These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio January 6, 1876
Meigs The recent Baptist festival at Racine netted about forty dollars. Mr. James Anderson, of Middleport died on Friday night the 14th ult. Rev. William Abernathy is in the midst of a successful revival in Chester. Rev. Amos Stevens and John Stevens' of Rutland, have both met with serious accidents, by which they have been confined to their rooms. A colored man named Richard Johnson was drowned on Christmas night while attempting to cross the river in a skiff a Middleport. Mr. Luther Price, of Portland, Ohio, was married to Miss Lydia Egan, daughter of Mr. Thos. Egan of Racine Sunday evening, 26th ult. We learn from the Telegraph a man named Henry Buckler, about 45 years of age, who lived on Kerr's run, was drowned on Tuesday of last week, while crossing the river in a skiff. The overflowing river, which has invaded the cellars and many of the houses, unfathomable mud, and mail communication with the outside world but once every two or three days; all these miseries have come upon us at once. -- Pomeroy Telegraph [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio January 13, 1876
Meigs Sheriff McElroy, of this county, was sworn into office on the 3d inst. Mr. John H. Cummings, Jr., has been appointed Postmaster at Kingsbury. The wife of Mr. Edwin Sheild, of Tuppers Plains, aged 23, died on the 23d ult. Mr. J. C. Waterman, of Middleport, recently rescued a boy from drowning in the river at that point. Taxes in Pomeroy, says the Telegraph, are twenty-eight and eighteenths mills on the dollar. Fifty thousand dollars of the taxes, of this county, which were due on the 20th of last month are yet unpaid. Mrs. Nancy Downing, who has been a resident of this county over a half century, died in Middleport, on the 4th inst. Mrs. Emma Emerson, formerly Bradbury, late of St. Joseph, Missouri, died at her old home, in Middleport, on the 2d inst. The new store of Mr. Val. Deutenhoffer, in Middleport, was broken into on the night of the 31st ult., and robbed of some money and goods. A belling party, in Pomeroy, were recently scattered through the instrumentality of a bucket of cold water, thrown by the bridal party. It is said that some of the Pomeroy young ladies are determined to get up a leap year party, to which all the crusty old bachelors will be invited.-- Telegraph. Mr. James Jinkenson, aged 87, of Salisbury township, who it is said can do as much hard work as one half the young men, had used tobacco for sixty years, until lately, when he abandoned it. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Unknown Meigs County, Ohio, newspaper January 14, 1876
Mt. Blanco and Vicinity Ed. Tel.:---As I have not seen any thing in your paper from this part of the county for some time, I thought I would take it upon myself to inform you of a few items of "old Columbia." First, I will attempt to describe the place of our post-office, (Pegtown). It is situated four miles southwest of Albany, on the road leading from Albany to Wilkesville, and two miles northwest of the School Lot. The population is very limited, as many of your readers are aware. Although it can not boast of many inhabitants, it can boast I think of the greatest number of professional men of any village of its size in the county. The professional men are two blacksmiths, one wagon maker, one mechanic, one farmer and postmaster combined, and one jack-of-all-trades. The Harmony Grange of this place, had a public installation of its officers elect on the evening of the 1st inst., upon which occasion A. C. Dailey acted as Deputy and James Hopkins assistant after which all partook bountifully of the "slathers" of good things prepared by the ladies. Rev E. N. Nichols has been holding a series of meetings at the temple, which have resulted in a deal of good and several accessions to the Church. Dr. J. L. Townsend, has completed quite a handsome dwelling, house into which he has lately moved; also, R. S. Carpenter has one almost completed that is both commodious and elegant. Mr. S. W. Rutherford, who has purchased the Raccoon Star Mills, and who has been renovating the same, will undoubtedly have the best water mill on the creek when completed. The successful "school marm" of this vicinity is Miss Underwood, who is found daily at Pegtown Seminary instructing the minds of the youths in the way that they should go. (Transcribed by Kay Williams)
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio January 17, 1876
Meigs Mr. Peter Wolf, aged 83, and for many years a resident of Racine, died on the 6th inst. Happy Hollow, Monkey Den and Buzzard Glory, are classic names of localities in Rutland township. Ground-hog day was celebrated in Hanesville by a general extermination of all the dogs in the "burg." Winfield S. Layman, of Letart, has been admitted to practice in any of the Courts of record in this State. On Friday afternoon, 5th inst., one of the boilers in Kay & Sons. flouring mill, at Racine, exploded. Damage small. The school at White Oak, Scipio township, was lately discontinued on account of the incorrigibility of the scholars. Out of a population of some two five hundred, not a death has occurred in Rutland township since the year commenced. Wm. Cahoon, of Salem, finds by the cream gauge that the milk of his thoroughbred Devon is 20 per cent, cream, and the milk of the half bloods 15 per cent. Jos. Blackmore, of Tuppers' Plains, has sold his farm to D. Keller & Son. Mr. Blackmore has bought Reynour Hill's farm in Olive township. Mr. Hall goes to West Va. R. H. Rawlings, of Rutland, claims to have been the youngest soldier in Sherman's army. He was born October 16, 1849; enlisted October 3, 1861 and was discharged August 11, 1865. Payton Wilkes, a colored individual who has been officiating as Deputy Marshal in the First Ward, Pomeroy, for some time past, was sent to jail last week for assaulting the wife of a saloon keeper. The Pomeroy Telegraph says: A slip has occurred on Mulberry street, north side, near the Planeing Mill, by which several dwelling houses located there are considerably injured. The front foundation wall of one of the buildings has gone from under it, leaving that part of the house without support. A Tuppers' Plains correspondent of the Middleport News says: Four women met at the house of a friend on a visit the other day, three of whom would not speak to each other. They passed the entire day together, remaining firm to the last. The fourth woman is still living but does not say much, having been talked nearly to death. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio January 20, 1876
Meigs Fifteen saloons in Middleport. Eight prisoners, last week, in the jail of this county. Several cases of scarlet fever are reported in Scipio. There are eighty-one marriageable ladies, between the ages of 16 and 25, in Racine. A new road to the Middleport Hill Cemetery has been surveyed and will be opened soon. Maj. F. C. Russell, says last week's Middleport News, has a child very low with scarlet fever. Wm. Canaan, an eccentric and aged individual, of Salem township was burried on Christmas day. Middleport has a Masonic Mutual Benefit Association. These Associations afford cheap and first-class life insurance. On the 5th inst., Mrs. W.M. Swallow, of Middleport, was operated upon for ovarian tumor, but survived the operation only ninety minutes. Mr. Alban Davies, Representative from this county, is personally conspicuous by reason of his being the only professional mechanic in the Legislature. The Telegraphs says: That the fourteen furnaces in the Ohio River Salt Company organization made last month 100,00 bushels of salt. The shipments since January 1, having amounted to about 9,000 barrels. John Noll, having been informed that one Dan March, about sixteen years of age, had been taking improper liberties with his little daughter about seven years of age, purchased a cowhide and calling Dan into his store last Wednesday, used it about two-thirds up on him. Served him right. - - Middleport News We learn from the Pomeroy Telegraph that a man named Wm. McGee was shot and mortally wounded at a house on Kerr's Run, on Tuesday night of last week, by a woman named Margaret Misener. McGee was trying to gain forbidden admission into the house at the time, which was occupied by the woman above named and two of her sisters. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio January 27, 1876
Meigs Charles Folrath, of Pomeroy, is wanted for forgery. Spelling schools have broken out again in Rutland township. Corn and chicken thieves are actively at work in Rutland township. Middleport Salt Furnace was, unsuccessfully, offered at public auction on the 15th inst. Willie, aged 14 son of C. F. Winn, of Rutland, recently fell from a tree and broke his leg. A new corn crib of Mrs. Roena Rice, containing some 300 bushels of corn, tumbled over last week. Capt. John Weaver, of Graham Station, well known throughout this county, died on the 15th inst. A Middleport lady, twenty years of age, will only reach her fifth birthday next month. How is it? The old McCaikey homestead, of Salem township is haunted by the ghost of its former proprietor. The Commissioners, of this county, have decided to enlarge the Court House by putting an addition to it on the east side. James Surtees, of Middleport, left for Denison, Texas, on the 13th inst., where he has accepted a situation in the railroad office. Geo. W. Todd, late of the Gibson House, Pomeroy, has purchased the furniture and lease of the Massie House, Portsmouth. Bill McGee, who was shot by Mar. Misener, recently, on Kerr's run, says the Telegraph, is getting better and may recover. The bullet is still in his body. The residence of Mr. John German, in Lebanon township, about a mile and a half east of Basban, was burned to the ground on Tuesday afternoon, the 11th inst. Nelson Scott, a colored boy, says the Middleport News, had his ankle terribly lacerated, in a power feed cutting machine, at Lindsey & Son's Livery stable, on Monday of last week. An old gentleman, of Wilkesville, named Gibson, is booked for Court under a charge of : "shooting with the intent to kill." He recently fired a pistol at a man for whistling "Yankee Doodle." Mrs. Jane Roush while going home from Church, in Minersville, on Sunday night, the 9th inst., was run over by some unknown man in a buggy and hurt quite severely. He did not stop to offer her assistance, and she was obliged to get home as best she could. The Telegraph tells of a young man named David F. Casey, living about Harrisonville, who has lately made a business of representing himself to be a confidential agent for the sale of counterfeit money, and who would exhibit a genuine bill to the party he designed to dupe and offer to furnish any amount of it at ten per cent, of its face; in this way he managed to get hold of considerable money, which he appropriated to his own use, the parties of whom he obtained it not daring, of course, to prosecute him under the circumstances. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio February 10, 1876
Meigs The Common Pleas of this county is in session. The Middleport Woolen Mills have stopped for a season. Eight prisoners in the jail of this county at the close of the week. Rev. H. H. Wells, the celebrated Evangelist, hails from Bashan, this county. The Middleport News says: A very perceptible religious interest has been awakened in that village. At the Eakin U.B. and Farley P. M. Churches, Columbia township, there have been protracted meetings with good results. A little child of William and Elizabeth Ogden's, of Columbia township, died very suddenly on the morning of the 22 of January. The Telegraph says: Meigs county has received a dividend of 20 per cent, amounting to three hundred and thirty-tree dollars, from the estate of Ranson Griffin, our late defaulting Auditor. The three oldest men now living in the township, are Elihu Higley, Lucius Higley and John Woodard. The two oldest women are Mrs. Piercy and Mrs. Humphrey, both of whom are widows. A colored lady, name Price, while foolen with a revolver, near New Lima, recently, shot herself through the head. She "thought it would crack before it went off," and the practical rectification of this error has added to her stock of knowledge. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Republican, Middleport, Ohio February 19, 1876
Terrible Shooting Affair We learn from Mr. D. D. Webster, a young man who was present, the particulars of a shooting affray that occurred at a dance about three miles back of Racine, on Thursday night, the 13th inst. The dance occurred at the house of Blaser Lincsott. Two young men, named Beaver and Diddle, imagining that they were slighted, went to the dance, armed, with the avowed purposed of "kicking up a row." They were both drunk, of course, the better to carry out their devilish purpose. They succeeded in getting up a pitched battle. About twenty shots were exchanged. -- When the firing ceased, the wounded were gathered in, and showed the following losses: Thomas Diddle, shot through the head, body and legs -- a fatal Diddle for him; James Beaver, shot in the abdomen, supposed will result fatally; Thomas Rhodes, shot in the head, not a dangerous wound; Miss Linscott, shot through the fleshy part of the arm, a painful, but not dangerous wound. The parties engaged in the shooting (except the wounded) escaped over the river. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio February 24, 1876
Meigs Mr. George Wiseman, Sr., of Salem, died on the 9th inst. Mr. A. D. Donnally, who had been clerk of this county for over thirteen years, went out of office on the 12 inst. Mrs. Lew. Chase to Rebecca Throckmorton and Dick Vale to Lizzie Strong are recent marriages, in Columbia township. Thirty-one additions have been made to the membership of the F. W. Baptist Church, of Middleport, and the interest is not abating. In the absence of the Rev. L. M. Harvey and family, of Rutland, recently, some one burglarized his corn crib, wheat bin and chicken house. The mail, from Wilkesville to Middleport, is carried by a boy sixteen years of age, on a mule, making, going and returning, nearly forty miles a day. Robert Williams, a miner, had a leg broke between the knee and ankle, and received serious internal injuries, in a coal boat, at Middleport, on Friday last. Rev. Elisha Rathburn, late of Rutland, deceased has preached more funeral sermons and solemnized more marriages that any other minister in this township. Lewis Preston, (colored) of Racine, or "Uncle Lewis," as he was universally called, while chopping word for H. H. Blackmore, Friday, 11th inst., feel dead from apoplexy. A young man from Salem walked in to Pomeroy, says the Telegraph, twenty-one miles, through the mud, last Monday, to get a marriage license; and after "bumming around town" awhile, walked back the same day. Charley Plunk, a boy about seventeen years of age, was thrown from a horse one day last week, in Pomeroy, and his foot catching in the stirrup was dragged a considerable distance, until he struck an obstacle with violence sufficient to disengage him. He was seriously hurt. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Republican April 5th, 1876
