These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
The Meigs County Tribune Wednesday, February 20, 1889
HARRISONVILLE Our village choir, under the leadership of Cush WHITE, will give a concert at the M.E. Church in Harrisonville on Saturday night, February 16. Come, lovers of fine music, and enjoy a treat. Three large farms in proximity to Harrisonville, viz: The Morton FRENCH, the IRWIN and the SIMPSON farms, are to be sold by administrator's or executor's sale in the near future. Rev. LATHROP closed a successful series of meetings at Pageville last Thursday evening. We are glad to learn that the brethren have engaged Rev. STEEL for another year, for we know him as an agreeable neighbor, a powerful and fearless teacher, and a Christian gentleman. The young people of Pageville have organized a literary society that promises much good, and parties are taking part who we are sure will make it a success. Mrs. Elza TURNER is dangerously sick. Her affliction is some kind of stomach trouble. [Transcribed by Rick Wilson]
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, February 20, 1889
Wm. STANSBURY, a former citizen of this township, and one of the oldest brothers of the large family of that name here, died at his home near Macksville, Vigo county, Indiana on the 7th last. His disease was of the stomach-dyspepsia, and had been a great sufferer for a long time. He was about 76 or 77 years of age. His many relatives and friends here will regret to hear of his demise. A child of George MUSSER, of Hysell Run, aged about two years, died last Tuesday. It had never been well, and had been a great sufferer all its short life. Rutland News (Excerpts) EDITOR REPUBLICAN: Mrs. Wm. CAMPBELL, of School Lot, went to your city last Monday, to get an introduction to that little grandchild of hers at Mell. SNIDER'S. Mrs. Maria FOUTS, who has been stopping at the Walnut Street House, in Middleport the past winter, came out to Pleasant Valley last Monday, and spent the week with friends. Mrs. Dennis SMITH arrived from the west the first of last week. One of the little twin daughters of Charley PRICE, this side of Pomeroy, was severely burned in its face about ten days ago. It is rapidly improving, and it is thought will be disfigured little, if any. Its mother was taken ill the next day from excitement and over exertion, and has been very sick since. Jolly Jap FORREST, of Mason county, West Va., was with his parents here a few days the first of last week. The roof of the colored church took fire Sunday night of last week. They have let their meetings cool down since. If the ground hog is responsible for all this horrid weather, we hope the boys will kill the last one of them. E. GARDNER made a business trip to McArthur and returned a week ago. There was a dance at Longstreth Hall in the village, Thursday night, the 14th. The house was full. Mrs. D. B. PECK expects to start today for her home in Kansas. Nora leaves a host of old friends who will wish her a safe journey home. [Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech]
The Meigs County Tribune March 6, 1889
A PIONEER. - Mrs. Mary Titus-Brown, who died at Middleport Sunday night and whose demise is noted in the correspondence from that place, was one of the pioneers of this county. She was the eldest daughter of Melzer Nye and was born at Rainbow, on the Muskingum River, seventy-six years ago. While young she came with her parents to this county and settled at the mouth of Leading Creek in the second or third brick house erected in the county. The deceased was married twice, first to Nicholas Titus, of Rutland township, formerly a wool manufacturer of New York, by whom she had four sons, John and Henry, who are now dead, and James N. Titus, now residing at Medicine Lodge, Kansas, and Melzer Titus, who lives at Pass Christian, Louisiana. After the death of Mr. Titus she married Mr. S. H. Brown, a prominent cattle dealer of Vinton County, who is now deceased. Mrs. Brown had one daughter, Mary, who resides at their home in Middleport. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
The Meigs County Tribune March 20, 1889
Harrisonville. Rev. LATHROP, of the M.E. Church, closed a protracted meeting at this place on March 7th, during which meeting there were 38 conversions, 20 reclaimed, and 31 accessions to the church. Rev STEELE is at present conducting a protracted effort at the Cuckler School house. John H. PEYTON closed a successful term of school at the "Shipman" on March 16th, and we are informed that he is employed to teach a summer term in the Reeves District, where he taught last summer. This speaks well for "Cad." I.D. MILLER will move his portable saw mill to West Virginia this week, where he has contracted for a large work. H.E. Romine will move to West Virginia this week. Alonzo DAVIS will soon remove to Vinton County where, we understand, he has a contract for mining. We are glad to learn that Rev. STEELE will remain a citizen of Harrisonville for another year, at least. Perry STILES has bought the NORTON farm of J.L. FRENCH, and thus become a citizen of Scipio. Jesse L. FRENCH has purchased a portion of the old FRENCH homestead, and has taken possession. Dr. CLARK bought the remainder of same. The dog was no[t m]ad, but Ed. HUTCHINSON is, because the dog was poisoned. F.C. COOPER has the contract for building a fine dwelling house for Frank ATKINS, of Irwin Creek. Uncle John BRADFIELD is dangerously sick of pneumonia, with not more than one chance in ten for recovery. A Mr. BLAZER, of West Virginia, son-in-law of Elza TURNER, has moved in with his father-in-law. The musical concert by our choir, under the leadership of Mr. Cush WHITE was a marked success. "The Family Row" brought down the house. Thomas CHASE organized a singing class at the C.P. Church on Saturday night. He has the reputation of being a good teacher. [Transcribed by Rick Wilson]
The Meigs County Tribune Wednesday, July 17, 1889
DEATH OF MRS. HAYS. Mrs. Hays, widow of the late Martin Hays, died on Lincoln Hill Sunday evening, at 9:30 o'clock. The deceased was born in Ashtabula County, Ohio, fifty-five years ago. She came to Harrisonville, in this county, in 1858, and moved to this city a year later, where she has resided ever since. Mrs. Hays was more or less an invalid for thirty years previous to her death. She leaves two children, all she ever had. They are Mr. Dell Hays, who has charge of the Duluth, Minnesota department of the Pioneer Press and Charles Hays, a steamboat pilot. The funeral took place Monday evening from the residence, conducted by Revs. Turnbull and Hissey. The remains were interred at Beech Grove. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, July 24, 1889
Personals (excerpts) Mr. Wm. RUSK, of Charleston, W. Va., is here on a visit to his sister, Mrs. Frank B. WILLIAMS. His wife accompanies him. Mrs. Catharine SIMPSON and Miss Ida BRADFORD, of Middleport, are the guests of Albany friends. The former named lady was at one time a well known resident of this place. -Albany Echo. Judge J. P. BRADBURY, of the Ohio Supreme Bench, together with his wife and sister-in-law, Mrs. Eva McClelland, spent Friday last visiting Middleport friends. Mr. Obe PETTY, of Charleston, West Virginia, was visiting friends about here last week. Miss Jessie DUMBLE, of this office, went to Akron, Ohio, last Thursday, where she has secured employment in a large book office. Miss Clara ARMITAGE and Miss Kate LAUGHEAD are in the same office. Prof. W. H. DAVIS, our former School Superintendent, has left Texarkana, and has gone to Denver, Colorado. He has had enough of "the sunny South." We presume he will practice law, for which he has been preparing himself for several years past. Taylor PETTY and sister, of Athens, O., were called here by the sickness of their father, who is very low. -Pomeroy Democrat. Miss Pearl GRAHAM, daughter of Ira GRAHAM, Esq., left on Monday morning for Denver, Colorado where she will spend some time visiting her sister, Mrs. Olmstead. A press dispatch from Washington states that Capt. W. J. RANNELLS, of this place, has been appointed an Assistant Attorney General at a salary of $2,500. The Captain's family are getting ready to move to the Capital, much to the regret of Mrs. RANNELS' many friends here. -McArthur Enquirer. Miss Katie COLE, of Coalport, left Thursday morning to visit friends in Vinton and Logan. Mrs. D. P. MORGAN, of Cincinnati is here on a visit among friends. Her two daughters, Misses Minnie and Bertie MORGAN, stopped off at Portsmouth and from there will go to a point in the interior of Ohio to visit friends. Will. T. HORDEN went to Covington, Kentucky, on Saturday evening last where he will take orders for the patent flour sifter. Mr. William CROW, of Cleveland, is here at present among friends, being called to Middleport by the serious illness and death of his father, Mr. Thomas CROW. James WALKER, a colored lad, aged 18 years, died of consumption, at his home in the lower part of town, last Thursday afternoon. Pensions W. L. MCMASTER, Pension agent at Middleport, Ohio, reports that he has procured the following pensions during July, 1889: Florentine FORREST, of Webster City, Iowa -$4 per month from July 26, 1881: $6 per month from February 16, 1887. Benj. B. WHITLOCK, Pomeroy -$20 a month on deafness. John LOUDEN, deceased, Middleport -$16 per month, payable to widow. Mary LOUDEN, widow of John LOUDEN -$12 per month, and $2 per month for each of three children. Harriet LACEY, widow of Moses Lacy, Middleport -$12 per month. Jacob MILLER, Cheshire -Increase of $14 per month. George W. FULTZ, Middleport -Increase to $12 per month. Joseph W. Fife, Cheshire -Increase of $4 per month. Charles PARSONS, Douglas, West Virginia -$12 per month. Daniel T. CUCKLER, Snowville, Ohio -$6 per month. Thomas J. BRADLEY, deceased, Middleport -Increase and rerating at $30 and $50 per month. Adam DARLING, Pomeroy -$8 per month. Pleasant CRESSIP, Johnsville, Illinois -Veteran bounty $400, less bounty paid. Maria BACHMAN, widow, Pomeroy -$12 per month, and $2 per month for each of five children; also arrearages of $2900. Ezra PICKENS, Syracuse, O. -$4 per month. Capt. B. J. ROLLINS, Letart, West Va. -Correction of muster and back pay. [$30.30-hard to read]. Thomas DEAN, Middleport -Increase to $12 per month. [Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech]
Unknown newspaper, Meigs County, Ohio August?, 1889
