W* 1860 George W. F. Thorne & Co. 1884nws --- Wa?? 1879nws Sheriff Wad**** 1850 Benj 1850 Jane Waddle and Morse 1873nws --- Waddle g1820 Abram 1860 Euphemia 1860 Frederick 1860 Irene g1820 James 1860 James V. g1820 John 1860 Joseph 1873nws Mar'a 1860 Martha 1860 Robt S. Wade g1820 Anthony 1893nws Isaac 1840 Jonathan Waden 1870nws William Wadgard 1860 George W. 1860 Hana 1860 James 1860 Rosana M. 1860 W. Wadkins births Dora births G.W. births Geo W. g1820 James g1820 Lydia births William g1820 Wm Wadman 1860 B. 1862nws Benjamin 1868nws Benjamin 1860 H. J. phist Harriet Jane births Hattie 1860 Jane 1885nws Mrs. Wadsworth g1820 Wm Wagan dcerts Cen Wagener dcerts Sarah Waggoner harris Andrew g1820 Daniel births Geo 1840 Henry 1820 John 1840 John larkin John phist John g1820 Joseph 2000q Oliver C. 2001q Oliver C. 2000q Sarah katherine (Gregory) 2001q Sarah Katherine (Gregory) Waggonner 1999q Carrie Wagner births A.N. dcerts Acan 1920 Adam 1891nws Adam dcerts Addie 1920 Albert L 1920 Albert L Jr. 1893nws Beulah Clare births C. 1893nws C. M. 1893nws C. N. 1920 Charles 1893nws Charles 1897nws Charlie births Cora 1920 Edward dcerts Edward 1920 Ernestine 1920 Ernestine 1920 Eva dcerts Eve 1920 Florence E 1920 Florence G 1920 Genevieve 1883nws George 1893nws George 1883nws George H. cmarr Hattie dcerts Joseph dcerts Levi 1920 Levi W 1893nws Lilia Elsie 1920 Lillie dcerts Loretta 1920 Ora E dcerts Polly 1920 Sarah 1920 Stella B Wagners harris --- Wagoner 1860 A. N. 1850 Adam 1860 Adam marr Alfred N. 1860 Andrew dcerts Annie births Charles A. 1860 Edmond 1860 Eliza 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Eve 1850 Geo H. 1860 George 1860 George 1860 Harvey 1860 James 1830 John 1850 John 1860 John 1859nws John F. 1860 John P. 1850 John T. 1860 Joseph 1850 Lydia 1860 Lydia 1860 Mary 1860 Matilda 1860 Nancy 1860 Rogena 1860 Sarah 1860 Willard 1860 Wm. Waiiace dcerts Athelia Waiker dcerts Amos dcerts Rofri Wain 1860 Ella 1860 Frederick 1860 Isaac 1860 Lydia Waite 1850 Elizabeth 1850 John 1854nws John C. Wakely murray Mabel Walburn dcerts Charles 1830 Edward 1850 Edward 1850 Elcy 1850 Electa 1850 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Evaline 1850 Granville 1860 Granville 1850 Jackson 1850 Jefferson 1840 John 1850 John 1860 John R. 1860 Margaret 1850 Mary 1850 Melvina 1850 Rachael 1850 Reuben 1879nws Reuben 1850 Virginia 1830 William Walburn? 1830 John Wald births Paul births Rosa E. Walden 1897nws George Waldon 1897nws --- Waldy 1866nws Downing Walkely wrdead Samuel C. Walker & Kibble 1873nws --- Walker family larkin --- 1902nws --- Walker 1893nws A. L. 1850 Albert 1920 Alma 1920 Amelia 1893nws Amos 1893nws Amos 1920 Anna S 1840 Ansel 1850 Ansel hrdsty Ansel harris Archibald B. harris Augusta 1860 B. 1860 Benjamin 1902nws Bethia 1850 Caroline 1860 Caroline hrdsty Carrie B. 1883nws Carrie B. 1850 Cassandra hrdsty Cassandra (Halsey) 1883nws Cassandra (Halsey) 1860 Cate 1850 Catharine dcerts Ccrdia 1840 Charles 1868nws Charles E. 1876nws Charles E. 1850 Charles S harris Charles W. 1850 Chas phist Chas. 1850 Claude S. 1920 Corda? 1902nws Curtis 1850 D. A. 1892nws Daniel 1850 David 1920 Dearl 1920 Denis dcerts Don harris E.R. 1920 Earl J 1850 Edmund 1860 Eliza dcerts Elizabe 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Ellanor 1850 Emily 1860 Emily hrdsty Emily S. (Weldon) 1883nws Emily S. (Weldon) hrdsty Eva S. 1883nws Eva S. 1850 Evaline 1860 Evaline harris Ezra harris Ezra (Dr.) births Fannie 1920 Francis 1850 George 1860 George harris George 1855nws George harris George R. 1920 Gladys E 1850 Harriet larkin Harriet (Newell) 1850 Harriet N. 1920 Helen harris Helen g1820 Henry 1920 Hilda 1860 illegible 1850 Irene births J. 1889nws James 1868nws Jennie K. 1920 Jennie M births Jennie R. 1998q Jesse 1850 Jesse dindx Jesse 1881nws Jesse marr Jesse 1860 Jessie 1904nws Jewell E. 1867nws Joel 1860 John harris John wrdead John E. harris John Henry 1850 Jona 1860 Jonathan 1920 Josa T 1850 Joseph dcerts Joseph marr Joseph dcerts Julia 1920 Julia A 1998q Julia Ann (Sayre) dcerts Kal births Kate 1998q Lenora 1850 Leonidas 1850 Leslie 1840 Lewis 1850 Lewis 1920 Louis H births Louisa 1850 Lucinda 1893nws Lydia 1893nws Magdalena C. 1850 Mahala births Mahala 1850 Malissa 1850 Maretta 1860 Martha 1850 Mary 1859nws Mary 1850 Mary A. 1868nws Mary M. births Mary M. g1820 Matthew births Maud 1998q Meshech phist Mildred 1850 Milton larkin Milton 1844nws Milton 1851nws Milton 1893nws Milton 1878nws Mr. 1840 Nancy 1840 Nelson 1862nws O. F. 1860 O. R. 1820 Obadiah 1830 Obadiah 1840 Obadiah dindx Obadiah hrdsty Obadiah 1883nws Obadiah phist Obadiah hrdsty Obadiah, Jr. 1850 Obediah dindx Obediah halsey Obidiah 1850 Oliver hrdsty Oliver R. 1883nws Oliver R. phist Oliver R. 1889nws Oliver Rice 1850 Perry 1892nws Polly 1920 Ralph harris Ralph 1893nws Robert 1904nws Robert 1920 Robert T 1920 Robert T Jr 1840 Samuel 1850 Samuel 1855nws Samuel 1850 Sarah 1999q Sarah A. 1850 Sarah A. births Sarah A. dcerts Spence 1850 Thomas 1920 Vada 1850 Vincent 1861nws Vincent hrdsty Vincent A. 1840 William 1850 William 1920 William harris William 1851nws Wilson Walkers births Lovina Walkins 1850 Edward 1850 Electa Wall Family harris --- Wall 1850 Abagail 1850 Alice 1850 Almira H. 1850 Ann 1860 Catharine 1850 David 1860 E.T. dcerts Eertha 1860 Elisabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Emily 1850 Francis 1850 Frank 1850 George 1889nws Joel phist Joel 1860 John g1820 John 1860 Louisa dcerts Luther 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1850 Peter 1850 Samuel 1850 Samuell 1850 Sarah 1860 Susan 1860 Val 1850 William 1854nws William Wallace family wallce Wallace family Wallace 1893nws Alice May 1861nws Andrew dcerts Athelia 1920 Athelia L. 1920 Bessie S 1897nws Captain births Chas E. 1920 Della B 1920 Earnest C. 1897nws Ed. 1897nws Edwin S. 1920 Esta M 1917nws George dcerts George 1920 George H 1892nws George W. 1850 Harriet 1889nws Harry 1861nws J. M. 1876nws J. T. 1850 James dcerts James 1920 James M 1850 Jane dcerts Janet 1861nws John R. dcerts Kitty births Lucy W. 1860 Lydia 1904nws Mabel 1850 Marion 1917nws Mrs. dcerts Oshel 1884nws R. H. (Rev.) 1884nws R. H. (Rev.) dcerts Rachel 1920 Ralph E 1884nws Rev. graybd S. D. 1881nws Samuel graybd Samuel D. 1920 Thomas A births W.R. 1904nws Will 1881nws Wille 1850 William 1850 William 1920 William 1920 William 1844nws William 1893nws William 1881nws William J. 1860 Wm. Wallahan 1850 Alexander 1850 Esther 1850 George 1850 Jane 1850 John 1850 Martha 1873nws Richard 1850 Sylvanas Wallar 1893nws Capt. 1862nws J. L. (Capt.) Wallburn 1860 Blun? 1860 Elca 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Evaline 1860 Melvina C. Waller 1850 David 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elza 1850 James 1850 L. 1850 Louis N. 1850 Louisa 1850 Olive 1850 Philena 1850 Rebecca Wallia 1840 Andrew Wallian g1820 John Walling 1897nws --- 1820 Gabriel larkin Gabriel phist Gabriel Wallis g1820 Uriah Walnut Street House 1881nws --- 1889nws --- 1893nws --- Walsh births Mary Walshire 1850 Christina 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Lena 1850 Leonard 1850 Peter 1850 Valentine Walter family 1999q Walter family Walter 1998q Anna Elizabeth 1850 Anne 1850 Elizabeth 1903nws Gladys wrdead James 1850 Jane 1903nws Jonah dcerts Ora 1850 S. J. births Sarah 1897nws Sarah J. 1850 William 1856nws William Walters 1860 Anna 1850 Anne births Catharine 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1881nws Emanuel cmarr Frank 1860 Jane 1850 Lewis births Luvinia 1860 Mary 1871nws Sarah 1860 Sarah J. 1850 Thomas births Vina 1850 William Waltner 1919nws C. W. (Rev.) Walton 1860 A. M. 1850 Albert 1860 Albert 1873nws Albert 2000q Amanda (Packard) 2000q Amanda M. (Packard) 1850 Ann 1850 Caroline 1860 David 1860 Edward 1998q Elizabeth 1860 Emily 1889nws G. W. (Rev.) 1860 George 1850 Jane 1860 John 1998q Kate (Cheatham) 1860 Margaret 1860 Nancy phist Rev. wrdead Samuel 1860 Stephen dcerts Thcmas 2000q William M. 2000q William W. Wandle 1862nws George Wandling 1897nws Diana 1873nws Dianna 1897nws John W. 1897nws Silas Wandser 1873nws Benjamin Wango births Bertha births Flora Lucinda births William Wann? 1860 Ann 1860 Anthony Wanntft dcerts Stilluc Wano dcerts Harray Wanso 1893nws W. A. Wantz g1820 Henry g1820 James Wanuell dcerts Aoalpmf Wanzo 1890nws Benjamin births Elvia Burris births Fenton births Geo. dcerts Henry births Salina births William births Wm. Waod dcerts Cilaglo Waoddll dcerts Lois Wapnick dcerts Tayloin Wapthen dcerts Nathani Warc dcerts Theador Ward 1850 Aaron 1909nws Allen 1920 Allison 1998q Amanda (Head) 1998q Andrew murray Andy Mrs. 1850 Benjamin 1860 Cate dcerts Cathrin g1820 Charles harris Clara 1855nws Columbus A. murray Cora 1919nws Cora 1850 Corneleus births Cornelius marr Cornelius dcerts Cynthia 1881nws Cynthia A. births Daisy Ebitha 1926nws Dale harris Eber B. 1920 Edna G 1820 Edward 1860 Edward larkin Edward 1819tx Edward phist Edward g1820 Elijah 1850 Eliza 1860 Eliza dindx Eliza dcerts Elizabe 1860 Elizabeth 1908nws Elizabeth births Elizabeth births Ellen murray Elmer murray Elmer 1920 Emma 1920 Ethel dcerts Ethel 1892nws Eva 1998q Eva M. 1920 Evelyn 1920 Everett R 1919nws Frank 1920 Garnet 1919nws Garnet 1887nws George births George births H. 1850 Hannah 1919nws Harold 1850 Hartsel births Headley births Headly marr Heartsell 1860 Hedley 1920 Henry L 1850 Hiram 1893nws Horace 1920 Inetta M 1860 J. W. 1919nws J. W. 1850 Jacob 1890nws Jacob 1860 James 1850 John murray John murray John 1890nws John dcerts John 1920 John A 1919nws John A. phist John A. 1855nws John G. births John L. 1860 Joshua 1920 Kate A murray Lew 1873nws Logan and, --- 1919nws Lola M. 1998q Mabel Annie 1879nws Malinda 1860 Marion 1919nws Marion 1998q Martha Lucinda 1850 Mary 1850 Mary births Mary Agnes births Mary Matilda 1860 Matthew W. 1920 Max dcerts Mitchel 1890nws Mr. 1893nws Mrs. 1909nws N. J. 1909nws N. J. dindx Naham larkin Nahum larkin Nahum 1850 Nancy harris Nathan dcerts Nelson 1919nws Nelson J. 1920 Ora 1905nws Pearl 1860 Peter births Peter 1862nws Phild 1850 Philip marr Philip 1850 Phoebe harris Pratt 1893nws R. B. 1850 Rachael g1820 Samuel 1873nws Samuel 1920 Samuel B 1850 Sarah dcerts Sarah 1850 Sarah A. dcerts Selina murray Stella 1893nws Stella births Susan 1850 Susannah births Susannah E. dcerts Sylvia 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas harris Tow 1897nws W. A. Dalus, First 1850 William 1860 William murray William murray William 1889nws William 1890nws William 1893nws William 1998q William Harold 1998q William Nelson births Willie Austin g1820 Wm births Wm. H. births Wm. Lewis Warden murray Effie M. Wardle 1854nws Thomas Ware 1860 C. A. 1860 C. R. 1850 Elizabeth 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John dindx John harris John 1860 M. E. 1850 M. J. 1855nws Margaret M. 1850 Maria 1860 S. E. 1850 William dindx Wm. J. Wareen harris Brother Warey 1860 Jacob 1860 L. 1860 Mary 1860 Peter Warf dcerts Annie Waring births Julia Warley 1866nws J.M. Warman g1820 Anna Warn murray Sarah L. Warner & Stewart 1879nws --- 1879nws --- 1881nws --- Warner farm larkin --- Warner mill 1917nws King, Gilbert &, --- Warner 1886nws A. J. 1886nws Albert 1920 Alvira dcerts Alvira dcerts Anna 1920 Anna M 1860 Arthur dcerts Arthur 1820 Benjamin 1840 Benjamin larkin Benjamin 1819tx Benjamin phist Benjamin 1860 Benjamin M. 1850 C. phist Capt. Jonathan 1920 Carra? 1920 Carrie 1890 Cassie dcerts Catheri 1920 Catherine 1920 Charles F 1920 Charley D 1920 Charley M births Charlot 1920 Dale 1893nws Daniel 1920 Daniel M 1920 Dayton harris Earnest 1912nws Earnest 1920 Eber B dcerts Edith murray Edith Morton murray Edith Morton 1920 Edna 1860 Elisabeth harris Eliza phist Eliza dcerts Elizabe 1909nws Else 1920 Elsie 1920 Emily L 1920 Emma C 1904nws Ernest 1920 Ernest D 1920 Eunice dcerts Flora 1920 Flossie 1920 Floyd R 1920 Freda 1920 Freda L 1920 Fredrachel 1893nws G. E. 1840 George 1860 George 1860 George 1920 George 1876nws George 1881nws George dcerts George 1893nws George E. 1920 George H 1920 Gertie M dcerts Grace 1920nws H. E. (Rev.) dcerts Harriet 1920 Harriet A cmarr Harry dcerts Helen 1850 Henry 1860 Henry 1860 Henry 1921nws Herb 1920 Herbert F 1920 Homer 1920 Ida B phist Israel births J.J. dcerts Jaccb 1860 Jacob births Jacob 1850 James 1860 James 1883nws James dcerts James births James Allen 1860 James C. 1920 James M 1820 John 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 1860 John dindx John larkin John harris John 1819tx John 1872nws John 1881nws John 1881nws John 1889nws John 1903nws John phist John births John marr John 1920 Joseph C births Leonhart births Lillian Agness dcerts Lucy 1920 Lyda 1920 Lydia dcerts Mamie births Margaret A. 1860 Martha 1860 Mary 1860 Mary larkin Mary 1881nws Mary births Mary dcerts Mary 1850 Mary Ann 1920 Mary J births Mary M. 1860 Mary S. 1998q Mary Virginia 1920 Myrtle dcerts Nacmi dcerts Nancy 1904nws Nellie Evelyn 1920 Nora A harris P. O. 1879nws Parmelia (Stewart) 1850 Permela 1860 Permelia 1881nws Permelia 1920 Perry W 1830 Philemon larkin Philemon larkin Philemon 1819tx Philemon 1872nws Philemon phist Philemon 1820 Philmon 1840 Philmore 1920 Ray F dcerts Rftty phist Robert 1920 Robert S 1920 Rosa dcerts Rosie 1920 Rossie M 1920 Sadie L 1904nws Sadie Leora 1851nws Samara 1851nws Samara 1850 Samaria 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah ?. dcerts Stillbo 1920 Thomas 1860 Valentine 1860 W. B. 1876nws W. B. 1881nws W. B. 1881nws W. B. 1904nws W. J. 1850 Wallington 1920 Wellington phist Wellington B. 1920 Wilber J dcerts Wilbert harris Wilbur 1920 Wilbur W 1850 William 1920 William 1873nws William 1881nws William 1920 William J 1860 Wm. births Zara Warner? 1920 Gladys F Warnet 1893nws Thomas Warnock harris James Warren Family harris --- Warren 1860 Ann 1850 Anna 1860 Ansel 1860 Barbara 1854nws C. H. (Rev.) 1855nws C. H. (Rev.) 1855nws C. H. (Rev.) 1855nws C. H. (Rev.) 1855nws C. H. (Rev.) harris Capt. 1830 Charles 1879nws Charles 1892nws Charles 1860 Charles D. 1879nws Charles D. births Charlotte births Clarence B. 1850 Dolly 1860 Edward 1920 Effie births Eliz 1860 Elizabeth K. 1850 Ellanor harris Fannie 1850 Frances 1860 Frances 1860 Franklin 1860 Genevra 1850 Henry 1860 Henry 1920 Henry graybd Henry 1872nws Henry 1873nws Henry phist Henry 1877nws Henry (Capt.) 1877nws Henry (Capt.) 1890nws Henry (Jr.) 1860 Jacob births Jacob 1850 Joel 1840 John 1860 John births John 1893nws Joseph 1893nws Joseph 1893nws Joseph 1860 Julia 1860 Leonard 2000q Marilla 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 2003q Mary T. 1860 Massu 1860 Milton harris N.O. 1860 Nathan harris Nehemiah 1860 Patrick 1860 Platt 1860 Preston 1860 Robert 1860 Ruth 1860 Samantha 1878nws Sheriff 1840 Tusmore 1893nws Virgie 1860 Wm. N. Warrfn dcerts Hfnry Warth family 1999q Warth family Warth larkin Alexander larkin Alexander larkin Alexander phist Alexander larkin Catharine larkin Clara larkin Clara phist Clara larkin Drusilla phist Drusilla 1830 George larkin George larkin George larkin George larkin George larkin George larkin George larkin George larkin George larkin George larkin George larkin George larkin George larkin George larkin George harris George 1819tx George phist George phist George (Jr.) larkin Hannah larkin Hannah phist Hannah larkin John larkin John larkin John larkin John larkin John larkin John harris John phist John larkin Martin phist Martin larkin Mary (Johnson) larkin Polly larkin Rachel phist Rachel larkin Rebecca larkin Rebecca phist Rebecca larkin Robert larkin Robert larkin Robert larkin Robert larkin Robert harris Robert 1892nws Robert phist Robert larkin Robert (Jr.) phist Robert (Jr.) larkin Ruth (Fleehart) larkin Ruth (Fleehart) larkin Sally phist Sally larkin Sally (Fleehart) larkin Sally (Fleehart) Waruner 1820 Israel Wary 1850 E. 