T** sell 1850 Amos 1850 Benjamin 1850 Edgar 1850 Hamilton 1850 Hannah 1850 Harriet 1850 Jasper 1850 Laura 1850 Lorenzo 1850 Moses T* 1860 Anna 1860 D. 1860 Frederick 1860 John 1860 Sarah T.... g1820 illegible Taggart 1850 Chloe 1999q Emmitt 1850 Joseph W. 1920 Lettie 1850 Margaret E. dcerts Mary dcerts Nosecun 1850 Roseberry 1850 S. P. 1873nws Sarah Taggert marr Rosebury M.J. Tailor 1850 Anderson 1850 Callahill 1850 Charles 1850 Cl*** 1850 Clemency 1850 Elias 1850 Elizabeth 1850 George 1850 Harriet 1850 Henry 1850 Isaac 1850 James 1850 James 1850 Jane 1850 John 1830 Luther 1850 Malen 1850 Margret 1850 Mary 1850 Moses 1850 Nancy 1850 Phebe 1850 Philip 1850 Ruth 1850 Sarah Ann 1850 Stephen 1850 Stephen 1850 Thomas 1850 William Talbatt 1856nws R. W. 1856nws Rachel (Tucker) Talbert g1820 John Talbett 1877nws J. W. Talbot births Florinell 1850 Mary 1897nws Mrs. births Ray 1850 Rosalve 1881nws W. & Bro. , --- Talbott wholesale house 1893nws --- Talbott 1850 Adeline births B.E. 1893nws Bud E. phist Delma Joan 1893nws Gertrude 1893nws Gertrude births Irene 1883nws J. phist J. Chappelle phist J. G. (Mrs.) 1876nws J. W. 1883nws J. W. 1890nws J. W. 1893nws J. W. 1893nws J. W. 1893nws J. W. 1893nws J. W. births J.W. 1850 James 1850 Joshua 1893nws L. C. 1893nws L. C. 1893nws L. C. 1850 Leander 1850 Mary 1850 Oscar 1850 Rosal* 1850 W. H. 1889nws W. R. 1893nws William 1904nws William 1889nws William R. 1904nws William Stanley Talia g1820 John Talkington 1920 Eleanor V 1920 Gertrude A 1920 Harold S 1920 Idelia 1920 Thelma G 1920 Virginia B Tall births Tall births Louisa Tallbot 1840 Joshua Tallbott 1877nws J. W. Tallmadge dindx Benj. Tallman dcerts John Talmage murray T. DeWit (Rev.) Talyor harris Esther Tamney 1897nws Reuben Tamplin murray Katie murray Katie Tancast 1840 Michael Tande 1854nws Julius Tangeman dcerts Fred Tanney dcerts Walter Tanthorey dcerts Nancy Tanthory 1902nws John Taoney dcerts Walttr Tar phist Elizabeth g1820 John g1820 Polly Tara dcerts William Tarbor 1850 Aquilla 1850 Sebastian Tarmer 1851nws Louisa S. Tarnitz dcerts Elnora Tarr 1892nws David marr David Tarvey 1850 Amanda 1850 Eliza A. 1850 Emily F. 1850 William S. Tarvin marr Alonzo W. Tashow 1850 Jeannetta 1850 Mary 1850 Thomas 1850 W**** 1850 William Tate 1893nws Esq. 1893nws Esq. 1893nws Josie dcerts Stillbo 1893nws William 1893nws William Taussell dcerts Francis Tavlon dcerts Toha Taylcr dcerts Ahlan dcerts Harralo Tayler 1840 Charles Tayloa dcerts Carol Taylom dcerts Martha Taylor & Co. 1844nws Dalzell,, --- Taylor and Son 1879nws --- Taylor family 2001q Taylor family Taylor Family harris --- Taylor g1820 Abraham 1860 Adaline 1860 Adam 1850 Albert 1860 Albert dcerts Alberta 1860 Alfonzo 1920 Alfred 1860 Almond 1860 Amanda 1881nws Amanda dcerts Amanda 1860 Ananias 1860 Ann 1876nws Anna 1850 Anne 1881nws Arias 1860 Arnetta dcerts Aroeart harris Arthur (Rev.) 1860 Asa 1850 Augusta 1860 Aurilla 1850 Av 1860 Benj. F. births Benjamin marr Benjamin wrdead Calihill 1860 Calista 1850 Caroline 1860 Catharine g1820 Charles 1887nws Charles harris Charles B. (Rev.) harris Charles Boardman (Dr.) 2003q Charles Emery 1999q Charles Emory births Chloe C. dcerts Clyca 1850 Content W. 1860 Content W. harris Cornelia births Cornelia births Cynthia 1820 Cyrus 1819tx Cyrus 2002q Daniel Arrias 1850 David 1867nws David 1897nws Dr. 1893nws E. K. 1893nws E. K. 1893nws E.K. 1889nws Ed. 1881nws Edna Uella 1850 Edward 1860 Edward 1893nws Edward dcerts Edwin harris Eliphalet 1850 Eliza 1860 Eliza 1920 Eliza 1998q Eliza Ann 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1920 Elizabeth 1999q Elizabeth (Lawrence) 1850 Emily 1850 Emily 1875nws Emma 1875nws Emma 1876nws Emma 1850 Enoch 1860 Enoch 1867nws Enoch 1867nws Enoch 1867nws Enoch births Estella M. harris Eunice 1860 Evaline 1920 Evelyn 1889nws Everett 1893nws Everett births Everett A. dcerts Florenc 1860 Frances 1884nws Frank S. 1850 Franklin dcerts Fred g1820 Frederick 1850 Geo 1860 Geo W. 1860 George 1860 George 1881nws George James 1998q George W. births Giles 1904nws Gustave 1850 H. 1920 Hannah A 1860 Henrietta 1850 Henry 1920 Henry murray Henry dcerts Henry 1999q Henry Clarke 1999q Henry Harrison "Bub" dcerts Hollie dcerts Homer 1850 Hulda J. births Ida 1999q Ida Mae (Coates) 1998q Isaac 1820 Isaac 1840 Isaac 1850 Isaac 1860 Isaac g1820 Isaac larkin Isaac 1854nws Isaac 1855nws Isaac 1892nws Isaac 1913nws Isaac phist Isaac dcerts Isaac births J.S. 1850 James 1860 James 1920 James E 1850 Jane phist Jennie 1840 Joel P. 1850 Joel P. 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John dcerts John marr John A. 1860 John C? births John M. 1840 Joseph 1850 Joseph dcerts Juanita phist Julia 1850 Julia A. 1860 Leonidas 1887nws Libbie 1920 Louise M 1860 Lucetta 1860 Lucetta 1850 Lucian 1999q Lucinda (Rumfield) 2003q Lucinda (Rumfield) dcerts Lucy 1855nws Luther 1892nws Luther dcerts Lycia dcerts Lyda 1860 Lydia 1881nws Lydia 1850 Lydia A. 1860 Lydia A. 1850 M. 1999q Maggie F. Sneed (Hopper) 2003q Maggie Frances (Steed) 1920 Mahlon 1897nws Mahlon 1850 Malby 1998q Margaret 1850 Margaret 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1920 Margaret 1998q Margaret (Ailes) 1920 Margaret A dcerts Margret 1998q Marion 1998q Martha 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1892nws Mary dcerts Mary 1908nws Mary E. 1998q Mary Elizabeth 1998q Mary Ellen (Branch) 1850 Mary Jane births Melohesedeo? 