These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio February 18, 1875
Meigs On the night of the 4th inst. the store of L. W. Mauck & Co., at Cheshire, was broken into, the safe forced open and robbed of about fifteen hundred dollars. Mrs. Isaac Bradfield, of Pomeroy had a narrow escape from cremation one day last week. While standing near the stove her dress caught fire in front, and but for her admirable presence of mind she would, in an instant, have been enveloped in flame. As soon as she realized the situation she gathered her skirts around the blaze and smothered it. The dress was runed [sic] but she was uninjured. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio February 25, 1875
Meigs James Saul, while hauling coal, had both bones of his right leg broken on Tuesday of last week, on Thomas' Creek, near Pomeroy. The proposed Pomeroy and Jackson railroad does not, we think, meet with as warm support from those immediately interested, as its importance dem????s. An event of local importance in Pomeroy, on Wednesday evening of last week, was a Hebrew wedding in Silverman's Hall; the same being the nuptials of Mr. Gustave Jordan and Miss Bennetta Segal. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio March 4, 1875
Meigs A young resident of Meigs county thought he was pursued by a ghost. He climbed a tree in his fright, shot at it, yelled and roused the neighbors, who came and discovered the cause of the fright to be a -- pet sheep! On Friday last the steamer Argosy, laden with twelve hundred barrels of salt, was sunk at Middelport [sic] by being struck by the ice drift. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio March 11, 1875
Meigs Brother Chapman of the Telegraph complains that a certain Legislative act which recently passed the House was almost precisely in word and character like a bill which he last session introduced and which the Assembly at that time refused to pass. Chap. justly object to other members thus stealing his thunder. This incident can be taken to illustrate, too, the hap-hazzard [sic] manner of a great deal of our legislation. The marriage business in Pomeroy, the Telegraph complains, is discouragingly slow. Lower Pomeroy is now called the Fifth Ward of Middleport. Mr. J. W. Meek, of Chester, organized a Grange in Lebanon Township on Saturday, February 27, with forty charter members. Martin Windel, a bogus doctor, who last summer located in the village of Chester was last week arrested for bigamy in marrying a lady of that place notwithstanding his having a prior wife and five children in Preston County, West Virginia. At latest accounts he was in the Meigs County jail awaiting sentence under a plea of guilty. Four young men of Middleport have been indicted for setting fire to buildings in that town during last spring and summer. They have confessed guilt by running away. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio March 25, 1875
Meigs Jacob Karr, of Rutland, who accidentally shot himself with a pistol on the 6th, died on the 11th inst. The appointment of Mr. V. B. Smith as postmaster of Middleport has been confirmed by the United States Senate. On the 2nd day of February, 1815, Rev. Eli Stedman, of Rutland township, solemnized the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Baker, then of Gallia county. In 1845 they moved to Iowa. Although Mr. Steadman has been dead about thirty years, the parties married, still survive, and, in February last, celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage. They are aged respectively 82 and 83 years. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio April 1, 1875
The Rev. Wm. T. Metcalf died on last Thursday at his residence in Marshfield, in the 63 year of his age. He was for many years a member of the Ohio M.E. Conference and was highly esteemed for his Christian character and probity. He had but recently removed to this county from Pagetown, Meigs county. Meigs Hosmer Branch, who the Telegraph says is a Republican, is the Democratic nominee for Mayor of Pomeroy. There is a young man in the Meigs county jail who has at least four wives living, and it is supposed six. Three of them reside in Meigs county. Hon. V. B. Horton, whose term as President and Director of the A.L.E.R.R., had expired, accepted a re-election as Director but not as President. It was, in his opinion, desirable that this office should be held by one who lived near the center of the road, and who could devote more time to the management of it than he himself would be able to do at Pomeroy. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio April 8, 1875