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Mary 1860 P. 1850 Peter 1850 W*l** 1860 Wilhelmina Wash 1893nws E. dcerts Julias Washburn 1820 Robert 1819tx Robert Washington 1901nws Joe phist John dcerts Julia dcerts Maria dcerts Marvel 1878nws Mote 1901nws Thomas dcerts William Wason 1820 John Wat*** 1860 A. P. 1860 Elizabeth 1860 James 1860 John 1860 Mary Water g1820 Philip Waterman's hill larkin --- Waterman harris Asher hrdsty David B. harris Dr. 1850 Ellanor 1850 Ellen 1897nws Emma 1850 Erastus 1850 Frances 1860 Francis L. wrdead George 1860 H. C. 1875nws H. C. (Dr.) 1893nws H. C. (Dr.) 1893nws H. C. (Dr.) 1893nws Helen M. 1876nws Homer C. 1876nws J. C. phist John C. (Dr.) hrdsty Lucinda E. 1893nws Mamie 1850 Margret hrdsty Maria (Eckart) harris Martha 1850 Phila 1884nws S. R. (Mrs.) 1893nws Sallie (Rathburn) 1860 Sarah A. 1850 Sarah Ann 1850 Zebalon Waterrman Family harris --- Waters births Waters 1850 Amelia E. 1860 Aurilla 1850 Benjamin 1860 Benjamin 1850 David wrdead David 1850 Deborah phist Elizabeth 1850 Esther 1850 Francis J. 1830 Henery B. 1850 Henry phist Henry 1892nws Henry B. 1889nws J. H. phist Jasper Newton 1860 John dcerts John 1850 John R. dcerts Kenneth births Lana 1860 Louisa births Lovina 1860 Mary 1850 Mary E. dcerts Myrtle 1850 Newton births Newton 1850 Rhoda 1850 Royal births Royal 1850 Samantha 1860 Sarah 1850 Sarah A. 1860 Susan 1850 Susan A. births Sylvenia 1850 Willard R. 1850 William marr Williams Watins dcerts Stillao Watkins & Smith. 1855nws --- Watkins 1897nws --- births Watkins 1850 A. P. T. 1856nws A. P. T. 1840 A.P.T. births Ada Labertha 1860 Albert 1850 Alonzo 1860 Amanda dcerts Amanda 1850 Amelia larkin Amelia 1905nws Amos 1850 Andrew 1860 Andrew hrdsty Andrew hrdsty Andrew H. 1999q Anna (Bryant) larkin Augustus (Dr.) births B.H. 1840 Benjamin 1850 Benjamin 1862nws Benjamin 1876nws Benjamin 1893nws Benjamin 1893nws Benjamin marr Benjamin harris Bert 1860 Casat? 1850 Catharine 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine 1860 Charles 1881nws Charles births Charles Bento 1905nws Clarisia 1897nws Dora 1851nws E. 1860 Electa hrdsty Electa (Halsey) 1850 Eli 1860 Eliza 1879nws Eliza larkin Eliza (Stow) larkin Eliza (Stow) 1860 Eliza A. 1850 Elizabeth births Emma Gray 1860 Florence 1860 Frances 1860 Francis dcerts Francis 1920 Francis E 1860 Freeman births G.W.T 1860 George 1893nws George births George 1881nws George A. births George W. births George Wash dcerts Glen dcerts Helen 1840 Henry B. fair I. 1850 Isaac 1867nws Isaac 1860 J. 1860 J. E. 1999q James 1850 James 1860 James births James dcerts James 1860 James A. hrdsty James Edward phist James Edward 1867nws James F. births Jane 1860 Jephtha 1850 John 1862nws John 1850 John R. 1850 John W. 1860 Latesia 1860 Laura hrdsty Laura Amanda 1860 Lenora 1850 Lucinda 1860 Lucinda graybd M. H. pmry88 M. H. 1890nws M. H. 1860 Manda 1850 Marcella J. 1860 Margaret hrdsty Margaret (Weldon) 1850 Margret 1860 Martha J? 1860 Mary 1850 Mary E. 1859nws Mary J. 1860 Matilda births Matilda Ann 1860 Minerva 1850 Morten 1850 Moses S. 1860 Moton 1893nws Mrs. 1879nws Permelia 1820 Philip larkin Philip phist Philip 1860 Rachael 1850 Rebecca 1850 Simeon 1920 Stella 1998q Stella Belle 1999q Stella Belle dcerts Stillbo n. 1876nws W. A. 1881nws W. A. 1879nws W. A. (Dr.) births W.A. 1860 Wallas births Wiley 1820 William 1850 William 1920 William larkin William 1819tx William phist William dcerts William 1910nws William W. 1860 Wm 1860 Wm. Watson 1920 Ada 1920 Adeline 1860 Albert 1884nws Albert births Alice 1920 Alice L 1920 Alpheus 1920 Anna births Arthur Lewis 1850 Benjamin 1862nws Benjamin 1893nws Bessie Maude 1860 Byson G. 1860 C. H. 1850 Calvin dcerts Charifs 1850 Charity 1920 Charity 1850 Charles 1860 Charles 1920 Charles 1920 Charles 1867nws Charles dcerts Charles marr Charles births Charles A. 1850 Charles H. 1895nws Charles H. births Charles Willia 1893nws Charley phist Chas. 1850 Christena 1920 Clifford g1820 Cornelius 1893nws David births David marr David 1860 David S. 1850 Delila 1850 Elisha 1860 Elisha dcerts Elisha marr Elisha 1860 Elisha M. phist Elizabeth 1920 Ella births Ellen 1890nws Elza 1860 Estus 1892nws Et 1850 Harvy dcerts Henery 1850 Henry 1850 Hiram 1867nws Hiram marr Hiram 1860 Isabella 1860 Isabelle 1840 James 1850 James marr James births James M. 1860 Jane births Jannet 1884nws Jennie (Hunt) 1860 John 1920 John 1856nws John 1862nws John 1876nws John 1876nws John 1876nws John 1850 John F. 1860 John R. 1895nws John T. 1860 Jonas marr Jonathan 1860 Joseph E. 1850 Kaziah 1850 Keziah 1920 Lavern? births Leo dindx Leyman 1850 Lovin 1850 Lovina 1920 Lucius 1999q Lucy B. 1860 Lydia A. 1860 Madora 1920 Mamie 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1850 Margret 2000q Maria Jane 1860 Martha 1850 Martha J. 1850 Martha M. 1860 Martha M. 1850 Mary A 1860 Mary A. 1860 Mary J. 1850 Mary L. dcerts Millie 1850 Milton 1850 Morgan 1881nws Mrs. 1893nws N. J. 1893nws N. J. 1850 Nancy 1920 Nancy 1850 Negate 1850 Nelson dcerts Nelson marr Nelson births Nelson G. births Nelson J. larkin Reed and, --- 1860 Robert 1862nws Robert 1876nws Robert 1877nws Robert 1884nws Robert marr Robert 1850 Robt murray Roy 1850 Samuel g1820 Samuel 1851nws Samuel 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1850 Sarah Ann 1860 Sarah L. dcerts Selenci dcerts Stillog 1860 Susan A. 1884nws T. A. births Thomas Clyde 1862nws Thomas M. dcerts W 1860 W. 1860 W. R. 1850 William 1850 William 1850 William 1920 William 1862nws William 1867nws William 1881nws William marr William 1850 William A. 1860 William A. deaths William A. births Wm 1867nws Wyatt W. 1877nws Wyatt W. marr Wyatt W. Watsun dcerts Mary Watt births Eliza 1893nws J. E. murray Otho births Richard Watters dcerts Catheri 1889nws J.R. Watts births Alonzo 1912nws Cynthia g1820 David dcerts Fannie 1893nws George 1893nws J. E. 1897nws J. M. 1914nws L. C. 1893nws Ruby births Thomas Waugh g1820 George g1820 Henry 1861nws Henry 1879nws J. G. 1861nws J. M. g1820 John g1820 Sollomon Waughn 1860 Ann 1860 Catharine 1860 James 1860 John 1860 Margaret 1860 Michael 1860 Peter Wax dcerts John births Julia births Lucy Waxler harris George harris Jones Way 1893nws Ed. S. marr George A. births Helen Wayan(Weyand)? 1920 Edith 1920 Ida C 1920 Mary B 1920 O.M. Wayland 1999q Arthur 1999q Edna (McKnight) dcerts Unnamed Wayne 1860 Caroline 1860 Jacob births Lee 1860 Leroy 1860 Martha 1860 Mary births Not known births Rachel 1860 Rebecca 2003q Sarah E. Wayson wrdead W.W. Wclf dcerts Benjami dcerts Henry We 1860 Barbary 1860 Elizabeth 1860 William 1860 Wm Weakley marr Andrew J. Weam 1895nws Henry Weas 1844nws Nancy 1844nws Zibea Weaseman births Phebe A. Weatherby 1920 Louisa Weatherly dcerts Nancy Weatherman 1873nws S. A. Weaver 1860 A. dindx Adam 1850 Adley 1844nws Adley 1862nws Adley marr Adley 1860 Alden 1850 Alfred 1860 Alfred 1860 Alice 1850 Alice J. 1840 Alley 1850 Alonzo 1860 Alonzo 1920 Alva 1860 Andrew 1850 Andrew P. 1867nws Andrew P. 1920 Belle Fannie 1882nws Ben (Mrs.) 1850 Benj 1860 Benjamin 1895nws Benjamin marr Benjamin dcerts Carolin 1920 Cassie 1860 Catharine 1860 Charles 1879nws Charles 1920 Charles E births Charles P. 1920 Clyde A 1860 Cordelia 1893nws D. B. 1840 Daniel 1850 Daniel 1860 Daniel 1892nws Daniel marr Daniel 1850 Daniel B. births Daniel B. 1861nws E. S. (Rev.) births E.C. 1920 Earnest C 1920 Edison B 1860 Elizabeth births Ella births Ella V. 1920 Emaline F 1920 Emerson births Emma 1920 Estella 1920 Ethel 1920 Fanniebelle dcerts Fansion 1920 Frank 1879nws Fred 1860 Frederic 1850 Geo W. 1830 George 1850 George 1860 George 1862nws George 1873nws George births George Benj. 1840 George S. births H.J. 1850 Hannah 1860 Hannah 1920 Harold 1850 Harriet 1860 Harriet 1860 Henry 1920 Henry C 1858nws J. T. 1860 Jacob 1860 James 1879nws Jennie 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 1860 John 1920 John 1920 John 1867nws John marr John 1876nws John (Capt.) 1920 Katie B. larkin L. A. phist L. A. 1887nws Leroy 1877nws Lewis dcerts Lillian 1920 Lucinda E dcerts Lucinoa 1850 Lucius 1875nws Lucius 1920 Lucy 1920 Magdaline 1850 Mahala dcerts Margare 1892nws Margaret 1920 Marie 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1850 Mary A. 1854nws Mary A. births Mary Caroline 1920 Mary M 1850 Melvin 1887nws Melvina (Cundiff) births Millia F. 1920 Monroe L 1892nws Nancy dindx Nicholas larkin Nicholas 1892nws Nicholas phist Nicholas marr Nicholas 1820 Nicolas 1819tx Nicolas 1840 Noah 1850 Noah 1860 Noah 1850 Noah S. 1920 Nora dcerts Oaniel 1920 Pearl G 1860 Philip 1893nws Russell Justus 1920 Ruth E murray Sada 1920 Sallie V 1889nws Samuel 1999q Sarah Isabel "Belle" 1860 Susanna 1892nws Susannah 1850 Urdilla 1999q Urdilla C. 1920 Virginia 1867nws Virginia (Jones) 1920 Wallace Jr. 1920 Wallace Sr. 1860 Wm. 1850 Wm. M. Web 1850 Abner 1850 Adaline 1850 Beuler 1850 Isaac 1850 John murray Martin 1850 Mary 1850 Nancy 1850 Rueben 1850 Stephen Webarn births ---- Webb births Webb 1850 Alexander 1920 Alta E murray America harris Benjamin 1920 Carrie harris Charles V. harris Cleason 1897nws Cora D. (Darst) 1850 David 1860 David dcerts David 1920 Davis 1893nws Della 1893nws Della 1890nws Dora 1920 Dorothy L 1850 Drucilla 1860 Drusiler murray Dye 1860 Eliza B. 1850 Elizabeth 1920 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth A. 1920 Emmet dcerts Emmett 1860 Estella 1920 Estella 1893nws George 1897nws George 1999q George K. marr George K. dcerts Gertie 1883nws H. N. 1893nws H. W. 1904nws H. Worthy 1876nws Holt and , --- 1850 Isaac 1860 Isaac harris Isaac 1892nws J. V. 1897nws J. V. 1850 James 1860 James L. murray Jammie harris Joe 1850 John 1860 John 1897nws John 1860 John D. 1897nws John V. 1897nws John V. 1897nws John V. 1920 Lena 1860 Leviney 1873nws Lewis larkin Lovina (Holt) 1920 Mamie E 1892nws Marcellus 1850 Margret murray Mart 1860 Martha births Martha 1999q Martha (Sayre) 1860 Martin murray Martin births Mary C. 1860 Mary E. 1897nws Mary Grace 1860 Matilda 1875nws Mr. 1897nws Mrs. 1920 Norma 1920 Orville R 1860 Oscar F. 1875nws R. H. 1897nws R. H. D. harris Ralph 1920 Raymond W 1886nws Rebecca harris Reuben larkin S. D. pmry88 S. D. 1873nws S. D. 1889nws S. D. 1890nws S. D. 1890nws S. D. 1890nws S. D. 1893nws S. D. 1893nws S. D. 1893nws S. D. 1893nws S. D. 1893nws S. D. 1893nws S. D. 1893nws S. D. 1904nws S. D. 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1902nws Samuel 1850 Sarah J. 1920 Seldon D murray Stephen 1875nws Stephen phist Stephen D. births Stevin O. 1850 Susan 1850 Susanna 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas harris Thomas 1877nws Thomas 1860 Virgina 1850 Virginia 1893nws W. A. 1897nws Wesley 1893nws Wesley A. 1850 William 1850 William 1860 William 1920 Worley E 1893nws Worth 1893nws Worthy Webber dcerts Philip Webbs g1820 Rufus Webe 1893nws W. T. Weber hrdsty Ada C. hrdsty Anna 1920 Anna L births Annie M. 1920 August H 1920 Barbara C. 1920 Catherine hrdsty Catherine hrdsty Cathrina hrdsty Cathrina (Schreiber) hrdsty Charley 1920 Dorris A hrdsty Elizabeth hrdsty Emma S. 1862nws Fabian 1920 Floyd D dcerts Frederi 1920 Frederick hrdsty Frederick 1881nws Fredrick phist Fredrick hrdsty George 1920 Goldie B 1903nws Grace 1920 Gracie S 1920 Henry hrdsty Henry hrdsty Henry F. 1920 Hilda F 1920 Jacob hrdsty Jacob 1920 James F 1905nws James Frederick 1920 John hrdsty John 1905nws John dcerts Kathrin hrdsty Laura B. 1881nws Laura Bertha 1920 Lucinda 1920 Mabel B 1920 Marcia L 1920 Margaret S hrdsty Maria hrdsty Maria D. (Jacobs) 1920 Mary hrdsty Mary 1920 Ophelia 1893nws Ora Lee 1920 Oscar 1905nws Oscar Raymond 1920 Peter A hrdsty Peter A. hrdsty Philip 1893nws Philip 1920 Philip J hrdsty Philip J. hrdsty Philip Sr. phist Philip Sr. hrdsty Philip, Jr. 1920 Phillip 1920 Ruth E dcerts Stillbo n. 1881nws Susan 1920 Susanna dcerts Susanna hrdsty Susanna (Dorst) hrdsty Susanna M. 1920 Thomas L dcerts Vida 1920 Viola L 1920 Wilbur W 1903nws William 1905nws William 1920 William E hrdsty William E. 1920 Wilma E Webster family 1999q Webster family Webster Family harris --- Webster Home harris --- Webster births Webster 1860 A. 1840 Abraham 1850 Abraham phist Agnes 1850 Alice 1850 Amand M. 1850 Amanda M. 1860 Ann 1850 Annie? 1819tx Augustin 1820 Augustine 1830 Augustine 1840 Augustine dindx Augustine larkin Augustine 1850 Bazil M. 1860 Belinda 1860 Benj 1850 Benjamin 1920 Benjamin 1850 Berlinda A. 1903nws Carol Auther 1850 Charles W. 1850 Clarrinda 1876nws D. D. harris Daniel harris Drew Selby phist Ebenezer 1850 Ebenezer C. 1892nws Ebenezer T. 1920 Edith dcerts Edith 1999q Eleanor (Bridget) 1891 Elisabeth dcerts Elizabe h. 1850 Elizabeth 1920 Elizabeth 1850 Ellen 1903nws Elvin 1876nws G. G. 1876nws G. G. 1850 Geo W. 1850 Geo. R. 1840 George 1850 George dcerts George 1844nws George K. 1892nws George K. marr George K. 1850 Gilbert 1860 Gilbert harris Gilbert births Gilbert 1850 Henry 1871nws I. N. 1830 Isaac 1850 Isaac 1860 Isaac 1860 Isaac harris Isaac 1889nws Isaac 1867nws Isaac A. 1840 Jacob A. 1850 James births James 1840 James M. 2000q Jane 1850 Jane 1860 Jane 1876nws Jennie E. (Harris) 1840 John 1850 John harris John 1876nws John S. 1850 Jola 1860 Josaphine births Josephine 1850 Laura 1850 Louis 1850 Lovinia 1850 Lydda 1860 Lydia harris Lydia phist M. D. Sr. 1889nws M. S. 1897nws M. S. 1999q Madison 1850 Madison 1860 Manning harris Manning phist Manning dcerts Manning 1850 Margaret 1850 Maria 1850 Martha C. 1860 Mary harris Mary dcerts Mary 1850 Mary A. 1850 Matilda 1850 Minerva 1913nws Morton harris Morton Ellsworth 1850 Moses 1840 Moses A. 1854nws Moses A. 1855nws Mr. 1850 Nancy 1850 Nancy 1860 Nancy 1850 Orilla 1876nws Philemina 1850 Phoeba dcerts Pina 1850 Polly 1850 Reuben 1860 Reuben 1867nws Reuben 1868nws Reuben harris Robert 1897nws Russell &, --- 1897nws Russell &, --- 1850 Samuel 1855nws Samuel S. 1850 Sarah births Sarah 1850 Sarah C. 1850 Sarah J. dcerts Stillbo n. 1840 Susan 1850 Susan 1850 Susan E. births Viva 1850 Watson 1860 Watson phist Watson 1850 Watson E. 1860 Wesley 1850 Westley 1850 William births William Wecks 1876nws P. Wedaver dcerts John Wedger 1819tx Thomas Wee 1860 * 1860 Amelia 1860 Barbary 1850 C. 1860 C. 1860 George 1860 H. 1860 Mary 1860 Philip M. 1860 Theodore 1850 William Weed Family harris --- Weed 1871nws A. D. 1877nws A. D. 1883nws A. D. 1887nws A. D. 1895nws A. D. 1904nws Alonzo dcerts Artemus phist Bessie (Smith) dcerts Carolin dcerts Catheri 1893nws Elder phist I. (Mrs.) 1893nws J. S. (Rev.) 1897nws S. J. 1893nws S. J. (Rev.) 1893nws S. J. (Rev.) 1894nws S. J. (Rev.) 1893nws T. R. Weeden 1917nws Isaac 1917nws Isaac 1877nws W. S. (Prof.) 1917nws Win Weeds dcerts Martha dcerts Richard Weeks 1860 E. 1859nws Edmund 1881nws Edmund 1860 Edward 1862nws Edward 1867nws Edwin 1873nws Edwin deaths Edwin 1860 Eliza 1860 Emily dcerts Euward 1860 James 1860 John 1881nws Penelope 1860 Pernelly dcerts Ratchin 1860 Sarah A. dcerts Simon 1858nws W. H. Weeler births Barb Weels births Wm. Wees 1998q Elijiah 1855nws John J. g1820 Lenard Weese 1873nws Abraham 1920 Anna Maria 1920 Birt M 1920 Carl B 1920 Donald B. 1876nws J. J. dcerts John 1920 John R 1920 Nellie 1904nws Olive V. 1920 Ora A 1904nws Otis 1904nws Otis V. Weethee harris Daniel harris David harris Jonathan Perkins harris Laurentius Wehe phist Wehe 1850 Barbara 1897nws Elna dcerts Emilie 1850 George 1893nws George 1895nws George 1897nws George 1850 Henry 1867nws Henry dcerts Katie 1850 Mary 1897nws Nora 1889nws Theodore 1893nws Theodore 1893nws Theodore 1893nws Will. Wehring 1860 Catharine 1860 Edward 1860 Emma 1860 Henry 1860 Julia dcerts Laura 1860 Lewis Wehrling 1867nws Andrew Wehrung 1999q Catherine 1999q Edward 1999q Elmer 1999q Georgia (Montgomery) 1999q Henry 1862nws Henry wehrng Henry 1999q Laura (Gardner) 1999q Lydia phist Spencer and Weicht 1999q Philadelphia Weidling 1860 Magdaline Weidt 1883nws Mayor 1884nws Mayor Weidth 1879nws Charles Weigand 1920 Matilda Weigard 1877nws Mrs. Weigleman 1889nws Herman Weihr harris Mary Weiker 1893nws W. H. Weir 1867nws Liberty 1850 Mary 1840 Thomas 1867nws Thomas Weirig wrdead Anthony Weis g1820 Be.... g1820 Daniel dcerts George Weise phist Clarence B. phist Medda May Bye (Smith) Weisebach births Anthony Weiseman 1897nws Michael Weisenbach 1873nws M. Weiser phist Jean Elizabeth (Ervin) phist Robert T. Weiserman dcerts Anthony Weiskittel 1884nws B. Weiskittle 1877nws Charles Weisman 1897nws Adam births Andrew births John 1897nws Michael deaths William Weiss dcerts Freqoer 1876nws J. J. 1897nws John Weisswasser 1897nws Rev. Weker births Louisa Welberage marr Henry Welby 1840 Robert I. Welch family 1998q Welch family Welch family 1999q Welch family Welch 1893nws --- 1893nws Ada May 1850 Byram dcerts Byron 1897nws C. harris C. E. (Dr.) harris Charles murray Clint murray Clint 1898nws Clinton L. 1850 Colgni 1860 Colinge? 