These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
The Meigs County Republican January 4, 1892
Supt. Alex. SHULER, whose illness has been frequently mentioned in the Tribune of late, died Sunday, December 25, 1892, at 8 A.M. There was on Saturday a recurrence of the obstruction of the bowels which in the first instance brought Mr. SHULER so near death's door, and a return of "stercoraceous" vomiting, from which he was unable to rally. The funeral was held on Tuesday at Cheshire. Mr. SHULER was in his 49th year; a member of the Freewill Baptist Church; an ex-member of the 531 Ohio Infantry, and a Knight of Pythias. He was a most excellent man in all the walks of life, and was honored and respected by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and six children. Gallia Tribune. Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker
The Tribune January 6, 1892
DEATH OF LESLIE SWEARINGEN: - Last Wednesday, Leslie Swearingen, who was hurt in the Peacock mine December 13, 1890, died at the home of his parents in the Nease Settlement December 31. Deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Swearingen, who lived in this city at the time of the accident. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
The Tribune January 20, 1892
A Close Call Last Wednesday, George MEINHART, a driver in the Hess mine in the Fourth Ward, had a narrow escape from being crushed to death. In going along the entry he noticed two cross pieces on the track. He stopped to remove that when a small piece of slate dropped onto him and knocked him into the ditch. He scrambled out, unhitched his mule and got away from there at once. He had only gotten a few yards away when 60 or 70 car loads of slate fell at the point where he had stopped, crushing the cars into splinters. [Transcribed by Mark Meinhart]
The Democrat (Pomeroy, Ohio) January 21, 1892
THOMSON Ida M. THOMSON, daughter of Aaron and Rebecca THOMSON, was born Dec., 15, 1860 and passed to her final reward Jan. 5, 1892, being thirty-one years, one month and twenty days of age. She was born at Hemlock Grove, Meigs County, O., where she made her home until April 1881, when she removed with her parents to Ceredo, W. Va. Here she resided until her death. She was married about seven years ago to J. Mitchell BURGESS, who preceded her only one week to the grave. He was just recovering from a severe attack of typhoid fever and was seized with "la grippe" which caused his death. He was taken in the prime of manhood, and the shock of his death together with "la grippe" caused his wife's death and they were buried within a week, side by side. They leave three small children and a host of friends and relatives to mourn their loss. She united several years ago with the Christian church, was baptized by Elder BLAKE and has ever since lived the life of a true Christian. E.T. Jan. 10, 1892 LAWRENCE Mr. Thomas LAWRENCE was born in the Fourth Ward, of Pomeroy, Nov. 24, 1859 and was thereby 32 years, 1 month and 13 days of age at the time of his death. He leaves a father, mother and three brothers to mourn his untimely death. He was a musician of considerable talent and also a stenographer. The funeral was held at the M. E. church under the direction of the Syracuse lodge I. O. O. F. of which he was a member. The services were conducted by Rev. J. H. REDMAN. The remains were interred in the Syracuse cemetery. The family have the sympathy of the entire community. HOGAN Miss Katie HOGAN died Jan. 10, of the grip; she was a prominent and promising young lady. The funeral was held in the Catholic church at Pomeroy, conducted by Rev. Father THURHEIMER. As a school-mate, she was loved by all. She left a host of friends and relatives to mourn her loss. [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
The Democrat (Pomeroy, OH) February 18, 1892
EARLY MARRIAGES: The following are the marriages solemnized in Meigs County in the year 1820: Daniel SAYRE to Hepsebah CHAPMAN, Jan. 2, by D.C. SAYRE, J.P. Joseph WRIGHT to Tabitha EVANS, Jan. 13, by D.C. SAYRE, J. Peace Eli SEGIAR and Melinda PHELPS, Jan. 13, by Abel LARKIN, J. Peace Joseph P. STEVENSON to Eliza THORNS, Feb. 20, Jan. 13th, by Mayor REED, J. Peace. David MARTINDALE to Mary DAIRST, Feb. 24th, by Peter ALESHIRE, Minister (in the return the name is DAVIST.) Jacob AUMILLER to Sarah SAYRE, Feb. 27 by D.C. SAYRE, J.P. Levi F. GANDEE to Margaret HANDSHAW, Feb 25, by John BROWN, J.P. John SMITH to Julia CUMMINS, Dec. 16th, 1819, by Wm. ALEXANDER, J.P. Archibald MURRAY to Anna GARDNER, Jan. 13, 1820 William KERR to Jane MURRAY, March 19, by Danl RATHBURN, Jr. J.P. Joseph GRIFFIN to Elizabeth HAYDEN, April 5th, by Simeon ELLIOTT, J.P. John H. SAFFORD to Nancy H. BOOTEN, April 11th by Arch'd MURRAY, J.P. John WINKLEY to Matilda SMITH, April 25th by Danl. RATHBURN, Jr., J.P. James MARTIN to Ruth GIBSON, April 27th by Curtis GODDARD, Licensed Minister of the Gospel, of the Methodist E. church John BARTON to Laodicea EDDY, May 4th, 1820 by Curtis GODDARD Artemus JOHNSON to Palmyra CHASE, May 14th, by Simeon ELLIOTT, J.P. John ABBOTT to Mary SPENCER, April 25th, by Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel James E. CALDWELL to Sarah HUBBEL, May 14th, by Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel Elias GUTHRIE to Mary DAVIS, May 28th by Randal STIVERS, J. Peace Eli BUZZARD to Nancy SIMS, April 3, by Major REED, J.P. Lemuel THORN to Almeria BRANCH, July 3, by Barzilla H. MILES, Eld. William TUBBS to Laura CLEVELAND, Feb 14th, by Jesse WORTHEN, J.P. Jesse STEVENS to Nancy EVERTON, April 30th, by Aaron HATCH, Licensed Minister of the Gospel Michael DUST to Susan ROLER, July 29th, by Wm. ALEXANDER, J.P. Samuel SERVICE to Esther DIXON, Aug. 6, by Randal STIVERS, J.P. James R. GRAHAM to Polly BROWN, Aug. 17th, by Elisha RATHBURN, preacher of the Gospel George MONROE to Sallie EBLEN, Aug 17th, by James RYTHER, J.P. William LARUE to Cynthia BRINE, Nov. 23, by Aaron HATCH, Mins. Gospel Charles WARREN to Tamer WILEY, Nov. 9, by Samuel THOMAS, J. Peace Abner STOUT to Sarah HALL, Nov 23, by Anniel MURRAY, Licenced Preacher Marshall BROWN to Hannah McBRIDE, Dec. 5th, by Simon ELLIOT, J.P. Jamie BOTKIN to Mary BROOKS, Dec. 21, by Samuel DOWNING, J.P. Cornelius MERRILL to Euretta BENEDICT, Feb. 15, by Elisha RATHBURN, preacher of the Gospel
The Democrat (Pomeroy, OH) April 28, 1892
