These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
Meigs County Times January, 1844
State of Ohio, Meigs County, Ss: Meigs Common Pleas Zibea WEAS vs Nancy WEAS -- Petition for Divorce The said Nancy WEAS is hereby notified that on the eleventh day of January A.D. 1844, the plaintiff filed his petition in said court praying for a divorce from the said Nancy. The cause complained of is that of adultery. A.CUSHING Att;y for complainant ============================================ ESTATE OF JAMES WILLIAMSON Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have been duly appointed administrators with the will annexed, of the estate of James WILLIAMSON, late of Meigs county, Ohio, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against the same, will present them duly authenticated, for settlement, within one year from the date hereof W.D. WILLIAMSON, C.W. WILLIAMSON -- Adm's Jan. 13, 1844 ============================================ SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a writ of pl. pl. vend. exs. to me directed from the court of common pleas of Meigs count, I will expose to sale at the residence of T. MYERS, in the town of Graham Station on the 12th day of February next, between the hours prescribed by law, the following described goods and chattels, to wit: Two breakfast tables, one settee, one patent clock, one bureau, two silver watches and one oz cart. Levied upon as the property of said MYERS at the suit of E.A. BROWN and Co. ============================================ SHERIFF SALE By virtue of a writ of al. vend, exs, to me directed from the court of common please of Columbiana county, I will expose to sale at the door of the court house in Pomeroy, on the 4th day of March next ensuing, between the hours prescribe by law, the following described real estate, to wit: The south west quarter of section number 10, in townships and range 12, in the Ohio company's purchase. Said real estate levied upon as the property of George W. BELL at the suit of William WALLACE. ============================================ (the following are ads that appeared in the January issues of the Meigs Co. Times in 1844) Dr. C. F. THOMAS Physician and Surgeon Pomeroy, Ohio Tenders his professional services to the citizens of Pomeroy and vicinity -- Those wishing his services will find him at his office, unless professionally absent. OFFICE - in the large frame building near the Court House ============================================ POMEROY ACADEMY Henry J. GALTON Head Mast MRS. GALTON Primary Department MISS CHARLOTTE GRAUT teacher of music MISS STELLA REED Teacher of Drawing and Painting The third term of the Pomeroy Academy will begin Wednesday, April 5, and close the 15 of June TERMS: Primary Department -- $8 Common English -- $10 Higher English (including elementary Algebra, and Geometry, and Bookkeeping, French, German, Music (with the use of Piano) Drawing and Painting extra -- $12 Edwin J. HORTON, Carlton P. MAPLES -- Com. of Trustees ============================================ Cooking Stoves I will sell Cooking Stoves trimmed off with tin and copper furniture, at the Cincinnati price for Cincinnati pav. J. G. SPRAGUE ============================================ I will pay cash for Oats -- Pork -- Potatoes -- Butter V.B. HORTON ============================================ [Transcribed by Connie Schumaker]
Meigs County Times February 7, 1844
Meigs Common Pleas: Petition to sell real estate Bazilla M. BROWN, Administrator of Aaron McHENRY, deceased vs Harman GIBSON, and the heirs of Aaron McHENRY, deceased To Bartly MCHENRY, Samuel McHENRY, James McHENRY, Henry CLOVER and Mary Ann CLOVER (formerly Mary Ann McHENRY) and others, heirs of said Arron McHENRY, deceased: You are hereby notified that on the 10th day of November, 1843 said administrator filed his petition in the court of common pleas of Meigs county, Ohio, the object and prayer of which petition is to obtain an order at the next term of said court for the sale of the following real estate, (of which the said Aaron McHENRY died, seized,) to pay the debts of said decedent, to wit: Beginning thirty rods north of the south-west corner of section twenty-nine in Scipio township, thence east fifty-two rods to run: thence north up said run nineteen rods; thence east twenty-eight and a half rods; thence north one hundred and eleven rods to the center line of said section; thence west seventy-five rods; thence south one hundred and thirty rods to the place of beginning, containing about forty-four acres more or less. B.M. BROWN, Adm. of A. McHENRY, deceased. ============================================ Sheriff's Sale By virtue of a write of pl. vend. exe. to me directed from the court of common pleas of Meigs county, I will offer for sale at the residence of Nathan PARKINS, in Salem township, on the 21st instant, between the hours prescribed by law, the following described personal property, to wit: One bay horse and 100 flour barrels. Levied upon as the property of said PARKINS at the suit of William LEDTIE, for the use of Milton WALKER. Tho's SMITH, SMC. =========================================== Sheriff's Sale By virtue of a writ of n. fa. et. lev. fa. to directed from the court of common pleas of Meigs county, I will expose to sale on the premises of James MURPHY in Scipio township, on the 23rd instant, between the hours prescribed by law, the following property to wit: two yoke of Oxen. Said property