Biographies from the Personal History section of Hardesty's Historical and Geographical Encyclopedia, (1883), H. H. Hardesty & Co. Publishers, Chicago and Toledo. These biographies were transcribed by Merry Anne Pierson. Thanks, Merry Anne!
Chester Township
John Q. Adams: was born in Jefferson County, Ohio, February 21, 1833, and came to Meigs county when he was three years of age, and has since then made his home in this county. Here he was married, September 11, 1869, Rebecca Sibert on that date becoming his wife. They have two daughters, Emma, born 1 April 1871, and Jennie S., born 28 January, 1880. By a former marriage, entered upon October 21, 1855, with Emeline Peoples, John Q. Adams became the father of: Marcus A., born 11 August, 1856, who lives in this county; Ida M., May 21, 1858, resides with her father; Joseph E., March 1, 1860, lives in this county; Addison, January 26, 1862 and William P., 3 October 1865, live at home. The first wife of Mr. Adams was born in Jefferson county, Ohio, 26 April 1836, a daughter of Robert and Anna E. (Palmer) Peoples, and she died 22 July 1867. John and Elizabeth (Johnson) Adams, parents of John Q., settled in Meigs county in 1836, and the mother died here in 1869. John Adams is also deceased, his death occurring in the county in November, 1879. N. D. and Louisa (Johnson) Sybarite, also came to Meigs county in 1836, and here their daughter Rebecca was born, 14 February, 1850. Mrs. Sybarite died on the 15th of November, 1867. John Q. Adams served 100 days in the war of 1861, in the 140th Ohio National Guards. Two of his present wife's brothers, Abraham and Peter Sibert, were soldiers in that war, and Peter died in the service. John Q. Adams is proprietor of the Adam's grist and saw mills, and is doing a large and profitable business, also engaging in the buying of wheat and other grain. He may be addressed at Keno, Meigs county, Ohio.
Henry Betz, Jr.: is a native of Germany, born at Hesse-Darmstadt, September 11, 1824, and his wife, whose maiden name was Mary Glitsh, was born in the same country and the same province, July 25, 1828. Their marriage was consummated in Berks county, Pennsylvania, October 15, 1850, and their children are ten, eight living and two deceased, with the following record: William, born April 17,1851, died 21 May 1853; Charley, 29 April 1853; Ellen (Shatz), 5 August, 1855; Sophia (Raush), March 9, 1858; Elizabeth (Ihle), September 15,1859; Louisa (Holder), December 5, 1861 - these five living in homes of their own in Meigs county; Mary, April 22, 1864, lives at home; George W., March 18, 1867, died July 18, 1868; Margaretta, September 3, 1869, and Lodemia, April 14, 1872, who live at home. John and Julia (Betz) Glitsh, parents of Mrs. Mary Betz, died in Germany, the former in 1870, and the latter, 29 June 1846. The parents of Henry Betz, Jr., Henry and Mary Betz, also died in Germany, his mother in 1837, at the age of 43 years, and his father in 1870, at the age of 81 years. Henry Betz, Jr., left Germany in 1849, landed in New York, went thence to Pennsylvania, and lived there seven years. He then came to Meigs county, and for two years lived in Pomeroy, settling in Chester township in 1856. He sold the first farm he owned in this township, and then bought the one he now owns and cultivates, and on which he has lived for 16 years. During the 1861 war he participated in the Morgan raid. He has been three years supervisor in Chester township, and twelve years school director. Minersville, Meigs county, Ohio, is his post office address.
Presley S. Brown: one of the farming residents of Chester township, Meigs county, Ohio, settled here in 1856. He was born in Tuscarawas county, Ohio, September 17, 1838, a son of John R. and Mary (Beck) Brown. His marriage was consummated in Meigs county, December 30, 1868, and his wife is Margaret R., daughter of James C. and Hannah (Toland) Moore. They settled in Meigs county in 1838, and their daughter was born, December 31, 1838. Five children gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Presley S. Brown, born as follows: James H., January 9, 1870; Ella E., September 17, 1871; Hannah G., June 11, 1874; Anson H., August 23, 1876; William P., July 20, 1879. During the war of the Rebellion, Presley S. Brown enlisted, in October 1861, in the 63rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Company C., and served until honorably discharged, October 12, 1864. He was in all the engagements of his regiment; was once made prisoner, and lay in Andersonville prison two months, until exchanged. He receives his mail at Bashan, Meigs county, Ohio.
George Buck: was born in Steuben county, New York, October 2, 1830, a son of William and Jerusha (Rose) Buck. His mother died in 1857, and his father is now residing in Wisconsin, at the age of 83. In Athens county, Ohio, May 27, 1852, George Buck and Ara A. Becker were joined in wedlock, and in 1859, they made their home in Meigs county. They have seven children with the following record: Addie R. (Parker), born July 7, 1853, lives in Meigs county; Zernua L., (Blakenship), October 10, 1854, lives in this county; Clara A., March 27, 1856, lives at home; Flora T., (Hawley), resides in Meigs county; Warren, July 18, 1859, lives in Meigs county; James P., September 22, 1861, lives in Adair county, Missouri; Effie, July 5, 1870, lives at home. Mrs. Buck was born in Athens county, this State, May 3, 1833, and her parents were James and Louisa (Worthen) Becker. They came to Meigs county in 1876, and her father died in this county in 1879. She had seven brothers in the war of 1861: James S., William W., Seldon C., Rufus W., E. Wesley, Wallace G., Jehiel C.. All were faithful soldiers and served through the war unharmed. George Buck enlisted in the same war, in October, 1861, in the 7th Ohio Battery, and served three years. His brother Hiram was in the same command. Mr. Buck is serving his second term as justice of the peace, and is a prosperous farmer of Chester township, receiving his mail at Keno, Meigs county, Ohio.
Andrew Byrne, Jr.: was born in County Wicklow, Ireland, in 1818, and his parents were Andrew Byrne, Sr., who died in Cincinnati, in 1822, and Rosanna (Ringwood) Byrne, who died in 1832, in Cincinnati, with the cholera. At the age of nine years, Andrew Byrne, Jr., came to Sutton township, Meigs county, Ohio, and made his home with an uncle, William Carleton. They moved to Bedford township, where he continued with his uncle until 21 years of age. He then hired out to the Pomeroy Coal Company, and worked three years as a hand on a flat boat, and then five years as pilot for the same company. After that he was pilot on steamboats for the same company fifteen years, and then went back to farming, on account of poor health. Farming has ever since been his occupation. December 15, 1855, in this county he married Lucinda Laubner, who was born in Bavaria, Germany, December 3, 1832. Her parents died in Meigs county, where they settled in 1839. John Laubner, Sr., her father, died in October, 1867, aged 76, and her mother, whose maiden name was Margaret E. Bitterman, died June 23, 1857, aged 63 years and three months. Her brother, Andrew Laubner, was a soldier of the 1861 war, serving three years in the 1st West Virginia Cavalry, then reenlisting as a veteran in the same regiment. While on his way back to duty he was injured in a railroad accident, losing the use of his right hand. Andrew Byrne, Jr., has held the office of school director in Chester township for three terms. His post office address is Pomeroy, Meigs county, Ohio.