Bedford Aug 3. During the week two more of our pioneers have passed away: Charlotte Conant, aged 70 years, died last Tuesday morning after a brief illness at her daughter's Mrs. J. H. Ewing. Funeral services at Burlingham Wednesday conducted by Rev. M. A. Harvey and was laid away by her husband, William Conant, who has been dead about 26 years. Susan Ackley, aged 82 years, died Friday morning at her son- in-laws, George Hawk, at Bungtown. Charles Williams, has been very low with fever for several days and is no better. Samuel Staneart made a narrow escape with his life the other day by being thrown in front of his mowing machine while the horses were running from the bumble bees, but luckily the bar went over him after whittling his legs terribly. He is badly hurt but not considered dangerous. After considerable hard work we have secured the services of Prof. S. S. Smith to teach a select school at Bearwallow, commencing Aug 13th, which promises a very full and interesting term. [Transcribed by Kay Williams]
Meigs County Tribune August 7, 1889
PHILETUS H. WINTERSTEIN, died at his home at Rock Spring Saturday night after a long illness with Bright's disease. The deceased was about 64 years of age. and for the past 13 years has lived at Rock Spring, where he kept a small grocery store. He came here from Marysville, Kentucky. He leaves no family, never having been married, but has two sisters in this county, viz: Mrs. John Warner, of near Harrisonville, and Mrs. Alvina Dean, of Orange township. J.H. Winterstein, of Fremont, Nebraska, is a brother. The funeral took place in Orange township Monday. MRS. DUTTENHOFER. The Commercial Gazette of yesterday announces the death of Mrs. Valentine Duttenhofer, which occurred at the family residence, 126 Laurel street, Cincinnati, after a long illness, on Monday. The deceased was for many years a resident of Pomeroy, where she was well and favorably known. She leaves a husband and six children. WALTER E. JONES, son of Dr. J.H. Jones, died at his father's home in this city this morning at about 7 o'clock. The deceased was about 23 or 24 years of age, and came home from Dayton Friday a week ago, where he held a position in the asylum at that place as druggist. He was hardly able to walk when he reached here, owing to an attack of malaria and heart trouble, and rapidly grew worse from day to day until he died. WILLIAM D. JONES, One of the old Welsh citizens of the Fourth Ward, died August 3rd, aged 75 years, 9 months and 1 day. He came to Pittsburgh from his native land in 1842, and resided there until 1853, when he moved to Coalport, where he has resided ever since. The cause of his death was inflammation of the bowels and partial paralysis. He leaves a wife and an adopted daughter, Mrs. Enoch Jones, of Wellston, who with her husband came down to attend the funeral. Isaac Jones, of near Oak Hill, a brother of the deceased was also present at the funeral. He is nearly 78 years of age. PHOEBE BAILEY, one of the oldest residents of Thomas Fork, was buried Sunday. The deceased was over 80 years of age. She was stricken down with paralysis a few weeks ago and died Friday from the effects of the stroke. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, August 14, 1889
The Death List Pomeroy, Ohio August 8, 1889 Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Meigs County Pioneer Society: In answer to the request of your committee, through your secretary, for a full list of the deaths in this county since March 31, 1888, I have prepared and herewith submit the accompanying list, taken from the records of deaths reported by the assessors for the year ending March 31, 1889. Respectfully, Lewis Paine Probate Judge Meigs County. [March 31, 1888 to December 31, 1888 - ed.] Cummings, John H. Bedford 82 Ervin, Caroline Bedford 55 Jones, Roxelana Bedford 78 Johnson, Samantha Bedford 62 Greene, Rachel Bedford 79 Quivey, Joseph Bedford 74 Rankin, Sarah A. Bedford 77 Finney, E. W. Bedford 64 Williams, Ebenezer Bedford 86 Carleton, Susana Chester Twp. 80 Morse, Roxana N. Chester Twp. 61 Moore, Julia Chester Twp. 68 Baker, Louisa M. Chester Twp. 76 Walker, Oliver Rice Chester Twp. 71 Cooley, George W. Columbia 77 Vale, Elizabeth Columbia 64 Westfall, Elizabeth Columbia 83 Kesterson, Jerome Lebanon 52 Lee, Sarah Ann Lebanon 80 Allen, Mary A. Lebanon 74 Bell, James Lebanon 74 Keyes, Steven Lebanon 76 Quillen, Sarah Letart Falls 57 Killinger, Isabella Letart Falls 77 Thomas, Regina Letart Falls 65 Babcock, William Olive 85 Babcock, Matilda Olive 81 Tribbett, Cornelius Olive 84 Holsinger, Robert Reedsville 53 Harvey, Jane Orange 51 Halsey, Willard Orange 77 Shumway, Mary Orange 82 Shepherd, Elizabeth Orange 91 Furguson, Jane Rutland 83 Grimesm, Edward H. Rutland 71 Giles, George W. Rutland 59 Gorshuch, Mary Rutland ? [3 or -3] Hugg, Lucinda Rutland 58 Hugg, Leonard Rutland 77 Parker, Louisa S. Rutland 76 Page, Mary Rutland 78 Rathburn, Elijah Rutland 79 Robinson, Dana Rutland 83 Smith, Caroline Rutland 59 Stevens, John Rutland 77 Wynn, Charles Freeman Rutland 63 Davis, William Salem Twp. 79 Goff, George S. Salem Twp. 71 Great, Peter Salem Twp. 92 Hampton, Bradfield Salem Twp. 62 Longstreth, Sarah Salem Twp. 62 Russell, Mary A. Salem Twp. 63 Thompson, Margaret Salem Twp. 71 Davies, Morgan Salisbury 80 Hall, Ela Salisbury 86 Korn, Charles Salisbury 60 Murray, William Salisbury 62 Slaughter, Jacob Salisbury 85 Straus, George Salisbury 74 Turner, Katie Salisbury 53 Ripley, Malinda A. Silver Run 53 Rice, Jacob Silver Run ? [09] Lewis, David C. Middleport 66 Murray, Rufus A. Middleport 55 Releford, Charles Middleport 53 Bradley, Thomas J. Middleport 50 Brown, Mary D. Middleport 76 Anderson, James Middleport 83 Adkins, Robert Middleport 57 Hawkins, Clarissa Middleport 69 Martin, Joseph Middleport 70 Russell, Margaret A. Middleport 62 Brown, Robert Middleport 92 Dean, Virginia A. Middleport 52 Fuller, Atherson H. Middleport 74 Massar, Anna M. Pomeroy 52 Gregg, William Pomeroy 94 Grow, Alma A. Pomeroy 55 Hoffman, John Pomeroy 83 Hysell, Hannah Pomeroy 61 Hopkins, Jane Scipio 84 Bradfield, John Harrisonville 77 Simpson, Robert Harrisonville 77 Saxton, Ocy Harrisonville 77 Wells, Sanford Harrisonville 77 Gress, Valentine Minersville 56 Hughes, Peter Minersville 63 Jones, George J. Minersville 63 Kimes, George Minersville 51 Lewis, Dana H. Minersville 70 Phillips, William A. Minersville 56 Aumiller, Anna Sutton 56 Batey, Thomas Sutton 100 Easterday, Sarah Sutton 75 Gilliland, Reuben Sutton 91 Hildebrand, J. W. Sutton 63 Jones, Zana Sutton 76 Swartz, Eliza Sutton 64 Wolf, John Racine 73 Weldon, Mary A. Racine 85 [January 1, 1889 to March 31, 1889 (no ages given) - ed.] Pilchard, L. L. Letart Sayre, Benjamin Letart Paine, Aurilla B. Rutland Bailey, Whittamore R. Rutland Edmundson, Amos Salem VanDuyn, Abra Middleport Downing, Columbia Middleport Crow, Thomas Middleport Horton, Eleanor F. Pomeroy Brown, Valentine Salisbury Stevens, Samuel Salisbury Wintersteen, Philetus H. Salisbury Davis, Moses Salisbury Bradfield, John Scipio Sapp, Thomas Scipio Bailey, John Sutton
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, August 21, 1889
Personals (excerpts) Mrs. W. M. SWALLOW went down Saturday to visit her friend, Mrs. MUSGRAVE, in the West Virginia Flats. Miss MAGGIE HAYMAN, of Letart, West Virginia, has been visiting her cousin, Miss Hattie ARMITAGE, of Middleport, for several days past. Mr. Samuel ATKINSON, of Omaha, Nebraska, came here last Thursday night to meet his wife, formerly Miss Lizzie MURPHY, and together they will go to their Omaha home the last of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. FESLER left for their home in Brooklyn, New York, on Friday last. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas FESLER, accompanied them. The father has been in poor health for some time, and it is thought the change might benefit him. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel MAUCK, of Cheshire, will celebrate their Golden Wedding -fifty years of married life -on Thursday, August 29th. It will be a great event, as over one hundred invitations are out. They are a worthy couple, and enjoy the good will and esteem of everybody. Miss Maud DECAMP, of Downington, will soon come to Middleport and spend some time in the study of music. Mr. Henry WERTHELMER, of Charleston, W. Va., was visiting his cousins of the Great Eastern Clothing House last Thursday. Hon. W. J. RANNELLS, accompanied by his family, left for Washington, D. C., last Saturday. They will be greatly missed in society here and we hope they will return in good health at the end of this Republican administration. -McArthur Enquirer. General DAWES, of Marietta, has been exceeding sick with heart disease and his life was at one time despaired of, but his many friends throughout the State will be glad to learn that, although still very low, he has now a fair prospect of recovery. Mrs. John FLANNAGAN, of this city, was visiting friends at Middleport last week. -Pt. Pleasant Gazette. Mrs. F. P. BRYAN and Mrs. R. F. WELLS will visit friends at Ravenswood this week, and also take in the Fair. Dr. W. E. STANSBURY is erecting a new barn on his lot on Third street. Mrs. E. M. HAPTONSTALL returned home Monday from Point Pleasant, where she has been visiting her son Robert and family. Archie ALLIS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray ALLIS, had another severe hemorage last week, bleeding from his month and nostrils until life was almost extinct. He is improving rapidly now. Our townsman, Mr. John GROGAN, has been quite sick since last Friday with something approaching flux. He is some better now. Mrs. W. H. FLANEGIN and son, of Parkersburg, are visiting the family of Mr. Taylor GROGAN. Miss Cora ROWLEY, of near Kygerville, is visiting the family of Mr. James H. JOHNSON, in Middleport. Mr. Will J. HUDSON came to Middleport on the 3 o'clock train Saturday, and remained with his family over Sunday, when he returned to his home in Columbus. Misses Blanche BURNSIDE, Josie BURNSIDE, and Clara HUDSON left yesterday on a brief visit to the family of Capt. Ed. BURNSIDE, in Pt. Pleasant. Pilot Will R[]msey [a or u] left yesterday morning for Seattle, Washington Territory. Mr. and Mrs. Frank RILEY, of Barnesville, are visiting Mrs. RILEY'S parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joel WALL. This is Mrs. RILEY'S first visit home for eight years. Mr. Finney STRONG and son, of Wilkesville, came here Sunday, and returned home with Mrs. STRONG yesterday morning. John SMITH, the heater, returned home last week from Springfield, Illinois, where he went to find employment. He was called home by the sickness of his wife. Misses Stella and Sadie MILLER, of Wilkesville, were visiting Middleport friends on Monday last. Pensions W. L. MCMASTER, Pension Agent at Middleport, reports the following claims by him procured: Per month Gilbert KINDLE, Minersville $8 Joe H. Gilmore, Middleport 8 Benj. STOUT, Middleport 4 Bowen GILKEY, Story's Run 12 Washington ELY, Clifton 10 Alvina GRIMES, widow, Rutland 12 Peter RIPPLE, Pomeroy 6 Robert FRENCH, Clifton 24 [Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech]
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, August 28, 1889
