harvey 1877nws Hayes 1893nws Helen phist Helen births Helen 1850 Henry 1850 Henry 1850 Jacob 1850 James 1850 James 1850 Jane deaths Jane H. phist Joanne (Foster) 1860 Joel dcerts Joel 1850 Joel G. 1850 Johannes 1850 John g1820 Joseph larkin Joseph 1892nws Joseph marr Joseph births Joseph J. 1850 Josiah 1860 Julia births Julia M. births Lester 1901nws Lucinda 1850 Lurancy dcerts Lydia dcerts M births Mabel Clair 1867nws Major 1877nws Major 1897nws Major 1850 Malinda 1850 Maria phist Maria phist Maria (Woodruff) 1860 Maria W. 1860 Marsila 1860 Martha 1860 Mary 1850 Mary P. phist Mary W. (Farmer) 1850 Melvin births Merrill H. 1890nws Mittie 1876nws Mr. 1889nws Mrs. phist Nancy births Nellie E. dcerts Noel 1862nws O. P. 1877nws O. P. 1886nws O. P. 1889nws O. P. 1893nws O. P. 1893nws O. P. 1893nws O. P. 1879nws O. P. (Capt.) births O.P. 1893nws Oscar phist Oscar dcerts Oscar 1860 Oscar P. 1890nws Oscar P. 1860 Phebe phist Phyllis (Horden) larkin Polly (Gaston) 1897nws R. P. 1897nws R. P. deaths Raymond 1929nws Rev. Dr. 1860 Rollin harris Rollin phist Rollin 1893nws Samantha 1850 Samaria 1860 Sarah dcerts Sarah 1850 Sarah J. 1850 Sophronia 1850 Thomas marr Thomas E. phist Tommy 1876nws W. H. 1890nws W. H. 1901nws W. H. births W.G. 1877nws Wheeler larkin William 1893nws William 1893nws William 1893nws William 1850 William H. marr William H. 1860 Wm dindx Wm. births Wm. Skinner, 1889nws B. M. Skinner? 1860 Henry 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary E. Skinop 1860 Emeline Skiowoae dcerts Ashley Skirvin & Smith fair Skirvin & Smith Skirvin 1920 Eugene dcerts Eugene larkin Mary (Haight) 1873nws Mary J. 1920 Mattie 1867nws W. B. 1873nws W. B. larkin William Skuls 1860 Catharine 1860 Celista A. 1860 Frank 1860 George 1860 L. D. 1860 Luther Slack 1897nws --- births Ed births James Newton 1920 John O 1819tx Leya 1820 Lydia larkin Lydia phist Lydia dcerts Maggie 1998q Mary Cathryn (Lovett) 1887nws Mrs. 1892nws Osea Slagel 1850 Slagel phist (see Schlaegel) phist John Elberfeld phist Katharine Elizabeth phist Katharine Elizabeth (Elb phist Robert B. phist Robert B. II phist Virginia Antoinette Slagill 1855nws Lucy N. Slagle births Margaret Slain births Martha Slaser 1860 John B. 1860 Nancey 1860 Sarah 1860 William G. Slater 1860 Alice 1897nws W. L. Slathower 1858nws Mathews & Co., --- Slaughter 1920nws Charles 1860 Davis 1881nws Dr. 1910nws Evada M. births Helen dcerts Henry 1920 Henry N 1860 Jacob 1889nws Jacob 1860 James 1860 Jane 1920nws Jim 1855nws Louise (McAboy) 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1920 Mary dcerts Mary 1860 Nancy 1860 Phidelia 1860 Richmond births Richmond 1860 Rosanna 1860 Sarah E. 1855nws T. S. 1830 William Slaugitei dcerts Carl Slavin 1893nws Al. Slayden 1860 Charles Sleath 1860 Betsey 1860 David dindx David larkin David phist David 1860 Francis J. 1860 Hesaciah 1892nws Mary 1860 R. 1860 Sharlot 1860 Sofiah 1860 Sophia 1860 William 1860 Zacharah Sleeper 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John phist John 1840 Parker 1850 Zilpha Sleeth dcerts Gail 1892nws John dcerts Kitua 1877nws Robert Jr. Slemmings 1860 J. S. 1860 James 1860 John 1860 Lucretia 1860 Lynn 1860 Mary 1860 Matthew 1860 Samuel 1860 Susannah 1860 Wm. Slick dcerts Nellie Slickleman g1820 George Sliger harris John Slinger 1840 Jacob Sliverson 1893nws William Sloan Family harris --- Sloan 1998q Adaline 1998q Benjamin/Bennet 1998q Bennett 1998q David 1830 David 1860 David wrdead David dindx David 1998q Deborah deaths Deborah 1998q Deborah (Tubbs) 1850 Duncan 1862nws Duncan deaths Duncan 1860 Dunkin 1998q Eli 1850 Eli births Eli births Eliza Jane 1850 Elizabeth 1998q Esbon 1998q Ira 1840 Ira 1998q James 1998q Jane 1893nws Jessie 1998q John 1820 John 1830 John 1840 John dindx John larkin John 1819tx John 1998q Joseph 1820 Joseph wrdead Joseph 1819tx Joseph 1860 Margaret 1850 Margaret A. 1850 Maria J. 1860 Mariah J. 1998q Mary E. (Williams) 1998q Nancy 1998q Oliver 1998q Orinda 1998q Ruth 1998q Sarah 1860 Sarah J. 1998q Thomas 1830 Thomas 1840 Thomas dindx Thomas marr Thomas Sloan? g1820 John Sloane marr David Sloat 1850 Ansel 1850 David 1850 Fidelia 1850 Mary 1850 Nehemiah 1850 Ruby A. Sloater 1850 Alice 1850 Benjamin 1850 Betsey 1850 Eunice R. 1850 Melinda 1850 Sophronia Slone 1850 Adaline 1850 Albert 1850 Bennet 1850 Deborah 1850 Eliza 1850 Esbon 1850 Ira 1850 James 1850 Jane 1850 John 1850 Joseph 1850 Joseph 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Orin 1850 Orinda 1850 Phebe 1850 Sarah 1850 Susan 1850 Theophalies 1850 Theressa Sloper's mill larkin --- Sloper 1893nws Barbary dindx Daniel 1840 David dindx David 1893nws David marr David dindx Saml. V. D. 1820 Samuel dindx Samuel 1819tx Samuel 1840 Thomas Sloter dcerts Edmond murray Nellie Slotter murray Ed Slout dcerts Margatt Slover g1820 (Stover?) Slusber 1878nws William Slusher 1877nws Bill Sluth 1830 David Sluthe 1850 David 1850 Frances 1850 Robert 1850 Sophia 1850 Thomas Sly 1886nws Jesse dcerts Jessie 1850 Mary 1850 Samuel 1850 Thomas Smaberg 1860 Elisabeth 1860 John 1860 P. Smales marr Creed Small births Elisabeth 1851nws Jane harris Maybelle Hope Smallcomb 1855nws Richard Smallet dcerts Allen Smalley family wallce Smalley family Smalley 1860 Benjamin wrdead Benjamin Jr. 1920 Bert J 1920 Bertha M 1903nws Bertha M. 1920 Clyde 1850 Deborah 1850 Eliza births Elizabeth 1920 Elroy 1860 Emily 1920 Emmet R 1920 Ethel M births Flora R. 1920 Flossie M 1860 Franklin births G.W. 1850 Gaston 1893nws George 1903nws George dcerts George dcerts Helen 1860 Hester 1920 Hobart H 1860 Jackson 1860 Jane 1860 John 1920 John Robert 1860 John W. 1860 Lewis wrdead Lewis 1867nws Lewis 1867nws Lewis births Lizzie 1920 Loraine 1893nws Lucinda 1860 Lydia A. 1920 Mabel 1860 Mahala 1850 Martha A. 1860 Mary 1920 Mary G 1860 Matilda 1920 Meredith 1850 Mille 1920 Pearl 1893nws Pearl J. 1860 Percival 1920 Percival 1893nws Percival 1850 Peter dcerts Putnam 1920 Ray 1920 Rilla 1860 Rosanna J. 1920 Ruth L 1840 Simeon 1850 Simeon Smally 1840 Benjamin 1873nws Jackson 1840 John Smart 1850 Anna 1860 Anna 1881nws Arthur 1860 C. 1850 C. G. 1830 Caleb 1840 Caleb 1850 Caleb 1860nws Caleb 1850 Caroline 1820 Charles 1850 Charles 1920 Charles 1819tx Charles 1892nws Charles 1892nws Charles 1892nws Charles 1820 Charles Jr. 1830 Charles Jr. 1860 Charles S. 1830 Charles Senr. 1878nws F. F. 1840 F.F. births Flora F. 1850 Frances 1850 Francis 1860 Francis 1920 Helen J. 1893nws Irene 1850 James 1850 Jane 1850 John 1860 John 1830 Joseph 1840 Joseph 1850 Joseph dindx Joseph 1850 Kimball 1860 Lafayette 1850 Layfaette 1890nws Love 1860 Martha births Milton E. 1850 Nancy 1920 Nellie 1860 Permelia 1840 Peter 1850 Phebe 1892nws Saphronia 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah J. 1850 Selann 1887nws T. 1850 Town marr Townsend 1887nws W. K. 1889nws W. K. 1921nws W. K. 1850 W. W. births W.K. 1850 William 1860nws William dcerts William 1920 William K. 1860 Wm. births Wm. R. Smawley 1850 Amos 1850 Benjamin 1850 Deborah 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Henry 1850 Hester 1850 Hiram 1850 Jackson 1850 James 1850 Jane 1850 Lewis 1850 Lovina 1850 Lydda 1850 Mary 1850 Matilda 1850 Rachael 1850 Sarah 1850 Shepherd Smeeks 1921nws Ernestine Smeltzer 1850 Catharine 1850 Jacob 1850 Mary Smeltzly 1893nws Charles 1893nws Charles Louis Smider dcerts William Smiith dcerts Stillsq Smiley births Smiley dcerts Anna births Frank H. Smilie g1820 John Smirh dcerts Lydia Smith & Braley mills 1876nws --- Smith & Braley 1876nws --- Smith & McQuigg 1861nws --- Smith family 1998q Smith family Smith Family phist Smith Family Smith family 1876nws --- 1902nws --- Smith mill 1882nws --- Smith harris --- births Smith 1897nws "Pud" 1897nws "Pud" 1850 * 1860 * 1920 ? 1920 ?ALpha 1920 ?Cassie 1860 A. 1893nws A. C. 1904nws A. C. 1919nws A. L. 1926nws A. L. phist A. W. births A.A. 1920 A.D. larkin Aaron 1840 Aaron P. dcerts Abraham births Ackley dcerts Ackley 1860 Ackley D. 1920 Ackley P phist Ada Marcella (Vining) 1867nws Ada May dcerts Adalene births Adaline 1854nws Adam 2002q Adams 1879nws Addie (Vining) 1850 Adeline births Adeline 1850 Adoniah 1851nws Adonigiah 1860 Adonijah 1867nws Adonijah 1897nws Agnes 1904nws Alban hrdsty Alban Davies 1850 Albert 1860 Albert 1873nws Albert dcerts Albert 1850 Alex 1905nws Alex 1860 Alexander 1850 Alfred 1998q Alice 1920 Alice 1890nws Alice (Austin) 1920 Alice H dcerts Allie larkin Alma larkin Alma (Barker) 1850 Almira 1850 Almira larkin Almira (Shepherd) phist Almira (Whaley) phist Almy 1850 Aloisa 1860 Alonso 1850 Alonzo 1860 Alonzo births Alonzo 1860 Alvira 1850 Amanda 1860 Amanda 1860 Amanda 1920 Amanda births Amanda 1893nws Amos L. 1920 Amos R larkin Amy larkin Amy larkin Amy phist Amy births Amy phist Amy (Barker) 1920 Ancil marr Andreas 1860 Andrew dcerts Andrew 1920 Andrew J 1998q Andrew Jackson 1999q Angeline 1850 Angeline 1860 Angeline phist Ann Duff 1860 Anna 1860 Anna 1860 Anna dcerts Anna phist Anna (Blaettner) 1920 Anna L 1888nws Annie (Katz) murray Annie Edwindson Mrs. 1840 Anthony harris Anthony dcerts Anthony 1840 Aonyah 1998q Araminta (Reed) phist Artemus phist Arthur births Arthur Glenn births Arthur Leon 1920 Asbury 1922nws Asbury 1850 Asher 1850 Audelekia J. phist August V. 1850 Augusta 1850 Augusta 1860 Augustus 1850 Aurilla 1856nws Aurilla 1897nws Aurilla (Halsey) 1850 Austin 1860 Austin A. 1920 AW 1860 B. 1909nws B. K 1854nws Bagaley &, --- births Bailor G. 1920 Barbara phist Barbara 1860 Barbary larkin Barker larkin Barker 1850 Bascomb births Bayliss 1860 Bell 1882nws Ben 1920 Ben K 1850 Benj 1860 Benj. 1820 Benjamin 1830 Benjamin 1840 Benjamin 1850 Benjamin larkin Benjamin larkin Benjamin larkin Benjamin larkin Benjamin larkin Benjamin larkin Benjamin larkin Benjamin harris Benjamin 1819tx Benjamin 1879nws Benjamin 1897nws Benjamin 1897nws Benjamin phist Benjamin hrdsty Benjamin Knight 1840 Benjamin, 2nd 1860 Benton 1920 Bert 1920 Bert births Bertha Eletha murray Bessie 1893nws Bessie phist Bessie births Bessie larkin Betsy larkin Betsy (Monroe) 1917nws Billy 1920 Blanche M 1860 C. 1921nws C. B. 1850 C. C. 1860 C. E. 1897nws C. F. births C.C. 1850 Calvin 1860 Calvin phist Capt. George 1850 Caroline 1850 Caroline 1850 Caroline 1850 Caroline 1860 Caroline larkin Caroline harris Caroline 1889nws Caroline phist Caroline births Caroline dcerts Carrie 1920 Carrie E murray Cash murray Cash 1860 Cate 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine larkin Catharine larkin Catharine dcerts Catheri 1892nws Catherine births Catherine Ann 1850 Celesta births Celeste births Celestia S. 1873nws Chaney dcerts Charile 1850 Charles 1860 Charles 1860 Charles wrdead Charles harris Charles 1916nws Charles births Charles births Charles dcerts Charles harris Charles A. 1920 Charles E hrdsty Charles Ernest births Charles M. 1850 Charlotte 1850 Charlotte 1850 Charlotte births Chas 1860 Christana 2000q Christena (Roush) hrdsty Christina (Willhauer) 1905nws Clara dcerts Clarenc 1920 Clarence V dcerts Clariss 1850 Clarissa 1850 Clark 1860 Clark 1921nws Clay 1897nws Clerk dcerts Cliffor 1920 Clint 1920 Clyde 1920 Clyde 1921nws Clyde phist Col. Thomas 1819tx Conrad 1873nws Cornelia dcerts Corrien 1860 Curtis C. 1850 Cynthia A. dcerts D 1860 D. A. 1861nws D. A. 1867nws D. A. 1873nws D. A. 1876nws D. A. 1878nws D. A. 1881nws D. A. 1876nws D. C. 1889nws D. C. 1901nws D. C. 1860 D. E. 1855nws D. Hanning 1879nws D. J. (Rev.) 1873nws D.A. 1920 Daisey 1904nws Daisy 1850 Dan'l 1893nws Dan C. 1920 Dana P 1850 Daniel 1860 Daniel 1893nws Daniel phist Daniel births Daniel O. marr Darwin 1999q David 1850 David 1850 David 1850 David 1850 David 1860 David 1860 David 1860 David harris David phist David dcerts David marr David hrdsty David C. phist David C. hrdsty David Eugene 1860 David M. births David M. phist Deacon Benjamin harris Della hrdsty Della Blanche 1850 Dempsy 1840 Denis F. 1889nws Dennis murray Dessie (Stansbury) 1920 Doil(Doyle) 1850 Dolly 1860 Dolly 2003q Dolly 1887nws Don 1893nws Don B. 1850 Donnally dcerts Dorothy 1920 Dortha 1850 Dorwin 1920 Dovie 1873nws Dr. 1850 Dudley 1920 Dudley 1904nws Dudley 1860 Duglas H. dcerts Durothy 1893nws E. E. 1920 Earl 1920 Earl C 1904nws Earl D. 1860 Ebenezer 1920 Eber F 1903nws Eddie phist Eddie A. 1893nws Edie 1998q Edith dcerts Edith 1903nws Edith E. 1920 Edna 1903nws Edna 1850 Edwin 1860 Edwin 1893nws Effie 1893nws Effie births Effie Dell 1920 Eleanor R phist Eleanore 1850 Eli 1860 Eli g1820 Eli births Eli dcerts Eli marr Eli 1850 Elias 1860 Elias 1882nws Elias births Elias 1860 Elisabeth 1850 Eliza 1850 Eliza 1850 Eliza 1850 Eliza 1860 Eliza 1860 Eliza larkin Eliza (Case) larkin Eliza (Murray) 1850 Eliza Bell births Eliza J. 1860 Eliza? 