These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
Meigs County Telegraph January 20, 1886
[The following is taken from a section of the newspaper I have which includes a mention of death for one my ancestors. It is my belief the following is about citizens in Harrisonville, Ohio located in Scipio Twp.] The revival meeting at the M.E. Church in this place, under the supervision of Rev. JONES and E. P. BROOKS, is progressing finely. We are requested to state that at the last election of McKenzie Post, G.A.R., No. 187, the following named officers were elected: E. F. VINING, P.C.; A. S. COE, S.V.C; Andrew DYE, J.V.C.; George HUMPHREY, Adjutant; Austin STILES, Sergeant, G.W. BRADFIELD, Chaplain; Henry DAVIS, A.M.; J. J. HARMAN, O.D.; D. H. HOWELL, O.G.; W. H. GRACE, S.M.; and J. G. DERRY, Q.M.S. As either STARKEY or WILSON, or both, were acquainted with several of our citizens, the trial of Jacob WILSON has been the topic of conversation among our loafers for the last week, and, judging from the tone of those who expressed an opinion, the verdict if left to them would have been at least murder in the second degree. I. D. MILLER was the only person from here to attend the trail, and he only went because he had lived several years a neighbor to the parties. William L. ATKINSON has taken up his abode in Harrisonville, moving into a portion of E. F. VINING'S house. Mrs. W. H. DYE is at present very sick, but not without hopes of recovery. Parties out of employment can do well in selling the Casey washer. No talk is necessary, as it recommends itself wherever used. The machine, with family right, costs $4. A sample machine can be had for $2.50 by applying to Casey & Hutchinson, Harrisonville, Ohio. Our Supervisor, N. WELCH, had several men out shoveling snow on Monday and Tuesday of last week. Moses KERNS, of Salisbury, came up Sunday and took his father home with him that he might receive proper care. The old gentleman has of late been seriously troubled with heart disease. The remains of Uncle Abram GOTSCHALL, whose death occurred on January 10th, which was mentioned in last week's Telegraph, was buried on January 12 in the Shipman Graveyard. We believe his affliction was heart disease and dropsy, instead of asthma, as stated in the paper. Charles COMBS, of Pike County, was visiting his father, Robert COMBS, of this precinct, and had directed his sons to meet him at the depot at a stated time, and in order to be there himself he was compelled to make the trip, or a portion of it, through the desperate storm of January 9th. On reaching home he wrote his father that it was the most disagreeable trip he ever journeyed, and we don't wonder. Born, to Alonzo Davis and wife, recently, a bouncing boy. Mrs. William HANING seems to get no better. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Meigs County Telegraph February 10, 1886
PERSONAL NOTES Melvin Musser, of Thomas Fork, has sold his farm to his father, and will go to Nashville, Tennessee, in the spring. The supposed cancer which appeared on the cheek of Aunt Chloe Ainger several months ago, has about disappeared, and the old lady seems to have a renewed lease of life. A. E. Benedict left Rutland Saturday morning to accept a position in a drug store at Marion, Ohio. George Deerr, who has been working on the Custom House at Charleston, W. Va., the past year, is visiting his parents in this city. Joseph Bear, the draper and tailor, has packed up his fixtures to move to Wellston, Ohio. Joe is an energetic young man and ought to achieve success at Wellston. Robert and James Haley, old residents of this county, but for twenty years in business at Springfield, Ohio, passed through here Monday night on their way to Syracuse to attend the funeral of Mrs. Gillilaad and renew old acquaintances. E. P. Gilmore and M. C. Vining, of Thomas Fork, left yesterday for Kansas City, Missouri. Arthur Price, of Portland, who went to Butte City, Montana, last fall, passed through here on his return home last Friday night. Mrs. Catherine Schaefer, of Louisville, Kentucky, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ebersbach. Dana Prall is visiting at Athens. Miss Mary Smitthaur, who has been in Cincinnati the past seven years, is visiting her parents on Lincoln Hill. Constable Jones and family, who were reported as poisoned last week, are able to be out again. Albert Bell and wife, of Carson, Iowa, are visiting at Wm. Dixon's. John Kerns, of Kansas, is visiting his brother Moses. Bill Dodd, whose children are at the Home, is begging over the city, claiming that his family is suffering. He is an imposter. Beware of him. Charles Guise, of Minersville, expects to move to Kansas about the first of March. Hal Hysell is station agent at Point Pleasant. G. W. Pilchard, of Kerr's Run schools, who was mentioned last week as being sick with lung fever, is much improved, and hopes to be able to resume teaching next week. M. R. Jones, of Marshfield, Ohio, passed through here this morning on a visit to his brother, E. E. Jones, at Syracuse. -------------- Death of W. F. Adams.--W. F. Adams, of Portland, one of the jurors called in the Benedict case came down Tuesday morning but was so sick that he was excused. He was not able to go back home, and went over to Mason City to the residence of his brother-in-law, John Cariens. He had been suffering with yellow jaundice for some time. After going to Mason City he was attacked with bilious fever, and gradually grew worse till Friday evening at 8 o'clock when he died. The body was taken to Portland Sunday and buried. Mr. Adams was 52 years of age, and leaves a wife and six children, some of which are grown. He owned a two-ninths interest in the Pomeroy & Mason City ferry boat at the time of his death, also several coal flats at the Sterling Coal works at Clifton. He had charge of the ferry boat for the fourteen years preceeding the past five years. He lately built a fine residence at Portland, but did not live to enjoy it long. Lebanon township has lost one of her best citizens. Mr. Adams was a candidate before the Republican County Convention last summer for Commissioner. ------------ The Excelsior Minstrels and Orchestra will give an entertainment at the Court House on the evening of February 17th, consisting of songs, banjo solos, duets, sketches and a grand first part concluding with a laughable burlesque, entitled "Salviny." The object of this entertainment is to raise a fund for the purchase of additional instruments and perfect their organization. Those who heard Pomeroy's favorite Orchestra at the Grand Army entertainments speak very highly of their ability to make good music. And the public will enjoy a rich treat and encourage our young friends in a worthy undertaking by attending their entertainment. Remember Wednesday night, February 17th, and that the Court House will only hold so many. ------------- SAMUEL LYLE, aged 84 years, died at the residence of his son-in-law, John McKnight, of Nailor's Run, last Thursday. The body was taken to Salem township Saturday for burial. Mr. Lyle was one of the early settlers of Meigs County. Deceased was born in Philadelphia, Pa., December 22, 1801 : went with his parents to Allegheny County, Pa., in 1806, where in 1826 he married Miss Rebecca Webb, and they together emigrated to Salem, Meigs County, Ohio, in 1843. In 1857 his wife died, and since that time he has lived alone and with his children, spending the last two and a half years of his life with his daughter, Mrs. John McKnight. He leaves six sons and one daughter to mourn his loss. ------------- Mrs. Homer Logan, former of staid old Meigs, but now of Butler County, Kansas writes to friends here that over 400 persons have been frozen to death in that State the present winter. And yet Kansas land agents are flooding the county with circulars . . . ========================================================= [Transcribed by Jean Hoffman]
