These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
Meigs County Telegraph February 6, 1868
STATE OF OHIO, MEIGS COUNTY SS. Notice is hereby given that the following accounts have been filed in said Court, and that they are set for hearing and settlement on the 28th day of February, A.D. 1868, at 10 o'clock forenoon, to wit: First account of Henry HARPOLD, adm'r with the will annexed of John SARSON's estate. Second account of Robert COMBS, guardian of Narcissa V. PULLINS, a minor. Final account of Wm. PARKER, adm'r of the estate of Wm. PARKER, deceased. First account of Henry HARPOLD, guardian of Adam HARPOLD, an insane person. First account of Martha A. BROWN, guardian of Lewis BROWN and John M. BROWN, minors. Final account of Martin DYE, adm'r of the estate of J.M. RIGGS, deceased. Second account of Henderson PRICE, adm'r of the estate of Christian BARRINGER deceased. First account of Joseph McKNIGHT, guardian of Charles E., Jennie K., and Mary M. WALKER, minors. First account of John N. HAYMAN, guardian of Stephen S. HAYMAN, a minor. First account of John H. PARKER, adm'r of Edwin KEYES estate, and First account of L.T. MONTAGUE, adm'r of the estate of Edwin LARKIN, dec'd. W.H. LASLEY, Judge [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph February 13, 1868
DIED Jan. 6, 1868, in Columbia Township, Meigs County, at the residence of her son-in-law, (Mr. A. Coterells,) Mrs. Mary DAILEY, in the 93d year of her age. Mrs. D. was probably the oldest person in Meigs County. She was born in Maryland, lived a number of years in West Virginia, and was among the first settlers of this county, having lived here about forty years. Though so old, she retained her faculties to the last. She has gone to a better home, full of days and honor. DIED On the evening of January 1, Mrs. Jane BARTLETT, wife of Mr. Samuel C. Bartlett, aged 63 yrs. SAMUEL JOYCE, a colored fireman on the Condor, fell overboard a short distance below Greenupsburg, Ky., during the last trip of the boat and drowned. His body was found a day or two afterward, and buried on the Kentucky shore, the rebel authorities refusing to do an inquest... His home was in Middleport. Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley
Meigs County Telegraph February 20, 1868
DIED Feb. 8, 1868, at his residence near Pageville, Meigs County, Mr. John P. WOOD, aged 38 years 3 months and 7 days. On Feb. 3 Mr. Wood was engaged in hauling lumber preparatory to building a house he intended erecting in the coming season. The wheel struck a log upon which he had stepped, and threw him in such a position that the wheel passed over his chest. Every possible effort was made for his restoration, but all in vain. He was born in Alexander, Athens County, Sept. 1, 1829. Some ten years since he moved near Pageville, in this county, where he resided until death called him away. Mr. Wood was an intelligent, patriotic and strictly moral man. But unfortunately he had neglected to receive Christ as his personal Saviour until lying upon his deathbed, when he turned his attention to the condition of his soul [and] gave his friends the assurance that he was engaged in prayer, and trying to put his entire trust in the Saviour. He leaves a wife, four children, and a large circle of friends who mourn his sudden and unexpected departure. His funeral was attended on the 9th by a large congregation of sympathizing friends. Sermon by the writer. THOS. F. PEDEN Feb. 10, in Pomeroy, Mrs. Rhoda NYE, wife of N. R. Nye, aged 56 years 4 months and 5 days. Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley
Meigs County Telegraph March 5, 1868