2002q Millie (Lykins) 1999q Minnie (Chapman) marr Morance B. 1886nws Mrs. 1920 Murl 1850 Nancy 1850 Nancy 1850 Nancy 1860 Nancy 1881nws Nancy dcerts Nancy 1998q Nellie 1920 Nora E 1860 Noralita 1893nws Oliver 1998q Phebe 1860 Phebe 1999q Phoebe 1850 Rachael dcerts Rachael harris Ralph 1920 Robert 1860 Rosetta fair S. 1876nws Sallie 1998q Sally 1850 Sally 1850 Samaria 1850 Samuel 1887nws Samuel dcerts Samuel 1999q Samuel Guthrie 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah dcerts Sarah 1875nws Sarah E. 1998q Sarah Jane 1844nws Shipton and Co., --- 1860 Silas births Stella 1998q Stephen 1860 Stephen dcerts Stillsb 1850 Susan 1850 Susannah 1893nws Susie dcerts Sylvia births Synthia E. 1881nws T. A. 1860 T. H. 1850 Thomas 1862nws Thomas 1920 Tressa 1850 Victor 1920 Viola G 1860 Walter harris Warren (Rev.) 1876nws Warren (Rev.) 1877nws Warren (Rev.) harris Warren L. (Dr.) 1850 Waters 1920 Willard E 1999q William 1850 William 1850 William 1850 William 1850 William 1850 William 1850 William 1920 William 1867nws William 1904nws William 2003q William dcerts William 1850 William J. 1860 Wm 1860 Wm. Taylorf dcerts Elizabe h. Taylors harris The Tbne dcerts Henry Tcarell dcerts Iinerva Tcban dcerts Flcrenc Tcrn dcerts Charles Tcwnsend dcerts Mary Teaford 1920 Edith 1920 Ernest 1920 Glen dcerts James dcerts Oana Teaple hrdsty Sarah Tedrow 1893nws C. F. 1920 Elias S 1920 Emma 1920 Ernest harris Guy 1920 Pearl Teelins 1860 John Teeter 1876nws Behan and, --- 1867nws H. C. 1868nws H. C. 1876nws H. C. Teeters 1892nws Esther M. (Carpenter) Teetors 2000q Amarylis Teettes dcerts Ester Telegraph Print Co. 1876nws --- Telegraph Printing Company 1871nws --- Tellner 1860 A. E. 1860 Christena 1860 Mary Temple dcerts Stillgo Templetcn dcerts Laura Templeton cmarr Elizabeth harris James cmarr Thos. Tenell dcerts Helen Tengarden 1885nws S. B. Tennehill harris William Tenney 1920 Albert 1920 Joe 1876nws John A. (Rev.) 1851nws Lydia S. 1876nws Martha B. 1920 Matilda Teorick dcerts Lioe Terael dcerts Illiam Terail dcerts Mary Terny 1840 George 1840 Stephen Terrefll dcerts Thomas Terrel dcerts Stillo Terrell 1920 Albert dcerts Albpfrt dcerts Carolin 1999q Catherine 1926nws D. A. harris D.S. 1882nws Daniel dcerts Daniel 1926nws Emma dcerts Florida dcerts Frank 1920 Helen M dcerts Ida 1926nws John 1879nws John L. dcerts Josephi 1926nws Linna 1920 Lorene M 1920 Maxine E 1920 Mayme dcerts Nary dcerts Saranh 1920 Theo M dcerts Wanda dcerts Wgocrio Terril births Arthur births Benj. Franklin 1851nws Hugh births Isaac Harrison births Issac births Jno. Harrison births John births John W. Terrill murder case 1893nws --- Terrill 1850 Amy 1883nws Bill 1850 C. 1860 Daale 1850 Daniel 1850 Daniel 1860 Daniel 1850 Daniel A. 1850 Darcus 1850 Eliza Jane births Frances 1850 Francis 1860 Frank 1850 Franklin 1850 Frederick 1850 G. W. 1850 George 1850 Isaac 1850 Isaac 1860 Isaac births Isaac 1850 Jacob 1850 James 1860 James 1850 Jane 1850 Jane 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph 1876nws Joseph 1860 Josiah 1860 Martha 1850 Martha A. 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1876nws Mary 1850 Nancy 1860 Nancy 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1876nws Sarah 1887nws Si 1850 W. H. 1850 Washington 1860 William 1850 Wm W. Terry 1850 Elizabeth births Emalina births Emaline births Emiline harris General 1850 Jane 1850 Margaret A. 1850 Maria 1850 Nancy dcerts Patrici g1820 Paul 1850 Stephen 1878nws Tom Tesssury dcerts Aaron Teter 1850 Dorcas M. 1850 Eliza 1850 Emmarellis 1850 Fidelia E. 1850 Israel M. 1850 James A. 1850 John 1850 Josephine 1850 Loftus 1850 Marcellis 1850 Nancy 1850 Perry L. 1850 Rebecca A. Teters 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Emily 1860 James 1860 Josephine 1860 Loftus 1860 Marsela 1860 Nancy 1860 Roena Tevksbury dcerts Hannah Teweksbury births Eliza Tewkesbury 1893nws Dollie P. 1893nws Nancy E. Tewksberry 1877nws M. J. Tewksbuiqy dcerts Nicajia Tewksbury 1920 Ada 1920 Austin L 1893nws Daniel births Eliza births Eliza S. births George C. 1920 Harvey 1920 Lizzie 1876nws M. W. births Mary births Mary C. 1913nws Mr. 1892nws Pheinie dcerts Rebecca phist Rev. Bradbury V. dcerts Samuel births Sarah J. births Victoria Tewksbury? 1920 Dolly 1920 Luella Tewskbury births Ethel Tfrrell dcerts Elizago Tfrrtii dcerts Ida Tfrry dcerts Liiiiam Tfuell dcerts Lucetta Thacker dcerts Perry births Sophia 1879nws Sophronia dcerts William Thackery marr Stephen Thadius g1820 Alex? Thamton dcerts Cilora Thanoscn dcerts Virgina Thanthorp 1920 Merle C 1920 Sarah A 1920 William Tharp g1820 Abel 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Ezekiel 1860 Henrietta g1820 James dcerts Jamns 1860 Malinda 1879nws Rebecca Thaxton dcerts Henry births Levisa Thayer 1897nws Eva T. 1897nws Eva T. (Davenport) Thcon dcerts Thomas Thcowas dcerts Elmwor Thedy 1850 Alica Theiss Brothers 1897nws --- Theiss 1860 Adolphus 1860 Albert 1904nws Albert 1904nws Alice 1920 Alice B dcerts Amelia phist Amelia (Blaettner) 1920 Belle 1860 Bertha dcerts Bertha 1920 Blight J 1920 Carl 1920 Charles H 1904nws Edna A. 1904nws Edward births Edward 1920 Edward M 1860 Emma 1920 Ethel L 1920 Florence E 1854nws George 1893nws H. E. dcerts Hennman 1860 Henry phist Henry dcerts Henry 1920 Henry E 1860 Herman 1920 Herman phist Herman 1920 Herman G births Jacob 1860 Julius 1920 Julius 1893nws