These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
unknown Meigs County newspaper February?, 1890
Betsey Havens was born Jul 29, 1796 in the State of New York, was married to Daniel Jones Gilliland in 1812 at the age of 16 years and came with her husband and some friends to Harmar, Ohio in 1814, lived there about six years and moved to Tuppers Plains, lived there two years, and then moved into Bedford township, where she has since resided. Her father's name was Richard Havens, her mother's maiden name was Tabitha Whitacre. She was the mother of eleven children, to-wit: Almira, James, Margaret, Reuben, Mary, Harriet, Elizabeth, David, Joseph and Jacob [twins] and Betsey, eight of whom are now living. Her grandfather Whitacre fought and died in the war of the Revolution, her father fought in the war of 1812, her two sons, David and Jacob fought in the late Rebellion, and the latter gave his life for the Union. She has been a widow over twenty-one years, and during the greater portion of that time has lived with her daughter, Harriet Frost, and was treated with the greatest kindness that could be bestowed by a daughter to a mother. Died January 28, 1890, aged 93 year, 5 months and 29 days. Mother Gilliland was baptised by Rev. James Gaston and united with the Christian church at Bedford about fifty years ago, and has been a consistent member ever since. It was always her greatest delight to be at church and in her younger days her house was always open to all church goers and especially a home for the preachers. She was strongly attached to the dear old Bible and read a great deal. Her faith in her Redeemer was firm unto the end. Talking with her daughter she said, "My God and my Redeemer are in all my thoughts, the last when I shut my eyes to sleep and the first when I awake in the morning." Her parting words were: "Heaven in open to receive me. Blessed Lord, Don't mourn for me, I going home to be with friends who have gone before. God bless you all; be good children." The funeral services, conducted by W. G. Sanders, at Flora, January 30, were very impressive. [Transcribed by Kay Williams]
The Meigs County Republican February 19, 1890
FOUND DEAD IN BED. - Abel Roush, who was taken to the Athens Asylum from his home at Horse Caves last April, was found dead in his bed at that institution Saturday morning. The deceased was about 73 years of age, and leaves a large family of grown-up children. The body was brought in Sunday and taken home for burial.
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, March 5, 1890
Harrisonville Items EDITOR REPUBLICAN: Our town and vicinity have been visited by disease and death for a few months past. On 12 of December last, Mrs. Oliv[ ] MCKINLEY died, leaving a husband, four small children and many friends to mourn. She was a kind wife and mother. On the 18th of January, 1890 Julia ALKIRE died, a young and respectable lady of 18 summers. Then their youngest daughter, Mary, died February 25th. She left a bright evidence behind that she had gone to rest. All the four deaths were from typhoid fever. On the 20th of December, Mrs. L. B. JONES died, leaving a husband all alone, three children, all of whom are gone, and aged mother, two sisters, and one brother, (Rev. E. P. BROOKS) to mourn. But they mourn not as those who have no hope. She left an evidence with us that she is at rest. All the four deaths were from typhoid fever. Our beloved pastor, A. H. LATHROP, of the M. E. Church, commenced a protracted meeting last Friday on Ervin Creek, but had to close it the same week on account of ill health. Dick- Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, March 19, 1890
Died -In Clifton, at the home of her parents, on Tuesday morning, March 4th, 1890, Fannie MCDANIEL, aged 19 years, 3 months, 16 days. She had been slowly yielding to the insidious work of consumption for many months. When it became evident that the end of her youthful lie was approaching, her mind turned to a preparation for the closing house and for a home beyond the river. She sought and found the pearl of great price, and became reconciled to God and his will, saying that she was prepared to die, and expressed a desire for her parents and friends to meet her in Heaven. The funeral was conducted by the Rev. A. J. LYDA, in the M. E. Church on Wednesday afternoon, and she was laid to rest in the new cemetery near Clifton, followed by her family and many friends. L. Jurors Grand Jurors drawn for the April term, 1890, of the Meigs County Court of Common Pleas, commencing Tuesday, April 8th: M. P. CARPER, Bedford T. C. BRALEY, Rutland George WEYERSMILLER, Pomeroy J. W. HOPKINS, Pageville Jacob FINDLING, Orange Frank ANDREWS, Olive Henry BAIRD, Salem John ROUSH, Racine Jesse FRAZIER, Silver Run Charles BALL, Harrisonville T. B. BAILEY, Syracuse S. D. WEBB, Middleport John Baker, Chester T. J. Spence, Portland Leonard MACK, Pomeroy Petit Jurors drawn to appear at 9 o'clock, Monday, April 14, 1890: T. J. WYETH, Salem Lester FROST, Bedford James G. MILLER, Chester John BROWN, Rutland John CIRCLE, Racine M. A. PARKER, Orange John MARTIN, Great River D. FINDLING, Pomeroy Henry WARREN, Jr., Olive Horace STRONG, Salem George SAUER, Pomeroy John HYSELL, Rutland Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, March 26, 1890
Teacher's Certificates The following parties received certificates at the last examination of teachers. There were 42 applicants: Months Elmer FROST, Alfred 24 David SALSER, Syracuse 24 J. A. SMITH, Racine 12 George SMITH, Pomeroy 12 A. C. GUTHRIE, Flora 24 A. H. DORST, Chester 24 C. F. GUTHRIE, Alfred 12 Elza WATSON, Tupper Plains 12 W. V. HANNUM, Long Bottom 12 A. W. TORRENCE, Long Bottom 12 G. W. Laubner, Pomeroy 12 Emmet HYSELL, Middleport 12 Love SMART, Hazel 12 Clara PRICE, Portland 12 Vietta PARKER, Chester 12 Sallie NELSON, Dexter 12 Emma ADKINS, Wilkesville 12 [Elis Sweil], Valley Ford 12 Stella MILLER, Wilkesville 12 Mary CASTER, Dyesville 12 Ella FOSTER, Point Rock 12 Clara HILL, Dexter 12 Ella RECTANUS, Hemlock Grove 12 A Personal Request EDITOR REPUBLICAN: Please give room in your paper for these few facts. I will say that I have borne with more persecution than any man that ever lived in a civilized county. Yet my hands are clean. Go on. The more you persecute me, the better the Christian you make of me. Yet, when these volleys come at me, I feel like returning fire. Yet Something says, "Hold on; when they weep, you will be glad." Then, the stronger I get; the firmer and clearer I am in God's word. Now I will say, this is not for any of the good people of Middleport or West Columbia; it is for those who meddle with other people's business. It is a very base man who will injure another just because he can, or to please some one else. Now, I will say, the men who took a vow to be my friends are some of my worst enemies. If there should be any reply to this, the writer will please give full name, or the editor will be held responsible. Isaac SMITH Silver Run Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, April 9, 1890
J. F. BING was born in Addison township, Gallia county, Ohio, December 12, 1854, died Sunday March 30, 1890, at 5 o'clock P.M. at his home near Cheshire. The cause of his death was lung fever. Deceased was a son of John J. and Mary J. BING, unmarried and a farmer by occupation. He leaves a mother, two brothers, one sister, and numerous relatives to mourn the untimely taking off of a well beloved relative. The funeral occurred Tuesday, from the M. E. church at Cheshire conducted by Rev. D. L. CHAPIN, of Middleport. Interment took place in the beautiful Gravel Hill cemetery. In life, Mr. BING was a genial and highly esteemed young man, a pleasant companion socially, and a useful citizen, and his death is a shock to the entire community. Mr. BING was once connected with the Middleport Herald in the capacity of Local editor, and for a number of years has acted as Cheshire correspondent for several newspapers. He has been the subscription agent for the Democrat for some time past, and has been the direct means of rendering us very material assistance in establish- a large list at Cheshire. We extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family. -Pomeroy Democrat. Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech
unknown Meigs Co. Newspaper April 14, 1890
Mrs. Lydia Eastman, wife of Edward Eastman (deceased) died of consumption, Apr 12. She was spending a few days with Mrs. James Scott, when she was taken sick and too ill to be brought home. The funeral services were conducted by Elder Wayne Harkins, and she was lain by the side of her husband in the Bungtown cemetery. Transcribed by Kay Williams
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, May 7, 1890
Married -Bushenville-Cornwell. At the Episcopal parsonage, Grand Forks, N. D., on April 2, 1890. Miss Etolle V. CORNWELL, of Stephen, Minnesota, and Mr. M. J. BUSHENVILLE, of Crookston, Minnesota. "Etta" is the daughter of our townsman, Mr. J. G. CORNWELL. She is a bright young lady of many attainments having a large circle of warm friends gained by her charming social qualities and many acquaintances made while acting as telegraph operator here. Mr. BUSHENVILLE is manager of the Western Union Co.'s business at Crookston. We extend most hearty good wishes to Mr. and Mr. BUSHENVILLE. (Stephen, (Minnesota) Leader). Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, May 7, 1890
Mr. Eben T. GRANT, of Joplin, Missouri, is here on a visit to the GRANT Brothers, Col. Cyrus and William, and his numerous other relatives. The old gentleman is well preserved, is eighty-three years old, and preaches occasionally in his adopted town. He is one of the seven noted GRANT brothers, was born in the state of Maine, came to Middleport in 1817, and resided here until 1852, when he left for the West. On the way here from Joplin, he stopped at two or three places to visit his children and other relatives. He grows enthusiastic over the boom which his town is enjoying, being in the center of the lead and zinc region. He says the wheat crop along the route does not show up very well, the promise being for not more than a two thirds crop. He owns eight acres of land on the hill back of Middleport, which he will dispose of cheap. Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, May 7, 1890
Rutland News EDITOR REPUBLICAN: It is settled that there will not be over a half of a crop of strawberries. The late frost although but light, killed all the earliest variety, the "Charles DOWNING." There is not one of them left. Then the continued extreme wet damaged other varities on heavy clay soils. Only new beds on lightly sandy soils will have anything like a full crop, except perhaps the Mt. Vernon, a late variety, that looks promising. Many say they will not have over a one-third crop; and continued wet now in the midst of the picking season makes it look gloomy. But there were a few shipped Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Prices are likely to keep up, especially if the weather continues wet. All may now put butter on their bread; it is only five cents a pound here now. Mitt. RATHBURN shipped 300 pounds to Columbus and received nine dollars for the lot. The problem now is what is a cow worth? Frank BOLTON, of the city Bank, Pomeroy, was out on School Lot here Sunday, eating strawberries with his country cousins. Miss Orie VINING, of Dexter, is visiting relatives about New Lima. Dr. BEAN is now swallowing his own pills. He now knows how it is himself. Little Golda, daughter of Mell. MUSSER, has been quite ill for several days past. Mell PRICE is getting up a patent wash board to be made of fire clay; and A. J. GRIMES is up in Pennsylvania booming it. Mr. Seth PAINE and Mrs. PAINE have both been on the sick list in the past week. Our Township Trustees set men at work last week, and fixed a few rods of the worst road between here and Middleport. It was near the Barton cross roads, below the village. This proves that any and all other bad places can be repaired if the supervisor were not too busy to attend to it. Another young man was accidentally shot in the west side of this township last Monday by the careless use of the accursed pistol. Why men and even boys are allowed to carry a pistol is difficult to determine. There is absolutely no excuse for one pistol in Meigs county, and on nearly half the men and boys to be met, if searched, one would be found. It is a crime that should be severely punished. The shooting was purely accidental. The Republican gave an account of the affair last week. Young WARD was a really good young man, and his parents are nearly heart broken. The colored people are ahead this time. They had a strawberry supper last Tuesday evening. James [ ]ellie, of Columbus, is here in the interest of a commission house of that City. James is well known of our people, and his house made a good hit in his selection for this place. The widow of the late Abner BICKLE, of Monkey Den, lost her only cow last week. Steps were taken to raise by subscription money to buy her another cow. Miss Gertie, daughter of H. Clay SMITH, was quite sick several days the first of last week. The heavy rain Sunday prevented the holding of memorial services. Neither the Rev. TIPTON nor the people were able to get out. Mrs. A. J. GRIMES, of near New Lima, spent Saturday night with her brother, Charley PRICE, in Rockville. Henry FOX, a native Rutlander, who now lives in Athens county, has been visiting about here for several days past. You made a mistake on the Hogue ad. It should read Langstreth, and not Longstreth. Correct. There are three of the sons of our old friend Julius HIGLEY here to-day. They are A. J., D. B., and S. W., all native Rutlanders, and true sons of a noble sire. They are prominent business men of Southern Kansas, and doing well. No old Rutland boys meet a more hearty greeting from their former friends than do these HIGLEY boys. The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. Church is going to have refreshments for the hungry on Decoration Day. -They will have ice cream, cakes, &c., or a square meal for those who desire it. Pensions Report of allowance of pensions, & c at W. L. MCMASTER'S agency, Middleport, Ohio to May 5, 1890: Lewis SPIRES, Rutland, increase to $6 from February 26, 1890. Joseph MCBRIDE, Middleport, increase, to $17 from February 19, 1890. William H. PRICE, Kyger, original, $4 per month from August 15, 1888. Samuel PHELPS, Hurricane, W. Va., original $4 per month from February 18, 1889. Benjamin YEAUGER, Cheshire, dependent father's pension of $12 per month from August 18, 1889. [Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech]
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, May 7, 1890
The Census Enumerators for Meigs County Bedford Albert F. RUSSELL Chester Joseph WINDON Columbia M. R. MERRITT Debanon Eldo SIMPSON (appears Debanon in original article) Great Kiver D. M. BYERS (appears Great Kiver in original article) Letart Edward M. MCDADE Olive Floribel REED Orange Ebenezer YOUNG Pomeroy Precinct George MOORE Pomeroy, 1st Ward J. E. CAMPBELL Pomeroy, 2d Ward Frank RATHBURN Pomeroy, 3d Ward Geo. P. STOUT Pomeroy, 4th Ward John GROGAN Rutland George BENEDICT Racine Precinct S. F. SMITH Syracuse Precinct Lee PHILLIPS Minersville Prec John Houdaschelt Pagetown Prect Orlando WOOD Harrisonville Isaac N. CHASE Salem R. R. LYMAN Middleport Oscar P. SKINNER Middleport and Silver Run Precincts -J. M. HUMPHREYS [Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech]
The Meigs County Telegraph Wednesday, May 28, 1890