1840 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth larkin Elizabeth larkin Elizabeth harris Elizabeth 1892nws Elizabeth 1893nws Elizabeth larkin Elizabeth (Mack) phist Elizabeth (Mack) phist Elizabeth (Parsons) 1850 Elizabeth A. 1850 Elizabeth A. phist Elizabeth Ann 1920 Elizabeth C 1850 Elizabeth J. 1860 Ella 1920 Ella 1850 Ellen 1850 Ellen 1860 Ellen 1876nws Ellen 1877nws Ellen 1897nws Ellen 1850 Ellis 1920 Elma R phist Elmer 1893nws Elmer E. 1860 Elza M. 1860 Emaline 1860 Emely 1860 Emma 1920 Emma 1920 Emma 1920 Emma births Emma J. 1920 Emma V dcerts Emmet 1897nws Enos dcerts Eomrf 1820 Ephraim 1819tx Ephraim 1830 Erastus dindx Erastus 1920 Erma phist Erma 1904nws Ernest Clifford 1920 Ernest W 1920 Ervin 1904nws Ervin V. 1920 Esta dcerts Ester 1850 Esther 1920 Ethel G 1920 Eugene D 1920 Eugene R 1998q Eva hrdsty Eva 1860 Evaline 1850 Eveline 1860 Ever 1904nws Evert 1830 Ezra 1840 Ezra 1860 F. J. 1860 Faney 1872nws Fannie 1885nws Fannie 1860 Fanny larkin Fanny phist Fanny dcerts Fanny 1920 Fay 1920 Fern H dcerts Fernand 1850 Fernando births Flora Day 1850 Florence 1850 Florence 1920 Florence E births Florence E. 1920 Florence L 1850 Florilla 1860 Florilla births Florilla 1904nws Frances dcerts Frances births Frances A. 1850 Francis 1850 Francis 1920 Francis 1855nws Francis 1854nws Francis "Frank" hrdsty Francis A. 1867nws Francis C. births Francis G. 1850 Francis M. 1850 Francis M. 1860 Francis R. 1860 Frank 1920 Frank A 1904nws Frank E. births Frank E. 1917nws Franklin 1889nws Fred 1920 Fred B 1920 Freda births Freda Lucial 1873nws Furman 1897nws Furman 1887nws G. W. 1920 Garnet dcerts Garnet 1920 Garth 1860 Gasper 1920 Genevieve R 1850 Geo 1850 Geo W. 1840 George 1850 George 1850 George 1850 George 1860 George 1860 George 1860 George 1920 George g1820 George 1883nws George 1890nws George 1893nws George 1893nws George 1897nws George dcerts George 1840 George B. 1860 George C. 1860 George G. 1903nws George L. births George L. 1920 George M. 1850 George R. 1860 George W. births George W. 1920 Gerald dcerts Gerald 1890nws Gertie 1850 Gilbert 1860 Giles 1920 Giles G 1860 Giles H. 1920 Glenn 1897nws Grandma 1850 H. B. 1860 H. B. larkin H. B. larkin H. B. larkin H. B. larkin H. B. 1861nws H. B. 1862nws H. B. 1868nws H. B. 1876nws H. B. 1876nws H. B. 1876nws H. B. 1878nws H. B. 1879nws H. B. 1881nws H. B. 1881nws H. B. 1901nws H. B. 1860 H. C. 1873nws H. C. 1881nws H. C. 1890nws H. Clay 1878nws H. M. harris H.B. births H.C. births H.H. 1893nws Ham. 1860 Hamilton 1893nws Hamilton 1850 Hannah 1860 Hannah 1860 Hannah 1855nws Hannah dcerts Hannah hrdsty Hannah (Rogers) 1860 Hannah J. phist Harold Dale 1920 Harold N 1920 Harold W 1850 Harriet 1850 Harriet 1850 Harriet 1850 Harriet 1860 Harriet 1881nws Harriet Estella hrdsty Harriet L. dcerts Harriso 1850 Harrison 1850 Harrison 1860 Harrison 1860 Harrison 1867nws Harrison 1860 Harrison J. 1920 Harry 1904nws Harry 1926nws Harry dcerts Harry phist Harry P. dcerts Hartlty 1920nws Hattie Fisher 1920 Hattie M 1903nws Hattie M. births Haywood 1920 Hazel D 1920 Hazel H dcerts Hearld 1920 Helen dcerts Helen 1920 Hellen dcerts Henay 1850 Henry 1850 Henry 1860 Henry 1860 Henry 1860 Henry 1897nws Henry births Henry dcerts Henry 1860 Henry B. 1860 Henry L. 1895nws Henry M. 1893nws Henry Wood 1920 Herbert births Herbert Cash 1883nws Herman 1903nws Hettie Chloe dindx Hezekiah 1850 Hiram 1850 Hiram 1860 Hiram hrdsty Hiram 1893nws Hiram 1897nws Hiram phist Hiram 1897nws Hiram G. 2000q Hiram Hamilton 1850 Horace 1920 Horace E 1879nws Horton C. dcerts Howaro murray Hue Mrs. dcerts Hugh 1892nws Hylam 1866nws I. W. births I.W. births Ida births Ida F. 1920 Ida M 1860 Ida May births Ida May 1998q Ida May (Green) dcerts Illano dcerts Ina 1820 Isaac 1830 Isaac 1840 Isaac 1850 Isaac 1850 Isaac 1850 Isaac 1860 Isaac fair Isaac 1819tx Isaac 1858nws Isaac 1890nws Isaac 1893nws Isaac 1893nws Isaac marr Isaac 1850 Isaac B. 1899nws Isaac B. births Isaac B. 1860 Isaac I. births Isaac Wesley 1860 Isabella 1850 Issabell 1860 J. 1890nws J. A. 1897nws J. A. 1860 J. B. 1876nws J. B. 1893nws J. B. 1893nws J. B. phist J. B. 1908nws J. D. (Rev.) 1913nws J. D. (Rev.) 1854nws J. H. 1859nws J. H. 1905nws J. H. 1856nws J. M. 1893nws J. M. 1903nws J. M. 1903nws J. O. 1904nws J. O. births J. O. 1893nws J. R. 1876nws J. S. 1895nws J. S. W. 1860 J. V. graybd J. V. 1854nws J. V. 1854nws J. V. 1858nws J. V. 1876nws J. V. 1883nws J. V. 1889nws J. V. phist J. V. 1860 J. W. 1861nws J. W. 1892nws J. W. births J.O. births J.W. 1920 Jack 1903nws Jack 1904nws Jack 2000q Jackson 1860 Jackson 1920 Jackson 1850 Jacob 1850 Jacob 1860 Jacob 1860 Jacob 1862nws Jacob 1878nws Jacob 1879nws Jacob births Jacob marr Jacob 1820 James 1830 James 1840 James 1850 James 1850 James 1850 James 1850 James 1850 James 1850 James 1860 James 1860 James 1860 James 1860 James g1820 James larkin James larkin James larkin James larkin James larkin James larkin James harris James 1819tx James 1854nws James 1861nws James 1879nws James 1893nws James 1893nws James 1897nws James phist James births James dcerts James larkin James (Sr.) 1920 James A 1920 James A 1840 James A. 1860 James A. 1867nws James A. hrdsty James Adam hrdsty James Augustus 1844nws James B. 1883nws James B. births James Calvin phist James Jr. 1855nws James M. 1998q James R. phist James Sr. 1860 James W. dcerts Jams 1850 Jane 1850 Jane 1850 Jane 1860 Jane 1860 Jane 1920 Jane larkin Jane hrdsty Jane C. (McKenzie) 1897nws Jane V. 1850 Jeanette 1920 Jennie 1920 Jennie larkin Jennie phist Jennie (Knox) dcerts Jeramia 1850 Jeremiah 1860 Jeremiah 1862nws Jeremiah 1895nws Jeremiah marr Jeremiah 1860 Jerry 1893nws Jerry dcerts Jerry 1850 Jerutia 1850 Jesse 1893nws Jesse E. phist Jessie Eleanor 1860 Jessy 1850 Joab graybd Joe 1893nws Joe. 1893nws Joe. 1820 Joel 1830 Joel larkin Joel 1819tx Joel 1882nws Joel 1892nws Joel phist Joel 2000q John 1820 John 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John 1850 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John 1860 John 1860 John g1820 John wrdead John dindx John larkin John larkin John larkin John larkin John larkin John larkin John larkin John larkin John harris John 1819tx John 1887nws John 1888nws John 1889nws John 1889nws John 1892nws John 1892nws John 1892nws John 1892nws John 1892nws John 1892nws John 1893nws John 1901nws John phist John dcerts John marr John 1881nws John (Capt.) 1855nws John A. 1893nws John A. births John C. 1866nws John D. 1860 John F? 1850 John H. 1862nws John H. phist John H. 1860 John J. 1840 John M. 1850 John M. 1867nws John M. 1892nws John M. marr John M. births John Maynard larkin John N. 1850 John P. 1820 John R. larkin John R. 1819tx John R. 1879nws John R. phist John R. 1893nws John T. 1860 John W. 1840 John Y. 1819tx John, Jr. g1820 Johnston 1881nws Johny murray Jola harris Jonas 1840 Jonas B. 1850 Jones 1850 Joseph 1920 Joseph g1820 Joseph 1893nws Joseph births Joseph A. 1855nws Joseph V. 1870nws Joseph V. 1905nws Josephine Elizabeth g1820 Joshua 1840 Josiah 1850 Josiah 1850 Josiah 1850 Josiah 1860 Josiah wrdead Josiah 1844nws Josiah 1844nws Josiah 1904nws Josiah phist Josiah dcerts Josiah 1875nws Josiah B. 1920 Josiah L 1860 Josiah M. 1860 Julia dcerts Julia phist Julia (Taylor) 1920 Julia A 1860 Julia A. phist Julias 1850 Kate 1860 Kate 1897nws Kate 1860 L. larkin L. 1854nws L. L. 1887nws L. M. 1913nws L. S. 1850 L. W. 1850 Laura births Laura A. births Laura H. 1860 Laura J. 1860 Laura K. 1920 Laura N 1860 Laura V. dcerts Laurin 1920 Laverne C 1890nws Leander 1998q Lear 1920 Leland P births Lelia Maud 1893nws Lena 1920 Leo E 1920 Leona 1920 Leota 1860 Leslie 1850 Letitia dcerts Letitia hrdsty Letitia A. (McKenzie) 1850 Levi 1860 Levi births Levi marr Levi W. 1860 Lewis 1893nws Lida Bell phist Lillian 1887nws Lillie B. 1820 Livingston 1840 Livingston 1850 Livingston dindx Livingston larkin Livingston larkin Livingston larkin Livingston 1844nws Livingston 1903nws Lola May 1893nws Long. dcerts Lorenzo births Lorilla harris Lott 1862nws Loudon 1913nws Louie 1860 Louisa 1876nws Louisa J. 1876nws Louisa J. 1850 Lovina 1860 Lovina 1860 Lovina 1850 Lucetta 1885nws Lucetta 1889nws Lucetta dcerts Lucetta 1920 Lucille A 1920 Lucille M 1850 Lucinda 1850 Lucinda 1860 Lucinda 1860 Lucinda 1908nws Lucinda births Lucinda 1860 Lucinda H. 1881nws Lucretia H. 1860 Lucy J. 1851nws Luther W. 1850 Lydda 2000q Lydia 1850 Lydia 1875nws Lydia B. 2000q Lydia Bigelow (DeWolf) 1920 Lydia L murray M. C. 1876nws M. C. 1876nws M. C. 1876nws M. C. 1883nws M. C. 1860 M. E. 1859nws M. E. 1893nws M. F. 1876nws M. S. 1879nws M. W. B. births M.C. births M.F. births Maddie M. 1920 Madeline dcerts Maggie 1893nws Maggie E. 1850 Mahala 1860 Mahala 1850 Malissa 1850 Malissa 1850 Malvina 1860 Malvinia 1920 Manuel S dcerts Marcell 1850 Marcellas 2000q Marcellus C. dcerts Margare 1998q Margaret 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1999q Margaret (Sayre) 1850 Margret dcerts Margure 1850 Maria 1860 Maria 1908nws Maria 1920 Marian 1920 Marie 1850 Marietta 1850 Marilla 1860 Marion dcerts Marlein 1860 Marsila 1920 Martha harris Martha births Martha J. 1903nws Martin 1859nws Martin E. 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1920 Mary 1920 Mary 1920 Mary hrdsty Mary 1892nws Mary 1892nws Mary births Mary births Mary dcerts Mary 1998q Mary (Conor) 1870nws Mary (Foster) 1850 Mary A. 1860 Mary A. 1860 Mary A. births Mary A. 1850 Mary E. 1860 Mary E. 1860 Mary E. births Mary E. 1850 Mary Ellen births Mary Gertrude 1850 Mary Jane 1855nws Mary Jane 1920 Mary P 1860 Mary S. 1860 Mary S. 1850 Matilda 1860 Matilda 1892nws Matilda 1897nws Mattie 1920 Maxwell 1920 May 1887nws Mayhood 1876nws Mayor 1878nws McHaffie &, --- births Meda May births Medda May phist Medda May Bye 1860 Melissa 1860 Melsey 1860 Merill dcerts Merl 1890nws Michael (Mrs.) 1920 Mildred 1920 Mildred 1920 Mildred M 1850 Milton 1860 Mily 1920 Mina M 1892nws Minerva 1850 Minerva J. 1920 Minnie births Minnie births Minnie E. dcerts Miranda 1878nws Mr. 1909nws Mr. 1875nws Mrs. 1890nws Mrs. 1890nws Mrs. births Myrtia 1920 Myrtle 1920 Myrtle L 1860 Nancey 1850 Nancy 1920 Nancy larkin Nancy larkin Nancy larkin Nancy 1873nws Nancy dcerts Nancy phist Nancy (Horton) 1860 Nancy A. 1879nws Nancy A. 1881nws Nancy A. 2000q Nancy Caroline (Ankrom) births Nelle Lucretia 1893nws Nellie dcerts Nellie 1920 Neva births Neva M. larkin Noah larkin Noah larkin Noah 1920 Nora dcerts Norman dcerts Ocella murray Okley 1920 Olie 1920 Ora M 1850 Orange 1920 Oren 1860 Orila 1850 Oscar 1860 Oscar 1850 Osee 1850 Osker 1920 Otto births Owen Oakley 1860 P. 1850 Patsy 1860 Patsy dcerts Pearl murray Pearl F. births Percy M. 1893nws Phebe 1897nws Phil. M. 1897nws Philip 1830 Picamon births Pierre H. 1860 Polly larkin Polly larkin Polly 1850 Priscilla 1850 Prissilla 1850 Prudence 1850 Prusha 1860 R. 1866nws R. J. 1850 Rabecca 1850 Rachael 1860 Rachael 1892nws Rachel hrdsty Rachel (Anderson) dcerts Ralph 1920 Ray dcerts Ray phist Raymond H. 1850 Regina M. 1860 Reid 1890nws Reub. 1820 Reuben 1830 Reuben 1819tx Reuben 2000q Reuben B. larkin Reubin phist Reubin hrdsty Reule dcerts Rftty 1850 