Early Marriages. Those Of The Year 1821 in Meigs County. Cornelius MERRILL and Euretta BENEDICT, Feb. 15th by Elisha RATHBURN, preacher of the Gospel [this also appears in the 1820 marriages, so don't know which is correct - trans.] Silas A. BURNAP to Sally NEWELL, Feb 25th by William WELDON, J.P. Pryor ROBERTS to Rachel EBLIN, Mar. 9, by William WELDON, J.P. David STEITH and Catherine JACKSON, Mar. 8, by John BROWN, J.P. James ASHWORTH to Catherine ALBERTS, April 23, by John BROWN, Justice of the Peace Solomon D. TOWNSEND to Katy Ann TOWNSEND, March 21, 1821 by Asa STEARNS, Elder William SHIELDS to Basheba FESLER, May 17th, Sam'l THORNS John SHIELDS to Nancy MARTIN, Jan. 25, by Sam'l THORNS, Justice Peace Stephen BRADSHAW to Almira JOHNSON, Apr 2, 1821, by Simeon ELLIOTT, J.P. Armstrong WINN and Julia NOBLES, March 1st by Elisha RATHBURN, preacher of the Gospel Adam SAVAGE to Polly HUBBELL, March 15, by Aaron HATCH, a licensed Minister Mark HALSEY to Nabby HULL, July 30, by Randall STIVERS, J. Peace Samuel OLIVER to Mary MUNSON, June 14th by William WELDON, J.P. Charles GUTHREY to Nancy COWDERY, June 3 by William WELDON, J.P. Joel COWDERY to Polly BRANCH, June 12th by William WELDON, J.P. Jude HAMILTON to Sarah GILMORE, August 9, by Randal STIVERS, J. Peace William H. BUFFINGTON to Mary ROWLEY, July 31st by John BROWN, J.P. Daniel PHILLIPS to Polly SHARP, July 5 by Alvin OGDEN, J.P. Charles GARDINER to Lucy STEDMAN, Aug 29, in Orange, by William WELDON, J.P. James HALL to Leah FORD, Sept. 16, by Ezra GROVER Samuel P. McGEORGE to Lydia NOLTON, Sept. 27, by Jacob SWETT, Justice Peace John BROOKS to Jane ERWIN, Oct. 11, by Thomas SHARP, J.P. Elijah STAATS to Nancy ANDERSON, in Olive, by Major REED, Justice Peace Moses SPICER to Nancy COLLINS, in Olive, Aug 14th, by Major REED, Justice Peace William DIXON and Olive INGALS, Nov. 4th, by Randal STIVERS Thos. S. TOWNSEND to Rebecca RIGGS, in Scipio, by Martin RAY, J.P., Oct. 18th Hiram PARKER to Charlotte SCOTT, Nov. 22nd by Randal STIVERS, J. Peace Samuel REED to Sally LANDON, Nov. 22nd by Samuel THORNS, J.P. Jacob COWDERY to Arlan PILCHER, Oct. 11, by Sam'l THORNS, J.P. Ebenezer PARKER to Mary SWETT, Nov. 15th, by John STRONG, J. Peace Abraham STARCHER to Margaret EVANS, Nov. 29, by Wm. ALEXANDER, J.P. David PRICE to Semilla JENCKS, Sept. 16th, by Aaron LASLEY, J.P. Lemuel L. WILDER to Maranda ARCHER, Dec. 4th, in Rutland, by Abel LARKIN, J.P. Lucius HIGLEY to Nancy SHEPHARD, both of Rutland, by Abel LARKIN, J. Peace, Dec. 13 John CALDWELL to Betsey McCLASKEY, Nov. 22, by Elisha RATHBURN, preacher of the gospel Harry CALDWELL to Elizabeth MARTIN, Dec. 6th, by Elisha RATHBURN, preacher of the gospel. [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
The Democrat (Pomeroy, OH) May 5, 1892
Early Marriages The Pioneers Who Married in 1822 James LOGAN and Lovina SAVAGE,of Rutland, Feb. 15th, by Abel LARKIN, J.Peace Hetty CALDWELL to Thomas McCLASKY, in Rutland, Feb 20th by Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel Ranseler TUBBS to Martha ATKINS, in Orange, March 25, by Wm. WELDON, J. Peace Cyrus HUTCHINS to Harriet STEDMAN, April 14th, by Randal STIVERS, J. Peace William RUSSELL to Fannie BAILEY, March 28th, John SMITH, J. Peace John GASTON to Semilla BRINE, April 11th, in Rutland, by Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel Samuel HALLIDAY to Eliza PARKER, April 7th, in Rutland, by Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel Hanielton BLACK to Esther GILBERT, April 11th, in Rutland, Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel William WILSON to Harriet COLLINS, March 14th, by Samuel THOMS, J. Peace Joseph WOLFE to Clarissa CHASE, Feb 21st, by Simeon ELLIOTT, J. Peace Robert TURNER to Elizabeth BRADFIELD, in Scipio, May 12th, by Martin RAY, Justice of the Peace Thomas SMITH to Osea SLACK, March 10th, by Spencer H. HAYMAN, J. Peace Robert G. WILSON to Laura BARNES, March 24th, by Spencer H. HAYMAN, J. Peace William CORN to Elizabeth ALESHIRE, May 2nd by Peter ALESHIRE, Minister of gospel Sereno RATHBURN to Sally BRALELY, of Rutland, May 2nd, by Aaron HATCH, Licensed minister of the gospel Lenard BICKLE to Lucy BOLTON, in Rutland, April 28th, by Aaron HATCH, Licensed Minister of the Gospel Junna CASTLE to Jane DAINES, April 20th, by James RYTHER, Justice of the Peace George DOWNING to Harriet CHASE, July 25th, by Caleb GARDNER, J.P. Roswell COWDRY to Mercy HOYT, in Orange June 20th, by William WILSON, J.P. Michael SAXTON to Martha WRIGHT, in Rutland, July 30th, by Aaron HATCH, Licensed Minister of the Gospel. Samuel SEATIN to Hannah EDDY, Aug. 22, by Randal STIVERS, J.P. Eli WRIGHT to Abigail RALPH, Aug. 27, Randal STIVERS William HANNA to Elizabeth JACKSON, May 8, by John BROWN, J.P. John PICKENS to Esther LASLEY, July 3, by John BROWN, J. P. David GREGORY to Charity COMANS, June 19th, in Columbia, by Thomas SHARP, J. P. Daniel DARBY to Phebe EVANS, Sept. 12th, by Wm. ALEXANDER, J. Peace Silas BINGHAM to Mary GUTHRIE, Oct. 6th, by Randal STIVERS, J. P. Andrew BROOKS to Rosanna MORROW, Sept. 24th, by Samuel DOWNING, J. P. Charles CHASE to Polly HOLT, Sept. 24, by Samuel DOWNING, J. P. Daniel RAILBACK to Eunice WOODWARD, Oct. 15th, by Samuel DOWNING, J. P. Joseph GILES, Jr. to Elizabeth TOWNSEND, Sept. 5, by Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel Obediah RALPH to Sally SMITH, Sept. 19th, by Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel David EDWARD to Hannah SAYRE, Oct. 8th, by Spencer H. HAYMAN, J. Peace Squire COWDRY to Abigail ADAMS, Sept. 25, by Spencer H. HAYMAN, J. Peace John LYONS to Lydia BENNETT, Dec. 7th, by Simeon ELLIOTT, J. P. John NEAS to Margaret HAYDEN, Nov. 5, by Simeon ELLIOTT, J. P. Russell G. COOK to Polly O. MILES, of Rutland, Dec.19th, by John SMITH, J.Peace James TORKNER to Catherine RAWSHAW, Sept. 29, in Olive, by Major REED, Justice Peace Luke ANDERSON to Catherine COLLINS, in Olive, Sept 29th, by Major REED, Justice Peace Rees W. SIMS to Rhoda KING, Dec. 19, in Orange, by William WELDON, J. P. Adam LALLANCE to Catherina BAKER, Dec. 26th, by William WELDON, J. P. Truman HECOX to Martha R. QUIMBY, Dec. 4, by William WELDON, J. P. [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
The Democrat (Pomeroy, OH) May 19, 1892
Pioneer Marriages Those Solemnized in 1824 Horace HOLT to Melinda BELLOWS, of Rutland, Jan. 1, by Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel. William TWITCHELL to Maria DAVIS, by James SHURETIFF, E. C.C. Order. (No date) Andrew DONALLY to Adriana B. VAN DUYNE, Feb. 14, by Simeon ELLIOTT, J. P. Boswell HYSELL to Christian HYSELL, Nov. 20, 1823, by John SMITH, J. P. Bartholomew McHENRY to Christiana BROOKS, Feb. 26, by Samuel DOWNING, Justice of the Peace. Archibald CHASE to Elizabeth PRICE, March 21, Ezra GROVER. George EVANS to Lucinda PRICE, March 21, Ezra GROVER. Philander CASTLE to Abigail HARPER, of Orange, March 18, by Joseph HOYT, Justice of the Peace. John MAUCK to Mary KNAPP, Feb. 22, by Daniel RATHBURN, J. P. Henry DORST to Hannah ALKIRE, March 25, by Wm. ALEXANDER, J. P. Samuel DISNEY to Sylvia VINING, March 14, by John SMITH, J. P. Ephraim TWICHELL to Phebe M. KNIGHT, March 1st, by John SMITH, J. P. Rodney DOWNING to Maria BLACK, of Rutland, April 23, by Elisha RATHBURN, P. of the Gospel. Charles SHEPARD to Polly CARPENTER, in Salisbury, Apr. 22, by Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel. Hamilton KARR to Margaret KARR, in Salisbury, April 25, by Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel. Jacob ROUSH to Margaret WEAVER, April 20, by Simeon ELLIOTT, J. P. John WELDON to Mary ELLIOT, March 18, by Simeon ELLIOTT, J. P. John HALEY to Mary SHIRKLEY, May 11, by Geo. DAVIS, J. Peace. James RIGGS to Philena DYE, of Scipio, May 20, by Martin RAY, J. Peace. Wm. SISSON to Almira CHASE, May 13, by John P. KENT, C. P. James JOHNSON to Mary JOHNSON, of Scipio, June 10,by E. RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel. Wm. POWELL to Eleanor HEILMAN May 14, by Wm. ALEXANDER. Samuel G. ROBERTS to Eliza ROUSH, May 6, by Wm. ALEXANDER, J. P. John STANLEY to Betsey FORREST, July 8, in Rutland, by