DAVID DAVIS FATALLY CRUSHED IN THE PEACOCK MINE. David Davis, who lived with his daughter on Union Avenue, was so badly crushed in the Peacock coal mine last Thursday about 2 o'clock that he died at 10 o'clock the following day. Mr. Davis seems to have been warned of impending danger, but was not able to fully interpret the premonition of death. The evening before the accident he told his daughter that he felt depressed and had an unaccountable fear of something about to happen to himself or to some of his relatives. While on his way to the mine the morning of the day of the accident he mentioned to a neighbor that he dreaded to go to work, as he thought something would happen to him. He went on, however, and met with the dreaded accident shortly after dinner. He was lying down undermining some loose coal, when about a ton of coal fell on the lower part of his body, crushing his stomach and rupturing the bladder. He was taken home by his fellow miners and Doctor Owen was called who did what he could to relieve the sufferer. Mr. Davis remained conscious until a short time before his death. His death was caused by an unavoidable accident. He worked in a good room and was considered a careful miner. He had been mining coal for fifty-one years, and never before met with an accident of any consequence. The deceased came to Pomeroy from Wales nearly fifty years ago, and has lived here all that time except five years he was in the West. He buried his wife at Rock Island, Illinois, in May, 1861. Nineteen years ago he came back to Pomeroy, and since then has lived here with his daughter Rachel. The deceased leaves five daughters, viz; Mrs. McDonald, of Englewood, Illinois; Mrs. Smith, of Covington, Kentucky; Rachel, who is at home; Lizzie and Evangeline, who reside at Cincinnati. The two last named daughters reached here a few hours after their father's death. Mrs. Smith was unable to come owing to an accident to a son, and Mrs. McDonald did not reach here until after the funeral Sunday. The deceased was born in Cardiganshire, Wales, seventy-one years ago. The funeral took place from the residence Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. Porter Officiating. The remains were buried in Beech Grove Cemetery. Transcribed by Elaine Balasky
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, May 28, 1890
Silver Run News Perhaps a few items from this place may be of interest to some of your readers. J. W. WELLS and wife and daughter Bertie returned Wednesday from a week's visit with friends in Northern Ohio. Mr. BURTON left Monday for Pittsburg, where he engaged in burning brick. Charles ROUSH has moved on his grandfather's farm near the railroad junction. Brandon CLARK and Miss Flora JORDAN spent Sunday with the family of Harrison WELLS. The miners are out on a strike on account of a reduction in their wages. Silas DENNY, who has been very low with the measles, is slowly improving. Mrs. BURTON had the misfortune to run a needle in her hand one day last week. Strand LITTLE is on the sick list this week. The family of John WARD has the measles. J. W. CLARK, the nursery man, returned from West Virginia Monday, where he has been selling trees for two weeks. Mrs. Ella GROVER, of Middleport, was visiting her friends here Saturday and Sunday. Will WELLS visited relatives and friends at Harrisonville this week. Miss Carrie KENT was visiting relatives at Middleport this week. Wells and Amos are putting out about 35,000 fruit trees this spring. Any one wanting fruit or ornamental trees should give him a call. ADELBERT. Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, May 28, 1890
Silver Run News Miss Flora E. JORDAN is engaged to teach the winter term of school at this place. J. N. CLARK and L. D. AMOS made a business trip to Langsville, Thursday. Dr. E. W. GROVER, of Glenwood, West Va., was calling on relatives and friends in this vicinity last week. Mrs. RICE is on the sick list this week. Mrs. Ella GROVER is on the sick list this week. D. WORKMAN has received a pension of $2200, and $14 per month. Mr. L. D. AMOS and family were visiting relatives and friends near Dexter a few days last week. H. A. KENT was calling on Kyger friends last week. The miners had a quite a jubilee the first of the week over a keg of beer. Quite a crowd of young folks went on an excursion to Eight Mile Island last Sunday. As Walter ROUSH was returning from Middleport one day last week, his horse became fightened (sic), ran away, and broke his cart. The farmers here are very late with their spring work, on account of the wet weather. J. W. CLARK, travelling salesman for the Wells & Amos nursery, has just returned from a trip through Lawrence and Gallia county having good success. ADELBERT. Pensions Pensions allowed during the past week through W. L. MCMASTER'S agency, Middleport, Ohio: Joseph B. GILPIN, Mason City, West Virginia-increase to $8 per month from March 5, 1890. Joseph YOUNG, Pomeroy -Increase to $6 from March 12, 1890. Columbus SHREWSBURY, Clifton -Increase to $24 from March, 1890. Strauder HYSELL, Middleport -Increase to $10 from February 26, 1890. Benjamin WANZO, Rutland -Increase to $8 from February 26, 1890. John CIRCLE, Mason City -Increase to $16 from February 19, 1890. Amos GWINN, Letart, West Va. -Increase to $12 from March 5, 1890. John CONKLE, Kyger -Original, $4 from December 19, 188. [appears '188' in original article.] William WARD, Langsville -Increase to $6 from March 5, 1890. [Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech]
Pomeroy Democrat June 5, 1890
Burlingham June 2. The first decoration services were held at this place on May 30th. Fully eight hundred people were present. The democratic and republican drum corps furnished music appropriate for the occasion. Two addresses were made in the afternoon. One by Rev. Steele, of Harrisonville and the other by C. E. Peoples, of Pomeroy. The good people of Burlingham and vicinity are to be congratulated on the splendid success of their first Memorial Day exercises. [Transcribed by Kay Williams]
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, June 18, 1890
Silver Run News Died, June 11, 1890, at the residence of his sister, Mrs. H. A. KENT, Mr. Silas DENNY after a long and painful illness. He was interred in the Pine Grove cemetery, June 12th. Mrs. Kate WESSON is in poor health at this writing. Miss Daisy FISHER gave an ice cream supper to a few of her friends Saturday evening. Will DRAKE who was hurt in the mines some time ago, is still in very poor health. The wheat will soon be ready for the cradle. Come down, boys, and get a job. Miss Daisy AMOS gave a party to her young friends June 14, it being her ninth birthday. We wish her many happy returns of the day. The boys at this place are catching some large fish. Pollard HILL and family are spending a few days with relatives and friends at Beech Hill, West Virginia. Miss Bertie WELLS gave a party to her friends at her home last Friday. An enjoyable time was reported. Miss Laura RIPLEY'S health is improving. ADELBERT Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, June 25, 1890
