This file contains index entries from K through P to the 1869 'History of Athens County, Ohio', by Charles M. Walker. PDF copies of this book can be obtained from Google Books.

A to C D to J K to P Q to Z

Kasler, Frederick P. 385
Kasler, Mahlon 433
Kay, Moses 248, 381
Keith, John H. 348
Kelly, A. C. 386
Kelly, John 483, 485
Kelly, John L. 483
Kelso, John 246
Kennard, Moses 535
Kerr, Mary L. 473
Kessinger, Andrew 203, 213, 216
Kessinger, J. L. 286
Kessinger, Joseph L. 160, 203, 217
Kessinger, William P. 213, 214, 218
Keys, M. G. 387
Kilbourne, James (Rev.) 326, 330, 346
Kimes, Jacob 249
Kincade mills 494
Kincade, Allen 494
Kincade, John 494
Kincade, William 530
King, Irwin R. 182
King, J. S. 435
King, Job S. 465
King, Mr. 283
Kinney, John 180, 483
Kinney, S. H. 355
Kirkland, Elizur 85
Knight, James 178, 184, 186, 544
Knowles, Clarissa (Curtis) 306
Knowles, H. C. 160
Knowles, Henrietta (Devol) 533
Knowles, Samuel 210, 306
Knowles, Samuel S. 163, 217, 306, 533
Knowlton, Daniel 472, 479
Konker, John 478
Koons, Solomon 384
Koons, William 523
Kreider, M. Z. 348
Kuhn, James Irwin 349
Kurtz, W. W. 178, 475, 476, 477
Lampson, Philip W. 435, 436, 440
Langhead, Elisha 484
Larue, William 179
Latimer, Elijah 376, 431
Lattimer, Elisha 370
Laughlin, Hugh 535
Laughlin, Thomas 216
Lawrence, Edward 181, 459
Lawrence, John 459
Lawrence, John W. 459
Lawrence, Moses 483
Lawson, Albert 476
Leavitt, John M. (Rev.) 348, 349
Lee, William 484
Lefever, J. C. 522
Leighty, Solomon 361
Lentner, Jacob 160, 178, 184, 185, 472, 476, 477, 479
Leonard, James 294
Leonard, Jonathan 294
Leonard, Theophilus 85
Lewis, Aaron 543
Lewis, Daniel 382
Lewis, J. Lawrence 163, 340, 402
Lewis, John L. 218, 347
Lewis, Moses 543
Light, George C. (Rev.) 221
Lillabridge, John 178
Limerick, Daniel (Rev.) 221
Lincoln, B. A 543
Lincoln, Joseph 85
Lindley, Almus 179, 475, 476
Lindley, C. D. 475
Lindley, Demas 258
Lindley, Dr. 579
Lindley, Jacob (Rev.) 215, 222-223, 227, 258, 274, 334-335, 339-340, 345, 346, 349, 581
Lindley, Lieutellus (Dr.) 259
Lindley, Stephen 402
Lindley, William C. 475, 476, 477
Lindley, Ziba 158-159, 187
Lindley, Ziba (Jr.) 184, 185, 353, 379
Lindley, Ziba (Sr.) 353, 361
Lindsley, Stephen (Rev.) 347
Linscott, Amos 401, 414
Linscott, Eleanor 414
Linscott, George 384
Linscott, George (Jr.) 414
Linscott, Isaac 381, 414
Linscott, Israel 381, 414
Linscott, John 414
Linscott, Jonathan 414
Linscott, Joseph 381, 414
Linscott, Lydia 414
Linscott, Mary 414
Linscott, Miriam 414
Linscott, Noah 381, 414
Linscott, Olive 414
Linscott's branch 131
Linscott's run 414
Linzee, Robert 115, 150, 152-154, 156, 158, 160, 162, 186, 215, 216, 237, 240, 242, 247, 265-266, 297, 347
Lippett, Abraham (Rev.) 221, 377
Little Jordan 452
Little Raccoon 539
Lively, Samuel 361
Lizzie run 452
Lockwood, Mr. 207
Logan, Henry 181
