These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, January 1, 1856
FATAL ACCIDENT On the afternoon, of 24th, two gentlemen, John Meeks and _______ Parsons went into the coal bank on the place on which Mr. Meek's father resided, about two miles from town, for the purpose of digging a small quantity of coal. Sometime during their stay in the bank a quantity of slate fell from the roof, killing Mr. Meeks instantly, and dislocating the shoulder of Mr. Parsons. Mr. M. was a young man about 24 years of age, respected and beloved by all who knew him; was a member of the M. E. Church. He leaves a young wife to deplore his loss. We would just say to the friends of Mr. Parsons that he is in fair way of recovery. West Columbia Telescope. NOTICE [abstracted] Rachel Kent was appointed administratrix for the estate of Smith Kent, deceased, Salem Twp. MARRIED On the 29 ult., by Rev. R. Wilkinson, Mr. J. Percival Sedan of Cincinnati, and Miss Mary Frances Kallam, of this place. On the 9th ult., by E. Jones, Esq., Mr. Leaner R. Hysell and Miss Isabella Cook. Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker.
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, January 8, 1856
List of letters Remaining in the Post Office at Middleport, Ohio, Man. 1st, 1853 Bracewell, Sarah J. Burnett, Joseph Cots, Mrs. Dargue, Thomas Davis, I Henry Fisher, Wm. Grover, Elijah Haden, William Kennedy, Margaret A. Lewis, Wm. A. Lowrey, Oscar B. Mi?chan, Esqr Morris, Robert, care of Wm. Bradbury Morton, Lyman Guinn, Wm. E. Robinson, James Robertson, William Vaugh, William Williams, John Jas D. Pangburn, P.M. DIED on the 25th ult., near Syracuse, Meigs County, Miss Lydia Bridgeman, in the 59th year of her age. The deceased was a daughter of Quartus and Hannah Bridgeman, and was born in Jericho, (now Bainbridge, N.Y.) She was an exemplary member of the M.E. Churh for about twenty-six years. In all the relations of society, she was universally respected. Her last illness was brief. She attended Church, in her usual health, the evening previous to her death. Early the next morning she experienced a paralytic stroke, and died in about twelve hours. MARRIED On the 1st inst., by Rev. S. C. Frampton, Mr. Oliver Hoffman and Miss Dolley Ann Halsey, all of Meigs county, Ohio. Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker.
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, January 15, 1856
NOTICE IN PARTITION [abstracted] Jacob Jordan, Amanda Jordan, Isaac Sharp, Thomas Bobo, Benson Bobo, Venicent Bobo, Mary Bobo, Joseph Bobo, William M. Daily, William Daily and Julia A. Daily had a petition filed against them Jan. 10, 1856 by Nimrod Daily demanding partition of 60 acres in section 12, township 9 range 15 Meigs Co., Ohio NOTICE [abstracted] Petition filed for a change in a road called "back road" that goes from Racine to Chester was filed. Names listed with property next to road Lucas Cross, S. Jones, Mr. Shott's and Mr. Brice. NOTICE [abstracted] William Hobart was appointed an administrator Dec. 3, 1855 for Jacob Halsey deceased. Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker.
