These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, February 13, 1855
Attachment Notice Judge Samuel A. Paine issued an order of attachment against the goods, chattels, stocks, or interest in stocks, rights, credits, moneys and effects of Edwards Jones for $50.46. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, March 6, 1855
Serious accident On Thursday evening last, a Mrs. Tyrell, living on Karr's Run, was severely burned, and fears are entertained that she many not recover. While engaged in sewing, one of her children, playing with some fire-brands, accidentally set fire to her dress. After vainly endeavoring to extinguish the flames for some moments, she started to Karr's Run, but before she reached the water her clothes were entirely burned off. She was at last accounts lying in a very critical condition, not expected to survive. FIRES On Tuesday night last, the residence of Mr. Asel Bolten, in Rutland was entirely destroyed by fire. We have not been able to ascertain the origin of the fire, but we understand that nearly every thing in the house - even the clothing of the family was destroyed. The loss will fall heavily upon Mr. Bolton, as we believe he is a poor man, and this property is about the sum of his earthly possessions. On Wednesday morning a fire broke out in the house of Mr. Anton Betz, which destroyed his dwelling and store, and a frame house belonging to Mr. V. B. Horton. The fire is supposed to have originated from a defect in a stove pipe. The fired burned so rapidly that Mr. Betz was unable to save anything valuable either from the house or store. About $300 in money, we understand was burned. His loss is estimated at $2000. Mr. Horton's loss is probably $500. DIED In Syracuse, Meigs county, on the 27, ult. Estella Washington, infant daughter of Wm. H. and Elizabeth Copper, age 11 months. [Abstracted] Sheriff's Sales [date listed is the date of the date] March 17, 1855 Section 15, town 9, range 15, 70 acres farm owned by Geo. Wood. Ordered sold in Court from case of Caleb Wood, Adm. for the estate of Wm. McDowell, deceased, against Geo. Wood and Joshua Wood. Appraised at $487.00. Henry H. Rice vs John Plummer, et all A petition was filed against John Plummer, Daniel Tuthill, Celestie D. Tuthill his wife in Ill. Henry Bestow and Joseph D. Bestow, of Meigs Co., Ohio Feb. 3, 1855 in Meigs Co. O. by Henry Rice asking for partition of real estate in Rutland, north half of the southwest quarter of section 8, town 6, range 14 of the Ohio Company's purchase and two small sections in section 8, town 6 and range 14, containing 13 acres. Major W. Collins vs John D. Morgan and Mary W. his wife. Major Collins files a petition again John D. and Mary W. Morgan for judgment on three several promissory notes executed by John D. Morgan. Notes were dated 1852. Two of the notes are for $100 each with interest of 7%, one due Dec. 1853, one due Dec. 1854, and the other is for $?5. Notes were for mortgage on lot #40 in Chester. Suit asked the court to sell land to pay debt. ROAD NOTICE Asking for a new road, names included with property next to the new road were Quartus Bridgman, Wm. Crook, I. Carlton, Matthew McBride and Daniel D'Wolfe ROAD NOTICE Asking for new road, John L. Hoffman, Chester Twp.; Silas A. Burnap, Jeptha Hecox, and Henry Massers with property next to the requested road. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, March 13, 1855
Valuable Mill Property for Sale The subscriber desirous of removing from this section, offers for sale his valuable mill property, consisting of one grist mill, one saw mill, and three circular saws, situated two miles above Racine, on the Ohio river. Known as the Antiquity Mills. In connection with the above, he also offers for sale 28 acres of land, adjoining, (on which are six dwelling houses,) all under fence, 18 acres of which are cleared, orchard of 125 trees, grafted fruit. Persons desirous of purchasing, are invited to call and examine for themselves. Wm. Harpold MARRIED On the 4th inst. by Rev. R. Wilkinson, John W. Thompson to Margaret Ann Whetstone, all of this place. On the 4th inst., by L. W. Munsell; Mr. Sylvester Tiffany, of Iowa. To Miss Esther Campbell, of Orange, Meigs county. O. Probate Court, Meigs County Final settlement of Accounts Notice is hereby given that the accounts of the following persons have been filed for settlement. Peter Hysell, Adm'r of Henry Stone, deceased. John Humphrey, Adm'r of Henry Stone, dec'd. and the said accounts will be heard and settled on the 6th day April, 1855; unless otherwise disposed of. Arthur Merrill, Probate Judge March 12, 1855. PUBLIC SALE OF LAND [abstracted] On March 24, 1855 will sell 320 acres in Bedford Twp., Meigs Co. Range 13, Twp. 3, east half of section 19 owned by Robert Caldwell, deceased. Property has coal under the land and sale includes privilege of getting the same. Sheriff's Sale [abstracted] On March 17, 1855 will sell southwest part of #6, section 15 township 9 in range 15, 70 acres, farm of George Wood. Ordered sold by Court in the case of Caleb Wood administrator of estate of William McDowell deceased against Geo. Wood and Joshua Wood. Sheriff's Sale [abstracted] On March 31, 1855 will sell land owned by John A. Smith order sold to satisfy a judgment against him. Persons owning land adjoining that of John A. Smith listed were Bail Dains, Bail Burns. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, March 20, 1855
New Post Office - A new post-office has been established recently at Oliver Centre, Meigs County, O., and O. L. S, Packard appointed Postmaster. MARRIED In Rutland, on the evening of March 18, 1855, by Rev. E. Rathburn, Mr. Alfred Bing to Miss Lydia Gardner. NOTICE IN ATTACHMENT [abstracted] An order of attachment was issued by S. S. Paine, Justice of Peace of Meigs Co., Ohio against the property and effects of Daniel Shaw. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, April 10, 1855
MARRIED On the 29th of March, by Rev. C. H. Warren, Mr. John C. Sprague and Edith Hudson, all of Meigs Count, O. On Sunday evening, April 8th, by Rev. R. Wilkinson, Mr. George Martin, to Miss Harriet Gaskill, all of this vicinity. Court Cases [abstracted] Waterman Palmer Plaintiff vs Charles E. Donnally, William Hopkins and Adrianna A. Hopkins his wife et all Petition to sell mortgaged premises Filed April 5, 1855 by Palmer in Court of Common Pease of Meigs Co to obtain judgment on notes executed by Andrew Donnally on October 25, 1844 and who is now deceased for the sum of $660 and $437.07. Petition asks for the sale of lot numbers 15 &16 in Sheffield, Meigs Co., to pay note. Charles E. Donnelly was of Baltimore, Maryland and Hopkins and wife of Mason County, VA Jeremiah J. Petrel vs Robert Campbell, William V. Deputy and John T. Myers Filed March 6, 1855 John T. Myers of Rockingham Co. VA For partition of steam grist mill and saw mill plus land it stands on, engine, railway & etc. located in Racine Meigs Co., Ohio in relation to a deed of July 5, 1852 held by Robert Campbell Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, April 17, 1855
MARRIED On the 12th inst. by Rev. F. C. Frampton, Mr. George W. Chilton and Eliza Hazlewood NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed and qualified as administrator of the estate of Preston Lowell late of Meigs county, deceased. All persons owing the said estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims against the same will please present them as require by law. Selim Day April 17,n14w3 Court Case [abstracted] Samuel Halliday, Plaintiff vs Samuel Bradbury and Algernon B. Donnally administrator of Andrew Donnally deceased et all filed a petition to foreclose mortgage on Lot # 1 in Sheffield, Meigs County, OH. Filed April 14, 1855 Road Notice [abstracted] Petition was filed with county commissioners of Meigs county for a new road starting at the township line between Salem and Rutland on north side of county road leading from Giles' old horse-mill in Rutland to Giles' mill in Salem between the premises of Jacob Cook in Salem and William Anderson in Rutland and to intersect state road between Harrisonville and Charles Giles' old mill in Salem. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, April 24, 1855
The Board of Directors of the Meigs County Agricultural Society met at the Court-house in Pomeroy on Saturday, April 14th, and, among other things, selected and leased County Fair Grounds. The spot chosen is on the farm of James Radford, one mile and a half from Pomeroy. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, May 1, 1855
Melancholy Suicide On Wednesday evening last (April 24th), a farmer named Joshua F. Johnson, who has been for some time past in the employ of Mr. Bazil Riggs, of Great Bend, Meigs county, committed suicide, by drowning himself in the Ohio river, at the mouth of Old Town creek. Mr. Riggs, (from whom we obtained our information) states that Johnson had appeared to be in great trouble about some lawsuits in Maryland, in which he was interested - that he visited Maryland a few months since on business - that since his return he had exhibited signs of mental derangement; but that he continued to work steadily and faithfully, and on the day previous to his drowning he plowed two acres of ground. After the family had retired to rest, he rose from his bed, walked directly to the river, with no other clothing than his drawers and undershirt, and drowned himself. His tracks were