These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
Meigs County Telegraph January 15, 1879
MARRIED BARTON-CHURCH -- At the residence of Mr. Horace CHURCH, in Pomeroy, January 12, 1879, by Rev. W. J. GRIFFITH, Dr. Thomas H. BARTON, of Syracuse, and Miss Amanda CHURCH, of Pomeroy. LASLEY-DARST -- At the residence of the bride's parents, Jan. 5, 1879 by Rev. E. B. FINNEY, Mr. Arthur R. LASLEY and Miss Livona E. DARST, both of Meigs Co. MITCHEL-SIMMS -- Jan. 9, by B.M. CADE, J. P., at his office on Linn street, this city. Frank MITCHEL and Emma SIMMS. MOLE-MOLE -- Jan. 11, by the same and at the same place, Geo. S. MOLE and Julia MOLE. MORTON-MORRIS -- Jan. 14, by the same and at the same place, Wm. MORTON and Anna MORRIS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DIED DARST -- Roman DARST was born in Gallia County, Ohio, Jan. 16, 1835, and died in Pomeroy, Ohio Jan. 8, 1879. Mr. DARST was married twice, first in 1855, to Miss Permelia WATKINS, she having died in May, 1869, leaving four children; he was married the second time to Miss Eliza V. RUSSELL in 1870, who survives him with one child. He was an honorable, upright, pleasant man. He was converted and joined the Free Will Baptist Church of which he was a member until his death. He honored the Church in his consistant Christian life. STRIDER -- Margaret Elizabeth STRIDER, whose death, from consumption, was noticed in last weeks' paper, was born May 8, 1856, and died Tuesday morning, Jan. 7, 1879, making her age over 22 years. Her illness, which was long and serve, she bore with remarkable fortitude and patience. The intelligence of her dangerous condition communicated by a sister some weeks previous, did not alarm her. For the sake of her loved relatives and friends she would have prefered to live, but for herself, if it was the Divine will, she was ready to go. With thoughtful disinterestedness she urged those about her not to be sad or distressed, that she was resigned, and her thoughts of the future without fear or gloom. Her last words were "Jesus take me -- God take me." The funeral services, conducted by the Rev. Wm. BOWER, and attended by a large concourse of friends, was held at the house in the afternoon of Wednesday, January 8. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LETART Horton SAYRE died on the 1st inst., of heart disease. He was buried by the I. O. FORESTERS, being a charter member of Mount Cedar Court of this place. A large number were present from neighboring courts. He leaves a wife and two children. Mr. Charles WEAVER, who has been spending vacation at home, left for Cincinnati to resume his studies. Charles seems to be making rapid progress in his medical studies. The fine skating has been enjoyed by the young bloods. Suppose the "Greenlee plan" of voting would be adopted, how many poor men would be entirely deprived of the right to vote? No, if we can not imagine any thing better, let us jog along in the old harness and let well enough along. Mrs. and Miss JONES, of Middleport, have been visiting Mrs. Jennie WEAVER. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following is a list of letters remaining in the Postoffice at Minersville on the 1st day of January, 1879: Squire HYSON, Phillip VILLHELMY, Edward JONES, S. L. CARTMAN, John WEST. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHESTER Annie GAREN, daughter of Daniel GAREN, was buried near Bashan, last Tuesday. Harrison DART, who met with such a serious accident some few weeks since, was so far recovered as to be able to take a sleigh-ride, a few days ago. We learn that Mr. Willard REED, an old and respected citizen of Long Bottom, died last Sunday and was buried on Monday. Art WELLS has been seen on our streets for a few days past. He is visiting at his father's. Craig & Coleman say their sales of tobacco and cigars amount to from $800 to $1,000 annually. The roof of the ell part of Harold WELLS' house fell in last Sunday in consequence of the great amount of snow lying upon it. Damages estimated at from $25 to $40. Mrs. BARRETT, who has been visiting at Belpre for some weeks past, returned home last week. A great amount of sleighing has been done in this vicinity, but we haven't heard of a "turn-over" yet. The stave factory of Taylor and Son has been moved down the creek to the bridge near John GAREN'S. It will be some time before it will be ready to operate again. Steve SMITH started last Monday afternoon with two sled loads for Graham's Station, expecting to cross the river on ice. One of the sleds was loaded with honey bees. He expects to move there in the spring. The young folks, of Chester have formed a literary club, which, we learn, is quite a success. RUTLAND "Coss" MUSSER is now styled grandfather. Dr. LASHER, of Middleport, was up Friday, visiting relatives. J. V. LASHER, of this village, has a cow that produces nine pounds of butter per week. The child of Ira RUSSELL, which was burned three weeks ago, died last week. Last week the meetings of the two mite societies were held at David STANSBURYS and James PETTY'S. New Lima has, as last winter, a writing school in addition to the day school A.M. DUNN is the teacher. The Rutlanders have always longed to have good sleighing. Now they have it to their hearts' content. Our readers "are going it" for the Cincinnati Weekly Gazette. The reduction in price to clubs, and the enlargement infatuates the people. Elder WILSON, a young minister of the Christian Church, is holding a protracted meeting at Parkinson's school house. W. C. LONGSTRETH, carriage and wagon maker, has commenced work in his new and splendid shop below the bridge. His room is 22 by 50 feet, and above is a large hall. Mrs. CROUCH, of Pleasanton, Athens County, accompanied by other friends, is visiting her daughter here, Mrs. BEAN. Mrs. C. is recovering from a sad accident that happened last June -- a broken limb. Last week G. W. GILES fell behind time and failed to make his weekly trip into the country. Was it not a little too cold to make negotiations in eggs, butter and chickens? On Tuesday of last week, in the township northwest of this -- Columbia -- James CASTER died of consumption. He was highly esteemed, and had the reputation of being an honorable upright man. Since navigation has closed and sleighing commence, our young grocer, S. D. HOGUE, needing a new supply of goods, drove to Gallipolis and back on Saturday for the purpose of obtaining a load by land. In the Stout district they have organized a mite society similar to the one in the village, for the benefit of the Sabbath-school in that district, which will be resumed next summer. A good idea to make arrangements for the future. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SALEM Fourteen inches of snow, say those who have measured. It is astonishing what pent up energies are let loose by a chance to travel this season of the year. The sleighing has set everybody to going and made business lively. Esq. STRONG and Mr. Alex. STEELE are improving in health, much to the satisfaction of their friends. I dropped in to two of our district schools last week, and could not help contrasting the schools of the present day with those of "Auld Lang Syne." Formerly the first question put to a teacher, after he had taught awhile, was: "Have you whipped any body yet?" Now such a question would only betray the asker's ignorance. Formerly big boys were intent on mastering the teacher, and making his task more difficult; now the young men who attend school are the friends and assistants of the teacher. Of course here and there are to be found remnants of the old barbarian tribe, but they are the exception not the rule. Formerly school directors were kept in continual hot water -- settling difficulties at school. Now one term of school after another glides along without any corporeal assistance from directors. In short, the mental has superseded the animal, much to the relief of teachers. A man in Salem had his house burned last fall. The house and furniture were insured at $500. The company was notified, and in the course of two or three months an agent put in an appearance to adjust the claim. He brought a carpenter with him and they proceeded to make estimates of the cost of such a house. The carpenter making very low estimates, and the agent, to make pretence of liberality, added to the jack plane's estimate. After considerable time spent in squibbling they allowed the man $250, which the company is to pay sometime. This company might as well give Salem the go-by in the future. It is bad enough to be burned out, without being afflicted with such a pair of scoundrels. The sound of melody came floating o'er the air on last Friday evening from toward Wilkesville. It has been ascertained that theses sounds were produced by a party who were paying a tribute of respect to the nupitals of Mr. Will THOMPSON and Miss Lulu BISHOP, who were married on the 9th inst. May joy be with them. Some of the Salem Center choir think I did them injustice in some of my items. I acknowledge their merits, but advise them to avoid "everye fear" and "Heaven-lye kings" which are not according to Black and Humphrey. In conclusion Mr. Editor, I have been your correspondent these many years, and have much to thank you for in the way of embellishments and suppressions. While I have endeavored to set down naught in malice, I am conscious of several instances of thinness which I trust your readers have forgotten. Another's pen will hereafter furnish you Salem's doings, while I recreate by boring without the aid of the Dexter man's 2 1/2 divide 2 auger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RACINE Many were disappointed on not seeing anything from Racine in last week's Telegraph, but after reading the delinquent tax list, we find we were not entirely overlooked. Dr. TRICKLE'S many friends were quite unprepared for the announcement of his intention to leave Racine, in fact it is a matter of painful surprise considering his extensive acquaintance and usefulness as a physician. He goes to Cutler Station, Washington county, where he has purchased a very desirable residence. However, we are pleased to learn that Doctor FISHER, who has bought him out and intends locating here, is one of the best physicians in Southern Ohio, having finished his medical education in Europe. At Mr. HOGG'S school, just above New Haven, W. Va., Gideon HINKLE, , "speaking his piece," said: "Oh, Lord, look down upon us little scholars. We've got a fool to teach our school, and pay him only thirty dollars." We would give the readers of the Telegraph the names of the officers of the various orders in this place, but it will take up too much space. Thirty or forty years ago not one of the numerous affiliations that jostle each other at funerals and crowd each other in newspapers, was in existence. With many "the end doesn't justify the means." So many orders could not possibly flourish were it not that the crowning ambition of some mens' life is to belong to a secret society (just to spite their wives and enemies). And after listening all their lives to the same collection of words, to die and be followed to the grave by awkward squads in flashing, brilliant regalia, and gloves four sizes too large; during life like monkeys and parrots, all they do is imitate, catching at shadows, but not appreciating the substance. We don't object to secret societies, but we do object to so many. One of our young men says he shall vote as "he's shot"; i.e., in the neck. We met Dr. DUNLAP, of Jackson Co., W. Va., here last week. From the quantity of drugs and medicine the Doctor was purchasing, we would infer that he has a large practice. J. G. WAUGH intends leaving Racine for Bevelry, Washington county, where he and his father have purchased a large