Meigs County Telegraph February 24, 1886
DIED - Mrs. Lovina Alkire, wife of O. Alkire, of the north end, died last Friday night and was buried in Shipman graveyard on Sunday. Funeral services were held at Harrisonville. She leaves a husband and two small children and a host of relatives and friends to mourn her untimely end. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
Meigs County Telegraph March 10, 1886
SYRACUSE Wm. Reising Sr., died at his home on Second Street yesterday morning of pneumonia. He was 54 years of age and leaves a wife and family of grown up children. Mr. Reising is another that has fallen victim to the epidemic which is prevailing here to such an alarming extent. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
Meigs County Tribune March 17, 1886
One of the most estimable old ladies of this place died at one o'clock a.m. last Friday, and pleasant memories of her will long live in the hearts of all who knew her. Miss Martha L. Riggs was born in Portland, Me., August 28, 1797, and married Isaac Paine in Boston, Mass., May 27th, 1830. Thirteen years ago they came to Middleport and resided with their daughter, Mrs. O.P.Skinner, where Mr. Paine died some eight years since. Mrs. Paine was possessed of a thoroughly practical education and an unusually retentive memory, and her relation of what to the middle-aged were historical events, and incidents of early days, made her an especial favorite with all who knew her. Her reminiscences of the laying of the cornerstone of Bunker Hill Monument, and the banquet to Lafayette, were especially instructive and entertaining. After a long and useful life of nearly four score years she passed away, leaving two sons and one daughter to profit by her example and instruction. Mrs. Rachel Sharp, wife of Andrew Sharp, formerly Miss Rachel Dunn, died Saturday, in the 39th year of her age, leaving an infant child to the care of the husband and father. Mrs. Sharp was the last living sister of the well known Dunn family here, and her death leaves but four living members of that family of sixteen children. The large attendance at the funeral on Sunday attested the esteem of our old citizens. The death of Mrs. F. C. Russell last Wednesday afternoon was an event which saddened the hearts of a large circle of friends here who had become warmly attached to her. Judge Russell and family have the heartfelt sympathy of our citizens. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
Meigs County Tribune April 11, 1886
SCIPIO Story JOHNSON, who, for the past seven years has been a resident of the Pacific Slope, was last week visiting relatives in this vicinity. J.T. GROWDON, of Ross County, is at present visiting his uncle, James HANLAN, of this township. Albert WARNER, who works for Uncle Robert SIMPSON, one day last week undertook to extract a root that had become fastened between a cow's hoofs. While doing so the cow very dextrously set her hind foot against the side of Albert's nose, breaking the bone; as a result Albert, whose nose could always be plainly seen, now sports one of about twice the usual compass. George ROMINE, Jr. who is working for E.J. LEE, while climbing to the hay-mow recently, ran his head against a pitchfork, sticking a tine into his eye, making a very ugly wound. Dr. H.C. DAY and Howard WHITE expect to start west on April 19th. The former to view the country and visit relatives at Sedalia, Missouri, and at other points. The latter is going for the benefit of his health, and will make his first stop at Tarkio, in northwestern Missouri, where he has a brother. Singular it is, but nevertheless true, that great minds do think alike. Even before the suggestion given in the Telegraph, A.I. HUTCHINSON had planted a row of shade trees in front of his store. ELECTION -- Our Spring campaign was a hot one. The fight being for trustees, and of the five candidates prominently before the people. Frank DYE received 209; William DAY, 186, Coliguli WELSH, 152, George SHAMEL, 137, and J.S. BRADFIELD, 96, making DYE, DAY, and WELSH the trustees for 3 years, 2 years, and 1 year respectively. Neither the clerk, W.F. TOWNSEND, the treasurer, E.N. COOPER nor the assessor for Harrisonville precinct had opposition. For assessor for Pageville precinct Rans HANING was elected. For constables, R.E. CLARK, J.M. HOWELL and Austin STILES are elected. The Demo-Prohi-Republican candidate got left. People don't want a $25 trustee. Voters can't be stuffed. It is reported that Scipio has another post office located on Irwin Creek, with W. STANLEY postmaster. [Transcribed by Rick Wilson]
Meigs County Tribune April 28, 1886
WOLF PEN RUN Bartlett STEVENS and John FERRIL started to Kansas the 4th. Elder HARKINS preaches at Zion the 24th and 25th. Mrs. Wallace VINING, Mrs. Lewis CHASE, Mrs. Jesse SLY, Aunt Sally GORSUCH, W.N. THOMPSON, and Edward JONES are all on the sick list. Born -- To Miles HYSELL and wife a son, March 25th. To Reese TONEY (colored) and wife, a girl, March 17th. Joseph GREENLER and wife have gone to housekeeping on his father's farm. Royal CHASE bought three head of cattle of W.N. THOMPSON. Price $40. Miss Vilettie TURNER, of Harrisonville, was visiting her friends on the Run a few days before commencing her school at the Shipman school house. This makes the second term at that place, also makes 9 months she will have taught in the last year. Sunday School was organized at the GORSUCH school house the 4th. The folling officers were elected: John WILSON, jr., Superintendent, Perry GILMORE Assistant, Albert STEVENS Secretary, and Effie RUSSELL penny collector. Elder BRADSHAW has moved on the BRADFIELD farm on Thomas Fork. Perry GILMORE moved into the house vacated by BRADSHAW on the GORSUCH farm. James CALE was down from Rendville, last week on business. George MOORE was elected director at the school election last Monday. [Transcribed by Rick Wilson]
Meigs County Telegraph May 19, 1886