A. W. Cawdery: is the owner of 510 acres of land in Meigs county, lying in Chester and Olive townships, where he is profitably engaged in farming and stock-raising. He was born in Athens county, Ohio, October 29, 1841, a son of Nelson E. and Levina (Eckhart) Cawdery. His mother was born in Germany, April 7, 1818, and his father was born in May, 1818 and died when A.W. was twelve years of age. The present wife of A.W.Cawdery is Callie, daughter of Thomas and Olive (Branch) Parker, and she was born in Meigs county, July 2, 1857. They have two little ones, Evanellie, born April 9, 1880 and the baby, born October 7, 1882. Their marriage was consummated in Chester township, January 30, 1879. The first marriage of Mr. Cawdery was with Sarah E. Bell, who died of consumption, December 14, 1871. They were married August 15, 1867, and their children were Carrie Bell and Emma J., both of whom now live at home with their father. March 10, 1872, A.W.Cawdery was again married and his second wife was Mary A. Bell, born July 11, 1845, who died April 23, 1878. The children of this marriage were: George W., born August 7, 1875, and Leah L., born 14 February, 1877, both of them now living at home. During the war of the Rebellion, Mr. Cawdery enlisted in the 63rd Ohio Infantry, Company C, for three years. The date of his enlistment was 25 October, 1861, and after an honorable discharge, he reenlisted in the 18th Ohio Infantry, Company I. He was in battle at New Madrid, Island No. 10, Hamburg, Iuka, Corinth, Hatches Run, and all the engagements from Chattanooga to Atlanta, Georgia, and at the close of the war was honorably discharged. His address is Keno, Meigs county, Ohio.
Edward W. Craig: born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, February 20, 1846, became a resident of Meigs county, Ohio, in 1853. In this county, at Long Bottom, April 23, 1872, he was united in marriage with Eliza M. Coleman, and the years that have followed their union have given them three sons, born as here named: William E., October 14, 1873; Elmer C., August 24, 1878; Marion B., December 17, 1879, all living at home. Eliza M., wife of Edward W. Craig, was born in the place where her marriage subsequently took place, and the date of her birth was February 6, 1847. Her parents, now deceased, were William and Harriet (Williams) Coleman, both natives of Meigs county, and highly esteemed residents here during their lifetime. William Craig, father of Edward W., was born in Dunmurray, Ireland, June 3, 1803, and the mother of Edward W. was Lydia C Brickell, born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, June 17, 1813. Mr. and Mrs. William Craig came to Meigs county in 1853, and here he died April 15, 1881. Edward W. Craig has been three terms township clerk, in 1875, 1876 and 1881, and is the present incumbent of the office. He is largely and prosperously engaged in the mercantile business, in Chester, Meigs county, Ohio, where he may be addressed.
Jacob Dorst: is a native of Germany, born near Strausburg, May 4, 1836, and coming to Meigs county, Ohio, with his parents when he was just one year of age. His father, Henry Dorst, still living, was born in 1811, and his mother Margaret (Well) Dorst, was born in 1813. In Chester township, this county, November 20, 1858, the marriage was consummated of Jacob Dorst and Lovisa Hoyt, and of their union two children were born: Sarah Ella, February 23, 1861 and Arthur Henry, May 8, 1868; both live at home with their parents. Lovisa, wife of Mr. Dorst, was born in Meigs county, July 13, 1836, and her parents are Cyrill and Eliza (Rice) Hoyt, the father a native of New Hampshire. Henry, brother of Jacob Dorst, was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion, enlisting in 1861 in the 7th Ohio Battery, and on expiration of his time reenlisting in the same company. He was promoted to first lieutenant, served until the close of the war, participated in many hard fought battles, and received an honorable discharge. Cyrill Hoyt, brother of Mrs. Dorst, was in the same war, enlisting in a Kansas regiment, and dying in the service. Jacob Dorst has by his own industry and application become the owner of a fine farm in Chester township, and is actively interested in the welfare of the United Brethren Church, who worship near his place, and with whom he is connected in church labors. He may be addressed at Chester, Meigs county, Ohio.
George Frecker: born in Baden, Germany, April 23, 1832, was a son of Bernhard and Gerthrut (Sawter) Frecker, both of whom died in Germany, the latter in 1864, and the former, May 6, 1880. In 1851, George Frecker came from Germany to New York, and went to Buffalo, where he remained three years. He then went to Cincinnati, from there to Ashland, Kentucky, and from there to Meigs county, Ohio, settling in this county in 1855. In 1863, he bought his farm of 105 acres in Chester township, and in the following year removed his family to the farm. He has since purchased two more farms of 160 acres, all lying in Chester township. November 22, 1855, he married in this county, Margaretta Genheimer, who was born in Bavaria, Germany, September 12, 1835. Her parents, Henry and Mary (Schlagel) Genheimer, came to Meigs county in 1837. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Frecker are: Maria (Yoacham), born October 6, 1857, lives in Pomeroy, this county; Barbara (Mora), October 2, 1859, lives in this county; Henry, October 12, 1861; Sophia, December 5, 1863; Susanna K., March 11, 1866; Margaretta, March 21, 1868, died April 24, 1869; John G., February 9, 1870; William K., March 4, 1872; Lena E., December 9, 1874; Charley D., April 11, 1877; George E., June 15, 1881. All the living children except the two oldest are at home. George Frecker and two of his brothers, Mathias and William, were soldiers of the Union during the war of the 1861, the two former in the army, and the latter in the navy. George Frecker has been school director three terms, was land appraiser in 1880, and three terms township trustee. His address is Minersville, Meigs county, Ohio.
Edward Frisbie: son of Nathaniel and Frances (Geroleman) Frisbie was born in 1857, in Chester, Meigs county, Ohio. His father was born September 19, 1803, at Salisbury, Connecticut, and moved with his parents to Albany, New York, about 1810. At one time the father of Nathaniel Frisbie owned the ground on which the city of Cleveland, Ohio, now stands. March 1, 1823, at Richmondville, Schoharie county, New York, Nathaniel Frisbie married Frances Geroleman, who was born in New York City, January 17, 1812, and in 1834 the young couple settled in Meigs county, which was ever after their home. Here eleven children were born to them, of whom seven are still living. One son died in the service of his country, in 1864, a member of the Ohio National Guards. The oldest living son resides in Cincinnati, and is the inventor of the 'Puppet Valve' which is becoming very popular as a decided improvement over all other valves in use. Nathaniel Frisbie was in the war of the Rebellion, a member of the 63rd Ohio Infantry. He enlisted November 30, 1861, and after nine months service was discharged on account of rheumatism contracted in the service. Edward Frisbie is a prosperous young farmer, and may be addressed at Chester, Meigs county, Ohio.
Abram Grove: born in Chester township, Meigs county, Ohio, is a son of Samuel and Catherine (Will) Grove. His birth was on the 19th of October, 1859, and he is now following the profession of teaching. He has taught six terms in two years, and to these duties has added the labors of a student, devoting himself to the acquisition of knowledge with the assistance of a well stocked library. With knowledge and ambition combined, he has a promising future before him. The father of Abram Grove was born in Green county, Pennsylvania, June 14, 1839, and his parents were Samuel and Elizabeth (Campbell) Grove. Samuel Grove, the elder, was born in Holland, January 17, 1780, and emigrated to America when a child, settling in Pennsylvania, where, in later years he married. His wife was born in Ireland, July 2, 1794. Samuel, father of Abram, has made his home in Meigs county since the year of his birth, and the mother of Abram was born in this county. The father enlisted in the war of 1861, in the 63rd Ohio Infantry, and served until he was discharged for disability. Chester, Meigs county, Ohio, is the post office address of Abram Grove.