J. Ellison BROWN. Thomas ASHWORTH to Nancy BLAINE, July 1st, by Nathan NEWSON, J. Peace. Junia CASTLE to Betsey BURROUGHS, June 25, by John BARTON, J. Peace. Gundy GILL to Deborah TUBBS, August 19, by Major REED, J. P. John GASTON to Lydia LARNE, of Rutland, Nov. 2, by Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel. James INGLES to Catherine WOLFE, Aug. 16, by Simeon ELLIOTT, J. P. George INGLES to Sarah DIXON, Oct. 14, by Simeon ELLIOTT, J. P. Joseph SKINNER to Polly GASTON, Sept. 6 or 8, by Aaron HATCH, Minister of the Gospel. Richard REEVES, Jr. to Mary DOUGLASS, Sept. 9, in Scipio, by Samuel DOWNING, J.P. Joel COWDERY to Louise STEVENS, Dec. 11, by Barzilla H. MILES. Henry B. WATERS to Sarah KING, Oct. 5 by William WELDON. Daniel WEAVER to Hannah SAYRE, Nov. 17, by S. H. HAYMAN, J.P. Benjamin SWEET to Eleanor CONNER, Nov. 21, by Wm. McDOWELL, minister of the Gospel. George HETZER to Matilda GILMAN, Dec. 26, by Jamor REED, J.P. Emmanuel SINS to Minerva SEDERE, Oct. 24, by Randall STIVERS, J. Peace. John IRWIN to Nancy SAXTON, Dec. 16, Randal STIVERS, J. Peace. Fielding MAYHEW to Mary PARSON, Dec. 6, by John BROWN, J. Peace. Stephen GUTHRIE to Annie HARPER, Dec. 23, by William WELDON, J. P. John PHILIPS to Betsey SHARP, Dec. 20, by George DAVIS, J. P. Enos QUIMBY to Prudence KELTON, Oct. 3, by Joseph HOLT, J. Peace. James POWELL to Lydia SAYRE, May 16, by Wm. ALEXANDER. [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
The Democrat (Pomeroy, OH) June 16, 1892
THE SCOURGE Yielding to The Quarantine. Another week has come and gone and it shows a marked improvement in this pestilence stricken city. Since our last issue there has only appeared one case outside of the families heretofore quarantined that of Mrs. J. W. SMITH who has a mild case of varioloid. The old cases have all done well with one exception, that of Henry ZEISLER'S baby which died last Tuesday afternoon. It was only about four months of age. This is the second death due to small-pox alone. It was buried Tuesday night. C. O. PROBST, Secretary of the State Board of Health has been here for the past week, doing all in his power to stamp out the disease. He is a hustling young man and is said to have seen every case of small-pox that has occured in Ohio in the past six years. He not only worked faithfully on this side of the river but was over at Mason doing what he could for the sticken of that city. With the assistance of the Board of Health here he has reduced the quarantine to systematic order. Down at Middleport everything seems to be in good shape. There have never any cases appeared there except in the family of Et WATSON, his wife being the first and only case there, until his child took it a few days ago, making two cases, so that they will soon be entirely free from it, and business will again flourish as heretofore. Over at Mason City everything is very hopeful. There are thirteen severe cases announced in all, and that there have been few, if any new cases for nearly a week. This shows that the matter is now under control. At Clifton there are no new cases and have been no old ones. Pt. Pleasant and Gallipolis are free from infection. The cases in Cheshire are all in one family, at Carl's and are said to be very mild types of varioloid. Take it all around it looks now like business will begin to revive in another week, and by that time people may come here without the least fear of infection in any form. It has been rather rough on Pomeroy, but she has borne it bravely, and will now proceed to make up for lost time in the race for business supremacy. It will only be a few weeks until all our industries will be humming away as merrily as ever. FOUND AFLOAT It has been announced that Deacon GRAHAM has turned his attention to agriculture and has been carefully pruning his apple trees for the past two weeks. It isn't exactly the time to prune, but an orchard is now a very safe retreat. The sanitary police all appeared with nice new red badges last Thursday, bearing the name of their temporary calling. We hear of one woman out in the country who took her county paper and carefully buried it. The Dexter postmaster sent mail back from that office from Pomeroy. Hazael is said to have done the same thing. The case at Gallipolis was discharged last Thursday, and he roamed around for a few days before people would sanction his presence. The U. S. Express wanted to send $1000 in gold out of here last week, and under the orders of the inspector it was boiled in hot water, after which it was allowed to pass. People who have been traveling from Pomeroy now know something of the restrictions imposed by some European countries at all times. The First National sent out $5000 in gold last week that it had on hands for a couple of years. Rutland pulled up her quarantine last Sunday. The quarantine against Middleport and Minersville was raised last Tuesday. Dogs and cats were slaughtered in Mason, to prevent them carrying the contagion. Gus BUMGARNER and the RHEINHARTS were turned loose last Monday. Messrs. PORTER and BRADBURY, have been infusing some life into the Board of Health. "What's in it?" Good small-pox nurses get $5 per day, and sanitary police $2. The Point Pleasant State Gazette office is said to be shut up and all its employees and the editor quarantined. John L MASON the foreman took the prevailing epidemic which caused the quarantine. His home is at Mason. It is said that there have been about 4,000 people vaccinated in this place since the thing broke loose. Quite a lot of people will be turned out of quarantine next week. We still get an occasional prayerful request to send no more papers until the contagion is over. Whenever a man complains of being unwell he is eyed suspiciously and advised to go home and stay there. Quarantines are probably beneficial but are confounded inconvenient. There is said to be genuine cases of chicken-pox here. There are also genuine cases of small-pox. Clerk FISH is off in the country on a visit. He isn't afraid to stay, but it's to dull for him here. Somebody Lied Athens, O., June 13--Special Much complaint is being made here against the authorities of Pomeroy and Middleport for not strictly enforcing the quarantine. Traveling men passing through here Saturday say they went in and out of both of these places, and not a question was asked of them.