1850 Dalles 1904nws Dorotha Gertrude 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth dcerts Elizebe 1893nws Ethal harris Eva g1820 Francis 1850 Huenglius dcerts Jahn 1850 Jane 1860 Jane murray Jennie 1850 John harris John 1854nws John 1856nws John 1856nws John 1893nws John dcerts John harris John Forbes murray Juingluis 1888nws L. 1898nws Maggie (Musser) 1860 Martha 1909nws Mary E. murray Mrs. 1886nws N. 1850 Noah 1886nws Noah 1850 Octavia 1904nws Ora 1893nws Orlando 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1850 Sarah Ann 1871nws T. 1860 T. A. graybd T. A. 1886nws T. A. 1878nws T. A. (Rev.) 1879nws T. A. (Rev.) 1889nws T. A. (Rev.) 1850 Thomas 1998q Timothy 1850 Timothy 1897nws Z. 1860 Zuinglius Welden 1840 John V. 1850 Mary Welder 1866nws C. 1840 Samuel Weldman 1884nws Charles Weldon family 1902nws --- Weldon 1860 ? 1850 Adeline 1850 Alvira 1850 Amanda 1850 Cevilla 1850 Charles 1850 Charlotte marr Edward 1850 Edward C. 1860 Eleanor 1860 Emily J. hrdsty Emily S. 1883nws Emily S. dcerts Frances 1920 Frances J hrdsty Francis graybd H. R. 1850 Hannah A. 1887nws J. E. 1867nws J. M. 1897nws J. M. 1897nws J. M. 1860 J. V. 1871nws J. V. 1893nws J. Van 1820 James 1850 James 1860 James 1920 James dindx James 1819tx James 1850 James M. 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 4thInf John larkin John 1876nws John 1892nws John 1850 John J. C. 1850 Lara 1860 Laura 1860 Letitia 1860 Lila 1877nws Lillie M. 1860 Linnie 1873nws Lura hrdsty Margaret 1850 Margaret E. larkin Mary (Elliot) 1850 Mary A. 1889nws Mary A. 1856nws Mary Ann 1860 Matt phist Mrs. 1850 N. W. 1860 Nora 1820 Richard hrdsty Richard 1819tx Richard 1867nws Richard 1881nws S. hrdsty Sally (Steadman) 1850 Samuel 1895nws Samuel M. 1867nws W. R. 1879nws W. R. 1889nws W. R. 1820 William 1830 William larkin William 1819tx William 1892nws William 1892nws William 1892nws William 1892nws William 1892nws William 1892nws William phist William 1850 William R. dindx Wm. Welke 1897nws David Welker neighborhood 1917nws --- Welker 1881nws Clara Edna dcerts Gerald 1881nws Hiram dcerts Hiram dcerts Ida 1917nws Isaac 1881nws Jane births Lou births Lou E. dcerts Margare 1917nws Mike 1917nws William Well 1850 Abram 1920 Archie 1920 Audith N ? 1920 Carl 1850 Catharine 1920 Dale M dcerts Donald 1920 Donald V 1850 Elizabeth births Elizabeth dcerts Elta 1920 Emerson S 1920 Eva Mae 1879nws Harold 1920 Hazel E 1850 Henry 1920 Henry S harris Ivan 1893nws J. W. 1850 Jacob 1920 Leonard dcerts Leonard hrdsty Margaret 1920 Martha E 1920 Ora 1920 Orvell D 1850 Philip 1920 Sanford P. 1920 Valentine 1920 Vern C Weller 1850 Almony 1850 Barbara phist Barbara 1850 Catharine 1860 Christena 1840 Conrad 1860 Coura 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1860 George 1860 Gideon wrdead Gideon phist Gideon 1850 Jacob 1850 John 1998q John Jacob 1999q John Jacob 1860 Julia 1860 Margaret 1999q Maria Magdalena (Schumacher) 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1998q Mary Magdalena (Schumacher) 1850 Michael 1850 Nancy 1850 Peter 1850 Robert 1850 Ross 1860 Sevilla 1860 Wendall 1850 Wendel Wellington dcerts Earl dcerts Pearl 1881nws Samuel dcerts Sttills Wells & Amos nursery 1890nws --- Wells & Amos Nursery 1893nws --- Wells and Amos 1890nws --- Wells and Carson 1876nws --- Wells cemetery 1904nws --- 1892nws --- Wells Cemetery 1906nws --- 1917nws --- Wells family 1902nws --- Wells 1850 A* 1860 A. H. 1862nws A. H. harris Abel harris Agrippa dcerts Alanzo 1850 Albert 1868nws Albert births Albert 1892nws Amanda B. (Carpenter) births Analiza 1920 Anna M 1879nws Art 1850 Artemas 1897nws B. S. births Bart 2001q Barton A. 2001q Barton V. 1860 Bazel 1902nws Bazie 1850 Bazy 2001q Belinda dcerts Bertha 1890nws Bertie 1890nws Bertie 1890nws Bertie 1893nws Bertie 1893nws Bertie 1902nws Bethia (Walker) 1893nws Bundy 1876nws C. K. harris Carl births Caroline 1850 Catharine 1890nws Charity 1850 Charles 1881nws Charles 1893nws Charles 1860 Charles K. 2001q Charlotte 1860 Charls 1903nws Chester O. 1860 D. L. murray David B. births David H. 1879nws Dr. 1850 Dudley dcerts Earle 1850 Eliza dcerts Eliza 1998q Elizabeth 1999q Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth births Elizabeth births Elizabeth dcerts Ella 1860 Emma 1850 Emmet dcerts Ethel 1860 Everett dcerts Everett 1920 Everett R 1850 Fanny 1890nws Ferris 1890nws Ferry 1890nws Finley 1893nws Finley 1893nws Finley dcerts Florenc dcerts Francis births Frank 1850 Franklin 1850 George 1862nws George 1893nws George H. 2001q Gordon graybd H. 1867nws H. 1876nws H. H. (Rev.) 1850 H. K. 2001q Hannah harris Hannah 1850 Hareld 1860 Harold 1879nws Harold 1882nws Harrison 1890nws Harrison phist Harrison dindx Harrold harris Harvey harris Harvey B. 1830 Henery R. 1850 Henrietta 1850 Henry dcerts Henry 1875nws Henry K. 1876nws Henry K. 1876nws Henry K. phist Henry K. 1840 Henry R. marr Henry R. 1850 Horatio 1850 Horatio 1860 Horatio dcerts Howard 1920 Irwin 1860 Isaac births J. J. 1876nws J. L. 1890nws J. W. 1890nws J. W. 1893nws J. W. 1893nws J. W. 1893nws J. W. 1893nws J. W. & Son furniture store, --- 1893nws J. W. & Son, --- dcerts Jake 1850 James 1850 James 1876nws James 1897nws James W. 1850 Jane 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1850 Joseph 1885nws Joseph births Joseph dcerts Joseph marr Joseph dcerts Kate births Katharine Anna harris King 1860 Laura phist Laura 1867nws Levi H. 1920 Lillie E 2001q Lucinda 1850 Lucinda 1860 Lucinda 1860 Lydia murray Lyman 1860 M. 1897nws M. P. 1893nws Mabel 1893nws Mabel 1893nws Mabel 1893nws Mable dcerts Mable dcerts Malinoa 1850 Marcus 1860 Marcus 1860 Margaret hrdsty Margaretta 1850 Margret 1850 Marion 1850 Martha 1860 Martha 2002q Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1920 Mary dcerts Mary 1897nws Mary A. 1893nws Mary Ames de Steiguer 1999q Mary Catherine (Boring) 1860 Mary P. 1885nws Mattie 1890nws Maud 1920 Merrill 1850 Minerva births Minnie B. 1920 Murray 1860 Myron 1878nws Myron 2001q Nancy (Barnhart) 1920 Ohlinger 1850 Olive 1850 Orinda 1850 Peter 1889nws R. F. 1889nws R. F. 1893nws R. F. 1893nws R. F. 1881nws R. G. 1886nws R. G. 1886nws R. G. 2001q Rachel 2001q Randall 1850 Robert 1860 Robert 1878nws Robert G. 1890nws Robert G. 1920 Roscoe births Roy dcerts Roy larkin Rufus phist Rufus 1920 Russell 1903nws Russell 1999q Russell Bart 2001q Russell Bart dcerts Ruth 1904nws Ruth T. 1860 S. 1890nws Sadie 1876nws Sanders 1840 Sanford 1850 Sanford 1889nws Sanford 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah births Sarah A. dcerts Stillco 1920 T.M. 1850 Thomas births Thomas 1876nws W. C. (Dr.) births Welhelm 1850 Wesley dcerts Wesley 1890nws Will 1850 William dcerts William 4thInf William F. births William F. births Winnie Howard 1860 Wm. B. births Wm. L. harris Zimri Wels 1860 Francis 1860 George Welsh Baptist church 1900nws Pomeroy, --- Welsh Congregational Church 1893nws --- Welsh Esteddfod 1879nws --- Welsh family 2000q Welsh family Welsh Family harris --- Welsh dcerts Coligne 1886nws Coligni 1886nws Coliguli 1840 Daniel A. 1854nws Edward 1850 Elizabeth 1850 James 1902nws Janie dcerts Lydia dcerts Mary harris Mr. 1855nws T. A. 1877nws T. A. (Rev.) 1878nws T. A. (Rev.) 1851nws Thomas A. 2000q Thomas A. (Rev.) 1840 Timothy Welson births Mary Ann Welt g1820 Jacob Welter 1840 Michial Welton births Parmelia Wenden 1860 Fanny 1860 James 1860 Joseph 1860 Mary Ann 1860 Samuel 1860 Susan 1860 William Wendle 1860 Caroline 1860 George 1860 Mary Wenoland dcerts Henriet Weotgoeqry dcerts Elizabe Werang 1854nws Henry Werling Sisters 1897nws --- Werling dcerts Charles 1851nws David 1881nws David 1881nws David 1920 Emma M 1893nws George W. 1920 Jacob R 1893nws Otto F. Werner births Werner 1893nws Carrie dcerts Edna births Elsadie F. 1893nws George 1885nws Jacob 1893nws Jacob births Jacob dcerts John 1893nws Katie births Lizzie Bell dcerts Stillbo n. Werry dcerts Jacobi 1862nws Leonard Wertheimer 1893nws 'Lige 1893nws Dave 1893nws Edgar 1893nws Elsie 1893nws Leo 1893nws Leo 1893nws Lige 1893nws Lige 1893nws S. H. 1893nws Sol H. 1893nws Sol. H. 1893nws Sol. H. 1893nws Sol. H. Werthelmer 1889nws Henry Werthemier 1893nws Sol. H. Wesha 1840 Michial Wesley 1908nws Davis, 1908nws Wood, Vernon Wesly 1860 George 1860 John 1860 Mary 1860 Peter Wessa 1893nws C. H. dcerts Charles births Emma Elizabeth 1893nws Henry births John Richard dcerts Milton 1893nws Mrs. births Peter births William Henry Wesse 1893nws Christina Wessel 1902nws G. H. 1862nws Phillip Wessie 1850 Catharine 1850 Henry 1850 John 1850 Peter Wesson 1862nws Edward 1893nws Grace 1890nws Kate 1893nws Kate 1890nws Mrs. West Columbia Messenger 1854nws --- West Shade School House 1894nws --- West Virginia Cavalry 1901nws 1st, --- West Virginia Infantry 1876nws 13th, --- 1876nws 4th, --- 1876nws 5th, --- 1876nws 7th, --- 1876nws 9th, --- West Virginia Vol. Inft. 1901nws 13th, --- West dcerts West dcerts Ada 2002q Ada/Ava 1920 Almira M 2002q Bernice 1920 Clarence F 1920 Clem P 1877nws David 1920 Edna E dcerts Francis 1920 Francis W 1920 Gordon G 1920 Harry H 2002q Helen 1920 Helen M murray J. P. 1920 James D 1850 Jane 1850 John 1879nws John dcerts Laura 1920 Laura B 1860 Manon 1850 Margaret 1850 Mary 2003q Phebe dcerts Phoebe 2002q Ralph 2002q Reese Thomas dcerts Robert 1859nws Thomas B. 1920 Wilber L Westcott dindx Saml. A. Westenhaver harris Christian harris John harris William Westerman 1854nws Henry Western Union Telegraph office 1876nws Pomeroy, --- Westfall 1904nws Ada Naomi 1881nws Alex 1840 Alexander 1850 Alexander 1860 Alexander 1920 Alma P 1850 Ann Eliza 1860 Cordelia 1999q Cordelia (McClain) 1999q Cornelius M. 1860 Drusila 1999q Edna (Baker) 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1889nws Elizabeth 1999q Elizabeth W. 1850 Fanny 1999q Flora Drusilla 1999q Florence (Hartman) 1920 Frank 1850 George 1999q George Henry dcerts Harold 1860 Harvey 1920 Hilah A 1840 Hiram 1850 Isabell dcerts James 1999q James B. 1860 James B. 1860 James L. 1860 Jane 1860 John C. 1860 John S. 1860 L? 1850 Lovica 1850 Lucinda 1999q Lucy (Ford) 1850 Maria 1999q Martha 1860 Martha 1999q Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary dcerts Maud 1850 Pressilla 1850 Rabecca 1999q Richard Floyd 1850 Robert 1850 Rosetta 1850 Samantha 1820 Samuel larkin Samuel phist Samuel 1999q Samuel Vance 1881nws Sarah A. 1860 Sarah J. 1819tx Stephen 1850 Susan 1850 Susan 1850 Sylvanius 1904nws V. G. 1881nws V?lsie Glenn 1860 Vinson 1999q Zachariah 1860 Zachariah Westfield? 1830 Alexander Westlake g1820 James g1820 Sal g1820 Thomas Westmoreland 1998q Joseph 1998q Neora Jeanetta 1998q Sarah Weston 1860 Margaret 1860 N. Wethee dcerts Uth Wetherbe dindx Jason Wetherell dcerts Alice Wetherholt Funeral Home harris --- Wethers 1861nws E. D. Wetler 1860 Con 1860 Elisabeth Wetzel wrdead Aaron 1866nws Aaron 1887nws Dr. harris Henry harris Jacob larkin Lewis harris Lewis harris Lou larkin Margaret harris Polly Reager 1999q Stella Belle (Watkins Clark) harris William Weyan dcerts Nora Weyand 1920 Austin 1920 Cora 1920 Edgar T 1920 Ethel 1920 Ethel P 1920 Florence H 1920 Howard D 1920 Lewis 1920 Nora S dcerts Wiiiam 1920 William A 1920 Wilson Weyano dcerts Silas Weyermiller 1851nws George Weyersmille dcerts John dcerts Joseph dcerts Robert Weyersmiller 1850 Eliza births Emma 1850 Frank 1850 George 1890nws George 1850 George F. 1850 Susannah Wfrfr dcerts Iiiclnd Wftis dcerts Howard Whaify dcerts Flfanor Whaley graybd A. dcerts Ada phist Almira 1850 Alvina 1897nws Amy 1897nws Amy 1897nws Amy dcerts Amy 1860 Anna L. 1850 Arnold 1921nws Cady dcerts Cady 1890nws Cora 1860 D. C. graybd D. C. 1876nws D. C. 1897nws D. C. 1897nws D. C. phist Daniel 1850 David 1893nws Dr. 1897nws Dr. 1915nws Edith dcerts Edith 1850 Eliza 1844nws Elizabeth phist Elizabeth Page (Hall) 1897nws Emma 1850 Frances 1893nws Frank 1850 George 1860 Isabell 1998q James 1840 James 1850 James 1844nws James phist James 1840 James W. 1860 James W. 1850 Jasper dcerts Jasper dcerts Jeanett 1860 Jerusha 1850 Leander 1897nws Lizzie M. larkin Lucretia 1850 Marion 1860 Marion 1850 Mary Ann 1998q Melissa J. 1860 Milton 1897nws Miss 1876nws Mollie 1922nws Murl Clare 1850 Olive 1860 Olive 1922nws Phillis 1922nws Ray A. 1850 Richard 1860 Sally 1850 Sarah dcerts Stillbo dcerts Welby 1850 William H. 1854nws William H. Whaly 1877nws D. C. Whealden 1850 Amy 1850 Isaac 1850 John 1850 John M. 1850 Joshua 1850 Lucy 1850 Margaret A. 1850 William Whealdon 1920 Elizabeth 1920 Elvira 1920 James W 1867nws John M. Whealoon dcerts Elmiraa Wheation 1998q Martha Wheatley building 1884nws --- Wheatley births Daisy larkin Nancy (Simpson) 1897nws Roxie pmry88 Thomas 1884nws Thomas 1897nws Thomas births Thomas Wheatly's sewing machine store 1893nws --- Wheaton 1850 Bennett 1850 Catharine 1920 Clo--- 1920 Effie 1850 Elizabeth 1920 Evelyn 1920 Gladis 1840 James 1920 Jesse murray Jesse E. 1850 John 1850 Joseph 1850 Mary 1850 Palmyra 1850 Rhoda 1850 Samuel 1850 Sarah murray Syntha Ann 1850 Wm. M. Wheelbarger 1820 David 1830 David larkin David phist David 1830 Henery 1840 Henry g1820 Jacob 1840 Jonathan Wheeler Family harris --- Wheeler 1999q Abigail 1920 Alex 1893nws Carl 1893nws Carl 1850 Carland 1860 Carlin dcerts Carolin 1860 Clinton D. 1850 George 1850 George 1840 George, Jr. 1920 Georgia 1850 Hannah 1850 Henderson 1920 J.C. dcerts James 1850 Joseph 1893nws Joseph 1999q Mary dcerts N 1904nws N. M. 1897nws N. W. 1893nws N. W. (Jr.) births Nellie M. 1893nws R. V. 1850 Richard 1860 Sally A. 1876nws Samuel 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1920 Trassie dcerts Virgini 1850 William 1850 William B. 1860 Wm Wheler 1861nws W. V. L. Whetstone 1889nws Clara 1920 Clarence 1920 Edna phist Edna Minerva 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Hannah J. 1850 Margaret 1855nws Margaret Ann 1850 Mary 1901nws Mary (Landsell) 1850 Mary S. 1850 Melissa 1920 Minerva 1850 Samuel 4thInf Samuel 1865nws Samuel 1867nws Samuel 1901nws Samuel 1850 Samuel H. 1850 Thomas N. 1889nws Thomas N. Whetter 1861nws John W. Whi dcerts Tlizaue Whilford 1840 John F. Whillark g1820 Benajah Whiple 1860 Aaron Whipple births Whipple 1850 Barbara 1850 Catharine 1879nws Eli 1850 Elias 1862nws Elias dcerts Elmer 1850 Francis 1850 Francis 1860 Frank 1862nws Frank births Frank 1860 G. 1850 George 1850 George 1860 George 1850 Jno F. dindx John 1860 Lansy 1850 Lawrence 1850 Magdalene 1860 Martha 1850 Mary births Mary 1850 Peter 1850 Philip phist Rev. Whipples harris --- Whit** 1860 Caroline 1860 Henry 1860 Margaret 1860 Michael 1860 William Whit g1820 Edward g1820 John g1820 Robert Whitacre 1890nws Tabitha Whitaker 1860 Eliza 1860 Emma E. 1860 James M. 1860 John 1860 Liney 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary 1860 Rebecca 1860 S. 1860 T. 1860 W. H. Whitby 1860 Anna 1860 Flora 1850 Jane 1850 Margaret 1860 Matilda 1860 R. 1860 Susan White family 1999q White family White Family harris --- White Oak chapel 1910nws --- White Oak Flats larkin --- White Rock salt works 1897nws --- White Stocking Base Ball Club 1875nws --- White 1886nws --- births --- births White dcerts White 1860 * 1850 ? births A.E. 1920 Ada murray Addie Brown 1850 Adolphus 1850 Adonia 1860 Adrianna 1850 Adrienna harris Alexander 1850 Algernon 1854nws Algernon births Alice births Alice A. 1920 Allan 1920 Alta (OTHA A) 1920 Alta E 1850 Amanda 1860 Amanda births Amy 1840 Andrew births Andrew B. 1850 Ann 2003q Ann 1860 Anna 1920 Annabelle 1860 Annes? B. births Ansley 1850 Armet 1897nws Arthur 1898nws Arthur 1920 Arthur L. births Arthur L. births Atha dcerts Athia 1860 B. 1893nws B. 1895nws B. 1867nws B. B. 1860 B. F. 1876nws B. F. 1850 Bartlett 1850 Belinda 1889nws Bell births Benj 1840 Benjamin murray Bernice 1920 Bertram B 1860 Bi? 1855nws Boadnot 1850 Boudinot 1860 C. 1876nws C. murray C. M. births C.A. 1850 Calomy? 