These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
Pomeroy Crescent Weekly January, 1870
MARRIED January 1st at the resident of Rev. Wm. FOSTER by G.W. ISAMINGER, Mr. Joseph V. SMITH and Miss Mary FOSTER. January 3rd in Middleport, at 9:00 am at the residence of the brides father, Mr. William GRANT, by G.W. ISAMINGER, Mr. Jas. S. BOGGESS and Miss Julia P. GRANT.
Pomeroy Crescent Weekly February 4, 1870
MARRIED In Pomeroy, February 3, 1870, by P. V. DICKERSON, J.P., Mr. Jas PARSON and Miss Mary B. WILLIAMSON.
Meigs County Telegraph October 12, 1870
Mr. GEORGE L. PARKER, the managing Agent of the Syracuse Coal and Salt Company, in this county, died on Thursday last. His funeral took place on Sunday, and was attended by the largest concourse of people that perhaps ever before gathered for a similar purpose in this county. Several thousand persons were in attendance, among whom were some five or six hundred Odd Fellows. Mr. Parker was universally liked by all who knew him. The public will be glad to know that he had a policy of insurance on his life. A young man by the name of Spencer CAMPBELL, of Minersville, Meigs County, committed suicide by hanging, on Sunday afternoon last. He had been reading a novel, one of the characters of which ended his existence by hanging, and after reading that part of the story, he procured a strap and chain, fastened them together, attached one end to a beam and the other to his neck, and swung himself off into eternity. It is said he had to hold up his feet in order to keep them from touching the floor, and that when found, his knees nearly touched the floor. Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley
Meigs County Telegraph October 19, 1870
The following are commitments to jail since October 1, 1870: Daniel MATZ for drunkenness William WADEN for assault and battery Sylvester HOOD for drunkenness Stephen NATION for adultery Micahel EDMONDSON for bastardy Baldwin BUFFINGTON for assault John BOWEN for drunkenness John HYSELL for assault and battery David E. DAVIS, peace warrant Cecilia MACK, insanity [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
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