COLUMBIA'S CYCLONE A TERRIFIC ELECTRICAL STORM WHIRLS THROUGH THE MIDDLE OF THE TOWNSHIP FROM WEST TO EAST, AND LEAVES DEVASTATION AND DEATH IN IT'S WAKE HOW THE WIDOW McCOMAS AND HER GRANDSON WERE DASHED TO DEATH IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE, AND SEVERAL INJURED, BESIDES MANY HOUSES BLOWN TO ATOMS, STOCK KILLED, FORESTS UPROOTED, ORCHARDS BLASTED, AND THE WHOLE COUNTRY DELUGED WITH WATER BY THE MIGHTY MONSTER. HOW THE FIERY AND UNTAMED KANSAN APPEARED TO OUR AWE-STRICKEN PEOPLE AS IT GYRATED TOWARD THE EAST. Columbia township is situated in the northwestern corner of Meigs County, and borders on Athens and Vinton counties. It is more or less hilly, and is the banner stock-raising township of the county. The hills are not abrupt, but are reached by long and gradual slopes, more especially is this case when approached from a westerly direction. The people living in this hill country have always felt secure from the terrible Western storms that we read so much of, believing in the theory that where hills are tornadoes cannot come, and were ill prepared for what struck them last Wednesday night about 11:30 o'clock. Early in the evening heavy and threatening clouds were noticed in the west, and it has since been said that there was some peculiarity in the atmosphere that made people fear to retire for the night. The lightning flashed and a dull rumble could be heard in the west, but such had been the case on many former occasions, and the people, despite their forebodings of something dreadful about to happen, retired, little thinking they would be called in a few hours to face death or be hurled across fields in their night clothes, or landed in brush heaps with only a spark of life left in their bodies. As the night wore on the storm increased in fury, but probably up to eleven o'clock it was no worse than it had been the two preceding nights, when there was vivid and blinding lightning, accompanied by hail and rain. A few moments before the storm broke out in its fury black and billowy clouds were noticed to roll up from the South, and an equally heavy mass came down from the North, with the speed of the wind. When the two clouds met there was a deafening roar, and they appeared to intermingle, fall to the earth and gyrate along the ground like a huge balloon, with the south side turning to the east, and the north side turning to the west. It was then that the whirlwind, or tornado, did its deadly work. The first thing known to have been struck was a log house belonging to John Quincy Adams, just over the line in Vinton County. Mr. Adams, his wife and seven children were in bed, and every log of the house was carried away, and strange to say none of the family was hurt. 'Squire J.L. Gregory was the next victim. He lives near the west line of the township, and lost his barn and sheep houses. This was followed by the Brush Run school house in District No. 8, being reduced to kindling wood. Edward Foster was the next in the track, and he lost the upper story of his dwelling, also his barn and sheep houses. By this time the storm had settled down to its work of destruction. As it passed over Vinton County, it appears that it bounded up and down, and only touched the earth occasionally, but by the time it reached Nathan Vale's farm it had narrowed down to from 100 to 200 yards in width and kept close to the ground until it went out of the township. Mr. Vale had his house, which was a new and substantial dwelling very badly riddled, and his barn and outbuildings scattered to the four winds. So far as could be learned he did not lose any stock, and his family escaped without injury. Mr. Vale was in Bedford township at the time, and did not learn of the storm until he came to Pomeroy the next day, in fact did not know of his own property being destroyed until noon, when a second telegram giving some particulars of the storm reached here. He did not get home until nearly twenty-four hours after the storm. A vacant house on Mr. Vale's farm was also razed to the ground. Jack Woods, who lives two miles further east, was the next sufferer. He lived a half mile from the Center Stake school house. He lost his house and had a cow blown five hundred yards and killed, besides many other damages. After passing the center of the township the storm seemed to get more severe. No persons had been injured to speak of until the home of T.D. Jackson was reached. The second story was blown from the house and a large stone chimney together with a lot of other debris was tumbled in on the occupants, and they all miraculously escaped injury except Mr. Jackson, who was slightly bruised. His barn was blown to atoms, and he had a horse and colt killed; also 18 head of sheep. The next map in the track of the Western visitor was S.D. Wilcox. His home was a story and a half frame house, and it was completely demolished. He escaped with a few slight bruises, and his family was uninjured. The next house directly in the track was that of Nathan McComas. The storm seemed to make a complete circuit around it, and did not injure it in the least. All the shrubbery and outbuildings on every side were flattened to the ground. Off to the left a short distance on an elevation stood about an acre of stately oaks, on which the storm seemed to concentrate all its forces. They were twisted around like wisps of hay, and all piled in a bunch in the middle of the spot where they stood. Here the storm's path narrowed down, and it increased in ferocity until by the time it reached the home of Margaretta McComas, widow of the late Hedington McComas, was simply awful, as the results show. The old lady has a pleasant little home on a gentle elevation, a short distance west of Carpenter Station, on the Kanawha & Ohio Railroad, formerly the Ohio Central. There were quite a number of small outbuildings, and a large number of gnarled and wide spreading apple trees in the yard. Mrs. McComas was 67 years of age, and was a very fleshy woman. Hathman and Lizzie McComas, her grandchildren, aged respectively 21 and 10 years, lived with her, and were the comfort of her declining years. It is presumed that the old lady and her little grand-daughter were asleep in the northeastern corner of the house, and the young man in the northwestern corner, when the storm struck and did its work of death and devastation. The house was situated on the extreme north side of the storm's course, and the backward whirl on the north side caught the house in its relentless grasp. Everything -- house, barn, granary and their contents were swept to the ground, and strewn in a southerly direction. There was not a stick of wood left on the site, and the foundation stones were scattered. The leaves on the scattered and torn apple trees were burned, it is supposed by electricity, till the edges were crisp. J.E. McComas, the old lady's son, who lives about two hundred northeast, and W. E. Harman, telegraph operator at Carpenter Station, were on the ground within ten minutes after the storm passed. The first one found was little Lizzie, about thirty yards from the house, and she was apparently dead. She was carried to her father's house, (J.E. McComas) and the search renewed for the remaining bodies. Mrs. McComas was found fifty yards to the south, with every stitch of clothing twisted from her body, except a small part of her under-clothing around her neck. She was stone-dead, and probably had never known what killed her. The body of Hathman McComas, the grandson, was not found until 3 o'clock, it being 117 steps in the same direction, and lodged against a sycamore sapling. His neck and legs were broken, and he was otherwise badly mangled. At this place the storm was so close to the ground that great furrows were cut across bare pasture fields as though heavy timber had been dragged along. After leaving the McComas house the storm struck a flock of thirty-four sheep belonging to J.E. McComas, and fourteen were killed outright, and all the remainder crippled except four. The storm had been cutting some unheard of freaks up to this time, but here it swooped down into the Leading Creek Valley, crossing at right angles, and appeared