These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
Meigs County Telegraph January 17, 1854
List of Letters Remaining in the Post-Office at Pomeroy, Ohio, January 1, 1854. Brockman, Fred Barnes, James Bigley, Wm. Blackburn, Morgan Boyd, James Blazen, George Ballard, R. Besk, John Clark, Eben Canode, George Cook, Britian Crandall, Lyman A. 2 Chase, John Dawson, R. 2 Dickey, Wm. Depew, H. Donden, Joseph Evans, John J. Fisher, Jacob Feeney, John L. 2 Granheimer, John Golden, Wm. Gillmore, Elizabeth J. Gardner, Lydia A. 2 Hutton, Elijah Hinckle, Lewis Hills, C.T. Hutchinson, Thomas Heilman, Coonrad Harper, Greeley D. Hutchinson, James Hughey, Elizabeth Jenkenson, J. Jenkins, Margaret Kimes, Washington Lorimer, Wm. Lyons, James Lewis, Samuel Myers, Silas Morghead, Franklin Morow, Elihu Michael, James McPoutt, John McCoy, J.D. 2 Neub, Sophia Poots, John Puttins, Wm. Powell, Charles Price, W.G. 2 Parkins, Samuel Randolph, Joseph Ruffren, Donally & Co. 3 Singer, Donegul Shepherd & Co. Sheen, Daniel Williams, Wm. H. Winn, Thomas Wilson, M.B. 2 Waite, John C. Woodward, J.D. White, Algernon GEORGE LEE, P.M. Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley
Meigs County Telegraph January 17, 1854
List of Letters Remaining in the Post-Office at Middleport, O. Jan. 2, 1854 Arnold, Melinda Miss Bical, R. Mr. Bailey, Robert Barker, John Bridges, John Carol, Henry F Davis, Daniel 2 Fielding, Mrs. Grogan, D.A. Grant, James F. Humphries, Virginia Miss Hartin, George Hill, Elijah Higly, Eliza J. Hare, Zassum Jenkins, Henry C. John, David Leach, Wm. Marshall, Thomas McCrookz, J.D.M. McBride, John Murray, Sarah A. Martin, Mary R. Norman, Ana Phillips, Thomas Robinson, Charles E. Russel, Edwin Runnion, Samuel Skiles, Samuel Stoirt, John Spencer, Samuel Saul, Edward Esq. Thomas, Thomas Wier, John Wirt, Lovina Miss Young, Addison D. PANGBURN, P.M. Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley
Meigs County Telegraph February 14, 1854
DIED In Letart township, on the 7th inst. Mrs. Francis KINGREE, aged 66 years. Died, in Chester, Meigs county, Ohio, Feb. 2, Mrs. Laura H. BESTOW, wife of Hon. John C. Bestow. Mrs. B. was a native of Sharon, Litchfield county, Connecticut; was born Feb. 23d, 1802; was married to Mr. Bestow February 7th, 1841. Their connection has been pleasant, mutually enjoying the full confidence of each other, and the society of friends and neighbors. She was suddenly and unexpectedly called away. She will be much missed, and lamented in the House of God, and by acquaintances, and in the domestic circle; but by none so keenly as by him, whose house is now the third time left desolate. Mrs. B. united with the Presbyterian Church, in Chester, previous to her marriage, and has ever since maintained an honorable membership. Her end was peace. Death seemed to have no terror to her. Christ was precious to her, as she witnessed when dying. "Write, Blessed are they, who are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb." Rev. xix, ix. COM. Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley
Meigs County Telegraph February 21, 1854
List of Letters Remaining in the Post-Office at Pomeroy, Ohio, February 15th, 1854. Barleton, Jane Bruch, Phillip Camel, Samuel Crandall, L.A. 2 Cooper, Wm. H. Cariens, John Comstock, H.& J. Campbell, Geo. Clark, Thomas Connolly, Francis Cawthorn, Geo. Crofferd, Joannah Collier, Wesley Depew, J.C. Dain, Nelson Dowd, H.L. Deming, James H. Dawson, R. Dennen, Michael Dowden, Joseph N. Evans, David J. Fish, Diadama Fleming, J.P. Fletcher, Melinda Gipsan, Robert Gaund, Mary Gannamer, John Gilchrist, Wm. Hirsch, Rev. Holy, Geo. C. Hughes, John Hooper, Isaac Hoit, H.C. Hine, Peter Hart, Aaron Harris, Davis Howel, David Jones, Hannah Johnson, Harriet Jones, John S. Jenkins, Joseph Johnson, Sylvester Lewellyn, Watkins J. Lewis, David Lewis, Daniel McGawan, John McRee, Samuel McCamon, John McCummen, John Martin, Wm. Marsh, Daniel Mainlamp, John H. Mitchell, James Nesmith, James Paine, Bartholomew Price, James Pyle, Shavets Pankey, Jas. A. Parker, James A. Rice, J.H. Ryan, Martha Reese, Jenkins Rhanor, Geo. W. Roach, Jacob Smith, Thomas Shwaryweller, Sebastian Short, James Smith, James 2 Smith, Solomon Shotts, Valentine Smith, Adam Shill, Margaret Sugget, George Shepherd, Messrs & Co. Stimson & Parker Smith, J.H. Steel, Hugh C. Stivers, Diadania Thomas, Ebenezer Thomas, Benjamin Tande, Julius Thomas, Thomas Wilson, Dr. W. Werang, Henry Woodward, Sophronia 2 Williams, Ebenezer 2 Wardle, Thomas GEO. LEE, P.M. Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley
Meigs County Telegraph February 28, 1854
List of Letters Remaining in the Post-office at Middleport, Ohio, February 24, 1854 Allison, H. Bowen, John Campbell, Geo. W. Conner, J. Samantha Dawson, Thomas Grame, Joseph Evans, Benjamin Fitch, N. Hutton, John Halsey, Barkley Jones, Aurilla A. Jones, Elijah Jones, Francis Jones, Francis P. Kenedy, Hugh Lynn, Andrew McElhenny, H.H. Morgan, John G. Morgan, Wm. L. McThomas Moss, Franklin McIntosh, Charles Nelson, Andrew Powell, Wm. Phelps, Harlow Rathburn, Sophia H. Sargent, Thomas D. 4 Samuel, David Sherwood, John W. Sisson, Nathan P. Sayles, Peny Veener, Cornelius D. PANGBURN, P.M. Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley
Meigs County Telegraph March 21, 1854
New Advertisements - Messrs. Whitmore, Wolff, & Co., Pittsburgh, offer inducements to dealers in hardware which cannot fail to secure their earnest attention. Geo. P. Smith, & Co., Pittsburgh, open this spring early, and with an excellent stock. This firm is well known in this community, and universally popular, so far as we have any knowledge. If it were not, it is destined soon to be; as we are informed that one of our native Meigs County boys, Martin Hecox, is now connected with the establishment, as salesman and collector. Few young men have ever possessed a larger share of public confidence in this region; and although his temporary absence may be regretted, his numerous friends will doubtless be pleased to know that his business will frequently lead him to visit his old home. ---- Rev. E. W. Sehon - This distinguished and eloquent divine, spent a few days with his relatives near this place last week, on his way South. He informed us that as Missionary Secretary of the M. E. Church South, he recently visited Nebraska, the beauties of which territory he described in glowing terms. Dissolution - Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between H. H. & W. M. Swallow; was this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued, hereafter by H. H. Swallow; at the old stand, and either party is equally authorized to settle the business of the firm. Letart Falls, March 17, 1854 Transcribed by: Marcia Snyder
Meigs County Telegraph March 28, 1854
Court of Common Pleas - The spring term of this court commenced in Pomeroy on Wednesday, the 22d inst - Judge Nash presiding. A number of distinguished lawyers from adjoining counties were present. The Grand Jury found the following indictments: 2 for burglary; 2 for passing counterfeit money; 1 for assault with attempt to murder. The trial of State of Ohio vs John McCameron for passing counterfeit money resulted in his conviction, and he was sentenced to three years imprisonment in the penitentiary. This is the same lad mentioned some weeks since, who gave his name as Kimball. State of Ohio vs John Brown, for assault with attempt to murder resulted in his conviction. An application for a new trial was made, and granted by Judge Nash, and the bonds placed at $500, in default of which he was again remanded to jail. Several important civil cases were disposed of, among which were two divorce cases. ---- Book Store - The Subscriber has just opened a book and stationary store at No. 93, Front Street, where a general assortment of books may be found at publishers' prices. Also, in connection with the same, a large assortment of wall, curtain, cap, letter, note and wrapping paper, blank books, and other articles usually found in such stores. W. H. Remington ---- Dr. Davis & Roberts, Practitioners of Medicine & Surgery, office and residence, Front St., Middleport, O, attendance at all hours, day and night. J. Davis, M.D. and E. P. Roberts, M.D. Transcribed by: Marcia Snyder
Meigs County Telegraph April 4, 1854
New Firm. Moore & Osborn, dealers in dry goods, groceries, hardware, notions and straw goods. Front St., two doors above Court, Pomeroy, Ohio - S. A. M. Moore & H. L. Osborn Transcribed by: Marcia Snyder
Meigs County Telegraph April 11, 1854
List of letters remaining in the Post office at Pomeroy, Ohio, April 1st 1854 Ashworth, Francis Allison, Electa Ackley, P Adams, Sarah B Austin, JB Barrett, Thomas Bryson, James A Blackburn, Ephraim Chadwick, Susan A Curtis, Nicholas Comstock, William Cranger, Lizzie Cummings, James Cutshall, Matilda Deener, John Davis, Daniel Dickey, William Deemer, Fr. D Davis, Evan Davis, Thomas J 2 Dawson, R 2 Davis, David S 2 Davis, Evan D Edwards, Permelia A Evans, Wm J Elchinger, John Elhots, B Fleming, J P Fenny, Elizabeth Griffiths, Edmond Gibbs, Margaret James, John Gandee, Wm A Harper, Temple Heland, R Howells, Thomas H Hoyt, Lorenzo D Higley, Austin Hoit, Asel Harris, James Jawot, Samuel Jolly, John Johnson, Hermando Jacobs, J Johnson, Thurmand James, Wm Karron, Sarah Ann Koss, Absalom Knoppk, Phillip Lewis, David R Lyons, Elizabeth Long, Morris Madison, James Mitchell, Mr Martin, Thomas Morris, Andrew 3 Monahan, James Miller, Delia Ann Mitchell, Edward McGuire, Capt Meredith, Jerry Mitchell, Capt J McVeigh, Mr Newell, F E Nellylin, Jacob Plummer, Harriet Partlow, Morgan Parker, James A Paymyre, George 2 Price, W G Quinn, J H Rogers, James Ross, Moses Roberts, Arthur Russell, Anthony Richart, Lindvig Richardson, Lucinda Shmitt, Valentine Suratt, Wiley Steine, Samuel Seifert, Z Zacharia Smith, Thomas Jr Sigler, Barbary Smith, Wm G Townsend ,Sarah Thomas, William Thomas, Elizabeth Theiss, George Thornton, Robt Varicann, Timothy Vining, Charles H Vincent, Uriah B Weaver, Mary A Williams, Evan Whittaker, B Wilhelm, Phillipp Williams, T W Williams, John Wiger, Anthony Geo. Lee, P.M. List of letters remaining in the Post office at Middleport, Ohio, April 1st, 1854 Brown, John Elias, John Graham, Hugh Grant, Clarisa Hopkins, Reynolds & Co Jones, John McIntosh, Wm McGraw, Thomas Myers, Thomas Morgan, Wm L Pankey, James A Stevens, L Ellen Sanders, Edward Sharp, Andrew Woodward ,Catharine Transcribed by: Marcia Snyder