distinctly seen next morning. The body has not yet been recovered, although search has been made. His pocket-book (which he left in his bedroom) contained about $90 in money) The deceased was about forty-five years of age, and formerly resided at Hagerstown, Maryland, where his family, consisting of three children, still reside. Any further information respecting him can be obtained by addressing Mr. Riggs. Hagerstown papers please notice. MARRIED On the 29th ult., by the Rev. C. H. Warren, Mr. Wm. B. Skervin of Marietta, to Mrs. Minerva M. Self, of Racine, Meigs Co., Ohio On the 29th April, by the Rev. C. H. Warren, Mr. Michael Roush, of Letart Falls, to Miss Sarah Wolf, of Racine, Meigs Co., Ohio On the 28th ult., by Rev. S. C. Frampton, Mr. Jacob S. Hook, to Miss Mary Ann Barch On the 21st ult., by Rev. R. Wilkinson, Mr. Robert Campbell, to Miss Jessie Gillspie On the 29th ult., Mr. William Kallern, to Miss Ellen Bartlett At the same time[sic] also, and by the same, Mr. James Karrick, to Miss Mary Bartlett. All the above of this place. NOTICE Is hereby given that the subscriber has been appointed and qualified as administrator on the estate of Jacob Stansbury, late of Meigs county, deceased. Wm. Stansbury Rutland, April 23, 1855. NOTICE Is Hereby given that the undersigned have been duly appointed and qualified as administrators of the estate of Thomas Saul, late of Meigs county, deceased. Rich'd Woolaham, Charlotte Jane Saul. Pomeroy, April 28th, 1854 [that is the correct date, 1854, as it appears in the newspaper] SHERIFF'S SALES [abstracted] May 30, 1855 [date of sale] 89 acres property in Township #6. Range #14 fraction #34 of Joseph Boice to satisfy costs in a suit of John Doe, ex dem. of Bazilla M. Brown May 31, 1855 [date of sale] Lot #40 in Chester, Meigs Co. property of John D. Morgan and Mary W. Morgan his wife to satisfy judgment against them in favor of Major W. Collins SALE OF LOTS [abstracted] Wm. H. Langley, executor of the will of Sam'l Maxon's, deceased, is going to offer for sale May 5, 1855 lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, the west have of lot 13, 14 and sub-division of lot 32 in Pomeroy. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, May 8, 1855
ANOTHER SAD ACCIDENT Another sad accident occurred in our town on Monday last. A boy by the name of Owen Jones, son of Wm. L. Jones of this place, while working in the coal bank immediately back of the Rolling Mill, was instantly killed by the falling in of a quantity of slate. The boy was about 17 years old, and was of industrious and temperate habits. LOST, ON OR BEFORE THE NIGHT OF THE 27TH OF April last, a bay mare, 3 years old, from 13 to 14 hands high, with a white star in the forehead; long mane, heavy built, long bushy tail, and white colored hair above one of the hind hoofs. Any person acquainted with the above will please address Wm. Jones, Thurman, P.O. Raccoon Township, Gallia Co., O., and will be redeemed of his expenditure. William Jones Pomeroy, May 8, 1855w3 MARRIED AT Hebardsville, Athens County, on Tuesday morning, May 1st, by Rev. S. C. Frampton, Mr. Alfred Thomson, editor of Meigs County Telegraph, Pomeroy O., to Miss Louisa Ann Earhart, of Hebardsville. On Longbottom, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. S. W. Munsell, Mr. Andrew Fuller, of Vienna, VA., to Miss Eliza J. Gidd, of Meigs. On the 3d of May, by Thomas Fogg, Esq., Mr. Robert H. Brewster, to Miss Margaret Williams. All of Salem, Meigs county Ohio. NOTICE Is hereby given that the subscriber has been appointed and qualified as administratrix on the estate of Geo. W. Bell, late of Meigs County, deceased. Dated at Racine, this the 4th day of May, 1855. Mary Ann Bell SHERIFF'S SALES [abstracted] On June 8, 1855 the west half of the northwest quarter of section #35, Township #7, Range #14, 80 acres property of James A. Williams will be sold to satisfy a judgment in favor of Israel Griffith. Appraised at $1280 D. Hummer & Co. Vs Leander Hysell, defendant D. Hummer & Co. had filed a summons and order of attachment against Leander Hysell by A. M. Barlow, a Justice of the Peace, in Salisbury Twp. for the sum of thirty-four dollars and eighty-seven cents and will go to trial June 2, 1855. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, May 15, 1855