Long, Isaac 442
Long, Joseph 478
Long, Peter 187, 354, 360
Lord, Nelson 181, 485
Lord, R. H. 530
Lord, Thomas 86
Lottridge P. O. 131
Lottridge, B. B. 184, 451
Lottridge, Bernardus B. 247, 248, 455
Lottridge, Isaac 455
Lottridge, S. H. 452
Lottridge, S. W. 453
Lottridge, Simon H. 453, 455
Love, A. 354
Love, Alexander 354
Love, David 444
Love, Thomas L. 522
Lovell, R. S. 184, 370
Lovell, Russell 430, 433
Lovell, Russell S. 383
Lovell, Thomas S. (Capt.) 429-433
Love's grocery store 127
Lowry, Canada 215, 245, 246
Lowry, Canaday 201
Lowry, Daniel 535, 536
Lowry, Elijah 536
Lowry, James 534
Lowry, John 131
Lowry, John 215, 246
Lowry, Joseph 535
Lowry, Robert 131, 215
Lowry, Samuel 131, 216, 535, 536
Lowry, Samuel (Jr.) 534
Lowry, William 131, 534, 535, 538
Lowther, Joel 247, 352
Lowther, Robert 248
Lucas, Thomas 182
Luckey, James 479
Luckey, Samuel 131, 202, 247, 248, 472
Magee, James 476
Mahon, Jesse M. 353
Mahon, John F. 177
Manchester, Matthew 381
Mann, Abel 154, 215, 216, 247, 248
Mansfield, Allen 446
Mansfield, George 443, 446
Mansfield, Martin 184, 215, 247, 248, 282, 442, 443, 446
Mansfield, Peter 415, 446, 449
Mansfield, Samuel 382
Mansfield, Simon H. 464, 465
Mansfield, William 446
Mansfield's branch 131
Margaret's creek 205, 446, 478, 485, 539
Maris & McAboy 209
Marsh, Samuel 220
Martin, Abner C. 477
Martin, Abraham 536
Martin, Charles D. 180
Martin, Edward 351
Martin, Ephraim 476, 479
Martin, H. C. 219
Martin, Horace 534, 535, 536
Martin, James H. 354
Martin, John 472, 479
Martin, Joseph 476, 477
Martin, Joseph C. 534
Martin, Nathaniel 458
Martin, Samuel 476
Martin, Simeon 85
Marvin, Joseph (Rev.) 220
Mason, William 159, 385, 386
Massie, Nathaniel 326, 346
Matheny, Richard 543
Mather, William W. 350
Matthews, John 85, 381
Matthewson, Jeffrey 198
Maxon, Henry 85
Maxon, Isaac 233
Maxon, William 85
Maxwell, J. M. 530
Mayhugh, David 182
Mayhugh, James 535, 537, 539
McAboy, James (Rev.) 220, 347
McAboy, Maris & 209
McAboy, William 209
McCabe, L. D. (Rev.) 349
McCabe, Robert 161, 212, 216
McCann, P. 475
McClellan, Alexander 523
McClellan, Dorsey 522
McClellan, Thomas 248
McClellan, William 522
McClelland, Thomas 241
McClure, James 382, 476
McCoy, Daniel 535, 536, 537
McCracken, S. F. (Gen.) 347
McCully, J. 178
McCune run 132
McCune, H. T. 435
McCune, Jacob 375
McCune, John 373-375, 382, 399
McCune, John R. 216
McCune, Joseph 435
McCune, Matthew 464, 465
McCune, Samuel 373-374, 375, 382, 399
McCune, Thomas 373-374
McDaniel, Joseph 519
McDermont, C. (Dr.) 208
McDill, Rev. 220
McDonald, Joseph 522
McDougal, Daniel S. 384
McDougal, G. M. 384
McDougal, Gilbert 416
McDougal, Gilbert M. 385
McDougal, John 415
McDougall, G. M. 159
McEvers, Elisha 384
McFarland, Moses 432
McGee, James 477
McGill, John 160, 210, 442, 443
McGonagle, Mr. 386
McGonnegal, James 472, 476, 477, 479