Sheriff Warren received a telegram on Monday evening from Sheriff McElroy, of Pomeroy, ordering the arrest of Elza Bryan, and in less than a half hour after receiving the dispatch our Sheriff, as if guided by instinct picked out his man from a group at one of our street corners, though he had never seen him before. Bryan is wanted, in company of three others, in Meigs county, to answer an indictment for arson, being charged with having set fire to certain houses in Middleport some weeks ago. Since the above was written we have been informed that an old unused building was the only one that was designedly fired by the indicted parties, and this with the object of testing the efficiency of a new fire engine then newly received by a fire company of which the parties referred to were members; that from the building thus fired, flames were communicated to other buildings involving their destruction. At the time of writing this Sheriff Warren has received notification that an officer is on his way here from Pomeroy to take the prisoner to that place. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio April 29, 1875
Meigs Wm. Mark was badly crippled by falling over a stone wall in Pomeroy, recently. Mrs. J. D. Branch, of Pomeroy, recently died of causes resulting from a broken leg. The dwelling of Mr. N. Curtis, in Pomeroy, was damaged by fire one day last week. Mrs. Hannah Crooks, aged 50, died of consumption at her residence in Syracuse, recently. Dr. Jno. S. Halliday, of Kansas, a homoepathist, will shortly locate professionally in Middleport. Samuel Might, of Salem township, was in the jail of this county under the charge of adultery, last week. Mrs. Orphia Hubbell, aged 75, one of the pioneers of Rutland township, died suddenly on Monday of last week. The White Stocking Base Ball Club, of Middleport, re-organized last week, electing Dr. Charles H. Tidd, President. George Titus, of Rutland township, is creditably referred to for his enterprise in introducing thoroughbred horset into the county. The Dahney Salt Company, in the Fourth Ward of Pomeroy, has been incorporated by Hon. V. B. Horton and others. Capital $80,000. Five hundred and three white and one hundred and nine colored children were on the rolls of the Middleport public schools for the first month of the Spring term. J. P. Bradbury, Esq., of this county, is mentioned by the Telegraph as a probable candidate for Common Pleas Judge before the next Republican District Convention. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio May 6, 1875
Meigs Prof. J. Thomas who has resided for several years in Rutland village, has removed to Middleport. George Stout, aged 85, who lived on the east fork of Shade Creek, died week before last Mrs. Hubbel, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Styles, of Rutland, died within brief intervals of each other recently. The Catholic Orphan Asylum, just completed at Pomeroy, was dedicated on Sunday last by Bishop Rose?rans. The church not being large enough to accommodate the crowd, he addressed them outside, in an altar made for the occasion. Middleport is constructing a new iron fence around her school house lot and otherwise improving the same. She is also about to put down new crossings at most of the street corners of very superior flag stone, from Kentucky quarry on the Ohio River opposite Buena Vista, Ohio. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio May 20, 1875
Meigs M. Mack, a resident, of Middleport, is mysteriously missing. Nine prisoners at the close of the week in the jail of this county. Major Russell is erecting a fine brick residence on Mulberry street, Pomeroy. During a recent exercise of the Pomeroy Fire Company four or five sections of their new hose bursted. Several of a lot of Devonshire cattle that were sold in Salem last week had each gained 441 in weight since the 1st of January. Two females who came from Gallipolis to Pomeroy, one day last week to attend a funeral, got drunk and spent the night in jail. A sneak thief stole the contribution box, containing some fifteen dollars, belonging to the Raptist [sic] (colored) Sunday School, of Middleport, one day last week. Marshal Simms, of Pomeroy, is enduring an attack of small pox which he contracted in giving attention to a colored patient who recently died in the pest house of that town. Mr. John Gygax, of Pomeroy, on Sunday evening of last week, walked through what is known as the "drum house" of the Sugar Run Salt works, and fell about ten feet, breaking one of his legs. Too much beer. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio May 27, 1875