Rhoda 1860 Rhoda larkin Rhoda larkin Rhoda births Rhoda 1999q Rhoda F. (Eaton) 1850 Richard 1920 Richard 1860 Ricker dcerts Riif 1850 Ritner 1850 Robert 1850 Robert 1860 Robert 1920 Robert A 1920 Rosetta 1860 Rosind dcerts Ross 1860 Rosy 1850 Ruel births Rush Philson 1920 Russell 1850 Ruth 1860 Ruth dcerts Ruth 1860 Ruth J. 1860 S. phist S. B. 1876nws S. F. 1890nws S. F. 1893nws S. F. 1893nws S. F. 1893nws S. F. 1893nws S. F. 1897nws S. F. 1897nws S. F. 1897nws S. F. 1897nws S. F. 1888nws S. F. (Prof.) 1877nws S. S. 1889nws S. S. (Prof.) births S.T. 1860 Sally 1892nws Sally larkin Sally (Hubbell) 1850 Sam'l 1850 Samantha 1860 Samarah 1850 Samaria 1860 Samaria 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1920 Samuel 2000q Samuel Finley 1860 Samuel M. 1840 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah dcerts Sarah hrdsty Sarah (Curtis) hrdsty Sarah (Knight) 1920 Sarah A 1860 Sarah A. 1860 Sarah A. births Sarah A. 1850 Sarah Ann 1920 Sarah E births Sarah Eliza 1998q Sarah L. 1850 Sardine larkin Sardine larkin Sardine 1851nws Sardine phist Sardine 1890nws Sardine F. 1844nws Sardine S. 1860 Sean murray Setta (Foldens) murray Setta Folden 1860 Sharlot 1897nws Sid. 1850 Silas 1860 Silas 1860 Silas 1888nws Simeon 1820 Solomon 1830 Solomon 1840 Solomon 1850 Solomon g1820 Solomon larkin Solomon 1819tx Solomon 1854nws Solomon phist Solomon 1830 Solomon S. 1917nws Squire 1920 Starling H 1920 Stella 1850 Stephan 1830 Stephen 1840 Stephen 1850 Stephen dindx Stephen hrdsty Stephen 1867nws Stephen 1876nws Stephen 1893nws Stephen 1879nws Steve 1883nws Steve 1866nws Steven 1860 Stewart dcerts Stillbo dcerts Stillbo n. dcerts Stillor 1850 Susan 1860 Susan births Susan dcerts Susan 1999q Susannah 1850 Susannah 1920 Sybil P 1873nws T. C. 1876nws T. C. 1878nws T. Curtis (Dr.) 1860 T. J. 1861nws T. J. 1893nws T. R. 1893nws T. R. 1876nws T. W. 1920 T.E. 1860 Theodosha larkin Theresa 1819tx Theresa 2000q Thomas 1820 Thomas 1830 Thomas 1840 Thomas 1850 Thomas 1850 Thomas 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas 1860 Thomas 1860 Thomas 1860 Thomas larkin Thomas larkin Thomas hrdsty Thomas 1819tx Thomas 1844nws Thomas 1844nws Thomas 1844nws Thomas 1854nws Thomas 1854nws Thomas 1892nws Thomas phist Thomas dcerts Thomas 1861nws Thomas (Col.) 1850 Thomas J. 1854nws Thomas Jr. 1895nws Thomas R. births Thomas R. 1850 Thomas W 1840 Thomas W. 1851nws Thomas W. 1860 Thurman 1998q Timothy 1820 Timothy 1830 Timothy 1840 Timothy 1860 Timothy larkin Timothy 1819tx Timothy phist Timothy 1920 Titus births Turman 1860 Tyra? 1920 Ulah W 1860 Ulis 1875nws V. B. 1876nws V. B. 1876nws V. B. 1876nws V. C. 1876nws V. C. 1882nws V. C. births V.C. 1860 Valentine 1851nws Valentine phist Valera 1920 Valley R 1920 Vera 1920 Verd 1850 Victoria E. 1860 Vila S. 1860 Viola dcerts Viola 1850 Virgil 1850 Virgil 1897nws Virgil larkin Virgil C. births Virgil O. dcerts Virgini 1920 Virginia 1860 W. 1876nws W. 1873nws W. A. larkin W. B. murray W. B. 1893nws W. B. 1893nws W. B. (Mrs.) 1897nws W. J. 1893nws W. V. 1890nws Wall. B. phist Wallace births Wallace B. 1893nws Walter dcerts Walter murray Walter E. 1850 Wash 1860 Washington 1844nws Washington 1855nws Watkins &, --- 1860 Wesley phist Wilfred James 1999q William 1820 William 1840 William 1850 William 1850 William 1850 William 1850 William 1860 William 1920 William larkin William larkin William hrdsty William 1819tx William 1873nws William 1881nws William 1893nws William 1903nws William phist William dcerts William 1920 William C 1860 William F. 1854nws William G. 1890nws William H. 1920 William J 1920 William P harris William Sooey 1819tx William, Jr. harris Wilmer 1897nws Winnie 1920 Winslow 1860 Wm g1820 Wm 1860 Wm. 1860 Wm. 1860 Wm. H. cmarr Wm. H.C. 1904nws Zelda (Sponagel) Smith, 1892nws John Smith? 1860 Elizabeth Smithley 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Emily 1850 Issabell 1850 John 1850 Roanna Smithour 1881nws Adam Smithson dcerts Flora Smitht dcerts Willard Smithy's restaurant 1893nws --- Smitley 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Emily J. 1860 John Smitn dcerts Nancy Smitt dcerts Algo Smitth dcerts Virgini Smitthaur 1886nws Mary Smothers births George births George M. Smotherun 1860 Henry Snafper dcerts Theodor Snauget dcerts Vesta Sneider 1860 Charles 1860 Elizabeth 1860 James 1860 John 1860 Sarah 1860 Thomas 1860 Wm. Snider dcerts Ada 1901nws Alvin 1860 C. 1860 Caroline murray Clarence Othello 1860 Cristopher births Elijah 1860 Elisabeth 1850 Elisah 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1905nws Elizabeth 1901nws Emily dcerts Emma 1920 Frank W dcerts Henry 1850 Isabell murray Iva 1860 Jacob 1850 James 1920 Jerry 1850 Jesse 1860 Jessie 1850 John murray John 1920 John H dcerts Lena murray Lizzie Folden 1850 Martha 1860 Mary 1860 Mary A. 1889nws Mell. 1850 Nelson 1860 Philip 1860 Resila 1850 Sarah dcerts Sarah dcerts Stillbo 1860 T. 1850 Theadacia 1850 Thomas dcerts Thomas births Venice D. 1850 William 1860 William Snider? 1860 Hiram Sniff Family harris --- Snith dcerts Nettlie Sniveley murray Rufus J. Snoden 1876nws George Snodgrass 1879nws Alice 1850 Benjamin F. 1850 David 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Emily births Emily 1850 John 1850 Joseph 1850 Maria 1850 Mary E. 1850 Nancy births Nancy 1850 Olive 1876nws Samuel 1850 William Snonkiler dcerts Oavid Snotgrass 1840 Joseph Snow 1850 Andrew 1850 Betsey 1860 C. 1850 Commodore 1860 Commodore 1840 Comodore P. 1860 Elizabeth 1850 Gideon g1820 Gideon 1860 Irena 1850 James M. 1850 Julia 1850 Lavina 1850 Lorenzo 1850 Margaret A. 1850 Mary E. 1860 Mary E. 1860 N. R. 1850 Nathan R. dcerts Rcsetta wrdead Reed 1920 Rosetta 1850 Susannah 1860 Susannah Snowball 1920 Mary 1920 Robert dcerts Robert 1920 Thomas 1920 Thomas G Snowden & Bro. 1878nws --- Snowden murray Homer harris Margaret 1860 Mary 1876nws Mr. 1876nws Mr. 1878nws William 1884nws William 1860 Wm Snowdin dcerts Ellswor Snowdon 1879nws Jennie 1879nws William Sntdfr dcerts Iottif Snyder and Company 1899nws --- Snyder 1893nws A. M. 1893nws A. M. 1909nws C. O. 1850 Clarissa 1920 Delpha G 1909nws E. W. 1917nws Edward 1850 Eli C. dcerts Elijah 1917nws Ernest dcerts Ernest 1850 Fannie 1850 Geo L. dcerts Glen 2003q Ida M. (Vance) 1893nws Ina dcerts Jack 1850 James A. 1850 John 1850 John 1892nws John 1920 John Otto 1920 Margaret W. 1850 Mary 1850 Mary M. 1901nws Mell 1881nws Myrtle 1920 O?eal F 1920 Otto G 1877nws Phillip dcerts Rollin 1850 Susan J. 1850 Washington dcerts William marr William 1920 William H Soamepville dcerts Kathaa Sohlanger 1860 Adam 1860 Barbary 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Henry 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary 1860 Michael 1860 Philip 1860 Susan 1860 Wm. Sohollars? 1860 Eliza J. 1860 James 1860 Mary 1860 Rachel 1860 Sarah Sohorn births Barbara Soldiers' monument 1871nws --- Sole 1820 Anson larkin Anson 1819tx Anson phist Anson Soles g1820 Priestly Sollsby dcerts William Solomon 1830 John Somerville 1893nws Carrie (Johnson) 1908nws Emma 1908nws Fred 1893nws Samuel 1908nws Tyllie harris Van B. harris Wesley Sommer births Clara dcerts Clara 1999q Clara (Riese) 1999q Jacob births Jacob Sommerock 1998q Friederike Luise Sorett 1850 Eleazer 1850 Eliza J. 1850 Joseph 1850 Julia Ann Sorgent dcerts Ambra Sornerg? g1820 Samuel Sorrels g1820 Samuel Souders dcerts William Souer 1876nws Maggie Soues g1820 (Souls?) Soule harris Almon 1830 Almond dindx Almond 1830 Almond Jr. dindx Almond Junr. 1897nws H. E. 1892nws Mary Soules 1881nws Mrs. Soulsby 1920 Cora 1920 Dena 1920 Docie 1920 Edward J 1920 Edward J Jr. dcerts Emily 1920 Eugene 1920 Glenna 1920 Herbert 1920 Howard 1920 John R 1920 Lawrence 4thInf Matthew 1920 Mildred 1920 Richard C 1920 Robert S 1920 Ronald 1920 Thelma 1920 Vina 1920 William 1920 William G Soupner 1840 John Sourbin g1820 Henry Souser 1860 Caroline 1860 Casper 1862nws Casper 1862nws Conrad 1860 Conrod 1860 E. 1860 Henry 1860 John Souster 1860 John South harris Lucy Southard 1830 David 1840 David 1820 David C. Southerland 1873nws D. 1860 David 1860 Eliza 1860 Ellen 1860 Emily 1860 Isabella 1873nws James 1860 Jane 1860 John L. 1860 Len 1860 Mary J. 1860 Sarah A. Southertons harris The Southward dindx E. Soval dcerts Mamie Sovel 1920 Clyde dcerts Clyde 1903nws Henry 1920 Jasper 1903nws Jasper 1920 Lula 1903nws Lulu 1920 Maud 1903nws Stella Sower 1860 Frederick 1860 George 1860 Leonard 1860 Martin 1860 Mary Soyer 1858nws A. Soyiz 1860 E. 1860 Florence Soyz 1858nws A. Spainol 1862nws John Spalding 1871nws E. E. Spance dcerts William Spangel 1893nws Mary Spangle 1860 Barbary 1860 Eliza 1860 John 1860 John B. 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary Spaniol 1876nws George 1884nws John 1892nws John Spann 1850 Andrew 1850 Daniel 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Harriet 1850 James 1850 John 1850 Josephas marr Josephus 1850 Margret 1850 Samuel Spannel 1860 B. Sparks 1897nws Homer 1897nws L. C. (Rev.) 1897nws Pastor 1897nws Rev. 1897nws Rev. 1897nws Rev. 1897nws Rev. 1897nws Rev. 1897nws Rev. 1897nws Rev. larkin William larkin William Spaudling harris Jonathan Spaulding harris Eli harris John M. harris William A. Spaun 1998q Andrew 1998q Elizabeth Jane dcerts John dcerts Mae 1998q Margaret dcerts Sarah Spawn 1860 Andrew 1860 Clement 1998q Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1860 George 1860 Harriet 1860 Hila 1860 James 1860 Jane 1860 John 1860 Joseph 1860 Lemuel 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary 1860 Samuel 1860 Wm. Speaker and Lee 1897nws --- Spear 1850 William Spears 1840 Alexander 1860 C. 1860 Ellen 1860 Joel 1860 Nancy dcerts Unnamed Speck 1876nws John Speechas dcerts Beuiah Speelman 1897nws Marie Speevier dcerts Maggie Speller 1850 Matilda Spellman harris H. V. Spenc dcerts Glopge Spence 1893nws Barbara dcerts Charles 1904nws E. H. 1920 Earnest dcerts Elswort 1920 Emory 1920 Floyd 1850 Grace 1920 Hattie 1920 Herman births Jenie births Jennie 1893nws L. B. 1920 Lucille 1876nws Mary dcerts Mary births Mary E. 1920 Maudie 1920 Melvin 1920 Murl dcerts Nevada 1920 Samantha A dcerts Sarah 1890nws T. J. dcerts Unnamed 1850 William 1920 William 1867nws William dcerts William Spencea dcerts Jacob Spencer and Wehrung phist Spencer and Wehrung Spencer 1881nws ?amu?l Sylvester 1860 A. 1920 Abdrew 1920 Adaline 1860 Amanda 1860 Andrew dcerts Andrew 1913nws Anna 1920 Bell I 1920 Ben J 1921nws Bertha (Yost) 1920 Bertha L 1920 Bessie J 1893nws C. L. 1903nws C. M. 1905nws C. M. 2001q Caroline 1860 Caroline 1920 Cassius M 1920 Charles 1920 Charles E 1920 Charles W 1920 Clara L 1850 Clarrissa 1905nws Cora B. 1920 Dale F 1840 Daniel S. dcerts David 1920 David A 1920 David C 1920 Devalsion B 1920 Dwight C 1851nws E. T. 1866nws E. T. 1920 Edith 1893nws Edna Vern 1903nws Edward D. 1860 Elisha 1850 Elizabeth 1920 Elizabeth 1881nws Elizabeth dcerts Ella 1920 Ella R 1920 Ella? dcerts Eris 1920 Eula L 1920 Eve? E 1905nws Evelyn E. 1920 Everett 1897nws Florence marr Frances 1850 Francis 1854nws Francis F. marr Francis F. 1920 Gilbert J 1920 Guy W 1860 Harriet 1920 Harry 1920 Harry V. 1920 Helen 1920 Henry L. 1920 Hilda L 1850 Hiram 1860 Hiram 1860 Hiram 1881nws Hiram dcerts Ida 1920 Ideline C 1904nws J. M. 1921nws J. M. 1850 Jackson 1998q Jacob 1840 Jacob 1860 Jacob 1920 Jacob J 1920 Jake 1850 James 1920 James 1894nws James 1900nws James dcerts James 1920 James D 1920 James H 1920 Jane births Jennie 1920 Jessie M 1850 John 1860 John 1920 John E 1889nws John J. 1860 John P. 1881nws John T. 1920 Joshua dcerts Joshua 1920 Kenneth C 1893nws Lawrence N. 1860 Lewis 1881nws Lillie dcerts Ljonoth 1920 Lucetta J 1920 Lucy 1850 Lydda 1998q Lydia 1860 Lydia 1851nws Lydia 1854nws Lydia 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1920 Margaret hrdsty Margaret 1850 Margret 1920 Marguerite C dcerts Marie 1920 Marietta 1920 Marilla dcerts Marilla 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1819tx Mary 1892nws Mary 1920 Mary A 1860 Mary Jane 1873nws Mary S. 1920 Mattie 1920 Maxine 1920 Mildred 1920 Milford M dcerts Milo 1854nws Mrs. 1920 Phebe 1893nws Phillip 1905nws Raymond 1850 Rhoda 1920 Robert H 1904nws Robert H. 1921nws Roy 1920 Roy D 1850 Samuel 1854nws Samuel 1840 Samuel J. 