Rutland News (Excerpts) EDITOR REPUBLICAN: Last Wednesday John PIERCE, a miner, was injured by a fall of slate while working in Sanford RUSSELL'S bank on Hysell Run. His shoulder was thought to be dislocated, but Dr. BEAN found it not to be so bad as expected. On Thursday, Wm. WRIGHT, a colored man, was hurt in the Larkin bank by a fall of slate striking him on the forehead, knocking him backward, and cutting a terrible gash to the bone on the back of his head. He was badly bruised, and will be laid up some time. Dr. BEAN dressed his wounds. Monday Afternoon. -We received to-day a telegram from Grand Island, Nebraska, dated the 25th, that reads: "We have a nine pound girl. Jessie is doing well." Signed, J. E. DILL. A young man named BOWEN, of the West Side, created quite a stir the fore past of last week by running after and scaring a girl named KENNEDY. He claimed to have been only in play. Frank PAGE, one of the owners of the mill here, started the next day after the assignment for Dakota, to accept a position as agent and telegraph operator for a railroad. Frank thinks that a better paying business than milling in Rutland. [Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech]
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, August 28, 1889
Pomeroy News Jake COWDERY took the K. & O. train for Lyons, Kansas, last Monday morning. L. W. PHILSON left last Sunday to attend a convention of Masons at Toledo, Ohio. Word was received here last Sunday that on Saturday, August 24th, there was born to Dana PRALL and wife a bouncing boy baby. Mrs. Dr. J. H. HYSELL returned from Greendale, Ohio, Monday afternoon, where she has been visiting her son, F. H. HYSELL. C. E. PEOPLES and Henry NEUTZLING were among the ardent Democrats who left here Monday afternoon to attend the Democratic State Convention at Dayton. Henry KOEHLER left Tuesday for Dayton, Ohio on business. The managers of the electric light plant building deserve a great deal of credit for putting up their building so rapidly. It is now almost completed, and the prospects are now very good that our streets will speedily be lit up by electricity. Miss Margaret STEWART, formerly Principal in the Pomeroy High School, is here visiting friends. She has been on a tour through Europe. Mrs. Judge L. M. PLANTZ, who has been quite sick for the past two weeks, is some better. Tom BENNETT, of Thomas Fork, lost a girl aged 11 years last Sunday evening from cholera morbus. The infant daughter of Charley Murray, aged two weeks, died Thursday, and the remains were buried Friday. [Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech]
Meigs County Republican September 11, 1889
MRS. SWEARINGEN, widow of the late Lemuel Swearingen, of the Nease Settlement, died Sunday morning at the age of 78 years. Mr. Swearingen died eleven years ago. They spent all their married life on the old home farm, and leave three children, viz: Charles Swearingen, who lives on the farm; Thomas Swearingen of the Children's Home, and Mrs. Samuel Weaver, of Bourbon County. Of a large family of children the deceased was the only daughter. Her living brothers are Captain James A. Blackmore, of Pittsburgh, William Blackmore, of Racine, Joseph Blackmore, of Olive township, and Samuel Blackmore of Jackson County, W. Va. The funeral took place at 10:30 yesterday morning, Rev. Turnbull of this city, officiating. The body was interred in the family burying ground on the home place. MRS. MARY EDWARDS, wife of Edward Edwards, Superintendent of the Hope Manufacturing and Coal Company, of Mason City, died Saturday morning, September 7th, aged 75 years, 5 months and 12 days. The deceased was born in Breconshire, South Wales, March 25, 1814, and came with her husband to Sugar Creek, Pa., in 1842. The same year they moved to Pittsburgh, and resided there eleven years, then came to Middleport in 1853, resided there a few months, and have resided at Mason City ever since. They had ten children, seven of whom are dead. Those left are residents of Mason City, and are, Mrs. D. P. Thomas, Mrs. Henry Williams, and John Edwards, Mayor of the town. The deceased united with the Welch Baptist Church at Pittsburgh over forty years ago, and has lived a Christian life ever since. The funeral took place from the M.E. Church at Mason City yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and the remains were buried in the Adamsville Cemetery, just above town. Rev. D. J. Jackson, officiated in the Welsh language, and Rev. VanHorn, of Racine, delivered a funeral service in English. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
Meigs County Telegraph September 11, 1889
R. S. Holmes, aged 69 years, died at his home back of Racine last Sunday. The body was buried at Morse Chapel yesterday. Elmer Ritchey, of East Letart, lost a small child Sunday from flux. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, September 18, 1889
Real Estate Appraiser Next Saturday, at 2 o'clock P.M., the Republicans will nominate a candidate for Real Estate Appraiser for all of Salisbury township outside of Pomeroy. Following are the delegates selected to perform that duty: First Ward Middleport -Will STEWART, A. W. HARTINGER, Taylor GROGAN. Second Ward -John MCLANE, Homer GRANT, John REED, G. W. ALLENSWORTH. Third Ward -BOUD, WHITE, O. P. SKINNER, W. A. HANLIN Fourth Ward -John SMITH, Peter WINKLER Fifth Ward -Jont. GEER Middleport Precinct -James RUSSELL, Harvey JOHNSON Silver Run Precinct -Jesse FRAZIER Pomeroy Precinct - Pensions Wm. L. MCMASTER, Pension Agent at Middleport, Ohio, reports the following claims allowed: Mary A. LALLANCE, widow of Adam LALLANCE, deceased, of Syracuse, Ohio, allowed pension rate of $8 per month from Nov. 10th, 1881, $12 per month from March 19th, 1886, $2 per month from Nov. 10th, 1881. Additional for each of six children. Richard DEN[S]MORE of Middleport, Ohio, allowed reissue and rerating of pension as follows: $10 per month from August 19th, 1884, $12 per month from Dec. 10th, 1884, $16 per month from June 23d, 1886. Squire J. PHILLIPS, of Mason, West Va., allowed pension of $8 per month from March 21st, 1887. Capt. Thos. N. WHETSTONE, of Letart, Ohio, allowed pension of $17 per month from Nov. 26th 1884. $30 per month from Oct. 10th, 1888 With arrears $1,113.94. Michael RAPP, of Pomeroy, Ohio, allowed pension of $4 per month from May 25th, 1884. Aaron HART, of Pomeroy, Ohio, late soldier of the Mexican war, also out in the late war, a member of the 9th Regiment West Va. I. Allowed $210 veteran bounty. Mc. says bring on your claims, that he gives each and every claim his special attention. [Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech]
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, October 2, 1889
The barn of Arthur GIBSON, of Scipio township, Meigs county, took fire in a very mysterious manner one evening recently just at dusk. Mr. GIBSON had fed the horses and closed the barn. He had eaten his supper and was just starting to see a sick neighbor when he saw a light in his barn. Hurrying to the barn he found the bedding on fire behind two horses and the flames almost reaching the hay above. Help and prompt action saved the premises. Mr. GIBSON is wholly unable to account for the origin of the fire as none of the family had been about the barn with fire, matches or cigars, and he feels sure that he hasn't an enemy in the world who would thus lay a hand on his property. -Albany Echo. Pensions W. L. MCMASTER reports he has procured the allowance of the following claims: Rudolf BADER, of Mason, West Va., allowed increase of pension, $2 to $6 per month from Nov. 28, 1888. Chas. B. MALONE, of Mason, West Va., allowed increase of pension, $10 to $14 per month from May 8, 1889. Geo. W. CUTCHALL, deceased, allowed pension $30 per month from March 10, 1887, to February 16, 1888, date of death. Arrears $337.00, payable to widow Flurry CATCHALL, of Clifton, West Va. Flurry CATCHALL, of Clifton, West Va., allowed widow's pension $11 per month from February 17, 1888, and $2 per month additional from February 19, 1888, for each of 4 children; arrears $371.33. Winnie KEYS, of Pomeroy, Ohio, allowed mother's pension, $12 per month and arrears $770. Christian M. DILLEY, of Middleport, Ohio, allowed original pension, $6 per month from April 6, 1888; arrears $101.60. Edward THOMPSON, of Middleport, allowed increase of pension $4 to $8 per month. [Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech]
Telegraph October 9, 1889
RACINE David Mercer of Portsmouth, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. W. R. Weldon. After an absence of eleven years, J.R. Ross Filson [Philson] is again at this place, visiting his son Mr. Frank Filson [Philson]. Mr. Filson [Philson] was formerly in the hardware business here. A Mr. Brown, of Cheshire, is visiting his daughter [?], Charles Adams. Born to Charles Sarber and wife, on Saturday last, a fine baritone performer. Congratulations, Sarb. W.K. Smart, of Augusta, Kentucky, spent last week with his family here. Mrs. Abner Curtis spent the past week visiting relatives at Hoyttown. Mrs. H. J. Wolf and daughter, of Ravenswood, are the guests of the former's mother, Mrs. McElroy. Rev. Barnett preached at the M.E. Church on Sunday night. A.M. Carson and Henry Richards, of Ripley West Virginia, spent Sunday with their wives at this place. A Reed delegation was elected at the Republican caucuses Saturday last. The company of feather renovators who have been operating here for the past three months, will move to Coolville to-day. People of that town will find them honest, thoroughly reliable, and gentlemen in every respect. Two other companies had preceded them at this point, but the Great Western Company did many times more business than the other two together. A festival was held at the residence of Edward Foster on Saturday night last for the benefit of the U.B. Church. The net proceeds were $41.20. A young man named Smith, of Torch, Athens County, Ohio, is the guest of his uncle, Rev. W.L. VanHorn. Thomas Flynn, of Antiquity, entered the High School last week, and still there's room for more. The burial services of Okey Jones were quite largely attended on Tuesday last. Rev. Baker delivered a very appropriate and consoling address, after which followed some very touching remarks of Mrs. Rev. Barnett. The floral offerings were quite elaborate. Among the many marks of affection was the motto, "Gone, but not Forgotten," tastefully prepared by the students of the High School from evergreens and cut flowers. Badges of mourning were worn by the members of the High School, and by the Racine Cornet Band, to both of which the deceased belonged. The pall bearers were chosen from the band, which accompanied the remains to the grave, playing music appropriate to the occasion. Rev. Baker carries with him to his new field of labor the best wishes of a host of friends. The people of Gallipolis will find him an able and entertaining speaker. W.C. Edwards has been employed to teach the Bethany School this winter at a salary of $35 per month. In the local columns of a recent Herald we notice that some