Dr. John W. SPRY, of Portsmouth, is dead. Old residents of Pomeroy will remember him as a dentist formerly doing business in this place. --- Information Wanted Jacob KAUTZ, a boy about 14 years of age, disappeared from his home in Pomeroy, on Friday, Jan. 31, last. He was last seen in the neighborhood of Middleport. He was dressed in a short brown jacket, black pants, black felt hat, somewhat worn. Any information in regard to the boy will be thankfully received by his afflicted parents. WENDELL KAUTZ The editors will confer a special favor by noticing the above. --- Meigs County Court of Common Pleas, February Term M. NYE, Jr., vs. Aaron STIVERS and the Commissioners of Meigs Co. Suit for the vacation of an old road and the establishment of a new one. Verdict for defendants. Notice of appeal. James RADFORD vs. John ASHWORTH. On appeal. Case dismissed at plaintiff's cost. Emma BRADBURY vs. Sub-School District No. 5, Rutland Township. Dismissed at cost of plaintiff. First National Bank of Ironton vs. L. AYER. Order of distribution. Erastus WILLIAMS vs. Carleton Coal Co. Judgment in favor of plaintiff for $28.12. S.A. PRICE vs. Martin ADAMS and Tunis MIDDLESWART. Discontinued at plaintiff's cost. Joseph PATTON vs. Richard ROBINSON, H. C. TEETER, et al. Settled at defendants' cost. Truman K. ROSSETTER vs. William FROMM and Matilda FROMM. Judgment for plaintiff for $800. Lycurgus OFFUT vs. Susannah RHOADS and Benjamin RHOADS. Judgment for defendant. Notice of appeal. William H. DONNALSON vs. J.C.W. MERRALL et al. Report of Commissioners confirmed. Samuel G. NORVILL vs. NYE, BEMAN & Co. Judgment against NYE and BROWN for $862.77. Richard ROBINSON vs. P.H. BRUNKER. Judgment for plaintiff for $20. Edison THOMAS vs. The Carleton Coal Co. et al. Judgment for plaintiff in default. Margaret J. McGRAW vs. John HOPKINS. Leave for reinstatement of plaintiff's case on payment of costs. Same party vs. David O. HOPKINS. Same order as above. John WILLIAMS, jr., vs. David MATTHEWS. Settled, the parties dividing costs. John M. POSTLETHWAITE vs. Albert WELLS. Petition in error, discontinued at plaintiff's cost. Emily QUIMBY vs. Truman HECOX and Rosel DAINS. Judgment for plaintiff for $160.55. William M. HOVEY et al. vs. Robert LAUGHLIN. Settled. Emma L. HOFF vs. Henry BARNES. Bastardy. Settled at defendant's cost. Electa HYSELL vs. Martha SHORT and Nicholas SHORT. Slander. Settled at defendant's cost. F.C. RUSSELL vs. William LASHER. Judgment of Justice of the Peace affirmed. Thomas T. HOPKINS vs. Samuel H. MARTIN and R.H. PILCHER. Judgment on default for $211.07. William H. GURLEY et al. vs. R.H. PILCHER. Judgment for plaintiffs for $215.50. Motion for second trial granted \373 bonds $450. Henry HARPOLD et ux. vs. Robert CAMPBELL. Attachment. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost. Peter HARPOLD, Administrator of Barbara WOLF, vs. Robert CAMPBELL. Attachment. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost. John P. WOLF vs. Robert CAMPBELL. Attachment. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost. Isabel A. SWISHER vs. Samuel SWISHER and William SWISHER. Settled and costs paid by plaintiff. William McCAIN vs. Wendell IOACHIM. Judgment on default for $341.37. William KUHN et al. vs. The Calloway Mining Co. Attachment. Judgment on default for $719.17. William KUHN et al. vs. The Calloway Mining Co. Attachment. Judgment on default for $470.93. Horace HOLT vs. Patrick CLINE. Judgment on default for $1,145. Melzar NYE, jr. and Thomas FESLER vs. John B. LEWIS, et al. Attachment. Judgment on default for $313.50. Mary J. THOMAS vs. Elias THOMAS. Settled at defendant's cost. PEPPENHEIMER & DRYFOOSE vs. Henry BARTELS. Settled. Sarah E. DORSEY vs. Thomas DORSEY. Divorce granted. Virginia CLARKSON vs. John CLARKSON. Divorce granted. William CURTIS vs. Aaron THOMPSON et al. Settled at plaintiff's cost. John M. CHASE vs. Eli REEVES. Judgment on default for $617.73. President