Meigs County Telegraph April 11, 1854
School Examiners - For the information of those interested, we mention the fact, that T. A. Plants, Esq, and Mr. Jas. M. Evans, have both resigned the office of School Examiners of Meigs county, and that the vacancies have been filled by the Probate Court, by the appointment of Rev. R. Wilkinson and Mr. George Grow. The Board now consists of Mr. Dooley, Mr. Wilkinson, and Mr. Grow. ---- Dissolution - Notice is hereby given, that the co-partnership heretofore existing between P. M. Petrel & Son was this day dissolved by expiration. The business will be continued hereafter by P. M. Petrel Sen. And his son Joseph J. Petrel, at the old stand, and either party is equally authorized to settle the business of the firm. P. M. Petrel, Sen. & Jeremiah J. Petrel. Racine, April 1, 1854 ---- Notice - Is hereby given, that on the 22d day of April, 1854, I will apply to the Mayor of the town of Pomeroy, for license to keep a tavern in said town at the stand heretofore occupied by Moses H. Morse. Moses A. Webster ---- Notice in Partition - Sally Gomer, Laura Buffington Gomer, Edward Gomer, Melissa Gomer, will take notice that a petition was filed against them on the 25th day of March, A.D. 1854, in the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county, by John Miller and Melissa Miller his wife, late Melissa Gomer, and is now pending, wherein the said John Miller and Melissa Miller his wife, demand partition of the following real estate, situate in said county of Meigs, to wit: all that certain lot of land known as, and being section number six in town number seven, of range number fifteen, in the Ohio Company's purchase, except one hundred acres owned by Jacob Musser, and sixty five acres owned by John Miller in the sw part of said section, containing four hundred and seventy five acres more or less; and that at the next term of said Court application will be made by the said John Miller and Melissa Miller his wife, for an order that partition may be made of said premises. Arthur Merrill, Att'y for Petitioners Transcribed by: Marcia Snyder
Meigs County Telegraph April 18, 1854
Mr. Editor - In the last number of newspaper printed in Pomeroy, called the Peoples Fountain, I notice a lengthy communication over the signature of J. V. SMITH, attacking my private and professional character. Having no desire to disgrace myself by resorting to the same poisonous and unlawful weapons in self-defense, I hereby give public notice that I shall seek redress before a legal tribunal. J. S. EARHART. April 15, 1854 ---- By the request of my numerous friends, I append the following letter, presented to me on my leaving my native town for the Southern States, in the fall of 1850: Athens, Athens Co, Ohio. Jacob S. EARHART Esq., Att'y. and Counsellor at Law Dear Sir: Having been informed that you intend soon to remove from Ohio for the purpose of practicing the Law in one of the Southern States, where you are a stranger, we, the undersigned, take pleasure in permitting you to refer to us in such way and manner as will, either in a professional card or otherwise, tend to satisfy the public that we consider you a gentleman of unimpeachable character, and of unblemished professional integrity. And we, in all kindness extend to you the parting hand of friendship. Wm GOLDEN, E G CARPENTER, E H MOORE, W H BARTLETT, R E CONSTABLE, J D JOHNSON, B P HEWITT, G H CAARPENTER, J M DANA, W P JOHNSON, J L CURRIER, Isaac TAYLOR, Horace WILSON, Wm M BOLLES, A BROWN, Isaac BARKER, R A FULTON, N ROOT, L L SMITH, John WELCH, C C COVEY, John E HANNA, H S BUNDY. ---- Married - On the 13th of April, by the Rev. C H WARREN; Mr. Washington KIMES to Miss Nancy J FERGUSON, all of Chester Township, Meigs County, Ohio. On the 11th of April, by the Rev. C H WARREN, Mr Nathan PARR and Minerva MCCADE, all of Letart Township, Meigs Co., Ohio. Transcribed by: Marcia Snyder
Meigs County Telegraph April 25, 1854
Money Stolen - Look Out - For some time past a band of miserable creatures (two men, two women, and a child we believe.) calling themselves Gypsies, have been prowling about this place, going from house to house, begging clothing, money, food and whatever else they could get, and profession to tell the destiny of all persons sapient enough to pay them a dollar therefor. They had with them two wagons we believe, and during their sojourn in this vicinity camped out in the grove near Moses ARNOLD's, a short distance west of town. By some means they contrived to learn the fact that Mr. ARNOLD had in his possession quite a handsome sum of money, and the day the scoundrels sloped from our midst they stole from Mr. A. four hundred and five dollars. The money was not missed until two days after the Gypsies had removed, but circumstances connected with the