These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
The Meigs County Republican January 4, 1893
John H. JONES, who departed this life on Friday, December 23, 1892 was a son of Eiljah and Jane JONES and was born June 10, 1843, in Meigs county, at the place now known as Bradbury, and spent the early part of his life there, on a farm, and as a farmer. Farming not suiting him, he sold his farm and moved to Middleport, where he was engaged for some years as a commercial traveler. Some years later he opened a grocery store in Middleport which pursuit he followed for a few years. Not being successful in this, he quit the business, and again went on the road, and continued at this for some time, when his health began to give way, which compelled him to quit this business. The latter part of his life was spent in Middleport, until within two months of his death -- this part being spent at the residence of his niece, Mrs. O. N. MCELHINNY, on Story Run, where he passed away, as stated above, at the age of 49, with heart trouble. The deceased was never married. He leaves a brother, W. H. JONES, of Pittsburg, who is in very poor health; a sister Mrs. S. S. STOWE, and a mother ??? is in her 85th year and who resides with her daughter, Mrs. S. S. STOWE near Marietta; his father ???? died 39 years ago, and his brother, Arthur, having died some two or three years ago, in Illinois. The deceased was a kind-hearted, good natured person, and leaves many friends and relatives who regret to lose him, but such was the will of Divine Providence, who doeth every thing for the best. Funeral services were held at the Bradford Church, Sunday, December 25th, at 1 P.M. Rev. BRILL, of Pomeroy, officiated, and the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery there. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
The Meigs County Republican January 4, 1893
PERSONAL MENTION Supt. S. P. HUMPHREY, of Middleport, took Christmas dinner with his father-in-law, Mr. Elza MILL. In company with Supt. GASTON, of the Children's Home, he made the Bulletin a pleasant visit on Monday -- Gallipolis Bulletin. Miss Mary L. BROWN is still confined to her bed, and under the care of a physician and nurses, as she has been for two or three months past. We hope for her speedy recovery. Mrs. John W. FOSTER, of Charleston, West Va., was visiting friends in Middleport, Clifton and Mason City last week. Mrs. Taylor GROGAN and daughter Sadie spent the holidays with Mrs. Ida FLANEGAN, in Parkersburg. Mrs. NEWLAND and daughter Nora, Mrs. HANNA, and Mrs. CAMPBELL, all of Clifton, were visiting the family of Finley MOORE, last Friday. Miss Tillie BARNES went to Albany, Athens county, last Saturday, on a visit to friends. Miss Alice SHOTT entertained the scholars of No. 9, last Tuesday evening. Misses Ella and Jennie HEADLY entertained a party of young folks on Friday evening last. W. H. BROWNING, of Portland, this county, came down on a business trip last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph SMITH of Pomeroy, spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. F. P. BRYAN, in Middleport. Miss Frankie DUNBAR, of Gallipolis, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. B. DOWNING. Pearl BARR, of Columbus, was visiting the family of Mr. Ira GRAHAM, last week. Miss Nina FARGO, of Cheshire, is visiting Middleport friends. Mr. Samuel CARVEY, wife and little son are on a visit to relatives in Braddock, PA. A letter from there states that the little boy is very sick. Mr. and Mrs. John SELBY, of Athens, were guests of Harry SELBY and wife over Sunday. Mrs. Columbia DOWNING gave a party to a number of lady friends on Thursday evening last. The Misses STEWART gave a party Monday evening, in honor of their guest and cousin from Pittsburg. Mr. Idon HODGE goes back to Charleston, West Va., this week, to resume his old place as book-keeper. His family will follow as soon as he can secure a house. Miss Jessie WOODWARD is at home sick with sore throat. Miss Ella ERWIN has returned to Columbus. Mrs. Harry MUMFORD, after a pleasant visit with her parents, has returned to Jobs. Arthur GILMORE, of Howard Kansas, is here the guest of his aunt, Mrs. M. J. WINKLER Miss Myrtie CALDERWOOD will entertain her friends to-morrow (Thursday) afternoon. Mrs. Jas. COOPER was taken quite sick Monday. Will SWIFT is on the sick list. Dr. Joe JOHNSON was called by telephone to Middleport, last Friday, presumably to his brother's four miles out of Middleport. He made the trip only to find that it was not his brother who wanted him, and indeed, he couldn't find out who did want him, and he came back a little out of sorts you may depend. -- Gallipolis Journal. Miss Nellie BEDDOW left for New York City last Monday, to take a course of lessons from a scientific optician. When she returns, she will make the adjusting of spectacles her regular business. Miss Lilly MOSSMAN, of Gallipolis, is spending a few days with Middleport friends. Miss Mollie SIX, of Columbus, is here the guest of relatives and friends. Fred. CARMON, of Nelsonville, is here visiting. Miss Sybil COOPER entertains her young friends with shop this, Wednesday afternoon, from 2 to 5 o'clock. The young ladies and gentlemen no doubt will enjoy themselves. R. B. WARD and wife, of Williamstown, West Va., are visiting Dr. A. Wilson and family. Mrs. Oscar Johnston and family, of Cheshire, are on a visit to Dr. D. S. HARTINGER'S family. Miss Nellie JENKINS has been sick for two or three days past. John GLOVER went to Cincinnati yesterday to visit relatives. Theodore WEHE and family went to Nelsonville to spend Christmas with the family of Julius THEISS. Worth WEBB went to the Athens Asylum recently to attend a masaque ball. V. F. FRIZZELL and son are at Vanceburg, KY., on a visit to the former's mother. Dr. W. E. STANSBURY returned Saturday from a visit to Chicago. While there, he visited many of the large building -- one of them twenty-two stories high. He also visited the World's Fair grounds and buildings, which he describes as simply grand. The Dr. brought home with him, and takes pride in showing, one of the silver World's Fair half dollars, issued by the United States for the benefit of the Fair, and 2,500,000 of them coined. They sell readily at from $1 to $5. It is a beautiful coin, and this is the first, we believe that has reached Middleport. Maj. J. B. DOWNING went to Cincinnati yesterday on business. Rev. J. W. STIVERSON, of Otterbein University, Westerville, Ohio, spent New Year's with the family of Ed. CARTWRIGHT. Edward JOHNSON, the colored man who used to work at Davies Bros., Limited, No 1311 Idacliff Road, in Sheffield, England, has arrived in Middleport, Ohio, U.S.A., 600 miles from New York City. Wirt LELAND and family, of Athens, spent a portion of last week with Mrs. LELAND'S parents, P-l-g SWIFE [Peleg Swift] and wife. Hollie STONE, of Belpre, came here last week to spend a few days with his sister Mrs. S. F. BERRY. Ex-Mayor J. J. WHITE still continues in poor health and under the doctor's care. Mrs. BROOKHART, sister of Mrs. S. F. BERRY, left for her home in Marietta last week. Miss Helen LINDSEY has been on the sick list for a few days. Leo and Edgar WERTHEIMER gave a grand party to a number of you folks last Saturday evening. Postmaster W. A. BARRINGER fell on the slippery walk a few days ago and hurt his side severely. It was feared at first that a rib was broken. -- but fortunately this was not true. Miss Nora RUSSELL went to Portland Saturday to visit friends. Samuel RUSSELL, wife and daughter Geneviene went to Zanesville Saturday on a visit to the former's sister. Miss Nellie STEWART came here from Pittsburg on last Wednesday bringing her cousin, Miss Marie STEWARD home with her. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. BRYAN gave an elegant supper to a number of their lady and gentlemen friends on Thursday evening. Mr. COLE, a student at Marietta College, came down to spend vacation with his fellow student, Aug. HUBER. Miss Hattie JONES entertained a number of young lady and gentlemen friends last Thursday evening in honor of her brother Walter, who is home on a visit from the West. Mrs. Samuel DUNBAR, of Gallipolis was here two or three days last week visiting her sister, Mrs. J. B. DOWNING. Marion CLINE and wife came over from Athens last week to attend the party at Mrs. Moyne McELINNY'S. Mrs. D. A. GUTHRIE and Mrs. F. BESSERER were called to Cheshire last week on account of the sickness of their little nephew, Charlie AEMEL. The child is better now. L. U. CRARY went to Richmond, Indiana, last week to see our late townsman, R. C. HILL, on business. Don. ARMITAGE returned to Akron last week, after a pleasant Christmas visit with the home folks here. Miss Jennie WOMELDORFF, of Gallipolis, is visiting her cousin, Miss Ella WOMELDORFF, at the Walnut Street House. Little Connie DAVIS, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Ed. DAVIS, celebrated her seventh birth-day last Wednesday with a grand party of her little friends. They had a jolly romp all over the house, with plenty of good things to eat, and the sunshine of innocence prevailed over all. It was a happy time. Earl LAWSON, Carl GRANT and Carl WHEELER were among the lads who were a "little too previous" when the Ohio River was bridged over with ice the other day. They all broke through, but luckily all escaped without anything more serious than a good ducking. R. A. BRYANT, who for the past fourteen months has been connected with the Hearld, will next Saturday evening resign his position, as business manager, and take a position on the Gallipolis Daily Journal. -- While here, Mr. BRYANT has made many warm and lasting friends, who wish him well in his new place. -- Hearld. The Journal folks will find in Mr. BRYANT a good printer, an excellent gentleman, and a well trained newspaper man. Miss Leah JAMES, of Columbus, is visiting the family of Thos. H. DAVID and other friends hereabouts. Capt. Will HATONSTALL arrived home last week. He will remain several weeks GRAND JUVENILE CONCERT Last Thursday evening, December 29th, the Misses Emma and Nellie BEDDOW rendered their concert to the people of Middleport in grand style. They had the assistance of their pupils, a select quartette, beides taking important parts themselves. They had a house that netted them something over fifty dollars. While all did exceedingly well, especial mention should be made of the "German Fifth." They carried the audience by storm, and their praise is on every tongue. The Misses BEDDOW are expert musicians and our people would be please to hear them at any time. Following was the prgramme: 1. Trio -- Oberon Fantasia, Op. 149, Beyer - Misses Isa HYSELL, Clara GRAHAM, and Emma BEDDOW. 2. Duet -- Military Gallop, Labitxky - Misses Minnie PAULIN, Ina LAWSON. 3. Cornet Solo -- My Lodging is on the Gold Graound, (Fantasia) Ferrzaai --- Miss Nellie BEDDOW. 4. Duet -- Beauties of Paradise, L. Streabboy -- Misses Bessie KERR, Maud LAWSON. 5. Quartette -- My home is on the Sea, Sartlett -- Messrs JONES, MORAN, D. L. BURNELL, J. B. BURNELL. 6. Piano Solo, selected -- Miss BEDDOW. 7. German 5th - Masters L. SHIFLET, M. PAULIN, H. SHIFLET, H. BEDDOW, Walter KERR, CAPTAIN. 8. Tri - Jubeifeier Polonaise, W. Gramer -- Misses Ethel CHASE, Vinnie PICKENS. Emma BEDDOW. 9. Violin Solo -- II Trovatore (Fantasis,) W. F. SUDDS -- Miss Emma BEDDOW. 10. Duet -- Qui Vive, Op. 12, W. Granz -- Misses Etta SHIFLET, Ethel MOORE. 11. Quartette, selected -- Messrs JONES, MORGAN, D. L. BURNELL, J.B. BURNELL. 12. Duet -- Invitation to the Dance, Czerny -- Misses Emma BEDDOW, Ethel MOORE. 13. Chorus -- America -- by the pupils Grand Tableaux ============================================ FIRE IN POMEROY At 15 minutes after 12 o'clock, on New Years's morning, the fire-alarm bells aroused the people of Pomeroy from their slumbers -- that is those of them who were not yet up to see the old year out and welcome the new year in. Mr. JONES landlord of the Hubert House was awakened by one of the children calling for a drink. On going to the children's room, he discovered the interior of the house in flames, having, it is supposed, caught from the kitchen. He at once gave the alarm, and proceeded to arouse the sleeping inmates of the house, and save them -- seeing it was impossible to save the house or contents. The inmates were all rescued by being taken to the front porch up stairs, and thence on ladders to the ground. The fire companies were promptly on hand; but the fire had gained such a start that they could not save the Hulbert House nor the frame buildings adjoining. They all went between Bengal's store and Gibbs' undertaking establishment. They were occupied as follows: The Hulbert House as a hotel; a millinery store in the same building; Starkey's shoe store; R. W. Vaughn's musical instrument store; Wheatly's sewing machine store. Some of these parties saved all or a portion of their goods. Dr. WHALEY owned the Hulbert House, and is the greatest loser. We did not learn who owned the other buildings, nor any particulars as to insurance. RUTLAND ITEMS Can say we are having plenty of winter here at present; it is snowing here today. Dr. F. H. PARKER went to Carpenter Station Saturday on business. Clayton STARR left Saturday for Waverly, Ohio, to visit relatives, he returned Tuesday. B. O. HIGLEY of the Athens College, came down last week to spend the holidays. Our village school has been closed for two weeks vacation. Misees Clara DUTTON and Ida LARKIN visited the family of Harvey McHAFFIE during the holidays. The young people of Langsville, showed their hospitality by giving an elegant supper in their honor at which all report a pleasant time. Born to Frank GARDNER and wife, December 27, 1892, a son. Mr. GARDNER was sorry it wasn't a Christmas gift. J. M. BAIRD, of the Harter Flouring Mill, at Fostoria, was spending the holidays with his sister. Mrs. J. A. WILLIAMS. Mr. BAIRD reports daily capacity 1,200 barrels. He also says Fostoria is one of the leading towns in Northwestern Ohio. Homer Higley, student at the Athens College, spent the holidays at this place. A Mr. St. CLAIR, from California, is working for Mr. RAWLINGS, in the harnes shop. Val SISSON is here visiting his brother James. The shots at Mr. JACKSON'S Store were counted to day. David GARDNER took the prize. Miss Clara DUTTON went to Albany Saturday and returned Sunday. A Miss CARPENTER, of Athens College, came down Saturday to take part in the teachers' meeting, which we learn was a success. MUSSER and HUMPHREY put up a large supply of ice. Rev. Harve BOLTON and wife are spending the holidays at this place. Prof. HUMPHREY was spending the holidays with this father. FURTHER FROM RUTLAND Jerry PRICE and his brother-in-law Wm. WRIGHT who have been working at Glouster, Athens county, for some time, came down to Rutland and spend the holidays with their families. Joseph SMITH, of Charleston, West Va., was here last week to visit his mother and other friends. Installation Notice -- Sergeant HOLT Post, No. 43, requests all their members to be present at the next meeting, January 7, 1893 for the purpose of installing the newly elected officers. Mrs. B. S. WILLIAMS and her daughter, Mrs. Emma PERCY, of Illinois, were visiting relatives and friends at Albany last week. Look out for a wedding in the near future. R. L. BINGHAM, who has been over to Athens some three weeks, came home last Friday. He is much better than he was. Levi OAKS, of Osceola, Iowa, is here visiting relatives and friends. The boys all like to get back to old Rutland. W. W. STONE has gone to Huntington, West Va., to work in car shops. May success attend him. Miss Anna HENSHAW, of Gallipolis, is visiting the family of Wm. CARSON. Miss Bessie CARPENTER, daughter of Senator and Mrs. J. L. CARPENTER, was calling on friends and relatives here last Saturday. Mrs. J. M. DeCAMP, of Downington, is visiting her children at New Lima. Miss Lou COOPER was on the sick list last week. Charley ROBINSON and family spent New Year's with his parents at Albany, Athens county. L. F. SISSON, of Colorado, is here, visiting his grand-mother, Mrs. B. S. WILLIAMS. He will remain some two months. J. J. TOILVER returned home last week from Barnesville, Ohio, where he has been visiting his brother, Rev. W. L. TOILVER, of that place. Mrs. Dr. Lew. BEAN, of Gallipolis, is here visiting the family of Dr. George BEAN. ============================================ The venerable McCoy RALSTON, of Addison township, aged something over eighty years, died of neuralgia of the heart on Friday morning last, December 30, 1892. He was a good citizen, widely known and beloved and leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his death. He was a brother of James RALSTON, Esq. of Pomeroy. A more suitable obituary will be given hereafter. ============================================ C. B. BAILEY, a prominent merchant of Gallipolis, and ex-County Commissioner, made an assignment a week or two ago for the benefit of his creditors. It is stated that going security for others was the cause of his failure. Mr. Andrew CALDERWOOD kindly remembered our good old citizen, Mr. J. VAN WELDON, on Christmas day, and sent him a very acceptable present. Van is now located with his daughter at Alton, Illinois, on the Mississippi River. A letter from the daughter states that when Van received the present and thought of his old home and friends in Middleport, he broke down and wept like a child. Van has a warm recollection of his many friends here. John F. DOWNING, of the Mill Street Insurance Agency, has been a veritable Santa Claus to some of our citizen during the late Christmas week. John F., with his accustomed promptness, paid to the Ohio Machine Co. $600 for the burning of their boiler shop; to P. F. ZEISE $440 for 44 weeks' indemnity accident insurance; and to John ANDERSON $25 as indemnity on 2 weeks; accident insurance. That's $1,065. Come again, John F. Wish we had some more like you. Dr. J. A. MILLER has moved in from Langsville, and will open an office in E. DAVIS & CO's. Drugstore. He will reside in Mrs. J. W. JONES' house on Second Street. See his card. Charley RUST came up from Huntington Saturday with a bran new wife. He was married Christmas day to Miss Mary EBLEN, of that city. They returned Monday. Now write it "1893." Make no mistakes this year.
The Meigs County Republican January 11, 1893
Married on the steamer C. A. Hill, December 24, 1892, by Rev. I. P. WIGGINS of Pomeroy Wm J. TURLEY of New Haven to Miss Kate NEWELL of Hartford City. This is the first wedding that ever took place on the Hill while she navigated the waters. Capt. Will NEWTON acted as best man to the groom. Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker
The Meigs County Republican January 11, 1893
CARLTON AND CHESHIRE All that remember January 1856 will say the present winter is just like it; but that year there was a closed river until about March 17th, and ice did not cease running until about the 1st of April. Protracted meeting at our church closed Sunday last with good results - 7 conversions and accessions to the church; several backsliders reclaimed, church greatly revived. -- Rev. N. E. MUSSER and wife are a power of good, and are determined to be pillars in the denomination. -- All our people love them. Baptizing Saturday after morning services. Esq. BLACKBURN'S court did considerable business last week -- part civil and two criminal cases. Several witnesses from your city were present. Our old friend, J. M. COUGHENOUR, who had his ankle so terribly broken a year since while hauling saw logs, attended the protracted meeting on crutches. A large piece of bone worked out, and he is much improved. Mel is a good fellow. Seven aspirants for the Cheshire postoffice, and several localities yet to hear from. We propose that a little postoffice be established for everyone, that voted the Democratic ticket. Please send the Republican to H. G. SWISHER, Phillipsburg, Kansas - Find $1 enclosed, for which, send the receipt to Mrs. G. W. SWISHER, Carlton. A number of our people have been suppoened and will attend court Thursday next, in case of Cheshire township vs. Cheshire Special School District, and the Rouse will case. - Both set for that day. Henking as a name for our post office passed out with the old year, and now the letters are flying mounted with the name of Carlton on their wings. Mrs. Chas. BENGEL and Miss Katie BENGEL, of Pomeroy, were visiting the family of H. V. CARL last week. G. E. WARNER, one of the dining room attendants at the Athens Asylum, was down last week to see his folks. Gip. Is a No. 1 fellow. We are always glad to see him. Protracted meeting still in progress at Cheshire Free Baptist Church. J. J. COURHENOUR lost a three year old colt by lung fever Saturday last. Who broke their sleigh while sleigh riding Saturday night? No one knows. The great army of farmer is resting and so is OLD GALLIA CHESHIRE ITEMS New Year's day morning and evening, we had the privilege of listening to excellent sermons by Rev. W. J. FULTON, who continues here this week to hold meetings. The funeral of Mr. McCoy RALSTON took place at the resident, Monday, January 2, conducted by a minister from Marietta. It was largely attended. Mrs. Wm. SYMMES entertained a few friends New Year's Day, among them was Rev. W. J. FULTON. N.W. RESENER, suffering with a dislocated ankle, is in a position to exercise that rare virtue, patience, as the doctor says it will be some day before he is able to walk. Prof. and Mrs. C. O. CLARK, of Rio Grande, who have been visiting the latter's parents below town, spent a few days at Syracuse with Dr. and Mrs. ROWLEY. David THOMAS one of Cheshire's most promising young men has returned to school at Athens. School opens at this place Monday, the 9th, with A. P. HIGLEY, Mrs. POINDEXTER and Miss Gertrude LEDLIE as instructors. Mrs. Aggie BAIRD continues to improve. We overheard one young lady remark to another, with a despairing sigh. "1893 is not a leap year. Is it?" SPARKS ============================================ THE DEATH OF MCCOY RALSTON McCoy RALSTON died at his home in Addison township, near Cheshire, on Friday morning, December 30th, 1892, aged nearly 78. He had been troubled for some time past with rheumatism, which affected his heart, and at an early hour on Friday morning Dr. BARTON had been called, and he was with him when death came. He was not considered in a dangerous condition, and in fact arose from his bed and dressed himself as usual. Mr. RALSTON was born in Gallia county, January 15, 1815, and his long and useful life was spent at the spot where he first saw the light of day. He married Sarah E. GASTON, a half sister of Mr. A. S. BING, February 17, 1847, who survives her husband. Four children are also living - one daughter and three sons. A good friend sends the Republican the following concerning McCoy RALTSTON. He was born January 7th 1815 (yes, that is the date in this article and it is different from what the above obituary states, but I doubled checked both articles to be sure I was typing it correctly as to what the article states - trans.) and was the youngest of five brothers. He was a member of an old family, who came out from the Valley of Virginia and settled in Addison township, Gallia county, in the early part of this century, where he was born and lived all his life. He was a good, law-abiding citizen, and lived at peace with all his old neighbors. He was a kind husband and indulgent father. His acquaintance was very general in Meigs county. Mrs. RALSTON'S father, Mr. Jonathan GASTON, was from Meigs county, and a member of one of the oldest and most highly respectable families in Rutland township. Mr. James RALSTON, of Pomeroy, is the last surviving member of the five brothers and one sister, and he believes his is living on borrowed time. ============================================ DEATH OF MRS. JONES Mrs. Ann JONES, an aged and highly respected lady, died at the home of her son, Mr. E. D. JONES, on Front street, Middleport, last Friday, January 6, 1893, at the age of 81 years, 9 months and 21 days. The funeral occurred on Sunday at the residence of Mr. JONES. Rev. D. O. CHAPIN preached the funeral sermon. Mother JONES was a true Christian woman in every sense of the word; a faithful wife and mother, and a kind and obliging neighbor. This is her history in brief; She was born in Lanavanvaur, county of Brecon, Wales, March 15th, 1811; was united in marriage to Daniel JONES, June 17th, 1830; removed to America in 1841; settled in Gallia county, Ohio, where her husband died December 18th, 1946. There were born to them seven children, four of whom are dead. Mrs. JONES moved to Middleport, to live with her children, in October 1877, where she resided until the day she died. -- There remain two sons, one daughter and many relatives to mourn her departure. The deceased, when very young, gave herself to Christ and his cause, and united with the Baptist Church, and lived a consistent Christian life until she was called home to receive her reward. DESTROYED BY FIRE Between five and six o'clock last Friday evening, fire broke out in a two-story frame house, down on Second street, and owned by Mrs. James PARK. The house was occupied by two colored families named STEWART and GOINS. The fire spread rapidly, and everything being frozen up, it was a hard matter to fight the flames. The alarm was given, but before the engine arrived on the ground, the building was about destroyed. When they did get to throwing on water, no engine ever did better work. They threw a strong, steady stream, and the last spark of fire was soon extinguished. The house was insured for $500, in Major J. B. DOWNING'S agency, which it is believed will cover all loss. The families saved most of their household goods. SHAKESPEARIAN BANQUET The Misses VANDUYN entertained the Ladies Shakespeare Club of Middleport, at their cozy residence, last Thursday evening, January 5th, 1893. There was an intellectual feast for all the intelligent ladies present, and in which all took an active part. In the midst of it came the feast of good things for the inner man, (in this case the inner woman,) which was equally relished by all present. The following program was carried out to the letter: Reading -- Richard III Quotations - Club Discussion -- Sociable Refreshments 'And now, let good digestion wait on appetit, And health on both." -- Macbeth Conversation -- Club THE WEATHER -- THE RIVER For a week or more, this section of country has experienced colder weather, with more snow, perhaps, than on any occasion since 1884, the year of the great flood. On several days last week the river was frozen over, the skating was fine, and many people crossed over and back on foot. On Friday morning, about 7 o'clock, the ice gave way at some point above, and came sweeping down, carrying everything with it that was not safely moored below ice piers or in a safe harbor near shore. The Middleport wharfboat was carried down with the mass of ice, with Wharfmaster Charles CORBEN aboard. The heavy chain which held the wharfboat to the shore, was snapped like a cord. Mr. J. B. LINDSEY and two or three others, seeing the danger, jumped into a skiff, rowed, out, and boarded the wharfboat. Among them they landed the boat at the mouth of Story's Run, some two or three miles below town -- or rather she landed herself -- where she is now moored. The Pomeroy ferryboat, which had been brought down here for safety, was also carried down by the ice break-up, but fortunately was landed a few hundred yards below. Several other boats were in imminent danger, but escaped with little loss. Casualties are reported at other points on the river, the worst being in Cincinnati............... MIDDLEPORT HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI The Alumni meets, in open session, at the residence of Mr. John SHOTT, on Friday evening next, at 7:45. The program, including an address by Rev. T. B. WHITE, recitations by Miss Kate LAUGHEAD, and Mr. J. C. MCMASTER, as guitar selection by Miss Lillie HUBER, and vocal numbers by Misses Lida POWELL and Hattie JONES -- promises an instructive and entertaining evening. ============================================ PERSONAL MENTION R.C. STEWART and son Harry went to Nelsonville yesterday, where they will open a meat store. Their meat store here will be continued as usual. Capt. William THOMAS has about recovered from his recent sickness, and is seen on our streets again. Miss Ida PARKER resumed her place as teacher in our public schools on Monday last, after a long siege of typhoid fever. She was heartily welcomed. Mrs. W. H. MILLS, of Columbus, is the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. S. P. HUMPHREY, of Middleport. George STEELE, who has been employed in a steel plant at Ashland, Kentucky, arrived home last Saturday to visit his parents. Mrs. Mattie SPENCE ROTHGEB went to Gallipolis Sunday to work on the Daily Journal. Miss Lulu MAJOR has taken Mrs. ROTHGEB'S place on the Herald. Mrs. John A. REED, who has been sick for a long time, is improving, and is able to get about a little. Will. SWIFT, son of George SWIFT and wife, is a very sick young man at this writing. His relatives and friends are quite uneasy concerning him. Austin W. VORNES, Esq., a prominent Pomeroy attorney and capitalist, was the recent guest of his sister, Mrs. J. P. WOOD, in Athens.-- Messenger. Willie HARTINGER gave a party to a number of young ladies and gentlemen last Friday night -- all arrayed in the "costume of the twelfth night," whatever that may be. A high old time is reported by all who were present. Arthur HARTINGER, eldest son of Treasurer-elect W. M. HARTINGER, is off to Parkersburg to attend a business college. Arthur has it in him to make a useful business man, and we hope he may succeed. Mr.s J. D. MAHON returned home Friday evening from a visit to her daughters in Indiana. Mr. J. M. JOHNSON, of Addison township, Gallia county, was calling on Middleport friends last Saturday. He never fails to make the Republican office happy. Rev. Earl CRANSTON and son Monte made a pleasant visit to Mrs. Ann BEHAN and other Middleport friends a day or two last week. Mrs. S. P. COE entertained a party of lady friends with an elegant dinner last Thursday. We have the world of a lady who was present that the good things provided on the occasion "just touched the spot." Mr. Guy STEWART, a prominent undertaker of Middleport, Ohio, was in the city Friday on Business. Gallipolis Journal. Misses Mary and Pearl GRANT, of Middleport, who have been visiting Miss Helen KERNS, in Gallipolis, returned home last Thursday. Engineer Charley WATSON, of a Pittsburg towboat, is spending a few days at home, waiting for the ice to run by. ==================================================== RUTLAND ITEMS Miss Laura PEARCE was at Langsville last week. Miss Effie MAGUIRE returned from Vinton last week, where she had been visiting relatives. Miss Lulu PARKER left Saturday for Cincinnati. Miss Sadie TRACHLER, mother, and her little sister, of Cheshire, were calling on friends here last week. Prof. J. M. BLACK is teaching a singing school at this place. Mrs. Wm PEARCE and wife, of Langsville, were the guests of David PEARCE and wife, Sunday, below the village. Clayton STARR was visiting at Bro. ED. MURCH'S last week. He says Bro. MURCH will be down in March to preach for us. If you want a good paper to read these cold nights, take the Republican. J. Q. CAMP moved from the village to his farm on Hysell Run today, Monday. Charlie Robinson moved from the GRIMES property to Mrs. MAGUIRE'S house. We learned Charlie GRIMES will take charge of his property soon. John Mutchler is teaching a term of school in the Parker District. Our village school bell ran this morning, after a two weeks' vacation. We think the children have had lots of sport. Miss Phoebe KENT, of Ewington, Gallia county, is the guest of Mrs. Andy BARTIN, at this writing. Now is the time to please your girl by taking her a sleigh riding. Geo SAYLES has, bought a spoke machinery at Cincinnati. ELLIOT ==================================================== FURTHER FROM RUTLAND A.J. CARPENTER, of Columbia, was calling on friends in this vicinity last week. J. M. ROWLEY and wife of Harrisonville, were visiting at L. H. BINGHAM'S and R. L. BINGHAM'S last Sunday. John WRIGHT and family of Morgan, Gallia county, were the guests of Mr. Thomas WRIGHT last Sunday. Elmer SEALRS moved last week from the farm of Dan. SMITH to his father's farm in Gallia county. Mrs. E. K. TAYLOR and son Ed. were visiting at A. J. SIGLER'S last Sunday. Harry BROWN, of Albany, was in town one day last week. J. L. BINGHAM, was has been sick for some two weeks, is better at this writing. Born, to Leonard CROSBY and wife, January 2, 1893, a boy. W. A. WANSO, of Middleport, was calling on friends in the village today. Rev. Harley BOLTON will preach for the Freewill Baptist people next Sunday. All are invited. Charlie GRIMES will move this week into the house he bought of Geo. B. LARKIN, in the village. There will be no services at the Methodist church on January 15th, on account of the quarterly meeting, at Rock Springs. J.B.K. ==================================================== FOR SALE -- FARM LAND The undersigned, Trustees, officer at private sale 1,600 acres of magnificent Farming and Grazing Lands, known as the HORTON FARMS, near Pomeroy, Meigs County, Ohio. These Lands are in the highest state of cultivation, are rich and fertile, have numerous fine barns, farm houses, etc, and are amongst the finest farms in Southern Ohio. They have been divided into tracts of 100 acres, giving to each tract a portion of grazing, tillable and wood land. Each tract is provide with ample water facilities, and has easy means of access to Pomeroy and the Ohio River -- also ample barn room, etc. A chance is now afforded of obtaining at almost your own price, some of the finest farms in Southern Ohio, as the property must be sold at once. Terms -- one-third cash; balance in one and two years at 6 per cent interest, secured by mortgage. Apply for further information to Hon. D. A. RUSSELL, Pomeroy, Ohio. Where plats of the property can be seen. Chas. P. GREENOUGH, D. A. RUSSELL, Frank O. SUIRE, Trustee ==================================================== WILL P. TODD DEFENDANT IN A DIVORCE SUIT His wife Daughter of Millionaire Manufacture Topliff The following dispatch refers to a former well known citizen of Middleport. Friends here will be sorry to hear the news: Cleveland, O., January 7.-- Euclid Avenue society has the biggest sensation to talk about that it has experienced since two years ago, when Banker Hales' daughter sued for divorce from Editor Max COWLES' son, alleging all things of the marriage calendar. This time the affair is very similar. The daughter of Millionaire Manufacture Topliff is suing for divorce from her husband, Will P. TODD, with whom she eloped seven years ago, when she was at Painsville Female Seminary, and TODD was a traveling salesman. They received forgiveness, and TODD was made manager of his father-in-law's business. The divorce petition charges TODD with adultery with women in Cincinnati, Chicago, Buffalo and Cleveland. Mrs. TODD also complains that he has been exceedingly cruel and abusive, beating her frequently during the past year. The TODDS live on Euclid Avenue and move in the highest circles. Not the least interesting is the encounter between TODD and his former friend, Al HATHWAY, in a Turkish bath room a few nights ago. Both were stripped and accidentally met in the hot room. There was a bloody two round fight in which TODD was knocked out. HATHWAY obtained a divorce from his wife a few weeks ago. She was with young MEZICK when he committed suicide in Chicago last fall. HATHWAY accused TODD of being intimate with his wife, and had been waiting to get at him. Mrs. TODD is a lady of unblemished character, and much sympathy is expressed for her. Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker
The Meigs County Republican January 18, 1893
Death of Moses W. ALLEN Mr. M. W. ALLEN was born in Espyville, PA., October 1, 1825, and died in Pomeroy, Ohio, January 12, 1893, aged 67 years, 3 months, and 11 days. He was married to Mrs. Elizabeth A. DOW in the year of 1856, and ever since that time his permanent residence has been in Middleport, Ohio. He has been widely known in the various enterprises of Middleport, and no man has ever been among us, who had a more honorable business career. His associates in business loved him most because they knew him best. He was a member of the Presbyterian church for forty years. And through many of those years he faithfully discharged the duties of teacher and Superintendent in the Sabbath-school. For the past twenty years he has honorably filled the office of Elder in the church. In his last sickness he gave evidence of a firm faith in the God he had loved so long. His mind was at prefect peace. He cheerfully resigned all into the hands of Him whom he knew to be able to keep that which he committed unto him. "He rests from his labors, and his works do follow him." The funeral services conducted by Rev. T. B. WHITE, very properly took place from the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. W. H. OSBORN, of Pomeroy, where he had received such tender care from his faithful wife and daughter and son-in-law, during his last sickness. At the funeral the minister said: "The peaceful quiet of this hour is in exact harmony with the life of him who is now gone from us." This is as he would have it be. I would not disturb anew the feelings of those who are already over-burdened with sorrow; yet-there are many hearts in this presence yearning to place some tribute of respect upon this casket. If we could each bring a flower, it would silently express our feelings better than could our words. Personally, I feel that I have lost a friend tried and trusted. Almost the first favor I received in this county was from his kindly hand. I have received many more since, from the same hand. His counsel was valuable to whoever was favored by association with him. He was always on the right side of questions that would make best for his fellow men. The result of his faithful, unassuming work for the children and young people will not be known until it shall be revealed in the Great Day. We all agree that he found the one only safe way out of this world. Many years ago he said, "Let me die the death of the righteous." His sincerity in that expressed wish was shown by a willingness to live the life that would insure such a death. To the family: My dear friends in your faithful watching at the bedside, as you have reason to fear that the hour has now come, many times you have looked up through your suppressed tears and said, "O father if it be possible, let this cap of sorrow pass from me; nevertheless not as I will but as thou wilt." Such, I trust, are the resigned feelings of your hearts today. "We sorrow not as those who have no hope." Another Old Citizen Gone Royal Clark GRANT died at the home of William HARRIS on lower Third street, January 12, at about 9 o'clock A.M. The relatives of the deceased had provided a home for him with Mr. and Mrs. HARRIS, where he received the best of care during his last and declining months. Here he received every attention that could be given, and was frequently attended by relatives and friends who were especially attentive and much with him during this last days. The remains were taken to the home of his son-in-law, Dr. E. DAVIS, whence they were borne to the New Jerusalem church on Saturday, January 14, where the funeral was held, Rev. E. D. DANIELS officiating. At the close of the sermon the preacher gave a few facts concerning the departed, which were mainly as follows: -- "Mr. Grant was born in or near Bangor, Maine, October 3, 1805; and was therefore over 87 years of age at the time of his death. He came to Ohio with his parents in 1817, when he was 12 years of age. At that time, 75 years ago, a journey from Maine to Ohio meant a great deal more in some respects than it does now. There were many hardships to encounter on the way, and the boy walked much of the distance. Mr. Grant sometimes referred to this journey, giving interesting accounts of his walking over the mountains and gathering chestnuts on the way. After coming to Ohio Mr. Grant lived in Rutland, Chester, Wilesville, Pomeroy and Middleport, at which latter place he passed the last and larger portion of this life. His first business was tanning and dealing in leather. At one time he had a well filled store of merchandise in Pomeroy, where he also engaged in the coal business. Later he operated, and in part owned, the Ohio Machine shop at Middleport. He was an influential business man as early as the thirties and was a heavy loser in the flood of 1832. At one time he was well known and his influence was felt throughout Meigs county, and even in other places; but he was not a successful financier, and later in life financial reverses compelled him to retire from active business and be sank into comparative obscurity, spending his time in making inventions and improvements on machinery, etc. He was postmaster at Pomeroy about six years in the forties and magistrate even longer than that. In this latter capacity he was called upon to marry many couples, and sometimes he would tell amusing stories of his experiences in tying the nuptial knot. At one time he was considered the brightest Free-Mason in Meigs county and served the Masonic fraternity in official capacities. He was Master of the lodge at Chester, and again of that at Wilkesville. In later life his interest in Masonry died away, and his experiences were such that he withdraw within himself, and took no part in public or society affairs. In personal appearance, Mr. GRANT was a fine looking man, especially in his best days. During the past few years he has been but a broken reed in comparison with his former self, but before his faculties were impaired he was a man of strong mind whose opinions were respected, and of unconquerable will. Often carrying his firmness so far that his own interest suffered in consequence. There was nothing impure or profane in his conversation. He has told of himself that he never uttered but one profane oath, and that was when he was dared to do so under very peculiar circumstances. Nor would he intentionally be dishonest or wrong any one. In 1833 he married Livina FULLER, from Chauncery, near Athens, who proved to be a most excellent companion. Of this union were born seven children, four boys and three girls, of who five are living, the two oldest having passed away. His companion died in 1851, since which time he has lived a widower. When friends have advised him to marry again, his reply has been "No, there is but one Livina." He had a strong affection for his home. He believed in God, and in a hereafter, but had peculiar views about the Bible, which I understand he has written out in a large pile of manuscript. He also kept an account of all strange and remarkable occurrences, which account was found among his papers after his decease. He has gone to his account. No man may judge his heart, for that is the province of the Lord alone. He is in the hands of a righteous and living God. There we leave him. Amen." The sermon was a strong and logical presentation of the doctrine that, though we cannot say positively whether any one has gone to heaven or among the infernals, yet in any event God is love; for the creation of the universe cannot be justified in the final destiny of the wicked is an unmitigated curse to them. Several have asked that the sermon be published. The funeral was well attended by relatives and friends of the deceased and the remains were laid away in the hill cemetery, the bearers and others wading through the deep snow, admist the most biting, driving storm that has been known here for scores of year. PERSONAL MENTION Miss Mary MACK left yesterday for Chicago, where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Gus. J. SUTDLIFFE, for a while. Mr. D. S. STEVENSON -- our Dave -- is here from Wellston, visiting friends, and looking as happy and smiling as when peddling Red Letter. A crowd of thirteen young folks from Cheshire were here last Thursday evening sleigh-riding. They stopped at SMITHY'S restaurant and filled up on oysters. Mr. O. L. BAILEY has returned to his duties at Belleville, Illinois Col. E. R. DAVENPORT, of street railway memory, has moved his family from Nelsonville to Gallipolis. Engineer Henry C. JENKINS is here from Charleston, West Va., to remain with his family while the Kanawha is frozen up. Our old friend, Mr. John SHORT, has been confined to the house several days, threatened with a sick spell. Mr. Wirt LELAND, of Athens, came over last Saturday after his little boy. The little fellow had been staying with his grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peleg SWIFT, since Christmas. Wirt and the boy returned to Athens Saturday. Will T. Horden, Attorney, has returned to Middleport from Michigan, and will remain here until late in the summer, when he will go South. He is looking as though Michigan breezes agreed with him. Messrs. Miller DOWNING and Dave WERTHEIMER visited friends in Charleston, West Virginia, last week. Mr. A. O. JOHNSTON, late of Cheshire, now of Louisa, Kentucky, visiting here for a few days, returned home to-day. Meanwhile he made this office a pleasant call, and reported business lively at Louisa -- Gallipolis Journal. James STARK has gone to Dayton, Ohio, where he has secured employment in a furniture factory. Mrs. Ira GRAHAM has been on a visit to relatives and friends in and near Columbus. William ROOT is home from the Lancaster Keeley Institute, thoroughly cured. May he hold out faithfully, like the other patients from here. Miss Helen SKINNER and Miss Carrie POWELL are visiting the former's brother's wife, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. JOHNSTON. They were accompanied by Dr. JOHNSTON, who had been in Middleport on professional business. -- Gallipolis Journal Messrs. Morris LUCHS, of Marietta, and Louis M. LUCHS, of Middleport, Ohio, are visiting their parents in the 3rd ward on their way back from Canton, Ohio, where they are about to locate another wholesale liquor store. -- Wheeling News. John REUTER, a young druggist of Columbus, came down on Saturday evening to visit friends, and returned Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. STEWART and daughter Nellie are off to Pittsburg to attend the funeral of the former's brother-in-law, Henry McCLUSKY, who died one day last week. Henry SPRINGSTON, clerking in Pt. Pleasant, came up Sunday to spend a few hours with relatives. Mr. H. C. JENKINS is visiting his family this week. William WILSON, of Ironton, was visiting the family of Mr. Fin. MOORE last Wednesday. Mrs. RUMSEY was up at Pomeroy nearly all last week, taking care of her sick grand-daughter, little Barbara SEEBOHM. Miss Maggie MANUEL was visiting her mother last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. BRYAN were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Smith, of Pomeroy, Sunday. Mrs. David ENTSMINGER is very low, at her home in 5th ward, with cancer. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel HOBBS have a little boy very sick with typhoid pneumonia. Mrs. Mary SPANGEL and Mrs. Nellie KESSLER, who have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Williams, have returned to Cincinnati. Mr. W. O. SILVERY is at Albany on business. Mrs. Mollie SIX has returned to Columbus, after a pleasant visit with relatives and friends here. Mrs. Joseph MARTIN was called to Carlton, on account of the serious illness of her little grand-daughter, Frances RUSSELL. James WILLIAMS, who has been quite sick with grip, is slowly improving. Little Nona GLOVER has been quite sick for several days. Miss Belle TRAINER, of Mt. Blanco, was the guest of Mrs. Dr. PAKE last week. The infant son of Burt SAUNDERS is quite sick. Mrs. J. B. DOWNING and Mrs. Sol. H. WERTHEIMER were visiting Gallipolis friends Monday. Miss Maud DUNBAR, of Gallipolis, will come to Middleport next week to take a course in short hand from Prof. Jay THOMAS. The big editor of the Republican has been suffering with the toothache the past few days. Please make allowance for any and all short comings this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. WEBB went to Columbus to-day (Wednesday) on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. EARNSHAW. Mrs. J. B. DOWNING and Mrs. Sol. H. WERTHEIMER will go to Athens tomorrow to spend a week with Mrs. CLINE and Mrs. FALLOON. Mr. Finley MOORE and family crossed the River on the ice Sunday, just for the novelty of it. Miss Frankie DUNBAR, of Gallipolis, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. B. DOWNING, this week. Dr. MILLER made a professional trip to Langsville, Monday. Little Robbie DAVIS, eldest son of Will. G. DAVIS and wife, has been quite ill, threatened with lung fever. He is better now. Will SWIFT, we are sorry to report is still very ill, having a pronounced case of typhoid fever. RUTLAND ITEMS Herschell WILLIAMS, while coming home from school last Wednesday, froze his ear. Miss Elsie BRALEY is working for Mrs. Frank HAYES V. F. STEVENS lost a fine milch cow last week by falling on the ice. We learn she was hurt in the hips. Our people thing there will be another flood in February. G.R. WILLIAMS was calling on his grandma, Mary BAIRD, and other relatives last week at Salem Center. We learn that Mrs. Ransom HYSELL, of this place, went to Portsmouth to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Will RUNION. Mrs. Betsy NOBLES, whom we told you of some weeks ago, as suffering with erysipelas, is not much better at this writing. Wm. TALBOTT and family, of Middleport, were calling on the family of John MCCORMICK, of this place, and Dr. George MARTIN, near Langsville, Sunday. Thos. Barton and family, of Gallia county, were visiting their parents, below the village Sunday. A Mr. ERWIN, from HARRISONVILLE, came down Sunday to take his best girl a sleigh riding. Mr. J. S. STEVENS and two granddaughters were on the sick list week. David SIMS is at home, while the river is frozen up. Sheriff Robinson, of Pomeroy, came out last week and gave a couple of Rutland boys a free sleigh ride to Pomeroy. We learn the boys were obstructing the highway on hallow-een. J.J. MCLAIN left Monday morning for Cleveland, and perhaps he may engage in business in that beautiful city. Jud is a smart young man, capable of filling almost any position. May success attend him. Mrs. RUTHERFORD, nee STARR , was visiting in Salem last week. She reports having had a good time among relatives and friends. Mrs. S. C. LARKIN, of the village, is on the sick list. She is an old and respected Christian lady, and we hope for her speedy recovery. Not too cold for the jolly traveling man, as a number of them were in the village last week, calling on their customers. Rev. Harley BOLTON preached for the Baptist brethren Lord's day and evening. He gave a good practical discourse in the evening; has a clear head, a warm heart, and will be an honor to Rutland wherever his lot may be. The first question you hear now, when two ladies meet is, "Did your flowers freeze?" The answer is generally in the affirmative. Uncle Daniel Parker is seriously ill, with no hope of recovery; his age and general feebleness are all against his rallying again. There is a dance reported for the 14th of February at G. C. MUSSER's residence. Some skeptics may call in question the genuineness of Bro. MUSSER's Christianity, as Christianity don't go hand in hand with the modern dance. A progressive euchre club has been formed in the village. We could explain, like Mother Partington, "Waal, naow, what is this world comin' to, anyhow?" Bro. KNIGHT makes frequent visits to the village of late. Suppose he is telephoning to his boat to know when she will start out, or --- something else. Our Postmaster, Mr. WRIGHT, is on the sick list. A. D. GARDNER is filling his place in the office. Mel MUSSER, who went to Columbus last fall, is here on a short visit. He will return soon. ELLIOTT ============================================ FURTHER FROM RUTLAND P. H. HIGLEY, of Chillicothe, Ohio, was here last Sunday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. HIGLEY. - He will take a fine horse back. Born to John KINCADE and wife, January 10, 1893, a daughter. John was all right when last heard from. Rev. Mr. MINER preached at Mt. Vernon Church last Sunday. Prof. L. F. SISSON is visiting relatives in Middleport and Pomeroy this week. Miss Eva McNAUGHTON, of Hysell Run, was visiting the family of William SKINNER last week. Mrs. Curtis LAEKIN is on the sick list this week. Miss Neva DAY, of Harrisonville, is here taking lessons on the violin under Prof.. J. M. BLACK. S.M. HOOPER has gone to Florida on a prospecting tour. S. D. HOGUE has been on the sick list, but is some better now. R. H. RAWLINGS sold to Arthur BOATMAN one of the finest sleighs ever seen in this country. James LUCKADO died last Wednesday, and was buried Friday. R. L. BINGHAM went to Athens today on business. Prof. J. M. BLACK is getting along nicely with his singing class in the village. ============================================ SILVER RUN Mrs. Harvey HANSON is still very sick, with not much change for the better. J. W. WELL'S little child was quite sick this week, but is now better. L.D. AMOS and family have returned from near Buffalo, W. Va., and report a pleasant time. The Middleport Wharfboat is in a bad condition at the Story Run and bar. It looks like it will see hard times in the next break up. Rev. H.E. BRILL did not preach here Sunday on account of being engaged in a big revival meeting at Rock Springs. School opened here again last Monday, after a two weeks' vacation. Isaac LITTLE went up to Jackson county, W. Va., last week. Thomas JENKINS was very sick last week, but is now improving. W.C. BUSSELL last a barge and 1,000 bushels of coal in the break up of last week. Mrs. Jane RICE is not in very good health. Born, on Sunday, January 8, 1893, a son to Joseph P. RICE Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker
The Meigs County Republican January 25, 1893
HE SHOT HIS PLAYMATE STANDING IN THE WINDOW Pomeroy, O, January 17 - Monday afternoon Charles, the 14-year-old son of Marcellus SALSER, was accidentally killed by a gun in the hands of Arthur, the 16-year-old son of John BUCK, who owns a mill on middle branch of Shade River in Orange township. BUCK had been at the house a short distance from his father's mill, to remove a bullet from the gun, and when returning had the gun pointed in the direction of the window of the mill at which stood young SALSER and two other boys. In some unknown manner the gun was discharged, the ball sticking SALSER in the head, from the effects of which he died two hours afterwards. THE DEATH OF DANIEL PARKER Daniel PARKER, son of William and Betsy WYATT PARKER, was born in Rutland, October 22, 1809, died of neuralgia of the heart, January 19, 1893, aged 83 years, 2 months, 28 days. He was the 4th son of a family of ten children, two of whom survive him; a younger brother, Capt. J. Wyatt PARKER, of Dubuque, Iowa, and a younger sister, Mrs. Mary BARTLETT, of Athens, Ohio. He was married in 1847 to Miss Catherine E. Gillispie, of Dayton, Ohio, to whom were born three sons, George G., Daniel Herbert, and Frank H. Parker - the last of whom and his wife survive him. The deceased resided the major portion of his life at the old homestead, where he was born and died, and which was settled by his father in 1804. He was a kind husband and a loving father, whose family was the object of his devotion. He lived an upright life and died a consistent death. The service was held from the family residence in Rutland, at two o'clock, last Sabbath, conducted by Rev. D. L. CHAPIN. DEATH OF WILL. J. SWIFT Mr. Will SWIFT, whose illness we have heretofore notice, died of typhoid fever, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George SWIFT, at 2 o'clock P.M. on Saturday, January 21, 1893, after a severe illness of 21 days. The young man had been rather poor health for some time, but not bedfast. The day before Christmas he skated to Pomeroy, but was so completely exhausted that he had to return in a hack. He had not been well since then. The young man apparently had a bright, useful life before him; was handsome and attractive in appearance; was very popular with his young associates, and was of that affectionate, loving nature that made his parents and brothers and sister almost idolize him. The mother particularly will miss him, for between them there was an affectionate feeling seldom witnessed between a mother and son of that age. The deceased was born at Somerset, Bristol county, Massachusetts, January 221 (that is what is written in the paper), 1870 from that place, with his parents, he moved to Rome, Georgia, when 7 years old, and remained one year; they then moved to Chattanooga, Tennessee, where they lived for two years, and from which place they came to Middleport in the spring of 1850, where they have resided ever since. Young SWIFT would have been 23 years on the day following his death. DEATH OF MRS. DAVID ENTSMINGER Mrs. David ENTSMINGER, after long suffering from that dreadful disease, cancer, died at her home in the 5th ward on Monday night last. A good woman, a faithful wife, and affectionate mother, thus passes to her rest. Obituary hereafter. DEATH OF SAMUEL HOBBS, JR. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel HOBBS, of 1st ward of Middleport, lost their little son, Samuel HOBBS, Jr., age 3 years 4 months and 5 days, on Tuesday, January 17, 1893. The little fellow died with typhoid fever, after an illness of five weeks. The funeral occurred on Thursday, the 19th inst., Rev. R. B. WHITE officiating. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR SOCIETIES The twelfth annual meeting of Young People's Societies of Christian Endeavor of Middleport, (four societies being represented.) will be held in the Methodist Church, on Sunday, January 29th, 1893, at 2 o'clock P.M. Following is the PROGRAMME Singing - Choir Reading of Scripture - E. C. FOX Singing - Choir Opening Remarks - E. C. FOX Singing from Gospel Hymn, No. 77- Congregation History of the Original Growth of Christian Endeavor Society - Mrs. T. B. WHITE Middleport Christian Endeavor Work - Mrs. John MCLANE Singing from Gospel Hymns, No. 29 - Congregation The Day of Small Things - Rev. J. S. WEED The Christian Endeavor and the World's Fair - Dr. L. A. THOMAS Doxology Benediction WOMENS RELIEF CORPS On Tuesday evening of last week the Ladies' Relief Corps of Middleport installed the following officers for the ensuring year; Mrs. Clara MCLANE, President Mrs. Lucetta HYSELL, Senior Vice Mrs., Christina WESSE, Junior VICE Mrs. J. R. BARROWS, Treasurer Miss Alice SHOTT, Secretary Mrs. Lizzie RUSSELL, Chaplain Mrs. Ella DAWSON, Conductor Mrs. Lydia MCMASTER, Guard Mrs. O. P. SKINNER, Assistant Conductor Mrs. Peleg SWIFT, Assistant Guard Mrs. Mildred HARTINGER was the installing officer, and filled the position with marked ability. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Public Installation and Banquet On Thursday evening last, January 19th, Fides Lodge, No. 0?0, Middleport Knights of Pythias, had a public installation of officers for the ensuring term. Their beautiful hall in the Schreiner block was crowed with Knights, their families and invited guests. Mr. John MCLANE was the installing officer, which was a guarantee that everything would move off like clock-work, and it did. The following officers were installed: Past Chancellor - D. S. HARTINGER Chancellor Commander - S. P. HUMPHREY Vice Chancellor - J. C. MCMASTER Prelate -L. A. THOMAS Master of Finance - J. F. MOORE Master of Exchequer - J. J. L. McELHINNY Keeper of Records and Seal -J. W. TALBOTT Master at Arms - Theodore WEHE Inner Guard - Harvey BAKER Outer Guard - Ed. SPOONER After the installation, the Knights and their families and guests repaired to Lawson's Hall, where bountiful tables had been spread with every luxury and substantial known, prepared in the best style by the lady friends of the order. About two hundred people partook of this excellent supper, and all were satisfied, and all seemed to enjoy themselves. At a late hour the crowd dispersed, showering benedictions on the noble order of Knights, and wishing the members long life and prosperity. SILVER RUN Miss Grace WESSON has been confined to the house the past week with rheumatism. Miss Iva MCINTOSH, of Enterprise, has been the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Harriet MCINTOSH, for sometime. A jolly sleighing party of fourteen persons attended the protracted meeting now being held by Rev. H. E. BRILL, at Rock Springs last Thursday night. The members of the party were as follows: George WERNER, wife and daughter, Katie, Mrs. Myra ROUSH, Misses Carrie and Maud KENT, Mrs. Lena FRICKER, Benjamin ZUSPAN, Miss Lizzie ZUAPN, Miss Laura RIPLEY, Miss Bertie WELLS, E. H. VALE and wife. All were treated kindly and had a pleasant time. Wal. ROUSH has sold out and will locate in Kansas. He left Saturday morning via the K. & M. railroad. The literary Friday night was a success. In the debate, the negative of the question, "Resolved, that fire is more destructive than water," was victorious. The declamations by Misses Bessie BLACKBURN and Daisy RICE were excellent. Capt. BLACKBURN also delivered an impromptu speech, which was good. The question for next Friday night is, "Resolved, that the Indian has more cause than the Negro, to complain of the white man." There will be a mock trial in the near future. While butchering, Friday, L. D. AMOS cut his hand very seriously, almost severing two of his fingers. CARLTON AND CHESHIRE Weather remains stationary; draped in pure white. Miss Agnes SCOTT, of in Imbecile Asylum, Columbus, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex SCOTT, of Kyger. Agnes has scores of friends here. It is her first visit here for nearly two years. Miss Edith RICE, of Story's Run, is visiting her cousin, Miss Bessie BLACKBURN, at the Farmers' Rest this week. Question: Who will be Post master at Cheshire village? Among the many applicants, we have not consulted the boss, but think Carl MACK holds the lucky number that will draw the grand prize. A big load: Messrs. Harmon DARST and Charley GROVER brought into Carl's Coal Work, a distance of some four miles, with two small mules and two horses, -103 bank props. They were split from green beech and were supposed to weight 50 lbs. each. We delivered a number of our fine bibles last week. Among those on whom we called were Dan. WARNER, C. E. RICE, John HARMON, Jesse FRAZIER. They was all loud in praise of the choice of books. We called on Mr. and Mrs. Alex FISHER Friday last; found them cheerful and happy as usual; sold them a nice lot of Rea's mammoth quince trees and aunt Salina had loaded the table with a choice supper, of which we partook with the relish of an old soldier, and in company with uncle Alex. We attended the debate at Silver Run: took a part in the debate. Question - Resolved that fire has been more loss to the people of the world than water. Arthur CARL and I were for the affirmative: Mr. VALE and Warner EVANS for the negative. Mr. CARL had compiled statistics of the fees by fire in the old and new worlds; to have bought and paid for the United States; but the judges had their brain flooded by the Johnstown loss, and the flood of 1884 of the Ohio Valley, that we could not build a fire hot enough to boil it out, though we "hot the furnace seven times hoter than it was want to be:" so they gave the verdict against us: some great man once said that no man is onto notice until he is at least, once defeated. T.A. EVANS was a pleasant caller at the FARMER'S Rest, on business one day last week, as was also Perry BAILEY, of Rock Springs. Oh, that horrid dog! One day last week, Isaac MANLEY, water-hauler at Carl's Coal works, by some mishap, placed his dinner bucket, well filled, on the out side. Although, fastened with a heavy clasp, a pesky hound opened the clasp and devoured Ike's dinner. Moral - Either take your bucket in side next time, or kill that dog. We visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank RIFE, and our 4 grand-children of Kyger, Sunday last; found them enjoying good health and happy. Fine sleighing and many of our people are enjoying it. BRADBURY ITEMS Wellington BLACK is down with the inflammatory rheumatism. Frank JONES, son of Chas. JONES, is confined to the bed with something like scarlet fever. Geo. HOPPESS has been on our sick list for a week or so past, but is better at present. Chas. RUSSELL, an aged citizen, is also very sick at present writing. Alexander RUSSELL, of Glen Eben, Ohio, was called here last week to be bedside of his brother, George RUSSELL. George RUSSELL died at his home here this morning, (Monday, January 23) after a serious illness of sometime with asthma and pneumonia. The deceased was a highly respected citizen, and thought well of by all who knew him and the community deeply regret his loss, and extend sympathy to the bereaved relatives. A wife, eight children, (two of whom are married) and several brothers and sisters, survive him and mourn his loss. Mrs. Nancy MURRAY, an aged lady, died at her home on Thomas Fork, near here, Tuesday, January 17th and was buried at Hill Cemetery Friday last. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
The Tribune January 25, 1893
HEMLOCK GROVE - Bessie, daughter of W. R. Heaton, died Friday, January 20th, after only a few days illness, the cause of her death being acute gastritis. She was aged 13 years, 4 months and some days, intelligent beyond her years, and possessing the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, was loved by all who knew her. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
The Meigs County Republican February 01, 1893
RUTLAND ITEMS George PRALL, who has been sick with lung fever for two weeks past, is some better at this writing. R. H. RAWLINGS, our undertaker, went out to Salem yesterday to attend the funeral of Mrs. James JOHNSON, who died last Friday night. Dr. Joseph B. JOHNSTON, of Gallipolis, was called here last week professionally. Dr. JOHNSTON is a fine veterinary surgeon. Seldon BRADFIELD and wife were visiting at Ambrose HUMPHREY'S last week. Rev. E. M. LONG, of Gallia county, preached at the Baptist church yesterday. Why does not the Rutland correspondent of the Tribune, mention his own, sickness, as well as that of others? Will H. THOMPSON, who has been absent for nearly a year, without letting his family know where he was, has been heard from at Oakwood, Illinois, doing well. Mrs. S. N. BINGHAM has gone to Athens to keep house for her sons, B. O. HIGLEY and H. R. HIGLEY. Miner MCLAIN is here visiting his parents, S. F. MCLAIN and wife of the village. J. M. CHASE and wife, of Athens county, were here last week, visiting Miss Clara BENEDICT and John CHASE, of Rutland. Thos WRIGHT sold to John LEDLIE some fat cattle. Price 3 1/2 cts. per pound. The new Methodist church in the village is being papered this week. James SISSON and his brother L. F. SISSON, were visiting friends in Middleport last Friday and Saturday. L. H. BINGHAM and is daughter, Miss Vercia, were visiting at J. M. ROWLEY'S near Harrisonville, on day last week. J. P. WILLIAMS and S. F. SISSON were visiting friends at Bedford last Wednesday and Thursday. J. S. BURNEY was calling on friends at the South Side last week. There was a party at J. P. WILLIAMS' last Tuesday. A good time was reported. F. A. BARTLETT, of Albany, was in Rutland last Saturday on business. H. F. BOLTON and wife went to Dyesville last Friday night to attend the closing exercise of J. M. BLACK'S singing school. L. D. STEVENS and family were on the sick list last week but are better at this writing. SILVER RUN Gus BRECHTEL has been on the sick last for sometime. Chas. NELSON and wife, of Salem, visited relatives here last week. Miss Iva MCINTOCH has returned to her home at Enterprise, after a week's visit here with relatives. At the literary meeting Friday evening, the jury decided in favor the affirmative of the question, as stated last week. Capt. BLACKBURN and Arthur CARL were "in it" this time. The question for next Friday evening is "Resolved, that present signs do not indicate the continued prosperity and standing of our country." The last meeting was the most interesting of any yet held. Mrs. Gaston HYSELL is quite sick. Mike CLENDENNIN moved last week from Camden to the house recently vacated by Wall ROUSH. He is engaged in digging coal for Alex. FISHER. Mrs. Harvey MANSON continues about as she was last week. Isaac SMITH'S cow fell into a spring last Monday. By timely discovery, she was rescued without much damage to her cowship. ============================================ Tom MURPHY last Friday undertook to drive a six-horse team of valuable draft horses, worth several thousand dollars across the Ohio River, at Sisterville, the wagon being loaded with a heavy boiler, when the ice gave way, all but Murphy went to the bottom, and he was kept jumping like a jumping jack for half an hour from one cake of ice to another until rescued. ============================================ OBITUARY Mr. George W. RUSSELL, whose illness we have heretofore mentioned, died of heart failure at his home in Bradbury, on Monday, January 23, 1893, at 5:20 o'clock P.M. Deceased was a son of John and Mary RUSSELL, and was born in Meigs county, Ohio, August 15th, 1834, being 58 years, 5 months and 8 days old at the time of his death. He was married to Elizabeth J. MCKNIGHT, September 20, 1856. To that union were born twelve children -- six sons and six daughters -- of whom eight survive him , as follows: Melissa, the oldest daughter, married to Flora BAILEY; Jemima, second daughter; married to Anthany ANDERSON, Alexander RUSSELL of Glen Ebon, Athens county, Albert RUSSELL, of West Virginia; W. K. RUSSELL of Bradbury; and Preston Foley, of Middleport; Mrs. James JOHSTON, of Salem; Mrs. Luther MERRILL, of Kansas; Mrs. Alphonso MURRAY, of Bradbury; and Mrs. William CHAFFIN, of Bradbury. Two daughters and four sons still remain with the mother. Deceased was a highly respected citizen, a good neighbor, kind husband, and loving father. He united with the Christian Church at Middleport in 1858, since which time he has lived a consistent Christian life. He has yet living three brothers and five sisters. He was an industrious, sober man, and for many years was employed by the late V. B. HORTON to superintend his farms below and back of Middleport. Deceased was a great sufferer for twenty years past, but is now at rest where pain is unknown. His memory will be cherished by many loving kindred friends. There is no death! The stars go down To rise upon some fairer shore; And bright in heaven's jeweled crown They shine forevermore. LOCAL SIFTINGS We call attention to the real-estate card of Mr. R. D. RIGHTMIRE, of Springfield, Missouri. He was formerly a citizen of Meigs county, and known as an honest, upright business man. If you are inclined to invent in the West, write to Mr. RIGHTMIRE. The river bank was lined with sight-seers Sunday. But the frozen river refused to move until after dark, and the disappointment was great. Eggs are 40 cents a dozen; potatoes $1 per bushel; butter 25 cents per pound; hams 18 cents per pound. Did any one see a deep snow go off so gradually? Last Saturday morning Mr. Chap. BAKER found a garter snake which some one had just killed on the Rutland road near his house. - His snakeship perhaps came out to take a sleighride. Chas. A. LODER, is a great favorite here and brings a grand company with him, and one of the greatest novelties touring this county this season. Don't miss the "Delusion Dance." The Antiquity Mill Co. has been missing money from their safe for some time. They set a watch, and one day last week caught Henry BENTZ in the act of robbing the safe. Mr. BENTZ is an old citizen there, a church members, a leading Democratic Politician, and applicant for the Antiquity post office. The Mill Company compromised with the culprit, and let him go; but the grand jury may have something to say. Are you going to any point in the United States, or any other place? If so buy your railroad tickets at the K. & M. office, in Middleport. War rates to all points west, and best accommodations, and low rates to all points. Call on or write J. W. MARTIN, agent, Middleport, O. Don't forget the Concert by Jas. T. LEWIS Orchestra, Thursday evening, February 9th. Admission only 25 cents. The following persons united by letter with the Methodist Episcopal Church on last Sunday morning: Mr. C. W. HINDS, Mrs. C. W. HINDS and Mrs. L. C. TALBOTT. During the special services, thirteen person have united with the church. The meetings continue this week with increasing interest. We hear that the Juhler Works at Hartford City lost five barges by being cut down by the ice Sunday nights. It is only a rumor, and we cannot vouch for it. Will. C. RUSSELL, proprietor of the Epitome Coal Works, below town, lost one barge of coal Sunday night, cut down by the ice and sunk. Another barge, empty, was forced out on the shore by the ice, but will probably be saved. The New York supreme court decided against the Columbus, Hocking Valley and Toledo in their suit to recover $8,000.00 from ex-President BURKE and others. The union meetings of the Free Baptist and Presbyterian Churches of Middleport and continued this week at the Baptish church. The meetings have been largely at tended, and a good number have taken a stand for Christ. The "Delusion Dance" of the English twins, the sister Leigh, is one of the wonders of the age and must be seen to be appreciated. - They come here soon with "Oh! What a Night" and are worth the price of admission alone. Died, in Middleport, on Friday, January 27, 1893, Lucy, daughter of James GUTHRIE, aged about 16 years. She was a well respected young colored lady. She was a member of the A.M.E. Church. - Funeral services at the Methodist church, Sunday. Born, in Middleport, Saturday, January 28, 1893, a daughter to Dudley MCGRAW and wife. Mr. Edward T. KILGORE, a former well known and well liked passenger conductor on the Hocking Valley road, died some days since at his late home in Columbus. The steamer Louise, one of the BAY Bros. boats, was destroyed by fire Friday near Ironton. The Chevalier, Georgia and ferry boat had a narrow escape. Remember the 4th Grand Concert given by the James T. LEWIS Orchestra of 14 pieces, Thursday evening, February 8th. Admission only 25 cents. No extra charge for reserved seats. A dispatch states that ice 40 inches think is coming out of the Allegheny River. So boats would better keep close to shore for some time yet. PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. George SWIFT has been in very poor health since the death of her son. She is some better now. Mr. Martin PETERSON and family, will this week go to housekeeping in the house lately vacated by Mrs. M. W. ALLEN. Mrs. B. C. LOWELL is confined to her bed with a complication of diseases. She is under the doctor's care. Mr. and Mrs. Harry FEIGER, of Pomeroy, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Dr. Ed. DAVIS and wife. Master Robbie BARRINGER, nephew of Mrs. O. L. BAILEY, was sick last week, threatened with lung fever. Mr. Wm. PARK is confined to his home with hemorrhages. He injured himself while shoveling snow last week. Little Elsie WERTHEIMER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Lige WERTHEIMER, had an attack of lung fever last week. She is better now. Miss Julia BOGGESS is ill with what is said to be scarlet fever. Miss Tillie BARNES was quite sick a few days last week. Miss Ruby DECKER had charge of Miss Tillie's school during her illness. Mrs. Frank ROWLEY, of Winona, Minnesota, is visiting the family of Mr. Isaac ROWLEY in Middleport. It is 26 years since she saw her friends here. Mrs. J. B. DOWNING and Mrs. S. H. WERTHEIMER have returned home from their visit to Athens, Saturday evening. Miss Nellie BEDDOW is home from the Eye Institute in New York City, bringing her diploma with her. She will soon be ready for business. Miss Nettie FARGO, of Cheshire, is very sick. Dr. James Johnston of Gallipolis is attending her. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. WEBB arrived home Saturday evening from a visit to their daughter, Mrs. J. H. EARNSHAW, in Columbus. Charley MOORE came over from Jacksonville, Athens county, last Friday, to buy another bread wagon. His bakery is flourishing. Mr. J. B. MCELHINNY came up from Cincinnati Friday last to visit his Middleport relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harry SEEBOHM, of Pomeroy, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. RUMSEY. Of course they brought the baby. Barber Henry RAYFORD is confined to his home with threatened fever. Engineer May ROUP came down from Pittsburg Friday evening, leaving his boat ice-bound in the smoky city. Mr. Anthony ROBINSON, of Guyandotte, West Va., was calling on Middleport and Clifton friends last Thursday. He is true blue as of old. Dr. Jos. B. JOHNTSON has a new advertisement in this issue. The Doctor's practice now calls him to Middleport Wednesdays and Thursdays of each week, with a large practice there as well as here. - Gallipolis Bulletin. Mrs. George FALLOON will hold a reception on Friday afternoon at her beautiful home, corner of College and Union streets, in honor of her guests, Mrs. DOWNING and Mrs. WERTHEIMER, of Middleport. An elegant luncheon will be served. --Athens Messenger. Dennis A. Armstrong, who was so badly injured by the caving of a pavement on High street, Columbus last September, is here on a visit to Dr. J. A. MILLER. Mr. ARMSTRONG is a penitentiary guard from Pike county. He will be a cripple for life. He and his wife are stopping at his father-in-laws, Mr. Harry EBLIN, in Rutland township. Robert CORBEN, after a residence of a year and a half on the Pacific coast, returned home last week, looking in good health and in good spirits. Drs. J. E. ENTSMINGER, of Murphysboro, Illinois and George E. ENTSMIGER, of Carbondale, Illinois were called here last week to attend the bedside of their afflicted mother. Mrs. R. E. PHILLIPS, of Marietta, has gone to California, to be absent several months. Dr. P. GARDNER is in very feeble condition of health and has been confined to his home all winter. - Mrs. GARDNER has been very ill for a week, but is much better. The doctor's old friends should drop in and cheer him up in his confinement. - Gallipolis Journal. Norma, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas HARRIS, has been quite sick with lung fever. Mrs. John GAFKIN has been quite sick for the past week. John VANCE was quite sick several days last week. Captain Timothy RUSSELL, who has been a great sufferer with a sore foot, is improving. Mrs. Susie BAILEY, of Mason City, was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. CARPENTER, last week. Charley CLARK came up from Gallipolis and spent Sunday with the family of William CLARK. Mrs. Carrie WILLIAMS, of Rutland, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. SEMPLE. Miss Edna FIFE visited relatives at Pt. Pleasant last week. Willis RUSSELL moved his family to the country this week, near the covered bridge. Max PETERSON will move into the house vacated by Willis RUSSELL. Horace WARD has been quite sick for the past week. The infant child of Jos. MURRAY is quite sick. Frank GRADY, who has been dangerously ill, is no better. Mrs. Daniel MAUCK, of Cheshire, is on a visit to her daughters, Mrs. A. D. GUTHRIE and Mrs. C. F. BESS-E-, of Middleport. Mr. C. A. GUTHRIE, of Kansas, has been calling on Middleport friends. Messrs. SILVERY and SHIFLET were in Huntington, West Virginia, a few days last week in the interest of their patent bread-raiser. They had good success in disposing of county rights. Mrs. A. D. GUTHRIE is again sick - violent cold and threatened with pneumonia. CARTLON AND CHESHIRE The change in the weather has caused some sickness in our community. We learn that Mrs. POWERS, of Clifton, mother of Mrs. David and Wm. CARRIER, died January 27, 1893, funeral at Sugar Run School House, 28th, interment at the Shuler Cemetery. H. W. RESNER is, we notice, on crutches, caused by a very severe sprained ankle. Miss Bessie, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. FARGO, of the village, is dangerously ill. Mrs. Oscar SWISHER, died at her home below the village, January 26, 1893. Funeral 28th, at the Cheshire M. E. Church, at 10 o'clock a.m., after which the remains were laid to rest in the Gravel Hill Cemetery. Comsumption cause of her death. The post office fight still rages from cellar to garret in the town of Cheshire. C. A. Carol's sons have done a good business during the freeze up in mining and shipping coal from their works. Yes, we attended the debate at Silver Run Friday evening, and took part in the exercises, and we suppose the Pomeroy Democrat and the Middleport Herald will rest easy now, as we have settled the question "forever," that so perplexed them last week. It was decided by three of Meigs and Gallia's best men, that the Indians have greater grounds for complaining of the treatment received at the hand of the white man of America than has the Negro. So that settles that. Born, to Oliver ROUSH and wife, a son. Ol. is delighted beyond description. W. I. BLACKBURN came down from Athens Asylum Friday evening to see home folks; returned today, Monday. He speaks in highest terms of Dr. DUNLAP and the entire management of the institution. C. A. GUTHRIE, formerly of Story's Run, but who for several years has made his home in Kansas, is here, shaking hands with his scores of old friends. Charley is a No. 1 fellow and very popular here. He should go to the World's Fair; we mean the boy baby born to Deliver WORKMAN and wife, of Carlton. Weight at birth 15 1/2 bounds. Beat it, if you can. H. RESENER & Co., we learn, have commenced clearing up the ground where the old mill was recently burned, preparatory to constructing a new one. Our people will be delighted. We called on Dron COTTRELL and Gaston HYSELL one day last week, and sold each of them a fine Bible. Our line of Bibles sell beyond description, and when the people see them, they will have one. Our people with the whole Nation mourn for the two great and good statesmen -- General R. B. HAYES and Secretary James G. BLAINE. -- And the question is, on whom will their mantel fall? Cheshire township will elect two Justices of the Peace this spring. - Esq. TATE'S and Esq. SHULER'S terms will expire. Esquire Jacob BLACKBURN'S term of office expires January 9th, 1894. He has so far made 10 couples happy by saying on the authority vested in him by the State of Ohio, "I do declare you two to be husband and wife. Those whom God has joined together let no man put asunder." A very pleasant evening can be passed at the Literary Society at Silver Run. It is a rare treat to hear Prof. VALE sing the Cobbler. - The question for the debate next Friday evening is: Resolved that the present signs of the times do not indicate the long-standing perperuity of this Union." VALE and BLACKBURN for the affirmative: Isaac SMITH, W. EVANS and Arthur CARL for the negative. Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker
The Meigs County Republican February 11, 1893
RUTLAND NEWS The train on the K. & M. due at Rutland Friday morning at 6 o'clock, did not pass here until 3 o'clock in the afternoon; the heavy rains Thursday night having slightly damaged the bridge over Leading Creek. O.W. GILES lost a valuable colt last week; it had distemper, which finally resulted in blood poison. It was sired by Wm. RIGHTMIRE'S fine horse, and was valued very highly by the owner. The farmers are making preparations for spring work; a few have commenced plowing, and others are cutting briars, grubbing, bailing fences, and the dozen other things which belong to the business of the Rutland farmer. W. W. HUBBELL, the well known fruit grower and nursery man of New Lima, is confined to the house, the result of a slight stroke of paralysis. We hope it may not prove serious. Mrs. RUPE, wife of John RUPE, a well known citizen of Rutland, has been quite ill for some time past, but at the present writing is thought to be improving. Rev. N. E. Musser, pastor of the Second Rutland Church, administered the ordinance of baptism to two candidates after the Sabbath morning service. There was service at the Freewill Baptist, church in the village Sabbath morning and evening conducted by the Rev. H.F. BOLTON. Prof. J. M. BLACK, the well known musical instructor, is in Cincinnati this week on business. Frank MARTIN, a farmer residing near Rutland, who for several years has been in delicate health, was last week adjudged insane, by the Probate Court, and on Saturday was taken to the Asylum at Athens. His son John, who has been in the West for some time, is at home visiting his parents and calling on old friends. Mrs. G. A. MCCORMICK has been suffering for a few days past, with erysipcias of the head and face; at present she is much improved. ============================================ PERSONAL MENTION Miss Maud DUNBAR went to Gallipolis Thursday to attend a party. She returned here Monday. Lewis HYSELL and family have moved into the Finley WELLS house -- lower market grocery -- in the 4th ward. Rev. H. F. BOLTON, of Rutland, gave us a pleasant call last Thursday. He is very much of a gentleman. Major J. B. DOWNING and son John left on Saturday last for Aberdeen, Mississippi, on a two or three weeks' hunt. Mr. Charles DONNALLY, one of the pioneer drummers, paid his Middleport and Pomeroy friends and customers a visit last week. Our old townsman, Mr. Warren JONES has been sick with lung trouble for sometime past. Mrs. Wirt. LELAND, and her pupils, the Misses CUCKLER, Marie ULLOM and Jessie SLOAN, assisted by Dr. HEBARD, Messrs. Fred ISRAEL, Homer HIGLEY, J. F. WILSON and Misses Jennie RYAN and Lena SMITH, will soon appear at the city hall in a musical concert of excellent merit. The program will consist of violin solos, duets and trios, and vocal solos and quartetts. Mrs. LELAND has kindly responded to every call made upon her musical talents, and it is but courtesy to ask that she be greeted with a full house. Date of the performance will appear next week. -- Athens Hearld Mrs. Joseph VANCE, dressmaker, has taken rooms in the Davis BLOCK, upstairs, adjoining the Republican office. Entrance on second street. Mrs. Jane WOMELDORFF, of Gallipolis, is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. U. CRARY at the Commercial Hotel. Mrs. H. H. MCELHINNY, out in the Precinct is very low with dropsy, with no prospect of recovery. She is the step-mother of Mr. J. J. L. MCELHINNY. P.S. Mrs. McELHINNY died Sunday morning at 4 o'clock A.M. on yesterday, Tuesday. Burial in the Merill graveyard, Rutland township. Lucinda E. RATHBURN was born April 27, 1834, in Rutland, Meigs county, Ohio. She was married to Henry H. MCELHINNY in May, 1866, and was the mother of three children -- one daughter and two sons -- all of whom survive her. The daughter, being married, lives at Thurston, Ohio, and was unable to attend the funeral. Mrs. MCELHINNY died February 12, 1893, at the age of 58 years, 9 months and 15 days. Rev. D. L. CHAPIN preached the funeral sermon. Rev. W. W. COE is through with his studies in Edinburgh (Scotland) University. He and his wife are now sight-seeing in France. Miss Maggie HERBERT left Monday morning for Carlisle, Kansas to make her home with an uncle. Miss Mable GALLAGHER, of Pomeroy spent Friday with Mrs. E. P. BRYAN. Mrs. Emma VANDUYN left Monday afternoon for Chicago, to visit her friend, Mrs. BARNEY. She will remain in that city until her son, Dr. Burt VANDUYN, graduates, and possibly until the opening of the World's Fair. Engineer Henry C. JENKINS came home sick last Sunday morning from Charleston, West Virginia. Mrs. Esta ARNOLD has been quite sick for a week or two at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. CHAPMAN, in Minersville. Mr. Preston GREEN, our former young townsman, arrived here from Nebraska on Monday evening last. He is well and looks as though Kansas and Nebraska zephyrs agree with him. He reports his brother, Dr. Clarence GREEN, as having a large practice and doing well. Mrs. Mary HARRIS, of Washington county, Ohio is here visiting her son, Ed. CARPENTER, of this place. Wm. BURREL will move his family into the RALSTON property this week. Mrs. David CHASE was sick for several days last week. George SMITH, son of the late Ham. SMITH was here the guest of his sister, Miss Effie. Mrs. Rebecca McHAFFIE has been very sick at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. David CHASE. N. B. THOMPSON has been on the sick list for several weeks. John MARTIN was at Charleston, West. Va., last week on business. Miss Lyda HAWKINS, who has been very sick, is no better. May MCLANE has been very sick with sore throat for several days. Miss Jessie PUGH, of Ironton, Ohio, arrived here last Saturday on the steamer Bonanza to visit her friend, Miss Lettie A. JONES. Mr. Michael CURTIS, Jr., left for Pittsburg Monday evening on the steamer Hudson. Mr. Ed. DAVENPORT, of Gallipolis, was here Monday. He was on his way to Rutland, where he has accepted a situation. William BUMP went to Ironton on Monday to work in a rolling mill. Ex-Major J. J. WHITE has about recovered from his recent severe illness. He is about the streets a part of the time. Miss Minnie MAHON came home from the Episcopal Hospital, Cincinnati, Sunday last. She will remain here for sometime. Miss Anna CUSLEY, after a pleasant visit of ten days with young friends here, left for her home in Gallipolis last Saturday. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker
The Meigs County Republican February 15, 1893
DEATH OF OREN JONES Mr. Oren JONES, an old citizen of Salisbury township died at his home in Pomeroy Precinct, on Tuesday, February 7, 1893, at the age of sixty nine years, after an illness of about one year. He was a Constable of this township for over 25 years, and was a conspicuous figure in the Terrill murder case several years ago, having arrested that individual by a very-clever piece of detective work with the proof of the murderer's guilt on his back. The deceased was a twin brother our townsman, Mr. Warren JONES, and so strongly did they resemble each other that one was frequently mistaken for the other. He was a good man, filled well his station in this life, and has gone to his reward. ============================================ KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS On Tuesday evening of last week Col. A. RINEHART, of Portsmouth, O inspected Middleport Division, Uniform Rank, Knights of Pythias, No. 118, at their hall here, and found everything in as good shape as is possible for a new Division. After the inspection the following officers were installed: L.H. GERBER, Sir Knight Captain A.G BEALL, Sir Knight Lieutenant J.F. MOORE, Sir Knight Hearld H.W. WEBB, Sir Knight Treasure L.A. THOMAS, Sir Knight Recorder W.T. WEBE, Sir Knight Guard J.C. MCMASTER, Sir Knight Sentinel ============================================ DIED, on the 9th inst., little Bertie only and dearly beloved child of Burt and Lizzie SAUNDERS, age 1 year, 1 month and 16 days. ============================================ HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Rutland, February 4, 1893 The Meigs County Horticultural Society met in regular session, with President Royal CHURCH in the chair. W. L. MUSSER being absent, A. E. GARDNER opened the subject of Fruit Packages, which he discussed in an able manner. He said, in part: "We must have a nice clean gift crate at the lowest possible figures." He advised the growers to unite and buy a machine to manufacture boxes and crates. They can be made at about half their present costs." He also thought that berries would sell for more in baskets than boxes. - His preference is for a 24 quart crate two tiers deep. The question of meeting at the houses of member was left undecided. S. A. POWELL said he was willing to be one of 20 to invest $50 each for the purpose of starting a factory to make the gift crates and boxes. James STEWART, of Salisbury township, united with the society. Topics for the next meeting, "Fruit Packages," continued -- to be opened by W. L. MUSSER. At the afternoon session,: What varieties of fruit shall we plant the coming spring?" -- to be opened by S. A. POWELL. Adjourned to meet the first Saturday in March, at 10 A.M. Royal CHURCH, President, S. A. POWELL, Secretary ============================================ The following officers have been installed for 1893 for Lewis Logwood Past, No. 643, G.A.R. Simon CURTIS, GAR Tobias NASH, SVC John LOWRE, JVC G. W. EVANS, QM James SMITH, AJ John SHREWSBURY, OG Samuel CLARK, Sgn Orange SIMMS, AQM John HUTT, SM Charles A. MOORE, Delegate ============================================ SILVER RUN NEWS After a six weeks' visit with relatives here, Henry KENT and wife have returned to their home at Huntington. Mrs. Hariet MCINTOSH visited her son, John, of ENTERPRISE, last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Kate WESSON, who has been teaching school below Pt. Pleasant, Sundayed at home. Nathan VALE, of Dyesville, visited here Saturday. He reports a very busy winter in the flouring mill there. F. M. SWEET, of Valley Ford, was in this bend Saturday on business and viewing the high water. Wm. HALLIDAY, of Salem, was in this section the last of the week. John PRIODE is having a blacksmith shop erected for the benefit of his coal miners. The water has been over the road to a considerable depth at both Story's Run and Leading Creek for several days. The only was to get to town is to go on the railroad. Misses Lucy and Ella DICE, of Bedford township, were the guests of the family of John PRIODE last week. They stopped off on their way back from the West. ============================================ CARLTON AND CHESHIRE A young child of Doliver WORKMAN and wife of Silver Run, died on Saturday last and was interred at the Arlington cemetery Sunday. This is the large child of whom we wrote a short time since. Kyger Creek was higher last week than for three years past. The Ohio has risen and is too large for her banks. The Kyger people met last Thursday night and organized a literary society, to meet each Thursday evening at 7 o'clock at the Shuler school house. The question for next evening is that old one, Resolved, that war is now and has been more destructive to the people of the world than the use of intoxicating drinks. Ross SCOTT and Jacob BLACKBURN for the affirmative; Prof. HUMPHREY & Esq. Shuler for the negative. We called on Mr. Isaac MAUCK the other day, and sold him a bill of the Glen Bros. choice nursery stock. He is occupying the old homestead; is a good farmer and doing well, and is a constant reader of the Republican. Between Hicks and the groundhog, we are having awful weather. It is snowing like sixties this morning. S.O. YEAUGER, our faithful Constable, informs us that he will soon remove from his house in Arlington to the farm of Amos WALKER, and will farm for him this season. We regret to lose his services as an officer. We suggest the name of Charles LITTLE, of Carlton, as one of the candidates for the office of Constable at the coming spring election. Curtis SWISHER is still in very bad health, but a little better. We notice the Democratic Congress has commenced cutting down the soldiers' pensions by attacking the old cripples at the several soldiers' homes. This is the beginning; no one can tell what the end will be -- for they never loved a Union soldier, anyway. If the law passes making it the duty of assessors to kill all dogs on which the tax has not been paid, we only imagine the popularity of the poor dog-pelter, when he has completed his work of death. ============================================ LOCAL SIFTING Letters advertised February, 18, 1893, at Middleport, Ohio. Mrs. Lizzie FULTOn Mr. Robert FREEZEE Mr. John HUDSON Mrs. Bell OLLY Mr. P. HALLEY W.A. BARRINGER, PM Married at the residence of the bride's parents, Sunday, February 5, 1893, Mr. Liston ARCHER and Miss Nellie HYSELL, Rev. PICKENS officiating. Mr. ARCHER is a son of Elam ARCHER, and Miss HYSELL is a daughter of Miles and Jane HYSELL. We wish the happy couple success. Joseph BARRINGER, of Cincinnati, had the misfortune to have his ankle bone broken by being caught in the wheel of a wagon about a week before Christmas. Last week he was brought home here to his parents, Capt. and Mrs. Elisha BARRINGER, and will remain here until he gets well. His family will stay in Cincinnati. W. B. PROBST Sons will give special rates on Stands and Rockers for the coming two weeks. If you want any article in this line, you can get a bargain here. Please call soon. Next Sabbath morning, at the Presbyterian church, the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated, with the addition and public reception of new members. The evening theme will be, "Darkness at Midday." Those who do not worship elsewhere are very cordially invited to be present. We desire to extend our heartfelt thanks to the many kind friends who assisted us during the recent illness and the funeral of our only child. Bertie Saunders. B. Saunders and Wife. Burt Saunders' little child did not die with diphtheria as stated by a paper that never makes a mistake, but of pneumonia. Two or three physicians have asked us to correct the statement, but we hate to. At the Free Baptish Church, next Sabbath, the following themes will be considered; In the morning, "Leaving First Principles," in the evening, "The Design and Duty of Observing the Lord's Supper." At the close of the evening sermon, the Lord's supper will be administered. Services preparatory to communion at the Presbyterian Church this (Wednesday) evening at seven o'clock. Also meeting with all those who are to unite with the church on the following Sabbath. Everybody, nearly, has a bad cold. It is real pneumonia weather. On Sunday night last some party or parties about town tried to break into the penitentiary. That night said party or parties feloniously entered R. F. Wells; chicken house and cleaned out the entire flock, about thirty in number, including an old rooster that crowed for Jackson. Mr. Wells would like to boil the thieves in the pot with the chickens. After being a bank full nearly a week, the river began to fall on Monday night and in a short time will be in its usual bounds. All the boats are running as usual. ============================================ Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker
The Meigs County Republican February 22, 1893
FURTHER FROM RUTLAND Mud, Mud, and plenty of it too. Dr. F.H. PARKER went to Pomeroy last week on business. John KINCADE and Will BECKNER returned last week from West Va., with a nice lot of cattle -- about the best ever seen. C.E. WILLIAMS came out from Middleport last Friday to visit his parents, below the village. Miss Emma TOWNSEND, teacher in room No. 1, spent Sunday with her parents. A.G. BARTON had six sheep killed and two injured by a freight train last Sunday evening. Rev. KIRKPATRICK filled his appointment Sunday. Stephen HOOPER, whom we spoke of some time ago, sent home some ripe strawberries, so we learn. We learn that Robert BINGHAM and family will start to Florida tomorrow, Tuesday, for their health. Mrs. Stephen HOOPER will go with them. ============================================ CERTIFICATES GRANTED At the examination in Pomeroy, on Saturday last, the following certificates were granted: W.E. WRIGHT, Racine H. C. ROUSH, Letart Falls, O W. E. REEVES, Downington David SALSER, Syracuse M. F. SMITH, Leon, West Va. Cora Russell, Rutland Truda DECKER, Rutland Cora AULTMAN, Minersville Ollie E. MERRITT, Point Rock Celia TUCKER, Pomeroy Bertha HICKS, Downington There were 16 applicants ============================================ We desire, through your paper, to return our heartfelt thanks to our friends and neighbors who rendered us their assistance during the sickness, death, and burial of our dear wife and mother. D. G. ENTSMINGER and family. ============================================ EIGHTY YEARS OLD The Herald gives the following account of a party held in honor of the venerable mother of Judges F. C. and D. A. RUSSELL. Quite a notable gathering assembled at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. MCLEAN, Wednesday evening, February 15th, to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of Mrs. R. S. STORY, mother of Judges D. A. and F. C. RUSSELL. There were four generations present, who sat down to the well arranged tables and all did ample justice to the excellent supper furnished by caterer Smithy, of this city. One of the novel features of the principal table was a tree with eight branches to represent her children. These were beautifully illuminated with eighty burning wax tapers, representing the number of years she has lived. After a very enjoyable evening, the company dispersed wishing Mrs. STORY many happy returns of the day. ============================================ SILVER RUN Nathan VALE, of the Dyesville, Mill Co., Dyesville, Ohio was here again the for part of the week on business. J.W. WELLS left Thursday on, the C.A. Hill, for Point Pleasant and the Kanawha Valley, on business. L.D. AMOS made a business trip to Point Pleasant the latter part of the week. Messrs. WARNER and Will EVANS moved the latter part of the week from Carlton to the property which they recently purchased of their brother, T.A. EVANS, on Story's Run. They have rented their Carlton property. Miss Iva MCINTOSH, of Enterprise, is staying with the family of Peter ROUSH, while her grandmother, Mrs. HARRIET McINTOSH, is visiting relatives at Mason City. Mrs. Harvey HANSON remains about as she has been for sometime. Several of David CARRIER'S children have been sick for a week past. A.W. VALE, of Columbus, was here visiting the latter part of the week. ============================================ Rev. J.G. RIHELDAFFER, D.D. died January 18th, 1893, at Redwood Falls, Minnesota. The funeral was held in the Central Church, St. Paul; this church was organized by him about 1851, when he first went to St. Paul. He served it for twelve years. He then had charge, for nearly twenty years, of the Minnesota Reform School. He was afterward pastor at the Redwood Falls. Few men have been more widely known, or more influential in the northwest. It will be remembered that last spring the General Assembly was presided over at the Opening Session by Dr. Riheldaffer, as the oldest Commissioner. His funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Drs. Neill, Edwards, Sinclair, Carson and Whitney --Herald and Presbyter. Possibly there may be a few still living, besides the writer, who will remember Dr. Riheldaffer as a handsome young minister, in or about the year 1850, who came hear to visit his brother and family the late Capt. Frederick Riheldaffer, who was a resident of Pomeroy at that time. Dr. Riheldaffer was a man of commanding bearing, a striking figure. CARLTON AND CHESHIRE The WINEGAR brothers have bought the large business house of Jacob GEE, and are finishing it up in good style. Though M. L. GUTHRIE is bound to walk the plank, to our mind he is by far the best postmaster Cheshire ever had. He is also a No.1 Republican. The friends of H.W. RESENER will be please to learn that he is about fully recovered from his wounded ankle. By special invitation we called on and took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. CARL - after which the good man showed us through their splendid green house. We were both surprised and delighted, for among many other nice things was a large, nice orange tree full of oranges; and as proof of what we say, we send you these two. They are not large, but yellow and ripe. Frank BOICE, of the Blue Sulphur Springs, had bought the L. GASTON farm near the village. Price paid $3,500. Frank is a gilt-edged, No. 1 food fellow. Joseph COUGHENOUR was a pleas-caller at the Farmers' Rest last week on business. Joe always carries great beams of sunshine with him wherever he goes. M. SISSON was a pleasant caller at the Farmers'' Rest last Sunday. Rev. N. E. MUSSER preached for the Kyger people Saturday and Sunday; covenant meeting on Saturday evening. The following delegates were chosen to sit in quarterly conference to be held with the Cheshire Free Baptist Church, March 3, 1893 at 2 o'clock P.M. D. COUGHENOUR, S. H. H. JACOBS, William RIFE, B. SHULER, Albert FRAZIER, William CARRIER, and Perry SWISHER. T.A. EVANS has moved to Middleport, and his mother and two brothers are moving into the house vacated by him on Story's Run. Jules and Frank BOICE shipped a large lot of railroad ties from Cheshire last week. We heard that Mrs. Julia MANLEY, quite aged, of the village, is dangerously ill. ============================================ LOCAL SIFTINGS The spring election is approaching. Already we have one announcement. Born, January 9, 1893, in Belleville, Illinois, a son to Mr. and Mrs. C. C. HALL, formerly of Middleport. Services in the New Jerusalem church next Sunday A.M. at 11 o'clock. Rev. E. D. DANIELS will preach on: The Stages of the Regenerate Life Clearly Defined." E. WASH'S cherry tree and little hatchet will adorn the table at Lawson's Hall this (Wednesday) evening. On account of the 22d coming on Wednesday, the prayer meeting at the Free Baptist Church will be held on Thursday evening. Candidates for county officers are beginning to hustle around. The Ohio was again back full last Sunday. Mr. Burt GREEN has taken the agency of the Cincinnati Tribune, the new two cent daily paper, and is pushing it for all there is in it. - If you want a good, clean, newsy daily paper, try the Tribune - Headquarters at Andrew CALDERWOOD'S bookstore. At the Presbyterian Church, Last Sunday, seventeen new members were received into fellowship. This was the fruit of Rev. D. L. CHAPIN'S recent effort -- though a few were by letter. A very large congregation was present. Many of the new members partook of the sacrament. Mr. WINKLEBACK, of Mason City, aged 66 years, died at his home on Friday evening last. He had an operation performed on him a week before and inflammation set in, resulting as above. He was well known in Middleport. The revival meeting at the Methodist Church came to a close last Wednesday night. There were quite a number of accessions to the church. A little daughter of Henry PETERMAN and wife, colored, aged about two years, died at their home in the 2d ward, on Thursday evening last, of lung fever. Burial at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon in the Hill Cemetery. Thanks to Foreman Paul GRAY. Typo Miss Arbanna SPRINGSTON, and assistant Lewis SKILES, for faithful work, during the sickness and absence from the office of the editor. It is almost a comfort to be sick when one knows that everything is moving along smoothly. F.M. GRADY, an old soldier died at his home in the 5th ward on Saturday morning last, 55 years old. His funeral was held in the Methodist Church on Sunday forenoon by the G.A.R. Rev. T. B. WHITE officiated. The editor of the REPUBLICAN has been wrestling for a week past with the prevailing influenza, grip, pneumonia, and other afflictions combined. But, thanks to a strong constitution, good nursing, and correct living, he has about pulled through. And now he is about ready to fight bacilla, microbes, cholera germs, democracy, and all other evils that afflict humanity. -- Bring along your diseases if you want the stuffing knocked out of them. Colds have been unusually prevalent this winter, and the general complaint is that, when once contracted they "stick closer than a brother." J. H. EARNSHAW, of Columbus, formerly of Middleport, was re-elected treasurer and general manager and a director of the Black Diamond Coal & Coke Company, at its annual meeting in New York. We saw one of our clothing merchants, last Saturday, selling clothing to a Camden man by the sack full. Business must be good and clothing cheap. The new steam towboat Moredock, which has been here at our landing for some time past, raised steam last Sunday, and left for Hartford City, after coaling at Camden. Her engines and fixtures were formerly on the steamer Chancellor, and were repaired and placed on board the new boat by the Ohio Machine Co. of Middleport, and the Pomeroy Machine Co. Her boilers, chimneys, & c., were made by Mr. J. P. Williams the celebrated boiler maker of Middleport. The new steamer is owned by Juhling Coal Co. and the Messrs. NEWTON of Hartford City. She will do a towing business between the Pomeroy Bend and Hartford City. Don't forget the 3 G Comedy Company, at Coe's Opera House The popular G.G.G. Comedy Company will be at Coe's Opera House a full week, commencing last Monday evening, the 20th This is a strong company, not only giving entire satisfaction, but giving away many valuable prized. The prices will be 10, 20, and 30 cents. The Commercial of Monday says: The steamer Andes, bound for Pittsburg, was caught by a heavy gust of wind about 4 o'clock yesterday morning, just out from the town of California, above Coney Island, and blown out of the river, the banks being overflown at that point, and into a cornfiled where she ran aground. A messenger was sent to the nearest telephone station, and Ellas MACE, watchman of the Bid Sandy wharfboat here, notified. He at once signaled the towboat Hercules Carroll, which went up to her assistance about daylight. The Hudson, on her way down from Pittsburg, also went to the Andes' assistance, and by removing about 800 barrels of molasses from her hold, the Andes was floated off, and pulled over into the river proper, having sustained little or no damage. She proceeded on her way up the river last evening, but little the worse for her strange experience. The night was one of the roughest ever known on the river. At the Presbyterian Church, next Sabbath morning, the theme will be, "The Mixed Multitude." In the evening, "Weak Things Confounding the Mighty." A cordial invitation is extended. A new telegraph wire has been put into our Western Union office here, connecting us direct with many important points. It will prove a great convenience. Mrs. Rebecca WILSON, wife of the coal dealer, Mr. E. WILSON, was taken suddenly ill, at her home in the 1st ward on Monday night last. Dr. Miller was called, and upon examination found her suffering from a paralytic stroke, involving the left half of the body, probably due to congestion of the brain. She is slowly improving at present. She had a similar attack four years ago. T.H. Davis received a carload of pipe last Friday from Youngstown, Ohio, to be used in the new Ice Factory. Also two carloads of the machinery arrived last night from Cincinnati. There will be about twelve carloads of machinery in all. The weather has hindered the work on the buildings, but Mr. DAVIS expects to be making ice in April. Absolutely pure ice will be made, as the water is first boiled and converted into steam, then condensed back into water, then filtered, and finally frozen into pure crystal ice. A large force of brick masons, stone masons and carpenters are at work daily, getting the three large brick buildings ready for machinery. ============================================ Mrs. J. B. LINDSEY made a visit to her sister, Mrs. Mel. Brown, in Hartford City, last week. Oscar BARROWS has returned from New York City, and has taken a position in R. C. Stewart's meat shop. Mr. S. I. BOWMAN and two sons are sick at this time. Mr. BOWMAN seems to have more than his share of afflictions. Mrs. Anna REED STARK and little son, of Charleston, West Va., are here on a visit to the former's parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. R. REED. Mrs. James PARK entertained quite a number of lady friends at tea last Friday evening. A very enjoyable time was held by all. Miss Jessie WOODWARD was taken quite ill a few days ago. A physician had to be call. T. A. EVANS, the veteran horseman, has been quite sick at his home on Front street the past week. Harvey H. HAFFIE and wife, from Langsville were in town shopping last Saturday. They were the guests of Dr. MILLER and wife. Mr. and Mrs. John GROGAN, Mr. William HORDEN and his daughter, Mrs. Alice SELBY, and Mr. Anthony ROBINSON went to Nelsonville last Saturday to attend the funeral of a near and dear friend, Mrs. L. M. GOODMAN, formerly Miss Maggie WILSON, of Middleport. Miss Emma HABER, of Middleport, was last week visiting friends in Pt. Pleasant. Capt. Peter SHUTT, of Middleport, has been for the past week a guest of his son-in-law, Mr. S. D. THOMPSON -- Athens Hearld Mr. Will Mc ELHINNY, wife and child, of Johnstown, Pa., are on a visit to Middleport friends. Mrs. Will. G. SIBLEY and little son, of Gallipolis, and Mrs. Dale ROBERTS, of Racine, were calling on Middleport friends last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Lige WERTHEIMER entertained Mr. A. G. BEALL and family at dinner Sunday. Mrs. Jessie REDMOND, of Clifton, will entertain her lady friends at her home next Friday. Mr. Sol. H. WERTHEIMER returned from New York City last Sunday. -- Mrs. WERTHEIMER and little daughter returned from Charleston at the same time. Mrs. Jospeh BARRINGER and daughter came up from Cincinnati Saturday to visit the husband and father, who is at Capt. Elisha BARRINGER'S nursing a broken ankle. Hugh H. DAVIS, of Robbins, Tennessee, who was to be home this week for a few days, writes that his business compels him to forego his trip for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. 'Lige WERTHEIMER and their bright little daughter will leave to-day or to-morrow on a visit to friends in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Mrs. F. P. BRYAN was visiting her friend, Mrs. GALLAGHER, of Pomeroy, yesterday. Mr. Dell GRIMES, of Langsville, was visiting his sister, Mrs. Frank Hayes, yesterday. Miss Ella WOMELDORFF was calling on Pomeroy friends yesterday afternoon. Mr. Finley MOORE, employed at the Ohio Machine Works, dropped a heavy piece of iron on his toes last Monday and mashed three of them. Fin. ought to have carried an accident policy. L. U. CRARY, the tinner, received a carload of slate Monday to be put on the Thos. H. DAVIS ice factory. Mrs. L. U. CRARY and daughter Clara, and Mrs. Will. DAVIS and sons were visiting at Hartford City last week. Mrs. Mollie SHUMAKER returned from Cincinnati, on the steamer City of Madison, last Monday. She has been visiting relatives there since the holidays. Misses Sadie and Gretie DAVIS entertained for tea, on Thursday last, in honor of Miss Jessie PUGH, of Ironton, the following young ladies: Carrie STEWART, Lettie JONES, Mary GRANT, and Pearl GRANT. In the evening Messrs. W. B. ?ESSERER, Guy STEWART, Earl PROBST, Sid. COE and John DAVIS were present. Preston Green went to Columbus a few days ago to visit A. O. MAUCK and family. Mrs. R. A. BRYAN came up from Gallipolis last week. Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker.
The Meigs County Republican March 1, 1893
SILVER RUN NEWS L. D. AMOS was in West Va. a part of last week, in the fruit tree business. Newton BOWLES, of Dexter, was here calling on friends for the forepart of the week. Sam GREENLEE went to Circleville last week to help move his brother to that place. We understand that Elijah FRAZIER has moved his family from Camden, West Va., to the Globe Coal Works at this place. L.D. AMOS received a letter last week stating that his nephew, Ross AMOS, of Dexter, had caught his right hand in a cutting box, and so mangled his fore finger as to make it necessary to amputate it at the second joint. Miss Mamie VALE, of Vale's Mills, Vinton county, and Miss Rose CASTER, of Columbia township accompanied by Otho HOLCOMB of Middleport, were the guests of your scriber and wife Sunday. They took in the Uncle Tom's Cabin play at Pomeroy Saturday night. Curtis SWISHER, of Carlton, is improving at this writing. Rev. H.E. BRILL, of Pomeroy, did not fill his appointment here Sunday, but Mr. Isaac ROWLEY, of Middleport, came in his place. Nathan VALE, of Dyesville, is here to-day (Monday) visiting and looking after business. Local Siftings ...... S. F. Smith, takes charge of the Walnut Street House today, March 1st. He is a hustler and will maker it lively at the Walnut street corner. ...... Mr. Henry Mack, father of Carl Mack, the Cheshire merchant, died at his son's residence Wednesday morning, February, 22d, aged about 74 years. He had only been a citizen of this country for about a year. ...... We believe we saw a woman on our streets last Friday encased in crinoline. We didn't examine very closely. ...... Bud E. Talbott has had incandescent electric lights put in both rooms of the 3 Big 3 Store. Bud is progressive. ...... R. D. Rightmire, of Springfield, Missouri, the real estate agent, writes: "By inserting my small ad. in your paper, I have had more correspondence from the State of Ohio, than I have had for the past five years. Let them come and make themselves happy." Advertising pays. ...... Born, in Middleport, February 20th, 1893, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beach. ...... Born, in Middleport, February 22d, twin boys to Peter Feeney and wife -- Fritz's butcher boy. We hope beef won't take another rise. ...... The ladies of the Baptist Church were well patronized at their pot-pie social last Wednesday night, and all had a good time. They took in over forty dollars. ...... Mr. W. A. Mills, the popular Hocking Valley Railway official, who is well known in this city, has been promoted by President Waite from the position of General Freight Agent to that of assistant to the President. Mr. H. B. Dunham has been appointed General Freight Agent. Mr. D. formerly occupied the same position with the Cleveland, Akron and Columbus Railway. ...... The Cincinnati Enquirer says: D_al Tully, Mate of the Telegraph, has succeeded in getting a tenant in his building at Clifton. It is now in full blast as a steam stave cutting factory. It was built for the Glenwood Tin Ore Company. ..... Hon. J. Capehart, the owner of Marquette, 2: 21, challenges any stallion in West Virginia to trot for any sum form $500 to $5,000 a side on any Association track in the Ohio Valley. ....... The young people of Cheshire, are prepairing to play "Ten Nights in a Bar room." Experience has taught Cheshire people that home talent gives better satisfaction than professionals. ...... Meigs County people paid into their county treasurer over thirteen hundred dollars for the privilege of keeping dogs. ...... Born in Middleport, February 25, 1893, a daughter to Martin Siders and wife, of the 5th ward. ...... The infant child of Ross Hutchinson and wife, of the 5th ward, is slowly recovering from a severe attack of lung fever. ...... The Odd Fellows' Lodge of Middleport will visit Pomeroy Lodge in a body on the evening of March 14, where they will meet W. W. Bowen, State Grand Master of the Order in Ohio. There will be a grand convocation of Odd Fellows on that occasion from all the neighboring lodges, and an enjoyable time will be had all around. ...... We call attention to the professional card of Dr. J. B. Johnston, Veterinary Surgeon, in this paper. Dr. Johnston makes regular weekly visits to Pomeroy and, Middleport, and is meeting with marked success in this treatment of horses. ...... Jones & Ebersbach, of the Red Anchor Store, Pomeroy, make some splendid offers in this issue of the Republican. Mr. Emmet Jones, the manager of the Red Anchor, is well known in Middleport, having been the efficient manager of the Middleport Store Co. for a long time; and anything he says may be reckoned as truthful as anything recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke or John. See what their advertisement says, and then go up and test the matter. ...... What has become of the Young men's Christian Association organized in Middleport last year? ...... Born, February 27, 1893, to John Harmon and wife, of Silver Run, a daughter. ...... There is a display of art work this week in J. G. Stewart's new office on Mill street, done by Miss Mary Grant, at the Eden Park Art Academy, Cincinnati. The work consists mainly of wood-carving and modeling and show the natural skill of the artist. The sculptured foot and heads are a true representation of life, while the chair, frames and box are enough to awaken the envy of any of us who live to beautify our homes. Miss Mary, being the first artist to return to our town prepared to instruct in wood-carving and modeling, should receive the patronage of our home talent. ...... A little child of Henry Has, colored, died Tuesday morning, February 21, 1893. Ages 7 months, Buried on Thursday. ...... And where is our Board of Trade: Is it not time to elect new officers: Wake up. Now would be a good time to agitate the good road question. ...... The expert ice machine builders, who are to erect the T.H. Davis Ice Factory, will arrive here this week and begin work. They will have the machine in operation in April. ...... Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shuler, of Bradbury, lost a little daughter, aged 7 months, from lung fever, on Monday last. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Cheap Homes in Middleport I have laid off in town lots the entire Behan estate, consisting of about six acres on Rutland street, and will now sell the same very low. This property MUST and WILL be sold. Come and see me at my office on Mill street, or write me. Respectfully yours. John F. Downing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Personal Mention Mrs. S. P. Coe visited Mrs. Moses W. Allen and her daughter, Mrs. Will. Osborn, in Pomeroy, last Wednesday. Mr. William Stark, of Charleston, came down last week to visit his many friends here and escort his wife and baby home. The latter had been visiting her parents, Dr. C. R. Reed and wife. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Park was baptized at their home last Sunday. Rev. D. L. Chapin officiated. Mr. L. U. Crary has been very sick several days past with the grip. He is at his rooms in the commercial Hotel. Mrs. S. P. Coe, Mrs. James Park, Mrs. J. W. Dumble, Mrs. O. L. Bailey, Mrs. Peleg Swift, Mrs. Hugh Kennedy, Mrs. William Thomas and Mrs. Andrew Calderwood, took dinner with Mrs. Jessie Redmond, in Clifton, last Friday. Mr. John Lowrey, a clerk in the drug store of I. N. Mercer, Portsmouth, Ohio is here on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Lowrey. Mr. Frank H. Sayre of the Commercial Hotel of Middleport, was in town Wednesday, the guest of one of our most charming young ladies. -- Gallipolis Journal. Willie Hartinger was sick for several days last week. Amos Carman, of Nelsonville, was on our streets a day or two last week. Miss Lulu Major returned Saturday morning from a ten days' very pleasant visit with friends at Great Bend, this county. William Bradbury, of Columbus, and Isaac Boatman, of Gallipolis, have been around lately. They will both soon go back to their old homes in Kygerville to reside. George Womeldorff is among the very sick with that common disease rheumatism. It is hoped he will pull through. T. J. Jenkins, for sometime past at work on the Powell farm, will soon take charge of the McElhinny farm, out on Leading Creek. Mrs. W. B. Pobst went to Columbus last Thursday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Will. J. Hudson. Miss Mary Mack is home from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Gus M. Sutcliffe, in Chicago. Mrs. Dr. W. B. Hodge and Mrs. Ed. S. Grant went to Cincinnati last week to visit relatives. Mrs. Will. C. Russell and daughter, of Silver Run, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Martin, in the 3rd ward. Henry Springston came up from Pt. Pleasant Sunday to visit relatives and friends. Will. Sayre, clerk at the Commercial Hotel, went to Columbus last Thursday on business. Miss Cassie Drummond, of Gallipolis, was visiting Middleport friends over Sunday. Charles A. Guthrie, of "Bleeding Kansas," gave us a pleasant call on Monday morning. He leaves for his home to-morrow, after a pleasant visit among Middleport and Cheshire friends. Charlie takes no stock in the rural anarchists, the populists, who have brought such fearful disgrace on this adopted State during the past two or three years. --- He says these things will right themselves in a year or so, and Kansas will assume her former proud position. It is hoped she may. Guy Stewart and Miss Jessie Pugh, Benj. Boggess and Miss Fannie Boggess, Charley Armitage and Miss Blanche Mace, S. C. Hawkins and Miss Isabel Hysell, had an oyster supper at Smithy's restaurant last Wednesday evening. Clark Hawkins, of Toledo, Ohio -- has been visiting his friend, Charley Armitage, in Middleport, for a week past. Mr. F. P. Bryan went to Gallipolis last Thursday on business. Mr. Frank Pake and family, of Jobs, Athens county are here on a visit to his brother, Dr. J. H. Pake. Will C. Rice is having another severe attack of rheumatism. L. Shifiet (Shiflet), the piano, organ and sewing machine man, is in Cincinnati on business. Mr. Frank Hayes has been visiting his father, at Langsville, who is suffering with a cancer on his hand. Mrs. Capt. Mel. Brown, of Hartford City, was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kennedy, last Monday. Mrs. D. S. Hartinger and sons Mel. and Jed. went up to Pomeroy Precinct Sunday to spend the day with Mrs. D. R. Jacobs and Miss Emma Jacobs. Mr. Bundy Wells, of Wilkesville, is lying very ill at his sister's, Mrs. W. J. Hobart's. Miss Ada Bradford was the guest of the Misses Grant the past week. Master Joe Ellis has been confined to his room, quite sick, for the past few days. Capt. Ed. Aleshire, of Gallipolis, was in town Monday. He is agent for Armour & Co. in Southern Ohio, Virginia, Tennessee and Alabama. Mrs. Jane Grogan is in Shawnee, where she was called by the severe illness of her brother. E. D. Roush, clerk in Davis' meat market, spent Sunday at New Haven with his parents. Capt. Thom. Saunders was in town a short time last Saturday. His boat -- the steamer Convoy -- have been down the river, ice bound, since December. After the ice run out, they went to Evansville, Indiana, hunting for coal barges that had been carried off by the ice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- One Good Selection The Democratic directors, bosses, or executive committee, made one selection that we believe will give general satisfaction and be endorsed by all parties. It is that of Dr. D. S. Hartinger at the head of the pension examiners for Meigs county. -- Dr. Hartinger has the requisite skill as a physician and surgeon; has had experience in the duties pertaining to the office, and gave satisfaction to all parties while there. The Dr. is a Democrat, it is true, but not so much of a partisan but that he could and would do justice to all applicants. Even among the ex-soldiers Dr. Hartinger would receive a good endorsement as being fair and impartial as a pension examiner; and therefore, we repeat, the Democratic executive committee did one good act in recommending Dr. Hartinger as pension examiner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- Major John McLane This is his title now, and he should be obeyed, respected and honored accordingly. By order of Col. A. L. Hamilton, commanding 17th Regiment, Ohio National Guards, "John McLane, of Company L, is hereby appointed Sergeant Major, 17th Infantry, Ohio National Guards, vice E. H. Holtsberry, honorably discharged, to the rank February 15, 1893. He will report for duty, either by letter or in person, to Tiffin Gilmore, Adjutant, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- SPRING ELECTION Assessor, First Ward Editor Republican: Please say that W. M. Swallow will be a candidate for Assessor, subject to the Republican primaries, if such be held. Assessor, Second Ward Editor Republican -- I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Assessor of the Second ward of Middleport, subject to the decision of the Republican caucus. J. R. Barrows. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- RUTLAND ITEMS Editor Republican: Winter seems to have taken a relapse, and the warm rains of the past week, which seemed to give promise of early vegetable growth, have been swallowed up by the howling wind, a severe cold wave, and a considerable fall of snow. For the consolation of those who have much stock, little feed, and no shelter, we hope it may not continue long. The funeral of Grandma Scroggs, which occurred on Tuesday of last week, was well attended, notwithstanding the disagreeable storm, and the roughness of the roads. -- Her son James, who lives in Pennsylvania, arrived just in time to see her buried. Prof. J. M. Black has returned from Cincinnati, and will teach a class in vocal music in the village. Alex. Braley moved his sawmill from near Harrisonville to the farm of Joe Powell, near Rutland. Earl, the second son of A. A. Humphrey, is confined to the house with a severe cold. J. N. Beckley, while returning from church Sunday night, lost a large pocket book, containing a ten dollar bill. Any one finding the same will please return it to the owner. G. S. McCormick is nursing a carbuncle on the back of his neck. Quite a number of our farmers are feeding straw, the deep snow and severe cold of the early winter requiring more feed than ordinarily, and the prospect of an increase in the price of beef cattle makes every one desire to keep what they have on hand. E. K. Taylor has bought a new cow, and we understand intends to furnish milk for Langsville creamery the coming summer. We believe the business is one of promise to the Rutland farmer, and we would say to all land owners in easy reach of the factory, "Go, then, and do likewise." Those who attended the masquerade supper at Mrs. Winn's Wednesday night, report an enjoyable time, proceeds $6. The smoke house of J. M. Chase, in the village, caught fire Friday and before it was discovered, had otten under such headway it could not be saved. Several of his neighbors had their meat in it, but only one piece was lost. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- Obituary Matilda Dawson was born May 15, 1817, in Beaver county Pennsylvania. She was married January 20, 1836, to Dr. J. P. Scroggs. There were born to them six children, two of whom died in infancy, and two in early womanhood, only two sons being left to comfort her declining years and mourn her departure. In company with her husband, she went to Washington County, Pennsylvania, where he died July 30th, 1848. After the death of her husband, she returned to her old home in Beaver county, where she remained until the spring of 1875, when in company with her son, she came to Ohio, settling in Rutland township, where she lived until her death, which occurred February 18th, 1893. She united with the Presbyterian church in early life, and during life remained faithful to her covenant vows. She passed away quietly and without apparant pain, having lived 76 years, 9 months and 3 days. Funeral services at Rutland, conducted by Rev. H. F. Bolton. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ Married Last night, February 22d, 1893 at Claude Mitchell's home in Putman county, Samuel Somerville, of Pleasant Flats, and Miss Carrie Johnson, of Spillman, Miss Carrie is a girl of amiable disposition, a good housekeeper, and will make an admirable wife. Mr. Somerville is a farmer with many board acres, good morals and congenial. Come to think of it, they are both old enough to marry. They both have the good wishes of the host of friends. They passed through town to-day enroute for Pleasant Flats. The boys in that section will give them a hearty reception. -- Pt. Pleasant Gazette. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- The following members of Middleport Post, No. 125, G. A. R. died during 1892. W.L. McMaster died August 30, 1892 -- 4th West Virginia Infantry. George E. Warner died October 14, 1892 -- 13th West Virginia Infantry. J.T. Meisner, 36th Ohio Volunteer Infantry -- time of death unknown. T.M. Grady died February 17, 1892 -- army service not mentioned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- J. C. McMaster's Pensions During the month of February, the following were secured: Candice Anderson, re-issue in favor of Thomas S. Anderson, London, Ohio -- $6 per month from Dec. 25, 1864; $8 from Feb. 12, 1880; $12 from April 3, 1884; $14 from May 29, 1889, and ending Nov. 26, 1891. Candice Anderson, widow's pension - $8 from Jan. 5, 1892 Henry Wessa, Middleport -- Original, $8 from April 2, 1890. Oliver Taylor, Kyger -- Reissue, $10 from Oct. 20, 1887 and $12 from Sept 28, 1892. W. H. Stevens, Weldon, Iowa -- Original, $10 from Oct. 31, 1888; and $12 from Setp. 23, 1892. Stephen Enzenauer, Pomeroy. O -- Reissue and increase, $2 from Oct. 20, 1880; $6 from Oct 3, 1887; $8 from Aug 14, 1889, $12 from June 11, 1899. Robt. C. Day, Pomeroy -- $12 from Oct. 23, 1891. Jas. A. Oty, Dexter -- Increase, $14 from July 6, 1892. Thomas Louden, San Francisco, Cal. -- $22 from May 15, 1890. Alexander Prentice, Middleport -- $8 from Oct. 20, 1891 [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
The Meigs County Republican March 15, 1893