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah dcerts Sarah 1860 Sarah J. 1920 Sarah L 1920 Sarah S dcerts Saul 1920 Simon 1860 Smiley 1850 Solomon 1897nws Solomon dcerts Stillbo dcerts Stillbo n. 1881nws Susan Adortha 1850 Susannah 1920 Susie A 1920 Verla F dcerts Willard 1920 Willard H 1850 William 1920 William larkin William larkin William Spenceri dcerts Margare Spergen 1844nws George 1844nws George Spfnce dcerts Timuthy Spfncer dcerts Adaiinf Sphqman dcerts Georgf Spia 1860 John 1860 Lutitia 1860 May 1860 Thomas Spiby 1860 Thomas Spicer Family harris --- Spicer 1850 Daniel W. 1850 Edmund 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Isaac 1850 John K. 1850 Joshua T. 1850 Leander 1850 Malissa 1850 Margaret 1860 Mary 1830 Moses 1850 Moses 1860 Moses 1892nws Moses 1850 Nancy 1850 Rebecca J. 1850 Sarah 1860 Thomas 1850 Thornton Spick 1840 William Spiers 1873nws Hinton births Hinton births Jno. births John births Julia A. births Lavina births Lydia Ellen births Marion A. births Maud Estelle 1860 Olive 1860 Sofiah Spigart 1850 George 1850 Henry 1850 Nancy 1850 Samuel Spiker 1850 Barbara 1850 George 1850 Henry 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Nancy 1850 Samuel Spillars 1862nws Thomas J. Spiller 1860 Judith 1850 Judith V. 1893nws Lydia 1860 Susanna 1850 Susannah 1840 Thomas J. 1850 Thomas J. 1860 Thomas J. 1850 Thomas J. L. Spillman marr Christian 1840 Jacob 1830 John 1840 John Spilman brick plant 1905nws --- Spilman 1820 John 1892nws Mary Spins dcerts Mary Spira 1893nws J. G. Spire births Jno. Henry Spires births Spires births Ann E. births Arthur Merrill dcerts Bradfor 1850 Cintha 1921nws Clel dcerts Curtis births Delly F. births Edward 1850 Eliza births Ellen Apoline births Fay births Florence births George O. 1850 Harrison 1880nws Harry births Harry 1897nws Henry births Henry births Henry Scott 1999q Hinton 1840 Hinton 1850 Hinton 1921nws Hinton births Hinton 1881nws Hinton Sr. births Hunton dcerts Hurl births Hurley A. 1920 Jacob 1999q John 1850 John 1909nws John 1921nws John marr John births John Herby 1998q Julia Ann 1850 Lewis 1890nws Lewis 1909nws Lewis dcerts Lewis births Lewis H. births Luana births Lula May dcerts Martha 1920 Mary dcerts Mary 1999q Mary Ellen (Colwell) births Mary L. 1840 Moses 1850 Nancy 1999q Nancy (Hysell) births Nettie 1998q Nora 1850 Rosanna 1850 Sally 1850 Samantha 1999q Sarah (McCumber) 1908nws Scott 1850 Sophia births Stillman Larki births Tenie births W.N. 1850 Westly births William H. births Wm. marr Wm. Spiress births Lewis Spirl dcerts Matiloa Spiser dcerts Herman Spith dcerts Ella Spitzer & Company 1897nws --- Spives dcerts John Splawn 1920 Alma 1920 George 1920 Glenna 1920 John 1920 Lydia 1920 Mattie Sponagall births Margaret Sponagel 1920 Clifford L. dcerts John 1920 Lucille births Maggie dcerts Margare births Margaret 1920 Nellie 1920 Phoebe 1920 Wilber S 1904nws Zelda Sponagel?/Holter 1920 Clifford Sponagle dcerts Dalis dcerts Elsie dcerts George wrdead Jacob Sponarfl dcerts George Spooner 1850 Almira 1850 Barbara 1850 Catharine 1893nws Edward 1893nws Edward dcerts Edward 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elliot 1850 George 1860 Hanna J. 1850 Jacob 1860 John W. dcerts Lawrenc 1850 Lucetta 1860 Mary A. 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Michael 1860 R. 1860 Ralph Spoonfr dcerts Ida Sprage dcerts Edward Sprague Family harris --- Sprague 1920 Dorothy 1855nws Edith (Hudson) 1920 Edward 1850 Elijah harris Francis dcerts Francis 1920 Frank 1850 George harris Hugh 1876nws J. 1844nws J. G. harris James 1850 John harris John (Dr.) 1855nws John C. harris Jonathan harris Joshua harris Levi harris Levi A. 1850 Lydia phist Nancy 1850 Narcissa 1998q Phoebe Emaline 1850 Sophia harris Warren V. harris Warren V. (Dr.) 1920 Wilbert harris Wiley T. (Dr.) harris William Spraig g1820 Benjamin g1820 Patsy g1820 Peter g1820 William g1820 Wm Sprangstgn dcerts Victori Spray marr John Springer 1850 Abagail 1999q Abigail (Frost) 1850 Abner 1999q Alice dcerts Chaales 1920 Clarence A 1850 Cornelius 1920 Elias dcerts Elias 1999q Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1920 Emma B 1850 Francis 1999q Frank 1860 George 1920 Guy 1999q Harvey Washington 1860 Henry 1920 Iona or Jane 1860 Isaac 1999q James F. 1850 James F. 1860 John dcerts Johnson 1850 Lorenzo 1999q Mabel Cornelia (Nims) 1920 Martha 1999q Mary Erlinda 1860 Nancy 1999q Newton 1850 Richard 1920 Roy 1860 Samuel 1860 Sarah A. 1860 Thomas 1920 Vetta 1999q William 1850 William A. Springfield ---1876nws Jackson and Pomeroy Railroad company, --- 1879nws Jackson and Pomeroy road, --- Springston 1893nws Arbanna 1883nws George dcerts George 1895nws George D. births George D. 1893nws Henry 1893nws Henry 1893nws Henry 1893nws Irene births Orbana Sproat 1850 Adeline larkin Ebenezer 1850 James 1830 Lebadee 1850 Mary E. 1850 Nancy Sprooner births Thomas births Walter Sprouce 1820 John Sprous? g1820 David Sprouse dcerts Beulah dcerts Henry 1877nws John murray Myrta dcerts Stillbo n. dcerts Thomas Sprout 1893nws Seneca L. Spry 1840 John 1868nws John W. (Dr.) Spurlock deaths Robert Spurrifr dcerts Nfurfrt Squire 1830 Nathan 1840 Nathan Squires 1844nws Charlotta 1844nws N. Sr births Davy Brown, Srerffy dcerts Tekgci Srigley harris H. S. (Dr.) Sritm dcerts Auora Srlelos dcerts Daisy Srtampfe dcerts Thomas Srtevtens dcerts Jaes St. Clair 1866nws Edward St. James Hotel 1878nws --- 1877nws Middleport, --- St. John's Catholic Church 1879nws --- St. John's cemetery 1913nws --- St. John's Church 1897nws --- 1892nws --- 1897nws --- 1897nws --- St. John's church 1903nws --- St. John's Evangelical Church 1884nws --- 1884nws --- St. John church 1901nws --- St. John Evangelical church 1888nws --- St. Paul's Lutheran Church 1901nws --- St. Paul German Lutheran Church 1884nws --- St. Paul Lutheran 1908nws --- St. Pauls Lutheran Church 1899nws --- St.John births Clara Staals births Dorcia Staats family 2000q Staats family Staats dcerts Albert 1892nws Elijah 1893nws Hansalum 1904nws Harry 1850 J. H. 1904nws Porter 1890nws Sophia (Barris) Stace 1904nws Philip 1904nws Rosa Dora Stack 1898nws Martin Stackpole 1860 Emaline 1850 Emeline 1850 Fred D. 1860 Frederick 1892nws Frederick D. (Dr.) larkin Haven &, --- larkin Haven &, --- 1860 J. W. 1850 J. W. G. 1861nws J. W. G. 1862nws J. W. G. 1860 Roxanna Stacks 1999q George W. 1999q Nancy (Duffy) Stacy 1844nws Lyman Staden 1850 C H Stafford 1860 Charles 1860 E. J. 1850 Elizabeth 1850 J. H. 1850 Jacob 1860 Jacob 1850 Jesse 1860 Jesse 1859nws Jesse marr Joseph 1850 Melissa 1860 Melissa 1860 Nancy H. 1907nws Rev. 1850 Sam'l Stage dcerts Katheri Stagg 1895nws A. G. dcerts Alfred phist Emma Stahl 1850 Barbara 1860 Barbary 1873nws Belle 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine 1889nws Clayton 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1922nws Fritz 1850 George 1850 George 1871nws H. 1873nws H. (Prof.) 1850 Martin 1860 Mary 1881nws Mary 1850 Pary 1850 Paul marr Paul 1860 Powell 1860 Powell Sen. 1873nws Willie B. Stalder harris Andrew harris Casper harris Catherine murray Erma Brown harris Frank harris Fred harris H. G. harris Henry harris Jacob harris Nicholas harris Peter murray Ralph harris Samuel Stall 1860 Elizabeth 1860 M. 1860 Mary Stalmaker 1920 Addie 1920 Edith 1920 Evelyn 1920 Grant 1920 Hubert/Herbert 1920 James W. 1920 Jerusha? 1920 William Stalnaker 1897nws Berry (Capt.) Stamart dcerts Lyda Stambach births David K. births Effie B. Stamm dcerts Martin Stammer 1881nws Peter Stanaert graybd Gabriel Stanart 1860 Diana 1860 Elizabeth 1860 James W. 1860 John 1860 Joseph fair M. A. (Miss) 1860 Rebeca 1860 Richard Stanberry 1897nws Judge phist Philemon Beecher Stanbery phist Cecilia 1893nws Hart 1897nws Hart 1897nws Henry 1897nws Henry 1876nws Judge 1876nws Judge 1877nws Judge 1878nws Judge 1897nws Judge 1897nws Louise 1860 P. B. graybd P. B. 1873nws P. B. 1876nws P. B. 1895nws P. B. 1897nws P. B. 1897nws Phil Stanbury harris Henry 1876nws Israel 1877nws J. E. 1868nws Mayor 1875nws P. B. Stancart 1871nws J. P. 1904nws Mrs. Standard Salt Company 1881nws --- 1881nws --- Stander 1897nws Lillian Standish 1850 Ellen 1850 Freeman 1850 Miles wrdead Miles 1850 Phebe Standley 4thInf John V. B. Staneart family 1998q Staneart family Staneart 1917nws A. F. dcerts Allison 1897nws Bella 1897nws Bella 1917nws David 1889nws Flora 1909nws Golda 1876nws J. 1874nws J. P. 1876nws J. P. 1922nws J. P. 1897nws J. R. dcerts Jane 1999q Joel/Joseph 1999q Joseph William 1999q Marian dcerts Perry 1874nws S. P. 1889nws Samuel 1917nws Samuel (Mrs.) 1876nws Samuel J. 1999q Theodotia Ann (Ferrel) Stanert 1850 Alcinda 1850 Andrew 1850 Charles 1850 David 1873nws J. P. 1850 John Perry 1850 Julius 1850 Marian 1850 Mary 1850 Nancy 1850 Samuel 1850 Walles Stanford 1860 * C. 1892nws Almena 1860 Anna I. 1860 L. V. 1860 Lena A. 1840 Lewis 1860 Mary A. 1860 Mary L. Stanisty dcerts Louise Stanley Family harris --- Stanley 1855nws --- 1876nws A. A. 1998q Abigail 1860 Albert dcerts Amanda 1850 Analiza 1860 Ann E. 1881nws Ann E. 1920 Anna 1850 Archalaus 1860 Archlis? dcerts Arthur 1860 Augustus 1909nws Beatrice dcerts Carl 1850 Catharine 1920 Dexter L 1873nws Dr. 1878nws Dr. 1878nws Dr. 1879nws Dr. 1897nws Dr. 1906nws Dr. 1915nws E. I. (Dr.) dcerts Edgar dcerts Edward 1906nws Felix phist Felix A. 1860 Floyd wrdead Francis M. dcerts George 1920 Gerald 1850 Harriet births Harriet dcerts Hazel 1850 Isaac 1860 Isaac 1860 J. 1850 Jackson 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John 1920 John g1820 John murray John 1819tx John 1875nws John 1877nws John 1879nws John 1881nws John 1892nws John 1892nws John 1897nws John dcerts John 1998q John T. g1820 Jonathan 1860 Julia A. 1850 July Ann dcerts Katie 1860 Lany 1892nws Lydia N. phist Lydia N. 1850 Mary 1860 Mary dcerts Mary 1850 Mary J. 2003q Mary J. 1860 Matilda dcerts Myrtle 1889nws N. N. 1860 Noah dcerts Norman 1850 Priscilla 1876nws Priscillia 1850 Rabecca dcerts Robert 1850 Ruth 1860 Ruth dcerts Samuel 1860 Sarah dcerts Stillbo 1860 Thomas 1860 W. 1886nws W. 1850 William 1860 William 1897nws William dcerts William phist Wm. D. Stannert family 1999q Stannert family Stansbery 1860 A. T. births Maj. 1860 Sarah R. 1860 Valinda M. Stansbuay dcerts Jaihn Stansbury's drug store 1893nws --- Stansbury's store 1893nws --- Stansbury & Giles 1893nws --- Stansbury cut 1909nws --- Stansbury Drug Co. 1893nws --- Stansbury births Stansbury 1998q A. J. 1840 Aaron 1850 Adaline 1998q Alda 1854nws Andrew L. 1855nws Andrew L. 1855nws Ann J. 1998q Antonette 1920 Asa D 1998q Attamay 1850 Beatta larkin Beattie (Lasher) 1840 Benjamin 1859nws Benjamin 1865nws Burnap &, Attorneys, --- 1850 Caroline dcerts Cerena 1850 Charles 1850 Charles births Charles D. dcerts Clarenc births Clarence births Cora 1850 David 1879nws David 1917nws David murray Dessie 1878nws E. 1882nws E. E. 1891nws E. E. 1893nws E. E. 1893nws E. E. births Earl larkin Electa (Holt) 1840 Elijah 1850 Elijah 1886nws Elijah 1893nws Elijah 1850 Eliza 1904nws Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1897nws Elizabeth 1876nws Ella 1850 Emily 1910nws Emma dcerts Emma births Emmett E. dcerts Ernest births Frank B. births Garen Harve 1998q Geltie 1910nws Genevieve 1850 George 1850 George 1855nws George births George E. 1850 Georgietta births Grace Beatt 1878nws Grimes &, --- 1878nws Hannah larkin Harvey births Harvey 1850 Henry 1893nws Henry murray Ireal 1904nws Israel 1840 Isreal 1850 Isreal 1867nws J. E. births J. Smith 1875nws J. Wallace births J.B. births J.M. 1850 Jacob 1855nws Jacob 1855nws Jacob 1856nws Jacob 1840 