to get closer to the ground than ever. This valley is probably one hundred feet deep, and at the foot of the hill going the way the storm traveled, there was a stout board fence, built by J.P. Simms last fall, for J.L. Carpenter, and which he said would stand the ravages of time for years to come. The cyclone made short work of it, the posts being pulled straight up out of three feet of solid ground. This is the west line of Hon. J.L. Carpenter's farm. He had an orchard of one hundred fine apple trees blown flat to the ground. William Dudgeon, a farm hand, lives in a frame house just west of the station. It is also the property of Mr. Carpenter. The kitchen, which was on the north side of the house, was cut off as smoothly as any carpenter could have done it, and was carried away. Also a fence rail was driven endwise through the main building. No one was hurt. The tornado then crossed the railroad track, tearing down the telegraph wires, and falling furiously on the freight room of the depot. The room was cut square in two, crosswise from the roof to the floor, and carried eastward. Noah Stout's large store, which stands about twenty-five steps east from the depot, and is fifty feet long, twenty-four feet wide, and twenty-five feet high, was moved from its foundation six feet west, and was left leaning toward the west. It was about six feet out of plumb. It had a flat tin roof on it, one part of which was found six miles eastward, and another piece two miles westward. Mr. Stout's two daughters were sleeping in the second story of the building alone. Fortunately neither was hurt. The youngest, a mere child, did not waken until called by her sister after the storm had passed. The two latter buildings mentioned are situated down low in the valley, and on the north side of the storm track. Directly south about one hundred yards was a good-sized wagon bridge. It was blown away, and has not been heard of since. The abutment stones were lifted up a steep embankment twenty-five or thirty feet and dropped. They are still there. The mighty whirlwind then crossed the creek and struck the frame residence of Mortimer McKnight. Mr. McKnight, his wife, and daughter Livina were in the house. He heard the storm coming, and got his wife and daughter up. He placed them on the floor on the north side and near the door. He threw himself across both his wife and daughter, and held them close to the floor, while the house was blown to fragments. Nothing but the floor, which was close to the ground, was left, except the stove, which stood in its accustomed place. The ax was left sticking in a wood block in the yard. As soon as the family was exposed to the elements, the wind caught them up and dragged them about thirty feet, until they lodged under the ends of some heavy timber. Mr. McKnight stopped with his face to the ground, and he was beaten up and down until life was almost extinct. There was not a spot on his face the size of the end of a man's finger that was not gashed. His body was also bruised. He managed to turn on his back, and says the heavens were of a scarlet hue, and the air was full of flying debris. Mrs. McKnight had two ribs broken and her arm almost stripped of the flesh. The daughter escaped without injury. As soon as they could disengage themselves, Mr. McKnight and daughter assisted Mrs. McKnight across the bottom in their night clothes to the residence of Mr. Dudgeon. There was such a fearful down-pour of water that by the time they had gone fifty yards, the water had risen well up on their bodies. They got safely to shelter, however, and will probably all recover. A.J. Jewell's blacksmith shop was next blown away, and nothing left on the site but a few stones of the forge. The bellows has not been heard of, and the heavy tools were scattered over a large field. This was the last building that was struck in the township. The storm from there went up a long sloping hill on J.L. Carpenter's farm, going a little south of his fine residence and large barn. His fine herd of cattle was on the opposite side of the farm, and therefore escaped. It also went south of J.W. Carpenter's residence, but mowed to the ground a forty acre lot of fine oak timber belonging to the latter. After tearing up and throwing in heaps heavy timber for a mile in length and two hundred yards in width, the giant seemed to lose its power to stick to the ground, and took an upward flight. When it left the ground the sturdy oaks were cut off higher and higher, until it got entirely above them. The angle of the upward flight was about thirty degrees. This was on the east line of the township. With its last effort a swirl came down on the farm of Mr. T.A. Welch, in Scipio township, and knocked down a log house and barn for him, also a great deal of fence. The house was not occupied. When our reporter reached the scene, eighteen hours after the storm, people were still very much excited. They talked of the terrible scenes with bated breaths, and for good reason. No person who has never seen the work of a genuine tornado can form any idea of its terrible power. White oak trees four feet in diameter were reduced to splinters from top to bottom. Great beech trees were pulled straight up out of the ground, hurled fifty yards, and piled up in gullies six and eight feet deep. Others were crushed down in slivers by a downward pressure. Chickens were driven to the ground and stripped of their feathers. Dogs and cats were blown from one farm to another and killed, and even dead birds were found. When viewed from the top of a hill the storm track looks exactly like where a swath had been cut through the middle of a wheat field. Everything is smooth to the ground except the most pliant saplings. Some of the tree stumps are one foot high, and others twenty feet. They all have a jagged appearance. Many men of veracity state that the clouds were of a scarlet hue, and the air was full of electricity. The half burnt leaves and grass attest that the air was terribly hot. The cloud burst that accompanied the storm probably prevented many conflagrations. Leading Creek was higher than ever known in that vicinity, it being all over the bottoms. A part of two railroad bridges between Carpenter and Albany were washed away, and there were no trains until Saturday evening. CYCLONE NOTES The storm lasted about two hours, but the cyclone did its work in thirty seconds. A stone mantel-piece 4 feet 9 inches long, 2 feet 3 inches wide and 14 inches thick, and estimated to weigh 1,000 pounds was blown exactly 87 feet at the McComas house. Hathman McComas' revolver was found two hundred yards from the home in a southeasterly direction. His watch was found in the yard, and one-half of his vest was found nearly a mile to the eastward with a dollar and a quarter in silver in the pocket. Grandma McConas' clothing was blown one-fourth of a mile to the eastward, and landed exactly on the site of Mortimer McKnight's house. All of McKnight's clothing was blown away except a hat, shirt, and one pair of pants. A trunkfull of his wife's and daughter's clothes were found in an adjoining meadow the next day. McKnight had received two barrels of flour the day before. The receipt he gave the freight agent at the depot for it was found over in Scipio township the next day, but the flour has not turned up. Hon. J.L. Carpenter