affair preclude the possibility of a doubt as to their guilt. When last heard from these scamps were at Gallipolis, but up to this time they have succeed in eluding the officers in pursuit of them. We advise the public to keep all such trash off their premises. - Athens Mess. ---- Fast traveling - Friend MYRICK, of Sheffield, has just returned from a western trip, bringing us some late Chicago and Rock Island papers. He says he left Chicago, Ill., last Monday morning at 6 o'clock, and reached Cincinnati at 9 o'clock, P.M., same day, making the trip in 15 hours. Ten years ago, the trip could not have been made in 15 days. He says there were some reports of cholera at Keokuk before he left. The wheat crops looked well along the whole route. ---- Annual Meeting - of the Meigs county Medical Association. The Annual Meeting of the Meigs County Medical Association will be held at the Court house in Pomeroy, on Saturday, May 20, proximo. At 10 o'clock, A.M., a lecture will be delivered by W. N. HUDSON, M.D., on the subject of the "Entire Abandonment of Mercurials by the Medical Profession." The annual Address will be delivered by C. R. REED, M.D., at 2 o'clock, P.M. The public are invited to attend. C. F. THOMAS, M.D. ---- Sheriff's Sale - David BARBER vs. Abraham HINKLEY. In attachment - By virtue of an order of sale from the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Meigs, I will offer for sale at public vendue, at the door of the Court house in Pomeroy, on the 27th day of May, 1854, between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock, P.M., the following described real estate to wit: all the right, title, and interest of the said Abraham HINKLEY to the undivided fifth part of about fifty five acres, lying in the south part of section number nineteen, range twelve, town four, lot 640. Also, about five acres of land in the middle of the north part of section twenty four, town three, range twelve, lot number 640, be the same more or less, and for a more particular reference is had to deed of said premises made by John C. BESTOW to Abraham HINKLEY, deceased. Said premises sold subject to the widow's right of dower in said premises. Appraised at $60. ---- Sheriff's Sale - By virtue of an order of sale to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Meigs, State of Ohio, I will offer for sale, at the door of the court house, in Pomeroy, on the 27th day of May, A.D. 1854, between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock, P.M., the following described real estate to wit: forty acres of land off the west side of the nw quarter of section number six, town number two, of range number thirteen, in the Ohio Company's purchase, sold subject to the widow's right of dower in said premises. Sold by order of the Court on the petition of Francis F. SPENCER, against Lydia SPENCER and Wm PULLINS, et, al. Appraised at $120. ---- Valuable Mill Property for Sale - The subscriber desirous of removing from this section, offers for sale his valuable mill property, consisting of one grist mill, one saw mill, and three circular saws, situated two miles above Racine, on the Ohio river. Known as the Antiquity Mills. In connection with the above, he also offers for sale 28 acres of land, adjoining, (on which are six dwelling houses,) all under fence, 18 acres of which are cleared, orchard of 125 trees, grafted fruit. Persons desirous of purchasing, are invited to call and examine for themselves. Wm. HARPOLD. ---- Notice - At our instance, an attachment was this day issued by A. M. BARLOW, a Justice of the Peace of Salisbury township, Meigs county, against the property and effects of Hollis DOWNING and G. W. T. GRANT, non residents of said county, for the sum of thirty nine dollars and forty five cents. BAGALEY & SMITH, by S. BRADBURY, Agent Transcribed by: Marcia Snyder
Meigs County Telegraph May 2, 1854
Road Notice - A petition will be presented to the Commissioners of Meigs Co., at their June session next, asking an alteration of a road leading from Racine to Pomeroy. Beginning at the bridge across Bowman's Run, on the Chester road; thence the nearest and best way to intersect the old river road, on the line between Joseph F. BUFFINGTON's and Quartus BRIDGEMAN's. ---- Road Notice - a petition will be presented to the commissioners of Meigs county, at their June session, 1854, for an alteration of that part of the County road running along the bank of the Ohio river, between the ne corner of lot No. 165, owned by C. M. GALE, and a site selected for a school house between the Ohio river and Dewitt's run, on said county road. Said alteration to commence at the ne corner of said lot No. 165, and thence to run north, or nearly so, along the foot of the hill, to the Portland road; thence east along said road about thirty rods, to the gravel; thence north to Nicholas RICHARDSON's north line, thence west, along said line to the bluff near Louck's run; thence the most practicable route to J. ALLEN's; thence along the ridge to the said school house site. Transcribed by: Marcia Snyder
Meigs County Telegraph May 9, 1854
