These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
Republican-Herald January 4, 1901
The funeral of Henry Lester Romine, the young man who was shot by his brother, was held at the Second Rutland Freewill Baptist Church on Dec. 26, 1900, at 2 o'clock p.m. Henry Lester Romine was born May 4, 1879, and died Dec. 24, 1900, age 21 years, 7 months and 20 days. He was the youngest of a family of nine children. The father and one sister have preceded him to the other shore. He united with the Second Rutland Freewill Baptist Church, Oct. 1, 1899, and has been every faithful in the observance of his religious duties. Rev. T. Lasley, of Middleport was called to conduct the funeral services -- interment at Miles Cemetery by Rawlings. -- John and George Chase attended the funeral of their mother, Mrs. Kate Chase, at Harrisonville, Sunday. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Republican-Herald January 11, 1901
A Brave Soldier, Good Citizen and Kind Neighbor, at Rest Strauder Hysell was born Sept. 18, 1842, and died January 3, 1901, aged 58 years, 3 months and 15 days. He was joined in marriage with Lecta M. Graham, Sept. 8, 1881. Two sons were born to them, Vernon and Loyd. Mr. Hysell was a member of Co. C, 9th Virginia Infantry and his regiment participated in twenty-three battles of the war, becoming so decinated by death, that it was joined with the First Virginia under the name of the First Virginia Veterans. Strauder Hysell became a member of the Freewill Baptist Church in this city in 1893. His life has been that of a faithful servant. Middleport or its immediate vicinity has always been his home, and he was known to a large circle of friend. He leaves his wife, two sons and many relatives to mourn his departure. The funeral was conducted from the Freewill Baptist Church at 2 p.m. January 5th by Rev. Thos. Lasley, pastor. Those in attendance at the funeral from a distance were: Mrs. Charles Root, of Columbus, Ohio, Mrs. John Combs, of Ironton, Ohio, J. W. Graham, wife and daughter, of Nelsonville, Ohio, Samuel Wolfe and wife, of Racine, Ohio, Clyde Wolfe, and wife, of Pomeroy, Ohio, and other relatives. -- Last Thursday morning Charlie Nelson was found dead in bed. He was about 49 years old and has been an invalid from a very small child. He drew a pension of $14 per month. His brother was a soldier in the civil war and was taken prisoner and died in the Andersonville prison. The funeral was preached by Elder Lowe at Grass Run school house Friday afternoon and the remains were buried close there by a brother who died a few years ago. He made his home with his brother Henry. -- Mrs. Harvey Hysell Dead Mrs. Harvey Hysell died at her home in Bradbury early Wednesday morning. Up to within a short while ago Mrs. Hysell enjoyed good health but about two weeks ago she lost her reason and it took several strong men to hold her. She was adjudged insane by the Probate Court and arrangements were made to convey her to the asylum, but, she failed rapidly and soon became so weak she could not be moved. Mrs. Hysell was a sister to Mrs. Gap Russell of Middleport, and her many friends here will be pained to learn of her untimely death. She leaves a husband and several children. -- Flem Hoover Dead Flem S. Hoover, a well known plasterer, who moved from Middleport to Lamar, Colorado, a few years ago, died at Denver, Colorado, January 4, 1901. Mr. Hoover was a brother-in-law to Mr. Nat Martin, of this city, and during his long residence here made many friends. He had been in poor health for about two years and only ten days before his death he left his home at Lamar for Denver, for treatment, and a letter received by Mr. Nat Martin, Tuesday morning, brought the sad intelligence of his death. He leaves a wife and one son to mourn their loss. -- OLD CITIZEN GONE Mr. James Major Closed Life's Fitful Fever January 3, 1901 James Major was born in Neango county, Pa., January 24, 1831, and died January 3, 1901, ages 69 years, 11 months, and 9 days. He came to Ohio in 1852, and in 1854 was united in marriage with Sophia [P. or F.] Chase. To this union two sons and three daughters were born. One son and two daughters have preceded the father to the other shore. Jas. Major was a corporal in Co. G. 4th W. Va. Cay. For 28 years Mr. Major has been an honored resident of this city. Of a quiet, gentle disposition, he was known and loved by a large circle of friends. In 1855 he united with 2nd Rutland Free Will Baptist church and has lived a faithful Christian life. He leaves his wife, one son John, of this city, and one daughter, Mrs. Lulu Bell, of Racine, O. The funeral was conducted from the Free Baptist church at 10 a.m. January 5, by Rev. T. Lasley, his pastor [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Republican-Herald January 18, 1901
DEATH OF JAMES R. COOK Former Member of Board of Supervisors Dies After Long Illness Oakland, Jan. 10 -- James R. Cook, aged 83 years, died Tuesday afternoon at his residence in this city. He had suffered from an internal tumor for several years, and his death was not unexpected. Mr. Cook moved to his farm north of here in 1865, and has always been a prominent and highly respected citizen. He was a member of the board of supervisors for several terms and was of a kindly disposition, making firm friends of all with whom he came in contact. He leaves a widow and four children, Mrs. D. Kinser, Mrs. Charles Putnam, and Merrill Cook, who reside near here, and Waldo Cook, a resident of Council Bluffs. He had been for many years a consistent member of the Christian church. -- The (Iowa) Daily Nonpareil Mr. Cook was an old Meigs county boy and was born and raised in Rutland Township where he is still remembered with pleasure by hosts of friends. When the Civil War broke out, Mr. Cook enlisted in Co. B, 92nd Regt. O.V.I., and served throughout the war. Deceased was a brother of Mrs. W. H. Skinner, of Middleport. He was an honorable gentleman, for whom everybody had a good word who knew him and we extend our heartfelt sympathy to his relatives and friends in their bereavement. -- Mrs. Jennie Hysell, daughter of Ira and Martha Russell, was born November 11, 1856, and died January 8, 1901, at 5 p.m. aged 44 years. Funeral services were held at the Christian church January 10, after which she was laid to rest. She was married to Harvey Hysell in 1879 and to this union were born six children, two sons and four daughters, five of whom are living. She became a member of the Christian church fourteen years ago. She was a faithful and consistent christian, loved by all who know her. She leaves a husband, five children, three sisters, three brothers, and a host of other relatives and friends to mourn their loss. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