RIDDLE'S INGENIOUS DEVICE. An ingenious piece of mechanism was brought to light yesterday. It was in the possession of Charles RIDDLE, who was arrested a few nights ago by officers KELLEY and MORRISEY for suspicious conduct. -The contrivance was made for the purpose of enabling the owner to adjust it so beneath his clothing that he could, when engaged in a game of cards, shove any superfluous cards up his sleeve without attracting attention. The odd machine is fastened on the breast, and a spring runs down the coat-sleeve in which the player may secrete his cards. The aparatus is entirely unlike anything ever seen by local sporting men and caused a great deal of comment. RIDDLE said he paid $25 for the outfit and that he bought it from George DUVALL, the great gambler. Judge ATHEY bonded RIDDLE in the sum of $50, and he now lies in jail. He says he comes from Middleport, O. -Cincinnati Post. Death of Dr. H. C. WATERMAN The Zanesville Daily Courier, of March 6th, has this notice of death of Dr. H. C. WATERMAN, formerly of Middleport: Coroner WATERMAN passes away at his home, after an illness of long duration. The discharge of his duty the immdiate cause. Short sketch of his life. Dr. H. C. WATERMAN, Coroner of Muskingum county, died at his home on Vine street at 8 o'clock this morning. He had been in ill health for a number of years, and the wonder of those who were intimately acquainted with him is that he had not passed away many months ago. He was called to inspect the remains of the young man, HILDEBRAND, who died almost instantly after being kicked by a horse last week. The day was raw, and the effort was greater than he should have undertaken, as he had not been out of bed for several days previous to that time. His friends counseled against his going, but he pluckily arouse from his bed and performed what he deemed to be his duty. He became worse on his return home, and the result is told above. Coroner WATERMAN was born in Athens county, Ohio, May 18, 1827, and resided on a farm until he was 18 years of age. He became a teacher, his first term of school being taught in Washington county, in the winter of 1845-46. In 1846-47, he taught in Meigs county. In 1848 he went to Adams county, Illinois where he taught school and cast his first vote for Zachary TAYLOR. He returned to Ohio, and located in Rutland, Meigs county, where he continued to teach, at the same time studying medicine with Dr. Joseph RATHBURN. His first course of lectures was at Starling Medical College, at Columbus, 1851-52. He graduated at the Medical College of Ohio, at Cincinnati, ten years later. Dr. WATERMAN entered the service of the United States as assistant surgeon of the 4th West Virginia Infantry, October 15, 1862, and served in that regiment and in the 2d West Virginia Infantry until the close of the war, and was mustered out July 24, 1865. He was elected as Coroner of Meigs county for two terms, and was Treasurer of Salisbury township, in that county, for one year. He was also Justice of the Peace at the same township for one year. He was for six years School Examiner of Meigs county. He came to Zanesville in 1879, and engaged in the drug business, and later in the practice of medicine. -He was elected Coroner of Muskingum county in the fall of 1891. Dr. WATERMAN was a Mason, having joined the order at Pomeroy, Ohio. He was a member of Lafayette Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, at the time of his death. The deceased was twice married. His first wife was Miss Sallie RATHBURN, Meigs county. Three daughters and a son were born of this union. The son is now a resident of DesMoines Iowa. His first wife died in 1874, and in 1877 he was married to Mrs. U. K. METCALFE, of McConnelsville, Ohio, who died ten years later. [See also just below] [Transcribed by Shari] LOCAL SIFTINGS Everybody about here kindly remembers big Ed. HORTON, the stalwart son of the late V. B. HORTON. News was received here last week that the genial Ed. was totally blind in New York city. He will certainly have the sympathy of all in his misfortune. Dr. H. C. WATERMAN, formerly a practicing physician here in Middleport, died at his home in Zanesville last week. He had been sick for a long time. He will be pleasantly remembered by many of our citizens. He leaves a very interesting family of children. Born, in Middleport, March 1, 1893, a daughter to Charles Bradfield and wife. Mate Clay DALE is standing watch at the U.S. Marine Hospital with one toe gone, the result of having his feet frozen in the cold snap. The other toes will hold him up all right, however. The proposed Middleport, Pomeroy, and Syracuse railway through their representative, Judge R. C. RUSSELL, instituted condemnation proceedings in the probate court recently to gain possession of Pomeroy's belt railway. Governor McKinley has appointed Mrs. Mary HEDGES, Delaware; Mrs. H.D. BAKER, Delaware; and Mrs. J.W. DUMBLE, Middleport, as members of the committee of visitors for the Girls' Industrial Home, each for a term commencing April 4, 1893, and ending April 3r, 1896. At, Dexter, Meigs county several attempts have been made to kill merchant John MARTIN by throwing stones through the window at him as he lay in bed. Attacks have been made upon him at night in the streets, all by unknown persons. Mr. Wirt LELAND banqueted the company in Pinafore, Monday evening. Not willing to appear selfish Mr. LELAND appropriated a part of the money made by the company on a previous night to the best of his ability in having an excellent supper prepared for all who took part in the opera. A good time is reported -- Athens Journal See advertisement of Joseph MARTIN, Auctioneer. We are turning out very nice job work these days. Meigs County Republicans want to nominate under the Baber law, Correct. If you will make a trip to Pomeroy, in a bus, you will shout "Give us a street railway." And darn the odds who builds it. Dr. MILLER received a letter from his brother, D. A. ARMSTRONG, who had his ankle crushed last fall at Columbus, the particulars of which were published in this paper, stating that injured part had of diseased bone being left in the broken out again, caused by a portion wound. An operation will be necessary. (Typed exactly as it is in the paper) Attend the primaries. No good Democrat will attempt to vote next Saturday night. Republican voters would do well to attend the primary meetings next Saturday evening. Nominate good men for Council and Assessors; also elect your best man for delegates. The earnings of the Columbus Hocking Valley and Toledo railroad for the month of February amounted to $251,337, in increase of $28,977. A bad wreck occurred on the Hocking Valley road near Powell Tuesday, March 7, A north-bound freight was ordered to pass a southbound extra at Elmwood. The engineer seeing a train on the siding took it for granted it was the extra and pulled out. The two trains met near Powell. The train north was double-header and all three engines were wrecked. In addition to them ten cars were thrown off the track. The engineers and firemen all jumped, so there was no loss of life. Passenger trains Wednesday morning were sent as far as Delaware over the Big Four. The width of the Ohio river was measured on the ice at Portsmouth. From water's edge to water's edge it was 1180 feet, and from bank to bank, 1700 feet. Mr. Edward HULBERT, of Middleport, O., is the efficient photographer at Mr. J.E. WATT'S art gallery, and is turning out some fine photographs. -- Gallipolis Journal The Noss Jullity Co., which performed at Coe's Hall on Monday evening, gave the most general satisfaction of any company that has appeared in Middleport for many a day. Their musical accomplishments were the wonder of all present. -- They were greeted with a full house, and they took the house by storm. Capt. COE deserves credit for bring such a treat here. Any man who will ride up to Pomeroy, through the present mud and filth, will at once be in favor of a street railroad. And he won't care a continental who builds it. Gallipolis, after a series of public meetings and investigation, has decided to build her own water works. This is the best plan. -- Wellston built hers for $53,000 and has a fine system. The Ironton works, built 20 years ago cost $178,000 and those at Marietta, $100,000. A water works agent was in Middleport last week, but did not receive much encouragement. Next Sabbath morning, at the Presbyterian Church, the theme under consideration will be "Recorded Reasons for the Change of the Sabbath from the Jewish to the Christian." There will be the usual evening services. A cordial invitation is extended to all. ============================================ SPRING ELECTION Assessor, First Ward Editor Republican: Please say that W. M. SWALLOW will be a candidate for Assessor, subject to the Republican primaries, if such be held. Assessor, Second Ward Editor Republican: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Assessor of the Second ward of Middleport, subject to the decision of the Republican caucus. J. R. BARROWS Assessor, First Ward Editor Republican: Please announce that I will be a candidate for Assessor at the spring election, and respectfully ask the support of the people. John SHORT Assessor, Third Ward Editor Republican: Please announce that W. W. BRYAN will be a candidate for Assessor of the Third Ward at the coming spring election. Many Voters. A BIRTH DAY CELEBRATION William Horden, aged fifty On Thursday last our worthy citizen, Mr. William HORDEN, passed the fiftieth milestone on this life's journey. He has prospered away above the average in a business sense, and at fifty he finds himself in possession of enough of this world's goods to make him comfortable the rest of his days. This was accomplished by industry and economy. Thursday evening he invited friends to the number of fifty to his elegant residence to celebrate the event. When all had assembled, Mr. John GROGAN took the floor and announced the occasion of the assembling of Mr. HORDEN'S neighbors and friends. He detailed Mr. HORDEN'S struggles with poverty when a youth -- how he labored and saved through his manhood -- until now, at the age of fifty, he is able to entertain his friends in this magnificent style. Mr. HORDEN feelingly responded, confirming all that Mr. GROGAN had stated. Then, to show his liberality and kindness of heart, he presented Mrs. HORDEN with a fifty dollar bill; to his son William T. HORDEN, two-gold dollars, and the watch he carried when a boy; to his daughters, Alice and Edith, a gold dollar each; and to the oldest ten persons present, each a silver half dollar, dated away back in the 50's and being the first money Mr. HORDEN ever earned after he left home. These are to be kept by the recipients as mementoes of the happy occasion. After this came music by Selby's Orchestra and songs by the Mystic Quartette. The hours passed pleasantly enough with conversation, repartee, cards &c., until a late hour. Mr. HORDEN'S sixteen months' old grand-son Clarence SELBY, joined in the festivities with as much glee as the older ones -- in fact the little fellow was the only one present who indulged in dancing. Next came the supper, which was a grand affair. It was superintended by Mrs. W. B. SMITH, and embraced cake, fruit, ice cream, and everything good., including champagne to wash it down. After supper, a rising vote of thanks was tendered Mr. and Mrs. HORDEN, and all expressed a desire to be present when fifty years had rolled around again. ============================================ Ed S. GRANT has sold for the Riverside Brick Company -- the Grant brickyard proprietors -- all the street paving brick they now have on hand for such purpose, to Norwood and Hyde Park villages, in the suburbs of Cincinnati. Also contracted vitrified brick for three large sewers, which will keep the Riverside Brick Company busy all summer. Shipments will begin at once. Ed has two brick factories at Portsmouth, Ohio making what he calls "Grant Block." He has completed four streets, and has four more under contract for early spring work. Brick streets in Cincinnati are looked upon with favor, and over ten miles will be put down this season. When will we have a brick street between Pomeroy and Middleport? ============================================ KNIGHT OF PYTHIAS FESTIVAL Beacon Lodge, No. 19, K. of P. of Middleport, Ohio, will hold a Festival in Lawson's Hall, Saturday evening, March 18th, 1893, for the benefit of the order. Admission 10 cents. By order of Committee: Thos. JAMES, Robert SILAS, C. F. SCOTT, Washington GRANT, F. B. Jones. ============================================ PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. SHUEMAKER, of Mason City who is visiting the family of W. H. WOODWARD, in Middleport, was taken quite ill Sunday evening with what the doctor feared was typhoid fever. Happily on Tuesday the lady appeared some better. B.M. LOVELL is confined to his room with sickness. Hope he will get better with the fine weather. Mrs. LOVELL, has been sick for sometime, is much improved. Mrs. Harry FEIGER, of Pomeroy, was visiting her parents, Dr. Ed. DAVIS and wife, Thursday last. Mr. Joseph BRECHTEL and James REYNOLDS left last Thursday for a home in Missouri or Kansas. They will work on a farm. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. FEIGER, of Pomeroy, were on our streets Wednesday. They had spent a part of the day with their daughter, Mrs. Geo. CLIFTON, in CLIFTON. Mrs. H. W. MUMFORD, of Jobs, Hocking county, came in on Saturday last to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira M. SKILES. Mr. M. O. RUTHERFORD, of Langsville, was a pleasant called in Middleport, last Saturday. Mrs. J. W. DUMBLE went to Chicago Saturday to attend the commencement exercises of Hahnemann Medical College. Her daughter, Miss Lizzie, will receive her diploma and hand out her shingle, but has not decided where. Mrs. Columbia DOWNING entertained a number of her friends at tea Wednesday last. Mrs. DOWNING is 74 years old. Mrs. Joe. SMITH and Miss Amelia SCHREIBER, of Pomeroy, were the guest of Mrs. F. P. RAYAN last Wednesday. Capt. Joe BURNSIDE was in town Friday smiling like a brush heap afire. Joe is always happy, no matter who is President. Miss Gertie MORSE, of Middleport is visiting Miss Carrie WERNER -- Gallipolis Tribune. Mr. and Mrs. PROBST, of Pomeroy, spent a few days last week as the guests of Mrs. PROBST'S sister Mrs. Wirt LELAND. While here they attended the opera Pinafore. -- Athens Messenger Mrs. Brose RARDON, the accommodating assistant at the postoffice, has been confined at home for several day with a violent cold, bordering on pneumonia. Mr. Ferdie HUNKER is filling her place in the post office. Mrs. Finley WELLS and daughter, Miss Mable, were in Gallipolis last Saturday visiting the former's sister and doing some shopping. Judge F. C. RUSSELL is in New York City. It begins to look as if his ______ project might be a "go." Well, the more______ the more business. Will. G. DAVIS has moved back from the 4th ward of Pomeroy to his former home in the Davis Block, Middleport. Our former well known townsman, Mr. James H. EARNSHAW, is still residing at Dover, Kentucky. His son, Mr. Jos. H. EARNSHAW, has recently been down to see him and reports the old gentleman as robust and healthy as in his younger days. His former friends here will be glad to hear this. W. A. and S. D. WEBB, two Democratic politicians from the north side of the county, were here looking after their political interests, Saturday. Rev. Will. COE and wife will sail from home, on the Cunard Steamer Umbria, on April 1st, and will arrive at Middleport about the 10th. Miss Lena DAVIS, who had been studying art at London for the past four years, expects to spend the summer at home. She has engaged passage on the Cunard Steamer Umbria for April 29th, and will reach Middleport about May 8th. -- Although she has been abroad several years, she is still an Ohio girl. -- Miss Lena will receive a royal greeting from her Middleport relatives and friends, with whom she was always popular. Geo. B. SAYRE and little daughter, of Mansfield, Ohio, came here last Saturday on a visit to friends. Since his arrival, he has sold his house and lot to Charles A. DAWSON. Terms, private. A. G. BEALL and wife were visiting friends in Gallipolis last Saturday. G. J. RICE, for some time past afflicted with rhematism, is out again with the aid of a crutch and cane. Ed. S. GRANT came up from Cincinnati Sunday evening to visit his family and Middleport friends. On Saturday, March 11th, a party was held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ira HULBERT, in honor of his son Ed. who is assisting J. E. WATTS, the popular photographer of Gallipolis, and Mr. Moit. MOSSMAN, of the same place. About ten couples were present and had a delightful time. Elmer DAVIS, son of our meat man, has been quite sick with lung ever. He is now able to be about. Mrs. Hall SAUNDERS has been very sick for the past week. Mr. John GORGAN has completed a fine frame residence on Rutland street, between Front and Second, and moved into it yesterday. He thus again becomes a citizen of the first ward. Welcome. His late residence is for rent. See ad. Mrs. Jos. WARREN, colored, who has been very ill for some time, is not any better. Mrs. Mary Curry WILLIAMS has moved into the Mrs. WATKINS property, with her daughter, Mrs. Lawrence ENGLER. N. J. WATSON, of Tupper's Plains, is here visiting his many friends. Mrs. C. H. WESSA has been quite sick for several days. Mr. and Mrs. John A. REED were called to the country on Sunday last on account of the serious illness of Mr. REED'S uncle. Miller DOWNING is again circulating among his Middleport friends, after an absence of several weeks. Miss Edith VanMetre, of Central City, is here, the guest of her many friends. Mrs. W. H. RHINE is on the sick list. Mrs. M. J. WINKLER has bought the Lacey property on Pearl street. WEDDING BELLS NETTLEHORST -- FORBES -- At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. SETTLE in Sundance on the 5th day of January A.D. 1893, Mr. Walter L. NETTLEHORST to Miss Nellie E. FORBES, all of Sundance, Wyoming. Rev Mr. Nichols officiating. This young couple have grown up from childhood in this community and citizens of Cook county have watched as they rapidly merged from infancy into childhood and childhood into manhood and womanhood, taking their place on yesterday evening among the first families of Sundance and Cook county. Mr. NETTLEHORST is a son of Mr. A. C. SETTLE and for several years has been a clerk in the office of county clerk, as soon as he had attained his majority he was by the board of county commissioners constituted deputy clerk which office he is now filling with credit to himself and to the pleasure and satisfaction of everyone. Mr. NETTLEHORST is a splendid pensman, and the records kept by him will compare favorably with any kept on the globe. Cook county has reason to be proud of such a young man. It might not be out of place to state that one reason why Walter L. occupies a position today of which we all might be proud, is that his nights have been spent at home, or in good society elsewhere. His place in church has usually been occupied; he has never became addicted to gambling or indulgence in the social bowl, in fact we affirm without fear of successful contradiction that he has in this western county been an exemplary young man. He has always respected and obeyed his parents, and today all men respect him. In the selection of his help mate he has a lovely and worthy companion, who will be only too glad to assist him to climb the ladder to eminent success. We hope they may continue in well doing, and that their days of usefulness may be many and pleasant. The young couple are already keeping house on Third street, in the green house near the bridge. May they live long and be happy is the wish of this paper. -- Sundance, (Wyoming) Gazette. The parents of this young bride were raised and married in Middleport, the mother being a sister of Mrs. Jennie GEER, and the father a brother of Mrs. Capt. Tim RUSSELL. ========================================================== LIST OF JURORS Grand Jury drawn for April term, A. D. 1893, to appear Tuesday, April 4th, at 10 o'clock A.M. T.B. STILES, Bedford M.A. ADAMS, Chester J.M. KAYSER, Columbia Jonas ERWIN, Letart B. WHITE, Middleport A. A. NEASE, Orange E. W. CIRCLE, Racine Frank LUCKE, Pomeroy L.W. GANDEEE, Portland Allen BRALEY, Rutland George WEHE, Pomeroy William C. DAVIS, Syracuse Phillip HOUCK, Salem E.O. HOYT, Olive Petit Jury, April term, 1893: James W. CARLETON, Bedford Jacob FICK, Chester John COLE, Orange Wesley A. WEBB, Columbia Christopher IHLE, Pomeroy James HAMPTON, Salem Richard HORDEN, Salisbury J.H. HENDERSON, Portland A.P. WILEY, Olive R.C. LONGSTRETH, Rutland A.H. SAYRE, Middleport T. F. Dye, Pageville Precinct. ============================================ CARLTON AND CHESHIRE The dwelling of J. H. BLACKBURN, with most of the contents, was burned to the ground last Thursday morning about 7 o'clock. Mr. BLACKBURN was mining coal for the Carl boys, and Mrs. BLACKBURN had gone to a house of a neighbor, a short distance away. The fire was first noticed by little E. B. GROYER; he notified your scribe. We rushed to the burning house, but when we had thrown out two or three articles, we were driven out by the horrid flames, they having shut off the door ways. We then attempted to enter a back room by cutting away the weather boarding and ceiling; but just as we succeeded in breaking through, a half keg of blasting powder exploded within six feet of us, which was a lucky affair for us that it did not cost us our life; as it was we only received a severe cut on our left ear. Loss of house and contents, about $200; no insurance. John THOMPSON has sold his Arlington farm to Joseph BUTTRICKS. Carlton is making a strong effort to raise funds to erect a Union church house at this place; it is much needed, sure. We attended the entertainment given by our young people at the Academy Hall last Monday evening, entitled "Ten Nights in a Bar-room." We thought it was well rendered; the hall was well filled; the room is poor, but still everyone seemed to have their part well and able to perform it to perfection. This troup would make a grand display in a good room. W. I. BLACKBURN, employed in the Athens Asylum, came down Friday evening last to visit his family and friends, and returned today. Next Thursday evening the Literary society will debate a new question as follows; "Resolved, that the public services of Gen. GRANT has been of a greater benefit to our people than the public services of Mr. LINCOLN." The forces are well divided, and an interesting time is anticipated. For the affirmative, Jacob BLACKBURN, Dr. LUCKEY, Arthur CARL; for the negative, Prof. HIGLEY, Esq. SHULER, W.N. EVANS. Mrs. Julia MANLEY, of whom we mentioned as being very sick, died at the residence of her son, Isaac, in the village Sunday last. Funeral at Baptist church to-morrow, the 14th. The remains will be interred in the Arlington cemetery. She was about 78 years of age. Born, to Edward LITTLE and wife, of the Heights, a boy. Ed is greatly excited and delighted, but George BUTCHER says he is as yet harmless. S.O. Yeager will soon move from his farm in Arlington to the farm of Amos WALKER, where he will work the coming season. This is what he said to us, "I tell you, Captain I can get more sound reading and better information by reading the Cincinnati Post one year than I can get from the Bible." Well, we think any man who is that near as J.S. in his views ought to be hitched up to some kind of a post the remainder of his useful life. RUTLAND NEWS Quite a number from here attended the quarterly meeting at Cheshire beginning March 3d, and all report a good meeting and a nice time generally, if it did snow. The people of Cheshire know how to entertain visitors. Rev. J. M. DAVIS, President of Rio Grande College, filled the pulpit Sunday morning and evening. The professor's ability as a public speaker is too well known to need comment. STANSBURY and GILES, the well known fur buyers of Rutland, have, during the present winter, handled something like six hundred sheep pelts. See what an effect the new administration is having on Meigs County sheep. The boys of the village treated B. H. RAWLINGS and wife to a conch shell serenade Monday night. Bart is one of Rutland's promising young men, and we join his friends in wishing himself and wife a long and prosperous life. There was quite an excitement in the village Wednesday evening, caused by the appearance in our streets of three little boys, who had left the Children's Home, and started to seek their fortunes. They had traveled all day without anything to eat and we presume were beginning to think this a wide and unfriendly world. They were entertained over night, and returned to the Home. Miss Nellie SMITH is suffering with an attack of Quinsy. Jess. MCHAFFIE is down with a severe attack of Lagrippe. He was taken very suddenly Saturday evening. They had been to Middleport, and came home in the rain and, it is supposed, became chilled with the above result. ============================================ SILVER RUN NEWS Jos. BRECHTEL and Jas. REYNOLDS left on Thursday for Missouri. Ira AMOS, of Dexter is here helping Wells & Amos graft trees. Albert PRIODE, of Sutton, was here Sunday, calling on his parents. Missess Tillie BARNES and Mabel WELLS, of Middleport, spent Sunday last with Miss Bertie WELLS, who left the next Tuesday for Ada, Ohio, to attend school. T. S. BATTEN, of Ripley, West Va., came down Saturday morning on the Ohio River Railroad, and remained until Monday morning as the guest of L.D. AMOS. He is the agent in that section for the WELLS & AMOS nursery. John M. REED, who came here last fall from the West, on a visit, is lying very sick at the residence of Rueben REED, on Story's Run. We have been informed that he is not expected to recover. A coal wagon broke loose at W.C. RUSSELL's coal works last week, and rushed down the incline at a terrible rate of speed, knocking down several bents of high trestle work. Rev. H.E. BRILL preached here on Sunday. He also administered the ordinance of baptism by sprinkling. Robt. RUSSELL and family of Thomas Fork, were here Sunday attending church. Louise ZUSPAN came down Sunday from Middleport and spent the day with her folks here. Isaac SMITH went way on the C. A. Hill Saturday on Business. Quite a number came in from the west end of the county, on the K. & M. Saturday. Several of the crowd attended the examination at Pomeroy. Rachel LEFTRIDGE, colored, has been on the sick list the past week. Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker.
The Meigs County Republican March 22, 1893
DEATH OF JOHN M. REED John M. REED died March 15, 1893, at the residence of his brother, Reuben REED, of Cheshire township. Gallia county Ohio, age 60 years, 4 month and 12 days. The deceased leaves a wife, three children, five brothers and three sisters to mourn his departure. He united with the church in 1877, and has lived a consistent Christian every since. The funeral was held at the Free Baptist Church at Cheshire, Sunday, March 19, by Rev. Thos. POWELL, of Middleport, after which the remains were followed by a large concourse of friends to their last resting place in Gravel Hill Cemetery. The departed one had been a resident of Missouri for a number of years past, and came here with his wife last fall on a visit. While here, the trouble with which he had been ailing for sometime, resulted in his having to submit to nature's law, death. A host of friends join with the bereaved ones in their sorrow. ============================================ BORN WITH TEETH Who is the Middleport reporter for the Cincinnati Commercial? Under date of March 18, he (or she) telegraphs this story: Mrs. Charles BURRIS, colored, of Rutland street, gave birth to a boy baby last night that, in one respect, is a curiosity. The child was fully developed in every way, and in its upper jaw was a set four teeth as large as in a child of two years. A representative of the Commercial Gazette called at the BURRIS home this morning and saw the child and found that the statement was correct. Dr. SWAN, the attending physician, said that the occurrence was the first he had heard of in all his practice for some thirty years. ============================================ SILVER RUN NEWS L.A. RICE went to Gallipolis Friday on business. W.D. VALE, of Dyersville, visited your scribe and wife here the latter part of the week. Mrs. Ella HARMAN went to Huntington Friday. Her husband, John HARMAN, has been working there for sometime. Charley KENT has moved his family from Middleport to his father's farm here. At the primary meeting Friday evening, the Republicans nominated the following ticket: For assesor, Geo. HARMAN; supervisor,Thos. FESLER; delegate to township convention, E.H. VALE. Mrs. Lena FRICKER visited her sister, Mrs. Phillip DERR, of Enterprise, last week. W.C. RUSSELL has erected a new house at his coal works. John M. REED, whom we mentioned last week as being very low, has since died but we are not able to give any particulars. ============================================ A LITTLE CHILD BURNED Death ensues After Great Suffering Mr. and Mrs. Stephen MEEKS, with their two interesting little children - a boy and a girl - reside at the corner of Second and Mulberry streets, in the lower part of Middleport. On Wednesday last an event occurred there that brought suffering and death to the little boy and sorrow to the whole household. During the temporary absence of the mother, the little boy's clothing caught fire by some means. His screams soon brought the mother to the rescue. In attempting to extinguish the fire about the boy's clothing, she herself was severely burned on the hands and arms. The little fellow, aged four years, was frightfully burned, and it is supposed inhaled some of the flames. Dr. HARTINGER was called and did all in his power to mitigate the suffering. The lad suffered terribly - part of the time being in spasms - until a little after 2 o'clock Friday afternoon, when death came to end his pain. He was a bright little fellow, a great favorite, and much sorrow is expressed at this sad taking off. ============================================ WOODWARD - CHERRINGTON At the home of the bride in Mason City, West Virginia, at 9:30 last Sunday morning, Mr. W.H. WOODWARD and Mrs. Anna Eliza CHERRINGTON were wedded, Rev. Dr. OHL, of the Episcopal church, Pomeroy, officiating. They will at once take up their residence in the S.F. SMITH house in the first ward of Middleport. May the best joys of wedded life be theirs in the sincere wish of all their friends. ============================================ MRS. W. E. HELMICK The announcement of the death of Mrs. W.E. HELMICK, (formerly Miss Mamie WATERMAN, of Middleport,) which occurred Saturday evening, March 18, was sad news to her many friends throughout the city. Only last Monday her father, Dr. H. C. WATERMAN, died and within a week the daughter follows in the path all must tread sooner or later. For some time she has been in poor health, suffering from the dread disease, consumption, but it was not thought that she was in so serious a condition as to render her death probable in the immediate future. The shock occasioned by the death of her father, however, had its effect, and she became rapidly worse, until her death Saturday evening. She was a young woman admired by all who knew her. It has been less than two years since she was married to W. E. HELMICK, employed at W.J. FINLEY'S Land office. Mr. HELMICK is a young business man enjoying the confidence and respect of all who knew him, and his many friends will sympathize with him in this sad bereavement. The funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the family residence on Blue avenue. -Zanesville Courier LOCAL SIFTINGS Butter and eggs are so scarce in Middleport that the railroad agents are scouring the country to procure them. Dun. GUTRIE made a trip to Cheshire for that purpose last week. Considering the vast amount of ice lately produced on the Ohio River, we are surprised to learn that Middleport is getting up an extensive ice factory. Middleport seems bent on having Arctic coolness all the year rounds. - McArthur Enquirer A.D. GUTHRIE has been in the freight depot of the Hocking Valley Railroad for ten years, and last week the Railroad Co. allowed him an increase of $10 per month in his wages. Dun. Is a good one. Geo. KNIGHT, formerly of Clifton, died Monday night at his home in Central City of typhoid fever. He leaves a wife and a large family of children. The "House of York" will be reopened this week by our old friend, Tom. York, in the Starcher building, opposite the Brick Company Store, where the foaming larger will be dispensed by Tom and other experienced chemists. Capt. Will. NEWETON'S house at Hartford City came near being destroyed by fire Monday. A defective flue started the fire and a large flask of powder on the mantel came very near being ignited. Captain NEWTON made the discovery in time to prevent any disastrous results. Smiling May will soon be here. We refer, not only to the month of spring onions and house cleaning, but to our old fellow townsman, May ROUP, who it is reported, has bought the malt laboratory of John KIRSTY, down town, and will run it vicariously. That the high quality of the output will be maintained goes without saying. The peculiar luminosity observed around the office of the Ohio Machine Co. is caused, not as might be supposed, by the Middleport Electric Light Plant, but by that 24 caret diamond 32 degree ring worn by Mr. James S. BOGGESS, who has just taken the Scottish Rite degree at Cincinnati, and is entitled to wear it. Dr. James PARK is the name of the new night physician at the Ohio Penitentiary. Dr. PARK is a native of New Straitville, Ohio. He is a graduate of the Columbus Medical College, and was formerly an assistant at Hawker Hospital, Columbus. He has also had some experience in the Penitentiary hospital under Dr. PARKER. Although quite young, Dr. PARK is highly spoken of by the press of Columbus. He assumed his duties March 1st. Dr. PARK is a nephew of Messrs. William PARK and the late James PARK, of Middleport. The unexpected cold snap of last week, by freezing up the mud, prevented Worthy WEBB from floating his raft of lumber down second street to the mill, as he expect to do. "The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglee." Has the courage of his conviction. Davis has been using some of his economy paint in his own drug store and house, which shows that he practices what he preaches. Mr. T. I. WILLIAMS offers his desirable residence for sale. See advertisement. Mrs. FOUNTAIN, of San Antonia, Florida, sent to her young friend, Master Ernest RUSSELL, a few days ago, a box containing small branches and orange blossoms. The air was fragrant with their rich perfume, and the lad was delighted. Why is a printing office towel like a railroad collision? Because it is a horrible "crash." It is hinted by some envious husbands, probably, that the ladies' Chautauquan Circle is degenerating into a Chat-talk-um. Francis M. GROVER, formerly of this vicinity, was recently nominated for Justice of the Peace at the Republican primaries at Topeka Kansas, leading all other candidates by about 1200 votes. Mr. GROVER will make a good one. Dr. HANLIN and wife held a kind of competitive examination in ancient history, at their cozy home on Fifth street, last night which was participated in by many of the doctor's learned friends, who at the close of the intellectual feast, gave evidence that the severe mental struggle had not impaired their appetites for chicken salad, etc. As we go to press, it is too early to learn to whom the palms of merit were awarded. Mr. Elmer E. RICHARDSON, of Rural Dale, and Miss Helen M. WATERMAN, daughter of the late Dr. H. C. WATERMAN, were quietly married at the Universalist Parsonage last evening by Rev. Mrs. CROSLEY. The affair was very quite on account of the recent sad bereavement of the bride's family, but the marriage was arranged beforehand, and both felt that it would be better not to postpone it. The newly married couple will reside in the seventh ward for a short time, after which they will remove to the home of the groom, in Blue Rock township - Zanesville Times Recorder, March 16. [The first part of this is cut off on the copy of this page. I believe it can't be more than three or four words] ... CHEATMAN, after three years' steady application to study of medicine, will graduate with honor from Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago, to-morrow, 23d inst. Miss Lizzie's many friends in Middleport will wish her unbounded success in her chosen profession - We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to be present at the graduating exercises, as follows: 1893 - VERITAS PRO AUCTORIRAS The Faculty and Graduating Class of Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital of Chicago, request the honor of your presence, at the Thirty third Annual Commencement, Thursday, March twenty third, eighteen hundred and ninety three, at two o'clock. Grand Opera House. Religious services will be held in the New Jerusalem Church, Middleport, Ohio, on Sunday, March 26, 1893. Subject: "A Sermon Appropriate to Easter Time." "And Nathan said unto him, can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, come and see." -John I, 45. "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." Paul. - First hear, then judge. Alexander OMAN, formerly of Middleport, has been nominated for Street Commissioner, at Coalton, Jackson county, on the Republican ticket. Attention is called to the advertisement of Prof. Jas. T. LEWIS. He should be encouraged in his effort to establish a Conservatory of Music in Middleport. He is thoroughly competent, and a true lover of harmony. We hope he may be successful. Dr. Joseph JOHNSTON sold a driving horse to Dr. HANLIN, of Middleport, Wednesday, for $125. - Gallipolis Journal. The township finances show up well, as reported by Clerk W. B. BESSERER. But the corporation funds of Middleport do not look as fascinating. See report in this paper. Henry GEYER, of the 2d ward, purchased a piano from L. SHIFIET, of Middleport, the first of the week. Pomeroy Telegraph. Letters advertised in Middleport, Ohio, March 20, 1893: Mr. J.S. BONER, 2, Mrs. Roda RISE, Mr. Thomas WARNET. W.A. BARRINGER, P.M. Born in Denver, Colorado, recently, a 10-pound son to Mr. and Mrs. Monte CRANSTON - great-grandson to Mrs. Ann BEHAN, of Middleport, Ohio. Mrs. Harvey HANSON, whose home was about three miles below Middleport, died Saturday evening last, after a long illness, from cancer, aged about 56 years. Rev. D. L. CHAPIN preached the funeral sermon at Cheshire, on Tuesday. She was buried at Gravel Hill. The up-town saw-mill is running every day now, giving employment to several men and teams. Let the Young men's Christian Association argument go on. With a little more agitation, and another good "note" or two, we will yet see such a society organized here. There is ample room for one and great need. The BEESON Bros. were unloading two more carloads of machinery for the T.H. DAVIS ice factory yesterday. The Commercial Hotel is to be lighted with electricity. The dining room and other rooms are being repapered. Landlord CRARY is bound to keep his hotel in the lead, and he spares no expense to attain that end. At the Presbyterian Church, next Sabbath morning, the following theme will be presented: "Living Peaceably With All Men." In the evening, "Elements of Strength in the Life of Whitefield." A cordial invitation is extended to all. PERSONAL MENTION Miss Ella MOORE, pending the suspension of the schools at Nelsonville, is visiting her brother, Mr. David H. MOORE of the First National Bank. - Athens Messenger Henry SPRINGSTON has resigned his position with J. FRIEDMAN & Co., and has accepted a situation with Wellston, O., parties. Point Pleasant Register. Mr. Walter SMITH, ex-superintendent of the Middleport water works, was in town the other day, extending the right hand of fellowship to old friends. Wall is looking fat and hearty. Miss Edith HORDEN, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William HORDEN, is suffering from an attack of fever. It is hoped she may resume her place in school in a few days. Henry RESENER and wife, of Cheshire, were the guests of Robert MAUCK and family, in Pt. Pleasant, a day or two last week. Mr. T.R. WEED, one of the leading merchants of Cheshire, was in Middleport last Friday, to do some trading. Mrs. Augusta MACK SUTCLIFFE arrived here last Friday, from her home in Chicago, on a visit to the MACK family and her many friends. 'Lige WERTHEIMER has returned from the sunny South. The snowy North is good enough for 'Lige. William T. HORDEN went to Cincinnati last Wednesday and from there to Chicago, where he has fine prospects ahead. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac BOATMAN having tried "city life" in Gallipolis, have moved back to their nice farm house, near Kygerville. Dick BAILEY, of Mason City, is ill of typhoid fever at the Marine Hospital at Gallipolis. Charlie CROW, of Meigs county, returned from the South Saturday, after a successful trip with potatoes. Mel MOORE came in from Jacksonville, Athens county, Saturday to see his Middleport friends. He reports his bakery flourishing, using a barrel of flour daily. Our old friend, Dr. P. GARDNER, of Gallipolis, is a very sick man. Mrs. Esta ARNOLD, who has been very sick for several weeks at the home of her father near Minersville, we are glad to state, has fully recovered, and has returned to her home in Middleport. Ed. S. WAY, of the Charleston (W.Va.) Gazette office, has been visiting the family of Mr. Asahel SKINNER, in Rutland township, for a week past. He is a worthy young man and a good printer. Comrade Michael DUNN has been very sick from his old army wounds for two or three weeks past. Poor fellow! It is a wonder he has held out so long. He would be happy to have his G.A.R. friends call. Val. H. LASHER, one of our brightest and best young men, is here on a visit to his relatives and friends. He has been in the employ of the Robbins Brick Co. for nearly a year and has made a good record. He will return South in a few days. J. Warren WOMELDORFF, of Charleston, West Va., was here a few days last week, visiting his relatives and many friends. We greatly regret that he failed to call at this office - or else we were not in. Miss Anna BURKET, so long afflicted with eczema that she was almost blind, has been restored to health and has recovered her eye-sight. - She now keeps a grocery and restaurant in Columbus, and we learn is doing well. Mr. Bert SAUNDERS and Miss Daisy SAUNDERS of Middleport, were visiting Wilbert McCONNELL and wife, in Gallipolis last week. Miss Ida HOPPES, of Middleport, is clerking in the store of D. GEYER, Jr., in Pomeroy. Mrs. D. C. STURM, of Wilkesville, (formerly Miss Emma CHRISTY, of Middleport,) is visiting the family of E. P. CARTWRIGHT and other relatives in Middleport this week. Little Nona GLOVER is again in very poor health. Dr. Dan RATHBURN is attending her. Mr. and Mrs. E.P. CARTWRIGHT are spending a few days at Huntington, visiting the family of J. C. CHRISTY. Mrs. Maggie McDERMITT, clerk for J. E. DOWLING, has been sick for several days past. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McKNIGHT paid a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Will. E. HAYMAN in Letart, West Virginia, last Friday, and remained over Sunday. Miss Mary MACK left for Cincinnati Tuesday to buy a large stock of summer millinery. Look out for their grand Easter display. W.P. BARROWS, of Athens county, is here visiting his brother, J.R. BARROWS. Mrs. J.J.L. McELHINNY, Mrs. James MURPHY and Miss Ida KENT made a pleasant visit to Gallipolis yesterday. Giles FORREST, of Kansas City, arrived here on a visit to Rutland relatives and friends last week. He will return to Kansas City Saturday of this week. Mrs. Eunice CRARY, of Hartford City, was visiting her son, L. U. CRARY, last Saturday. Mr. CRARY has nearly recovered from his attack of typhoid fever. Mrs. E. D. LEWIS, book-keeper for the T.H. DAVIS Meat and Ice Co., left for Jackson, Ohio, yesterday, to visit friends. Messrs. WITCHIN and DORAN, of Cincinnati, are superintending the erection of T. H. DAVIS' ice machine. They are experts in that line of work. The additional help is hired here. A large force of men began work on the machine Monday, and it will be pushed rapidly to completion. With the threatened invasion of cholera, the people of Pomeroy and Middleport are to be congratulated in having an Ice Factory here at home; for not only pure ice can be furnished by Mr. DAVIS, but pure distilled water as well. RUTLAND NEWS Frank MARTIN, who was taken to the asylum at Athens some weeks ago, was pronounced incurable by the attending physician; his health has been constantly failing, and if he is able he will be brought home this week. It is thought he can live but a short time. The wheat is looking very well in this section of the township, considering the poor start it got last fall, and the severe winter. James LEWIS and wife and W. W. STONE and family will start to-day for Huntington, West Va., where they expect to get employment. We see in the Telegraph the names of many prominent citizens of Pomeroy, asking for a trail of the Baber law. We are truly glad to know that the Republicans of old Meigs are becoming aroused to the injustice of the present convention system in county politics. We believe this a step in the right direction, and hope it may not stop until the whole machine, township, county, State, and National has been revolutionized. Mrs. Josie CAMPBELL is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. M. SNYDER, of Middleport, this week. The March lion came back Tuesday to inform us that he had not forgotten that a portion of the month belongs to him. We hope he is satisfied now and allow the lamb to enjoy the remainder of the time in peace. George WATTS, a colored boy of New Lima, is confined to the house with a very bad cold, with possible symptoms of fever. The cry for rough feed for stock is growing louder every day; and should the cold weather continue through March and April, there will be numbers of cattle and horses that will suffer before the grass will grow. E.E. STANSBURY is having his new house finished up in good style. Mr. Darius BLACK is doing the inside finishing wood work. G. A. MCCORMICK, our well known market gardener, planted potatoes Saturday, March 11th. It seems to be rather early for that kind of farm work, but we remember the proverb about the early bird, and Mack is most always on hand to get his share. The Woman's Missionary society of Beech Grove, will give a masquerade Easter supper at Henry STANSBURY'S Saturday evening, April 1st. Proceeds for religious purposes at Beech Grove. Prof. J. M. BLACK will furnish us with music. Supper served from eight o'clock until eleven; Price 24 cents a couple. Come one, come all. ============================================ FURTHER FROM RUTLAND Mrs. Ransom HYSELL is back from Portsmouth; she will start for Nelsonville today. Alex. FOX and daughter came up from Gallipolis last Friday. W.L. LONGSTRETH and wife are visiting here and at Dexter. The Y.P.S.C.E. met last Sunday at the Christian church at 2 o'clock; that is the regular appointment. Rutland is one of the leading towns in Meigs County. It has two dry goods stores, one drug store, one shoe store, two blacksmith shops, three doctors, six churches, one harness shop. While on our way from Sunday school last Sunday, we noticed a peach tree in John CHASE'S yard full of blossoms -- the first we have noticed this spring. Madgie, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. WILLIAMS, is suffering with a severe cold. John L. VANCE, Jr., of Gallipolis, a son of Col. VANCE, of the Bulletin, has passed a successful examination for admission to the practice of law, and is now an attorney, full fledged. Mr. VANCE is a talented young man and possesses many of the admirable traits of his father. His friends in Huntington are gratified at his advancement - Huntington Advertiser. The Republican Township Convention yesterday nominated: Trustee, Christopher IHLE, Treasurer - John McQUIGG, Township Committee - John BRADSHAW, L. H. LEE, John Stewart. ============================================ RESULT OF PRIMARY MEETINGS The Republican primary meetings held last Saturday evening resulted as follows: First Ward - Council, J. M COOPER; assessor, John SHORT; Delegates, W. M. HARTINGER, R. E. ANWYL, Ed CARTWRIGHT. Second Ward - Council, J. Finley MOORE, assessor J. R. BARROWS; delegates. L. O. COOPER, A. G. BEALL. C.F. BESSERER, Harvey BAKER. Third Ward - Council, O. P. SKINNER; assessor, W. W. BRYAN, delegates, S. F. BERRY, F. B. JONES, John STEWART, F. B. WILLIAMS. Fourth Ward - Council, William CARPENTER, Assessor, N. B. THOMPSON, delegates, W. V. WILLOCK, Milton HAMILTON; Robert BEESON. Fifth Ward - Council, Robert GARRETT, Assessor, D. G. ENTSMINGER, delegates, Peleg SWIFT, Dora MOORE. Middleport Precinct - Assessor, M. L. HOBBS, delegates, William CHAFFIN, Jos. P. RICE, George PIERCE. ============================================ CERTIFICATES TO TEACH The following parties received certificates to teach at the late examination held in Pomeroy: Allie Applegate, Racine Dora A. Farley, Salem Ella Sayre, Racine Maggie E. Smith, Syracuse Minnie Packard, Long Bottom Ola Hawley, Long Bottom Linnie Swan, Long Bottom A.M. Torrence, Long Bottom E.L. Wilson, Dyesville George Webb, Vale's Mills * Jesse Lowther, Jr., Point Pock Glenn Holter, Syracuse George H. Crow, Syracuse Isaac Castle, Hixon A.F. Swan, Long Bottom E.S. Rose, Bashan C.M. Wagner, Letart J.J. Roush, Bashan N.W. Wheeler, Jr., Portland W.V. Haunum, Long Bottom * Albert Edwards, Syracuse S.L. Dillinger, Kingsbury S.D. Webb, Point Rock *Received grade for 24 months, but lacked the required experience. There were 40 applicants in attendance. ============================================ Going! Going! Going!! The Behan Lots, on Rutland street, are going fast. All persons who contemplate buying any of these Lots had better not put it off too long or they may be disappointed in getting their choice. These are the cheapest lots ever offered for sale in Middleport, according to size, and location, and value. J.F. DOWNING, Agent. ============================================ CARLTON AND CHESHIRE Married - Horton RIFE and Miss Susie DARST, of Kyger, were united in marriage by Wm. TATE, Esq., March 12th, 1893. Miss Susie has been a member of our Sunday School class for two years past, and is good in the fullest sense of that great word. Hort is a worthy young man. May they walk life's pathway hand in hand, over the golden sands, with a silver sky spreading its protecting wing over them. John RICE and wife were pleasant visitors at the Farmer's Rest Sunday last. Come again. Herman DARST and C. W. GROVER are to have an old fashioned log rolling in the near future of about 12 acres, and your scribe is to be present to pick chunks, do the Secretary work and help eat. He can make a full hand at the latter. C. A. CARL has been down the river for a week past, looking after the coal interest of the company. When he returned; he brought a house full of spring goods. Things that we know: 1st, that our people have been more prosperous during the administration of Mr. HARRISON than ever before. 2d, That good public roads all over this country would add 50 per cent to the property value of all the real estate in her borders. 3d, That as the law gives the farmers a right to all the game on his lands, to the exclusion of everyone else, the law should compel him to provide the birds, rabbits, all kinds of game with food, such a winter as the one just passed, or allow the hunters to feed them and enjoy the sport; for they starved by hundreds. 4th, That Esquire J. B. has never published as not returning marriage certificates. He always ties the knot well and returns quick as the law directs. 5th, That Glen Bros. nursery stock, sold by J. BLACKBURN, is by far the best offered on the market. 6th, That the Meigs County Republican is the best and newsiest paper of its size in Southern Ohio. 7th, That our friends in the village, who told us the other day they did not believe the Bible, would give a small fortune to know their opinion to be true. 8th, That there is fun in the air. We attended the Republican township primary at the Jenkins school house Saturday last. The following persons were nominated: Trustee, Ruben REED; Treasurer, Frank BOICE; Constables, Geo. LEMLEY and Charles LITTLE; Justice of the Peace, Wm. TATE and Bart. SHULER; Assesor for the township, Wilbur BUTCHER; Township Central Committee, G. M. VANCE, F. HOGUE, and H.V. CARL. Capt. BLACKBURN'S Court has been doing a fair business the past week. Miss Emma SCOTT was visiting Miss Ressie BLACKBURN Sunday last. The good people have come nobly to the rescue of J. H. BLACKBURN, who lost his house and contents by fire. He has, through efforts of J. M. RICE and Wm. CARRFER who circulated a paper, received about $70 for which Mr. B. is thankful to all for their good favor in this time of need. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
The Meigs County Republican March 29, 1893
Don B. SMITH will be remembered by many of our older citizens. He left this vicinity for a home in Iowa many years ago, and now it takes five figures to count his wealth. He writes us March 15th, sending us a good healthy remittance, and says: We have had a very cold winter, but have had very little snow in this part of Iowa. Stock has wintered nicely. Times are fairly good, and everything that a farmer has to sell brings a fair price, horses excepted. With kind regards to all the relatives and friends, I will subscribe myself, yours truly, Don B. SMITH ============================================ Mrs. J. A. RUMSEY's Millinery Department is now all aglow with apple blossoms, flowers and the smartest trimmed Hats and Bonnets to be seen in the city. See her goods and prices before buying. You will save money. ============================================ Three Boys Drowned Marietta, Ohio, March 26, -- Early this morning George DOW, Harry DOW and Frank ATKINSON, ages respectively 24,15 and 20, started up the Ohio river to purchase some gunnels with which to make a boat. They had reached the head of the island and were attempting to go over the dam when the boat capsized and all were thrown into the water. The Dow boys were fine swimmers and kept above water for a quarter of a mile. They cried for help and assistance was within a few feet when they gave up. A large rescuing party was organized and a thorough search is being made, but up to evening none of bodies have been recovered. The Dow boys are the sons of Captain David DOW, night mailing clerk of Marietta postoffice. ============================================ Chas. McKNIGHT and wife, Sunday, March 26, 1893, a girl. John S. RUSSELL, son of Sanford RUSSELL, left Wednesday morning last for Lajunta, Colorado. Thomas AUTHERSON, Jr., is having a dwelling erected here at present. Daniel TEWKSBURY is doing the work. John CHAFFIN is still very stick. Alvin DODSON is still on the sick list. Thomas KING is doing good work with his coal mine lately, shipping from three to four cars daily to Charleston, W. Va., supplying railroad engines. ============================================ Both Legs Cut Off Edward Miller, brakeman at the Ohio River Railroad Yard, at Pt. Pleasant, had both his legs cut off above the knee while uncoupling the caboose from a freight train Saturday night. From what we can learn, it seems that Miller tried to uncouple the caboose while the train was running and met with the accident above mentioned. Miller was a young married man and died an hour after the accident. Gallipolis Journal Miss Mary MACK, of the Millinery firm of Mrs. B. MACK & Daughters, Middleport, has just arrived from Cincinnati with an elegant stock of Spring and Summer Millinery, such as was never before seen in these parts. Go see them. ============================================ Thomas TURNER, our former groceryman, came down from Charleston, West Va., the fore part of the week to buy butter and eggs for that market. Mrs. James STARK and little daughter arrived home from Dayton last evening, where they had been visiting Mr. James Stark for a week or so. Mrs. J. W. DUMBLE arrived home from Chicago last evening, where she has been to attend the graduation of her daughter, Miss Lizzie C. CHEATHAM, from Hahnemann Medical College. ============================================ Child Burned to Death A very bad accident occurred at the corner of lower Second and Mulberry Sts., Middleport, Ohio, March 15, 1893. Little Bennie MEEKS, the only son of Stephen and Mahala MEEKS, was burned to death, while his mother went after a lump of coal, by throwing a piece of paper on the fire; and when she came in, to her surprise, she found her darling boy on fire. Being all alone, she tried to extinguish the flames. A neighbor passing by ran in and drew his coat as he ran, and threw it around the child, which helped to extinguish the flames. The mother, in trying to put out the fire, burned her hands very badly. Dr. HARTINGER was called and the burned attended to, but all to no avail. That was the death messenger that was sent to take poor little Bennie out of the world. God had moved in a mysterious way. He has taken him home to rest. He died March 17, 1893, between 2 and e o;clock. Poor little Bennie only lived about 48 hours after being burned, till God released him from his pain. (This is a rather long article and the rest does not give any additional information on the family. If anyone researching the MEEKS surname would like the complete article please contact me) ============================================ A Middleport Boy Prospering Many of our citizens will remember M. A. CASTOE, a young man who worked at the boiler works about here several years ago. He was industrious, pushing and energetic. He married a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas TURNBULL. Some few years ago he went to Old Virginia to superintend the construction of two or three blast furnaces. He was successful in this, and finally located in Birmingham, Alabama, where he has become one or of the two proprietors of the Elmore Iron Works. The Birmingham Age Herald of March 11th has this notice of Mr. CASTOE: The proprietors of the concern as organized in Birmingham are Mr. E. L. MOORE and Mr. M. A. CASTOE. Mr. CASTOE came to Birmingham over a year ago from Ohio. He had previously been in the employ of the MOORES for eight years and he was so well pleased with the outlook in Birmingham that he persuaded his old associates to join him in a removal of the Elmore Iron Works from Grand Rivers to Birmingham. Mr. MOORE himself remained at the other end of the line, where he is in charge of two blast furnaces and an extra iron enterprise. Mr. CASTOE has the exclusive management of the business here. (This article continues but only tells about the iron works and how the plant is run. Anyone researching the MOORES or CASTOES and want the complete article please contact me) LOCAL SIFTING Did you see that fine new wagon go down street Monday: It was made by Jos FAEHNIE & SONS, expressly for the Wildermuth Brewery, Pomeroy. No factory, in Chillicothe or elsewhere, can turn out a better job. It is seldom a better wagon can be seen anywhere. Next Sunday comes Easter. Last week we had a regular nor'easter. They are not related to each other. Hon. N. R. HYSELL, a Meigs county man, ex Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives, is a resident of Oklahoma, and is now spoken of as its Governor. But a few years ago he was plain Nial Hysell, mining coal in Perry county. But he was ambitious, and when an Ohio man has ambition, he generally lands on the top rounds. There is some talk that the Kanawha and Michigan shop will be removed from Corning, Ohio, and from Charleston to this place, and that Point Pleasant will be made a division. It hardly seems possible that we have spent three months of 1893, yet such is the fact. - Time flies - we cannot recall it, and we greatly err if we do not daily better our conditions. All indications point to the appointment of Donald McDONALD as Postmaster of Pomeroy. Charles CRARY is in the lead for the Middleport office. Mrs. Lura NOBLES is about to go into the millinery business again on Second street. She is now in the city buying the goods. Mr. Everett E. BERRY, son of Mr. and Mrs. David BERRY, of Addison, and Miss Lou BEALL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BEALL, of this city, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, at the home of the bride's parents, by Rev. R. Buell LOVE, last Wednesday morning, at half past nine o'clock. The wedding was of a quiet nature, only immediate relatives and friends of the contracting parties being present. The bride is a sister of Mr. A. G. BEALL, of Middleport. - Gallipolis Bulletin. Pap FRANK and Joe SILVERMAN went to Middleport yesterday to paint the town. We don't know how they came out. Gallipolis Bulletin. They found the town in a beautiful, healthy color, and took the paint pots back to Gallipolis. Mr. Henry RESENER, of Cheshire, was in Middleport last Thursday. He informed us that he and his father had fully given up the idea of rebuilding the flour mill recently burned in that village. This will induce Cheshire and Kyger farmers to come to Middleport for their grists. By the way, there is nothing in Middleport that brings as much trade here as our big flour mill. J.W. WELLS is laying a nice vitrified brick pavement around his new store building. That will be a nice corner by and by. Frank WHITE has the job. Prof. LEWIS' Orchestra furnished the music for the school entertainment, free of charge. It was splendid music, too. For this the managers of the affair feel truly thankful. Mr. Jos. FAEHNIE and son Albert were in Columbus, Cincinnati and elsewhere last week, laying in stock for the big wagon shop and blacksmith shop of Jos. FAEHNIE & Sons. Mrs. Cal. LEDLIE was a candidate for postmisstress at Cheshire, but the Democratic executive committee ignored her claim, and gave the office to Thomas B. THOMPSON. You see Mrs. LEDLIE has no vote. The old George MARTIN house, now owned by Lemuel POWELL, is, under the skillful hand of Will ARMITAGE and his corps of artists, assuming youth graces. It looks as pretty as a maiden in her new Easter bonnet. Mrs. Samuel J. RUSSELL had the misfortune one day last week to step on a nail, point up, which penetrated through the shoe, into the foot, producing an ugly wound. The foot is very much swollen, and sore. In addition, Mrs. Russell has taken the grip and is quite sick. The Syracuse (Kansas) Bulletin has this to say of a couple of former citizens of Middleport; --"Swallow & Co. are doing a rushing business selling groceries. H. H. SWALLOW the senior member of the firm was a long time a prominent business man of Clifton, West Va., manufacturing nails. He and his son Clint. came here several years ago, and have ever since been closely identified with the country. The elder Swallow is known for his integrity and honesty, and Clint. is much like his father in this respect. They are a good, reliable firm, and have made many friends while in business here." Now that the road between here and Syracuse is drying up a little, the euphonic sound of Will. BARTEL'S toot horn is heard both morning and afternoon. It is a welcome sound to our merchants, as well as to the traveling public. In the noted historical contest given by Dr. and Mrs. HAMLIN last week, Judge Samuel BRADBURY carried off the palms of victory in two instances. No wonder. The Judge's long and thorough study of said history makes him an adept, and it is useless for the ordinary student to try to down him. Mr. W. M. SWALLOW hands us a reminder of the good Democratic times "befr' the wah." It is a well executed dime shinplaster, or scrip, issued by the Clifton Nail works, and calls for that amount of "merchandise at our store." The precious document was issued by D. S. STEVENSON and S. A. LASLEY. When a man thinks the world is growing better, you may be sure he is trying to grow better himself. Cincinnati Tribune. William ALLENSWORTH is limping about with a very badly mashed foot. It was injured at the Steel Plant. Spring election next Monday. Now, let us see how many democrats will slip into little offices in this strong Republican town. Street Commissioner WILLOCK is putting a nice brick crossing on Mill street, from the corner of Third street to McElhinny's and Stansbury's stores. Now, if he will only have Second and Mill streets scraped, and the dirt hauled away, all will be forgiven. Hurry up, please. Next Sabbath morning at the Presbyterian church, baptism of children and reception of new members, in connection with the observance of the April communion. In the evening, the choir will give an Easter Praise Service. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Joseph WYATT, son of Mr. John WYATT, died at their home in the lower part of town, on Thursday afternoon, March 23, 1893, after an illness of six weeks from spinal trouble and nervous prostration. His age was 20 years, 6 months, and 1 day. Funeral Saturday afternoon, conducted by Rev. S. J. WEED. Mr. L. C. TALBOTT tells us he has bought a fine jump seat surrey for family use. When asked where he got it, he replied, from Wells & Son, of course. Mr. TALBOTT is looking for a fine roadster from Northern Ohio. Now, if J. W. would send his 'team" to the fertilizing house and get a good team, for his new wagon, he might keep up with the procession. A sermon appropriate to Easter will be preached at the M. E. Church on next Sunday morning, and in the evening a delifhtful song service will be rendered. J. W. WELLS & Son will receive between now and the 15th of April, a car load of buggies and express wagons from one firm -- twenty-seven in number. Also, they have ordered road wagons and carts from Michigan; surreys and phaetons from Troy, Ohio. Mr. E. C. FOX has purchased the fine pony phaeton now on exhibition in Well's show window. That spirited Kansas pony in front of said phaeton will show off well. S. M. Hysell, the hardware man, is agent for a cute little device for kindling fires without the use of kindling wood. It is a sliding tin arragement, which being dipped into coal ashes, retains a small vessel full of the fine ashes. This, being saturated with coal oil, is placed under the grate of coal, ignited, and soon you have a blazing fire. It is handy and will come into general use. There will Easter services at the Free Baptist church next Sabbath, morning and evening. -- The theme of the morning sermon will be, "The Resurrection of the Body. What we shall gain by it?" In the evening there will be a song service, with a talk by the pastor on "Easter, historic, and lessons to be learned from it." Samuel HOBBS exhibited at this office an egg that weighed 3 1/2 ounces -- the product of one of his hens. Col. T. D. SCOTT's three new brick buildings in the lower part of town are about complete, and add much to the appearance of matters in that locality. One is now occupied by a family; another will be this week; and the third is being fitted up for a drugstore. P. F. ZEISE has the finest lot of thorough-bred Langshan chickens every brought to Meigs county. He received a lot of six last week, by express, from Illinois, they are beauties, and cost a pile of money. Jacob FISHER, of Coalport, delights in fine dogs. At present he is the owner of two well trained bird dogs, one rabbit hound, and a bird pup, which he is training, and promises to be of great value. As Jake pays the tax on his animals, he has the right to keep them and enjoy them. E. ASHLEY, an employee at the Rolling Mill, had a foot horribly mashed Tuesday forenoon, by a car wheel passing over it. He was loading a car, when another car was backed up against the one he was working at, giving it a sudden start; catching his foot under the wheel. The injured man was brought up to Dr. HARTINGER'S office, where the wound was attended to. John SCHREINER has severed his connection with J. E. HALLIDAY & Co. and has accepted a situation with E. E. SMITH at Wellston. He will enter upon his duties at Wellston about April 18th. Parties in Middleport contemplate organizing a Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. From the looks of some of the bus and coal cart horses, such a Society would have plenty to do. Let it be organized at once. PERSONAL MENTION John GLOVER left for Cincinnati Saturday, where he will purchase an outfit for a blacksmith shop. Mrs. Gertrude LEDLIE, a charming young lady from Cheshire, was visiting Mrs. James H. JOHNSON and other Middleport friends a day or two last week. Miss Gertrude will attend Rio Grande College the coming year. Miss Gertrude TALBOTT gave a birthday party to a number of her young lady friends on Tuesday evening, 21st inst. Stewart Ed. THOMPSON left for Pittsburg Monday morning, where a situation awaits him. Mrs. J. J. L. McELHINNY, on Monday last, went out to her father's, Mr. John KARR, to spend the day. Mr. and Mrs. Dana PRAIL and two children, of Pomeroy, spent two or three days recently with the family of Mr. V. R. FRIZZELL, his brother-in-law, in Middleport. Edward BOWEN, clerk on the steamer Scotia, has accepted the position of book-keeper in a large iron works in Covington, Ky., and will remove his family to that city this week. J. C. McMASTER, of Middleport, will superintend the putting up of the electric light poles and wires for Gallipolis. Mrs. Dan. ARMEL, of Cheshire was visiting Middleport friends a day or two last week. Robbie McCOY, of Langsville, aged 17 years, died of consumption on Tuesday of last week. He recently made a trip to Florida, but, finding no relief, returned home on Thursday preceding his death. The Misses Maud and Fay McHAFFIE, and Stella WARD, of Langsville, were visiting the families of David CHASE and Dr. MILLER, Friday and Saturday. They also attended the rehetorical exercises. Miss Clara OWINGS spent Saturday last with Clifton friends, and had a very pleasant visit. Miss Blance MACE, went to Cincinnati Monday, where we learn she has secured a situation, and will remain during the summer. Mrs. Dr. C. O. PROBST and son Carl came down from Columbus on Saturday last to visit relatives. They returned to Columbus Tuesday. Mrs. M. A. WYATT, of Ironton, will visit Mrs. J. Finley MOORE this week. Fred. SCHREINER, of Stansbury's drug store, went to Pittsburg Tuesday. He will come down the river in a skiff, taking his time, and advertising Old Dr. Bonen's Golden Remedies as he comes. It is a good medicine, and W. E. STANSBURY is bound to advertise it. We are sorry to learn that Thos. H. KING of the Precinct is in very poor health. He is suffering from hemorrhage of the bowels. Mr. Lemuel POWELL and family will move into their new house on Front street, next week, and will be hereafter found on the ground floor as it were. Squire ASHWORTH, of the Pomeroy, Hardware Co., was down early Monday morning, on his little red bicycle, making business calls. Dr. A. M. Pierce, of Pennsylvania, is visiting his relative, Mr. J. J. L. McELHINNY. The Dr. is a pleasant gentleman to meet. A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel HOBBS has been very sick for five weeks past with pneumonia. It is improving at present. Our old friend, Thomas WRIGHT, of Rutland township, came to town last week, spent two or three days with his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. PEYTON, plowed their garden, and made himself generally useful, as he always does. Uncle Tom does not come to town often since he was so outrageously swindled by that blatant English free-trader last summer. But he still maintains that the "Englishman was the smartest man he ever saw, at the same time he was a great rascal." Miss Marry MACK arrive home from Cincinnati with an elegant stock of Easter millinery. Mrs. J. A. RUMSEY has arrived home with the largest and choicest stock of millinery fixins imaginable. See ad. William BURRELL, of Middleport, was called to Nelsonville yesterday morning by a telegram announcing the serious illness of his sister. Mr. Wm. DONALDSON, of Racine, was visiting Middleport friends on Sunday last. A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. SPOONER is very sick with lung fever. Mr. Andrew DONNALLY, the bearded manipulator of furniture, has placed his office under obligations for favors which could be found nowhere else in town. Andrew's heart is in the right place. RUTLAND ITEMS The Beech Grove school, taught by J. C. ANDERSON, closed last Friday with a public entertainment by the scholars. It was agreed by all present that the children acquitted themselves with credit, especially James STANSBURY and Emerson HUMPHREY, who closed the exercises with a dialogue, which brought down the house. Lafayette GILES, who has been calling on relatives and old friends for the past three weeks, started Saturday for Elgin, Illinois, where for several years, he has been employed in an asylum. Lafe. is a Rutland boy, and we are glad to know he is doing well. Josephus BELLOWS, who has been in Dakota for a number of years, is visiting his parents, and shaking hands with old friends. Frank MARTIN, whose illness was mentioned last week died Sunday, March 19. The New Lima school, taught by W. E. MUSSER, closed Friday with a good old fashioned exhibition in the evening. It was a lovely night, and the people, young and old, came from miles around. Every inch of available space inside the house was occupied; and still others came who could not be accommodate. The little folks deserve much praise for the manner in which they rendered their parts. A house on G. C. MUSSER'S farm occupied by Charles HARRIS, caught fire Friday afternoon, but the fire was discovered in time to save it, and but slight damage was done. Clark WILLIAMS and son Raymond of Middleport, spent Sunday with his parents below the village. Rutland thinks we will have a new doctor in the near future. The seats for the new Christian church were received last Friday; they will be put up this week. E. STEVENS purchased a fine cow and calf of Allen BRALEY last week. Price $35. Next Sunday is Easter. Wonder how many eggs the boys will have hid away. No, don't know where you can get any pigs. Our village school will be out next Friday. Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker
The Democrat (Pomeroy, OH) March 30, 1893
LETTER FROM NEBRASKA Wolbach, Nebraska, March 21 Ed. Democrat, Pomeroy, O. If you will give me space through the columns of your valuable paper, I will endeavor to tell your readers something about the Meigs Co. people in Nebraska. At St. Paul you will find quite a number of Meigs Co., men; among them are W. J. PAUL, a banker. Mr. PAUL'S barn burned to the ground last Monday night, burning eight head of horses and mules, one cow and calf and 4,000 bushels of grain. Waldo LITTLE, formerly of Alberta, owns a fine farm on the Loup River, and is one of the pioneers of Howard County. Geo. McMILLIN owns a No. one farm adjoining Mr. LITTLE'S, Mr. McMILLIN had built a fine barn in the last year and by good farming has accumulated a nice little estate. Prof. HAYWARD, formerly of Pomeroy and at present principal of St. Paul High school, has an excellent reputation as an instructor and by his services has gained for it the good name it now has. Noah BAXTER owns a quarter section of good land just one mile south of St. Paul and is engaged in the nursery business. Jonathan PEDEN lives six miles north of town. Mr. PEDEN is engaged in raising small fruit and has by careful attention as good prospects for small fruit as any one in the county. David ALYSHIRE owns a half section just north of town. Mr. ALYSHIRE has a fine orchard and good buildings on his land which makes it a desirable home. Emerson McMILLIN is teaching school at Cushing, Nebraska. Emerson came from Meigs Co. to Kansas and after living three years came to Nebraska last year. He is well pleased with Nebraska and thinks it is far superior to Kansas. A Mr. CALDWELL of Letart, Ohio, cousin to Prof. HAYWARD is visiting with the latter at present. The farmers of Howard and Greeley Counties as a rule are prospering and land is rising in price. Improved farms are renting for from three to three and a half dollars per acre. Hoping this letter will not fall victim to the waste basket I will close by sending best wishes to all my old friends. Yours Respectfully, C. S. LYLE
The Meigs County Republican April 05, 1893
Rutland News Editor Republican: R. H. RAWLING is having his house painted and prepared: Harley DARY, of Hanesville, is doing the work. E.K. TAYLOR is pushing the work on his new house; he has it inclosed, and is now finishing the inside; it will be nice when completed. The slate of the roof is so arranged as to show his name quite plainly. Note says he don't want people going along the road asking "who lives here?" The spirit of improvement is still rife in the village. Mrs. Viola STEVENS has purchased a lot of Wm FOLEN, and will build a house in the near future. Born, to John HOLT and wife, of New Lima, March 28, 1893, a girl. The mother and child are doing well and John thinks it is the nicest baby in town. The pleasant weather of the past week seems to give a sort of an inspiration to the farmers. Everyone is plowing and making garden. This seems to be clearing year with Rutland farmers. I believe there have been more old briar and brush fields reclaimed by mattock, ax and seythe, this spring, than for many years past. Farmers are becoming awakened to the fact that briars and brush are but little profit and very unsightly. Let the good work go on. The Rutland school, taught by A. D. MCCORMICK and Miss Emma TOWNSEND, closed Friday. As far as known, they have given general satisfaction. Prof. J.M. BLACK closed a very successful term in vocal music Friday night, with a free concert. The house was filled to its full capacity by a very attentive and appreciative audience. James MOULDEN was burning brush one day last week, on W. G. HUMPHREY'S farm. There being a very strong wind, the fire became unmanageable, and spread over surrounding country, burning fences and doing other damage. Fire is a necessary evil, be careful how you handle it in the woods. The whooping cough is having quite a run through this section of the country, many who supposed they had passed through the disagreeable experience years ago have had it again this winter. Mrs. Jud. WHITE, Charley and Maggie BROWN, and Miss Lizzie SWAN, of Middleport, were calling on Rutland friends last week. F.E. BOLTON, of Pomeroy, spent Saturday and Sunday with his mother, and attended the Easter masquerade supper Saturday night. The supper was a success in every respect; but oh the way the eggs did disappear was enough to discourage any hen of ordinary energy. There were religious services at the Beech Grove school house Easter, conducted by Rev. Mr. BOLTON ============================================ Go to BIGGS, Pomeroy, Ohio for Hardwares, Sash, Doors, Paints, and H--- and Shingles. For Carpets, Matti---, Rugs, Oil Cloths, Lace Curtains, and Wall Paper go to J. C. MCELHINNY'S NEW! NEW! NEW! MILLINERY STORE I will now invite all of my customers to call. Am ready to fit them with springs Hats and Bonnets in all shapes and colors. Everybody come and get first choice. On 2d street, 1st door above book store. Yours kindly, Mrs. Lura NOBLES. SEEDS! The celebrated Freeman Potatoe for seed; also early Ohio Beauty of Hebron, white and yellow onion sets, and sweet potatoes, at N. BARNES. Being largely engaged in the manufacture of Coffins and Caskets, we have made a heavy reduction in prices, making 25 per cent in all funeral goods. We furnish a six foot coffin, well trimmed, for $10. Will pay all railroad freight to your station. BRIGGS & RAPPOLD, Pomeroy, Ohio. BRIGGS & RAPPOLD, Undertakers, Pomeroy, will receive on April 1st, a new $800 hearse, making four fine hearses in their possession. They will then be prepared to attend funerals at lower rates than any undertakers in the county. Silver Run News Mr. Clarence P. KENT, son of Judge H.A. Kent, and Miss Ida PRIODE, daughter of John PRIODE, were married Sunday, April 2d, 1893, by Rev. H. E. BRILL, at the residence of the bride's parents, in the presence of their relatives and a few invited guests. John PRIODE made a business trip to the west end of the county last week. A Miss ALLINDER, of Roush Knob, West Va, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. L.D. AMOS. LOCAL SIFTINGS Newt. PARRISH has quit the Middleport and Clifton Ferry-boat, his lease of the same for a year having expired. May ROUP now runs the ferry, and will be found accommodating and obliging. Fresh strawberries, at $3.00 a gallon, were served to the guests, at the Middleport Commercial Hotel, Sunday. So sad, but we did not taste them. No maple sugar was brought to town this spring, and people with a sweet tooth were disappointed. Some maple syrup was brought in, and we were placed under obligations to our good friend, Mr. John B. BRADFORD, for a gallon of the best. It surely was a grand treat. Wharfmaster Charles CORBEN has fully determined to have a new wharfboat built. He is completing his arrangement now. We are indebted to Mrs. F.M. HERITAGE for a copy of the Chicago Inter-Ocean - a paper of sixty pages! Like everything from Chicago, it is too immense for any use. The paper was issued in honor of its twenty-first birth. Joseph SHWARZWALDER, who kept a boot and shoe repair shop in the rear of the Bank building about five years ago, has reopened a similar shop on coal street, in the T.H. DAVIS block. Judge Samuel BRADBURY has had a beautiful verandah erected in front of his residence on Second Street. William MOONEY did the work. Go to P.F. ZEISE if you want a setting of the finest eggs in Meigs county. See his ad. Mr. HULBERT, or Photographer, has taken an excellent view of our Central school building. It is a large, double cabinet size, and should be in every Middleport home. A party of young musicians serenaded the editor last Wednesday night, for which thanks. R.L. STEWART is having a nice verandah built in front of his residence, corner of Third and Short streets. Dr. Ed. DAVIS is having a new brick pavement put down on the Short street side of his residence. John B. LINDSEY left Monday for Columbus, where he has a contract for the removal of a large pile of dirt on a railroad between that city and Richwood, Union county - He took five men and five teams with him. The job will last three months or more. Street Commissioner WILOCK, with a man and four good horses to help, started in Monday to scrape Second street, between Rutland and Mill. He commenced rather late, but is doing a good job, and the removal of the dirt will prevent lots of dust the coming summer. Rev. Joseph CLARK will preach at the Methodist Church, in Middleport, on next Saturday evening, and will also preach twice, at the regular hours, on Sabbath. Mr. CLARK will be here to fill the Presiding Elder's place at the third quarterly meeting and will interest and help all who hear him. John GLOVER has opened a blacksmith shop, near the Rolling Mill, where he is prepared to do work of every kind in that line. - Give him a call. Attend the Cantata at the Christian Church to-morrow evening. Since the roads are getting good, L. SHIFLET and Son keep a team busy delivering Piano, Organs and Sewing Machines. They lead the trade in these articles. Postoffice Block, Middleport, Ohio. Ed. LARK has had a nice new pavement put down in front of his two stores on Second street. Ed. is bound to keep up with the times. Mrs. Rachael SAUNDERS, aged 63 years, died at her home in Hartford city, West Va., March 31st, 1893, after a quite sick spell. The funeral was held on Sunday, Rev. Mr. DAVIS, of Pomeroy, preaching the sermon. She leaves three daughters and a son to mourn for her. Several friends from Middleport attended the funeral. The remains were buried in Beech Grove Cemetery. A wreck occurred on the Hocking Valley Railroad, one mile north of Carey, recently. The rails spread under the heavily loaded through freight, and fourteen cars were piled up and ditched. One of the trainmen, James MCARDLE, living at Columbus, was instantly killed. A hanging lamp fell from its fastenings in J.W. WELLS & Son's furniture store, about 9 o'clock last Saturday night, and for a time created quite an excitement. The lamp was broken, the oil spread, and became ignited, threatening a big fire. R.F. WELLS had presence of mind enough to throw a couple of rugs over the burning oil and smothered the flames, or the fine building might have been in ruins. H.R. BRADBURY'S little boy George, four or five years old, got run over by a thresher near Mullineux's planing mill this morning and is pretty badly skinned up and bruised in consequence. He was attempting to get a ride and slipped off the pole and the thresher ran up on him, and attempting to get from under it by crawling between the wheels, was caught by the hind wheel, which passed partially over his back. Dr. JOHNSTON attends him and says there were no bones broken nor no internal injuries and that he will get along. - Gallipolis Journal W.O. SILVERY has sold out his jewelry store to a Cincinnati gentleman and will devote his time hereafter exclusively to his patent right business. Mill street is again being torn up in order to drain cellars. Somebody ought to be indicted for gross carelessness in the matter. Missionary Tea at the home of Mrs. T. B. LAWSON, on 3d street, on Thursday afternoon. Hours 6 to 7. Admission and refreshments only 10 cents. Rev. D. L. CHAPIN fills his monthly appointment at Cheshire next Sabbath morning. There will be usual services in Middleport in the evening. Theme, "The Voices of Spring." A most cordial invitation is extended to all. A surprise party was sprung on Mr. Arthur FOX, of the Middleport National Bank, on Monday evening, the occasion of this 21st birthday. There were about thirty young people present. The event was a total surprise to the young man, who was sent out with his mother riding while preparations were being made. The evening was spent in music, songs, conversation, and a rich repast. It was a pleasant time to all who were present, and will long be remembered by the participants. Mrs. Ann E. JONES, an elderly lady, died last January at the residence of Mr. T. I. WILLIAMS, in Middleport. Her remains were interred temporarily in the Hill Cemetery. -- Yesterday the remains were taken up and removed to Ebenezer Church in Jackson county, and buried by the side of her first husband and two children. Undertaker J. G. STEWART superintended the removal. MIDDLEPORT PUBLIC SCHOOLS -- ROLL OF HONOR FOR MARCH HIGH SCHOOL Helen MILLS Mabel HODGE Corinne BRUNKER Blanche ALLEN Jessie HALE Clara HUBER Isabel HYSELL Ed. S. GRANT Fred. M. DUMBLE Virginia BEACH Laura DUMBLE W. C. HARTINGER Myrtis HERRINGTON JUNIOR CLASS M. D. HARTINGER SOPHOMORE CLASS Susie TAYLOR Pauline DOWNING Florence CHAPIN Helen GRANT Lulu WHITE Jetta NOBLES Vira JONES Leo WERTHEIMER Etehel CHASE Bearl BEALL FRESHMAN CLASS Edith HORDEN Ernest LAWSON Harry BARNES Oscar SKINNER Edward GIBONEY Jerrel WILLOCK Fred. G. DAVIS W. P. STEWART, PRINCIPAL GRAMMAR, INTERMEDIATE, AND PRIMATRY GRADES No. 9 - Clare GRAHAM, Earle DOWNING, Ira NICHOLS, Irene SPRINGSTON, Hettie BEHAN, Laura POWELL, Edith WINKLER, Verna ROOT, Gertrude TALBOTT, Joe ELLIS. Alice SHOTT, TEACHER. No. 8 - Carl HOFFMAN, Thomas RUSSELL, Peter CURTIS, Fred. RADFORD, Helen BRUNKER, Bertha GRANT, Frank MAGEE, Nellie CALDERWOOD, Maud HAYES, Henry SWIFT. A. E. PARKER, TEACHER. No. 7 - Eva DAVIS, Mary BEACH, Willie HANLIN, Vinnie PICKENS, Myrtie CALDERWOOD, Anna Byer, Nellie O'LEARY, Grace RATHBURN, Edith GRAYSON, Walter REED. Lillie HUBER, TEACHER. No. 6. - Leafy HYSELL, Ethel PING, Ross POWELL, Ruth GRANT, John O'LEARY, Norma GRANT, Sybil COOPER, Harry BOWMAN, Herbert MCCRACKEN, Clarence HAWKINS. Katherine LAUGHEAD, TEACHER. No. 5 - Neils PETERSEN, Bessi EISELE, Berna FAEHNLE, Bertha ALLIS, James FRIZZELL, Mabel WELLS, Mamie SCHREINER, Blanche KARR, Eddie MOORE, Katie BYER. Belle MILLS, TEACHER. No. 4 - Ella KNOPP, Virgie KIREKEDALL, Essie HENSON, Jimmie COWIE, Ethel ZEISE, Myrtie MEEKS, Edith DENSMORE, Edna MOLDEN, Laurine PARRISH, Albert Bailey. Sallie HODGE, TEACHER. No. 3 - Cara JONES, Hattie CHASE, Charley HENNESY, Carl COLLINS, Emma MARIHUGH, Loreno SCHREINER, Alma MCMASTER, Asa RARDON, Park CALDERWOOD, Thomas JONES. Tillie BARNES, TEACHER. No. 2 - Cora CORNWELL, Frank GILES, Ben POWELL, Robbie DAWSON, Leo WILLIAMS, Wilma MCLEAN, Myrtie LONG, Genivieve RUSSELL, Ina SNYDER, Nina ATKINSON. Emma ROWLEY, TEACHER. No. 2 - (Extra) - Lenora GILES, Clara BRALEY, Emma HOPPES, Robbie BARRINGER, Edith McMASTER, Willie JONES, Clara COVERT, Bessie MARTIN, Willie ENGLER, Ben MANKIN. Lettie A. JONES, TEACHER. No. 1 -- Clara CRARY, Harry MOORE, Willie LONG, Mabel MARIHUGH, Norma LEWIS, Mary DENSMORE, Hattie CHEATHAM, Neva HINDS, Mary ROOT, Lizzie PETTITT. Ida B. VANDUYN, TEACHER. No. 3, 3rd Ward - Florence MORRIS, Viola BATES, Sam GRAHAM, Katie MORRIS, Virgie WARREN, Wilda BARNETT, Lydia WALKER, Celia SUTTON, Clarence DICKSON, Glennie KELLEY. F. B. JONES, TEACHER. No. 2, 3rd Ward - Daniel LEWIS, Katie NASH, Charley DORSEY, Rutha MOSS, Arvena GRAHAM, Thomas ROBINSON, Willie ANDERSON, Villie CARTER, Jennetta HARRIS, Mattie WILSON. Kate CURREY, TEACHER. No. 1, 3d Ward - Harry STEWART, George COLEMAN, Clarence STEWART, Vint NUBY, Bertha SIDNEY, Ruby WATTS, Hugh BESS, Artist TOPSY, Art ROBINSON, Elza WILLIAMS. Mamie MORRIS JONES, TEACHER. 