Austin Hecox: a farmer and stock raiser in Chester Township, Meigs county, Ohio, was born in this township August 26, 1831. He was a volunteer in the war of the Rebellion, serving in the 140th Ohio National Guards, and his brother Sardine was in the same service. In Orange township, Meigs county, January 15, 1856, Austin Hecox was joined in wedlock with Marinda Dains, and in the years that have followed have been recorded four births and one death of children born of their union: Arli A. was born March 25, 1857, died May 25, 1858; Emery C., born 25 July, 1865, now attending Chester high school; Omer E., December 14, 1869, and Linnie A., August 27, 1875, living at home. Marinda, wife of Mr. Hecox, was born in this county and township, September 14, 1835, and her parents were Abial and Rebecca (Shumway) Dains. Her father, born August 7, 1792, was a pensioner for services in the 1812 war, at the time of his death, March 3, 1851. Her mother was born July 6, 1797, and came from Dutchess county, New York, to Meigs county, Ohio, in 1809. Asa Dains, father of Abial, was a soldier of the Revolution. Jeptha and Merilla (Thorn) Hecox, parents of Austin Hecox, died in Chester township, where he settled in 1800 and she in 1814. He was born in New York October 14, 1792, served in the 1812 war and received pension therefore, and died August 11, 1873. She was born in Watertown, New York, January 2, 1795, and died March 13, 1877. Austin Hecox is the owner of 340 acres of land in Chester and Orange townships, and receives his mail at Chester, Meigs county, Ohio.
Martin Hecox: born in Chester township, Meigs county, Ohio, September 14, 1819, was united in marriage with Elmina Hitchcock, in Washington county, Ohio, January 30, 1860, and they have two children living at home with them. These children were born: June 8, 1861, and August 10, 1862. The elder is named M. Lillian and the younger Myron H. By a former marriage entered upon with Nancy W. Stark, September 29, 1846, Martin Hecox became the father of: Mary M., born August 27, 1847, died 15 July, 1848; Arthur E., May 15, 1849, resides in Chester township. The first wife of Mr. Hecox died February 11, 1850. His present wife was born in Franklin county, Massachusetts, March 13, 1830, a daughter of Quarters and Ardelia (Bond) Hitchcock. Her father was born December 31, 1797, and her mother December 2, 1803. Both are now living and smart, having been the parents of two sons and two daughters, of whom two are living and two deceased. One of these children was Myron R. Hitchcock, who entered the 1861 war as a member of the 116th Ohio infantry, Company B, and served nearly through the war, dying from wounds received in the last battle fought before Petersburg. The record of Jeptha and Merilla (Thorn) Hecox, parents of Martin, and the war records of his brothers, Sardine and Austin, will be found in the sketches preceding and following this one. Martin Hecox has a beautifully located farm on mile southwest of the village of Chester, and in its cultivation and in stock raising is occupying his time. He may be addressed at Chester, Meigs county, Ohio.
Sardine Hecox: was a son of Jeptha and Merilla (Thorn) Hecox, whose record is given above. He was born in Chester township, June 21, 1826, and in this township makes his home, carrying on a good farm of 300 acres, and largely engaged in stock raising. He was married in Athens county, this State, Fannie Stout, born in that county, February 23, 1829, becoming his wife on the 25th of March, 1855. They have one son, Dudley A., who was born November 20, 1959, and makes his home with them. George and Eliza (Bussard) Stout, the parents of Mrs. Hecox, came to Ohio and settled in Athens county, where they lived many years, respected of all who knew them. They were great readers of the Bible, and steadfast believers in the Christian faith. He was born near Trenton, New Jersey, March 17, 1792, and died April 21, 1875, aged 84 years. His wife, born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, November 22, 1797, died August 17, 1869, at the age of 72 years. Sardine Hecox was a soldier of the 1861 war, enlisting in 1863 in the 140th National Guards of Ohio, and in the service was seriously injured in his health, to such an extent that he never recovered therefrom. His address is Chester, Meigs county, Ohio.
Peter Hobstetter: born in Bavaria, Germany, October 18, 1818, was a son of Philip and Margaretta (Bycecker) Hobstetter, now deceased. He came to America in 1836, landing in New York, whence he went to Wheeling, West Virginia, and from there, after two months, to Pomeroy, Ohio, where for four years, he worked as a blacksmith. In 1842 he moved to his farm in Chester township, and has since been always identified with the best interests of the township. He has filled the office of school director five terms, and township trustee one term. On July 9, 1840, in this State and county, he was united in marriage with Anna M. Ihle. She was born in Bavaria, Germany, March 1, 1821, a daughter of Christopher Ihle, who died in Germ,any, and Margaretta (Kalb) Ihle, who came to Meigs county in 1836, where she died in 1854. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hobstetter were born: peter, January 5, 1841, lives in Meigs county; Elizabeth (Eiselstein), July 1, 1842, lives in this county; Anna M. (Geier), April 25, 1843, lives in Indianapolis, Indiana; Jacob, January 6, 1846, lives in Meigs county; Conrad, August 23, 1847, and Christina E. (Willar), March 4, 1849, lives in Cedar county, Iowa; Charley, January 22, 1851, died March 7, 1862; Mary C., May 17, 1853, lives in Indianapolis, Indiana; Margaretta (Partlow), June 12,1857, lives in this county; Philip C., December 20, 1859, died March 25, 1867; Susan E.(Bader), July 18, 1862, lives in Mason City, West Virginia. Peter Hobstetter receives his mail at Chester, Meigs county, Ohio.
Peter Harroway Jeroleman: is a native of New York, born on the Bowery, corner of Leonard street and Broadway, New York, City, September 15, 1817. In 1836 he settled in Meigs county, Ohio and in Pomeroy, Meigs county, November 2, 1847, he entered into the marriage state with Sarah Van Meter for his life's companion. Their children have the following record: Elizabeth, born July 1, 1848, lives in Mason county, West Virginia; Alexander, April 1, 1850, lives at Council grove, Morris county, Kansas; Henry Washington, April 15, 1851, lives in Fayette county, Ohio; Mary Frances, May 4, 1852, died July 15, 1881; Charles H., March 31, 1854, resides at home; Margaret J., September 19, 1855, died October 17, 1856; Sarah J., July 9, 1857, died September 9, 1882; Thomas A., February 19, 1859, resides in Fayette county, this State; Joseph, July 15, 1860, died September 20, 1860. The wife of Mr. Jeroleman was born in Mason county, now part of West Virginia, July 31, 1833, and her parents are Henry and Elizabeth (Peck) Van Meter, the former born in the Blue Ridge country, Pennsylvania, and the latter in the Shenandoah valley, Virginia. Peter H. Jeroleman was a son of Alexander and Frances (Harroway) Jeroleman. His father was the third son of Jacob Jeroleman, and was born in New York City, January 17, 1782, and died in the same place, August 12, 1869. Peter H. Jeroleman was a volunteer in the war of the Rebellion, enlisting April 20, 1861, in the 18th Ohio Infantry, and serving three months without receiving any recompense from the government. He reenlisted for three years, September 1, 1862, Company A 2nd Virginia (Federal) Calvary, and after receiving honorable discharge, again reenlisted in Company K, of the Ohio Heavy Artillery, where he served until mustered out, August 23, 1865. By occupation he was a manufacturer of all kinds of boots and shoes, but he received injuries in the service which unfitted him for labor, and he now draws a pension. His address is Chester, Meigs county, Ohio.