---Cincinnati Post Either the man who wrote the above was a liar or somebody lied to him. Traveling men nor no one else went in and out of Pomeroy unquestioned unless they came in across the country. No one could get away from either of those places at that time by steamboat or railroad without securing a certificate from the State Inspector, and the men who claim to have got out unquestioned should be looked upon with suspicion. Scraps of News Selected Because of Interest to Some One Ninety in the shade Monday. The fire company was out on a drill last Monday evening. Jesse BREWSTER and his mother returned to Salem last Monday evening. Ralston RUSSELL is learning the banking business in the First City Bank. The best day for the best saloon in Pomeroy last week is said to made him $2.75. It is reported that a son of John SPANIOL died recently at his home in the West. He was about sixteen. John BAUS died recently in Cincinnati. He was formerly employed as a shoemaker in Pomeroy. The regular county examination of teachers was not held last Saturday on account of the small-pox scare. A couple of marriage licenses were issued last week, but they don't want to be known in print for a week. The adjourned term of court has been postponed until August 30. It was to have begun next Tuesday. It is said that the apple crop in Meigs County will be a very light one but there will be an abundance of peaches. The charred timbers from the scene of the great disaster on Oil Creek commenced floating past here last Thursday. Joel HASKINS was in from Orange last Tuesday with supplies. Joel isn't afraid of small pox or anything else. Tom KARR was re-elected principal of the Washington High School at Gallipolis for the term of one year. A wise selection. John M. DAVIS, a former member of the Coal Ridge Salt Co., died at his residence in this place last Tuesday night of consumption. Glennie V., daughter of S. M. CASTLE of the Precinct aged about four months, died last Friday and the body was taken to Bedford Saturday for burial. The old building between the Court House and Jail has been torn down, and a new one erected in its stead, which is quite an improvement over the old one. Harry GEYER returned Monday evening from South Fork, N. D. , where he has been clerking in a grocery for the past two months. He will take a position in the New York Clothing House. John L KEISER and Nettie WINES had the jail to themselves the latter part of last week, and although they were not in sight, they cheered each other by frequent messages of assurance. It is announced that Mrs. MOSSMAN, of Gallipolis, killed a hen one day last week in which she found a two dollar and a half gold piece. It had been in there so long that the coinage marks were all worn off. Max, youngest son of G. WILDERMUTH, was married last Sunday afternoon to Amelia HOBSTETTER, daughter of Peter HOBSTETTER of Germany. The ceremony was performed by F. W. BERTRAM of St. John's Church. Robert L HIGGINBOTHAM, who was sent to the Ohio Penitentiary from Meigs County last April for robbery, died in that institution last Monday night of heart disease. His remains were sent to Middleport, his former home, for burial. Last Sunday morning Lawrence FICK of the Fourth ward died of asthma, aged about 73 years. He was a native of Appau [Oppau - ed.], Bavaria, and came to America in 1838. The funeral was held last Tuesday and the remains were interred at Beech Grove. Death From Wounds. Will RAPPOLD died Thursday afternoon from the effects of the wounds received in the accident described by the Democrat last week. He was only seventeen years of age. The funeral ceremony was held at the residence of the father last Friday at 4 p m by Rev. Father THURHEIMER, and the remains were buried in the Catholic cemetery. This is another example of the results of the careless handling of fire-arms. A man can't be too careful of a gun as long as the barrel is left. NUPTIALS: Cards were received here last week announcing the marriage in Boston of Dr. Frederck D. STACKPOLE and Miss OSGOOD, at home, 59 Dudley Street, Roxbury, Mass. Dr. STACKPOLE was a resident of Pomeroy a few years ago. At Cincinnati, June 13th?, Miss J. Mabel NYE, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. O. NYE, was married to Mr. Charlie H. HILLS. [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
The Democrat (Pomeroy, OH) July, 1892
PIONEER MARRIAGES The Old Time Lads and Lassies Who Were Married in 1825 William ADAMS and Martha PICKENS, Jan. 1, by Nathan NEWSON Harris H. HASKINS and Elizabeth HARRIS, of Orange, by Charles SMART, J.P. Alexander ALKIRE to Margaret COLEMAN, Feb. 1st, by Major REED, J. P. Stephen GUTHRIE to Anna HARPER, Dec. 23, 1824 John PHILLIPS to Betsey SHARP, Dec. 20, 1824 BY George DAVIS, J.P. Abraham KNAPP to Mary SCOTT, Feb. 19, by Wm. ALEXANDER, J.P. David WOODRUFF to Olivia CHASE, Jan. 23 by Spencer H HAYMAN, J.P. William LEE to Elizabeth CROWSAW, Jan 27 by Spencer H HAYMAN, J.P. Enos QUIMBY to Prudence KELTON, Oct. 3, 1824 by Joseph HOLT, J. Peace Andrew BOLTON to Elizabeth BICKLE, Jan. 23, by J. Ellison BROWN Andrew HARPER to Eliza SAWYER, March 13, Jessie HALSEY, J.P. Henry L. OSBORN to Mary Ann POST, April 6 by William WELDON, Justice Peace Elam HIGLEY to Susan CLARK, Feb. 13 by William PARKER Abner STOUT to Polly STEDMAN, Feb 27, in Rutland, by John GRANT, J. Peace George DUSKEY and Catherine WOLFE, June 26th by N. NEWSOM, J.P. Smith HYSELL and Elizabeth HUNTER, April 28th, by William H. WHITNEY, J. P. Charles KELLY and Hannah WORTHEN, March 31 by Enos Quimby, J. P. Charles GARDNER and Nancy G. ELLIOTT, June 27, by Fuller ELLIOTT, J.P. Uriah SAYRE to Lurania HUGHS, April 19 by Spencer H. HAYMAN, J.P. John HOWEL to Eliza DYE of Scipio, June 26 by Martin RAY, J.P. David JOHNSON to Sarah PEDEN, of Scipio, by Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel Joseph BURROUGHS to Mary CORNWELL, July 3, 1825 by Enos QUIMBY, J.P. John MURPHY to Peggy BICKLE, of Rutland, July 10, by Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel. Joseph HOWELL and Mary Ann BRADFIELD, August 25 by Martin RAY, J.P. Hylam SMITH and Lydia BAILEY, Aug. 31, by N. NEWSOM, J.P. Abraham PILCHER and Rebecca JOHNSON, Aug 18 by James LOW Luther TAYLOR and Lydia TOWNSEND, Oct 6, in Scipio by Elisha Rathburn, Preacher of the Gospel John SHARKEY and Nancy NELSON, Sept 26 by Elder Wm. McDOWELL James DAY to Minerva SMITH, Sept. 1, by Wm. Alexander, J. Peace Josiah MALOON and Frances KING, Oct 6, by Elder Wm. McDowell William RICE and Sophronia ROBINSON, Oct 6, by William WELDON, J.P. John DAVIS and Evelina HOLT, July 14, by Wm. WELDON, J.P. James LITTLETON and Milley BUFFINGTON, Aug 11, by John Brown, J.P. Meredith PRICE and Catherine BARRINGER, June 20, by John Brown,J.P. John BAILEY and Jean PICKINS, June 30, by John Brown, J.P. John S. WHITE and Lucinda BAILEY, Sept 21st, in Salisbury, by John Smith, J.P. William BAILEY and Rachel BRADSHAW, of Salisbury, Sept 22 by John Smith, JP Samuel COOPER and Catherine SCHEBlAIRE, Nov 2, by T. WILSON, minister of the Methodist E. Church Daniel SKINNER and Nancy WYNN, Nov 3, by Eli STEADMAN. William B. VANDUYN to Elizabeth SMITH, of Salisbury, by John Smith, J.P. Joseph SYLVESTER and Amelia FILKINS of Rutland, Nov 7, by Elisha Rathburn, Preacher of the Gospel Thomas KING and Mary MALOON, Nov 8th, by Elisha Rathburn, Preacher of the Gospel John C. HYSELL and Jane BAILEY, Nov 17, by John Sherman, J.P. John C. BESTOW and Harriet HUTCHINS, of Chester, Dec 7 [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
The Democrat (Pomeroy, OH) July 7, 1892