Julius dcerts Julius 1920 June dcerts Kate 1920 Katie dcerts Katie 1854nws L. (Rev.) 1860 Louisa 1920 Mary E 1893nws Mattie 1920 Mattie H 1920 Paul E 1860 Rupert dcerts Sarah phist Sarah Anna (Jones) 1920 Thelma E Thevemin g1820 Nicholas Thiess births Thiess 1860 Catherine Thioas dcerts Levina Thirouin phist Jules Paul Thmpson dcerts Zannett Thom 1850 Adelia 1850 Alex 1850 Almira 1850 Aurilla 1850 Corwin 1850 Dickamore 1850 Edgar 1850 Eliza 1850 Ellen 1920 Elza L? 1850 Isabel 1860 L. 1850 Lemuel marr Lemuel 1850 Lydia 1860 Mary 1850 Polly 1920 Rachel 1850 Sanford 1850 Stoddard 1850 Sylvester 1860 Valentine Thoma births Ann dcerts Emma 1889nws Fred dcerts George births Jacob births Jacob 1920 Joseph 1889nws Joseph dcerts Joseph 1920 Louisa wrdead Martin 1920 William dcerts Xavier Thomas & Gerheimer 1877nws Jones, --- Thomas family 2002q Thomas family Thomas 1878nws A. P. 1878nws Abel 1850 Able 1850 Alex 1860 Alexander births Alfaretta 1920 Alice wrdead Alonzo 1850 Amanda 1860 Amanda 1850 Ammit J. 1893nws Andrew 1850 Ann 1850 Ann 1860 Ann 1878nws Ann births Ann dcerts Ann phist Ann Maria 1860 Anna 1920 Anna L 1920 Anna M 1850 Anne 1850 Anne 1860 Anne E. 1881nws B. E. (Rev.) dcerts Barbara 1894nws Ben births Benj. 1850 Benjamin 1850 Benjamin 1920 Benjamin 1854nws Benjamin 1903nws Benjamin births Benjamin 1860 Benjamin M. 1919nws Benson phist Beverly Rae 1850 C. F. 1858nws C. F. 1844nws C. F. (Dr.) 1854nws C. F. (Dr.) 1920 Carl L 1850 Catharine larkin Catharine (Hysell) 1850 Charles 1860 Charles births Charles births Charles A. 1851nws Charles F. 1854nws Charles F. 1920 Charlotte 1920 Clarence births Cora Ellen larkin Cornelius births Creighton 1860 D. 1876nws D. 1897nws D. L. 1889nws D. P. 1904nws D. T. dcerts Dan 1850 Daniel 1920 Daniel 1887nws Daniel 1862nws Daniel B. 1891nws Daniel B. births Daniel L. 1820 David 1850 David 1850 David 1850 David 1860 David 1860 David 1920 David wrdead David larkin David 1891 David 1819tx David 1876nws David 1888nws David 1893nws David phist David marr David 1866nws David R. 1920 David S. 1920 Densmore 1920 Doris 1897nws Dr. dcerts Earl 1854nws Ebenezer 1868nws Edison 1920 Edith 1904nws Edith 1920 Edna 1920 Edward 1904nws Edward 1860 Edward N. 1920 Edwin phist Eleanore (Smith) 1860 Eli births Eliabeth 1868nws Elias births Elias births Elias marr Elias 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Elisabeth A. 1875nws Elisha 1889nws Eliza 1860 Eliza L. 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1854nws Elizabeth 1876nws Elizabeth births Elizabeth 1860 Ellen 1860 Emarine 1893nws Emma (Besseter) phist Esther 1920 Esther E 1920 Ethel 1920 Euronia 1850 Evan 1879nws Evan 1920 Everett 1860 Fanny dcerts Flora 1920 Foster 1860 Frances harris Frank 1907nws George births George 1850 Gwen 1850 H. A. 1860 H. M. 1850 Hannah 1850 Hannah dcerts Hannah dcerts Harley 1920 Harry S 1860 Harvey 1860 Henrietta 1850 Henry 1860 Henry dcerts Henry 1850 Henry M. 1920 Howard F 1891 Howell 1850 Hugh 1851nws Hugh 1860 Igan 1920 Irene 1875nws J. (Prof.) 1860 J. B. 1895nws J. B. 1889nws J. W. 1889nws J. W. 1897nws J. W. 1850 Jacob 1920 Jacob g1820 Jacob 1850 James 1850 James 1860 James 1860nws James 1850 Jane 1860 Jane 1820 Jason 1830 Jason larkin Jason 1819tx Jason 1879nws Jay 1893nws Jay 1895nws Jay 1893nws Jay (Prof.) 1881nws Jennie births Jennie B. 1860 Joel 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John 1920 John 1878nws John 1895nws John dcerts John 1850 John M. 1873nws John T. 1850 Jonathan 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph dcerts Joseph 1920 Julia dcerts Julia 1850 Julia A. 1860 Julia? 1893nws Kate 1998q Katharine 1920 Katherine 1920 Kenneth 1893nws L. A. 1893nws L. A. 1893nws L. A. (Dr.) 1850 Laurilla dcerts Leonard 1920 Letta dcerts Lewis births Lewis S. 1850 Linnaus dcerts Louise 1860 Lucy 1878nws Lue (Simmon) 1860 Lydia 1897nws Lydia murray Lyle births M. births M. A. births Mabel Marie 1920 Mable 1920 Maggie births Maggie 1860 Major dcerts Margare 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1907nws Margaret 1877nws Margaret C. 1920 Margaret L births Maria births Maria A. births Mariah 1850 Marissa 1850 Martha 1860 Martha 1860 Martha A. 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1920 Mary dcerts Mary 1876nws Mary A. births Mary A. 1850 Mary Ann 1860 Mary Ann births Mary Ann 1850 Mary Anne 1891nws Mary B. 1920 Mary C 1920 Mary E 1860 Mary E. 1860 Mary J. 1868nws Mary J. 1907nws May 1920 Melvin 1850 Miriam 1890nws Mittie (Skinner) 1850 Morgan 1897nws Mr. 1876nws Mrs. 1878nws Mrs. 1860 Nancy 1920 Nellie 1876nws Owen 1855nws P. Thomas 1920 Paul L 1860 Paulina 1920 Pearl 1890nws Pearl 1850 Perlina 1850 Philip 1860 Philix 1862nws R. births Rachel wrdead Ralph 1920 Raymond dcerts Raymond 1889nws Regina 1881nws Rhoda births Rice P. 1850 Richard 1920 Richard 1850 Robert births Robert marr Robert 1920 Royal 1860 S. 1850 S. E. 1850 S. M. dindx Saml. 1840 Samuel 1892nws Samuel 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah Ann 1897nws Seth dcerts Seth 1920 Seth(Zeph) 1897nws Solomon 1850 Sophia 1920 Stephen births Susan births Susannah 1920 Susie 1860 T. J. 1920 Theresa 1903nws Theresa 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas 1854nws Thomas 1854nws Thomas 1879nws Thomas 1900nws Thomas 1862nws Thomas B. 1920 Thomas E dcerts Thumas dcerts Tillse 1920 Ural L cmarr Viola 1860 Virginia 1860 W. 