flouring mill. We are sorry to part with him, as he is a staunch Republican. Capt. A. B. POWELL and Wilkin MERRAL have returned from the south. H.M. DANLEY'S quiet, unobtrusive way continues to command the confidence and respect of his many friends and customers. A man noted for his honesty and integrity is sure to gain steadily and surely. Square dealing is always appreciated even by those who do not practice it themselves. Jack PILCHARD was called to the bedside of his brother, opposite Long Bottom, who is lying very low. He is not expected to live. C.W. MILES and lady, of Gallipolis, were up lately visiting Waid CROSS. Riley HARPOLD is the happy father of an eleven and half pounder. It's a girl. We had four fires in town recently. Fortunately no damage was done. The following persons were frost-bitten during the recent cold weather: Jacob DOWDRY, both ears; Jas. DECKER, both feet; Fafe WILCOXEN, both feet and John MURDOCK, both ears. All those young men who took their girls sleigh-riding fared better and claim that the weather seemed to moderate as soon as they crowd into the sleigh. Boys, take warning, and don't ride alone these frosty nights. W.R. WELDON has returned from New Orleans, where he went with produce. Mr. Ezekiel MURDOCK, and old and respected citizen of this vicinity, died at his residence, just back of town, on Friday morning, the 3d inst., after an illness of many months. He was a man of untiring industry, and his demise is much regretted. John R. ELLIS and Jeremiah J. PETREL were elected Superintendents of the M. E. Sabbath-school for the coming year. They are our pioneer sabbath-school workers, and helped to organize the first sabbath-school in our town, in April, 1848. [I have transcribed the above without changing spelling, grammar or punctuation. The text is as it appeared in the newspaper at the time. Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio January 2, 1879
Meigs The Foresters of Rutland dedicated their new hall on the 27th ult. Mr. W. H. Martin and Miss Mary Carmichael were lately married in Columbia township. [The newspaper was difficult to read so I looked this marriage up in the Meigs Co. Marriages 1819-1913 by Wes Cochran, page 278 this marriage is listed as W.H. Martin married Martha Carmichael Meigs Co. Dec 25, 1878] On a recent day one individual brought 200 dressed rabbits to Rutland from Columbia township. A barge containing 2,550 barrels of salt which lately left Pomeroy for Memphis was lost near Maysville. "Uncle Job" Story, referred to as the oldest resident in Bedford township, has latt??ly been dangerously ill. Alex. Hogue, who is referred to as the greatest mechanical genius of Rutland township, has invented an improved cutting box. Mr. Harrison Dart, of Lebanon township, near Bashan, lately had an arm broken in three places by a portable saw mill accident. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar. ] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio January 9, 1879
Meigs Wm. Cline, aged 5?, of Bedford township, has been unaccountably missing since the 18th of Now. The Pomeroy Flour Company made an assignment on Saturday. Amount of liabilities unknown. Mr. W. E. Stansbury, of Rutland, was married on Christmas to a Miss Shoemaker of Mason City. The Middleport Herald says that Major F. C. Russell, while out on business, on Friday froze both his hands. Peyton Wilkes, of Pomeroy, was in jail at that place at the close of the week for an outrageous assault on Mrs. Mary Cross. The Sutton Salt Works at Pomeroy were sold by the Sheriff on Saturday for $25,000 to A. F. McCown and J. J. Juhler. Francis M. Heiney, of Olive township, who got a divorce from his wife, Mary F. Heiney, last June remarried her last week. A child of Ira Russell, on Hysell Run, aged three years, was lately severely and probably fatally burned by its clothes catching fire. Mr. Jas. Jenkenson, aged 98, of Rock Spring, is yet physically able to walk to Pomeroy and back, a distance of ten miles, without apparent fatigue. Pomeroy Telegraph: There are three men in jail for burglary and larceny, one colored woman for forgery and six men and one other woman for minor offenses. Miss Hattie Stone, one of a party of four skaters who lately broke through the ice on the river at Middleport, had an especially narrow escape from drowning. Miss Carrie Nobles, says the Middleport Republican, was severely burned about the hands and arms, on Wednesday evening last, while cleaning her gloves with rose oil. Mr. S. D. Horton, of Pomeroy arrived at home, on Sunday of last week from Europe, where he went last August as Secretary of the American Commission, to attend the International Silver Conference which met in Paris. Mr. Lucius Higley, says a Rutland correspondent, has a side-saddle that was presented to his mother, by her father, at her marriage. It is over a hundred years old. He also has a pocket compass that has been in the family over two hundred years. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio January 16, 1879
Meigs Alex. Steele, of Salem township, was lately found lying in his barn, suffering from an apoleptic fit. Mr. Roman Darst, for a long time the miller of the Pomeroy Flour Company died one day last week. Mr. James W. Allen, of Lebanon township, and Miss Julia O. Cooper of Pomeroy, were recently married. Mr. John Gorsuch 1st, an old citizen of the Pomeroy Precinct, who lived in the vicinity of the County Infirmary, died on Tuesday of last week, of lung fever. The ladies of Pomeroy were to have met in the Opera House at that place on Tuesday to effect an organization for charitable purposes. The 20th birthday of Miss Emma Day, of Orange, was recently made the occasion of a large social gathering at her home and an enjoyable time. Reuben Walburn a middle aged resident of Salem township, died recently, from the effects of a cancer, from which he has been suffering for about twenty-five years. Stephen Va????????. ? ?????? w???? home is near Mt. Gilead, and who escaped from the Columbus Insane Asylum about a year ago and has been supposed dead, has been discovered at Pomeroy. W. Hart, aged 22, of Bedford township, has had his left hand amputated as the result of an injury by the premature explosion of a toy cannon while he was engaged in loading it on New Year's Eve. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar. ] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio January 23, 1879
Meigs There were nine prisoners in the jail of this county at the close of the week. The roof of Mr. Harold Well's house of Chester, was recently crushed in by weight of snow. No one hurt. Hon. Columbia Downing has been elected President of the Middleport Building and Loan Association. A child of Ira Russell, of Rutland died recently as the result of having been burned three weeks previously. Mr. James Caster, a highly respected resident of the northwestern portion of Columbia township, recently died of consumption. The Pomeroy Telegraph says: The salt production in this valley during the month of December was something over 60,000 barrels. James W. Erwin indicted for murder in the first degree for fatally shooting one David Lollis in January, 1872, in Morgan township, Gallia county, is, by change of venue, to be tried at the approaching term of court in this county. It is revealed that the name of Hon. J. L. Carpenter, Representative in the Legislature form this county, was during the proceeding session, forged on the report of the majority of the Committee that recommended the passage of the infamous O'Connor bill to reorganize the Soldiers' Orphans' Home. The store of Mrs. Van Duyn, at Middleport, was burglarized on Tuesday night, 14th. The amount stolen was small, being about $20 worth. The goods were found in a low ranch kept by Mary Crosby. Marshal Peter arrested two men and two women, who were taken before Mayor Whited, fined and sent to jail to wait the action of the Grand Jury. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar. ] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio January 30, 1879
Meigs Wm. Dalton, of Chester township, recently lost one of his fingers by a cutting box accident. Thirty persons have lately united with the M.E. Church at Minersville, through the ministry of Rev. Griffith. On the score of unwise economy the Pomeroy Town Council have determined to dispense with the use of public street lamps. The old Baptist Church, on the Richardson farm, Rutland Township, now owned by T. E. Stevens, is converted into a private dwelling. Hon. J. L. Carpenter, Representative in the Legislature from this county opposes the bill creating County Superintendents of Common Schools. Stella, youngest child of Merill and Nellie Britt, who removed from Rutland village to Hanesville, Kansas, last Summer, died on the 27th of last month. On the trial docket for the current term of court in this county there were about 215 cases including about half a dozen bastardy cases, and as many divorce suits. The Pomeroy Telegraph of last week says: Major A. F. McCown, yesterday, resigned his position as Assistant Cashier of the Pomeroy National Bank, and will hereafter devote himself to the management of the Sutton Salts works. While Prof. John W. Wooden was at Church Sunday evening attending to his devotions, says the Middleport Republican, some sneak-thief broke open his window, entered his barber shop, and stole all his money -- some eight or ten dollars. J. E. Anderson who resides on Grass Run met with an accident lately which for a time it was feared would prove fatal; while climbing a fence a rail broke, throwing him backwards on a stump and breaking two ribs. He was conveyed home in a helpless condition. A Racine correspondent says: John E. Ellis and Jeremiah J. Petrel were elected Superintendents of the M.E. Church at Racine for the coming year. They are our pioneer Sabbath School workers, and helped to organize the first Sabbath School in our town, in April, 1848. Referring to the recent annual contest, in Oratory at Buchtel College, in Akron, the Beacon of that place says: "Miss Mollie Laughead, of Middleport, the first lady of Buchtel to enter into competition with the "sterner sex": for oratorical honors, produced a most favorable impression, and there were many in the audience who felt morally certain, when she had finished, that she would bear off the laurels of the evening. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Telegraph February 19, 1879
ANTHONY RAPPOLD, aged 84 years and 4 months, died at his residence in the Third Ward on Friday last, from an epileptic stroke. He was attacked with it in the morning and died in the evening. Mr. Rappold came to Pomeroy direct from Germany in 1843, since which time he has lived in this city. His wife, to whom he was married 63 years ago, survives him, aged 79. He leaves seven living children and over one hundred grand, great-grand, and great, great grand children. He was a member of the Catholic congregation, and a citizen respected by all. The funeral took place on Monday. Transcribed by Cindy Montle
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio March 6, 1879