ACCIDENT - A young lad named Philip Rider, had both his legs broken in Tracy's coal bank one day last week. Particulars not known. DROWNED - A man named George P. Kendall was drowned on Monday of last week by falling from the Railway at Peacock Landing - opposite Sugar Run Salt Works - while engaged in loading a coal boat. His body was recovered on the same day. FOUND - The body of Joshua F. Johnson, who committed suicide by drowning himself in the Ohio near Old Town, was found on Monday of last week, opposite S. Harpold, in Letart township. MARRIED - By the Rev. C. H. Warren, on the 6th of May Mr. Wm. C. Corbett, of Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio to Hannah Jane Morse, only daughter of Moses Morse, of Meigs....... [rest of article missing] NOTICE - On the 7th day of May, A. D. 1955, the undersigned was appointed and duly qualified by the Probate Court of Meigs co. as administrator of the estate of Joshua F. Johnson, deceased. All persons indebted to said [the rest of this articles is missing] ELIZABETH COMSTOCK vs James M. Smith - civil action, -- The said James M. Smith will take notice that Elizabeth Comstock has filed a petition against him in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, of the county of Meigs, in the State of Ohio, and which is now pending therein, stating that she demands of the Court, judgment against said James M. Smith for the sum of four thousand dollars, with interest from the 15th day of February A.D. 1853, and the said plaintiff assigns as cause for demanding said judgment against said Smith, that said defendant agreed to marry said plaintiff within three months, next, after the said 15th day of February; and the said defendant has wholly disregarded his said marriage contract and still refuses to perform the same, and the said James M. Smith is further notified, that at the instance of the said Elizabeth Comstock, and order of attachment has been issued in said case and levied on the goods and chattels of the said defendant, in said county, and duly returned, that unless said petition be answered by the said James M. Smith on or before the 9th day of July next, that at the term of said Court, thence next ensuing judgment will be taken against him as demanded in said petition at said term of the Court. N. SIMPSON, Atty for Plaintiff May 15 - w6 Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, June 19, 1855
NOTICE - Is Hereby given that the subscriber has been appointed and qualified as Executor of the estate of Mark Hanings, late of Meigs county, deceased. June 19, 1855 John C. Golden MARRIED - By the Rev. C. H. Warren, June 10th, Mr. Granville H. Ralston; of Williamsport, Va., to Miss Mary A. Sarber, of Racine, O. At Lancaster, O; on Wednesday, 6th inst; by Rev. John M. Lowrie, T. S. Slaughter, Esq., late editor of the Lancaster Gazette and Miss Louise McAboy, daughter of the Rev. James McAboy. On the 14th inst., by John Hugg, Esq., Mr. Geo. Nelson, to Miss Mary Ann Fleek, all of Salem, O. NOTICE - Notice is hereby given that the subscriber has been appointed administrator of the estate of Levi Sayre, late of Meigs county, deceased. Those indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate settlement, and all having claims against said estate will present them within one year from date, for payment. Adam Harpold Letart, May 30th, 1855 - n21w6 [The following are all abstracts, not complete transcriptions] SHERIFF'S SALE On June 30 in Pageville property of Preston Lowell deceased will be sold subject to the dower of the widow. Appraised for $400.00 On July 14, 1855 the property of Benjamin Stivers will be sold to satisfy a judgement against him in favor of William J. Prall. Appraised at $620.00. The following names were listed in the description of the property as their land adjoined the land of Benjamin Stivers: S. S. Branch, Joseph Poalers, estate Isaac Taylor, Abner Lord, Samuel Branch, and Abner Stout. David R. Jacobs vs Thomas D. Sargent -- petition filed June 17th, 1855 against Thomas D. Sargent for a debt of $772.64 owed to David R. Jacobs, C. Downing, M. W. Collins, Luther Taylor and Watkins & Smith. ATTACHMENT NOTICE Attachment was issued May 18, 1855, against goods, chattels, stock, credits, moneys, effects & etc. of Samuel S. Webster, a non resident debtor. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, July 17, 1855
MARRIED on the morning of the 4th inst. at the residence of Mr. John Cheney, near Gallipolis, Ohio, by Rev. Wm. N. Cubbage, Mr. Wm Randolph Murrell, (Junior Edit - of the "Star of the Kanawha Valley") and Miss Emmie Johnson, of Gallipolis. On the 12th day of July, by S. C. Frampton, John L. Charles of Point Pleasant, VA and Margaret M. Ware, of Pomeroy. On the 7th of July by S. C. Frampton, Geo. E. Fleek, and Lucy N. Slagill, all of Pomeroy. [The following is an abstraction of the article] C. Brooks, Son & Co. vs Elihu H. Stedman, defendant of the state Iowa A petition against Elihu H. Stedman was filed by C. Brooks Son, & Co. of Baltimore Maryland in the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs Co., Ohio. The object of the petition is to obtain judgment on a note given by Elihu Stedman to C. Brooks Son & Co. dated January 12, 1854, due one day after date for the sum of $371.68 with interest from the 13th of June 1854. Petition is asking for sale of premises to pay note. Lot #1 in Middleport with a store and warehouse situated on it. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, August 7, 1855