1881nws W. E. 1850 W. H. 1920 Walter 1891 Walter births Walter dcerts Walter 1893nws Washington 1850 Watkin 1850 William 1860 William 1854nws William 1862nws William 1862nws William 1875nws William 1893nws William dcerts William 1893nws William (Capt.) 1893nws William (Capt.) marr William A. 1850 William G. 1895nws William G. 1920 William L births William L. 1920 Wilma 1860 Wm 1860 Wm. dcerts Wtillia 1907nws Xaviar Thomcas dcerts Arvinia Thomcpson dcerts William Thompon 1876nws E. P. Thompscn dcerts Stewart Thompson family 1999q Thompson family Thompson 1877nws --- 1862nws A. phist A. 1820 Aaron 1830 Aaron 1840 Aaron 1850 Aaron 1850 Aaron larkin Aaron larkin Aaron 1819tx Aaron 1851nws Aaron 1859nws Aaron 1868nws Aaron phist Aaron 1855nws Aaron Jun. 1840 Aaron, Jr. 1859nws Aaron, Jr. 1873nws Alf. 1850 Alvira dcerts Alvira births Anna Estelle births Annabel 1850 Annes 1860 Arthur 1860 C. 1920 Carmen F 1920 Carney 1860 Carolina 1860 Caroline 1850 Caroline D. 1850 Cates 1850 Catharine phist Celestia 1860 Celia S. 1850 Charles 1860 Charles 1851nws Charles 1860 Charles W. births Chas. W. 1860 Cinderella 2001q Cynthia Jane 1850 Dan 2001q Daniel 1850 Daniel 1850 David 1920 Denver 1850 Dorcas J. 2001q Dorcus J. (McNutt) 1850 E. 1860 E. 1850 E. K. 1920 Earl 1893nws Ed. 1889nws Edward 1893nws Edward births Edward marr Edward 1883nws Edward B. 1920 Elberta 1840 Elihu 1860 Elihu 1850 Eliza 1850 Eliza 1850 Eliza J. murray Eliza Jane Mrs. 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1893nws Ella 1920 Emma 1850 Emmet phist Emmet P. 1893nws Enos 1850 Ersula 1920 Ethel 1850 Francis 1860 Francis 1920 Frank 1903nws Frank 1905nws Frank dcerts Fred 1876nws G. W. murray Gates 1850 Geo W births Geo. 1850 George 1850 George 1850 George 1860 George 1867nws George 1879nws George births George births George dcerts George 1860 George W. 1892nws George W. 1920 Glenn 1920 Grant 1850 H. 1860 H. 1862nws H. M. 1850 H. P. 1850 H. T. 1850 Haly Ann 1850 Hannah 1913nws Harold 1860 Harriett 2001q Harrison 1850 Harrison 1850 Henry 1850 Henry murray Henry 1850 Henry A. 2001q Henry Clay 1920 Herbert J births Hopy Ann 1920 Hpoey? N 1850 Hugh wrdead Hugh 1850 Hulduh 1850 Humphrey 1860 Ida 1904nws Ilene Enid 1850 Isabella 1860 J. W. 1893nws J. W. 1893nws J. W. births Jabez Abejah 2001q James 1850 James 1860 James 1883nws James births James births James H. 1860 James M. 1850 James P. 2001q James Patterson 1860 Jane 2001q Jeremiah births Jeremiah 1850 Jeremiah H. 1850 Jeremiah M. births Jerry 1904nws Joe 2001q John 1840 John 1850 John 1860 John g1820 John 1893nws John phist John I. 1855nws John W. 2002q Joseph B. 2001q Josephus 1850 Josephus 1850 Julius murray Kirk murray Kirk 1909nws Kirk 1926nws Kirk murray L. B. murray L. E. 1879nws L. W. (Dr.) 1860 Lawson 1850 Leander 1920 Leo 1920 Leonidas B 1920 Lester M harris Lillian phist Lillian 1860 Louisa 1893nws Louisa 1920 Louisa E 1920 Loyal L 1860 Lucretia 1879nws Lulu (Bishop) 1920 lvera 1920 Lydia 1850 M. E. 1897nws Mada 2001q Margaret 1850 Margaret 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1855nws Margaret 1881nws Margaret 1889nws Margaret 1855nws Margaret Ann (Whetstone) 1850 Maria 1902nws Maria 1840 Mariah 1860 Mariah 1855nws Mariah dcerts Marie 1860 Marion 1904nws Marion D. murray Marron 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary dcerts Mary 1860 Mary A. 2001q Mary Ann (Lee) 1860 Mary E. 2001q Mary Francis 2001q Mary Jane 1850 Mary Jane 1876nws Mary V. 1850 Maryann 1920 Melvin L births Minnie 1850 Missouri 1851nws Montgomery 1850 N. 1893nws N. B. 1893nws N. B. 1893nws N. B. 1850 Nancy 1850 Nancy 1850 Nancy J. 2001q Nancy Jane dcerts Napoleo 1860 Napoleon B. 1860 Nathan dcerts Ninnie births Nora 1920 Nora E 1920 Nora L 1903nws Norma 1920 Norman wrdead Nye 1860 Oren 1920 Pauley ? C. 1920 Pearl 1840 Pierce C. 1850 R. H. 1850 Rabecca 1850 Rachael 2001q Rebecca 1850 Rebecca 2001q Rebecca J. (Blackford) 1830 Reuben 1840 Reuben 1920 Rhoda dcerts Rhoda 1873nws Robert 2001q Robert Wilson 1920 Roy births Roy 1920 Ruth 1893nws S. D. 1893nws S. D. 1893nws S. D. 1850 S. H. 1897nws S. R. (Col.) marr Salethiel H. 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1890nws Samuel 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah A. murray Sarah Ann 1850 Sarah E. 2001q Sarah Ellen 2001q Sarah Melissa g1820 Seth 1850 Silas 1893nws Stewart Ed. 1850 Susannah 1920 Susie M. 1861nws T. G. 1876nws T. G. 1897nws T. G. phist T. G. 1905nws Taldean dcerts Therma 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas 1893nws Thomas B. dcerts Togar 1860 Virginia 1860 Volany 1920 Vonlie C 1850 W. E. 1921nws W. H. 1867nws W. N. 1885nws W. N. 1886nws W. N. 1850 W. W. 1878nws W. W. 1922nws W. W. 1920 W.F. births Wilbur 1879nws Will 1890nws Will 1897nws Will 1893nws Will H. 1850 William 1860 William 1874nws William 1893nws William 1895nws William dcerts William 1860 William A. 1904nws William E. 1860 William H. wrdead William H. 1860 William M. 1867nws William N. births Willie H. 1850 Wm 1860 Wm 1860 Wm H. 1850 Wm P. 1860 Wm. Thoms 1820 Samuel 1892nws Samuel Thomson dcerts Thomson 1892nws Aaron cmarr Aaron 1854nws Alfred 1855nws Alfred 1855nws Alfred 1920 Elizabeth 1892nws Ida M. 1858nws Jeremiah M. births Jos. Ellswort 1855nws Louisa Ann (Earhart) 1897nws Ray D. 1897nws Ray D. 1892nws Rebecca 1920 Virginia 1883nws W. W. Thonpscn dcerts Edna dcerts Hugh Thonpso dcerts Joseph Thorn 1820 Eliahim 1819tx Eliakim 1830 Lemuel 1892nws Lemuel 1893nws Lemuel 1892nws Lucy hrdsty Merilla dcerts Rebecca 1920 Rebecca J 1999q Roxey (Lasley) 1840 Samuel 1920 Thomas J Thorns 1892nws Eliza 1892nws Samuel Thornsbury 1860 Henry H. 1860 Jane 1859nws Jane 1860 Lewis 1860 Maria L. 1859nws Maria L. 1860 Willis O. 1860 Wm 1860 Wm. A. Thornton births Alice phist Charler M. 1860 Dimmett? 