DIED BEHAN -- In Middleport, Ohio, March 31, 1876 of consumption, HENRIETTA STEWART, wife of N.I. BEHAN, aged 34 years, 2 months and 15 days. The remains were interred in the New Cemetery at Athens. Funeral services by Rev. J.M. Nourse, assisted by Rev. D. H. Moore, D. D., President of Wesleyan Female College, Cincinnati, Ohio. TAYLOR -- In Middleport, March 27th, Mrs. ANNA TAYLOR, aged 27 years. Deceased was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for five years. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Berkstresser. Sheriff's Sale John PUGH vs Owen THOMAS, et. al -- Order of Sale By virtue of an order of sale, issued by the Court of Common Pleas, of Meigs county, and to me directed, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the door of the court house in Pomeroy on Saturday, the 8th day of April, A.D., 1876, between the hours of 11 o'clock a.m. and 12 m. of said day the following described lands and tenements situated in the county of Meigs and state of Ohio and the village of Middleport. to wit: all of the tract or parcel of land known as lot No. 4 in the town of Lower Pomeroy (Now Middleport). Said lot appraised at $1400. Terms of sale cash. Given under my hand this 8th day of March, A.D., 1876. J.C. MCELROY, Sheriff of M.C. A.J.GREEN, Attorney for PP'ff ============================================ Sheriff's Sale Amanda LYON, a minor vs Louisa H. CLUP and W. E. CLUP Notice is hereby given that I will, by virtue of an order of sale issued by the Court of Common Pleas, of Meigs county and to me directed, offer for sale, at public auction, at the door of the court house, in Pomeroy, on Saturday, the 8th day of April, A.D., 1876, between the hours of 11 o'clock a.m. and 12 m. of said day, the following land and tenement, situated in the county of Meigs and state of Ohio, and the Village of Middleport. to wit: Commencing 22 feet from the south easterly corner of lot No. 145 at the end of the alley on Mill street, in the village of Middleport, thence westerly along said Mill street 22 feet thence northerly 78 feet thence easterly parallel with said Mill street 22 feet, thence southerly 78 feet to the place of beginning, being 22 feet fronting on said Mill Street and 78 feet deep. Appraised at $150.00. Terms of sale cash. Given under my hand this 8th day of March A.D. 1876. J.C. MCELORY, Sheriff of M.C. RUSSELL and RUSSELL, Att'ys for PP'ff ============================================ NOTICE Rufus P. MURRAY of the State of Missouri and Catharine GEIGER and William J. GEIGER of Pomeroy, Ohio will take notice that a petition was filed against them on the 22th day of March A.D., 1876, in the court of common pleas, within and for the county of Meigs and State of Ohio, by Alexander H. MURRAY, demanding partition of the following real estate to wit: Lot no. 29, in Behau's Addition to the town of Middleport, Ohio; also the following described lot of land, in the town of Middleport, on which Hampton MURRAY resided at the time of his decease, being 175 feet on Second street of said town, beginning at north west corner of J.W. LYONS lot on Second street; thence running East 196 feet to Front Street, thence North 175 feet on Front street; thence West 196 feet to Second Street; thence south 175 feet to the place of beginning. And that at the next term of said Court the said Alexander H. MURRAY will apply for an order that partition may be made of said premises. Alexander H. MURRAY RUSSELL and RUSSELL, his Att'ys ============================================ Ads -- there are two ads appearing in this paper for Bangor Insurance Co., (located in Bangor, Maine) and Firemens Insurance Company (located in Dayton, Ohio) listing their agent in Middleport, Ohio as R. DOWNING. [Transcribed by Connie Schumaker]
Meigs County Republican April 5th, 1876
POMEROY NEWS The following gentlemen were elected to serve on the newly organized school board: W. G. Penny, 1st ward, 3 years; Wm. McKnight, 2d ward, one year; D.C. Whaley, 3d ward, two years; D. R. Jacobs, 3d ward, one year; T.H. Davis, 4th ward, three years. The above ticket was nominated at a mass convention held last Friday night, regardless of party, to make nominations for the board of education, distributed in wards as above. The meeting on Friday night was the largest gathering of the season, showing that the "school question" is very near to the people of all classes. Judge Stanbery president and H. B. Smith acted as secretary. There were but two candidates presented for the 1st, 2d, and 3d wards, but the third ward was on its ear, and the names of 12 or 15 prominent men were announced. D. C. Whaley was nominated over all opposition on first ballot, leaving a tie between them, the next highest one of whom was Logan Harris, a colored man. On Second ballot D. R. Jacobs snowed under all of his opponents. The board is composed of unquestionably good men, and an improvement in our schools is anticipated; though I do not say that our schools are not good, but only that in some little things they might be improved. Robert Ashworth's dwelling house, near Chester, was burned last Sunday P.M. Unable to obtain any particulars. S.A.M. Moore met with a very serious accident last Sunday, he was as I learn descending the railway at the Sugar Run Salt Works, on one of the cars, standing up, with his back to the river, when for some purpose, the man at the lever suddenly stopped the car, Mr. Moore fell backwards down the hill, striking his head and shoulders on the rocks, causing very painful injuries, and at first it was feared very dangerous ones. At present writing Mr. Moore is resting quite easy. Henry Long, who worked something like 80 days on the chain gang last winter, was remanded to jail last Saturday charged with threatening to burn the dwelling house of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Burcher, in the fourth ward. A Greenback meeting was held last Monday night, and H. B. Smith appointed a delegate to the Greenback Convention, to be held at Columbus on the sixth of this month. Hobert Bowman and family left for western Iowa, last Monday morning on the Telegraph. Chapman shows his faith by his works, by going to the convention at Columbus via Cincinnati instead of going over land on the line of "splendid coaches" -- a correct photograph of which appeared in the Telegraph a few weeks ago. Feiger, the photographer, went to Clifton last Thursday and took a negative of the public school building, including the teachers and scholars -- it is designed for the Centennial and makes a very pretty picture. At present writing I have been unable to get anything like complete returns, but it seems that the entire township ticket was elected, and in the first ward N.R. Nye was elected assessor and Chris Behrs councilman -- both Republicans. Second ward; J. C. Probst was elected councilman and Frank Rathburn assessor -- both Republicans. Third ward, D. R. Jacobs elected councilman and H. Beebers assessor -- both Democrats. Fourth ward, W. H. Owens Rep. Councilman and Owen Curtis Dem. assessor. M. Russell (Rep.) was elected city solicitor by a handsome majority over Martin Hayes. The 2d ward was never known to go Republican before while the 3d ward gave Mr. Jacobs a large majority over Mr. Kraemer solely on account of his location, as it was determined by the residents of Sugar Run that that portion of the ward should have a councilman. The following resolutions were adopted by Star Grange, No. 788, Meigs Co., Ohio, at a recent meeting: Whereas, our worthy sister, LOUISA J. SMITH, wife of M.C. SMITH, our worthy Past Master, and a charter member of Star Grange, No. 778. P. of H., was removed from our midst by the hand of death, March 23d, 1876: therefore be it: Resolved, that in the death of Sister Smith. Star Grange has lost a true and faithful sister, her husband a gentle and loving wife, and her child a loving mother. Resolved, that we, as brothers and sisters, tender our heartfelt sympathies to the husband and relatives, in this, their great bereavement and trust that with us they may ever find true and lasting friends. Resolved, that, while we deplore the loss that has fallen upon us for the first time in the history of our Grange, we will hold in grateful remembrance the memory of our departed sister. Resolved, that in testimony of our sincere respect, we drape our charter and banner in mourning for thirty days. That we present the bereaved husband a copy of these resolution, stamped with the seal of the Grange. Resolved, that a copy of the same be recorded with the minutes of our meeting. Also a copy be sent to the American Patron, Meigs County Telegraph and Meigs County Republican for publication. Caroline S. Holiday, Mary Cahoon, Julia A. Green -- Committee [Transcribed by Connie Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio April 6, 1876
Meigs Prof. Suitt, of Racine, last week, closed his sixty-fifth term of school. J.P. Wiggins, of Racine, lately lost a finger in a stave mill, at that place. Mr. W. K. Fry and Julia A. Hobbs, of Middleport, were married, on the 25th ult. The attempt to organize a military company in Pomeroy, last week, was a failure. Hosmer Branch has resigned his place as a member of the Pomeroy Board of Education. About fifteen members have been recently added to the Second Freewill Baptist Church, at Racine. The Pomeroy Telegraph says: Col. C. Grant proposed to buy a farm and become a tiller of the soil. Mr. N. ?. Behan, of the late Middleport News, is now devoting himself extensively to the books of the Marine Dock Company, at that place. Mr. Rodney Downing, of Middleport, is supposed to be the oldest printer in Southern Ohio. He worked the old fashioned sheepskin ????? in a printing office in Gallipolis, away back in 18??. Samuel Snodgrass, says the Pomeroy Telegraph, who lives in Bedford township, this county, is one hundred and fifteen years old. He can chop two cords of wood or split a hundred rails in a day. There are three pairs of new twins on Front street below Pomeroy Salt Furnace. Two pair are in adjoining houses and the others are just across the street. -- Pomeroy Telegraph The Telegraph says: Willie, a son of Mr. A. W. Seebohm, fell into the river at the wharfboat last Monday morning, and after sinking and coming up a couple of times, he was pulled out by Henry Streets, a colored drayman. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs Co. Republican April 12, 1876
GRAND AND PETIT JURORS The following are the names of the Jurors drawn to serve at the next term of the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county, commencing Monday, May 1st, 1876 Grand Jury Seth PAINE, Rutland Township L.D. WHITE, Scipio John G. HYSELL, Rutland Samuel WHEELER, Letart Fred LYMAN, Salisbury Edward FOSTER, Sutton M.L. FITCH, Lebanon James J. LAWHEAD, Chester David LONGSTRETH, Salem J.T. BAILEY, Salisbury J.J. WOOD, Columbia Solomon NICKERSON, Orange D. G. ENTSMINGER, Salem S.A. STEWARD, Olive Samuel J. STANEART, Bedford Petit Jury J.B.C. VALE, Salem Township Wm. G. HUMPHREY, Rutland John B. DOWNING, Salisbury James H(B)OLTER, Sutton Cincinnatus KIBBLE, Olive Wm. R. TOWNSEND, Scipio Benjamin M. SKINNER, Salisbury David BAILEY, Chester Benj. WATKINS, Sutton W. C. RITCHEY, Lebanon J.J. WHITE, Letart John W. CARPENTER, Columbia ============================================ FIRE The residence of Mr. Robert ASHWORTH, in the western part of Chester Township, was burned completely to the ground by taking fire shortly after 12 o'clock last Sunday. The family were just sitting down to dinner when the flames were discovered, and, as a brisk wind was blowing, it proved to be too late to subdue them. Only about one-third of the contents of the building were saved, and part of that in a damaged condition. The fire originated in the garret over the kitchen, and was caused by a defective flue. Mr. Ashworth's residence was one of the best in the Township and elegantly furnished throughout. His loss is estimated at $3,500, upon which there was an insurance of $1,000. A large lot of clothing, furniture, bed-clothing, etc., was last; also something over $90 in paper money was burned and several dollars in spec-- melted down. The people in the neighborhood turned out to help extinguish the fire, but all their efforts were futile. ============================================ NOTICE Vachael BORING place of residence is unknown is notified that Laura BORING did on the 8th day of November A.D. 1876 file her amended petition in the office of th Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas within and for the County of Meigs and State of Ohio, charging the said Vachael BORING with willful absence for more than three years last, past, and asking that she may be divorced from the said Vachael BORING, which amended petition will stand for hearing at the next term of said court. Dated this 25th day of March, A.D. 1876. Laura BORING By RUSSELL AND RUSSELL, her Att'ys ============================================ NOTICE Rebecca BELL of the County of Jackson and State of West Virginia, is notified that John BELL did on the 27th day of February, A.D., 1876 file his petition in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas within and for the County of Meigs and State of Ohio, charging that said Rebecca BELL with wilful absence for more than three years last, past and asking that he may be divorced from the said Rebecca BELL, which petition will stand for hearing at the next term of said Court. Dated this 24 day of March., A.D., 1876 By RUSSELL & RUSSELL, his att'ys ============================================ Mrs. KENT, wife of Aleck KENT, alias the "one armed darkey" swore out a warrant against Aleck, charging him with assault and battery. He now languishes under the gentle tenderness of the smiling and genial BRADFIELD, awaiting the appointed time to appear before his Honor Mayor BRANCH, and answer to the charge. Mr. Adrew HOLCK, a native of Denmark, a former resident of this city, is visiting friends here previous to his departure for his native land, where he goes as a missionary, under the auspices of the Christian Church. List of letters remaining in Middleport Post Office for the week ending April 8, 1876. Malinda J. BOICE Cha's CHARLES Wm. HENSEN W.W. MATISON Mrs. Wm. MOON Samuel ROSS Sallie STARCHER Ella STEPHENSON Amanda WILSON Jas. A. WILSON Frank WILLIAMS BIRTHS DUNN _ In Middleport, April 6th, a Son to Thomas Dunn and wife. BISHOP -- In Middleport, April 10th, 1876, a son, to J.C. Bishop and wife. ============================================ MARRIED MCELHINNY --STANSBURY -- in Rutland, Oho, April 6th 1876 by Rev. Selah H. Barrett, Mr. H.H. McElhinngy of Middleport and Miss Ella Stansbury of Rutland. SISSON--WINES -- April 6th, in the evening, at the Parsonage of the M.E. Church by Rev. H. Berkstresser, Mr. Malone Sisson and Miss Sarah F. Wines, all of this place. WATSON -- FOLEY --At the Parsonage of the M.E. Church, by Rev. H Berkstresser, April 6th, in the evening, Mr. John Watson and Miss Mary Foley, all of Middleport. ============================================ DIED ROMINE -- In Rutland, Ohio, April 8th, 1876, Mr. ELIAS ROMINE, aged 67 years. ============================================ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Met April 6th, 1876, Present Mayor White, Clerk Bishop and Councilmen Phillips, Probst, Rannells, Beeson, and Laughead. Absent -- Councilmen Snowden, Robinson, Headly, Sheets and Schreiner. Not being a quorum present, the Mayor directed Marshal Peters to bring in absentees. The Marshal succeeded in bring in Mr. Snowden. The finance committee examined and approved the following bill, which were allowed: S.C. Adams insurance $15.00 ELECTION EXPENSE First Ward -- $7.50 Second Ward -- $7.50 Third Ward -- $7.50 Fourth Ward -- $7.50 Fifth Ward -- $7.50 P. F. Zeise, fire engineer $33.00 Jesse Edmundson, labor --$5.00 Geo. Womeldorff, rent -- $2.00 B. F. White, coal -- $2.25 J.C. Bishop, clerk -- $96.07 C. S. Rannells, room rent -- $2.00 Wm. Morris, lighting lamps -- $13.00 Holt and Webb, lumber -- $7.00 J. Cartwright, legal services -- $20.00 W.G. Penny, surveying -- $9.00 Jacob Cumpston, timber -- $106.82 A.J. Green, solicitor -- $37.00 John McClure, Recorder -- $3.50 H. Rosenburg, note -- $147.29 R. Downing, interest -- $402.00 Mr. A.J. Green resigned the office of City Solicitor, Accepted. Street Committee reported settlement with Mr. Lindsay, Street Commissioner, to date, showing the amount received from him to be $2,220.50, -- being the whole amount due from him. Report accepted and place on file. Committee on protection and improvement of river bank, asked for and received further time. The Clerk presented a statement showing the financial condition of the city. A motion was made and adopted that the Street Commissioner be directed to open and improve Locust street, from Beach street to Gallipolis road, near Hanlon's. A motion was made that when we adjourn, we do so to meet on Friday, April 14th, carried. Adjourned. ============= George Turner, to be in fashion with his enterprising neighbors, has also a barn in course of construction. Mr. Moore, we believe, to be the architect. Dexter school will be taught this summer by Mrs. Julia Giles, an excellent lady and a teacher of such experience. Mrs. Giles has had control of this school before, having perfect satisfaction, as she will, without doubt, do the approaching term. Since Star Grange has been deprived of the large, commodious hall in which they have hitherto held theirs meetings, they have incurred a private house of G. W. Thompson for their accommodations, until they can construct a tabernacle of their own. The juveniles in this locality are diligent in preparing themselves with fishing tackle. Leading Creek, once abounding in plentiful abundance with almost very variety of fishes, is now almost devoid of its former ichthyological inhabitants. The Clipper baseball club met last Saturday on E.P. Thompon's Farm and organized by electing Will Davis, captain and G.H. Wiseman, secretary. The boys have not yet fully completed their club. Transcribed by Connie Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio April 13, 1876