one has undertaken to defend the Racine stool pigeon who did sneak an uncomplimentary notice into the Democrat concerning our Band, and for which offense he has since been kicked off the reportorial staff and a gentleman substituted in his place. The local in question, bearing the ear-marks of the same consequential cockroach, appeared in the Herald, but was there shorn of the insulting fling which appeared in the Democrat. The motive of the Herald's informant could be read between the lines, however, and it is surprising that the editor should now undertake to justify the scapegrace who took advantage of him to wreak a little personal spite. If the editor of the Herald understood the spirit and motive of his informant, he would feel more like threshing the ground with him than assuming the responsibility of a trick which he did not understand. The editor of the Herald says: "Having learned that a band composed of young men from Racine, Syracuse, Portland, and Hartford City, furnished the music for the fair, we said so, etc., etc." How does it come that you have changed the order of the towns, Mr. Editor? In your local of three weeks ago you mention Racine last, when Racine had the engagement. Why this change? Was it accidental, or did you purposely and aforethought make the change in order to help our your case a little? Then, again, why do you say that "some one, probably a neighbor, etc.", is charged with sneaking an uncomplimentary notice into the local columns of this paper," when I plainly said it was Sherd Banks who did it? Why didn't you say that we "charged" Sherd Banks with the "sneaking" instead of hypocritically pretending that you did not know who was meant? We didn't charge any "neighbor" with lying--but we did say that Sherd Banks lied twice to screen himself and we have the documents to prove it. Pismire Banks sneaked the item into the papers, showed the item as it appeared in the Democrat to some of the band boys, remarked upon the meanness of the local, and disclaimed knowing anything about how it got there. But finding himself caught in the lie within three hours after he had uttered it, he told another by saying that he "didn't think how it would sound." With the statement above we leave the public to judge who has been 'lying' or has 'sneaked' anything into the newspaper columns. ------------------------------ JUST THINK OF IT! Fall is almost on us. Delightful days are here, but it is often shivery in the shade. A little fire is very comfortable evenings and mornings. Yes warm weather will soon be gone and chill winds remind us of winter and its fires. But before you can have a fire, you must put up the stove. That brings us down to business and we hereby invite you to come and examine our stock of heating and cooking stoves. We have a handsome line and are selling them "Way down." We sold four of our "Sensation" stoves in one day last week besides other goods, which shows that they can create a sensation worthy of their name. No trouble to show goods at our store. Come, at least, and see our stock. SKINNER HARDWARE CO. ---------------------------- WHY GOODS ARE SOLD LOW AT RUTLAND We pay no rents, taxes are low, buy our goods for spot cash and can afford to sell as cheap as some of our "long winded credit" competitors can but. If you will give us a trial we will convince you this is true. Our $2.50 boots for men we swear by. We have handled the same boot for two years, and have never had a single complaint. J.N. Rathburn & Sons. ------------------------------ PORTLAND We wish to correct two mistakes that occurred in our last week's items: Rev. Argo is located near Columbus, and it was Miss Lederer in place of Mrs. We beg their pardon as we were wrongly informed. Last Saturday evening all the youth and beauty of our quiet village could be seen flitting about hither and thither, making night beautiful with their brilliant and gorgeous costumes, and ask you cause of all this? An oyster supper at Mrs. William Adams for the benefit of the church or sexton, and don't know shich. The committee sent to Ravenswood and it was understood that they would to have fresh oysters, but whether they were fresh or not the deponent saith not. Any way two of our young men say they had the best pumpkin pie they ever ate, and by the number they eat we believe they told the truth. All enjoyed themselves hugely and said it was good to be there. This reflects great credit on those ladies that had charge of the supper, and the proceeds justify the above remarks. $16 net proceeds were made. EXCHANGE ECHOES (exerpts) An Eastern company has leased six thousand acres of land in Morgan and Athens Counties, and is now engaged in putting down test wells in search of oil and gas. The Ohio Military Academy, the new military school at Portsmouth, starts off with twenty-three cadets, representing five states, under the command of Captain Bresler. Lancaster is to have one of the largest iron manufacturing plants in the State. It is to be built on the Highland addition west of the town, and will employ about 600 hands. Mrs. J.C. Anderson, a giddy young thing, and the mother of sixteen children, has run away from her husband at Xenia in company with a big-trousered dude twenty-five years of age. Some thieves at Ravenswood went out on an expedition for plunder and succeeded in bringing in some chickens, some old clothes, and a fish net all in the same night. People in that locality keep their valuables chained down. There have been 145 boys and 118 girls admitted to the Gallia County Children's Home since its organization. The average number present the past year is 79. The total expenses the past year were $4,793.43. --------------------------- SYRACUSE Misses Maggie Evans, and Mena Reising, left last week for Columbus. James Price who has been working at Jacksonville, came home and moved his family to that place last Friday. The family of H.G. Bartels will move to Glonster this week. Also Thomas Powell and family will move to Shawnee, Ohio. Mrs. Annie Lallance, and son, (wife of Captain Frank Lallance) was visiting at Peter Lallance's last week. Rev. J.M. Life, the new pastor of the M.E. Church will move into the house vacated by William Karr. Rev. Henry will move to Eureka this week. Preaching by the new pastor next Sunday. Miss Emma Rine left last Friday for New Holland, Ohio, where she will take charge of the primary school. John Roush, teacher at the town schools, will move into the house vacated by James Price. The voters of Syracuse Precinct met Saturday afternoon, October 5th, at the usual place of voting, for the purpose of electing delegates to attend the convention held Saturday evening to nominate a candidate for land appraiser. The following delegates were elected; E.E. Mallory, John Blair, C.H. Klein, Thomas Mainwaring, Levi Salser, Wm. McBride, James Dill, John Priode, and G.N. Haymon. The convention met at 7 P.M. and nominated Elihu Reed on the fourth ballot. Rev. Charles Nease, who formerly lived here, but is now pastor of the M.E. Church at Stanton, Michigan, filled the pulpit at the M.E. Church at this place last Sunday morning. Mrs. Joseph Roush, formerly of this place, but now of Oakland City, Indiana, is here this week visiting friends. M.S. Webster, of Pomeroy, has moved his family out on the farm of Robert Stobart. Charles Karr and wife, spent Sunday at this place. Rev. Thomas Turnbull preached a very interesting sermon last Sunday afternoon, upon the subject of Recognition in Heaven. Mrs. Jolly of Addison, was the guest of Mrs. Bell White last week. E.E. Jones, left this week for Humbold Kan., on a visit to relatives and friends. W.C. Edwards will teach the Pleasant view school this winter. Extra copies of the Telegraph can be had at the Postoffice hereafter. Mrs. W.S. Davis left last Friday on a visit to her son David, at Glouster. BANNER (Sutton Township) Rev. L. C. Perry preached his farewell sermon at this place Sunday evening. B. Jewett and wife, of Bashan were visiting relatives at this place Sunday. Fred Thoma, of Thomas Fork was visiting the family of Joseph Thoma, last week. Miss Cenia Hileman, of Thomas Fork is visiting relatives here. Born to E.A. Icenhouer and wife, of Olentangy Ohio, a son. Rooth, the jolly peddler passes through here every Tuesday, and pays the highest market price for produce. Glen Williams, of Jackson, is visiting his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. George Karr. Mrs. Amelia Morgan was visiting friends and relatives here last week. Decatur Pickens and wife were visiting at Aperson Nease's Sunday. John Karr and wife, of Syracuse were visiting at A. C. Nease's Sunday. Miss Clara Burton, of Tuppers Plains, was visiting her uncle, James Holter. Alexander Bally, left last week for Pittsburgh. Miss Annie Karr, of Syracuse was calling on Mrs. A.C. Nease Thursday. Jacob Kraeuter, is on the sick list. Mr. Royce Nease and Miss Sallie Circle attended the funeral of Miss Cora Brinker. Mrs. John E. Williams, of Minersville, was visiting at A.W. Nease's Saturday. Mrs. Andy Reid, of Pomeroy, was calling on friends and relatives at this place. We learn that M.S. Webster, of Pomeroy has rented the Stobart farm. We had the pleasure of listening to a very able sermon from Rev. G.W. Walton, of Racine, Sunday. Mr. David Nease and wife were visiting at Bashan Sunday. ----------------------- NOTICE OF CHESTER CONVENTION Notice is hereby given that the citizens of Chester township, irrespective of politics, will meet together at the Town Hall, Saturday, October 12, at 3 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Land Appraiser. J.M. Windon, D.C. Smith, B. McKinley, Central Committee ------------------------ Oxford Journal--Farmers are beginning to object to signs being painted on their barns, fences, etc. They think the columns of the local newspapers are the best places in which to advertise, and they are right. Men who advertise their wares on a board or any place else, should pay for it. ------------------------ WHAT INVENTION HAS DONE (exerpts) In the manufacture of boots and shoes the work of 500 operatives is now done by 100. In the manufacture of flour modern improvements save 75 percent of the manual labor that once was necessary. By the use of coal mining machines 100 miners in a month can mine as much coal in the same time as 500 miners by the old methods. One boy by machinery in turning wood-work and materials for musical instruments transforms the work of twenty-five men by the old methods. The horse power steam used in the United States on railways, steamers and in the factories and mines was in 1888 12,100,000, against 1,610,000 in 1850. ------------------------- RUTLAND Oct. 7-- Some pumpkins! Mr. Samuel S. Musser, who lives on the hill above New Lima, reports a pumpkin vine bearing four pumpkins, one weighing eighty-seven pounds and measuring 5 feet 10 inches in circumference, one fifty and one-half