1860 Henry C. 1860 Irena phist J. M. (Pat) births Jas. Arthur 1892nws John 1860 Joseph births Moses 1854nws Robert 1860 Thomas Thorp dcerts Mary Thorpe phist Capt. Wesley C. harris Mary Jane Thoue? 1862nws John P. Thral 1850 Julia Thrasher 1850 Catharine 1850 Jacob 1850 Rosanna Threp births Charles C. births Charles G. births Ethel births Henry Thress births Thress 1881nws Fred 1897nws Jacob births Jacob 1875nws John 1881nws John 1859nws Johs(?) 1887nws Julia births Mary 1887nws Philip Thrisz 1862nws John Throckmorten 1904nws Howard 1904nws Myrtle Grace wrdead T. Throckmorto dcerts Margare Throckmorton 1860 Clarasa 1920 Clarence W 1860 David 1897nws Florence 1920 Frank H 1860 Hariett 1920 Herman M 1920 Hollis 1873nws I. 1920 Ina B 1860 John 1920 John P 1860 Mary 1920 Mary 1920 Myrtle 1860 Rebeca 1876nws Rebecca 1860 Samuel 1860 Sarah E. 1860 Ths. 1920 Wilbur 1860 William C. Throgmorten 1850 David 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Harriet 1850 Isaac 1850 Linsey 1850 Samuel Throgmorton 1860 H. 1860 Isaac 1850 James 1860 Jesse 1860 Lensey 1860 Martha 1860 Mary 1860 Rebeca 1850 Sarah 1860 Ths. Thrush 1854nws S. L. Thumb 1876nws Michael Thurhamer 1893nws Rev. Father Thurheimer 1892nws Rev. Father 1892nws Rev. Father Thurman 1860 Clara 1860 James B. 1860 Marinda 1860 Mary 1860 Wm Thurston 1905nws Clark 1897nws Dr. 1888nws J. H. (Dr.) 2003q Jacob H. (Dr.) 1885nws Mrs. 2003q Rachel (Woolery) 1905nws Ralph Thwaite 1893nws --- Tiacias dcerts Thomas Tiaup dcerts William Tibbells 1897nws Elder Tibbetts 1897nws Elder Tibbles 1897nws Presiding Elder Tibbs 2000q Orpha Tice dcerts Bertha Ticker 1858nws John Tidd 1850 A. J. 1860 A. S. 1861nws A. S. 1860 Ada 1875nws Charles H. (Dr.) 1850 Chas H. 1889nws Evert 1860 F. M. 1860 J. M. 1850 Marcel S. 1860 Mary A. 1860 R? H. 1860 Sarah Tierce 1897nws W. W. Tiffaney wrdead Edmund P. Tiffany 1850 B. 1861nws Dr. 1850 Edward 1860 Edward 1850 Eliza R. 1860 Elizabeth 1855nws Esther (Campbell) 1850 Martha 1855nws Sylvester Tiler 1850 Martha Till?ard 1877nws Charles Tilley Family harris --- Tillinghast dindx Daniel cmarr Laura L. 1867nws William Tillinghurst 1855nws Mr. Tillis family 1998q Tillis family Tillis 1920 Alton C 1920 Carl 1920 Clark dcerts Eva 1920 George J 1920 Goldie 1920 Harold 1920 Herbert 1920 Jake E 1920 Mary E 1920 Myrtle L 1920 Richard 1920 Robert L Tillman 1876nws C. 1862nws Peter Tilton 1850 Alex 1873nws Cyrus 1860 H. L. 1850 Jane 1850 Jasper H. 1850 Joseph 1860 Malinda 1850 Maria L. births Mariam A. 1860 Marium 1860 Mary 1850 Miriam 1850 Miriam N. 1850 Moses 1860 Moses 1859nws Moses 1873nws Moses 1850 Moses Z. 1860 N. S. 1850 Phoeba 1850 Rosena J. 1850 Z. 1840 Zacheas Tim? 1860 Sarah Timmes births Martha Timmons 1904nws Harley Benjamin 1904nws Lee Timms 1889nws James R. Tims 1840 James 1840 Reas W. Tincher cmarr Amos Tingher 1840 Christopher Tinker harris S. H. Tinkham 1820 Seth 1892nws Seth 1830 Seth Jr. 1830 Seth Sr. Tinkltpauch dcerts Sarah Tinkum 1850 Emma 1850 Harmon 1850 Lewis 1850 Lucinda 1850 Lydia 1850 Mehala 1850 Richard Tinsley phist Mr. Tinsman 1860 Alfred G. 1860 Anna 1860 Lavinia 1860 S. B. Tioo dcerts Floqenc Tippet births Lucy Tippetts 1876nws Mr. Tippfy dcerts Naomi Tipton 1890nws M. H. (Rev.) births Mary E. murray Nettie 1890nws Rev. murray William Tirrell 1875nws Fred Tish dcerts Unnamed Tissany? 1860 Alphonzo Tittle dcerts Henriet Titus family phist Titus family Titus Family harris --- Titus 1893nws Bertha phist Bertha 1893nws Dr. 1897nws Dr. 1897nws Earl harris Edith 1850 George larkin George graybd George pmry88 George 1875nws George 1881nws George 1886nws George 1893nws George phist George harris George V. 1850 Henry 1889nws Henry 1861nws Henry E. 1904nws J. C. 1893nws J. N. (Dr.) births Jacob Caldwell 1850 James harris James 1873nws James N. 1876nws James N. 1889nws James N. 1897nws Jessie (Lowery) 1850 John harris John 1889nws John 1897nws John births John Cyrus murray Maggie larkin Margaret 1850 Margaretta larkin Margarhetta (Nye) larkin Margarhetta Lois (Nye) 1850 Margart larkin Mary (Nye) 1889nws Mary (Nye) 1850 Mary D. 1850 Melzer 1889nws Melzer 1855nws Mr. 1873nws N. 1840 Nicholas larkin Nicholas harris Nicholas 1861nws Nicholas 1889nws Nicholas 1881nws Perry births Perry dcerts Perry 1850 Phebe larkin Phebe 1906nws Postmaster 1854nws S. 1855nws S. 1861nws S. N. 1919nws S. N. 1877nws S. N. (Major) 1850 Samuel larkin Samuel harris Samuel 1840 Stephen 1850 Stephen larkin Stephen larkin Stephen harris Stephen 1871nws Stephen phist Stephen deaths Steven 1904nws Thelma M. harris W. E. 1851nws Z. M. Tleahutz 1850 S**** Tmikiuf dcerts Rosabel Tnonpsch dcerts Frupfhu Toban 1897nws Elizabeth D. Tobins family 2000q Tobins family Todd 1860 Caroline births Caroline 1860 Chas L. 1860 E. 1860 Elza 1860 Frank 1860 G. W. 1877nws G. W. 1860 Geo W. 1878nws George 1867nws George W. 1876nws George W. 1999q Henry marr Henry 1860 Josephine 1860 Joshua 1860 Laura 1871nws Laura O. 1860 Mary C. 1860 Rosa 1860 Sarah 1999q