Meigs The Racine M. E. Sunday School has two hundred members enrolled. The Middleport Woolen Mills have been thoroughly repaired, and are now in readiness for business. Mr. Robert Watson, of Rutland, recently had his fore finger on the right hand accidentally cut off by a circular saw. A Dexter correspondent says that the wheat fields which were so brilliantly green a short time ago, are now turned to a sickly yellow. A recent three weeks protracted meeting, at the U. B. Church, at Long Bottom, Olive township, resulted in sixty-nine accession to the membership. Mr. S. A. M. Moore, of Pomeroy, was seriously hurt, on Sunday evening of last week, by being thrown from a car and striking on his head and shoulders. The residence of Mr. Robert Ashworth, in the western part of Chester township, was burned completely to the ground by taking fire shortly after 12 o'clock Sunday of last week. -- His loss is estimated at $3,500 upon which there was an insurance of $1,000. The old walnut tree standing in John Weldon's field just above Racine, well known to all the pilots on the upper Ohio, was cut down last Friday by a raft man. The attendance, says the Telegraph, to witness the scene was large, numbering 85 men, women and children. The tree was estimated to be three hundred years old. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs Co. Republican April 19, 1876
DIED MARK -- In Columbia township, April 12, 1876, of tumor of the stomach, Mr. James E. MARK, aged about 52 years. Mr. MARK was a brother of our William MARK, of Middleport; was a farmer; had lived in Columbia on the old homestead, nearly all his life; he leaves a wife and seven children; he was a lifelong Methodist, and lived a very devoted life. MARRIED CAMP -- WRIGHT --At Cedar Home, April 16, 1876, by Elder V. C. Smith, Mr. John Q. CAMP and Miss Mittie WRIGHT, all of Rutland township. POWELL -- EAKIN -- On the evening of the 12th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, in Rutland township, by the Rev. J. F. DICKSON, Mr. Palemon C. POWELL and Miss Mary E. EAKIN, both of Meigs county. ============================================ Board of Education Board met in Council Chamber, Monday evening, April 17th, 1876. Present: C.R. REED, R. DOWNING, John SCHREINER, W.M. SWALLOW, H.W. JONES, and J.S. BRADBURY. The new members were qualified and took their seats. The school law provides that at this meeting (the third Monday in April) all schools boards shall organize by the election of a President, Clerk and Treasurer, to serve the ensuing year. Reading of minutes of previous meeting was dispensed with. Board proceeded at once to ballot for President. First ballot resulted -- REED 3, SWALLOW 2, 1 blank. Second ballot stood -- REED 3 SWALLOW 3. Seventy-five ballotings were had up to the time our reporter left, all resulting -- REED 3 SWALLOW 3. There were several motions made to adjourn during the balloting, and they all failed for want of a majority. The thing becoming monotonous, and threatening to interfere with the usual rest required by tired nature, we retired. We learn that, after we left, two or three more ballots were had, and all with the same result -- 3 to 3. At this point, three members of the Board took their hats and retired, leaving the Board without a quorum. No day was fixed upon for a future meeting, and the Board will be subject to the call of the President. ============================================ The following statement shows the names of teachers employed in Salem township the past winter, the length of time taught, and compensations (?) received therefor: Katie Miller, 4 months, $00 S. F. Smith, 4 months, $135 S.A. Powell, 3 months, $90 Emmet Edmundson, 5 months, $125 Alice Edmundson, 4 months, $100 Maria Edmundson, 4 months, $100 Annie Hughes, 2 month, $75 Samuel Swett, 3 months, $100 R.H. Brewster, 3 months, $106.50 Allen Edmundson, 4 months, $106 Jenny Darst, 3 months, $84 Alice Hays, 4 months, $100 ============================================ PERSONALS Dr. Alonzo GARRETT, formerly of this vicinity, is now located in Pittsburgh, engaged in the manufacture of a patent pruning shear, which is highly recommended by Grangers, The Dr. gave us a pleasant call on Wednesday last. Mr. W. ATKESON, editor of the Monitor, of West Columbia, just below Middleport, on the West Virginia side, was in town on Thursday last. He is a genial clever gentleman, and is making the Monitor a very readable paper. He talks of moving his office to Point Pleasant, just to annoy TIPPETTS, of the Register. Charles A. MATHEWS, of this place, is on a visit to Washington City. Perhaps there is a Post Office in the case, and perhaps, since Dana has been rejected, he is after the mission to England. We hope he may pick up something fat. Charles E. WALKER, student at Marietta College, is home on a visit during vacation week. He chatted with us an hour on Friday last, and finally forgave us for blowing him up occasionally when he was dilatory about furnishing copy for the College Olio. He will graduate in July, and will then enter a theological institution. He reports other Meigs county boys home on a visit during vacation, as follows: A.J. AGEE, M.A. HAYS, C.K. WELLS, tutor, Gideon HENRY, and Thomas LEWIS. Rev. John A. TENNEY, pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Beverly, Washington county, preached very acceptably to the congregation of the Methodist Church of Middleport, on Sunday last. He is an old friend of our, and was in attendance on the sessions of the Presbytery in Pomeroy. George W. JACKSON, a former resident of this vicinity, but who has been absent several years, returned home last week. He had many adventures since leaving Middleport, and spent most of the past winter in the Black Hills gold region. He is in good health, and as brown as a nut. Frank GRANT, of this place is on a trip to Washington City, to secure Letters Patent on a brick making machine which he has invented. We were shown the model, and have not doubt he has a good thing. Major J. B. DOWNING and wife of Middleport, take part in two musical concerts in Gallipolis, this week, under the auspices of the AEolean Club of that city. The Major and his lady, being accomplished musicians, will add great interest to the occasions. ============================================ Editor Republican: Allow me, through the columns of your paper, to thank that man SKINNER, "Our DAD" for one of those copies you mentioned in your issue of April 5th. The Meigs County paper has been a weekly visitor in our family for the past four years, and I assure you it is ever a welcome one, it is next to a letter from home. "O, long may it wave," is the prayer of Ella D. KERNS, Buffalo, West, Virginia. ============================================ The following marriage licenses were issued by the Probate Court, during the week ending the 17th inst. Paleman D. POWELL to Mary E. EAKIN Martin BUCK to Ella M. SANBORN Charles S. BARNES to Adi J. GORBY Howard C. DAY to Ella WHITE George SPANIOL to Phoebe STROHMEYER John Q. CAMP to Mattie WRIGHT John A. REED to Ellen SMITH and another couple that made Judge STANBERY promise not to tell. ============================================ List of letters remaining in the Middleport postoffice for the week ending April 15, 1876. Sybil J. ALLIS, Rhoda BAILEY, Julia BURNETT, Carrie CARPENTER, Maggie CATHOON, Martiu FOX, Charles MOREHART, Maggie SOUER, Geo. W. SILKETT, Kattie ELWIG (Care of Geo. WARNER). V.B. SMITH, P.M. ============================================ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS (This is a long article with a lot of names. What I am going to do here is only list the names. If anyone is interested in the complete article or any part of it please contact me -- J.J. WHITE (Mayor) PHILLIPS, PROBST, SNOWDEN, RANNELS, LAUGHEAD, BEESON, ROBINSON SCHREINGER Mr. BARTON, William PARK, S.B. WOMELDORFF (Wharfmaster) W. V. LASHER C.M. RUNNIAN, Jas. STEWART, John SHOTT John PETERS (Marshall), J. SPRAGUE (Deputy), G. ALLENSWORTH (Constable), C. TILLMAN (Police), H. DICKSON James PARKS, Thos. HEADLEY, W.B. PROBST ============================================ ATTACHMENT NOTICE W.M. SWALLOW, plaintiff against T.A. BEATON & C. H. GROSSENOR, partners doing business under the name of T.A. BEATON & Co. Defendants. Before J. S. SMITH Justice of the Peace of Salisbury, Meigs county, Ohio. On the 17th day of April, A.D., 1876, said Justice issued an order of attachment in the above session for the sum of $ ?4.?4. Said action is set for hearing on the 24th day of May, A.D., 1876 at 8 o'clock A.M. Transcribed by Connie Schumaker
Meigs Co. Republican April 19, 1876
Proceedings of the District Court Thomas J. Lee, adm'r Orris Powell vs Thomas C. Wood and Francis Wood -- petition dismissed at plaintiff's cost. A. J. Ritchey vs William J. Roberts judgment of lower court reversed and cause remanned back. Michael Apple Vs Michael Thumb -- judgment of lower court confirmed with costs. George Dais Vs John Ashworth -- title of land decreed to plaintiff, defendant to pay costs. John A. Williams and William H. Hall vs Peter Harpold and Riley Harpold, adm'r of Henry Harpold dec;d, et al. -- sale heretofore made in the casue set aside. Isaac N. W. People executor of Robert Peoples vs Alonzo Williams -- dismissed at plaintiff's cost. James N. Titus vs Middleport Woolen Mills -- judgment of lower court reversed with costs and remanded back for new trial. R. C. Grant vs New Haven Manufacturing Co., et. al -- dismissed at plaintiff's cost. Edmond Williams vs Shadrack Morris et. al. -- title of land decreed to plaintiff and judgment for defendant of $107.50 each party to pay their own costs. Motion for new trial overruled; defendant filed bill of exceptions, allowed by the court. F. P. Bryan vs Incorporated Village of Middleport -- continued. Samuel Davis vs Benj. Stout -- continued. Betsy Bellows vs George Larkins -- cause dismissed without prejudice to plaintiff, at her cost. W. D. Co. vs Homer C. Waterman -- cause continued at defendant's cost. Melzar Nye and W.E. Edwards vs James H. Shoemaker, et. al -- continued. R.R. Hudson vs A. & L.E.R.R. -- continued. Wm Horden vs John Radford -- continued. John B. Whiteside vs Willard Coleman -- continued. D. Reed & Wm. C. Williamson vs City of Pomeroy -- continued. Samantha Clark et. al. vs Levi Hissom, et. al -- continued. S.W. Pomeroy vs Buckeye Salt Co. -- continued. Arthur E. McGrath vs William Morton et. al. -- continued. Rosanna Carlysle vs Henry Moler -- continued. Horace Molt vs J. M. Black -- continued. S. W. Pomeroy vs. Buckeye Salt Works -- fine of one dollar and costs against each member of the Buckeye Salt Co. Samuel D. Jones, et. al. vs W.H.B. Page on motion Samuel D. Jones and John G. Jones be made parties plaintiff, owing to death of Hannah Jones, wife of Samuel D. Jones, and new trial granted. Hope Manufacturing and Coal Co vs W. L. Maddy, Wm. A. Flesher, et. al. -- judgment reversed and cause remanded to Common Pleas for a new trial. Middleport Machine Co. vs John S. Bing and Son -- ordered that judgment of lower court be reversed with costs and cause remanded back for new trial. Elizabeth Carl vs George Dias -- title for land decreed to plaintiff, defendant to pay costs. George Dias vs Josiah Dean -- judgment of lower court affirmed with costs. John M. Strider vs City of Pomeroy -- continued. Wm. B. Caldwell, et. al., vs John T. Caldwell, et. al. -- judgment of lower court reversed and injunction heretofore granted in this case dissolved. Leave given Kate Crichton, one of the defendants, to withdraw her separate answer without prejudice to her right to bring a new action thereon. Motion for new trial overruled, to which ruling plaintiffs excepted. The following bill of J. C. McElroy, Sheriff, was allowed: Repairing courtroom $1.50 Elmer Humphrey, janitor, 4 days $8.00 O. Jones, assistant janitor, 4 days $10.00 (yep, that is what it says, he got more than the janitor) W.E. Hysell, assistant, 2 day $4.00 W. H. Middleswart, assistant, 1 day $2.00 ============================================ [I have transcribed the above with no spelling, grammar or punctuation changes. The text is as it appeared in the newspaper at the time. Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio April 20, 1876
Meigs A Mrs. Thomas, aged 102, recently visited Letart. The prospect for peaches, in this county, is flattering. Three prisoners in the jail, of this county, at the close of the week. The Grange, of this county, is said to be losing its membership rapidly. Contracts for additions to the Court House, of this county, were awarded Monday of last week. The authorities of Middleport have ordered the barber shops of that town to remain closed on the Sabbath. The anniversary of the Meigs County Bible Society will be held at the Episcopal Church, on Sunday evening, Mary 7th. The Middleport Flour Company received, Monday of last week, between five and six hundred sacks of wheat from Louisville. The coal miners, says the Middleport Republican, have agreed to go to work at $1.75 per bushel -- the contract to last six months. Mr. James Davis, in his 85th year, died at his residence, in Danville, on the afternoon of April 1st, and his widowed died five days after. Rutland township has nearly 3,000 inhabitants, and not a death had occurred in the township for over five months, up to the 8th inst. The stave mill, on Farmer's Run, near Racine, belonging to Wells and Carson, caught fire Friday night, 7th inst., about 3 o'clock, burning the mill to the ground. The Pomeroy Telegraph says that the Middleport Woolen Mills will be in full operation within ten days. -- This will give employment to 75 hands, who go to work at a slight reduction from former wages. Jacob Jones, aged 20, of Pomeroy, who claims to have become possessed of supernatural powers, and to be able to change the course of the winds, cause storms, earthquakes, etc, has been sent to the Athens Asylum. The inventive genius of the older Grants has been transmitted to the younger. Mr. Frank Grant has perfected a brick machine, which if a success (of which mechanics claim there is no doubt) promises to create a revolution in the manufacture of brick. Mr. G. is off to Washington with a model of his machine, and when he returns we shall perhaps give our readers a description of it. -- Pomeroy Telegraph [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs Co. Republican April 26, 1876
