These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
Meigs Co. Telegraph May 1, 1851
List of Letters remaining in the Post Office at Pomeroy, Ohio, on the first day of April, 1851. Bell, James Booth, John Booth, John J. Bosworth Artimus Bradshaw, George W. Brook, Owen Buckley, Asher Buxton, Darius Cary, Lewis Chase, F.M. Coombs, Eliza Cook, Andrew Cunning, Sophia Davies, Simon Davis Isaac E. David, Isaac Doss, Charles B. Dunlap, Amda Eastman, George W. Evans, Dave T. Farley, Henry Gill, James Gilleland, Daniel Hall, H. Halsy, Dallyne Harris, Daid W. Hays, Thomas Hindman, MC J Hindman, Sarah Hughes, Alexander Hunter, Elizabeth Johnson, Israel Johnson, S. F. Jones, David Jones, Lewis Jones, Miss Kinsey, Jonathan Knowlton, R. D. Lawson, Isabel Lee, Alfred Lewis Daniel Lisher William Lyons, James Mantz, Sarah Martin, William McCoy William McLaughlin, Theodore McFarland and Caughey McNamee, Mesheck Michael, John Mitchell, Anna M. Nicholson, Elisha Oliver, George Oliver, Harvey T. Pierce, Jonas Pry, Nelson Pugh, George Parker and Allen Quillen, Amos Quillen, Uriah Richard, Jonas, Root, P Roush, Adam Roush, Lewis Sanborne, Joseph Sansbery, Benjamin Sanders, Wm Scott, Catharine Shields, John Shan(u)ks, fenilton fenjbakr Shutts, Sarah Simpson, Samuel Singers, Wm Spencer. E.T. Stewart, Susanna Stiles, Laura A. Story, John Sutley, J.R. Thompson, Charles Thompson, Montgomery Townsend, A. G. Torance, John J. Trueman, Eliza Vanmeter, Joseph Vantuyle, Mary Ann Walker, Wilson Warner, Samara Watson, Samuel Werling, David White, R.K. Wilson, James F. Young, F. Young, Mary E. Meigs Common Pleas -- In Chancery Petition for Divorce Almira E. WOOD, by her next friend M. NORWOOD, vs Joshua WOOD The said Joshua WOOD is hereby notified, that on the 21th day of March A.D. 1851, Almira E. WOOD, of the said county of Meigs, filed in the Court of Common Pleas in the county of Meigs and State of Ohio, a Bill in chancery against the said Joshua WOOD. The object and prayer of which Bill is, that the said Court may decree the marriage contract now existing between the said Almira E. WOOD and said Joshua WOOD, may be dissolved; and that the said Joshua WOOD may be decreed to pay to the said complainant a reasonable alimony for her maintenance and support. And the said Joshua Wood is farther notified, that unless he appears and pleads, answers or demurs to said bill, before the next term of said court, the said Almira E. WOOD, will on the first day of the next term thereof or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, apply to said court to hear the evidence in said case, and to decree there on according to the prayer of said Bill. J. BRADBURY, Solicitor for Complainant ============================================ To the Creditors of the estate of H.W. HYSELL, dec'd - the subscriber has been appointed and qualified by the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county a commissioner of the estate of H.W. Hysell, dec'd, represented insolvent. The period of six months from the date of this notice is allowed creditors to bring in and prove their claims against said estate. The subscriber will attend to the duties of his appointment at his residence in Sheffield, Meigs county, Ohio, for the said term of six months. S. BRADBURY, Adm'r. ============================================ WAKE UP!! The public seem to forget that four weeks since our office was burned, and we subjected to an outlay of $500 to repair the loss. We want money, and what is more -- WE WILL HAVE IT. (I just though the above was amusing so I included it here. It is referring to a fire that was at the location of the Meigs Co. Telegraph. I don't know what or who they are referring to when they state "We want money, and what is more -- WE WILL GET IT". Connie) ============================================ ANOTHER FIRE On Thursday night last about 10 o'clock our town was alarmed by another cry of fire, which was discovered to be in the Foundry of R.R. GRANT. The fire soon spread to the adjoining engine shop, entirely consuming both buildings. The Foundry and Engine shop were both occupied by John D. DEPEW, whose entire stock of patterns, tools, lathes, and c., were destroyed. Several engines were in the shop, some completed and others in different stages of progress, which