PIONEER MARRIAGES The Matrimonal Candidates of 1826 Benjamin IRWIN and Margaret McHENRY, Jan 10, by Samuel Downing, J. P. Abraham DURST to Nancy REED, Dec. 15, 1825, by Ozias Strong, J. Peace. Philip T. BUFFINGTON to Mary SLEATH, Jan 1, by Ezra Grover Elisha H. BENEDICT to Maria SIMPSON, Jan 11, by Baarzilla H. Miles, E. C.C. Eli SCHIBLAIRE to Rebecca CALAHAN, Jan 24, by F. Wilson, Minister of the Gospel and Elder of the Methodist E. Church. Thomas L. CASE to Rebecca ROMINE, Jan 29, by J. Ellison Brown Andrew L. MARTINDILL to Susannah DURST, Feb 23, in Salem by John Purinton, Justice of the Peace. Jacob LALLANCE to Mary REDDING, Feb 2, by N. Newsom, J. P. Isaac HAWK to Jane REED, Feb 16, by Francis Wilson, a minister and Elder in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Thomas JOHNSON to Sarah COWDERY, Feb 9, by James Laws. John AUBRIGHT to Julian HUNTER, Feb 9, by John Sherman, J.P. Amos HARPER to Rachel SMITH, Dec. 1, 1825, by William Weldon, J. Peace. William BRADSHAW to Betsy DAVIS, Dec. 27, 1825, by Major Reed, Justice Peace. John M. SMITH to Rachel B. BARTON, of Salisbury, Feb 9, by John Smith, J.P. Robert RUSSELL to Nancy HOPPES, of Salisbury, Feb 23, by John Smith, J.P. John KOUNTZ to Esther JONES, Feb. 27, by F. Wilson, A. P. Nehemiah BICKNELL to Julia LARKIN, March 16, by _____Justice of the Peace. John Lewis ENTSMINGER to Jane KERR, March 2, in Salem, by Elisha Rathburn, Preacher to the Gospel. George INGALS to Lucy HUSSEY, Jan. 12, by Simeon Elliott, J. P. Jesse PETTY to Aseneth SECOY, of Orange, Apr. 16, by Joseph Holt, J. P. Pearly SHUMWAY to Mary JINCKS, Apr 27, by Jesse Halsey, J. P. Samuel KIMES to Sophia HOVEY, May 11, by Randal Stivers, J. P. Charles JONES to Betsy M. KNIGHT, May 3, by John Sherman, Jus. Peace Timothy B. VINING to Sina JONES, May 3, by John Sherman, Jus. Peace Robert SAYRE to Deborah BEBE, June 2, by Wm. Alexander, Jus. Peace William ROUSH to Dolly WOLF, May 8, by Wm. Alexander, J. Peace Jacob KLIENFELTER to Margaret OSBORN, May 4, by Major Reed, Justice Peace. Oratio N. CROOKS to Eliza ANDERSON, Apr 23, by Major Reed, J. P. Elle HALL to Polley LASLEY, May 31, by John Brown, J. P. Jonas ROUSH to Susannah WEAVER, May 21, by Fuller Elliott Cain O. NEIL to Elizabeth McMANN, June 29, by J. Ellison Brown. David TARR to Elizabeth KING, June 1, by Barzilla H. Miles, E. C. C. Thomas McABOY to Polly STOWE, July 9, by James McABOY. Charles W. RICHARDSON to Sally EVERTON, July 9, by James McABOY. Reuben GILLELAND to Lucy FROST, July 4, by Charles Smart, Jr., J. P. Robert HYSELL to Mary HYSELL, July 17, by Elisha Rathburn, Preacher of the Gospel. Charles GILES to Emily TYLER, July 27, by Elisha Rathburn, Preacher of the Gospel. Abraham P. GILLELAND to Polly CHAPIN, July 31, by Charles Smart, Jr., J. P. Samuel SCOTT to Nancy SHIRKEE, of Salem, Aug 20, by Alvin Ogdin, J. P. James BROOKS to Polly CASTERSON, of Columbia, Sept 7, by Alvin Ogdin, J. P. William LOVET to Mary SMITH, of Lebanon, Sept.15, by Abraham M. Knapp, J. P. Charles ADAMS to Mary SIMMS, Oct 26, by William Weldon, J. P. John ATKINSON to Brittany HOLT, Sept 21, by Joseph Holt, J. Peace. John ERWIN to Polly BROOKS, of Scipio, Sept 4, by Samuel Downing, J. P. David M. DOUGHTERY, of Alexander, to Rebecca GIBSON, of Scipio, Oct 26, by Samuel Downing, J. P. Aaron HORRISE to Pamelia J. RAY, July 17, by Major Reed, J. P. Levin LANDON to Sally BARSTOW, Aug 17, by Major Reed, J. P. Andrew DODDERER to Nancy DAVIS, of Olive, Dec 7, by John W. Fellows, Justice of the Peace. James RUSSELL to LYDIA CROWELL, of Salisbury, Oct. 15, by John Sherman, Justice Peace. Franklin DOWNING to Nancy BLACK, of Rutland, Nov 16, by Elisha Rathburn, Preacher of the Gospel. Eliakim DAVIS to Marianne GILLALAND, by Jesse Halsey, J. P. John H. HAYMAN to Catherine GRIM, July 25, by William Alexander, J. P. John THORNTON to Susannah DURST, Dec 19, by Spencer H. Hayman, J. P. Samuel McHENRY to Sally STEDMAN, of Chester, Nov 30, by Eli Steadman, Preacher of the Gospel. [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
The Democrat (Pomeroy, OH) July 21, 1892
Wendell MEINHART is the very proud father of a very big ten pound boy, which arrived last Sunday. PIONEER MARRIAGES The Matrimonial Candidates of 1827 and some the previous year Samuel BRANCH, Jun. and Lucy THORN in Chester, Jan. 15 by Eli Steadman, Preacher of the Gospel. John BING and Salencia GASTON, Feb. 15 by Eli Steadman, Preacher of the Gospel. Seth TINKHAM and Martha A. MELANN, Jan. 18, by Jesse Halsey, J. P. Jeptha HAYMAN and Orphania JONES, Feb. 23 by Spencer H. Hayman, J. Peace Samuel DUST and Mary TAYLOR, Jan. 18, by Wm. Alexander, J. P. Daniel WALKER and Mary RYTHER, Jan. 31, by Charles SMART, Jun, J. P. Joseph HOLT and Maria TOWNSEND, Feb., 22 by Charles SMART, Jr., J. Peace Charles McLAIN and Lydia ROUSH, March 7, by William Alexander, J. Peace Daniel GREEN and Anna M. HOVEY, of Olive, Jan 25, by James Hovey, Elder in the Baptist Church of Christ. Orson SEALEY and Sarah PICKENS, July 11, 1826, by John Brown, J. P. Thompson PICKENS and Mary BLAKE, of Lebanon, Sept. 10, 1826 by John Brown, J. P. Timothy FRY and Louisa PIERCE, of Lebanon, Jan. 15, by John Brown, J. P. Joseph LUCKY and Mary HUDSON, Feb. 1, by Alden S. BISSELL, J. P. Bartholomew FLEMING and Elizabeth SEALEY, March 8, by John Brown, J. P. Joseph ROWLEY and Chloe BUFFINGTON, of Lebanon, March 11, John Brown, J. Peace. William SHEETS to Dorcas WILLIAM, Jan 18, by Major Reed, Justice Peace. Oliver WOODWARD and Sarah BYARD, Feb 24 by Major Reed, Justice Peace. Jonathan SAYRE and Polly WALKER, Apr. 12, Spencer H. Hayman, J. Peace. Jesse HAYSE and Eliza GIPSON of Scipio, Feb 25 by Martin Ray, J. P. Josiah DILL and Martha CHADWICK, March 7, by Randal Stivers, J. P. John PICKENS and Mary A. LAWRENCE, May 3, by Ezra Grover. Philander CASTLE to Lydia WHITNEY, May 10, John Barton, J. P. Alden S. BISSELL and unk ATKINS, May 31, by John Barton, J. P. David BARBER and Lydia N. STANLEY, June 21, by Eli Stedman, Minister of the Gospel. William TORRENCE and Sula Maria ELLIOTT, July 19, by Eli Stedman, Minister of the Gospel. Alexander HUTCHINS and Polly HALL, July 22, by Eli Steadman, Minister of the Gospel. John CARTWRIGHT and Thankful WHITNEY, Apr 29, by Alden S. Bissell, J. Peace Joseph PEARSONS and Mary LOVELL, May 3, by Spence Hayman, J. Peace Peter PILCHARD and Martha RICHEY, June 14, by Spencer H. Hayman, J. Peace. Silas W. KNIGHT and Maria HIGLEY, July 2, by Daniel Rathburn, Jr. J. Peace Barnet BRICE and Phebe PURINTON, Julyl 29, Ozias Strong, J. Peace. Alfred GARDNER and Mercy PAINE, of Rutland, July 17, by Elisha Rathburn, Preacher of the Gospel. Simeon HILL and Hannah SAXTON, of Rutland, July 19, by Elisha Rathburn, Preacher of the Gospel William Church and Patty GARDNER, of Rutland, July 17, by Elisha Rathburn, Preacher of the Gospel. Jacob H. HALL and Catherine SMITH, Aug 2, by William Weldon, J. Peace. George R. CHITWOOD and Sarah STOWELL, August 30, by George Saunders, J. Peace. James McCORNICK and Rachel CLARK, June 5, in Salisbury, by John Sherman, J. P. Hiram CHASE and Nancy MEEKER, June 28, in Salisbury, by John Sherman, J. P. [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
The Democrat, Pomeroy, Ohio August 18, 1892
Obituary Little Olga, eldest daughter of Waldo and Emma DIXON, fell asleep after a painful illness at 11 a.m. Saturday, July 30, 1892, aged 7 yrs, 10 months and 7 days. Death FRY, Harry S, infant son of H. Taylor and Sarah FRY, was born December 25th, 1889, died Aug. 11, 1892. Aged 2 years, 7 months and 10 days. Yes, Harry is now in heaven, and if we are true followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we will meet him, and all of our loved ones who died in Christ. May the dear Lord, bless, strengthen and comfort this afflicted family, by His free Spirit, Harry now sleeps in his narrow bed, to await the general resurrection. P. L Miller New Haven, W. VA, Aug 12th, 1892 [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