RUTLAND NEWS Having been a subscriber to the paper of Middleport in all of its phases since the origin of the Gazette, by D. W. DAVIS, and an occasional contributor to its columns, permit a cordial greeting to the Republican and its editor. Since the Rutland Gas Bag has ceased its usual flow of locals, perhaps a few "items" from another source may serve to put your readers by until such times as when the regular nozzle may again pour forth its volume. The mills of Leading creek are having an excellent run. The Leading Valley mills, by SMITH & BRALEY, having undergone some repairs, are again giving good satisfaction. Mr. Fred HOPPAS and sons are making new board fence both sides of the road through the MCQUIGG farm, by the direction of Mr. Geo. EISELSTEIN, its new proprietor. George is a live business man, and a fence along the creek will keep his stock in --- sometimes. George JACKSON, formerly a merchant at Harrisonville, has returned from his trip to the Black Hills, and is with his family at Mr. C. M. HOLT'S, in Rutland. Willie RICE is suffering severely with a tumor on his left arm. His mother, Mrs. Rowena RICE, has been treating it as Dr. GARRETT treated a like tumor upon herself some time ago. "Hamilton yielded to an imperial custom," and so has our friend Joseph LARKIN, and given up one of the jewels that has occupied a seat at his table. Our best wishes to Mrs. Mary and her husband, Mr. P. POWELL, of Salisbury Tp. Wm. HOOPER, son of Dr. HOPPER, is happy; he lives in the former home of J.B. HIGLEY, and unto him is born a son. It is reported at this writing that Sophia PARKER, who has been attended by Drs. SISSON and REED, of Middleport, is not very much better. Heart disease and nervous prostration seems to be the trouble. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SALEM CENTER ITEMS Several of our schools have opened, and the remainder of them will open in about a week. Fisher ADDIS have rented, and will soon occupy Stephen NELSON'S farm. John H. MCCARTY and NOAH MCCASKEY, of this township, are attending the Normal Academy at Wilkesville. This is John's second and Noah's first term at the celebrated school. M.C. Smith sold his goods and chattels at public vendue last Friday, April 14. Star Grange is the largest grange in this township, was organized in March, 1874, and has at present 113 members. Dr. BROWN, of Rutland, removed a cancer from Miss Louisa Johnston's neck, one day last week. We made a fearful mistake in our last in speaking of Franklin Savage's newly arrived "olive branch." We credited by mistake to his brother William, and as he is an old bachelor he might not relish such notoriety. John MCKNIGHT'S family, of Pomeroy, have moved on to their farm, near Hanesville. Mr. MCKNIGHT will remain at Pomeroy, and work at his trade, blacksmithing. Wheat still bids fair to be a good crop. We find that the Mediterranean variety is the least injured by frost. Carson GORBY has sold his farm, and is now staying with his father, near Hanesville. We hear that Philander EDMUNDSON, who was for several years a resident of this township, died recently in one of the Western States, of consumption. Elder M.W. HARKING and family left last Monday, for Greenupsburg, Kentucky. Mrs. Mary V. THOMPSON has been suffering for several days from an attack of sickness. It is our honest opinion that Salem can turn out more flitters to the square yard than any township in the county. If "Resident" don't like our way of "hashing" items he has, I suppose, the privilege of writing something better. As for telling the truth, it is pretty generally conceded that my word is as good as his, in Salem. ROURGEOIS -------------------------------- County Exhibit "The following is a correct statement as required by an act passed, March 30th, 1875, of the orders issued during the month of March , A.D. 1876." COUNTY FUNDS I. BRADFIELD, jailor fees Ed CARTWRIGHT, witness O. JONES, witness T. MALLORY, to per cent. G. A. MINICH, juror James WELLS, juror J.O. SCOTT, juror P. WECKS, witness W. B. HARTINGER, w't t'l j'r DOWNIE and Son J.G. DERRY, et al, just's & con's costs L. L. BRADBURY, att'y service Austin REED, constable's costs A. DUNLAP, brooms for C.H. Royal CHURCH, p. juror W.H. LASLEY, office rent I. BRADFIELD, Jail expense BEHAN and TEETER, printing R. CHASE, Inf direc service N.H. JONES, Inf direc services G.V. LASHER, Inf. direc services J. B. SMITH, juctice's costs G. W. ALLENSWORTH, constable costs O.B. CHAPMAN, pr'tg dup D. REED, drups for prisoner Thomas GOLD, justic's costs J. STANEART, constable's costs W.J. PRALL, sunds for C.H. ACKLEY & HYSELL, med ad O. JONES, constable fees O. JONES, witness D.C. RATHBURN, witness David HART, justice's costs T.R. JONES, knob Aud. Office SANDFORD & Co., books and station' P.B. STANBERY, office ex. B.F. KNIGHT, com fees C.B. LAUGHEAD, com fees F. LYMAN work on jail J.B. SCOTT constable costs Sam MOORE 7 Co., g'ds for CH & jail G. P. SANDFORD, office ex T. MALLORY, office ex A.B. DONALLY, clerk fees W.A. RACE, clerk fees H. ALKIRE, com serv J.C. GOLDEN, highway ex C. WHITE at al, ch'n on r'd J. HAMILTON, witness F.M. INGERSOLL, work fro school Dr. J.H. HYSELL, iwtness John MCCLURE, office ex G.W.ALLENSWORTH, constable costs J.C. PROBST & SON, sundries H.B. SCOTT, school ex servcies John PETERS, marshal fee SILVERMAN & SONS clothing for prisoner REMINGTON, sunds for CH &jail John PENNYBACKER, witness B. KOCHLER, shoes for prisoner Stephen and W. SMITH, witness John SPECK, witness William MURRAY, witness Samuel MURRAY, witness H.B. SMITH, uncollected costs Jacob RUNION, et al witness Wallace MEALEY, witness Henry CLELLAND, witness B.F. STIVER, et al witness S.A.M. MOORE & CO., sta'ry scho'l ex George DAVIS, witness William HULL, witness Peter, DARTS, witness Timothy STILES, witness Enoch DEEM, witness John MISER, witness Ellen MISER et. al., witness N. and W. BENGAL, witness Jas MILLS, witness WILSTACH & BALDWIN, sta'ry & B'ks William DIXON, witness A. PRIODE, witness John PRIODE, witness W. G. BRANCH, witness John VANNEST, witness C.B. LAUGHEAD, com sercies Edward DODDEVER, witness Lewis DODDEVER, witness Orion OAKLEY, witness Telegraph Print Co., Assess. blanks Dr. Isaac TRAIN, witness Fred RUNION, witness William RUNION, witness J.C. MCELROY, sheriff fees T.C. FLANEGIN, school ex INFIRMARY FUND Peter BERKIS Sanders WELLS A. CARNAHAN Michael HART J.C. BISHOP Val KEONIG Harriet HOLMES C. ZEYER Margaret CAREY Jane CAREY Mary SPENCE Mary JONES Martin OLINGER Sophia HUGHS Margaret DAVIS Anges MORRIS Thomas HERIN C. GLOECKNER Lydia BIRTCHER Mina HECKER Francis PRICE Trustees Scipio Twp. Martin NUTTER S.D. MAHON Mathias OAKS Samuel HOWELL EMMA MIERS Sarah TERRILL James MCKEE T.J. LEO BARTELS & CO. David THOMAS Isaac DEWEES Catharine DARST W.H. NORTON Jacob SCHREINER Sutton t'p A. HAYDEN E. H. HOITER Mary TERRILL Rosetta GRAVES Polly LOWREY J.N. RATHBURN A.A. STANLEY B.F. PAINE Kate HARPER M. BIRTCHER Priscillia STANLEY William LANTLERS Jas. POSTALL D. REED H. DILCHER Benj ARCHER T.W. SMITH Catherine ENOCHS Joseph TERRILL G.W. COOPER Edward LARK W.M. SWALLOW WORELY and Co. W.H.SKINNER W. HORDEN J.T. BAILEY George COLE James PARK Chas. EPPLINE Ambrose RALPH Samuel GASTON Richard STONE W.L. JOHNSON Middleport Flour Co. Wm. J. PRALL Geo. EISELSTEIN T.R. JONES S.M. MOORE & CO. James TRACY D.C. SMITH T.C. SMITH B. KOEHLER L. GASTON DOWNIE & S. Salisburg Twp. DOWNIE and Sons A.H. MILLER J.S. HALLIDAY SCHOOL FUND E. N. COOPER, Tr. Scipio T'p W.B. WARNER, tr Oliver Tp F.B. REED, Reedville District W.M. Page, Pageville district T. ALEXANDER, Letart district Elson PADEN, Letart Township T. G. THOMPSON, Salem tp J. MCKAY, Portland Dist. D.M. NEASE, Banner dist. D. THOMAS, Minersville dist. M.W. TEWKSBURY, Col township J.P. BARRETT - Orange Township TOWNSHIP AND ROAD FUND E.N. COPPER W.B. WARNER E. PADEN T.G. THOMPSON J.P. BARRETT M.W. TEWKSBURY MINISTERIAL FUND Jas. O. CLARK, T 7,R 14 G.W. COOPER, T 1, R 13 INSTITUE FUND T. MALLORY H.B. SCOTT BRIDGE FUND J. B. MCCLAIN Lewis HYSELL W. J. SISSON Loring WHITE Martin SCOTT E.M. KIBBLE L.D. STEVENS Erastus STOW L.A. TUBBS Vincent COOPER R. COOMBS J.L. HAYES E. CLARK BUILDING FUND J. HUNTLEY D. FINDLING W.H. PRALL POMEROY MACHINE CO. I.G.P. SANDFORD, Auditor of Miegs County, Ohio, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a correct statement of orders issued upon the County Treasury, during the month of March, 1876. G.P. SANDFORD, County Auditor. =========================================== DEXTER NEWS Corn sells readily in Salem at fifty cents per bushel. The demand, however, owning to the great amount raised on last season, is very limited. We are able to chronicle another birth at Dexter in this issue. This time it's an addition to James GRAY'S family and not being of an inquisitive nature, we were not informed whether it is a boy or girl. M. S. SMITH returned from Cincinnati on last Monday on the elegant steamer St. James. He met with a glutted horse market, hence did poorly in disposing of his horses. In the outcome, however, he lost nothing. Chicken cholera prevails again to a considerable extent in Salem. Some families have lost all their poultry, while none, perhaps, have entirely escaped. Star Grange is the recipient of a fine $250 organ, manufactured at Washington, New Jersey, by Daniel BEATTY, having been drawn by the above Grange as a premium in clubbing for the American Patron, published at Findlay, Ohio. This organ is elegantly finished, has seven stops and is unsurpassed in tone. A building committee was appointed at Star Grange, at its last regular session to complete arrangements for the construction of a hall. It is to be a two story building, 48 feet in length and 25 feet wide. Unexampled excitement prevailed in many sub-districts in this township over the election of school directors. Electioneering commenced several days previous to the time of holding election in Dexter school district, and each person who pledged himself to support the candidate so soon proposed, was provided with a ticket, but unfortunately for the instigators, the name was written with lead pencil instead of ink, and the candidate was lost; and the gentleman who was legally elected refused to serve, and the board appointed to the directorship Mr. Wm. SAXTON. Selfish and ungentlemanly motives are generally thwarted, as they should be. Mr. William RUSSELL had on exhibition at S. S. NELSON'S sale, on the 12th month, a natural phenomenon to which we never saw a parallel. An ewe, belonging to Mrs. RUSSELL, gave birth to three lambs, two of which were inseperably united by natural ligmanets extending from the navels to the points of the noses, forming what might be called a double lamb. The limbs of both were almost perfect, while the fore legs were in such a position that Dame Nature, by this wonderful freak; seemed to have them in constant embrace. This natural curiosity was the theme of the hour, and the excitement which it created was no little. Recently we have had the pleasure of twice visiting Center Grange, Salem; and, speaking in reference to the general deportment of the above grange, we fully corroborated the statement that it is the best conducted grange in this section of Meigs county; at least, it comes more nearly filling the design of an well-ordered grange than any we have ever visited. The theory that carrying out the work perfectly consists of too much "red tape" is entirely "too thin" to receive a moment's consideration. The more strictly we adhere to parliamentary rulings and established usages, the more satisfactory will be our progress. "If anything is worth doing at all, it is worth doing well," is a saying as true as 'tis old. Having been a recipient of the courteous treatment and gentlemanly regard paid to passengers who favor the fine and superb steamer Andes with their patronage, we desire in behalf of myself and others from Dexter to tender sincere thanks to the captain, and Ed. MUHLMAN, the clerk, (who, by the way, is the cleverest man on the river) for favors during our trip to Cincinnati. We cheerfully recommend the Andes to the traveling public. For perhaps eighteen months, we have been a regular correspondent of the Meigs County News, of late the Republican. No enterprise in which we have ever been employed has been a pleasanter one than that of electing items of interest (we hope they were such) for the paper to which we contributed. We have endeavored to present our notes in a plain, readable shape, and at the same time to avoid that absolute "dryness" which is said to pervade most local correspondence; how well we have succeeded the public can adjudge. Hereafter the Dexter news will originate through some other source than through the undersigned, except it be at brief periods. We have partly made arrangements with a gentleman at Dexter to write up the news from that place. Subsequently, the readers of the Republican will hear from us on such topics as we think will prove interesting. For the present, adieu. ZERO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GALLIA Gallia county has lost two of its old and respected citizens the past week. We refer to Simeon ROACH, of Green Township, and Isaac CARTER, of Perry Township. They died honored in years, and in the respect and love of their fellow citizens-- Gallipolis Journal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Middleport postoffice for the week ending April 22. Maggie CALHOON, Mollie CALM, Kate DEAN, Caroline HALE, Clara JACKSON, Hannah JACKSON, Rob't MINGUS, Moses MORGAN, Sam'l WRIGHT, Mary WHITE. V.B. SMITH P.M. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following marriage licenses were issued by Judge STANBERY during the week ending the 24th inst.: Sam RODGERS to Emeline JOHNSON; John S. ICENHOUE to Mary E. ERWIN; Wm. L. DOTY to Fietta WOLF; Valentine BERKES to Elia SCANTION; and one bashful couple. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEWIS LINDSEY and family are at this time removing to their farm in Gallia county, four miles below Middleport. Meigs county loses a good citizen, and Gallia gains one. Mr. LINDSEY will have control of four hundred acres of excellent land, and will turn his attention principally to stock. Capt. BARRINGER takes possession of Mr. LINDSEY'S find residence and grounds, and will move in immediately. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The team of J.W. TALBOTT, of Langsville, had a fearful runaway on Tuesday at 1 o'clock, starting from Front street, and running out Mill street, and how much further we could not learn. They demolished an express wagon, tore their harness to pieces, and scattered the eggs and chicken with which the wagon was loaded, about town at a wonderful rate. The horses were uninjured. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Corporation Officers have taken up their quarters in the new city building. Workmen are tearing out the iron portion of the old lock-up, and putting it in good shape for a business room, dwelling, or something else. What hallowed memories to the old bummers of Middleport must cluster round the ancient lock-up, the home of many of them night after night. But we don't see many of them weep. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Some of our merchants have gathered up all the postal currency they could reach, and have forwarded it to Cincinnati, to be exchanged for silver. Phillips & Co. will have plenty of the jingling money on and after Friday next, to pay out to their customers in change, in place of torn and tattered postal currency. Others will follow rapidly, and soon the fractional currency -- the diaper of the rag baby, as it were -- will disappear from view forever. So mote it be. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Mayor's Court was kept quite busy on Monday. We note a few of the cases, as follows: Corporation vs. Asbury HYSELL -- Assault upon John PETERS, Marshal. Plead guilty, fined $15 and cost, in all $25, and to work the same out on chain gang. The State of Ohio vs. H. C. TEETER. The charge in this case was libel against Dr. C.R. REED, and consisted, so plaintiff sets forth, in causing to be printed and issued the handbill that was scattered broadcast on the Saturday night previous to the late election, reflecting so severely on the Dr.'s. character as a member of the Board of Education. Case continued until Friday, April 28th, on account of the absence of an important witness. The State of Ohio vs. Alvey CARLYLE -- Charge: selling liquor to be drank where sold. Continued to April 25th, at 4 o'clock P.M. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ George BAUER, the contractor for the stone-work, for the addition to the courthouse, is pushing things lively. S.A.M. MOORE, who met with the accident at the railway of the Sugar Run Salt-works, is again on duty. The undersigned had occasion to go to Rutland a few day ago, and he noticed a marked improvement in the way of guide-boards at very cross-road, which is very commendable, but I would suggest that they pay a little attention to distances when they are putting up guide-boards; for instance, over the hill, back of this place, is one on which is painted -- "Pomeroy 2m" "Rutland 5m" -- about a mile further on another one reads, "Pomeroy 4m" "Rutland 2m." One can observe in the above a slight discrepancy, which might tend to bewilder travelers. Captain J. N. WILLIAMSON, superintendent of the Parkersburg and Gallipolis Packet Company, proposes to take passengers to Pittsburg and return, on his fine Str. Emma Graham during the portion of the Centennial season, when there is water enough, for $6, round trip. He says he has been unable to make any special rates with the railroads running from Pittsburgh to the Centennial, but thinks the fare will be about ten or eleven dollars, making it from here to Philadelphia and return, via Pittsburgh, about $17. J.T. WALLACE is suffering from injuries received in a very singular manner. As he was walking up the levee from the wharf boat, a dog ran against him which such force as to nearly knock him down; when he made an effort to throw a rock at the dog he discovered that his leg was very lame, and Dr. ACKLEY now says that the bone is cracked. Mr. W. is compelled to use crutches. Last Saturday morning, at one o'clock, the awful alarm of fire was given, and it was soon discovered that it was the beautiful residence of Judge LASLEY, situated on the side hill at the head of Sugar run. The origin of the fire is, and ever will be profound mystery; as it ............................. [unable to read] per story. The fire had gained such headway in the attic that all hope of extinguishing it seemed blighted, as it was impossible to get the engine to it, and at that time of night there could not be force enough got together to extinguish it with buckets. Under the circumstances, the force divided, some to keep back the rapidly advancing flames, others to remove the furniture, which was accomplished in a remarkably short time, and seemingly with little damage, except one room up stairs containing the Judge's library, and the necessary furniture, which was a total loss; and one, by the way, that Judge LASLEY will feel keenly, as his library was quite valuable. The building is a total loss, not a vestige remains excepting the brick and stone of the walls. The house was of brick and concrete, plastered on the outside. Judge LASLEY estimates his loss at $13,000, and which was insurance of $11,400, $9,000 on the house and $2,400 on the furniture and library. Judge LASLEY stored his furniture here and removed his family to Middleport for the present, occupying the house of his father-in-law T. MONTAGUE, who with his family, are visiting friends in Tennessee. While writing of the fire, let me say that it is the general opinion of everybody present that the Babcock engine is a fraud, on general principles, and was badly managed on this particular occasion, and that the firemen of the steam engine were unable to get their engine out to the fire, and if they had succeeded, nothing could have been done on account of the scarcity of water. J.P. [I have transcribed the above without spelling, grammar or punctuation changes (boy, was I tempted to make corrections now and then). The text is as it appeared in the newspaper at the time. - Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio April 27, 1876