5th Ward - Maggie BRUMLEY, Elmer HOLMES, Ella MANLEY, Havelock GARRETT, May HAGERMAN, Oscar SANBORN, Bessie SMITH, Oney CALL, James ALLEN, Lucy COLLINS. Pearle GRAHAM, TEACHER. No. 6 and No. 2 in the main building were granted the quarter holiday for observing good order in ranks and on the stairs. S. P. HUMPHREY, Superintendent PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. Sol. H. WERTHEMIER will entertain her lady friends on Thursday afternoon with a few lessons in the new history which is now the fad. Mrs. J. B. DOWNING entertained a party of lady friends at her residence yesterday afternoon. It was a progressive history party. Mrs. SHOEMAKER, sick for sometime past with typhoid fever, is recovering. Dr. HANLIN is the attending physician. John F. DOWNING made a business trip to Gallipolis last Wednesday. Mrs. William SYMMES and her niece, Miss Lida LUCAS, both of Cheshire, were calling on Middleport friends last Wednesday. Mr. A. L. WALKER, one of the heaviest of Cheshire's produce dealers, was in Middleport on Thursday last. Mr. L. GASTON, Superintendent of the Gallia County Children's Home, we regret to hear is very sick. Dr. Johnston is attending him. Mrs. D. A. GUTHRIE gave a tea party to her lady friends one evening last week. Mr. John C. MCELHINNY will this week go to Connersville, Indiana, to visit his son David and family. He will come home via Cincinnati; where he will purchase a stock of spring goods. G. W. BROWN, Esq., of Cheshire, was in town Wednesday. His wife has been quite ill with the grip all winter. Dr. HARTINGER, of Middleport, has been in attendance upon her, and she is now mending. Gen. ENOCHS has been quite sick every since his return from Washington, but he is now out again. Mrs. ENOCHS is seriously ill. - Ironton Register. Peter SHUTT, of Middleport Steel Plant, is here being treated for deafness by Aicorn & Sanns. Gallipolis Journal. Miss Della McMASTER, employed as type-writer and stenographer in Columbus, is visiting her home folks in Middleport. Homer COOK, employed at Ashland, KY., came up last week to visit his Meigs county friends. Fred. CARMAN, son of Amos CARMAN, drove in from Nelsonville on Friday last to see his Middleport friends. Mrs. WARD, of Jackson, Ohio arrived here on Thursday last, to visit her sick sister, Mrs. SHOEMAKER. Miss Kate E. RAPPOLD, of Huntington, West Va., is visiting the family of Mr. Oscar MARIHUGH, in Middleport. Mrs. Jas H. RALSTON and daughter Minnie came in from Canton, Ohio, last Thursday evening. And now Jimmy is at his former home. Rev. John McKENDREE, of Marion, Lawrence county, is spending a week or so with his family in Middleport. L. M. LUCHS was in town again last week for a day or two. He has fully recovered his health. His home is now in Bellaire, Ohio. Will T. HAYMAN, wife and baby, of Letart, W. Va., were here Sunday, visiting the family of Joseph McKNIGHT. From here Mr. HAYMAN went to Cincinnati after goods. Ed. HULBERT came up from Gallipolis Saturday evening to visit his parents. Miss Mary HENSON, of Parkersburg, is visiting her Middleport friends. Dr. J. N. TITUS, of Chester, was in town one day last week calling on his brother-in-law, Dr. MILLER, and buying drugs of the Stansbury Drug Co., and not for the purpose of circulating post office petitions, as quoted by the ever reliable Hearld. Only a mistake of Esta. Dr. W. V. LASHER went to Huntington Monday afternoon. There he will meet his son, Val. H. LASHER, and together they will visit Washington City on post office business. Rev. and Mrs. R. B. WHITE, by special invitation, will to-day visit friends in Alexandria, Licking county, where they formerly resided. They will remain there over Sunday, and Rev. Mr. CLARK, of Racine, will occupy Mr. WHITE'S pulpit here. Misses Mary and Sarah MICHAEL, of Columbus, came home to spend Easter with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John MICHAEL. Mrs. FOX, mother of Mr. E. C. FOX, of the Middleport National Bank, is here on a visit to her son. Her home is in Fostoria, Ohio. Mr. D. S. STEPHENSON is now located with J. G. SPIRA, the proprietor of the Excelsior Clothing House, in Wellston. Dave has a great many friends in this vicinity who will be glad to here he has a good sit. William SKINNER, of Rutland township, is a great sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism; unable to move, except as to his arms. He was formerly with Ed. COOK, in Middleport. Mrs. Mary LINDSEY, of Straitsville, is here on a visit to her brother, William PARK. Mrs. W. H. WOODWARD, left Tuesday morning for Cincinnati. Mrs. Della WEBB EARNSHAW, of Columbus, is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. WEBB. Mrs. W. E. STANSBURY, of Mason City, was here on Saturday last, visiting her children. Miss Hattie McKAY, of Great Bend was visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. WELLS, below town, several days last week. S. Bradbury HANLIN, who has been attending school in Philadelphia for several months past, arrived home on Monday evening last. His sister, Miss Clara, who is attending school in the same city, will not be home for several months yet. Mrs. Fannie MARTIN, and the family of Sam. CARVEY, are visiting Mrs. W. C. RUSSELL, at Carlton. Mr. Wm. NAPPER, of Pittsburg, was called home on account of the serious illness of his mother, Mrs. Joseph WARREN. Mrs. Sophia HAMILTON is very sick with heart trouble. Mrs. James KINDLE was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Burrell. Mrs. William HOOVER is visiting friends at Gallipolis. Miss Minnie BYRNE, of West Columbia, is the guest of Miss Edith WINKLER. Mrs. Louisa, THOMPSON, of Point Pleasant, is here visiting her sons, William and N. B. THOMPSON. John A. REED is at Columbus is week on business. Burt BOWMAN, who has been very sick, is now recovering. He was out Sunday. ============================================ A SAD DEATH Mr. and Mrs. Seldon HUMPHREY, Superintendent and Matron of the Meigs County Infirmary, lost a son, aged about twenty years, on Sunday last, from typhoid fever. The young man had been attending college, came home sick, and after a brief illness, died as above stated. We are informed he was an unusually promising young man, the pride of his parents and friends; and a general favorite with all. Much sympathy is expressed for the parents in their irreparable loss. POMEROY POSTMASTER The President has nominated C. E. PEOPLES as Postmaster at Pomeroy. As soon as the Senate confirms the same, Mr. Peoples can take hold. He will make a good officer, and we congratulate him on his success. We never were particularly opposed to him, but enjoyed the contest in the Democratic party. Poor Donald McDOANLD still goes unrewarded for his change of politics. The question is, how much influence has Col. John L. Vance with the present administration? STORE BURNED Frank BRALEY'S store, at Hanerville, Meigs county, was consumed by fire one night last week. The post-office kept in the same building was consumed also. Insured in Maj. J. B. DOWNING'S agency. The origin of the fire is supposed to be that of an incendiary. About three weeks ago, the post-office was robbed of about $12 in stamps and money. -- Whether or not another robbery was committed, and then the store fired to cover suspicion is not known. For Sale - Barber fixtures for sale and would rent the shop and fixtures. Call on E. B. STARCHER, Middleport, Ohio. --------------------------------------------------------------------- I will offer my two story brick residence, situated at the head of Walnut Street, in Middleport, O., for sale. The location is a fine one, and known as the SHOTT property, and the lot (containing two lots) is 100 by 113 feet, well improved, and containing one of the best wells of water in the city, cistern and cellar. The house contains eight rooms, conveniently arranged. For price, term, &c., call on or address. T.I. WILLIAMS, Middleport, Ohio ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MEIGS COUNTY INDICTMENTS Last week the Grand Jury found five true bills, as follows; William MITCHELL, assault with intent to commit rape Frank WHALEY and two boys named WELCH and MAYHEW, for disturbing a meeting. Arthur BUCK, manslaughter Henry BENTZ, grand larceny. B.T. FLESHER, Millard FLESHER and M. V. SAYRE, for compounding a felony The two indictments relating to BENTZ, the FLESHERS and SAYRE grew out of the robbery of the Riverside Mill safe, at Antiquity. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
The Democrat (Pomeroy, OH) April 6, 1893
Pioneer Marriages Those of 1832 With Those of Some Previous Years Daniel R. GILMAN to Martha LUELLEN, Jan 5, by Russell FRENCH, Justice Peace. Hamilton PULLINS, of Chester, to Margaret SAYRE, of Letart, Dec. 29, 1931, by J. C. HYSELL, Justice of the Peace. Joseph L. HIGLEY to Emily REED, April 13, 1831, by Milton KIMBALL. John PAGE to Celia STEVENS, Dec. 8th, 1831, by James HOVEY, a minister of the Gospel of the Baptist Church. William GREEN to Nancy STOUT, in Columbia, Dec. 4, 1831, by Enos THOMPSON, P. Gospel. David SLOPER to Nancy PICKENS, Feb. 12, in Chester, by George SAUNDERS, J. Peace. Joseph B. COOPER to Mary PICKENS, Nov. 20, 1831 by Alden S. BISSELL, J. Peace. Jesse HULL to Hellen BOSWORTH, Dec. 29, 1831, by Ezra TUBBS, J. Peace. Hiram CHASE to Edna SKINNER, Feb. 14, Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel. Hiram KELLY to Irene SMART, Mar. 8, in Orange, by Joseph HOIT James ADAMS to Sarah WORTHEN, Jan. 26, by Ezra TUBBS, J. P. Isaac WOOD, Jun. to Katharine RIFFLE or RIFEL, Mar. 9, by Wm. McDOWELL, M. G. John P. STOUT to Polly COWDERY, Feb. 9, by Elisha RATHBURN, preacher of the Gospel. John STROUD to Matilda AIRS, April 22, by Elisha RATHBURN, preacher of the Gospel. Wm. HOPPUS to Anna ABELS, June 15, by B. STOUT, J. P. Nelson SAYRE to Anne M. HAYMAN, April 19, by Wm. ALEXANDER, J. P. Isaac COWNER to Harriet WHITLOCK, Mar. 25, by Joshua WOOD, J. P. William GREEN, Jun. to Nancy OGDIN, Apr. 12, by Joshua WOOD, J. P. Matthew NEASE to Susan NEASE, Apr. 12, by Wm. CROOKS, J. P. Benjamin B. GIBBS to Elizabeth SIMS, Apr. 2, by T. NYE, J. P. Barak CHASE to Betsey BAILEY, Mar. 1, in Salisbury, BY J. C. HYSELL, J. P. John BROOKS, Jun. to Delilah GIBSON, Mar. 12, by Saml DOWNING, J. Peace. David DOUGLAS to Lucinda REEVES, Apr. 5, by Saml DOWNING. Noah STATTS to Harriet BRADFIELD, of Scipio, May 11, by Saml DOWNING, J. Peace. Robert FLINN to Mary WHITE, Jan. 19, by Major REED, J. P. Thomson PICKENS to Barbary SLOPER, of Chester, Apr. 27, by George SAUNDERS, J. P. Israel BOBO to Polly DAVIS, July 29, by Jonathan BRINE, Elder in Church of Christ. John CARLETON to Susan WILLS, May 17, by J. C. HYSELL, J. P. in Salisbury. Archibald MORRIS, of Orange to Hester JAY, of Chester, May 13, by Stephen SMITH, Justice of the Peace. Edward BURROUGHS to Minerva HOIT, of Chester, July 1, Stephen SMITH, Justice of the Peace. Peter ALKIRE to Jane DYE, Jan. 4, by Russell FRENCH, Justice of the Peace. Hollis DOWNING to Phebe SMITH, July 22, by James G. MITCHELL, E.C.C. James CALHOON to Elizabeth EBLIN, July 25, by John STORY, J. P. John C. BESTOW to Melinda PLUMMER, June 27, by Milton KIMBALL. John McDONALD to Samantha REED, Aug 14, by Milton KIMBALL. William PARKER, Jr. to Lovina STOUT, in Rutland, Sept. 15, 1831, by Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel. Beriah McGRAW to Elizabeth SHAW, Mar. 22, by Spencer H. HAYMAN. Elijah BEBEE to Thomas SAYRE, Mar. 1, by Spencer HAYMAN, J. P. Philetus H. KNIGHT to Amanda DAVIS, Aug. 16th, by J.C. HYSELL, J. P. Leicester HULL to Lovina PULLINS, Sept. 9, by George SAUNDERS, J. P. Levi HYSELL to Polly JONES, Aug. 26, by Jno. C. HYSELL, J. P. Benjamin SEVERANCE to Emma J. BEAN, Feb. 5, Salem, by Ozias STRONG, J.P. Milton WALKER to Harriet NEWELL, Sept. 13, in Chester, by John C. BESTOW, J. Peace. John HAYMAN to Rachel MAGRATH, Aug. 31, by Wm. ALEXANDER, J. P. John PHELPS to Margaret ALESHIRE, Aug. 9, Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel. Abraham MORRIS to Nancy SCOTT, Aug. 19, Robert LEIGH, J. P. Lewis V. VONSCHRILTZ to Nancy NELSON, by Junia CASTLE, Elder of the Christian Church, Sept. 27. Gabriel HALEY to Elizabeth KESTERSON, Sept. 5, by Robert LEIGH, J. P. David YOUNG to Polly WILLIAMS, in Salem, Sept. 29, by Ozias STRONG, J. P. John BURK to Elizabeth COOPER, in Salem, Oct. 6, by Ozias STRONG, J. P. David HOWELL to Mary CLARK, Oct. 12, by John C. HYSELL, J. P. John FRANK to Hannah WILCOX, by Milton KIMBALL, Sept. 12. Jacob RICE to Jane MITCHELL, Oct. 31, by John SMITH, J. P. Seneca L. SPROUT to Betsey FROST, Oct. 28, in Chester, by Ezra TUBBS, J. P. Hopkins RYTHER to Phebe WILSON, Nov. 18, by Ezra TUBBS, J. Peace. Andrew RIFE to Mary NELSON, Oct. 24, by Joseph ARBAUGH, Elder of the Christian Church. David DEFERD to Samaria STEDMAN, Nov. 1, Milton KIMBALL. Aaron HOLT to Lucretia HUBBELL, Nov. 8, by Eli STEDMAN, Minister of the Gospel. Leonard CARLETON to Jane N. SHEPHERD, Nov. 15, by John C. HYSELL, J. P. John A. SMITH to Deborah PAINE, Nov. 22, by Saml S. PAINE, J. P. John SYLVESTER to Margaret GRIMES, Nov. 22, by Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel. Thornton HYSELL to Phebe HUFF, Nov. 26, by Elisha RATHBURN, Preacher of the Gospel. Samuel S. BRANCH to Elizabeth SMITH, Nov. 22, by Elder Lemuel THORN. Salmon HALSEY to Lexsa CHAPIN, Dec. 3, by Elder Lemuel THORN. Noah OGDIN to Belinda GREEN, Dec. 27, by Joshua WOOD, J.P. John Pilcher to Melinda McDONALD, Dec. ?, by Isaac REYNOLDS, Minister of the Gospel. [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
The Meigs County Republican April 12, 1893
PERSONAL MENTION Mr. Hulbert, photographer, went to Clifton Sunday and took a dozen or more photographic views of the burnt district. They will be valuable mementoes of the great calamity. Mrs. J.W. Talbott entertained twelve of her lady friends at tea last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Webb entertained the progressive history club last Saturday evening. Mrs. Henry Resener, of Cheshire, was visiting her friend, Mrs. F. C. Besserer, last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Smith, and two children, of Cincinnati, were visiting relatives and friends in Middleport and Pomeroy recently. Miss Nannie Saul was sick several days last week, but is again well. Miss Ella Womeldorff and Master Willie Harry went to Gallipolis Friday to visit relatives. Miss Mary Bowers is learning the millinery business at the Mack millinery establishment. Mrs. Samuel Bradbury was quite sick several days last week. She is better now. Oscar Johnston and family have moved to Pomeroy. Mr. Johnston will be miller in a flouring mill there. Mr. Donald McDonald, of Pomeroy, contractor at the Epileptic Asylum for several wells, to be used in supplying the institution with water, was here Tuesday. Mrs. Douglas Newton, Mrs. Geo. Newton, Mrs. Will. Newton and Mrs. Mel. Brown of Hartford City; Mrs. J. P. Bradbury and Mrs. Curt Reed, of Pomeroy attended Mrs. J. B. Downing's party last week. With a few exception, the same ladies attended Mrs. Sol H. Wertheimer's party. Joseph Martin has returned from a month's visit to Hot Springs. Arkansas. Joseph is now ready to sell railroad tickets cheaper than ever. Charles A. Crary, of the Commercial Hotel, went to Huntington, last Thursday after a slick gentleman who jumped his board bill. We received a pleasant call Wednesday from our old townsman Mr. Thad. Fuller, who has in these late years become one of the thrifty citizens of Middleport. LOCAL SIFTING ...... The street sprinkler started on its summer excursion last Saturday, and did good execution in keeping down the dust in a very windy day. Harry Anderson is the engineer in charge. ...... William Fick, a great, double fisted, hard working man, who has been kept down by the drink habit, has gone to the Lancaster Keeley Institute to be cured. Hope he may return a thoroughly reformed man. ...... Three more car loads of machinery have arrived for the new ice plant. They will be making ice the last of this month. Go up and look at the works. ...... Mr. Clinton informs us that he had $2,500 worth of manufactured salt on when the works were destroyed. The salt, of course was ruined. No insurance. ...... All members of Middleport Fire Company are earnestly requested to meet at the Town Hall, Friday evening next, April 14th. Business of importance. ...... Though the Presbytery will be in session on Wednesday evening at Pomeroy, the prayer meeting at the Presbyterian church in Middleport will hold as usual, led by the Sabbath School Superintendent, Mr. H. H. Hilsinger. ...... Mrs. Jessie Redmond desires to thank a number of Middleport gentleman for saving her residence in Clifton during the conflagration last Friday. The kitchen was a fire and badly damaged; the fence was burned in the rear of the house, and but for the earnest exertions of the gentlemen present, the finest property in Clifton would now be a pile of ashes. She feels grateful. ......W. H. Woodward has a new advertisement this week. Henry is getting his share of trade, for his store is full of the goods that draw....... We are indebted to Constable Amos Dyke for many of the facts embraced in our report of the Clifton fire. He is well informed. ...... Go to the Methodist Church tomorrow (Thursday) evening, and hear Rev. Mr. Rikerson "The Southern Problem." You will be highly entertained, instructed and enlightened by the lecture. ...... Mr. Hart, jeweler, who bought out Mr. Silvey, is filling up with a tremendous stock of watches, clocks, jewelry, &c. ...... The Middleport High School Alumni Association will meet at the residence of S. J. Grant, next Friday evening. Every member is upon the programme. Important business is to be transacted. All members take notice and be present. ...... Mrs. Jacob Rice was eighty two years old last Monday. She is a very active, hale, and well-preserved old lady. Her sons Jacob G., Joseph P. and Will. C. Rice one this occasion surprised the mother by sending down to her a very handsome bedroom set. Of course the old lady was delighted almost to the point of shouting. ...... Parties from Rutland report the destructive field fires in that township last Friday. Many acres were burned over, and fences destroyed. Farmers in the vicinity were kept busy fighting the flames and saving property. ...... It was Major Hysell that originated the idea of telephoning Clifton, asking if they needed the services of our steam engine. Mayor Hysell also thought of sending the firemen baskets of vituals, which was appreciated by the hard-working boys, many of whom had no dinner that day and were tired and hungry. ...... Mr. David Chase has bought out the Mill street grocery store of Mr. John A. Reed. They are now invoicing the stock. Mr. Reed will engage in railroad work. ...... At the Presbyterian Church, next Sabbath morning, services as usual. In the evening, "The Life of Voltaire." Young People's meeting at 6 o'clock. A very cordial invitation is extended to all, to the services of the church. ...... The annual meeting of the Presbytery of Athens will be held in the Pomeroy Presbyterian Church, beginning Tuesday evening at 7:30, and continuing until Thursday evening. Any persons desiring to attend these meetings will be made welcome. Ladies' Missionary meeting on Wednesday. ...... Thousands of people flocked to Clifton Sunday to view the ruins left by the recent fire. The scene is one of desolation. ...... Rev. W. V. Dick has been engaged to dedicate a church at Rutland, Ohio, April 23d. The new church there is the culmination of a building project which he started when pastor of the Rutland circuit years ago. Ironton Register. ...... There are only three in the High School graduating class this year. Gallipolis Journal. ...... Three postmasters have been appointed in this district and all are newspaper men; Lewis Green, at Logan; C.E. Peoples, at Pomeroy, and T. H. Craig, at Athens. Newspaper men are also candidates at New Lexington and Chillicothe. ......Licensed to marry. Clarence P. Kent and Ida H. Priode; William H. Gorman and Belle S. Woods; Arthur Pfeffer and Emma S. Mordhurst; Leonard Epple and Sarah M. Davis. ...... The steamer C. A. Hill received word on her down trip at Cheshire, Wednesday, to return to Pomeroy and get the pump boat, as one of the barges belonging to the Convoy was sinking at Gallipolis. She returned with the boat, making the run from Middleport to Point Pleasant in 1 hour and 15 minutes. Gallipolis Bulletin. ...... On Friday last Mrs. N. Barnes received a telegram, stating that her only sister, Mrs. J. A. Payne, had died suddenly at her home in Marietta that morning. Mrs. Barnes and her youngest son, Harry, left for Marietta Saturday morning. Deceased was a sister of Capt. Robert Cunningham, of Dayton, Ohio. ...... Captain William Thomas again has charge of the Middleport and Clifton ferry boat. ...... Mason City is to have in operation another large brick yard and tile factory. It will be operated by thorough going business men. ...... Mrs. M. D. Brown, of Hartford City, a few days ago underwent a surgical operation, having a cancerous tumor removed from her left breast, from which she has suffering for six years. Doctors Reed, of Middleport, Crary, of Hartford, and Roush, of New Haven, performed the operation which was most successful, and Mrs. Brown is recovering. ...... A very pleasant Missionary Tea was held by the Methodist ladies, last Thursday afternoon, at the elegant residence of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Lawson. The house was well filled from 3 to 7 o'clock, and all enjoyed themselves in a high degree. The refreshments were very choice and away above the average. Miss Emma Beddow was present, and gave some choice selections of music on the piano, which were highly appreciated. PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. J. W. Thompson, of Middleport, is visiting her son, S. D. Thompson. Athens Messenger C. F. Henking, of the firm of Henking, Bovie, & Co., Gallipolis, was in Middleport Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Culp, of Louisville, Kentucky, were her Monday, visiting their relatives, Mrs. W. M. Swallow. Mr. Culp is telegraph operator in Louisville. Miss Stella Vance is visiting her friends at Gallipolis. Mrs. N. J. Watson, of Tupper's Plain, is here, the guest of her relatives. W. W. Allis has been on the sick list for the past week. Miss Lottie Haag, who has been visiting friends at Huntington, West Virginia, has returned home. Robert Cheatham has moved his family into the Rawlings property in the 4th ward. H. H. Cook, formerly of Rutland, and Miss Lyla Daniels, of Vinton, were married at Gallipolis on Sunday, April 2d. They will make Ashland, Kentucky, their home. Miss Maggie Byrne, of West Columbia, was the guest of Miss Cora Winkler last week. William Arthur is visiting his mother near Charleston, West Virginia. Mrs. Eliza Sayler is visiting her friends at Cheshire. Mrs. Joseph Warren, colored, who has been very sick, is no better. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE Mrs. Anna E. Payne, wife of Julius A. Payne, dropped dead yesterday, about noon, while engaged in her household duties. Her husband was away for the time, and her son and daughter only were there. Mrs. Payne was the daughter of John Cunningham, who fifty years ago was a resident of Marietta. She was born in 1829, and has spent her married life in Marietta. She was a kind and trustful woman, though very frail for many years. The funeral will be Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock from the Baptist church. Marietta Register. Deceased was a sister of Mrs. N. Barnes, of Middleport, and of Capt. Robert Cunningham, of Dayton, formerly of Middleport. FIRE! --------- CLIFTON CREMATED! ---------- Extensive Salt Works, Three Stores, Masonic Hall, Twenty-Eight Residences, and a Number of Stables Destroyed by Flames! --------------- Our Middleport Fire Laddies Work Heroically Saving Many Houses and Much Property. --------- Clifton is a nice, quite little village of 400 to 500 inhabitants, lying in West Virginia, directly opposite Middleport. In a business sense the village is and has for years been part and parcel of Middleport -- as much so as any part of Meigs county. Last Friday, just as people were seated at dinner, the steam whistles blew a fire alarm. A small blaze was discovered in the roof of one of the Clifton Salt Co.'s sheds. Everything being dry, with no adequate means at hand for suppressing fires, and the wind blowing a gale, the little blaze soon grew into a roaring, seething mass of flame, consuming and destroying everything in its way. First, every building and shed connected with the salt plant was consumed. From this point the fire swept through the town at a fearful rate, licking up and wiping out everything in its course, until it had destroyed the salt works, Masonic Hall, three stores, twenty-eight residence, and a number of barns and other buildings. So furious were the flames, and so strong the wind, that house after house was caught in the fiery embrace, some of them squares away from where the fire started, many clear outside of any apparent danger, and when once the fire touched a house, it seemed impossible to save it. Thus a wide pathway was burned nearly through the town, when a number of houses were missed, and the flames leaped over them, striking a number of miner's houses a long distance away, destroying six of them, leaving nothing but bare chimneys where an hour before were happy homes. When it was seen that it was useless to fight the fire in such a high wind. Mr. J. J. L. McElhinney telephoned from this side to know if the Middleport steam fire engine could be of any service. The answer came promptly back, "Yes." The alarm was then given by sounding the fire bell on our town hall, the fire lads quickly assembled, and in as short time as possible the firemen, with engine and hose reels, were on their way over the river. Once there and at work, the boys stayed until nearly night, working like beavers, and until there was no further danger. They saved many a building, and many a "God bless Middleport," was uttered by the panic-stricken and terrified women and children of Clifton. We visited the scene of the disaster Sunday afternoon, and the woeful destruction of property presented to the view was terrible indeed. At least thirty families were homeless and shelterless, except for the kind offices of their neighbors and friends. As it was, all the homeless were cared for Friday night, and on Saturday Middleport contributed to the immediate wants of the sufferers. Many families did not save a particle of their household good and had not a mouthful to eat. Of course the Salt and Bromine Co. are the greatest losers in dollars and cents. Their loss is estimated $25,000, with only about $8,000 insurance. They lost their store, with about $4,500 worth of goods; $1,600 insurance. Mr. Clifton, manager of the works, lost barn, carriage house, carriages and a valuable family horse burned to death in the barn. He carried no insurance. We give below a list of the losses, so far as we could gather them: B.J. Redmond, two buildings, insured; one occupied by Chas. Meeks, who lost nearly all his household goods -- not insured; the other occupied by Nelson Aleshire, who saved most of his household goods -- no insurance. Allen Lewis was a heavy looser -- one dwelling house, barn, and other outbuilding; also a lot of corn and hay; and also most of his household goods; if insured, not known. Mrs. Tully, mother of Capt. Deal and Samuel Tully, lost her dwelling and all of her household goods -- not insured. Mrs. Mary Huse lost her house; if insured, not known; occupied by Mrs. Peck. William Joseph lost a house, occupied by Richard Woodman, who lost a lot of household goods -- no insurance. W. H. Cartwright lost a house and most all of his household goods -- all insured. Roger B. Reese lost a house, occupied by Phiete Edward and Joseph Burtin; the latter lost nearly all he had; the former saved some of his goods; if insured, not known. A. Williams lost store, goods, dwelling house and household goods; insured; amount unknown. B. A. Swartzwalder lost his store and dwelling house; if insured, not known. James Smith lost his store and a dwelling house; not insured. Mrs. Robert French lost her dwelling house and contents; all insured. Mr. Lathey lost a house, occupied by J. P. Fry, Justice of the Peace; not insured. Mr. Fry lost all he had, besides $28.50 collected for other parties; his total loss about $350. T. G. Montague lost a brick store building -- if insured, not known; also the Masonic Lodge room, in a part of 3d story, same building; the Lodge lost all their furniture, charter, and everything but the records; fully insured. Mrs. Mason lost several outbuildings, ice house and fence, carried no insurance. Mrs. Dean Tully lost two buildings and the dwelling she occupied was damaged; insured. Mrs. Jennings lost one dwelling, two barns, and several outbuildings -- if insured, not known. The Sterling Coal Co. lost six fine dwelling houses; insured -- one occupied by Hiram Hysell, who lost all he had; one occupied by Hansalum Staats, who lost very little. T.G. Montague lost the salt furnace, sheds, copper shop, three or four buildings and an engine house -- loss unknown, insured. Of course the above list does not include nearly all the losses. For instance, we learn of one invalid lady who lost thirty-four quilts, the labor of years of pain and suffering. It gives enough, however, to let one know something of the destruction and loss the people of Clifton have suffered. They deserve substantial aid and much sympathy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Monday of last week, a dispatch was received by Mrs. J. S. Semple, stating that her brother, Mr. Joseph Wheeler, of Ellensburg, State of Washington, was dangerously ill with heart trouble, and requesting some member of the family to come immediately. Mrs. Semple and her son Carl made every preparation for following day to leave for Washington, even to purchasing tickets, when another telegrams was received stating that Joseph Wheeler had died at noon of that day, (Tuesday, April 4th) R. V. Wheeler, a brother left Thursday via Hocking Valley, for Ellensburg. Joseph Wheeler was a former resident of Middleport and was 59 years of age. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Admission to High Schools Successful applicants at the April examination for admission to High Schools: Willie Scroggs, Rutland aged 17 Artie Beaver, Racine aged 18 Edward Pilchard, Pants aged 19 Ralph E. Roush, Letart aged 17 Mack R. Pilcher, Letart aged 14 Charles Herley Hull, Pomeroy aged 17 Myrtle Rose, Bashan aged 20 Jennie Buck, Sumner aged 16 There were twenty applicants, another examination for the same purpose will be held in Pomeroy on the FIRST Saturday of May. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conservatory of Music, At Middleport, Ohio An institution devoted to the study of MUSIC in all its branches which consists of Vocal Culture, Piano, Organ, Violin, Thorough Bass and Harmony, Theory, and Composition and all Military Band and Orchestral Instruments, and only the most competent Teachers employed. Summer Term commencesMay 29th, and continues 12 weeks. For terms &c., call on or address -- Jas. T. Lewis, Director, Middleport, Ohio. SILVER RUN NEWS Miss Pearl Collins left the fore part of the week for Glen Ebon, to spend the summer. Mrs. Marti. COLLINS is on the sick list Rev. H. E. BRILL preached an able sermon here Sunday. Henry AMOS went out to Salem township Sunday. Miss Lizzie ZUSPAN visited Rutland friends the latter part of the week. School began here again Tuesday. Miss Laura FRECKER is at Enterprise with her sister, Mrs. Phillip DEERR. W. C. RUSSELL has stopped off for a short time to arrange for better air in his coal mine. ----------------------------------------------------------- ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENT Barrister; No. All bicycle riders are not "dodgasted fools," by any means. Some are earnest Christians, skilled mechanics, and good business men. Mr. Wilde OAKES: Yes. It is possible for a woman to be a good dancer and still a conscientious Christian, a good wife, mother, sister, and daughter. We have many examples of such women in our town. Fumigator; Cigarette smoking is said to injure the brain; but we doubt it, because few people with brains begin the habit. --------------------------------------------------------- CARLTON AND CHESHIRE Weather fine and everything is in bloom and on a boom. Health of our people is very good. It is rumored that Wesley SWISHER and Miss Daisy RICE were married last Thursday evening. Success. We learn old Mr. COLE, who struck Dr. POWELL with a piece of lead on the head, has again been arrested before Esq. SHULER. Charged with intent to kill, and will have a preliminary examination. We attended the public sale of Harvey HANSON Saturday last, met many good friends from both Gallia and Meigs. Mr. HANSON will visit his relatives in Greenbriar county, West Va., after which he will return to Carlton. We learn that Holl. BOICE and Ross SHULER went with a company of young men from Gallipolis to South Dakota to work on a railroad. Born to Stephen ELLIS and wife, a son. They are an aged couple, but the boy is large and young all the same. If there is no more cold weather, there will be oceans of peaches near the Farmer's Rest. We, according to promises attended the mammoth log rolling of Harman DARST and Charley GROVER; and we will tell you, friend, it made us think of good old times before our hair was gray. It was no swell affair, except the eatables, which both houses were fully up to the wedding standard. There were 25 to 30 men and three teams worked like Turks all day, and only got in burning shape about one half the logs. They will try it again, this week. Our good friend, David SWISHER, Jr., has purchased the J. A. MORRIS farm, near Gallipolis, county 105 acres, and will move on to it this week. The Gallipolis people will find Davy a No. 1 good fellow. Why two regular nominees' names that of Esq. Tate for J.P., and George Lemlsey for Constable, were left off the kangaroo ticket at the late election of Cheshire Precinct, we shall never know; and why an independent man was written on the regular ticket by the Judge and Clerk is another mistery. Better fall back on the old time, where every candidate can have his ticket printed and see his name go into the hand of each voter. We hear that about $400 is already secured for the construction of the new church house at Carlton; the site is secured and paid for; it is situated in the extreme rear end of Meigs County. ----------------------------------------------------------- RUTLAND ITEMS Mrs. Clara OAKES, who has been spending the winter with relatives and friends in old Meigs, started Thursday for her home in North Dakota. The early years of her life were spent in this county, and, like most Meigs county people who have found homes in other parts of the country, she seems to take great delight in reviewing the scenes of her childhood. Col. E. P. BROOKS, of Harrisonville, was in the village a few days last week, calling on friends, and assisting Bro. BRILL in his protracted meeting. A severe wind and rain storm, accompanied with lightning, thunder, and some hail, passed here Monday night, April 3d, there was no damage to property that we have heard of. Wm. SKINNER is suffering with a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism; he is unable to walk. Mrs. Chas. LASHER is also confined to the house with the same complaint. The extreme warm weather of the past week is pushing the fruit buds very rapidly to maturity; we hope they may not be killed by late frosts, for we would like to taste a good, old-fashioned Rome Beauty apple once more. Strawberry and raspberry plant setting seems to be the order of the day with small fruit-growers. E. D. MURCH, of New Vienna, Ohio will begin a series of Meetings at the New Christian Church in Rutland, on the evening of April 20. Everybody kindly invited. Every one is so busy, no one has time to be sick or go visiting. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
The Meigs County Republican April 19, 1893
DEATH OF VETERAN NAILER -- Part 1 The news of the death of Theophilus PUGH of Martins Ferry, will not only surprise but shock his many friends throughout the country. Mr. PUGH, who was in his 67th year and was one of the best known nailers, nail mill builders and managers in the United States, died suddenly at the family residence on West Hickory street, yesterday afternoon at 1:30 of congestion of the lungs. He had been working til the shut down of the Laughlin mill. He was taken sick on Saturday, but since was able to walk around most of the time. He felt unwell yesterday morning. Shortly after 1 o'clock his son, James went for Dr. WILLIAMS who had been attending him. While he was on his return from Dr. WILLIAMS his father died. Mr. PUGH was born in Wales, and was 66 years old the 24th of October. He had been in the mill business ever since he was a mere boy. He learned his business in a little mill operated by water power, with his father, on the Cheat river, when a boy. He was associated with the Woodwards, Baileys, Doteys, and other well known manufacturers early in the fifties and built the Top Mill, Star Mill at Ironton, Ohio, the Clifton, West Va., mill and the Brilliant mill. He was the manager of each of these mills. Likewise, the Benwood and Belmont. He was the manager of the Top mill for two years, commencing in the neighborhood of 1866, and built the Brilliant mill in '83. Prior to his connection with the Ironton mill he had accumulated considerable money, all of which was lost in this enterprise when it failed. He worked in the Bellaire Nail Works several years ago and was an employee in the Laughlin Mill, Martin's Ferry at the time of his death. There are few, if any nailers in the United States who did not know him. He was married in Allegheny City, Pa., to Miss Louisa ROBERTSHAW, of that place, who survives him, together with four children, namely; Mrs. THWAITE, Will, James and Charles. Two are dead, Manuel and Mollie. The deceased was a member of the M.E. Church and a Mason. Wheeling Intelligencer, April 11th. RUTLAND ITEMS The heavy rains of the past week have made the roads very muddy again. The strawberries are in blossom, and promise to be an abundant crop, unless injured by late frosts. Cepth. BELLLOWS started Tuesday for his home in Dakota. Elijah STANSBURY has treated his house to a new roof. Tom. CARTER colored, is building a new house on the lot be bought of Joe. POWELL Mrs. Maggie BLACK is confined to the house with something like la grippe. The Methodist people closed their protracted meeting Saturday evening. The meeting has been in session two weeks and the result was not as good as might have been wished; however, they had a very nice meeting, and good attendance. The bell for the new Christian church was put in place last week, and now the people will know when to come to church. John McCLURE moved last week from Grass Run, to the farm of G. K. BRADFORD. S. T. MCCLAIN is handling stone for his new house. A cold wave struck this place Saturday morning, which makes us tremble for the future of the fruit crop. CARLTON AND CHESHIRE Sharp frost of late, but peaches still safe. Rev. N. E. MUSSER was again with the 1st Kyger church people Saturday and Sunday last. He is much loved and welcomed by all. We received a letter from our brother, Esq. M. W. BLACKBURN, of Maiden, W. Va., stating everything on the boom, mining coal active and wages good. We shall visit him soon. Mrs. McELHINNY and Mrs. Wm. CARRIER, the former of your city, the latter of Carlton left Sunday to visit friends up the Kanawha. By special invitation, Bro., MUSSER and your scribe called on J. M. RICE and wife Sunday last, at their beautiful home on Kyger and two dukes never received kinder treatment. "Thanks." Why not adopt the old or some other sensible way of voting Kick out the kangaroo, then take the extra expense caused by the introduction of the new ballot, and turnpike one county in Ohio each year; for to our mind this mode of voting is certainly the biggest fraud every practiced on any people north of Mason and Dixon's Line, and it costs like fury. We heard that the new Union Church at Carlton is to be a brick building 25 by 40 ft. J.M. COUGHENOUR, who suffered a year and more with a broken ankle and crushed foot is now so much improved that he is able to walk without the aid of crutches. Wesley SWISHER and young bride are going to house-keeping in the house formerly occupied by Harvey HNESON, in Silver Run precinct. C. A. CARL'S Sons are putting in a part of Fairbank's stock scales at their Mammoth store. William HOBBS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel HOBBS, of Coalport, died April 11, 1893. He was born January 16, 1892, and was aged 1 year, 2 month and 25 days. His death was caused by pneumonia. This is the second son these good people have lost recently from the same disease. They have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." LOCAL SIFTINGS Married, at Washington C. H., Thursday, April 13, 1893, Mr. Charles O. MOORE, formerly of Middleport, now of Jacksonville, Athens County, to Miss Rilla ROGERS of the former place. Lucky, Charley. Room for one MOORE in the realms of wedded bliss. Jos. FAEHNIE & Sons have built another remarkably fine wagon for Wildermuth, of Pomeroy. It attracts attention from everybody. It was finished from woodwork to paint by the FAEHNIES. A comparison will show that the Chillicothe wagon are not in it by the side of this one. See their advertisement. Dr. Perrin GARDNER, of Gallipolis, died on Saturday last, after a long continued illness, aged 65 years. He had practiced medicine many years in Gallipolis, Wilkesville, Cheshire, and elsewhere. The Gallipolis Journal says: Dr. GARDNER was accounted a bit eccentric, but was of a lovely disposition, excellent memory, very observing and good company, and enjoying the friendship of a large circle of friends. Dr. W. V. LASHER and son Val returned from Washington City last week. The Dr. secured an audience with President Cleveland, but the Middleport post-office appointment is not yet settled. At the Free Baptist Church, next Sabbath, the following subject will be considered: In the morning, "Some Lessons to Be Learned from the Experience of Job." In the evening, "God's Promises." The C. W. BATCHELOR, which made her first trip to Pittsburg, Sunday, from this port supplants the Andes. The latter boat has been sold to Smoky City parties, who will put her in the excursion trade. - Cincinnati Tribune. Bliss and Beucher's store at Little Hocking, Ohio, was broken into, last Monday night, and between $200 and $300 worth of shoes, canned goods, groceries, etc., were taken. They gained an entrance by prying the back door open. The Postoffice was visited and a few stamps and about $1.50 in cents taken. Fortunately there were but a few stamps in the office. There is no clew to the perpetrators. -- Marietta Register. Middleport would do well to heed the advice from the Gallipolis Journal; We have now a street railroad and electric light plant. Let the city give no more franchises. Sell them, if any more are to be disposed of, for the highest price attainable, or rent them for a per cent of the gross receipts. Let us keep a little pie for ourselves. Mr. and Mrs. Wirt LELAND have during the past week removed into apartments in the brick building second north of the Messenger office which they will temporarily occupy until Mrs. LELAND'S departure this summer for a year's sojourn in Europe, where she goes to pursue a course of musical instruction. -- Athens Messenger Assessors are now on their annual rounds. Please fill out the blank at once, and do not have them return two or three times. Our Middleport people don't take kindly to the new time made lawful by the Ohio Legislature. As a result, we have three different kinds of time -- railroad time, sun time, and a 'll of a time. The later general on the night of pay-day. There has been quite a change on the Scotia. Captain Maddy having left to take command of the Lizzie Day, and Mr. R. R. AGNEW has taken his place on the Scotia and Mr. Al. SLAVIN has taken Mr. AGNEW's place on the Hudson. Last August a bridge over the Hocking River, near Logan, gave way under a train, and engineer Urich BROWN and his engine went down, since which time BROWN has been partially paralyzed. He sued the Hocking Valley Railway Co. for $20,000 damages, and was awarded $10,000 by the jury. Wesley WILSON, a colored lad, aged 18, was drowned on Tuesday night of last week, about 10 o'clock, near Middleport landing, off of the steamer Handy No. 2. His home was in Pt. Pleasant, and his parents are very much distressed by the sad event. He was asleep, and on being aroused by the mate to attend to some duty, walked off the boat before he was fully awake. A reward has been offered for the body. Mrs. N. BARNES had her pocket book and $9.75 in money in it stolen last week, while in attendance at the funeral of her sister in Marietta. Rev. E. D. DANIELS will occupy the pulpit of the New Jerusalem Church in Middleport on the fifth and last Sabbath of this month, instead of the fourth. Public made welcome. A Sunday dinner at the New Walnut Street House is a mighty good thing for the inner man. We tried it last Sunday. Under the personal supervision of Mrs. S. F. SMITH the dinning room shines, and the tables were laden with everything that would tempt the appetite. Mr. S. F. SMITH is a hustling landlord, and is all attention to the numberous patrons and guest of the house. They are getting their full share of the custom. Mr. George COWDEN, of Bedford township, father-in-law of Mr. C. E. PEOPLES, of Pomeroy dropped dead April 13th, near his barn as he was attending to his chores. He was 66 years of age and an upright citizen. Gallipolis is running wild over public improvements. The city decided by a large majority to have water works, and the proposition to turnpike Gallia county was carried by the slender majority of 33. Roger B. REESE was one of the unfortunates by the Clifton fire. He lost one double frame house, which was insured for $400. The amount he received. He had another house -- his former residence -- was considerably damaged, and this damage has not yet been adjusted. This will probably detain Mr. REESE here until Saturday night. In the meantime, we have a contract to look after him, as we have done on former occasions. Jack Frost has been an unwelcome visitor in this vicinity two or three times lately. The topics to be presented at the Presbyterian Church next Sabbath will be, in the morning "The Permanency of the Gospel of Christ." In the evening, "The Mistake of Living for this Life Alone." An earnest invitation is extended to all to attend these and other services of the church. Wesley E. SWISHER and Miss Daisy RICE, both of Cheshire, Gallia county, were quietly married by the Rev. S. J. WEED, at the residence of Capt. L.N. GERBER, in Middleport, April 6, 1893. Mr. and Mrs. SWISHER will reside at Carlton. Huntley has bought Harley's interest in the Tribune. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WHERE WAS HE BURIED William GIDEMAN, private, Company H, 18th Regiment, O. V. I., for three months, was enrolled April 23, 1861, at Pomeroy, Ohio by Capt. WALLAR and was killed July 1, 1861, in a railroad accident, near Clarksburg, Virginia. Does any comrade know his place of burial? It is needed to complete Ohio's Roll of Honor. Address. P. F. ZEISE, Middleport, Ohio PERSONAL MENTION Married at Washington C.H. Thursday, April 13, 1893, Mr. Charles O. MOORE formerly of Middleport, now of Jacksonville, Athens County, to Miss Ritta ROGERS of the former place. Luck Charley. Room for one MOORE in the realms of wedded bliss. Jos. FAEHNLE & Sons have built another remarkably fine wagon for the Wildermuth, of Pomeroy. It attracts attention from every body. It was finished from woodwork to painting by the FAEHNLES. A comparison will show that the Chillicothe wagon are not in it by the side of this one. See their advertisement. Dr. Perrin GARDNER, of Gallipolis, died on Saturday last, after a long continued illness, aged 65 years. He had practiced medicine many years in Gallipolis, Wilkesville, Cheshire, and elsewhere. The Gallipolis Journal says: Dr. GARDNER was accounted a bit eccentric, but was of a lovely disposition, excellent memory, very observing and good company, and enjoying the friendship of a large circle of friends. Dr. W. V. LASHER and son Val. returned from Washington City last week. The Dr. secured and audience with President Cleveland, but the Middleport postoffice appointment is not yet settled. At the Free Baptist Church, next Sabbath, the following subject will be considered: In the morning, "Some Lessons to Be Learned from the Experience of Job." In the evening, "God's Promises." The C. W. BATCHELOR, which made her first trip to Pittsburg, Sunday, from this port, supplants the Andes. The latter boat has been sold to Smoky City parties, who will put her in the excursion trade. - Cincinnati Tribune. Bliss and Deucher's store at Little Hocking, Ohio, was broken into, last Monday night, and between $200 and $300 worth of shoes, canned goods, groceries, & etc., were taken. They gained an entrance by prying the back door open. The Postoffice was visited and a few stamps and about $1.50 in cents taken. Fortunately there were but a few stamps in the office. There is no clew to the perpetrators.--Marietta Register. Mr. and Mrs. Wirt LELAND have during the past week removed into apartments in the brick building second north of the Messsenger office which they will temporarily occupy until Mrs. LELANDS'S departure this summer for a year's sojourn in Europe, where she goes to pursue a course of musical instruction. - Athens Messenger. Assessors are now on their annual round. Please fill out the blank at once, and do not have them return two or three times. Our Middleport people don't take kindly to the new time made lawful by the Ohio Legislature. As a result, we have three different kinds of time -- railroad time, sun time, and a 'll of a time. The latter general on the night of pay-day. There has been quite a change on the Scotia. Captain Maddy having left to take command of the Lizzie Bay, and Mr. R. R. AGNEW has taken his place on the Scotia, and Mr. Al. SLAVIN has taken Mr. AGNEW'S place on the Husdon. Last August a bridge over the Hocking River, near Logan, gave way under a train, and engineer Urich BROWN and his engine went down, since which time BROWN has been partially paralyzed. He sued the Hocking Valley Railway Co. for $20,000 damages, and was awarded $10,000 by the jury. Wesley WILSON, a colored lad, aged 18, was drowned on Tuesday night of last week, about 10 o'clock, near Middleport landing, off of the steamer Handy No. 2. His home was in Pt. Pleasant, and his parents are very much distressed by the sad event. He was asleep, and on being aroused by the mate to attend to some duty, walked off the boat before he was fully awake. A reward has been offered for the body. Mrs. N. BARNES had her pocket book and $9.75 in money in it stolen last week, while in attendance at the funeral of her sister in Marietta. Rev. E. D. DANIELS will occupy the pulpit of the New Jerusalem Church in Middleport on the fifth and last Sabbath of this month, instead of the fourth. Public made welcome. A Sunday dinner at the New Walnut Street House is a mighty good thing for the inner man. We tried it last Sunday. Under the personal supervision of Mrs. S. F. SMITH the dining room shines, and the tables were laden with everything that would tempt the appetite. Mr. S. F. SMITH is a hustling landlord, and is all attention to the numerous patrons and guests of the house. They are getting their full share of the custom. Rev. H. B. SCOTT, now of Marysville, Ohio, came here last week to attend the Pomeroy Presbytery and visit his former friends and neighbors. He is looking well. Dr. Bart SHIPMAM, long years ago a practicing physician of Rutland and Middleport was here last week visiting old friends and acquaintances. He is now, and has for many years, been in business in Marietta. Mrs. L. B. SPENCE has been quite ill for two weeks past with throat trouble. She is improving slowly at present. Mr. Wirt LELAND is confined to his home by sickness of malarial character. Athens Messenger. Roger B. REECE, of Bridgeport Ohio, came down last week to visit friends and learn all about the Clifton fire. Miss Lydia HAWKINS is still very sick at the residence of her sister, Mrs. Jay THOMAS. James LOWREY, an employe of the Furniture Factory, was taken in with something like pneumonia, several days ago, and his since been confined to his home. Miss Vena ROUSH, of Pt. Pleasant, was last week on a visit to Miss HULBERT, of Middleport. Mr. A. ERWIN, for three or four years past a well known citizen of Middleport, about ten days since moved with his family to Pine Grove in Gallia county. Thus Meigs county loses a good man, and Gallia is the gainer. Miss Jessie WOODWARD went over to Athens last Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Marion CLINE. She returns to-day. Mrs. 'Roy DENNY, daughter Clara, and son Harry, now of Bucyrus, O., left for their home on Monday, after a visit of two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Denny. Last Saturday morning Mrs. W. V. SMITH received a telegram from Bridgeton, New Jersey, stating that her mother was very ill and would not probably survive. Mrs. SMITH made hasty preparations and left for New Jersey that afternoon. Marion GRANTS and wife, of Point Pleasant, are here on a visit to his mother, Mrs. GRANTS. Miss Mabel WELLS has been quite sick for the past week, threatened, so it was thought, with typhoid fever. She is improving very rapidly now under the care of Dr. REED. Mr. Della HARTINGER returned last week from a winter's term at Baltimore Medical College. He has one more winter to attend before he can tack M.D. He is one of the best young men that ever struck out for a high mark, and we predict for him great success. Mrs. J. J. WHITE has been a great sufferer for some time from neuralgia and nervous prostration. Mr. Evan JENKINS, a respectable old gentleman of the 4th ward of Pomeroy, is lying at the point of death from a stroke of paralysis received last Wednesday or Thursday. He is well known and highly respect in Middleport. P.S. - Mr. JENKINS died at 12 o'clock Monday night. He leaves a wife, one child and two grand-children. He was an intelligent man, an underground surveyor, and for over twenty years one of Mr. HORTON'S bank bosses. The funeral will be held at his late residence at 2 o'clock P.M. to-morrow, Thursday. Friends are respectfully invited. Our young townsman, August T. HUBER, is winning renown at Marietta College. He will graduate at the coming commencement, and has been chosen to deliver the valedictory on the occasion. Mr. HUBER is to receive the degree of magna cum laude -- whatever that may be. Rev. W. W. COE and wife returned home yesterday, after about a year's absence in Europe, most of which time was spent in a theological university in Glasgow, Scotland. After attending the school, Mr. and Mrs. COE spent some time visiting other countries in Europe, returning to this county only last week. They were royally greeted in Middleport, Mr. COE'S boyhood home. Mr. A. L. RUSSELL put in an appearance among friends here last week. His wife returned with him to Chicago. L. C. TALBOTT and family have moved into Mrs. J. D. MAHON'S house near the upper passenger depot. A good house and nice neighborhood. William BUMP, who has been employed at Evansville, Indiana, will return to Middleport this week. Miss Clara OWINGS left yesterday morning on a visit to the family of Mr. D. S. STEVENSON, in Wellston, Ohio. Mr. John SCHREINER left here Monday morning for Wellston, Ohio, where he takes a position in the dry goods store of Elmer E. SMITH & Co. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. LAWSON are in Portsmouth, looking after their big property interests in that city. Miss Emma Besseter THOMAS and her little son came down from Charleston last week to visit the BESSETER family. On Saturday her husband, Mr. Andrew THOMAS, came down and remained until Monday morning. Mrs. THOMAS, Andrew's mother, also came down from Harford City to spend Sunday. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CERTIFICATES GRANTED Clyde WOLFE, Racine - 12 months W.P. HOWELL, Dexter - 12 months Everett TAYLOR, Dexter - 12 month George BIGGS, Flora - 12 month Elmer FROST, Pomeroy - 12 months Blank HOLTER, Syracuse - 12 months *Albert BRADFIELD, Harrisonville - 12 months C.N. WAGNER, Letart - 24 month E. E. BROWNING, Rutland - 36 months A.C. SMITH, Racine - 12 months P.M. BARROWS, Tupper's Plains - 12 months Jennie WOLFE, Letart - 12 months Edith HOUGE, Rutland - 12 months Ellam M. SWAN, Long Bottom - 12 months * Received grade for 24 months but lacked experience. There were 37 applicants. Mrs. Miranda BRECKER an elderly lady, died on Sunday, April 16, 1893, at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. Samuel HOBBS, in the first ward of Middleport. Her heath was caused by consumption. She came to Middleport from Syracuse many years ago, and has resided here ever since. Her age was over 60 years. The Barn of E.H. PHILLIPS was destroyed by on the same day as the Clifton fire. Loss about $3,000, insurance $500. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Meigs Co. Republican April 26, 1893
LOCAL SIFTINGS The small boy will now begin to save his pennies for John Robinson's big show - May 12th. Rev. Mr. DICK did not arrive here to take part in the Rutland Methodist Church dedication, last Sunday. He started, got as far as Huntington, was taken sick, and had to return to Ironton. Isaac WADE; an old citizen of Clifton, died very suddenly on Friday afternoon last from cramps. His funeral was held Sunday afternoon. Overcoats were quite fashionable several days last week. Married, in Middleport, April 20, 1893, by J. B. SMITH, J.P., Mr. Major H. WINES and Miss Lida HURTLER, both of Middleport. The bodies of the three young men recently drowned in the Ohio River, at Marietta, have not yet been found, though diligent search has been kept up for their remains. Robert MAUCK and wife are the happy possessors of a boy baby born last Thursday morning, This is their second child, the first being a daughter born ten years ago. Pt. Pleasant Gazette The new Pomeroy Brass Band received their instruments on Tuesday last week. The earnings of the Toledo & Central Railroad for the second week in April were $73,315 -- and increase of $4,114. The Al. G. FIELD Minstrel's will face the footlights at Coe's Opera House, Friday, April 28th and will present a programme of varied excellence. The company roster exhibits many of the bright lights of the Minstrel firmament among whom are Al. G. Field, Jerry, Hart, Harry Shunk, Tommy Donnelley, Clayton and Jenkins, W. V. Junker, Chester Nyms, the Mignani Brothers, Truini, Allen P. May, Joe Quigley and Joe Reider. The vocal department is said to be exceptionally strong, and composed of some of the best of American Tenors. There will be a grand spectacular street parade at 11:30 a.m.; don't fail to see it or you will miss a treat. The Columbus Hocking Valley & Toledo Railway is spending $200,005 this year on track improvements between Toledo and Columbus. Out of the latter city the road will be double track as far north as Marion. North of Marion grades are being leveled, curves straightened, and the road bed heavily bailested with stone. Pomeroy is to have her streets paved with brick. So their Council have agreed. Middleport will still remain in the mud -- though we furnish the brick to pave the streets of other cities. Nest Sabbath morning, at the Presbyterian church, the Rev. W. W. COE, will preach for the pastor. In the evening the theme will be, "The Folly of Living for this Life Exclusively." A very cordial invitation is extended to all. Of course everybody will turn out to hear the Al. G. Field Minstrels -- all first-class performers. -- There are 40 in the troupe. Remember they will appear at Coe's Opera House next Friday evening, 28th. Admission 50 cents. Next Friday, April 28th, will be Arbor Day. Plant a tree or vine in some neglected spot. The Middleport Public Schools will observe the day in grand style. There will be tree planting, speeches, songs, declamations, recitations, &c. Public exercises will begin at a quarter of 3 P.M. All the patrons of the schools are invited. A Middleport man (Val. DRUMMOND) in his advertisement request the attention of all "in need of granite sarcophagus." We could point them to a number of Beverly men in "need" of the same. They are still clothed in the habilliaments of mortality, but seen fitted for little else than decorating the interior of sarcophagi. If the man in question have any stone boxes with sides two feet thick, and lids with time locks warranted not to open t'ill Gabriel gives the signal, we believe they could be disposed of in Beverly at a good figure and with great benefit to all parties concerned -- Beverly Dispatch. Al. G. Field's Minstrels charge 50 cents to any part of the house. No extra charge for reserve seats. Mrs. Mary Ames de Steiguer Wells, eldest daughter of Judge and Mrs. deSteigner, of Athens, died in maternity at her home in Brooklyn, New York, last week. The babe also died. The graduating class of Athens High School this year will consist of ten girls and two boys, one of the boys, J. W. CHASE, being colored. It is now too late to predict an early spring; but it will be here by and by. Probably not all postmaster will be removed this summer but, those who remain may count upon an early FALL. John LONGSTAFF bought of B. J. REDMOND the large barn and bromine warehouse, on the river front, above the old Middleport docks. -- Price paid, $500 cash. Marriage licenses: Marion C. WOOD and Ona PETTY; Emmet CASTER and Anna M. VALE; R. M. Griffin and EVA S. STOUT; Jacob KECK and Katie LAUBNER; Frank O. DISCHINGER and Anna L. NEUTZLING. "The killing frost," predicted for Sunday morning, did not come, the weather being cloudy, and it is hoped that it will not. Three big financial failures are reported from Columbus, involving the sum of about $1,000,000. One of them is the big coal firm with which our former townsman, Mr. A. O. MAUCK, is connected. It is hoped he may come out in good shape after all is straightened up. A dispatch from Pomeroy, Saturday, stated that the Meigs county strawberry crop has been totally damaged by the recent frosts, the lost being estimated at many thousand dollars. The output of fruit from this county exceeds that of any other in the state, the Meigs county strawberry being much sought after. -- Gallipolis Journal. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BE YE SHOD William HORDEN recently returned from the city with an excellent line of new Boots, Shoes, &c., for Spring and Summer wear. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. John R. FOSTER came down from Charleston, West Va., last Friday, called to attend the funeral of Mrs. Fosters' brother who was killed at the Fair Grounds, at Chicago, a day for two previous. It was, indeed a sad event that called them to their former home. Mr. Robert HAYMAN started to Kansas last Saturday, merely a business trip. Miss Lizzie CARPENTER spent Friday and Saturday in Columbus, the guest of her, father, Hon. J. L. CARPENTER. Athens Journal Mr. Finley MOORE has rented the ECKMAN property, on Race street, and will soon move his family into it. It is a lovely location. Messrs, Geo., SWIFT, William BOSS, and William BUMP returned from Belleville, Illinois, last Wednesday. The nail mill there was mighty uncertain, running one day and stopping three. Hence their return. Mr. O. L. BAILEY has a good job in another mill and will remain. Benj. WATKINS and Mose STEVENS, of the blooming mill, left last Saturday on a brief visit to their former home in St. Louis. Mrs. O. L. BAILEY has moved from the ECKMAN property to rooms over William HORDEN'S shoe store. If you want a dress made, call on her. Miss Lizzie PUGH, grand-daughter of Capt. W. A. BARRINGER, has been on a visit to him for a week or ten days past. She returned to her home near Ravenswoods, Saturday. William HORDEN, the shoe man, spent last week in the city, filling up his stock. Mr. Michael DUNN, the good old soldier, has been very sick for two or three weeks past. W. J. PARKER, a former Middleport typo, now of St. Louis, is here on a visit old home and friends. Miss Edith MURRAY came up from her Huntington home, West Virginia; last Friday evening, and will visit for a week or ten days among her former friends. Messrs. A. S. KERR and J. B. LINDSEY have contracts on a new railroad between Columbus and Marysville, Ohio They both came home last Friday evening on a brief visit, and returned to their work Sunday. Mr. John A. REED also has a contract on the same railroad, left here on Monday to go to work on it. Mr. David CHRISTY, of Salem Centre, was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Ed. CARTWRIGHT, last week. Misses Linda and Tillie DEVENNEY, for a long while employed in Akron, Ohio, arrived here last Friday evening on a visit to their brother, Mr. Will. Davenney. They were glad to get back to their old home. Miss Tillie is in very poor health. Dr. Lew. BEAN and folks, of Gallipolis, attended the dedication of the new Methodist Church at Rutland, and visited relatives. Maj. J. B. DOWNING and Mr. Newt. BARNES were among the sick several days last weeks. Both had to leave their business to other hands for a few days. Mr. Charles H. LYMAN (Chub) of Columbus, has been elected Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Ohio Odd Fellows, to fill a vacancy caused by the death of William CHIDSEY. General GR0SVENOR will deliver the Memorial Day address at Parkersburg, West Virginia. Capt. Jacob BLACKBURN and wife, of Cheshire township, were among the pleasant callers last Saturday. The last we saw of them they were breaking for the depot, with arms full of Middleport merchandise. Miss Hattie ARMITAGE entertained the Middleport Reading Club Tuesday afternoon. A magnificent lunch was among the matters most thoroughly discussed. Dr. W. B. HODGE was the recipient, last Saturday, of a very handsome gold watch on the occasion of his 54th birthday. The watch came from Goessler, in Pomeroy, and the donors were Mrs. HODGE and their children. Mrs. Dr. W. A. HANLIN has been in very poor health for some time past with some derangement of the stomach. Rev. W.W. COE delivered a sermon in Pomeroy Methodist Church Sunday morning and one in Middleport Methodist Church Sunday evening. They are making Mr. COE useful since his return from the old country. Mrs. D. S. STEVENSON, formerly of Clifton, suffered a severe paralytic stroke at her home in Wellston one day last week. She is improving at present. Mrs. S. B. EVANS was called to Middleport the first of the week to the bedside of her father, who has since died. - Wellston Sentinel. Mr. C. F. TEDROW, who was so severely injured in a railroad accident that he was scarcely able to walk for a long time, went to Hot Springs Arkansas, last fall, in company with his wife. They returned a couple of weeks since to their home here, and now Mr. TEDROW is able to get about quite comfortably. Mrs. J. W. DUMBLE has been suffering very greatly for several days past with inflammatory rheumatism. She is gradually improving at present. John VANCE went to Columbus a few days since to visit an uncle. Capt. Will. HAPTONSTALL, after a brief visit home, returned to his duties on the Mississippi River a few days since. Miss Maggie RADFORD has returned to her duties at the Athens Asylum, after a pleasant visit home. Mack HAPTONSTALL and son James Dunn were at Cheshire this week on business. Mrs. Mary TUBBS aged 85 years is lying very sick at the residence of her son, Mr. S. S. TUBBS, on Third street. Quite a liberal thing the Red Anchor Store, Pomeroy, Ohio, is doing in giving so nice a present, as they do, with every fair sized purchase in Dry Goods, etc. J. J. Williams had a new tin roof put on his store and dwelling. Miss Minnie ELY, of Mason City is visiting friends here. Herbert HYSELL is visiting relatives at Chauncey. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At Gallipolis, April 17, a valuable horse was stolen out of Amos Troth's stable. The animal was owned by Miss Mary Patterson. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEATH OF MRS. W. D. BOOTON DIED -- At her residence, 1224 Wyile St., Des Moines, at 5:45 p. m., April 13, 1893, Mrs. Samantha S. BOOTON, ages 67 years. Samantha SKINNER was born in Meigs county, Ohio, November 6th, 1825. She was married to W. D. BOOTON, in Gallia county, Ohio, January 12, 1850, when they moved to Ross county, Ohio, where they lived until 1869, coming to Des Moines during that year. Her home has been here since that time, with, the exception of four years spent in Kansas. Her husband died August 28th, 1884. She was the mother of eight children, five, of whom survive her. She was a lifelong member of the M.E. church -- Des Moines (Iowa) Register. -- OBITUARY MR. EVAN JENKINS Mr. Evan JENKINS, deceased, was born in Breconshire, Wales, August 22, 1822; died at his home in Coalport, April 17, 1893, at the age of 71 years. He was married to Miss Mary Williams, in Tredegar, Wales, November 3, 1845, to whom were born two children -- a son, William, who died when quite young and a daughter, Gwennie, still living, who at present is located at Wellston, Jackson county, Ohio. He left his native land for this county in 1856, and settled in Meigs county, Ohio. He was manager of the V. B. HORTON coal works for many years, and was well and favorably known throughout the mining districts of Ohio and West Virginia. As a Christian, he was very zealous, having become a member of the Congregational Church when 29 years of age, in which church he has continued an active member, and one of the chief supporters of the Welsh Congregational Church of this place up to the time of his death. -- He leaves a loving wife and daughter, and many friends, to mourn his loss. -- OBITUARY Mr. W. ARTHUR, who was called to the bedside of his sick mother in Kanawha County, West Virginia has returned home. His mother, Mrs. Sarah ARTHUR, was born on the 11th day November, 1803, and died April 11, 1893, being 89 years and 5 months old. She was the mother of eleven children, seven of them are yet living. She has 51 grand-children, 64 great-grand-children and 4 great-great-grand-children. She and her husband moved from Kanawha County, West Virginia, to Middleport, Ohio, in the year, 1852, then in 1854 they moved across the river to West Columbia, where he died in the fall of 1855. She has gone to join her friends that have gone on before. She died in full triumph of faith, and said she was going home to glory. Good by, mother, but not forever; we will come by and by. SILVER RUN NEWS Mrs. Harriet MCINTOSH visited her son, John MCINTOSH, at Enterprise, Saturday and Sunday. L. D. AMOS spent a part of last week delivering fruit trees at Ripley, West Va. He will return to that place this week. Nathan VALE, of Dyesville, was here on business last week. Miss Maggie ALLINDER, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. L. D. AMOS, for sometime, will return to her home near Buffalo, West Va., this week. John PRIODE is having some of his tenement houses re-roofed. Wm. MILLER is erecting a shanty at Priode's coal works and will "bach" awhile. Clarence KENT and wife, of Middleport, visited their parents here Saturday and Sunday. W. C. RUSSELL is repairing his coal track to the river. It was badly torn up by the ice last winter. Long. SMITH, of Car???ndale, Ohio, visited his parents here last week. The M.E. Church has secured of the Board of Education a part of the school ground here, and will erect a church building soon. George HYSELL moved from West Columbia to Alex. Fisher's farm Saturday. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CARLTON AND CHESHIRE Seems this morning, after the continual cool spell, we are promised fine weather, which we all hail with joy. Wilbur GEORGE and Miss Minnie HYSELL were united in marriage Friday evening last, by some Rev. gentleman in your city. We were called on, but were forced to decline, as the license was procured in Meigs county. They are splendid young people, and will no doubt walk the golden sands of life together with pleasant, easy marches. DIED - Yellow Jack, the veteran bank-mule of C. A. CARL'S Sons got its leg broken while working in the mines Friday last, and had to be shot. Although he was one of the two first mules owned by the Carl Coal Co. and had been on the track 19 years, the five brothers would not have taken $150 for him. C.A. CARL made a business trip to Cincinnati last week. Mrs. Minnie ROUSH, daughter of Washington Thomas and wife, of Poplar Ridge, is at the home of her parents in Cheshire, very sick. Wm. MANLEY is having a hard tussle with an attack of genuine old grip. W.J. BLACKBURN, of the Athens Asylum, came down Friday evening last and returned Monday. We and our little grandson Eurd B. GROVER, visited the family of Harmond DARST Sunday last, and had a splendid time. Harmon is one of the Stingy Creek's most prosperous farmers. Call on J. BLACKBURN for choice berries of all kinds, and raise them by the field. The Asylum at Gallipolis will consume loads of them. Joseph BUTTRICK, of Carlton, while working in a clearing, fell to the ground, and was thought by George BUTCHER and J. H. BLACKBURN, who were with him at the time, to be dead, but they worked with him a while, when he revived. A doctor was called, he is now much improved. Selly RIPLEY, a small boy living in Carlton, fell from a projecting log and broke his arm. Dr. ELY dressed the wound; he is doing well. Pearl DRAKE is news boy at Carlton, he handles several papers. Boys, is it true that Art. CARL is to be wedded soon to Miss -----sh, we must not say who? Just wait. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUTLAND NEWS Maudie STONE, little daughter of J. P. STONE, was quite sick a few days last week but is now about again. James MCCLURE, who has been breaking on the K. & M. train for some months past, went last Monday to Parkersburg to accept a position on the Ohio River road. L. P. WRIGHT has moved into the house he bought of Mel. MUSSER. It will be a little unhandy to go to and from business, but Lush thinks the exercise will be good for his health. There was a fox passed through G. A. MCCORMICK'S sheep pasture one morning not long ago, and carried off one of his young lambs. Mrs. B. F. STEVENS was under the doctor's care last week, but is better at this writing. John GRIMES, of Side Hill, is having his house painted. Mr. FLEMING is doing the work. The Women's Mission Society of Beech Grove met at Mrs. J.W. BECKLEY'S, Wednesday. The HOGUE boys have moved their stable, and graded the ground around their new house, which adds very much to its appearance. C.O. BENEDICT is building a new board fence around his door yard. James RUPE is nursing a fine boil on his leg, which has given him much pain this past week. Rev. H.F. BOLTON went to Union Ridge Sunday to fill his appointment with the church at that place. Rev. Mr. MURCH commenced a meeting at the New Christian church Thursday night; it will continue over the Sabbath, and perhaps longer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUNDAY MORNING FIGHT Gallipolis, O., April 24, 1893. George CROMLEY, Francis GODDARD and George ANGELL, of Pomeroy, got into a controversy Sunday morning on Front street, in which GODDARD struck ANGELL over the head with a beer bottle, seriously injuring him. GODDARD fled. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The T. I. WILLIAMS MONUMENT Last week, Val. DRUMMOND, our marble dealer, set up a fine, extra dark Quincy Granite Monument on the lot of Mr. T. I. WILLIAMS, in Middleport Cemetery, to the memory of the late Mrs. Williams. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
The Democrat (Pomeroy, OH) April 27, 1893
Obituary Rebecca (PHILLIPS) SHOEMAKER, widow of Jacob SHOEMAKER, died April 8th, 1893, aged 79 years 10 months and 13 days having been born on May 25th, 1813. She was married to Jacob SHOEMAKER on December 26th, 1835, to which union were born five children, three of whom survive her. She was a member of the Christian church for more than 60 years. She was laid to rest in the Carleton burying ground on April 10th. Funeral services conducted by Rev. Moses WILL. [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
Meigs Co. Republican May 3, 1893
Silver Run News Miss Lizzie ZUSPAN was at Gallipolis the past week attending the Convention of the Epworth League. After spending a week visiting relatives here. Mrs. Thomas McIntosh has returned to her home at Mason City. Eddie, 16 year-old son of John PRIODE, was struck by the top of a tree, Friday and badly mashed up. At first it was feared he was fatally hurt, but upon the arrival of Dr. MILLER, of Middleport, it was found that the wounds would not likely prove dangerous. His left shoulder was considerably bruised, and a gash about three inches long was cut on the back of his head. Dr. MILLER sewed up the cut on the head and the boy now bids fair to recover. He was sitting on a side hill above some men that were cutting timber, when one of the trees lodged, throwing the top of the second back up the hill with the above results. Mr. PRIODE has surely been unfortunate since he came here. It lacked but a few days of being a year since a younger son was kicked in the head by a horse and his skull broken. Last summer a horse fell over the Story Run Bridge and was killed. Last fall his barn containing a number of horses and cattle burned, entailing a loss of at least $1,500. And now he is confronted by another misfortune. Nathan VALE, of Dyesville, was here Monday. He will start his week to Tullahoma, Tennessee, on business. He will also visit Nashville and Chattanooga, and review some of the scenes of his army life. Mrs. H. A. KENT visited her daughter, Mrs. Alice BURTON, near Kygerville, Sunday. E. W. RUTHERFORD and daughter Minnie, J. M. GALLOWAY, A. W. VALE, and R. S. CARPENTER, all of Columbia township, got off the train here last Saturday and spent the day in Middleport and Pomeroy. --------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHAEL DUNN died at his home in the 1st ward of Middleport, Thursday, April 27, 1893, at 9 o'clock p.m. He was born in Ireland, county of Kildare, September 9, 1836. He was buried in the Catholic cemetery at Pomeroy, Rev. Father THURHAMER having charge of the funeral. He died of diseases contracted while out in the Union army. He enlisted in the late war in 1861, under Capt. BRUNKER, and served to the close of the war. He was a brave soldier, a true comrade. He was married to Mrs. Anna BURKERT, March 9, 1886, spending seven years of their lives together, which he told repeatedly to his neighbors "were the happiest part of his life ." He was a confirmed invalid. His kind and loving wife was every ready to administer to his every want, for which with his dying lips he blessed his 'sweet heart,' as he called her. He leaves a wife to mourn the sad but just hand of Providence; also a daughter to his wife's first husband. He was a father to the orphan and afflicted girl, as she said when she was placing the icy hands peacefully over his breast, and for which I humbly thank him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [second obit for Michael DUNN in the same newspaper] DEATH OF MICHAEL DUNN After long years of suffering from wounds received in defense of his adopted country, Mr. Michael DUNN departed this life on Thursday night last, aged 57 years. If ever a man died a martyr to his county, that man was Michael DUNN. He enlisted early in the war, under Capt. P. BRUNKER, and served to the close, in the 4th West Virginia Infantry; Col. John L. VANGE'S regiment. He was twice wounded, one ball going through his breast, another through his leg. These wound have never healed entirely, but he suffered from them all through life, and they were finally the cause of his death. He was a member of Middleport Post, G.A.R., which body held services over his remains Monday morning at 8 o'clock. The body of the deceased was buried in the Catholic Cemetery at Pomeroy, Monday forenoon. Mr. DUNN leaves a wife and numerous friends here and in Gallipolis, who will long mourn the kindhearted man, the brave soldier, the patriotic citizen. "Soldier, rest, thy warfare's o'er." --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death of Clark Barringer Mr. Clark BARRINGER, a prominent river clerk, and well and favorably known here in Middleport, died at his home in Reedville, this county, on Friday last, aged about 35 years. He was clerk in the post office here during the first few months of Capt. W. A. BARRINGER'S administration. He was the son of Rev. Joseph BARRINGER, and nephew of W. A. and Elisha BARRINGER, of Middleport. The cause of his death was a cancerous growth in the throat, brought about, it was thought by excessive smoking. He was a popular river man, and left many friends here and elsewhere on the river. He leaves a wife and one child. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death of Thomas Z. Anderson After a long illness, Thomas Z. ANDERSON died at the home of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary ANDERSON, on Mill street, Middleport, on Monday afternoon last, May 1, 1893, aged about 69 years. Deceased was born in Brough, Westmoreland county, England; came to this county in 1840; went to Australia in 1857, remained there 22 years came back to this vicinity, where he resided until the time of his death. He was never married. The funeral will be held at Mrs. ANDERSON'S residence this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends invited. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCAL SIFTINGS Married, at the Methodist Parsonage, in Middleport, on Monday evening, April 24, 1893, by Rev. T. B. WHITE, Mr. Peter SHUTT and Miss Effie SMITH, both of Middleport. Congratulations are in order. C.E. PEOPLES, Esq., has resigned the office of Prosecuting attorney of Meigs county to accept the office of Postmaster of Pomeroy, and Ira GRAHAM was appointed in his stead. [that's exactly the way it is written in the newspaper] Marriage Licenses: Wilbur GEORGE and Minnie HYSELL; Louis B. MASON and Rebecca D. RUPE; Pollard BOURGEOIS and Mary F. LEWIS; Joshua CHAPMAN and Lucy M. PARSONS; J. E. BACHE and Nellie SANSBURY; Amos BRADSHAW and Mary C. GILMORE. Mrs. James PARK is improving her residence property, corner Second and Coal streets. She has added a very fine porch, and put down a new pavement all along the Coal street side. A citizen of this county recently purchased a $175 parlor set from W. B. FROBST Sons' furniture store. Conductor Glen NEAL, of the O.R.R., was caught between the bumpers while coupling cars at Parkersburg last Wednesday and had his hip dislocated. The country newspaper is the most useful and least compensated of all the agencies which stamp a town. The local paper is the life of a town, and the measure of its support measures the advancement of its residents. Almost every town and home could be improved by planting trees; plant properly and then care for them, and no one will every regret the time and costs. The Ohio Republican State Convention will be held in Columbus, June 7th and 8th. General GROSVENOR will be the temporary chairman. Meigs county is entitled to eight delegates and eight alternates. Judge Hiram L. SIBLEY delivered an address upon the labor question at the Court House last Wednesday evening. There was a large crowd in attendance, and the address was most interesting. He advocated Government ownership of railroads and telegraphs; less hours of labor; advanced wages, and increased in consumption of products. Gallipolis Bulletin. P. F. ZEISE received two letters from soldiers who helped bury private GIDEMAN, in 1861. It pays to advertise in the Republican Everybody reads it. The Hocking Valley Railway will inaugurate a new baggage check system during the World's Fair, in order to handle baggage destined to various points with greater security. Instead of brass checks, which do not indicate the starting point of baggage, pasteboard cards of convenient size will be used which have the name of the place from which the baggage is sent printed on them. The pasteboard checks will be printed in duplicate on one piece of pasteboard and will be used but once so that there will be no such thing as checks failing to correspond in number. The election to decide whether the Republicans of Meigs county shall nominate by the Baber law, or continue under the delegate system, will be held on Saturday, June 3d. The danger is that not enough votes will be cast to make the matter decisive. Let all Republican vote. Mr. T. R. SMITH was granted a pension last week at the rate of $6 a month, with $204 back pay. It was a long time in coming, but Thomas is happy. The towboat Harry Brown, from Pittsburg, passed down by here on Saturday evening last. Ed. THOMPSON, Oscar BARROWS, Pearl GARDNER, and Ed. MACE, all Middleport young men, went aboard of her bound for the Mississippi River and New Orleans. On Saturday morning, at 5 o'clock, the house of John WOLFE, at Bethel, near Racine, was struck by lightning and badly wrecked. The electric fluid struck the kitchen, knocked the legs out from under the stove, knocked the casters out from under the table and broke things up generally. Four persons were seated at the table, all of whom were severely shocked. Born, to Jacob WERNER and wife, of the 5th Ward, April 29, 1893 a daughter. John F. DOWNING, agent, hands us a "Map and Guide for Chicago," giving a view of the city, its streets, World's Fair buildings, lake front views, shipping, etc. To any one going to Chicago, the work is invaluable. It is issued by the Standard Accident Co. Val. DRUMMOND, the monument man, keeps the bussiest shop in town. Mrs. Mary I. DODD, of Middleport, was adjudged insane by Probate Judge PAINE Wednesday and was taken to the Athens Asylum Monday by her husband and Mrs. R. D. ROBINSON. Jacob KNIGHT, a former well known citizen of Clifton, died at his home at the German Salt Furnace, at 4 o'clock on Monday morning last. His age was 65 years. He leaves quite a family. He had a second attack of grip last fall, which left him in a feeble condition from which he never fully recovered. Rev. W. W. COE will preach in Middleport Christian church next Sunday evening. Public cordially invited. Gallipolis has a new electric light plant. The lights were turned on for the first time Saturday. Remember to clean up your premises. You may thus drive away a deadly disease. Some sneak thief broke into Mr. Isaac ROWLEY'S chicken coop last Friday night, and stole a lot of his chickens. This is a penitentiary offense. Mr. and Mrs. ROCHESTER, of Seattle, State of Washington, lost their little son by death a short time since. The mother was formerly Miss Carrie RICE, of Middleport. Her friends here send sympathetic tokens. The general opinion seems to be that the frosts of last week, while killing a portion of the fruit has not so much damaged it as to present a very fair crop. Athens Journal. A laborer named John J. STEWART, a young man, was hurt at the Rolling Mill Monday morning. His leg was bruised, but no bones broken. The miners in and about Pomeroy, to the number of about 300 to 400 did not go to work Monday. So the strike is on. Mitt. RATHBURN, of the big Rutland store; left for the city yesterday after more goods for the spring and summer trade. The wonder is, what they do with such piles on piles of goods of all kinds. But then they sell cheap, and five clerks are kept constantly on the jump waiting on customers. Some parties from about Pomeroy, who follow the business of sinking oil wells, &c., are now engaged in sinking some wells on the Asylum grounds. Mr. A. F. LASLEY hauled their machinery, which runs by steam, down from Cheshire last week. Gallipolis Journal. Dr. C. C. J. GUTHRIE, of Belpre, died, last evening, after a short illness. He was advanced in years and had been a practitioner in Belpre for many years. He is well known throughout the county, and a good physician. Marietta Register. Prof. LEWIS' Band gave a free entertainment at the new band stand on Walnut street last Saturday night. The music was appreciated by a large crowd. This will be kept up every Saturday evening when the weather is pleasant. Crop prospects are good so far. Fruit has not been injured yet. Time for the price of butter to drop. Next Sabbath evening at the Presbyterian Church the theme will be, "Luther, or Intensity of Purpose." The usual Cheshire appointment in the morning. Young people meeting at 6:30. Preaching at 7:30. The prayer meeting at 7:30. A very cordial invitation is extended to all. PERSONAL MENTION Miss Nellie MATTHEWS, of Washington City, is here on a visit to her many Middleport friends. She is looking remarkably well, and her friends will greatly enjoy her visit among them. Miss Lena DAVIS, is now on the ocean, on the Cunrad steamer Umbria, on her way to New York, which steamer is due to arrive on Saturday next, 6th inst. She will spend a day or two in Philadelphia, and will arrive home by Ohio River Railroad, next Monday or Tuesday. Maj. J. B. DOWNING went to Cincinnati, on business matters, last Monday. Miss Kate LAUGHEAD was called to Washington, Fayette county, rather suddenly last week, by the serious illness of her youngest sister, Miss Lucy LAUGHEAD. During her absence, Miss Kate THOMAS will fill her place in the public schools. Mrs. B.O. HIGLEY, of Athens, (nee Miss Amelia SHOTT, of Middleport) is here on a visit to the SHOTT family and many friends. Mrs. H. Davis, Jr., arrived home last week from Arkansas, where he has been employed as inspector of government work on the Mississippi. High water put a stop to the work for a while. Mr. Arthur HARTINGER came home from Parkersbury Commercial College last week, bringing with him a diploma for superior scholarship. Mrs. F. P. BRYAN went to Chicago last week to visit her son, Will. E. BRYAN, and to be present at the opening of the World's Fair. Mrs. A. J. BRANCH went to Chicago last week to visit her husband, Capt. Arthur J. BRANCH, and their two sons, who are in business there. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. BEALL, their daughter Pearl, Miss Lulu MAJOR, Mr. Jed. BELL, and Mr. John MCLANE, attended the old Fellows' celebration in Ironton last week. Mr. A. W. VALE, of Point Rock, Columbia township, was a pleasant caller among Middleport friends last Saturday. He is a candidate for clerk of Court. He reports the fruit uninjured in this section. Mrs. F. M. CLINE has been appointed one of the judges of the woman's department of the State Fair to be held at Columbus. Mrs. Dr. W. A. HANLIN is getting better from her recent severe attack of stomach trouble. Maj. J. B. DOWNING is able to be about again, but looks pale, if not thin. Miss Anna BURKERT, of Columbus, arrived here on Friday night last, called home to attend the funeral of Mr. Michael DUNN. Miss Anna has fully recovered her health, can see to read and write, and is looking well. Mrs. Ed. THOMPSON has been very sick for some time, but is now rapidly recovering. Mrs. Jessie, REDMOND, of Clifton, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. B. LINDSEY, in Middleport. Mrs. Hannah WILLIAMS, of Shawnee, returned to her home Saturday, after a pleasant visit here with her sister, Mrs. Thomas H. DAVIS. These two are the only members of the family living at present. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. BRYANT, of Gallipolis, were here Sunday visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. Barbara SPENCE. Miss Ella THOMPSON went to Gallipolis Saturday to spend a few days with friends. A telegram received Sunday from Leon, West Virginia announced the very serious illness of our former townsman, Mr. Hod. CONDEE. Dr. D. S. HARTINGER was summoned and went to Leon Monday morning. Mr. S. J. GRANT, of the Grant Brick Co., went to Cincinnati by the early train Monday - a business trip. Mr. S. F. SMITH, late local editor of the Pomeroy Tribune, was visiting Middleport friends last Monday. He is a candidate for Clerk of Court. Attorney E. C. HECOX, of Pomeroy, was in town last Friday. He is a young man, but will get there all the same. Anthony ENTSMINGER, one of the most promising young men of Middleport, will leave here this Wednesday morning for Carbondale, Illinois, where he will study dentistry with his brother. Mrs. W. H. WEIKER and two children, from Fairfield, Iowa are here on a two months' visit among relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. FLANAGAN and two children, of Parkersburg, West Va., are here on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. S. T. GROGAN and other friends. Mrs. Henry MCCULLOUGH, of Nelsonville, is here on a visit to the family of Mr. A. BOWEN, in Coalport. Mr. Northrop MOORE, of Kansas City, and his mother, Mrs. S.A.M. MOORE, of Pomeroy, were calling on Middleport friends last Monday. Mr. William PARK has so far recovered from his recent severe illness as to appear on the street daily. Billy will soon be all right, we hope. Mrs. J. B. DOWNING and Mrs. Sol. H. WERTHEIMER went to Gallipolis yesterday to visit friends. Capt. J. C. MCELROY was among his Middleport friends yesterday looking after his interests here. [Transcribed without changing spelling, grammar or punctuation. The text is as it appears in the newspaper at the time. Transcribed by: Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Meigs Co. Republican May 10, 1893