Leading Creek Oil co. vs. H. HOLT and N. HOLT. Judgment on default for $544.01. Moses D. SCOTT vs. Elizabeth SCOTT. Alimony granted to defendant of $100, payable in six months. Hezekiah HAYMAN vs. Charles R. HOPKINS. Judgment on default for $196.19. S.A. BURNAP vs. L.D. ROUELL and L.H. LEE. Demurrer sustained. Notice of appeal given. LEHMAN, RICHMAN & Co.. Vs. Samuel MARTIN and Samuel H. MARTIN. Judgment on default for $512.90. Benj. STOUT vs. George A. McCORMICK and Rebecca McCORMICK. Judgment on default for $851.46. C.P. TRACEY & Co. vs. Thomas L. HOPKINS. Judgment on default for $134.65. Israel DAY vs. Asa McNEAL. Settled. Nelson JOHNSON vs. Reuben WEBSTER. Settled. C.P. TRACEY & Co. vs. Albert HAZELWOOD and Barbara HAZELWOOD. Judgment on default for $352.11. Criminal Docket State of Ohio vs. William CRISS. New trial granted. State of Ohio vs. Isaac HYSELL. Assault and battery. Pleas of guilty and fine of $5 and costs. Same vs. Warren HYSELL, assault and battery. Plea of guilty. Fined $5 and costs. Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley
Meigs County Telegraph March 12, 1868
"Pure Cussedness" Some fast young men of our town actuated probably by the combined spirit of Satan and rum on Sunday night last, made a raid on our street lamps, and before their great stomach for destruction could be appeased, had pretty effectually used up fourteen of those luminaries of the night. On Monday William DILCHER, Edward LONG, and Conrad MILLER were arrested on the charge of having been concerned in the affair. The two first were sent to jail to await an examination before Mayor Lee, but Miller furnished bail, and was permitted to go at large. [See also the Meigs County Telegraph, March 19, 1868] Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley
Meigs County Telegraph March 19, 1868
The parties we made mention of last week as being under arrest for breaking street lamps were found guilty, and fined forty dollars each and costs. Two of them, Conrad MILLER and Edward LONG, paid their fines and were set at liberty, but William DILCHER was sent to jail. He should be set at work at something useful, and made to pay his way. How three full grown men could be guilty of such disgraceful conduct is beyond our comprehension. [See also the Meigs County Telegraph, March 12, 1868] Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley
Meigs County Telegraph March 26, 1868
BIG MEN. Other counties in Ohio may boast of their large beets, squashes, cattle, &c., but in the way of big MEN Meigs claims to equal the best. For example, two of our prominent citizens, Mr. Isaac CARLETON, of Syracuse, and Mr. Elson PADEN, of Letart, happening to meet in a store in Pomeroy, a few days since, and being considerably impressed with the dimensions of each other, a proposal was naturally entertained to test matters on the scales and see which would "kick the beam." The result was that Mr. Carleton was found to weigh 360 pounds and Mr. Paden an even 300. Mr. Carleton, after the result became known, took a walk around his ponderous opponent, and probably while suffering from the fatigue of the exercise, expressed serious doubts as to the correctness of the test. Mr. Carleton is the founder of "Carleton College" at Syracuse, which is now in the process of erection, he having given the land on which it stands, the brick composing its walls, and fifty acres of coal as a means of raising a permanent endowment fund. He therefore has a heart corresponding to the size of his body. Mr. Paden we believe is Postmaster at Plants, Ohio, a place which takes its name from our present member of Congress. [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph May 7, 1868