Meigs The Presbytery that lately met in Pomeroy was photographed. Business in Middleport is said to be remarkably d?il for the season. Stephen S. Nelson of Salem, has sold his farm and moved to Iowa. Dr. Garret, after an absence of several months, has returned to Rutland. The May term of the Common Pleas of this county, will begin on the 1st of next month. On Sunday of last week, at Pomeroy, seventeen persons were baptized, by immersion, in the river. Star Grange, No. 778, of Salem has purchased grounds, and will soon commence the erection of a large elegant hall. A barge containing 9,000 bushels of coal, belonging to the Pomeroy Coal Company, was recently sunk, near Cincinnati, A number of the members of the Pomeroy M.E. Church, recently, presented Rev. J. T. Holliday with an elegant suit of clothes. Mr. J. H. Parker, of Orange township, lately recovered a stolen horse through the instinct of the one he was riding discovering the presence of its lost mate in a blacksmith shop he happened to be passing. There was a heavy white frost last night, which extended even to the tops of the hills. When this is the case it is generally severe in the valleys, as it is extremely rare that a white frost reaches the hill-tops in this region. -- Pomeroy Telegraph The Middleport Republican says, that there is a movement on foot to have a re-union in Middleport, on the 4th of July, Centennial Day, of the surviving soldiers of the following organizations:13th, 4th, 5th, 7th, and 9th West Virginia Infantry, and 2d Virginia Cavalry, and the 21st, 34th, 36th, and 12th Ohio Infantry. On Monday evening of last week, the Presbytery then in session, at Pomeroy, adjourned to Middleport in order to ordain and install Rev. D. L. Chapin pastor of the Presbyterian Church there. Prof. D. E. Beach preached the sermon on the occasion. Rev. C. C. Hart presided and asked the constitutional questions. Rev. P. S. Davies gave the charge to the new pastor and Rev. Wm. Addy that to the people. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs Co. Republican May 3, 1876
Mrs. E. RICE, for two or three years past of the Ripley House, this city, has removed to Pine Grove, Gallia County. Mr. J.J. WEISS, of Pomeroy, took possession of the Ripley House, on Monday. Rev. E. SHIBLEY, of Racine, will leave Miegs county sometime during this month, to make his home with a daughter in St. Joseph, Missouri. He is already packed up and is visiting his son and others for a few weeks. Prof. John C. CHASE is very low, having failed very fast during the past week or two. He can eat but little or nothing, and is sustained almost entirely by stimulants. He is at the residence of his brother, Mr. R. CHASE, near the county Infirmary. The High School commencement exercises will take place at the School Hall on next Friday evening, May 5th. All are cordially invited to attend. The following named persons will graduate: Miss Mollie M. LAUGHEAD, John R. CUNNINGHAM, and David H. MOORE. List of persons who obtained certificates at the examination head April 8th, 1876. For Twenty-four months -- V.J. PACKARD For Twelve month -- W. C. DOWNING and Louis WILLIAMS For six months -- Maggie TRICKIE, Martha PILCHER, Lillie CHASE, Eliza WINN, Sadie CURTIS, Lydia M. DOUGLAS, Jennie MCCLURE, Julia FRISBIE, M.B. FRISBIE, Elma WILLIAMS, Belinda YOUNG, Maria GRIMES, Mollie WHALEY, Sallie TAYLOR, Lizzie GILLAND, Maria HASKINS, Amelia SHUTT, Geo. H. STOUT, W.A. YOUNG, W. S. McKAY, W.H. CARNEY, J.A. McAVOY, G. W. PHILCHARD, Leon S. HAYMAN, Frank. McELFRESH, P. STRAUSBAUGH, JR. and Wald E. WOLF. Mr. Samuel CHURCH, a gentleman about 75 years of age, who resides in the Second Ward, while going down into his cellar last Monday evening stumbled and fell several feet, striking upon his head and shoulders. He was stunned so much as to remain insensible for a short time, but fortunately no bones were broken and he is now in a fair way to recover. Mr. Church is the father of Mrs. C.E. McGlothlin, of Middleport. We are glad to report that the old gentleman is again able to be about. MARRIED WEBSTER-- HARRIS -- April 30th, 1876, by Rev. T.J. FERGUSON, in Wesleyan Church, in Pomeroy, Mr. John S. WEBSTER, of Middleport, to Miss Jennie E. HARRIS, of Pomeroy. Mr. WEBSTER is the efficient teacher in room number 1, colored schools of Middleport, Ohio. DIED STANSBURY -- In Rutland, Ohio, April 28th, 1876, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Mary STANSBURY, aged 55 years. JOHNSON -- At this residence, in Pomeroy, Ohio, Saturday afternoon, April 29th, 1876, Mr. Wm. Johnson, 66 years of age. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio May 4, 1876
Meigs Salem township abounds in fiddlers. Potatoes in Middleport 25 cents per bushel. Horticulture is a leading industry, during the proper season, in Rutland. Mr. George Oliver, an aged citizen in Pomeroy, died on Tuesday night of last week. The Pomeroy Telegraph Printing Company has just set up a new engine in its office. Irene Morgan, of Lebanon township, was recently adjudged insane by the Probate Court. Over one hundred dogs are said to have been poisoned, lately within ten days, in Middleport. John W. Willock and family left Middleport, on Sunday, of last week, for a home in Denison, Texas Mr. Henry K. Wells, one of the oldest citizens of Bedford township, says the Pomeroy Telegraph, is lying very sick. Star Grange is the largest grange in Salem township, was organized in March 1874, and has at present 113 members. The store of W. A. Ellis & Co., of Racine, was burglarized on the night of the 22d utl., and about $50 worth of goods carried off. S. S. Nelson and family, of Salem township, started recently for Iowa, with the intention to make that State their future home. Mr. W. J. Kallam, of Middleport, has just completed the erection of a foundry and machine shop in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Hon. V. B. Horton, of this county, has demonstrated the fact that Meigs county land can be made to produce 32 1/2 bushels of wheat to the acre. Mr. Samuel Church, aged 75, living in the second ward of Pomeroy was seriously hurt by falling down his cellar steps, on Monday evening of last week. The Pomeroy Iron Company have been making large shipments of manufactured iron to the west. They sent about 250 tons to St. Louis in the last two weeks. -- Telegraph Jacob Dorst was badly injured by a heavy stick of timber falling on him while engaged in raising a saw mill for James Rankin, in Orange township, one day last week. The fine residence of Judge W. H. Lasley, in Pomeroy, was wholly consumed on the night of the 22 ult. -- The fire originated, as is supposed, from a defective flue. Partly insured. The volunteer fire company, of Pomeroy, on this occasion, acted very inefficiently, they failing to assemble in sufficient force to get their engine to the fire. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs Co. Republican May 10, 1876
J. L. W. Bell has been repairing his residence on second street. John Sayre is repairing his house on Main Street. Wm. McElroy has returned from the west. R. Harpold and B. E. Sibly are with us again. Miss Mattie Swallow, of Middleport, is visiting the Misses Petrels, of this place. The milliners are doing a good business this spring. The new editors of the Racine World are Skinner and Ceelet? Some of the articles in their paper are very good. Jas Cranshaw has started a barber shop at the foot of Main. Jed Wolf purchased his drugs and medicines through the State Grange agency at Cincinnati. Rev. S. B. Mathews, of the M.E. church, has started on a tour for his health. Rev. W. E. Powell will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday at half past ten. The street commissioner is at work again; by the way, that canal on Second Street ought to be filled up, or drained or something done with it. It is rumored that the I.O.O.F. and F. & A.M. are going to have a combination picnic. The report is that Mr. Mariner is indicted for burglary and larceny. It seems that W. A. Elliss "no likee lendum." The concert at the M.E. Church last evening was a decided success. The attendance was large. We regret to learn that Mr. Wayne Jenkins is sick. BIRTHS To Mr. and Mrs. Vint. Hartinger, on Tuesday, May 9th, a fat plump daughter. MARRIED BARNES-GORBY -- April 15th, 1876, at the residence of the bride's parents, in Salem Township, by F. H. McKnight, J.P., Mr. Charles S. Barnes and Miss Ada J. Gorby DIED NEIGHBORGALL -- In Rutland township, May 6 of consumption, Mrs. Mandana, wife of Mr. Sereno Neighborgall, aged about twenty-three. SWICK -- In Middleport, Ohio, on Wednesday, May 3, 1876, at 1 o'clock, p.m. Louisa R., daughter of John and Phoebe A. Swick, aged 21 years, 2 months and 19 days. The deceased had been in poor health for nearly two years. On her death bed she expressed herself as being fully prepared and willing to meet death and the judgment. CHASE -- Tuesday, May 2nd; at 8 o'clock, P.M., at the residence of his brother, R. Chase, near Pomeroy, Ohio, Prof. John C. Chase, aged forth-two years. Prof. Chase was well known to most of our citizens, having been Superintendent of our public schools, and previously had charge of the Coalport schools. Owing to his extreme reticence, only those with whom he was most intimate, knew his capabilities for good to his kind. Court Proceedings Proceedings of Common Pleas Court, for the week ending Saturday, May 6, 1876, before S. S. Knowles, Judge. The Grand Jury were discharged on Wednesday last, having present the following indictments; Frank Hall and Frank Riffle, for burglary and larceny. Charles Mariner, for burglary. John W. Willock, forgery. Daniel Bibbee, obstructing the public highway. Hall, Riffe, and Mariner are in jail. The Grand Jury examined the county jail, and reported it kept in as good order as the construction of the building will allow. Ferry licenses were issued as follows: To A. S. Sehon, to keep a ferry across the Ohio River at Middleport, in Sutton Township, for the term of one year. To Joseph Randolph, to keep a ferry across the Ohio River at Randolph Landing, Sutton township, for the term of one year. Auctioneer's license was issued to Gustave Jordan, for the term of one year, on his giving bond according to law in the sum of $1,000. Thomas T. Hopkins vs James H. Parr -- settled at defendant's costs Mary S. Garnett vs Stephen P. Capehart -- dismissed at the costs of the plaintiff. Meigs Building and Saving Association vs John W. Lyon and Ann Lyon -- sale confirmed and deed ordered Howard Womeldorff vs Arch. Crary and Sarah Russell -- settled at plaintiff's costs Thomas Halliday vs Washington Halliday et al -- sale confirmed, distribution of funds, and deed ordered S.D. Pickens vs Joseph Filson -- sale confirmed, distribution of funds, and deed ordered John Musser vs Clemence Musser -- settled and costs paid F.W. Dixon vs Cooper and Allen -- settled and costs paid J.P. Staneart vs Wm. Frost and Silva Frost -- settled and costs paid Esther J. French, guardian of Morris H. French et al, John R. French et al -- sale confirmed, distribution of fund, and deed ordered State of Ohio vs Frank Hall and Frank Riffle -- defendants arraigned; plead not guilty -- trial set for Thursday, May 18th, Defendants being unable to employ counsel, John Cartwright and B.M. Cade were assigned by the Court as counsel for the defense. SALEM ITEMS Another shooting scrape on Parker's Run, in which, one Levi Jacks is said to have shot at one James Saxon. M. H. Jackson and Elijah Darst left for Cabell county, West Virginia, last Monday. Edward Hampton is now carrying the mails from Middleport to Wilesville, He made his first trip Tuesday. Rev. Warren Taylor lectures on the evils of Free Masonry, at Wilesville next Tuesday. Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs Co. Republican May 17, 1876
MAYOR'S COURT Since our last issue, the following cases have been disposed of by Mayor SMITH: John LEWIS, drunkenness; plead guilty; fined five dollars and costs. John LEWIS, charged with stealing fifty dollars from Mrs. Sidney RUFFNER; plead guilty; bound over to Common Pleas Court. Hunter LOWDEN, drunkenness; plead guilty; fined five dollars and cost. Mary RED, charge disorderly conduct on the streets; fined one dollar and costs; turned out to do so no more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There is a rumor that the splendid little Str. Wall City, the Middleport and Ravenswood daily packet, is to have opposition. We hope the rumor is unfounded. There is not enough business in the trade to justify a contest. The Wall City is a neat, roomy, clean craft; her officers are very obliging and accommodating; and, best of all, her charges are very reasonable. Let our business men stick to the Wall City. Mr. William PORTER, formerly in the job printing business in Middleport, latterly in Pomeroy, has removed his family and office to Pittsburgh, where he will engage in the same business. Mr. PORTER was master of his trade, and turned out work that would be a credit to any city office. He had a great run of custom in Pomeroy, and we hope he may meet with success in his new field of labor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Messrs. EAKIN & SANDERS make quite a spread in our advertising columns to-day. Read their new announcement, and govern yourselves accordingly. RACINE NEWS Racine, Ohio, May 15, 1876 Every man has in his own life follies enough, in his own mind troubles enough, in the performance of his duties deficiencies enough, in his own fortunes evils enough, without being overly curious after the affairs of other. If we would expend a little more time in cultivating Paul's enjoined charity, we think there would be more gained. Jed. A. WOLF has gone to Cincinnati to attend the Democratic Convention. His only regret is that he misses a Sabbath from his Sabbath school class, which he has not done for nearly three years. Wm. VLEET left on last Tuesday for the Centennial Miss Dill COOPER is visiting in Gallipolis. Miss NYE is visiting friends here. Dr. AMSDEN has returned from McArthur. Miss Hattie HOLLAND has returned to Racine, and expects to spend the summer here. Bert WOLF has returned to Catletsburg. The young folks gave a picnic last Thursday, at Weldon's hill; there were about one hundred in attendance. All had a good time. Our barbers have it nip and tuck, and if nip aint' careful, tuck will get it. Mr. James KAY has put up a rustic seat at the old mill for the accommodation of young ladies and gents who frequent that place of evening. Some of our quoit pitchers are hard up we saw some of them pitching quoits in the rain last Friday. The reporter to the Telegraph uses such high flown language that no one here can comprehend his articles. We advise him to drop some of those words that it takes a crowbar to turnover, and talk United States. There was a concert at the Baptist church last evening, the house was filled to overflowing, and the concert was one of the best we have the pleasure of attending. The programe was original; the exercises consisted of music; general exercise; subject, second advent; response, beatitudes; song by class of small girls; scriptural exercises by infant class; Rock of Ages, short address by the pastor, W. E. POWELL, on the subject of praise. The school deserves great praise, as the concert was gotten up in less than a week. W. E. POWEL, the pastor of the Baptist church, preached a very interesting