McGrath, Cyrus O. 483
McGrath, Thomas D. 476
McGuffey, William H. (Rev.) 227, 349
McIntire, John 141
McKee, Andrew 522
McKee, John 247, 248, 353
McKee, Samuel 185, 353, 355
McKee, William 522
McKinstry, Robert 247, 248
McKinstry, William 248, 249
McLeade, S. 443
McLean, John 348
McLean, R. G. 542
McMahon, Joseph 248
McMahon, Joseph (Rev.) 581
McMahon, William (Rev.) 581
McNeal, Joseph 535, 536
McNeal, Robert 535, 536
McNichol house 285
McNichol, William 128, 201, 480
McPherson, Joseph 355
McVey, Abram 354, 361
McVey, Jacob 361, 477, 478
McVey, Ziba 472
Means, Andrew 477
Means, George 478
Means, John 535
Medbury, A. V. (Dr.) 211
Medbury, Allan V. 217
Medbury, Dr. 258
Medill, William 347
Meek, John (Rev.) 199
Meeker's branch 132
Meeker's run 192
Meigs, John 381
Meigs, Return Jonathan 85, 95-96, 133, 313, 347
Merrick, Frederic (Rev.) 350
Merrill, William 452
Merritt, Caleb 158, 236, 237, 246, 247, 248, 352, 353
Merritt, Esquire 478
Merwin, E. B. 163, 243
Miers, H. H. 543
Miers, J. G. 543
Miers, John 543
Miles mill 514
Miles, Anna Eliza (Gillmore) 271
Miles, Belinda C. 267
Miles, Benjamin E. 267
Miles, Catherine B. 267
Miles, D. H. 483, 484
Miles, Daniel L. 268
Miles, David H. 484
Miles, Elizabeth (Buckingham) 267
Miles, Elizabeth (Fulton) 267
Miles, Elizabeth B. 267
Miles, J. B. 203, 240, 296
Miles, James H. 267
Miles, John 47
Miles, Joseph B. 129, 159, 205, 209, 210, 223, 226, 231, 236, 240, 241, 266, 268, 271, 286, 341, 348
Miles, Joseph B. Jr. 238
Miles, Lucy W. 267
Miles, Martha M. 267
Miles, Mary F. 268
Miles, Pamelia B. 267
Miles, R. W. 203, 205, 296
Miles, S. S. (Rev.) 271
Miles, Sarah J. 268
Miles, Thomas 483
Miles, William R. 268
Miller seminary 491, 516
Miller, Abel 152-156, 161, 162, 218, 248, 337, 347, 448, 515
Miller, Amos 160, 347, 442, 515
Miller, Amos (Rev.) 491
Miller, D. D. 483
Miller, Ezra 481
Miller, Ezra H. 483
Miller, J. B. 536
Miller, Jacob S. 530, 533
Miller, James M. 177
Miller, John 246
Miller, John B. 384
Miller, John S. 128
Miller, Joseph 182
Miller, Professor 508
Miller, Robert 542, 544
Miller, Samuel 205, 211, 212, 213, 226
Miller, William 85
Millier, Jacob S. 177
Mills, Samuel 523
Mills, William 452, 459, 535
Minear, A. W. S. 161
Minear, E. R. 180
Minear, William 479
Mingus, Luther 522
Minker's run 547
Mintun, David W. 536
Mintun, John 216, 535
Mintun, Jonathan 535
Mintun, T. L. 178
Mintun, Thomas L. 159, 542, 543, 544
Misner, Nicholas 353
Mitchell family 498
Mitchell,John 530
Mitchell, J. M. 385
Mitchell, James 383
Mitchell, John Q. 475, 476, 478
Mitchell, Joseph 499, 500, 501
Mitchell, William 500
Mohler, S. L. 443
Mohler, Samuel L. 232
Monahan, Elizabeth 492
Monday creek 470, 545, 547
Monroe, Milton 522
Moore, Amos 483
Moore, Cornelius 119, 131
Moore, David 299
Moore, E. H. 195, 208, 214, 217, 218, 348, 474, 520
Moore, E. Hastings 160, 299