Francis SMITH We received a letter from our friend, Frank SMITH last week, containing some of the "needful". He is now in Placerville, California, and, we believe, doing well. As a specimen of California, he enclosed a copy of the "Miner's Ten Commandments," and a gold quarter of a dollar - the first one we have seen. He says: "I wish to have the Telegraph continued to my address; for it is always a welcome visitor to all the Meigs County boys in these diggings. It goes around among them all just as regularly as it is received." Transcribed by: Marcia Snyder
The People's Foundation July 7, 1854
Phonetic Works -- We keep constantly on hand all the Elementary works on Phonotopy (sic). Call at Hoy & Rundle's Depot, Front Street, Pomeroy. ________________________ Hot corn -- This thrilling stock can be found at the Depot of Hoy & Rundle. Price $1.25. Call and get one. ____________________________ Mark Hurdlestone - This work is beautifully bound, and makes a nice parlor ornament. That it is worthy of a perusal, needs no other evidence than the fact that it is written by Mrs. Moodie. Price $1.25. For sale at Hoy & Rundle's Depot. ______________________________ Dickens' Works - We have on hand and for sale all other best works of this popular author. Call at the Periodical Depot of Hoy & Rundle. _____________________________ Regular Pomeroy and Marietta Packet, Skipper Capt. A.D. Fisher, leaves Marietta every Monday and Thursday, Pomeroy every Tuesday and Friday, touching Racine, Ravenswood, Hockingers and Parkersburg. For freight or passage apply on-board. May 12, 1854. _________________________________ Recent Discovery A Gold Mine in Pomeroy! It is not what a man earns which makes him rich -- it is what he saves. A man who earns a thousand dollars a year, and spends eleven hundred, can never become a rich man, while the one who earns but $500, and spends but $300, stands a fair chance of becoming wealthy in time. Economy is the road to wealth. These are facts which nobody can dispute. In view of these facts Messrs. Eiselstein & Kennedy have purchased the store kept by A. Loubner, at the Cheap Corner, where they kept constant (words that can't be read) and for sale, a choice selection of dry goods, groceries, hardware, cutlery, queensware (sic), mats, caps and boots, shoes, etc. Every article of which was purchased with reference to the wants of this community the most reasonable terms, and all of which they will sell at the VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES! Those who wish to purchase a great deal for a small amount of money, and thus get rich by economizing, will find this trading at this store is better than digging gold in California. Believing that "a nimble sixpence is better than a slow shilling," they intend to act upon the principle of SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES." [The last sentence has been cut off from this article.] __________________________________ P. Root Wholesale and Retail dealer in Tin, Copper, & Sheet Iron Ware, Second Street, Middleport, O. (sic) Cooking and parlor stoves, shovels, hoes,& etc, kept on hand and sold low. Everything necessary for culinary purpose may be found here, at prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction. Call and examine before purchasing else where. Middleport, May 12, 1854. ____________________________________ D. HUMMER MERCHANT TAILOR & CLOTHIER RUTLAND STREET, MIDDLEPORT, O. (sic) Keeps constantly on hand, and manufactures to order, all kinds of clothing, in the latest and most fashionable styles. His stock is composed of the very best materials, and comprises a large variety of fashionable clothing. Middleport, May 12, 1854. ______________________________________ PROPERTY FOR SALE A valuable house and lot, situated in the central part of the village of Chester, is now offered for sale. The house is a large and convenient one, and is now used as a tavern. It has an excellent store room in one part of it, and is a valuable situation for either merchandizing or hotel keeping. Also, two lots, containing abut 6 1/2 acres of valuable land adjoining the village. The above will be sold together or separately, and on the most reasonable terms. For further particulars inquire of E.S. Branch, Middleport, or of the subscriber, living on the premises. Aurilla Branch Chester, May 17, 1854. ------------------------------------- [Transcribed by: Joyce Josselyn Grady] [Provided from microfiche copied by Marsha Snyder]
Meigs County Telegraph October 24, 1854
Dissolution of Partnership - The co-partnership of FITCH & WELSH has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be carried on at the oldstand by N M FITCH. N M FITCH, Edward WELSH. Mason City Transcribed by: Marcia Snyder
Meigs County Telegraph November 7, 1854