The Democrat (Pomeroy, Ohio) February 6, 1901
Died at Her Parent's Home Joseph Martin, of Rockspring, went to Wellston Thursday to attend the funeral of his son's wife who died at the home of her parents, Mr. And Mrs. Eblin, of Wellston, the day before. The deceased was the wife of J. D. Martin and lived at Athens where her husband was employed by the Athens Lumber Company. She was a young woman, having been married only about a year ago. Previous to her marriage she was a student at the Ohio University, and those who knew her say that she was a beautiful and talented woman. The cause of her death is reported as cancer of the stomach. She went to Wellston several weeks ago to visit her parents and was taken sick while there. Mrs. Wendel Hepp. Mrs. Wendel Hepp, whose illness was noted last week, died early Thursday morning of heart failure and was buried Sunday in Beech Grove cemetery. She was 38 years old and leaves a husband and five children, three girls and two boys. The deceased was a daughter of Geo. Bauer and was a splendid woman loved and esteemed by all who knew her. Her funeral was held Sunday in the St. John church, conducted by Rev. Borneman and was attended by a great concourse of people. Dead in Her Chair Mrs. Lucy Story of Bedford township, widow of David Story was found dead in her chair at her home near Burlingham, last Wednesday, by Chas. Hinds, a neighbor. She was an old lady and lived all alone on her large farm this side of Burlingham. She had been in her usual health and been seen about the place as usual and the neighbors would probably not have known of her death for days had not Mr. Hinds gone to the house on an errand. Failing to see her about the place he looked in the window and saw her seated in a chair before the fire with her head to one side as though asleep or dead. He called another neighbor and together they entered the house and found her cold in death. From the appearance of the fire and the surrounding she had been dead only an hour or two. The deceased leaves one child Mrs. Sylvester Atkinson, whose husband is a prominent farmer in Bedford township. She was buried Friday in the grave yard at Burlingham. [Transcribed by Homer Thiel]
Republican-Herald February 22, 1901
GONE TO HER REWARD Grandmother Rathburn Answered the Final Summons Mrs. Lucinda Skinner-Rathburn, the venerable mother of Dr. d. C. Rathburn died at her home in this city last Saturday afternoon at about 3 o'clock after an illness of only a few days. Mrs. Rathburn's maiden name was Skinner and she was born near Rutland, Ohio, on December 26, 1818 and died Saturday afternoon, February 16, 1901, aged 83 years and nearly two months. Mrs. Rathburn was a resident of this vicinity nearly all her life and was loved and respected by the entire community. In the death of Mrs. Rathburn she leaves one son and daughter to mourn the loss of a kind and affectionate mother. Her children are Dr. D. C. Rathburn, of this city and Mrs. Hettie Rathburn Dickerson, of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Mrs. Dickerson was seriously ill at her home and could not be present to comfort her beloved mother in her last hour. Harry Phillips a grandson, whose home is at De Monies, Iowa, arrived here in time to attend the funeral, though he did not know that his grandmother was ill until he arrived here and found her dead. The deceased was a consistent member of the First Baptist Church and the funeral services were conducted from that church by Rev.Thos. Lasley on Tuesday afternoon. -- Death of Samuel Nipps Samuel Nipps, aged about 67 years, died at the Athens Hospital for the Insane on Monday morning and the remains were brought to his home here on Monday afternoon. Mr. Nipps was in fairly good health until a few months ago when he began acting strangely and all of a sudden lost his reason entirely. He was taken to the Asylum about six or eight weeks ago and grew gradually worse until death relieved him of his sufferings. He was a veteran of the Civil War and is said to have been a brave soldier. He leaves a wife. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Republican-Herald March 8, 1901
Elizabeth, daughter of Lewis and Mary Schreiner, was born in Pomeroy, O., April 14, 1865, and died March 1, 1901, aged 35 years, 10 months and 17 days. She was educated in the public schools of Middleport leaving after the close of her Sophomore year in High School to enter the office of the "Herald" to learn the work as a "compositor." After spending two years in the "Herald" office she was transferred to the "Telegraph," at Pomeroy where she spent several years and then went to the "Leader" at Pomeroy. In all she spent about eleven years in her work as compositor, and it is said, she walked during those years, to and from her work, over 12OOO miles. She was a close student and industrious beyond her strength and powers of endurance. She worked with might at whatever was given her to do. The task set before her was not measured by "possibly I can," but by "I will." Her application to her work was such as wears the strongest individual into weakness and death. Those nearest to her say, She was a great Bible reader and student of the same. She united with the M.E. Church in 1884 and remained