Meigs John Killinger, and old citizen of Pomeroy, died recently. Mrs. Maria E. Holt, of Rutland, was recently injured by a fall. Adrian, wife of Rufus Rawlings, of Bedford, died, February 12, of consumption. A.C. Williams, of Salem, is again bedfast from a wound he received in the army. Capt. D.H. Lasley and family, late of Pomeroy, have removed to Delaware, this State. Aaron Vanpelt and wife, of Bedford, celebrated their thirtieth wedding day, Feb. 20. Dr. Ackley, of Pomeroy, was lately thrown from his buggy, sustaining serious injuries. B.S. Williams, after an absence of five months in the West, recently returned to Rutland. Herbert, a four year old child of R. H. Rawlings, of Rutland, died of the croup on the 23d ult. Capt. O.P. Skinner, of Middleport, recently sustained a dangerous attack of paralysis of the heart. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Williams, of Minersville, recently buried their two little girls, Eliza and Mary. Dr. Asa Condee, who once lived in Rutland, died in San Bernardino, California, Feb. 5th, aged 50 years. Mrs. Lucy Bishop, wife of Edward W. Parker, of the Co-operative store, Middleport, died on Thursday night of last week. Willie, a twelve year old son of A. W. Seeholm, while lately playing in the yard of the Sugar Run schools, fell and broke a leg. George Ashworth, a respected citizen of Chester township, died at his residence, Wednesday of last week, aged about 50 years. John Gorsuch, Esq., living about six miles west of Pomeroy, lost sixteen swarms of bees by freezing during the severe weather. Mrs. Ann Forbes, of Leading creek, says the Herald, was 72 years old last Thursday. She has in the past winter pieced and quilted two quilts. Wm. Mankins, a young man, of Rutland township, is in jail, at Pomeroy, on the charge of stealing meat and other articles from a poor widow of that township. A man named Seacoy met with a serious accident, at Rutland, on Monday of last week. He was at work with a corn-sheller and caught his finger in the wheels tearing the flesh from the bone. A Rutland correspondent of the Middleport Republican, says; Last week Dr. Bean cut from the hand of Emma C. Stevens a needle that has been there for four years, and caused her a good deal of trouble. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio March 13, 1879
Meigs Dr. D. S. McMahon, age 59, died at Racine on Monday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hoyt, of Chester township, celebrated their crystal wedding on the 1st inst. The first interment in the Chester cemetery for about a year and a half was of Mr. George Ashworth on the 28th ult. A little daughter of Walter E. Hysell, says the Telegraph, was severely but not dangerously scalded on Monday of last week. A vacant house at Adam's Mill, Chester township, recently had a narrow escape from destruction by an incendiary fire. Judge Buffington, of Syracuse, an old and wealthy citizen of this county, died at his residence one day last week, aged eighty-four. Mrs. Regina Wood, wife of Andrew Wood, of Lotta, has become insane on religion and is about to be sent to the Athens Hospital. The Pomeroy Council have reduced the salary of the Street Commissioner from $2.25 to $1.75 per day for the time actually employed. Newton, age 35, one of the sons of a family named Morgan, that sometime since removed from Rutland village to East Boston, Mass., recently died. The trustees of the bondholders of the Clifton Coal and Salt Company are now running the Bedford Salt Furnace. The Sterling bank remains idle on account of a strike. On Wednesday of last week, a large and joyous surprise party at the residence of H. B. Smith, Esq., in Pomeroy, signalized the 16th birthday of Miss Kate Cheatham. On Sunday of last week, Mrs. John R. Smith, daughter of D. M. Byers, Esq., died at her home in Lebanon township, of consumption. The deceased had been married about two years. A Rutland correspondent of the Pomeroy Telegraph says that Mr. Samuel Dana, a under graduate of an Eastern college, and the second man who settled in Rutland township, taught the first school there. The times must be improving. At this season last year there were twenty-one persons in the First Ward of this city living at the expense of the township poor fund. Now there are scarcely any -- Pomeroy Telegraph. The temperance cause is still booming in our midst. The scats were all filled at last meeting; standing room was at a premium; and many were compelled to go home, being unable to gain admittance. -- Middleport Republican. Joseph Buffington, of Syracuse, one of Meigs county's oldest citizens, died, one day last week, after a protracted illness, from dropsy. He was about 84 years of age, and had resided upon the place where he died for nearly fifty years. On Thursday last, Scott Runion, aged 18, of Middleport, was bound over to court to answer a charge of shooting at with intent to kill Leroy Denny, aged twenty, and, vice versa, Leroy was in turn held to answer a charge of assault with intent to kill Scott. Through the operations of a recent law passed by the Legislature of this State the colored school in District No. 9, Rutland township, is abolished under that provision of the law referred to wiping out schools that enroll a less number than eight scholars. Mrs. Thomas Bailey, of Middleport, was probably saved from adding her name to the frightful list of those who have during the past season been cremated alive, by the presence of mind of her fourteen year old son, Willlie, who with his hands extinguished the flames of her dress which recently caught fire while she was standing in front of the grate. On Wednesday night of last week, M. M. Cottle, a young man, of Cheshire, Gallia county, was knocked down and robbed of about twenty dollars, in Middleport. M. M. C. had rendered himself an easy victim to the fell designs of his nocturnal assaulter by imbibing over largely of tangle-foot and wandering off into secluded paths in company with a new made feminine acquaintance of unsavory character. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio March 27, 1879
Meigs Mrs. Charles Carr, of Orange township, is lying very low with cancer. Mr. Silas Strong, an aged resident of Rutland, is reported dangerously ill with lung fever. Mr. Aaron Stout, of Orange township, has a span of horses aged 25 and 26 years, respectively. Mr. Andrew Salser died at his residence, in Chester township, Wednesday morning, March 12th. By a recent fall of coal in the Peacock mines, near Pomeroy, Stephen Kaufle had three ribs broken. Mrs. Ann Fisher, of Middleport, is referred to as a highly efficient and effective temperance worker. An interval of but one week elapsed between the recent deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Smith, of Rock Spring. Edgar Dean, of Orange township left for Wyoming, one day last week, where he intends to engage in herding cattle. At Rutland, on the 16th inst., Mr. C. O. Benedict, of that village, and Miss Alice Glassburn, late of Porter, were married. Alonzo F. Simms, aged 38, Marshal of Pomeroy, died in that place on Tuesday morning of last week, of nervous prostration. Mr. Jabe Benedict, an old and respected citizen of Rutland township, was recently stricken down with an apoplectic attack. Mr. Eli Whipple, late of Pomeroy, has moved his family to the Donnally farm, in Chester township, which he recently purchased. The Telegraph says Mr. Charles Weidth, from Memphis, Tenn., is endeavoring to make arrangements to start a German newspaper in this city. On Thursday last, a son of Evan Thomas was killed in a coal mine at Syracuse. He fell off a car and was run over, having his neck broken. Esquire N. Beckley, of Rutland, is reported quite low, at Middleport, with an attack of typhoid fever, he having taken sick while on a recent trip to West Va. Mr. John Reynolds, of Story's Run, Gallia county, recently sold a cow in Middleport that weighted 2,900 pounds "on foot," says the Herald. Her weight when lying down is not given. Recently the farm of the late Hiram C. Maguire, laying two miles east of Rutland village, was, by mutual consent, divided between four of his heirs -- two sons and two daughters -- each receiving 66 1/2 acres. The Pomeroy Telegraph notes that Mrs. Adaline Larkin, of that place, on the 14th inst., closed her first month of widowhood by marrying Dr. L. W. Thompson, "the distinguished botanic physician of the First Ward." Mrs. Abraham Long, of Middleport, whose husband died with the yellow fever last summer, received $600, last week. from the endowment fund of the Independent Order of Foresters, of which institution he was a member. A boy named Fisher, aged 13 years, was hurt by a fall of slate in the Diamond Coal Mine. It is a miracle how he escaped with his life. He had one cut on the thigh five inches long, and clear to the bone. The cut did not bleed a drop. The residence of Phillip Guthshall [Gotschall], a few miles west of Harrisonville, was entered by thieves on Saturday evening, 15th inst., while the family was at church. Fifteen dollars in silver coin, a set of new knives and forks, some finger-rings, &c., were stolen. Wm. Tucker, of Pomeroy, recently obtained a verdict of ten dollars damages in the Major's court, against the Board of Trustees of the Karr's Run public school for expelling his daughter from the school because he refused to supply her with material required for the study of drawing. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio April 10, 1879
Meigs The strike among the employes of the coal mines in the neighborhood of Pomeroy continues. The residents of Rutland township were recently stricken with a baseless sma ll-pox scare. Jehiel Grimes, aged 28, died at the residence of his father on Leading Creek, March 26th of consumption. The District court is this week in session at Pomeroy, with twenty-eight cases on the docket to be tried. The Ladies' Union Relief Association of Pomeroy has adjourned until the first Monday of November, 1879. Summer Barnes, a young married man aged 22, recently died at his home in Salem township of consumption. At the citizens meeting in Chester last week 133 ballots were cast for township clerk before reaching a result. The township Trustees of Bedford have paid all claims against the township and have $100 remaining in the Treasury. Edward Jones a farmer living in the northeast corner of Rutland township is reported as being affected with "severe nervous prostration, bordering on mental aberration." A Rutland correspondent writes the Telegraph that the demand for coffins has been so great that the undertaking firm in that village have been obliged to order a new supply. The stockholders of the Springfield, Jackson and Pomeroy road are about to be assessed an amount not exceeding two per cent, and the amount thus raised is to be expended in litigating the questions of removing the present Receiver, foreclosure of the mortgages, etc. The Pomeroy Telegraph of last week says: "A boiler at the Coalridge Salt furnace belonging to the battery which runs the well engines, exploded last Monday afternoon with such tremendous force as to demolish the building, wreck the surroundings and scatter itself over a good deal of ground. Nobody hurt. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio April 17, 1879
Meigs M.W.B. Smith and Miss Addie Vining were married in Rutland one night last week. Stephen Cobb, colored of Rutland, died on Sunday, of last week, of consumption, aged 65. August Schmidt sustained a broken collar bone by a fall of coal in the Peacock mine, recently. On Monday of last week, Mr. G. W. Giles was elected Superintendent of the Union Sabbath School of Rutland. Se??b [Selab], aged 13, only son of Mr. Abner Bickel, of Rutland, died on the 6th inst., of typhoid fever and enlargement of the heart. Mrs. S.M. Magoon of Rutland, has removed to Kansas. Her husband a former merchant of Harrisonville, died a year or two ago. Major Branch, says the Pomeroy Telegraph, will devote himself to the insurance business at the expiration of his term of office. Calvin Donnah?e, of School-house Run, lately drank alcohol enough to kill him. He leaves a large family in destitute circumstances. John McGuire, of Rutland, has a pair of silver sleeve buttons of which there is authentic history showing them to be over hundred and fifty years old. Samuel Newberry, of Lebanon township, who, says the Telegraph, is under indictment for assault with intent to commit rape upon his step-daughter, has been arrested in Douglas county, Ill., and will be brought here on a requisition from the Governor. A Rutland correspondent of the Meigs County Republican says; One night last week, Mrs. Anna Humphrey, an old lady eighty-nine years old, fell from her bed, receiving injuries from which it is doubtful if she will recover. She can give no account of how the accident occurred. Mrs. Sophia Topping a native of this township, recently died, in Springfield, Gallia county, aged 66 years. When twenty-four years old she was married to Dr. Charles Topping. She resided in Rutland up to the time of her marriage, and was highly esteemed for her many amiable qualities. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio April 24, 1879
