These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
Meigs County Telegraph April 5, 1871
Mr. JOHN NELSON, a soldier of the war of 1812, died in Salem Township, Meigs County, Ohio, on the 27th ultimo, aged 93 years. He moved to Salem Township in 1821, and resided there until the time of his death. He was a worthy citizen and had the respect of all who knew him. CATHOLIC CONGREGATION Baptized March 26, Anna Nora, born March 16, 1871, daughter of Timothy Sullivan and Eliza Crosby. Baptized March 26, Eva, born March 17, 1871, daughter of Michael Woote and Margaret Jacobs. Baptized March 26, Joseph and Josepha, twin children of Anthony Eisenmann and Philomena Muller, born March 19, 1871. Baptized April 2, Edward, born March 26, 1871, son of Bernard Curtis and Mary Crough. Baptized April 2, Helena, born March 26, 1871, daughter of Nicholas Curtis and Bridget Carr. Baptized April 2, Joseph, born April 1, 1871, son of Lawrence Huber and Catherine Ulrich. [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Pomeroy Crescent Weekly April 6, 1871
Some of the juveniles of this place who obstruct the sidewalks by playing marbles seem to imagine that said sidewalks were made on purpose for their benefit. Get out of the way liliputians and give grown up people a chance to pedestrinate. [Transcribed by Connie Schumaker]
Pomeroy Crescent Weekly April 13, 1871
W. H. DYE has been appointed postmaster at Harrisonville in place of J. H. WINTERSTEIN who resigned. [Transcribed by Connie Schumaker]
Pomeroy Crescent Weekly April 20, 1871
MARRIED On the 9th inst. by Rev. R. CALLEGHAN, Mr. D.D. MARTINDALE and Miss Alvina WINTERSTEIN, both of Meigs. On the 9th inst. at the residence of the bride in Bedford township by J.P. STANCART, J.P., Mr. Abraham WILLIAMS of Athens Co. and Mrs. Charlotte CONANT of Meigs. TO A deceased friend - J. R. GREEN died April 11, 1871. Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Telegraph May 3, 1871
CATHOLIC CONGREGATION Baptized April 9, John William, born March 25, 1871, son of George Meier and Mary Strauss. Baptized the same day, Anton, born March 29, 1871, son of Charles Wink and Sussanna Rappold. Baptized the same day, Peter, born April 5, 1871, son of John Baum and Elizabeth Vogt. Baptized April 21, Jacob, son of John Ulrich and Caroline Grinder, born April 15, 1871. Buried May 1, Anton Wink, aged 20 days. Buried May 2, Joseph Eisenmann, aged 1 month and 5 days. Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley
Pomeroy Crescent Weekly May 11, 1871
MARRIED On Tuesday morning 5:00, May 9th by Rev. O.J. NAVE at the Gibson House, Pomeroy, Ohio the residence of the bride's father, Mr. J. Wm. CHESTNUT to Miss Laura O. TODD. In Penn ----- --, NY - April 30, 1871 at the residence of Charles HUNTER, ESQ. by Rev. W. R. BENHAM, Dr. J.H. JONES of Pomeroy, OH to Miss Janet Veitch CAIRNS of New Galloway, Scotland. [Transcribed by Connie Schumaker]
Meigs County Telegraph May 24, 1871
DEATH OF ANOTHER PIONEER We are called upon this week to chronicle the death of another one of the old pioneers of Meigs County. We refer to Mrs. Jane Stowe, whose death occurred in Rutland Township, on Saturday of last week, at the advanced age of 93 years. The funeral took place last Saturday, at 11 A.M., and was one of the largest ever witnessed in the township. Rev. R. Brear preached an able and impressive sermon suitable to the occasion. The oldest person in Meigs County, and probably in the State, is a Mrs. Henderson, who resides with her grand-son, a Mr. Rieser, about two miles from Chester, on the Racine road. Her age is 115 years. She was born in Eastern Virginia, but resided in Western Virginia the greater part of her life. [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph May 31, 1871
One day last week, while Marshal Simms was driving some little porkers to the pound, that were unprovided for in the way of pens, one of them became alarmed by some hostile demonstration from Lon, and jumped through the front window of Mrs. Kennedy's Millinery Store, on Front street, creating quite an excitement among the inmates. Query - Who pays for that glass? HAMBLETON - May 15, near Sturgeon, Boone County, Missouri, James Wilson, son of W. D. and Francis Hambleton, of Lebanon Township, Meigs County, aged 24 years. The Sturgeon, Mo., Leader gives the following particulars of Mr. Hambleton's death: May 13, 1871, Mr. James W. Hambleton was struck by lightning and instantly killed, while on his wagon in front of old Johnny Hawkins' residence about a mile south of Sturgeon. He, with several others, had been fishing at Silver's Fork during the day, and he had brought a load of wood back with him. They had all stopped at Mr. Hawkins' about 5-1/2 or 6 o'clock and Mr. Hambleton's wife was going to get on the wagon and ride home with him. Lewis Keeler, John Hawkins and several women and children were within a distance of forty feet from the wagon on which Mr. Hambleton was standing upright. The sun was shining brightly from the west, but some black clouds were coming up, indicating a shower. John