Moore, James 501
Moore, Joseph H. 160, 217
Moore, P. H. 543
Moore, Samuel 150-152, 155-156, 158, 245, 247, 297
Moore's run 131
Morris, Calvary 160, 163, 186, 210, 229-230, 274, 347, 348, 379, 462
Morris, Jeremiah 464, 468
Morris, Levi 276
Morris, Reverend Bishop 276
Morris, Thomas (Rev.) 221, 581
Morris, William D. 276
Morrison, Alfred 216
Morrison, James 530
Morrison, Joseph 216
Morrow, John 520
Morrow, William 519
Morse chapel 482
Morse, Abner 159
Morse, Edmund 478
Morse, Peter 178, 179, 354, 475, 478
Moulton, Edmund 85
Moulton, William 85
Mower, Eunice M. (Rice) 414
Mower, J. K. 220
Mulford, Daniel 131, 154, 201, 215
Muncie, Daniel 248, 499
Munn, Francis 498
Munroe, Josiah 85
Munroe, Solomon 247
Murphy, Amos C. 355
Nash, Azor 376
Nash, Mr. 244
Nash, Simeon 162
Nash, Uriah 461
Neal, Hosea 382
Neal, Mr. 467
Nelson, Daniel 178, 542
Nesmith family 469
Nesmith, David 179
Newcomb, Thomas 500
Newton, Emory 523
Newton, Solomon 522, 523, 524
Nichols, Elias N. 353, 354
Nichols, John 536
Nicholson, John W. 452, 453
Norris, Abraham 458
Norris, Aquilla 523
Norris, Benjamin 181, 522, 523
Norris, George W. 128, 273
Northrop, Amos 359
Norton, I. K. 212
Norton, Isaac N. 161, 211
Norton, J. H. 546
Norton, J. N. 546
Nye family 461
Nye, Arius 162, 245
Nye, Ebenezer 468
Nye, George 468
Nye, George (Jr.) 468
Nye, Lydia 468
Nye, Nathan 249, 468
Nye, Neal 468
Nye, Othniel 370
Nye, Theodorus 468
Ogden, Alvan 154
Ogg, Andrew 435
Older, Samuel 546
Older, Thomas 546
Olds, Joseph 348
Oliver, L. 355
Oliver, Leven 181, 355
Oliver, Robert 96, 133, 139, 197-198, 313
Olney, Jeremiah 210
O'Neil, Henry 248
O'Neill, Henry 461
Orm, Aaron 498
Osborn, Moses (Rev.) 498
Osborne, Ezra 162
Owen, J. G. 385
Owen, James G. 384
Owen, O. N. 384
Owens settlement 433
Palmer, A. 475, 476
Palmer, Augustus 178
Palmer, Robert 246, 247, 382, 383
Parker, Betsy (Wyatt) 415
Parker, Joseph 362
Parker, Sarah 392
Parker, William 415
Parkins, David 440
Parks, Benjamin (Jr.) 353
Parkson, Henry 178
Parrell, Abraham 180
Parrill, Abraham 500, 501
Parrill, E. B. 501
Parrish, R. F. 530
Parsons, Harris 384
Parsons, Horace 382, 528
Parsons, Samuel H. 52
Patterson, A. G. 182, 536
Patterson, Amos 500
Patterson, Arnold 158
Patterson, James 384, 386
Patterson, John 47, 361
Patterson, Joseph 500
Patterson, Moses 354, 361
Patterson, R. R. 543
Patterson, Robert 544
Patterson, Robert R. 544
Patterson, William 361
Paul, J. B. 220
Paul, John B. 213, 217
Paulk, Cyrus 382, 528
Paulk, Cyrus (Jr.) (Rev.) 490
Paulk, Ferdinand 180, 530
Paulk, Noah 528
Paulk, Xerxes 528, 529, 532
Peane, William 247
Pearce, Isaac 536
Penrod, Eleazar 246
Perkins, C. F. (Dr.) 108, 268
Perkins, Catherine (Green) 257
Perkins, Chauncey 215, 217, 257
Perkins, Chauncey F. 160, 240
Perkins, Chauncy F. (Dr.) 576
Perkins, Dr. 127-128, 303