Meigs A Dexter man has a calf that was born without a tail. Mr. Luman Brine, of Rutland, is reported hopelessly ill with paralysis. Mr. John M. Richey, of Letart, recently died after a lingering illness. Jacob Cline, an old resident, of Pomeroy, aged 65, died on Sunday of last week. Mr. Oswin Lanning and Miss Electa Martin, both of Rutland, were lately married. Evan Williams had a leg broken by a fall of slate in Dabney coal bank, near Middleport, on Friday. Mrs. Humphrey, of Rutland township, nearly ninety years of age, is reported dangerously ill. The son of Abner Bickner, of Rutland, not quite thirteen years old, weighted 135 pounds previous to his recent death. Active and zealous revival feeling in the Point Pleasant church, in Salem township, survives the recent protracted meeting there. A Rutland correspondent of the Telegraph says: The tide of emigration from this township is tending toward West Virginia. Mrs. Chase Carr, of Orange township, who has been lying very low with cancer, is improving. Her doctor thinks her cancer is entirely removed. Mr. Washington Stivers and family, says the Pomeroy Telegraph, left on the 2nd inst, for Chattanooga, Tennessee, to take up there residence there. Hosmer Branch retired, Tuesday night of last week, from the office of Major of the city of Pomeroy, which he has ably filled for the past four years. The lands of Dr. J. E. Brown, late of Rutland, deceased, consisting of 150 acres, have been divided among his heirs, each receiving about 30 acres. Mr. Besserer a well known citizen of Middleport, recently had a narrow escape with his life by falling into the river, there, he being unable to swim. Wm. McGaw, of the village of Antiquity, is in jail at Pomeroy awaiting transfer to the Athens Hospital, he having been judicially pronounced insane. The Central Committee, of this county, have called a mass Republican convention to assemble on the 7th day of May to elect delegates to the State convention. Mr. Rodney Downing, of Middleport, has transferred his pension agency business, which he has pursued during the past forty-two years, to his son, Columbia Downing, Esq. Sanford E. Shutt, formerly of Middleport, now Superintendent of the schools at Belleville, Richland county, was recently admitted to the bar at Norwalk Huron county. Jacob Grieser is in jail in Pomeroy, in default of $300 bail, for recently appropriating, for a pleasure ride while drunk, a horse and buggy which he found hitched in Middleport. Captain D. O. Hopkins, a prominent resident of Racine, age 63, was sent to the Athens Hospital recently, his mania consisted in his having an exalted opinion of his wealth. As a speedy way of curing him of this delusion the Capta in should be induced to undertake the publication of a newspaper for a few years and trust Tom, Dick and Harry on subscription account. The Middleport Republican says: Mr. H. S. Dewees, while digging in the earth last week, in the Fifth Ward, at a depth of six or seven feet, in the hard yellow clay, found imbedded a large quantity of walnut shells, two or three good sized stones with indentations large enough to hold a walnut, and near by a smooth round boulder, which undoubtedly had been used to crack said walnuts in the ages gone by. The Middleport Herald says: On Wednesday last about half-past two o'clock, Miller R., a little eight year old son of J. B. Downing was playing during recess on the steep cliff back of the school-house, when by some mishap his footing gave way and he fell a distance of about forty feet over the rocks and stones below. The most singular part of it that he was not instantly killed; but as we write the doctors are unable to find even a broken bone or a visible cut. A Middleport special to the Enquirer on Saturday says: Yesterday afternoon as Hon. John Schreiner and Major F. C. Russell, of this place, were returning from Athens, their buggy struck a hole in the road near Hebardsville with such violence as to throw Schreiner over the dash-board. This frightened the horses so and they ran away, upsetting the buggy, and badly injuring Russell's left ankle and right hand. The wheels passed over Schreiner's back and shoulders and he is to-day suffering greatly. Mr. Benjamin Smith, aged 75, the oldest native born citizen of the township, says the Middleport correspondent of the Telegraph, while standing on the platform at the head of the stairs leading into the Republican office, last Saturday afternoon, became dizzy, and losing his balance fell over the railing on the pavement -- a distance of some twelve feet, alighting on his thigh and breaking the bone, and receiving other severe bruises. Mr. S. has had in contemplation for some time a series of articles on the early history of the township and county which this mishap will probably delay, if not indefinitely postpone. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio May 8, 1879
Meigs Mrs. Nettie Miller, of Salem, is very low with the consumption. Mr. John Silvester, of Iowa, formerly of Rutland, is back on a visit. Mr. Isaac Paine, of Middleport, aged 71, recently died of pneumonia. A recent social event, in Middleport, was an entertaining calico party given by Miss Low Hudson. Mrs. Rebecca Tharp, aged 75, died in Rutland, of consumption. She belonged to the original settlers of Meigs and Athens counties. Mrs. David Williamson died at her residence on Third street, Middleport, on Wednesday morning of last week, after protracted illness. Mr. Lawrence Lippert, a resident of Pomeroy, employed at John Young's boat yard, Mason City, recently, had one of his fingers cut off. Rev. W. E. Powell, who has been pastor of the Baptist Church, Pomeroy, for the past two years, will shortly resign his charge on account of health. On the hill known as Mt Pleasant, in Salem township, is the burial place of one of George Washington's body guard's all through the Revolutionary war. Mrs. Elizabeth Bellows, of Rutland, age 91 and blind, recently fell to the floor and received injuries on the forehead which it was apprehended would prove fatal. A little daughter of Michael Epple, of Pomeroy, aged about three years, fell out of a second story window, Sunday afternoon of last week, and was considerably bruised. A young man named Augustus Hepp, of Pomeroy, had a finger amputated one day last week as a result of an injury received in one of the machines in Horton's shop, in that place. Eddie Sauer, a three year old child of Val. Sauer, while playing on the stairway leading to the Middleport Herald office, recently, fell over the banister --,a distance of twelve feet -- receiving severe but not fatal injuries. Mr. Mortimer Whitehead, of New Jersey, the National Lecturer of the Patrons of Husbandry, lectured at Laural Grange, in Columbia township, on Monday of this week, and at Beech Grange, in Rutland, on Tuesday. The house of Mrs. Mary M. McCormick, a widow lady residing a mile and a half from Rutland, was recently broken into during her absence and the premises unsuccessfully rummaged for pension money, which the thief suspected was in the house. The Pomeroy Telegraph says: Last week a German of the Second Ward undertook to kill his dog before the assessor came round, and accordingly knocked the poor brute in the head and buried him. In about five hours after his interment the dog dug out from his would-be final resting place and came back to the house, and the poor fellow had to be killed over again. Early on the morning of the 24th ult., Mr. C. Freemen Winn, residing in the northwest part of Rutland township, sustained a heavy loss by fire. His barn and mill, containing an express wagon, grain drill, cutting box, some oats, forty bushels of wheat, team and carriage harness, bridles, etc., were destroyed. -- The loss is estimated at $1,000. Insurance on the buildings, in the Ohio Farmers, $350. The Middleport Herald (Dem.) has suddenly changed front in its choice for Governor from Rice to Bishop. In reference to which the Pomeroy Telegraph is prompted to observe: The Governor has recently re-appointed John as Trustee of the Athens Asylum, against considerable opposition, and it my be that the latter has promised to reward his Excellency by bringing the party organ in Meigs county to his support. Geo. Rhodes, son of Capt. Rhodes and, Wm. Lallancce, two boys from Syracuse, aged respectively 17 and fourteen, were burned to death about one o'clock Friday morning, in the drum-shed of the New Haven Coal Company. They had been out fishing, and it is supposed they went there and kindled a fire to sleep by until morning. Their bodies were found at the foot of the stack-pile, with both arms, legs and heads burned off. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio May 15, 1879
Meigs Miss Matilda Sayre, aged 35, of Letart, died on the 3d inst., of consumption. The potato bugs are committing destructive ravages in the region round-about Letart. David H. Pearson to Miss Charlotte Cochran, was a recent marriage in Lebanon township. One Wm. Wise, of Scipio township, is in the jail of this county on a plea of guilty to the charge of stealing $15. Mr. John B. Lindsey and Miss Mamie E. Kennedy, of Pomeroy, were married, on Wednesday evening of last week. Four lodges of colored Odd Fellows officiated in laying the corner stone of the colored Baptist Church, in Pomeroy, on Thursday last. The Middleport Republican says: Geo. Bower, of Chester township, was pretty badly injured by a run-away team, Saturday evening. A Rutland township correspondent of the Telegraph says: Oats look very poorly, and wheat, except early sown, does not promise much. At the beginning of the present term of the common please, of this county, there were 268 civil and but five criminal cases on the docket. Miron S. Giles, who until within a few years resided in Rutland township, died, at Rio Grande, Gallia county, O., May 2, aged about 58 years. Mrs. T. R. Jones of Pomeroy, who had been undergoing watercure treatments at Danville, N.Y., has returned home wholly restored to health, it is said. Mrs. Jennie Coleman, mother of Thos. Coleman of Long Bottom, died, says the Telegraph, a few days ago, at the advanced age of one hundred and six years. The colored people, at Lotta, have been having a revival for several weeks past. Some five or six were immersed, on Sunday of last week, near Royal Chase's. Recently, Aaron Torrence, of Rutland village, aged 87, traveled on horseback from the east to the west part of the county to visit friends. The trip was made both ways apparently with little fatigue. On Monday afternoon of last week, Jas. Fugate, who was running a pumping engine in Ebenezer William's mine, at Minersville, was severely scalded and otherwise injured by the bursting of a supply pipe. Mrs. Anna Humphrey, of Rutland township, widow of William Humphrey, and sister of Benjamin Bellows, died, about two weeks since, in the 90th year of her age. She was the oldest women, if not the oldest person, in the township. A young man named John Young, while recently riding out of the Sterling mine on a car, was struck on the head by a piece of falling slate. His nose was mashed out of shape, the skin torn from his forehead, and his right ear badly mutilated. Recently one Wm. H. Icenhour was arraigned before Squire D. M. Byers, of Lebanon township, charged with having maintained a criminal intimacy with Mary A. Eaton, his step-daughter, aged about nineteen years. He was bound over to the court of common pleas and sent to jail. Editor Chapman, of the Pomeroy Telegraph, started for Colorado, on Monday of last week, for the benefit of his health, where, says the Republican, he will spend three or four months roaming over the country, camping out, doing his own cooking, washing, etc., and making a big summer picnic of it generally. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio May 22, 1879
