These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
Unknown Meigs County newspaper January 21, 1904
BURLINGHAM Those from a distance who attended the funeral of Mrs. STANCART were: Sam KIRKENDALL and wife, Abe HALSEY and wife, Mrs. Daisy SMITH, of Athen county, and Rus PHILLIPS and J. E. DAINS, of Pomeroy. John MAXWELL and wife spent several days in Athens county last week. Anderson BENTZ and Ad PERSON were business callers here Thursday. A sled load of young people from this place attended meeting at Jerseyville Thursday night. Mrs. Frank FREDERICK and little daughter are visiting relatives in West Virginia. Dr. CHERRINGTON and wife, of Tuppers Plains, spent Sunday with Dr. BERRY and wife. George BRADFORD, of Rutland, passed through here today. [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
The Leader (Pomeroy, Ohio) February 4, 1904
S. D. Webb's Will The will of S. D. Webb, late of Middleport, was probated last Saturday. It was made Nov. 24, 1903, and was witnessed by F. E. Bolton and John D. Nash. H. Worthy Webb and J. H. Earnshaw are named as executors without bond. All of the property is left to the wife of the deceased, and at her death is to be equally divided between the two children. Death's Harvest WILL Susan Will, wife of the late Rev. Moses Will, was born in Maryland, May 4, 1826. She was of Scotch-Irish descent. Her father and mother were Wm. and Mary Barton Heaton. She was married Oct. 3, 1844, and was the mother of 13 children, seven girls and six boys. All are living except Sarah who died at the age of four years. Hers was a life of toil and devotion. She was model housekeeper, a devoted wife and mother and still had time to be an excellent neighbor. She knew no obstacles to neighborly kindness. No night was too dark nor storm too violent for her to go to any neighbor on a mission of mercy and kindness. Dreams of greatness did not disturb her, but acts of kindness toward her neighbor were her daily desire and deed. The memory of her shall be sacred, for she has done what she could. She united with the M. E. church in early life. After her marriage she united with the U. B. church of which she was a faithful member at the time of her death. BICKLE Jacob Bickle, who has been ailing for the past two years, died at his home in this city Tuesday morning at the age of 46 years. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his death. The funeral services will be held this afternoon at the German Presbyterian church at 2 p.m. by Rev. J. D. Bretz. THOMAS D. T. Thomas died at his home at Mason Friday morning at the age of 57 years from asthma. The deceased leaves a wife to mourn his death. He was a member of the Baptist church, this city, and also of Mineral Lodge of Odd Fellows which order conducted the funeral Tuesday afternoon, Rev. A. M. Boyd officiating. Mr. Thomas was a stockholder in the Hope furnace, and for the past few years has been the storekeeper for that company at Mason. Card of Thanks Rutland, Ohio, Feb. 1, 1904 We wish to extend our sincere thanks rendered to us by our neighbors and friends during the sickness and death of our little girl. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Holt [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
The Leader (Pomeroy, Ohio) February 11, 1904
Death's Harvest KENNEDY A. M. Kennedy, member of the 2nd Virginia Cavalry, died at his home in Pittsburg, PA, January 15, 1904, aged 62 years, 7 months and 10 days. MITCHELL Thomas Mitchell, aged 88 years, 1 month and 19 days, died at his home at Spillman Sunday. The funeral services were held Tuesday. The deceased was a prominent citizen of Mason county, and one of its most respected pioneers. GUTH Sophia Guth died at her home in Columbus last Friday morning. The funeral services were held Monday at 9:30 a.m. at the St. Mary's Catholic church in that city. Besides her parents she leaves two brothers and three sisters to mourn her death. The deceased was a niece to A.A. Graber of this city, and a daughter to Leonard Guth and wife, of Columbus. ROUSH The citizens of this community were greatly shocked to hear of the sudden death of Eli Roush, one of Sutton township's most prominent citizens, last Saturday afternoon. Mr. Roush had not been ill and death came to him from heart trouble while standing in the street talking to a friend. At the time of his death he lacked only one month of being 77 years of age. Mr. Roush learned the tanner's trade in this city when quite young, but this work was soon abandoned for that of mining. At the time of his death Mr. Roush was serving his second term as trustee of Sutton township. A wife, eleven children, nine sons and two daughters, are left to mourn his