DEATH OF J. J. Miles - This community has lost one of its brightest jewels, in the death of Bro. J. J. Miles, which occurred on the 27th ult. We shall endeavor to prepare a proper obituary notice for our next paper. SUDDEN DEATH - LEVERETT S. CROFOOT An esteemed citizen of Pomeroy, died very suddenly on board the steamer Wenona, a short distance above Gallipolis, on Friday last. He was returning home from a visit to his brother in Detroit, was taken suddenly ill on Friday morning, and died in a few hours. His disease was supposed to be cholera. He has been a resident of Pomeroy for several years; was a worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and also of Welfare Division No. 96, S. of T., and Mineral Lodge, No. 242, I.O.O.F. We shall probably have something more to say on the subject next week. DROWNED - A little boy named Keyser, about seven years of age was drowned in the Ohio river near the Rolling Mill on Saturday while bathing. The body was recovered on Monday near Eight Mile Island. MARRIED -- On the evening of the 31st ult., by the Rev. R. Wilkinson, Mr. W. P. Rathburn, of the firm of Daniel & Rathburn, Bakers, to Miss Kate W. Daniel, daughter of H. G. Daniel, Esq., all of this place. FARM FOR SALE -- On Tuesday, the fourth day of September next, between the hours of 12 A.M. and 2 P. M. at the door of the Court-house, in Pomeroy, will be sold to the highest bidder, the following real estate, as the property of John Nelson, Jr., deceased. Situated in Columbia township, Meigs county, Ohio, viz: The south half of the south-east quarter of Section No. 8; Town 9, Range 15. Subject to the Widow's dower in eight acres, in the northwest corner of the said eighty acre lot. Also, 20 acres in Section, No.7; Town, 9; being premises purchased by said Nelson, of Samuel White. Subject to the Widow's dower. [Abstracted] Oliver Grant, Trustee of Royal C. Grant for the use of the survivors of Dunbar, Brooks & Dunning filed a petition in Meigs County Court of Common Pleas against Justus Depew, Margaret Depew, John C. Depew, Achsah Depew. Justus Depew and Margaret Depew are non-residents of Ohio. This petition claims that the defendants are indebted to him for $1250.92 with interest from Oct. 25, 1852. Oliver Grant wants Lot #240 in Pomeroy sold to pay debt. The following names were listed has having property next to Lot # 240; John M. Strider, R. C. Grants and Milton Cooley. [Abstracted] Brooks, Tibbat, and Fulton of Balitmore, MD filed a petition against Elihu H. Stedman July 28, 1855 in Meigs County Common Pleas to sell land in Meigs Co., Ohio owned by Elihu H. Stedman of Iowa to cover money owed them for a note dated Oct. 27, 1853 for the amount of $246.12 plus interest, Lot No. 27 in Coalport, Meigs county, Ohio. Announcement The name of T. A. Welsh is announced as the most suitable candidate for Representative for this District. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker NOTICE - Those who subscribed to the Meigs County Agricultural Society, for the purpose of fencing and improving the grounds for holding the Fairs are requested to pay their subscriptions to O. J. Ranch, Treasurer of the Society. And all friends of of Agricultural improvement who have contributed, are solicited to pay O. Branch Treas. such amount as they think proper, as the society is short of funds to complete the improvements. Geo. McQuigg, Sec'y S. Titus, President August 7, 1856 Transcribed by Joyce Grady
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, August 14, 1855
ROBBERIES - On Tuesday evening of last week the residence of Lyman Payne, Esq., of this place was entered and money to the amount of eighteen dollars taken. Mr. Editor - You will please insert the name of John C. Bestow, 2nd, as a suitable candidate for the office of Sheriff, to be supported at the October election, subject to the decision of the Republican Convention MARRIED - On the 7th inst., by Rev. John H. Jones, Mr. August Schoeppel to Miss Sophie Schwahner, all of Pomeroy. On the 5th inst., by Rev. S. C. Frampton, Mr. Henry Carson to Miss Phebe Crawford, all of Pomeroy. On the 2nd inst., by E. H. Rice, Esq., Mr. Boadnot White, of the Sate of Iowa, to Miss Lydia Ann Giles, daughter of Joseph Giles of Rutland. DIED On Friday morning, July 27th, at 5 1/2 o'clock, at his residence in Pomeroy, of Liver Complaint, after a protracted illness, Mr. J. J. Miles, in