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, January 22, 1856
NOTICE [abstracted] Property belonging to Hesther Longstreth, David Longstreth and Harrison Longstreth, each owning an undivided eighth part. Located in Salem Twp. Meigs Co., Ohio range 15, section 5 Lot. 7 surveyed by Aaron Stivers. Full description of land can be found in the deed of record in the recorder's made by T. Montague to John Longstreth for 88 acres. And lot 6, 100 acres, full description also in the deed of record at the recorder's office given by Jacob Cook to the heirs of John Longstreth. Mary Longstreth, guardian of Hesther, David, and Harrison Longstreth by N. Simpson, Attorney. Benjamin F. Dike vs John Hewett et. Al [abstracted] Benjamin F. Dikes on Sept 27, 1855 filed suit in the office of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas of Meigs Co., Ohio against John Hewett, defendant, suit is now pending for the recovery of a judgment against Hewett for $500 plus interest from Mar 4, 1855 and for the sale of 128-160 acres of land in Pageville in the center of Mill street and located next to land formerly owned by L. S. Townsend. SHERIFF'S SALE [abstracted] Feb. 28, 1856 land in fraction #5, section #10 township #8 range #15 will be sold. N. Markham and Washington Folden's land is located adjoining the 106 acres to be sold and is the property of Andrew Folden et. al. by a suit of Robert Folden valued $659. SHERIFF'S SALE [abstracted] Feb 28, 1856 Town lot # 285 in Pomeroy Meigs Co., and property of William McIntosh et. al., will be sold by suit of John Welch, valued at $1,000. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, February 4, 1856
NOTICE [abstracted] The copartnership of A. P. T. Watkins and J. M. Smith was dissolved by mutual consent. Books and accounts left in the hands of A. P. T. Watkins. [abstracted] Daniel H. Parson plaintiff vs. Henry F. Miller defendant. Judge John C. Bestow, Justice of Peace, Chester, Meigs Co., Ohio Jan. 31, 1856 ordered attachment against Henry F. Miller for $25. MARRIED On the 3d inst., by H. H. Rice, Esq., Mr. Silas Strong, of Salem, to Miss Augusta Merrill, daughter of Captain R. Merrill, of Rutland. Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker.
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, February 12, 1856
SHERIFF'S SALE [abstracted] March 20, 1856 real estate of Sidney Halsey, et al by suit of George Williams and Alonzo Williams, valued at $200, in section 23, town 4, and range 11, 100 acres will be sold. [abstracted] Probate Court, Meigs Co. Final Settlement of Accounts Notice is hereby given, that the accounts of the following person have been file for settlement: John R. Ellis and John R. Philson, executors of Thomas A. Pennel, deceased Caleb Comstock, Guardian of Calvin Comstock Randall Stivers, Administrator of Phillip Ioschum, deceased Robt. B. Wilson, Admn'r of Henry Wilson, deceased J. W. Jones, Guardian of Semantha Bradford. The accounts will be heard and settled on February 28, 1856 Arthur Merrill, Probate Judge Pomeroy, Feb. 4, 1856 BILL TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE [abstracted] MARTHA DEATZ vs Mary Ann Orr, widow and heirs of Isaac Orr in Meigs Common Pleas. Feb 2, 1856 a bill was filed to foreclose on the mortgage of Isaac Orr, deceased for $100 for land in Rutland west half of Lot #17. Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker.
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, February 19, 1856
MARRIED On the evening of Feb. 8, by Thomas P. Fogg, Esq., Mr. George S. McCumber, of Prattsville, to Miss Annie Eliza Henry, of Salem. On Tuesday, Feb. 12th, by the Rev. E.M. Boring, Rev. Benj. F. McElfresh, of the Ohio Annual Conference, to Mrs. Amanda K. Hill, widow of the late Rev. Mr. Hill, of the above Conference, and daughter of Benj. Knight, Chester, Meigs county, Ohio. DIED In Middleport, on the morning of the 15th instant, Dr. Joseph Rathburn, age 32 years. Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker.