a worthy member until death. She was for several years a member of Mrs. W.M. Swallow's Sunday school, and then was an efficient teacher in the same Sunday school during the remainder of active life. In her work as a pupil and teacher in the Sunday school she showed the same diligence and application as in her secular work. She loved the church and gave herself freely to its services. Her younger sisters say, "Lizzie did for us what few sisters would have done for the younger members of the home; She was a mother to us." Her health began to fail about seven years ago, and finally forced her to abandon her work and at last ended in death. To her, death is reat and not torture. After all is not death our "errand bay" and to all who trust in Jesus as their Savior, the great victory, the climax of all life. "They rest from their labors and their works do follow this." The follwing lines can be appropriately appiled here: Suns set and rise In these dull skies; Suns rise and set, Till men forget The day is at the door, When they shall rise no more. O everlasting sun, Whose race is never run. Be thou my endless light! Then I shall fear no night. The funeral took place from the M.E. Church, Middleport, Sunday, Mar. 3, conducted by Rev. F. Gillilan and her body laid to rest in Hill cemetery. -- FOUR MEN KILLED By the Explosion of a Sawmill Boiler Near Gallipolis -- Cause of the Catastrophe is Unknown -- Not a Person Employed at the Mill Escaped Injury. Gallipolis, O, March 2 -- A terrible catastrophe occurred at Creuzet, this county, this evening, which resulted in the death of four men. They are BRADY LINDENWOOD SAM PARKER BERT IRON CHARLIE SHEETS, a small boy The three men were employed at the mill owned by Jacob Lindenwood. The boiler burst and the mill was wrecked. The dead bodies of the four persons named were found in the ruins by people who were attracted to the scene by the noise of the explosion. There were nine other people employed at the mill, all of whom were seriously injured, several of them perhaps fatally. The cause of the explosion is unknown. Survivors of the mill wreck say that everything was working smoothly when the awful crash came. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Republican Herald March 15, 1901
SUDDEN DEATH Of Dr. James Johnson of Gallipolis, Last Friday Evening. On Friday evening about 9 o'clock March 8, 1901, Dr. James Johnson died suddenly after a few hours illness at his home. The deceased was one of the oldest and most prominent citizens of Gallipolis. He had many friends and acquaintances in Middleport and the news came to them as a shock. His funeral took place Sunday afternoon from his late residence, conducted by Morning Dawn Lodge of Free Masons of which he was a member. -- Flora Hayman, wife of Augusta Martin of Letart, died of pneumonia at her home last Friday night, aged 41 years. She leaves two children, one born on Thursday. She was the second daughter of W. T. Hayman and one of the best known and best loved women in Letart. She was a devoted wife and mother and the announcement of her death caused sincerest sorrow throughout the community. -- State Gazette -- Christian Ohlinger, an old a respected citizen, of Pomeroy, died last Friday evening after an illness of five years of asthma at the advanced age of 72 years. He leaves a wife and a large family of grownup children to mourn their loss. The funeral services were held in the German Presbyterian Church Monday afternoon and the remains were laid to rest in Beech Grove Cemetery. -- H.B. Smith The death of H. B. Smith, a former resident of this place, occurred at his home in Fontana, Ky., Sunday, March 3, at the age of 84 years. Death was due to cancer of the face, which had been slowly eating its way to the vital parts for a number of months and which caused the most excruciating pain for days before death gave relief. The deceased came here in early life and his first enterprise was a grocery store, which he conducted successfully for some time in the Second ward. He eventually sold this and went to Cincinnati, where he remained for some time. Returning later he became an officer of the Coal Ridge Salt Company, which he managed for several years, or up until the formation of the Ohio River Salt Company. After the formation of this company he was made Salt Inspector. He resigned this position to become a partner in the Sugar Run flour mill with D. R. Jacobs. After a short time in this enterprise he sold his interest and with S. A. M. Moore took charge of the New Castle Furnace in Mason City. His interest in this he later traded for farm in Gallia county, known as the Blue Sulphur Spring farm. Not being successful in this enterprise he sold it and in company with a number of other men purchased a large track of iron ore land in Kentucky. This venture not meeting the expectation of the company, they sold the land to the decease and his brother-in-law, John Greggory. It was here that his death occurred. While a resident of Pomeroy he lived in the property lately purchased by Dr. L. F. Roush, which house he built. The body was brought to Cheshire for burial. It was accompanied by his wife, John Greggory and wife, niece, Miss Field, and Judge Bott of the Masonic Lodge of which deceased was a member. Funeral services were held at Cheshire, Tuesday afternoon in charge of the Masons. A number of Mason from this city attended. -- Henry Morgan an old and respected citizen of Pomeroy, died Sunday evening of heart failure, at the advanced age of 62 years. He leaves one daughter, Mrs. John Huber, and two sons living in Pittsburg, who arrived here Tuesday to attend the funeral which was held in the Methodist Episcopal church at Pomeroy on Wednesday. The services were conducted by Rev. Evans, after which the remains were interred in Beech Grove cemetery beside those of his wife, who died last May. -- Mrs. John Smith, of Pomeroy, died last Friday morning of consumption after an illness of ten years. She was about 54 years of age and