James 1850 James 1893nws James 1855nws James E. births James E. 1850 Jane 1876nws Jane births Jennie 1850 John 1850 John larkin John 1897nws John dcerts John 1876nws John E. 1877nws John E. 1878nws John E. (Dr.) births John M. 1855nws John S. 1850 July Ann 1850 Lucinda 1850 Mag 1850 Margaret 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1876nws Mary 1904nws Mary E. 1920 Mary Fay 1904nws Mary Fay 1850 Meliar 1889nws Melzer 1893nws Milton 1920 Minnie 1878nws N. 1881nws N. births N.F. 1840 Nicholas 1850 Nicholas 1861nws Nicholas births O.M. 1910nws Oliver births Oliver dcerts Oliver 1998q Perle births Perly M. births Robina murray Rodessa 1900nws Ross births Ross Hugg 1998q Sarah 1850 Sarah 1850 Silas 1850 Smith 1920 Thelmore 1904nws Thelmore 1998q Valinda 1879nws W. E. 1893nws W. E. 1893nws W. E. 1897nws W. E. 1919nws W. E. 1889nws W. E. (Dr.) 1893nws W. E. (Dr.) 1889nws W. H. births W.E. 1850 Wallis 1850 Warren dcerts Warren 1840 William 1850 William 1850 William murray William 1855nws William 1855nws William 1866nws William 1889nws William 1897nws William dcerts William 1840 William, Jr. Stanton 1897nws J. D. 1897nws Michael 1860 Mosses 1860 Nancey Staotm dcerts Elizaoe Star Grange 1876nws --- 1876nws --- 1876nws --- 1881nws --- Star Mills 1881nws --- Star, harris Star, Star 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Henry 1850 Jacob Starcher building 1893nws --- Starcher family 1999q Starcher family Starcher House 1897nws --- Starcher 1892nws Abraham 1920 Dora dcerts Dora 1860 E. B. 1893nws E. B. 1920 Effie J 1855nws Emily 1920 George E 1876nws Sallie 1860 Sarah E. Stark 1860 Andrew 1893nws Anna Reed 1860 C. 1860 Christenia 1860 Cristina phist George 1893nws James 1893nws James 1860 John marr John 1876nws Joseph 1860 Letha 1860 Martin 1862nws Martin phist Martin dcerts Martin hrdsty Nancy W. phist Pete 1897nws Peter dcerts Peter 1860 Ruth 1860 Valentine 1893nws William Starke births B. 1854nws John births Rudolph Otto Starkey's shoe shop 1884nws --- Starkey's shoe store 1893nws --- Starkey 1886nws --- 1901nws A. A. 1860 Adison 1850 Alfred cmarr Benton 1850 Betsy 1920 Bulah B 1860 Clementine 1901nws D. A. 1920 Elda 1920 Eldon S 1850 Eliza 1860 Elizabeth 1920 Emmet W 1920 Harvey E 1860 James 1862nws James 1850 John 1850 John 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph 1860 Leah 1920 Leola M 1850 Lucinda 1850 Lucretia 1860 Malinda larkin Malinda (Camp) 1850 Malissa 1860 Manda 1850 Marilla dcerts Mary 1920 Mary E 1920 Mary V 1861nws Melinda (Hedrick) 1860 N. 1850 Nancy 1850 Nathaniel 1920 Oma G 1860 Permelia dcerts Robert 1860 Samuel dcerts Samuel 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah J. 1860 W. larkin W. 1860 W. W. 1920 Wanda F 1859nws Watson 1850 William 1860 William 1860 William 1860 William phist William dcerts William 1876nws William Jr. 1860 William S. dcerts Wilson 1920 Wilson H 1876nws Zo. (Conant) Starkie 1850 Jepa 1850 L. 1850 Nelson 1850 Sarah 1850 William Starks births Bulah Eugene 1860 Charles 1862nws Charles 1897nws Charles births Charles births Charles E. births Charles G. births Francis E. 1860 J. S. wrdead John 1860 Mary births Mary M. 1860 Thomas Starline 1860 Andrew T. 1860 Anna W. 1860 Fredk 1860 Joseph C. 1860 Maria L. Starling Family harris --- Starr) 1893nws Mrs. Rutherford (nee Starr, harris Starr, Starr 1893nws Clayton 1893nws Clayton larkin Jerusha Staskey 1850 David 1850 Emily 1850 Marinda 1850 Permila 1850 Watson 1850 Westley 1850 William 1850 Wilson Statts dcerts Cerinda 1893nws Noah 2003q Rebecca births Rebecca J. Stausbury dcerts Emma dcerts John Staw dcerts Elza Stawder births Ann Stclair dcerts Hannah dcerts Ida Stead 1850 Jas. J. Steadman mill 1882nws --- Steadman 1889nws C. M. 1892nws Eli 1892nws Eli 1892nws Eli dindx Levi hrdsty Polly hrdsty Sally Steam Fire Company of Pomeroy 1876nws --- Steam Mill Co. dindx Steam Mill Co. Steamboating on the Ohio and Kanawha Rivers harris --- Steamer C. A. Hill 1893nws --- 1893nws --- Steamer Clifton 1883nws --- Steamer Empire 1854nws --- Steares 1850 Charles Stearling Coal Works 1879nws --- Stearns larkin Amos larkin Asa 1892nws Asa larkin Joel larkin Louise larkin Rufus larkin Sophia (Higley) Steart dcerts Mageai Steatem dcerts Walter Steavens 1844nws Thomas E. Stebbens 1850 Adaline 1850 Albert 1850 Almira 1850 Caroline 1850 Celony 1850 Electa 1850 George 1873nws H. D. 1850 Harison 1850 Henry 1850 Jasper 1850 John 1850 Lorenzo 1850 Lucy 1850 Mary 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Polly 1850 Rosell 1850 Samuel 1850 William Stebbins 1867nws Gard. B. 1855nws Gardner 1999q George A. 1999q Lorenzo Dow murray Marilla Mrs. murray Rosa Stecker births Hohn births Mary Stedman's furnace larkin Bradford and, --- Stedman's mill larkin --- Stedman's Mill larkin --- Stedman family 1902nws --- Stedman mill larkin --- Stedman harris Abel larkin Adaline (Elliott) 1851nws Adaline M. 1850 Adelia 1830 Alexander 1840 Alexander 1850 Alexander larkin Alexander larkin Alexander harris Alexander larkin Auralia larkin Bial harris Bial 1850 Daniel 1850 Dudley C. 1859nws E. M. 1850 Elbert B. 1820 Eli 1830 Eli 1840 Eli 1850 Eli larkin Eli larkin Eli larkin Eli 1819tx Eli 1892nws Eli 1893nws Eli phist Eli larkin Eli (Rev.) larkin Eli (Rev.) larkin Eli (Rev.) 1875nws Eli (Rev.) harris Eli Crippen larkin Elihu phist Elihu 1840 Elihu H. 1850 Elihu H. 1851nws Elihu H. 1855nws Elihu H. 1855nws Elihu H. 1856nws Elihu H. 1897nws Etta 1850 Francis 1892nws Harriet 1850 Jabez 1850 Jane 1860 John harris Julia Elizabeth harris Julius larkin Julius C. (Capt.) 1820 Levi dindx Levi larkin Levi larkin Levi larkin Levi larkin Levi larkin Levi larkin Levi larkin Levi larkin Levi larkin Levi larkin Levi larkin Levi larkin Levi harris Levi 1819tx Levi phist Levi births Lorina 1892nws Lucy 1850 Lydia 1850 Lyman 1850 Madison 1850 Margaret 1850 Maria 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1860 Mary larkin Mary 1850 Mary C. 1897nws Mat 1840 Miren 1850 Morris 1850 Myron 1892nws Polly larkin Polly (Gates) 1860 Richard H. 1892nws Sally larkin Sally (Foster) 1893nws Samaria 1850 William harris William marr William J. harris William Stone Steed 1998q Aaron 1904nws Gurney Raymond births Luther L. 2003q Maggie Frances 1998q Martha births Vernie Irene 1897nws W. H. 1904nws W. H. Steel Plant 1893nws --- Steel murray Charley murray George 1854nws Hugh C. murray Mary births Mary 1893nws Mary H. 1889nws Rev. murray Steven g1820 Wm Steele 1879nws Alex. 1879nws Alex. 1867nws August 1873nws August 1891nws D. H. dcerts Dorothe 1920 Elbert dcerts Elizabe harris Herbert dcerts James 1889nws K. births Lydia 1910nws Mamie F. 1920 Mary births Mary dcerts Mary 1889nws Rev, 1890nws Rev. 1879nws Sarah 1905nws Stephen 1881nws Wat. Steele, 1893nws George Steelwell g1820 Frederick Steen 1840 Thomas Steenrod Family harris --- Steeth murray Robert Jr. Steffin births Susana Steiff 1877nws Allen dcerts George 1877nws Hattie (Rathburn) Steigemeyer 1905nws Rev. Steigner 1893nws Judge de Stein family 1998q Stein family Steinback births Lenora K. births William Steinbam dcerts George Steinbauer graybd F. W. 1897nws F. W. 1897nws F. W. 1897nws F. W. 1897nws F. W. 1889nws Fred dcerts Frederi 1881nws George Steine 1867nws Myer 1854nws Samuel Steiner 1897nws Lizzie births Mary Steinhawer 1855nws W. Steinmetz dcerts Thomas Steith 1892nws David Stella births Hermina Stephans 1850 Benjamin 1850 Betsy 1850 John 1850 Sarah Stephen 1860 Cinderilla 1860 George 1860 Jacob 1860 Nancy 1860 Nancy A. Stephens 1850 A. L. 1850 A. T. W. 1830 Amos 1840 Amos 1850 Amos 1840 Benjamin births Carrie 1840 Daniel births Edward 1850 Eliza 1850 Esther 1895nws George 1830 Isa W. 1850 J. N. 1850 James 1860 James 1840 Jemima 1840 Jesse M. 1840 John 1877nws John 1877nws John F. 1850 Joseph dcerts Lena births Lida L. 1850 Lydda 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary E. births S.G.W. 1840 Samuel 1830 Thomas 1859nws Thomas E. deaths Thomas E. 1840 William Stephenson 1893nws D. S. 1876nws Ella 1850 James M 1850 Jane 1830 Joseph P. 1850 Mary Jane 1850 Richard 1862nws Richard 1850 Sarah P. dcerts Stillbo n. 1850 Thomas 1840 William 1850 William Stepheson 1860 Wm. Stephins 1860 Ida D. 1860 Mary 1860 W. J. 1860 William Steptoe dcerts Clarenc Sterell dcerts Juhn Sterent 1850 Jeanetta Sterling (coal) bank 1879nws --- Sterling coalway 1879nws --- Sterling mine 1879nws --- Sterrett phist Billy phist Harriet (Skinner) phist Lorain 1854nws W. S. Stetham 1920 Amanda E 1920 Audrey 1920 Emmitt E 1920 Ines 1920 John W 1920 Nellie J 1920 Walter 1920 William Stethen births Cindrella dcerts Walter Steve 1862nws Leonard Steven Family harris --- Steven 1850 Dorcus 1850 John 1844nws John 1850 William Stevens 1860 A. 1860 Aaron 1886nws Albert 1891nws Albert 1920 Alta births Alta May 1860 Amas 1867nws Amos 1878nws Amos phist Amos 1876nws Amos (Rev.) murray Aner 1850 Ann deaths Arthur M. 1850 Augustus 1893nws B. F. 1850 Barbara 1850 Bartlett 1860 Bartlett 1886nws Bartlett births Bartlett F. 1850 Beavleonois 1850 Benjamin deaths Benjamin marr Benjamin F. deaths Betsey births Caroline births Caroline E. 1920 Carrie births Carrie E. murray Carrie Mrs. 1850 Catharine 1893nws Celia births Charles C. births Charles E. 1860 Charles V. 1860 Clara 1920 Clara 1920 Clarence 1860 Curtha 1850 Cynthia 1897nws Daisy 1897nws Daisy A. 1860 Dollie 1850 Dolly births Dolly 1920 Don births Dora 1893nws E. 1860 Edward 1873nws Edward dcerts Edward marr Edward 1920 Eldora dcerts Eliza births Elizabeth births Ella births Elmer C. births Elmont 1879nws Emma C. births Emmes Clark 1860 Evin 1860 F. W. graybd F. W. deaths F.M. births Fern Carrie 1860 Fern Eliza births Flora M. murray Frank 1860 Frastan births Fred dcerts Freedom 1920 Fremont 1862nws G. 1860 Genetta 1850 Gennet 1850 George 1850 George 1860 George births George 1866nws George W. dcerts Gordon 1892nws Harriet births Harriett births Henry births Henry A. 1860 Henry B. births Homer Ernest 1860 I. T. 1850 Isabella 1877nws J. F. 1877nws J. F. 1893nws J. S. fair J. V. 1859nws J. V. 1867nws J. V. 1873nws J. V. 1876nws J. V. 1913nws James births James 1850 Jane 1860 Jane births Jas. Franklin 1866nws Jeannette 1830 Jemima 1850 Jemima dcerts Jennett 1820 Jesse 1892nws Jesse marr Jesse 1873nws Jesse V. dindx Jesse W. larkin Jesse W. 1881nws Jesse W. dindx Jesse. W. births Jessie wrdead Joal C. births Joel B. births Joel L. 1850 John 1860 John larkin John 1844nws John 1859nws John 1876nws John 1889nws John deaths John 1860 John A. larkin John F. larkin John F. phist John F. births John F. deaths John F. 1850 Jonathan 1860 Judson S. 1876nws L. D. 1889nws L. D. 1893nws L. D. 1854nws L. Ellen deaths L.D. births Lewis Elmont 1920 Lillian births Lima Viona 1892nws Louise dcerts Luella 1850 Lydda 1860 Lydia dcerts M 1860 M. phist M. E. B. births Mabel dcerts Mabel 1850 Malissa 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1860 Margaret A. births Marinda 1860 Marinda C. births Marinda J. 