The Tribune, Pomeroy, Ohio August 31, 1892
William L. McMASTER Dead William L. McMASTER, son of John and Mary (McCORMICK) McMASTER, was born in Meigs County, May 27th, 1836, and died at his home in Middleport, Aug. 30th, at 5 a.m., aged 56 years, 3 months and 3 days. He enlisted as a private soldier on the 4th of July, 1861, received commission three times, and was mustered out as First Lieutenant of Co. C, 4th West Virginia Infantry. He was with Grant and Sherman at Vicksburg, and with Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley. From 1866 to 1870 the deceased was Sheriff of Meigs County. For a number of years he served the village of Middleport as Clerk. He leaves a wife, a grown son and daughter, and a number of smaller children to mourn his loss. He was an honored member of Middleport G. A. R. Post, and as a pension attorney for the old soldiers he was remarkably successful. Mrs. PRIODE, an aged woman, who leaves a large number of relatives in this city, died at Beech Hill, W. VA., Sunday. Mrs. H. C. GEYER, a daughter, attended the funeral. [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
The Tribune (Pomeroy, OH) September 21, 1892
The residence of Mrs. Robert WHITE of Thomas Fork burned to the ground Saturday night. All her household goods were lost. The cause of fire is unknown. [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
Meigs Co. Republican October 5, 1892
Lewis Scott was born in Charleston, West Virginia, February 7, 1811. He passed his youth in Charleston, and, when a young man, removed to Lewisburg, Greenbrier county, Virginia. When about 30 years of age, he returned to Charleston, his native town, where he lived until 1862; when he removed to Middleport, Ohio, where he has since resided. His parents were Christians, and died when he was quite young. He came of a large family, one only surviving him. Owing to his Christian influence at home, he made a profession of religion in Charleston over 40 years ago, and has lived an exemplary Christian life ever since. The same Christian influence has controlled his life as a citizen, husband and father. He had a strong mind, and from his conversation one could hardly detect that he was not an educated man. He was one of the founders of the A.M.E. Church of Middleport, Ohio. He took a very prominent part in purchasing the church lot, and in the erection of the first and second chapel upon the same. During the thirty years of his residence here, he has stood by the church of his choice, in light and darkness, sunshine and storm, joy and sadness. He loved the house of God and its services; especially did he love such means of grace as prayer and praise meetings. He was a great singer; nature seemed to smile upon him in this direction, and he cheerfully and willingly consecrated this talent to the service of God. Much good, doubtless, has resulted from the power he possessed in singing the gospel. His resent illness (which was of five or six months' duration) was borne with the greatest patience and Christian fortitude. On Thursday morning, September 29, 1892, he fell asleep in Jesus in the hope of a glorious resurrection. He leaves a wife, four sons and one brother to mourn after him. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
The Tribune (Pomeroy, OH) October 12, 1892
J. W. CARPENTER DEAD! A Prominent Meigs County Citizen, Worn out with the Cares of an Active Life, and Using his Burden for a Pillow Lies Down to Pleasant Dreams John Wesley CARPENTER, the subject of this sketch, was born in Columbia township, Meigs County, November 23rd, 1823. He died at his home in the same township, Thursday, October 6, 1892, and was therefore 68 years, 10 months and 13 days of age. Mr. CARPENTER served Meigs County as Commissioner faithfully and well from 1862 to '65, from '67 to '70, and the again from '70 to '73, three terms in all. Earlier iln life he served his township in an official capacity, was frequently called upon by his fellow citizens to perform many duties requiring no mean administrative ability and in all these offices of public or private trust, he performed his duty with the utmost integrity and fidelity. He was a wife-awake, progressive farmer, a straightforward, considerate neighbor, an upright and honest citizen, and he leaves to his children and the world, that proud heritage of a name absolutely without blemish. A year ago last winter he was stricken with la grippe from the effects of which he never fully recovered. The enervating principle of disease lurked in his system, which coupled with a consuming concern about the precarious state of his faithful wife's health, preyed upon his wasting vitality to such an extent that he gradually wasted in flesh and strength, and after stubbornly fighting the grim destroyer for many months, he fell at last its victim. He leaves five children to mourn his loss. Esther M. TEETERS lives in Madison County, Ohio; Alvin J. and Amanda B. WELLS in Scipio township; Elizabeth S. CLINE lives at Albany, Athens County, while the youngest, Ellsworth K., lives near the old home in Columbia. The funeral services were held at his little residence Saturday afternoon, conducted by Rev. M. CLARK, of Albany, assisted by Rev. J. W. MARTIN. The burial took place in the Wells cemetery near Downington and the closing services at the grave were conducted by Col. E. P. BROOKS, of Harrisonville, a life long friend of the deceased. The estimable wife of the deceased died about six months ago. [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
Meigs Co. Republican October 12, 1892
John W. Carpenter's Sufferings are over after several years' illness. John Wesley Carpenter died at 1 o'clock last Thursday afternoon at his home and birth-place in Columbia township. He has been ailing for several years from a relapse resulting from an attack of the grip, in the winter of 1890, which, together with other troubles, has been wearing on him until death came to his relief. His death, although expected for some time, fell like a thunder-bolt upon the citizens of Columbia township. John Wesley Carpenter was born in Columbia township, November 29, 1823. He was married on New Year's day, 1845, and six children being the result of his connubial life; five of whom, together with his aged wife, survive him. During the war, and for several terms after, he filled the office of County Commissioner very efficiently; since that time, however, he has confined himself to his farm, and has gained a reputation of being the leading farmer of Meigs County. He was of very energetic habits and very determined aspirations, and commanded the love and respect of all who knew him throughout the county. He was buried last Friday at the Harrisonville graveyard, and the county mourns the loss of one of her leading citizens, and Columbia township one of her mainstays. -- Mrs. Fanny Lewis Evans, was born in Winchester, Virginia, in 1852, and died at her home in Middleport, October 9, 1892, in her 40th year. She leaves, to mourn her loss, a husband and three daughters and many other friends. She had been a member of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church for 22 years, having embraced religion and put on Christ in baptism in her 18th year. Mrs. Evans was a loving wife, a kind mother, and a faithful Christian until death. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Meigs Co. Tribune November 16, 1892