1877nws Calvary births Carl Ambrose births Carrie A. births Casy A. births Cath. 1920 Cecil E 1860 Charles 1885nws Charles births Charles births Charles Alfred 1905nws Charles E. 1920 Charles T births Charles Theodor births Charley Emerson 1892nws Clarissa births Clide Emerson births Clyde 1920 Clyde E births Cora Belle births Cora Matilda 1889nws Cush 1889nws Cush 1903nws Cush 1909nws Cush births Cush dcerts Cush fair D. G. births D.V. dcerts Dallas births Dallus M. births Dan births Dan Herschel harris Darius g1820 David dcerts David 1860 David J. 1850 Decal births Delilah V. 1920 Della 1920 Della L births Della Lucinda 1920 Dellos M births Delos births Diana phist Dorothy (Stewart) 1881nws Doul births E. births E. M. 1850 E. W. births E.C. births Earl James births Eber Jay dcerts Ediard 1920 Edith V births Edna Florence 1860 Edward births Edward 1920 Elbert R births Elisabeth M. births Eliz 1850 Eliza 1860 Eliza 1998q Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth births Elizabeth 1920 Ella 1876nws Ella births Ella 1860 Ella J. 1920 Ellen births Elsie D. 1881nws Elza 1850 Emaline births Emily births Emily L. births Emma births Emma A. births Emma Alice births Emma Jane births Emma L. 1860 Emma? births Emory Wiliam 1920 Erma births Erma Margret 1850 Esther 1892nws Esther births Esther 1881nws Eugine births Eva births Eva May 1897nws Everet births Everett births Everett Ray births F.R. births F.T. 1850 Fernando 1860 Findley 1860 Findley R. 1860 Flora 1910nws Florence births Ford C. births Forest 1860 Francis births Francis 1893nws Frank 1903nws Frank births Frank dcerts Frank 1850 Franklin births Franklin E. births Fred births Frederic births Fredie births Freida Marie 1860 Furnando E. births Geneva 1866nws George births George births George H. 1920 Georgia births Georgie Gladys births Glennie 1850 Granville 1860 Granville 1920 Grover C. 1860 H. 1897nws Hadley dcerts Hadley murray Hadley S. births Hadley S. 1860 Hana 1877nws Hannah births Hannah E. 1860 Harriott A. births Harry B. births Hattie 1850 Hester births Hester D. births Homer births Homer Scott 1840 Horalie 1850 Horatio 1851nws Horatio harris Howard 1886nws Howard 1886nws Howard births Howard Franklyn 1850 Ichabod births Ichabod I. births Isabella 1860 Issa 1920 Iva M 1860 J. J. graybd J. J. 1856nws J. J. 1860nws J. J. 1876nws J. J. 1876nws J. J. 1878nws J. J. 1881nws J. J. 1893nws J. J. 1893nws J. J. 1893nws J. J. 1910nws J. J. 1913nws J. J. (Mrs.) births J.C. births J.E. births J.F. births J.J. 1850 Jackson wrdead Jackson 1850 James 1850 James 1860 James 1897nws James 1903nws James 1922nws James births James births James dcerts James marr James 1920 James F. births James F. 1920 James H wrdead James H. births James H. births James Jackson births James W. births James William 1920 James? H births Jas 1850 Jennet 1920 Jennings E 1850 Jesse 1860 Jesse births Jesse Ernest 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John larkin John births John births John dcerts John 1920 John D births John E. harris John F. 1830 John L. births John Oba births John Obe 1920 John S 1820 John S. larkin John S. 1892nws John S. phist John S. 1850 Johnson births Johnson E. phist Johnson J. 1878nws Joseph births Joseph Blaine births Joseph E. 1920 Joseph W 1850 Josephine 1860 Josephine births Jud M. 1893nws Jud. births Jud. M. 1860 Judson births Julian births Katie births Katie B. 1876nws L. D. 1881nws L. D. 1860 L. P. 1886nws L. P. births Laura births Laura V. births Leotta 1850 Lesley births Lewis L. 1860 Lila births Lillian 1881nws Lillie R. births Lindley marr Lindley R. births Lindly 1920 Linnie M births Linnie May births Lizzie births Lizzie R. births Loavina 1920 Locie P 1850 Loran births Loren P. 1876nws Loring 1850 Louisa 1920 Louisa births Louisa births Louisa J. 1860 Lowisa 1840 Lucinda 1850 Lucinda 1850 Lucinda 1860 Lucinda dcerts Lucinda 1850 Lucy 1860 Lucy C. dcerts Lula 1893nws Lulu births Luvinia 1860 Lydia 4thInf Lyman 1850 Lyman S. 1860 Lyman S. wrdead Lyman S. births M.J. 1879nws Major 1850 Malissa 1850 Malissa births Malissa 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret births Margaret 1860 Margaret L. 1850 Margret births Marguerite O. 1850 Maria dcerts Maria 1860 Martha E. 1820 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary larkin Mary 1876nws Mary 1893nws Mary phist Mary births Mary births Mary dcerts Mary births Mary A. 1850 Mary E. 1881nws Mary E. births Mary E. 1860 Mary M. births Mary M. births Mary S. 1920 Matilda births Matilda births Mattie births Maud births Maud 1876nws Mayor births Meda births Melissa 1860 Melvin births Melvin H. 1850 Meredith births Meredith births Milton August 1903nws Milton G. births Milton G. 1889nws Mr. 1878nws Mrs. births N.W. 1860 Nancey J. 1850 Nancy dcerts Nancy births Nathan W. births Nellie dcerts Nellie 1920 Nellie B births Nellie May births Nellie Vuruis births No name 1850 no name given births Not named 1905nws O. A. births O.A. births Obe dcerts Oella 1920 Oliver 1883nws Oliver births Oliver 1920 Ora H 1920 Osa 1860 Osker births Otha Aldamine births Otis Leo 1910nws P. E. (Rev.) births Patal 1920 Pearl V births Pelia Edith births Philo larkin Priscilla (Duval) 1860 R. 1893nws R. B. (Rev.) 1893nws R. B. (Rev.) 1851nws R. K. births R.C. births Ralph Eugene births Rease 1830 Rebecca 1840 Rebecka births Rela Braton births Rena births Rena Estella 1894nws Rev. 1890nws Rev. Mr. 1850 Robert harris Robert 1892nws Robert births Robert C. dcerts Robin 1920 Ronald R 1920 Ronnie 1920 Rosa B 1850 Ruphus births Ruth 1860 S. L. 1860 S. S. births S.P. births S.R. births S.T. 1850 Sally 1850 Samantha births Samantha 1850 Samuel 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1855nws Samuel 1867nws Samuel P. births Samuel P. 1860 Samuel R. 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1920 Sarah births Sarah dcerts Sarah 1850 Sarah Ann births Sarah E. 1850 Sarah F. births Sarah F. 1860 Sedrick 1903nws Sedwick Day births Sedwick Day 1920 Selby births Selby Monroe 1920 Seldon G births Seldon J. births Serena Elina births Shemantha 1920 Sirena E 1884nws Sis dcerts Stillbo n. dcerts Stillso 1850 Susan births Susan dcerts Susan births Susan H. 1920 Susan J 1920 Sybil 1893nws T. B. 1893nws T. B. (Rev.) 1893nws T. B. (Rev.) 1893nws T. B. (Rev.) 1893nws T. B. (Rev.) 1920 Thelma E births Theophilus T. 1850 Thomas births Thomas A. 1877nws Thomas U. 1860 Ugene births Vir 1850 Virginia 1920 Virginia births Virginia births Virginia D. 1920 Virginia E 1897nws W. S. births Waid Brooks 1850 Waldo 1860 Walter births Walter P. 1920 Waterman T births Wilber births Wilbur F. 1850 William 1850 William 1850 William 1850 William 1860 William 1860 William phist William births William dcerts William 1920 William C 1867nws William D. 1873nws William D. births William D. births William Elda births William H. 1920 William S 1920 William S. births William T. births William. E. births Wm D. births Wm F. births Wm. E. births Wm. F. 1920 Woodrow W Whited 1920 Austin 1920 Carrie? 1920 Martha 1879nws Mayor 1920 Ralph Whitehead 2001q Ann births C. 1920 Elma L 1920 George cmarr Jacob 1860 John dcerts John 1920 Leota B 1861nws William Whiteman g1820 Samuel Whiten 1861nws Rawson Whiteright 1873nws Mary E. Whitesice dcerts George Whiteside family 1902nws --- Whiteside 1860 Adrian A. 1860 Anna 1860 Arabel 1904nws B. F. 1920 Benjamin 1860 Eliza 1860 Emily 1871nws Emma 1840 James 1920 Jennielind larkin John 1882nws John 1876nws John B. births John T. marr John T. larkin Lydia (Knight) 1882nws Lydia (Knight) 1920 Margaret B births Martha E. 1860 Mary births Myrtis I. dcerts Senjami 1862nws T. 1840 Thomas 1860 Thomas 1830 William 1840 William phist William 1920 William H 1920 Wilma A 1904nws Wilma Audrey Whitesides family larkin --- Whitesides 1850 Alles 1860 Benjamin 1850 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1850 Emma 1850 John 1860 John 1850 John B. 1850 John T. 1850 Lydia 1860 Lydia 1850 Mary 1860 Rhoda 1850 Sarah J. 1860 Sarah J. 1854nws T. 1850 Thomas 1820 William 1850 William 1819tx William Whitey 1855nws John Whitf dcerts Iilia dcerts Matiloa dcerts Syrii Whitfield 1877nws A. H. (Dr.) 1877nws Dr. Whitford 1844nws John F. Whitington 1920 Alexander murray Dollie 1920 James 1920 Mary 1920 Rosetta 1920 Thomas Whitlatch dcerts Charles 1920 Diantha dcerts Hope dcerts W Whitlock family larkin --- Whitlock 1850 Ab. 1850 Abagail larkin Abiah (Archer) 1860 Abigail 1860 Abigal 1840 Benjamin 1860 Benjamin larkin Benjamin 1850 Benjamin B. 1889nws Benjamin B. pomry Capt. harris Captain 1850 Caroline 1860 Charles A. dcerts Edward larkin Electa 1860 Elisabeth 1850 Elisha larkin Eunice phist Eunice S. 1850 F. M. 1860 Francis M. 1850 George 1850 H. H. 1860 H. H. larkin Harriet 1893nws Harriet 1850 Hiram 1860 Hiram 1860 Hiram larkin Hiram 1897nws Hiram dcerts Hiram 1862nws Hiram (Jr.) 1840 Hiram A. 1830 Hiram H. 1850 Horace 1860 Horace 1850 James 1850 James 1860 James 1850 John 1850 Josiah 1830 Levi 1840 Levi 1850 Levi larkin Levi larkin Levi 1891nws Levi 1850 Lovina larkin Mary (Wood) 1891nws Mary (Wood) 1860 Matilda 1850 Olive 1860 Phebe 1850 Phoeba 1850 Rabecca 1850 Salman 1862nws Salmon 1850 Samaria 1860 Solomon 1860 Susana 1860 William Whitman 1850 Susan Whitmer dcerts Edith Whitney 1999q Abigail (Wheeler) g1820 Benjamin 1999q Jabez 1820 Jabez 1830 Jabez dindx James 1892nws Lydia castle Lydia 1819tx Rulef 1999q Thankful 1892nws Thankful 1820 William 1850 William 1819tx William H. 1892nws William H. Whitsell 1840 Mercy Whittaker harris A. L. 1854nws B. Whitteman g1820 Stephen Whittier harris John G. Whittingtcn dcerts Harry Whittington 1893nws Alex 1860 Alexander 1893nws Bessie dcerts Daniel births Herbert 1860 James 1860 Margaret dcerts Mary 1860 Sarah 1860 Susana 1860 Thomas 1860 William births Wm. H. Whittle births Etta Whitty 1850 Anne 1850 Matilda Whyn 1850 Watkin Whysall 1897nws Job (Capt.) Wiant 1860 Isaac Wibb 1860 Margaret Wiblin births Ella M. Wice 1885nws D. Wickham 1850 Elizabeth harris Hadley H. dcerts Jesse 1850 John harris John harris Joseph dcerts Lucile harris Peter 1850 Rachael 1850 Valentine harris Warren Wickingham, harris Wickingham, Wicklin dcerts Catheri Wickline dcerts Adam 1999q Adam B. 1920 Adam R 1920 Althea 1920 Daniel 1920 Douglas D. dcerts Elliot 1920 Evaline M 1920 Hattie dcerts Hattie dcerts Ida deaths Isabel S. 1920 Kenney W dcerts Louella 1920 Luella dcerts Nancy 1999q Oma Emma (Adams) 1920 Rush births Sarah births Sarah A. dcerts William Wicks 1860 Joseph 1860 Rebeca 1860 Sarah 1860 William Wicorest? g1820 James Widem 1860 Catharine 1860 George Widger 1850 Eleanor 1850 George 1850 George T. 1850 James W. 1850 Zilpha H. Widow Rathburn 1879nws --- Wiemeyer dcerts Franzia Wier 1854nws John Wiesmiller births Wiesmiller births George Wif dcerts Rebfca Wigans births Mary Wigard 1860 Alwelildo? 1860 Augustus 1860 H. 1860 Jane 1860 Orland Wiger 1854nws Anthony Wiggen 1820 Thomas Wigger larkin Thomas phist Thomas Wiggins 1860 Andrew J. 1999q Andrew Jackson dcerts Ann 1860 C. P. murray C. P. 1897nws C. P. 1999q Commodore Perry 1877nws Elder 1885nws Elder 1920 Eliza A 1860 Geo W. 1999q George W. 1893nws I. P. (Rev.) 1876nws J. P. 1860 James M. 1999q James Monroe 1860 John P. marr John P. 1999q John Palmer 1860 Lewis W. dcerts Louis 1999q Louis Wilbur births M. C. births Mary 1999q Mary (George) 1999q Mary F. 1860 Mary F. 1860 Mary P. 1920 Mirt dcerts Pearl 1893nws Pearly Cleveland dcerts Theodor 1920 Theodore 1893nws Wilbur Wiggleman 1871nws Herman Wii dcerts Esta Wiian dcerts Major Wiice dcerts Rus Wiiqon dcerts John Wiison dcerts Ronaid Wiiten Family harris --- Wilbarger 1850 Amanda 1860 Amanda 1860 Catherine 1860 David 1850 Frank dcerts George 1860 George W. 1860 J. 1860 Jane births Jno. Sylves 1850 Lucinda 1850 Matilda 1850 Samuel F. 1860 Sarah J. 1860 William Wilbur 1920 Albert 1999q Delia (Murphy) Wilcok murray Hawk Wilcox 1850 Adaline 1920 Addie 1920 Albert C g1820 Alfred dcerts Alonza 1920 Alonzo 1920 Becky 1860 Bonaparte 1919nws Cora 1920 Denise? 1919nws Evelyn 1850 George 1850 Hamilton 1893nws Hannah 1860 Harriet dindx Henry P. 1850 Hiram g1820 Hiram 1860 Julia 1920 Lettie L 1883nws Mary A. murray Osra murray Osro Mrs. dcerts Raymond harris S. D. 1886nws S. D. harris Squire g1820 Stephen 1919nws Warren 1926nws Warren 1919nws Wilbur 1850 William 1919nws Woodrow Wilcoxan dcerts William Wilcoxen 1877nws --- 1850 Anne 1850 Anthony 1913nws Charles 1920 Charles F 1920 Charles G. 1920 Cora M 1920 Edna F dcerts Elizabe h. 1879nws Fafe 1920 Fred D. 1850 Isabel 1850 James 1920 James L. 1913nws Jed 1850 Jemima 1920 Jessie R. 1850 John 1859nws John P. 1850 Josephine 1920 Lawrence? M 1920 Marie E 1850 Mary 1920 Mary F. 1850 Thomas 1866nws Thomas Wildemarth 1850 Caroline 1850 David 1850 Fred 1850 Madeline 1850 Rachael 1850 Sophia Wildenmuth graybd G. Wilder 1850 Daniel 1860 Daniel 1895nws Daniel 1897nws Daniel 1904nws Daniel 1850 Elam 1850 Horace 1860 Lemeul 1819tx Lemuel 1850 Lemuel I. 1820 Lemuel L. dindx Lemuel L. 1892nws Lemuel L. marr Lemuel L. 1840 Leonard L. 1850 Lydia 1904nws Lydia 1860 Marianda 1850 Marinda Wildermot 1860 David 1860 Ferdinand 1860 Magdalena 1860 Rozena Wildermut 1850 Gotlieb 1850 Peter Wildermuth Brewery 1893nws --- Wildermuth 1893nws --- 1897nws --- births Wildermuth 1860 Catharine 1860 Charles 1905nws Charles D. 1905nws Clara (Smith) births Elmer E. births Ferdinand dcerts Feroina births Fred births Freda 1860 G. 1868nws G. 1873nws G. 1892nws G. 1905nws George phist Gottlieb 1892nws Max 1860 Sofiah phist Sophia births Sophia Wilderuth dcerts Mary Wildes 1867nws Mr. harris T.F. Wildman 1919nws John Wildor 1830 Lemuel Wilens 1844nws Hiram Wiles 1850 Albert 1860 Dorothy 1860 Jane 1860 John 1860 Joseph 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary 1867nws Mary 1860 Michael 1860 William Wiley 1893nws A. P. 1850 Aurelia 1860 Aurelius 1850 Cerintha dcerts Cliffor dcerts Harriso 1850 Henry 1850 Hugh 1850 Hulda 1840 James 1850 James 1850 James 1860 James 1920 James phist James 2002q Jane 1850 Lar C. 1860 Lois 1860 Lucinda 1850 Lucy Ann 1850 Margret 1850 Martha 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1850 Phoeba 1892nws Ruth 1920 Salvina dcerts Salvina 1850 Samaria 1920 Sarah E 1897nws Scott 1892nws Tamer 1820 Thomas 1850 Thomas 1819tx Thomas dcerts Vwnforo 1875nws W. S. 1860 Winfield 1920 Winfield 1920 Winfield S 1850 Winfield S. Wilfy dcerts Winfiel Wilgus phist H. L. births Virginia Wilhelm 1897nws Congressman 1854nws Phillipp Wiliiams 1920 Alfred harris Samuel Wilkenson 1860 Ann 1860 Anthony births Henry births John Wilkes dcerts James dcerts Josephi 1876nws Payton 1876nws Payton 1879nws Peyton Wilkeson 1856nws Ann 1856nws Anthony Wilkins harris Mrs. harris Timothy Wilkins? 