Hawkins had a gun on his arm and was near Mr. Keeler's wagon giving him some gun caps. An ax was sticking in the load of wood near Mr. Hambleton, when all at once a flash, accompanied by a terrific crash burst forth from a small black cloud and Mr. Hambleton was seen to throw up his hands, raise about two feet above the wagon and fall to the ground a corpse. On picking up the body his hair was found to be burnt to the skin, his neck dislocated, and both feet disjointed in the instep. His hat, when first seen after he was struck, was about thirty feet in the air and coming down, the crown of which was torn all to pieces. His shirt and the right leg of his pants were literally split into ribbons, and all of the front of the right boot was torn off, and a large piece of leather was found inside the pants about the middle of the thigh. On Tuesday his face was of a dark purplish hue, like it might have been bruised. The ax was perfectly black, and the tire of one of the hind wheels of the wagon was knocked nearly off and the felloe injured: Mr. Keeler was knocked against his wagon, by which he was standing, and the young man with the gun was knocked down. All the other persons were severely shocked. The horses to Mr. Hambleton's wagon were knocked down and one of them had to be helped up. The body of the deceased was taken to the residence of A. J. Hawkins, where he had been making his home, and from there was buried at Mt. Horeb Church on Tuesday afternoon. Deceased was formerly from Meigs County, Ohio. He married a Miss Cobb of Monroe County, since coming to this State, and has been living with Mr. Hawkins some six or eight months. He was much esteemed by those who knew him since his short residence among us, and his young wife has the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community. [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph June 7, 1871
LON SIMMS says that he did not drive that little porker through Mrs. Kennedy's window, as stated by us last week, which the same he is free to maintain. It was one of his deputies. [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph June 28, 1871
The wife of Mr. George GILES, of Rutland Township, Meigs County, is supposed to have committed suicide by drowning on Saturday night last, her body having been found floating in Little Leading Creek early on Monday morning. As near as we can get at the facts of the case they are these: For some time past the deceased has been of a melancholy habit, owing to the death of some of her children, and has been in the habit of making frequent visits to their burial place, which was in the immediate neighborhood of the place where she was found drowned. On this occasion, she appears to have gone out in the night-time, without the knowledge of her husband, who first discovered her absence on rising in the morning. Supposing that she had gone to the graveyard, he went there to seek her, when he found her body as before described. The stream in which she was drowned is usually quite a shallow one, though there are occasional places where the water stands in pools of sufficient depth to drown a person not able to swim. The deceased is said to have been a woman of great amiability of character, and to have been greatly beloved by her acquaintances. There is no known cause for her rash deed other than that above mentioned. Her family relationships are said to have been happy. She was a sister of the Rev. S. H. BARRETT of the Free Will Baptist Church of Rutland. Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley
Meigs County Telegraph July 12, 1871
On Wednesday, March 29, Mr. John Pilchard, Sr., at his residence in the neighborhood of East Letart, in Letart Township, aged 63 years, of inflammatory rheumatism. Mr. Pilchard came to this place with his parents in the year 1822. He was a quiet, peaceful, unpretending man, a good neighbor and citizen, respected by all who knew him. By honest industry he accumulated some property, which he left to his now bereaved companion, having died without an heir. Mr. Pilchard was an acceptable member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for over 36 years, and when the time of his departure came, he was ready, and now no doubts (sic) rests in peace in heaven. H. Friday, March 31, in Rutland Township, after a short illness, David Bailey, aged 19 years. In Orange Township, at the residence of Morris Henry, Esq., on the 1st day of July, 1871, Mrs. Mary Cartwright, aged 83 years and 10 months. She came to Meigs from Alexander, Rockingham county, New Hampshire, in 1814. She twice moved west and returned, once in moving to Minnesota, she with Mr. Henry, forded the Mississippi in a two horse wagon above St. Anthony's Falls. She was a distant relative of Col. Prescott, who commanded at Bunker Hill, and also of Rev. Hoit, who first established a mission on Mission Ridge, Ga., from which it took its name. Sallie, wife of John C. Hysell, 2d., in Salisbury Township, June 22, 1871, died in the 60th year of her age. Her sickness was of long