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1860 Mary dcerts Mary 1860 Mary A. 1850 Mary Ann births Mary Jane births Max Von 1860 Melissa 1850 Michael 1893nws Mose 1850 Moses 1850 Nancy larkin Nancy (Everton) dcerts Nelson births Nettie 1883nws Orrilla 1873nws Pamelia (Linton) 1883nws Pearl 1890nws Pearl 1860 Perly C. dcerts Peter 1850 Phoebe 1860 Polly P. 1850 Rabecca deaths Rhoda J. 1881nws Robert dcerts Robert deaths Robt. Herman 1926nws Rush cmarr Ruth E. 1877nws S. F. 1830 Samuel 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1877nws Samuel 1889nws Samuel 1860 Samuel G. 1850 Sarah births Sarah 1860 Sarah A. deaths Sarah A. 1860 Sherwood C. 1850 Sophia dcerts Stillbo n. 1998q Susan M. 1879nws T. E. 1881nws T. E. 1890nws Thomas births Thomas 1877nws Thomas E. 1877nws Thomas E. 1850 Tristam marr Tristian P. deaths Tristram P. 1881nws Trustam P. 1881nws Trustam P. 1850 Uriah 1860 Uriah 1893nws V. F. 1893nws Viola births Viola murray Viola Braley 1860 Viola I. 1878nws W. H. 1893nws W. H. 1867nws W. W. 1820 William 1830 William 1850 William 1850 William 1850 William 1860 William harris William 1819tx William 1855nws William 1885nws William 1886nws William 1897nws William 1860 William I. births William J. 1859nws William Jr. deaths Wilson A. 1860 Wm W. dindx Wm. births Wm. Henry births Wm. J. Stevenson births -------- 1881nws A. O. 1860 Adeline 1860 Ami 1860 Ann 1860 Anna 1860 Barbara 1873nws Catherine 1893nws D. D. 1893nws D. S. 1893nws D. S. 1893nws Dave S. 1860 Elizabeth 1860 F. 1860 George B. 1860 Isabella 1892nws J. P. 1892nws J. P. 1820 J.P. 1860 James dindx Jas. P. births Jennie 1860 John 1860 John dcerts John 1860 John C. 1892nws Joseph P. 1860 Manerva 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary 1860 Mary A. 1860 Mary E. 1998q Meary (Phelps) 1881nws Mrs. 1860 R. 1860 Robt 1860 Rosana V. 1999q Sarah 1860 Sarah 1861nws Sarah P. (Heritage) 1856nws T. births Thatios P. 1860 Thomas 1862nws Thomas births Thomas 1860 Thos W. 1860 William J. Steves 1873nws J. V. Stevfns dcerts Emna Stevick 1904nws Harvey N. 1904nws Raymond A. Stevins 1850 Caroline dcerts Elyoici 1850 Joel 1850 Martha 1850 Rhoda 1850 Thomas Steward 1920 Amanda M 1860 Catharine 1860 Charles births Charles 1920 Charles F births Chas. dcerts George murray Guy mutchl Hattie Jane 1920 Hildred G 1920 Howard 1860 James murray James 1860 Jane 1860 John 1875nws Josiah dcerts Josiah 1920 Lydia M 1860 Margaret 1893nws Marie dcerts Mary 1920 Mildred V 1860 Rachael 1920 Ruth H 1876nws S. A. births Sarah May g1820 Stephen 1860 Thomas 1860 Watson births Wm. Stewart & Hawk 1883nws --- Stewart & Son. 1901nws --- Stewart family 1893nws --- Stewart 1850 *. E. 1844nws A. J. 1876nws A. T. births A.A. 1860 Adalaide 1903nws Albert 1999q Alexander g1820 Alexander harris Alexander 1850 Almira 1850 Ann dcerts Anna 1860 Arnetta births Benjamin B. dcerts Bessie 1850 Betsey 1879nws Betsey dcerts Carl 1893nws Carrie 1889nws Carrie M. 1860 Catherine harris Charles 1897nws Charles 1860 Charles W. 1860 Charls wrdead Christopher phist Clara M. (Davis) phist Clara Pauline (Ervin) 1893nws Clarence births Clarinda 1860 Cristopher harris Dan 1840 Daniel harris Daniel 1820 David 1850 David 1860 David larkin David 1876nws David phist David 1850 Deborah phist Dorothy births Dwight 1860 Edward M. 1860 Eliza 1860 Eliza J. 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1900nws Elizabeth 1860 Elza A. 1920 Ethel 1920 Evelyn L. harris Ezra 1920 Frank dcerts Geneva 1860 George 1893nws Guy 1893nws Guy 1893nws Guy 1897nws Guy 1850 Harriet 1860 Harriet 1893nws Harry 1893nws Harry 1840 Harvey 1850 Harvey 1860 Harvey births Harvey T. harris Hebert F. 1876nws Henrietta 1850 Horace 1860 Hulda 1860 Ida M. 1860 Isaac W. 1860 Isabella 1867nws J. A. 1893nws J. G. 1893nws J. G. 1893nws J. G. larkin J. H. graybd J. H. 1877nws J. P. phist Jack W. 1830 James 1860 James 1860 James 1844nws James 1859nws James 1876nws James 1893nws James 1895nws James 1860 James A. 1860 James D. 1850 James H. 1879nws James H. 1879nws James Harvey 1840 James K. 1903nws James K. dcerts Jennie harris Jim 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John 1893nws John 1893nws John J. 1850 John S. 1860 John W. 1840 Joseph 1850 Joseph 1892nws Joseph E. 1850 Josephine 1850 Josiah 1860 Josiah 1895nws Josiah births Josiah Guy 1860 Julia 1850 Julia A. 1999q Louisa C. (Mallet) 1860 Lowry J. harris Lucinda 1860 M. 1897nws M. A. phist M. A. 1850 M. L. 1850 M. T. harris M.B. births M.M. 1850 Margaret 1889nws Margaret phist Margaret 1850 Martha 1860 Martha 1860 Martha 1860 Martha 1850 Martin 1860 Marvin 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1900nws Mary M. 1998q Mary N. births Mary N. 1860 May M. 1893nws Misses 1850 N. 1850 Narcissas 1893nws Nellie 1893nws Nellie 1860 Nelson 1862nws Nelson 1867nws Nelson births No name phist O. H. 1860 Oscar 1850 Oscar W. 1879nws Parmelia 1820 Paul 1860 R. 1893nws R. C. 1893nws R. L. births R.C. 1850 Richard births Richard 1860 Robert dcerts Robert harris Samantha 1860 Sampson 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1897nws Seneca phist Seneca 1887nws Sid births Sid A. 1850 Sidney A. 1897nws Sidney A. 1900nws Sidney A. 1860 Simeon g1820 Stephen dcerts Stillbo 1860 Susann 1851nws Susanna 1850 Susannah dcerts Sylvia 1860 Thomas 1903nws undertaker, --- 1921nws Vance 1920 Victor E 1860 W. 1867nws W. 1897nws W. J. 1893nws W. P. 1893nws W. P. 1850 Walter S. 1879nws Warner &, --- 1879nws Warner &, --- 1881nws Warner &, --- 1889nws Will 1897nws Will 1850 William 1850 William 1860 William 1860 William harris William 1879nws William 1879nws William H. 1860 Wm. H. Stewawo dcerts Mary Stfiiart dcerts Rorfki Stfwart dcerts Archie Stickleman 1830 George marr John Stickney 1850 Chloe 1850 Daniel 1850 Eliza 1850 Jane 1830 Nathaniel 1840 Nathaniel 1867nws Nathaniel H. 1850 Olive births Olive 1850 Zeneth Stidger 1850 Adelaide 1850 Geo W. 1850 Lucinda 1850 Nancy 1850 Rollin R. marr Rowland R. Stidgers 1999q Elizabeth (Carpenter) Stieff's saloon 1877nws --- Stieff 1877nws Conrad Stiel dcerts Henry Stiers harris Art harris Captain harris Homer harris Stephen harris Vernon Stiewart dcerts Manjori Stifel dcerts John Stiff family 2000q Stiff family Stiff 1860 Allen births Allen dcerts Allen 1860 Edwin 1850 Emma 1850 Ira 1850 John dcerts Lillie dcerts Margare 1860 Mary 1850 Mary Ann births Sarah deaths Sarah 1850 William Stiffler 1920 Albert F 1920 Albert F Jr. 1920 Elizabeth 1920 Naomi R Stifnmft dcerts Adam Stifrs dcerts Cecil Stiger births George births John M. Stiler dcerts Elizabe h. Stiles family 2001q Stiles family Stiles 1850 * 1850 Aaron 1850 Aaron marr Aaron deaths Alice 1850 Alles 1860 Allis 1860 Allis M. births Alonzo 1920 Alvin 1840 Asahael 1830 Asahel dcerts Asahel births Aschel 1860 Asel 1850 Ashel 1850 Austin 1886nws Austin 1886nws Austin 1886nws Austin 1877nws Azom marr Azron 1860 B. births Barry 1860 E****sine births Elias 1850 Elzina 1840 Enos 1893nws George Perry births George R. deaths Hannah deaths Harlie H. 1850 Harriet 1850 Harriet 1860 Harriet births Harriett 1860 Harriott 1850 Harris 1887nws Hattie 1889nws Hattie births Homer S. births Ida Rose 1850 Ira 1860 Ira births Ira P. 1850 Isa births Iver D. 1850 James births James dcerts James 1860 James W. marr James W. 1850 Jarred 1860 Jason 1850 Jefferson 1920 Jennie 1889nws Jennie births Jessie E. 1850 John 1860 John 1912nws John births John 1860 John O. 1920 John W 1886nws K. B. 1840 Kenny 1851nws Laura A. marr Lebeder births Lela R. births Lewis births Lucinda 1850 Maria 1860 Mary dcerts Mary 1904nws P. V. births Pearl 1904nws Pearl Stanley 1903nws Pearl V. 1889nws Perry births Purlie 1860 Rebeca deaths Rebecca births Samantha J. 1860 Sarah dcerts Sarah 1850 Sarah Ann births Sarah Elizabet 1903nws Sarah Jane births Selim 1860 Sith dcerts Stillao dcerts Stillbo 1850 Susan 1860 Susan 1893nws T. B. births Theordore 1850 Thomas 1850 Timothy 1859nws Timothy 1876nws Timothy marr Timothy B. 1893nws Verna births Vernie May 1850 William 1860 Z. 1867nws Z. G. 1850 Zebider? Still*** 1850 Nancy Still dcerts Still dcerts Anoihew 1850 Barbary 1850 Catharine 1860 Charlotte 1850 David wrdead Davis 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1850 Enoch dcerts Evaline 1860 Harvey 1850 Henry dcerts Henry 1895nws Jackson 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1859nws John dcerts John 1860 John J. 1860 Joseph 1893nws Joseph 1850 Joshua dcerts Marria 1893nws Pearl 1897nws R. R. dcerts Raleigh Stillwagner 1920 Anna L 1920 Charles 1920 Clarence 1920 Elizabeth 1920 Helen S 1920 Herbert 1920 John dcerts John 1920 John A 1920 Mabel A 1920 Myrtle B 1920 Sybil M 1920 William H Stillwell larkin ---- Stimble 1904nws James Roy 1904nws Otis Stimmel dcerts Paul Stimson & Parker 1854nws --- Stinchcomb harris J.W. Stinemetz dcerts Violet Sting murray Glenn Stingy Creek 1893nws --- Stipheit dcerts Baraia Stires dcerts James Stirkleman 1840 John Stitt 1920 Anna 1920 Bessie 1920 Charles 1920 Elva dcerts Grace 1920 Jessie 1920 Margaret 1920 Marrita? 1920 Renia Stitts 1850 Doratha 1850 Isaac 1850 Susannah 1850 William Stiver's building 1854nws --- Stiver 1876nws B. F. 1873nws T. Stanly Stivers 1850 Aaron larkin Aaron larkin Aaron larkin Aaron larkin Aaron larkin Aaron 1856nws Aaron 1859nws Aaron 1862nws Aaron 1868nws Aaron 1902nws Aaron 1850 Adelia 1860 Arthur 1850 B. F. 1860 B. F. larkin B. F. 1877nws B. F. 1877nws B. F. 1840 Benjamin 1850 Benjamin 1855nws Benjamin 1855nws Benjamin 1850 C. E. 1850 C. G. 1881nws Camie 1850 Caroline 1850 Caroline 1860 Caroline 1871nws Caroline 1879nws Caroline 1881nws Caroline 1860 Caroline F. 1860 Catharine 1891nws Catharine (Shiveler) 1860 Charles E. 1897nws Charles E. 1850 Cloe 1850 Cyrene 1850 Daniel 1850 Daniel 1850 Deidama 1854nws Diadania 1850 Eben 1850 Edward 1850 Edward 1860 Edwin 1859nws Edwin 1891nws Edwin dcerts Edwin 1850 Eliot 1860 Elisa H. 1850 Eliza larkin Eliza (Brine) 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Ellen 1850 Eurena 1850 F. W. 1860 Flora 1860 Francis 1860 G. 1840 George 1850 George 1850 George wrdead George 1902nws George 1860 Gilbert C. 1850 Harriett 1850 Henry 1871nws Henry 1850 Henry Clay 1850 James 1850 James 1851nws James 1859nws James M. 1897nws Jeanette J. 1850 Jemima 1840 John 1860 John 1860 John 1855nws John dcerts John 1850 Julia 1860 Julia 1850 Julia C. 1897nws L. S. 1850 Lymon 1860 Martha 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary E. 1891nws Michael 1850 Morison 1860 Morrison 1850 Nancy W. 1860 Nancy W. 1850 Norman 1850 Oliver 1819tx Peter 1860 Pheba 1850 Philena 1850 Phoebe 1860 R. dindx R. phist Ralston and 1830 Randal dindx Randal 1854nws Randal 1892nws Randal 1892nws Randal 1892nws Randal 1892nws Randal 1892nws Randal phist Randal 1820 Randall 1850 Randall larkin Randall larkin Randall 1854nws Randall 1856nws Randall 1875nws Randall 1892nws Randall phist Randall 1840 Randel 1840 Robert 1850 Robert larkin Sally larkin Sophrina 1850 Sophronia 1860 Sophronia 1902nws Squire 1860 Stanley 1850 Susan 1850 T. S. 1850 Thomas 1850 Thomas 1850 Urania 1860 Urania 1879nws Urania 1881nws Urania 1881nws Urania 1902nws Urania 1871nws Uranie 1850 W. 1860 W. larkin W. 1844nws W. 1855nws W. 1850 W. R. 1860 Waldo 1878nws Walter 1860 Warren E. 1844nws Washington 1854nws Washington 1861nws Washington 1873nws Washington 1879nws Washington phist Washington 1840 Washinton 1891nws Will 1850 William 1850 William 1860 William 1860 William W. Stiverson 1893nws J. W. (Rev.) Stiveson 1883nws A. O. 1897nws Jimmie Stobart family 1999q Stobart family Stobart farm 1889nws --- Stobart 1893nws Alban J. 1920 Arthur H 1920 Auther George 1920 Bessie 1920 Catherine E 1920 Charles G 1920 Charlie 1916nws Dana dcerts Dana 1920 Darlene 1900nws Doctor 1920 Donald 1897nws Dr. 1897nws Dr. 1897nws Dr. 1897nws Dr. 1900nws Dr. births Eliza 1886nws Eliza (Hartley) 1999q Eliza Ann (Hartley) 1920 Elizabeth births Elizabeth 1999q Elizabeth (Wilson) 1897nws Fanny (Petrel) 1920 Fay 1916nws Floyd dcerts Grace 1920 Harry 1920 Harry C 1905nws Harry C. 1908nws Henry 1920 Herbert W 1920 Herbert W Jr. 1920 Ida M 1999q Ida Maude (Sayre) 1920 Isabel 1920 James 1920 James 1999q James R. 1916nws James R. dcerts Jane 1920 Jessie M 1999q John 1889nws John 1889nws John 1909nws John dcerts John 1920 John R. 1999q John Robert 1920 John W. 1897nws Kate (Petrel) 1920 Kathleen M 1920 Lenora T 1920 Lewis G 1893nws Lizzie A. 1920 Louise 1889nws M. K. 1999q Margaret (Hartley) 1916nws Margaret (Hartley) 1920 Maria A 1920 Maria A 1920 Mary 1862nws R. 1889nws R. E. 1897nws R. E. 1897nws R. E. (Dr.) 1920 Raymond 1999q Robert 1920 Robert 1920 Robert 1887nws Robert 1889nws Robert 1899nws Robert 1916nws Robert births Robert 1897nws Robert R. 1999q Sarah Isabel (Weaver) 1910nws Sidney 1920 Thomas 1893nws Thomas 1899nws Thomas 1916nws Thomas 1999q Thomas Philson 1920 Ula 1862nws W. 1886nws W. W. 1893nws W. W. 1905nws Walter 1889nws Warren births Warren L. 1920 Wilbur W. 1908nws Will 1920 Will T 1887nws William Stobbs births Cuthbert births Hugh Stobert family 2000q Stobert family Stobert 1891 Henry 2000q John 1882nws John 1887nws John 1889nws John 1910nws John dcerts Katy 1867nws Mr. 1887nws Mr. 2000q Wilbur Stockton dcerts Rianche Stodard 1860 Alonzo N. 1860 Eliza 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Emma 1860 H. W. 1860 Warren Stofiert dcerts Mria Stogart dcerts Henry Stoiaist dcerts Maprin Stoiart dcerts Alice Stoirt 1854nws John Stoker dcerts Lucinda Stoley 1876nws Ben Stonden murray Lulu A. Stone 1850 Amanda 1850 Charles births Clara A. births Delbert Harley 1881nws Dr. 1882nws Dr. 1882nws Dr. dcerts E dcerts Earnest marr Edwin P. 1850 Emily 1892nws Erastus 1830 Ethel 1850 Ethel dindx Ethel 1879nws Hattie 1840 Henry 1855nws Henry births Henry Sardine 1893nws Hollie 1850 Huldy 1893nws J. P. 1879nws J. S. (Dr.) 1897nws Jacob 1850 James g1820 James 1850 John 1860 John births John dcerts John births John W. 1903nws Joseph phist Joseph births Joseph P. 1903nws Lillian Ruth births Maude 1893nws Maudie 1850 Melvina 1877nws Mollie larkin Mr. 1897nws Nick (Capt.) larkin Polly (Everton) larkin Polly (Smith) wrdead Presley 1860 R. 1876nws Richard 1840 Samuel g1820 Samuel 1850 Sarah dcerts Sarah 1893nws W. W. 1893nws W. W. births Wesley births William W. Stonea dcerts Iiavid Stoots births Rebecca Storer/Stover? 