1920 Andrew 1920 Essie 1920 Harry 1920 Robert 1920 Ruth Wilkinscn dcerts Emily Wilkinson 1850 Anne 1859nws Ant'ny 1850 Anthony 1856nws Anthony phist Benoni 1850 Chas R. births Cora phist Eliza Ann (Fish Ranki 1862nws Henry 1897nws John Benjamin 1897nws Katharine Clare (Hughes) 1850 Lucinda 1860 Mary 1850 R. 1851nws R. (Rev.) 1854nws R. (Rev.) 1854nws R. (Rev.) 1855nws R. (Rev.) 1855nws R. (Rev.) 1855nws R. (Rev.) 1855nws R. (Rev.) 1856nws R. (Rev.) 1856nws R. (Rev.) 1889nws T. B. 1897nws Thomas 1905nws Thomas 1862nws William Wilks 1860 Ann E. 1860 Harriet 1860 Jane 1860 Joseph W. 1860 L. 1860 P. W. 1860 Sofiah Wilksville Presbyterian church 1877nws --- Will births Will 1850 "John, Jr." 1920 ?.D. births Andrew J. 1920 Anna 1920 Audrey A 1840 Bazy 1860 Casai 1850 Catharine hrdsty Catherine 1860 Charles 1920 Charles M hrdsty Charles M. 1920 Chester E 1903nws Chester E. dcerts Clarenc dcerts Cliffor 1920 Clifford 1920 Clyde W 1897nws Coe vs., --- 1903nws D. R. 1920 Daniel G 1850 David 1860 David 1873nws David 1881nws David births David dcerts David 1920 David R 1893nws Dayton Floyd 1920 Douglas W. 1897nws E. D. dcerts Edith 1920 Edna A 1920 Edna F 1907nws Effie 1920 Eldon D 1920 Electa 1881nws Electa dcerts Eliza 1860 Elizabeth harris Elizabeth phist Elizabeth hrdsty Ella 1881nws Ellen 1920 Ellen E dcerts Elva 1920 Elva V dcerts Emile 1860 Emma hrdsty Emma C. hrdsty Ethel dcerts Ethel 1920 Ethel M 1920 Etta A 1920 Eunice E dcerts Fern 1860 Florence hrdsty Florence 1920 Florence E 1920 Floyd F 1920 Floyd M 1920 Franklin J 1920 Galen Oderkirk 1850 George 1860 George harris George 1893nws George 1920 George W 1860 George W. hrdsty George W. 1872nws George W. 1873nws George W. 1860 Granville hrdsty Granville 1881nws Granville 1907nws H. S. 1920 Harold 1907nws Harry 1920 Hayes H. 1920 Helen 1840 Henry 1850 Henry 1860 Henry 1875nws Henry 1920 Henson J 1920 Ivan 1907nws J. M. 1850 Jacob 1860 Jacob 1881nws James A. Garfield 1881nws Jessie Blanche 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 1860 John dindx John 1920 John M 1860 John Phillip 1850 Jonas 1860 Jonas marr Jonas 1860 Jonas M. wrdead Jonas M. 1850 Joseph 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph dcerts Joseph hrdsty Joseph J. 1920 Laura M dcerts Linoice 1904nws Louise 1920 Louise H 1860 Lucinda births Lucinda dcerts Lucle births Lucy Luella 1920 Lydia E 1873nws M. (Rev.) 1894nws M. (Rev.) dcerts Margare 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1920 Margaret 1860 Margaret W. 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1920 Mary 1907nws Mary dcerts Mary hrdsty Mary E. 1820 Michael 1830 Michael 1850 Michael 1860 Michael larkin Michael hrdsty Michael 1819tx Michael phist Michael 1920 Milton 1920 Montgomery 1850 Moses 1860 Moses hrdsty Moses harris Moses phist Moses 1883nws Moses (Rev.) 1891nws Moses (Rev.) 1893nws Moses (Rev.) 1904nws Moses (Rev.) dcerts Myrtle 1920 Myrtle M dcerts Norma 1920 Norman C 1920 Opal 1920 Orville O 1920 Paul V 1920 Pearl L 1830 Philip 1840 Philip 1920 Philip 1920 Phillip F 1920nws R. G. 1860 Rachel 1920 Roland G births Rosa 1860 Rosanna births Rose dcerts Russel 1920 Ruth M 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1904nws Sarah hrdsty Sarah (Rousch) phist Sarah (Roush) hrdsty Sarah C. 1920 Sarah E 1920 Saylie? dcerts Sioney 1850 Susan 1860 Susan harris Susan 1904nws Susan hrdsty Susan (Heaton) hrdsty Susan M. 1920 Susie 1920 Vern C 1920 Victor L hrdsty Viola M. 1897nws W. A. 1904nws W. A. 1920 Walter 1920 William A. hrdsty Willie Willabarger 1850 David 1850 George 1850 Jane 1850 Jonathan 1850 Sarah 1850 William Willaham 1840 Allexander Willams 1850 ***** 1850 Caroline 1850 Celah 1850 Electa 1850 Eliza 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Emma 1850 Loyal 1850 Maria 1850 Marinda 1850 Mary births Mary 1850 Orlana 1850 Perry 1850 Sarah Willar hrdsty Christina E. (Hobstetter) Willard 1860 Alvira 1860 Armira? 1860 Catharine 1860 Cerinda 1860 Charles 1860 Daniel 1860 Elijah 1904nws Elijah dcerts Elijah 1860 Eliza 1860 Evarilla marr Frances M. 1860 Francis marr Francis M. 1860 Freeman 1850 George 1860 George marr George wrdead George H. 1860 George W. 1859nws George W. 1860 Hannah 1850 Henry 1860 Henry 1915nws Homer 1830 Jacob 1840 Jacob 1850 Jacob 1860 Jane 1850 John g1820 Joseph dcerts Leah 1860 Lucinda 1850 Lucy 1860 Lydia 1860 Martha 1860 Mary 1860 Minerva 1850 Miriam 1860 Miriam 1897nws Miss 1904nws Otis Glenn 1860 Rachel 1860 St? 1860 Wm. 1860 Wm. M. Willbargar dcerts David Willbarger 1850 Elizabeth 1920 George births George W. 1840 Jacob 1850 Jacob 1920 Laura 1892nws Sarah Willberger 1819tx David Willburn 1920 ? S 1920 Bernard 1920 Everett/Emmett 1920 Hazel Willcox dcerts Albert 2002q Clarissa C. 2002q Cyrenius A. 2002q Hamilton B. 2002q Henry Alonzo 1866nws Laura 2002q Louisa A. 2002q Mary Adora 2002q Ralph W. 2002q Rebecca 2002q Sarah M. 2002q Wellington R. 2002q William H. Willcoxen dcerts Mary Willey 1840 Hugh Willforc dcerts Kenneth Willhauer hrdsty Christina William M. hrdsty William M. William, 1897nws William, William dcerts Clarind 1892nws Dorcas 1879nws Ebenezer 1819tx Erastus 1860 Jane births Margaret births Mary Ann 1876nws Samuel dcerts Stillbo Williams 1860 Margaret Williams mine 1879nws --- Williams 1897nws --- births Williams 1860 A. 1893nws A. 1893nws A. 1879nws A. C. 1860 A. W. births A.C. 1850 Able harris Abraham 1871nws Abraham 1920 Ada dcerts Adelber births Adelbrot 1850 Albert deaths Albert C. marr Albert C. 1920 Albert E births Alex 1920 Alice 1897nws Alice (Dr.) 1860 Alice M. 1860 Alonzo 1856nws Alonzo 1876nws Alonzo 1860 Alphonso C. 1860 Alvia S. 1850 Amanda births Amanda 1898nws Amelia births Amelia births Amos marr Amos 1860 Angaline 1860 Ann 1860 Anna births Anna 1920 Anna C 1850 Anne births Annie births Annie 1860 Anthony 1920 Archimedes 1920 Arnold W 1920 Arrena E 1860 Artemas 1897nws Artemas 1897nws Artemas graybd Artemis births Artemos 1920 Aza-zo C. 1879nws B. S. 1893nws B. S. 1850 Balinda deaths Barbara births Benj. 1820 Benjamin 1830 Benjamin 1840 Benjamin 1850 Benjamin 1860 Benjamin larkin Benjamin larkin Benjamin larkin Benjamin larkin Benjamin larkin Benjamin 1819tx Benjamin phist Benjamin births Benjamin marr Benjamin larkin Benjamin Selah 1920 Bertha 1920 Bertha dcerts Bertha deaths Beulla J. births Bob. D. deaths Bridget births Burtin A. 1860 C. 1893nws C. E. 1904nws C. E. 1910nws C. E. 1897nws C. P. dcerts Carolyn 1893nws Carrie 1898nws Cassie 1850 Catharine 1850 Catharine 1860 Catharine 1850 Catherine births Catherine deaths Catherine 1840 Charles 1860 Charles 1889nws Charles 1892nws Charles births Charles births Charles dcerts Charles births Charles A. 1840 Charles H. 1904nws Charles Patrick 1920 Charlie 1860 Charlotte births Charlotte 1871nws Charlotte (Conant) 1860 Christenia deaths Cinderella 1914nws Clara deaths Clara 1903nws Clara Ellen dcerts Clarenc births Clarence 1893nws Clark 1904nws Clark births Clark 1920 Clifton H births Clyde Raymon births Curt E. deaths Curt E. 1850 Cyrene 1860 D. phist D. B. 1883nws D. H. 1914nws D. T. (Mrs.) 1850 Daniel 1860 Daniel 1881nws Daniel 1850 David 1860 David 1862nws David 1862nws David births David births David deaths David marr David births David B. 1898nws David D. marr David D. births David H. 1860 David J. deaths David J. 1920 David L 1881nws David R. deaths David R. births Delana A. 1920 Delbert dcerts Delbert 1920 Delbert D murray Dora 1904nws Doris dcerts Dorothe 1893nws Dr. 1850 Dunmore 1860 E. dcerts Earl 1850 Ebenezer 1854nws Ebenezer 1862nws Ebenezer 1877nws Ebenezer 1877nws Ebenezer 1878nws Ebenezer 1886nws Ebenezer 1889nws Ebenezer 1920 Edith 1876nws Edmond 1840 Edmund marr Edmund H. 2000q Edward 2001q Edward 1820 Edward 1920 Edward 1920 Edward 1819tx Edward births Edward deaths Edward 1914nws Edythe larkin Electa larkin Electa (Higley) larkin Electa (Higley) phist Electa (Higley) 1860 Eliphelet 1860 Elisa 1860 Elisabeth 1850 Elisha phist Elisha deaths Elisha 1860 Elisha R. 1920 Eliza 1879nws Eliza deaths Eliza deaths Eliza J. dcerts Elizabe dcerts Elizabe h. 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1920 Elizabeth 1862nws Elizabeth births Elizabeth deaths Elizabeth 1920 Elizabeth L larkin Elizabeth L. (Brown) dcerts Elizafe 1860 Ellen 1876nws Elma births Elma 1893nws Elza 1905nws Elza dcerts Emaline 1920 Emeline 1920 Emma M g1820 Enoch dcerts Enoch 1820 Erastus 1830 Erastus 1850 Erastus larkin Erastus 1868nws Erastus phist Erastus 1892nws Erastus H. 1860 Ester 1860 Ester S. 1850 Esther 1854nws Evan 1879nws Evan 1881nws Evan births Evan deaths Evan 1897nws Eve 1850 Everilla 1893nws F. B. dcerts Florenc 1909nws Florence births Florence births Florence 1904nws Flossie Dell dcerts Frances 1860 Francis 1850 Francis M. 2000q Francis Wilson 2001q Francis Wilson 1876nws Frank 1878nws Frank 1881nws Frank 1889nws Frank B. dcerts Frankli 1893nws G. R. marr Gardner 1850 Geo W. 1850 George 1860 George 1856nws George 1860 George H. marr George H. 1860 Georgiana dcerts Georgie 1920 Gertrude 1920 Gladys 1910nws Gladys 1889nws Glen 1920 Glenna H births Grace Alice 1920 Grace G 1860 H. 1887nws H. C. 1860 Hanna 1893nws Hannah births Hannah Jane 1850 Harriet 1850 Harriet 1860 Harriet hrdsty Harriet 1860 Harriett deaths Harriett harris Harvey births Hattie 1887nws Hazael dcerts Hazel 1920 Helen Grace dcerts Henriet 1840 Henry 1850 Henry 1850 Henry 1860 Henry 1860 Henry 1920 Henry 1920 Henry harris Henry 1889nws Henry 1906nws Henry births Henry dcerts Henry marr Henry 1897nws Henry C. marr Henry C. 1850 Henry Clay 1920 Herbert murray Herchel 1904nws Herschel 1893nws Herschell 1920 Hettie 1840 Hezekiah P. 1903nws Horace 1904nws Horace 1920 Howard births Howard 1920 Hoyt 1920 Hubers C 1850 Hugh 1862nws Hugh 1865nws Hugh 1920 Ida births Imos F. 1850 Isaac 1860 Isaac 1862nws Isaac 1860 Isabella 1893nws J. A. 1897nws J. H. 1893nws J. J. 1860 J. M. 1893nws J. P. 1893nws J. P. 1893nws J. P. 1860 J. W. births J.A. 1850 James 1850 James 1850 James 1860 James 1860 James larkin James 1893nws James dcerts James 1855nws James A. 1856nws James A. marr James A. 1920 James E 1920 James H births James H. 1856nws James John 1850 James M. births James R. 1850 Jane 1850 Jane 1860 Jane 1860 Jane dcerts Jane deaths Jas. W. 1920 Jennie deaths Jepe harris Jeremiah wrdead Jeremiah M. marr Jeremiah M. 1830 Jesse 1840 Jesse 1850 Jesse 1850 Jesse phist Jesse marr Jesse J. births Jno. births Jno. Epsilon births Jno. Robert 1920 Joe 1820 John 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John 1850 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John g1820 John dindx John larkin John 1891 John 1819tx John 1854nws John 1889nws John 1893nws John 1904nws John 1905nws John phist John births John dcerts John deaths John marr John 1876nws John A. marr John D. graybd John E. 1879nws John E. 1889nws John E. 1897nws John E. 1897nws John E. 1920 John G 1860 John G. 1878nws John J. 1878nws John J. 1878nws John J. births John J. 1856nws John James 1868nws John Jr. phist John Jr. deaths John L. births John M. 1862nws John O. 1850 John R. 1860 John R. births John R. marr John R. 1862nws John S. marr John S. 1860 John T. 1854nws John T. 1862nws John T. 1873nws John T. 1920 John W 1860 John W. 1840 John, Jr. 1850 Johnathon 1881nws Johnny marr Johnzee 1860 Joise g1820 Jonathan 1850 Joseph 1859nws Joseph 1917nws Joseph 1860 Joseph H. 1920 Joshua H births Joshua H. 1860 Josiah 1920 Kathryn 1889nws Kim 1884nws L. F. births L.F. marr L.F. 1850 Lanon 1920 Laura 1881nws Laura A. (Roush) 1860 Lavinia births Leah births Lemon marr Lemon 1860 Lemuel births Lennon 1893nws Leo deaths Leonard 1881nws Letitia 1850 Levi dcerts Levi 1840 Lewis 1850 Lewis 1920 Lillian dcerts Lillian births Llewellyn 1850 Loretta 1876nws Louis 1873nws Lovi' 1876nws Loyal F. 1881nws Loyal F. 1881nws Loyal F. 1890nws Loyal F. 1860 Lucetta 1920 Lucinda dcerts Lucinda 1889nws Lucy births Lucy V. 1904nws M. A. 1904nws M. E. 1920 Mabel 1850 Macinda 1893nws Madgie 1850 Malinda 1860 Malinda 1850 Malissa 1904nws Marcella 1920 Marcella M dcerts Margape dcerts Margare 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1920 Margaret 1920 Margaret 1855nws Margaret phist Margaret births Margaret births Margaret A. 1850 Margret 1850 Maria 1850 Maria 1920 Maria dcerts Maria deaths Maria 1860 Marinda births Marinda deaths Marinda births Marinda D. 1850 Marion 1850 Martha 1860 Martha 1998q Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary larkin Mary 1879nws Mary 1893nws Mary 1897nws Mary 1897nws Mary births Mary births Mary deaths Mary 1886nws Mary (Rees) births Mary A. 1850 Mary Ann 1893nws Mary Curry 1998q Mary E. 1860 Mary E. 1850 Mary J. 1860 Mary J. 1883nws Mary J. births Mary J. deaths Mary J. births Mary Jane 1850 Mary M. murray Maud deaths Mercy 1850 Michael 1890nws Milan A. 1920 Mildred J births Morgan deaths Morgan 1910nws Myrtle (Story) 1860 Nancey 2000q Nancy 1850 Nancy 1850 Nancy 1850 Nancy 1860 Nancy 1860 Nanny 1830 Nathaniel larkin Nathaniel phist Nathaniel births Nattie murray Nellie births Nettie 1887nws Nora deaths Olivia wrdead Oralena wrdead Orlando deaths Oscar D. 1860 Owin 1860 P. B. births Patrick H. 1920 Pearl 1892nws Pearl 1920 Percey C deaths Perry H. 1920 Phebe L dcerts Phofba 1893nws Polly 1850 Pricsilla 1860 Priscilla 1867nws R. 1904nws R. H. 1850 Rachael 1860 Rachael larkin Rachel (Higley) 1893nws Raymond 1860 Reas 1840 Rebecka marr Rees births Reese 1840 Reuben 1850 Reuben phist Reuben deaths Reuben marr Reuben births Reuben Hysel 1920 Rheuben(sic) deaths Richard 1920 Robert 1876nws Robert 1881nws Robert 1898nws Robert 1904nws Robert phist Robert deaths Robert phist Robert D. births Robert G. 1860 Ruth 1920 Ruth 1892nws Ruth 1900nws Ruth Ann harris Sam 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel births Samuel deaths Samuel 1860 Samuel J. marr Samuel M. 1850 Sanford phist Sanford W. 2000q Sarah 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah births Sarah dcerts Sarah births Sarah P. 1920 Sardine 1998q Sophia 1892nws Sophia dcerts Stilloc 1850 Susan 1860 Susanna 2000q Susanna (Coy) 2001q Susanna (Coy) 1860 Susannah births Susannah 1893nws T. I. 1893nws T. I. 1893nws T. I. 1860 T. S. 1897nws T. T. 1914nws T. T. (Mrs.) 1850 T. W. 1854nws T. W. 1860 T? marr Talison R. 1860 Tallis dcerts Temgn births Thom. 1850 Thomas 1850 Thomas 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas g1820 Thomas 1862nws Thomas 1878nws Thomas births Thomas births Thomas dcerts Thomas deaths Thomas marr Thomas births Thomas B. 1855nws Thomas D. marr Thomas R. 1860 Thomas W. marr Thomas W. 1860 Timothy 1890nws U. D. 1920 Vera M 1920 Virgil 1889nws W. F. 1897nws W. F. 1897nws W. F. harris W. H. 1861nws W. H. 1862nws W. H. 1897nws W. W. (Dr.) births W.B. births W.W. marr Walden harris Waldron harris Wilbur 1850 William 1850 William 1850 William 1860 William 1860 William 1860 William g1820 William harris William 1867nws William 1877nws William 1877nws William 1893nws William 1894nws William births William births William deaths William marr William 1867nws William D. 1920 William E 1850 William H. 1851nws William H. 1854nws William H. marr William H. 1898nws William J. 1860 William W. dcerts Willie g1820 Wm g1820 Wm. 1850 Wm. N. Williamson 1850 A. C. 1860 Aaron 1860 Agnes 1850 Agnes M. 1850 Alanda 1860 Alice 1850 Amanda J. 2000q Amarylis (Teetors) 1850 Amelia A. 1860 Anna 1879nws Annie dcerts Any 1850 Arberry 1873nws Archi. 