leaves a husband, three sons, two daughters, three sisters and many friends, who mourn their loss. The funeral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Turnbull and the remains were buried in Beech Grove cemetery. -- Mrs. Hattie Morrison-Wolfkill died at 6 o'clock Wednesday morning at her home on Third street after a long illness of consumption. She leaves a devoted mother and two little sons. -- MATTHIAS SAUER Fell Down an Embankment, Monday, Breaking His Neck (From the Tribune-Telegraph) The tragic death of Matthias Sauer on Monday last was a terrible shock to the bereaved family and the community in general. Only a few minutes before the news of his death was reported, he had been in town with his friends, to one of whom he remarked that he never felt better in his life and was good for 25 years more. Mr. Sauer lived on Monkey Run on the other side of what is called the "dump." This being really the old grade which was made several years ago with the expectation of running a railroad into Pomeroy. The grade at the point where the accident occurred is very steep and about twenty-five feet high. Leading to the left, is a foot path, which leads down to the house of Adam Rahn and this path Mr. Sauer attempted to follow. He got half way down the grade when the dirt slipped from under his feet and he fell foward striking the back of his head as he fell, (this was seen by Mrs. Zitt,) he rolled over once more and when help arrived a moment later the heart had ceased to beat and the spirit had flown. A peculiar incident is connected with the way in which he met his death. He had never taken this path to reach his home but once before, which was last summer and on the previous attempt to go down the steep incline he slipped and fell, and a few minutes afterward he remarked to a neighbor, who had seen him fall, that he would never take that path again, if he did, he would break his neck and the incident was recalled in speaking of a belief entertained by the deceased that one would die when his time comes even if he had to go out of his way to find it. Matthias Sauer was born in Germany and was 71 years of age. He came to this country in 1850 and the same year united in marriage with Anna Mary Finding. He was a boat caulker by trade and for years had been employed in the Pomeroy boat yard. When the Civil war broke out he enlisted in Co., M. 1st W.Va. Cav., and during the three years and six months service was engaged in about forty battles, and came out without a scratch. The widow and following children survive him: Leonard, Frederick, George, William, Mrs. Mary Fisher and Emil. Funeral services were held at the residence Wednesday morning, conducted by Rev. Bretz, and the remains were laid to rest in Beech Grove cemetery. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Republican-Herald, Middleport, Ohio March 22, 1901
SUDDEN DEATH Mrs. T. W. McDermet Answers the Final Summons Had Been Suffering From Disease of Heart and Stomach and Her Sudden Death Fell Like a Pall Over the Community Tuesday morning the community was shocked when the news was passed from lip to lip that Mrs. T. W. McDermet was dead. She had been in poor health for several months, suffering with trouble of the heart and stomach, but it was not thought that the end was so near and her sudden death caused universal sorrow among her neighbors and friends. Most of the time during her illness she was able to go about the house and even the day before her death had walked about her yard, so that her death was a shock to her near neighbors. Last Sunday she suffered a great deal and her family were very much worried. Tuesday morning with the aid of her daughter Maggie she got up a little before 7 and was dressed, and said she had slept well all night, and upon being asked what she would have for breakfast, replied that she thought she could eat an egg. Maggie turned from her mother, who was sitting in a chair by the fire, and was about to leave the room when her attention was arrested by her mother giving a little cough, she turned and saw that her mother was falling over. She ran to her and with the aid of a close neighbor who was summoned, she was placed on her bed near by. Her physician, Dr. Sisson, was hurriedly summoned, but before he arrived the awful truth had dawned on the loved ones that their dear mama had left them. Mr. McDermet, who had gone to his work at the Pomeroy Rolling Mill, was telephoned and soon the grief stricken husband was back to the home he had just left and the helpmeet [help mate] who had walked with him in the low lands and upon the mountain tops for so many years, now lying lifeless and inanimate. Mrs. McDermet was a very energetic and industrious woman, never willing to give up even when she became too weak to help with the household duties. She was a kind wife and mother and leaves a husband, three grown up daughters and a little son to mourn the loss of one whose place can never be filled. She was 49 years old the 28th of last month which is too young to die and leave an interesting and prosperous family. The funeral took place from the Methodist church yesterday (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock; burial in Hill cemetery. -- Chas. Utnahmer, a well known resident of Syracuse, died this evening of pneumonia. He was 76 years old. -- Real Estate Transfers Chester Township A. W. Cowdery and wife to W. E. Frecker, 131 acres, $1500 [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Republican-Herald April 5, 1901
Mrs. W. F. Strohmeyer died at Reedville at 1 p.m., April 1st. Funeral at Pomeroy, Thursday, at 1:30 p.m. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Republican-Herald May 3, 1901
