These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
Pomeroy Democrat March 12, 1903
MARGARET ROUSH Margaret AUMILLER was born in Mason County, W. VA., May 25, 1825, died March 5, 1903, aged 77 years, 9 months and 10 days old. Her father moved to Meigs county when she was 9 years old where she has lived ever since. She was married to Daniel ROUSH in 1844. To this union was born ten children, six boys and four girls. Three of them and the husband have preceded her to the grave. She leaves seven children Jacob, John, William, Charles and Jonas, Mrs. A. J. ARCHER and Mrs. John WARNER besides 28 grand children and a host of friends to mourn their loss. She was converted and joined church at an early age, and has lived a faithful christian life. She was a kind and loving mother and was loved by all who knew her. She bore her illness without a murmur and assured those about her that she was ready to go whenever the Lord should call her. MRS BAUER DEAD An Estimable Lady Passed Away After A Long Illness Mrs Elizabeth BAUER, wife of Geo. BAUER, the contractor, died Monday evening of Bright's disease, after a long illness. Her neighbors and friends knew her sickness but few of them knew of her serious condition, and the news of her death was a great shock to the entire community. She was past 68 years of age and had been married to Mr. BAUER for over 47 years. They had spent most of their long life in this city and no one stood higher in the estimation of friends and neighbors than they. She was the mother of a large family, eight of whom are still living, as follows: Mrs. George VOGELGESANG, of Newport, KY.; George BAUER, Jr.; John, Fred, Katie, Susie, Valentine and Anna. The funeral will occur Thursday afternoon from the St. John's church, conducted by Rev. EISLE and the remains will be laid to rest in Beech Grove cemetery. WM. LEMASTER Wm. LEMASTER, residing at the Infirmary, died Sunday of paralysis and was buried Monday on the grounds attached to that institution. He was 75 years old. MARY O'DONNELL Mrs. Mary O'DONNELL, an aged lady residing at Hartford, W. VA., died last Friday at the advanced age of 76 years, and was buried Monday at Mason, the funeral being held in the Catholic church at that place. [Transcribed by Nancy Knepper]
Pomeroy Democrat April 2, 1903
Little Child Instantly Killed By K & M Train The 16-month old girl baby of Mat GRAHAM and wife, who live alongside the K & M railroad just above Rutland station, was instantly killed by a train on Wednesday of last week and right before the eyes of its horrified parents. The little toddler had gone onto the track while the father and mother were busy at work about the house and they gave it no thought until they heard the whistle of the train as it came around a sharp curve just beyond their house. This made them think of their babe and both ran to see where it was and discovered it standing on the track, all unmindful of the oncoming train. The father ran with all his might calling it to come to him and at the same time screaming to the trainmen to stop the train. He failed to attract the attention of either engineer or fireman and the train came on at full speed and when the father was within a few steps of his darling and the little one was just starting to come to him and was holding out its hands and cooing to him, the cruel train dashed upon it, knocking it fully 75 feet and killing it instantly. The train passed on without taking any notice of the awful affair, evidently not having seen it at all. The grief of the father and mother, the latter being only a few yards behind her husband, was