Meigs County Reference Books and Lookup Volunteers
Listed below are the Meigs Co. reference materials for which I have lookup volunteers. Please see the Meigs Co. References page for an extensive listing of Meigs Co. reference materials. If you own any Meigs County books, whether listed or not, and will do look-ups, please Contact the State Administrator. As you can see, volunteers are needed.
In order to avoid the possiblity of copyright infringement, the only references which will be listed on this page are those materials which are in the public domain (any material originally published before 1921, or original/microfilmed public records) or for which permission to perform unrestricted lookups has been obtained.
Lookups in these references should be limited to a small number of facts only. An example of this would be information on a single marriage or birth, presence of a name in an index, etc. Please do not ask the lookup volunteers to photocopy pages or transcribe substantial parts (more than a paragraph) of a reference. If an author has been kind enough to grant permission for lookups in his works, please consider purchasing those works if you need a substantial amount of information from them.
I regret the need to impose these restrictions, but protecting the copyrights of the authors who invest their time and effort in creating these materials is important. Many of these authors are genealogical societies who depend on income from their publications. Many Meigs County references can be obtained either through the LDS Family History Centers or through inter-library loan for personal inspection.
Feel free to request a look-up from the listed references following these guidelines:
- PLEASE limit your request to ONE reference and ONE name/couple per request and no more than two requests a day.
- Please put MEIGS COUNTY LOOKUP in the subject line of your request to insure the message is not overlooked or accidentally deleted.
- Send your lookup request to the e-mail address of the volunteer.
- In the first line of the message, please put the name of the reference you are requesting the lookup in.
- In the second line of the message, please put your name and e-mail address for reply.
- Describe exactly what you want looked up.
- Please bear in mind that the lookups are being done by volunteers, so turnaround time and specific research performed are entirely at their discretion.
If you request a lookup, don't forget to thank your volunteer for their time.
Title Lookup Volunteer E-mail
Several Merry Anne Pierson
Title Lookup Volunteer E-mail
Transcripts of 1850, 1860, 1870, Merry Anne Pierson
1880, and 1900
(Wes Cochran - permission granted)
Title Lookup Volunteer E-mail
Title Lookup Volunteer E-mail
Illustrated Historical and Sharon Rickerson
Business Review for the Year 1891
Title Lookup Volunteer E-mail
Title Lookup Volunteer E-mail
Meigs County, Ohio marriages, Merry Anne Pierson
1819-1913 (Wes Cochran - permission granted)