had the only haystack in Columbia township. A part of it is in Bedford township now, for aught anybody knows to the contrary. There were no fewer than five hundred spectators on the ground the day following the storm, and it is said that a thousand people attended the funeral of Mrs. McComas and her grandson at the Christian Church, Friday afternoon. Mrs. McComas' tax receipt for December, 1885, was picked up by our reporter in Scipio township. Her personal property was valued at $330. One maltese kitten and a shepherd dog were all the live animals on the place the next day. Two bee hives had been turned several somersaults and alighted right end up. The bees were working away as busily as though nothing had happened. Lizzie McComas, after being carried to her father's and bathed in warm water showed signs of life. All Thursday she vomited clay. It is supposed she opened her mouth to scream, and dirt was blown down her throat. When she returned to consciousness Friday she asked if it was Thursday. It was thought Friday that she would recover. A letter written to Mrs. McComas by Henry D. Harlan, attorney-at-law, of Baltimore, under date of February 19, 1886, in which she is sent a check for her share of the Elijah Stansbury real estate distribution, was found on T.A. Welch's farm in Scipio township. Also the bond of G. E. Kayser, as road supervisor in District No. 3, in 1883, signed by Nathan Vale, J.J. Wood and S.E. Masheter as trustees, was found at the same time and place. The loss of Noah Stout is estimated at from one thousand to four thousand dollars; the depot $300; J.L. Carpenter $500; and J.W. Carpenter $500. On the remainder it is only a mere guess. However, it is conceded by those who ought to know, that $50,000 will not cover the entire losses. Some think it will foot up $75,000. It is remarkable how so much stock escaped, but perhaps instinct warned them to seek sheltered places. The McComases are the first persons known to have been killed in Meigs County by a cyclone. In fact this is our first acquaintance with the wild westerner. It is said that in 1861 a tornado passed almost directly along the route followed by the cyclone, and knocked down a house or two and destroyed a great deal of timber. McKnight says the roar of the storm was so great when his house was blown away that he could tell it was gone only by finding himself out in the pelting rain. A snowball bush in Mrs. McComas' front yard did not have a leaf disarranged. The front gate and two panels of board fence stood as erect as ever. It was no uncommon sight to see bedclothes in the tops of trees. One bed-tick was noticed in the top of a high tree on a neighboring hill, and a kitchen chair was found in a meadow with the legs in the ground to the seat. [Thanks to Shirley Hoffman for this extensive transcription!]
Meigs County Tribune May 19, 1886
HARRISONVILLE The wet weather is hindering many of our farmers from planting corn. Quite a number from this neighborhood went to Columbia township on Sunday morning to see the track of the recent tornado. Oliver MILLER and wife, and George BODWELL and his sister, from Lodi Twp, Athens County, were visiting in Harrisonville Saturday and Sunday. Two of our carpenters: viz, VINING & MILLER have the contract for building, and at present are working upon a dwelling house for Jacob CUCKLER of Bedford Twp. The fishing excursion from this point to Raccoon was a failure. The wedding which was to have taken place in Racine, O., actually went off in this township on Tuesday last, Rev. James GRAHAM officiating, and the Quer(r)y now is GILKEY. Harley DERRY is again helping the boys of Harrisonville. William MCKENZIE, who for some time has been employed in the gas works at Burlington, IA, paid our village a two days visit last week. He then left for Kansas City where he has employment in the same business at a salary of $1000 per year. Frank BLAKE has a setting turkey which he heard making a desperate fluttering, and upon going to learn the cause, he found that a large, black snake had wound itself twice around her neck and that it had her wind about shut off when Mr. BLAKE rescued her. With regard to the trustees business we would say that Scipio will not adopt the plan suggested by Rutland for the reason that it would necessitate the payment of $19.50 to one trustee and $22.50 to the two who act as judges of election each year. Scipio has recently been served by trustees whose charges per year have been as low as $8, $9, $13, etc. Our trustees do not propose to serve for $25, but they do propose to attend to the duties incumbent upon them, and then charge for their services, let them be many or few. The shock of Sunday night, 2d inst, burst the tin roof on Morgan FRENCH's house and shook 3 or 4 layers of brick loose in each of his chimneys. The recent storms have not affected this vicinity further than to render the ground unfit for cultivating, to rack fences and to blow down an occassional tree. Candidates begin to loom up, and all, so far, want the one office -- Auditor. Noah WELCH is putting in a good bridge near M.L. FRENCH's. Thomas WILSON is doing the plastering for M.L. FRENCH. [Transcribed by Rick Wilson]
Meigs County Telegraph May 26, 1886
Mrs. Dishinger, aged eighty years, died suddenly Saturday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Baum. She was buried Monday. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
Meigs County Telegraph June 16, 1886
Miss Clara Neutzling, daughter of Henry Neutzling, died yesterday evening of consumption at her home on Breezy Heights. She was 18 years of age. The funeral will take place tomorrow. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
Meigs County Tribune June 16, 1886
HARRISONVILLE The storm of June 9th did considerable damage to the gardens in our village. The water being higher than known in the last decade and entirely submerging many gardens besides washing out several bridges in this vicinity. While no definite expression was had from our citizens with regard to their choice for Auditor and while the three delegates from this precinct fired their ballots in as many directions, yet our Republicans are very well satisfied with the nomination of J.N. RATHBURN and will give him a larger vote than at his last election. Marellas ROMINE and I.D. MILLER received the rite of baptism by immersion at the hands of the Rev. JONES of the M.E. Church, at this place on Sunday. There are several wool buyers in this neighborhood and some are reported as offering 27 cents and even more, but we know of no one receiving more than 26 cents. Nicholas MUSSER preached at the C.P. Church here on the night of the 6the inst. He weill preach at the M.E. Church in Harrisonville on Sunday night June 27th. Special Examiner ROSS of Marietta, has been looking up some complicated pension claims in this township the last week. It is predicated that F.A. BARTLEY will be the Democratic candidate for Auditor. Why not? We know of no man who can stand defeat better. He has gotten used to it, as it were. The brevity of our present stock law together with the actions of some of our neighbors give rise to some knotty questions for our constables and supervisors. For instance, whether the law allows a party to tether his animal to a stake or fence along the highway on his own or other premises, for the purpose of grazing? Also the law gives an individual the privelege of herding his stock on his own premises. Can he delegate that privilege to outside parties? Will the Editor give some authority on these questions? Wheat harvesting will commence this week. Constable Austin STILES moved to Jackson County, West Virginia last week. Mrs. Alonso DAVIS has been very sick for several weeks, but at present is getting better. William TURNER had a severe attack of inflammation of the bowels and fever, but he is also mending. Lewis HYSELL, from the Infirmary, was in our village on business last Sunday. Uncle Robert COMBS has more cherries than he can dispose of. Wild raspberries are already brought to market and are selling for from 4 cents to 7 cents per quart. [Transcribed by Rick Wilson]