have been greatly damaged. His loss cannot fall below $4000. No insurance on the building or contents. Although confined to the one establishment, yet it has been most disastrous in its effects. Mr. DEPEW had worked himself into a lucrative business, after several years struggling against adverse circumstances, and was fast gaining a position of competence and profit. Mr. GRANT, too, has been most singularly unfortunate. But a few years also he had a tannery burned down on the same premises, and had not yet entirely recovered from his losses ere this double calamity has fallen upon him. It is hard thus to see accumulation of swept years away in a moment, leaving us at middle age to recommence the struggle of like anew. (This next paragraph is of interest, well, at least I think the ladies on this list will enjoy it. Connie) By the active exertions of our citizens, SOME OF THEM, the adjoining buildings were saved. We say, some, because at this, as well as the former fire, we saw crowds of hale, hearty, robust men, standing with their hands in their pockets, looking carelessly on, while delicate women labored and toiled. ============================================ DIED In Rutland on the 25th of April, 1851, at the age of 3 yrs 10m 25d, Mary Catherine, dau. of T.A. and S.A, Plants of Pomeroy, Meigs Co., Ohio. ============================================ Sale By Order of Court On the 31st day of May next, between the hours of ten A.M. and 4 P.M. at the door of the Courthouse in the town of Pomeroy, will be sold to the highest bidder the following real estate as the property of John DOYLE, deceased, to wit: the north easterly half of Lot No. 102, on court Street in Pomeroy. The same to be sold subject to the dower of Mary Fish therein. Terms of sale, one-third in hand, on-third is six, and the residue in twelve months from sale with interest on deferred payments. W. PALMER, Adm'r of John Doyle, dec'd ============================================ Notice is hereby given there will be a petition presented to the Commissioners of Meigs county, Ohio, at their next session, praying for an alteration in the State road leading from Athens to Gallipolis, to commence in the center of the road at the crossing of the creek near Joseph HOWELL's and to terminate in the center of the road at Selem DAYS, so that said road will run parallel with the Saline between Horatio WHITE and Peter AIKIN, the road to be located on said WHITE land and to vacate so much of the old road as is between the Wilksville road and the crossing of the creek first named. ============================================ CHURCHES Protestant Episcopal -- Rev. Thomas B. DOOLEY, Rector -- Services every Sabbath morning. Presbyterian -- Rev. R. WILKINSON, Pastor -- Services every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock. Methodist Episcopal -- Rev. J.F. GIVEN, Pastor -- Services at the upper church on alternate Sabbath mornings, at 10 o'clock -- at lower church, every Sabbath afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Roman Catholic -- Rev. Theophilus KRAFF, Priest -- Services every Sabbath morning. German Methodist - Rev. Mr. GEYER -- Services every Sabbath morning. German Lutheran -- Rev. Mr. HABNL (HARNL) -- Services every Sabbath morning. [Transcribed by Connie Schumaker]
Meigs County Telegraph May 8, 1851
MEIGS COMMON PLEAS - CHANCERY Elihu H. STEDMAN and wife vs Seth PRATT et. al. -- Petition for Partition Seth PRATT and Nancy G. PRATT, Madison ELLIOTT, Summer ELLIOTT, Mariah BRANCH, Julia BRANCH, Elizabeth TORRANCE; Harvey P. FENN and Lucy FENN his wife, Elihu ROBINSON and Ellen ROBINSON will take notice that a petition was filed against them on the 22d day of April A.D. 1851, in the Court of Common Please of Meigs county, by Elihu H. STEDMAN and Adaline M. STEDMAN his wife, and is now pending, wherein the said Elihu H. STEDMAN and wife demand partition of the following real estate, to-wit: Eight-two feet off the north end of Lot No. 15, in the town of Coalport: and that at the next term of said Court application will be made by the said Elihu H. STEDMAN an Adaline M. STEDMAN his wife for an order that partition may be made of said premises. J. BRADBURY, Attorney for Petitioners ============================================ NOTICE -- There will be a petition presented to the Commissioners of Meigs county, at their next session; praying for a county road to be laid out and established as follows: Commencing at lot No. 3 in Danville, thence north with the middle line of Section 13 in Salem township, to the southwest corner of SWEARENGEN's land: thence a northwest course to William DAVIS' barn; thence through said Davis's land and F. ANDREWS' land to the northeast corner of said Andrews' land, thence through W. HAYCOCK's land, keeping on the east side of a certain run to widow EDMUNDSON's fence; thence on the east side of the run close to the hill to intersect the road at James R. GRAHAM's ashery. ============================================ SALE OF REAL ESTATE BY ORDER OF COURT Notice is hereby given that I will in pursuance of a decree of the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county, Ohio, offer for sale at the door of the courthouse of said county, on the 2nd day of June next, the following real estate in the second township of the thirteenth Range of the Ohio Company's Purchase, to;wit: the front part of the fractional part of one hundred acre lot number 299, on which James CAHOON resides. Said front part extending from low water mark in the Ohio river back as far as the new street recently surveyed and laid out by V.R. HORTON to the upper side of the said fractional part of said lot number 299. Said new street is supposed to be one hundred and ninety feet back from the present road on the bank of the river. Ordered to be sold as the property of James CAHOON at the suit of William MCABOY. M.W. COLLINS, Special Master Com'r in Chancery ====================================================== The following is from an ad "for complaints arising therefrom Cholera Infection". The ad is very hard to read with most all of it unreadable, but the following names were in the ad as agents selling the above. For sale by D. REED, Pomeroy, G.W. COOPER and Co., Chester, P.M. PETREL, Graham Station. All orders must be addressed to Wallace & Co. 304 Broadway, NY. ============================================ Isaac SAMUELS will take notice that a petition was filed against him on the 16th day of April, 1851, in the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county, Ohio, by Jacob SHILEY, and is now pending therein, wherein the said Jacob SHILEY demands partition of the following real estate, viz: Section No. 4 Town No. 7, Range No. 14 and fraction No. 4 in Section No.10, Town No. 7, Range 14, in the Ohio Company's Purchase, in said county: and that at the next term of said court application will be made by said Jacob SHILEY for an order that partition may be made of said premises. P.A. PLANTS, Att'y for Petitioner. ============================================ Public Sale -- By virtue of a decree of the court of common pleas of Meigs county, I will offer for sale at the door of the court house on the 3rd day of June next the following parcel of land, lease hold estate to wit: the south west quarter of the north east quarter, and the south east quarter of the north west quarter of section twenty-nine in township seven, range 14, in said county of Meigs. Ordered to be sold as the property of Harmon GIBSON at the suit of James MURPHY -- appraised at $640. T.H. IRVIN, Master of Com. Chancery. ============================================ Notice is hereby given that a petition will be presented to the Commissioners of Meigs county at their June session, 1851, praying for an alteration in the county road leading from Tupper's Plains to the Brick Schoolhouse, in Orange township and country aforesaid to wit beginning near the house of Joseph HOIT, at a small bridge in the road, thence westerly direction where the road now runs to said HOIT's barn, thence to pass the said barn and down a drain in a southerly direction from twelve to twenty rods, thence around the south side of the hill, between said HOIT's and George WORTHEN's ----?---- and best route to intersect the old road near said WORTHEN's house. [Transcribed by Connie Schumaker]
Meigs County Telegraph May 15, 1851