Marriage Announced Rev. R. H. Keep will Lead to the Hymenial After Mrs. Lena Davis Rev. R. H. Keep, Pastor of the Church of the New Jerusalem, of this city, and Mrs. Lena Davis, widow of the late Hugh H. Davis, will be united in marriage at an early day. Mrs. Davis purchased property here recently and is having the same thoroughly overhauled and when the work has been completed the wedding will be solemnized. The bride-to-be is the eldest daughter of Dr. E. Davis, and is a lady of rare good sense and many accomplishments. -- Death of Everett L. Duffee Funeral notices of Everett Duffee, of Albany, O., were received by a few of Mr. Duffee's friends here. Mr. Duffee will be remembered by the people here as at times he assisted with the Selby Band and was a great favorite, not only with the members of the Band; but with all who knew him. Mr. Duffee was quite a young man not yet in the prime of life. He was a school teacher and for some time taught near Albany. Some two or three years ago his health became very much impaired and he changed his occupation to Colorado Springs, Colorado. For a time he seemed benefited, but last fall he returned to his home in Albany, where he died. The funeral service was held at the resident of his parents, Thursday at One o'clock P.M. Rev. Kirkpatrick officiating. Everett's many friends here sympathize with his parents and brothers and sister in their sad bereavement. Not only has a place been made vacant in the home which once resounded with his happy voice and laughter, but he shall ever be remember with tender feelings by all who knew him here. -- DROWNED IN A CISTERN Willie, the Three Year Old Child of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Curtis The sad accident on last Tuesday morning brought sorrow into the lives and hearts of Arthur Curtis and wife, of this city. Willie, the bright little child of the bereaved parents, while playing in the yard, in some way fell into the cistern and was drowned. Just how it happened is not known and probably never will be. Mrs. Curtis was entertaining company and the lad managed to slip from under her watchful eye and it was some time before she missed him and after a rigorous search found the lifeless body of the little one in the cistern. Willing hands soon had the body out and the undertaker took charge and prepared it for burial. The heart-boken parents have the sympathy of the whole community. The funeral service was held at the home at 10:00 a.m. Thursday. Burial in the Hill Cemetery. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Republican-Herald May 10, 1901
A SAD DEATH We are pained to announce this morning the death of Mrs. S. E. Dawson, aged 32 years, wife of former editor of the Observer, of this city, which sad event occurred at her home on Viand street this morning at 3 o'clock. She attended a funeral today one week ago, took cold, which developed into pneumonia with the painful result above mentioned. Her former home was in Marietta. Funeral tomorrow at 2:30 o'clock. Interment in Lone Oak Cemetery. She was a member of Trinity M. E. Church, of this city. Mr. Dawson and her many relatives and friends have our heartfelt sympathy. -- Point Pleasant Observer. -- Mr. Herbert McMaster, who married Miss Kate Condee of this place, died at their home in Marietta last week, of dropsy. His death was very sudden as he had not been confined to the house. Mr. McMaster was a well known citizen of Marietta, having been a prominent grocer there for many years. His last business from which he retired on account of ill health was manager of the old street railway there. Mrs. McMaster's friends here will read this news with much regret. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Republican-Herald May 17, 1901
Miss Clara Cooley, a young lady who has been living with the family of D. C. Smith at Chester for the past year, was found dead Friday morning, behind an out building at Mr. Smith's home, having taken her own life, by shooting herself through the heart. Mrs. Smith went to church Thursday evening leaving Miss Cooley at home. She appeared jolly and light hearted then and went about her work as usual. She retired that evening at her usual hour, and no one heard her leave the house. About 3 o'clock in the morning the report of a revolver was heard by several of the town people but as this was no unusual occurrence nothing was thought of it at the time. Mrs. Smith rising late Friday morning went to Miss Cooley's room to call her, receiving no reply she opened the door and looked in. Her clothing was on the foot of the bed and the bed itself but slightly disarranged. Mrs. Smith thought perhaps she might be sick and had taken a room up-stairs. Not finding her there she when out into the yard and discovered the girl lying on her back, dressed in her night clothing and with rubber shoes on her feet. Her left hand was covered with blood and 63 inches from the body lay the revolver which she had used. The bullet had entered the heart and lodged about the seventh rib. An inquest was held at once, by J. S. Frank and it was found that she had taken her own life as given above. The deceased was born in Lebanon, Van Buren county, Iowa, October 16, 1873 and was 27 years 6 months and 23 days old at the time of her death. She leaves a father and mother, living near Racine, and several sisters and brothers. A short funeral service was held at the Smith home Saturday conducted by Rev. Haas. Interment in the Chester cemetery. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Republican-Herald May 24, 1901
F. M. Radekin, a prominent citizen of Columbia township, died Tuesday morning at 2 o'clock from the result of a horse kick received last Saturday morning. He was a well to do citizen and was very prominent in church circles. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Republican-Herald, Middleport, Ohio May 31, 1901