duration, thus giving her full opportunity to prove her faith in Jesus in the midst of sufferings and to test the virtue of his Grace. Conscious of approaching dissolution, she calmly gave minute directions about her funeral, even selecting hymns to be sung on the occasion. After having served Christ fifteen years, in fellowship with the free Baptist Church, willingly, yea even joyfully, to meet him. A large circle of relatives will miss her presence here; may they greet her in heaven. Services at Salisbury Free Baptist Church, June ?4, by the writer, after which all that is mortal of her was interred in the Pomeroy Cemetery. T.H. DRAKE July 1, at Syracuse, Meigs County, of flux and head disease, Little Johnnie Everett, only son of Lewis S. and Rachel C. Nease, aged 19 months. Little Johnnie has gone to rest. The Lord giveth and the Lord hath taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. On Monday April 3, in this city of Consumption, Thomas F. Roberts, aged about 19 years. Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley
Meigs County Telegraph Wednesday, August 9, 1871
Mr. Josephus ENOCHS, an old citizen of this county, died at his home on the Chester road, about a mile from Pomeroy, on Saturday last, of fever, after an illness of about a week. His age was close on to 70. Previous to this sickness, as he told us about two weeks since, he had never been sick an hour in his whole life. He was but a common laborer, and his whole life was one of toil, but he had managed to store his mind with an amount of information that but few men possessed. He was a man of rare good sense, and to all appearances, was blameless in his life. --------------------------------- A SALOON KEEPER, by the name of Julius BECKER, was arrested in this city last evening, on the charge of stealing one hundred dollars from the pocket of a man named James McCARTNEY, while the latter was asleep in a room over his saloon. According to the man's story, when he went to sleep, he had something over two hundred dollars in a pocket book in a side pocket of his coat; that he was aroused from his sleep by some one feeling in his pocket, and springing up he caught the hand of the party, and found it was Becker's who had robbed his pocket book of a portion of its contents, and was returning it to his pocket. On counting his money, he says he found it one hundred dollars short. Parties who know Becker doubt the truth of the story. Later.--The case has since been dismissed. Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley --------------------------------- Death in a Well A worthy young man by the name of Emrick Hart lost his life in a well near Hemlock Grove Post-office, Bedford township, Meigs Co. on Monday last from carbonic acid gas. He had gone down into a well belonging to Mr. Alonzo Hoyt; for the purpose of cleaning it out, and while engaged in dipping up the water, was seen to fall over. It was about half an hour before he was taken out, when he was found to be perfectly lifeless. A young man by the name of Uriah Nelson went down the well at the risk of his own life and recovered the body of the deceased. He too was considerably affected by the "damps", but escaped without serious injury. The deceased was a son of Mr. Aaron Hart of Bedford Township, and was about twenty years of age. Transcribed by Kay Williams
Meigs County Telegraph August 23, 1871
PERSONAL.-- Mr. Henry STIVERS, Esq., of Oceola, Clark County, Iowa, formerly typo in this office, is here on a visit to his numerous friends. REV. H.P. WOGAN, who has been preaching in Illinois, Wisconsin and Nebraska, for two years and a half past, has just returned to Salisbury, and while spending a few months among his friends at home, will hold religious services at the Freewill Baptist Church, on Hiland's Hill, two miles north of Pomeroy. At 7-1/2 o'clock P.M., on the next Sabbath, and at such other times as occasion may demand. POMEROY PUBLIC SCHOOLS The Services of the following teachers have been secured for the ensuing year: CENTRAL Mr. E.E. Spalding, Principal Grammar School - Misses Caroline and Uranie Stivers Intermediate - Miss Emma Sanders and Miss Sarah N. Hatfield Secondary - Miss Emma Whiteside Primary - Miss ------ Kennedy and Miss Molly Crary German School - Mr. H. Stahl FIRST WARD Secondary - Miss Sarah Walters Primary - Miss ------ Lasley Colored School - Mr. Elijah Hutton THIRD WARD Miss Linnie Gallagher Miss Clara Coy Miss Lula Holt Miss Nettie Foster Colored School - John Gorsuch FOURTH WARD Mr. A.D. Weed Miss A.E. Pugh Miss L.A. Jones [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph September 13, 1871