MARRIED On the 10th inst. by the J. F. GIVEN, Elmu (not sure of this spelling, it was hard to read, could be Elmer) MEYERS to Margaret HYATT both of Meigs Co. On the 13 instant, by Elder J.G. MITCHELL, William SINGERS to Louisa S. TARMER all of Sheffield. In Sheffield on the 18th instant, by H.H. RICE, Esq., Mr. L.D. MOORE to Miss Chritina ENGLAND ============================================ ROAD NOTICE -- A petition will be presented to the Commissioners of Meigs county, at their June session next, praying for a county road commencing at or near the residence of Lemuel POWELL, in Salisbury township: thence the nearest and best route to intersect the road leading from Rutland to Sheffield, at or near the tanner of W.H. GRANT. ============================================ NOTICE -- is hereby given, to Matilda PATTERSON, Jane, PATTERSON, and Samuel Grafton PATTERSON, minor children of Wm. PATTERSON, decease, residing in Linn county, Iowa, that James ROBB, administrator of Wm. PATTERON, late of said county of Linn, deceased, did, on the 5th day of May, 1851, file his petition in the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county, Ohio, praying for authority to execute a real contract which was made by said Wm. PATTERSON in his lifetime, with Samuel KIRKENDALL, for the sale and conveyance of eighty acres of land in the north east corner of Fraction number 1, in Town 3 and Range 13, in said county of Meigs. =========================================== By virtue of a writ of vend. ex. to be directed by the Court of Common Please of Meigs county, Ohio, I will offer for sale at the door of the courthouse in Pomeroy, on the first day of the next term of said Court, between the hours prescribed by law, the following realestate, to-wit: The westerly half of lot number one hundred and thirteen (113) in the town of Pomeroy. Levied on as the property of James MURPHY at the suit of Charles A. KIRBY for the use of Mattias M. SAUNDERS. ============================================ NOTICE -- A petition will be presented to the Commissioners of Meigs county at their June session next, praying for the vacation of that part of the county road that lies on the line of fractions 34 and 24, in Scipio township, that is between the lands of James H. HOPKINS and Thomas A. WELSH. [Transcribed by Connie Schumaker]
Meigs County Telegraph May 22, 1851
NOTICE -- A petition will be presented to the Trustees of Salisbury Township, Meigs County, on Thursday, the 26th day of June next, for a township road, leading from the dwelling house of Lawrence KLEIN, in Section 29, Town 2, Range 13, in said township to the county road passing through said section Lawrence KLEIN. May 22, 1851 ============================================ LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at Pomeroy, May, 15, 1851 Aughenbaugh, Andw Beck, John Buckley, Wm. A. Cook Andrew Cunningham, Terance Cottrell, Grandson Corley, Catherine Cook, Charles W. Church, Alvira D Dawney, Solomon Dorsf, Peter Evans, Thomas B Erinon, Timothy Erwin, Samuel Frech, John Fraley, William E. Fruit, Abraham Gilchrist, Wm. Gardner, Martellas Hart, Abigail F. Higley, Austin Hysell, Rawson Jones, J.W. Johnson, S.F. Kazey, Rudolph Killson, Harriet Krouse, Donna Maria Keys, James M. Larue, Ciarinda Lewis, Daniel Lewis, Samantha Lee, James Lee, John Lewis, John Lot, Amarilla M. Maupin, C. W. and Co. Me?s, Samuel Monahan, S.T. Mantz, Sarah Martin, H Mecum, John McCord, James Mitchell, Edward Moseback, Ferdinand Ombler, John Phunmer, Nelson Price, Charles G Petit, Enoch Peck, J. J. Pullins, Wm. Roush, Jepthah Roush, John Rothgep, Zachary Russell, John Ralph, Stephen Rose, Edward H. Stivers, James Strong, Silas Shanks, P.P. Surtees, Wm. Smith, Valentine Sherdan, Thomas Smith, Luther W. Spencer, Lydia Tenney, Lydia S. Terril, Hugh Thompson, Aaron Titus, Z.M. Thomas, Hugh Vincent, Uriah B. Williams, Wm. H. Watkins, E. Wilson, Wm Willis, Joseph Young, Mary E. JAMES RALSTOM, Post Master May 22, 1851 NOTICE is hereby given that there will be a petition presented to the Commissioners of Meigs County, at their next meeting, for an alteration of a certain part of the road leading from Grahams Station down towards Bowman's run; said alteration to commence at or near George WOLF'S house, east of Peter WOLF'S barn, thence down on the southwest side of Peter WOLF'S barn and house, on the rise of ground running down across Peter WOLF'S lot and Joseph WOLF'S lot, so as to cross the run