Bedford township--Last Week an election was held for Justice of the Peace. John MAYHUGH was the regular Democratic candidate; John ATKINSON, Robert RANKIN, and Israel YOUNG were Independent candidates. When the votes were counted out, however, it was ascertained that none of these men were elected. A Mr. Hugh YOUNG, who was not known as a candidate, had the highest number of votes, and was therefore declared elected. ---- New Enterprise - A prospectus has been laid on our table for a new paper to be called the Star of the Kanawha Valley, to be published at Buffalo, Putnam county, Va., by RUNDLE & MURRELL. John RUNDLE will be remembered as a former partner in the People's Fountain, and friend MURRELL as one of the former publishers of the West Columbia Messenger. They are both young men of energy and industry, and we wish them great success in their new undertaking. ---- Printer's Fees - Since our connection with the Telegraph, we have advertised a great many legal notices, such as administrator's Sales and notices, road Notices, Petitions in Chancery, for Partition, divorce, ect., Sheriff's Sales, Attachments, etc., etc. having had altogether too much confidence in the honesty of those with whom we were dealing, and very little time to look after our pay, we shall probably lose from one third to one half of the amount of these advertisements. We cannot tell how much our loss will be as yet, for we have made no great effort to look after our old fees. However, it has learned us one lesson which we shall not soon forget, i.e., never to advertise any more of these notices unless the cash accompanies the notice, or we are sure the amount can be collected without trouble. One instance of the manner in which we have been served is as follows: Over two years ago, we published an advertisement for Alfred LEE, administrator of E. WILLISON. About six months afterward we published another for the same individual, the two amounting to about $6. After the property was sold, and the money paid into the hands of LEE, in order to have the Sale confirmed, LEE came into our office, requesting our affidavit of the publication, telling us as soon as that was made he would pay us the amount due. We met him on the street afterward; and he told us he was just going to the bank to draw the money; and he would come back immediately to the office and settle. He went to the bank, and as soon as he drew the money left town, and shortly after left this part of the country. We afterwards understood that he left some money belonging to the estate in the hands of a Mr. DOWNING, of Downington. We wrote to Mr. D. six months ago, but never received an answer. Meeting him on the street the other day, we took occasion to tell him pretty plainly the circumstances; but we got no money. All the other fees, including lawyers fees, have been paid, but not one farthing for the printer. We merely mention this case as a sample. There are many others we might mention nearly if not quite as vexatious. Wm IHLE, advertised a petition for Divorce, and his petition was granted nearly a year ago. He has paid his lawyer, and all the other costs of suit except printer's fees. The scamp has never been near us. We know at least of twenty instances of like nature, where all the costs have been paid except printer's fees. Now, somebody is to blame in these matters - either the lawyer who attends to the case, and hands us the advertisement for publication, and never afterward inquires whether his client has paid for it, or else some of the officers of the court, who neglect to enter it, or cause it to be entered among the costs, or allows the case to be settled without these costs. As soon as we can find time we intend to examine into this matter carefully, and ascertain what can be done toward the collection of these fees; but hereafter, as we said before we shall be more careful. ---- Notice - Came to the subscriber, living near the village of Rutland, about the 1st of July last, a Red and White Cow; white face, and horns erect; about 7 years old. The owner will come and pay charges, and take her away. H. PLUMMER. ---- Notice - The Committee on Crops will meet on Saturday; the 2d day of December, 1854, at 10 o'clock, A.M., at the Court house in Pomeroy. The committee on Crops will be the Board of Directors elected at the last Fair, as follows. S C LARKING, Robert BRADFORD, Waldo K STRONG, Sardine GUTHRIE, and I M GILMORE. S. TITUS, Pres. ---- Road Notice - A petition will be presented to the commissioners of Meigs county at their next session, asking an alteration of a road leading from Harrisonville to Chester. Beginning at the mouth of the lane running up to Daniel WISE's barn; thence up the lane ten or fifteen rods; thence in a easterly direction to or south of a large poplar tree near Wm. Sander's east line; thence nearly east along the side hill so as to cross Sand run on the best ground to run north of Wm. Sanders' house, on a bench; thence easterly along the bench of the hill to or near a large walnut tree near Wm. Sanders' east line; thence near where the road now runs to or near Cornelius NORRIS east line; thence along the side hill so as to run north of Wm. DENY's house; thence on the best ground so as to intersect the road where it now runs west of John MAYHEW's. ---- Road Notice - There will be a petition presented to the Commissioners