levied upon as the property of said MURPHY at the suit of Alfred DUNLAP. Thm's SMITH, SMC ============================================ Sheriff's Sale By virtue of a write of al. pl, vend, exs. to me directed from the court of common pleas of Meigs county. I will expose to sale at the residence of Peter ALESHIRE, in Salem township, on the 20th instant, at 11 o'clock a.m. on said day, the following personal property, to wit: one bay horse, one bay mare, and two 2 year old heifers; Levied upon as the property of said ALESHIRE as the suit of John F. WHITFORD. Tho's SMITH, SMC ============================================ Sheriff's Sale By virtue of a writ of vend. exs. to me directed from the court of common pleas of Meigs county, I will expose to sale at the residence of John HUTTON, in the township of Salem, on the 20th instant, at 2 o'clock P.M. on said day the following personal property. to wit: One bay horse, levied upon as the property of the said HUTTON at the suit of the State of Ohio. Tho;s SMITH, SMC ============================================ Sheriff Sale By virtue of a writ of pl. pl, pl. vend. exe, to me directed from the court of common pleas of Athens county, I will expose to sale at the residence of William JOHNSON, in Columbia township, on the 10th instant, between the hours prescribed by law, the following personal property, to wit: One (roan?) mare, two 2 year old colts, and one bay horse. Levied upon as the property of said JOHNSON at the suit of Harvey GILMORE. Tho's SMITH, SMC ============================================ Administrators' Sale of Land Will be offered for sale on the premises, on Saturday the 2nd day of March next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P.M. of said day, the following described land to wit: Fifty acres of land out of the south east corner of the north east quarter of section number twenty-nine in town four, and range twelve of the Ohio company's purchase. Terms: One-third cash in hand, one-third in one year, and the reside in two years, with interest from the day of sale. Appraised at $300.00, subject to the widow's dower John GILLILAND Charlotta SQUIRES Adm's of N. SQUIRES [Transcribed by Connie Schumaker]
Meigs County Times February 14, 1844
SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of several writs to me directed from the court of common pleas of Meigs county, I will expose to sale at the door of the court house in Pomeroy, on the 19th day of March next, between the hours prescribed by law, the following described real estate, to wit: Fifty feet front and extending back the whole length of lot number 13 in the town of Pomeroy, to be taken off of the east or upper part of said lot. Levied upon as the property of Washington STIVERS at the suit of Isaac FOSTER. ALSO Lots numbers 71 and 74 in the town of Graham Station. Also 6 acres of land more or less, beginning at the south east corner of David C. HOPKINS' land in section 16, town 2, range 12; thence east 40 rods; thence north to Adam LALLANCE's line; thence west with said line to the south west corner of said LALLANCE's line; thence north from road leading, from Graham Station to George W. BELL's mill; thence west to said HOPKIN's n e corner; thence south to the place of beginning. Levied upon as the property of Lucius CROSS at the suit of James M. COOPER ALSO One lot supposed to contain three-fourths of an acre, in section 8, town 6, range 14 in the Ohio Company's purchase. Also part of lot number 25 in the village of Rutland, beginning at the south east corner of lot number 17, thence east (looks like it says 95-1-2) links to the street; thence on the line of the street to the south east corner of lot number 24, thence north to the place of beginning. Levied upon as the property of Rodney DOWNING at the suits of William WILSON Jr., two writs in favor of Taylor, Shipton and Co. Also One house and lot in the north west corner of section 8, now occupied by Franklin DOWNING. Levied upon as the property of Franklin DOWNING at the suit of William WILSON, Jr. Also One lot supposed to contain three-fourths of an acre in Section 8, town 6, and range 14. Levied upon as the property of Rodney DOWNING at the suit of Dalzell, Taylor & Co. ALSO Lots number 40,41,69, and 51 with appurtenances, in the town of Graham Station. Levied upon as the property of Lucius CROSS at the suit of James STEWART. ALSO At the same time and place the following described real estate to wit: Four acres of land be the same more or less, beginning at V.B. HORTON's line in lot number 301, section 1, town 2, range 13; thence up the Ohio river to William DAVIS's lower line in said lot number 301. Levied upon as the property of said CROSS at the suit of Holmes and Kidd. ALSO The undivided half of lot number 22, in the town of Graham Station. Levied upon as the property of Peter LALLANCE, at the suit of E. Lawrence & Co. Tho's SMITH, s.m.c. SHERIFF SALE By virtue of several writes to me directed from the court of common please of Meigs county, I will expose to sale at the door of the court house in Pomeroy, on the 19th day of March next ensuing between the hours prescribed by law, the following real estate to wit: Lots numbered 7,9,10,13,14,15 and 16 in T. MYERS' addition to the town of Graham Station. Also the east half of one acre of lease land now owned and occupied by Thornton MYERS, in section (it is either 10 or 16), town 2, range 12, and situated on the north west side of a certain