These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
Pomeroy Tribune Telegraph January 10, 1862
ASHLEY,MARY ANN In New Matamoras, Washington County, Ohio, December 13, of apoplexy, Mrs. Mary Ann, relict of the late Rev. John C. Ashley, and mother of Hon. J.M. Ashley, in the 61st year of her age. Mrs. Ashley died very suddenly, never being able to speak after the fatal blow fell. [Transcribed by Maria Leamond]
Meigs County Telegraph May 10, 1862
DIED In Rutland, May 5th, 1862, Mrs. Betsy HUBBELL, in the eighty-sixth year of her age. She was a native of Vermont, born in Castleton, May 17th, 1776, and was married to John CASE on the 1st of January, 1801. A short time prior to their marriage he visited Ohio, assisted in surveying some portions of it, and in company with Judge Brewster HIGLEY, secured an interest in the "Ohio Company's Purchase." On the 3rd of Sept., 1801, with prospects bright, they started to remove to their then new home in the West, but alas! on the way here, her husband died. She, however, withstood the shock with calm resignation, and after having tarried for some time at Elizabethtown, Pa., she arrived at, this place in May 1802, being one among the first settlers of Meigs County. She was again married, in 1810 to Abijah HUBBELL, with whom she lived until his death in 1841. She embraced Christianity in early life, and was a true Disciple, for many years, she has been an advocate and supporter of her "master's" cause. The funeral was attended by relatives, friends and neighbors, and an appropriate sermon was delivered by Elder Rathburn. After the discourse, her remains were deposited in the narrow house. "Peaceful be her silent slumbers." [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph June 27, 1862
Money for Soldiers' Friends The following sums of money have been placed on deposit at Daniel & Rathburn's Bank, for the following persons, by the members of Capt. J.L. Wallar's Company: Deposited by For Am't Joseph Radford John Radford $ 30.00 J.W. Robertson Alvin Hobard 15.00 Wm. G. Sanders Mordecai Sanders 20.00 George Cartwright Horace Cartwright 10.00 Samuel P. Hysel Gilbert Bradshaw 20.00 A. & N.A. Quickle Merril Quickle 25.00 E.D. Robinson P.C. Robinson 25.00 Granville Morgan Geneva Morgan 15.00 George Crofoot Harriet Crofoot 20.00 Peter Jeroleman Sarah Jeroleman 44.00 John L. McMaster Wm. McMaster 20.00 John Crooks Joseph Crooks 45.00 George Weaver Adley Weaver 30.00 Ezra Sanders Mrs. Ezra Sanders 40.00 H.M. Thompson A. Thompson 15.00 J.H. Gilmore Samuel Gilmore sen. 16.00 J.G. Cornwell G.W. Cook 25.00 [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph August 22, 1862
LIST OF SUBSCRIPTIONS To the Military Bounty Fund for Salisbury Township Editor Telegraph: - The Committee appointed to canvass the Township for subscriptions, to aid in the recruiting of volunteers, report progress, as follows: Simon Silverman............$25.00 E.F. Feiger.................15.00 E.J. Horton.................75.00 S.A.M. Moore & Co..........100.00 George Probst...............10.00 Eiselstein & Swallow.......200.00 A.H. Wells..................15.00 George McQuigg..............35.00 Daniel & Rathburn..........100.00 T.A. Plants.................25.00 Williamson, Grambrill & Co..50.00 George B. Grow..............30.00 Samuel Silverman............25.00 Isaac Faller................25.00 Aaron Stivers...............25.00 J.B. Hampton................15.00 A.B. Donnally...............10.00 C. Grant....................25.00 D.M. Davis.................100.00 John Geyer..................10.00 Abraham Keyser..............20.00 Wm. Williamson..............15.00 Wm. Long....................20.00 August Mayer.................5.00 John S. Davis...............15.00 David Geyer.................20.00 John C. Probst..............15.00 R.J. Halsey.................10.00 Wm. Watson..................10.00 Jacob Elberfeld..............5.00 Robert Cowey................10.00 A. Sebohm...................20.00 W.H. Remington....refused to give Schreiber & Duttenhofer.....25.00 A.E. McLaughlin.............15.00 Philip Elberfeld.............5.00 D. Reed....................100.00 W.J. Prall..................30.00 Henry Dilcher...............25.00 Cooper, Donnally & Co.......75.00 W.H. Lasley.................15.00 Josiah Huntley..............15.00 V.B. Horton................200.00 Frederick Hoppes?............5.00 M. Heckard..................20.00 