Marriage License Edward HANING and Eliza Jane CARLETON [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
The Democrat (Pomeroy, OH) November 17, 1892
C. E. PEOPLES, Editor & Prop. J. V. WEBB, Associate Editor Marriage Licenses Dale R ROBERTS/ Electa May CROSS Ransom GRAPES/Alice CHAMBERLAIN Milford GRAHAM/Flora KENNEDY Dell ARNOTT/Myrtle RANDOLPH W. E. BARNHILL/Mamie ERWIN Richard BURK/Emma WOOD M. V. PICKENS/Nancy McGRAW Obituary Annie G. POWELL, daughter of Thomas and Mary POWELL, was born Jan. 11, 1879, died Nov., 4, 1892, being 13 yrs., 9 mo. and 23 days old. She was a member of the M. E. Church. She leaves a father, mother and brother and a large circle of friends to mourn their loss. Annie was loved by all who knew her and will be greatly missed by her associates. We have laid her away in her coffin, Down in the cold, cold clay, And we think of her with sad, sad hearts, As she leaves us this lonely day. We miss her kind sweet voice, That is hushed forever more, But she was the Master's choice, And she entered the open door. Her eyes are closed forever, On her breast lies a cold, white hand, She has crossed the silent river, And dwells on the golden strand. Just when the sun was sinking, Her sweet life passed away, Of the water of life she is drinking, With the angels she went her way. And if we are faithful and true, Obeying the Lord's command, When we enter into that heavenly home, We will clasp dear Annie's hand. Linnie G. Patten, Tupper's Plains, Ohio Obituary Lewellian Vernon HARVEY died at his home in Glouster, O., October 31st, after a very severe illness of some five or six weeks duration. At the time of his death he was 21 years, 7 months and 18 days old. He was a son of Elder M. A. HARVEY, of Alfred, Meigs Co. His father was called to his bedside immediately after the death of his daughter, Mrs. Jessie SAUNDERS, and for three weeks watched with tender solicitude and hope for some evidence of a return to health, but with all that human hands could do he sank into the embrace of death. The day before burial the body was brought from Glouster and rested one night in the home of his father. He was married to Miss Minnie DORSEY on the 9th of March, 1890, and with her enjoyed a sweet companionship of nearly two years and a half. After his marriage he settled down in a home of his own in Glouster and there enjoyed the respect and confidence of all who knew him. The high esteem in which he was held by the people of the town in which he lived, was clearly manifested by the funterial, aid and sympathy shown during his protracted illness. When quite young he became obedient to the gospel of Jesus Christ and to the end maintained his faith and hope in the Son of God. He leaves his wife with her sweet little girl of seventeen months, his father, brothers, sisters and a large circle of friends to mourn their loss. The sympathy for these sorrowing ones brought together a large concourse of people on the day of burial. Words of comfort was spoken by the writer, after which he was laid to rest in the Orange cemetery by the side of his mother and sister, leaving hope in the hearts of his friends that they may meet the loved one in that land where sorrow and tears, sickness and death will never come, and farewells will never be spoken. Elder N. T. SIMMS [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
Meigs Co. Tribune November 30, 1892
Marriage Licenses George GAUL and Lucy PFARR Walter M. ROUSH and Ella B. McELROY William R. HALLIDAY and Martha M. BOWLES C. M. BRICKLES and Clara M. HULL Alonzo BAILEY and Maggie RUSSELL [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
The Democrat (Pomeroy, OH) December 15, 1892
OBITUARY Mr. Chas. Edward NEASE, was born March 8th, 1866; died Dec. 3rd, 1892, aged 26 years, 8 mos. and 26 days. He was an excellent young man, and will be sadly missed in the home, and in his immediate neighborhood. He leaves a mother, a brother, and also one who if he had lived would soon have been part of his very self. He also leaves many relatives and friends. He died trusting in Jesus. His funeral was largely attended at the white church this morning Dec. 5th, at 11 o'clock. P. L. Miller New Haven, W. Va. PIONEER WEDDINGS The Marriages of 1830 and Some Others Phineas C. ROBINSON and Lydia L. GRANT, in Chester, Feb. 25, by John C. BESTOW, J. Peace John BELLWOOD and Julia SISSON, of Gallia County, Feb. 22, by Alvan BINGHAM, J. P. Erastus R. R. RALPH and Mary SPILMAN, Dec 31, 1829, by John WOOD, J. P. Jacob McCULLEY and Nancy CONNOR, Feb. 18, by John WOOD, J. P. John ERVIN and Rachel TUCKER, Feb. 25, by John WOOD, J. P. William WINN and Pamella HOVEY, Mar. 4 by Aaron HATCH, Minst. of the Gospel. David SAUNDERS and Nancy HUGG, Feb. 4, by G. SAUNDERS, J. Peace. John PICKENS and Christiana HARPOLD, Mar. 2, by Fuller ELLIOTT, J. P. James S. MILLER and Jane SHIELDS, of Olive, Feb. 4, by J. P. STEVENSON, J.P. Henry SCOTT and Elizabeth KNAPP, Jan. 28, 1829, by John M. GILBERT, M. of the Gospel. Gordon GILL and Margaret McINTIRE, Jan. 29, 1828, by Major REED, J. P. James GILL and Christiana DERENBERGER, Oct. 27, 1829, by Major REED, J. P. Miranda CARPENTER and Ruth WILEY, April 16, 1829 by Major REED, J. P. Joseph BAILEY and Elizabeth RARDON, April 2, by Major REED, J. P. Erastus H. WILLIAMS and Matilda BRADSHAW, Apr. 13, by Major REED, J. P. Aaron ALLEN and Desdemonia FARRINGTON, Sept. 13, 1829, by Major REED, J.P. Chauncey FROST and Julia MONROW, June 23, 1829, by Major REED, J. P. Stephen FLESHER and Sarah DARBY, Dec. 31, 1829, by Spencer H. HAYMAN, J. Peace. John FLESHER and Catherine KINGEREE, Jan. 8, by S. H. HAYMAN, J. Peace. Asa BRADBURY and Marietta MORSE, Dec. 20, 1829 by Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel. Columbia DOWNING and Mary GIBSON, Dec. 31, 1829, by Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel. Jabez HUBBELL and Margaret SIMPSON, Dec. 31. by Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel. William WOOD and Zilpha GRAHAM, Marach 11, by Joshua WOOD, J. P. John McQUIGG and Electa W. MILES, of Rutland, Feb. 3, by Barzilla H. MILES, E. C. C. Elias KIMES and Sarah WILLBARGER, of Chester, Apr. 1, by John C. BESTOW, J. Peace. James S. MILLER and Jane SHIELDS, of Olive, March 4, by J. P. STEVENSON, J. P. Thomas P. FOGG and Mary SOULE, March 30, by Ozias STRONG, J. Peace. Edward SAYRE and Almena STANFORD, Mar. 16, by S. H. HAYMAN, J. P. Robert BOWLES and Belinda SAYRE, Mar. 25, by S. H. HAYMAN, J. P. Samuel S. BRANCH and Hannah B. HOYT, April 15, by Wm. WELDON, J. P. Thomas SAULSBURY and Lydia STRONG, in Salem, May 9, by George SAUNDERS, J. P. John RIGHTMIRE and Marietta BELLOWS, Apr. 27, by John W. GILBERT. James MITCHELL and Sophia WILLIAMS, June 1, by George W. LUCY, Minister of the Gospel. Barnes BECKWORTH and Elizabeth BEAUCHAMP, May 10, by Wm. ALEXANDER, J. P. David JOHNSON and Esther WHITE, July 7, by Isaac REYNOLDS. Robert WARTH