street on the north west side of Graham Station, bounded on the west by the Ohio river, on the north by Michael WOLF's land on the east by land occupied by Tho's DOAK and on the south east by the street aforesaid, with buildings thereon situated. Levied on as the property of T. MYERS at the suit of Alexander HAYMAN. ALSO Beginning at the north east corner of school lot number 4, in section 16, town 2, range 12; thence north about 25 roads to Adam LALLANCE's line; thence west with said line 80 rods; thence south to the south line of said lot: thence east to the place of beginning, containing 12 acres more or less. Levied upon as the property of Lucius CROSS at the suit of William B. SCAIFF & Co. Tho's SMITH, s.m.c. ============================================ SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a writ. of fi. fs. et lev. fa. to me directed from the court of common please of Meigs county, I will expose to public sale at the door of the courthouse in Pomeroy, on the 19th day of March next, between the hours prescribed by law, the following described lease land to wit: the west half of one acre of lease land now owned and occupied by Thornton MYERS in section (?), town 2, range 12, and situated on the north west side of a certain street on the north west side of the town of Graham Station; bounded on the west by the Ohio river, on the north by Michael WOLF's land, on the west by land now occupied by Thos. DOAK, and on the south east by the street aforesaid. Levied on as the property of said MYERS, at the suit of Joshua HANNA et al, surviving partnage of James T. MCVAY, deceased. Tho's SMITH, s.m.c. ============================================ SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of several writs to me directed from the court of common pleas of Meigs county, I will expose to public sale on the 19th day of March A.D. 1844 at the door of the court house in Pomeroy, between the hours prescribed by law, the following real estate to wit: The undivided half of lot number four; also sixty feet off of the east side of lot number twenty nine in the town of Pomeroy. Said real estate was levied upon as the property of Horace C. HORTON at the suit of A. J. STEWART. ALSO The following property, being twelve acres of land more or less, and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at the north east corner of section 29, in town 3, range 12, Ohio Company's purchase; thence south fifty eight rods; thence west far enough to include the improvements where Theobald RUTH new resides, thence north to the north line of said section number 29, thence east to the place of beginning. Said land was levied upon as the property of Theobald RUTH at the suit of George K. WEBSTER. ALSO The following described land to wit: Beginning at the north west corner of fraction number four, in town number nine, and range fifteen; thence east half way to the line of Cable WOOD's; thence south to the place of beginning. Said land levied upon as the property of Williams MCDOWELL as the suits of Mary BROWN and Hiram WILENS. ============================================ SPECIAL MASTER COMMISSIONER'S SALE Meigs Common Pleas William RADFORD vs John T. YOUNG and Mary E. YOUNG in Chancery Pursuant to an order directed to me as Special Master Commissioner in Chancery by the court of common pleas of Meigs count, Ohio, I will offer for sale at the door of the court house in Pomeroy, on the 30th day of March next ensuing, between the hours prescribed by law, the following described real estate, to wit: Eighty acres of land situate in the said county of Meigs, being the west end of the south half of fraction number six, in section number fifteen, in town three and range thirteen, Ohio Company's purchase, to satisfy a decree in the above named case. Tho's SMITH, s.m.c. ============================================ SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a number of writs to me directed from the court of common pleas of Meigs county, I will offer for sale at the front door of the court house in Pomeroy on the 19th day of March next between the hours prescribed by law, the following described real estate, to wit: Lots Nos. 3 and 4 in the village of Graham Station, with the buildings thereon. Also lots nos. 5, 11, 12 in said village. Levied upon as the property of Thornton MYERS at the suit of E.A. BROWN and Co. ALSO Half acre lot beginning at a stake ten rods and six feet from the south east corner of lot number 3, section 29, range 13, in the Ohio Company's purchase; thence south west with the State road (?) rods, thence north west on the line of A. J. PHELPS' land 10 rods, thence north west with the State road (?) rods to the land of B. STOUT and William PARKER; thence on said line 10 rods to the place of beginning. Levied upon as the property of Reverius RUSSELL at the suit of John N. ALLEN. ALSO All the interest of Adam LALLANCE in a certain tract of land in section 16, town 2, range 12, being the undivided half of about 60 acres of the east end of school lot number 4 in said section, with the appurtenances. Also the undivided half of lots nos. 76, 82, 83 and 84, in the town of Graham Station. Levied upon as the property of Adam LALLANCE, at the suit of Daniel Dye, William Alexander, and Lucius CROSS. ALSO Ninety-five acres of land be the same more or less, being part of section 33, in town 4, range 12, in the Ohio Company's purchase. Said land was deeded to Josiah SMITH by