C.R. Pomeroy................25.00 A. Gatchel..................10.00 ? Phillips..................15.00 E.C. Paden........refused to give E. Turnbull.................20.00 R.B. Wilson.................50.00 J.W.G. Stackpole............20.00 Frank Craggs................20.00 Robert Watson................5.00 Richard Stephenson...........5.00 W.A. Aicher.................15.00 J.W. Hart....................5.00 George A. Minech.............5.00 Laura Lippert................1.00 Frederick Zeit...............1.00 Frederick Grasel.............1.00 George Bear..................1.00 Jacob Rohn...................1.00 Adam Long....................1.00 Thomas Anderson..............1.00 Frederick Turner.............1.00 George Wandle................1.00 Frederick Lefeird............1.00 John Schaffer................1.00 John P. Thoue?...............1.00 Wm. Wiseman..................1.00 George Kohler................1.00 John Heartia.................1.00 Peter Berkes.................1.00 George Frecker...............1.00 George Reinscheld............1.00 Wm. Baum.....................1.00 Jacob Rousher................1.00 John Bengle, Sen...............50 Leonard Steve................1.00 Henry Zier.....................50 Wm. Willis...................1.00 Frederick Swilling.............50 Henry Young....................50 Henry Hum......................25 Nicholas Kuntz.................50 George Swilling, No. 2.........50 John Spainol...................25 Edward Rodney................1.00 Andrew Young...................25 Leonard Masser.................50 Casper Souser..................50 Peter Tillman................1.00 Gotlieb Bentz..................50 Frederick Acker................50 Peter Ebert....................50 Leonard Glass..................50 Conrad Souser..................25 George Seilling, No. 1.......1.00 Michael Hagman.................50 Jacob Smith....................50 George Bechtel...............1.00 John Schaaf....................50 George Schilling.............1.27 George Wells.................1.00 Loudon Smith.................2.00 George Olinger.................25 John P. Roth.................2.00 Henry Oiler..................1.00 C.A. Katz...................10.00 M. Epley.....................3.00 H. Faller....................5.00 V. Masser...................10.00 G. Stevens...................5.00 A. Bloomendall..............10.00 Joseph McKnight.............10.00 Benjamin Wadman.............20.00 Robert Richardson............4.00 Wm. Hood.....................3.00 John D. Price................5.00 John Epley...................2.00 James Barclay...............10.00 Jacob Myers..................2.00 Wendel Kautz, Jr.............5.00 Joseph Condy.................1.00 Dr. Rhem....................10.00 A. Fruith & Co...............5.00 Samuel McKnight..............5.00 L.H. Lee.....................5.00 V. Eiselstein, Jr............3.00 George Lee...................5.00 Charles D. Echols............5.00 J.W. Johnson.................5.00 Martin Mack..................5.00 Anthony Kohl.................5.00 George Huttel................5.00 Biehmann & Burkert..........20.00 John Bobblemeyer.............5.00 Nicholas Dubach..............5.00 T. Whiteside (in Boots)......5.00 John Baus....................2.00 Mrs. Needham...................50 S.S. Paine...................5.00 J.A. Saxton..................2.50 Andrew Reed..................2.00 Peter Crosbie................5.00 J. Blackburn (in Coal).......6.00 P. Neutzling, Sen............5.00 P. Neutzling, Jr.............1.00 Jacob Neutzling..............1.00 Thomas Jones.................5.00 Lewis Paine..................5.00 Adam Reuter..................5.00 J. Cartwright................5.00 J.H. Wilson..................5.00 List to be continued next week. Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley
Meigs County Telegraph August 29, 1862