Alexander R. Johnson: born Washington county, Pennsylvania, March 2, 1839, has lived in Meigs county, Ohio, since he was two years old. In this county, in Chester township, he was married, April 28, 1860, when Zidana Robinson became his wife, and in the years that have succeeded eight children have blessed their union. These children were born: Samuel A., September 16, 1860; Alice M., November 25, 1861; Etheled A., November 16, 1870; Edith A., November 16, 1870; Guy A., December 31, 1875; James W., February 25, 1877, died March 24, 1877; Alfred R., January 20, 1880; and the baby, born September 29, 1882 - all living children are at home. The wife of Mr. Johnson was born in Chester township, August 9, 1842, a daughter of Eli and Cynthia (Curtis) Robinson. Her father, born in New York, died in Chester township, August 18, 1881, at the age of 75 years; her mother, also born in new York, is still living in Chester township. Her brother, Lewis Robinson, enlisted in the war of 1861, and was reported missing and has never been heard from. James Johnson, father of Alexander R., was born in Sussex county, New jersey, June 24, 1806, came to Meigs county in 1839, and here died July 10, 1882. The mother of Alexander R., whose maiden name was Rachel Heaton, was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, September 30, 1806, and is now living with her son, enjoying a good old age. One of her sons, W.L. Johnson, was a soldier of the 1861 war, serving three years, and was a prisoner at Belle Isle and Andersonville more than a year of the time. Alexander R. Johnson has 405 acres of land, beautifully located in Bedford and Chester townships, and for the past four years has been and at present is trustee in the latter township. His address is Chester, Meigs county, Ohio.
John Wendal Kautz: was born in Germany, in the province of Bavaria, December 16, 1806, a son of Wendal and Catherine (Pfarr) Kautz. His father died in Germany in 1843, and his mother in 1848. In 1833 the subject of this sketch emigrated to America, landing at Baltimore, Maryland, whence he went to Wheeling, Ohio county, West Virginia, where he remained two years. In that State and county, on the 3rd of June, 1834, he married Magdalena Roll, and in 1835, took up their residence in Chester township, Meigs county, and Mr. Kautz entered upon the cultivation of his present farm, working also at his trade of blacksmithing. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Kautz present the following record: Elizabeth, born April 1, 1835, died the same day; Maria C., April 7, 1836, lives in Pomeroy, this county; Henry, April 5, 1838, lives in Chester township; Joseph, November 1, 1839, lives in Kansas; John, October 17, 1841, died September 10, 1862; George, August 3, 1843, lives in Kansas; Wendal, March 29, 1845, lives in Chester township; Abraham, November 18, 1846, lives in Pomeroy; Elizabeth (Dorst), June 3, 1849, lives in this township; Magdalena (Mast), April 2, 1851, resides in Muskingum county, Ohio; Sophia, November 14, 1854, died December 6, 1855; Anna E. (Schlagel), October 20, 1856, lives in Missouri. Wendal and George served 100 days in the Ohio National Guards during the 1861 war. The mother of these children was born in Alsace, France, September 25, 1813, and her parents were Ignatius and Elizabeth (Hanns) Roll; her mother died in Germany, and her father in Muskingum county, Ohio, January 12, 1864. John W. Kautz has been school director in Chester township twenty years; township assessor, three terms; township treasurer, one term. His post office address is Chester, Meigs county, Ohio.
Benjamin F. Knight: is the owner of 370 acres of land, located in Chester township, Meigs county, Ohio, and his birth was in this county, August 31, 1840. Here was consummated his marriage, May 6, 1869, when Mary C. Copen became his wife. Their children are four: Arthur D., born March 9, 1870; Elma, September 3, 1872; Burt N., June 24, 1875; Ernest B., October 12, 1878 - all living at home. Benjamin F. Knight enlisted in Company C, 63rd Ohio Volunteers, September 3, 1861, and was discharged for disability in 1862. His brother Daniel was killed in 1864, while a prisoner to the Confederates at Jackson, Mississippi. His father was Benjamin Knight, born in Garland, Maine, March 3, 1806, who came to Meigs county in 1817. He married Dolly A. Newell, who was born February 12, 1807, in Hinsdale, Massachusetts, and came to this county when twelve years of age. Benjamin Knight enlisted in the 63rd Ohio Infantry in 1861, and was lieutenant of Company F, and served about one year, resigning on account of ill health. He was in the battles of New Madrid, Corinth and Iuka, and several other heavy engagements. When he and his wife settled in this county it was just being redeemed from a wilderness, and they were often called upon to drive the bears and wolves from the yard to protect their stock. Benjamin Knight died February 16, 1872, and his widow is now living with her son, at the age of 76. From her memory much of the data for this sketch was received. Luther C. and Margaret (Spencer) Copen are the parents of Mary C., wife of Benjamin F. Knight, and she was born in Parkersburg, Wood county, West Virginia, November 3, 1817, and her mother, now living in this township, and enjoying good health, was born in West Virginia, February 10, 1819. Benjamin F. Knight's address is Chester, Meigs county, Ohio.
James G. Miller: was born in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, September 2, 1840. In the war of the rebellion he served in the Union Army, under General Crook in his West Virginia campaigns, and under Sheridan in the Shenandoah campaigns. He enlisted in September, 1861, and received honorable discharge in November, 1864. In 1864 he became a resident of Meigs county, Ohio, and his parents, Samuel and Abigail (Miller) Miller, settled in this county the same year. In Meigs county, October 12, 1876, James G. Miller was united in marriage with Lois J. Ross, and their union was blessed with the birth of one son, on the 19th of September, 1877, whom they named Frank F. The wife of Mr. Miller was born in Meigs county, July 24, 1852, and she was a daughter of John E. and Elizabeth (Fisher) Ross. Her father and mother came to Meigs county in 1848, and here her father died, September 10, 1865. The father of James G. Miller died in this county, October 6, 1872, and his mother died February 12, 1871. Jared C. Ross was a brother of Mrs. Miller, who served in the war of the Rebellion, enlisting in 1863, in the 174th Ohio Infantry, and serving until honorably discharged at the close of the war. The business of James G. Miller is farming, his location in Chester township, and his address at Bashan, Meigs county, Ohio.