of Meigs county at their next session on the first Monday in December, A.D. 1854, praying for a county road, to be laid out as follows; beginning at John L HOFFMAN's house in Chester township, and running in a northeasterly direction along the old road and lane, until it intersects the line between John L. HOFFMAN and Silas A. BURNAP; thence east along said line to the west bank of the creek; thence up the creek to the line between Silas A. BURNAP and Jepha HECOX; thence north along said line to the creek; thence across the creek and up the east bank of the same, until it intersects the county road at the end of Jeptha HECOX's lane, and to vacate the road leading from John L. HOFFMAN's to Henry MASER's. ---- Notice - A petition will be presented to the Commissioners of Meigs county at their December session, 1854, for an alteration in the county road leading from Chester to Long Bottom. Said alteration to commence on the south line of 30 acre lot number 119 in Olive, where a corner of J. OSBORN's land stands on said line; thence west on said line to near the sw corner of said lot; thence crossing the new bridge below BRAILEY's mill, and in the nearest and best route crossing part of 100 acre lot, number 124, to intersect the old road on the rise. ---- Pomeroy Academy is now under the direction as an instructor, of Mr. Alpheus A. KEEN, who comes to the trustees from Massachusetts, highly recommended for his attainments and qualifications as a teacher. In that station he has had much experience as an instructor in their high schools. Transcribed by: Marcia Snyder
Meigs County Telegraph November 14, 1854
We see by the Athens Messenger, that Mr. James MURPHY, formerly of this place, but more recently of Scipio township, has purchased the grounds connected with the Eagle Hotel, recently destroyed by fire in Athens, and is going to rebuild the same immediately We had hoped Mr. MURPHY would move farther West. We have several specimens of his taste and skill as an architect remaining in Pomeroy. Some have been torn down, and the balance should be. We are glad Mr. M. did not determine to settle and build in Pomeroy again; although no town in Ohio is more in need of a good hotel. ---- Sheriff's Sale - By virtue of an order of sale, to me directed from the court of Common Pleas for Meigs County; I will offer for sale at public vendue, at the door of the court house in Pomeroy, on the 16th day of December next, between the hours of 12 o'clock, M., and 2 o'clock, P.M., the following real estate, to wit: One equal, undivided half of a certain house and lot of land situated in range twelve, town two, being a part of 100 acre lot number 280, beginning at the south corner at a dogwood stake; thence north with T. MYERS' line, to John WOLF's line; thence west with said line to the bank of the Ohio river; thence up the Ohio river to a dogwood stake; hence east to the place of beginning; containing one half acre, more or less. Sold as the property of Charles BLANK, to satisfy a judgment against him in favor of A A MASON & Co. Appraised at $500. Transcribed by: Marcia Snyder
Meigs County Telegraph December 12, 1854
Gallipolis Jour. There is a fine prospect of young SHEPARD recovering from the wound inflicted, some weeks since, by a pistol in the hands of another boy in this place. Under the care of Drs. LIVESAY and MORGAN, there is but little doubt now entertained but that he will recover. The ball entered the top of the right lobe of the brain, and lodged somewhere in the back part of the head. ---- Local Items: Masonic officers chosen for the ensuing year: M. BOSWORTH, W.M., S.A.M. MOORE, S.W., W.W. HURLEY, J.W., D. REED, Treas'r, Robert B. WILSON, Sec'y, Chas. F. THOMAS, S.D., Josiah DUNBAR, J.D., Randall STIVERS, Tyler. ---- Small Pox Insanity - We learn that one or two cases of small pox have occurred in Coalport and Middleport. One patient, an engineer on the steamer Empire, after he had partially recovered from the small pox, in a fit of insanity, jumped into the Ohio river, and attempted to swim across. He was carried down stream until he laid hold of some drift wood or snag in the middle of the river, from which he was taken by the Point Pleasant ferryman. His fingers were frozen, but we understand he was not otherwise injured much. ---- Destructive Fire - We regret to learn that on Sunday morning, about 4 o'clock, the large store room of Mr. GUTHRIE, in Cheshire, Gallia county, was discovered to be on fire, and before the flames could be extinguished, the building, together with all its contents, was entirely consumed. Books, accounts, notes, goods and every thing else in the building was destroyed. A large quantity of wheat was also consumed. It is supposed to be the work of an incendiary. Mr. GUTHRIE's loss will be very heavy. We have not learned the amount of loss or insurance. ---- The store of Mr. BIGGS, in west Columbia, as we learn from the Telescope, was entered recently by burglars, and goods to the amount of $150 stolen. ---- The Eagle hotel, at Hockingport, owned by Mrs. SPENCER, was destroyed by fire recently. Loss $800. ---- Runaways - Fourteen slaves, belonging to W S STERRETT and Mr. LEWIS, near Point Pleasant, ran away recently, on the underground railroad. They have not been recovered yet, and probably never will be. ---- Death of a Soldier - John STARKE, who served in the Mexican war, and ever since has been a township charge, died in Gallipolis township last week. ---- Sheriff's Sale - By virtue of an order of sale to me directed from the court of Common Pleas, for Meigs county, Ohio, I will offer for sale at public vendue, at the door of the Court house in Pomeroy, on the 30th day of December next, between the hours of 12 o'clock, M., and 2 o'clock, P.M., the following described real estate, to wit: One hundred acres of land, situated in the east side of the se quarter of section number 36, town number 6, range number 14, except forty acres off the se quarter of the se quarter. Appraised at $570. Also, one other piece of land, beginning at the sw corner of the east half of fraction number 12, town number 9, range number 15; thence north to the corner of Mill Lot; thence west to a stake; thence a ne course to a stone on the bank of the creek; thence a se course to a hickory stake; thence a se course to a black gum; thence south to the fraction line; thence west to the place of beginning; supposed to contain twenty five acres more or less. Sold as the property of Andrew L. STANSBURY, to satisfy a judgment against him, in favor of Elias P. DAVIS, Appraised at $125. ---- Sheriff's Sale - By virtue of two executions to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas for Meigs County, Ohio, I will offer for sale at public vendue, at the door of the Court house in Pomeroy, on the 30th day of December next, between the hours of 12 o'clock, M., and 4 o'clock, P.M., the following real estate, to wit: Lots No. 137, 138, and 139, in Pomeroy, Ohio, with the dwelling house thereon. Levied upon as the property of Rice H. BARTLETT, to satisfy two judgments against him - one in favor of HALL & PRATHER, and one in favor of Henry WESTERMAN. Appraised at $1400. ---- A List of Land and Town Lots returned Delinquent by the Treasurer of Meigs County in January, 1854, on which are charged the taxes of 1853, with a penalty of thirty per cent, on such taxes, also, the taxes of 1854. Bedford: ALLEN, John N CULLEN, Israel CUMMINGS, Wm Official Directory Representative in Congress, 11th dist. Gen. Thomas RITCHIE, of Perry county State Senator, Lewis ANDERSON, of Lawrence county. Representative, R. CAMPBELL, Racine. Court and County Officers: Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Hon. Simeon NASH, Gallipolis. Judge of Probate Court, M. HECKARD. Clerk of Common Pleas court, M. BOSWORTH, protem. Sheriff, W. SHERWOOD. Prosecuting Attorney, Jacob S. EARHART. County Auditor, S. HALLIDAY. County treasurer, Joel HASKINS, pro tem. County recorder, S S PAINE. Court Surveyor, John C COLDEN. County Coroner, D. PANGBURN. County Commissioners, David R. JACOBS, Salisbury; Milo GUTHRIE, Orange; Thos. SMITH, Sutton. County Common school Examiners, Rev. R. WILKINSON, George B. GROW, --- ---. Township Officers Salisbury. Trustees J J MILES, Robert HYSELL, Elijah JONES. Clerk Hosmer BRANCH. Treasurer O. BRANCH. Justices of the Peace S S PAINE, A M BARLOW, Elijah JONES. Constables Randal STIVERS, J W MATTHEWS, Thos. RADFORD. Corporation Officers Pomeroy. Mayor Aaron MURDOCK. Recorder S HALLIDAY. Trustees V B HORTON, O BRANCH, H G DANIEL, N R NYE, J B MILES. Treasurer S S PAINE. Marshal Randal STIVERS. Postmasters. Pomeroy Geo. LEE. Middleport D. PANGBURN. Racine P M PETREL. Letartsville Geo. L PIPER. Chester Wm. MITCHELL. Churches: Presbyterian Rev. R WILKINSON. Methodist Episcopal Rev. S C FRAMPTON Protestant Episcopal no services at present. New Jerusalem no services at present. German Methodist Rev. J PFETZING. German Lutheran Rev. P HEID. German Evangelical Presbyerian Rev. L THEISS. German Presbyterian Rev.-- --. Roman Catholic Rev. John ALBRINCK. Welsh Baptist Peter LLOYD. Welsh Presbyterian John T. WILLIAMS. Societies: Masons: M BOSWORTH, W.M.; R. B. WILSON, Sec'y. hall in EDWARD's building on Front st. I.O.O.F. Wm. H. WHALEY, N.G.; R.H. BARTLETT, Sec'y hall in CRAWFORD's building. Mineral Lodge, No. 242 Albert McDANIEL, N.G.; Alfred THOMSON, Sec'y, in STIVERS' building, corner of Front and Court sts. Sons of Temperance welfare Division, No. 96 J.V. SMITH, W.P.; Wm. L. DOWNIE, R.S. hall in STIVERS' building Salisbury Division, No. 292 Hall in RICE's building, Middleport.-- --,W.P.; -- --R.S. Business Directory: Professional Lawyers: Thos. IRVIN & T. A. PLANTS Lawyers: William WALL & Jacob s. EARHART Physicians: Dr. J. Cullen RATHBURN in officer formerly occupied by Dr. Joseph RATHBURN. Physicians: Dr. A.S. PATRICK, Physician and Surgeon, Mason City. Boots and Shoes T. WHITESIDES Stoves, Tinware, &c W.J. PRALL, Pomeroy. Dry goods, Clothing, &c Washington STIVERS, Pomeroy. Cabinet Furniture A. GATCHEL, Pomeroy. Coppersmithing S. L. THRUSH, Pomeroy. Transcribed by: Marcia Snyder
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