Communicated. Pomeroy, Aug. 25, 1862 Editor Telegraph: - In your last issue, is a list of what purports to be the subscriptions of persons to the Military fund. My name being used in that list, in a forged, false, and malicious manner, I would request the privilege of making a statement in your paper giving the truth in regard to the matter, to the public. When Sam. MOORE called on me with his subscription, he told me that he wanted to raise funds sufficient to pay a bounty of twenty dollars per head, to all that would enlist in this township, and stated he had a large amount already subscribed. I replied to him, that I had, last year, advanced a large amount to sustain the Government, and had now, about fifteen hundred dollars yet due me, on which I expected to sustain a loss in amount, exceeding any subscription on the list; but nevertheless if they could obtain more volunteers than they had funds to pay the bounty for, that he might call on me, and I would not "refuse to give." You can well imagine, that after I had furnished more means probably than any individual in the county to sustain the Government, that I am not very much pleased to have a false statement made to injure me, (by a mushroom-draft-patriot) to convey the idea that I am not willing to do my part to sustain it. I presume that the object in view, is to divert trade from me, to a lot of salty goods below here, which the owners are very anxious to sell to volunteers and their friends, as well as to coopers, if they can pump in draft patriotism enough to cover the salty prices attached. There is a large number of home patriots in this vicinity, who, if their tongues were sufficient weapons, would crush the rebellion in double-quick time. But call on them to enlist, or give a dollar, and they refuse to do either, but will give you any information about the conduct of the war, will tell you which General is right and which is wrong, will recommend arming the negroes to massacre their masters and families, so as to exterminate the breed. Some are so uncharitable as to say, that the patriotism of come of the contributors to the Military fund, consists of fear of being drafted themselves! But I hope they are all actuated by higher motives, notwithstanding this extraordinary enthusiasm, is just on the eve of the draft to fill the army. The injustice of inserting two names of Democrats with "refused to give," in the list, without their knowledge or consent, and omitting all the names of Republicans and Abolitionists, who omitted or "refused to give," makes it apparent to all, that there is a party axe to grind in the case also. The abuse and denunciation of Democrats, with the approbious (sic) epithets of traitors, butternuts and other terms, shows plainly that some of the treasury eaters are fearful of the coming elections, and would like to get their "loaves and fishes" insured. WM. H. REMINGTON [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph August 29, 1862
LIST OF SUBSCRIPTIONS To the Military Bounty Fund for Salisbury Township, continued from last week. Editor Telegraph: - The Committee appointed to canvass the Township for subscriptions, to aid in the recruiting of volunteers, report progress, as follows: H.B. Smith. Two tenements for soldier's families, or the proceeds of rent until close of the war or, three years. H.H. Swallow pays $10.00 per month, each, to the families of 2 men for three years, if they continue in the service that length of time. S.A.M. Moore paid $25.00 each to two men and pays five dollars per month to the family for 12 months. C. Grant pays $5 per month to the family of one man for 12 months. H. Cohen pays $60 to one man. M. Blattner................$5.00 Geo. Ulrich.................2.00 Geo. Fahnle.................2.00 Peter Reible................2.00 Leonard Werry...............1.00 Frank Whipple...............2.00 John Mauck..................1.00 Elias Whipple...............2.00 Michael Wode................1.00 Frederick Schrieber.........3.00 Martin Stark................2.00 John Young..................2.00 Conrad Eiselstein...........1.00 Henry Olinger...............1.00 Henry Klein.................1.00 John Betz.....................50 Fabian Weber..................50 Joseph Beal.................1.00 John Krous..................2.00 Henry Briode................1.00 Henry Winter................1.00 Frederick Schaefer..........3.00 Henry Ioachim...............1.00 Abriam Bemer................1.00 Jacob Klein.................1.00 Andrew Frosh................1.00 Henry Scharp................2.00 Henry Gloekner..............1.00 John Briode.................1.00 Jeremiah Cronon.............1.00 Chas. Copeland..............1.00 James Abbott................3.00 Wolf Or?ning................1.00 Stephen Olinger.............1.00 Joseph Zimerly................25 Leonard Hoprecht..............25 Ulrich Bridlerance..........1.00 Frank Bentz.................1.00 George Addison..............1.00 Fritz