Meigs The Welsh Esteddfod, at Pomeroy, has been postponed until the Fourth of July. The late Grand Jury, of this county, reported nine indictments, two of which were for incest. On a recent day the towboat Sam. Roberts left Pomeroy for St. Louis with 25,000 barrels of salt. An unsuccessful attempt was lately made to burglarize the residence of E. Geyer, jr., of Pomeroy. On Thursday last, the Pomeroy Coal Co. paid out $15,000 to miners and laborers for work performed last month. Good beef cattle, says the Middleport Republican, were never known to be so scarce in Meigs county as at present. Drs. Saunders & Wells are rebuilding their office on the burnt district in Pomeroy. They will be the first on the ground. Thomas Amos, of Rutland, has two Durham calves, three months old; one weighing 305 pounds, the other 320 pounds. The Pomeroy Telegraph says that Col. C. Grant has been on the sick list and confined to his residence for some time past. A Ministerial Association will be held at the Point Pleasant Church, Salem township, on the 26th and 29th days of this month. The old steamer Granite State will, says the Telegraph, soon be no more, She is now laid up at Cincinnati to be wrecked for her machinery. Mrs. Mary B. Coburn, wife of Esq. J. P. Coburn, of Salem township, died on Saturday, the 10th of May, at the Athens Hospital for the Insane. Mrs. Wm. Oaks has returned to Rutland from Dakota whiter she went to reside about a year since. Her husband will follow her this summer. John Woodard, of Rutland, a pensioner of the war of 1812, who has until a year or two been in the enjoyment of remarkable health for one of his years, is reported to be rapidly failing. On the afternoon of the 9th inst., a fire broke out in a frame dwelling on Monkey Run, belonging to Dr. Rehm, and occupied by Mr. William Katz. -- The building was partially destroyed. Recently at a dance at Fred Weaver's near Chester, Chas. Bookman during a fracas with John Shmler, jr. was dangerously cut on the head and face with a knife in the hands of the later. Wm. S. Jones, formerly of this city, says the Pomeroy Telegraph, who has been employed in a mine at Coal Creek, Fremont county, Colorado, for some time past, was injured by a fall of slate on the 4th of last month, but is now able to resume his occupation. Mr. Charles Warren, of Olive township, brother of the Sheriff, says the Telegraph, has four sons, aged respectively 17, 19, 22 and 29 years, who aggregate weight is seven hundred and seventy pounds. This is an average of one hundred and ninety-two and one-half pounds. Wm. H. Icenour, of Lebanon township, who had been criminally intimate with his stepdaughter, on Friday, in the common Pleas court, at Pomeroy, pleaded guilty to the charge of incest. -- He was sentenced to three years in the State Penitentiary. The sentence is universally approved by his neighbors. A man giving his name as John Reinschild, and his home Meigs county, was found in Curry's stone quarry on Walnut Hills, near Cincinnati, Thursday afternoon, suffering from cuts about the wrist, arms and abdomen. He claimed to have inflicted them himself with suicidal intent. He was taken to the hospital. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio June 5, 1879
Meigs James Ewing, aged 55, of Syracuse, recently died. A recent Presbyterian festival, at Pomeroy, netted $45. A charter has been granted for a lodge of Odd Fellows, at Letart. The Meigs County Medical Society met in Middleport, on Monday last. The Republican convention, of this county, is appointed for the 28th inst. A Rutland correspondent says that oats will be a total failure in that township. Mr. Meredith Evans to Miss Alice Snodgrass, was a late marriage at Pomeroy. Alvin Hobart, of Chester, aged 56, who was held in much esteem, died on the 24th ult. Mrs. Thomas, wife of Thomas Thomas, of Syracuse, died recently, after protracted illness. Mrs. David Grimm, an estimable laday of Bowman's Run, died, recently, after three week's illness. Hannah Reed, third wife of Major Reed, of Reedville, died on the morning of the 23rd, in her 81st year . Mr. N. R. Nye, a prominent citizen of Pomeroy, one of the Township Trustees died on Friday, aged 6?. [it is either a 6 or 8] The graduating exercises of the Pomeroy High School will take place at the Opera House, on Tuesday evening, June 10th. Harriman Plummer, now seventy-one years of age, having lived in Rutland sixty-one years, is about to remove to Gallia county. John Adams, of Adams' Mill, this county, is ninety-four years of age, and is hale and hearty and able to walk five or six miles a day. As the result of a recent fall, Mrs. F. Foss, of Pomeroy, was attacked with hemorrhage, and for a while her life was despaired of. John Shuler, aged 70, a resident of Chester township for forty yeas, died at the residence of his son, John Shuler, Jr., in Mason county, W. Va., recently, of quick consumption. Harry, a six year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Riddle, of Middleport, died suddenly, on Sunday of last week, in Roane county, West Va., where he was on a visit with his mother. At a recent social celebration of the sixty-fifth birth day of Mrs. Austin Barton, of Rutland, seven daughters, forthy-one grand children, and two great-grand children, were present. The Middleport Republican says: -- There was no mail here during the first of the week, owing to the fact that the contractor in Washington had failed to pay the subcontractor who carries the mail from here to Athens, and the latter, not caring to run the line without compensation, informally stopped. We are informed, says the Pomeroy Telegraph, that two farmers, of Dexter, Salem township, had a quarrel yesterday forenoon in regard to a bridge they were building, and that they came to blows, during which one named Dunbar cut the other, named Jonas McCarty, two severe gashes in the region of the stomach, with his pocket knife. -- Dunbar has been arrested. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio June 12, 1879
Meigs A late Baptist Festival at Pomeroy netted about $46. Mrs. Lovina Parker, of Rutland, is reported seriously ill. Mr. Jno. Stanley is said to be the oldest man in Scipio township. Wm. Vankirk of Story's Run, this county, lately eloped with his wife's sister. Laura, aged eight, daughter of Mr. Sam'l Morton, of Middleport, lately fell and broke an arm. Mr. Wesley Davis and Miss Emily J. Quivey, both of Lebanon township, were lately married. The graduating exercises of the Pomeroy High School took place on Tuesday evening of this week. There were fourteen deaths and thirty-five births in Salem township during the year ending March 1st. The Republicans of Racine fired thirty-eight guns in honor of the nomination of Foster and Hickenlooper. ONE hundred and thirty-one thousand barrels of salt were shipped from the Pomeroy region during the month of May. The Republicans throughout this county are reported as being highly gratified with the nomination of Hon. Chas. Foster. Mr. Francis Craggs, age 59, who was highly esteemed, recently died at his late home at Minersville in his county. The Sabbath School Institute of the Gallipolis District will begin a two days session at Racine on the evening of the 17th inst. Jonas McCarty, the Salem township farmer, whom we mentioned in last week's Messenger as having been seriously wounded in a fight, is improving. Charles Harper, son of Mr. J. S. Harper, of this city, aged 13, says the Pomeroy Telegraph of 5th inst., while carelessly handling a double barreled pistol this morning accidentally discharged it, the loads in each barrel passing through his left hand, tearing the flesh and skin from his fingers. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio June 19, 1879
Meigs Portland is going to have a Sabbath school celebration the 4th of July. The total amount allowed by the Commissioners of this county, for sheep killed and injured during the last year is $438.75. Volunteer Fire Company No. 1, of Pomeroy, will have a grand parade and display, July 4th, and a grand hop at Silverman's Hall in the evening. The Free Baptist churches of Middleport and Pomeroy will hold a Camp Meeting on the Fair Ground, commencing to-morrow. A new mail route from Harrisonville, passing through Alberta, Ro??, &c, to Vinton, Gallia county, O., tri-weekly, has been established. The township and Ward Caucuses for the selection of delegates to the Republican Convention of this county will be held on Saturday next. The prospect now is that Meigs county will have railroad connection with the outside world within a year. Light is breaking in. Middleport Republican. Doctor Jones and son, of Pomeroy, were seriously injured, Saturday afternoon by the explosion of the generator of a soda fountain. Considerable damage was also done to the store. Quite a severe hailstorm passed over Bedford township, on Friday afternoon last, says the Middleport Herald, injuring the wheat in its track, breaking glass, and knocking off the young fruit. Joseph McCasky, living in Middleport, was quite badly injured at the Sterling coalway, Clifton, recently, by being struck on the thigh with the end of a wagon which fell as it was being taken out of the bank. A Pomeroy assessor this spring, in reporting the births in his ward, filled the column where the sex of the child should be recorded, with "baptist, "catholick" "methodist" &c. It is supposed that he thought sex spelt "sects." The store of Warner & Stewart, general merchants, at Long Bottom, was broken into Sunday night of last week between 10 and 2 o'clock, and robbed of a quantity of goods. The amount stolen is estimated at $100 to $200 worth. An out-door entertainment given on a recent evening by the ladies of the Pomeroy Episcopal Church proved a pleasant affair. The church lot was illuminated by numerous hanging lamps and a camp fire. A number of refreshment tables were located through the grounds the sales from which netted $44 to the ladies' treasury. William H. Colgin and George Wilson were jailed at Pomeroy, on Friday, charged with breaking into and robbing the store of Warner & Stewart, at Long Bottom, this county, the preceding Sunday night. They got about $100 worth of clothing, &c., and were dressed in the stolen goods when arrested, at Bellville, West Va. They are tramps. The Pomeroy Telegraph tells of a monster fish, "fully sixteen feet long," that makes its home in the river in the vicinity of Great Bend, and adds: Mr. William Sayre whose reputation for veracity is said to be good, has also seen it and says he was chased out of the river when in a john-boat by it. Several attempts have been made to catch this monster of the deep but so far they have failed. The house of Artemus Burton, in Columbia township, says the Middleport Herald, was burned on Thursday of last week. Nearly all the furniture was saved. -- On Monday last the Foresters met upon the ground in large numbers and before night Mr. Burton was the happy possessor of a new log house, neat, snug and complete. This was a noble move by a noble organization, and speaks well for all concerned. On Sunday afternoon the Catholic societies of Middleport wearing elegant and attractive regalia, and preceded by the Middleport Brass Band, marched to the foot of Main street, where they met Bishop Fitzgerald, of Little Rock, Ark., accompanied by Fathers Daniel and Murphy, of Hamilton, O., and escorted them through the streets to St. John's Catholic Church, where they procession was joined by forty girls and boys, and the march continued a few squares further to the Holy Trinity Church, at which place 170 persons were confirmed. Judge Nathan Simpson, in his 75th year, died at the St James Hotel, Middleport, on Monday of last week, after a few days illness. Referring to this event the Republican says: Judge Simpson was one of the best informed men in Meigs county. His acquaintance throughout the State was wide and among the best men of the State. -- Especially was this the case in his younger and more active days. His greatest political influence was in the anti-slavery days, at which time he was considered a chief with Salmon P. Chase, Joshua R. Giddings, and others. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio June 26, 1879