and Mary O. JONES, (the return had it Mary Oretta Johnson), July 15, by Isaac REYNOLDS. Samuel S. PAINE and Martha COWDERY, May 28, by Elisha RATHBURN, Minister of the Gospel. Wm. Hamilton CALDWELL and Saphronia SMART, July 29, by James G. MITCHELL, Minister of the Gospel. Joel SMITH and Polly KARR, June 23, in Salisbury, by John SMITH, J. P. John SLEETH and Aurelia SEELYE, Dec. 12, by N. BICKNELL, J. P. Adney HALSEY and Anna NEWELL, Sept. 19, by John W. GILBERT. Alvin RATHBURN and Sally CULVER, Sept. 14, by Barzilla H. MILES, E. C.C. Nathaniel HAMLIN and Frances ROBERTS, Aug. 19, by John W. GILBERT. Lorenzo D. HOVEY and Harriet STEVENS, Sept. 23, by James HOVEY, Minister of the Gospel of the Baptist church. Jeremiah GRAY and Sarah CORNWELL, Oct 17, by James SHIELDS, J. P. Henry WOLF and Elizabeth ROBERTS, Aug. 14, by George DUSKEY, J. P. Thomas FOWLER and Polly MULFORD, Sept. 14, by George DUSKEY, J. P. Abraham GRAY and Susan RAY, Nov. 18, by James SHIELDS, J. P. George W. THOMPSON to Sophia STRONG, Oct. 19, by Benjamin STOUT, Justice Peace. William HOBART to Martha McKINLEY, in Chester, Dec. 2, John C. BESTOW, J.P. Charles PICKENS and Martha FLESHER, Dec. 2? by N. BICKNELL, J. P. John S. HALL and Margaret LOWERY, Dec. 23, in Chester, by John C. BESTOW, J. P. Hiram HALL to Luna BOSWORTH, Nov. 9, by John STORY, Justice Peace. [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
The Democrat (Pomeroy, OH) December 22, 1892
Old Time Marriages Those of 1831, and Some Others, Which Came in Later than They Should Abel PHELPS and Ruth SIMPSON, of Rutland, Jan. 3, by Alvin BINGHAM, J. P. Isaac A. LAUCK and Ann HALL, Dec. 30, 1830, by Isaac REYNOLDS, M. of the Gospel. William ANDERSON and Charity SHINN, Jan. 11, by Isaac REYNOLDS, M. of the G Josiah BRANCH and Sarah TOPPIN, in Chester, Feb. 13, by John BESTOW, J. P. Samuel MOONEY and Elizabeth SIDDORE, Feb. 24, by John C. BESTOW, J. Peace Thomas FORREST and Julia Ann GRIMES, June 10, in Scipio, by Samuel DOWNING, J. P. Sibert OGDEN, of Columbia and Elizabeth FORREST, of Scipio, Aug. 2, 1830, by Samuel DOWNING, J. P. Leonard COOPER, of Virginia, and Miss Rosina FORREST, (widow of John Forrest,) of Scipio, Feb. 10, by Sam G. DOWNING, J. P. Charles WILLIAMS and Martha DILL, Mar. 3, by T. NYE, J. P. Barney O'NEIL to Clarissa WHITE, Feb. 24, by Major REED. Richard HUDNALL to Nancy GIPSON, the former of Alexander Township, Athens County, the latter of Scipio, Nov. 11, 1830, by Russell FRENCH, Justice Peace. Isaac TAYLOR and Cynthia PARSONS, Oct. 15, 1830, by John BROWN, J. P. Joseph BOICE and Elizabeth SHAVER, the former of Gallia County, Feb. 17, by Alvan BINGHAM, J. Peace. Henry S. LAWRENCE and Perthena PRICE, Feb. 16, by John BROWN, J. P. Benjamin HAWK 2nd and Lucena KENT, Dec. 8, 1830, by Jonathan PURINTON, J. Peace. James W. CROWELL and Hannah McCLURE, of Salem, Dec. 30, 1830, by Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel. Thomas J. ENSLOW and Elizabeth BACKUS, in Sutton, Oct. 19, 1823, by Randal STIVERS, Justice of the Peace. John NELSON and Polly WOOD, Dec. 30, 1830, by Robert LEIGH, J. Peace. Nicholas WEAVER and Dolly ROUSH, Nov. 30, 1820, by Wm. ALEXANDER, J. P. Ashel HOIT and Mary QUIMBEY,March 20, by John STORY, Justice Peace. Robert HYSELL and Phebe HYSELL, Jan. 19, in Salisbury, by John C. HYSELL, J.P. Henry HUNTLEY and Ruth PAGE, March 31, by T. NYE, J. P. Jedediah O. DARBY and Mary HALL, Feb. 24, by S. H. HAYMAN, J. P. Thomas SULLIVAN and Hannah SAYRE, Dec. 8, 1830, by S. H. HAYMAN, J. P. John STANLEY and Phebe ANDERSON, Feb. 15, by Isaac REYNOLDS, Minister of the Gospel. Salmon STRONG and Rebecca MURPHY, Mar. 17, by Jonathan PURINTON, Justice of the Peace. Robert YOUNG and C. M. CASE, May 2, by Wm. CROOKS, J. Peace. Eli ROBINSON and Cynthia CURTIS, May 22, by John BESTOW, J. Peace. Henry N. D. BOWMAN and Margaret McKINLEY, Apr 7, by Saul DOWNING, J. P. Ira BAKER and Lucretia HOVEY, Dec. 24, 1830, by Milton KIMBALL. Moses R. MATHEWS and Mary SMITH, of Salisbury, Apr. 10, by Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel. Charles GREEN and Eliza BLIZZARD, Apr. 17, by Horace PARSONS, M. G. Erastus STONE and Anna DODDERER, June 27, by James SHIELD, J. P. Whitney TUBBS and Mary SMITH, May 26, by Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel. Elias ROMINE and Ruth WILLIAMS, July 10, by Jonathan PURINTON, Justice of the Peace. Jacob BENNET and Rachel McLAUGHLIN, Apr. 20, by Joshua WOOD, J. P. Ebenezer T. GRANT, of Chester, to Sally P. JONES, of Salisbury, May 26, by John SMITH, J. P. Benjamin CHASE and Elizabeth WOLF, July 22, by George DUSKEY, J. P. Williard HICKS and Elizabeth STRONG, Aug. 4, by Benjamin STOUT, Justice Peace Thomas RARDON and Annie HARRIS, July 27, by James SHIELDS, J. P. Buckhant SEDORE and Polly ROBBINS, Aug. 12, by James SHIELDS, J. P. George PARSONS and Elizabeth DARST, Aug. 21, by Wm. ALEXANDER, J. P. George K. WEBSTER and Polly DeWOLF, Sept. 2, by Ebenezer T. WEBSTER. Richard GRAY and Nancy SHIELDS, Sept. 29, by J. P. STEVENSON, J. P. Archibald MURRAY, Jun. and Electa KNIGHT, Sept. 29, by Eli STEADMAN, Minister of the Gospel. John SNYDER and Polly LEWIS, Sept. 4, by Eli STEADMAN, Minister of the Gospel Charles STOUT and Rosanna CHILD, Sept. 4, by J. P. STEVENSON, J. P. John B. STOUT and Nancy MONGOLD, Aug. 16, by Joshua WOOD, J. P. Elijah JONES and Jane McDANIEL, Aug. 28, by John C. HYSELL, J. P. William QUIVEY and Sophronia STORY, of Bedford, Sept. 18, by Joseph HOIT, J.P. Samuel KELLY and Hannah CLAUSEN, of Virginia, April 15, by John BROWN, J.P. Henry ROWLEY and Amanda BUFFINGTON, May 26, by John BROWN, J. P. Harvey BUFFINGTON and Rebecca ROWLEY, Oct. 15, by John BROWN, J. P. George A. RODGERS and Mary Ann BRINE, Oct. 2, by Major REED. George W. WALLACE and Elizabeth HOIT, Oct. 11, by Major REED. Marvin R. GORSLINE and Julia Ann DAILEY, Oct. 7, by John FERREL, M. G. Abraham BLAKELY and Huldah R. DERRY, Nov. 3, by Horace PARSONS, M. G. Calvin CLARK and Nancy HYSELL, of Rutland, Nov. 6, by John C. HYSELL. Sheffield K. RUSSELL and Almira KNIGHT, of Salisbury, Nov. 13, by John C. HYSELL, J. P. Samuel D. CHALFEN and Elizabeth MISNER, in Scipio, Nov. 28, by Samuel DOWNING, J. P. Wesley G. BAKER and Deborah ROLLER, Oct. 6, by George DUSKEY, J. P. Joel RICHARDSON and Mary BOWMAN, Oct. 10, by George DUSKEY, J. P. Ezra SEELY and Susan BOYCE, Nov. 2, by George DUSKEY, J. P. Francis BLAIR and Nancy WEAVER, Dec. 28, by George DUSKEY, J. P. William HALL and Hannah GIBBS, Nov. 14, by L. NYE, J. P. James CUMMINS and Mary GREGORY, Oct. 20, by Joshua WOOD, J. P. [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
Meigs Co. Tribune December 28, 1892
Marriage Licenses George W. KEYSE and S. Ann ROUSH A. L. BREWER and Rosetta WOLF Elmer QUIMBY and Frances HAYES Henry Hollis RUMFIELD and Myrta L. GRATE? George MEINHART? and Emma RENTER Conrad GOTTFRIED and Annie BEAHRS? James RUPE and Emma BOWMAN Joseph E. STEWART and Fannie E. CANTERBURY F. M. JORDAN and Minnie M. McKNIGHT Marcellus WEBB and Eva WARD Pearl WILLIAMS and Pheinie TEWKSBURY W. H? ANDERSON and Lucy PARTLOW Minor E. MITCHELL and Nannie E. McMALION Stephen KEYES and Hattie CHILTON [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
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