Durst.................2.00 John Gallagher.............10.00 Michael Willis..............1.00 James Kenedy................2.00 Isaac Rheinscheld...........1.00 Adam Oiler....................25 John Olinger................1.00 Jacob Olinger...............1.00 Rones Mitts...................25 Wm. Harris....................50 James Halloway..............1.00 Thos. Morris................1.00 Chas. Starks................1.00 Alex Jackson................1.00 John Morton.................1.00 Dennis Maw....................50 John Carlin.................2.00 Nelson Stewart..............2.00 Wm. Thomas..................3.00 David Rosser..................50 Daniel Jones................1.00 Henry Jones.................1.00 ---- Lloyd..................1.00 W. Baker......................25 John Scheibelear............1.00 Wm. Young...................1.00 Chas. Volroth...............1.00 Jacob Roller................1.00 Wm. Allerton................1.00 John Thrisz.................3.00 Peter Schreiber............15.00 David Radford...............5.00 Peter Dorst.................5.00 Wm. Radford................10.00 Edward Weeks................1.50 Geo. Williamson...............50 John Watkins................2.00 Nye & Williamson...........20.00 Josiah Williamson...........1.00 Thos. J. Spillars (One bbl. flour) John M. Strider..refused to give Daniel Gililan (in goods)...1.00 Edwards & Bro..............50.00 Daniel B. Thomas...........10.00 Thos. Williams..............1.00 Richard Morris..............5.00 David Williams..............1.00 David L. Davis..............5.00 Chas. Owens.................1.00 John T. Williams...........10.00 Milo Pratt..................1.00 Horum Hobbs.................1.00 Milton Hobbs................1.00 Mike Hook...................1.00 John Schraner..............15.00 Henry Domin.................1.00 Evan Jenkins................1.00 Thos. Turnbull..............1.00 Thos. Homan.................2.00 Chris Findling...refuses to give Daniel Cline..................50 Val Findling..................50 Duncan Sloan...............25.00 Robert Burnell..............5.00 Thos. Surtees..............10.00 Nick Veston...................50 John Baeem....................50 Albert Gloekner...............50 Isaac Williams................50 Seli Kassuth..................50 Ant Robson..................2.00 Nick Bengal.................3.00 Ioachim Otto................1.00 Nick Jager..................1.00 Peter Mayer...................50 Gotleb Cronder................50 John Young..................1.00 Phillip Wessel................50 Jacob Young.................1.00 Fred Schroot..................50 James Carey.................1.00 Conrad Bengal...............2.00 Jonah Jones.................5.00 John Elias..................5.00 David Edwards 1st...........5.00 Wm. D. Jones................1.00 John D. Richards............2.00 Thos. Morgan................1.00 Simeon Davis................1.00 John O. Williams............1.00 Evon Davis..................1.00 Henry Fisher..................50 Joseph Edwards..............3.00 Nicholas J. Curtis..........2.00 John Charles..................25 Wendel Sharfe..............10.00 John Lewis.................10.00 David Edwards 2d............1.00 Henry Gibbons..............10.00 Daniel Davis..................25 Sam Samuels...................25 Wm. Park....................1.00 James C. Pratt..............5.00 Isaacher Jones..............5.00 Hugh Williams...............1.00 Nicholas Curtis 3rd.........1.00 James Curry.................1.00 David Curry.................1.00 John R. Hughes................50 Salmon Whitlock...............50 Hiram Whitlock Jr.............50 Jerry Cavnaugh..............1.00 John Oharra.................5.00 Joseph Jones...............20.00 John Bengal.................1.00 John Coffe..................1.00 Wm. Pascoe..................2.00 David Edwards 3d............1.00 List to be continued next week. [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph September 5, 1862