1883nws C. M. 1844nws C. W. 1884nws C. W. (Capt.) 1850 Charles 1901nws Charles 1904nws Charles H. 1860 Charles S. 1904nws Charlott Amelia 1883nws Chas. 1860 Cicelia 1860 Clara births Clara B. murray Clarence 1905nws Clarence 1850 Clark 1862nws David 1879nws David 1879nws David (Capt.) 1881nws David (Captain) births Dora A. 1850 E. 1860 E. 1850 E. S. 1881nws Ed 1860 Edmund 1890nws Edmund 1890nws Edmund S. 1998q Edward S. 1860 Edwin dcerts Electa 1860 Elisabeth 1850 Esther 1850 Eveline 1860 Fanny 1912nws Flora 1850 Flora M. 1850 Florence 1920 Garnet 2000q George 1850 George 1860 George 1862nws George dcerts George 1850 George W. 1862nws Grambrill & Co., --- 1860 H. 1867nws H. 1860 Harris 1903nws Harry 1910nws Harvey 4thInf Henry 1850 Henry C. 1908nws Herbert 1862nws Horace 1897nws Howard 1858nws I. M. 2000q Ida 1850 Isaac O. 1850 Isabella 1860 Isabella 1876nws J. N. (Capt.) 1884nws J. N. (Capt.) 1879nws J. T. 1840 James 1850 James 1860 James dindx James larkin James 1844nws James dcerts James 1850 James A. wrdead James H. 1850 James M. 1850 James T. 1850 James W. births James Wilk 1850 Jane 1850 Jane 1860 Jane 1890nws Jane (Cannon) 1850 Jerome D. 1850 John 1860 John dcerts John 1850 John A. 1920 John L 1860 John M. births John M. marr John N. 1878nws John W. 1850 Josiah 1862nws Josiah 1859nws Jus. 1908nws Lilah (Eblen) 1850 Lydia 1897nws Lydia 1860 Lydia A. 1873nws M. 1850 M. J. dcerts Margare 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1850 Margaret A. 1860 Margaret P. 1850 Marion 1850 Marion J. 1850 Martha 1850 Martha 1879nws Martha 1998q Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary harris Mary 1850 Mary A. 1870nws Mary B. 1850 Mary J. 1850 Mary M. 1850 Matilda 1860 Matilda 1998q May Jane 1878nws Mrs. 1884nws Nancy Isabell (Chidester) 1862nws Nye & larkin Phebe Ann (Haight) 1850 Phoeba A. dcerts Rchard 1850 Rebecca 1860 Rebecca 1850 Samuel 1840 Samuel M. 1850 Sarah A. 1860 Thomas 1897nws Virgie 1860 Virginia 1860 W. C. fair W. C. 1867nws W. C. 1873nws W. C. 1881nws W. C. 1844nws W. D. 1905nws W. I. graybd W. W. 1850 Wash 1840 Wilkerson D. 1850 Wilkinson D. 1840 William 1850 William 1850 William 1860 William 4thInf William 1862nws William 1881nws William dcerts William 1850 William A. 1850 William C. 1867nws William C. 1876nws William C. 1860 William W. 1887nws Win births Winchester 1860 Wm 1850 Zachary Taylor Willians dcerts John Williard 1840 Daniel 4thInf Francis 4thInf George marr George W. Willick 1850 Mary C. Willis 1840 Ammill 1860 Andrew 1850 Andrew J. 1850 Andrew Jackson 1850 Anne 1890 Bell 1920 Bessie 1850 Betsey J. 1920 Dale 1889nws Dan 1850 Daniel 1860 Daniel 1850 Daniel M. marr Daniel M. 1920 Dexter 1890 Dexter births Elisabeth J. dcerts Eliza 1850 Emeretta 1850 Emily 1850 Francis M. 1920 Garnet 1920 Glen 1860 Haman 1840 Henry 1850 Henry 1860 Henry 1850 Henry L. 1890 Ida 1850 Israel 1850 James g1820 James 1890 James 1850 Jeremiah 1840 John 1850 John wrdead John wrdead John S. 1850 Joseph 1851nws Joseph 1850 Julia Ann 1920 Lawrence 1890 Linna 1887nws M. R. 1850 Martha 1850 Martha A. 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Mary A. 1850 Michael 1862nws Michael 1850 Nancy 1850 Nancy Ann 1819tx Samuel A. 1860 Sarah 1850 Sarah A. 1850 Sarah M. larkin Susan (Simpson) 1850 William 1850 William 1862nws William Willishbaugh 1850 John Willison 1850 Caroline 1854nws E. 1855nws Elias 1850 John Willman 1860 A. 1860 Adam 1860 George 1860 John 1860 Louisa 1860 Mary Willoch marr John W. Willock dcerts Alva births Amanda murray Eber C. murray J. A. 1893nws Jerrel 1876nws John W. 1876nws John W. dcerts Laura births Manda 1893nws Street Commissioner 1900nws W. L. 1893nws W. V. 1897nws W. V. phist William (Mrs.) Willoughby phist Alice phist Elizabeth phist Thomas phist Thomas W. Wills 1840 Abraham 1840 Bazy, Jr. murray Bern 1840 Harold 1840 Henry 1920 Iva 1879nws John P. marr Joseph phist Mary 1840 Myron 1840 Philip 1893nws Susan Willson 1860 Amanda 1860 Catharine 1860 Clary Bell 1860 David 1860 Elizabeth 1860 George H. 1860 H. B. 1860 Harriott A. 1840 Henry 1860 James 1860 Jeremiah 1860 John W. 1860 Josiah 1860 Lecta 1860 Levi 1860 M. 1860 Martha 1860 Mary 1860 Neoma 1860 R. 1860 Rial 1840 Robert 1860 Samuel 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah E. 1860 Susan 1860 W. 1860 W. S. 1860 Weber 1840 William Willtams dcerts Anna Wilmer 1897nws Ed Wilmoth dcerts Elmily Wilock(Wibock?) g1820 Joseph Wilock 1860 James 1893nws Mr. Wilscn dcerts Lula Wilson 1850 * 1893nws A. (Dr.) 1858nws A. B. murray Ada 1860 Adaline 1920 Addie 1860 Alice murray Alvin W. 1860 Amanda 1876nws Amanda 1850 Amelia C. 1895nws Amos 1860 Andrew 1873nws Andrew births Anna Blance 1920 Anna L dcerts Aoah 1920 Arthur E 1850 Austin wrdead Austin 1850 Barbara 1860 Barbary dcerts Beatric 1819tx Benjamin 1830 Benjamin E. 1920 Bertha 1920 Carl H 1850 Caroline 1859nws Caroline 1999q Catherine 1830 Caton 1904nws Charles dcerts Charles 1860 Circa 1920 Clarinda 1860 Clarissa 1850 Clarissa A. 1878nws Col. murray Curt 1850 Cynthia E. 1867nws Cynthia E. 1889nws D. W. dcerts Daisy 1850 David 1850 Dawson 1860 Dawson hrdsty Dawson D. phist Dawson D. 1850 Dunmore 1860 Dunmore 1893nws E. 1890nws E. F. (Dr.) 1893nws E. L. 1897nws E. L. hrdsty Edward 1905nws Edward hrdsty Edwin M. 1920 Eileen 1879nws Elder 2000q Elias 1850 Elias 1860 Elias births Elias Henry dcerts Elilabe 1850 Eliza 1920 Eliza A dcerts Elizabe h. 1998q Elizabeth 1999q Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1920 Elizabeth L 1878nws Ella dcerts Ellen 1850 Ellenor 1860 Emanuel 1860 Emily 1920 Emma V 1920 Emmanuel 1920 Erol? S 1920 Essie 2000q Esther J. 1850 Esther J. 1881nws Ettie 1920 Eugene dcerts Eurrel 1920 Finley births Florence 1850 Frances 1892nws Francis 1860 Frank 1920 Fred 1860 G. 2000q George 1860 George murray George 1856nws George 1879nws George 1920 George L 1867nws George S. 2000q George W. 1850 George W. 1920 Gertrude 1905nws Gladyos 1860 H. 1900nws H. C. 1850 H. R. 1850 Hannah 1920 Hannah dcerts Hannah 1850 Harriet 1860 Harriet 1850 Harry 1920 Helen 2000q Henry 1850 Henry 1860 Henry 1856nws Henry 1867nws Henry 1867nws Henry 1867nws Henry B. 1860 Henry C. 1867nws Henry C. 1850 Henry Clay 1855nws Henry H. 1854nws Horace 1860 Isaac births Isaac dcerts Isaac graybd J. A. 1893nws J. F. 1862nws J. H. births J.W. 1886nws Jacob 1850 James 1850 James 1850 James 1887nws James (Capt.) 1876nws James A. 1851nws James F. 1850 Jane 1850 Jane 1860 Jane 1860 Jane 1860 Jane hrdsty Jane (Win) dcerts Jennie 1850 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1856nws John 1886nws John Jr. births John R. 1920 Joseph R 1860 Lafayette 1850 Laticea births Laura births Lawrence Walte 1920 Lemon 1889nws Lemon hrdsty Letitia B. births Lettia births Lettie M. 1850 Lewis 1859nws Lewis 1850 Livonia 1920 Lizzie dcerts Lizzie 1860 Loas? dcerts Louis 1913nws Louisa hrdsty Louisa (Jones) 1920 Louisa Jane 1913nws Louise dcerts Lucile 2000q Lukens 1920 Lula dcerts Lula 2000q Lydia 1850 Lydia 2000q M. (Saxton) 1854nws M.B. 1850 Mag 1893nws Maggie 1860 Major dcerts Major 1920 Malinda births Malinda dcerts Malinda 1850 Malvina dcerts Mandy dcerts Manuel 1860 Margaret 1850 Margret 1850 Maria 2000q Marilla (Warren) 1999q Marinda 1860 Martin 1850 Martin T. B. 1850 Marvilla 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary 1889nws Mary dcerts Mary 2000q Mary (Bailey) hrdsty Mary A. 1920 Mary D 1920 Mary E 1850 Mary M. 1893nws Mattie 1920 Mervin 1920 Millard 1850 Morilla 1860 Murrilla 1920 Nancy dcerts O 1920 Octa M 1920 Oliver 1850 Olivia 1860 Olivia dcerts Olliver 1920 Opal B 1850 Oscar 1860 Oscar A. 1867nws Oscar A. 1893nws Phebe 1920 Phoebe 1860 R. B. 1854nws R. B. 1862nws R. B. 1867nws R. B. 1850 Rabecca g1820 Ralph murray Ralph Mrs. 1893nws Rebecca 1860 Remela 1903nws Rev. phist Rev. 1890nws Rev. Dr. dcerts Rhooa g1820 Richard 1819tx Richard 1850 Robert 1850 Robert wrdead Robert 1867nws Robert 1873nws Robert 1878nws Robert 1850 Robert B. 1854nws Robert B. 1856nws Robert B. 1867nws Robert B. 1867nws Robert B. 1892nws Robert G. births Robert M. births Rosalie hrdsty Rose A. dcerts Rosella phist Rowland S. (Mrs.) 1850 Ruel 1867nws Rumelia C. 1850 Ruth births S.E. births Samaria 1850 Samuel 1920 Samuel 1904nws Samuel 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1856nws Sarah births Sarah dcerts Sarah 1850 Sarah A. 1860 Sarah A. 1867nws Sarah A. 1867nws Sarah A. 1850 Sarah Ann 1850 Sarah E. births Sarah E. 1860 Simeon phist Sol. 1820 Solomon 1830 Solomon dindx Solomon dcerts Stillbo 1850 Susan 1897nws Syndicate 1892nws T. 2000q T. J. 1904nws Thelma 1850 Theophalus dcerts Theopho 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas 1886nws Thomas 1850 Tisha dcerts Truman dcerts Unknaec dcerts Unnamed larkin V. A. (Professor) 1920 Violet Pearl 1920 Virginia births Virginia 1854nws W. (Dr.) 1860 Wesley 1893nws Wesley 1850 William 1850 William 1850 William 1850 William 1850 William 1850 William 1920 William 1920 William hrdsty William 1844nws William 1851nws William 1867nws William 1892nws William 1893nws William dcerts William 1844nws William (Jr.) hrdsty William A. 1920 William F 1860 Wm. 1860 Wm. 1850 Wm. A. Wilsox 1883nws G.N. Wilsoxen 1851nws Thomas Wilstach & Baldwin 1876nws --- Wilt dcerts Dale dcerts Jennie dcerts John Wilteq dcerts Saran Win hrdsty Jane 1860 John Winbennfr dcerts A Wince dcerts Elizabe dcerts Harriet Wincf dcerts Ofema Winch 1840 Michael Windel 1875nws Martin Windell 1877nws Martin Winder 1850 Fanny 1850 James 1850 Thomas 1850 William Windle g1820 Frederick Windom 1881nws Charles Elbert Windon dcerts Ada 1904nws Adda M. dcerts Clara 1881nws Clarinda 1920 Edna M 1893nws Elmer V. 1920 Ethel M 1889nws J. M. 1904nws J. M. 1890nws James 1893nws James 1881nws Joseph 1893nws Joseph 1920 Joseph M 1881nws Joseph William 1920 Rose A 1920 Waid D 1881nws William dcerts William 1920 William M Windonw 1890nws Joseph Window 1893nws Norma Windsor Salt Works 1887nws --- Windsor harris Della dcerts Hiram dcerts Mary Windwart 1909nws Emma 1909nws Hattie 1909nws Joseph Wine 2002q Alexander 1840 Allexander 1999q Barbara 1999q Charles 1860 Daniel 1999q Electa births Electa J. 1999q Elizabeth (Rowland) 1840 Frances 1999q Francis 1856nws Henry 1999q J. B. dcerts Jerry 1999q Jesse 1999q John 1999q Joseph 2002q Lucinda 2003q Lucinda 1850 Lydia 1840 Mariah 1850 Martha 1999q Mary births Mary births Mary E. g1820 Robert births T. 1999q Travis 1999q Wesley 1999q William Winebrenner 1920 Beulah 1920 Dale E 1920 Dana 1920 Donald 1920 Eva D 1920 Forrest W 1920 Frank U 1920 Hamilton A 1920 Harrison dcerts Isabell 1920 Mabel 1920 Oma M 1920 Vida Winegar brothers 1893nws --- Winegar 1903nws A. J. dcerts Eli 1903nws Gilbert Hober dcerts Nary Wines births Barbara Allen births George W. g1820 James 1893nws Lida (Hurtler) 1893nws Major H. births Mary E. 2001q Melinda births Melvin dcerts Melzer births Nancy 1892nws Nettie 1879nws Romena 1879nws Rowena 1876nws Sarah F. births Traviss 1905nws Winona Wineyard dcerts Hattie Winfrpurner dcerts Dorsfl Winget 1881nws ?. J. 1860 Frampton? 1860 Harvey dcerts Isaac 1860 Isaac C. 1877nws J. R. 1920 Lowell 1860 M. C. dcerts Margare 1860 Margaret 1860 Nancy murray nf 1860 Rholand 1881nws Sarah E. 1860 Sofrona 1887nws W. E. 1881nws Ziba Wingett dcerts Andrew dcerts Margare dcerts Tufiia Wingfield dcerts Susie Wingo harris Gilbert V. Wingot 1850 Harvey 1850 Margret 1850 Michael 1850 Nancy 1850 Rolden 1850 Sophronia Winings 1819tx Ezekiel Wink births Anna M. 1871nws Anton 1850 C. 1850 Carl 1860 Cate 1860 Charles 1871nws Charles 1860 Christenia 1850 D. 1860 D. 1850 E. 1850 Eliza 1850 M. births M. A. 1850 Marg. 1860 Margaret 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1860 Mary A. 1873nws Michael 1860 Pheba 1850 S. 1860 Sofiah dcerts Susan Winkleback 1893nws Mr. Winkleblack 1850 F. 1850 John A. 1850 Lucinda 1850 Mary 1850 R. L. 1850 Sarah J. Winkler 1850 Barbara 1860 Barbara 1893nws Cora 1911nws Cora dcerts Cora 1893nws Edith 1860 Leander 1850 Lena 1850 Leonard 1860 Leonard 1893nws M. J. 1893nws M. J. 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1850 Peter 1860 Peter 1873nws Peter 1889nws Peter 1895nws Peter dcerts Peter marr Peter Winkley 1820 John dindx John 1892nws John Winn 1820 Abraham larkin Abraham 1819tx Abraham 1890nws Abraham 1830 Abram 1892nws Armstrong 1850 Arthur wrdead Arthur A. 1876nws C. F. 1879nws C. Freemen 1850 Charles 1889nws Charles 1912nws Charles dcerts Charles marr Charles F. births Charles T. 1893nws Charley 1873nws E. F. births Edward 1850 Eliza 1876nws Eliza 1878nws Eliza dcerts Eliza births Ella S. 1850 Emily murray Emily 1850 Esther murray Fred murray Fred 1879nws Freeman births George F. 1893nws Guy 1850 Jacob 1830 Jacob A. 1840 Jacob A. larkin Jacob A. 1890nws John 1820 Joseph 1819tx Joseph 1850 Julia larkin Julia (Nobles) 1909nws Mamie dcerts Martha births Mary E. 1840 Mathew H. 1893nws Mrs. births Myrta M. 1830 Orpha 1850 Rachael 1890nws Sara Fana larkin Sarah Fanny 1877nws Silas 1854nws Thomas 1830 William 1892nws William murray William Mrs. 1876nws Willie Winning births California Winnings dcerts Emima Winogn dcerts Waid Winston dcerts Seth Wintefrs dcerts Mary Winter dcerts Anorus 1850 H. 1862nws Henry Winters 1860 A. 1860 Andrew 1889nws Andrew 1860 Anna births Annie 1920 Blanche 1860 Catherine 1860 Charles 1920 Claud E. 1920 Doris births E. 1920 Earl 1920 Earl T dcerts Eary 1882nws Edna May 1897nws Edward 1920 Edwin M 1920 Elena 1850 Elizabeth dcerts Emma 1860 Frances dcerts Gastin 1850 Gaston 1860 H. 1840 Harrison 1882nws Hattie M. 1860 Henry 1920 Herschel 1866nws I. W. 1860 James 1840 John 1850 John W. 1850 Lucretia 1860 Mary 1913nws Mary 1876nws Mary (Geyer) 1998q Mary Ann (Finney) 1860 Michael 1897nws Mrs. 1889nws P. 1850 Rylant 1889nws T. 1897nws Theo. 1998q Theodore 1850 Theodore 1920 Velma 1850 William 1850 William A. 1882nws William A. 1850 Wm. S. Wintersteen 1850 Alvester 1850 Alvira 1850 Eliza harris Eliza phist Eliza 1850 Joshua harris Joshua phist Joshua phist Judge 1850 Nicholas 1850 Philetus 1889nws Philetus H. 1850 Polly Wintersteene 1860 David R. 1860 Ester A. 1860 Fletus 1860 Harriott E. 1860 J? H. 1860 Jamesw H. 1860 Mahala 1860 Mary M. 1860 Sofiah Winterstein 1871nws Alvina 1871nws J. H. 1889nws J. H. 1840 Joshua 1840 Nicholas 1889nws Philetus H. Winterstien 1850 Esther Ann 1850 Harriet 1850 Henry 1850 James 1850 Sophia Winterstine 1860 Joshua 1860 M. Wintes 1866nws John Wintle family 2000q Wintle family Winton births Alice births Samuel Wiolf dcerts Zora Wippel 1920 Alice E 1920 Almeda 1920 Andrew 1904nws Andy 1920 Charles D 1904nws Charles Dale 1873nws Elias dcerts Elies 1920 Elmer F 1908nws Frank 1873nws Franz 1920 Freda E 1920 Helen R 1897nws John dcerts Mary 1920 Mike 1908nws Peter 1920 Ralph W Wipple 1920 Barbary dcerts Danna 1920 Henry E 1920 John 1903nws John 1920 Joseph 1903nws Joseph 1876nws Lawrence 1876nws Lawrence 1876nws Mary 1876nws Mary births Peter Wirring 1920 Raymond S Wirt 1854nws Lovina Wise family 1998q Wise family Wise family 2002q Wise family Wise 1850 Andrew 1878nws Andrew 1920 Annie dcerts Bennie 1920 Bertha 1920 Bessie 1920 Carl l larkin Catherine 1998q Cecil dcerts Celem 1897nws Clarissa L. (Bissell) 1830 Daniel 1840 Daniel 1850 Daniel 1854nws Daniel dcerts Daniel dcerts Earnest 1878nws Editor 1999q Effie Jane (Frazier) births Eliza Licutilla 1840 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1906nws Elizabeth (Archer) dcerts Ella 1850 Ellet 1920 Emma 1886nws Emma dcerts