Thomas Parker: born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, June 6, 1831, and Olive Branch, born in Meigs county, Ohio, October 16, 1832, were in Meigs county joined in wedlock, July 3, 1856. Of their union eight children were born: Caroline (Cowdery), July 2, 1857: Leslie, February 11, 1859; Vietta, August 8, 1861; Edrilla, October 20, 1863; Nevada, January 29,1866: Herbert, March 27, 1868; Bertha, May 30, 1870; Pearl, October 21, 1874. The oldest is married and lives in a home of her own in this county, and the others live with their parents. Hiram and Nancy A. (Heaton) Parker took up their residence in Meigs county, April 4, 1854, and their son, the subject of this sketch, came with them. Here the father died September 10, 1864, and the mother is still living, at the age of 86 years. The parents of Mr. Parker's wife were Josiah and Sarah (Teaple) Branch, and they made their home in this county in 1815, and here died; the former dying March 10, 1856, and the latter, January 20, 1873. Thomas Parker had two brothers who served in the war of 1861, and he was himself a member of the 140th Ohio National Guards, serving about five months, and receiving an honorable discharge. He is a farmer in Chester township, and in this township has served as trustee four terms, six terms as school director, and has held other offices. He receives his mail at Chester, Meigs county, Ohio.
David Radford: deceased - was a native of Ireland, born in County Wicklow, in April, 1815, who came to Meigs county, Ohio, in 1819, with his parents, William and Ellen (Ashworth) Radford. They have both ended their days in this county. In Meigs county, Ohio, November 6, 1839, David Radford was united in marriage with Theresa, daughter of Josiah and Ursula (Hicox) Rice, who settled in this county in 1803. She was born in Meigs county, May 12, 1821, and has lost her parents by death, her father's death occurring in 1870 and her mother's in 1868. Her father was born in Massachusetts, and was a veteran of the 1812 war, and her mother was a native of New York State. The children of Mr. and Mrs. David Radford were three: Sarah E., (Cummings), born August 21, 1840, lives in Bedford township, this county; Electe, November 6, 1842, lives in this township; William H., December 10, 1845, lives in Chester township. William H., served 100 days in the Ohio National Guards, during the 1861 war. December 21, 1861, he married Harriet L., daughter of William and Rachel (Anderson) Smith. Her father, for many years a justice of the peace in Bedford township, this county, was born in Sussex county, New Jersey, March 22, 1798, and died in Meigs county, Ohio, February 19, 1880. Her mother was born in Greenbrier county, Virginia, in 1806, and is still living in Bedford township. William H. Radford is township trustee in Chester township, where he is largely engaged in farming. Pomeroy, Meigs county, Ohio, is his post office address.
William Reibel: was a son of Peter and Catherine (Gyer) Reibel, who became residents in Meigs county, Ohio, in 1837. Here he was born, March 8, 1849, and here his marriage occurred, December 5, 1892, when Elizabeth S. Ridenour became his wife. She was born in this county, October 2, 1853, her father, John Ridenour, one of the pioneer settlers of Meigs county. Her mother's maiden name was Hannah Osborn. The children of Mr. and Mrs. William Reibel are four, all living at home, and born on the following dates: John W., April 15, 1874; Charles E., November 5, 1875; Zelda L., October 2, 1877; Ira M., November 3, 1879. The father of William Reibel was of German birth, and settled in Meigs county in 1837. Here he died December 12, 1880, at the advanced age of 72 years, respected and regretted by all who knew him. He was a devout Christian, a member of the German methodist Episcopal Church for more than forty years. He had lived in Meigs county for forty-three years, spending the most of the time on the farm in Chester township, which is now the residence of his son, William. Chester, Meigs county, Ohio, is the post office address of William Reibel.
Elihu D. Robinson: a prosperous farmer and stock raiser in Chester township, Meigs county, Ohio, was born April 25, 1841, in the house in which he now resides. His entire life has been passed in this county, with the exception of the years he gave to the cause of his country, during the war of 1861. He served in the 18th Ohio Infantry, and afterwards in the 2nd West Virginia Calvary, enlisting first April 23, 1861, and remaining in the service until the surrender of Lee at Appomattox. He was in the engagements of the Second Winchester, Fishers Hill, Cedar Creek, Five Forks, and others. In the last named battle he was severely wounded. He was mustered out with the rank of first lieutenant, June 30, 1865. In Chester he was joined in wedlock with Emily F. Hoyt, and seven children were born of their union. The eldest, a son, died on the day of his birth; Rameal D. was born November 1, 1869; Nellie M., March 12, 1872; Edna and Dana E., September 17, 1874; Leonora E., February 12, 1877; Lucy P., August 4, 1882. Edna is deceased; the other children are living at home. Mrs. Robinson is a native of Illinois, born March 23, 1845, a daughter of Jeremiah and Emily (Dudley) Hoyt. She had one brother, Royal Hoyt, who died in Andersonville prison. Her father's birth was on the 31st of October, 1815. Phineas C., and Sula M. (Torrence) (Elliot) Robinson are the parents of Elihu D. The subject of this sketch has held many important township offices, and is at present township trustee. He is an earnest worker in the Methodist church, and highly esteemed by all who knew him. His address is Chester, Meigs county, Ohio.
John Franklin Roecher: was born in Allegheny City, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, in 1841, and took up his residence in Meigs county, Ohio, in 1858. here he was married, in 1863, Magdalena Rasp becoming his wife. Their children are nine: Minnie, born 1 April, 1864; Emily Margaret, November 30, 1865; Bertha Elizabeth, October 19, 1867; Charles Albert, September 3, 1869; Lucy Margaret, December 2, 1871; Anna Maria, April 13, 1874; Magdalena, March 9, 1877; William Arthur, April 16, 1879; John Emmett, June 10, 1881. Minnie resides in Mason county, West Virginia, and the other children in Chester, Ohio. John Casper and Elizabeth (Limberger) Roecher, the parents of the subject of this sketch, emigrated from Germany and settled in the State of Pennsylvania in 1831. His wife's parents, John and Margaretta E. (Kantz) rasp, came to the county in 1834.During the war of 1861 John F. Roecher saw service in the Union army.He is now acting as school director for Chester township, to which office he was elected, in 1880, for a term of three years.He is the proprietor and manager of a harness shop and undertaker's establishment in Chester, and should be addressed at Chester, Meigs county, Ohio.
John W. Rose: was born on Independence Day, in the year 1836, in Washington county, Ohio. When he was ten years of age, his parents, Cyrenus and Julia A. (Newland) Rose, settled in Meigs county, and here has ever since been his home. His mother died in August, 1857. In Meigs county, July 3, 1862, John W. Rose and Sarah J. McKim were united in marriage, and their ten children have the following record: William S. born July 8, 1866; Charles M., May 22, 1868; Lewis L., December 27, 1870; Mary V., February 13, 1872; Elza A., and Esta E., March 14, 1874; John K., December 25, 1875; Clara E., and Carry E., January 4, 1879; Frank W., July 14, 1882 - all live at home. James and Emeline (Green) McKim are the parents of Mrs. Rose, and her birth was in this county, the date August 22, 1843. Her parents became residents here in 1832, and her mother's death was in April, 1873. John Rose was a soldier in the 1861 war, enlisting August 13, 1862, in the 116th Ohio Infantry, and serving until the close of the war. He had three brothers in the same war, Asa, Daniel, and Andrew Rose. John W. Rose is a successful farmer of Chester township, and may be addressed at the post office of Long Bottom, Meigs county, Ohio.