AT REST Mrs. James H. Ralston, Has Answered the Final Summons Stricken With Apoplexy the Aged Sufferer Never Regained Consciousness and Death Relieved Her of Her Sufferings Mrs. James H. Ralston was stricken with apoplexy Monday, May 20th and died Saturday, May 25th, without recovering consciousness. Her maiden name was Sarah J. Hill. She was born at Hillsboro, PA, reared in Pomeroy, and was married to Mr. Jas. H. Ralston at Cincinnati. After the war, in 1863, they came to Middleport and have lived here ever since. Four children were born of this marriage, three daughters and one son. Two daughters and her husband survive to mourn the loss of a tender and affectionate mother, and devoted wife. Mrs. Ralston was a woman of unbounded charity and a friend to every one in need. Her two daughters, Miss Jessie Ralston and Mrs. T. J. Palm, with her little son, Ralston, came Saturday from Canton, O. Mr. Palm, and Mrs. Chas. Saunder, of Chattanooga, Tenn., a sister of Mrs. Ralston, arrived Monday. The funeral services were held at the house Wednesday, Rev. Thos. Turnbull officiating. The burial was at Beech Grove Cemetery in Pomeroy. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Republican-Herald, Middleport, Ohio June 7, 1901
Death of Lewis Place Mr. Lewis Place who has been lying dangerously ill for several weeks, died Monday night at about 11 o'clock. Mr. Place was aged 66 years, 10 month and 27 days and had been a highly respected resident of Middleport for more than a third of a century. In his death he leaves a devoted wife, two sons and one daughter to mourn a loving husband and a kind and tender father. Funeral services were held at his late home on Wednesday afternoon by Rev. Lasley of the Baptist church, after which the remains were laid to rest in the lower cemetery beside those of his son and daughter. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Republican-Herald, Middleport, Ohio June 14, 1901
DEATH Of Major Stephen Comstock The news of the death of Major Stephen Comstock, which occurred at 3:15 p.m., at the home of his son, Mr. Geo., Comstock, in this city Thursday, June 6th, 1901, came as a shock to our people, who knew him so well. His home was at Pomeroy, O., and he was down here on a visit to his son for a few days, when he was taken suddenly ill and died in a day or two afterwards. He was 82 years old. Major Comstock was Quartermaster in the Thirteenth West Virginia Vol. Inft. during the civil war. For many years he was a resident of Point Pleasant, where he was actively engaged in business, and therefore was well known here. Several years ago he retired from the active duties of life and moved to Pomeroy, Ohio. Funeral services at the home of his son, to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock, conducted by Rev. D. H. Reid, Pastor of the M.E. Church, South, after which his remains will be taken to Pomeroy, on passenger train No. 1, K. & M. Railway, for interment -- Point Pleasant Register, Friday, June 7th. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Republican-Herald, Middleport, Ohio June 21, 1901
DIED OF HIS INJURIES Joe Andy Cooper of West Columbia, Passed Away Joe Andy Cooper formerly of West Columbia, but who has been working in a coal mine at Acme, on the Kanawha river for several years, and who was badly injured by being crushed under a fall of slate three or four month ago, died of his injuries last week and his remains were brought back to his old home and interred last Friday. The deceased was aged about 43 years and was well known and highly respected by a large circle of friends who will be sorry to learn of his death. He leaves a wife and several children who reside at Acme. -- IN MEMORIAM Mary Landsell Whetstone was born in East Virginia February 20, 1809, age, 92 years. She moved with her father to Ohio when 9 years old. At an early age she was converted and united with the Methodist Episcopal church of which she was a faithful member for many years, later joining the Baptist which was nearer to where she lived at that time. She was united in marriage twice. Her first husband, Aguilla Paget, died after a few years leaving her a widow with one daughter. Again she was united to Samuel Whetstone whom she survived more than sixteen years. She leaves five daughters and one son. She loved her Bible it was her faithful companion as long as she was able to read it, always conscientious in pointing to others the Savior. At the last when voice failed her the Twenty-third Psalm was repeated to her and she was asked if she understood it, she bowed her head in the affirmative. She now rests from her labors to await the resurrection of the just. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Republican-Herald, Middleport, Ohio July 12, 1901
Prof. Guthrie Dead Pioneer Educator of Belpre Passes Away to the Great Beyond Prof. D. P. Guthrie, brother to Judge F. A. Guthrie of the circuit court of West Virginia, died at the City Hospital, Parkersburg, W. Va., last Monday of paralysis, with which he was first stricken eight years ago. Two weeks ago, Mr. Guthrie's condition became worse and he was removed to the hospital where he died. He is survived by two children a son and a daughter. Deceased was 60 years of age and is remembered by many of our readers, he having been principal of the schools at Clifton for several years. He was one of nature's noblemen, possessing all the attributes that constitute an ideal character. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Republican-Herald, Middleport, Ohio July 19, 1901