most heart rending and the neighbors say that it is doubtful if the mother will ever fully recover from the effects of the dreadful shock. It is said that the engineer in charge of the train was the same who ran down and killed Thomas BRALEY, another Rutland citizen, more than a year ago. [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper] John P Price Dead John P Price of the First Ward, an old and respected citizen and known to everyone in Pomeroy as an honest and hard working man, died suddenly in Columbus on Wednesday of last week of heart failure and asthma, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. H. A. Rubadue, where he had gone for a short visit. He went to Columbus just one week before and talked to a Democrat reporter as he stepped onto the train and appeared in his usual health except for a shortness of breath caused by asthma. The news of his sudden death was a great shock to his many friends and acquaintances here, but few of whom knew of his illness. Mr. Price would have been 71 years old on the 2nd of next October and had spent most of his long life in this city working in the mines and was one of the best men of whom our little city could boast. His remains were brought to this city and the funeral occurred from his late home Sunday afternoon and was one of the largest ever held in that part of town. It was conducted by Rev. Brady and all of the Odd Fellows lodges between Middleport and Racine participated. He leaves eight children, all of whom were at the funeral, as follows: David and John, of Charleston, W. Va., James, who resides in Pennsylvania, Thomas, George, Letta and Cassie of Columbus and Miss Edith who resided at home with her father. The sad occasion of their father's funeral was the first time in five years that the family has been together. [Transcribed by Bobbi Newcomer]
Tribune-Telegraph April 29, 1903
Deaths Henry BARTELS Henry BARTELS, formerly a resident of Syracuse, died at Turtle Lake N. D., April 21, 1903, aged 70 years and 5 months. He was born in Germany, Nov. 19, 1832, and came to this county, when 20 years of age, and settled in Syracuse. He was an important factor in the building of that place during the years 1860 to 1870. He was a consistent Christian and an active worker in the M. E. church, and was a leader in every movement in which the results were for the good of the town and community. He moved to Columbus in 1879, where he resided for ten years. At the expiration of this time, he moved to North Dakota, hoping the change would be beneficial to his health. He improved but little, however, and gradually failed until death relieved him. Besides his wife he leaves two daughters, W. S. POSTLE, of Columbus, and one son, C. V. BARTLES, of Nelsonville. Reuben MILLER Reuben MILLER died at the County Infirmary Tuesday, April 28, 1903 of brights disease, aged 66 years. He was an old resident of Syracuse for a great many years, where he was well and favorably known. He leaves a family of grown children. Interment will take place today at the Infirmary cemetery. Samuel GARDNER Samuel GARDNER, 19, son of Joseph GARDNER, of Bradbury, died Friday, April 24, 1903, at Mt. Carmel Hospital the results of being crushed by a falling crane at the National steel plant two days before. The remains arrived at Middleport Saturday evening and were taken in charge by undertaker STEWART, and taken to his home at Bradbury. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Sunday, after which interment took place in the Hill cemetery. Larkin FRIEND Larkin FRIEND, an old colored man, aged 72 years died Friday, April 24, 1903, at his home at Ball Run. Interment took place at Wolf Pen Sunday. Mrs. Lewis BOLIN Mrs. Lewis BOLIN died at her home at Kingsbury Sunday. Vincent COOPER Vincent COOPER, a former resident of Bowman's Run, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Emily KING, at Clinton, Pa., at the age of 85 years. He leaves three sons and four daughters, among them who reside in Meigs county are: Mrs. George BUCK, of Nease Settlement; Mrs. Eugene KILLINGSWORTH, of Syracuse. James E. BAILEY James E. BAILEY died at Washington D. C. Thursday, April 23, 1903, after a short illness of pneumonia fever, aged 65 years. The remains arrived at Mason Saturday, and funeral services were held at the Baptist church Sunday at 2 p.m., conducted by Rev. DAINES. The remains were laid to rest in the Adamsville cemetery. Besides one son, Thomas H. BAILEY, he leaves a father, James A. BAILEY, who is now in his 94th year, 6 brothers, two of whom, Thomas and Harvey D. BAILEY, still reside in Mason, and 3 sisters, Mrs. Henry TURNER, Mrs. Nancy COLEMAN and Miss Martha BAILEY. The deceased was well and favorably known here as Capt. "Dick" BAILEY of the ferry boat champion, having served in that position on the boat about 12 years, or until receiving a position as guard in the pension department, during the last administration of President CLEVELAND, which he held until his death. Mary GARLAND Mary GARLAND died Thursday, April 23, 1903, at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Chas. JENKINS, 1508 East May street, Dayton, O., after a short illness from pneumonia fever, aged 20 years. The remains accompanied by relatives and friends arrived here Friday night on the Hocking Valley, and were taken to the home of her parents at Minersville. Funeral services were held 2 p.m. Sunday at the M. E. church conducted by Rev. Chas. BRADY. Interment took place in the Hill cemetery. She was a member of the bible class and prominent in church work. She was loved and respected by all. She was a graduate of the Pomeroy High School being a member of the class of 1901. She leaves a father, mother and 2 sisters besides a host of friends to mourn their loss. [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
The Democrat (Pomeroy, OH) May 28, 1903
List of Babies Born in Meigs County for Year Ending April 1st The Democrat will, from week to week, as the assessors make their returns, publish a list of the babies born in the county during the past year. If your baby's name is not in the list it is evidence that the assessor has neglected his work. If the name is not correctly spelled, you should call on the probate judge and have it corrected as it may become a matter of great importance at some period of the child's life. In this list the name of the child, the date of birth and father's name is given: Middleport, 1st Ward T.A.H., Sept. 2, W. T. GARTEN Edgar, July 7, Frank HARPOLD S. R., Aug 23, W. L. NICLY Victor, Aug 8, Morton POWELL Vaugh, " ", " " Harry, Sept. 15, Harry WILLIAMSON C. F., Apr. 29, O. A. DAVIS Clara M, Sept 7, K. M. HOUCHINS A. M., Jan. 24, Henry JACKSON Unnamed girl, Feb. 18, John KAUFF Lucile, May 16, Henry OHLINGER Freda, Sept. 1, Wade ROUSH Middleport 4th Ward Howard Blair, Jan. 2, H.C.C. COPEN Harry H., Dec. 27, S. F. RUSSELL Leonard A., Jan. 23, John WYATT Carol Auther, Feb. 3, Elvin WEBSTER Gilbert Hober, Dec. 30, A. J. WINEGAR Margaret M., Mar. 3, T. C. GROGAN Middleport 5th Ward Unnamed Boy, Jan. 28, Lawrence CARNEY Henry Albert, Apr. 28, H. A. COLLINS Chas. Wesley, May 24, C. W. FOLEY Herald, June 22, Pearl GRAVES Virginia, Mar. 13, Chas. ANDERSON