Sarah J. (Hysell) 1860 Thomas 1872nws Thomas 1893nws Will P. 1860 William 1860 William 1861nws William 1890nws William 1860 Wm Toland hrdsty Hannah wrdead John Tolbert 1850 Benjamin dcerts Marsh 1850 Phebe Tolier g1820 John Toliver births Aramintha births Armintha births Clarabel dcerts Elizabe h. 1893nws J. J. dcerts James births Lee births Sophia 1893nws W. L. (Rev.) Tollier dcerts William Tolliver births Earl births John Toman dcerts Lily Tombes 1875nws Dr. Tompkins harris Emmett Tompson 1999q Emma Toms 1830 Samuel Tone dcerts Cora dcerts Stilleo Toney 1850 Margaret 1886nws Reese Tony dcerts Tillbo Tooly g1820 Reuben Tope Shop 1886nws --- Tope wrdead Thomas Topliff 1893nws Mr. Toppin, 1892nws Sarah Topping 1879nws Charles 1879nws Sophia Topsey dcerts Granvil Topsy 1893nws Artist Tor g1820 Matthias Torance 1850 Aaron 1850 Albert 1850 Amanda 1850 Christena 1850 Foster 1850 Franklin 1850 John 1851nws John J. 1850 Lewis 1850 Lucy 1850 Margret 1850 Martin 1850 Mary 1850 Susannah 1850 William Torbert phist Beatrice Torence 1891nws Luella Torian dcerts John Tork? 1850 Diadama 1850 Peter Torkner 1892nws James Tormey murray Will Torqence dcerts Glwe Torrance phist Aaron 1867nws Albert phist Albert 1851nws Elizabeth 1881nws Sarah Helen Torrence family 1902nws --- Torrence 1893nws A. M. 1890nws A. W. 1820 Aaron 1830 Aaron 1840 Aaron larkin Aaron larkin Aaron larkin Aaron 1819tx Aaron 1879nws Aaron 1881nws Aaron phist Aaron 1920 Adda C births Agnes births Agnes C. 1998q Albert 1830 Albert 1840 Albert 1860 Albert dindx Albert 1902nws Albert 1850 Alexander dcerts Aoair dcerts Ceorge 1998q Christiana (Sims) 1850 Clarinda 1920 Dorsel O phist Effie (Swan) dcerts Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Fanny births G.W. 1850 George 1920 George W marr George W. 1920 Hazel M 1903nws J. E. 1850 J. J. 1860 James 1920 James A 1860 John 1920 John E 1840 John J. phist John J. 1860 Joseph 1920 Joseph E 1920 Judson 1920 Lee G 4thInf Lewis W. phist Lorin 1860 Luther 1875nws Mahala 1860 Margaret births Mary A. 1893nws Murl A. 1905nws Nelson 1920 Nelson W 1920 Nora B 1920 Olive births Olive 1850 Phoeba 1920 Raymond B 1860 Robert dcerts Robert 1920 Robert E 1905nws Roland 1920 Rolland T 1840 Samuel larkin Samuel 1882nws Samuel 1860 Sarah larkin Sarah (Knight) larkin Sarah (Knight) 1877nws Sarah B. 1897nws Sarah B. 1907nws Sarah B. 1882nws Sarah B. (Knight) 1893nws Scott 1920 Sirena hrdsty Sula M. wrdead Thomas Corwin 1920 Van O 1920 Vercia N 1920 Viola dcerts W 1830 William harris William 1892nws William 1860 Winfield 1860 Wm. Touhsenc dcerts Evelyn Tourney 1860 Alexander Touro 1859nws Abraham Touts 1850 Augustus 1850 Maria Town cemetery 1907nws --- Towner 1920 Eugene 1920 Eugene Jr 1920 Sadie M 1920 Sim 1920 Willie E Towns 1889nws Clint. 1897nws James A. graybd T. H. Townsen 1860 Lowson Townsend 1851nws A. G. 1860 Adeline 2002q Allen 1830 Allen 1840 Allen 1850 Allen 1860 Allen marr Allen 1840 Allen B. 1850 Amelissa 1850 Analiza 1860 Analiza 2002q Angelina 1830 Asa 1850 Aurilla 1860 Avarila R. 1878nws Benjamin 1860 C. fair C. W. 1850 Carles 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine harris Charles 1878nws Charles 1905nws Charles dcerts Charles 1840 Charles H. murray Charlie 1850 Cyntha 1999q Daniel 1830 Daniel 1840 Daniel 1850 Daniel 1860 Daniel births Daniel 1860 Demssey 1850 Dennis 1875nws Dr. 1859nws E. A. 1850 Elcy 1850 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1892nws Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth R. 1867nws Elizabeth R. 1893nws Emma 1893nws Emma 1920 Fred 1860 Hellen 1860 Henry A. 1905nws Howard murray Irene 1860 Isabell 1876nws J. L. (Dr.) 1820 James 1830 James 1850 James 1850 James 1860 James 1860 James L. W. 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John wrdead John S. larkin Joseph 1860 Judson 1892nws Katy Ann 1920 Kenneth 1850 L. S. 1860 L. S. 1856nws L. S. 1859nws L. S. 1877nws L. S. 1840 Leonard S. 1859nws Leonard S. 1850 Lorenzo 1860 Lowisa 1850 Luhanna 1892nws Lydia 1860 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1850 Margret 1850 Maria 1892nws Maria 1860 Maria A. 1860 Martha M. 1999q Martin 1850 Martin 1860 Martin 1860 Mary dcerts Mary 1999q Mary (Graham) 1999q Miles 1860 Miles 1850 Rabecca 1850 Rachael 1860 Rachel 1820 Robert 1830 Robert phist Robert 1830 Robinson 1840 Robinson 1820 Robson 1860 Ruhama phist Ruth births S.A. 1850 Samuel 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1854nws Sarah births Sarah 2002q Sarah (McCaskey/McCloskey) murray Sol 1998q Solomen 1820 Solomon 1830 Solomon 1840 Solomon 1850 Solomon 1860 Solomon phist Solomon 1892nws Solomon D. 1892nws Thomas S. 1886nws W. F. 1867nws W. H. 1920 W. Howard 1850 William 1850 William 1850 William 1860 William dcerts William 1920 William A 1860 William A. 1860 William H. 1876nws William R. 1850 Wilson Townseno dcerts Fmma dcerts Pie Townsent 1889nws Lizzie Townshend phist Dr. Townson 1819tx Robert 1819tx Sol Toy 1868nws John Tracey 1868nws C. P. 1860 Daniel 1860 Elizabeth births John births John Everett births Mary Trachler 1893nws Sadie Tracy's coal bank 1855nws --- Tracy 1850 Anne dcerts Dolly 1850 James 1876nws James dcerts James harris Jason 1889nws Jim 1850 John dcerts John 1850 Lucinda dcerts Murrel 1850 Thomas 1897nws Thomas 1850 William dcerts William Traford 1920 Dale 1920 Delbert 1920 Harry 1920 Vada Train 1877nws Dr. 1881nws Dr. 1881nws Dr. 1872nws Fred 1871nws I. 1850 Isaac 1858nws Isaac 1873nws Isaac 1876nws Isaac (Dr.) 1881nws Isaac (Dr.) 1850 Lydia A. 1850 William H. Train? 