pounds, one thirty pounds, and the other twenty-three and one-half pounds. Now Mr. Deerr, please weigh your "mammoth." Grandma Holt, of New Lima, went last Friday to Middleport to spend a week with her daughter, Mrs. S.D. Webb. Mrs. A.J. Grimes and Mrs. J.G. Cornwell went to South Salem yesterday to visit the family of A.J. Lasley. Lew C. Bean moved his family and household goods to Columbus last Tuesday. When he returns we suppose he will be a full fledged M.D. Fred Bryne dropped a circular saw on his foot and a tooth cut deep into the instep, from which he is laid up, and unable to walk. Mrs. Hannah Garen, of Middleport, spent last week visiting friends about here. Frank Price has been quite ill the past week. James Musser is quite sick. He is under treatment of Drs. Day of Harrisonville. Clarence Price is suffering from a severe case of Chicken-pox. Oscar Chase has been very sick the past week, of inflammation of the bowels. Charley Murray wears two fine boils on one hand, but he has them hidden with a rag. Mr. James Childs and Leander Barker went to Cabell County, W.Va., last Saturday, to visit Mr. Barker's mother, and other relatives. J.B. Forrest and wife and Marion Forrest and wife went to South Salem Sunday to call on the family of Abe Lasley. John Kincaid and wife drove over to Kygerville, Gallia County, Sunday, to visit the family of Sell Boice. George T. Musser moved last Monday from his farm on Hysell Run to the Ruble house in the village, so as to be near his saw mill. William Wright moved Tuesday, from the old house on G.C. Musser's farm to Happy Hollow. A family named Lee moved here from Glouster, Athens County, last Tuesday, went into a house on the Gardner farm in Pleasant Valley, stayed till Saturday, and moved on to Middleport. Royal Price moved last week from Crandle Run, to a house on the farm of W. W. Hubbell, above New Lima. Mell Musser, whose house was burned a week ago, has moved into the Bellows house on his father's farm, which was vacated Tuesday by William Wright. Mrs. Calvin Grant, of Pickwick, Minnesota, is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Margaret Anderson, and other relatives and friends. Ed. Taylor was thrown from a horse last Wednesday, and he went limping about all the rest of the week. N.N. Holt, C.W. Holt, Charley Holt and Dennis Holt and wife and children, all of New Lima, made a raid, last Friday, on Asa Comstock and family, of the Kanawha Valley, West Va., and returned to their homes Saturday evening. Rev. Dick filled his appointment with the M.E. people in the village yesterday afternoon, as usual. Mrs. L.D. Stevens and Mrs. W. H. Stansbury will pay a visit to Mrs. A.E. Falloon, of Athens, the last of the week. The roads are fine. Weather cold and dry. Farmers are sowing wheat. Pastures getting short. Joe Roescher of Chester is working for Rawlings. Five clerks were busy all day last Saturday in the Rathburn store here. C.M. Steadman will move to-day in the Fanny Strong house. Markets: Butter, 15c per pound; eggs, 15c per dozen; potatoes, 25c per bushel; onions, 40c per bushel; hickory nuts, 50c per bushel; dried apples, 3c per pound; chickens, live, 5c per pound; cheese 5c per pound; green apples, 50c per bushel. Mrs. Bessie G. Cable, of Nelsonville, is here visiting her uncle, Daniel Parker. A dispatch from Beatrice, Nebraska, to Mr. Adam Ruble announced the sudden death of his daughter, Mrs. Ida Hemingway, a lady favorable known to many of our people. William B. Phillips moves this morning from Union Ridge to near Langsville. Rolando Russell and family of Carbon Hill, are visiting his half brother, R. H. Rawlings. The Presbyterians have been thoroughly overhauling their church, and will have a rededication of the structure next Sunday. Rev. W.H. Bay, now of Marietta, and Rev. T.A. Welch, of Harrisonville, and others will be present and a big meeting is expected. [Transcribed by Susan Kuhl]
Pomeroy Tribune-Telegraph October 9, 1889
PERSONAL AND PERTINENT The seventeen year old son of C.M. Morton, of the First Ward, is down with a severe attack of typhoid fever. He has been unconscious for nearly five weeks. Will Allensworth is home from Gray County, Kansas. The following persons left here over the K.&O. Railroad yesterday morning: Geo. W. Plants and wife, for Hazelton, Kansas; John Owens and daughter Cassie, for La Vets, Colorado, and Miss Minnie Brown for Atkinson, Kansas. James Hoban, collector for the Cincinnati branch of the Charles Scribner & Sons publishing house, visited his parents in the Second Ward last week. Miss Lizzie Reuter is at Glen Roy. Felix Alkire, of Ashland, Nebraska, son of Hiram Alkire, of the Pomeroy Precinct, is beginning to have political inclinations. Last week he was a delegate to the Saunders County Republican County Convention, and assisted in nominating a complete ticket. The Grand Dilcher Hotel is to have a new roof and a cornice somewhat similar to that on the First City Bank. Henry Seyfried has sold out his establishment at Middleport to C.J. Hess, of the Fourth Ward of this city, and will go to Circleville, Ohio, where he will start a saloon and restaurant. Mrs. Baber, mother of F. W. Baber, who has been in this city over a year, has returned to her home in West Virginia. Rev. Turnbull has a new Safety Columbia Bicycle, and can ride it. Clint. Towns has accepted a permanent situation in a Western Union telegraph office at Columbus at $50 per month. Mrs. Emeline Atkinson, who has been visiting at Mrs. Branch's on Mulberry street, returned to her home at Pittsburgh Monday. Mrs. Laura Pritchard is here from Pittsburgh to visit relatives. Fred Steinbauer and wife are back from a visit of several weeks to relatives at Chicago and Cincinnati. Winfield Scott, who was recently seriously hurt in a railroad accident near Chillicothe, is over from Athens to visit relatives in this city. John Geyer has added a lot of shelves to his store, and has gone to the city to lay in a large general stock of groceries. Albert Chapman, of Hartford City, was in town Sunday to get a coffin for his six weeks old infant, which died the night before. J. W. Thomas and Mrs. L.M. Bridgeman were, on Saturday evening, appointed delegates from the Pomeroy First Baptist church to the Ohio Baptist Convention, which convenes in Cincinnati, October 23rd. Miss Flora Hughes, of Eskridge, Kansas, arrived here Monday, from Indiana where she has been spending the summer, to visit her grandmother, Mrs. M.A. McPherson. The ladies of the W.C.T.U. will give an oyster supper at the City Hall to-morrow (Thursday) evening. Everybody cordially invited to attend. Oysters served in all styles from 5 until 10 o'clock p.m. Ziba Story, wife and mother, of Bedford Township, left here yesterday to visit relatives in Kansas. Squire Hutchinson came in from Harrisonville yesterday morning with an old lady by the name of Mrs. John Corby, of Clifton. Mrs. Corby has lost her mind and wandered off from home Monday, and started overland for Carbondale and Columbus to see her children. She was taken back home. T.A. Evens has purchased a barn pattern in Rutland township to replace the one burned up on Story's Run last spring, when his horses were burned. Fred Smith has gone to Buffalo, W.Va., to teach school the coming winter. Harry Wallace is back from Pueblo, Colorado, to spend the winter with his family. Thomas R. Jones, who moved to Seattle, Washington Territory, some time ago and lost a great deal of property by the recently conflagration there, is back in Pomeroy. Miss Emma Minich, of Breezy Heights, has gone to Pittsburgh. Councilman Hepp, of the Second Ward, has a grape vine that grew 24 feet this season from a slip planted in the spring. Some of the residents of Catholic Hill have taken it upon themselves to build a good sand stone pavement up the hill for the accommodation of the general public. It is about the time of year for several hundred other people in town to do likewise. John Hensen and Ellsworth Segriest, of Segrist Bottom, left here Monday for Phillips County, Kansas. Clinton Swallow and wife of Syracuse, Kansas, are visiting at Middleport and Pomeroy. Mrs. C.F. Hess, of Point Pleasant, was in town the first of last week. George L. Probst left by the K.&O. Railway last Friday for Circleville to spend a few days visiting his sister, Mrs. W.A. Maddy. He will be accompanied home by his wife, who as been visiting relatives in Cincinnati and Circleville. Mr. Conrad Miller, of the Second Ward, is very low with consumption. Mr. William McKnight started Saturday for Cincinnati to spend a few days among relatives. Davies' planing mill runs all day now, and part of the night to keep up with orders. George Eiselstein was at Cincinnati the first of the week. Stephen Carnahan, an old resident of the Oak Grove settlement, back of Racine, was buried at the Oak Grove cemetery yesterday afternoon. James W. Dill and Charles Laughlin, of Sutton township, left here for Wellston yesterday evening to attend the United Brethern Conference. Born, to M.K. Stobart and wife, of Sutton Township, a girl Sunday. William Wolff, the Metropolitan clothier of Columbus, came down yesterday to spend a few days among his Pomeroy friends. See the statement of the condition of the Pomeroy National Bank in another column. Miss Maggie Reibel, of the Second Ward, died of consumption Monday evening, aged 23 years. The new Columbus iron bridge has arrived at Rutland, and the workmen are there to put it up at once. Mrs. Clauter arrived this morning from Cincinnati to visit her son Frank, who has been seriously ill for several weeks. Jim Tracy, who has been in Indiana for the past two years, is here visiting his mother. About one hundred Pomeroy people were at Middleport last night to see the "Little Coquette" at Coe's Opera House. ---------------------- DIED IN CINCINNATI Will Huennerfauth, a young man of this city, brother of Samuel Huennerfauth, manager of the telephone exchange at Gallipolis, died at Cincinnati yesterday afternoon after a brief illness. He was employed in the kitchen of a restaurant in Cincinnati, and taking a severe cold it settled on his lungs and caused pneumonia. The body is expeted to arrive here this evening. -------------------- [Transcribed by Susan Kuhl]
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, October 9, 1889
Pensions Wm. L. MCMASTER, Pension Agent at Middleport, Ohio, reports the allowance of the following claims, viz: William WARD, of Langsville, Ohio, allowed pension of $4 per month from December 1, 1887. Joseph B. GILPIN, of New Haven, West Va., allowed pension of $2 per month from July 17, 1885, and $6 per month from June 13, 1888. Clarissa BAILEY, widow, of Rutland, Ohio, allowed pension $12 per month from May 3, 1889; also accrued pension of husband, W. R. BAILY, deceased, of $24 per month from August 3, 1888, up to his death, May 2, 1889. Joseph YOUNG, of Pomeroy, Ohio allowed pension of $4 per month.