James BARTLEY. Levied upon as the property of Josiah SMITH at the suits of David BARBER and George SPERGEN. ALSO Beginning at the north east corner of the lot owned by W. STIVERS; thence east on second street in the town of Pomeroy 150 feet; thence south on a line parallel to said STIVERS's east line to low water mark in the Ohio river; thence with low water mark west 150 feet; thence north to the place of beginning, with the appurtenances. Also lot number 51 in the town of Pomeroy. Levied upon as the property of U.T. HOWE, Thos. IRVIN, and James K_LLAM, at the suit of the President, Directors and & Co., of the Commercial Bank of Scioto. Also Two town lots, number 45 and 48 in the town of Graham Station. Levied on as the property of Lempel SWEARENGER at the suit of John HALL, administrator of the estate of James RAYBURN, deceased. Tho's SMITH, s.m.c. ============================================ FARM FOR SALE I will offer for sale at public vendue, on the 15th day of February next, on the premises, a farm containing 175 acres, situate on the middle branch of Shade river in Orange and Bedford townships. Supposed to be sixty acres under improvement -- a small orchard- near 30 acres of bottom, and a good saw mill, capable of cutting as much lumber in a day as any mill on the middle branch, or the east or west branch of Shade river. There is sufficient timber sawed out on the premises to build a grist mill. If any person wishes to purchase the same, they can call before the day of the sale at look at it. Terms made known on the day of the sale. A.B. PEARSON ============================================ FOR SALE Seventeen acres of Coal land for sale, situated two miles about Carr's Run, The vein is four feet six inches high, and has a first rate cover. The entry is driven sixty yards, has four rooms and a railway ready, and a carriage and two wagons and one cart. There is two long houses on the place. For farther particular inquire of John SCOTT at the Coalport, railway. ============================================ [The following are two ads that appeared in this paper that included names. I thought that just maybe someone might find a name of interest.] J. CARTWRIGHT Attorney at Law, Pomeroy, Ohio Will give diligent attention to any business entrusted to his care. Office - in the South Corner Room of the Court House, up stairs. ============================================ Martin HECKHARD Attorney at Law Pomeroy, Ohio (Office in the court-house, up stairs) Continues the practice of Law in Meigs and adjoining counties [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Meigs County Times March, 1844
A petition will be presented to the Commissioners of Meigs county at their next session, praying the establishment of a county road, commencing about 20 rods north east of the forks of the road near John GRANT'S in Rutland township, leading to Rutland Village; thence the nearest and best way to the north west corner of John GRANT'S land; thence to the bank of Leading creek near the old residence of Asahel SKINNER; thence down said creek to where a new bridge has lately been erected; thence in a direction a little west of south along a route that has been lately opened and partly worked, to the south line of Livingston SMITH'S land; thence the nearest and best way to Calvin KNIGHT'S house; thence the nearest and best way to intersect a county road at Fred'k TUCKERMAN's. And also to vacate the old county road leading from Calvin KNIGHT'S to widow HUBBELL'S. ============================================ SHERIFF SALE By virtue of a writ. of al. vend. exs. to me directed from the court of common please of Meigs county, I will expose to sale at the door of the court house in Pomeroy, on the 29th day of April next, between the hours prescribed by law, the following described real estate, to wit: Commencing at the south east corner of section 19, town 4 and range ?2; thence west 50 rods and 21 links, thence north 100 rods; thence east 12 rods; thence north to the line of John STOUT'S land; thence east 38 rods and 21 links to the section line; thence south on said line to the place of beginning, containing 57 acres more or less. ALSO Part of section 13, town 14, range ?2, in the Ohio company's purchase, beginning at the south west corner of said section thence north along said section line 160 rods, thence east 40 rods; thence south 160 rods; thence west 40 rods to the place of beginning, containing 40 acres more or less. Said real estate levied upon as the property of Martin EASTERDAY at the suit of James RALSTON. Tho's SMITH s.m.c. ============================================ SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a writ. of pl. pl. vend. exs. to me directed from the court of common pleas of Meigs county, I will expose to sale at the door of the court house in Pomeroy, on the 29th day of April next, between the hours prescribed by law, the following described real estate to wit: Lot number 253 in Pomeroy, formerly known as lot number 12, Grantville, Kerr's Run, levied upon as the property of Lyman STACY, at the suit of Washington SMITH. ============================================ SHARIFF'S SALE By virtue of a writ. of pl. pl. vend exs. to be directed from the Court of common pleas for Meigs count, I will exposed to sale on the 15th day of April next, at the residence of Wm. CHURCH Salisbury township, between the hours prescribed by law, one field of growing corn, (or other