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, April 29, 1856
NOTICE Whereas my wife, Alvira, has left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation, whatsoever; this, therefore, is to forewarn all persons from trusting or harboring her on my account, as I am determined not to pay any debts of her contracting. April 29, 1856 John Oaty MARRIED On Thursday, 17th inst., by H. Clarke, Mr. David H. Lasley, of Meigs county, O., to Miss Elizabeth Edwards, of Cabell county, Va. NOTICE [abstracted] A petition will be presented to the Meigs Co. Commissioners on the first Monday of June asking for a road to be laid out starting at the road south and in front of John Wilson's house in section 12 of Rutland twp. going south and a little east through the farm of Samuel Lyons in same section then continuing southeast through the farms of A. McKee and T. Stevenson in section 5 of Rutland twp. and then in to section 4 and through the farms of W. Joab and Thomas Crosbie and to intersect with the road leading from New Lima past John Woodard's at the south line of Thomas Crosbie's land. PROBATE COURT [abstracted] Final Settlements of Accounts The following accounts were filed for settlement to be heard and settled May 27, 1856 William Ledie, guardian of James L. Sansbury, Wm. Sansbury and Sarah Jane Sansbury, D. D. Mather, guardian of Harriet A. Dinsmore J.W. Jones, guardian of Samantha Bradford Peter Leonard, Administrator of John Clouse, deceased NOTICE [abstracted] John Foble and Lucy Foble his wife and Franciana Crawford of Hamilton, Henry C. Rodgers and Mary F. Rodgers, his wife, John S. Crawford of Lawrence county, OH all heirs at law of John Crawford, late of Washington county, deceased; will take notice that I have filed with the Probate court of Meigs Co., Ohio a petition asking the court to authorize me Administrator of the deceased and to perfect a written contract dated May 1, 1852 for the conveyance to T.A. Plants part of lot #103 in Pomeroy, Meigs county, OH. Lot #103 was conveyed to John Crawford by M. Bosworth by a deed dated June 13, 1849. The court set May 21, 1856 as the day for the hearing of this petition. Wm. H. Crawford, Administrator of John Crawford, deceased ISAAC W. SIMPSON Is hereby notified that Emeline B. Simpson did on the 7th day of April, A.D. 1856, file her petition in the office of the Clerk of Common Pleas, within and for the county of Meigs, and State of Ohio, charging the said Isaac W. Simpson with gross neglect of duty, and habitual drunkenness for more than three years; and asking that she may be divorced from the said Isaac W. Simpson, which petition will stand for hearing at the next term of said Court dated this 7th day of April, A.D. 1856 Emeline Simpson by N. Simpson, her Attorney NOTICE [abstracted] Thomas Ashworth of Meigs Co. filed a petition on April 16, 1856 against Richard and Mary, his wife, Anderson of the state of Illinois, Eli Clark and James A. Williams, stating that Richard and Mary Anderson gave a mortgage to Thomas Ashworth for 65 acres of land in the south eastern part of the north west quarter of section #6, Township #2 Range #13 in Meigs. Thomas Ashworth is asking for payment of $210.00 plus interest from March 23, 1853 at ten percent. Or the land be sold to pay the mortgage and interest Thomas Ashworth, by Irvin & Plants his attorneys NOTICE [abstracted] A petition was filed against Joshua W. Parker of Illinois and Wm. Nash by Hiram G. Daniel and William P. Rathburn of Meigs Co., OH on April 16, 1856, stating they owe $12,704 with interest from Mary 17, 1854 on a promissory note writing by them using the name of Nash & Parker dated Dec. 10, 1853 for $400 and payable to the order of Simeon Nash in ninety day after the date. Also an attachment was filed April 16th, 1856 against the lands, tenements, goods, chattels, rights, moneys, credits, and effects of Joshua W. Parker in Meigs Co., Ohio. Irvin & Plants, atty's for plaintiffs NOTICE [abstracted] Joshua W. Parker of Illinois had a petition filed against him by Hiram G. Daniel & Wm. Rathburn of Meigs Co., Ohio on April 16, 1856. The petition is also against William Nash, Simeon Nash, and Samuel Halliday that they owe the plaintiffs the sum of $302 with interest from April 12, 1854. ATTACHMENT [abstracted] James Wright, plaintiff vs Andrew L. Sansbury, defendant. March 25, 1856 H. H. Rice, Justice of Peace, Rutland Twp., Meigs Co., OH issued an order of attachment for $21.77. James Wright, Rutland SHERIFF'S SALE [abstracted] May 10, 1856 the land of Justice Depew, et. al. and by suit of Oliver Grant, trustee of R. C. Grant. will be offered for sale at the courthouse