SAMUEL McELROY died at this residence in Racine, Ohio, Monday, the 11th inst. The deceased was late a private of Company B, 116 O.V.I., in which service he was severely wound (sic) finally dying from the effects of the wounded (sic). He was an upright and christian man, a true soldier, faithful alike in duty to his God and country. Those who knew him best will mourn him most. HERMAN WIGGLEMAN, a German living in the Second Ward of this city, was badly injured yesterday, in the Excelsior Coal Bank, by being caught between the roof and a wagon loaded with coal on which he was riding. MR. ABRAHAM FRUITH, late of this city, was injured by the explosion of the boiler in a flouring mill he was tending, at New Haven, Indiana, on the 7th inst. Not dangerously. There were two men killed in the explosion. REV. MR. BARRINGER, a brother of Captains Elisha and Asa Barringer, of this county, died near Zanesville, Ohio, last week. REV. JOHN HUGG, an old and respected citizen of Salem Township, died last week of Bilious colic. His sickness was of but a few hours duration. [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph September 20, 1871
TITUS -- In Rutland, at this late residence, Stephen Titus, aged 75 years. He was born in Dutchess county, New York, June 20, 1796. Moved to this county in 1833. Has been an active, energetic citizen. Represented the county in State Legisture (sic), during the winter of 1840-41. Organized and was President of County Agricultural Society for a number of years. He died full of years, universally respected and lamented. ---- [Excerpted from an article on the County Commissioners' Proceedings] The following bills were ordered paid: S. Silverman & Son, clothing for the insane persons $33.00 S. F. Moore, coal for court-house and jail 8.50 H. P. McNaughton, bridge and lumber 23.04 Calvin Craven, repair on bridge 30.00 George Bauer,repairing Court-house floor 36.62 N. I. Behan, printing 38.00 Telegraph Printing Company 12.00 J. P. Coburn, J.P., costs State vs. Ward 2.50 B. Gorby, Constable, costs in same case 3.05 Charley Worthen, building two bridges 560.00 J. V. Weldon, repairing chairs 8.50 John Priode, repairing Court-house 22.55 H. Bicknell, stone work on bridge 15.00 I. Bradfield, public duty at erecting Soldiers' monument 7.50 Curtis & Woodriff 1.90 I. Bradfield, cleaning jail and sundries for prisoners 17.37 D. H. Lasley, sundries for office 14.60 I. Train, medical attendance on prisoners 7.50 Robert Folden, iron and nails 6.45 T. Welch, services as worker on roads 3.00 Isaac Inman, lumber for bridge 25.48 Telegraph Printing Co., printing blanks 28.59 S. A. M. Moore & Co., sundries for jail 9.10 D. Reed, sundries for jail 1.75 G. Eiselstein, sundries for jail 1.75 J. P. Bradley, sundries for office 2.90 William Davis, services as infirmary Director 27.53 W. Foster, " " " " 11.25 B. Gorby, " " " " 12.50 A. B. Donnally, Clerk, sundries for office 2.25 P. B. Dickerson, J.P., costs 11.89 L. H. Lee, Constable, costs 8.20 O. Jones, Constable, costs 4.00 B. Gorby, Constable, costs 5.00 J. G. Probst, M???as and 2 tables for jail 9.50 J. P. Cooper, J.P., costs 5.85 J. M. DeCamp, constable, costs 10.00 J. L. Woodyard, constable, costs 6.75 George Lee, J.P., costs 9.52 O. Jones, constable, costs 4.05 A. F. Simms, constable, costs 3.60 R. Griffin, sundries for office 17.51 T. Mallowy, Sheriff, sundries for office 17.10 John McClure, indexing (Campbell's system) 128.00 W. W. Bradford, allowance to fix bridge 10.00 The County Jail was examined and found properly kept. The County Treasury was examined and the funds found to be correct and safely kept. [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph October 4, 1871
I.N. WEBSTER, of Des Moines, Iowa, formerly of Middleport, had his business house and stable burned on Friday, September 22. Most of his goods, machinery, &c., were saved, but a fine span of horses were burned up before they could be rescued. John HATCHIE was seriously injured by a kick from a horse, on last Monday. Louis GODFREID accidentally shot himself in the hand on Monday last. We learn Mr. A. BLUMENTHAL is going to erect a fine business house upon the front of the lot upon which he now lives. The Ohio River has reached its lowest stage during this week, and is lower than for three years past. A good sized catfish can't go through Buffington. A fire broke out last Wednesday morning in the residence of Mr. John GROGAN, in the Fourth Ward of this city. It was discovered and extinguished before it had made much headway. Middleport Fire Company put in an appearance with their machine, but arrived too late to render much assistance. Loss about $100. It is supposed to have originated from some children playing with matches. We learn that Herman FALLER, of Pine Bluff, Arkansas, and formerly a resident of this city, died on Sunday, the 24th ultimo. He was one of the prominent business men of the town, and his loss will be severely felt. [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph December 20, 1871
CAPT. JAMES H. RICE, long known here as a very popular officer on the river, died at Camden, Arkansas, last Saturday. We learn that Mr. Frank Grant has gone to Cincinnati to meet and receive the body The burial is to take place at the family burial-ground of his father, Mr. Jacob Rice, near Silver Run, in this township. He resided for some years at Middleport. [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
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