LIST OF SUBSCRIPTIONS To the Military Bounty Fund for Salisbury Township, continued from last week. Editor Telegraph: - The Committee appointed to canvass the Township for subscriptions, to aid in the recruiting of volunteers, report progress, as follows: Wm. Lewis....................1.00 Wm. I. Roberts...............1.00 W. Cole......................1.00 Samuel Davis.................5.00 Evon W. Jones................1.00 John Hughes....................50 O.P. Skinner................20.00 Adam Crandenburg.............3.00 Thos. Mathews................3.00 Robt. Campbell...............5.00 John Ownes...................1.00 James Mills..................1.00 John Short...................5.00 Geo. Russell.................2.00 Leonard Young................3.00 Leonard King.................3.00 Val Young....................1.00 John Twilling................1.00 Patrick Curtis...............5.00 Robert Craggs...............10.00 Burt Green..................10.00 Timothy Morgan...............5.00 John T. Turner...............1.00 Henry Wilkinson..............1.00 Thos. B. Thomas..............1.00 John Anderson................1.00 John Vickars.................1.50 William Wilkinson............1.00 William Hardon...............1.00 James Hampton................5.00 Andrew Calderwood............5.00 Thos. H. Lowden..............1.00 Joseph Short.................3.00 John Longstoff, Sr...........1.00 John Longstoff, Jr...........1.00 Geo. Jackson.................2.00 John Grogan..................5.00 Headley Lows.................2.00 John Watson..................1.00 James Anderson, Jr...........1.00 John McCollock, Sr...........1.00 John McCollock, Jr...........1.00 R.R. Hudson.................40.00 Geo. G. Woodard..............5.00 Martin Hays.......refused to give Philip Kelly.................1.00 Michael Quinn.....refused to give John Headly..................1.00 James McDaniel....refused to give Oren Jones...................2.00 James Martin.................2.00 John Gorsuch.................5.00 Wm. Wogan....................2.00 Smith Hysell.................1.00 W. Bradford....................50 Robt. Highland...............2.00 Luther Ralph.................3.00 R. Chase.....................3.00 Wm. Gilmore..................1.00 Henry Martin.................2.50 Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley
Meigs County Telegraph September 5, 1862
LIST OF SUBSCRIPTIONS To the Military Bounty Fund for Sutton Township Editor Telegraph: - The Committee appointed to canvass Sutton Township for subscriptions, to aid in the recruiting of volunteers, report progress, as follows: John Blair.................20.00 Capt. Daniel DeWolf........25.00 Samuel DeWolf..............20.00 J. Carlton.................20.00 Joseph Buffington..would not give Mathew McBride.............20.00 R.E. Heich.................10.00 Madison Nease-2 brls Flour 10.00 Gideon Nease - same.......10.00 Wm. H. Nease - same.......10.00 Geo. L. Parker.............10.00 Wm. McBride................10.00 John McBride...............10.00 John Kennedy...............10.00 Joseph McBride.............10.00 Wm. Thomas.................10.00 John Philips...............10.00 John H. Smith..............10.00 Geo. L. Fry................10.00 P. Lallance.................8.00 John Karr (Flour, 5.00; cash, 2.00)... 7.00 George Roberts..............5.00 Geo. Ingles.................4.00 Henry F. Nease..............4.00 Patrick Broderick...........6.00 Samuel Prudence.............2.00 Morris Carrold..............5.00 Wm. Corry...................3.00 Thomas Lewis................1.00 Wm. Bynon...................1.00 David Richie................5.00 Thomas Grady................4.00 David Mathew................2.00 Phild Ward..................4.00 Wm. R. Davis................1.00 Eleazar Davis...............1.00 John M. Johns...............1.00 Wm. Crooks (1 brl Flour)....5.00 David Nease same..........5.00 Danl. Holter same..........5.00 A person Nease (1 ton hay)..8.00 George Duskey...............1.00 Thomas Auflick..............2.00 Thomas Taylor...............4.00 Ebenezer Williams...........5.00 Robt. Davis.................2.00 John S. Williams............5.00 Jacob Shaffer (Flour).......1.00 Wm. Jones Jr................5.00 Benj. Watkins...............5.00 John Kline..................2.00 P. Bare.....................2.00 Leonard Greeser.............1.00 Charles Conway..............1.00 Peter Reiber................2.00 Jos. H. Bean................2.00 Mad Karr (Flour)............1.00 Walter Edwards..............5.00 Cash........................1.00 Christopher Grukely.........2.00 George Deer.................1.00 David Williams..............5.00 ? Rummel....................1.00 Val Grase...................1.00 Fred Howells................1.00 Wm. J. Evens................2.00 Martin Grim.................3.00 Isaac