Meigs On the 14th day of May, 1834, says the Middleport News, Leading Creek was frozen over. The funeral of Mrs. Josephine, wife of Geo. Morse, took place in Middleport on Wednesday of last week. Many new additions, barns and minor improvements, aside from the numerous extensive ones, says the Telegraph, are noticeable throughout Pomeroy. A tenement in Middleport, belonging to P. H. Brunker, and occupied by four families, three colored and one white, was destroyed by fire on Monday of last week. A case of surgical instruments which were stolen from Dr. Ackley's office, in Pomeroy, some time last winter, were found where they had been hidden by the thief, in the Pomeroy Boat Yard, on Friday, last week. Exposure to the weather had about ruined them. The body of Martin Mack, of Middleport, whose mysterious disappearance we noticed last week was found in the river at the Clipper Mills, about six miles below Gallipolis, on Wednesday of last week. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio June 10, 1875
Dr. Townsend, formerly of Mt. Blanco, Meigs county, has taken possession of his property at Albany, purchased of Jerry Woodyard, some time ago. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio June 17, 1875
Meigs Mr. Lucius Weaver, of consumption, and Miss Susan Petty, of cerebra spinal meningitis, recently died in Racine. The school directors of Bungtown district, Bedford township, have very unwisely concluded not to have school this Summer. The new town clock, of Middleport, is pronounced by the News "a complete nuisance." Send to Athens for Cindy McLean to put it to rights. A child belonging to Mr. George Bauer, of Pomeroy, aged about four years, was fatally kicked by a horse on Tuesday evening of last week. There will be a re-union of the students of the Tupper's Plains Seminary on to-morrow, the 18th of June, which will be the close of the present term. The editor of the Telegraph escaped possible injuries by the recent upsetting of the hack from Athens, in which he was a passenger, by having got out to walk a few moments previous to the accident. The latter occurred at a point near Harrisonville, where the road is said to be in very bad plight. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio June 24, 1875
Meigs Rev. N. Harper closed his pastorate of the First Baptist Church, Pomeroy, on Sunday last. J.M. Cooper, Esq., Pagetown, whose dangerous illness was herein mentioned, is convalescent. Two men named, respectively Tucker and Kauffman, were drowned in the Ohio River, at Reedville, on the 12 inst. Rev. D. L. Chapin, of Pennsylvania, entered upon the pastorate of the First Presbyterian Church, at Middleport, on Sunday of last week. Col. Cyrus Grant, late of Pomeroy, has purchased an interest in the Anchor Iron and Steel Company, of Cincinnati, and will hereafter make that city his home. Mrs. Henry Will, of Bedford township was dangerously injured by her buggy running off a bridge while returning from Church on Sunday of last week. Mr. Elisha Thomas and family, after an absence of many years, have returned to Syracuse, as also have Thos. and Chas. Karr, who accompanied Dr. Tombes to Southern California, last March, with a view of making that their future home. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio July 1, 1875
Meigs Dr. David Sisters, of Racine, lost a child on Sunday of last week. It fell into the creek and was drowned. A child of Wm. Burrel's of Racine, recently had several fingers of one had accidentally chopped off by an axe. Alexander Hood, aged 40, a resident of Pomeroy, died in the jail of this county of delirium tremens, on Sunday of last week. Michael R. Wolf's house, at Racine, was struck by lightning, week before last. Mrs. Wolf was somewhat stunned but not seriously injured. Mr. Robert Tyke, of Minersville, is the owner of a blooded yearling colt, which is 14 1/2 hands and one half inch high, weights 750 pounds. Mrs. Sarah E. Taylor, of Salem, who was generally esteemed in her neighborhood for her practical philanthropy, died suddenly, about two weeks