property in the lieu there of). Levied upon as the property of Wm. CHURCH at the suit of James GASTON. Thomas Smith s.m.c. ============================================ SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of two write of al. pl. vend. exs. to me directed from the court of common pleas of Meigs county. I will expose to sale on the premises of Lucius Cross, in the township of Sutton, on the 13 day of April next, between the hours prescribed by law, the following goods and chattels, to wit; one gray horse, one sorrel mare, one colt, one gray mare, one blind horse, one yoke of oxen, two carts, one wagon, 18145 feet of boat roofing, 2908 feet ceiling boards, 2900 feet weatherboards, the materials for building two wood boats, said Cross's interest in tan yard, one bark mill, a lot of tan bark, 2296 ft. pine flooring, 6712 feet boat streamers, and one large stone table. Levied upon as the property of said CROSS at the suits of Wm. REDMORE and E. LAWRENCE & Co. Tho's SMITH s.m.c. ============================================ SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a write of fi. ia. et. lev. fa. to me directed from the court of common pleas of Meigs county, I will expose to sale at the residence of Enoch B. MURRY in Salisbury township on the 15th day of April next, at 12 o'clock on said day, one bay horse, one black cow, one 3 years old heifer, one fanning mill, and one lot of saw logs. Levied upon the property of said MURRY at the suit of Thomas E. STEAVENS. Tho's SMITH s.m.c. ============================================ SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a write of vend, exs. to me directed from the court of common pleas of Meigs county, I will expose to sale at the residence of George VANPELT in the township of Orange on the 9th day of April next, at 2 o'clock of said day, one gray mare. Levied upon as the property of said VANPELT at the suit of Sophronia CALDWELL, administrator of the estate of Hamilton CALDWELL, deceased. Tho's SMITH s.m.c. ============================================ SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a writ of al. pl vend. exs. to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county, I will expose to sale on the 24th day of April next, at the residence of John Steven in Rutland township, between the hours prescribed by law one brown mare. Levied upon as the property of said Stevens, at the suit of A.S. Nye, and Co. Tho's SMITH s.m.c. ============================================ I have transcribed the above with no spelling, grammar or punctuation changes. The text is as it appeared in the newspaper at the time. Transcribed by Connie Schumaker
Meigs County Times March 27, 1844
SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a writ of pl. pl. vend. exs. to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs County, I will expose to sale at the residence of James MCCORMICK in the township of Rutland on the 23d day of April next, between the hours prescribed by law, two sorrel horses, and brown colt, three milch cows, and three calves. Said property levied upon as the property of James MCCORMICK at the suit of Henry Miller. Tho's SMITH s.m.c. ============================================ SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a writ of pl. pl. vend. exs. to me directed from the court of common pleas of Meigs county, I will offer at public sale on the 19th day of April, between the hours prescribed by law, at the residence of James SADLER in Salem township; one horse and one two horse wagon. Levied upon as the property of James SADLER at the suit of Prince S. BAKER. Tho's SMITH s.m.c. ============================================ SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a writ of al. pl. vend. exs. to me directed from the court of common pleas of Meigs county, I will expose to sale at the residence of Harrison DOWNING, on the 20th day of April next, in the village of Rutland at the hour of 2 o'clock on said day, one horse and one two horse wagon. Said property levied upon as the property of said DOWNING at the suit of William WILSON and Son. Tho's SMITH s.m.c. ============================================ SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of four writs to me directed from the court of common pleas of Meigs county, I will expose to sale at the residence of John S. GILES, in the township of Rutland, on the 19th day of April next; between the hours prescribed by law, the following described goods and chattels. to wit: 2 stills, eight head of young cattle, one bay mare, one sorrel mare, one cow, five ton of hay, one colt, twenty four head of sheep, one brindle cow, one 4 horse wagon, and one one-horse wagon. Levied upon as the property of John S. GILES at the suits of Theophilus JACOBS, Burwell PECK, Nathaniel BISHOP, and John Doe exdem of Alfred HOLLAND. Tho's Smith, s.m.c. SPECIAL MASTER COMMISSIONER'S SALE Meigs Common Pleas Edwin CREEK vs Edward HOOKINS in Chancery Pursuant to an order directed to me as Special Master Commissioner in Chancery by the court of common please of Meigs county, Ohio, I will offer for sale at the door of the court house in Pomeroy on the 29th day of April next ensuing, between the hours prescribed by law, the following described real estate, to wit: Lot number 59 in the town of Graham Station, in said county, to satisfy a decree in the above named case. Tho's SMITH, s.m.c. ============================================ MEIGS COMMON PLEAS Petition for Partition Jacob RICE, demandant vs Moses MATTHEWS and Mary MATTHEWS his wife, Jackson GILES, Myron, GILES, Edward GRIMES, and Almira GRIMES his wife, Samantha GILES, George GILES, Mary GILES, Elisabeth GILES, Emeline GILES, Wilson GILES and Sarah GILES, defendants. The defendants will take notice that a petition was filed against them on the 17th day of February, A.D., 1844, in the court of common pleas of Meigs county, by the demandant, Jacob RICE, and is now pending, wherein, the said Jacob RICE demands partition of the following real estate, to wit: The east half of fraction No. 17, town 6, and range 14, and that at the next term of said court application will be made by the said Jacob RICE for an order that partition may be made of said premises. Jacob RICE, by M. HECKARD, his Att'y. ============================================ THE STATE OF OHIO Meigs County In Chancery Phillip JONES, Complainant vs V.B. HORTON, Clarissa W. POMEROY, Anna B.S. POMEROY, et al., Defendants In pursuance of an order of the court of common pleas for the said county of Meigs, the said defendants, Clarissa W. POMEROY, and Anna B. S. POMEROY, are hereby notified that on the 10th day of May, A.D., 1842, the said complainats filed in said court his bill in chancery against the defendants, V.H. HORTON and wife for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage executed by said V.B. HORTON and wife to said complainant for part of 100 acre lots number 309, 310, and 311, in the Ohio company's purchase, as is in said bill more fully described: which said bill was at the October term A.D. 1842, and also at the July term, A.D., 1843, of said court amend by leave of the court, wherein it is alleged that the said Clarissa W. POMEROY and Anna B. S. Pomeroy (and other defendants named in said bill) claim some equitable interest in said mortgaged premises, and praying the foreclosure thereof. And the said Clarissa W. POMEROY and Anna D.S. POMEROY are further notified that unless they appear and plead, answer, or demure to the said bill (as mended) within sixty days after the next term of said court, the said Philip JONES at the next term after the expiration of said sixty days, will apply to said court to take the matters of the bill as confessed, and to decree thereon accordingly. T. MONYTAGUE, Solicitor for Complainant ============================================ SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a writ of al. pl. vend. exs. to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county, I will expose to sale on the 24th day of April next, at the residence of John STEVENS in Rutland township between the hours prescribed by law, one brown mare. Levied upon as the property of said STEVENS, at the suit of A.S. NYE & Co. Tho's SMITH, s.m.c. ============================================ SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of two writs of al. pl. vend. exs. to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county, I will expose to sale on the premises of Theopholis JACOBS on the 18th day of April next, in the township of Salisbury, between the hours prescribed by law, the following described goods and chattels, to wit: two thousand bushels of salt and twenty tons of hay, (or other property in lieu thereof). Said property levied upon as the property of said JACOBS, at the suits of Andrew DONNALLY, and James B. SMITH. Tho's SMITH s.m. ============================================ SHERIFF"S SALE By virtue of two writs of al. pl. vend. exs. to me directed from the Court of Common Please of Meigs county, I will expose to sale at the residence of Josiah SMITH in the township of Orange, on the 9th day of April next, at 10 o'clock of said day the following described property (or other property in lieu thereof,) to wit: 1 sorrel horse, 1 sorrel mare, 1 grey mare, 1 yoke of oxen, 1 ox cart, 1 three year old heifer, 1 two year old heifer, 1 yearling colt, 1 fanning mill, and two coils of log chains; levied upon as the property of said SMITH at the suits of David BARBER and George SPERGEN. Thos. SMITH s.m.c. ============================================ SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a writ pl. pl. vend. exs. to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county, I will expose to sale at the residence of Adam HAY, in Orange township, on the 10th day of April next; between the hours prescribed by law, 1 bay mare and colt, 2 milch cows, 20 sheep, one set of harness, (for buggy) 1 saddle, 1 cross cut saw, 1 pair of gig wheels, 1 gig body, 1 bureau and 1 patent clock; said property taken as the property of said HAY at the suit of Joseph BAILY for the use of Elizabeth WHALEY, administratrix of James WHALEY deceased. Thos. SMITH, s.m.c. SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a writ. of al. vend. exs. to me directed from the court of common pleas of Meigs county, I will expose to sale at the door of the court-house in Pomeroy, on the 29th day of April next ensuing, between the hours prescribed by law, the following described real estate to wit: Commencing at the south east corner of section 19, town 4, and range 12, thence west 50 rods and 21 links, thence north 100 rods; thence east 12 rods; thence north to the line of John STOUT'S land; thence east; 38 rods and 21 links to the section line; thence south on said line to the place of beginning, containing 57 acres more or less. ALSO Part of section 13, town 