1860 Emily 1860 Franklin 1860 Selesta 1860 W. Trainer 1920 Ada Belle 1920 Alma dcerts Anna 1920 Annie E 1893nws Belle dcerts Carol 1920 Carol E murray Cora 1999q Darius 1920 Harry T dcerts Hiram fair James phist James 1875nws Jimmie 1999q Martha (Westfall) Tranier 1850 Amanda 1850 Catharine 1850 Hiram 1850 Isabell 1850 James 1850 Jane 1850 John 1850 Malissa 1850 Margret 1850 Mary 1850 Mathew 1850 Nancy 1850 Samuel 1850 Unes Tranirer 1860 Hyram 1860 Isibell 1860 James 1860 John 1860 Malissa 1860 Mary 1860 Unis Trary dcerts Laupa Travers harris M.T. Travis dcerts Emily dcerts William Traylgr dcerts Eodwaro Traylor g1820 (Fraylor?) Trazler g1820 Philip Treadwell 1999q John 1999q Mary Lillian (Eaton) Trent 1920 Alice J births Susanna births Susannah Tress 1860 Catharine 1860 Charles 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Ferd 1860 Gehana 1860 Jacob 1860 John 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary 1860 Philip Trew dcerts John Tribbell 1859nws Thomas Tribbett 1860 Bennett 1840 Cornelius 1860 Cornelius 1889nws Cornelius 1860 Electa 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Emaline 1920 Etta 1860 Harriet 1920 Herman 1904nws Herman 1860 James H. 1920 Joseph 1904nws Joseph 1860 Martin? 1860 Mary J. 1860 Nancy 1920 Phoebe A 1860 Susanna 1840 Thomas 1860 Thomas 1920 Thomas Tribbetts dcerts Tribbetts Tribbitt 1850 Bennett 1850 Cornelius 1850 E. 1850 Electa 1850 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Ervilla B. 1850 George 1850 James 1850 Martin 1850 Mary A. M. 1850 Nancy J. 1850 Sarah 1850 Susannah 1850 Tabitha 1850 Thomas 1850 William Tribe harris George harris William Tribes harris The Tribett dcerts Phoebe Trickie 1876nws Maggie Trickle 1879nws Dr. 1887nws E. H. (Dr.) Triden 1840 ? John Trigg 1866nws Allen C. Trimble 1878nws John Trimmer 1920 Lucille E Trippet births Trippet births George Trombly 1860 Douglas 1860 J. S. 1860 Mary 1860 William Trop 2001q Trop Trop family 2000q Trop family Troth 1893nws Amos Trotter harris Richard harris William g1820 Wm Trout births Bessie births Louis dcerts Mary Trouts births Lewis births May Trover 1840 Jonathan Trube births Caroline F. Truchell 1867nws J. True Home harris --- True harris Augusta harris Austin harris Dr. harris Ephrian harris Hiram (Dr.) harris Josiah harris Sarah Trueman 1851nws Eliza Truley 1920 Anna Truman 1850 Angeline 1850 Eliza 1850 Isaac 1850 John 1877nws Mr. 1840 Powers 1830 Robert 1850 Robert 1850 Susan Trumbell harris Helen Trumbull 1887nws Lizzie Truslow 1881nws Mr. Trussel fair A. (Mrs.) Trussell 1860 Amos hrdsty Amos hrdsty Amos D. phist B. L. phist B. T. hrdsty B.T. dcerts Benjai 1860 Benjamin 1920 Benjamin F 1920 Constance E 1897nws Dacie pmry88 E. S. hrdsty Edgar D. 1920 Eva F graybd F. S. hrdsty Hamilton J. 1860 Hannah 1920 Inez L. 1903nws L. E. 1860 Laura hrdsty Laura (Jewett) 1920 Lester E hrdsty Lester E. 1860 Lorenzo hrdsty Lorenzo J. hrdsty Lucinda E. (Waterman) hrdsty Margaret B. (Miller) 1920 Mildred E 1920 Murl S 1920 Nellie E hrdsty Otis G. 1859nws Otis G. 1920 Stanley E 1903nws Stanley E. hrdsty Sumner J. hrdsty William T. Tubbs 1850 Annes 1850 Augusta 1850 Augustus 1850 Bennett 1850 Carlisle 1840 Caroline 1844nws Caroline 1998q Daniel 1820 Daniel 1830 Daniel 1850 Daniel 1819tx Daniel 1844nws Daniel phist Daniel 1998q Deborah 1892nws Deborah 1850 Densey 1850 Elizabeth 1998q Ethel 1998q Ezra 1830 Ezra 1840 Ezra 1850 Ezra dindx Ezra 1893nws Ezra phist Ezra 1830 Ezra Jr. 1850 Florence 1860 Florence M. 1820 Frederick 1819tx Frederick 1820 Frederick Jr. 1819tx Frederick, Jr. 1850 G. B. 1850 Hannah 1850 Harriet 1850 James 1850 Jane 1876nws L. A. 1998q Lemual 1850 Lemuel 1850 Lucy 1850 Margaret 1850 Marilla 1840 Martha 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1893nws Mary 1860 Mary S. 1850 Nancy 1998q Orrin 1850 Peter 1892nws Ranseler 1850 Ransler 1998q Rensalaer 1830 Rensellar 1820 Reuben 1830 Reuben 1850 Reuben 1850 Reuben 1844nws Reuben marr Reuben 1840 Rueben 1883nws S. S. 1893nws S. S. 1850 Salvania 1998q Sarah (McConky) 1850 Smith 1895nws Smith S. 1860 Stephen L. 1850 Susan 1860 W. 1881nws W. B. 1998q Whitney 1840 Whitney 1850 Whitney 1892nws Whitney 1820 William 1850 William 1850 William 1819tx William 1892nws William marr William dcerts Zola Tubett dcerts Phoebe Tucker Family harris --- Tucker births Adda May 1860 Ann M. 1920 Annie M 1850 Aurilla 1893nws Celia dcerts Charles 1890 Dallas 1890 Dudley births Dudley Brownin 1881nws Dudley Browning 1890 E. 1881nws E. H. births E.H. harris Eleanor Jane 1850 Elias W. 1860 Elias W. births Elias W. births Elijah dcerts Elijah 1850 Elijah H. 1860 Elijah H. births Elijah H. dcerts Eliza murray Etta births Ettie births Flo Dessie 1850 George dcerts George 1920 George S 1920 George W 1850 Harriet births Harvey D. dcerts Herbert 1920 Herbert V 1850 Jacob births Jennie 1850 Jeremiah 1860 Jeremiah 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John harris Joseph 1850 Josephine 1920 Josephus harris Josephus dcerts Julia 1873nws Julia A. dcerts Kathren 1920 Kathryn births Layman J. murray Lillie births Louis Herman 1890 Luman? births Mabel 1850 Malissa 1920 Margaret 1850 Martha 1920 Martha A 1881nws Martha G. births Martha J. 1850 Mary 1860 Mary births Mary 