Meigs An attempt was lately made to burglarize the residence of George Bell Jr., of Pomeroy. Mrs. Harriet E. Heaton, a widow lady, late of Middleport, recently died of consumption in her 35th year. George Bing, sr., of Cheshire was at the close of the week lying seriously ill, and his friends had very little hopes of his recovery. Mr. George Conant, of Thomas's Fork, it is said, still lingers in a doubtful state of health, with the chances of recovery against him. Joseph McKaskie had the fleshy part of a leg above the knee mashed to a pulp at the Stearling Coal Works near Pomeroy recently. Mr. John Edmonson, aged 74, for many years a well known farmer of Salem township, recently died at his late residence in Kansas. The burglars, three of them, who lately robbed Warner & Stewarts store at Long Bottom, have been apprehended and are in jail at Pomeroy. Mrs. Eliza Watkins, an old resident on Hysell Run, aged about 70, was last week reported to be in a precarious state of health, with little prospect of recovery. John Price, of Letart, lately found an old coin bearing date 17??, engraved on one side, "Pure copper preferable to paper" on the other, "Trade navigator, value half penny." Dr. W. C. Cline, whose farm is partly in this and partly in Vinton county has a flock of 800 sheep that yielded this season the respectable average of five pounds of wool a head. On Sunday of last week the residence of Dr. W. A. Watkins, of Cheshire was burned to the ground, the household goods were mostly saved. The loss was about $3,000. It was insured $1,000. The Pomeroy Telegraph says that Dr. J. H. Jones of that place, whose recent injury by the bursting of a soda fountain was mentioned in last week's Messenger, had a leg broken and a shoulder fractured by that accident. Capt. Levi Jacks, of Salem township, until lately a prominent and influential Democrat, of this county, is so far disgusted with the course of his party in Congress and the Legislature as to sever his political connection with it. One of the oldest citizens of Rutland township, Mr. Joseph Black, died Monday morning of last week, aged 47 years. He had spent the most of his life in this township, living on the same farm, about one mile from the village of Rutland. A Rutland correspondent of the Telegraph says: On the 14th, at his office in this village, Dr. Stanley again tapped James Smith, and drew from him a patent bucked full of water. This is the third operation the doctor has performed on Mr. S. A.W. Vorhes, Esq., says the Pomeroy Telegraph, while taking a rest on a lounge in his front office, last Sunday afternoon, was painfully aroused from pleasant dreams by a fall of plastering from the ceiling directly over his head. His face about the eyes, nose and forehead was considerably though not seriously cut, bruised and scratched. The Telegraph says; One of the most interesting social events which has occurred in Sutton Township for several years was the marriage, last Sunday morning, of Miss Mary P. Nease, the amiable and accomplished eldest daughter of W. H. Nease, Esq., and Rev. Samuel W. Keister, a young and promising minister of the United Brethren Church, from Germantown. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio July 3, 1879
The Middleport Silver Concert Band has been reorganized. George McDade, of Letart, was recently seriously injured by being kicked by a horse. The hay crop in Rutland township will not, it is said, average more than a quarter ton to the acre. The M. E. Sabbath Scholl will celebrate the 4th, by a basket picnic in the grove west of Middleport. At the late examination of teachers in Pomeroy there were 28 applicants for certificates and all were successful. Thirty four dollars was the proceeds of a late festival given by the ladies of Middleport Universalist church. The Colored Camp Meeting's receipts at the Meigs County fairground Sunday, last week, amounted to $36.20. The quota of this county is 35 and it has 41 inmates in the Athens Hospital for the Insane, being an excess of six. Miss Vona McKee, aged eighteen years, died of the consumption on the 20th ult , at her home in Salem township. The Free Baptist camp meeting on the Meigs County fair-grounds, which closed on Sunday last, was quite successful. Mr. Lewis Lindsey, of Middleport, has sold his rapid traveling horse "Blucher" to A. W. Vorhes, Esq., of Pomeroy. The annual session of the Meigs County Teachers' Institute will be held at Middleport this year, commencing on Monday, July 21st. During the year ending March ?1st there were 767 births in this county, 373 females and 369 males. There were also 281 marriages and 250 deaths. Volunteer Fire Company No.1, of Pomeroy, will celebrate the Fourth by a grand parade and display, and a hop at Silverman's Hall to-morrow evening. E. E. Alexander, of Letart, while lately gathering pebbles on the beach, found, perhaps, the oldest coin in the county, Dated 1?17, value one cent. Mrs. Michael Schlaegel, a German Lady of the Second ward, Pomeroy, slipped and fell down stairs recently and broke her leg near the knee. George Thompson, late of Salem township, has recently purchased a large farm in Morgan township, to which he and family have lately moved. Archery, says the Middleport Herald, is becoming quite fashionable in Middleport just now and every young lady wished she could successfully draw a bow. Mrs. Jane Jenkins, wife of the late David Jenkins and sister of John S. and Allan Davis of Pomeroy, died at her residence in Minersville, recently after a long illness. Mrs. Culter, of Kansas, an early pioneer of Rutland township now about 80 years of age, is back on a visit to her brothers Stillman and Curtis Larkin, and other old friends. Nine Salt furnaces in this region, says the Pomeroy Telegraph, are now idle, the majority of them by virtue of the requirement of the Board of Control of the Ohio River and Kanawha Salt Company. Of the Republican Convention, at Pomeroy, on Saturday, elsewhere referred by a correspondent says: the ???? ????? was not large enough to contain the assembled multitude which were fired with old time enthusiasm. On Friday evening last, about the hour of 10:30 a.m. the old ruins of the fire on Mill street blew down, causing quite an excitement; for a little while. It made a terrible crashing noise, but fortunately no person was hurt we believe. Middleport Republican. Charles Sayre, ??? with Owen Parr was drowned above Reedville about a year ago. The annual commencement of the Marietta College closed on Wednesday, after several days of interesting exercises. Tuesday Hon. A. T. Co??burn, of the class of 18?7 delivered the poem, and the day closed with a grand ????? and ???? by one of the Societies. The Meigs County Republican convention met, in Pomeroy on Saturday, ninety-three delegates being present. A County Central Committee and eighteen Senatorial delegates were chosen. Representative J. L. Carpenter was renominated on the first ballot. Sheriff Wa?? was renominated. U. Hoyt, Prosecuting Attorney; Commissioner Knight, renominated; J. H. Bradford Infirmary Director; Dr. J. H. Hysell Coroner. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio July 10, 1879
Meigs A viper was recently killed in the yard of a Middleport barber shop. Considerable sickness incidental to the season is reported in Salem township. Mrs. Allen Hysell, at Rutland, while lately getting over a pair bars, fell and broke her thigh bone. Horten's new building, at Middleport, was dedicated by a social "hop" on Monday evening of last week. Commissioner Alkire of this county, is the owner of a two year old heifer that recently gave birth to twins. Chas. Hoyt, of Orange township had several yearling sheep that sheared ten pounds of wool of extra quality. The Democrats of this county will go through the insignificant formality of nominating a ticket on the 26th inst. John W. Sayer, of Letart township, clipped from five sheep 56 1/2 pounds of wool after it was thoroughly washed. Chapman, of the Pomeroy Telegraph is amusing himself by traversing the country from Denver to Leadville on foot. W. G. Humphrey, of Rutland township, found in this rye field, recently, two well developed heads of rye on one stalk. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Winn, recently, of Rutland, returned from Borland Springs, West Virginia, both improved in health. Charles, son of widow, Petit, who lives out beyond the Infirmary, on the Harrisonville road, recently died in Fayette county. Middleport will come mightily near casting a solid vote for Jerry Carpenter. He is intensely popular with all classes. -- Republican. Mr. Charles D. Warren, of Olive Township, is the first Meigs county soldier to receive the arrears of pension. He got about $750. John McCarty, who was stabbed in the abdomen by H. R. Dunbar, the morning of May 27th, is likely to recover, says the Middleport Republican. Last Friday, says the Pomeroy Telegraph, a Mr. Carry, an employee in the Williams mine at Minersville, was caught between two rail cars and got his leg broken. Rev. Father Lutting, of Scared Heart Catholic Church, of Pomeroy, on Sunday of last week, administered the sacrament of communion for the first time, to ten young people. Of a number of Rutland township farmers it is said that they disregard the sacred character of the Sabbath and labor in the harvest field as vigorously as any day in the week. The Telegraph says: On Monday, the engineer at the dock saw mill split open an old timber for fuel and exposed thereby a bright, shining copperhead, about two feet in length. He soon deceased. Wm. Makepeace, whose right hand was so terribly laureate, recently, in the Woolen Mill machinery, has had the forefinger amputated, necessitated by the flesh sloughing off and opening an artery. Lieutenant S. W. Fountain, U.S.A., formerly of Middleport, who has been stationed at Fort Brown, Texas, for a year or two past, has been sent to Santa Maria Camaron county, Texas, where he takes command. The Republican Central Committee, of this county met, on Wednesday of last week, and organized for the ensuing year. Major D. A. Russell was chosen Chairman, Mr. J. S. Blackaller Secretary, and Mr. W. A. Race Treasurer. It is said to be a very refreshing sight to see a certain Thomas Fork Supervisor mounted on horseback on the public highway bossing two or three rickety old men harnessed up to a hand car for the purpose of performing labor on the road. Isaac N. M?alley and Elizabeth Pennyback; George Beckle and Elizabeth Schladel; E. W. Arnold