Pomeroy Democrat October 17, 1889
ANTIQUITY David Mercer and wife, of Portsmouth, was visiting P. Winters last week. D. W. Burger returned home last week accompanied by his sister. Mrs. Dan Willis died last Thursday and was buried Friday in the Wolfe cemetery. Mrs. M. F. Fischer was visiting friends and relatives at Murrayville, Saturday and Sunday. Rev. Berger and T. Winters will attend the Ohio Baptist State Convention to be held at Cincinnati next week. Boys, did you hear that the mill cart was broke? John Stobert will move to Pomeroy this week. Meeting at the Baptist church this week. Mrs. Martha Paxon will move in the Jno Stobart house. George Powell is getting his boat ready for the sunny south. BURLINGHAM Wheat is nearly all sowed in this community. G.W. Burson has sold his sorrel horse and now drives a span of blues. The roof of the school house in District No. 6 has been repainted. E.M. Story is erecting a new wood house. The debate at Millersburg last Friday evening was immense. The decision was claimed by both deomcrats and republicans. We suggest that the democrats and republicans of Bedford meet in mass convention and nominate a good man for land appraiser. If this is not done we do hope that each party will nominated a good man. Rev. Harkins filled his appointment at Millersburg last Saturday and Sunday. There was a sing at W. F. Williams' Sunday afternoon. Charles Lathey is visiting relatives here. George Sanborn says "where there is a 'Will' there is a way," but Ralpir Hayes says he has the best "Cook". Miss Cora Barnhill and Jennie O'Brien were visiting Aura Hayes Sunday. Four young men from this place left for Groveport last night. Sunday school is progressing finely at Bungtown. REEDVILLE October 14----The Campbells are coming! Isaac Webster, of Chester, was here Saturday last. George O. Hetzer, who has been sick of the fever for some time, is convalescing. E.M. Kibble, Kim Williams, D.W. and Lemon Wilson was at Parkersburg, Saturday. Mrs. Millard Flesher, of Antiquity was the guest of J.R. Watters family Sunday. Mrs. W.B. Reed is visiting her daughter, at Vandergoof, at present. Mrs. Mary Wilson and son were visiting her parents at Chester, last week. Mrs. Lucy Williams and daughter are spending the week with relatives at Hockingport. Miss Mary Randolph is at Antiquity at present. Mr. Verda Hannum, of Long Bottom, was seen on our streets, Saturday. Miss Mamie Malone, of Falyal, was the guest of C. Kibbles' family, Sunday. Mrs. McBride, of Neptune W.Va., is visiting friends and relatives in this place at present. Mrs. Nessebrode after spending two weeks here with relatives, returned to her home, Friday, at Shearman, W.Va. Evert Tidd, of Muraysville, was the guest of F.B. Reeds' family Sunday. W.H. Maxwell and wife of Torch, are visiting relatives here this week. [Transcribed by Susan Kuhl]
Pomeroy Tribune/Telegraph Wednesday, October 23, 1889
[Note: This is the family the "Gilmore Cemetery", located in Forest Run near Pomeroy, is named for.] A GILMORE REUNION ------ The following account of a reunion of the Gilmore family in Nemaha County, Kansas, is taken from the Seneca Tribune of October 17th. The home place spoken of is in the Nease Settlement and is one of the best kept farms in the township. Curtis Gilmore is the youngest son spoken of as yet remaining in Ohio: One of the most enjoyable occasions of the season took place at the home of Mr. Charles Guise, three and one half miles southeast of Oneida, Saturday October 5, 1889. It was the occasion of a family reunion in which four generations were represented, the oldest being sixty-eight and youngest about nine months of age. By nine o'clock those who were to participate in this family gathering began to arrive with their well filled baskets, and by eleven o'clock they were all present. The company consisted of Mrs. Polly Gilmore, her three sons and five daughters with their families. They were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. T.S. Gilmore and family, Mr. and Mrs. D.S. Gilmore and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Gilmore and family, Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Ball and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Guise and family, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schlaegel and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Roush and family, Miss Mary Gilmore, Mrs. Adelia Pratt, the only sister of Mrs. Polly Gilmore, and Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Briggs and family. Mrs. Briggs being a grand-daughter of Mrs. Polly Gilmore. Dinner hour having arrived, they repaired to the dining room to partake of a sumptuous repast. At the head of one table sat Mrs. Polly Gilmore, at her right her three sons and four sons-in-law were seated, at her left her five daughters and three daughters-in-law. At the other sat Mrs. Adelia Pratt and the grand-children. It was intermingled with jokes and laughter and time sped quickly by. About the year 1859, Mr. Isaac Gilmore came from Ohio and purchased land for his children. At an early age, the father was called to the better world and did not live to see his children grow to manhood and womanhood. Mrs. Gilmore has always lived on the old home place in Ohio and saw her children one by one go west to make their future home. Mr. Timothy Gilmore came about the year 1866. He was the first to come, and since others have followed, leaving the youngest son on the home place. The last one to come was Mrs. S.W. Roush, who came in 1887. As this was the mother's second visit here it was thought that a family gathering would be appreciated, and so it was. At a late hour in the afternoon they departed, each one feeling that they had enjoyed a day which would be remembered by all who were present. [Transcribed by Susan Kuhl]
Pomeroy Tribune/Telegraph Wednesday, October 23, 1889
THE ROLLING MILL The sale of the Pomeroy Rolling Mill, as was mentioned last week, has virtually taken place. Mr. W.G. Merriman, of Youngstown, is the purchaser, and it is authoritively given out that he will repair the mill and put it in operation within a few weeks. The mill has been idle for over two years, and its resumption will help matters wonderfully in this city. ------------------ CIRCUIT COURT Circuit Court convened at nine o'clock yesterday morning, with Judges Clark, Cherington and Joseph Cox on the bench. Judge Cox is from Cincinnati and is one of the Judges of the First Circuit, and takes the place of Judge Russell here for this session. Judge Russell fills Judge Cox's place at Hamilton this week. There are three cases on the docket for trial involving some $10,000, viz: Henry C. Hayman, receiver, vs. William A. Roberts, et al. Samuel Roush who sues on behalf of himself and all of the other creditors of the Pomeroy Flour Co., vs. The Pomeroy Flour Co, B.M. Skinner, George W. Moredock and others. Simon Curtis vs. Ohio Machine Co. et al. Court will probably continue over to-day. ------------------ AT THE STATION The household goods of Dr. L.W. Harvey arrived here from Corry, Pa., last week. He moved to Tupper's Plains Monday. About seven thousand railroad ties are now at the incline awaiting shipment. About twenty from here went down to Gallipolis Saturday to hear Democratic speeches by James E. Campbell and Allen G. Myers. E. Blake, of Scipio township, shipped a car load of apples to Cincinnati Monday. The pay car was in Saturday and squared up with the boys. Mrs. Waters, wife of J.H. Waters, scale repairer of the C.H.V.&T. Railroad, with headquarters at Columbus, visited the family of George P. Stout last week. There were fifty three car loads of freight sent out last week, viz: 23 of ties, 11 of salt, 11 of merchandise, and 8 of coal. ------------------------- OIL LEASES It looks now like the surface of Meigs County may be made into a sieve in the near future by oil prospectors. With the Hope, of Pennsylvania, and the New York, of New York, hustling about in Bedford, Scipio and Rutland townships, makes things look lively. And now comes the Union Oil Company, of Buffalo, New York, and files 71 oil leases in the Recorder's office for record for territory in Chester, Olive and Lebanon townships. The Buffalo partier seem to be cognizant of the fact that in Ohio to make leases valid they must be recorded in the records of the County. Section 4,134 of the revised statutes of Ohio, which took effect in July 1885, makes the recording of leases a necessity. The Hope also has 14 of their leases on file for record. ----------------------- DETECTIVE KENT DIDN'T GET HIM On the night of November 6, 1888, Jacob Napper murdered Adam Edward Uhl at Marion, Ohio, and then made his escape from jail. One thousand dollars reward was afterward offered for his capture. Since Alex Kent, of this city, became a detective a few months ago, he has had his head set on capturing Napper, and recently told a few friends confidentially that he had his man located in the mines out about Glouster, and would soon be $1,000 better off. A dispatch from Oakdale, Tennessee, seems to knock Kent out, however, as it states that Napper was arrested there Sunday, and is being held for the reward. ------------------------ REV. MCKENDRY'S SUCCESS Rev. John McKendry closed his meetings at the Gibbs school house near Clivton, Sunday evening. In two weeks there were 80 accessions, and a class of 52 members was formed of the Wesleyan Methodist church. The remainder united with the U.B., Methodist and Christian churches. Rev. McKendry thinks of going to Glen Ebon, Athens County, next week to commence a meeting. -------------------------- FRIDAY EVENING FIRE Friday evening about nine o'clock the frame residence of Mrs. Young, widow of Jacob Young, situated a short distance below the Pomeroy depot, was burned. The fire originated about the kitchen flue. Mrs. Young lost part of her furniture and a considerable amount of provisions. She had $350 insurance on the house. -------------------------- The Pomeroy correspondent of the Middleport Herald of last week said: "On last Friday evening the merchants who had ordered electric lamps placed in their store rooms were treated for the first time to the benefit of the electric light, and were so pleased with it that non of them would do without it. Some who positively would not take it, and had decided to stand by the old lights, after seeing the brillancy of the electric light ordered the lamps, and on Saturday enjoyed the benefits of the new and improved light. The delay in lighting the streets is owing to nonarrival of the second dynamo, which it is claimed was shipped on the first day of this month. If the street lamps are as satisfactory as those in the stores, our citizens will feel proud of the council who have led them from darkness unto light." ----------------------- IT WAS LOADED One day recently, Charley Miller, of the Mouth of Mill Creek, who frequently comes to this city with railroad ties, was standing on the railroad track at Millwood watching a train back up. His right arm rested on the muzzle of a shot gun, the breech of which was planted on a railroad tie. Miller turned slightly to look at the train, when the gun slipped from the tie and dropped twenty-two inches, striking the hammer as it went down. The result was that the gun was discharged, shooting off Miller's right arm below the elbow, tearing several holes in his clothes and lodging five shot in the side of his face. He will recover with the loss of one arm. ------------------------ [Transcribed by Susan Kuhl]
The Meigs County Telegraph Wednesday, October 23, 1889