Carlton 3rd...........2.00 Wm. Carlton.................2.00 Abraham Rine................1.00 Wm. Curtiss.................5.00 Isaac Jones.................1.00 Mrs. Bridgman (brl Flour)...5.00 Alexander Quillen...........1.00 Geo. W. Hayden..............5.00 James Starkey...............2.00 Wm. H. Cooper...............2.00 Sol Crew....................2.50 J.W. James..................1.00 J. Lallance.................1.00 J.N. Hall...................4.00 J. Matthews.................3.00 R. Stobart..................5.00 R. Thomas.....................50 W. Stobart..................3.00 L. Jarvis...................3.00 D. Dusky....................2.00 Sol Paulin..................3.00 C.E. DeWolf.................5.00 S.H. Hayman.................2.00 Wm. Edwards.................5.00 Sam Runion..................2.00 J. Carleton Jr..............2.00 Amount collected previously at Minersville.............100.00 ______ Total $555.00 Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley
Meigs County Telegraph September 12, 1862
STATEMENT Of moneys deposited by soldiers of the 53d Ohio Reg't and 7th Ohio Battery, in the State Treasury upon application by parties for whom it is intended. 53rd Ohio Regiment Deposited by For Am't Capt. D.H. Lasley Mary C. Lasley $180.00 Chas. T. Lyons Geo. Martin 20.00 Wm. Farmer Sarah Farmer 20.00 J.M. Sisson H.P Sisson 25.00 Isaac Radford Jno Radford 15.00 R.H Rollins Ellen Russell 20.00 Mathias Fife A. Fife 20.00 W.H. Williams Elizabeth Williams 40.00 W.D. Gorby Mary C. Gorby 20.00 Jas. McCann Rebecca A. McCann 15.00 Boyd Lyle Biddle Lyle 10.00 Eli Rife Andrew Rife 15.00 Jno. Holliday Dan'l Holliday 20.00 D.S. Harkins Chas. B. Harkins 15.00 Elijah Maze Mary J. Maze 10.00 Jno. F. Vale Levi Vale 20.00 Sam'l Ewing Susannah Ewing 20.00 J.M Edmundson Nathan Edmundson 25.00 Levi Shirkey Mary A. Shirkey 10.00 S.P. Gorby Jacob Gorby 80.00 F.M Brown Mary M. Brown 10.00 D.T. Harkins Sidney Harkins 150.00 E.S. Gorby Benj Gorby 65.00 Rob't Patterson Margr't Patterson 20.00 7th Ohio Battery B.E. Parker Daniel & Rathburn 35.00 N. Shaffer Mrs. Shaffer 15.00 Ira Russell Mrs. Ira Russell 15.00 George Hum Mrs. Geo. Hum 15.00 James Church James Church 20.00 S.E. Newman Mrs. Olive Newman 10.00 Henry Beckel Mrs. H. Beckel 5.00 Capt. S.A. Burnap Daniel & Rathburn 200.00 Nial Bryan Norman Bryan 70.00 Jno. Cady Mrs. Jno. Cady 20.00 Wm. C. Corbett Mrs. Wm. C. Corbett 25.00 Elias Conant Mrs. Elias Conant 30.00 Royal Church James Church 30.00 Thos. Stevenson Mrs. Thos. Stevenson 30.00 Henry Bickle Mrs. Henry Bickle 25.00 R.W. Miller Mrs. R. W. Miller 15.00 D.P. Wright Daniel & Rathburn 15.00 Eugene Atkinson same 15.00 James I. Archer E. Archer Jr. 25.00 H. McNaughton Mrs. H. McNaughton 25.00 Horace Williamson David Williamson 20.00 Jno. W. Hawley Mrs. Jno. Hawley 15.00 C. Downing Jr. C. Downing Sr. 20.00 Martin Woodard Mrs. M. Woodard 30.00 Oliver Kimes Mrs. Oliver Kimes 20.00 Austin Pharselius Elijah Austin 15.00 Jno. Aleshire Daniel & Rathburn 20.00 N.C. Cook same 18.00 Chas. Conley same 15.00 Jno. R. Conley same 15.00 James Decker Mrs. James Decker 85.00 Jno. Decker Daniel & Rathburn 25.00 D.D. Davis Moses Davis 10.00 Michael Doland Jno. Doland 10.00 Eli O. Davis Daniel & Rathburn 15.00 Elisha Enoch Joseph Enoch 20.00 Jno. Fraush Mrs. Jno. Fraush 10.00 Andrew Forbs David Forbs 10.00 Jno. Grimm Mrs. Jno. Grimm 20.00 Samuel Hood Mrs. Samuel Hood 15.00 Jno. Atkinson Daniel & Rathburn 10.00 Oleroy Halsey Mrs. Oleroy Halsey 20.00 Sardine Higley Joel P. Higley 50.00 Joseph Erwin Mrs. Joseph Erwin 95.00 Adam Braus Daniel & Rathburn 15.00 Jno. N. Long Wm. Long 10.00 Isaac Lyons M.G. Hamilton 10.00 Sam Lyons M.J. Hamilton 15.00 ------- Edward Wesson 20.00 M. Moore David H. Moore 15.00 Wm. Moore same 20.00 Hiram Moore same 15.00 E. Parker Jno. H. Parker 20.00 Cyrus C.A. Paulk Geo. Womeldorf 20.00 Anderson Price Mrs. Anderson Price 20.00 Sheffield Russell Sheffield Russell Jr. 20.00 Ezekial Sedon James Adoms 15.00 Lorenzo Savage Conrad Savage 15.00 Jeremiah Smith Mrs. Jeremiah Smith 15.00 Thos. M. Watson Benj. Watson 20.00 Henry Wehrung Mrs. H. Wehrung 30.00 S.E. Newman Mrs. Olive Newman 75.00 James R. Hysell J.B. Hysell 20.00 Lt. D.R. Jacobs Daniel & Rathburn 200.00 Lt. Jno. Brechtel Mrs. Jno. Brechtel 20.00 Lt. O.F. Walker Daniel & Rathburn 100.00 [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
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