and Sophia Moore; Francis J. Raffell and Catharine Raffell, William Caddy and Rowena Wines, were recently married in this county. Thomas Makepeace, who had his hand hurt by being mangled in machinery at the woolen mill, and who ????? ????? bathed it in stale rain-water has, say the Herald, been obliged to have one finger amputated which operation was performed last Sunday. S. E. Bailey and family of Salisbury township, Meigs county, who went to Salem county, Kansas, last spring passed through Athens, one day last week, on the home stretch, having made the entire distance with two horses and a heavy load in five weeks and four days. Mrs. Lucinda Metcalf, mother of the late Rev. Wm. Metcalf, who resides with her son, F. Metcalf, in Scipio Township, this county, was recently united in marriage to a Mr. Murphey, of Woodstock, Ill., the service being performed by Rev. T. A. Welch. The bride is 63 and the groom is 65 years old. A recent dramatic exhibition in Mrs. Price's barn in Rutland township, was a success every way. Those who took part in it, considering the time spent in drilling, acquitted themselves very creditably. The attendance was very large, completely filling the large barn, many of the cross beams and parts of the platform being occupied. Mrs. Hysell, wife of Allen Hysell, of Rutland township, aged about 60 met with a serious accident recently. She had been to the pasture field to turn out a horse, and upon returning, while passing over or through a pair of bars, she accidentally fell upon a small sharp rock that protruded above the ground, breaking a leg above the knee. A meeting of the stockholders of the Ohio and West Virginia Railway Company was held at Columbus, recently, when a proposition to increase the capital stock of the Company from $150,000 to $2,?50,00 was carried. This was for the purpose of enabling the company to issue sufficient bonds so that the work can proceed. The termini of the road were changed from Columbus and Gallipolis to Logan and Pomeroy. A party of serenaders in Pomeroy one night last week aroused the Marshall and proceeded en jores to arrest a supposed body-snatcher who with a light wagon containing a suggestively shaped box was noticed at a certain point. -- But a business investigation brought the owner of the wagon on the ground, who proved to be a gentleman from Gallipolis, going to Athens for the body of a girl that had died in the Asylum at the place. For some time suspicion, says the Middleport Herald, has pointed to Alvin Lowry, assistant lamplighter, as one who was living in incest with his daughter, a girl of about fourteen years, and on Wednesday a warrant for his arrest was sworn out. The girl denies the ?oft impeachment, and the Justice before whom the hearing was had lacked implicit faith in the charge is shown by his holding the accused only in $200 bond for court. On Monday, says the Middleport correspondent of the Telegraph, a civil suit was had before Major White in which Horace Condee sued J. A. Myres for one pound of starch of the value of five cent. Judgment for plaintiff; with costs amounting to _____. During the trial bad temper was engendered, and finally a general melee of words and blows between clients and counsel ensued, which resulted in Myers and F. C. Russell, attorneys, and Condee, plaintiff, each being fined five dollars for contempt, and the end is not yet. The Board of Education, of Pomeroy at their recent meeting employed the following teacher for the ensuing year. Mr. Flanegin was retained as Superintendent at a former meeting. Mr. E,W, Chase, Mr. Alex Dowie, Miss Caroline Stivers, Mr. Ernest Retsch, Miss Rekie Rehm, Miss Zora McKnight, Miss Carrie Atkinson, Miss Jennie Barclay, Mr. Jay Thomas, Miss Annie Barclay, Miss Nettie Grow, Miss Effie Graham, Miss Ella B. Moore, Miss Urania Stivers, Mr. Geo. H. Harrison, Mr. John G. Cornwell, Miss Lide Jones, Mr. Charles Nease, Miss Allice Grant, Miss Anna Hilber and Mr. Thos Karr. There are four vacancies to be filled at the next meeting. O.L. Bradbury, Esq., a young attorney, of Pomeroy, was married, on Wednesday evening of last week, to Miss Mary C. Comstock, of Gallipolis. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio July 17, 1879
Meigs Rev. H. B. Scott has been elected Superintendent of the Middleport schools at a salary of $75 per month. A Rutland correspondent says; On account of the shortness of the hay crop some are sowing corn to make feed for winter. S.F.V. Behan left Middleport, recently, for Lincoln, Nebraska, where he will locate for a time, and devote himself to teaching music. F.W. Ohlinger, late of Rutland, having recently graduated at the Cincinnati Law School has entered upon the practice of law in Wa Keeny, Kansas. Thomas Musser and Miss Ida Murray, of Rutland, were lately seriously injured by the horse running away and wrecking the buggy in which they were riding. The wife of John Hysell, of Rutland, was out barefooted, recently picking raspberries, when a venomous snake bit one of her toes. Her foot was swollen greatly, and for some days was very painful. A Rutland correspondent says: There are two appletrees on the widow Rathburn's place, of the same variety, usually full bearers, that this year the north side of each is full of fruit and the south side without any. Samuel Newberry, a young married man of this county who is charged with attempted rape on a girl who lived in his family, was recently rearrested by the Sheriff in Lucolo county, Ill., whither he went after giving bail. He was brought back. J. G. Lewis and Julia Yager; Wm. Cady and Romena Wines; James H. Young and Susan Price; Enos T. Mulford and Sophronia Yager; Martin Sherman and Sarah Steele; John Patterson and Lucinda Pickens; Sylvester D. Riley and Sarah A. Rose were recently married, in this county. The family of Capt. David Williamson, says the Republican, has been wofully afflicted within a short time. his daughter Annie died March 25th last, aged 17 years, 8 months, and 17 days. His wife, Mrs. Martha Williamson, died April 29th, aged 44 years and six months. His eldest son, J. T. Williamson, died June 30th, aged 21 years and 25 days. They all died with consumption. Mr. John Sylvester, of Iowa, says a Rutland correspondent, who has been here for a few weeks, visiting his many old friends, received a letter from a daughter at home last week, conveying to him the heart-rendering intelligence that his youngest and only single daughter, Cinderella, an intelligent and educated young woman, about 23 years of age, a school teacher, and a grand-daughter, aged about 7 years, had while returning from school, been overtaken by a storm and both instantly killed by lightning. Refering to the recent discovery of the remains of Chas. Syre a short distance above Murrayville, and who was drowned about 18 months ago, a Letart correspondent of the Middleport Republican says; circumstances point to foul play as the body must have been taken there and buried. This seems more probable when it was generally known that the young man had about three hundred dollars at the time of the accident, and it could not be found on the boat or on the body of Owen Parr, whose body was recovered a few days after being drowned. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio July 24, 1879
Meigs Mrs. Lydia Forest, of Rutland, who has been seriously ill, is recovering. A young man named Austin Jordan was recently drowned while bathing in the river at Letart Falls. Wade Hampton is an employee in the Pomeroy Telegraph Office. He is not the South Caroline Wade. A Foster and Hickenlooper Club of numerous membership was organized at Pomeroy, on Saturday evening. The Lima Dramatic Troupe will give an entertainment in the Opera House at Pomeroy to-morrow, Friday, evening. Editor Chapman has returned from his Colorado trip, reaching home Sunday morning of last week. He is greatly improved in health. Recently, Mrs. Mary Wolf, of the Second Ward, of Pomeroy, died of inflammation of the bowels, leaving a husband and five little children. The next examination of teachers, in this county will occur at the close of the Institute which began last Monday and will end the 9th of next month. S. R. Clark, of Bedford township, Infirmary Director, on Monday of last week had three fingers cut off and a fourth badly cut by a mowing machine. The Telegraph of last week says: The Ohio River & Kanawha Salt Company will probably ship from this region in the next few days, about 50,000 barrels of salt. Recently the dry goods store of J. N. Rathburn, and the shoe and boot store of William Foalan, of Rutland, were broken open and some fifteen dollars in cash taken, the principal part of which was from Rathburn's Ewing's popularity in Middleport is not of the swooping kind -- this is, not much. Ten names were all that could be secured to a Ewing club after a faithful day's hunt by two men. Middleport Republican. Recently, a heavy charge of lightning struck a large oak tree a few rods west of the dwelling of Mr. J. M. Cook, of Rutland, rending it from top to bottom, and breaking it in two a short distance above the middle. A seven year old daughter of John Morris, who lives on Thomas Creek was frightfully injured in the face, on Monday of last week, by the kick of a horse, among other injuries a deep gash was cut, from the left corner of her mouth down over the left jaw laying open the lips and covering the jaw. The following marriage licenses were recently issued in this county: Horton C. Smith and Ida M. Biram; Isaac Hooper and Anna E. Salser; Henry Chetham and Nancy A. Smith; William Stewart and Sophronia Thacker; John L. Terrell and Malinda Ward; O. S. Peters and Elizabeth M. Horden. The recent tenth anniversary of the marriage of Rev. and Mrs. D. J. Smith, of Middleport, was made the occasion of a social surprise visit to their house, fully fifty of their friends taking quiet possession during their temporary absence, bringing with them an avalanche of tin war and preparing an appetizing feast. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio July 31, 1879
Meigs The assessors of this county have reported 2,783 dogs for taxation. Mrs. Lydia, wife of Samuel Bowers, of Upper Scipio, died recently. There were ten prisoners in the jail, of this county, at the close of the week. Pennsylvania parties have leased a number of Rutland township farms to bore for oil. Rutland township farmers are more than usually annoyed with Canada thistle, mullen and milk week. The dwelling of Chas. A. Gardner, near New Lima had a recent narrow escape from destruction by fire. The Republican says that but ten names were secured for the organization of a Ewing Club in Middleport. Charlie and Nora Festler, of Cheshire, who for a long time have been down with scarlet fever are reported improving. A young girl, by the name of Nutter, was drowned, recently, while crossing Shade River, fourteen miles from Pomeroy. The regular meeting of the Meigs County Pioneer Society will be held at the Court-house in Pomeroy on Thursday, August 14th at 10 o'clock. John Beutelsheis, of Chester Township, age 54, was declared insane, one day last week and application made for his admission into the Athens Asylum. Mrs. Bortzel, of Pomeroy, who had been a great sufferer from rheumatism and destitution for a long time, died, one day last week. She had been confined to her bed for thirteen years. Of the lately formed Foster and Hickenlooper Club at Pomeroy, the Telegraph says; The club is in the hands of live workers, and starts out brilliantly. It will have no small influence in the campaign in this city. Willard, aged 16, son of Jas. Grapes living in the extreme part of Rutland township, had a narrow escape from fatal injuries by the careless handling of a gun recently the weapon discharging its contents into his breast, arm and hands. The Pomeroy Telegraph says: Commissioner Alkire has a big turkey gobbler that has been amusing himself for nearly three weeks past in endeavoring to hatch out a lot of hen's eggs. He is a faithful "setter" and is expect to come off with his brood shortly. A Pomeroy correspondent under date of Saturday says; The largest Democratic County Convention ever held here assembled to-day. They nominated a strong ticket, as follows: Maj. A. F. McCowen, by acclamation for Representative; C.A.M. Arnold, Sheriff; Isaac Carleton, Commissioner; Judge Merrill, Prosecuting Attorney; James Hanlon, Surveyor; Geo. W. Miller, Infirmary Director; Dr. J. S. Stone, Coroner. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Telegraph August 6, 1879