since. Mr. Wm. Horden, of Middleport, recently had his pipe knocked out of his mouth by the lightning, he, himself, escaped without serious physical injury. The heaviest rain storm that has occurred in this county for many previous years happened on the 17th of June, resulting in quite heavy damage in various ways to the farmers. Thomas Creek, about a mile back of Pomeroy, recently, got out of its banks, and carried off a new bridge just completed by the Commissioners a little above where Union Avenue crosses that stream. On last Saturday a German, named Jacob Roushier, attempted to kill his wife, in Pomeroy, by shooting her with a pistol, the ball passing through her ear; he them committed suicide by placing the pistol under his chin and firing, the ball coming out the top of his head. No cause is known for the act. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio July 8, 1875
Meigs Uncle Jimmie Trainer, one of the oldest residents of Columbia township, recently died. A little daughter of Henry F. Love, of Salem, died Thursday, June 24th, from the effects of a burn received early this Spring. Racine has a minstrel troupe, composed of small boys. In a recent concert by them their performance was much commended. Miss Susan Griffiths, of Pomeroy, has sued Arthur Roberts, of the same town, for breach of promise, laying damages at $5,000. The mother, of the editor of the Middleport News, was thrown from a buggy on Monday, of last week, and was seriously injured. The wife of W. M. Swallow, of Middleport, recently underwent a very painful and dangerous operation in the removal of a tumor from her right side. On Monday of last week, while Miss Bettie Holcombe was driving from Salem Center to Vinton, her horse became frightened, and she was thrown from the buggy and severely injured. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio July 22, 1875
Meigs J. M. Cooper, Esq., of Pagetown, was fatally stricken with paralysis one day last week. The recent fire in Middleport necessitated numerous changes in the localities of business places. Syracuse is notable for the exceptionable large number of its citizens who regularly attend church. Mr. Dave Llewellyn, of Pomeroy, cut his hand seriously, on Monday of last week, while cleaning a show case. A negro prisoner in the jail of this county, lately attempted to poison himself rather than submit to working out his fine. A cow belonging to Mr. Nicholas Vager fell over the cliff near Monkey Run, on Sunday night of last week, and was killed. Mr. J. L. Lasley, late a teacher in the Pomeroy High School, will take charge of the Middleport High School, at the beginning of the next school year. The Middleport News says: The little son of Frank Butcher swallowed a small tin whistle last Sunday which lodged in his throat, and came near choking the little fellow before any one had sufficient presence of mind to push it on down, which brought instantaneous relief. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio July 29, 1875
MEIGS Mr. G. W. Richie, of Letart, has sold his place to Captain Thomas Alexander, for $2,000. Capt. Wm. Grayum died at his residence in Cheshire, Monday of last week, of kidney disease. Clinton Decker, son of Wm. Decker of Portland, came near being fatally kicked by a horse, recently. Mr. C. B. Dutton and Captain J. M. Cooper, of Pagetown, died week before last, within six hours of each other. Mr. J. C. Probst, of Pomeroy, recently fell with his left hand against a buzz saw at which he was working, cutting off three fingers. Mr. James H. Wright, a young man of Rutland, while sharpening his scythe, accidentally cut one of his fingers nearly off. Mr. Henry Backus, of Columbia township, had a dog go mad on the 3d inst. The rabid animal was killed before he did any injury. James March, a salt roller at the Bedford Furnace, had one of his toes cut off by the wheel of a car running over his foot, on Monday of last week. Mr. J.L. Lasley, formerly of Rutland township, and late student in the college at Delaware, Ohio, will take charge next year of the Middleport High School. The wife of Evan Evans, of Syracuse, aged about 50, was taken ill at the supper table, on Thursday evening, 15th inst., and went and sat in the door, where she suddenly expired. The cheese factory at Chester is doing quite a large business this summer. There are on hand, in process of curing, part of which is ready for market, over six thousand pounds of the