Rebecca Meriba, June 26, A. H. RICE Silver Run Prect Raymond V., July 20, Julius HERN John Charles, May 8, John C.F. RIPLEY Ray, July 5, Thomas SAYERS Lucile, Sept. 1, John DAVIDSON Isabel, Mar. 28, Samuel LITTLE Lillian Ruth, Mar. 17, Joseph STONE Orange Township Herbert L, July 29, C. A. BAILEY Floyd E., Mar. 15, P. M. BARROWS Warren Willard, June 26, Wm. BENTZ Unnamed Boy, Feb. 26, Zone HETZER Forrest, Apr. 5, M. W. HOFFMAN Artie A., June 30, W. T. KOBLENTZ Edgar, June 24, John KOEHLER Ralph, Mar. 3, John MATLACK Geo. L.., Aug 28, J. O. SMITH Mera A., Feb. 9, Quincey COLE Hazel, July 27, Eber MILLER Vassel A., Sept. 30, C. E. TUTTLE Harrisonville Prect. Oren Dale, Aug. 6, Harry KNOPP Lawrence Oliver, Nov. 1, Lawrence REUTER Robt. Bingham, July 26, J. M. ROWLEY Joseph Zenna, Sep. 30, D. M. TURNER Dana Everett, May 12, Wm. TURNER Sedwick Day, June 9, Cush WHITE Edith Mabel, Jan. 22, V. S. GREENLER Hazel Dee, Sep. 28, John T. JORDAN Edith Mildred, Aug. 27, Wm. C. LEE Sarah Jane, Aug. 26, Pearl V. STILES [Transcribed by: Nancy Cain Knepper]
The Democrat (Pomeroy, OH) June 18, 1903
The Little Dears List of Babies Born in Meigs County for Year Ending April 1st The Democrat will, from week to week, as the assessors make their returns, publish a list of the babies born in the county during the past year. If your baby's name is not in the list it is evidence that the assessor has neglected his work. If the name is not correctly spelled, you should call on the probate judge and have it corrected as it may become a matter of great importance at some period of the child's life. In this list the name of the child, the date of birth and father's name is given: Middleport 2nd Ward Frank, Dec. 24, Milton G. WHITE Thelma E., Oct. 22, J. W. BRALEY Anna L., July 20, W. G. HUDELSTON Middleport 3rd Ward Chester Ray, Feb. 6, William BARRETT Franklin, Feb. 5, Franklin BARRETT Liston, Oct. 12, Frederick FULTZ Walter Curtis, July 10, John W. MAJOR Leo, Feb. 16, Max RILEY James K., July 14, Albert STEWART Evelyn Mae, Nov. 29, Charles CRAUS Audrey, Jan. 27, Benjamin FULTZ Esther P., Oct. 23, M. C. HOBART Edmonia, Oct. 24, Orla HYSELL Helen, June 8, William JUHLING Frances, Aug. 15, George PLARR Sarah Ellen, Nov. 5, Lewis A. SKILES Pomeroy 3d Ward Arden, July 26, Jasob BECHTEL William C., Mar. 4, Jacob BAKER Frederick L., Sept. 14, E. BUMGARDNER William J, Nov. 29, Bert CASTO Oscar, Oct. 20, Henry DURST Earl Henry, Sept. 26, J. B. ELBERFELD Race A., Feb. 14, O. A. HARTLEY Ernesi A., Sept. 13, Gus HARRE Lisle Leon, Oct. 28, Earl H. McCARTY Clarence, July 2, Wm. NEUTZLING Alph E., Sept. 2, Henry PFARR 2nd Edith F., Feb. 26, E. W. PEOPLES Chas. Henry, Nov. 13, C. H. PRIODE August, Feb. 2, Henry RAPP George, Mar. 18, Nick RAUB Unnamed Boy, Mar. 4, Norris HARRIS Adam, Mar. 4, Joe VONDEREMBS Marie W., Aug 21, D. BRETZ Lena, Nov. 9, Peter GOTTFRIED Marvel M., Apr. 25, George C. GLOECKNER Ruth M., Apr. 28, John L. GEYER Fay E., Aug. 2, Wm. HINES Florence M., Oct. 1, W. M. LEIFHEIT Mildred K., Jan. 16, Henry M. MEES Mildred L., Feb. 6, E. J. OEFFLER Wilhelmina E., Mar. 8, Charles OEFFLER Carlie May, Apr. 15, G. L. PROBST Louise, Mar. 18, Nick RAUB Ruth E., Feb. 27, J. W. SCHLAEGEL Unnamed girl, Nov. 25, Norris HARRIS Unnamed girl, Mar. 31, W. F. SCHOENLEIN Mary May, July 3, Henry ZEIBER Olive Township Ashley, May 20, Perry ADAMS Floyd R., Feb 26, Jehu BARRINGER Lod, Mar. 26, Abe CHUTE Ivan Winifield, Apr. 12, Sidney CONGROVE Lawrence H., July 24, Heeman COWDERY Ralph, Sept., 17, Peter DORST Edwim Thos, June 16, O. E. GERMAN Jas. Richard Lee, Mar. 25, Chas. HAWLEY Ray, Oct. 16, Ira