John B. Schuler: born in Bavaria, Germany, November 1, 1835, was a son of John and Anna M. (Deal) Schuler. They came to Meigs county in 1839, and here the father died in May, 1879, and the mother in May, 1880. In Pomeroy, Meigs county, June 6, 1856, John B. Schuler was wedded with Eva Smith and they have had seven children: John G., born December 22, 1856; Frederick J., August 20, 1859; Leonard, December 31, 1860; Julius G., February 13, 1862, died August 13, 1864; Elizabeth J., May 11, 1864; Joseph, January 12, 1869; Edward, February 9, 1871, died May 6, 1871. Eva, wife of Mr. Schuler, was born in Baden, Germany, November 25, 1837, and Thomas and Christina (Willhauer) Smith were her parents. Both died in Germany, her father in 1844, and her mother in 1852. John Schuler, father of John B., came to this country a poor man, but by industry and business ability accumulated a comfortable competence. The son inherits his father's ability, and is a successful business man. John B. Schuler began life for himself at the age of 21 by working in a coal mine, which occupation he followed for a number of years. He then followed steam boating four years, by which time he had saved enough to buy 100 acres of land. He bought in Jackson county, in 1868, and in 1870 sold there and bought 160 acres in Chester township. The next year he embarked in the lumber business in Mason county, West Virginia, and there he made $12,000, which he used in buying 202 more acres of land and improving his farm property. He now owns and occupies an elegant residence erected by himself, and carries on his farm and saw mill, said to be the best in southern Ohio, in which the machinery cost $4,000. His address is Chester, Meigs county, Ohio.
George Shiblear: son of Eli and Rebecca (Calahan) Shiblear, was born in Meigs county, Ohio, September 6, 1827. In Chester township he is the owner of a fine farm, and in its cultivation and his trade of a cooper his time is employed. He has served his township as school director two terms, and in other official capacities. July 6, 1848, in this State and county were spoken the words which joined his life with that of Elizabeth Merritt, and the years that followed witnessed the birth of their seven children, whose genealogical record is: William M., born August 3, 1849, lives in Meigs county; John P., January 5, 1851, lives in this county; Marietta (Walker), February 9, 1855; Henrietta (Kriselmeier), July 6, 1858, lives in Meigs county; Eli M., November 1, 1865, lives at home; Cynthia R., October 6, 1863, died March 6, 1880; Florence G., October 18, 1865, lives at home. Eli, father of George Shiblear, was born in Meigs county, in 1806, and his death was in the county, in December, 1878. Rebecca (Calahan) Shiblear, mother of George, died in March, 1877. The wife of George Shiblear was born in Bradford county, Pennsylvania, January 30, 1827, and came with her parents, Reuben and Cynthia (Person) Merritt, to Meigs county in 1838. Her mother died in September, 1853, and her father died February 1, 1861. George Shiblear's post office address is Chester, Meigs county, Ohio.
David C. Smith: was born in Meigs county, Ohio, March 6, 1839, and in this county, in Chester township, he is proprietor and manager of the Chester flouring and saw mills, where he is always ready to attend to the wants of his host of customers. His parents were James Adam and Sarah (Curtis) Smith, his mother born in this township, March 12, 1816, dying September 24, 1871; and his father, born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, May 25, 1810, now making his home with D.C. Smith, hale and hearty at the age of 72 years. The grandfather of D.C. Smith was Stephen Smith, born in Sussex county, New Jersey, May 6, 1771, who came to Meigs county in 1823, and here died March 24, 1841. His wife, who was Mary Smith, born in the place of his nativity, and on the 18th of June, 1773, died in Meigs county, August 23, 1858. James A. Smith, between 1844 and 1856, erected three mills in the northwest corner of Chester township, on the same site. May 30, 1867, in Chester township, David C. Smith and Sarah Knight were united in marriage, and their children, all living at home, are: James Augustus, born March 29, 1869; Benjamin Knight, July 9, 1872; David Eugene, April 26, 1874; Charles Ernest, December 11, 1882; Alban Davies, September 10, 1879; Della Blanche, September 22, 1882. Sarah, wife of Mr. Smith, was born in Chester township, daughter of Benjamin and Dolly Anne (Newell) Knight. Her birth was on the 14th of July, 1843. Her father was born in Garland, Maine, March 8, 1806, and settled in Meigs county in 1817. Her mother, born in Hinsdale, Massachusetts, February 23, 1807, has lived in Ohio since she was three years old. During the 1861 war, David C. Smith was in active service of the Union Army, Company A, 2nd West Virginia Cavalry, from December 1863, till the close of war. His post office address is Chester, Meigs county, Ohio.
Hiram Smith: was born in Warren county, Pennsylvania, September 23, 1825, became a resident of Meigs county, Ohio, in 1846. His first marriage was with Letitia A., daughter of John and Mary (Carson) McKenzie. They were married May 16, 1850, and she died March 8, 1855, leaving three children: John F., born March 7, 1851, died in Nebraska, May 16,1873; Hannah J. (Frank),born April 25, 1852, lives in this county; Josiah M., September 16, 1854, lives at home. Jane C. McKenzie, born in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, May 19, 1822, a sister of the first wife of Hiram Smith, was united with him in marriage in Meigs county, March 20, 1856. They have three children: Mary L., born December 28, 1856, lives at home; Laura H. (Olinger), October 16, 1858, lives in Meigs county; Lorenzo T., August 24, 1862, lives at home. The parents of Mrs. Smith settled in Meigs county in 1836, and her father died January 24, 1869, her mother died December 6, 1856. Francis A. and Hannah (Rogers) Smith were the parents of Hiram Smith. They became residents in Meigs county in 1845, and here died. Francis Smith died September 22, 1850 and his widow died March 31, 1869. Reule Smith, brother of Hiram, served through the war of 1861, a member of the 116th Ohio Infantry. Hiram Smith is the owner of a good farm in Chester township, and is the oldest postmaster, in point of service, in this county. He was appointed by President Buchanan, and continues to hold the office, at Bashan, Meigs county, Ohio.
Spencer E. Stout: was born in Chester township, Meigs county, Ohio, June 4, 1837, a son of Abner and Polly (Steadman) Stout. The father was born June 17, 1804, and died in 1875; the mother was born June 16,1805, and died May 30, 1882. In Orange township, this county, July 12, 1860, Spencer E. Stout was united in marriage with Hannah Gilbreth, and their children are eight, born as follows: Nettie, September 16, 1861; Alice M., February 5, 1863; Linnie M., November 8, 1864; Elbert S., May 29, 1868; Gustine S., August 1, 1875; Abner C., April 17, 1877; Anna H., August 7, 1878; Elmer M., May 3, 1880. All are living at home, and Alice M. is in attendance upon the Chester high school. Hannah, wife of Mr. Stout, was born in Salisbury township, Meigs county, October 8, 1842, and her parents were Stewart and Alice (Alexander) Gilbreth. Her father, born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, in 1812, and her mother born in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, in 1817, have lived in Meigs county since 1840. He is now 70 years of age, and she is 65. Myron S. and George P. Stout, brothers of Spencer E., were soldiers in the Union army during the 1861 war. Thomas C. Gilbreth, brother of Mrs. Stout, died in his country's service, at New Madrid, Missouri, in 1861. Spencer E. Stout is engaged in the cultivation of the soil, his farm lying in Chester township. His post office address is Chester, Meigs county, Ohio.