1920 Asberry 1920 Bertie 1920 Clara B 1920 Francis 1920 Harry W 1920 Howard D Storey dcerts Celinda dcerts Emerson marr Ira Storkey 1860 Ann M. 1860 Charles C. 1860 D. R. 1860 Martha Storr 1850 Henry Story Run Bridge 1893nws --- Story phist ----- 1850 A**** 1850 Adoniman dcerts Alden 1910nws Alma 1850 Byron harris Byron 1897nws Byron 1910nws Byron (Mrs.) (Conant) 1910nws C. E. 1911nws Catherine (Beaty) 1881nws Charles dcerts Clarenc 1850 Clarissa 1850 Daniel 1850 David 1881nws David 1901nws David 1881nws Desta May 1911nws Desty 1889nws E. M. 1860 E. W. 1850 Edward 1850 Elias graybd Elias 1897nws Elias 1897nws Elias 1911nws Elias 1850 Eliza 1860 G. W. 1860 H. R. 1850 Hannah 1910nws Hannah 1850 Harvey 1860 Ida D. 1840 Ira 1850 Ira harris Ira 1850 Isa phist Jabin Jr. phist Jabin Sr. 1922nws Jewell 1840 Job 1850 Job 1879nws Job 1820 John 1830 JOhn 1840 John 1850 John dindx John graybd John 1819tx John 1851nws John 1892nws John 1892nws John 1893nws John phist John Sr. 1850 Joseph 1850 Lorain 1850 Lucetta 1860 Lucinda 1867nws Lucinda 1850 Lucy 1881nws Lucy 1901nws Lucy 1911nws Lucy (Carper) 1840 Lyman 1850 Martha 1860 Mary E. 1881nws Mary Louisa 1850 Melvina 1910nws Myrtle 1850 Nelson harris Nelson 1897nws Nelson 1850 Niba 1911nws Nora 1850 Olden 1850 Osker dcerts Paul 1893nws R. S. 1867nws Ruhamy 1850 Ruth 1885nws Samaria 4thInf Samuel 1850 Sarah 1901nws Seldon dcerts Seldon 1860 Sharlotte L. 1850 Silestine 1892nws Sophronia 1850 Virginia 1910nws W. C. 1910nws W. D. 1850 William 1889nws Ziba Stotts dcerts Allen Stout cemetery 1894nws --- Stout Family harris --- STOUT family 1902nws --- Stout fair A. 1850 Aaron graybd Aaron 1879nws Aaron phist Aaron 1830 Abner 1840 Abner 1850 Abner 1850 Abner 1860 Abner 1920 Abner dindx Abner larkin Abner larkin Abner hrdsty Abner 1855nws Abner 1875nws Abner 1875nws Abner 1892nws Abner 1892nws Abner marr Abner hrdsty Abner C. 1860 Albanas 1860 Alexander hrdsty Alice M. 1920 Alma L 1920 Anna H hrdsty Anna H. 1850 Arthur births Arthur 1844nws B. 1893nws B. dcerts Bata 1920 Bata? 1917nws Ben dindx Benj. 1820 Benjamin 1840 Benjamin 1850 Benjamin larkin Benjamin larkin Benjamin larkin Benjamin larkin Benjamin larkin Benjamin 1819tx Benjamin 1868nws Benjamin 1876nws Benjamin 1889nws Benjamin 1892nws Benjamin 1892nws Benjamin 1895nws Benjamin phist Benjamin 1850 Caroline 1850 Caroline 1860 Caroline 1920 Carrie B 1892nws Charles 1897nws Commissioner murray Dal murray Dal murray Dallas B. 1920 Editha H 1850 Edson 1850 Edwin 1860 Edwin phist Edwin Parker hrdsty Elbert S. 1850 Elihew 1860 Elihu hrdsty Eliza (Bussard) 1860 Eliza A. 1830 Elizabeth 1840 Elizabeth 1920 Elizabeth dcerts Elizage hrdsty Elmer M. murray Emma Mrs. 1881nws Emmet D. 1920 Ethel 1920 Ethel E 1893nws Eva S. hrdsty Fannie 1860 Franklin 1820 George 1850 George 1860 George hrdsty George 1875nws George pmry88 George B. 1876nws George H. hrdsty George P. pmry88 George P. 1884nws George P. 1886nws George P. 1887nws George P. 1889nws George P. 1890nws George P. 1920 Gustine S hrdsty Gustine S. 1920 Hannah hrdsty Hannah (Gilbreth) dcerts Hannal 1920 Harley R dcerts Harriet 1920 Harriet J 1881nws Herbert 1920 Howard births Ira Curtis dcerts Isaac fair J. P. 1850 Jefferson 1850 John 1850 John graybd John 1844nws John 1844nws John 1892nws John B. 1840 John P. 1860 John P. 1878nws John P. 1893nws John P. 1860 John R. 1820 Joseph 1830 Joseph 1819tx Joseph births Lalia May 1850 Levi hrdsty Linnie M. 1860 Louisa 1860 Louisa larkin Lovina 1893nws Lovina 1850 Lucinda 1850 Lucinda larkin Lucinda 1850 Lycurgus 1860 Lycurgus 1897nws M. 1920 Mae B wrdead Marcellus 1909nws Margretta 1850 Maria 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary larkin Mary (Stedman) larkin Mary (Stedman) 1850 Milton 1860 Milton N. 1850 Miron 1860 Myron hrdsty Myron S. 1850 Nancy 1893nws Nancy hrdsty Nettie 1850 Newton 1850 Noah 1860 Noah harris Noah 1883nws Noah 1886nws Noah 1904nws Noah dcerts Noah 1920 Norton F 1920 Orville G 1850 Polly hrdsty Polly (Steadman) 1830 Pollyann 1860 Robert 1897nws S. C. graybd S. E. 1850 Samaria 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1905nws Sarah 1860 Sarah A. 1850 Spencer 1860 Spencer 1876nws Spencer hrdsty Spencer E. phist Spencer E. 1850 Stoddard 1897nws W. O. 1897nws W. S. 1909nws Walter phist Wilbur 1850 William 1860 William B. 1920 William L 1850 Winfield 1850 Zilpha births Zilphy S. Stover dcerts Russell Stow Family harris --- Stow farm larkin --- Stow births Addie E. births Bessie Lily 1860 Catharine 1850 Charles 1850 David larkin Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Emma 1840 Erastus 1850 Erastus larkin Erastus larkin Erastus larkin Erastus 1819tx Erastus 1876nws Erastus 1876nws Erastus 1881nws Erastus Sr. larkin Euretta 1882nws Euritta births Francis M. 1860 Isaac 1850 James births James marr James larkin James Smith 1850 Jane larkin Jane (Smith) 1840 John larkin John 1850 John O. 1850 Lucreta larkin Lucretia (Whaley) 1860 Margaret larkin Mary 1860 Mary M. births Myrta Merinda 1860 Nick 1850 Rolando 1850 Rowena E. 1860 Samuel births Sardine dcerts Stillbo Stowe 1920 ?Jellta M births Addie S. 1920 Clara 1920 Eber M 1820 Erastus larkin Euretta 1920 Francis 1920 Francis M 1920 Harold births Howard H. 1820 James 1895nws James 1871nws Jane 1920 Jessie L 1920 Kenneth dcerts Margare 1920 Nicholas 1850 Orlando 1892nws Polly 1850 Roena 1893nws S. S. 1920 Sadie M births Sardine Stowell 1892nws Sarah Strail g1820 John Strait 1904nws Ernest Clayton births Ernest Clayton 1904nws J. J. births J.J. Strasbaugh murray nfn Strasburg births John Emory Stratton harris Henry births Norma births William 1877nws Willis 1881nws Willis Straus 1889nws George 1889nws George Strausbaugh births Almon 1920 Belle 1920 Charley F 1920 Cora 1920 Edith 1920 George W births Joseph births Lena May births Lenora dcerts Nellie 1876nws P. (Jr.) murray William Guy Strausburg larkin Betsy Strauss births Strauss 1871nws Mary dcerts Minnie births Phillip dcerts Valenti Strawl 1860 Adam Strec 1860 Katherine Street 1860 Albert 1860 Anna 1860 Enos 1860 Francis 1860 Martha g1820 Samuel Street? g1820 Elisha Streets 1876nws Henry Streicher harris Misses Stribling 1861nws R. M. Strider 1860 Cornelia 1850 E. H. 1850 E. T. 1860 Elenora 1860 Elizabeth 1850 Elnora 1850 Hickman 1850 J. M. 1860 J. M. 1881nws J. M. 1860 John M. graybd John M. 1851nws John M. 1855nws John M. 1856nws John M. 1862nws John M. 1876nws John M. 1883nws John M. 1850 M. W. 1850 Margaret 1879nws Margaret Elizabeth 1860 Mary E. 1860 Mary W. graybd Tiffin Striley 1860 Catharine 1860 Jacob Strodder births Alfred births Emma Stroghmeyer 1887nws Philip Strohmeir 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Mary 1860 Mary A. 1860 Phebe 1860 W. F. Strohmever dcerts Carlin Strohmeyer births Anna M. births Charles A. births Clara Bell 1899nws Fred C. 1899nws Fred G. dcerts Fredric births Henry births Maud Ann births P.P. births Philip A. 1876nws Phoebe 1901nws W. F. 1899nws Zelda Stromire 1850 Catharine 1860 Donty 1850 Dorothy 1850 Frederick 1860 G. 1850 Godlieb 1850 Henry 1850 Mary 1850 Sophia 1850 William Strong 1850 "John, Jr." 1840 A. Rapon 1850 Alemina g1820 Alfred 1920 Alma B 1850 Anna 1850 Annes 1856nws Augusta (Merrill) 1850 Augustus 1920 Auta 1906nws Benton 1850 Betsey 1850 Cashen 1850 Cassin 1879nws Casson 1897nws Clara M. 1921nws Clarabel harris Clarabelle 1850 Clarrissa murray Cush 1820 Daniel 1830 Daniel 1840 Daniel 1850 Daniel dindx Daniel larkin Daniel 1819tx Daniel 1920 Dorcas E 1920 Earl H 1920 Edith E 1820 Elijah 1830 Elijah dindx Elijah 1819tx Elijah 1897nws Eliza dcerts Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1892nws Elizabeth 1904nws Elizabeth (Ewing) 1860 Elizabeth J. 1820 Elizias 1850 Ellen 1883nws Elza 1920 Emma murray Emma (Holliday) dcerts Emoline 1879nws Esquire murray Eva 1920 Evaline 1873nws Fannie 1889nws Fanny 1889nws Finney 1850 Finny 1920 Flora 1850 Francis 1920 Frank 1850 George murray George 1920 George S murray Glen births Glen 1920 Glenn murray Glenn 1904nws Glenn 1890nws Horace dcerts Horace 1830 Horatio larkin Horatio larkin Horatio larkin Horatio larkin Horatio larkin Horatio 1904nws Horatio B. 1850 Hortence 1877nws J. H. 1850 J. S. births J.P. 1840 James M. larkin Jared larkin Jared harris Jared phist Jared dindx Jno. S. harris Job murray Job P. phist Job P. 1820 John 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 1920 John harris John 1819tx John 1892nws John 1840 John G. 1830 John S. 1860 John S. 1876nws John S. 1850 Joseph murray Joseph 1904nws Joseph Jehiel 1904nws Laing Job 1920 Lang 1876nws Lizzie 1850 Lucina 1850 Lucinda dcerts Lucreti 1920 Lucretia 1850 Lucy 1850 Lydia 1892nws Lydia 1920 Mary 1873nws Mittie 1920 Murl 1840 Nancy 1850 Nancy dindx O. harris Orasha 1819tx Orasha phist Orasha 1904nws Osias G. 1830 Oziah 1840 Ozias 1819tx Ozias 1892nws Ozias 1892nws Ozias 1892nws Ozias 1893nws Ozias phist Ozias 1850 Ozoas 1850 P* 1920 Pauline M murray Pede larkin Polly (Parker) 1850 Prudentice? 