Pomeroy News Newton-Horton - One of the most pleasant events of the season was the marriage, Thursday evening, June 19, 1890, of Miss Edith, daughter of Capt. and Mrs. H. M. HORTON, to Mr. George N. NEWTON, of the firm of Geyer & Newton. The ceremony was performed at 8:30 by Rev. Mr. OHL, in the presence of about one hundred invited guests. The bride was attired in cream-colored silk, and the groom in the conventional wedding dress. After the ceremonies, the guests were served with an elegant supper, and the time was spent in social enjoyment until a late hour. The happy couple received many handsome presents, including a house and lot in Hartford City, West Virginia. We extend our congratulations. Among these present from abroad were: Mrs. C. D. NORRIS, and daughter, Messrs PATTERSON and GUNDRIE, of Athens and Dr. E. F. WILSON, of Columbus, Ohio. The Executive Committee of The Pomeroy Christian Endeavor Union have obtained the promise of Rev. W. F. MCCAULEY, of Dayton, Ohio, a prominent Christian Endeavor worker of State reputation, to address a mass meeting of Christian Endeavor workers of this section, at the M. E. Church, Tuesday evening, July 8, 1890. Mr. MCCAULEY is a very spirted (sic) and entertaining speaker, and his presence among us and his address to our young people cannot fail to be of material assistance in advancing this important cause among our young people. All societies within reach are invited to send large delegations. Last Wednesday afternoon, Andrew GREUSER met with an accident which may result in the loss of his right hand. While working at the jointer in Davis Planing Mill, his hand was caught and mangled so as to necessitate the amputating his little finger, with a little hope of saving his whole hand. Rev. Dr. CRANSTON, of Cincinnati, filled the pulpit at the M. E. church last Sunday evening. Mr. James JONES, who has been visiting his mother on Lincoln Hill, starts this week for his home in Aspen, Colorado. Donald MCMONALD (sic) has been tendered the position as engineer at the Athens Asylum. Miss Lutt[l or i]e OHL, who arrived home from Alabama last week started for Amherst, Mass. last Friday to attend school. Miss Maud WELLS, of New Philadelphia, Ohio, is the guest of Miss Stella IHLE, on Lincoln Hill. Miss Rubie KNIGHT, of Clifton, West Va., and Miss Leta HAYSLIP, of Huntington; are the guests of Mrs. J. H. HYSELL. Miss Mary E. GROW, who has been teaching in the Deaf & Dumb Institute at Columbus, is home for her vacation. Chris. KUNTZ, of Bailey & Kuntz, has moved temporarly into the Opera House block, while his store room is being repaired. Miss Mollie SCHWERTFEGER, of Wheeling, West Va., is the guest of Miss Ella SCHRIEBER of Lincoln Hill. Kyle KIRKER is visiting his parents of this city. Pensions Pension claims allowed at Wm. L. MCMASTER'S agency, Middleport, Ohio: Boyd LYLE, Kyger, Ohio, Increase to $30 per month from March 19, 1890 Robert J. DECKER, Middleport, Ohio, increase to $14 per month, from April 16, 1890. John H. GREER, Middleport, Ohio, increase to $30 per month from April 16, 1890. [Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech]
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, June 25, 1890
Silver Run News Miss Carrie KENT spent the week at Middleport. L. D. AMOS and J. W. CLARK were at Gallipolis on business. They will start Monday for a trip through Gallia and Lawrence counties. Ferry WELLS attended a law suit at Rutland last Wednesday. Mrs. WESSON visited friends at Point Pleasant a few days last week. The young people enjoyed an ice cream supper at Alex. FISHER'S last Friday night. Mrs. Alvira GROVER visited her mother, who is in poor health, at Porter last week. The wheat harvest is on hand, and the farmers in this vicinity are busy, and hands are scarce. Mrs. Rice's health is improving slowly. Mr. Brandon CLARK made a flying trip to Mr. Chas. RICE'S last Sunday evening. ADELBERT. Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, July 2, 1890
Silver Run News The Commissioners have done considerable work here this week, and now the roads are in good condition. J. W. WELLS was at Gallipolis on business last Saturday. Miss Effie FRAZIER spent the week with her aunt, Mrs. Laura ROUSH, on Kyger. J. W. WELLS is pushing the work on his barn. J. W. believes in improvements and shelter for his stock. Misses Charity and Sadie WELLS left Saturday to visit friends at Hartford City, West Virginia. Ed. LITTLE is the champion fisher of this place. Last week he caught one which weighed 43 pounds. Wash. SWISHER is in very poor health this week. The CARL brothers are giving the miners steady employment now. Alex FISHER and wife were calling on Gallipolis friends last Saturday. Robert LITTLE is on the sick list this week. Ben. ZUSPAN will leave Thursday to spend a few days with friends at Marietta. Wm. H. GROVER has been very sick the past week, but is better at this writing. Finley WELLS and family Sundayed with his father at this place. School closed at this place Saturday, and the scholars are again free. YOU KNOW. Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, July 2, 1890
Personal Mention Mrs. D. L. CHAPIN and daughter Florence will leave this week for Akron, Ohio. They will spend a few weeks at the home of Mrs. CHAPINS mother and with other relatives and friends. Mrs. Cynthia JOHNSON, of Third street, is quite sick, suffering with congestive chills. Mrs. A. S. KERR is very sick this week with quinsy. Capt. S. P. COE is having the Opera House building freshly painted. Now if he will improve the ventilation of the hall, he will confer a blessing on Middleport audiences. Mr. S. D. WEBB was taken sick at the Congressional Convention in Ironton last week, and had to come home. Miss Clara SKINNER, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. SKINNER, arrived home from Buchtel College, Akron, Ohio, on Friday evening last. Miss Alma VANZANT, of near Langsville, has been spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Oliver ROWLEY. Miss Kate MOREHART returned home last Thursday from Columbus, where she has been attending school. Masters Harry and Joseph SISSON, of Washington City, are here on a visit to their grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac ROWLEY. Miss Ella MOORE came in from Nelsonville last Wednesday to visit her mother and many Middleport friends. Miss Ella has again been elected principal of Nelsonville Schools. Misses Florence and Nellie CALDERWOOD, accompanied by their uncle, Mr. James PARK, went to Ironton last Thursday, where the girls paid a visit to Mrs. Lewis RICHARDS, while Mr. PARK attended the Congressional Convention. Mr. George COOPER, who has been attending college in Philadelphia, came home on Friday last to spend the summer vacation. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James COOPER. M. H. WATKINS, a graduate of the college, a good Republican, for several years past surveyor of Meigs county, and a delegate to the Congressional Convention, which meets in Ironton to-day, was in town yesterday. -Athens Herald. Mrs. Loyal F. WILLIAMS, of Dubuqe (sic), Iowa, who has been visiting relatives hereabouts for two or three weeks past, returned to her home yesterday. Her visit was a pleasant one both to herself and friends. Mrs. W. E. BRYAN (Fannie DUMBLE) arrived home from the City of Mexico on Wednesday evening last. After visiting folks here a few weeks, she will return either to Kansas City or Chicago. The climate of Mexico did not agree with her. Mrs. James DUNN and little son Fred left Monday for an extended visit to friends and relatives in Bucyrus, Ohio. Mr. Charles MOORE left for Charleston, West Virginia, Sunday last, to visit his sister, Mrs. Earl C. DUMBLE. Mr. John H. JONES left yesterday morning for Portsmouth, where he will take the road as commercial traveler for an extensive firm. Col. R. E. PHILLIPS will be Marshal of the Day, July 4th, at Marietta. He will make the celebration a success. Mr. Will. GARRETT came up from Ashland, Ky., Saturday, to visit relatives and friends. Maj. J. B. DOWNING left Monday morning, via Ohio River Railroad, for Bell Valley, Ohio, to adjust a loss. Messrs. Thos. STEVENS and John C. CLUELY, employes (sic) at the Rolling Mill, left Monday morning, via Columbus, Hocking Valley and Toledo Railroad, for St. Louis to spend the 4th. Mr. Charles LASHER and wife were visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. A. EVANS, on Storys Run, last Saturday and Sunday. Miss Sallie BRUCE received a telegram Sunday morning stating her sister had died. She left Monday morning on the steamer St. Lawrence, for her home at Ironton, Ohio. Fifteen ladies from Hamilton, Ohio, made the round trip on the steamer St. Lawrence last Saturday. They were having a good time when here. Mr. J. W. TALBOTT returned Monday morning from Cincinnati, Ohio, where he laid in a stock for a wholesale grocery. Mr. Charles HAMBRICK, who is employed as baker at Moore Bros Bakery left Monday morning for Piqua, Ohio, to visit his sick sister. T. A. EVANS and wife were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jacob WARD, in Morgan township, Gallia county, last week. Capt. Elisha BARRINGER now stands at the wheel of the steamer Cora. Rev. M. H. TIPTON returned yesterday morning from Ironton, Ohio. Miss Lizzie BARRINGER returned Sunday on the steamer Scoti[] to her home at Cincinnati, Ohio, after a pleasant visit to the family of Capt. Elisha BARRINGER. [Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech]