B.T. Trussell: born in Merrimack county, New Hampshire, April 9, 1838, cast his fortune with the people of Meigs county, Ohio, in 1842. His parents, Amos and Laura (Jewett) Trussell, came with him to Meigs county, and are deceased. His father died June 17, 1862, and his mother's death was on the 29th of June, 1879. B.T.Trussell enlisted September 20, 1861, in the 18th Ohio Infantry, and was discharged for disability after two years' faithful service. he had five brothers in the same war, Otis G., Amos D., Lorenzo J., Hamilton J., and Edgar D. The first three returned home in safety, and with honorable discharges, the fourth died, and Edgar D., while on his way home, was burned to death, with many other brave soldiers, in the burning of the steamship General Lyons. The present wife of B.T.Trussell, whom he married in Meigs county, November 4, 1869, was Lucinda E. Waterman, born in Athens county, this State, December 9, 1842. They have two children, both living at home, who were born: Lester E., July 30, 1871; Sumner J., October 9, 1873. The parents of Mrs. Trussell were David B. and Maria (Eckart) Waterman. He father died March 9, 1851, and he mother died January 24, 1873. Her mother was born in Stuttgart, Germany, and her mother's father, Jacob Eckart, was a soldier under the great Napoleon. September 25, 1866, B.T. Trussell married Margaret B. Miller, who was born December 24, 1842, and died September 17, 1867, leaving one son, William T., born July 1, 1867, died September 1, 1879. B.T. Trussell is an extensive farmer in Chester township, and has served as township trustee, 1872-3. His post office address is Bashan, Meigs county, Ohio.
Oliver R. Walker: was born in Chester township, Meigs county, Ohio, May 3, 1817, and here married March 23, 1845. Emily S. Weldon, who was born in this township, one -half mile from where her husband's farm is, became his wife. her birth was on the 4th of July, 1820, and her parents were Richard and Sally (Steadman) Weldon. Her mother came to the county in 1796, and her father's death was in 1830, near Columbus, Ohio. Obadiah and Cassandra (Halsey) Walker were the father and mother of Oliver R. Walker. The father came from Washington to Meigs county in 1804, and was one of the pioneer settlers of Chester township. Oliver R. Walker and three of his brothers were Federal soldiers during the war between the States. Ansel, the oldest, enlisted in the 36th Ohio Infantry, and served two years; Obadiah, jr., enlisted in the 7th Ohio Battery, and was promoted to second lieutenant. He was afterward Captain and then major of a colored regiment, and served three years. Vincent A. and Oliver R. enlisted in 1863 in the 140th Ohio Infantry, and were mustered out at Gallipolis, Ohio. All did a soldier's duty, and received honorable discharge. Francis Weldon, uncle of Mrs. Walker, was a soldier in the 1812 war. Mr. and Mrs. Walker have two daughters: Eva S., born December 13, 1846, and Carrie B., born January 29, 1849. Carrie married David L. Geyer, of Pomeroy, this county, September 12, 1872, and they have four children: Edith M., Fordise C., Frances C. and Arthur N. Eva was many years a teacher, and is now at home with her parents, the comfort of their old age. Mr. Walker has a good farm, with his post office address at Chester, Meigs county, Ohio.
James Edward Watkins: was born in Mason county, West Virginia, October 21, 1824, and came to Meigs county, Ohio, when his parents settled here in 1832.Andrew Watkins was his father, and his mother, whose maiden name was Margaret Weldon, was born February 21, 1790, and is still living with her son, the subject of this sketch. Although now 93 years old, and the oldest person in this township, she can read all the papers, knit, and go about the house as lively as when she was forty years younger. In Meigs county, February 4, 1850, James E. Watkins wedded Electa Halsey, who was born in this county, January 10, 1824. her parents, now deceased, were Jacob and Laura (Hecox) Halsey. She had two brothers, Enos and Barklay, who did honorable service in the war for the maintenance of the Union. James E. Watkins and his brother Andrew H. served in the same war, members of the 140th Ohio National Guards, and his father was a soldier in the 1812 war. Laura Amanda, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Watkins, was born June 7, 1852, and married, December 23, 1875, Andrew D. Heaton becoming her husband. They have two children: James E., born in 1876, and Jennie L., born in 1879. James E. Watkins has always taken great interest in township and school matters, and has faithfully served as township trustee. He owns 275 acres of good land, and is a farmer and stock - raiser in Chester township. His post office address is Chester, Meigs county, Ohio.
Fredrick Weber: son of Philip and Maria D. (Jacobs) Weber, was born in Germany, province of Hesse-Darmstadt, January 20, 1835, and has lived in Meigs county, Ohio, since 1853. In this county, November 18, 1859, he was united in marriage with Susanna Dorst, and their children were born: Fredrick, August 21, 1860, died 4 August 1861; Elizabeth and Maria, May 11, 1862, Maria Died July 30, 1863; Philip J., January 5, 1864; John, July 14, 1866; Susanna M., August 18, 1869; Henry F., March 6, 1871; William E., November 29, 1873; Emma S., January 3, 1876; Ada C., March 10, 1878; Laura B., December 27, 1881- all living children are with their parents on the home farm in Chester township, which Frederick Weber bought twenty years ago, and a large part of which he has cleared. The date of Mr. Weber's emigration to this country was 1853, and he landed in New York, going thence to Pennsylvania, where he was fifteen months employed in a rolling mill. He then moved to Pomeroy, Ohio, and was three years in the salt works there, then gave his attention to farming the land he had purchased in Chester township. Henry and Margaretta (Wells) Dorst, who came to Meigs county in 1837, are the parents of Susanna, wife of Fredrick Weber, and she was born in this county, April 25, 1838. She had a brother Henry Dorst, who served through the war of 1861, and received honorable discharge with rank as lieutenant. The address of Fredrick Weber is Keno, Meigs county, Ohio.
Philip Weber, Sr.: born in the province of Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, March 17, 1828, emigrated to America in 1853, working first in Pennsylvania, and then coming to Meigs county, where, in Pomeroy, he engaged in the cooper and salt business. In 1858, having by industry and economy accumulated sufficient means, he bought his present excellent farm in Chester township. His parents were Philip and Maria D. (Jacobs) Weber, his father dying July 29, 1882. In Pomeroy, in November, 1856, the marriage ceremony was performed which joined in one the lives of Philip Weber and Cathrina Schreiber, and the children of their union were ten: Philip, jr., born October 7, 1857; henry, October 8, 1859; George, February 13, 1862, died in September, 1864; Mary, September 17, 1863; Cathrina, March 26, 1866; Anna, February 25, 1868; jacob, July 23, 1870; Elizabeth, December 5, 1874; Charley, October 10, 1877, died in January, 1879; Peter A., August 11, 1879 - the living children are all at home. The wife of Mr. Weber was born in Bavaria, Germany, February 13, 1835, and the record of her parents will be found in the sketch of her brother, G. F. Schreiber, elsewhere given in this township record. Philip Weber, Sr., held the office of school director in this township twelve years, 1868-80. He may be addressed at Keno, Meigs county, Ohio.