1850 Rabecca 1830 Rasson 1850 Rebecca 1920 Rufus O 1892nws Salmon 1904nws Sarah 1998q Sarah/Sally 1920 Shirley 1820 Silas 1830 Silas 1840 Silas 1850 Silas harris Silas 1819tx Silas 1851nws Silas 1856nws Silas 1856nws Silas 1879nws Silas 1840 Solomon 1850 Solomon 1850 Sophia 1892nws Sophia 1904nws Sophia 1860 Sophronia 1820 Stephen 1830 Stephen dindx Stephen larkin Stephen larkin Stephen harris Stephen 1819tx Stephen phist Stephen 1850 Tailor 1850 Waldo 1854nws Waldo K. fair Waldo R. 1850 Willard 1873nws Willard 1850 William Stroud 1850 Elizabeth A. 1820 John 1830 John 1840 John 1819tx John 1893nws John 1850 Matilda 1850 Pamelia A. 1850 Wesley Strowbaugh births Caroline Strusburg births Joseph Stuart 1819tx David 1819tx Ephraim g1820 James dcerts Odassah 1819tx Paul Stubbs marr Cuthbert Stubert dcerts Margare Stuckey family 2001q Stuckey family Stuckey dcerts Thouwas g1820 Wm Stukesbury 1850 Bradbury 1850 Daniel 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Hannah 1850 Harvey 1850 James 1850 Jane 1850 Martha 1850 Micajah 1850 Sarah 1850 Thomas Stul 1860 Harvey 1860 Jane 1860 John 1860 Mary H. 1860 Melissa Sturgeon cmarr Elizabeth Sturm 1893nws D. C. 1893nws Emma (Christy) Stutler g1820 Wm Stvafieo dcerts Claaa Stwink dcerts John Styers 1998q Charity Elizabeth (Cuckler Farley) Styger 1860 Clara E. 1860 Emily L. 1860 Geo 1860 Herman P. Styles marr Ira P. dcerts Mary 1875nws Mrs. dcerts Perry 1881nws Sarah dcerts William Sucttiff 1850 Margaret 1850 Ralph Suddeth 1893nws Ellsworth 1893nws Ethel 1860 Martha 1860 W. Suddock 2000q George 2000q Hannah (Loudon) Sudduth 1840 John Sudron 2000q Elizabeth 2003q Elizabeth Sugar Run flour mill 1901nws --- Sugar Run Salt company 1877nws --- Sugar Run salt furnace 1890nws --- Sugar Run Salt Furnace 1878nws --- Sugar Run Salt Works 1855nws --- Sugar Run school house 1893nws --- Sugar Run schools 1879nws --- Sugget 1854nws George Suire 1893nws Frank O. Suit 1887nws J. J. M. Suitt 1876nws Prof. Sullivan 1860 Abner 1871nws Anna Nora phist Billy 1889nws D. M. dcerts Daniel 1860 Elizabeth dcerts Frank 1999q Jeremiah marr Jeremiah 1860 John C. 1860 Lewis M. 1999q Mary (Sayre) 1860 Pheby M. 1860 Raichal 1850 Sam'l wrdead Samuel 1860 Samuel R. 1860 T. 1830 Thomas 1840 Thomas 1892nws Thomas marr Thomas 1876nws Tim 1871nws Timothy 1877nws Timothy 1878nws Timothy 1860 W. 1850 William 1860 William L. Summerfield 1920 Buel 1920 Charles 1920 Cordelia 1920 Daniel 1920 Day 1920 Earl R 1920 Edna 1920 Elkenah 1920 Eva J 1920 Irene 1920 Locia 1920 Malissa A 1920 Mildred 1920 Wilma Summers graybd F. E. 1897nws Frank (Capt.) phist Franklin E. 1889nws H. C. 1897nws James (Capt.) Summerville dcerts Emma Sumner harris Charles Sumpter 1999q Elizabeth Ann 1999q Elizabeth J. 1999q Ella 1999q George Sumy? g1820 Samuel Sunmmecfiel dcerts Elkansh Suratt 1854nws Wiley Surface dcerts Blanch Surlock? g1820 Hugh Surt dcerts Lewis Surtee marr James Surtees 1876nws James 1881nws T. 1862nws Thomas 1868nws Thomas 1883nws Tom 1850 William 1851nws William Surtus 1860 George W. 1860 Margaret 1860 Montgomery 1860 R. 1860 Thomas J. Sutcliff 1860 Philip 1860 Sarah 1860 T. 1860 Timothy Sutcliffe 1893nws Augusta Mack 1881nws Flora (Carr) 1893nws Gus M. 1881nws T. D. Sutdliffe 1893nws Gus. J. Sutevin 1860 Henry Suthard 1850 Caroline 1850 Jackson 1850 John 1850 Mary 1850 William Sutherin g1820 Thomas Sutherland 1850 Sutherland 1850 David 1850 Jane 1850 Mary J. Sutley 1850 Elizabeth 1851nws J. R. 1850 John R. 1850 Sarah Sutliff 1860 J. H. 1860 Martha Sutphin 1920 Charles 1920 Frank dcerts John 1920 John H 1920 Roxie dcerts Roxie Suttey 1866nws John Suttle dcerts Benjami Sutton Chapel 1877nws --- Sutton Salt Works 1879nws --- Sutton Salts works 1879nws --- Sutton 1850 Adeline 1893nws Celia dcerts Felix dcerts Flocenc harris Grover 1860 H. 1999q Hannah C. dcerts James 1860 John wrdead John P. 2001q Leonard L. 2001q Magdalena (Reed) 1850 Mary J. larkin Mr. 1850 Robert 1850 Samuel 1850 Susannah Swage 1860 Eliazabeth 1860 Elizabeth I. 1860 Emma M. 1860 Jacob 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary Ann Swager 1850 Elizabeth births Elizabeth J. 1850 Jacob births Jacob Russell 1860 James 1860 James marr James births Jno. births Jno. Swagger births Sarah Swagman 1860 Anna 1860 George 1860 H. 1860 Henrietta 1860 James 1860 Martha 1860 Mary C. Swain 1920 Amanda 1920 Bessie 1920 Desmond/Derwood 1920 Dora 1920 Everett 1920 Floyd dcerts Garnet 1920 Henry B 1920 illegible female 1920 Mary dcerts Mary 1920 Nelson dcerts Newman marr Newman 1920 Newman Jr. 1920 Newman Sr g1820 Samuel 1867nws Thomas 1920 Tressie A 1920 William Swains? 1920 ? R 1920 Flossie B 1920 Nora Swallow Family harris --- Swallow 1860 A. E. 1860 Anderson 1860 Caroline 1904nws Carolyne 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine 1893nws Clint. 1889nws Clinton 1862nws Eiselstein &, --- dcerts Ella 1897nws Ella (Petrel) 1904nws G. A. 1850 H. H. 1860 H. H. 1854nws H. H. 1862nws H. H. 1868nws H. H. 1873nws H. H. 1886nws H. H. 1893nws H. H. 1860 Hiram phist Hiram H. 1860 Ida 1840 John M. 1850 Martha 1860 Martha 1897nws Martha 1860 Mary 1876nws Mattie 1850 W. M. 1854nws W. M. 1875nws W. M. 1875nws W. M. 1876nws W. M. 1876nws W. M. 1876nws W. M. 1889nws W. M. 1893nws W. M. 1893nws W. M. 1893nws W. M. 1893nws W. M. 1901nws W. M. 1861nws William M. 1860 Wm. Swan births Swan 1893nws A. F. 1921nws A. F. phist A. F. 1920 A. Fred 1860 A. W. 1883nws A. W. births A.A. births A.F. births A.W. births Ada Emma 1920 Adra phist Alexander 1920 Alma 1860 Alpheus 1860 Anna 1920 Anna B 1920 Bertha phist Bertha births Bertha M. murray Bill births C.E. births Charles 1860 Charles E. births Charlotta 1860 Charlotte births Charlotte births Charlotte Mae phist Clara births Clara births Clark 1920 Cora 1920 Dale W? wrdead David M. phist David M. 1893nws Dr. phist Edgar W. phist Effie 1920 Effie E births Effie Ella 1860 Eliza phist Eliza phist Ella births Ella M. 1893nws Ellam M. 1920 Emma A births Emory E. 1920 Ethel M births Etta births Ettie 1860 Eva births Eva births Fannie 1920 Fanny M births Florida phist H. A. 1860 H. B. 1920 Harry phist Harry births Harry phist Hattie births Hattie 1920 Hazel births Henry B. 1920 Henry/Harry C 1860 Horace 1890nws Horace phist Horace births Horace births Horace A. births J.C. 1860 James phist James C. 1920 Jesse births Jesse Fedric births Jesse George births Jessie 1840 John E. marr John E. births Josiah 1920 Josie C births Katie May births L. P. 1873nws L. R. births L.H. births L.R. 1920 Laura B. 1920 Leona M. 1920 Leota F 1860 Levi phist Levi births Levi H. 1893nws Linnie phist Linnie 1920 Linnie B births Linnie Bell 1893nws Lizzie births Llanza births Loom 1860 Lorenzo dcerts Lorenzo births Lorenzo Otis births Lorenzo R. 1900nws Lorenzo R. (Rev.) births Luansa births Luanza phist Luauza 1860 Lucinda births M.C. 1920 Mabel births Maggie births Marceline 1860 Margaret phist Margaret (Calder) 1860 Marion? births Martha Ellen phist Marvin 1920 Marvin G 1920 Mary births Mary dcerts Mary births Mary A. phist Mary E. (Fellows) 1920 Mary F 1903nws Mary Hazel births Mary Hazel births Mary L. 1920 Mary M 1920 May E 1920 Oriel 1920 Otis 1860 Permelia 1920 Ray 1920 Rhoda births Sallie births Sally Marinda 1860 Sarah births Sarah A. births Shirley 1920 Shirley R 1920 Stanley dcerts Sti 1860 T. R. phist Theodore cmarr Tilly A. births Vera murray William 1903nws William births William 1920 William H births William H. births William Hobert births Wm H. Swanger 1850 Christena dcerts Clarenc 1850 Elizabeth marr Jacob 1850 James dcerts James 1850 Samuel 1850 Sarah Swaningin 1860 Mary Swank dcerts Flora 1920 Flora E 1920 Francis E dcerts Jacob dcerts Martha dcerts William Swann births Mary L. Swanner dcerts Joseph Swanson g1820 Dennis Swarder 1860 Jacob 1860 John 1860 Mary 1860 William Swarngen 1850 Christina 1850 Lewis 1850 Lorain 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1850 Nancy 1850 Van 1850 Waterman 1850 William Swartch 1850 Barbara 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Margaret 1850 Mary 1850 Peter 1850 Valentine Swartz family 2000q Swartz family Swartz dcerts A 1920 Abraham L 1920 Amy G 1920 Arvel M 1920 Arvel V 1920 Carrie 1860 Cate births Charles murray Charley Mrs. 1920 Clarence 1920 Dana or Daniel 1889nws Eliza 1920 Harry births Heleminey 1920 James 1920 Johanna 1920 Mable 1920 Marilla 1920 Mary 1920 Ores 1860 P. dcerts Stillbo 1920 William H Swartzel 1903nws Albert 1903nws Jacob Swartzwalder 1893nws B. A. 1850 Barbara 1850 Mary 1850 Philip 1850 Sebastian Swartzwelder births Mary Swartzweller 1860 Barby 1860 Bardry 1860 Mary 1860 Michael 1860 Philip 1860 Sebastian Swatale 1860 Emily 1860 F. 1860 Mena Swatz 1860 Christena 1860 Elizabeth 1840 Jacob 1860 Jacob 1860 Mary Swatzel dcerts Jacob Swatzwalder dcerts Delbert Swauger births Margaret Swazey g1820 Richard Sweaninger dcerts Stillbo Swearanger 1850 Charles S. 1850 George M. 1850 James 1850 Mary 1850 Mary A. 1850 Samuel 1850 Sarah L. 1850 Thomas 1850 William Swearengen 1851nws --- Swearenger 1850 Bennett 1850 Elizabeth 1850 George 1844nws Lempel 1850 Martin 1850 Mary M. 1850 Sarah 1850 William Swearingen family burying ground 1889nws --- Swearingen dcerts Alice 1885nws Alice (Nease) 1920 Alice L. 1920 Alice M dcerts Ann 1998q Arizona 1889nws Charles 1920 Edgar L 1920 Elizabeth A 1998q Elizabeth B. (Bruce) 1920 Elmer 1920 Elza S. 1998q Frederick C. 1920 Grover C dcerts James 1998q John B. 1998q John C. 1998q Joseph D. 1840 Lemuel 1889nws Lemuel 1892nws Leslie 1920 Maggie 1920 Maggie B 1920 Marion D 1920 Mary G 1920 Mina N 1998q Minnie M. 1998q Nancy (Rardin) 1920 Ralph H 1920 Sarah E. larkin Serena (Elliot) graybd Thomas 1889nws Thomas 1892nws Thomas 1885nws William 1920 William E 1920 Woodrow W Swearinger dcerts Woodrow Sweat 1830 Benjamin Sweazy Family harris --- Sweazy harris Elisha Sweeney 1897nws John (Capt.) Sweet 1840 Benjamin 1892nws Benjamin 1893nws F. M. g1820 Godfrey 1830 Jacob Sweil 1890nws Elis Sweringen murray Pearley Swet 1850 Edward 1850 Jacob 1850 Mary 1850 Nancy Swett 1920 Audrey P/B larkin Benjamin phist Isaac C. (Dr.) 1920 Isaac M 1820 Jacob 1819tx Jacob 1892nws Jacob phist Jacob 1920 Jonanha larkin Mary 1892nws Mary 1876nws Samuel 1860 Samuel P. 1920 Walter V 1920 William J Swetts Family harris --- Swicher dcerts Kitty 1873nws William Swick murray Blanche 1911nws Curt 1999q Daisy Edith (Jolly) 1999q James H. murray James H. 1876nws John 1876nws Louisa R. 1911nws Nellie (Barton) 1876nws Phoebe A. births Sarah E. dcerts Stillbo 1911nws Walter Swickard 1850 Jacob marr Jacob 1850 John wrdead John M. Swift births Charles Lemual 1905nws Ernest 1893nws George 1893nws George 1893nws George 1893nws George 1893nws Henry births Lemual dcerts Margare 1895nws Paleg 1893nws Peleg 1893nws Peleg 1893nws Peleg 1893nws Peleg 1893nws Peleg 1893nws Will 1893nws Will 1893nws Will J. 1893nws Will. 1905nws Wirt Crooks Swiger dcerts Raymond Swilling 1862nws Frederick 1862nws George dcerts John Swindler 1920 Etta M g1820 John 1920 Joseph K 1920 Mary E 1920 Maxwell Swing 1897nws David Swink births Bessie births Harriet L.J. births Jessie births Jno. W. 1860 John 1895nws John births John 1860 Louisa 1860 Lovina I. dcerts Malisa 1860 Martha births Martha births Martha A. births Mary 1860 Mary E. deaths Percy Ann 1860 Phebe A. births William 1860 Wilson Swinuler dcerts Don Swisher murray Bill harris Christena births Clarissa 1893nws Curtis 1893nws Curtis 1893nws Daisy (Rice) 1893nws Daisy (Rice) 1893nws David (Jr.) dcerts Dolly phist Effie Rosalie larkin Eliza (Nobles) 1877nws Ellen 1893nws G. W. harris George 1893nws H. G. 1868nws Isabel A. larkin Jacob harris Margaret murray Mary (Von Schriltz) 1890nws Mr. 1906nws Mrs. 1893nws Oscar 1893nws Perry harris Robert M. 1868nws Samuel marr Samuel 1890nws Sarah 1890nws Wash. 1893nws Wesley 1893nws Wesley 1893nws Wesley E. 1867nws William 1868nws William 1897nws William dcerts William Swisshelm births Homer E. births Wm. Swit 1850 Benjamin 1850 Ellan 1850 Mary 1850 Sarah Swith murray Janie Switt murray Isaac (Dr.) Switzel 1920 Charles E 1920 Fred A 1920 Marjorie E 1920 Sleu? 1920 William E Switzer births Charles H. g1820 George g1820 Philip births V.H. marr Valentine Sybarite hrdsty Louisa (Johnson) hrdsty N. D. Syfers 2000q Abraham 2000q Mary Frances (Provo) Sykes 1920 Clarence K 1920 Lillian C Sylvester 1850 Aloria 1830 Amelia 1850 Andrew 1850 Arthur 1850 Catharina 1879nws Cinderella 1881nws Clemency 1840 David 1850 David 1850 Delila 1850 Emma 1840 Ephraim 1850 Goram 1850 James 1850 Jehu 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John dindx John 1879nws John 1881nws John 1893nws John phist John 1892nws Joseph marr Joseph 1850 July larkin Lena 1850 Margaret 1850 Mary 1850 Rozalpha 1850 Sarah 1850 Terressa 1850 Theodicia 1850 Westly Symbury 1860 Eleanor 1860 Florence 1860 Frederic 1860 Isaac 1860 Wm. H. Symes 1860 Aaron 1860 Barney 1860 Catharine 1860 Delilah 1860 Nelson 1860 Phebe 1860 Salvina 1860 Sylvester Symmes g1820 Burwell g1820 John 1893nws William 1893nws William. g1820 Wm Syn murray Leon Syphard 1855nws George Syracuse cemetery 1886nws --- 1892nws --- Syracuse charge 1881nws M. E. Conference, --- Syracuse Coal & Salt Company 1897nws --- Syracuse M. E. Church 1897nws --- Syracuse M. E. church 1897nws --- Syracuse M. E. Church 1907nws --- Syracuse Normal Institute 1881nws --- Syracuse Town cemetery 1910nws --- Syre 1879nws Charles