article. Mr. John Hatchie, an employe at the Pomeroy Rolling Mill, was dangerously hurt, recently, by falling on an iron pin, breaking one of his ribs and injuring him otherwise badly. About a year ago, he lost two children from accidents. We can't imagine how an addition to Pomeroy is practicable without the aid of an earthquake to first removed the hills with which that town is closely environed; but they have got one any how, and it is called "Remington's." A man named Webb and a woman named Mary L. Rock, with whom he was cohabiting, and who live near the mouth of Leading Creek, were recently suspected of fowl play with reference to the disappearance of a boy named Wm. Burrell, whom they had taken to raise, but it afterwards appeared that the boy had ran away. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio August 5, 1875
Meigs Mrs. Sarah Evans, of Syracuse, died suddenly, of paralysis of the brain, recently. A Grange picnic was held in a grove near Danville, Salem township, last Saturday. Eli Johnson, of Salem, came near drowning, recently, in Raccoon creek, having driven his mule team in too deep water. A negro named Wm. Guthrie is in the jail of this county for a recent attempted outrage on the person of two while girls, aged 18, respectively, at Middleport. To Hon. O. B. Chapman's support and advocacy of the Geghan Bill is mainly attributed, by the Middleport News, his recent defeat for renomination [sic] as Representative. The following is the ticket nominated by the Meigs Republicans in Convention last week: Representative, Alban Davies; Clerk, W. A. Race; Auditor, G. P. Sanford: Sheriff, J. C. McElroy; Probate Judge, P. B. Stanbury; Recorder, John McClure: Prosicuting Attorney, Ira Graham; Commissioner, Hiram Alkire; Coroner, J. C. Bishop, Infirmary Director, A. H. Nease. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio August 12, 1875
Meigs Mr. David M. Curry died at his residence in Salem, on the 20th of last month, after an illness of two years and fourteen days. A considerable fall of rocks from the ledge above Condor street, near the Rolling Mill, occurred. Considerable damage was done to some of the houses near by. The Telegraph criticises [sic] the Pomeroy fireman for neglect to clean their engine and hose after use, attributing to this that the engine is becoming rusty and getting out of repair and the hose so rotten as to be almost worthless. The finest potatoes we have seen this year, says the Pomeroy Telegraph, were raised on Jailor [sic] Bradfield's farm, over on Thomas Creek. They were planted in "the old of the moon;" thus exploding the superstition that it is necessary to plant in the new of the moon to get a good crop. By a recent wind-storm Mr. Wesley Carpenter, of Columbia township, had a barn blown down; a fine sugar grove nearly all destroyed; and orchard greatly injured; some fine shade trees about this house uprooted; eight acres of oats blown down so flat as to be worthless and a large field of corn utterly ruined. Two large rocks, says the Telegraph, fell from the top of the ledge in the rear of Mr. John Bartlett's property on Second street, and one of them weighing two or three tons, lodged in the kitchen of the old Bartlett property at the head of Sycamore street, knocking down the cooking stove and wrecking things generally. The other rock, weighing any where from twenty up to fifty tons, stopped a few feet short of the adjoining property. The occupants of the houses, fortunately, had timely notice of the danger and kept out of the way. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio August 26, 1875
Meigs The small boys in Racine are reported going wild over base ball. The Latter-day Saints, at Syracuse, are ministered unto by a Mr. F. Foss. Louis Hudson, of the firm of Hudson & Roush, died, recently at Syracuse. Mr. Abner Stout, of Chester, is reported seriously ill with dropsy of the heart. Will, a son of George Addison, had his arm broken, on the 13th inst. by falling out of an apple tree. William Thomas and his son, who went to California last Spring to work in the mines, have returned to Syracuse. The M. E. Church, at Racine, is undergoing repairs, and in the meantime services of the congregation will be held in the Baptist Church. A large barn belonging to L. Cross, at Racine, was destroyed by fire on Thursday night, 12th inst. The barn contained from 25 to 30 ton of hay, 70 bushels of potatoes, a lot of