DEATH OF J. J. MCLAIN A Prominent Meigs County Man and County Official The sad news of the death of Judson J. McLain Wednesday morning was a great shock to his many friends who were not aware of his dangerous condition. He had been confined to his bed for some time but it was not generally known, and is physicians were hopeful of a change for the better, but his already weakened constitution, caused by former sickness, was not strong enough to withstand the unequal fight and he grew steadily weaker until Wednesday morning when he passed away. Death must have come as a relief to the noble sufferer, who has fought with a nerve of steel the suffering to which many a weaker heart would have long since succumbed. For years he has not known a well day yet he bore up with a patience which created an admiration which grew into love as one became more closely associated with him. Kind, loyal, generous to a fault. Ever ready to assist a friend, a most loving husband and father, he will be sadly missed by both family and friends. J. J. McLain was born March 27, 1856, being the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. McLain, of Rutland. He received a good education and for a number of years he ranked as one of the most prominent school teachers in the county. In 1895 he was united in marriage with Miss Ora E. Hooper, to this union were born three lovely children who survive him. In 1899 he became a candidate for the office of clerk of courts to which office he was elected with a fair majority. He was sworn into office the 6th day of August 1900 and filled it with credit up to the time of his decease. Funeral services will be held at the resident of his father, S. T. McLain, in Rutland Friday, July 19. The remains will leave here early Friday morning. Rev. Kerr of the Methodist church will conduct the funeral and the body will be laid to rest in the Rutland cemetery [I found him buried in Miles Cemetery located just outside of the village of Rutland on S.R. 124. As you enter the cemetery you will drive around an area that is a large circle located at the top of the hill within this circle area you will find his monument. Monument says: James Judson McClain 1856-1901 K of P. His parents are also buried in the same cemetery on the left side: Samuel T. McClain 1830-1905 GAR and Mary M. McClain 1830-1915] [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Republican-Herald, Middleport, OH August 2, 1901
DEATH OF MRS. BURNELL Mrs. Eleanor Burnell died at her home in this city Monday, July 29, 1901, after an illness of several years, aged 72 years, 11 months and 13 days. Mrs. Burnell (nee Eleanor Jones) was born in Ammolch Shire, North Wales, August 12, 1828, and was married to Robert Burnell in 1850. In 1852 they emigrated to America and settled in Pomeroy, making this city their home. To this union were born fourteen children, only eight of whom are now living, viz: Robert and Jonathan Burnell, of Syracuse; Wm. and David Burnell, of Nelsonville; John Burnell, of Middleport; Mrs. A. A. Starkey, of Shawnee; Mrs. D. A. Starkey, of Pomeroy, and Mrs. Chas. Williamson, of Columbus. One sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Gibbons, of Shawnee, also survives her. Her husband died in 1878. She was a loving mother and a noble Christian woman. Funeral services were held at the house Wednesday afternoon conducted by Rev. Bond, of the Baptist church, and the remains were laid to rest in the Hill cemetery in Middleport. -- Mrs. Emily Snider, the aged mother of our fellowtownsman Mell Snyder, died last Sunday evening at her home in West Columbia. Mrs. Snider had been seriously ill for the past three or four years, but took her bed about three months ago. The deceased was the widow of the late Alvin Snider and was 73 years, 10 months 7 days. In her death she leaves three sons and one daughter to mourn the loss of a kind and affectionate mother. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Republican-Herald, Middleport, OH August 9, 1901
DEATH OF CAPT. BRUNKER Capt. P. H. Brunker, who has been seriously ill for several months of a complication of diseases contracted while in the Civil war, died at his home in the First ward last Sunday evening, August 4, 1901. Captain Brunker served in the 4th Virginia regiment with distinction and was a member of the Union Veteran's Union. The funeral services were held at the home on Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Father Matte of Columbus, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Hill cemetery under the auspices of the U. V. U. Capt. Brunker was aged about 68 years, and leaves a wife, one son and two daughters to mourn the loss of a kind and indulgent husband and father. -- SUDDEN DEATH Thomas Washington, a Highly Respected Colored Citizen Last Saturday morning Thomas Washington, a highly respected colored man, died suddenly at his home. Tom was up early Saturday morning and after doing some chores around his little cabin where he lived alone, he came down street and carried some baskets of provisions down to the tow boat "Annie L" which was storing up to go out. About 11 a.m. he complained of not feeling well, so he went to his home and laid down across the bed. Soon after he laid down a colored girl called to see him about some chickens that he had to sell. The girl called him several times and when he did not answer she walked over to his bed and sprinkled a little water in his face. The girl became alarmed and went to notify some of his relatives who lived near by and when they returned the spark of life had fled. Tom was sober and industrious and made a living doing odd jobs and raising chickens. He was a brother to Joe Washington who died suddenly at his home here several months ago, and his death no doubt was due to heart disease. Tom was supposed to have considerable money and at the time of death some $80 was found in his pocket. He told some of his friends a few days before his death that he had some money buried, and if so, it may never be found. His age was 68. The funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Monday from the A. M. E. church, burial at the Hill Cemetery by Stewart & Son. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Republican-Herald, Middleport, OH August 16, 1901
DREAD TYPHOID FEVER Claims a Victim at Mason City in the Person of Andrew Young, Jr. Andrew Young, Jr., a highly respected and exemplary young man of Mason City, succumbed to that dread disease, typhoid fever, at his home last Monday morning. The deceased was a splendid young fellow, aged 23 years, was sick but a short time, and his death is a sad blow to his parents and friends. He was a member of Almeda Lodge, No. 56, I.O.O.F. and the funeral services Wednesday afternoon were conducted under the auspices of that order. WITHOUT WARNING Mitchell Russell of Bailey's Run is Called to His Long Home Monday morning Mitchell Russell, a farmer living on Bailey's Run arose and went out to his barn to feed the stock and when he did not return in a reasonable time some member of the family went to the barn and found him lying in an unconscious condition and before he could be removed to his home the spark of life had gone out. Mr. Russell was about 40 years of age and left a wife and five small children and a host of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. The deceased had been in good health and his death is attributed to heart disease. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