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, July 2, 1890
New Pension Bill To my old comrades and their dependent relatives: I am pleased to inform you that the new pension bill has passed both Houses, and gone to the President for his signature. Do not send your claims away from home. I will have blanks and be ready for claims just as soon as the Commissioner of Pensions directs how applications shall be made. Come and see me or write. W. L. MCMASTER, Pension Agent Middleport, Ohio Pensions for ALL The President has signed the new Pension Bill, and it is now law. I state to my old comrades now living and to the dependent relatives of those deceased, to place your claims in the hands of a competent attorney at home, an agent whom you can trust, and one who understands his business. I am ready to prosecute claims for all entitled under the new act, as heretofore during my past eleven years experience. I have transacted business under the former laws. I devote my whole time to, and believe I understand the constitution of, and the decisions on all acts of Congress relative to the pension and claim laws. The claims allowed through my agency will support my statement. If you place your claims in my hands, I pledge myself to do all I can for you, and thank you for your patronage. I am a broken down soldier, having served over three years -from 1861 to 186[4] -in the Fourth Regiment West Virginia Infantry, I attend to every claim closely. I do not allow a paper to leave my office until I have examined it carefully, and I have a correct copy of every statement made in each claim. Very Respectfully, Wm. L. MCMASTER United States Claim Agent Middleport, Ohio Pensions Allowance for Pensions at W. L. MCMASTER'S agency, Middleport, Ohio: Wm. Tyler ROBERTS -original, $4 per month from December 17, 1886. Jacob MILLER, Addison, Ohio -increase from $14 to $30 per month from April 15, 1890. James EDWARDS, Clifton, W. Va. -Increase from $10 to $14 from April 30, 1890.
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, July 9, 1890
A sad accident occurred at Glen Roy during the storm last Saturday evening. Mrs. U. D. WILLIAMS and her husband (formerly of Middleport) were sitting in their home, when it was struck by lightning. The current passed down the chimney, which was in the center of the house, and out of the window of the room in which they were sitting. Mrs. WILLIAMS was directly in the path of the fatal bolt, and was killed instantly. Her husband experienced a slight shock, but suffered no bodily damage. -Jackson Herald. FULLER-MORRIS WEDDING A dispatch from Gallipolis, July 1, says: The wedding of Mr. Burt FULLER, a son of Col. W. G. FULLER, and Miss Ada MORRIS, only child and daughter of Mr. J. P. MORRIS, proprietor of the Park Central Hotel, (formerly of Middleport) took place before a splendid audience at the First Presbyterian Church in this city at 10 o'clock A. M. to-day. Rev. R. H. COULTER, pastor of the church, officiated. Mr. and Mrs. FULLER were among the best young people of this city. The pair will go on their wedding tour to the coast, and upon their return will settle down in this city. Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech
The Meigs County Telegraph Wednesday, July 16, 1890
MRS. ANN SCOTT. Mason City lost one of her oldest residents July 8th in the death of Mrs. Ann Scott, wife of Thomas Scott. Deceased was born at East Rainton, County Durham, England, 79 years, 9 months and 2 days before her death. She and Mr. Scott were married 62 years, 2 months and 2 days, and he survives at the age of nearly 82 years. Mrs. Scott was an invalid for nearly fifteen years. Mr. Scott came to Pomeroy in 1852 and remained here until 1858. While here he built and managed the Sugar Run salt furnace. He was also manager of the Pomeroy furnace before Mr. Turnbull took charge of it. Mr. Scott and family have lived in Mason since 1863. Mrs. Scott, whose funeral took place July 10th, was a faithful member of the M.E. Church sixty years. MRS. IHLE, mother of Mr. C. Ihle, Mrs. George Eiselstein, and Mrs. Heilman, of this city, died at her home on Monkey Run at 4 o'clock Sunday morning, at the age of 85 years. The funeral was held at the German M.E. Church Monday, and the remains were buried at Chester. CHRISTIAN ZIEHER, aged 36 years, 5 months and 20 days, died of consumption at the home of Louis Gottfried, on Union Avenue, at 6:30 p.m. Friday. The funeral was held at the German Presbyterian Church Sunday forenoon, and the remains were buried in the Austin graveyard. The deceased was a widower, his wife having died eight years ago, and leaves three children. He had been an almost helpless invalid for ten years, and had been kindly taken care of by his sisters, Mrs. Gottfried, Mrs. Peter Eberbach, and Mrs. Smith. GEORGE GARLAND, an old resident of Minersville, died last Thursday. Transcribed by Elaine Balasky
The Meigs County Telegraph Wednesday, July 23, 1890
SQUIRE ISAAC BRADFIELD. Death claimed a well-known citizen of Pomeroy at 5:40 o'clock Saturday morning in the person of Justice Bradfield. His death was caused by heart failure and the results of the extreme heat of the past few weeks. Justice Bradfield took to his bed two weeks ago yesterday, but his case was not considered hopeless until three or four days before his death. Deceased was born at Harrisonville January 8, 1838, and was therefore 52 years, 6 months and 11 days of age at the time of his death. September 29, 1861, he was married to Tabitha G. Gregg at Harrisonville, whom he leaves with their four children - Etta, Charles S., William H., and Bessie V., all of whom are at home. Justice Bradfield was a familiar figure about the Court House for many years, and probably solemnized more marriages than any other one man in the county in the past ten years. He was Deputy Sheriff of the county from 1864 to 1875, and acted in the capacity of Jailer; was one of the appraisers of real estate in Salisbury Township in 1880, and was one of the Justices of the Peace for the township from October 29, 1881, until his death. For many years he was the proprietor of different hotels here, and only retired from that business two or three years ago. Deceased was noted for his obliging disposition, kindness, and placid temperment. He was always willing to do a favor for anyone, and had no enemies. Always in a good humor, and being of cheerful disposition he made friends wherever he went. He will be missed. The funeral was held at the Baptist Church at 3 p.m. Sunday, Rev. Porter, pastor of the M.E. Church of which church organization the deceased was a member for thirty-seven years, had charge of the services. Ministers from several other churches were present. The church was crowded from pulpit to doors with relatives and friends who desired to pay the last tribute of respect to the dead, and quite a large number were unable to get in and remained on the street. The remains were buried in Beech Grove Cemetery, where several hundred had congregated to witness the last sad rites. MRS. MARY GARDNER, aged 74 years and 7 months, died at her home on the West Virginia Flats below here from paralysis last Wednesday night. Deceased was one of the oldest residents of that neighborhood. Transcribed by Elaine Balasky