tools, hay press and other articles, which were all lost. The damage is estimated at $2,000. On Monday afternoon, of last week, the body of a colored male child was found in the Ohio river, in Middleport, with marks of violence upon it. After a little investigation it was discovered to be the child of Emma Taylor, who stated that it was born dead, and that the father, Isaac Munsey, took the body away for burial. The parties implicated have been arrested. Mr. Frederick Feiger, aged about sixty-three years, a resident of the Second Ward of this county was found dead in his bed, by his wife, on Friday morning last. We went to bed at his usual hour, in apparently good health the night before, and his wife, who was sleeping by his side, knew nothing of his sickness until she found him head in the morning. His death is supposed to have been caused by decease of the heart. Telegraph. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio September 2, 1875
Meigs Mrs. Waid Batey, an esteemed citizen of Syracuse, died week before last. M. E. Church, of Racine, is undergoing repairs and is to have a new bell. Carleton College, Syracuse, commenced its fall term, Monday, August 30th. They have a wide-awake Hayes Club in Middleport, which meets on Friday evenings. A lodge of the Independent Order of Forresters was organized at Branch's Hall, Pomeroy, Tuesday night, of last week. Mrs. Mary Cooper, wife of Mr. L. O. Cooper, died at the residence of Mr. J. B. Hampton, in Pomeroy, on the 21st utl. Mrs. Phobe Shumway, wife of William Shumway, of Orange, had a leg broken by being thrown from a buggy, near Adams' Mill, recently. A stalwart resident of Salem township, recently, knocked his wife down because she failed to charge two men, who eat dinner at his house, for their meals. The defeat of Judge Cartwright in the recent Democratic Judicial Convention has occasioned general dissatisfaction among the Democrats of this county. Emma Taylor, Chloe Jackson and Isaac Muncie, mulattoes [sic], are in the jail of this county under charge of destroying a newly born infant of the party first named. Mr. John Thress who has been doing business in Pomeroy for nine or ten years made an assignment of his property for the benefit of his creditors, to Mr. S.A.M. Moore, on Tuesday of last week. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio September 9, 1875
Meigs On Sunday last Rev. James S. Ricketta preached his farewell sermon in Chester. The houses of Messrs. Lorain Robinson and J. C. Jones, of Chester township, were recently burglarized. The funeral sermon of Mr. J.M.L. Cooper, late of Pageville, this county, was preached at the Free Will Baptist church in that town on Sunday last. Mr. Abner Stout, who had resided in Chester township over half a century and was known and respected throughout the entire county, recently died, aged 72. A beautiful silk flag will be presented to the township, outside of Salisbury, sending the largest delegation to the Republican Mass Meeting, at Pomeroy to-morrow, Friday. A large Copperhead Snake was killed in the garden of the editor of the Pomeroy Telegraph, on "Breezy Height." The wife of the editor had a few moments before been picking tomatoes at the spot where the reptile was found. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio September 16, 1875
Meigs A twin calf belonging to J. N. Chase, on Dirty Creek, this county, weighted three hundred pounds when ten weeks old. Mr. Lester Frost, of Bedford township, claims to have raised, this year 110 bushels of Early Rose potatoes from 3 1/2 bushels of seed. Captain Charles Leonard's Orchestra of Racine, it is said, have made themselves master of their instruments, and show by the different pieces they play that they have been thoroughly drilled. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio October 7, 1875
Meigs On Wednesday, 22d ult., Mrs. H. Holt, of New Lima, aged 69 years, was thrown from a horse, below Rutland village, and had her leg broken just above the ankle. The Clifton Hotel, opposite Middleport, and jointly owned by Chas. Logan, of the latter place, and George Eiselstein, of Pomeroy, was destroyed by fire on Sunday evening, 26th ult. A two-year old son of Jasper G. Forrest, of Middleport, was drowned on Friday, 24th ult., by falling into an abandoned cistern, on the lot of Stephen Webb, in the fourth ward of that town. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio October 21, 1875
