This form is NOT a petition, but is used to
obtain essential information, which must be
furnished by the applicant BEFORE a petition
may be filed.
I desire to petition for naturalization in the Common Pleas Court, at Pomeroy, Meigs County, Ohio. The following information is furnished that you may arrange for my preliminary examination, and that the necessary papers may be sent to the Clerk of Court:
My full, true, and correct name is Mr. Alfredo Angeletti .
I have not used another name.
The name on my steamship ticket was Alfredo Angeletti .
My mother's maiden name was Ersilia Tei .
1. My present residence is Pomeroy, Ohio .
My post office address is 144 Main Street, Pomeroy, Ohio .
2. My present occupation is Fruit Merchant .
3. I was born on February 17, 1886 at Bagni Di Lucca, Italy .
4. (a) The place where I took the ship or train which landed in the United States was Havre, France on August 13, 1912.
(b) I landed in the United States at New York on August 17, 1912 .
(c) The name of the ship or railway of which I came was France.
(d) If by ship : Name of steamship line was French Line . I came by 3rd cabin.
(e) I arrived as ( passenger, stowaway, deserting seaman, or otherwise) Passenger .
(f) The person in the United States I was coming to was Angelo Giovanetti.
(g) The place in the United States that I was going to was Brooklyn , New York .
(h) The names of some of the persons or passengers I traveled with were Pietro Malerbi and Paolina Angeletti.
(i) I purchased the ticket on which I came to this country at Bagni Di Lucca, Italy .
It was purchased by Myself.
5. (a) The date of my Declaration (first paper) is April 9, 1923.
(b) It was made in the Common Pleas Court, located at Pomeroy, Meigs, Ohio.
6. (a) I am married. My wife's name is Paolina Angeletti.
(b) She was born December 25, 1885 at Bagni di Lucca, Itlay.
(c) and now resides at 144 N. Main, Pomeroy, Ohio.
(d) We were married on June 1, 1912.
(e) I have three children.
1. George Angeletti born on March 26, 1913 in Brooklyn, New York
2. Olga Angeletti born on May 25, 1914 in Brooklyn, New York
3. Rosa Angeletti born on April 19, 1921 in Gallipolis, Ohio
7. The foreign country of which I am now a subject or citizen is Italy.
8. I can speak English.
9. (a) I have resided continuously in the United States since August 18, 1912.
(b) I have resided in the state where I now live since December 31, 1919.
10. I have not previously made a petition for naturalization (second paper).
11. If you wished to have your name changed , give full name you desire ________________.
12. Witnesses : Colombo Pierotto, Merchant, Pomeroy, Ohio
Leroi Barsotti , Merchant, Middleport,Ohio
This record was transcribed from the original which is located in the Meigs County Courthouse.
Transcribed on March 14,2001 by Maria Leamond and Tiffany Barnes.