in Pomeroy Meigs Co., Ohio. Description of land: Part of lot #240 in Pomeroy, with the following named person owning land next to lot #240, John M. Strider, R. C. Grant's brick building and Milton Cooley. Appraised at $700. SHERIFF'S SALE [abstracted] Athens county Court of Common Pleas ordered the sale of May 10, 1856 for the east half of quarter section No. 1155 in Meigs Co. property of Daniel Bailey and by suit of Benjamin Huntingdon. Appraised at $240. NOTICE {abstracted} A petition for a new road from Syracuse to Racine was filed March 25, 1856. Those with land next to the road were Gideon Brown, across from Jesse's Run. SHERIFF'S SALE [abstracted] Petition to sell the land of Russel French was filed by Jesse Hays for land appraised at $480 will be sold May 17, 1856 at the courthouse in Pomeroy. Land situated in the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section #18, town #7 in range #14, 40 acres. NOTICE [abstracted] Lot #47 in Coalport will be sold as the property of Elihu H. Stedman at the suit of Chauncey Brooks, et al. Appraised at $150. NOTICE [abstracted] The farm of Jacob Stansbury, deceased in Columbia Twp., Meigs Co., Ohio will be sold May 15, 1856. Description of land: east half of fraction #260, lot #12, town #9, range #15 in section # 9 and 10, 120 acres and appraised at $1800. Subjected to widow's dower. MASTER COMMISSIONER SALE [abstracted] The property of William and Sarah Cummings by suit of Thomas Ashworth appraised at $760 will be sold May 10, 1856 at the courthouse Pomeroy, Meigs Co., Ohio. Description of land: east half of the southeast quarter of section #32, town #3, range #13 of Bedford township. SHERIFF'S SALES [abstracted] May 10, 1856 the property of Isaac McIntire, et. al. appraised at $1,000 by suit of John Welch will be sold. Description of land: town lot #285 in town of Pomeroy. Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker.
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, May 6, 1856
FIRE at West Columbia - About 4 o'clock yesterday morning, Biggs' Hotel in West Columbia was discovered to be on fire. At the same time, his stable was discovered to be on fire also. Before the flames could be extinguished, these buildings were entirely destroyed, together with six others. The fire was not checked until it reached the corner opposite Mack's store. We have not learned the particulars, or the estimated loss. The fire was undoubtedly the work of an incendiary; and it is generally supposed to have been done by a noted scamp named Cox, who has recently broken out of several jails in this neighborhood. It is said that he threatened to do so, on account of the active part taken by Mr. Biggs in procuring his arrest. SAD ACCIDENT Wendall Ioachim, a little boy, six or eight years of age, son of Wendall Ioachim, of Pomeroy, had his skull fractured by a kick from a horse which he was holding, on Sunday last. His father left him, with an older brother, in charge of the horse for a few moments while he stepped into the house; and before he had been absent from him five minutes the accident happened. He was alive at last accounts, but no hopes are entertained of his recovery. ANOTHER SAD ACCIDENT - A young man named Wilson, son of George Wilson, in company with a Mr. Logan were out gunning in Rutland township on Sunday last. Finding no game, they commenced shooting at a mark. While engaged in this sport, Wilson's gun was accidentally discharged, the contents entering his left breast, killing him instantly. The deceased was about nineteen years of age. REV. R. WILKINSON [abstracted] Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Pomeroy will be moving to the far west and will presently be located near Davenport, Iowa. DISSOLUTION - the partnership heretofore existing between Jones, Harris & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having business with the late firm will settle the same with Harris & Co. NOTICE [abstracted] Petition will be given to the commissioners of Meigs Co. at the June section for a change in the county road leading from Braley's mill, in Rutland to John McVay's in Salem Twp, starting near a new bridge below Braley's mill and goes west on ground now used as a road to the township line between Rutland and Salem township and goes through the land of Silas Robinson. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, May 13, 1856
MARRIED - By Rev. E. Sibley, Mr. David Fountain, of Racine, to Miss Nancy E. Hayman of Letart. On Monday morning, May 5th, by J. R. Philson, Esq. Mr. Henry Clark, to Miss Mary Ann Weldon, both of Sutton Township. Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker.