SIEGRIST BOTTOM, W.Va. October 21--We have come to the best season of the year for the farmer: when he gathers his bounteous crops and lays them up in store or puts them on the market. The merchants have searched our bottom well down for potatoes, and are not satisfied yet. The largest crop of potatoes on the bottom was grown by J.S. Roush--3000 bushels on eleven acres of ground. Mrs. Harriet Elliott's new house is finished and she is now living in it with a family of seven children. Mr. Park L. Roush and his wife Arilla have commenced house-keeping in the Seeds mansion, (better known as the John Elliott house.) Deputy sheriff, Shrewsberry, and one of Mason's fairest females, Miss Fannie Roush, passed through the bottom in a showy buggy Saturday morning. Mr. Edgar Roush, the New Haven butcher, is getting a good patronage from our bottom. Some of the ladies are puzzled to know whether it is the man, or the beef, that is best suited to their taste. Mr. H.T. Fry and brothers, have erected a new buggy-shed, and done other repairing on the old John Siegrist plantation. Mrs. Lavina Hinkle has been sick for several days, but is much better at this writing. Mr. C. Ihle made several flying trips to New Haven last week, on his new cart, bought of Waid Cross for $13. Orlando Ihle and his sister Mollie, were visiting at Great Bend, Sunday. Some of our young folks attended the Quarterly meeting at Union, Saturday evening and Sunday. Captain P. H. Elliott is under paying wages now, securing a tow for the Southern market. BROUGHT HOME FOR BURIAL Will Hamm, son of Peter Hamm, of the Nease Settlement, who was mentioned last week as being very low with typhoid fever at Krebs City, Indian Territory, died last Thursday. The deceased was 23 years of age, and went West last spring. His father reached his bedside the day before he died, and started back with the remains at once after the death, reaching here Saturday night. From here the body was taken to the Nease Settlement for burial. ----------------------- A RUTLAND WEDDING In the presence of over sixty relatives and guests, on the 16th inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, in Rutland Township, Miss Maggie, the youngest daughter of J.E. and Lucinda Anderson, and a prominent teacher of Rutland, was married to William, the youngest son of John T.B., and grandson of the late Judge Ledlie, Rev. S.P. Humphrey officiating. After the marriage ceremony and the usual congratulations, the merry company did ample justice to a long table on the grassy lawn near the house. Good music, both vocal and instrumental, was furnished by different ones present. In the evening the Wills "chimes," to the number of some seventy-five, gave him a serenade, in return for which he gave them a handsome treat. On the following day a grand reception was given the young couple at the hospitable home of the groom's parents. The happy pair have the best wishes of their many friends and relatives for a long, happy and prosperous life. The following presents were given the bride: Seal plush wrap, by the groom; lace curtains and cake stand, J.E. Anderson and wife; silver knives and forks, C.F. Anderson and wife; clothes wringer, David Saxton and wife; silver castor, H.M. Nicholson and wife; rocking chair, J.C. Anderson and wife; water set, Cash Vanzant and wife; mush and milk set, J.D. Ledlie and wife; large picture, S.P. Humphrey and wife; stand scarf, Mrs. Greene Sidenstricker; lamp and butter dish, K. Steele and wife; soup dish, Howard Davis and wife; one dozen napkins, John Davis and lady; fruit dish, Martha Saxton; silver table spoons, Emory Ralph and wife; silver tea spoons, J.F. Bowles and wife; water set and cologne, Frank and Eva McNaughton; hand painted mirror throw, Miss Hilah Davis; same, Miss Gertrude Ledlie; water set, Charles Russell and wife; cake stand, Miss Lizzie Nicholson; cake stand, Charles Winn and wife; bureau ornament, James A. Davis and wife; silver butter knife, Mrs. John Mutchler; towels and cake stand, Tom Saxton and wife; napkins, Miss Verne Grapes. ---------------------- NEW HAVEN Captain William Rader and wife, of Jackson County, are visiting friends and relatives here and at Racine. T.M. Elliott and wife, of Kansas, will arrive here this week. Edgar Roush has built a neat meatshop on Pike street. If you want good fresh meat, call on Ed. Rev. Hibbs has been returned to this place by the U.B. Conference. Rev. Carder was returned to his field at Union, and Rev. Halterman to Bethel. Rev. R.M. Hitt is still Presiding Elder of this district. Dr. Roush is shipping lots of choice coal by rail. Miss Ida Bumgarner, of Hartford, was calling on friends here last week. Our potato merchants are busy shipping in all directions. Thirty cents per bushel is the price paid. Captain Joe Gilpin has been allowed a pension. We have not yet learned the amount. The merchants of New Haven are enjoying a good fall trade. This they deserve, as they carry a good stock and deal fair. Business at the Station has been brisk for the past four weeks owing to the large crop of potatoes, which is being shipped by rail. Lon A. Bowles, the accommodating agent, is doing all he can to increase the patronage of the railroad here. Michael Rickard has given his house on the corner of Mill and Pike streets a complete dressing with paint. John Hess, wife, and daughter Nora, left the first of the week for Jackson C.H., where they will spend a few days. Quite a number were over from Syracuse Sunday to hear Rev. Orwin preach. We are glad they were not disappointed, as they heard a good sermon. GRANTED CERTIFICATES (Teaching Certificates) At the last county examination the following of the twenty-four applicants received certificates: E. M. Halsey, Tuppers Plains.......................12 Mos. W.G. Roberts, Long Bottom..........................12 M.L. Parker, Keebaugh..............................12 D.W. Newland, Tuppers Plains.......................12 Everett Taylor, Dexter.............................12 F. S. Russell, Middleport..........................12 J. H. Fox, Echo....................................12 A.H. Dorst, Chester................................12 Lucetta Smith, Pomeroy.............................12 Callie K. Nelson, Dexter...........................12 Jennie Stiles, Carpenter...........................12 Hattie Stiles, Carpenter...........................12 Lizzie Townsent, Downington........................12 Linna Caldwell, Long Bottom........................12 Flora Staneart, Flora..............................12 Jennie Scott, Pomeroy..............................12 Eliza Carleton, Kingsbury..........................12 ------------------------ MORE COMMERCIAL LIGHTS Electric lights in the business houses have been increased to twenty-five since last week. Those taken since last week are: John Geyer, grocery and flour and feed store, Second street, west of Court, one lamp. S.A.M. Moore & Co., dry goods and groceries, west side of Court street, one lamp. William Wolf, New York Clothing Store, Front Street, two additional lamps, making three altogether. Two are in the store and one is suspended over the sidewalk in front of the entrance, illuminating the sidewalk and street for a long distance. This lamp has attracted much attention and admiration. N. Bengel, grocery and flour and feed store, Geyer & Bengel Block, Front street, one lamp. -------------------- MARRIAGE LICENSES John E. O'Leary and Lou Osborn. William Houdashelt and Maggie Schlaegal. --------------------- PERSONAL AND PERTINENT Mrs. Joseph Roush, of Oakland City, Indiana, who has been visiting relatives in this county, took the Ohio River Railroad last week for home. William Quillen, wife and children, who have East from Grand Island, Nebraska, to visit Letart relatives, J. B. Porter, of New Haven, and Miss Lizzie Rhoades, of this city, passed down on the Ohio River Railroad early last week, Mr. Quillen and family on their way home, and the latter two for Wadsworth, Nevada. Will Bartels, the Syracuse hackman, returned Saturday evening from a month's visit to relatives in North Dakota. He gained eleven pounds while gone, and is well pleased with the country. R.E. Stobart, who is attending Starling Medical College at Columbus, was down last Friday to attend the funeral of his half brother, John Stobart. D.C. Davis, who was one of the Knights Templar attending the Triennial Conclave at Washington city recently, had his heart set on hearing Rev. Talmage preach, so Sunday a week ago he made his way toward Brooklyn to find that Talmage's church was destroyed by fire the night before. He was greatly disappointed. Mrs. George Fowler and mother, of Rock Spring, are visiting at Cincinnati. Charles Lewis, the First Ward Deputy Marshal, blossomed but in a new suit of blue Saturday. Captain McElroy, Republican candidate for Representative, was down from Racine Saturday, much improved in health. The following persons left here Monday to attend the Ohio Baptist Convention at Cincinnati this week: J.W. Thomas, Miss Eliza Thomas, Mrs. Skinner, Ben Skinner, of Antiquity; D.M. Sullivan, of Leon W.Va.; Mr. and Mrs. C. Young, Misses Ella and Linnie Young, of New Haven, W.Va.; Mrs. L.H. Bridgeman, of Syracuse, and Rev. W.L. VanHorn, of Racine. Mrs. George Straus, of Minersville, has moved to Cincinnati. Andrew Winters was down from Columbus last week. The following is taken from the last Ravenswood News: Last Tuesday Miss Mellie, daughter of Spence Coon, of Reedy, took a notion to leave home and go to Syracuse, Ohio, to live with friends, and Wednesday night Mr. Coon, accompanied by L.H. Board, overtook and captured her at the Smith House, at Ravenswood, and took her back home. Mrs. R. T. Van Horn, of Kansas City, arrived here Saturday on a visit to relatives and friends, and is stopping at the residence of her brother, B.C. Nye. Miss Mittie Lyman, an attendant at the Columbus Insane Asylum, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Lyman, in this city. Mrs. Herman Weigleman, of Cincinnati, is visiting her parents in the Second Ward. [Transcribed by Susan Kuhl]
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, October 23, 1889
Personal Mention J. C. MCMASTER returned this week from Tennessee and will enter college soon. -Athens Herald. Mrs. Mag. GUTHRIE recently received pension arrearages of $1,500 and $12 per month, and has bought Mr. Robt. MAUCK'S property in Cheshire, while he has bought Newton MAUCK's property. Miss Lillie May WRIGHT of Chester, came to Middleport on Saturday last, and will reside for awhile with her [ ] and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. [ ] GRANT. Mrs. George HARDING and children arrived home last week from Massachusetts, where they have been spending the summer. We are sorry to learn that their little boy, who is afflicted with spinal trouble, is no better than when they went away. Mrs. Thomas H. KING, of Middleport Precinct, is afflicted with painful catarrh on her right hand. Her sufferings are terrible. Mr. H. C. SUMMERS, of Jackson, Ohio, was here last week in the interest of D. H. Baldwin & Co., music dealers Cincinnati. We are indebted to him for a splendid piece of music entitled Little Sunshine. Capt. Joe BURNSIDE, of the Kanawha tow boat John Dans [John Dana - ed.], went up the river last Thursday to secure a tow of produce boats for the South. Mr. Smith BERRY, of the firm of Rowley & Berry, has been unable to attend to business for several days past, on account of pleurisy. Mr. Theodore WEHE, who has been working in Jackson, Ohio, for several months, came to Middleport on Saturday last on a visit to his family and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. EARNSHAW, of Lancaster, are on a business visit to Boston. They went last week. [Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech]
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, October 30, 1889
Roll of Honor Middleport High School Senior Class Norma P. GREEN 98 S. B. HANLIN 98 C. J. GRANT 4 studies 96 Sallie C. HODGE, 4 studies 91 Junior Class William R. TALBOTT, 4 studies 98 John B. HODGE, 4 studies 97 Carl J. SEMPLE 97 Sophomore Class Daniel Jones 100 Freshman Class Ida RAYBOULD, 4 studies 97 Sophia MACK 97 Ruby DECKER 96 Letta JONES, 4 studies 94 Edith WYATT, 4 studies 93 Corinne BRUNKER 93 Chas. R. MAXWELL, 4 studies 92 Jessie HALE 90 M. W. COULTRAP, Supt. S. P. HUMPHREY, Principal. Pensions W. L. MCMASTER, Pension Agent, Middleport, Ohio, reports the following claims allowed: Mrs. Elizabeth KING, of Hanesville, Ohio, allowed mother's pension $12 per month from May 31, 1888. Theop. J. HARPER, of Pomeroy, Ohio, allowed pension $8 per month from September 1, 1888. Strauder HYSELL, of Middleport, Ohio, allowed pension $6 per month from March 27, 1888. [Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech]
Pomeroy Democrat November 7, 1889