sermon on Sunday last. Mark PETREL is a success as a jumpist; he jumped 30 feet in three jumps on level ground; the last jump measured 11 feet 8 inches. We have good reasons for believing that W.J. PRALL, hardware merchant of Pomeroy, has not injured the working of his generous heart by humping himself under that heavy cook stove for lo, these many years. RUTLAND NEWS The late frosts have been very destructive, but it is thought that some of the apple blossoms still survive. Corn planting is about over, except where parties are clearing. Wm. and Stephen HOOPER are clearing the timber off of about sixteen acres of what was formerly known as J.B. HIGLEY'S sugar camp. Mr. Geo. MORTON, who has just returned from a trip to the west, says that the HOOPER boys have done work enough on those acres to have broken sixty acres of prairie and prepared it for planting. They have cut timber for three thousand rails, reserved some for saw logs, and burned up enough to build a mate to A. T. Stewart's store house which covers 2? acres in New York. V. C. SMITH is having about three acres cleared in a cove adjoining the above clearing. Will. RICE'S arm is getting better. After weeks of severe treatment a huge mass weighing twelve ounces, almost equal to "Skylock's pound of flesh," sloughed off, leaving a frightful sore, which is slow in healing. While we were at Mrs. RICE'S Dr. GARRETT very politely exhibited his collection of petrified wood specimens of stone, arrow points of flint, stone hatchets, field spades and quartz rock. The Dr. had about two bushels of such at Mrs. RICE'S and about eight bushels at home. The Dr. is engaged in selling pruning shears and a peculiar kind of bolt cutter, with state ??? county rights to use the same. Prof. J. C. CHASE, who died at the residence of his brother, ? CHASE, was buried in the Rutland cemetery May 4th, 1876. Among the attendants was F. M. CHASE. Mrs. GRAVES' two children have gone to Xenia to the Soldier's Orphan Home, to be educated. Xenia is the county seat of Green county 64 miles from Cincinnati. Supervisors are mending their ways. It has been suggested by an old "road man" that no brush or other decaying trash should be used in filling ruts and holes in the road, nor should brush be used in making dams to turn water for the reason that brush soon rots and leaves the dirt porous and loose so that it is easily washed away. To make an embankment or levee permanent, make it of earth, high enough so that the water will never run over it. If it is not practicable to make it that high, make it of earth as high as needed, and then cover the top over the stone and gravel. The bridge across Leading creek, below the SMITH & BRALEY mills, is reported unsafe; therefore travelers that way will ford until the Commissioners can afford to build anew. It is reported that the Commissioners were out and inspected this bridge some time ago; they, however, did not interview the neighbors, who are much interested, but went away and reported that with a little repairs the bridge would be safe for two or three years yet. But "all is not gold that glitters," and after close examination good mechanics have reported that the bridge is liable to break down any time. Wm. CHURCH returned from St. Louis on Thursday last, where he had been visiting his son George. George is engaged in job printing in that city. Rutland village is without a shoemaker, Wm. CHAMBERS, having sold his shop to F. M. SISSON has moved to Athens. Members of different churches met at the Presbyterian church in Pomeroy a few weeks ago, and organized a "Meigs County Sunday School Union." of Which Mr. ?. W. COOPER of our town was elected President and Mr. TURNBULL, and some others, and organized auxiliary "unions" in every township in the county. Much good was thus accomplished, in the educating the youths of the county up to a unity of faith and knowledge of the Bible. POMEROY NEWS Miss Mame BOOTH, of Marietta, who has been visiting in the city for several weeks, returned home on the Andes last Sunday. William STARKEY, Jr., recently married to Miss Zo. CONANT, commenced housekeeping in Schreiber's building, on Butternut street, last week. The spring removals, so far as known, have been: J. KIMBLE, from Lincoln Hill to Mechanic street; F. KEPLER, from Front street, over Davis' butcher shop, to J. V. SMITH's house on Lincoln Hill; D. LLEWELLYN, from over his court street residence to Mechanic street; A. AMBURG, tailor, from this city to Portsmouth, Ohio; J. J. WEESE, from the Simpson House, on Mulberry street, to the Ripley House, Middleport; Dr. KREIHBEL, from the Seebohm house on Mulberry street, to the Simpson House; Chris KOUNTZ, from the Schreiber House, on Butternut, to Union avenue, Judge LASLEY has, or will soon remove his family from their temporary quarters in Middleport to the House vacated by A. AMBURG, near his late residence, where he will reside until he rebuilds. I had the privilege of looking through prosecuting attorney GRAHAM'S Docket last Saturday, and find it one of the nicest arranged documents of the kind that could be gotten up. The making of the new Docket was the work of Bill MARRICK. I'll venture it's the nicest Docket in this District. The Prosecutor informs me that during his first year he disposed of 365 cases; in the first two years, sent 21 to the Penitentiary, and in the same time collected and paid into the County Treasurer over ($6,000) six thousand dollars! Bully for Graham! Dr. W. C. WELLS was the first to initiate the straw hat season. Gen. GROSVENOR, in the cross examiner's chair, and Dr. Alonzo GARRETT, on the witness stand, make a lively part to draw to. Gen. GROSVENOR, received an invitation last Friday night, from the chairman of the committee on Decoration of the Soldiers' Graves of Hamilton County, to deliver the oration at Spring Grove Cemetery, Decoration day, May 30th, with instructions to telegraph his reply, which he did Saturday morning, accepting the invitation. Mrs. WINTERS, nee Mary GEYER, of Ironton, Ohio, is visiting her parents in this city. The buildings of Joseph FOWLER and B.F. BIGGS, at the mouth of Sugar Run, are nearly completed. Mr. FOWLER will occupy his room as a general merchant, and Mr. BIGGS will occupy his rooms as an undertaking establishment. Mr. FOWLER will be ready for business about the first of the month and Mr. BIGGS in a few days. W. J. PRALL, the man with the stove on his back, has remodeled the inside of his store room, and is repainting the front, making in his business house a visible improvement. Miss Stella REED, of Portsmouth, Ohio, is visiting friends in this city. Mrs. LOGAN, nee Miss Linnie GALLAGHER, of Logan's Ferry, PA., is visiting friends in this city. Chas. L. HUNTLEY should have been mentioned among the graduates of the present term of Pomeroy High School. Rev. Wm. J. LEE, whose parents reside in this city, will deliver an original poem at the commencement at Marietta College, next month. Mr. LEE is a graduate of that institution. After the commencement there, he will spend the summer vacation in this city. He is stationed at Holden, MO. The T party at the Opera House was generally conceded to be a success. Not being there, I can give no particulars. If any person had been taken suddenly sick last Saturday, they would have had to send to the Court House for a doctor. They were in attendance as witnesses in the MUSSER cancer case. While one of the attorneys in the MUSSER case was delivering his argument last Saturday night, one of the witnesses for the defense interrupted him, when the attorney turned to the court and said, "If the court please, I object to any Brass Monument interrupting me while I am arguing this case." The witness subsided. Spencer STOUT, the Poultry Man, of Chester, received a forty pound turkey last Friday by express, from Indiana. Judge NASH and Hon. Jos. BRADBURY, of Gallia and Gen. GROSVENOR, of Athens, are still in attendance on our Common Pleas Court. Judge KNOWLES left for his home in Marietta Monday; Judge BRADBURY will finish the term. Judge KNOWELS opens Court in Gallia county Monday, the 22d inst. Judge BRADBURY at Marietta on the same day. In the case of Israel STANBURY vs the Pomeroy Flour Company no damage was assessed. GROSVENOR, VORHES and Judge NASH for Plaintiff; RUSSELL AND RUSSELL and Martin HAYS, contra. The case of Melvnia CHASE vs. Jacob MUSSER, was on trail all day Saturday, and until midnight Saturday night, when the jurry returned a verdict of $3,000 for the plaintiff. This case excited a great deal of interest, the Court House being crowded during the trail. The plaintiff charged Jacob MUSSER with malpractice in the treatment of a cancer, whereby she was deformed by the loss of a portion of her nose. The case was stubbornly fought, with the above result. GROSVENOR, VORHES and M. HAYS for Plaintiff; NASH and BRADBURY, contra. I have mentioned these as being of particular interest, the others will appear in the regular court report. For nearly five years, and under four different administrations, the undersigned has furnished the Pomeroy News for the Meigs County Republican, and its predeceeor, the News. The time has now come, when circumstances make it necessary for me to give way to others. In the time that I have been connected with the above publications, I have made many friends, some enemies. The former I shall remember kindly; the latter I shall soon forget, as they belong to a class to which I am perfectly indifferent. As to what I have written, I have no apology to make, neither retraction. Wishing the Republican abundant success, political, financial and otherwise, I will step "down and out." J. P. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens County Messenger, Athens, Ohio May 18, 1876
Meigs Rutland has no shoemaker. Father Owers, of Tanner's Run, died recently of old age. Six prisoners at the close of the week in the jail of this county. There is talk of establishing a Democratic paper in Middleport. The I.O.O.F. and F. & A.M. of Racine, are going to have a combination picnic. Sheriff McElroy was last week laid up at his residence in Middleport with rheumatism. Judge Bradbury is occupying the bench this week in the Common Pleas of this county. J. L. Carpenter, of Columbia township, was recently elected President of the Agricultural Society of this county. The Middleport Woolen Factory is running night and ay, making large quantities of jeans and other woolen goods. Rev. Finley Bell, aged twenty, preached his farewell sermon at Portland in this county, on Sunday of last week. Another shooting scrape recently occurred on Parker's Run, in which one Levi Jacks is said to have shot at one James Saxton. The Pomeroy High School will hold their first regular Commencement, at the close of the present school year, some time early in June. A fine span of horses, belonging to Albert Hazelwood, were driven into the Ohio river, at the mouth of Kerr's Run, on Tuesday of last week, when both were drowned. Rev. William Herr, agent of the American Bible Society, who preached Sunday of last week, in the Presbyterian Church of Middleport, was an intinerant minister in that section fifty years ago. The Middleport Republican says: The members of the various Evangelical churches of this place are about to establish a Union Sabbath School at the lower edge of Middleport, in a small chapel donated by Mr. Bosworth for that purpose. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs Co. Republican May 28, 1876
DIED WEBSTER -- At the residence of her sister, near Rutland, where she had been on a visit, in feeble health, Philemina Webster, wife of Mr. G. G. Webster. The funeral services were held in the Free Baptist Church of Rutland, conducted by the Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Middleport, of which she was a member for six years. The remains were brought to Middleport Cemetery for burial. Marriage Licenses Issued for the week ending May 22: Thomas E. Adams to Annie E. Lane; Wm. H. Crawford to Hannah E. Davis; Henry Holt to Zelda A. Hoffman; Philip Greaser to Mary A. Thomas; James R. Castor to Lovinia Chancy. SALEM ITEMS Thomas Harkins, one of the oldest men in the township and a soldier of the war of 1812, died at the residence of his son, C. B. Harkins, Monday, May 15th and was buried in the Nelson graveyard on the 16th inst. Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Republican, Middleport, OH May 31, 1876
DIED Watson -- In Cheshire, Gallia county, May 26, 1876, of consumption, Mr. John Watson, father of Mrs. W. A. Watkins, of Middleport, in the 68th year of his age. Benedict -- Near Rutland, Ohio, May 38, Mrs. Miriam, wife of Mr. Jabez Benedict, aged sixty-four years. She had been a member of the First Freewill Baptist Church between forth and fifty years. Braley -- Near Langsville, Ohio, May 28, after an illness of several months, Mrs. Sarah, wife of Mr. Amos C. Braley, aged about forty-five years. Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio June 1, 1876
Meigs George Wolfe, of Letart, recently lost twenty sheep by dogs. Mrs. Martha B. Tenney, an aged lady, has moved from Rutland to New Lima. Mrs. Johnson, wife of Charlie Johnson, formerly of Rutland township, recently died in Osceola, Iowa. The Middleport Salt Furnace was recently sold at Sheriff's sale for $4,338, about one-sixth its original costs. Riffle and Hall were last week sent to the penitentiary from this county for burglary. They had probably rifted a Hall safe. The Pomeroy Telegraph thinks that the strongest candidate which the Republicans can possibly put in nomination for the Presidency at Cincinnati, is Benjamin H. Bristow. Mr. Philander Edmunson, formerly of Middleport, who was reported to have died in one of the Western States, writes to the Republican in correction of the rumor. The Middleport Republican speaks of a negro that last week made his appearance in that town who possessed very remarkable powers of mimickry: "He could easily imitate a whole brass band, smoking his pipe at the same time; then suddenly change his voice that of the calliope, producing music fit to preside over eloquence and heroic poetry. The mocking of different animals, and to produce the sound of an approaching railway train almost perfectly, seemed to be a favorite pastime with him." [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Republican, Middleport, OH June 7, 1876
Mrs. McClure, wife of Nat. McClure, of Harrisonville, was found in a well near the barn on the farm on which the family resides, last Sunday morning. It seems, as the report has it, that she went to the barn to attend to some domestic matter, and in a few minutes an inmate of the house sent one of Mrs. McClure's little children to tell his mother to bring some soft water from the barn to the house; when she returned, the little boy seeing a bucket near the well, looked down and discovered his mother, when he gave the alarm to his father, who rescued her from the well before life was extinct, and the last report was that she was still living, though in a dangerous condition. The well had no curb around it, and it seems no covering, though circumstances point strongly to an attempt at self destruction. Sad accident On Thursday last Mrs. Mary Wipple, wife of Lawrence Wipple, and daughter of John Schuler, who reside near Chester, while whitewashing a room, was standing on a chair, which tipped over, she falling with her back across the same, causing severe injuries, which resulted in her death about four hours afterwards. Mrs. Wipple was enceinte [pregnant - ed.] at the time. She leaves three children. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio June 8, 1876