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, July 23, 1890
Silver Run News (Delayed from last week.) Samuel THOMPSON, of Illinois, is visiting his friends and relatives in this vicinity. John REED and family were visiting friends in this vicinity Sunday. Ferris WELLS and sister Bertie spent Sunday with their uncle Robt. G. WELLS in Pagetown. Charles RICE had the misfortune to lose a fine colt one day last week. Quite a number of young folks of this place took in Robinson's show Friday. Miss Flora JORDON left for her home near Dyesville Sunday. Jesse FRAZIER and wife visited friends near Kyger Saturday and Sunday. Harvey HENSON purchased a fine horse of Mr. SWISHER last week. Benj. ZUSPAN has returned home from a week's visit with friends in Marietta. Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech
Athens Herald July 31, 1890
Mrs. Michael Smith, residing near Garden, Athens county, just over the Meigs county line, committed suicide last Saturday morning by shooting herself in the right temple. She expired in about ten minutes. She leaves a husband and a ten-year-old child. She had been suffering from ill-health for some time which was the cause of unsettling her mind, and prompted her rash act. - Pomeroy Democrat Transcribed by Cindy Montle
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, August 6, 1890
On Thursday last our townsman, Mr. John GROGAN, while superintending some improvements on the dwelling he recently purchased on Third street, was overcome by the heat, and soon was a very sick man. He was removed to the residence of his son, Mr. Taylor GROGAN, close by, a physician was summoned, relief rendered, and in the cool of the evening the old gentleman was removed to his own home on the hill. He did not get out again until Saturday evening. It was a pretty loud call, and Uncle John will have to be careful. SICK Mr. F. P. BRYAN was taken very sick about 2 o'clock last Saturday morning with some stomach trouble. -So intense was the pain that for a while it was thought he could not stand it. A physician - Dr. C. R. REED - was hastily summoned who placed the patient under the influence of morphine to alleviate his sufferings. This has been kept up since, and it is thought the sufferer is not yet out of danger. It is hoped, however, he may pull through all right. Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, September 10, 1890
Long Bottom EDITOR REPUBLICAN: Jarvis CURTIS and wife, of Point Pleasant, are the guests of Horace SWAN and family. Dr. E. W. RINE will leave in a few days for Winchester, Indian, where he expects to make his future home, and continue his practice. The doctor will be greatly missed, but our loss is Winchester's gain. Success go with him. Miss Cora WHALEY, of Burlingham, is spending a few days with her many friends of this place. D. HANNUM is quite sick with typhoid fever. Forty scholars are now enrolled at the Normal School of this place. The enthusiasm seems to be very great. Prof. E. C. MCDOUGLE has returned to Lebanon, Ohio, to resume his studies in the N. N. U. He expects to graduate August, 1891. Dr. CARLETON, of Coolville, has located here to succeed Dr. RINE in his profession. An intermediate department has been organized in the Normal, with Miss Ollie E. MERRITT, teacher. J. B. HALSEY and brother, Ed, of Pt. Lookout, were calling on relatives here last week. A donation party is to be held at the widow Osborn's on the 20th. The venerable lady is deserving of aims. Messrs. C. H. and Elmer FROST, who are attending the Normal here, Sundayed at home near Flora. Pensions Claims allowed at Wm. L. MCMASTER'S agency, Middleport, Ohio: Barney CARR, Long Bottom, Ohio -$2 per month from March 1, 1887; and $6 per month from April 16, 1890. Wm. O. SILVEY, Middleport, Ohio -$8 per month from March 22, 1888. Wm. H. SMITH, Clifton, West Va. -$4 per month from February 10, 1887; and $10 per month from April 30, 1890. Geo. MCFARLAN, Rowelsville, Ohio -$6 per month from September 15, 1888. Robert ALLEUM, Syracuse, Ohio -$4 per month from July 28, 1886, and $8 per month from September 7, 1887. B. F. SHIRLEY, Letart, West Va. -$8 per month from August 3, 1889. Minerva HYSELL, widow, Henking, Ohio -$12 per month from July 5, 1888; and $2 per month for each child; she has three children. Wm. G. HUMPHREY, Rutland, Ohio -Increase $10 per month from June 4, 1890. Arthur EDWARDS, Chesterville, West Virginia -$6 per month from May 21, 1890. S. M. BOLT, Middleport -Increase $6 per month from June 4, 1890. James HOPPES, Middleport -Increase $6 per month from May 21, 1890. Saml. J. RUSSELL, Middleport -reissue of $4 $8 $10, per month, dating back to March 3, 1883, and $12 per month from February 20, 1889. [Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech]
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, October 1, 1890
Pensions Claims allowed through W. L. MCMASTER'S agency, at Middleport, Ohio: Mrs. Sarah SWISHER, Kyger, Ohio -Mother's pension; $12 per month from July 25, 1887. Mrs. Alice AUSTIN, now SMITH, Middleport, Ohio -Widow's pension, $8 per month from February 1, 1877, and $2 per month from February 1, 1877, additional for each child, to end May 8, 18[8?]0, date of remarriage. Arrears $471.00. Mrs. Minerva HYSELL, Henking, Ohio -Deceased husband's pension, $4 per month from June 15, 1865, to end January 4, 1888, date of death. Arrears, $1,082.00. Also received a widow's pension, $12 per month from January 5, 1888. Arrears $536.00. William MONEY, Middleport, Ohio -Reissue and increase, $6 and $8 per month, to date back to 1887, and $14 per month from May 14, 1890. Guyan WRIGHT, Minersville, Ohio -Reissue and increase, $8 and $10 per month, to date back to 1882, and $14 per month from May 14, 1890. John WISEMAN, Dexter, Ohio -Increase to $17 per month from May 7, 18[8?]0. Leander SMITH, Rutland, Ohio -Travel pay home from place of discharge from United States service, $29.07. [Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech]
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, October 8, 1890
DEATH OF F. F. FLETCHER We learn from the Pomeroy Democrat the following particulars concerning the life and history of Mr. F. F. FLETCHER: Fennimore F. FLETCHER was born at Unity, New Hampshire, in 1841, and grew to manhood among his native granite hills. He was one of six children, and his death leaves but one, Solon FLETCHER, whose home is in Kansas. The deceased came to Pomeroy, in November, 1863, during the war, and which city has been his home ever since. He was united in marriage with Miss Sallie DAVIS, daughter of Capt. Samuel DAVIS, in February, 1871. To them was born one son, Raymond, a very promising young man of eighteen. Mr. FLETCHER was, for twenty years following the close of the war, superintendent of the Coalport mines and the coal yards of the Pomeroy Coal Company, and served in capacity of City Street Commissioner for several terms. He also contracted for and built a large portion of the present stone wall protection of the city. His army record is that of a brave, fearless soldier. He was mustered into the service of the United States, as a member of the 12th Vermont Infantry, in August, 1862. He re-enlisted in the 187th Ohio Infantry, in January, 1865, and served to the close of the rebellion, being commissioned first lieutenant. -His career during his entire service is one to be proud of. After Mr. FLETCHER retired from the management of the Pomeroy Coal Co. he engaged in the livery business, and established the Pomeroy and Middleport hack line, which is still in operation. He has been a prominent figure in business affairs in Pomeroy for a number of years, and his loss will be felt by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. After a lingering illness of a year or more, his death occurred Tuesday afternoon, September 30, 