Emma 1999q Flora Belle dcerts Floyd murray Foster 1920 Frank P 1860 George 1878nws George 1881nws George 1881nws George 1881nws George dcerts George 1920 Georgetta P 1999q Gerald 1920 Gertrude 2000q Gilbert harris H. A. 1850 Harriet 1920 Harriet E 1860 Harriott 1906nws Harry 1906nws Herbert dcerts Hewry 1860 Jacob births Jacob dcerts Jacob 1860 Jane 2000q Jane (Holliday) 1850 Jesse 1920 John G dcerts Kenneth 1920 Lawrence D 1920 Leslie J 1920 Louise H dcerts Lucy 1906nws Lula 1860 Lydia A. 1860 Margaret births Margaret 1850 Margret 1850 Mary 1920 Mary M 1920 Mary V 1999q Mary Virginia marr Micel 2000q Michael 1850 Michael 1878nws Mr. 1860 N. births Nancy 1920 Norman E 1850 Oliver 1860 P. 1920 Perry 1867nws Perry 1850 Philip 1897nws Phillip dcerts Richard 1897nws Robert W. g1820 Saml 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel g1820 Samuel 1819tx Solomon 1920 Solomon F 1850 Susan 1850 Susan births Viola 1860 William 1879nws William 1999q William Hunter 2000q William Jackson 1920 Winifred 1850 Zilpha Wise/Wine 1920 Ary 1920 Charles 1920 Jeremiah Wisebech 1860 Henry Wisecarver 2000q Nettie (Keiser) Wiseman births Abbott e. deaths Alice births Alice * births Andrew 1920nws Anna 1850 Anson deaths Charley murray Cora 1926nws Cynthia births Dale Shaw 1910nws E. E. births Elizabeth murray Elmer E. 1850 Emaline 1891nws Emma R. 1850 Emmaelles 1926nws Emmarillus births Emmet V. * births Ezra births Ezra M. 1850 Franklin births Franklin Emer 1876nws G. H. births G.M. 1850 George 1876nws George Sr. murray Glenn murray Hiram murray Hiram murray Hollis murray Hollis murray Hollis murray Howard murray Howard 1850 Isaac births J.A. births J.C. * births J.F. births J.T. 1850 James deaths James W. murray Janie murray Janie murray Janie births Jas. R. murray Jessee dcerts Jlhn 1877nws John 1877nws John 1890nws John 1881nws John F. murray Ma_y births Maggie Anne * murray Magy 1850 Malissa 1850 Mary 1850 Mary births Mary J. 1926nws Melissa births Melissa births Minerva dcerts Ocwnie births Otis W. * 1926nws Roscoe murray Rufus 1926nws Rufus births S.M. 1850 Sarah murray Sarah C. deaths Sarah J. births Sarah M. births Stella M. * dcerts Stillbo 1850 Thomas murray Thomas harris Thomas 1873nws Thomas marr Thomas 1850 William 1862nws William 1904nws William 1926nws William births William marr William 1850 Zachariah wrdead Zachariah births Zack Wisemiller 1860 Eliza phist Ella 1860 Emma 1860 Francis 1860 George 1860 John 1860 Joseph 1860 Susan 1860 Wendell Wisenbach births Wisenbach births Mathew births Matthew Wisenbaugh 1867nws Henry Wiser births Drusilla Wisfman dcerts Ezra Wisman 1860 Anteney 1860 Catharine 1860 Mary 1860 Sofiah 1860 William Wisnick dcerts Mike Wisswaesser 1897nws Rev. 1897nws Rev. Wist dcerts Irene Wisten 1873nws Ric. Wite births Mary E. Witham phist Sarah Withe 1860 Daniel 1860 Leander 1860 Lilly 1860 Melissa 1860 Wm. Withee 1905nws Alonzo 1905nws Elizabeth May dcerts Jamfs dcerts Margare dcerts Stillbo Withem dcerts Dellie Withen dcerts Withen Wither dcerts Madison Withrow 1920 Charles 1920 Effie 1903nws Effie M. 1920 Genevieve 1920 Joseph 1903nws Joseph 1920 Mary E. Witsgol 1860 Eavf 1860 John 1860 Margaret Witt 1840 Catherine 1840 John D. Witteman 1859nws Cath. Wittmer dcerts Geicrge births George, Jr. Witzall cmarr Christopher Witzgall births Witzgall births John Wixon dcerts Joseph Wlhpung dcerts Lydia Wlson dcerts Willian Wncer dcerts Wanetta Wnee dcerts Irene Wocoard dcerts Agnes Wodard 1850 Angeline 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Lecta 1850 Martha 1850 Sanford 1850 Silas 1850 William Woddard 1897nws S. R. (Rev.) Wode 1862nws Michael Wodos dcerts Mary Woehlert 1860 Henry Wogan 1850 Eliza Jane 1860 Elza I. dcerts Emma 1850 George 1871nws H. P. (Rev.) 1860 Henry F. 1850 Henry T. 1850 John 1860 John W. wrdead John W. 1860 Louisa A. 1860 Mahala 1860 Mary A. births Mary E. 1850 Mehala 1850 Nancy 1850 Oren 1860 Orin dcerts Stillno 1860 William 1862nws William 1850 Wm Wogin 1866nws Oren Woialogrff dcerts Helen Woif dcerts Fmoqfnf dcerts Rary Woife dcerts Curtis Wolaham dcerts James Wolahan 1860 Charlotte 1860 James 1860 Richard Wolding harris George Wolf & Fox 1897nws --- Wolf Cemetery at Plants 1908nws --- Wolf Pen cemetery 1903nws --- Wolf births Wolf births Abbie 1908nws Adah births Adaline 1850 Adam 1860 Adam 1850 Adeline dcerts Adeline 1920 Albert births Albert births Albert Sherman * deaths Alfred H. 1920 Alice births Altha M. 1920 Amanda 1920 Amy C births Andrew deaths Andrew marr Andrew harris Andrew (Dr.) 1860 Angeline births Ann J. dcerts Anna hrdsty Anna C. births Anna E. 1920 Anna K 1920 Anna M hrdsty Anna M. (Massar) 1920 Arthur hrdsty Arthur E. 1850 Barbara 1868nws Barbara births Barbara Ann 1882nws Ben births Benj. W. 1850 Benjamin births Benjamin marr Benjamin deaths Benjamin E. marr Benjamin E. deaths Benjamin F. 1920 Benjamin M births Bent Rush * 1876nws Bert 1920 Bertha dcerts Bertha deaths Bridget 1876nws C. P. births C.W. 1850 Calvin marr Calvin D. 1850 Caroline births Carrie 1850 Cassia 1850 Catharine 1850 Catharine births Catharine 1850 Cevilla 1850 Charles 1860 Charles wrdead Charles marr Charles births Charles * hrdsty Charles E. deaths Charles G. births Charles R. 1850 Charles W. deaths Charles Wallace 1920 Charlotte V 1850 Christena births Christina harris Christopher births Clara * births Clara Emily * hrdsty Clara F. marr Clavin marr Conrad births Cora births Cora B. births Curtis 1920 Curtis G 1920 Curtis W births D.B. 1920 Daisey M 1850 Daniel births Daniel B. births Daniel E. 1860 David 1881nws David births David 1893nws Deborah dcerts Deborah 1920 Debra? births Dell * 1920 Dena M 1920 Dennis 1892nws Dolly 1850 Doratha 1920 Dortha 1920 Doug 1850 Dudley births E.A. 1920 Edith G/C births Edmond harris Edmund dcerts Edmund 1920 Edna L 1850 Edward births Electa births Elemer Richard * 1860 Elisabeth 1820 Elizabeth 1830 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth harris Elizabeth 1819tx Elizabeth 1892nws Elizabeth phist Elizabeth births Elizabeth 1920 Ella J hrdsty Ella L. 1920 Ellen 1920 Elmer deaths Elmer 1920 Elva G larkin Elzabeth births Emily Grace * deaths Emily V. 1860 Emma births Emma births Emma A. hrdsty Emma C. deaths Emma Gertrude births Emory S. 1850 Ephraim marr Ephraim R.J. wrdead Ephriam births Ervin deaths Esther Ann phist Esther Ann (Jones) births Ethel * births Eugenia births Eunice births Eva Jane * births Eva May * 1920 Evaline births Everett births Everett 1903nws F. Dudley births F.D. births F.E. 1876nws Fietta births Frances deaths Frances births Francis 1887nws Frank marr Franklin D. hrdsty Franklin W. 1920 Fred J 1860 Frederick births Frederick marr Frederick 1873nws G. W. 1882nws G. W. 1850 Geo P. births Geo. H. 1820 George 1840 George 1850 George 1850 George 1860 George larkin George hrdsty George 1819tx George 1851nws George phist George births George dcerts George deaths George marr George births George C. marr George H. deaths George J. births George P. marr George P. hrdsty George W. marr George W. 1913nws Glenna 1860 Godlip 1920 Grace 1889nws H. J. dcerts Hannah 1920 Harry C 1893nws Harry J. 1920 Hazel births Helen J. births Helen Verbena * 1820 Henry 1840 Henry 1850 Henry 1920 Henry larkin Henry hrdsty Henry 1892nws Henry 1895nws Henry phist Henry births Henry marr Henry marr Henry J. hrdsty Henry Jr. phist Henry Jr. hrdsty Henry Sr. births Henry William births Herbert * 1920 Herman H 1920 Herschel deaths Horner births Howard 1920 Howard W 1920 Ida births Ida C. * hrdsty Ida E. births Ida M. births Ida May * 1920 Ina M births Ira * 1920 Irene marr Isaac 1850 Isabella 1860 Isabella marr Israel murray Iva births J.A. dcerts Jack 1850 Jackson 1850 Jackson 1820 Jacob 1850 Jacob larkin Jacob larkin Jacob harris Jacob 1819tx Jacob phist Jacob births Jacob marr Jacob 1920 James births James E. births James F. births James T. dcerts Jaomes 1876nws Jed 1876nws Jed. A. 1850 Jeremiah dcerts Jessie 1850 Joanna 1820 John 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John 1920 John 4thInf John larkin John 1819tx John 1851nws John 1851nws John 1854nws John 1855nws John 1877nws John 1889nws John phist John births John dcerts John deaths John marr John hrdsty John A. births John H. births John M. 1920 John P 1859nws John P. 1868nws John P. 1893nws John P. births John P. deaths John Perry 1920 John W births John W. 1840 John, Jr. 1840 Jonas 1850 Jonas 1921nws Jonas deaths Jonas 1840 Joseph 1850 Joseph 1860 Joseph 1819tx Joseph 1851nws Joseph 1920 Joseph E 1850 Joshua 1860 Joshua marr Joshua births Julia A. 1920 Kenneth 1920 Kenneth J 1860 Lana births Leslie C. 1840 Lewis 1903nws Lewis dcerts Lewis deaths Lewis marr Lewis 1920 Libbie M deaths Lizzie 1882nws Louis 1850 Louisa hrdsty Louisa (Geyer) dcerts Lucy 1850 Lucy A. births Luella Maybell 1850 Lydia C. 1885nws M. 1867nws M. R. births Malinda births Malissa 1850 Margaret 1860 Margaret 1860 Maria deaths Marie 1860 Martha 1920 Martha births Martha births Martha A. births Martha E. deaths Martha R. A. 1904nws Martin births Martin dcerts Martin marr Martin 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary 1920 Mary hrdsty Mary 1879nws Mary 1893nws Mary births Mary dcerts Mary deaths Mary hrdsty Mary (Geyer) deaths Mary A. 1850 Mary Ann births Mary C. births Mary Elizabeth * deaths Mary F. births Mary Jane deaths Mary Jane births Mary Virginia 1850 Matilda deaths Matilda births Matilda H. births May * 1850 Melinda 1850 Melinda 1850 Melissa births Melissa 1904nws Melsie 1850 Melvin births Melvin births Mervin 1850 Michael 1844nws Michael 1844nws Michael phist Michael marr Michael 1875nws Michael R. marr Michael R. 1840 Michial 1920 Mildred F births Miller 1920 Milton J births Minnehaha births Minnie Kathie 1920 Myrtle births Naluna dcerts Nancy births Net 1920 Nett 1850 Nicholas 1860 Nicholas deaths Oliver births Onieda births Oren 1850 Palmyra 1867nws Palmyra 1850 Perline 1850 Perry 1820 Peter 1830 Peter 1840 Peter 1850 Peter 1920 Peter larkin Peter 1819tx Peter 1851nws Peter 1876nws Peter phist Peter deaths Peter births Peter D. deaths Peter D. marr Peter D. marr Peter F. marr Peter K. 1897nws Phil. births Philip dcerts Philip births Philip W. births Present Augustus births R. O. deaths Ralph E. deaths Rebecca 1920 Rexford ? births Riley G. 1920 Robert births Robert 1892nws Rosetta 1920 Roxie M births Rush O. deaths Rush Ota births S.R. deaths S.S. 1920 Sadie M 1850 Samantha births Samantha births Samantha M. 1860 Samuel 1920 Samuel births Samuel marr Samuel deaths Samuel Benjamin 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1855nws Sarah births Sarah births Sarah dcerts Sarah 1850 Sarah A. 1850 Sarah A. 1850 Sarah Ann deaths Sarah Catharine 1850 Sarah F. births Sarah F. births Sarah M. deaths Sebilla 1882nws Serena (Pickens) 1920 Seva dcerts Seva deaths Sidney Johnson 1850 Silas wrdead Silas D. 1820 Solomon 1840 Solomon larkin Solomon 1819tx Solomon phist Solomon 1860 Spencer 1920 Spencer H births Stanley Miles deaths Stanley Miles 1850 Susan births Susan births Susan births Susan R. births Susanna deaths Susanna births Sybilla births Sylvesta 1850 Sylvester 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas 1882nws Thomas births Thomas dcerts Thomas marr Thomas births Thomas A. births Thomas N. dcerts Trecy dcerts Unnamed births Valentine dcerts Vernon births Viola 1920 W. Roy 1876nws Wald E. births Wallace births Walter E. 1920 Warren H 1850 Washington dcerts Weaver 1850 William 1889nws William 1901nws William births William dcerts William deaths William marr William marr William B. hrdsty William E. 1920 William M deaths William Wheeler 1860 Wm. births Wm. Augustus Wolf, births John P. Wolfe cemetery 1889nws --- Wolfe 1850 Abigail J. 1920 Abner V 2000q Abraham Lincoln births Abram 1920 Ada M 1920 Adda S 1920 Adela? births Alfred 1920 Allen 1920 Alma 1850 Andrew harris Andrew (Dr.) births Anna 1850 Anne M. births Anthony phist Artemesia E. 1920 Arthur dcerts Arthur 1920 Augusta 1850 Barbara 1920 Belinda 1850 Benjamin E. births Benjamin E. births Bentz 1920 Bentz/Berty 1920 Bert 1920 Bessie B 1920 Bisha 1920 Bradford 1920 Carl 1850 Catharine 1892nws Catherine 1892nws Catherine 1850 Charles W. 1850 Clara 1920 Clarence C 1893nws Clyde 1901nws Clyde 1920 Cressa 1890 Curtis 1891nws D. B. 1860 Daniel 2000q David 1850 David 1850 Delilah 1890 Della births Della 1920 Denny? M dcerts Denver 1920 Donald C 1920 Dora D 1920 Doris B 1920 Dorothy 1920 Dudley harris E. V. births E.A. 1920 Earnest E 1920 Eber 1920 Edna Wilma 1920 Edward W harris Effie dcerts Electa 1850 Elizabeth 1920 Elizabeth 1920 Elta M 1920 Emaline phist Emily () 1920 Emma dcerts Emma 2000q Emma B. (Hunter) 1920 Emory S 2000q Ernest dcerts Evelyn harris F. S. 1920 Florence 1920 Floyd births Geo. W. 1830 George 1850 George 1860 George 1876nws George 1909nws George births George 1920 George ALfred 1920 George C births George Dallas 1917nws George F. 1850 George H. 1920 George L 1850 George W. marr George W. dcerts Gerald 1920 Glenroy? E 1920 Golden 1920 Gordon 2000q Grace 1920 Grover dcerts Hannah births Hattie 1920 Hazel 1920 Helen 1830 Henry 1850 Henry births Henry marr Henry E. 1920 Hillen 1920 Hiram J 1920 Howard births Howard Dayton 1920 Ida C 1920 Ira I. 1920 Irvin 1920 Iva L 1920 Jack B. 1830 Jacob 1850 Jacob 1860 James births James births James E. 1917nws James G. 2000q James Howard births James Howard 1893nws Jennie 1920 Jessie 1860 Joanna dcerts Johanna 1830 John 1850 John 1860 John 1920 John 1893nws John dcerts John deaths John 1850 John H. marr John P. 1920 John W births John W. 1830 Joseph 1850 Joseph 1892nws Joseph marr Joseph harris Juanita 1920 Julia M 2000q Kate 1921nws Kate 1920 Kelly 1920 Kenneth births Kittie Blanche births Laura 1920 Lawrence 1850 Lawson R. births Lennie Melissa 1920 Leonard harris Lewis 1920 Lewis W 1920 Lillian 1920 Lina dcerts Lois 1920 Lucinda 1920 Luella 2000q Mabel 1920 Mabel 1920 Madeline 1920 Mae F 1850 Magdalena 1920 Maggie dcerts Maggie 1920 Manchester dcerts Marguer 1850 Maria deaths Mark Pomeroy phist Marshall 1850 Martha 1920 Martha E 1920 Martin J 1850 Mary 1860 Mary dcerts Mary 1917nws Mary (Buck) 2000q Mary (Petty) 1850 Mary Ann 1850 Mary C. 1920 Mary E 1850 Mary E. 1920 Mary E. 1850 Matilda 1850 Mehala 1920 Mervin 1891nws Mervin dcerts Michael 1850 Michael E. dcerts Myrtle births Nancy births Nial Herman 1920 Nora 1920 Nora? 1920 Oren J. 2000q Ouida 1890 P. D. 1830 Peter 1850 Peter 1860 Peter 1920 Peter births Peter dcerts Peter 1850 Peter Q. 1860 Phidela 1850 Rebecca 1920 Richard 1920 Riley 1920 Roger 1920 Sallie E. 1850 Samuel 1901nws Samuel marr Samuel 1850 Sarah 1920 Sarah 1920 Serena A. births Sibilia 1830 Solomon 1850 Solomon 1850 Susan 1850 Susan R. deaths Thoma Bryan 1850 Thomas 1920 Thomas A. dcerts Unnamed 1891nws Van 1920 Van A births Van A. 1920 Velma dcerts Velma dcerts Viola 1920 Virgie 1893nws Warren births Warren Augustus 1920 Will 1850 William 1920 William 1920 Winifred Wolfe, 1891nws Mervin Wolfenbarger g1820 John g1820 Philip Wolff's New York Clothing House 1883nws --- Wolff 1897nws Elise 1897nws Elsie 1897nws Rose 1889nws William Wolfley 1850 Lewis 1850 William Wollahan 1860 Margaret 4thInf Richard Wollem 1850 Jehew Wollet gaffny Wollet Wollihan births Margaret Wolmerdorff 1850 Geo 1850 Mary Wolze dcerts Leonard Womberdorf 1879nws S. B. Womeldorf 1860 G. g1820 George 1862nws George 1860 Maria G. 1860 Mary g1820 Michael 1860 Nancy L. g1820 Samuel 1860 William B. Womeldorff 1893nws Ella 1893nws Ella 1893nws Ella 1876nws G. 1875nws George 1876nws George 1877nws George 1881nws George 1893nws George 1895nws George (Sr.) 1876nws Howard 1893nws J. Warren 1893nws Jane 1893nws Jennie 1877nws Mr. 1873nws S. B. 1876nws S. B. 1877nws Sam. (Capt.) Womendorff graybd G. W. Wonotney 1860 H. 1860 W. W. Wonzo 1878nws Alla dcerts Walter dcerts William Wood family 1998q Wood family Wood family 1999q Wood family Wood Family harris --- Wood 1887nws A. A. 1905nws A. B. 1850 Aaron 1850 Adam 1860 Adam dcerts Adam 1851nws Almira E. 1860 Alpheous 1920 Alta births Alvelda 1850 Amanda 1860 Analin 1860 Andrew 1879nws Andrew 1850 Angeline 1860 Ann 1850 Anna 1860 Anna 1860 Anna C. 1896nws Anna D. 1850 Anne Helen 1850 Annes 1920 Audrey 1905nws Audrey Thelma 1850 Benjamin wrdead Benjamin 1850 Betsey 1860 Betsey 1860 Byron 1844nws Cable 1840 Caleb 1860 Caleb 1855nws Caleb 1855nws Caleb 1850 Caroline 1920 Carrie dcerts Carrie 1850 Catharine 1850 Catharine 1850 Catharine 1920 Charles R 1920 Charley 1850 Cilpha 1999q Clarissa 1850 Clarrissa 1920 Claude 1920 Clifford R 1920 Clifton 1850 Daniel 1860 Darcus 1850 David 1860 David dcerts David 1920 David C 1860 Delila 1850 Dorcas 1920 Dorothy 1860 Edwin 1850 Eli 1860 Eli 1850 Elias 1860 Elias harris Elijah 1850 Eliza 1860 Eliza O? 