Meigs County Telegraph June 23, 1886
David E. Hopkins, who was mentioned as being bedfast with typhoid fever last week, died Sunday morning at 2 o'clock. He was a bright and energetic young man, and has been taken in his early prime. His sudden death has cast a shadow over the community. The heartstricken parents and his brothers and sisters are over-burdened with grief. His age was 21 years, 8 months and 7 days. The funeral services were held in the Presbyterian church Monday afternoon. Rev. Thomas Matthews conducted the services after which the remains were interred in the Syracuse cemetery. [Further down in the same column covering news from Syracuse, the following appeared:] Thomas Davis and wife, of Winifrede, W.Va., arrived here Saturday evening to attend the bedside of David Hopkins, Jr., who died Sunday morning. Mr. Hopkins was clerking under Mr. Davis in the Winifrede Coal Company store. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
Meigs Co. Telegraph July 7, 1886
At 12 o'clock Saturday night, Eliza, wife of the superintendent of the Antiquity Coal Works, died at their residence one mile back of Syracuse, of consumption. She had been sick for a long time, but was confined to her bed but a short time. Her son W. W. Stobart, who has been in California for the past 2 years, reached home the day before his mother died. Mrs. Stobart leaves a husband and 8 grown-up children. The funeral took place at the residence Monday afternoon, after which the remains were buried in the Gilmore Cemetery at Nease Settlement. [Transcribed by Joel Hartley]
Meigs County Tribune July 21, 1886
HARRISONVILLE It is evident that Scipio has yet at least one thief. Coligni WELSH some time ago had a one hundred dollar bill changed for the purpose of using a portion of it. After paying out ten dollars he placed the remainder in his pocket book, and on his arrival at this home as in his custom, he put the pocket book in his bed, between the ticks. Mr. WELSH would notice occassionally to see that his money was all right and seeing the pocket book each time, he felt assured that such was the case; but having occassion, recently, to use some money, he sought his purse, which he found as he had left it, but the $90 had disappeared. The mystery is who got the money. Mr. WELSH keeps hired hands and a hired girl, still we do not know that he suspisions either. Mr. NICHOLSON, of Rutland township, sent his son to Harrisonville to get some blacksmithing done, entrusting him with his pocket book in which was $60, in order to pay for the work. The boy had a bill changed at the store, and upon arriving at home returned the pocket book to his father. Mr. NICHOLSON did not notice to see if his money was all there until the next day, when he went to pay his taxes, and found that he was just $40 short. He does not care so much for the $40 as he does to know just where it went. Whisky and a revolver played rather a prominent part in a little difficulty that occurred between two Scipio boys on their way home from Pomeroy Saturday evening. Shame! The Harrisonville Cornet Band paid Peter POWELL a visit on Tuesday evening of last week, when they were bounteously supplied with ice cream, cake, etc. by the generous Peter. Miss Nelia VINING's birthday was July 16th, on which occassion she invited, in addition to many of her associates, the Cornet Band, all of whom were supplied with an excellent supper prepared by the little Miss. We will say for the band boys especially that they will be glad to meet with Miss Nelia on many such happy occassions. William A. DYE and Emma ALKIRE were married at the residence of the bride's parents in our village on Saturday evening, July 10, by Rev. J.W. CONDIFF. The Band boys, always awake to their duty, were on hand promptly with their instrumentals. After several appropriate pieces from the band, young Mr. DYE came down handsomely with the hard cash, while his father-in-law invited the boys to walk in, where they feasted on pie, cake, etc. to their satisfaction. We learned quite recently that there is to be a select school in Harrisonville, commencing July 21, and taught by a Mr. RICHARDS of Rio Grande. Mr. RICHARDS comes well recommended, and we most assuredly wish him entire success. Pursuant to a call issued by R.G. WELLS, Esq., quite a number of our citizens assembled at the Harrisonville School House on July 10th to make arrangements toward fencing the Shipman Graveyard. The meeting was organized by selecting J.G. DERRY for chairman, and W.H. DYE secretary. It was then decided to build a neat and durable board fence with dressed oak lumber and locust posts. A committee of three, consisting of R.G. WELLS, W.H. DYE, and Robert COMBS, was then appointed to solicit subscriptions to defray expenditures. Messrs. DYE and WELLS turned the entire work of soliciting over to business, and at last accounts he had raised almost the amount thought necessary, and we feel sure now that our cemetery will soon be in better condition than ever before. The Rev. James K.P. EWING will begin a series of meetings at the M.E. Church in Harrisonville on July 28th. [Transcribed by Rick Wilson]
Meigs County Tribune August 04, 1886
Ex-Sheriff Henry C. Hayman, died at his home in Letart last Sunday morning at eleven o'clock, aged sixty-two years, three months and six days. He had been suffering with that dread disease consumption for the past three years, and his death was not unexpected. Mr. Hayman was elected Sheriff of Meigs County in 1881 and re-elected in 1883, but he was not able to personally attend to the business during his last term, his sons L.L.and George N. Hayman, acting as deputies. In addition to being Sheriff Mr. Hayman held all the offices of this township except Constable and Treasurer, at various times during his life. He was also class leader of the M.E. Church at Letart for nearly twenty years, and Superintendent of the Sunday Schools at that place for the same length of time. As a citizen he was universally esteemed and respected. His wife and eight children survive him. Those who are married are George N.Hayman, Syracuse; L.L. Hayman, Pomeroy; now deputy sheriff, Mrs. Manchester Quillen and Mrs. Wilson Barnett, Letart. The unmarried daughters are Catherine and Regina; unmarried sons, Will and Charley. Four sons and four daughters. The funeral took place from the M.E. Church at Letart Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. Acton officiating. A large concourse of friends followed him to his last resting place in the Letart cemetery. Those who attended from here were W.A. Race, W.W. Merrick, J.N. Rathburn, George P. Stout, Walter E. Hysell, A.W. Vorhes, George Titus, Marion Cline, H.H. Swallow and J.M. Pilchard. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