Perkins, Eliphaz 154, 160, 161, 175, 177, 201, 210, 217, 222, 240, 252-253, 257, 263, 287, 291, 329-330, 335, 337, 340-341, 347, 348
Perkins, Eliphaz (Dr.) 577
Perkins, Eliphaz Jr. 241
Perkins, Henry 258, 580
Perkins, Jabez 257, 577
Perkins, John 177, 211, 226, 252, 258, 263
Perkins, Julia 291
Perkins, Lydia (Fitch) 252
Perry, Edmund 440
Perry, John M. 501
Perry, Montgomery 499
Peters, Andrew 381, 382
Peterson, Isaac 382
Petty, W. L. 500
Peugh, William H. 522, 523
Phillips, Daniel 383
Phillips, E. H. 536
Phillips, Evert V. 177
Phillips, Job 248, 431
Phillips, John 247, 248
Phillips, Nicholas 154, 247
Phillips, Peter 247
Phillips, Wilson 536
Pickering, O. W. 214
Pickering, Oliver W. 214, 216
Pickering, Samuel 161, 213, 217
Pickering, Simeon W. 160, 195, 214
Pickett, James 461
Pickett, Samuel 131
Pierce, B. R. 180
Pierce, Benoni 485
Pierce, David 361
Pierce, Harvey 491, 500, 501
Pierce, Isaac 96, 139, 249, 313
Pierce, Simon 353
Pilcher & Francis 340
Pilcher, Edward 442
Pilcher, Elijah 246, 247, 248, 249, 442
Pilcher, James 246
Pilcher, Nathan S. 443, 444
Pilcher, Stephen 178, 215, 218, 246, 248, 401, 442, 443
Pilcher, W. F. 159, 177
Pilcher, William 490, 498, 532
Pilcher, William F. 531
Pilcher's branch 131
Plants, Tobias A. 163
Pleasant Valley seminary 482
Porter, Amos 85, 381
Porter, Ashford 544
Porter, Cummins 532
Porter, John 210, 211, 239, 241, 242
Porter, Mary 273
Porter, Samuel 180
Possum run 440
Post, Joseph 361, 477, 478
Poston, Ashford 543, 544
Poston, L. D. 159, 178, 543, 546
Poston, Richard 442, 444
Poston, Samuel N. 544
Poston, W. W. 542, 543
Potter, O. B. 293
Pratt family 469
Pratt, Azariah 464
Pratt, David 216, 217, 219, 240, 246, 248, 253, 258, 290, 580
Pratt, Ebenezer 465
Pratt, Eliphaz Perkins (Rev.) 291
Pratt, Hannah (Brown) 262
Pratt, J. H. 230
Pratt, John 177, 531
Pratt, John (Dr.) 533
Pratt, John (Rev.) 220
Pratt, John H. (Rev.) 227, 291
Pratt, Julia (Perkins) 291
Pratt, Robert (Dr.) 291
Pratt, Seth 523
Pratt's fork 131
Preshaw, S. M. 475
Price, Abel 525
Price, J. E. 543, 544
Price, James 522, 523, 525
Proctor, Nathan 381, 382
Proudfit, Alexander 217
Pruden Brothers 193
Pruden mills 295
Pruden, Achsah 296
Pruden, Charles C. 444
Pruden, D. M. 442, 443
Pruden, Judge 204, 271
Pruden, S. B. 184, 186, 348
Pruden, Samuel B. 162, 216, 296
Pruden, Silas 295
Pugsley, Abraham 247, 461, 467
Pugsley, Abram 246, 247, 382
Pugsley, James 370, 467
Pugsley, John 179, 184, 464, 467, 468
Pugsley, Joseph 247, 382, 383
Pugsley, Rev. Mr. 576, 581
Purington, N. B. (Rev.) 217, 227
Pussey, Jonathan 531
Putnam, Allen 85
Putnam, Edwin 347
Putnam, Elisha 23
Putnam, George 187
Putnam, Jethro 85
Putnam, John 23
Putnam, Persis (Rice) 26
Putnam, Pitt 424
Putnam, Rufus 23-44, 47-48, 52, 85, 95, 124-125, 141, 200, 201, 202, 313, 318, 326, 330, 332, 334-335, 346
Putnam, Waldo 280
Putnam, William R. 341
Putnam, William Rufus 347