Meigs William Mark, formerly of McArthur, but now of Middleport, Ohio, has been awarded by a jury $600 damages against the city of Pomeroy for injuries sustained in falling over the river bank in the night. Dan. Rice's show was in Middleport yesterday. The circus in Middleport last week failed to pay expenses. The Pomeroy temperance people compromise on "Ginger ale." The Herald, published at Racine, is a new journalistic enterprise. The Marshal of Middleport "certifies" that there is no small-pox in that town. Wm. Barton, of Salem, was last week arrested charged with poisoning a spring. A farmer near Racine boasts of having the best looking wheat and "gals" in the county. "The great female 'wizard,' who was born under the planet Jupiter," has left Pomeroy. Mrs. Sarah Braley, near Langsville, and Mrs. Miriam Benedict near Rutland died recently. This county is to be represented at the Centennial by specimens of her coal, salt and bromine. Mr. John Watson, one of the oldest citizens and most successful farmers of Cheshire, died recently. Rev. and Mrs. S. P. Davis, of Pomeroy, celebrated their tin wedding on Wednesday evening last. The ladies of the Methodist Christian Church gave a moonlight festival on Saturday evening last. The barn of Win, McKay, in Lebanon township, was burned on Sunday night of last week. Incendiary. Isaac Hoops, of Middleport, lost a valuable team by drowning in the Ohio river on Tuesday of last week. At the re-centennial tea party given by the ladies' of the M. E. Church, of Middleport, a Mrs. Barnes, in Quaker costume, wore a bonnet two hundred years old. The M. E. Sunday School of Pomeroy, was, yesterday, to have had a picnic at some point on the West Virginia side. Mr. Henry K. Wells, the oldest man in Bedford township, died at his residence May 23d, aged nearly ninety-one years. Mr. George Snoden, of Middleport, had tape worm removed from him one day last week measuring twenty-three feet. The miners in the lower portion of the Pomeroy coal mines complain that they are not getting as much work as they expected in their contract. There was a recent re-union of the surviving members of a Smith family, eight in number, at Chester, whose average age was 72. While Mr. John S. Harper and family of Pomeroy were engaged on a recent night in playing croquet by the light of fire-?ails of cotton and turpentine, one of his boys, "by way of diversity," threw one in his face destroying his mustache and whiskers and seriously burning his lips and one cheek. A meeting of the Directors of the Springfield, Jackson and Pomeroy Railroad company, was held for business at South Charleston on June 2d, when the engineer was directed to begin work on Springfield end of the road, immediately. The trustees of the subscriptions at that place failing to transfer them to the company, the Directors have decided to change the line to a more direct course and will thereby run at a distance of a mile or a mile and a half from the town and proceed on a route much more favorable than the one now located, and which would not have been selected in the first place except to obtain the assistance of the subscriptions. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio June 15, 1876
Meigs Three prisoners in the jail of this county at the close of the week. Mrs. Jane Stansbury, aged 70, died at her home in Rutland on the 3rd inst. The Agricultural Fair of this county will be held on the 6th and 7th of October. Mr. Wayne Jenkins, a worthy and influential citizen of Racine, died on the 2nd inst. For the year ending March 31st there were 881 births and 237 deaths in this county. The first High School commencement that has taken place in Pomeroy, occurred on the 2nd inst. and proved of a very interesting character. So far as we know, the people of the West side of Meigs County generally accord to those belonging to the "Ease End" the right to the Commissioner to be chosen this fall. -- Telegraph A miner named Chris. Schmidt, in Peacock Mine, at Pomeroy on Wednesday of last week, received injuries by the fall of slate from which he died the same evening. He leaves a large family. Mrs. Mary, wife of Lawrence Wipple, of Chester, met her death on the 1st inst., by the tipping over of a chair on which she was standing while white-washing. She was enceinte [pregnant] at the time. The exhibition of Dan Rice's show at Pomeroy, on Wednesday of last week, was prevented by the trivial circumstance of its falling into the official hands of a Kentucky Sheriff for debt, a few days previously. The Telegraph says that the wife of Mr. Nat. McClue, of Harrisonville, attempted suicide on Sunday, the 4th inst., by drowning in a well at their residence. She was rescued before life was extinct and has recovered. A cow belonging to Albert Scott and John Gorsuch, of Rutland township, gave birth, on June 1st, to a calf which, when but a few hours old weighted ??? pounds. The cow will be taken to their Athens dairy. - Pomeroy Telegraph. On Thursday last, says the Middleport Republican the Danbey [sic - Dabney] Salt Works shipped the last barrel of salt they had about their premises. - The first time that their sheds have been entirely cleaned out of salt in barrels for many years. The Middleport Republican says Farmers report fine prospect for the wheat and corn crops of Meigs county. There has been plenty of rain in some parts of the county, though in other parts the early potatoes are suffering for want of rain. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar. Editorial comments inserted in brackets.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio July 13, 1876
Meigs The daily mail between Middleport and Wilkesville went into operation last week. A large and enthusiastic Hayes Club was organized in Rutland on last Saturday night. Elder Joseph Stark, a widely and favorably known colored citizen of Middleport was found dead in his bed on Monday of last week. Heart disease. The man recently arrested in Pomeroy for the murder of the Marshal of Hungtington, W. Va., was also recognized, when he was taken to the latter place, as one of the participators in the Huntington Bank robbery. After being lodged in jail at Winfield, in an adjoining county, where the murder was committed, he was forcibly taken out by a mob and hung on a tree. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio July 20, 1876
Meigs Mr. and Mrs. Hobart, near Chester, celebrated their china wedding on the 16th of last month. Mrs. Elvira Chase, aged 53, died on the 8th inst., at Rutland after severe and protracted illness. The number of prisoners contined in the jail of this county, for the year ending June 30, 171. A larger and enthusiastic Hayes and Wheeler club has been organized in Rutland. 132 members were enrolled the first night. Mrs. Mary Graham, of Rutland, was recently bitten by a copperhead snake and for a time was dangerously ill as a consequence. C. S. Rannells, Esq., says the Middleport Republican, had a foot badly masked by getting it caught between a wheel and a wagon bed on which he was riding. The Pomeroy Telegraph says: We are glad to announce that the Pomeroy Academy will re-open in September under the such management as will secure the confidence of the friends of thorough education. The residence, barn and stable, with all their contents, of John S. Hever, of Lebanon township, northern part, were totally destroyed by the fire the 6th inst. The family were away on a visit at the time. Incendiary. Emma Taylor, a somewhat notorious character in Middleport for a number of years, died recently. She was the woman for throwing whose illegitimate babe into the river one Isaac Munsey is serving a term in the penitentiary. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio July 27, 1876
Meigs Pomeroy has 241 dogs valued at $403. J. W. Sayre, of Letart, and 160 acres of grass to cut. Four prisoners in the jail of this county at the close of the week. The Middleport Republican appeared in a new and much improved dress last week. Letart has two residents, says the Telegraph correspondent, who weight 350 pounds, each. Rutland, originally a part of Salisbury, was organized as a township about the year 1812. Cassius Ewing, of Syracuse, died on the 16th inst., from injuries received in a mine several week previously. Mr. J. S. Harper, of Pomeroy, has invented a peculiar shaped brick to be using in making sewers and drains. Mr. Wm. Carlton, aged 60, of Bedford township, recently died suddenly from the effects of the heat. He weighted over 300. Mr. Merrill Britt, nephew of Judge Merrill, recently returned to Rutland to live after twenty-three years of mining life in California. Work on the addition to the Court House, says the Telegraph, has been going on rapidly, and it will be ready for occupancy in a short time. Mr. Goldsmith Cornwell and Eliza R. Cornwell, who were divorced at a recent term of the Court of this county, were again married on Monday of last week. Mrs. Robert McElhinny, who lives in Rutland township, sustained a broken arm, one day last week, by being thrown out of a vehicle in which she was riding. John Phelps, an old and respected citizen of Letart township, died on the 13th, at the advanced age of 89 years. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and acquitted himself with honor. William Carleton, Sen., an old and highly respected citizen of Bedford township, died suddenly and unexpectedly at his residence, on the morning of Tuesday the 11th inst. His age was 73 -- Telegraph The Pomeroy Telegraph says that as the result of a recent storm Geo. O'Brien, Seldon Biggs, O. W. Bing, David Stewart and others, of Bedford township, lost the largest part of their crops. Leroy Jones, on Shade, was damaged to the extent of five or six hundred dollars. Enos Jones, Samuel William and others lost their corn and grass and much damage was done along the streams. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio August 10, 1876
Meigs R. Ballard, Esq., of Tupper's Plains, lately died of consumption. The work on the pier at Middleport is rapidly nearing completion. The Hein House of Pomeroy has been reopened for the accommodation of the public. The Middleport Republican office made a narrow escape during the recent fire in that town. Elihu Higley and John Woodard, are the only two surviving soldiers of the war of 1812, in Rutland township. A rattlesnake with seven rattles was killed near Zion Church, in the northeastern part of Rutland township, recently. Tim Sullivan, a Pomeroy, tinner, wound up a lengthened spree about a week since by attempting suicide by cutting his throat. Mr. Geo. Meeley, a highly respected citizen of Bedford township, recently had his lower lip, with all the other flesh in front of the lower jaw, removed for cancer. Mr. Matthew Lasley, aged 60, who, many years ago was a citizen of Rutland township, was recently killed by a kick of a horse at his home in Raymore, Missouri. The Middleport Herald says: The wool crop in this section of county is immense. The Woolen Mills are handling here perhaps more than ever before was handled in the county. Recently a little son of Mr. John Finney, of Antiquity, attempted to kindle a fire in the kitchen stove with carbon oil, when the can exploded, saturating his arms and hands with the burning fluid, and burning them terribly. By a fire which originated in the may-mow of the stable of J. W. Worley & Co., of Middleport, on Thursday night, 27th ult., the following persons were losers in the several sums named: J.W. Worley & Co., $800; G.G. Webster, $400; G. Womeldorff, $700; Horden, $300; W.B. Probst, $550; Lewis Clarke, $100. Total $2,800. Of the recent Teachers Institute in this county, the Middleport Herald says: The exercises during the week have been unusually interesting. Prof. Williams, of Delaware, was present during the week. His interesting and instructive lectures were listened to by large and enthusiastic audience. The number in attendance has been largely increased this week. Of the recent Democratic Convention of this county the Pomeroy Telegraph says; A number of old wheelhorses of the Democracy, some of those who have borne the burden and the heat of the day, did not appear. --J. V. Stevens was conspicuously absent. D. R. Jacobs was painfully absent, and D. A. Smith was distressingly absent. Lost sympathy with the cause, we are informed. Refuse to eat crow. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio August 17, 1876
Meigs Mrs. Joseph Blackburn, of Minersville, aged 69, died last week. P. H. Brunker, real estate dealer of Middleport, has made an assignment. There are opening, respectively, for a tailor and a photographer in Syracuse. Maj. D. A. Russell, of Middleport, addressed the Hayes Club of that place on Saturday evening. Mr. Levi Amos, of Dexter, says a Telegraph correspondent, recently killed fifty-five snakes in one hour. A little daughter of Major F. C. Russell, says the Middleport Herald, who has been so seriously ill for 10 days past, is we are glad to note, getting better. The Pomeroy Telegraph says: Mr. Chas. J. Campbell, Cashier of the First National Bank, of Montgomery, Alabama, and wife, who is the daughter of W. H. Remington, of Pomeroy, arrived by the Ashland on Wednesday morning in charge of the dead bodies of two of their children for interment. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio August 31, 1876
Meigs Mr. John M. Berry, aged 82, a pioneer, died last week in Middleport. T. Egan & Son's Woolen Factory at Racine, was last week closed by the Sheriff. Measures have been entered upon to organize a Pioneer Society for this county. John E. Stansbury, of Rutland, has an elk that has had 5 lambs in seven months. In Letart township last week $2,?? per hundred was the ruling price for watermelons. Maria Custer, aged 12, recently died in Syracuse, from the effects of a coal oil can explosion. The meeting called for Thursday night in Pomeroy, to form a Tilden and Hendrick Club, proved a fizzle. Miss Eva Morse, an estimable young lady, daughter of B. F. Morse, Esq., of Middleport, died on Thursday. Mr. Hiram Chase, aged 68, recently died in Scipio township and was buried in Rutland, where he formerly lived. Mr. Reuben Halfhill, of Cheshire township, had his house burglarized recently, and about five hundred dollars taken. Mr. A. Jewell Green, Democratic candidate for Prosecuting Attorney for this county last Fall, is under arrest for alleged forgery. A court of the Independent Order of Foresters, with twenty members was organized in the Odd Fellows' Hall, Racine, Monday evening of last week. Ebenezer Holcomb, of Columbia, had nine thousand feet of lumber burned lately. He had his lumber in a kiln drying when it caught on fire. Master Herbie Hudson, says the Middleport Herald, is the owner of a Caladium plant containing a leaf that measures 49 1/2 inches in length and 35 inches in breadth. The African M. E. Church, of Middleport, will hold a Camp Meeting about two miles southwest of that place, on Leading Creek, commencing on Saturday, September 2. By the rise of eight cents on the pound for wool, the Middleport Woolen Mills, says the Pomeroy Telegraph, has made a good thing it having purchased fifty thousand pounds. The Pomeroy Flour Company, says the Pomeroy Telegraph, for some time past have been running their mill constantly, night and day, in order to meet the immense demand upon them for their products. George Patterson, who, about two years ago, muderedously assaulted with a knife an old man named Hover, in the northern part of Lebanon township, was arrested on Wednesday of last week near Bashan and is now in jail. Shipments by the Ohio River Salt Company during the past week, says the Telegraph, amounted to something over 10,000 barrels. All the salt furnaces on both sides of the river, with but one or two exception, are in full operation. The Pomeroy Telegraph says; Mr. Kimbel, manager of the Western Union Telegraph office in this place, is now engaged in putting up a wire from Clifton to connect with the line here. It is expected to be in operation within a short time. The Telegraph says that but for the treachery of a portion of the delegation from this county, H. B. Smith, their own candidate, before the convention, would have been selected as the Democratic candidate for Congress for this District. The Telegraph hints at ways that are dark, as instrumental in securing Poston's nomination instead. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio September 7, 1876
Meigs Three Farmers in Rutland township conjointly raised 1,145 bushels of wheat the past season. Mr. Cyrus Grant, says the Pomeroy Telegraph, is about ready to start the Riverside salt furnace. The Pomeroy Telegraph acknowledges the receipt of a forty-five pound watermelon at that office. The Republicans of Rutland planted the tallest pole on Wednesday, ever before raised in that township. From present appearances we judge that the county will give all of her old-time majority this fall. -- Pomeroy Telegraph The oldest person now living in Rutland township is Mrs. Cynthia Percy, aged ninety-two years. She draws a pension. Leonard Hugg, on Wednesday of last week, says the Pomeroy Telegraph, received serious injuries from a fall in preparing a scaffold. On Monday of last week, Charles Bail, of Cheshire, accidentally shot himself through the leg, while taking a revolver from his pocket, making an ugly wound. Henry Rice, the young man who fell from the third story of the National Hotel, recently, and broke his leg, says the Middleport Herald, is about to move around with the aid of crutches. He was on the street yesterday. It was announced that a Tilden and Reform Club would be organized at the court house last Thursday night. The time came and not a reformer put in his appearance, consequently the club was not formed. -- Pomeroy Telegraph. On Sunday, Aug. 27, there was a large Harvest Home Festival in the German Protestant St. John's Church in Chester Township. The church was beautifully decorated with harvest garlands, which was done by the ladies of the congregation. At no time since we have been in Meigs County, says the Telegraph, have we seen the Republicans so fully aroused so early in a campaign as now. The attendance at the meetings we have thus far attended has far exceeded anything we saw during either of the Grant campaigns. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio September 14, 1876