We are pained to learn that Mr. Robert BAILEY, an old and respected citizen of this township, was dangerously injured, on Friday last, by being hit on the head with a limb which chanced to fall from a burning tree under which he was passing or standing. Mr. Bailey had gone out to a "clearing," where his sons were at work, cutting and burning timber; but, when the accident occurred was out of their sight. When found, he was in an insensible condition, from which he had not recovered when heard from last. He is, we believe, some thing over eighty years of age. LATER. Mr. Bailey has since died of his injuries. Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley
Meigs County Telegraph May 14, 1868
Death of an Old Pioneer Lewis Hayward, Esq., an old, respected and influential citizen of Orange Township, Meigs County, died at his residence on the 7th inst., while sitting at the supper table. The first notice his family had that any thing uncommon was the matter with him, he fell suddenly to the floor, and died almost instantly. Mr. Hayward was born July 9, 1798, at Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, and emigrated to Ohio in the fall of 1818, settling in Orange Township, where he resided till the time of his death. In removing from Massachusetts to Ohio, Mr. Hayward came by water to New York, but walked the balance of the way. He was married December 25, 18 - and started in the cabinet business about the same time - having to go to Marietta to procure his tools. He became a member of the Athens Lodge of Free Masons in 1821. [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph May 21, 1868
Income Tax List of Meigs County We are indebted to the kindness of Captain P.B. Dickerson for the following list of the principal income tax-payers of Meigs County, as compiled by him from the books of the Deputy Assessor, Columbia Downing, Esq., together with the amount returned by each for taxation. The list only comprises such as pay taxes on sums of $500 and upward, after making the deductions allowed by law: Names. Post office Address. Amount. Oren Branch, Pomeroy 680 A.D. Brown, " 1,545 C. Bichoff, " 1,324 H.G. Daniels, " 5,869 V. Duttenhofer, " 1,175 H. Dilcher, " 1,010 C.W. Dabney, Island of Fayal 15,369 Samuel Dewolf, Syracuse 643 Daniel Dewolf, " 1,078 George Eiselstein, Pomeroy 3,650 James M. Evans, Middleport 866 C. Grant, Pomeroy 1,955 W.H. Grant, Middleport 1,493 John Grant, " 1,574 J.S. Grant, " 1,354 M. Heckard, Pomeroy 706 E.J. Horton, " 1,761 H.S. Horton, " 4,854 V.B. Horton, " 16,731 R.R. Hudson, Middleport 5,669 Horace Holt, Rutland 1,100 Seldon Humphrey, Reedville 1,883 Wendal Kautz, Pomeroy 689 S.A.M. Moore, " 3,046 G. McQuigg, " 531 John McKay, Great Bend 2,114 C.R. Pomeroy, " 666 S.W. Pomeroy, " 2,732 E.W. Petty, Long Bottom 4,120 H.B. Smith, Pomeroy 7,320 H.H. Swallow, " 1,223 Thomas Surtees, Middleport 534 E. Turnbull, Pomeroy 1,525 Benjamin Wadman, " 579 G. Wildermuth, " 956 [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph May 28, 1868
Mayor's Court The following is the record of criminal cases brought before Mayor STANBURY, during the past ten days: State vs. John TOY. Petit larceny. Sent to jail in default of $100 bonds. State vs. Stephen HEINTERFOUT. Grand larceny. Bound over to Common Pleas Court. State vs. Andrew J. COMSTOCK. Petit larceny. Bound over to Probate Court. State vs. S.P. FAWCETT. Assault and battery. Fined $5.00 and costs. Town of Pomeroy vs. Robert OLAMAN. Drunk. Fined $1 and costs. Town of Pomeroy vs. Hugh and Michael CURTIS. Fighting. Fined $2 and costs, each. State vs. Kern McDONALD. Petit larceny. Discharged. Town of Pomeroy vs. Fanny LEWIS. Violating ordinance. Fined $3 and costs. Town of Pomeroy vs. Wm. KILE. Keeping house of ill fame. Discharged. [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
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