Dr. Hans Rollmann of the Department of Religious Studies at the Memorial University of Newfoundland has published a very extensive and well-done Web site dedicated to `Religion in Newfoundland and Labrador'. Among the resources included at this site is the 'Name Index to the Christian Messenger', by Ruth E. Browning. This index includes a number of references to early settlers of Meigs County. The references I have located date from 1827 to 1841, and include the following surnames:
Bell, Caldwell, Casto, Chriss, Creath, Downing, Drinnon, Dusenbury, Fleming, Graham, Guthrie, Hubble, Laskin, Long, Miles, Mitchell, Paine, Payne, Potter, Rathburn, Read, Ross, Sanders, Sargent (Sarjent), Simpson, Spalding, Vanmeter, Wilhoit, Williams.
This index, and many other sources, can be searched online at:
Note: As of 30 March 2000, I can no longer find a way to search this index on Dr. Rollmann's page. The index itself is here.