the forty-eighth year of his age. Mr. Miles was born in Rutland township, Meigs county, Ohio October 19, 1807. His parents - John and Chloe Miles were among the first settlers in the western portion of this county, having removed here in 1801. April 2, 1841, Mr. Miles was joined in matrimony with Miss Sarah C. Larkin, of Rutland township, whose parents were also among the earliest pioneers to this county. Soon after their marriage, they removed to Gallia county, where they remained until 1847, after which they removed to the Sate of Arkansas. After about one year's residence in Arkansas, they located in Pomeroy, where Mr. Miles spent the remainder of his days. [This obituary continues with praises of Mr. Miles character and manner followed by] The deceased was an active member of Welfare Division No. 96, S. & T., and Deputy G. W. P. for Meigs County. He was also a member of Mineral Lodge No. 242, I.O.O.F., and a past officer of that order. Among his brother Odd Fellows his moral worth was well known and highly appreciated. For five or six years past his feeble health prevented his constant attendance at the meetings of the Division and Lodge, but his heart was in the work of ameliorating the condition of mankind by disseminating the principles of Temperance and brotherly love, and nothing but illness prevented his active participation in the labors of his brethren. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, August 21, 1855
RAPE AND RIOT - Our town was thrown into a fever of excitement last week, by the arrest and trial of seven young men, on a charge of assault with intent to commit a rape. We listened to the evidence of the prosecution, but did not hear the arguments of the counsel. It appeared in evidence that Harlow Jones, and ten other young men went to the house of Peter Barringer on the night of the 8th of August, and after obtaining admittance, under false pretences proceeded in a very riotous and abusive manner toward the inmates. One young girl it was alleged was taken out of the house and her person outraged. Some of the family escaped to a neighboring house and a young man named Stanley, who was sleeping in the house, having procured some weapon, finally succeeded in driving the rioters away. Seven young men were arrested, and after a full investigation before Esq. Paine, six were recognized in the sum of $600 each, for their appearance at Court, and one was discharged, there not being sufficient evidence to implicate him with the others. Verily, we are rapidly becoming a city -- at least, as far a crime is concerned. HARRISON COHEN vs John S. Morgan - In attachment -- at my instance an order of attachment was issued on the 20th day of July last, by s. s. Paine, a Justice of the Peace, in Salisbury township, Meigs county, Ohio, against the goods, chattels, moneys, effect 7c of the said John S. Morgan. Said order was issued for the sum of $117,15, my demand, and Probate costs $7.00 - the same was returned executed, and the cause continued for trial till the 10th day of September next, at 10 o'clock A.M. Harrison Cohen August 14th, 1855 - n30w3 LEVERETT vs. CROFOOT'S ESTATE -- Notice is hereby given that the subscribers have been appointed and qualified to administer on the estate of Leverett S. Crofoot, late of Meigs county, deceased. Dated at Pomeroy, the 8th day of August, 1855 Harriet L. Crofoot, James Fish. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at Pomeroy, Meigs County Ohio, August 15, 1855 Asbury William Ashford Mary Adams Hester A. Arron Wm Esq Brown Henry Brown Elizabeth Buck Christian Bumgarner Valentine Burgess John Cerben Joseph Craig Wm Craig Robert Carel Samuel Cerbon Joseph H. Cawey George Cotter Matthias Davis Isaac Dawson R Davis John Dougherty James Davis Daniel Davis Evan Evans Thomas Evans Thomas T Evans John T Evans Cecilia Edminston R Fitchpatirck Mrs Gow Gurves Guthre Cuyan Gunthner Theodore Gehan Henry Garner John G Gray Henrietta Hawells Thomas Howell Harriet Hughs D M Hubble Jessey Heal Mary Hardey John Justice Augustius Johns David Jones Wm Owen Irvin Thomas Inwood William Kupper Hassper Lawrence Thomas Lagers Peter Longstaff John Lake Andrew McMillen John A. Mackeracking Margaret McGuire Maddy Charles N. McLanin John VcVay Homer McCulloch John Morgan James Mackname M Mulford John Morgan William Miles Thomas McDonald Geo H Nicholson John Palham Joseph Partlaw Catherine Porker William Quigly Patrick Rice Kate Roberts Fredrick Rossen Peter Stevens Wm Smith D. Hanning Steinhawer W. Thompson Aaron Jun Thomas P. Thomas Thompson Mariah Wilson Henry H. Walker Samuel Whitey John Wolf John Williams Thos D Ward Columbus A Walker George Wees John J Ward John G Yoking Henry Young Elizabeth Zeiner Heinrich Zigler John LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at Middleport, O., Aug. 17th Allison & Jamison Bond Wm Baman John Baily John Bunknell Geo. Curby Wm. Calvert David M Corbin Benj Donnelly & Co. Egleson, John Embleton, Robert Eldredge Thomas Griffiths Edward Gerry O H Holland A K Hepburn Henry Hays Martin John T Lewellin Post George Peck Catharine Parker Julia Quinn Wm. E Racsliff James Robison Wilson Smallcomb Richard Simpson Henry Thomas P. Thomas Turner John Thompson Margaret Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, August 28, 1855