1890, at half-past one o'clock. The funeral services took place at Grace Episcopal Church, on Thursday afternoon, October 2d, at two o'clock, conducted by the Rev. Dr. J. F. OHL, and were largely attended. The Interment was in Beech Grove Cemetery. The Middleport friends of the family extend to the surviving members heartfelt sympathy in this the hour of their sad affliction. Rutland News A small child of Jerry PRICE, of the South side, colored, died the first of last week, and the remains were interred on Union Hill. Andrew BARTON, of below the village, had a sudden and severe sick spell Thursday evening. He retired to bed as well as usual, but was soon attacked with a pain in the region of the chest, and soon became unconcscious. All possible restoratives were speedily applied, and a physician sent for, and Mr. BARTON is now convalescent. Mrs. Meek SHERROD, of Pawpaw, Michigan, is here on a visit to her many old friends. Mrs. SHERROD'S maiden name was BRYNE, a daughter of the late Luman BRYNE. This is her first visit to her native heath for many years. Wallie LONGSTRETH and wife, of Racine, are visiting her brother, Andrew BARTON. R. R. LYMAN and wife, of Salem, were the guests of Nial BRYNE Saturday night. The family of the late Alex. HOGUE move to-day to the house on the Rathburn farm, above the village. Miss Mary L. BROWN, of your city was in our village Saturday. Mr. MILLER moves to-morrow into the Alex. HOGUE house, vacated by the HOGUE family. The infant daughter of Harve GARDNER has been quite ill with a severe cold, bordering on croup, the past five days. Rev. Mr. WHITE, of the M. E. church, preached his first sermon of the year to his flock in our village Sunday afternoon. The saloon side of the Reunion was a complete success, judging from the visible results. John Brough MCGUIRE, of Happy Hollow, got so overjoyed at the Reunion, that he let his mouth go off too "previous" and the Marshal took John to the refrigerator to cool him off. It cost the namesake of the old Governor $6 to control his appetite and tongue. Lewis HYSELL, of the Run, near Cook's Gap, moved to Pomeroy last Friday and got work in the Rolling Mill. Charley GARDNER of Pleasant Valley, has two small children quite ill. Charley Gardner, of New Lima, is still bedfast, apparently no better. The public roads are quite good where the supervisors have kept the chuck holes filled up. Gossip and news items are at a high premium. The Reunion the past week absorbed all the time and energy of our people. The case from here of the State vs. Thaddeus ROMINE will be tried before Mayor DONNALLY, of Pomeroy, on the 15th inst. Sam. KARR has instituted suit in the Common Pleas Court against T. ROMINE for personal damages. The leaders of the Free Will Baptist church will furnish meals and lunch on election day, at the residence of Clara BENEDICT; proceeds for the benefit of the church. The patronage of the public is cordially solicited. Miss Clara BENEDICT goes to day to Utica, Licking county, to visit her brother Art. Dennis HOLT has bills up for Dakota. He will take a car, and take all his goods. He will start in about ten days. Alex. FOX moves from the Elselstein farm this week to Gallipolis, to go into the dairy business. We had a heavy rain yesterday morning. G. GARDNER Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, November 5, 1890
Died of Paralysis Mr. Barney CURTIS, an old and well known citizen, former policeman of Middleport, was stricken with paralysis at 8 o'clock Monday evening, and remained unconscious until half-past 5 o'clock this (Wednesday) morning, when he died. He was something over 50 years old, and until lately was a hearty robust man. He was a widower and leaves several children. KILLED IN THE MINES Mr. Headley DAWSON, aged 29 years, son of Mr. William DAWSON, formerly of Middleport, was hurt by a fall of slate seven inches thick, in a coal mine at Glen Roy, Jackson county, Ohio, on Wednesday morning, October 29th, and died that night about 12 o'clock. The young man was born and grew to manhood in Middleport, and was the youngest of five living brothers. He went to Jackson county some years ago to mine coal: was married there three or four years ago, and leaves a wife and two children. He was a sober, industrious man, and highly esteemed by all his acquaintances. His relations here went out to attend the funeral. The young man had worked in the mines twelve years, and intended to work only that day, and then engage in other business. But "man proposed and God disposes" of the events of life. Deceased was buried by the Knights of Pythias, uniformed rank, of which he was an honored member. Much sympathy is expressed here for the surviving relatives. Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, November 12, 1890
Personal Mention (excerpt) Dr. L. E. RARDON, one of the most eminent physicians of Cincinnati, was called here last week to consult with other physicians in regard to the severe illness of his cousin, Miss Laura BARRINGER. The Dr. is a nephew of Captains Elisha and W. A. BARRINGER. Miss Lucy LAUGHEAD arrived home from Washington C. H. Friday evening last, and will remain all winter. Will THOMPSON made a business trip to Floodwood, Athens county, last Saturday. Mr. Harlow JONES left Monday for Marietta, where he will visit his mother for a few days, after which he will return to his home in Pittsburg. Miss Dora WEBB, of Salem, has been visiting the family of Mr. S. D. WEBB and other Middleport friends for a few days past. Capt. Jacob BLACKBURN, our Henking correspondent, was elected Justice of the Peace of Cheshire township at the late election. The friends of this paper generally get there. Mr. Samuel CARVEY, one of the blowers at the Steel plant, who has been employed here for a long time, has resigned, and on Monday left for Bellville, Illinois, where he has accepted a like position. He is a splendid workman and a No. 1 young man. Miss Ella ERWIN will leave this week for Findlay, Ohio, where she expects to remain some time with an aunt. Mr. Emmet JONES, manager of the Company Store, went to Gallipolis last Saturday on business. Mrs. Hannah M. ROOT left Monday for Fort Payne, Alabama, where she will reside with Mr. S. C. ADAMS. -She will stop with a brother a day or two at Dayton, Tennessee. Since coming here in July, Mrs. ROOT has built a good business house on Mill street, and improved her other property in fine style. Rev. D. L. CHAPIN has been quite ill for several days with neuralgia. So severe was the attack that he was unable to preach on Sunday, and his pulpit was filled by Rev. Dr. WILSON. Pensions Pension claims allowed at Wm. L. MCMASTER'S agency, Middleport, Ohio: Samuel F. MOORE, Fremont, Neb., -original pension, rate $6 per month from July 15, 1887. Alex R. PERRY, Brookville, Mass. -original pension, rate $6 per month from January 31, 1888. Virginia C. GARLOW, Alberta, Ohio -widow's pension, rate $12 per month from December 5, 1888, and $2 additional for each of two children. Sophia BARRIS, now STAATS, Clifton, West Virginia, mother's claim, rate $12 per month, from October 12, 1888. William MAPES, Cheshire, Ohio -increase to $12 per month from May 21, 1890. Wm. M. DAVIS, Harrisonville, Ohio, -increase to $12 per month from June 4, 1890. Martin NATROSS, Clifton, West Va., increase to $24 per month from June 18, 1890. John ROUSH, Eno, Gallia county, Ohio -Increase to $24 per month from June 18, 1890. Henry E. MEREDITH, Cheshire, Ohio, increase to $8 per month, from August 28, 1890. [Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech]
The Meigs County Telegraph Wednesday, November 26, 1890