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, May 20, 1856
OBITUARY Departed this life, at the residence of his father, in Salem township, on Sunday evening, 11th inst., after a short but, severe sickness, MORTIMER PATTON, in the 18th year of his age. We truly sympathize with our venerable friend and neighbor, Mr. Patton. Member after member, branch after branch of his family and household, have been stricken down in the last few years. But a few years since, his wife and an intelligent and educated son, were cut off by the cholera in a few hours' sickness. They breathed their last but a few hours apart. Daughter-in-laws and grandchildren, following in quick succession, making the number, we believe, of his family connections that have departed this life - - sixteen. About fourteen months since, he was called to mourn the lost of a son, who died on his way to New Orleans - - far from his parents and home, and among strangers. And now he has to mourn the death of his youngest son - - the last prop and anticipated comfort and help of his declining days. The deceased was a youth of more than ordinary abilities and worth. Manly, frank, and open, in his conduct and deportment. He was exemplary in his habits, and kindness, obedient, and industrious. He was endowed with a strong mind and a retentive memory. It would be hard to predict what ripened age, with proper culture, would have brought forth in such an individual. The language he made use of to his heart stricken father and step-mother, brothers and sister, a few moments before he expired, was truly touching and affecting. The aged heart stricken father and mother, bereaved brother and sisters, and mourning friends and relative, have the warm sympathies, of a sympathetic and kind community. MARRIED On Thursday evening, May 15th by Rev. S. C. Frampton, Mr. William Jennings, to Miss Frances Murdock, all of Pomeroy. On the same day, by the same, Mr. George J. Cromwell, to Miss Eliza Davenport, both formerly of Lewisburg, VA LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Postoffice at Middleport, O., May 17th, 1856 Arnold Elizabeth Barringer Asa Curry R. B. Enos Susannah Griffiths Edward Gary Lois Cary Orson Hallahan Thomas Hordon William Honston Robert Ingles Lizzie Johnston Israel Johnston John Mowbray Estella McKnight Ann Maria Oranseng Mr. Powell William Potts George Rice John Rogers John B. Richards John Short John Smith Aurilla Wine Henry Wilson Sarah Wilkinson Anthony Williams James John Young Anthony D. PANGBURN, P.M. NOTICE is hereby given that the subscriber has been appointed and qualified as executor of the estate of Levi S. Bestow, deceased, late of Chester, Meigs county. NOTICE Anthony Wilkeson, against John Watson - Before A.M. Barlow, J.P. of Salisbury township, Meigs county, Ohio. On the 24th day of April, A. D. 1856, said justice issued an order of attachment in the above action, for the sum of eight dollars Anthony Wilkeson, by Ann Wilkeson NOTICE is hereby given that the subscriber has been appointed and qualified as administrator on the estate of William Walter, late of Meigs county, deceased. Dated at Pomeroy, the 29th day of April, 1856. James Fish Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker.
Meigs County Telegraph Tuesday, May 27, 1856
MARRIED On Thursday, 15th inst., by J. J. White, Esq., Mr. R. W. Talbatt, of Jackson county, VA. to Rachel Tucker of Lebanon township, Meigs county, O. On Wednesday, May 21, by Rev. Dr. Edwards, Mr. George W. Edwards, of Morris, Illinois, to Miss Louie M. Murray, of Pomeroy, O. SHERIFF'S SALE The Court of Common Pleas of Vinton county ordered the sale of the property of Alice Quinn, administratrix of the estate of Patrick Quinn, deceased by suit of Silas Strong. The sale to be held June 26, 1856 in Meigs County Ohio. Description of land: fraction of section #14 town #3 range #11 in Meigs Co., Ohio containing 166 acres, except 38 acres sold off the northwest corner for taxes. Apprised at $300 per acre. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
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