In the matter of the petition of AUGUST WILHELM BAUER to be admitted a citizen of the United States of America.

To the Honorable court of Common Pleas:

The petition of AUGUST W. BAUER respectfully shows:

First. My full name is AUGUST WILHELM BAUER

Second. My place of residence is number _____________ street, town of Pomeroy, state of Ohio.

Third. My occupation is Pipe Organ builder

Fourth. I was born on the 3rd day of March, anno Domini 1871, at Schadow,Russia

Fifth. I emigrated to the United States from Hamburg, on or about the 13th day of February anno Domini 1904, and arrived at the port of New York, in the United States, on the vessel Moltke.

Sixth. I declared my intention to become a citizen of the United States on the 20th day of September, anno Domini 1906 at Pomeroy, in the Probate court of Meigs County, Ohio.

Seventh. I am married. My wifes name is Elenore Bauer, she was born in Riga, Russia, and now resides at Riga, Russia. I have 0 children, and the name, date, and place of birth of each said children is as follows. ______________________________________

Eighth. I am not a disbeliever in or opposed to organized government or a member of or affiliated with any organization or body of persons teaching disbelief in organized government. I am not a polygamist nor a believer in the practice of polygamy. I am attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States, and it is my intention to become a citizen of the United States and to renounce absolutely and forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, and particularly to Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia, of which, at this time I am a citizen/subject, and it is my intention to reside permanently in the United States.

Ninth. I am able to speak the English language.

Tenth. I have resided continuously in the United States of America for a term of five years at least immediately preceding the date of this petition, to wit, since the 24th day of February, anno Domini 1904 and in the state of Ohio for one year at least next preceding the date of this petition, to wit, since the 15th day of April, anno Domini 1904.

Eleventh. I have not heretofore made petition for citizenship to any court.

Dated: June 9, 1909 Signed: August W. Bauer

Court Clerk: J.H. Ewing

Witnesses: Jessie Ewing





*This record has been transcribed from the original record located in the Meigs County Courthouse, Meigs County, Ohio. Transcribed by Maria Leamond and Tiffany Barnes.