Moses Will: son of Michael and Sarah (Rousch (sic)) Will, was born in Chester township, Meigs county, Ohio, Christmas Day, 1820. Susan, daughter of William and Mary (Barton) Heaton, was born in Maryland, May 14, 1826. In Chester township, in October, 1844, Moses Will and Susan Heaton were united in marriage and their children are thirteen, with the following record: Joseph J., born August 3, 1845, lives in Bedford township, this county; Mary E., February 18, 1847, lives in Orange township, this county; Sarah C., February 4, 1849, died December 19,1854; Emma C., July 30, 1852, lives at home; Charles M., April 29, 1854, lives at home; Granville, June 9, 1856, lives in Chester township; George W., March 2, 1858, lives at home; Florence, March 3, 1860, lives in Clifton, West Virginia; Ethel, January 30, 1862; Viola M., November 27,1863; Susan M., January 5, 1866; Willie, October 3, 1869; Ella, June 1, 1872 - the five last named are living at home. Moses Will was five years first lieutenant of Company B, 15th Ohio National Guards, during the days of the Rebellion, receiving honorable discharge May 1, 1866. His oldest son, Joseph, served in the 1861 war, three years in the 2nd Ohio Heavy Artillery, receiving discharge at the close of the war. A brother of Mrs. Will was in the same army, and was wounded at Atlanta, Georgia, and died in the hospital at that place, leaving a wife and one child to mourn his death. Moses Will has always been identified with the interests of Chester township, and for three successive years was township assessor. His occupation is farming and stock-raising, and his address is Chester, Meigs county, Ohio.
Dawson D. Wilson: son of William and Jane (Win) Wilson, was born in Jefferson county, Ohio, Christmas Day, 1828, and came to Meigs county with his parents when they settled here in 1838. October 31, 1861, he enlisted in the 63rd Ohio Infantry, and served until December 31, 1863, when he reenlisted as a veteran volunteer in the same regiment, remaining until the close of the war. July 4, 1864, he was wounded in the arm and leg in an engagement before Atlanta, Georgia. In Meigs county, January 23, 1870, Dawson D. Wilson and Louisa Jones were joined in matrimonial bands, and five children now brighten the home of their union. They were born: Mary A., June 15, 1871; Letitia B., March 9, 1873; William A., June 11, 1877; Edwin M., January 6, 1878; Rose A., April 3, 1880. Louisa, wife of Mr. Wilson, was born in Meigs county, May 29, 1854, and was a daughter of Wesley and Charlotte (McKnight) Jones, who became residents of Meigs county in 1852. Her father died in October, 1860, and her mother's death was on the 27th of December, 1869. The father of Mr. Wilson died March 17, 1879, and his mother died October 26, 1881. William Wilson was a soldier of the 1812 war, and his father, Edward Wilson, was a soldier of the war of 1776. William Wilson was a pioneer settler in this county, and Fort Wilson, on Shade river, bears his name. Dawson D. Wilson is a farmer and carpenter residing in Chester township, and in this township has served as supervisor two years, and school director nine years. He is to be addressed at Bashan, Meigs county, Ohio.
George Wolf: a prosperous farmer of Chester township, Meigs county, Ohio, was born in this county, November 16, 1845. Here he was married September 24, 1865, Louisa Geyer becoming his wife. Their children are seven: Anna C., born June 14, 1866; George W., September 9, 1868; Charles E., July 1, 1871; Emma C., January 7, 1874; John A., August 25, 1877; Franklin W., February 9, 1879; Ella L., December 22, 1881. Charles E. was born in West Virginia; the other children in Meigs county, Ohio; all live at home. The wife of Mr. Wolf was born in Dearborn county, Indiana, December 31, 1846, a daughter of John and Anna M. (Keck) Geyer. Her parents died in Meigs county, the father June 17, 1880, and the mother on the 22nd of August, 1879. Her brother, John Geyer, served in the 1861 war, as first lieutenant in the Ist West Virginia Calvary, and then recruited a company, of which he was made captain. He was wounded in the hand, and disabled for service, and for his injury now receives a pension. Her brother Samuel was 100 days in the Ohio National Guards. For the record of Mr. Wolf's parents, see the sketch following this one. George Wolf was school director in Chester township six years, 1875-1881, and three terms road supervisor. He receives his mail at Minersville, Meigs county, Ohio.
Henry Wolf, Jr.: one of the farming residents of Chester township, was born in Meigs county, Ohio, September 22, 1842. His parents were henry Wolf, sr., and Anna M. (Massar) Wolf, and they took up their residence in Meigs county in 1838. here the mother died, in November,1873. Mary, daughter of John and Anna M. (Keck) Geyer, was born in Meigs county, Ohio, March 9, 1841 and became the wife of Henry Wolf, jr., in this county, on the 26th of October, 1861. They have six children, all living at home, and born in the following order: Henry, May 20, 1864; Mary, May 15, 1866; William E., December 27, 1870; Clara F., September 17, 1876; Arthur E., August 22, 1878; Ida E., March 14, 1882. The family record of Mrs. Wolf's parents, and the war record of her brothers will be found in the sketch preceding this one. She is the sister of the wife of George Wolf, and their husbands are brothers. henry Wolf, jr., has held the office of school director of Chester township for six consecutive years. He may be addressed at Pomeroy, Meigs county, Ohio.
Edwin Worthen: was born and married in Meigs county, Ohio, and in this county, in Chester township, is engaged in farming. His birth was on the 3rd of February, 1839, and his marriage was consummated January 2, 1859. Mary, daughter of James and Sarah (Morrow) McCain, who on that date became his wife, was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, January 2, 1838, and came to Meigs county with her parents, when they settled here in 1856. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Worthen were born: Elmer L., June 28, 1860; Francis M., March 2, 1863; Dermot, May 15, 1865, died October 5, 1865; Hattie M., July 2, 1868 - all the living children are at home. William Worthen, father of Edwin, came to Meigs county when he was seven years old, with his parents, and lived in this county until his death, November 28, 1878. His wife, whose maiden name was Polly Johnson, is now living with the subject of this sketch at the age of 70 years. James L. and Samuel McCain, brother of Mrs. Worthen, served through the entire war of 1861; both were wounded in one battle, but recovered. Edwin Worthen has acceptably filled the office of school director in his township. He may be addressed at Keno, Meigs county, Ohio.
William Zehm: a farmer and machinist in Chester township. Meigs county, Ohio, was born in Germany, in the Kingdom of Prussia, November 23, 1826. He left Germany in 1849, and went to Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, after landing in New York. In Lancaster county he worked by the day's work on a farm one year, and then at Reading was employed in some railroad machine shops, until he removed to Chester township, Meigs county, Ohio. In 1861, with his family, he settled here, buying 50 acres of land, to which he has since added 167 acres. His farm is all improved land, and under cultivation. At Reading, Pennsylvania, March 30, 1854, William Zehm was united in marriage with Catherine Weber, and they have five children, born: Anna, September 8, 1855; William F., December 6, 1857; Frederick W., November 7, 1861; Charley G., December 13, 1863; Henry E., February 25, 1871. Anna makes her home in Meigs county, the other children live with their parents. Charley G., and Julia A. (Brehmisch) Zehm, both still living in Germany, are the parents of William Zehm. His wife's parents were Philip and Maria D. (Jacobs) Weber, of whom mention is elsewhere made in this township history. William Zehm receives his mail at Keno, Meigs county, Ohio.