Meigs The Duquense Fire Company of Pomeroy recently disbanded. Merill Grimes and Mitilda Amos, of Rutland, were recently married. It is expected that the new Grange Hall in Dexter, will be completed in October. There has lately been a great deal of sickness in the neighborhood of Tupper's Plains. Hon. N. H. Van Vorhes will speak at Salem Center on Saturday evening, Sept 16th. The new Steam Fire Company of Pomeroy held their first meeting on last Friday evening. Mrs. Amos Edmunson of Salem lately experienced a paralytic stroke and has since been lying in a critical condition. Mr. Willard Coleman, an old and highly respected resident of Olive, township, died at his residence on Saturday, August 26. The late Republican gathering in Rutland is said to have been the largest ever known in that place. The Middleport public schools employ fifteen teachers with salaries ranging from $28 to $63 per month. Messrs. A. Davies, H. Hoyt and T. C. Flanegin have been appointed City Examiners of Pomeroy for three, two and one years, respectively. Seldon Humphrey, Esq., a well known and wealthy citizen of Long Bottom, Olive Township, died recently, after a long illness, aged 66 years. The Republican says: Many pronounce the Hayes meeting in Middleport last Wednesday evening the largest night meeting ever held in the city Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas, a pioneer of this county, whose husband died in 1857, at the age of 100 years, is yet living in good health and retains full possession of all her faculties. A canvas last week taken of school District No.6, of Rutland township, shows that of the 81 resident voters therein 79 are for Hayes and Wheeler and 2 for the Government defrauding reformer. A Mrs. Mulligan, of Middleport, on Monday evening of last week, was called to her back door by a knock and on opening it had a quantity of hartshorn thrown into her eyes by a man who thereupon made his escape. Rev. Albert J. Nast, for the past two years the acceptable pastor of the M. E. Church in Pomeroy, closed his labors here Sunday, 3d inst., and on the following Monday was married in Berea to Miss Sarah McDermott. Those who should be well informed in the premises say that "Old Meigs' will this year roll up a heavier Republican majority than ever before, and that Van Vorhes will run "clean" ahead of his ticket in the county. The Hayes Clubs in the different parts of the county, says the Pomeroy Telegraph, report a large number of gains from those who refuse to eat crow and from those who do not desire to see the "solid South" ruling the county. Mr. Hugh Bond, of Salem Center, a boy of 84, and a soldier of the war of 1812, says a Telegraph correspondent, tried himself at hard work in the hot weather of last week, and nailed on as many shingles as any man on the roof of the Greenwood school house. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio September 28, 1876
Meigs The recent Grand Jury of this county found sixteen indictments. Mr. John A. Giles, age 82, has been a resident of Rutland since 1815. The new lodge of Foresters in Racine is rapidly increasing in membership. Mr. J. T. B. Ledlie, of Salem, lately threshed 752 bushels of grain in seven hours. John S. Strong, an old resident of Salem, died very suddenly at his residence on the 15th. Mr. and Mrs. Loyal F. Williams, of Middleport, celebrated their Crystal wedding on the 18th inst. A.J. Green, Esq., lately on trial before the Common Pleas of this county forgery, was acquitted. Jesse McHaffie, aged about seventy years, residing near Langsville, Rutland township, died recently. The twenty-third annual Fair of the Meigs County Agricultural Society will be held on Friday and Saturday, October 6 & 7. "Uncle John" Anderson, a well known and highly respected citizen, of Portland, aged 84, fell dead in the yard of his residence one day last week. At the close of a Democratic meeting at Canada school house, in Chester township, one day last week, an attempt was made to organize a Tilden Club, but not a single person present could be induced to "jine." On Thursday evening last a barn belonging to the estate of Ira Graham, at Middleport, was destroyed by fire, which, also, damaged an adjoining dwelling belonging to the same estate and the blacksmith shop of Mr. Fahnle on the opposite side of the street. The boilers of the steamer J. N. Roberts exploded at about one o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, of last week, while she was lying at the Pomeroy wharfboat. The whole top of the boat was blown oil, and all on board at the time of the explosion were more or less injured, but were saved with the possibly one exception. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio October 12, 1876
Meigs Chas. M. Holt, of Rutland, died recently after an illness of then days. Mrs. Metcalf, of McConneisville, has been visiting friends in Middleport. Mrs. W. Kimes, of Chester, is suffering from a severe attack of Asthma. S.P. McGraw, of Minnesota, is visiting friends in Rutland, his former home. The Racine stave trade has quite perceptibly enlivened in the last few weeks. Miss Maria Comstock, daughter of Dr. A. Comstock, of Rutland, has gone to reside in the Sate of Illinois. Mrs. Leonard Hugg, of Rutland, started yesterday morning for a visit to friends in Iowa and Minnesota. Wm. B. Phillips has made two or three attempts to live in the west and is again moving back to Rutland. Erastus Stow, of Rutland, has erected a large two story brick in place of the one destroyed by fire some time since. Columbia Banks, of Racine, is fast recovering from the injuries he received at the explosion of the propeler Roberts. The horse, Gus Raymond, owned by J. W. Worley and F. F. Fletcher, of Pomeroy, took first money at the Washington county Fair. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Gould, of Athens, were in Middleport last week, visiting their family of Capt. P. B. Dickerson. -- Republican. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Downing left on Monday evening for a visit to Mrs. Downing's former home in Northern Ohio, to be gone several weeks. On Monday afternoon, John Fisher, a boy about seventeen years of age, was killed instantly in the Dabney coal bank, by the falling slate. Mrs. Rodney Downing and General Garfield were school-mates at one time and she had the honor of entertaining him while he was in Middleport. Mr. Thos. Dawson, of Middleport, invited his friends to an oyster supper, given on the occasion of his thirty-sixty birth-day, Oct. 3d. No. "wet" refreshments. Prof. C. C. Jacobs, of Middleport, has received a call to teach the German language in Carlton College, Syracuse, but has not yet accepted. He is a successful teacher. Mr. Harry Parson, of Racine, lost a leg fighting the rebels and when Tilden Reformers button-hole him for "Tilden and Reform" he tells them he lost one leg trying to reform the Democrats, and they drop him. The late rise in the river damaged some of C. P. Wolf's corn, on Bowman's Run and made the road almost impassible for a few days, on the account of mud. A rather indicrous accident occurred to a farmer in the same place at this time. He attempted to cross the stream and the water floated his wagon bed off; containing himself and a load of produce. The team of oxen swam to the shore, the bed down stream. The farmer jumped overboard, landed his unwieldily craft, gathered up a few scattered cabbage heads, "cussed" his unlucky star and started his team toward home. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio October 19, 1876
Meigs Geo. Ball, of Bonner, has gone to Texas to reside. Elections in Pomeroy and Middleport passed off quietly. Many Centennial visitors from this county returned in time to vote. J. Morris, Tailer, of Rutland, has not spoken aloud for six months. Dr. B. L. Paine, of Rutland, is reported seriously ill in Philadelphia. The Middleport Herald reports the recent Fair of this county a failure. Republican majority of last fall in this county was more than doubled on Tuesday. Mr. J. J. Juhler, of Pomeroy, received the award on bromine at the Centennial. The County Surveyor elect, Robert Ashworth, Jr., is teaching school at Rock Spring. The Newark, N. J., Presbytery, recently elected J. L. Wells, formerly of Meigs, Moderator. Mrs. J. Q. Dickerson, of Kirksville, Missouri, formerly and Ohioan is visiting her brother-in-law in Middleport. Charley Bowman, a former employee of the Meigs County Republican, died at his home on Tuesday, Oct. 10th. The bridge over Shade, near Birmingham, went down with a yoke of oxen and wagon on Saturday, 7th inst. Nobody hurt. There is a meeting called for the 26th inst., in Pomeroy for the purpose of perfecting the organization of the Meigs County Pioneer Society. The Telegraph thinks that if Sigel and Blair would only come to Meigs again one third of the Democrats would vote the Republican ticket. A Hayes and Wheeler pole, one hundred and thirty-seven feet high was raised at Letart on Saturday, 7th inst. Speeches by Messrs. Roseberry and J. U. Myers. Mr. G. W. Chase, of Rutland township, lost his barn, containing a large lot of lumber, his entire stock of winter feed and a span of mule one night last week by fire. Insurance $300. In this county, where the $400 slander was most persistently peddled about, the people have rebuked that style of electioneering by giving a Republican gain of 588 votes on Barnes. David R. Sims, First Engineer on the steamer Raven, rode six miles in thirty-five minutes to vote, and arrived just one minute before the polls closed. Enough of this kind of men will save the country. Capt. Smith of Columbus, and Col. Gilmore, of Chillicothe, filled the appointment of Gen. Kilpatrick at Pomeroy on Monday evening, 9th inst. -- Although the people were disappointed in not hearing Gen. K., they were well pleased with the substitutes. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County newspaper November 1, 1876
Rutland Item - Died of Consumption, October 27th 1876, Miss JANE BOLTON, aged 23 years. Her remains interred in the............ [Transcribed by Evelyn Morgan]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio November 2, 1876
Meigs Hogs are scarce in Rutland. The mills on Leading Creek have failed for want of water. The Board of Education of Middleport have a balance in the Treasury of $121. Charles H???, of Marietta, has located in Middleport, and will hereafter make that his home. The Meigs County Pioneer Society held its second meeting at the Court House in Pomeroy on Thursday last. Mr. Milo Higley, of Rutland, recently detected a burglar in his bedchamber, the later make good his escape. Henry Jackson, colored, was fatally scaled by falling into a salt grainer at Clifton, opposite Middleport on Friday morning. Frank Ingersoll, a former deputy marshal of Pomeroy, has been bound over to court to answer a charge of embezzlement. Geo. W. Davis, of Columbia township, has a colt that was one year old on the 7th of March, that weights 1,930 pounds and is 35 1/? hands high. On Friday Joseph Van Meter fell through the joists of the Dock Company's building, at Middleport, a distance of twenty-five feet. His right leg was broken, and he received other internal injuries. Payton Wilkes, a mulatto who lives in the Kerr's Run part of Pomeroy had his left arm badly shattered recently by a ball fired from a pistol in the hands of James Black, colored, during a personal unpleasantness. There are twenty-five lawyers connected with the bar of this county, while the Pe????ggers, says the Telegraph, are as thick thoughout the county "as fiddlers are reported to be in the horrible hereafter." The Providence colored Baptist Association, which includes Rutland township, at their recent annual meeting, passed a resolution to enforce the law against beer and whiskey sellers who shall hereafter intrude with their traffic within the bounds of their outdoor meetings. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio November 9, 1876
Meigs Several cases of diphtheria in Rutland township last week. A permanent organization of a Pioneer Association for this county has been effected. A west wing addition to the Court House of this county is in course of construction. Miss Jane Bolton, of Rutland, daughter of Asahel Bolton, died of consumption recently. Six children, says the Pomeroy Telegraph, have died of diphtheria in the neighborhood of Harrisonville within a short time past. The first courts of this county were held in a log school house in the west part of the present limits of Middleport in 1819 and '20. Any person who has been 20 years resident of this county, and is over 50 years of age, is entitled to membership in the Pioneer Association recently organized. Albert Hazlewood's coopershop, in the Kerr Run district of Pomeroy, was wholly destroyed by fire, on the 28th ult. Twenty-five men were thrown out of employment as a result. Miesses Lucy G. Earnshaw and Mary E. Earnshaw, of Middleport, were simultaneously married on the 25th ult., the former to Mr. John J. McMillan and the latter to Mr. Oscar Hanna, both of Dover, Kentucky. A bridge near Bungtown, Bedford township, went down recently during the crossing of a heavily ladened wagon, drawn by four yoke of oxen and in which two persons were seated. Though team and wagon fell a distance of sixteen feet there was no injury sustained. The dwelling of Mr. Hiram Alkire, of Scipio township, one of the Commissioners of this county, was, with its contents, recently destroyed by fire. Loss about $1,500. The fire originated from the explosion of a coal oil lamp after the family had retired for the night, and who barely escaped with their lives. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio November 16, 1876
Meigs A jewelry store is a new enterprise in Racine. Mrs. Margaret Douglas, aged 90, recently died in Chester. Mr. Silas Moore, of Chester, was recently severely injured by falling from a horse. Rutland township cast 590 votes at the recent election -- the largest vote ever before given there. The Pomeroy Fire Company No. 1 will give their second annual ball on the 30th inst., Thanksgiving. What is pronounced the finest school building in Chester township has just been completed at Flatwoods. Basom's corner is, says a Telegraph correspondent, the name given to a prominent Democratic locality in Racine. Mike Henafout, a laborer working in the excavation for the new wing of the Court House at Pomeroy was severely hurt some days since by a heavy stone falling upon him. The hands employed in the Dock Co.'s Boatyard at Middleport, raised thirty dollars by individual subscriptions, for the benefit of their fellow workman, Mr. Joseph Vanmetre, who was so badly injured by a fall. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio November 23, 1876
Meigs Ben Stoley, of Racine, is about to remove to Marietta. Pomeroy has nine hundred and nine school children in attendance at her Public Schools. Thomas Jackson and Milo. H. Jackson, with their families, of Rutland township, have removed to Cabell county, West Virginia. The annual meeting of the Meigs County Teachers' Association will be held next Saturday, November 25, at the Court House in Pomeroy. The Middleport Herald of the 18th says; John Salisbury, Esq., one of our oldest citizens died and was buried on last Thursday. Mr. Salisbury came to thisplace about thirty years ago and since that time has been actively engaged in mining. The Pomeroy Telegraph of last week tells of a fatal rencounter, growing out of a political discussion, that occurred a few days previously at Bellville, W. Va., opposite Reedville, in this county, during which a man named Bailey had his skull crushed in my a stone thrown by a man named Hall. The Pomeroy Telegraph says: A young man named Silas Clark, son of Eber Clark, who lives near Hemlock Grove, in Bedford township, one day last week while rabbit hunting was shot under the arm by the accidental discharge of a shotgun which he was carrying. His injuries are considered dangerous. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
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