KIBBLE Homer, Oct. 14, George W. MATLACK Dana, May 15, Charles McCAIN Gerald Gordon, Feb. 17, Clave MILLS Wade, Mar. 6, Edword REED Unnamed boy, Oct. 26, Charles REED Merion Dean, Mar. 10, Albert SCHULTZ Booker F., Nov. 19, A. B. SIMPSON Eddie, Aug 27, Martin SMITH Chester O., Jan. 30, Russell WELLS Kenith, Oct. 11, Clarence YOUNG Daisy Belle, Sept. 9, Wm. H. ADAMS Lola Freda, Apr., 18, Samuel BARBER Grace, Apr. 14, Wm. CHEVALIER Stella Irene, Oct. 9, Pearl CONGROVE Mildred, Aug. 15, W. F. HAWLEY Dorothy B., June 5, George LOW Nova May, May 1, E. E. OSBORN Unnamed girl, Feb. 24, Homer PICKERING Mamie Ellen, Feb. 26, David ROOD Helen Gould, Apr. 15, Joseph SHERMAN Carrie, Jan. 4, A. L. SHULTZ Lola May, June 29, Wm. SMITH Edna, Aug. 27, Martin SMITH Edith E., Feb. 13, Jack SMITH Stella, Sept. 30, Henry SOVEL Lulu, Feb. 18, Jasper SOVEL Hettie Chloe, July 6, Jack SMITH Unnamed girl, June 30, J. E. TORRENCE Unnamed girl, Mar. 24, Jas. WHITE Clara Ellen, Aug. 1, Horace WILLIAMS Chester Sidney B, Oct. 24, Homer D. ASHWORTH Joseph S., Feb. 18, William BABCOCK Wilbur Benj., Mar. 16, Wm. R. BAILEY Dana, Aug. 6, Albert FISHER Raymond J., July 20 or 29, J. P. FRANK Elmer H., July 17, W. C. FRECKER Ray Denvel, Feb. 28, Alexander HULL Eugene W., Jan. 14, S. A. JOHNSON Ceil Rowland, Dec. 27, Charles KIMES George L., Jan. 17, William LAUBNER Edward O., Jan. 22, William McELROY Perry Reid, Dec. 30, B. E. ORR Felber C., July 24, A. A. PULLINS Elber, Nov. 13, J. W. REIBEL Albert, Mar. 6, Jacob SWARTZEL Edward D., Sept. 3, C. M. SPENCER Stanley E., May 19, L. E. TRUSSELL Chester E., Aug. 26, D. R. WILL Joseph, May 10, John WIPPLE Elsie Mabel, July 23, Dana BOOKMAN Edna E., Sept. 26, R. M. CAIN Unnamed girl, May 9, Claude COWDERY Mary Gusta, Oct. 9, D. A. FOX Grace Ola, Jan. 13, John G. FRECKER Susie, June 27, Val KOENIG Oma Hilda, Jan. 24, John MYERS Gladys May, Jan. 24, H. C. ROUSH Cassie M., Oct. 2, F. D. RICE Bertha M., Feb. 19, George SMALLEY Hattie M., Sept. 12, J. M. SMITH Norma, Oct. 9, Frank THOMPSON Grace, July 2, William WEBER Minersville Precinct Earl , Aug 10, Joseph BETZING Ernest A., Sept. 26, Fred BARTELS, Jr. Ransom, Dec. 30, Douglas GENHEIMER Philip J., Nov. 26, Philip S. HOUDASHELT Harold, Mar. 11, Lorenzo PARKER Marion H., Oct. 9, Arthur ROUSH Roland D., Mar. 10, Gilbert RUMMEL Kenneth H., May 20, H. Hayes ROUSH Greta E., Nov. 20, Henry BARTELS Bessie May, Nov. 3, N. S. CROY Fannie C., June 21, Fred JONES Irene Lizzie, Sept. 24, Edwarc KIMES Theresa, Nov. 14, Benjamin THOMAS Effie M., April 4, Joseph WITHROW Salem Unnamed boy, Aug. 1, John BAKER Worley Dale, Jan. 30, James E. CHASE Bruce Harold, Feb. 23, Essie FOLDEN Hollis Ralph, Dec. 28, James GRATE Evart S., Nov. 11, Austin GROVER Glenwood, Oct. 27, Samuel KEMPER Unnamed boy, Sept. 9, John MILLER Lawrence R., June 4, O.S. McCANN Arley Marvel, July 30, Val RIFE Ralph R., Sept. 4, Chas. RATHBURN Cora Bell, Jan. 8, Orlando S. DAVIS Reva Edith, Apr. 16, Wallace DENNISON Marvel L., May 7, W. R. HALLIDAY Opal Mildred, July 4, Samuel E. MIGHT Shirley, Jan. 1, George W. SEARLS Mary Hazel, Sept. 12, Wm. SWAN Doris M., Oct. 13, Robt. L. SANDERS Gladys, Sept. 27, Jonah WALTER [Transcribed by: Nancy Cain Knepper]
The Leader (Pomeroy, OH) December 3, 1903