4, and range 12 in the Ohio company's purchase beginning at the south west corner of said section; thence north along said section line 160 rods; thence east 40 rods; thence south 160 rods; thence west 40 rods to the place of beginning, containing 40 acres more or less. Said real estate levied upon as the property of Martin EASTERDAY at the suit of James RALSTON. Tho's SMITH s.m.c. ============================================ SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a writ of pl. pl. vend. exs. to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs County, I will expose to sale the 17th day of April next, at the residence of Henry HYSELL in Salisbury township, at the hour of 11 o'clock on said day, one horse, one cow, and one fanning mill. Levied upon as the property of said HYSELL at the suit of Wm. HYSELL 1st Administrator of the estate of E. GRIGSBY dec'd. Tho's SMITH, S.M.C. ============================================ SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a writ of fi. fa. et lev. fa. to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county, I will expose to public sale at the door of the court house in Pomeroy, in the 29th day of April next, between the hours prescribed by law, the following described lease land, to wit: The west half of one acre of lease land; now owned and occupied by Thornton MYERS in section 16, town 2, range 12, and situated on the north west side of a certain street on the northwest side of the town of Graham Station; bounded on the west by the Ohio river, on the north by Michael WOLF'S land, on the east by land now occupied by Tho's DOAK and on the south east by the street aforesaid. Levied on as the property of said MYERS, at the suit of Joshua HANNA, et al, surviving partners of James T. MCVAY, deceased. Tho's SMITH s.m.c. ============================================ MEIGS COMMON PLEAS: In Chancery Herrman PLUMMER, comp't vs John S. GILES, Defendant In pursuance of a decretal order of the court of common pleas of Meigs county, at the November term, A.D., 1843, in the above case, will be exposed to public sale at the door of the courthouse, in Pomeroy, on the thirtieth day of April next, the following described land, to wit: Beginning 31 rods east of the south west corner of the north half of lot number ?, in range 14, town 6, and section 16, Ohio company's purchase; thence east 20 rods and 10 links; thence north 6 rods; thence east 4 rods, thence south 6 rods, thence east 24 rod, 15 links to the corner; thence north 100 rods to the corner, thence west 80 rods on the north line to the corner, thence south 60 rods and 3 links, thence east 13 1/2 degrees north 19 rods 3 links; thence east 19 1/2 degrees north 17 rods 16 links, thence south 9 degrees east 28 rods 17 links to the place of beginning, supposed to contain 42 acres. Also the following described lot, to wit: Beginning 18 rods east of the south west corner of lot number 5, in section 16, in town 6 and range 14, in the Ohio company's purchase; thence north 15 degrees west, 19 links; thence east 16 1/2 degrees north 33 rods 10 links thence east 35 degrees north 19 rods and 8 links, thence east rod 29 1/2 degrees north 21 rods 17 links, thence north 5 rods; thence east 34 degrees north 8 rods and 8 links, thence east 29 degrees north 27 rods 3 links; thence north 22 degrees east 15 rods 16 links up a small run, thence north 27 1/2 degree east 14 rods, thence north 27 degrees east seven rods, thence north 74 rods 10 links to the north line of the section; thence east on said line 23 rods 17 links to the north east corner of said lot: thence south to the south east corner, thence west to the place of beginning, supposed to contain 60 acres. Also the following described lot, to wit: Beginning at the north west corner of section 17, town ? (6 or 8), range 14 thence south 50 rods, thence east to the middle of said section 17; thence north 60 rods to the section line; thence west to the place of the beginning containing 50 acres. M BOSWORTH, Special Commissioner [Transcribed by Connie Schumaker]
Meigs County Times April, 1844
[The first part of this one and the next two are missing from the copy that I have but it does includes some Meigs Co. names and if they belong to any of you it will give you a time when there were there. All three are referring to Sheriff's Sales.] ....... in said court of Meigs. Ordered to be sold as the property of James W. RICE at the suit of Thorton MYER, Adley WEAVER, and other. ALSO At the same time and place, I will, in the pursuance of a further decree of said court offer for sale the following real estate, to with: the south half of fraction 30 in the township of Orange, in said county of Meigs, containing 131 acres, and 17 2/3 acres from off the east side of fraction 32 and of the same length as the width of said south half of said fraction no. 30, and of width sufficient to make said 17 2/3 acres. Ordered to be sold at the suit of Silas A. BURNAP vs Nathaniel DOUGLASS, Administrator of N. BLACKMORE, deceased, Mary BLACKMORE and others. ALSO At the same time and place, I will in pursuance of a further decree of said count offer for sale the following real estate, to wit, that portion of section number 34, in town 4, and range 12, in the Ohio company's purchase, now owned and occupied by Jesse and Rodney HALSEY, containing about 100 acres more or less, also 21 acres in the north west part of fraction number 33, in town 4 and