BROKE JAIL -- Ashford Mankin, who has been confined in our county jail for several months, charged with breaking into the meathouse of Mr. Titus in Rutland township, made his escape on Thursday night last, by removing a portion of the stone wall of the jail, which feat is supposed to have been accomplished, by pieces of a broken chair found in his cell. J. B. Hampton & Co., successors to L. S. Crofoot, deceased; advertised their new firm last week. From a personal acquaintance with all concerned we take pleasure in recommending them to public favor. W. Stivers, this week calls attention to his stock of Clothing and Dry Goods. Mr. Stivers is well and favorably known in this county, it is only necessary to call attention to his advertisement. You will find by calling upon him that he has not only not exaggerated but is even better than his word. ANNOUNCEMENT [Abstracted] G. W. Coopers name has been announced as candidate for Representative for Meigs County. Malcolm Lowry has added his name as candidate for Prosecuting Attorney for Meigs County. Doctor J. C. Rathburn of Rutland Township has asked his name be considered for candidate for Representative of Meigs County. Mr. W. C. Hays of Scipio Township has been added for candidate Sheriff of Meigs Co. ATTACHMENT NOTICE [abstracted] An attachments was issued August 8, 1855 by John H. Parker a Justice of the Peace in Orange township Meigs Co., Ohio against the goods, chattels, rights, credits, moneys and effect of Gardner Stebbins, a non-resident for the amount of $9.86 cents plus probable amount of costs $15.00. NOTICE is hereby given that the subscriber has been appointed and qualified as Administrator on the estate of Zebulon Rodgers, late of the county of Meigs, Deceased. John McKensie [Abstracted] Melzar Nye filed a petition to sell the mortgaged premises in Meigs County Ohio of Thomas D. Sargent who resides in Washington, DC to cover two notes, one for the sum of $3,125, with interest from August 1, 1854 and the other for $416.66 and two-thirds cents, dated August 2, 1854. Property is 100 acres lots, lots # 324 and 325 in Section 35, town 1, range 13 of Ohio Company's purchase. Also 100 acre lot #236 in same township and range, 100 acres of lot #314 in sections 18, 34, & 35 in same township and range, part of section #25 in same township and range, 100 acre lot #320 in sections No. 34 and 35, town 1, range 13 and 100 acres lot #326 in section 35. [Abstracted] On August 23, 1855 John McKensie Administrator of Zebulon Rodgers, deceased filed a petition against Henry Rodgers, Ruel Rodgers, Richard Rodgers of New York. Francis Smith and Hannah Smith, his wife, and Samuel Rodgers, heirs and legal representatives, of Zebulon Rodgers to sell real estate of Zebulon Rodgers to pay his debts, 9 acres in Section 3, town 3, range 12 part of southwest quarter of section 3 where he resided at the time of his death. Also 3/4 of an acre in same town, range, section southwest quarter. JOSEPH J. MILE'S ESTATE - Notice is hereby given that the subscribers have been appointed and qualified Executors of the estate of Joseph J. Miles, late of Meigs county., S. C. Larkin, W. Stivers Dated at Pomeroy, this 15th day of Aug. 1855. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, September 4, 1855
Mr. Condee and son, from Harrisonville, while in town yesterday, met with quite an accident. The horse attached to their buggy commenced kicking, when near the courthouse. The young man, who was alone in the buggy at the time, jumped out as the horse started to run, and was thrown down, by his feet becoming entangled in the lines. He was not hurt. The horse ran up Front street, coming in contact with posts, wagons, & c, breaking the buggy to pieces. Mr. T.O. Crawford is erecting a large wareroom in the rear of his store. He has just returned from the east with new goods. Messrs. W. H. Remington and S. B. Halliday have entered into a co-partnership in selling Dry Goods, &c., and also in Books, and Stationery, &c. They have made quite an improvement in the appearance of things, and are now receiving a large supply of new goods and new books. DIED - On Tuesday morning, August 21st, after a