MEIGS George Miles, son of H. H. Miles, of Racine, died on the 10th inst., of inflammatory rheumatism. Miss Myra Cline, late a very efficient teacher in the Columbia public schools, died lately of consumption. Healy DeWolf died in Syracuse, October 1st. He was sick almost two years. His age was about twenty years. Mr. Furman Smith, says the Pomeroy Telegraph, of this township, raised on one vine this year, 33 pumpkins weighing, altogether, 524 pounds, Mr. Jasper Branch and wife, both former citizens of this county, and who were each about 77 years of age, recently died in Wayne county, Ill. David, son of John C. McElhinney, while playing on the school grounds, Tuesday afternoon, 12th inst., fell and broke his right leg just above the ankle. The Williamson boys of Great Bend, have sold their potato crop (about 3,000 barrels) to a Mr. Graham of Gallia county, at 40 cents per bushel. -- Racine Herald. Daniel Rutherford, of Rutland, extensively known as a nurseryman, fruit grower, and proprietor of Merrill's black salve, died on Friday, the 9th, of Epilepsy, aged 61 years. On Wednesday morning, 3d inst., Jacob Warner, who lives on Leading Creek, found his child, about 2 months old, dead in bed. Mrs. Hartinger dressed it and Warner took and buried it without putting it in a coffin or administering any funeral rites. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio October 28, 1875
Meigs Mr. W. S. Wiley, of Oliver township, has a colt thirteen months old that weights 950 pounds. Josiah B. Smith was elected Justice of the Peace [sic] over Dr. H. C. Waterman, in Salisbury township, by 1,435 majority. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio December 2, 1875
Meigs Meigs county has 48,101 acres of land, not woodland, lying waste. The barn of R. Johnson, of Syracuse, burned to the ground, on the 19th inst. Randall Stivers, who recently died in Pomeroy, had been a resident of this county for fifty eight years. Mr. A. J. Pullins, from Chester township, with his family, recently removed to Council Grove, Kansas. Mr. David Painter, of Salem township, exhibited at our office last Thursday two large tucks, supposed to be those of a wild boar, which he had found on his farm. They were each 8 1/2 inches long. The old settlers remember a wild boar having been in that township many years ago, and these tucks are supposed to be the remains of the same. --{Pomeroy Telegraph. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio December 9, 1875
Meigs Chas. Folrath, a dry goods dealer of Pomeroy, has made an assignment. Mrs. Tyler, of Salem township, died very suddenly of heart disease, last month. Jasper G. Forrest has been awarded the contract for building the new jail of this county. H. H. McElhinny, of Middleport, lost a horse on the 24th inst., by being choked to death. J. Wallace Stansbury, of Rutland township, has been placed in the Insane Asylum at Athens. Mr. Lu????Brine, of Rutland township, raised this year on one acre of hilland, 106 1/2 bushels of corn. A daughter born to the wife of Mr. Josiah Steward of Columbia township last week weighted three pounds, just. R. H. Webb, of Salem, raised radish 17 1/2 inches in length, and weighing nine pounds. Mr. John Pritchard, formerly manager of the Pomeroy Rolling Mill, died quite suddenly, on the 26th ult. at Ironton. Rev. Selah H. Barrett, who has been a minister at Rutland for the last thirty years, has been obliged to desist from preaching for a season, on account of declining health. Lydia B. Smith, the present post mistress at Dexter, has tendered her resignation to the P.O. Department. Mrs. Mahala Torrence, it is expected will be appointed to fill the vacancey. A son, aged 8 years, of Mr. Charles Bierce, who lives above Kerr's Run, died on the 27th ult., of small-pox -- The Telegraph says that no new cases of this disease have appeared in Pomeroy. A tramp, named Hull, who recently escaped from the street gag, in Pomeroy, where he was working out a sentence for petit larceny, voluntarily returned to jail after some days absence . A one-year-old child of John W. Gillogly, of Columbia township, was scalded to death, recently, by its mother accidentally upsetting a kettle of boiling water on it while it was sleeping on a cot near the stove. On the 2d inst., Wilson Cochnower, from near Pomeroy, was victimized out of $30, at Cincinnati, by a well known confidence game just as he was about to take passage on a boat on his return home. Instead of his money he carried back that much experience. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio December 16, 1875