range 12, also ? (6 or 8) 3/4 acres in the south side of section number 33, town 4 and range 12; also 47 1/2 acres in the west end of fraction number 24, town 4, and range 12, all in the Ohio company's purchase, and now owned and occupied by said Jesse and Rodney HALSEY. Ordered to be sold at the suit of David BARBER, vs. Jesse HALSEY, Rodney HALSEY, and others. Tho's IRVIN Master Commissioner in chancery ============================================ NOTICE is here by given, that I shall offer for sale at the door of the court house in Pomeroy, on the 29th of April, between the hours prescribed by law, 3 acres and 80-100 of land situated in fractional section number 26, town 2, range 11, Ohio company's purchase; beginning at the south west corner of lot number 6; thence with the line dividing lots number 5 and 6, north 78 degrees west 39 poles to a post; thence north 24 degree east 19 poles and 3 links; thence 66 degrees east 39 poles and 12 links, thence down the Ohio south 30 degrees, west 11 poles and 5 links to the place of the beginning. Appraised at 75 dollars. John CROLL, Adm. of John BANKS, deceased by T. MONTAGUE, this Attorney ============================================ SPECIAL MASTER COMMISSIONER'S SALE Meigs Common Pleas Hocking H. HUNTER, et al, Assignees of the Lancaster Ohio Bank vs. HOWE and Co., Et al. Chancery By virtue of order of the court in this case, I will expose to public sale on the 29th day of April next, between 10 A.M. and 4 P.M. the following described real estate situate in the town of Pomeroy, to wit. The lot designated on the plot of said town as not no. 14, with the improvements thereon, to wit: the Shovel factory and machinery, black smith shop, and Storehouse. M. HECKARD, Special master in chancery ============================================ INSOLVENT'S SALE Notice is hereby given that I shall offer for sale at the door of the court house in Pomeroy, on the 19th of April, between the hours prescribed by law, the undivided right, title and interest of Reuben TUBBS (an insolvent debtor) in and to 100 acres of land in section 20, town 4, and range 13, Ohio company's purchase, subject to the life estate of Caroline, wife of Daniel TUBBS deceased, appraised at 45 dollars. T. MONTAGUE, Commissioner of Insolvents ============================================ Sheriff's Sale By virtue of a writ of vend. exs. to me directed from the court of common pleas of Meigs county, I will expose to sale at the door of the court house in Pomeroy, on the 29th day of April next ensuing, between the hours prescribed by law, the following described property, to wit: The east part of one acre and one eighth of an acre, land being a part of 100 acre lot number 313, in section 23, town 1, and range 12, and lying south and adjoining the town of Sheffield, being that part of said lot which lies east of Alexander H. MURRY'S house and south of lot number 61 in Sheffield, containing three-fourths of an acre more or less. Levied upon as the property of A. H. MURRY at the suit of Jacob RICE. Tho's Smith, s.m.c. ============================================ Sheriff's Sale By virtue of a writ of pl. pl. vend. exs. to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county, I will expose to sale at the door of the Court House in Pomeroy on the 29th day of April next ensuing, between the hours prescribed by law, the following described real estate to wit: sixty two and one half acres of land in the south west quarter of section 17, town 2, range 12, Ohio company's purchase and bounded as follows: beginning at the south east corner of the south west quarter of section 17, thence north 100 rods, thence west 100 rods, then south 100 rods, thence east 100 rods to the place of beginning; levied upon as the property of Hugh MCCULLOUGH at the suit of Westley G. BAKER for the use of LALLANCE & CROSS Tho's SMITH, s.m.c ============================================ Sheriff Sale By virtue of a write of al. vend. exe. to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county, I will offer for sale in the village of Sheffield on the 17th day of April next, between the hours prescribed by law, one two horse wagon and one patent clock. Levied upon as the property of Sardine S. Smith at the suit of Wm, Parker, jr. Tho's SMITH s.m.c. ============================================ Sheriff Sale By virtue of two writs of vend. exs. to me direct from the court of common pleas of Meigs county, I will expose to sale at the door of the court house in Pomeroy on the 29th day of April next, between the hours prescribed by law, the following described real estate, to wit: Part of section 1, town 4 and range 12, beginning at the south east corner of Jacob CONDERY'S farm; thence down Shade river 17 1/2 rods, thence south 9 1/4 rods, thence west 17 1/2 rods, thence south 9 1/4 rods to the place of the beginning. Also 37 1/2 acres in the north west quarter of the north east quarter of section 1, town 4 and range 12 running north and south the whole length of said quarter, and east and west far enough to make 37 1/2 areas. Said real estate levied upon as the property of John ADAMS at the suit of James CHAPMAN for the use of Wm. MCCULLOUGH. Tho's SMITH s.m.c. ============================================ [I have transcribed the above with no spelling, grammar or punctuation changes. The text is as it appeared in the newspaper at the time. Connie Schumaker]
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