Meigs County Tribune August 18, 1886
MR. GEORGE HUTTEL, aged 73 years, died at his home on Prospect Hill Sunday morning at five o'clock of paralysis. Mr. Huttel was a German by birth, and when a young man was a musician in the German army. He was well educated, being able to speak Latin, French and English in addition to his mother tongue. While yet a young man he came to America and shortly afterward married Miss Hilpp. One son was born to them but the union was not harmonious as it should have been on account of the difference in religious beliefs and they separated in a few years. Mrs. Huttle took her maiden name and their son was called Edward Hilpp. He now resides in Kentucky. About forty years ago Mr. Huttel was again married. The lady of his choice was a Mrs. Brandley and the wedding took place in Cincinnati. Mrs. Brandley was also highly educated, being able to speak five languages. She had four children at the time of the marriage, three of whom now live in Kansas and one, Mrs. Lambrecht, at Grafton, West Virginia. About thirty years ago Mr. Huttel and his family moved to this city and opened a merchant tailoring establishment on Court street in the building now owned by Jacob Elberfeld. He continued in this business for about twenty years, with more or less success, and was succeeded by John Gissel. After retiring from active business Mr. Huttel erected a comfortable brick residence on Prospect Hill and has lived there since. Within the past few years Mrs. Huttel, who survives him, has been afflicted in mind, and all their children being out in the world, Miss ' Tena Young, an adopted daughter, has taken care of the old folks. Early last December Mr. Huttel was stricken down with paralysis and was confined to his bed to the time of his death. He was much respected as a citizen. The funeral took place Monday afternoon at two o'clock from the residence and the remains were buried in the Beech Grove cemetery. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
Meigs County Tribune August 25, 1886
EBENEZER WILLIAMS DEAD. - Mr. E. Williams died at his home in Minersville Sunday morning, at five o'clock, after an illness of nine days. Mr. Williams had recently opened out a coal bank at Energetric, Putnam County, West Virginia, and overworked himself at that place the present summer. Some two weeks ago he came home sick, and gradually grew worse till the time of his death, which was caused by a general breaking down. Mr. Williams was born at Llanon, Caermarthen, Wales, in April, 1816, making him over 70 years of age. He was married to Mary Rees, January 31, 1841, and they had eleven children, eight of whom are dead. Mr. Williams came to Meigs County on Christmas Day, 1841, since which time he has engaged in the mercantile business, and has also been an extensive coal dealer. He has several times met with business reverses, but with a courage possessed by few, he pressed on, and for many years employed large numbers of men about his Minersville mines. He has been a prominent figure in the history of Minersville. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Minersville, and the remains were laid to rest in Beech Grove Cemetery in this city, followed to the grave by a long procession of relatives and friends. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
Meigs County Tribune September 1, 1886
HARRISONVILLE Morgan L. FRENCH last week moved into his handsome new residence, which is in all probability the finest finished house in Scipio township. In addition to our village workmen, he employed Joseph MARTIN, carpenter, and James LYMAN, painter, of Pomeroy, both of whom are masters at their prefssions. A little boy, the son of William REEVES, while digging ginseng on the farm of David FORREST, in western Scipio, last Friday, was bitten by some poisonous reptile, but by being brought immediately to the physician, antidotes were applied to counteract the poison, so that the boy escaped without any great suffering. Mrs. Peter POWELL, Mrs. A.I. HUTCHINSON, Mr. Samuel HUMPHREY, Colonel E.P. BROOKS, Morgan L. FRENCH, and Howard WHITE are attending the State Fair at Columbus. A game of base ball between the boys of the Romine Settlement and the boys of Harrisonville will take place at Harrisonville on Saturday afternoon next. Imlah MILLER and lady are at present visiting in West Virginia. Mr. CHURCH having been disabled by losing a finger, has employed a Mr. SCHRIVER, an experienced sawyer, who is doing good work with the mill at this place. W.H. DYE is at present in Kansas looking after some improvements on his farm. A.S. COE has returned from the Point Pleasant Fair, where he had his celebrated Norman horse on exhibition. He got the red reibbon as a draft-stallion. R.G. WELLS, Esq. returned from his Western trip Saturday. Lafe ROMINE, while running in a game of ball Saturday, broke his instep, which will lay him up for a time. Nicholas MUSSER will commence a meeting at the M.E. Church in this place next Sunday evening, and continue probably one week. Mrs. GREENLER, who was accidentally shot some time ago, has nearly recovered. [Transcribed by Rick Wilson]
Meigs County Tribune September 15, 1886
DEATH OF JUDGE CARTWRIGHT. - Judge John Cartwright died at his home, near Mason City, Friday morning at nine o'clock after a short illness, of paralysis and softening of the brain. Mr. Cartwright was born in Rockbridge County, Virginia,. on December 24, 1813, and when quite young went to Clermont County, Ohio, and afterward read law with a Mr. Jolliff, and was admitted to the bar. At the age of thirty years he took up his residence in Meigs County and on July 16th, 1846, he was wedded to Mary Fletcher, of Clermont County, and to this union five children were born, four of whom are still living. Mrs. Cartwright died a few years ago. During his residence in Meigs County, Mr. Cartwright was a prominent member of the legal profession. He was elected Prosecuting Attorney of the county in 1845 and served in that capacity nine years. In February, 1875, he took his seat upon the bench as Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, receiving the appointment from Governor Allen to serve out the expired term of Hon. E.A. Guthrie, resigned. In 1865 and 1866 Mr. Cartwright was asoociated with J.U. Myers in the law practice, and for the succeeding six years with Major D.A. Russell. As an attorney-at-law Mr. Cartwright was always regarded as upright and conscientious, and would never advise a client to have recourse to the law when there was no necessity for it, no doubt to his own detriment in a money point of view. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon from the Episcopal Church of this city, and notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, a large concourse of friends followed the remains to their last resting place by the side of his wife in the Beech Grove cemetery. The pall bearers were: Judge W. H. Lasley, Judge J.P. Bradbury, J.U. Myers, Major D.A. Russell, A.W. Vorhes and Mayor L. H. Lee. Judge Cartwright has been a familiar figure in Pomeroy for more than forty years and will be missed. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