1920 Mary B 1860 Mary E. murray Milford 1920 Missouri 1875nws Mr. 1850 Nancy dcerts Nancy 1860 Oscar 1920 Pearl dcerts Pearl 1850 Rachael 1856nws Rachel 1892nws Rachel 1920 Ralph 1920 Ralph S births Robert B. 1850 Rosanna 1850 Salina 1850 Samuel births Sarah T. 1860 Selina dcerts Stilloc 1850 Uriah 1860 Uriah dcerts Uriah 1920 Uriah J dcerts Vingina 1860 W. A. 1873nws W. A. 1920 Ward/Waid C 1840 William 1850 William 1920 William 1879nws William births William 4thInf William A. Tuckerman births Tuckerman 1850 Ann 1867nws B. M. births Carleton 1850 Carlton 1850 David 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Franklin 1920 Fred B larkin Frederic 1840 Frederick 1844nws Frederick 1867nws Frederick 1850 Fredric 1850 Hu*** 1850 Lydia 1867nws M. G. larkin Mary (Lasher) 1920 Mattie 1850 Milton 1861nws Milton 1909nws Pearle 1860 R. 1850 Ralph murray Rue murray Rue C. Tuckier dcerts Josfphu Tukesberry 1850 Daniel 1850 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1850 George W. 1850 Mary 1850 Nancy 1850 Sarah Jane Tukesbery 1860 B. 1860 Betsy 1860 Elizabeth 1860 James 1860 Martha 1860 Micagah 1860 Ths. Tuksbery 1860 Hana 1860 Harvey 1860 Ira 1860 Macaga 1860 Martha 1860 O. 1860 Sarah 1860 Thomas Tulley harris Sidney Tully 1898nws Catherine (Price) 1893nws D_al 1893nws Deal (Capt.) 1893nws Dean 1999q Minnie Ethel 1897nws Mr. 1893nws Mrs. 1893nws Samuel 1898nws W. A. Tunan 1861nws W. A. Tupper's Plains Seminary 1875nws --- Tupper's Plains larkin --- Tupper 1840 Barny g1820 Edward harris Edward larkin General larkin General dindx Patty Tuppers harris --- Turaeen dcerts Iza Turban 1920 Eliza V 1920 Emma Turben 1904nws J. E. phist John Baptist 1904nws Lena Ruth graybd O. dcerts Obeoian Turbin 1897nws J. E. Turbon? g1820 Joseph Turhan 1840 Jacob Turlan? 1860 Ernest 1860 J. O. 1860 Joshua 1860 Lydia 1860 Obadiah 1860 Susan Turley 1897nws Anna dcerts Elfn 1920 Ellen 2000q Julia Ellen 1893nws Kate (Newell) 1920 Naomi dcerts Naomi dcerts William 1893nws William J. 1920 William P Turnball 1884nws John 1884nws Lizzie 1884nws Thomas Turnbole 1860 Ann 1860 E. 1860 Elisabeth 1860 Margaret H. 1860 Mary Turnbull 1860 Ann births Ann births Anna 1877nws Annie graybd E. 1862nws E. 1868nws E. 1873nws E. 1884nws E. 1885nws Edward 1860 Elizabeth births Elizabeth phist Helen (Reed) 1860 Jacob 1860 John births Lizzie 1885nws Mary (Chaytor) 1876nws Mr. 1890nws Mr. 1888nws Rev. 1889nws Rev. 1889nws Rev. 1889nws Rev. 1889nws Rev. 1897nws Rev. 1901nws Rev. 1860 Sarah births Sarah J. 1860 T. 1862nws Thomas 1877nws Thomas 1893nws Thomas 1897nws Thomas phist Thomas 1889nws Thomas (Rev.) 1897nws Thomas (Rev.) 1901nws Thomas (Rev.) 1904nws Thomas (Rev.) Turnea dcerts Willlia Turner family 1999q Turner family Turner family 2002q Turner family Turner 1920 Alice 1920 Arvilla E 1850 Baty murray Billie 1920 Ceeva? 1920 Cora E 1903nws D. M. 1904nws D. M. 1903nws Dana Everett murray Dave murray Dave 1850 David 1920 Delbert M 1860 E. 1860 Elisa births Eliza dcerts Eliza 1920 Eliza A 1913nws Eliza Ann 1860 Elizabeth phist Elizabeth 1889nws Elza 1889nws Elza 1913nws Elza murray Estella dcerts Fanny 1920 Flossie 1862nws Frederick 1920 Frieda E 1850 George dindx George murray George 1876nws George 1886nws George 1920 George H 1920 Glenn 1920 Harry 1920 Hattie 1920 Hazel murray Hazel 1903nws Henry 1920 Henry C murray Henry W. murray J. A. dcerts James 1920 James A murray Jim murray Jim 1850 John 1855nws John 1913nws John 1862nws John T. marr John Thomas 1920 Joseph Z 1903nws Joseph Zenna 1889nws Katie 1920 Kenneth murray Lala 1913nws Lettie 1850 Margret 1860 Mary 1913nws Mary dcerts Mirile murray Miss 1920 Neva E dcerts Orilla 1920 Orrilla 1860 Priestley 1860 R. 1850 Rabecca 1920 Ralph murray Ritta 1840 Robert 1892nws Robert 1913nws Robert phist Robert 1920 Robert S 1920 Rose C 1920 S.E. births S.J. 1893nws Thomas dcerts Thomas 1920 Thomas E cmarr Victor 1886nws Vilettie murray Viola 1920 Wayne 1850 William 1886nws William 1903nws William Turney dcerts Kather Turnner 1860 Alfred 1860 Bertey 1860 David 1860 James L. 1860 John 1860 John M. 1860 Margaret 1860 Rachel 1860 Rebeca 1860 Rebeca J. 1860 Rhoda 1860 William Turnor 1866nws Mollie Tuthill 1855nws Celestie D. 1855nws Daniel Tutinhaver 1850 A. 1850 Barbara 1850 C. 1850 Catharine Tuttle family 2000q Tuttle family Tuttle harris --- 1920 Albert 1920 Aranda W 1920 Archie 1906nws C. B. (Rev.) 1903nws C. E. dcerts Charles 1920 Dale 1920 Dora S. 1920 Enid 1920 Fern dcerts George 1920 George W. 1850 Henry 1920 Jesse 1850 Joseph wrdead Joseph 1850 Mary 1920 Minnie 1850 Nancy 1883nws S. 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah J. harris Solomon harris Thomas 1920 Vassal 1903nws Vassel A. 1920 Veda 1920 Velma 1920 Veo 1920 Verl 1920 Verned 1920 Vesta 1920 Vietta 1920 Virgil 1850 William dindx Wm. Tuttlen 1881nws William Tweksbury births Victoria Twichell 1892nws Ephraim dindx Wm. Twilling 1850 George 1850 Jacob 1862nws John 1850 Nancy Twitchel phist ---- dindx Joshua Twitchell 1820 Joshua 1830 Joshua 1819tx Joshua 1820 William 1830 William 1819tx William 1892nws William marr William Tyke 1875nws Robert Tyler murray Ab murray Ab Mrs. murray Abb murray Albert 1920 Carol 1920 Charlie 1820 Dean 1819tx Dean 1892nws Emily murray Hattie Mrs. dcerts Hiram 1875nws Mrs. 1920 Sada 1920 Victoria Tylor g1820 George Tyrell 1855nws Mrs. Tzinger dcerts Etna Tztnger dcerts Josieph