OLD CITIZEN GONE. A FORMER MAYOR OF POMEROY PASSES AWAY. Captain Edmund Williamson, an aged and respected citizen of this place, and who has resided in the First Ward of this city for many years, died last Thursday night at his home from what physicians called progressive paralysis. Mr. Williamson was born in Mason County in the year 1817, making him at the time of his death 73 years of age. He came to this place when 15 years of age and has ever since made Pomeroy his home, although much of his early life was spent on the Ohio river. In pioneer days he was a flat boat and raft pilot, and when the steamboats in their early days began to ply the waters of the Ohio, Mr. Williamson took the helm and guided many of them to and fro. He also was captain on quite a number of steamboats. Some of the boats on which he was employed were the Little Aetna, Harlem, Jane Franklin, Cuba and Lebanon. Mr. Williamson was married in 1838 to Miss Jane Cannon, who survives him, and there were born to the union seven children all of whom except Mrs. John N. Hampton and Mrs. William Todd are living. Mr. Williamson was Mayor of Pomeroy for one term before the war, and held the position of Councilman for a number of years. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon from the residence, Rev. Porter officiating. The remains were then followed by the relatives and many friends who had gathered to pay a last tribute to the deceased, to the Rock Spring Cemetery. The following children were present: Mrs. B. C. Nye, Mrs. John Bartlett and Mrs. R. P. Wood, all of Cincinnati, and Edmund S. of Gallipolis, and Mrs. Wall Hood of Ashland, Ky. Transcribed by Elaine Balasky
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, December 3, 1890
Marriage Licenses Edward C. EASTERDAY and Alice M. EATON Wm. COE and Lenora BARNHART Melvin C. RHODES and Susan B. PERRY Milan A. WILLIAMS and Zella M. CLARK Pensions Pension claims allowed through W. L. MCMASTER'S agency, Middleport O: J. W. NEALE, Clifton -$5 per month from November 27, 1889. R. W. MEEKS, Mason City, -$8 per month from October 11, 1888. Isaac F. MANLEY, Henking -Increase to $8 per month from June 4, 1890. John H. VANMETER, Minersville, -Increase to $18 per month from June 25, 1890. David REYNOLDS, Cheshire -Increase to $17 per month from August 6, 1890. Hiram RUMFIELD, Hanesville, O. -Increase to $14 per month from June 19, 1890. Jacob VANMETER, West Columbia, -Increase to $12 per month from October 15, 1890. Eli RIFE, Dexter -Reissue $6 and $8 per month from 1885. Rus. F. DAVIS, Middleport, -Increase to $6 per month from August 13, 1890. Henry E. MEREDITH, Cheshire, -Increase $8 per month from Aug. 28, '90. [Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech]
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, December 3, 1890
Rutland News EDITOR REPUBLICAN: The first snow of the season, worthy to be called snow, came on Thanksgiving. It blustered all day, and some of it lay on the ground the next forenoon. The mercury went down to 22 degrees above zero. Hon. John WINN, of Albany, Athens county, was here to his sister's funeral. He and his good wife remained over till Sunday. We had a pleasant visit with our friend John. It is a rich feast to talk over old times with such a well stored memory as Mr. WINN possesses. A. HUMPHREY, David GARDNER, and Ad. BECKLEY returned Friday from Pittsburg, where they had been with turkeys for the people of the smoky city, to eat and express their thankfulness over. They report a good fair market. Born, on Sunday, the 30th of November, a daughter to Frank GARDNER and wife, of New Lima. The parents are jubilant. Pat. HEARRY and wife, of Vinton Furnace, Vinton county, were visiting friends in Pleasant Valley last week. Mrs. HEARRY was formerly Miss Kate SILDGERS, of your city. Mr. HEARRY is the railroad agent and telegraph operator at the Furnace. Mrs. Rosella FORREST is in Gallipolis on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herrlman PLUMMER. There was a social dance at J. B. HOLT'S, of New Lima, Thursday night. A fine time was reported. The Thanksgiving meeting Thursday was a splendid social good time. All were well pleased with the discourse of Elder Murel[s?}. The idea of union Thanksgiving is a good one. It should be followed hereafter. The stone work on the road is finished. It is a fine improvement. The wife of Pearl STEVENS, of Langsville, was quite sick all of last week. J. D. MILLER, the present owner of the HOGUE property in the village, had a new roof put on his dwelling house last week. Little Guy LARKINS was quite sick most of last week. He is better at this writing. OBITUARY.-Sara Fana WINN, the subject of this narrative, was a daughter of Abraham WINN, who was a native of Duchess county, New York, but who, when first married, moved to Canada West, on the shore of lake Ontario, where, on July 15th A. D. 1796, Sarah Fana was born. In 1816, with her father's family, she came to Rutland, Meigs county, Ohio where she resided to the time of her death (cut-off). Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, December 10, 1890
DEATH OF HARLEY CLINE A letter was received by a friend in the city Thursday evening announcing the death of Harley Cline at the residence of his father in Middleport, Wednesday evening, after a brief attack of typhoid fever. Harley can be remembered as the bright faced, pleasant young gentleman that was clerk at the drug store of D. Mercer & Co. for the past two years. He resigned his position there last August for the purpose of entering the Ohio State University. Several days ago he was taken home from his studies in very poor health, and taking to his bed immediately never left it until death called him to his last reward. Harley was very popular among the young people of this city and numbered his friends by the score, and they were sadly shocked by the news of his early demise. -Portsmouth Blade. Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech
The Meigs County Republican Wednesday, December 17, 1890
Personal Mention Mr. William NYE, of Mississippi, was among his Middleport friends on Thursday last. He, with four others, brought Reub. SMITH, a Mississippi desperado, to the Ohio Penitentiary on a life sentence. Mrs. Homer GRANT went to Cincinnati Monday to have her eyes attended to. Mr. M. A. CASTOE, of Portsmouth, was on a visit to his former Middleport friends last week. He was here trying to get boiler makers to go to St. Louis, where he is a foreman on a large contract. Mr. A. J. AGEE, of Cheshire, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. HIBBS, in Portsmouth. Daniel MAUCK and wife, two of our good old people of Cheshire, went to Proctorville last week to visit their son, who is in business there. -Gallipolis Journal. Gen. C. H. GROSVENOR, who spent the greater portion of last week in court here, returned to Washington on Sunday. -Athens Messenger. Mrs. Pearl THOMAS (formerly Miss Mittie SKINNER) arrived here on Wednesday last, on a visit to her parents and friends. Her husband will come about Christmas. Mrs. Cecelia KNOPP and Miss Lucy BOICE started on a trip to Pittsburg on the Congo Wednesday. Mrs. KNOPPS son George is engineer on the Congo, and they will doubtless have a pleasant trip. -Gallipolis Tribune. Morgan LONG, of Pleasant Flats, was in the city Saturday. He says Jas. WINDON owes us a hat on the election. -Pt. Pleasant Gazette. Sardine F. SMITH, aged 78 years, and living about six miles back in the country, is quite ill with lung trouble. He is the father of our Wall. B. SMITH. C. C. BOWEN, former landlord of the Grand View Hotel, was visiting his Middleport friends on Saturday last. He is in poor health. Commissioner John N. HAYMAN left Monday morning for New Orleans, where he has several thousand barrels of potatoes, to place on the market. Mrs. W. H. WOODWARD is very much better, with prospects of entire, speedy recovery. We are glad to note this. Mr. Charles ROTH, now of Ironton, was on a visit to his Middleport friends over Sunday. He is prospering in his new home. Transcribed by Shari (Little) Creech
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