short but severe illness, Mrs. Mary McMaster, wife of John McMaster of Rutland township, aged 43 years; leaving a husband, son and daughter and a large circle of friends to mourn her loss. The deceased was born near the city of Philadelphia, from whence, with her parents - Mr. and Mrs. James McCarmick - - she emigrated and settled near the mouth of Kerr's Run above Pomeroy, where she became acquainted with her [article is cut off here and begins again] happily during a period of twenty-one years. Her death leaves her husband most disconsolate, a family most forlorn. MARRIED - On the 28th of August, in Marietta, by the Rev. Mr. Martindale, Mr. John M. Harwood, of Middleport to Miss Margaret A. Richards of Marietta. On the 19th inst. by Rev. E. Sibley, Mr. Fredrick P. Bryan, to Miss Mary Jane Smith all of Middleport. NOTICE - The subscriber has been appointed and qualified as administrator of the estate of Thomas Fosrer, late of Meigs county, dec,d Thos. Radford Admn'r Dated at Pomeroy, August 22d, 1855 NOTICE Is herby given, that my wife, Nancy Van Cleve has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation. All persons are hereby warned against trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts contracted by her after this date. Daniel Van Cleve, Lebanon. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, September 11, 1855
THANKS -- To our highly esteemed Salem friend, Morris Longstreth, for a basket of No. 1 peaches. They proved palatable, after walking about in the hot sunshine last Saturday. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, September 18, 1855
REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET Alfred Thomson - Representative Joseph V. Smith - Sheriff William Ledlie - Commissioner Nathan Simpson - Prosecuting Attorney Major W. Collins - Coroner Marcus Bosworth, Horace Holt & John C. Bestow - Infirmary Directors COUNTERFEITING -- We understand that Rueben Cooper and Mr. Tillinghurst were arrested in Racine last Saturday, for making counterfeit money. Other arrests will probably be made soon. Particulars next week. [Abstracted] George Stansbury, Andrew L. Stansbury, Thoas. Flaherfy, James E. Stansbury, Nathan McComas and his wife Margaretha McComas had a petition filed against them Sept 12, 1855 in the Court of Common Pleas for Meigs Co., OH by Ann J. Stansbury, guardian of William Stansbury a John S. Stansbury minor heirs of Jacob Stansbury, deceased, and Alfred Gardener and his wife, Ann J. Gardner heirs at law of Jacob Stansbury deceased. They are asking for partition of real estate in Meigs Co., Ohio in Columbia twp. The east half of fraction #262, lot 12 township 9 range 15 in section 9 and 10, 13. [Abstracted] Hiram Maguire filed for divorce from Cenith Maguire Sept 12, 1855 in Meigs Col., Ohio. Cause, Cenith has been willful absence for three years. [Abstracted] Lucy Horey filed for divorce from James Horey on Sept 12, 1855 in Meigs Co., Ohio. Cause, James has been willfully absence for three years. THE STATE OF OHIO, MEIGS CO. SS Probate Court. Final Settlement of Accounts Notice is hereby given that the accounts of the following persons have been filed for settlement: James Hugg, Administrator of George Syphard, deceased. J.W. Jones, Guardian of Semantha Carr Daniel Mauck, Guardian of Barbara A. Sigler Benjamin Stivers, Administrator of John Stivers, deceased. Peter Leonard, Administrator of John Clouse, deceased. Alfred Lee, Administrator of Elias Willison, deceased. And the said accounts will be heard and settled on the 13th day of October, 1855, unless otherwise disposed of Arthur Merrill, Probate Judge. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, September 25, 1855
Messrs Murdock & Nye have recently improved Coalridge Flouring Mill very greatly, by substituting in lieu of their old engines, a pair of new ones, of Pomeroy manufacture, which, for neatness of finish, accurate running, and economy of fuel and labor, are decidedly superior to any thing we have seen in this region. Mr. Webster, proprietor of the United States Hotel, has recently enlarged and greatly improved his house. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, October 9, 1855
NOTICE - - The Subscriber has been appointed and qualified Administrator of the estate of Jacob Bush, dec'd. Wm. H. Bush, Admn'r MARRIED - - on the 8th inst., by Rev. S. C. Framton, Mr. Cornelius Bickford to Miss Elizabeth Rarden, of Washington County. On the 30 ult. By S. S. Paine, Esq., Mr. Wm. McBride, to Miss Emily Starcher, all of Meigs county, O. On the 2d inst., by the same, Mr. Lanson B. Cook to Miss Elizabeth Grow, all of Meigs County. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
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