Meigs A Middleport merchant, shipped 2,200 dozen eggs to Philadelphia, one day last week. Mr. U. Nelson has received the appointment of Postmaster at Hemlock Grove, this county. Mr. Valentine Eiselstein, a well known citizen of Chester township, died recently of strangulated hernia. James S. Birtcher, an old and well known business man of Middleport, owing to certain legal troubles, has lit out. The result of a shooting affray recently, at a private dance in the village of Antiquity, was the wounding of a young gent in the side. Mr. Gilbert Bradshaw, died on Tuesday night of last week, at his residence on Thomas Creek, of erysipelas. He had been sick about five days. Mr. E. D. Ashworth, of Chester township, took to the Pomeroy market, last week, a pig, of the Poland stock, eighteen months old that weighted 502 1/2 pounds. The oldest man in Bedford township, at the present time is Henry K. Wells. He was born in Hartford county, Connecticut, July 21st, 1785, making his age 90 years on the 21st day of last July. The Middleport Mews' [sic] says: "Robert Bradford, whose death is announced this week, was one of the pioneers of this county, a descendant of one of the noted few who trusted their fortunes to the Mayflower, and a son of Maj. Bradford, of Revolutionary fame. He was the first male child born in the stockade at Marietta. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio December 23, 1875
A new store has been opened in New Lima, by N.N. Holt, of that place. Ira Russell, an old citizen of Salisbury township, died suddenly at his residence on Thomas Fork, on Sunday last. The "burnt district," in Middleport, is now covered from Rutland to Walnut street, with a row of brick buildings. Mr. Geo. Womeldorff, of Middleport, has purchased 1,450 turkeys, which he will slaughter and send to Cincinnati. Schreiner's new three story brick, in Middleport, will contain a fine opera house and Odd Fellows hall in the third story. Mrs. W. M. Swallow, of Middleport, is very low with a disease which baffies the skills of her physicians, and which will probably prove fatal. Mr. James Anderson, of Middleport is not expected to live. He is an old man and has been a resident of that place for the last quarter of a century. J. B. Dart, who has just closed a school in Fractional District No. 1, Rutland and Salisbury, has taught thirty-three winters, and sixty-six terms. A son of Hannibal Page, of Rutland township, named Asa, fifteen years old, absconded from his parents on the 3d, and can not be found. He was entirely destitute of money, and unable to talk intelligently, owing to an impediment of speech. Telegraph As Mr. Thad. Jones and his daughter, in a wagon, were passing the residence of Mr. Thomas Radford, near Pomeroy, a few days ago, the young lady was struck on the left temple by a stray shot, fired by some careless hunters who were shooting in that vicinity. She was knocked off the seat and somewhat stunned, but as the skin was not penetrated no particular injury was done. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio December 30, 1875
Meigs Nine in the jail in this county John Stanley, 85, who has been a resident of Scipio township for more than a half century, visited Pomeroy one day last week to pay his taxes. Mr. James Hogue, a highly respectable farmer, of about forty-five years of age, committed suicide on the 20th inst., at his residence of Leading creek, Rutland township, by shooting himself under the chin with a musket. No cause can be assigned for the act. Mr. John C. Chase, a well-known teacher, and formerly Superintendent of the Middleport schools, was recently brought home from a partially completed trip undertaken for his health, and at latest advises was lying dangerously ill with a pulmonary affection. We learn from the Telegraph that an immense quantity of rock feel from the cliff below the rolling mill, in the Second Ward, Pomeroy, on the afternoon of the 21st inst., completely demolishing a dwelling house occupied by Mr. Fred Tirrell, one of whose children made a remarkable escape from instant death, it happening to be at the time in the only narrow space of the building that was not completely crushed. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
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