BRADFIELD - On the 30th day of July, 1879, in his 72nd. year, at his residence near Harrisonville, Jesse Bradfield, an old and highly respected citizen of Scipio Township died. He was born Feb. 17, 1807 in Hardy County, W. Va. While yet a small boy he came with his parents to Wood County, the same state, from where he subsequently came to Ohio and settled with his parents on Little Leading Creek, Jan. 16, 1834, he was married to Miss Rachel Brooks who yet survives him on the shore of time. In early life he united with the M.E. Church, of which he was an active and consistent member for over half century, many years of that time being spent as a licensed exhorter and class leader. For many years he was a partially deprived of the sense of hearing, which was a privation in as much as it deprived him to a great extent from hearing the preaching of the gospel. It is but a just tribute to his memory to say that as a citizen he was honorable and up right, as a Christian he posed those graces which adorn and beautify a pure and holy life, as a husband and father he was kind and affectionate. He fell a victim to that dreadful destroyer the Cholera. His sufferings though short were intense; he retained consciousness till the last, he evidently had presentment of his approaching dissolution, for he had selected the text and hymns for the funeral service. To the writer he said "my work is done ." That work was the setting his house in order. Thus it has pleased the Great Ruler of the universe to call from labor to reward one who was beloved and respected by all. "And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me write blessed are the dead, which die in the, Lord from henceforth: Yea, said the sprit that they may rest from their labors; and their works to follow them." [Transcribed by Connie Schumaker]
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio August 7, 1879
Meigs Eleven in the jail of this county at the close of the week. A masque festival was held by the ladies of the Middleport Free Baptist Church, on Tuesday evening. A dividend of 20 per cent. has been declared on the amount due the old employees of the Pomeroy Rolling Mills. Thos. Daniels, of Kerr's Run while on his way home on a recent night fell over a wall or embankment at Pomeroy and was seriously injured. Whiskey. Major Reed, an old citizen of Olive township, died on the 2? ult. He was 90 years old at the time of his death and had filled the office of Justice of the Peace for 50 years. Jennie Snowdon, aged about eight years, a son of William Snowdon, of Middleport was almost instantly killed on Wednesday of last week by falling off a pile of boards in which he attempted to climb. Jerry Fugate, an old resident of this county, and a soldier in the war of 1812 died, Wednesday morning of last week after brief illness, at the residence of his son Robert, in Pomeroy, at the advanced age of 87 years. Rebecca Myers, wife of Thos. Myers of Bedford township, was adjudged insane, last week. Nervous, derangement and ill health have been assigned as the cause of her insanity. She is about 30 years old and the mother of four children. At Portland, this county, on Tuesday evening, of last week, the store of Browning & Co. was broken into, the safe drilled into and blown open and a watch and five hundred dollars abstracted, four hundred of it belonging to Lebanon township treasure. The fellow who did the job is supposed to be a tramp who was seen around the premises a short time before. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio August 14, 1879
Meigs A narrow gauge railroad is talked of from Zanesville to Pomeroy. Hon. Charles Foster, will be in Pomeroy, on Friday, September 5. A new brick infirmary building for this county will soon be built. Mrs. J. A. Miller is lying quite low, of consumption at her home in Danville. A son of Marshall Howell, of Pageville, had his leg broken below the knee, recently. The wife of Elias Davis, of Columbia township, died July 25, after an illness of about a year. John Graham, of Rutland, recently lost a valuable horse by its choking while eating dry oats. The annual meeting of the Meigs County Pioneer Society will be held at the Court House in Pomeroy, to-day, the 14th. William Morton has sold his farm, in Salem township, to Rickerby McKnight, and intends going to Kansas this fall. William O. Jones, an old citizen of Middleport, aged about 75 years, died at his home, on Monday morning of last week. Stephen Carl, aged 22, of Bedford, is under arrest on a charge of shooting a neighbor, named George Dais, with intent to kill. The Ministerial Association, of Pomeroy and vicinity, has adjourned until called together again by the President in the fall. S. Dana Horton, Esq., of Pomeroy, has gone to England on a visit, and will by accompanied on his return by his wife and son. The fine large frame residence of Mr. Chas. Logan, in Middleport, was wholly destroyed by fire, on the afternoon of the 2nd inst. Mrs. Magoon, of Rutland, who sometime since removed to Kansas, has returned and resumed her residence in the former place. A festival recently held at Wesley Chapel, in Middleport, netted one hundred and six dollars towards purchasing an organ for the church. Grant Molder, a character well known in the east part of Salem township, is in the Middleport jail on the charge of stealing a colt. Rebecca Myers, wife of Thos. D. Myers, of Bedford township, was adjudged insane by the Probate Court, one day last week. Cause ill health. Eli Graff, who was a solider in the 33d Ohio during the war, died at the residence of his mother, in Pomeroy, on Sunday of last week, of consumption. A eleven year old son of John P. Wills, of Chester township, was lately badly bitten on the hand by a vicious horse, one finger being almost entirely cut off. A Rutland correspondent of the Middleport Republican says: Miss Effie Chase, in a fainting fit one day last week, feel out of the door, and bruised her face very badly. Mr. S. S. Paine, aged 78, an early pioneer of Rutland, recently moved back to that place after about forty years absence, during which he has been living in Pomeroy and Chester. A Salem correspondent of the Echo says: Nannie Green, a well known and popular teacher in this part of the county, was suddenly prostrated with brain fever, on Saturday, July 26th, and have been lying in a critical condition ever since. A Middleport correspondent of the Telegraph says: The mask festival at Coe's hall, last evening, for the benefit of the Baptist Church, was a complete success, and more fun was crowded into the same space of time than Bret Harte could get up. A three year old child of Charringer, of Lebanon Township, has been missing since Thursday evening. All the woods and streams in the vicinity have been searched in vain. The prevailing theory is that is has been stolen. Mrs. John Grant, says the Herald, died at her home, in Middleport, on Thursday evening at 5 o'clock, after a long and severe illness. She was an estimable lady, and old resident, and leaves many friends and relatives to mourn her demise. The Pomeroy Telegraph says: Commissioner Alkire's turkey gobbler, which was recently mentioned as setting on a nest of hen's eggs, we are informed, succeeded in hatching them out all right and then in the most heartless and inhuman manner proceeded to kill the little chicks one by one as they emerged from the shell. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio September 4, 1879
Meigs Mrs. Reuben Hawkins, of Rutland, died August 22,aged 35 years. Mrs. Adam Roush, of Syracuse, aged 63 years, recently died and very suddenly. It is announced that this season's tobacco crop is the largest ever grown in this county. Mrs. M. P. Dowderry, age 57, and Mrs. Rev. John Geyer, sr. aged 76, recently died at their homes in Rutland township. S. B. Womberdorf, formerly Wharfmaster at Middleport, has his thigh broken by being thrown from a wagon on Saturday. Rutland will compete for one of the flags offered to the three largest organized delegations attending the Republican Mass meeting at Pomeroy, 5 inst. Casson Strong, a resident of Upper Salem, a pioneer and leading citizen of this county, was recently fund dead in a field on his farm. Supposed apoplexy. The Middleport Herald says that a wagon full of miners recently had a narrow escape from being killed by a fall of slate in the coal mine of Isacher Jones. Rev. Jesse Asbury, pastor of the African M.E. churches at Pomeroy and Middleport, for the past three years, preached his farewell sermon on Sunday of last week. Adaline Hall, of Lebanon township, aged 25, the mother of three children, was adjudged to be insane, last week, caused by domestic troubles and the brutality of an intemperate husband. Nicholas Klein, President of the German Furniture Company, of Middleport, was severely injured being kicked on the leg by his horse while standing by the side of his wagon, Saturday. On Thursday last, says the Middleport Herald, while Abe Priode was working at his heading machine, back of Pomeroy, his arm was by some means caught in the knife and taken off instantly near the wrist. A Rutland correspondent of the Telegraph refers to a recent reunion of the Benedict family at the old homestead, where Felix Benedict, the original settler, located in 1805. Those present of his children living were Jabez, age 77, Elisha H. age 84, and Mrs. Euretta Merrill, aged 86. Charles Russell, sr., of Middleport who has voted the Democratic ticket "ever since Jackson's day," published a card in the Telegraph withdrawing from that party for the substantial reason that "the rebels have taken the Democratic party to destroy our Nation -- which they could not do with the sword." I can no longer remain a Democrat. [The above was transcribed as it appeared in the newspaper without making changes to spelling or grammar.] Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
Meigs County Tribune December 10, 1879
ANOTHER OLD RESIDENT GONE. - November 19, 1879, at the residence of Mr. John Bell, Adam's Mill, Chester Township, Meigs County, Ohio, died, Mrs. Betsey Stewart, aged 95 years, 9 months and 5 days. At the time of her death she was probably the oldest person living in the county. She was born near the Catskill Mountains, in Greene County, New York, February 14, 1784, and at the age of sixteen years was married to James Harvey Stewart, who died in 1865, at the ripe old age of 92 years, they having lived together sixty-five years. October 5, 1830, they with their family emigrated to this county and settled November 5, of the same year, at Long Bottom, having traveled over the mountains the whole distance in wagons. She has been a resident of the county 49 years. Three children survive her whose aggregate ages amount to 215 years, as follows: Mrs. Parmelia Warner aged 77 years, and James H. Stewart 72 years, of Long Bottom, and Wm. H. Stewart, of Muscatine, Iowa, age 66 years. Transcribed by Elaine Balasky.
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