The Democrat October 10, 1901
The Democrat (Pomeroy, Ohio) 10 October 1901 page 1 Mary C. McKenzie Mary C. McKenzie, aged 63 years, died at her home near Harrisonville, at 10:30 o clock Friday evening. Her maiden name was Hoover and she was the widow of Jas. T. McKenzie. She leaves four children, John A., well known here and who now resides in Columbus, O., Ella E. Blake, wife of Frank Blake, W. H. and Jas. T., who lives at Sioux Falls, S. D. Mrs. Patrick Kleen Mrs. Patrick Kleen died at her home on Prospect Hill early Monday morning after an illness of about two years. She was born in the County Clare, Ireland about 68 years ago and moved to this city from Hartford, W. Va., about two years ago. She was a fine old lady, loved and respected by all who knew her. She was the mother of Mrs. Edward Hennessy, Mrs. Andy Duffy, Mrs. Joseph Habrecht, and Miss Elizabeth Kleen of this city and Mrs. George Habrecht of Cincinnati, who with her husband survive her. The funeral was held this morning in the Catholic church conducted by Rev. Father Schneider and she was buried in the Catholic cemetery. Simon M. Devol Simeon M. Devol, who used to live in the 4th Ward, died Tuesday October 1st in Columbus at the home of his son-in-law, Henry Koenig, and was brought here for burial last Friday and interred in the Middleport cemetery. He was 59 years old and was a soldier in the war of the rebellion. p. 5 Wm. Wolf. Wm. Wolf, an aged citizen of Chester township, died Sunday and was buried Tuesday in the cemetery at Mount Herman. He was 78 years old and leaves a wife and five children. James Kennedy James Kennedy, an aged citizen of Mason, W. Va., died Saturday morning of paralysis and was buried Sunday. He was 70 years old and leaves a wife and five daughters. [Transcribed by Homer Thiel]
unknown Meigs County Newspaper October 31, 1901
Leonard Laubner Dead Leonard Laubner of Rocksprings, one of the oldest and best citizens of this community died Sunday of consumption, aged 74 years. Mr. Laubner was a properous farmer and an honest and upright man whose death will be a distinct loss to the neighborhood in which he lived. He raised a family of ten children, four sons and six daughters, all of whom grew to manhood and womanhood and were ornaments to the society in which they moved. During the past few years one son and four daughters have died, leaving three sons and two daughters, as follows: William Laubner of Echo, Andrew of Rocksprings, George of Halsey, Oregon, Mrs. Dock Radford of Echo and Mrs. Fred Leifheit of Rocksprings. His aged wife also survives him as does one sister, Mrs. Andrew Byrne of Rocksprings. The deceased was a native of Germany and came to this country when a mere boy. He was a man of great industry and his farm which was one of the best kept in the entire neighborhood testified to his industry. His funeral occurred Tuesday afternoon from his late home, and he was buried in Rocksprings cemetery. [Transcribed by Kay Williams]
unknown Meigs County Newspaper November 21, 1901
The last will of the late Leonard Laubner of Rocksprings was admitted to probate last week. It was written on October 5th 1901 and is witnessed by C.E. Peoples and Ellen Carleton. He gives all of his property, both real and personal to his wife, Elizabeth Laubner to have during her lifetime, when it is to be divided among his children as follows: Andrew is to receive 80 acres to land including the 3 acre lot on which he lives, the only condition being that he return to William Laubner a note for $600.00 which he now holds. A note for $100.00 held against him by his father is also to be returned to him. William is to receive 100 acres of land and two notes, one for the $100.00 and other other for $40.00. Mary Radford, a daughter is to receive 60 acres to be hers and her heirs'. Barbara Leifheit is to receive the homestead, consisting of 65 1/2 acres, together with all personal property theron of whatever kind. William Laubner is named as executor of the will.
The Leader December 12, 1901
Death's Harvest STORY The small child of Seldon STORY and wife died at Kingsbury Sunday and was buried Monday. DANIELS Henry DANIELS, aged 82 years, died last Friday morning at Mason City. The funeral was held Sunday at 2 p.m. BRINKER Mrs. John BRINKER died at her home at Letart, W. Va., last Friday at the age of 74 years. The funeral was held Sunday at 10 a.m. ALLEN Mrs. Robert ALLEN died at Hartford last Thursday and was buried at Letart, O., Friday. DILTZ Mrs. Abe DILTZ died Friday at her home on Wyllis Hill. The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon. MASSAR Elizabeth MASSAR, daughter of Geo. and Sophia KAUTZ, was born in Edigheim, Bavaria, Germany, and was married to Valentine MASSAR, Sept. 28, 1855. Four children were born to them, Miss Katie MASSAR, Geo. S. MASSAR, Mrs. Geo. SCHLAEGEL and Abe A. MASSAR. Geo S. MASSAR died in August 1901. Her husband died in 1865. She leaves two brothers, Geo. KAUTZ, of Nease Settlement, Jacob KAUTZ, of Ponca, Neb., and four sisters, Mrs. John DORST and Miss Mary KAUTZ, of Nease Settlement, Mrs. John ZIER, of Rocksprings, and Mrs. Jacob KLEIN, of Pomeroy and eight grandchildren. Mrs. MASSAR died Dec. 7, 1901, aged 70 years, 7 months and 23 days. Funeral at St. Paul's Lutheran church Dec. 9th, Rev. KLINDWORTH officiating. Interment in Beech Grove cemetery. [Transcribed by: Nancy Cain Knepper]
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