SYRACUSE Jesse Blair, of Harmar, is visiting relatives here. Jno. Williams leaves for Huntsville Missouri this week. Miss Lizzie Ryan and Tillie Bentz left for Cincinnati, Saturday. Warren Stobart leaves Tuesday for Great Bend, and will go South in a few days on a produce boat. To David Grimm and wife, a boy last week. Brown Covet will move to Middleport this week. Anne Carleton, of Kingsbury is visiting here. Mary Ball, of Portsmouth is visiting here. Jno. Mathews is home again. Fred Gunther is home from Liverpool, O. Will Mills is home from Huntington. It is reported that T.W. Karr will move to Gallipolis this week. Jim Boyd is home from Cincinnati where he has been working. To Gibb Cooper and wife, a boy, Saturday. Jno. Ryan was injured in the mines here yesterday by coal falling on him. No serious injuries were received, but the results from the accident are quite painful. ------------------------- UPPER SCIPIO November 5th.--Today is election, and it will decide whether a "Campbell" can walk over Four Acres or not. We trust he can. D.T. Moore, of Albany, is putting a tin roof on the Bowers school house. Lescalleets moved their saw mill on Mr. Picketts farm last week. Bertie Rawlings, who has been visiting friends in Iowa for some time, returned to her home in Columbia last week. John H. Gibson attended the F.W.B. quarterly meeting at Hocking Valley, last Saturday and Sunday. ------------------------- HARTFORD CITY The Literary Society that was organized a couple of weeks ago is in a flourishing condition now, but people can look out for a great calamity when "she takes a notion to bust." Wm. Harden and Robert Worth, who went to Cincinnati to work, returned after one week's work in the city. Morgan Jenkins and Andy Miller, who have been working in Findley, O., are home during the blowout there. The arrival of Noah Burgess, is expected daily, with his "Turkey" on his back. He also went to Cincinnati to work. R.S. Jones and G.M. Donnally, two young telegraph operators of this place will start for Dallas Texas, in a few days. Lon Bowels, formerly operator at New Haven, now has charge of the Telegraph office here. Mr. Chas Eggenswiller returned one day last week from a trip to the upper end of this state and Pa. John Blair and Mr.------ of Syracused were taking in the sights of this City, last Thursday. Geo. Roush, of New Haven, was smiling on some of the fair ones here, Sunday eve. Mrs. B.J. Lenner and children are visiting friends in Penn. We don't understand why the Apple Grove correspondent never says anything about P.C. visiting there. Jas. Jones, of Wheeling, Miss Mary O'Dell, of Cottageville, and Mr. Pete Embleton, Jr., of Kanawha, attended the wedding, here, last week. ---------------------------- LANGSVILLE AND HANESVILLE J.A. Davis intends to sell out his store goods at cost. He will move to Columbus. Langsville will lose a good merchant and a firm democrat. There was a man by the name of Burlinggame addressed the people at Buckhorn school house, Thursday night, and Parkinson school house Friday night, on the subject of Prohibition. T.A. Happes and father-in-law, Mr. Baily, of Pomeroy, were calling on friends and relatives here, recently. They had a good time hunting and took quite a number of squirrels and rabbits home with them. Mrs. B.L. Darst, who has been on the sick list, is convalescing. Wm. Hall and family were visiting at D.F. Barner's Sunday. Mrs. J. P. Bosworth was also the guest of Mr. Barner, Sunday. Lewis King, who is working on the N. & O. Railroad, in West Virginia, came home yesterday for the election. Austin Miller and sisters, Emma and Daisy, were the guests of James Miller, yesterday. Daisy is still visiting in Morgan. [Transcribed by Susan Kuhl]
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, November 13, 1889
MRS. NANCY BRANCH. widow of the late Hosmer Branch, died at her home on Mulberry street last Thursday evening about 9 o'clock. She had been confined to her bed for about 15 weeks, and a month previous to that time she lost her eyesight. The deceased was about 75 years old and had been a resident of the County for nearly 50 years, coming to Pomeroy from Chester nearly that long ago. Her maiden name was Haupt, and she married Mr. Branch in Chester. The deceased was a sister of Mrs. Probst, mother of J.C.Probst, of this city. She was the mother of six children, all living, viz: William G. Branch, C.F. Branch, Mrs. Sarah Dyke, wife of Treasurer Dyke, A.A. Branch, Walter S. Branch, W.U. telegraph operator at Middleport, and Miss Mary Branch. The funeral took place from the residence Sunday afternoon, Rev. Turnbull officiating. The remains were buried at Beech Grove Cemetery. Those in attendance from a distance were C.O. Lowery and wife, of Athens, and Mrs. James R. Timms, of Parkersburg. VALENTINE BERGER, for the past two years an inmate of the Athens Asylum, died there Sunday, and was brought to this city Monday for burial. He was 69 years of age. MRS. STAHL, wife of Clayton Stahl, died at their home on Union Avenue Saturday evening from consumption. Her maiden name was Harper, and she was married a year ago last January. She leaves a husband and one child. The funeral took place Monday afternoon. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, November 20, 1889
Pomeroy News (excerpts) Capt. H. M. HORTON has sold his boat, the Charlie McDonald, to Oscar BARRETT, of Cincinnati. Mr. R. E. HAMIAN, the new President of the Pomeroy National Bank, is here learning the ropes of the business. Hon. Henry FRANK, lately elected a member of the Montana Legislature, visited his parents the first of last week, and left for Cincinnati Thursday morning, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. SILVERMAN. [Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech]
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, November 20, 1889
Horrible! Suicide of Elijah COTTRILL! On Monday morning last, between 7 and 8 o'clock, a young man aged only 22 years, living in the 5th ward of Middleport, deliberately fired a ball from a revolver into his brain, and expired in just 20 minutes. His home was with his step father, Thomas JENKINS, just across the street from the 5th ward school house. So far as the public know, or so far as we could ascertain, there was no cause for the rash act; but it appears to have been one of those cool, premeditated affairs for which there is no accounting. He went below town some distance that morning and bade his sister good bye, telling her she would never see him alive again. He also bade others good bye. The ball entered the center of the forehead, and did its work quickly. -Coroner SCOTT, of Pomeroy, was notified, and at once came down and held an inquest, rendering a verdict in accordance with the above facts. [Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech]
Pomeroy Democrat Wednesday, November 21, 1889
OUR CORRESPONDENTS. ----------- GRAHAM STATION. November 19th--The recent rains and pleasant weather has made the wheat look promising for good crops. John J. Spencer bought two hundred barrels of apples from A.M. Carson & Co., of Ripley, yesterday, and is packing them to-day. T.B. Wilkinson bought a large crop of apples near Ravensweed, and will put them on the Pittsburg market, soon. Messrs W.A. Ellis & Co. shipped nine barrels of apples by steamer Capitol City, for Kanawha and Waid Cross shipped a lot of onions. There is talk of a board walk from the depot to the river. We think it is needed badly and should be commenced with delay. C. E. Clark owns the finest double-barrelled, breech loading, shot gun in the neighborhood. On last Sunday Henry Roush, Sr., had a severe attack of heart trouble but is better now. Since the farmers have secured their potatoes against frost they have turned their attention to coal hauling, butchering and gathering corn. -------------- ALBERTA D.W. Harkins and wife, of Hoyttown, were visiting relatives in this vicinity, recently. Will Davis has the mumps. Mr. Calvin Coburn and wife, will start to Michigan in a few days to visit his brother, Hiram Coburn. Mrs. Rachael Bowden, sister of the late Dr. Underwood, of this place, died at her home in Columbiana county, O., November 9th. Meeting commenced at this place according to appointment. General Woodard of Thomas Creek, --------McKinstry and Will Ogden, of Columbia, and Elder M.A. Harvey of Alfred, O., are in attendance. The meeting will continue two weeks. Anna M. Vale commenced school at Maple Grove, November 11th. James McElhinny and wife are visiting at J.V. Smiths'. Joseph Ledlie has purchased a farm near Athens, and report says he will move there in the spring. ------------------- STRINGBURG J.B. McKay is preparing to take a load of cabbage down the river this week. The steamer, Samuel Miller struck a rock at this place, on the 7th inst., and sank in three minutes. She can not be raised until the river falls. N.N. Stanley was calling on friends on Tanner's Run one day last week. The Sabbath Schools of this place have been poorly attended the last few Sundays on account of the rain. Miss Mary Oliver, of Letart, W.Va., who has been visiting relatives here for the last few weeks, returned home Saturday, the 16th. R.J. Pinnick, of Hartford City, is visiting relatives here this week. The fine, large barn of J.B. McKay is nearing completion. The School at Oak Hill is progressing very nicely under the superintendency of Prof. Dayton Hague with Miss Delia Ervin, first assistant. The latest report is that Mr. N.N. Stanley and Miss Clara Whetstone will be married in the near future. --------------------- ENTERPRISE A small child of Josiah Dill is very sick. Rev. Mr. Perry will preach to the "liberty" portion of the U.B. congregation, next Sunday, at 10:30, a.m. Rev. Perry is quite an able talker, and therefore should be greeted with a full house. John Arnold, now rides behind his fast horse, "Ned," in a brand new road cart. Sheridan Banks, of Racine, is doing the painting on M.S. Mitchell's new house. [Transcribed by Susan Kuhl]
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, November 27, 1889
Rutland News (Excerpts) EDITOR REPUBLICAN: Wm. RIGHTMIRE has bought him another dog, not a hound, but one that smells for quails, and when it smells one, it just sits right down, and acts as shamed as if it had been caught killing sheep. But it never kills sheep. Will goes along with the dog to drive the quails out of the dog's path. It is thought that this dog is worth $50, but we don't state it for a fact that it is. E. FALOON, of Athens, stopped off of the K. and O. Railroad last Friday morning, and made friends a short visit and went on home Saturday. V. F. SHEPHERD, of New Lima, who moved over to Zion last fall to board the hands who were to drill the oil well there, moved back to his home last week, a little wiser, but no richer. He boarded himself and family all fall for nothing. Mell. MUSSER, whose house burned last summer, after waiting all this time for a settlement with the Insurance Company, has moved into the old BELLOWS house, on his father's farm. He lost all his household goods by the fire, and needed the money the Company owed him to go to housekeeping with. Mrs. Wm. ATHEY, of near Kygerville, is making a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. HUBBELL, of New Lima. The hunters with their guns and yelling hounds keep up a most everlasting din, and are scaring the poor rabbits and quails into spasms. Mrs. Melzer STANSBURY is in Boston being treated by eminent physicians. There were several wagon loads of dressed turkeys shipped by river from here last week to the Pittsburg market for Thanksgiving dinners for the good people of that city. [Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech]
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, December 4, 1889
Pensions Wm. L. MCMASTER, pension agent of our town, reports the following claims procured by him, viz: John BOLT, Middleport, allowed original pension $4 per month from September 15, 1888. John A. CHRISTY, Bedford township, allowed a reissue or rerating of $8 per month from October 1, 1881; $14 per month from April 3, 1884; $17 per month from February 27, 1889. Daniel R. FOREMAN, Dexter, allowed increase to $12 per month from September 4, 1889. S. R. CAVENDER, Rutland, allowed increase $17 per month from October 3, 1888. M. HOGUE, Saxon, allowed increase $6 to $10 per month from Sept. 4, 1889. Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, December 25, 1889
Roll of Honor Middleport High School Senior Class C. J. GRANT, 4 studies 100 S. Bradbury HANLIN 100 Sallie C. HODGE, 4 studies 99 Norma GREEN 97 [M]ary GRANT, 4 studies 93 Junior Class John B. HODGE, 4 studies 100 W. R. TALBOTT, 4 studies 97 C. J. SEMPLE 96 Carrie M. STEWART 93 Sophomore Class Lucy L. COOPER 99 David JONES 96 Freshman Class Jessie M. HALE 99 Ruby B. DECKER 95 Lettie A. JONES, 4 studies 95 Corinne E. BRUNKER 91 Sophia L. MACK 93 Ida M. RAYBOULD, 4 studies 93 Myrtle HERRINGTON 93 M. W. COULTRAP, Superintendent S. P. HUMPHREY, Principal [Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech]
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