Meigs County Tribune September 29, 1886
Meigs County Tribune, Sept. 29, 1886 HARRISONVILLE Scipio got her share of premiums at the Meigs County Fair. The members of the C.P. Church are making all necessary preparations for their big meeting, which is to begin October 5th. They have replastered and painted the inside of the building, repaired bridges, and opened a vacant lot for the purpose of hitching teams, etc. Several ministers will be in attendance. Their senate will convene, and a general good time is anticipated. Our young friend, James McKENZIE, left Harrisonville on Sunday for the purpose of joining his brother William in Kansas City, where both have employment in the gas works. Sergeant McKenzie Post G.A.R., will be well represented at the soldiers' reunion, in Pomeroy, on the 5th and 6th inst. John GORSUCH and family started to the fair on Saturday in a two-horse vehicle, and when near the residence of Frank VINING, one of Mr. GORSUCH's horses fell dead, which for a time, caused Mr. GORSUCH to lose all interest in the fair and other kindred matters. A great deal in the way of improvement has been going on in this vicinity in the past few weeks. Mr. William STEVENS is building a fine stone cellar, F.O. GILMORE, a barn; R.M. FRENCH, a barn; D.F. CASEY, a workshop, cellar, and coalhouse combined; Mrs. McCLURE and I.D. MILLER, reroofing their dwellings, repairing picket fences, etc. Mr. Ed. McKINSTRY, of Albany, Athens County, Ohio, and Miss Estella BARTLEY, of this place, were married in the presence of a few invited guests at the residence of the...[page cut off] [Transcribed by Rick Wilson]
Meigs County Tribune October 20, 1886
HARRISONVILLE G.W. KELLER and wife, of Chicago, are visiting relatives in this vicinity at present. The Reverend BEARD, a C.P. Evangelist, is conducting a series of meetings at this place. He is a good speaker and is having large auidences. Mr. Weber DYE and Miss Emma WISE were married at the residence of the bride's parents on Saturday evening by J.W. CONDIFF. We extend our congratulations. A.J. WARNER addressed a slim crowd at this place last week. People seem to have lost faith in A.J. The "Mugwump" McDADE, the Democratic candidate, and the Rutlander who had not enough friends to materialize, were in our village Saturday laboring for the defeat of RATHBURN. Come again, you are helping the Republican cause. Notwithstanding the fact that the speaker billed did not appear, and that meeting was in progress at the time, Mr. W.S. MATTHEWS spoke to a crowded house. We had good order, good music, a good speech, and everything was indicative of Republican success. A.I. HUTCHINSON has laid in a stock of boots and shoes. Call and examine his goods and learn his prices. Mr. K.B. STILES recently sold to Ransom HANING two yearling calves, receiving therefor $76. Mr. M.M. DEWEESE has erected his art gallery, and is prepared to make pictures on short notice. Mrs. Ellen DAY has just returned from a visit to her brother, Jasper FORREST, in Kanawha Co., W.V. Quite a pleasant surprise party at Aunt Catharine CHASE's on Saturday. Mr. DEWEESE photographed the group of forty-six persons. C.M. COE, who has been studying medicine the past summer, will attend lectures this winter at Columbus. At the Constable's sale on the 8th inst., Mr. A.S. COE was the lucky purchaser of the express, Jerry GOTTSCHALL of the harness, John DYE, of the mowing machine, Mort CHASE of the mule, and L.P. WHITE of the pony. All taken as the property of John and Jacob HARMON on an execution in favor of R.H. RAWLINGS. [Transcribed by Rick Wilson]
Meigs County Tribune November 10, 1886
HARRISONVILLE Prof. ELLIOTT, of Pleasanton, Athens County, has organized an Institute at this place, and is giving instructions in vocal and instrumental music. At the meeting on the Teachers' Reading Circle, at this place last month a circle was organized to meet at Harrisonville. The first meeting will be held on Saturday evening, Novermber 13, 1886. Everybody is invited to attend. A mare, colt, and three cows for sale at George BRADFIELD's. Mrs. Ella BLAKE is at Pomeroy learning mantau making with Mrs. Taylor. Miss Jennie SAPP has returned from West Virginia, where she has been teaching music, and is at present stopping with A.I. HUTCHINSON, and attending Prof. ELLIOTT's Institute. Mr. Elwood MOORE and lady, of Pike County, Ohio were in attendance at the wedding of Martin CHASE and Miss Myrta BRADFIELD. The illegal votes cast in this precinct on the 2nd inst. did not elect or help elect any candidate but it has already resulted in one lawsuit with a fair prospect of at least another, and the voter is boarding at the expense of the county. Scipio will have a purse ballot. Henry IRWIN returned from a visit to Texas last week. R.E. CLARK has bought the McKENZIE property in Harrisonville. L.W. BLAKE furnishes our citizens with fresh meat semi-weekly. WHITE, BLAKE, DYE, and KIRKENDALL will all buy fur the coming season. Parties from Athens County were in our village last week selling flowers, fruit trees, ornamental and shade trees. Constable R.E. CLARK has in charge a boy, born November 1st. [Transcribed by Rick Wilson]
Meigs County Tribune December 1, 1886
HARRISONVILLE The Sergeant McKenzie Post No. 187 G.A.R., under the supervision of the Women's Relief Corps, will give an oyster supper Saturday evening, December 4, 1886, for the purpose of raising a relief fund. Everyone is invited. A.I. HUTCHINSON will again teach school in the Harrisonville District, beginning on Monday, December 6th. This will make his eleventh term in that district. R.E. CLARK and D.F. CASEY have commenced blacksmithing in the Tope Shop. They make repairing a specialty. This gives us two shops in full blast, with competent workmen in each. Professor ELLIOTT taught one very successful term in singing at this place, and is now engaged in a second term, which will close with a concert for the benefit of our churches on Friday evening, December 10th. Our artist, DeWEESE, is getting enough work to keep him busy. While he seems to be giving satisfaction in all respects, we can say for him that so far as photographing groups and land scapes is concerned, he is the best artist ever to visit our village. A Mr. CONKLING, form Athens, contracted a great number of fruit, ornamental and shade trees in this neighborhood, and was to have delivered them some time ago, but so far he has failed to show up. With regard to the supper mentioned, we are requested to state that the admission fee will be only 10 cents and children under 12 years will be charged half fare. A gentleman from Zaleski was in this neighborhood recently buying hogs, and paying 5-3/4 cents per pound. Our fur buyers are making things lively. On last Saturday evening a "throwed out" bunch of fur sold four times in thirty minutes, with profits ranging from 15 to 40 cents. The new store room on Irwin Creek will soon be ready for occupancy. Abe SHOEMAKER, from Gallia County, has moved on A.S. COLE's farm. Mr. George TURNER, recently married, has commenced housekeeping on what is known as the Eli CROSS farm. Shooting matches are again the order of the day, and Harrisonville always sends a full delegation. [Transcribed by Rick Wilson]
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