Death's Harvest PECK Susan E. PECK died at Hartford, W. Va., Friday at the age of 62 years. The funeral was held Monday at 10 a.m. Burial in the Brown Cemetery. Two sons and four daughters are left to mourn her death. ROUSH Lewis ROUSH died at his home at Letart Falls last Thursday at the age of 68 years. The funeral was held Saturday at 2 p.m. Burial in the Letart cemetery. BABER Mrs. Mary A. BABER, mother of F. W. BABER, died at her home in this city last Thursday from paralysis at the age of 73 years and 6 months. The funeral services were held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Baptist church, being conducted by Rev. A. M. BOYD. Burial in Beech Grove cemetery. The deceased was of Pomeroy's most highly catcomed and respected citizens. Marriage BURTON/CHALFANT Joseph BURTON, formerly of Chester, this county, now of Marion, O., was married to Miss Clara CHALFANT at the home of the bride in Mason last Friday evening by Rev. A. S. BLAGG. Mrs. BURTON was formerly a teacher in the Pomeroy schools. They left Saturday morning for Marion where they will make their home. [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
Pomeroy Democrat December 24, 1903
E. M. YOUNG Dead E. M. YOUNG, a prominent farmer of Orange township died Sunday and was buried Tuesday at 10 o'clock from the Orange church. Deceased was well known throughout the county, having been prominent in politics and two or three times a candidate for office on the republican ticket. He was also a member of the Agricultural Society for years and was usually chief marshal at the fair. He was about sixty years old. Mrs. WOLF Dead Racine cor: Belinda ROUSH, wife of F. Dudley WOLF (deceased), was born April 15, 1827, at what is now Plants, O., died Dec. 19, 1903, at the home of her son, Lewis, of Racine. Deceased was married Dec. 9, 1847 and of the union ten children were born, six of whom survive her. The husband died in 1892. Funeral services were held at the M. E. church Monday afternoon conducted by Rev. LANDSETTLE, interment following in Greenwood cemetery in charge of undertaker BIGGS. Willis KIRBY Willis KIRBY, 68 years old, died at his home at New Haven, W. Va., Monday of paralysis, and was buried Tuesday. Died of His Injuries Gus HACKER, whose injuries while working in a mine at Cambridge, O., was reported last week, died Saturday evening after five days of terrible suffering. His father and sister were with him at the time having gone to Cambridge upon receiving word of his injuries, and they brought his remains home for burial, arriving here Monday on the noon Hocking Valley train. The body was taken to the home in the First Ward and the funeral was held Wednesday afternoon in the Lutheran church conducted by Rev. KLINDWORTH. The body was interred in the Beech Grove cemetery. Deceased was 31 years old and unmarried and was a splendid young man whose death is sincerely regretted. Death of Mrs. HIGLEY Rutland cor: Mrs. Samuel HIGLEY, whose home was near Rutland depot, died very suddenly Saturday evening while taking a bath. She was attacked with a severe coughing spell and expired in a few moments, before medical aid could be summoned. She was a very estimable lady and respected by all who knew her. Her maiden name was SIMPSON. She leaves a husband and a family of grown up children some of them are in the far West. The funeral was held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the Presbyterian church by Rev. Bert HIGLEY, of Cincinnati. Alex SHORT Dead Alex SHORT, a unique character residing in the upper end of Middleport, just over the Pomeroy line, died Friday and was buried Sunday, the funeral being held at the residence of Wm. FICK, conducted by Rev. WILSON of the Presbyterian church. He lived in a little house adjoining Mr. FICK'S home and was employed by the latter as a sort of clerk about his coal works. {Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
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