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth larkin Elizabeth 1891nws Elizabeth 1891nws Elizabeth (Ferrill) larkin Elizabeth (Forrest) 1999q Elizabeth Caroline 1920 Elma 1850 Emily 1904nws Emily Viola 1892nws Emma 1920 Emma V 1860 Etta 1920 Eva L 1860 Evans 1850 Frances 1876nws Francis 1920 Frank E 1998q Frank Howell 1860 Franklin 1820 George 1840 George 1850 George 1860 George 1920 George wrdead George 1855nws George 1855nws George dcerts Grant 1891nws Hannah 1999q Harriet 1850 Harriet 1850 Hepsaba 1860 Hepsba 1998q Herbert 1850 Ira 1860 Ira 1878nws Ira 1830 Isaac 1840 Isaac 1850 Isaac 1893nws Isaac (Jun.) 1840 Isaac, Jr. dcerts J 1904nws J. A. 1876nws J. J. 1886nws J. J. 1878nws J. P. 1893nws J. P. 1920 Jackson A 1850 James murray James dcerts James marr James 1860 James M. 1850 Jane 1920 Janey 1920 Jasper g1820 Jessee 1920 Jessie 1850 Job 1860 Jobe 1820 John 1830 John 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John 1850 John 1860 John 1860 John 1860 John 1859nws John 1892nws John 1897nws John 1868nws John P. 1897nws Joseph M. 1820 Joshua 1830 Joshua 1840 Joshua 1850 Joshua g1820 Joshua larkin Joshua harris Joshua 1851nws Joshua 1855nws Joshua 1855nws Joshua 1891nws Joshua 1892nws Joshua 1892nws Joshua 1893nws Joshua 1860 Joshua J. phist Joshua Sr. 1840 Joshua, Sr. 1850 Lavina 1920 Letha H 1920 Lora E 1850 Lucinda 1860 Luelly larkin Lydia (Larue Gaston) 1920 Lydia L larkin Margaret 1891nws Margaret 1920 Margaret E 1893nws Marion C. 1920 Marion F 1860 Martha 1860 Martha ?. 1920 Martha J 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1860 Mary larkin Mary 1891nws Mary larkin Mary (Ogden) 1891nws Mary (Ogdin) 1860 Mary A. 1920 Mary E 1860 Mary E. 1860 Mathias dcerts Mathias g1820 Matthew 1920 Matthias 1920 May A 1850 Moses 1860 Munsay? 1860 Nancey 1850 Nancy 1850 Nancy larkin Nancy 1891nws Nancy g1820 Nehemiah 1850 Nelson marr Nelson 1908nws O. S. (Dr.) 1890nws Orlando 1850 Orpha 1920 Ota 1850 Paul 1860 Phidela 1892nws Polly 1890nws R. P. 1860 Rachel larkin Rachel 1891nws Rachel 1998q Ramon 1879nws Regina 1920 Robert 1920 Ruth 1850 Samantha 1850 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1860 Samuel 1850 Sarah 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1891nws Sarah (Rugherford) larkin Sarah (Rutherford) 1860 Savilla 1860 Tabitha 1860 Tabitha J. 1840 Thomas 1850 Thomas 1860 Thomas larkin Thomas 1876nws Thomas C. 1860 Ursila 1860 Vesta M. 1881nws W. L. (Dr.) 1850 Westly 1998q William 1830 William 1840 William 1850 William 1860 William larkin William 1891nws William 1892nws William dcerts William 1850 Wm N. 1860 Zilpha Wood/hood 1840 James Woodard Family harris --- Woodard 1873nws Adelaide births Adelaide 1860 Alexander 1820 Amos harris Ben 1860 Catharine hysell Charles harris Daniel Nelson dcerts Dorothe marr E.B. 1860 Eli 1850 Elizabeth deaths Elizabeth deaths Emaline births Emily 1860 Frederick 1860 G. G. marr Geo. W. 1850 George 1860 George 1862nws George G. 1860 Harriett births Harvey harris Ichabod harris Ichabod Jr. 1860 Ionah births J.B. births Jennie births Jessie 1840 John 1850 John 1860 John 1856nws John 1876nws John 1876nws John 1877nws John 1879nws John deaths John births Lena harris Lewis C. harris Lizzie deaths Martha A. 1850 Martin 1862nws Martin births Martin marr Martin 1850 Mary hysell Nancy harris Nathan B. 1920 Nora 1840 Norman 1920 Oscar deaths Polly births Priscilla births Rossanna hysell Sarah deaths Sarah births Seldon harris W. N. 1860 William births William H. marr William H. 1850 Winny marr Wm. L. Woodaro dcerts Martin Woodbridge dindx D. Jun. Woode births Woode 1850 Anthony 1920 Anthony 1920 Audrey 1860 Catharine 1920 Catherine 1920 Charles 1920 Charley 1920 Clair Mae births Clyde Asbury 1920 Dana births Elmer dcerts Frances dcerts Gecrge 1920 George phist Hattie (Swan) 1897nws John births Lewis births Mabel Edith births Michael 1897nws Michael (Jr.) 1860 Michall dcerts Oana 1920 Olive C 1850 Val Woodel 1866nws Emma Wooden 1879nws John W. Woodford 1860 G. W. 1860 John 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary 1860 Westley P. Woodfords harris The Woodgard 1920 Blanche dcerts John 1920 Mary 1920 Orlando B dcerts Stillbo Woodgerd 1920 Charles 1920 Lloyd N dcerts Mary 1920 Rosa E dcerts Rose Woodie 1920 Harlow E 1920 Vinnie M 1920 William Woodjard 1860 J? 1860 Joshua 1860 Lorand Woodjord 1860 F. Woodman 1893nws Richard Woodriff 1871nws Curtis &, --- Woodroff dcerts Anthony Woodruff family 2002q Woodruff family Woodruff 1860 A. 1850 Amanda M. births Belle 1850 Benj F. 1850 Benjamin 1840 Daniel 1892nws David 2003q Dolly (Smith) 2002q Edward 2003q Eliza 2002q George 2003q George W. 2002q George Wilson 1850 Jackson 1860 Jane 1840 Joco 1830 John 1840 John 2003q John 2003q John J. 1850 Jonah 1873nws Jonah 1840 Joseph 1850 Joseph 1883nws Lorena 1884nws Lucy 2002q Lucy Ann (Hayden) 1850 Lucy J. births Malinda 1850 Margaret phist Maria 1850 Mary A. 1850 Melinda 1840 Moses J. 1850 Moses J. 1850 Samaria 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah G. 1850 Susan M. 1850 William J. Woodrum 1920 Bonnie 1998q Carrie 1920 Clay dcerts Dorothy 1920 Elsie 1920 Leon cmarr Lizzie E. 1920 Margie 1920 Maud E 1920 Nellie 1920 Peter 1920 Ray 1920 Rose 1920 Stella 1998q Thelma (Galaway) 1920 Vesta 1920 Waneda Woodrun dcerts Adeline Woods girls 1900nws --- Woods 1850 Andrew murray Ann Mrs. 1893nws Belle S. births Carrie Lovina 1873nws Chanuey T. births Columbus marr Columbus 1920 Donald B dcerts Dorothy dcerts Edna 2001q Effie 1999q Elizabeth 1999q Ellen dcerts Elmer 2000q Emily 2000q Emma 1881nws Emma 2001q Ephraim 1999q Fanny 1850 Fanny 1920 Fleet 1906nws Fleet 2000q George 1897nws George 1897nws George J. harris Halley 1873nws Hiram murray Ira 1893nws J. A. murray Jack 1886nws Jack 1999q James 1850 James 1850 James murray Jasper murray Jasper 1999q Jeremiah 1850 Jeremiah murray Jess 1999q John 2002q John 1850 John 1819tx John 1999q Joseph 1819tx Joshua murray Lew births Lucinda births Lula murray Marion 1893nws Marion Lewis 1905nws Mark 1850 Methena 1897nws Miss 1850 Moses 2000q Orpha (Tibbs) 1850 Parthenia 1999q Peter 1920 Philas J 1999q Pressly 1999q Rebecca 1999q Sarah 1850 Sarah 1999q Sarah (Stevenson) murray Sherman 1999q Susan 1999q Thomas 1850 Thomas 1859nws Thomas g1820 William 1866nws William 1883nws William Woodson 1840 William J. Wooduff 1860 Benjamin 1860 Florantha B. 1860 Joseph 1860 Margaret 1860 Mary J. 1860 William 1860 Wilson Woodward 1893nws --- 1850 Almira 1850 Cassandra 1854nws Catharine 1999q Charles W. 1897nws D. W. (Capt.) 1860 Electa 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth 1999q Ellis G. 1892nws Eunice 1850 Eurella 1889nws General 1854nws J.D. births J.H. 1850 Jame 1860 James 1893nws Jessie 1893nws Jessie 1893nws Jessie 1820 John 1830 John marr John 1999q John Henry marr Lafayette 1999q Lucy F. (Pierson) births Luther Elda 1850 Margaret 1860 Martha marr Martin 1850 Mary Ann 1998q Matilda 1892nws Oliver marr Oliver 1860 Polly 1850 Rachael births Risanna marr Russell 1860 Sanford 1850 Sarah 1860 Sarah 1999q Sarah A. 1860 Silas 1850 Sophronia 1854nws Sophronia 1881nws W. H. 1890nws W. H. 1893nws W. H. 1893nws W. H. 1893nws W. H. 1893nws W. H. 1850 William marr William 1860 Wm. 1860 Wm. T. Woodwards murray James Woodworth 1850 Mary larkin Mary larkin Samantha Woody births Anthony 1850 Catharine 1850 Dorathy dcerts Esther 1850 Mary 1850 Michael births Michael 1840 Michial Woodyarc dcerts Jane Woodyard deaths Ada M. dcerts Annie births Bertha births Bradbury deaths Campbell births Dana Valenti deaths Elsie births Elsie V. births Emily Jane deaths Ethel marr Gard 1860 H. births Harley B. marr Harrison births Harvey marr Henderson H. births Hiram 1840 Isaac 1871nws J. L. births J.H. 1840 James murray James marr James births James B. births Jane 1840 Jarret 1875nws Jerry marr John 1867nws John E. 1867nws L. marr Lewis D. dcerts Lydia dcerts Noah births O.B. births Ora Ethel births Owen births T.E. births Veva Luster 1840 William marr William 1895nws William H. Woogard 1850 George 1850 Jane 1850 Jarrett 1850 John 1850 Joshua 1850 Prescena 1850 William Woogerd 1850 George 1850 James 1850 Jane 1850 John 1850 Margret 1850 Mary 1850 Rachael 1850 Samuel 1850 Sarah 1850 Susannah Woolaham 1855nws Richard Woolahan harris Margaret Woolam harris --- Woolen Mill 1879nws --- Woolery 2003q Elizabeth 2003q Michael 2003q Rachel Wooley 1860 Anna 1860 Joseph 1860 Laura 1860 Lovinia 1860 Mary J. Woolley harris John Wooly births Wooly births Joseph Wooo dcerts Martha Woorum dcerts Stillbo n. Woote 1871nws Eva 1871nws Michael Woou dcerts Jasper Work dcerts Fannie Workman cmarr A. 1850 Caroline 1890nws D. 1895nws D. 1893nws Deliver 1893nws Doliver 1897nws Dolliver 1850 Elizabeth 1850 Russell 1850 William Worl births Thomas N. Worley & Co. 1876nws --- Worley 1860 Electa J. 1860 J. W. 1876nws J. W. 1876nws J. W. 1860 Lila C. 1860 Lilar births Mary Ann Worling 1850 Andrew 1860 Andrew 1850 Assena 1850 Christena 1850 David 1860 David 1860 Delana 1850 Elizabeth 1860 George 1850 Henry 1850 John 1860 Margaret E. 1850 Margret 1850 Philip 1860 Philip Worly 1850 Electa 1850 Lilles 1850 Westly Worner dcerts George Worten 1873nws James Worth 1840 Allexander 1820 George g1820 Robert 1889nws Robert Worthen 1920 Aaron dcerts Aaron 1860 Adaline 1860 Alvira 1860 Caroline 1840 Charles 1860 Charles 1871nws Charley 1860 Clarrissa hrdsty Dermot hrdsty E. Wesley 1860 Edwin hrdsty Edwin phist Edwin dcerts Elmer 1920 Elmer L hrdsty Elmer L. 1840 Ephraim 1840 Ezekial dindx Ezekiel 1920 Florence dcerts Francis hrdsty Francis M. 1920 Frank 1860 Franklin 1840 George 1860 George 1851nws George 1892nws Hannah hrdsty Hattie M. hrdsty James S. hrdsty Jehiel C. 1892nws Jesse hrdsty Louisa 1860 Mary hrdsty Mary (McCain) 1860 Mary S. 1920 Matilda dcerts Matilda 1920 Nathan 1860 Phebe 1860 Polly hrdsty Polly (Johnson) 1860 Rebecca 1840 Rebecha 1860 Robert 1920 Rose hrdsty Rufus W. 1893nws Sarah hrdsty Seldon C. hrdsty Wallace G. hrdsty William 1920 William A hrdsty William W. 1920 Win 1920 Winifred 1840 Wm W. 1860 Wm. W. Worthen? 1920 Myrtle Worthfk dcerts Roof Worthin 1866nws Ezekial Worthing 1850 Adaline 1850 Alvira 1850 Charles 1850 Clarrissa 1850 Edwin 1850 Ephraim 1850 Ezekial 1830 Ezekiel 1850 Ezekiel dindx Ezekiel 1850 Franklin 1850 George 1850 George 1850 Hannah 1850 Jackson 1850 James 1820 Jesse larkin Jesse 1850 John 1850 Lavina 1850 Lewis 1850 Lucinda 1850 Maria 1850 Mary 1850 Mary 1850 Matilda 1850 Nathan 1850 Phebe 1850 Polly 1850 Rosco 1850 Sarah 1850 William 1850 William Worthington harris Elizabeth harris Thomas Worthz murray Dr. murray Ray Wortman g1820 Rober g1820 Robert Wotf dcerts John Wotin g1820 Bell Wqoodarc dcerts William Wray cmarr Mary cmarr Viola births Wm. Wrber dcerts Susanna Wright Helen murray Wright Helen Wright births Wright births Abbie 1840 Adam 1850 Adela dcerts Aleert 1850 Alex Hoffman 1850 Amawellah births Andrew 1850 Andrew J. births Ann deaths Ann 2002q Anne E. births Annie wright Armintha births Ava Salina 1850 Bazil births Bertha larkin Billy 1860 C. 1917nws Carl larkin Catharine 1820 Charles 1840 Charles 1819tx Charles deaths Charles births Charles Foster 1920 Clay murray Cora births D. 1862nws D. P. births David births Della May births E.J. 1920 Edgar births Edith May births Elba 1850 Eleanor Jane 1819tx Eli 1892nws Eli marr Eli larkin Eliza (Grant) 1882nws Eliza (Grant) 1850 Elizabeth 1860 Elizabeth dcerts Elvira births Emma births Ethel births Etta deaths Etta murray Foster births G.W. 1850 Geo Wash. 1850 George 1859nws George births George births George Frederi births Grace Almeda 1890nws Guyan births Guyan dcerts Guyan murray Harry L. births Harry Linden births Harry S. wright Harvey 1878nws Hattie 1860 Henory 1840 Hugh dcerts Ida births Ida R. births Ida Rosetta dcerts Ira births Isaac dcerts Isiah 1840 James 1850 James 1856nws James births James dcerts James births James Ernest 1875nws James H. 1920 James M. births James R. 1850 James W. deaths Jane 1897nws Jeannette 1850 Jemima births Jeremiah 1840 John 1850 John 1850 John 1893nws John births John dcerts John 1999q John E. births John M. dcerts Johnie deaths Jonah 1892nws Joseph marr Joseph 1998q Josiah 1840 Josiah births Josiah marr Josiah wright Josiah Lewis 1867nws Judge 1904nws Judge 1850 Julia A. births Katie 1877nws L. P. 1893nws L. P. (Lush) 1850 La Fayette births Leo 1917nws Leona (Utnahmer) births Lettie deaths Lettie 1881nws Levi wright Levi births Levi marr Levi wright Lewis births Lewis deaths Lewis 1889nws Lillie May births Loisa dcerts Lucius births M. E. births Mabel E. dcerts Maggie births Mamie Eula births Marion 1892nws Martha deaths Martha births Martha P. 1850 Mary 1850 Mary births Mary births Mary 1998q Mary (Mitchell) deaths Mary b. births Mary E. births Mary Jane 1860 Mary N. births Mary W. 1876nws Mattie 1920 May births May 1920 Mildred 1850 Mineratta 1876nws Mittie births Mittie 1893nws Mr. dcerts Norma 1850 Peter Webster 1920 Phebe births Phebe J. 1999q Philadelphia 1860 Philip dcerts Phoeee 1897nws Prof. dcerts Rachael 1905nws Retta births Rilla 1920 Robert 1850 Rolla 1850 Rolla Batcher births Rosa B. births Roseline 1999q Roselma E. (Entsminger) 1998q Ruth (Bickle) 1876nws Samuel births Samuel Lewis 2000q Sarah dcerts Stillbo dcerts Stillbo n. births Theodore 1998q Thomas 1850 Thomas 1893nws Thomas 1893nws Thomas 1893nws Thomas 1893nws W. E. births W.G. murray Will 1820 William 1840 William dindx William larkin William 1819tx William 1882nws William 1889nws William 1889nws William 1893nws William 1897nws William births William dcerts William deaths William D. births William G. 1850 Willis births Zacheriah deaths Zackariah Wrightmore 1840 John Wrightsel harris Carrie harris George harris George R. Wrind? g1820 William Writemire 1830 John Wtiiiamson dcerts William Wuebben harris Ida McCarthy Wyant 1860 Beca 1860 E. 1860 Eda wrdead Isaac 1860 John 1860 Nancey 1861nws Sampson 1860 Sarah 1860 William Wyatt larkin Betsy larkin Betsy harris Betsy 1893nws Betsy harris Deacon harris Deacon Joshua 1889nws Edith harris Emma dcerts Harriet harris John 1893nws John 1903nws John 1893nws Joseph larkin Joshua harris Joshua 1903nws Leonard A. 1893nws M. A. larkin Polly phist Polly harris Sally dcerts Sarie 1840 Solomon Wyatt. larkin Joshua (Deacon) Wycoff 1840 Moses Wye dcerts Amanoa Wyeth 1909nws F. J. dcerts Harmon 1920 Herman 1920 Mary 1920 Peter dcerts Rebecca 1890nws T. J. Wylie 1830 Thomas Wyllis 1858nws Henry J. Wyllys harris Mary Wyne 1897nws Harvey births Mary E. Wynes 1904nws H. H. 1904nws Margaret Elizabeth Wynn 1889nws Charles Freeman 1892nws Nancy