CLARK BARRINGER, the well known river clerk died at his home in Reedville, Ohio, Friday night last of catarrhal trouble. He had been at Braddock, Pa., for some time under the charge of Dr. PRICE, and had just returned home a couple of days before his death. Mr. BARRINGER was an Odd Fellow and was buried by members of that order from Letart and Ravenswood, who went up on the Valley Belle, Sunday morning, accompanied by the Ravenswood Cornet Band, who discoursed choice sacred music suitable to the occasion. Those who attended from here speak in nothing but highest terms of praise of the way they were treated by the citizens of Reedville during their stay in the beautiful little town. Ravenswood News. --- WAR IN RUTLAND TOWNSHIP. TROUBLE BETWEEN OLD SOLDIERS Bill PHILLIPS, the noted pension attorney of Langsville, it is reported, was assaulted and his life attempted by, as he claims, Thomas MOLER, a near neighbor, on Monday of last week. The story, as near we can learn, is as follows: PHILLIPS, as a pension agent, has so conducted the claims of the soldiers of that and the surrounding community as to get each and every one a good pension, and has gotten them all under his thumb-nail, as it were, and like the Texan bandit, would call for an even up. Within the last few months, a special agent of the pension department has been canvassing the records there, and with serious results to some of the pensioners. Some of them blamed PHILLIPS for underhanded work and as trying to defraud them out of their pensions. MOLER, especially, when notified that he would have no increase, became very wrathy, and a quarrel ensued. He would have exterminated PHILLIPS. John L. Sullivan fashion, the day of the spring election, had not the officers interfered. So he concluded to go at him regular war fashion, as citizens claim they have heard him threaten to shoot PHILLIPS. On the day named, PHILLIPS, so he claims, received a bullet through his hat rim and another in the air close to his stomach. He says he believes it was a Winchester rifle used, and he says MOLER was not more than twenty feet from him when he fired. The place where the shooting occurred has been inspected and substantiates PHILLIPS' story. MOLER, however, denies the whole affair, and says he knows nothing about it, nor has he any ideas who did it. Some, however, are of the opinion that the noted Bill is working a little game of his own, and shot the hat himself. Whatever it may be, we look for something interesting before long. -- PRESTON GREEN MARRIED Our young townsman Mr. Preston W. GREEN, left last Thursday for Chicago, where he has been employed to clerk in what is said to be the largest bookstore in the world. He went by way of Parkersburg, from which place the following account of his marriage is telegraphed. PARKERSBURG - May 5, Preston W. GREEN, of Chicago, and Miss Mary WOLF, of Columbus, were married here Friday. They met here by appointment. The groom was much excited while getting his license, and had "please don't publish" written on the license book. --- A MIDDLEPORT LADY INJURED The new Brighton Pa. Daily News of May 3d gives the following particulars of a serious accident that happened to a Middleport lady: THE CAR STARTED TOO SOON Mrs. Joseph MCKINGHT an elderly lady of Middleport, Ohio met with a painful accident last evening. She and her husband and a daughter, Mrs. DOWNEY, wife of wharfmaster James DOWNEY of Pomeroy, Ohio with two children of the latter, had been at New Brighton, visiting Mrs. Asbury HYSELL, and were returning on the electric car, of which Messrs. IRWIN and KRONK are conductor and motorman respectively. They were on their way to the wharf-boat to take passage on the Andes, which came down last evening. When there cars stopped in front of the two Johns store, the conductor, as they claim, told them it was the proper place to get off. Mrs. DOWNEY and children had done so, another mother was in the act of stepping upon the ground. Mr. MCKNIGHT being still on the car, when it started, an employee of the company named GILL having moved the switch lever for the conductor. The lady was thrown violently upon the pavement and seriously injured. She was carried into the clothing store named, and a physician was called, when it was found that one of her hip joints was badly injured. She was carried in a chair to the wharf-boat, and when the Andes arrived, between 8 and 9 o'clock, she was taken on board. The lady seemed to suffer very much. And the injury is one from which she many never wholly recover. A number of persons who saw the accident say that the conductor had left the car and had gone across to throw the switch. This contradicts the statement of Mrs. DOWNEY and others, who said that the conductor was still on the car. Where the blame lies seems impossible to determine from the contradictory evidence given. --- FROM BETHANY Spring is coming sure, and it looks as though we would have a good crop of fruit. Warren WOLFE is home from Hanley run to see his parents. Joseph and Pearl STILL, of Middleport, were up Sunday calling on Sylvester HOWELL and family. Melissa Hannah, of Pomeroy, was up Saturday to see her parents, Samuel MCGRAW and wife. John BEAVER has his new house well on the road towards completion; it is built on the same spot where his home burned down last March. Joseph STILL, Sylvester and Anna HOWELL were calling on Pendleton ARNOT and family last Sunday. Jua. RHODES and children of Racine, were visiting Deborah WOLF last Sunday. --- VILLAGE COUNCIL The old members step down and out; the new members sworn in. Council met last Thursday in regular session. Mayor, clerk, and all the old members were present. After the usual routine of business, allowing bills, &c., the old Council adjourned for good. The new members then came forward and were sworn in by Mayor HYSELL, as follows: J.M. COOPER, 1st Ward J. F. MOORE, 2d Ward O.P. SKINNER, 3d Ward W.H. CARPENTER, 4th Ward R. C. GARRETT, 5th Ward J. B. DOWNING resigned as Councilman of the 1st ward, and J. W. TALBOTT was appointed in his place and sworn in. Mayor HYSELL then announced the standing committees, as follows: On Finance - BOGGESS, GARRETT, COOPER, On Streets - TALBOTT, SKINNER, CARPENTER On Sewers - COE, BRAILEY, SKINNER On Fire - MOORE, HAMILTON, COE On Ordinances-COOPER, MOORE, BOGGESS George ALLENSWORTH was sworn in as Cemetery Trustee. Council then adjourned. -- RUTLAND ITEMS May 9, 1893 The continued wet and cold weather will make corn planting and berry picking crown each other. The meeting at the Christian church closed Sunday night with about twenty accessions to the church. Mrs. G. A. MCCORMICK had the misfortune to fall, one day last week, striking her head and making a very ugly and painful wound. Some kind of a vermin entered the hen-roost of Mrs. E. J. BRADFIELD and killed one hen and carried away twelve small chickens. S.T. MCLAIN has his new cellar all finished, and moved the main part of his old house onto it. He will build a new front, and add some other repairs. Something, supposed to be an eagle, is making sad havoc among the young lambs. E. E. STANSBURY has lost ten, and Oscar CHASE seventeen, up to the present writing. There was great excitement in the village one day last week, caused by the statement of W. B. PHILLIPS that he had been ambushed and fired upon by some unknown enemy. Tom. MOLER, of near Langsville, was arrested on suspicion, and had a hearing before Esquire G. V. LASHER, Friday. The evidence was not sufficient to establish the charge, and MOLER was discharged. The Ladies of the M. E. church will furnish dinner for the hungry on decoration day; also ice-cream will be served to those who desire it. The Free Baptist Sunday School Institute, which met with the Rutland Sabbath School May 5th and 6th, was a pleasant and enjoyable occasion to all present. The exercises were both entertaining and instructive. M. E. RATHBURN and wife made a trip to Cincinnati last week, he to purchase his spring stock of goods, and she is to see the sights. Mrs. E.J. BRADFIELD has honored her old house with the presentation of a new roof. Mrs. Josie CAMPBELL, has moved to Middleport to live with her daughter, Mrs. A. M. SNYDER. --- LOCAL SIFTINGS Marriage Licenses. A.J. KINCADE and Julia A. CROOKS; Peter CHAPMAN and Jane MATTHEWS; Geo. PHILLIPS and Lena MITCH; Ira E. PRICE and CLARA M. ADAMS; Frank KAY and Emma MASE; Henry KOENING and Clara DEVOL; J.E. ALLENSWORTH and Kate KALB. A number of the shop and repair employees of the Hocking Valley at Columbus have been laid off temporarily on account of the miners' strike and the consequent cessation in the coal traffic. Our wholesale men are complaining of the effect upon trade of the salt furnace and coal companies in Pomeroy Bend blowing out. Gallipolis Journal. The people of Hartford City have waged war on the saloons and last Saturday the last one closed up. It is estimated that two million bushels of coal have gone out on the present rise in the Kanawah. The new schedule for passenger trains over the Ohio River Railroad will take effect about the 15th of May. John ROBINSON'S big show is billed for Middleport, Ohio, Friday, May 12th. The Valley Belle will make a special trip to carry all who may desire to see the elephant. Ravenswood News. Grandpa FAEHNLE! Born, in Middleport, on Wednesday, May 3, 1893, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Albert FAEHNLE. McArthur schools close May 12th. Five graduates will come forth. The annual convention of the 11th District Ohio W.C.T.U. will be held in the M.E. Church, Athens, Ohio, May 11th and 12th. Representatives will be in attendance from Gallipolis, Pomeroy, Jackson, McArthur, Nelsonville, and other points. The Eleventh District embraces the counties of Athens, Gallia, Meigs, Jackson and Vinton. Among those who have fixed up their residences in fine style this spring is our friend, Mr. S. F. BERRY. His home is on front street below Lincoln. Recently he has renovated and remodeled the house, both inside and out, until it now looks like a different structure. The expense was several hundred dollars, but now he has one of the handsomest and coziest homes in Middleport, with a grand view of the Ohio and West Virginia hills. Smith and his estimable wife deserve just a home. Mr. L. F. FARNHAM, a kind old gentleman, of Warren, Illinois, died at his home on Thursday, April 23, 1893, of gangrene of the foot. He was a brother of Mrs. J.B. SMITH, of Middleport, and visited her last fall for a week or ten days. While here, he was a frequent visitor to this office, a great reader, and generally well informed. He was well fixed in this world's goods, and highly respected. Mr. FARNHAM was a great admirer of the Daily Ohio State Journal, and always asked for it when he called. He was 73 years of age. On Saturday, April 29th, a daughter aged 14 years, of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. GROGAN, living in the 1st ward while playing about the barn, was bitten by a snake, and became very sick. She fainted twice. But she was given whisky and recovered. When she was undressed, a small snake crawled out from among her clothes and was killed. Mrs. J. D. MAHON has been ill for a week or two past with spinal trouble, but it is hoped is some better now. The Meigs County Teachers' Institute will be held at Middleport and not at Pomeroy as incidentally reported by a Gallipolis paper. The time will probably be the third week in August, but full particulars will be given in due time for all to attend. Pomeroy Democrat In Cheshire, Ohio, April 27th 1893, Mr. Charles O. COLE and Mrs. Ella M. CURTIS were united in marriage by Rev. D. L. CHAPIN. The contracting parties were both residents of Cheshire, and the ceremony took place at the home of the bride. Mr. COLE is a Marietta gentleman, and old acquaintance of ours, and a man of sterling qualities and good sound sense. We are also well acquainted with the bride, recently Mrs. CURTIS and as a girl Miss SANDFORD. She is an estimable lady, and of an excellent family. The union of two such hearts must certainly be a happy one. We wish them joy. In Middleport, Ohio, May 6th, 1893, Mr. Joseph E. ALLENSWORTH and Miss Kate KALB, both of Pomeroy, were united in marriage by Rev. D. L. CHAPIN. The ceremony took place at the residence of Mrs. WESSA. Theme at Presbyterian church next Sunday morning, "The True Measure of Enjoyment." A Union Bible Meeting in the evening. The crew of the steamer C. A. Hill found the drowned horse of the TALBOTT wholesale house, on Monday last, about a mile below Cheshire. He was still attached to the buggy. The had floated and lodged among the willows, in about twenty feet of water. The crew stripped the harness from the horse, and brought the harness and remains of the buggy to Middleport. The two hind wheels were missing and the other parts badly damaged. Steam was raised in the new R. H. DAVIS ice factory on Saturday last, and the machinery worked to a charm. They will be making ice next week. The A.M.E. Church will give a "Chicky My Crainy Crow" Concert, in the church, on Monday evening, May 15th. Admission 10 cents. All are invited. Next Friday is show day. A great crowd will be in town. Business will be lively. The show is a good one, with a world-wide reputation, and all who come will be well repaid. Hope it will be a fair day. --- Middleport High School Alumni will meet Thursday evening, May 11th, at 8 o'clock, at the residence of Mr. John STEWART. This is the program Music - W.P. STEWART Recitation - Miss Pearl GRAHAM Reading - Emma ROWLEY Music - Hattie JONES Recitation - Katherine LAUGHEAD Reading -Mrs. A. S. KERR Declamation - Ruby DECKER Music - W.U. GRANT Please notice the change in date. -- PERSONAL MENTION Geo. CLIFTON and wife have moved into the house owned by Mrs. James PARKS, on Second street, immediately below the VANDUYN residence. Mrs. Ed. THOMPSON, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Griff. MICHAEL, has been very sick for five or six weeks past, part of the time dangerously so. She is better now, and able to be about a little. Mrs. J.W. THOMPSON, of Middleport, is the pleasantly entertained guest of her son, S. D. THOMPSON, this week. Athens Herald. Hon. J. L. CARPENTER, was in town Monday on business and to visit his daughter, Lizzie. Athens Herald. Mrs. Will. HUDSON, came down from Columbus on Friday evening last to visit her mother, Mrs. W. B. PROBST. From her we learn that Carl, the little son of Dr. and Mrs. C.O. PROBST, is very ill with inflammatory rheumatism. Mrs. Doctor KNIGHT, of West Columbia went out to Columbus last week to nurse her little grandson. Mr. D.B. MAUCK and family, of Proctorville, Lawrence county, were visiting relatives here last week. While here, the family together with Mrs. A. D. GUTHRIE and son, Roy, and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. BESSERER, went to Cheshire and took dinner with their brother, Mr. Isaac MAUCK. Mrs. W. B. SMITH arrived home from her visit to New Jersey relatives, on Saturday last. She brings with her samples of New Jersey sweet potatoes and fruit and vegetables of various kinds. The venerable mother of Captain George TITUS and his little daughter, Bertha came in from Rutland township one day last week to spend a short time with Miss Mary BROWN. Mrs. Matt GIBBONS, of West Columbia, was visiting her cousin, Mrs. Samuel BRADBURY, last week. Miss Mira CLARK, of Porter, Gallia county, is visiting her brother-in-law, Mr. W. B. GROVER, near Kyger. Charley ARMITAGE has again entered the office of the Auditor of the K. & M. Railroad at Charleston, West Va. Mr. S. M. HYSELL, the hardware man has been in very poor health for some time, not confined to his bed, but a general breaking down. He needs rest and relaxation from business. T.A. EVANS and family have moved into the rooms recently vacated by Finley MOORE, over Barnes' store. Richard GROGAN, of the Davis meat store was sick all last week, but on Monday morning was on hand again bright as ever. Frank H. MCKNIGHT, of Salem township, was visiting his Middleport and Pomeroy friends on Monday. He is a candidate for Clerk. See his announcement. Idon HODGE, book-keeper for the Devereauz Lumber Do. Of Charleston, West Va., came down Sunday to visit the home folks. Mr. George SMITH of Waukesha, Wisconsin, is here on a visit to his sister, Mrs. Edie SMITH SHUTT. They are children of the late Mr. Hamilton SMITH. H. L. SAUNDERS, of Parkersburg, West Virginia, spent Sunday in Middleport, visiting his uncle. Mr. T. R. SMITH. William SLIVERSON, after a few days visit here with friends returned to Ashland, Kentucky, Monday, where he is employed in a rolling mill. Mrs. S. D. WEBB has been very ill for a week or ten days past. She is some better now. Her daughter, Mrs. Della WEBB EARNSHAW, of Columbus, was sent for, and is here now, to help care for her mother. Landlord Charles CRARY, of the popular Commercial Hotel, made a business trip to Parkersburg on last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D.P. MORGAN and son Arthur, of East Third street, will leave for Chicago Monday to visit the Columbian Exposition. They will be joined there by their daughter and husband, W. G. U[I]LERY Esq., and wife, of Toledo. -- Commercial, Friday last. The youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. FLOYD went to Pittsburg last week to spend a week or two with her father. Mrs. Thos. SAUNDERS (formerly Miss Lizzie CALDERWOOD) and Mrs. Timothy RUSSELL (formerly Miss Lizzie FORBES) will make the round trip to Cincinnati and return on the steamer Convoy, which leaves here tomorrow. Mr. SAUNDERS is one of the pilots on the Convoy. Mrs. James CROSBY, electrician, is here in the interest of Mr. Gilbert BROWN, who has put in a bid for the street railroad electric plant between Middleport and Racine. We may have such a road inside of a year. Mr. Smith BERRY has been confined to the house for several days from a severe attack of lumbago. Mrs. Joseph VANCE and family have moved from the Davis block to W. T. SAUL'S house, on Front street, above the Commercial Hotel. Dr. J.A. MILLER will this week remove to Chester, having bought out the office and practice of his brother-in-law, Dr. TITUS. Since coming to Middleport, Dr. MILLER has made many friends, who wish him success in his new field of labor. --- DEATH OF MR. J.A. LAUGHEAD J.A. LAUGHEAD, aged 60 years, brother of the late C. B. LAUGHEAD, of Middleport, died at his home in Uniontown, Pennsylvania, on Sunday last, May 7th, 1893. When a young man, he lived in Middleport, where he married the eldest daughter of Mr. W. B. PENNINGTON. They removed to Uniontown soon after. Eight children have been born to them -- two of whom are dead. The funeral took place yesterday (Tuesday) at this late home. Mr. LAUGHEAD was a man of remarkably good qualities, very energetic, and heavy contractor, and had accumulated considerable property. He will kindly be remembered by many of our older citizens. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Meigs Co. Republican May 17, 1893
DROWNED Doyle HAWK, of Bedford township, was in Pomeroy on Friday last, and it is said indulged to some extent in fire water. He started for his home in the afternoon; but it seems he never reached it, for the next morning his body was found in Big Run, in the above named township, where he was drowned in eight inches of water. An inquest was held by Squire R. D. RAWLINGS, and no marks of violence being found, the verdict was accidental drowning. HAWK leaves a wife and four small children, the wife being the widow of Robt. RANKIN who disappeared so mysteriously at Kerr's Run several years ago. --- DEATH OF JAMES A. LAUGHEAD One of Uniontown's best known citizens, called from earthly scenes. Death came Sunday evening, after painful illness -- and enterprising and successful business man -- His career briefly reviewed -- funeral arrangements. James A. Laughead, one of the most widely known business men of Uniontown, is dead. He sank to rest last evening about 6:30 o'clock. Mr. Laughead had been suffering for sometime from a painful disease supposed to have been cancer of the bowels. He talked little of his ailment, however, and even his partners and his friends were not informed until recently of the serious nature of his illness. Last fall Mr. Laughead went to Buffalo, New York, and consulted that well-known physician, Dr. Pierce, concerning his condition. Dr. Pierce informed him what the trouble was, and gave little encouragement concerning any effective remedy. A few weeks ago Mr. Laughead went to New York and consulted a prominent physician in that city. While there he had an operation performed, but instead of affording relief, it seemed rather to increase the trouble. The subject of this notice was born Jun 2d, 1832, near Smithfield on what was then called the General McClelland farm, now known as the Baxter place. When not more than three years of age his parents moved to the William Rankin place in South Union township about one mile south of Uniontown. It was here that Mr. Laughead spent most of his life except a few years he lived in Ohio and the ten years he has resided on Maple street in Uniontown. By as rather remarkable coincidence his marriage took place on his 23d birthday, June 8, 1754, to Sarah PENNINGTON, of Middleport, Ohio. The following children were born to them, the names being given in order of their ages; Mary J. (deceased), Willie C. (deceased), Albert H., Anna P. (Beatty), Laura, Edward P., Joseph A., Charles A. and Robert, who died in infancy. After remaining at Middleport a few years after his marriage, Mr. Laughead returned to the old place in South Union township and for a number of years carried on the carpentering business on his own responsibility. He took contracts for buildings in the county and worked in this way for several years. Afterward he came in town and assisted in organizing a planing mill company, becoming himself a member of the firm, which was Fuller, Laughead, Bailey & Co. The firm was organized in 1867. A change was afterwards made in the firm when W. H. Bailey went out and John Sembowers was taken into the company. The firm name was changed to Fuller, Laughead & Co. At the death of Mr. Sembowers, Thomas Hadden was taken in as a partner, and the company name was changed to Laughead, Hadden & Co. In 1883 Mr. Hadden retired and R. Modisett, William C. and A. H. Laughead became members of the firm. The name was changed to Laughead, Modisett & Co., the present style. It will be noticed that Mr. Laughead has been identified, with the firm ever since its organization in 1867. He was a man of great worth in the community, and was acknowledged to be the leading man of the firm to which he belonged. The Laughead, Modisett company have done a large amount of work in and about town. The largest contract ever taken by them was the erection of the Fayette county court house, now almost completed. Two members of the firm are now gone, Mr. Modisett having died only a few months ago. It is not know whether any material changes will be made in the affair of the company. A gentleman who has been in the employ of the company for 25 years said to a news reporter this morning that he regarded Mr. Laughead as one of the best men he ever knew, and, considering the amount of business done by him. He never saw his equal. He spoke particularly of the pleasant and agreeable way in which Mr. Laughead always treated the men in his employ. Mr. Laughead was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church of Uniontown. The funeral service will take place from his residence on Maple street tomorrow at 10 o'clock a.m. and the interment will be in the family lot in Oak Grove cemetery. - From the Uniontown, (Pa.) News, May 8th. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of Pensions allowed through the agency of John F. DOWNING, Middleport, Ohio, since last report: Margaret CARROLL, Mason City, W. Va - Original, widow's, $8 per month, with $2 additional for each of 2 children from Nov. 3, 1892. S.J. DEAN, Harrisonville - Original, window's pension with $2 per month for one child from Aug. 9, '92. Mary H. STEEL, Middleport - Original, widow's pension, $8 per month from, Aug, 21, 1891. Wm. J. SISSON, Carpenter, Ohio - Increased to $17 per month from Feb. 6, 1893. Geo. C. MUSSER, Rutland - Increase to $17 per month from Sept. 21, 1892. --- COUNTY EXAMINATIONS for admission to High School, May 6, 1893 Sophia Loehler, Syracuse age 15 Mabel Race, Pomeroy age 15 Eda Juhler, Pomeroy age 13 Alice Merrick, Pomeroy age 13 George Shannon, Pomeroy age 18 Harry Robertson, Pomeroy age 16 Dennis Sayre, Letart age 15 Hart Stanbery, Pomeroy age 14 Elmer Davis, Pomeroy age 13 William Amose, AppleGrove age 19 P.M. Green, Snowville age 17 There were thirty applicants --- FOR SALE -- A good little frame house and 13 acres of good ground. 4 miles from Middleport, in Rutland township. Will be sold cheap for cash, or on long payments if properly secured. Apply to Alfred GARDNER, Rutland, Ohio -- POMEROY The strike along the Bend is still on, no effort having been made thus far to effect a compromise. Elder M. V. B. EUANS attended the musical concert at the Opera House Saturday night, and held quarterly conference there next day. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. MARTIN, of Dexter, visited relatives at Pomeroy Sunday. Taylor PETTY, of Athens Asylum came home Monday, sick. He will remain here until well. Henry PRIODE lost a horse worth $125 last Wednesday. Mrs. Will. WEHE has sold the machinery which belonged to her husband for $300 to Jos. FAEHNLE & son of Middleport. Miss Carrie SCHLAEGEL, a student of the Dayton Normal School, returned to her home here Wednesday last. Judge J. P. BRADBURY, of the Supreme Court, is home at present. The Judge says it is a mistake about his having purchased the Langsville creamery. Frank HOFF, of Huntington, is visiting his parents here. Miss Jennie OSBORN is now saleslady in her brother Willie's book store. Miss Mina HYDE, of Adrain, Michigan, has taken Miss Jennie's place at the telephone exchange. The Belt Railway condemnation suit is still in progress at the Probate Court. Mrs. Joseph BECK, of Cincinnati, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad BENGEL. The Commencement of the Pomeroy High School will take place next Friday night. Price's Floating Opera gave a show to a small house on Thursday night. Andrew RAPPOLD, Sr., is the guest of his daughter at Huntington, West Va. Miss Anna PAINE returned Thursday from a visit with her brother John's family at Columbus. --- CARLTON AND CHESHIRE May 15, 1893 Weather fine, and farmers driving their work. We attended the Meigs County Sunday School Institute, held with the First Rutland Free Baptist Sunday School. We took the K. & M. train in company with Miss Anna BING and Miss Minnie COUGHENOUR, they also being delegates. At Leading Creek, Mrs. J. W. TALBOTT and little son joined us, she being a delegate from the Middleport Sunday School, and we found her a very agreeable lady. After leaving the train, we had to walk a half mile. This brought us to the very pleasant little village, though small it was laid out some 70 or more years since, and has quite a history. When we neared the village, we were met by sister Clara BENEDICT, who welcomed us to her beautiful home just in front of the town hall, where a large crowd of citizens had gathered to the trail the State against one Thomas MOLER, charged with shooting at on Phillips with intent to kill, Esq. LASHER on the bench; and when his honor had heard all the testimony in the case, he acquitted MOLER, which seemed to meet the approval of those that heard the testimony in the case. At 12 o'clock we partook of a choice dinner. At 2 o'clock the institute was called to order by Secretary Miss Clara BENEDICT. On motion, Elder WEED, of your city, was chosen moderator and Brother Milton STANSBURY assistant moderator. The services were then opened by J. BLACKBURN, and from then to the adjournment on Saturday the 6th, at 3 P.M., an enjoyable and harmonious session was the result. We, with Bro. WEED, were invited to make our home with Mr. and Mrs. John CHASE, which we did, and no two persons living could have received kinder treatment than we. They have four grown children living in the State of Colorado, and sister CHASE purposed leaving in company with Mrs. MCGUIRE on the following Monday to visit them. Our prayers go with her and her safe return to Bro. CHASE. We called on Bro. and Sister McCORMICK, in company with Bro. WEED and Sister TALBOTT, and after partaking of a bountiful supper, we boarded the south bound train for our respective homes, to muse over the happy events of the last two days. The next session will be held with the Cheshire Sunday school, the Friday before the first Saturday in October, at 2 o'clock. Yes, Mr. Bailey, we second your proposition. We do need good roads. Any one who has thought for one moment of having a 4th of July celebration in Middleport, Pomeroy, Gallipolis, or within one hundred miles of Watson's lovely beech grove should abandon the idea at once; for the friends and patrons of the new church house to be erected at Carlton will aim to have the grandest time ever known in Southern Ohio, a regular old fashioned 4th, with all the modern improvements attached; and when you see it you will say, in the words of the Queen of the South, the half has not been told us. Cheshire people are making a big effort to have a fruit canning factory near the village. We wish them great success. Public enterprise of any kind pleases us. Last week was a busy week for all, especially was it so in our home courts between the attachment suit before Esq. Shuler JOHNSON for the prosecution, BLACKBURN for the defendant, the big criminal suit before Esq. BLACKBURN, and then the primary, together with the large amount of farming and gardening done by us, we were kept on a big hustle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PENSION granted through James C. MCMASTER'S agency, Middleport, Ohio William WARD, Langsville - Reissue, rate $6 per month from Dec. 1, 1887; $8 per month from Feb. 6, 1890; $10 per month from June 18, 1890. Lawrence HOFFMAN, Berry, W. Va. - Original, rate $4 per month from October 30, 1889. Benj. F. SHIVLEY, Letart, W. Va., -- Increase, rate $10 per month from May 28, 1891. David R. FOREMAN, Middleport - Increase, rate $14 per month from October 19, 1892. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
The Democrat (Pomeroy, OH) May 25, 1893
Death Of An Octogenarian Mrs. Sarah E. FITCH (nee BARTLETT) was born March 15, 1813, in the town of Thomson, Geauga Co., O., and died at her home at Hazael, Apr. 10, 1893, aged 80 years and 25 days, after a long and severe illness, which she bore with motherly patience and Christian fortitude. At the early age of 19 she became a christian and a member of the M. E. church, and to the end of life adorned the high and holy relationship by a beautiful and consistent life. Deceased was the wife of Madison L. FITCH, one of the distinguished citizens of this place. Being married to him in 1833, with whom she lived in sweet companionship until the day of her death. Not only was she active in religious circles, but in social and literary as well. Her light shining and her influence wielded upon all with whom she came in contact. The funeral rites were conducted by Rev. BROWN of the U. B. church, with a popular and characteristic discourse. A fit tribute to a memory so noble, grand and good. With tender and loving hands she was laid to rest in Bald Knobs Cemetery, April 12, by the side of those who had gone before. She leaves a husband and six children, all of whom were present to console her and alleviate her sufferings, besides a host of other relatives and friends who mourn their loss. But they sorrow not as those that have no hope. They believe dying is only to wake in a brighter morning. Dear friend, we will love thee still, till we meet thee in that life where there is no more death and where the tears shall be those of joy. Death is as illusion. The empty cage is here, The empty chair is here, But the singer and occupant has gone. She is not dead, but has entered one of the upper chambers of our Father's Mansion. E.S.R. [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
The Democrat (Pomeroy, OH) June 1, 1893
BABIES Some of Those Born in Meigs County for the Year Ending March 31, 1893 LETART Name, Date, Father Lora Mabel, May 23, George BEAVER William O., Jan 12, John CORNELL Addie A, Feb 26, W. A. FLESHER Leona Ellen, Oct 8, Chas. W. DAVIS Anna Leona, May 9, W. H. DONAHOE Sinah M., July 17, J. R. HAYMAN Clara Ethel, July 12, David A HARTLEY Myrtle, Feb 23, Geo. W. JAMES Minnie E., Oct 21, L.A. McNICKLE Georgiana, Oct 22, A. M. MORRIS Jas. Wilbur, Mar 11, Marion RHODES Orville Ernest, Jan 19, A. R. RIPLEY Roy Martin, Feb 14, Harvey ROUSH Mary Ellen, Nov 18, Allen ROUSH Henry Dale, July 31, G. E. ROUSH Lotus L., March 10 D. A. RADCLIFF Ross A., Dec 15, Mart REITHMILLER Deisie Blanche, Aug 2, Joseph ROUSH John T., July 7, Wm. SMITH Lizzie A., Oct 20, Thomas STOBART Arthur, Mar 29, E. N. SHANE Cecil, May 6, F. A. SAYRE Ruth, Oct 26, Millard SAYRE Thomas C., Feb 26, G. W. SAYRE Edna Halcyon, Dec 13, Otis SAYRE Wheeler, Sept 3, Robt. SARSON Josie, May 20, William TATE Bessie Maude, Oct 7, David WATSON Harry J., Dec 5, John P. WOLF Russell Justus, Feb 20, D. B. WEAVER Lilia Elsie, May 15, George WAGNER Beulah Clare, Oct 30, Chas. WAGNER PAGEVILLE PRECINCT Howard, June 16, Lewis BOLEN Zettie, May 14, Jno. W. DEAN Anna, Mar 27, Robt. F. DIXON Flora Mabel, Oct 18, Isaac DAILEY Josie, Mar 18, James GIBSON Andra Mabel, Apr 14, John H. GIBSON Abba B., May 9, Oscar S. GRAVES Wilford Cleve, Feb 25, Jas. H. GRAHAM Clyde G., Apr 10, Wm. H. HICKS Everett, Jan 28, Howard HANING Estella, May 30, Wm. S. HUDNELL Ransom A, July 22, A. I. HUTCHINSON Martha, Oct 2, Adelbert JEWELL Oliver P., Dec 18, S. C. LYNCH Albert, Nov 29, Wm. T. McCOLLY Martha E., Jan 26, Calvin PETTY Hattie E., Nov 26, G. W. REEVES Guy, Jan 17, Charley WINN Ethel, Jan 12 Ellsworth SUDDETH Dollie P., June 8, mother,Nancy E. TEWKESBURY Roy E., Sept 20, H. H. ZIMMERMAN MIDDLEPORT, FOURTH WARD Bertie and Gertie, Aug 30,Chas. ANDERSON Charles Louis, Mar 3,Hiram W. BORING Samuel, June 25,Samuel CARVEY William Samuel, Nov 18,Wm. ELDERDECKER Girl not named,Thaddens H. FULLER Harry, Aug 18,Grant GARDNER Finley, Oct 17,Samuel GREENLEE Grace Beulah, Jan 2,Thomas HARRIS Ada Gertrude, Feb 9,M J. HAMILTON Maud Lorena, Mar 5,John JOLLEY Hudy (girl), Oct 6,Peter KLEIN Mary Catherine, Aug 21,John LEYER Roma, Sept 14,mother,Bell LOWERY Harry Harrison, July 5, William H. LONG Charles William, Sept 6, John MOLDEN Bessie Beatrice, Aug 26, Joseph MOORE Goldie Hazel, Aug 15, Joseph H. MURRAY Chas. Louis, Sept 1, Chas. SMELTZLY Bessie, Sept 1, Alex WHITTINGTON Pearly Cleveland, Jan 3,Wilbur WIGGINS George H, Jan 18, Charles WELLS [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
The Democrat (Pomeroy, OH) June 8, 1893
BABIES Some of Those Born in Meigs County for the Year Ending March 31, 1893 MIDDLEPORT, THIRD WARD Name, Date, Father Thomas E., Feb 20,Chas. E. BEACH Frank, Nov 21,Frank BARNETT Edna, Oct 10,Simon CURTIS Edith, Oct 30,Chas. COLLINS Boy, not named, Jan 6, A. H. GRANT Clara Edith, Feb 8,Wm. HAWKINS Ruth, May 10,Augustus LEWIS Julia, Nov 10,John MOORE May, Mar 9,Frank MOLDEN Horace, Oct 8, F. B. MURPHY Gertrude E., June 25,Patrick O'LEARY Joseph Edgar, Sept 22,J. E. POWELL Benjamin, Nov 7,George WATKINS MIDDLEPORT, FIRST WARD Lodrick Davis, Oct 14, W. G. DAVIS Florence, Jan 7, Frank HAYES Bessie May, Nov 5, William KOFF Jennie May, May 6, Thomas MANKIN Ora, Apr 2, Henry MOORE May B, Oct 6, George BALEY Elsama, Aug 24, Stephen NUBY Mary Anderson, Nov 7, William PARK Alzina, July 26, William REED William, June 4, Charles BIDDLE William, Aug 3 or 8, John WILLIAMS HARRISONVILLE PRECINCT Melda Murl, Aug 9, Isaac N CHASE Harrison Davis, Sept 29, Abijah COSHEW Boy, unnamed, Feb 22, James R FRENCH Philip Manley, Jan 21, Chas. A GOTTSCHALL Elvia Judson, Jan 16, Jerry GOTTSCHALL Elza Hudson, Jan 16, Jerry GOTTSCHALL Saria May, May 17, Harvey J LEE Oizira May, Jan 21, John A. LANDAKER Delia Lovera, Nov 6, Charles LATHEY Lyman F, Aug 20, Sylvester MARSHALL Girl, unnamed, Mar 26, Jos. M. ROWLEY Lydia Mable, Jan 17, Marcellus ROMINES Verna, Dec 8, Geo. Perry STILES Ethal, Jan 18, John WELCH GREAT RIVER PRECINCT Pink, Jan 19, John ALLMAN Raymond, July 28, J. A. BYERS Charles C. Ray, Sept 14, J. W. HARTLEY Jean R, Nov 16, mother, Mamie HALL Earnest Earl, Dec 25, J. R. JONES Otto, July 18, Martin KOEHLER Jesse Senior, Mar 8, I. H. MINEARD Rusha Herman, Oct 31, J. U. OURS Thomas Fredric, July 4, J. M. RHODES Henry Wood, May 27, J. R. SMITH Rosena, Feb 23, Jacob BEUTIER Helen, July 12, C. M. BROWN Maudy May, Sept 4, Joseph R. ICENHOUR Silva Emma, Jan 12, A. J. JOHNSON Sessa Evaline, Mar 6, L. G. MOONEY Mattie, May 31, H. E. THEISS Ada May, Nov 29, Orlando WELCH MIDDLEPORT PRECINCT Flavia, Oct 26, R.E. ARCHER Gertrude, Mar 25, Elzworth BAILEY William, Mar 6, W. BLACK Vieta Reed, July 26, William BOWERS Albert F., Nov 21, E. F. BAILEY Rosa Bell, Feb 27, Samuel BELIN Milo L., Feb 19, C. E. CNIP Nora, May 4, Daniel FORMAN Dora Bell, May 11, S. M. GILMORE Eugene, July 1, Edward HYSELL Norman P., May 17, John HOBBS Beatrice, Mar 26, Charles McKNIGHT Susa L., May 11, George McKNIGHT Lewis Franklin, Jan 8, Joseph P. RICE Brad Herbert, Dec 2, W. D. RUSSELL Jesse E., Oct 11, Dan C. SMITH Lida Bell, June 15, Jerry SMITH Ada, June 7, James SAUL Lena, July 17, Anthony SHULAR CHESTER Harry H, July 8, L. G. BYERS Ralph, June 8, Wm. BUCK Annie M, Jan 26, J. A. EISELSTEIN Raymond, June 17, A. F. EISELSTEIN Leron W., Mar 15, John HOFFMAN Elmer G., Sept 21, C. J. KAUTZ Rona Dot, July 25, D. S. KIMES Eunice M., June 29, J. W. McCULLOUGH Sarah E., Mch 9, Leonard OHLINGER Albert, Feb 20, James PARTLOW Marsha W., Feb 9, Jerrerson PULLINS Grace May, May 4, Hamilton PULLINS Pearl J., Sept 4, George SMALLEY Lucinda, Sept 5, Percival SMALLEY Amos L., July 21, J. M. SMITH Alban J., Dec 12, W W. STOBART Edna Vern, Mar 27, C. L. SPENCER Lawrence N., Oct 26, Phillip SPENCER Murl A, Aug 16, Scott TORRENCE Marion Lewis, Feb 25, J. A. WOODS Otto F., Aug 11, Geo. W. WERLING Magdalena C., May 20, Robert WALKER Ora Lee, July 8, Philip WEBER Elmer V., Nov 21, James WINDON Norma, Jan 23, Joseph WINDON Dayton Floyd, Sept 30, George WILL Alice May, Jan 8, Wm. WALLACE [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
unknown Meigs Co. newspaper July 27, 1893
Daniel Gilliland is descended from one of the best known pioneer families Meigs Co Ohio and was born in this co and state, May 29, 1827, his father migrating from New York in 1817, and in 1824 settled in Orange Twp, Meigs Co., at Pomeroy, Mary 4, 1851. Mr Gilliland was united in marriage with Lydia Spiller and they were the parents of eight children, six of whom survive him. Their mother and first wife of Mr. Gilliland died July 8, 1882 after which he married Mrs. Mary Harvey. He was strictly religious man having been a member of the M. E. church for over 30 years, and a highly respected, and honorable citizen, a kind and affectionate husband and loving father. His friends and relatives mourn but they have a hope to meet him in that world beyond this vale of tears. He died after a protracted illness of 6 months, 5 of which he was confined to his bed, yet during all this time he was ever known to murmur and bore his sufferings with patience and fortitude. He died June 9, 1893, funeral conducted by Rev. Joseph Clark after which the remains were interred in the cemetery at Morse Chapel. [Transcribed by Kay Williams]
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