opposite Joseph WOLF'S house, thence across John WOLF'S lot and Isaac RUNNELS' lot near the house now occupied by Thomas WILSOXEN, thence down on the rise close as practicable to the southwest side of Adam HARPOLD'S orchard, on the lot now occupied by Philip HARPOLD, thence to continue on the rise running down across said lot so as to intertsect the road now in use at or near a rise in the road a few rods east of the mouth of the lane on the line between Adam HARPOLD'S lot and Luther DONALSON'S SHERIFF SALE -- by virtue of a writ of (words unreadable here) to me directed by the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county, Ohio. I will offer for sale at the door of the Courthouse in Pomeroy, on the first day of the next term of the court of Common Pleas for said county. Between the hours prescribed by law, the following real estate, to wit: twenty feet by one hundred feet off of lot. No. 2 in the town of Pomeroy, with the appurtenances bounded as follows: beginning at the south easterly corner of a lot owned by ENGLEHARDS, thence westerly 100 feet along said Englehard line, thence 20 feet in a southerly direction, thence 100 feet parallel with the first mentioned line to Spring street, thence 20 feet to the place of beginning. The property of Erastus A. ROBINSON. At the suit of John M. STRIDER. Appraised at $260. ============================================ SHERIFF SALE -- By virtue of a pl, pl. vend. ex. to me directed by the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county, Ohio, I will offer for sale at the door of the courthouse in Pomeroy, on the first day of the next term of said Court, between the hours prescribed by law, the following real estate, to-wit; 120 acres of land, to the same more or less, being the north part of the west half of section one, town eight, range fifteen, Ohio Company's Purchase. Sold as the property of Samuel and Nathan PERKINS, at the suit of William LEDLIE for the use of Milton WALKER. Appraised at $700. ============================================ SALE BY ORDER OF COURT By virtue of an order of the Court of Common Pleas in the case of Charles F. THOMAS vs Thomas MCKOWN, to me directed, I will offer at public sale at the door of the court house in Pomeroy, on the 2nd day of June, 1851, between the hours prescribed by law, the following real estate, to wit: Lot number 180 in the town of Pomeroy. Appraised at $700. [Transcribed by Connie Schumaker]
Meigs County Telegraph June, 1851
TOWNSHIP ELECTIONS The following were elected in Salisbury Township at the election on the first instant. Justice of Peace - S.S. Paine Esq. Trustee - M. Heckard, Josiah Branch, David Jacobs Clerk - S.S. Paine Treasure - Andrew Donnally Assessor - Anson Ingels Constables - Thomas Radeford, Thomas W. Smith, David S Kenner Supervisor - J. Cartwright, Thomas Irvin, Geo. Weyermiller, Sardine Smith, Issac Vorhes, William Highland, Adonigiah Smith, Issac Behan, Stewart Galbraith, C.A. Paulk, John C. Hysell 2nd, Jas. Cahoon, Reuben Gilleland, D.R. Jacobs, Lemuel Powell, John Gorsuch, Ezekial Harper.
Meigs County Telegraph June 12, 1851
Married -- Thursday, June 12, 1851, by Rev. Jas F. Given Mr. William Short to Miss Jane Small of Middleport. On the same day by Elder Jas. G. Mitchell married Mr. Seth Paine, merchant of this place, to Miss Rowena Rathburn of Rutland. [Transcribed by Connie Schumaker]
Meigs County Telegraph June 19, 1851
DIED On Wednesday of the 4th of June Bessie Mead CREIGHTON, age 11 months 16 days, youngest daughter of Charles R. and Elizabeth R. of Pomeroy. MARRIED On Monday last, by Rev. Isaiah HOUCK, Mr. Robert BEATLEY to Miss Mary Jane MCKAIN both of Pomeroy. On the same day by Elder HEATH, Mr. John WOLF of Graham Station to Miss Sarah JOHNSON of Pomeroy. DROWNED on Tuesday last, a little boy about 8 years old, son of Mr. David LEWIS, near the mouth of Kerr's run while playing about the waters edge was drawn into the current of the river and drowned before assistance could reach him. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Meigs County Telegraph July 3, 1851
MARRIED On the 22nd day of June 1851 by S.S. Paine Mr. Josiah Pratt of Pomeroy to Miss Samara Warner, Sutton township. [Transcribed by Connie Schumaker]
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