death. The funeral services were held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the residence on Forrest Run, conducted by Rev. C. W. Brady. Burial in the Gilmore cemetery. STRONG Joseph Jehiel Strong, born in Salem township, Meigs County, Ohio, July 7, 1828, died in Wilkesville, Ohio, Feb. 6, 1904, aged 75 years 6 months and 29 days. The deceased was married to Miss Elizabeth Ewing Aug. 12, 1849, to which union four children were born--two sons and two daughters, in the order of seniority as follows: Sophia, Horatio B., Sarah and Osias G. The two oldest, Sophia and Horatio B., are the only survivors of the family, the mother having passed beyond in 1891, and the two youngest, Osias G. and Sarah in 1871 and 1875 respectively. The departed was of revoluntionary stock that emigrated from the New England states early in the history of Ohio, landing at Marietta, and at a later date were early pioneer settlers of Meigs county. He received the benefit of a common school education, such as was imperfectly taught in his boyhood days, was a faithful and constant student of historical matters and general literature and was well informed on current events. These advantages well fitted him as an educator and when quite a young man he became one of the best educated and most successful school teachers of his day and neighborhood. He held numerous local, public offices and other positions of trust and honor and was invariably punctual, conscientious and honorable in the discharge of any obligation he assumed. He was Justice of the Peace of Salem township... [transcription ends] Obituary Mary E STANSBURY was born at McConnelsville, O., Dec. 3, 1833, died at her home in Rutland, Jan. 22, 1904. Funeral at Baptist church, Jan. 24, conducted by Rev. Chase. She was married to R. D. Rightmire, March 11, 1860. Deceased was the oldest daughter of Israel and Eliza Stansbury. She leaves four sisters, one brother and many other friends to mourn her death. Her life was spent doing good to those around her. She was respected by all who knew her. She is freed from life, burdens and is now at rest. [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
The Democrat (Pomeroy, Ohio) May 19, 1904
The Little Dears List of Babies Born In Meigs County During Year Ending April 1st Following is a list of the births in Meigs County last year as returned by the assessors. The list will appear from week to week until every township, ward and precinct is in. If the name of your baby does not appear it is because the assessor neglected his duty; and you should call upon him to attend to the matter, or better still report direct to the Probate Judge. The first name is the given name of the child, then follows the date of birth and last the fathers name: Middleport 4th Ward Daniel, Dec. 20, Walter ALLIS Hulbert Ellis, Oct 7, George FLOWERS Raymond, April 19, William LONG William Henry Daniel, Feb. 7, Elmore PHILLIPS Abra Catharine, Sept. 17, David BAILEY Ruth, May 13, John FOLEY Unnamed girl, Jan. 31, Warren HINDS Carrie Madge, April 1, Geo. REYNOLDS Florence, Jan. 5, Will C. RUSELL Middleport 1st Ward Charles F., Apr. 27, W. G. DAVIS John W., Jan. 23, J. W. LONGSTAFF F. E., June 10, Frank MOORE H. M., Aug 11, Fred JACKSON Carolyne, Dec. 8, G. A. SWALLOW H. L., Aug 15, Charles HUBER M. E., Dec. 10, R. H. WILLIAMS Silver Run Prect. Theodore Russell, Oct. 17, Theodore DAVIDSON Alonzo, Feb. 11, Edward DUNN Carlos Oakey, Dec. 14, Elmer HYSELL Floyd F., Aug. 21, J. F. HERRMAN Lloyd L., Aug. 21, " " John Stauton, July 15, John S. HOLLY Norman Shadrick, Nov. 8, J. E. MULFORD Dana Robert, Nov. 30, C. O. ROUSH James Roy, Jan. 1, Otis STIMBLE James Maxwell, Apr. 3, Mote YANGER Dessie Samantha, Oct. 3, G. M. BUTCHER Mary Priscilla, Nov., 29, John DAVIDSON Homer, March 11, Bert FRAZIER Golda, Sept. 26, Isaac LITTLE Gladys, Sept. 20, Harve LITTLE Edith Lillian, May 24, I. R. LAMBERT Leona, Aug 6, John A. LEWIS Irene, May 9, James LITTLE Inez, May 9, " " Pomeroy 4th Ward Thomas James, Sept 7, John B BOWEN Carl Richard, Feb. 3, Chas. M. BAYLS Clarence Wilbert, Oct. 1, Philip RUSCHEL Raymond Chas., May 17, Chas. SCHOLL Cora, Jan. 9, Anna KASPAR (mother) Vira Mame, Mar. 28, Virgie KIRKENDALL (mother) Lena Bell, Oct. 6, Andrew OEFFLER Rosa Dora, June 13, Philip STACE Charlott Amelia, Mar. 17, Chas. H. WILLIAMSON Pageville Prect. Dana, Feb. 19, Chas. A. GREEN Charles Edgar, Dec. 8, Oscar GRAVES Orville Elwood, Feb. 15, H. A. ZIMMERMAN Marie Janie Sue, Feb. 1, Frank GREEN Rosa Nell, Oct. 6, Bessie PHELP (mother) Harrisonville Prect. Wayne, July ?, M. A. CHASE Ivan Braley, Aug. 10, Henry IRWIN Glen Edward, July 21, Zack JEWELL Charlie Weber, Aug. 9, Frank KING Chas. W., Aug 20, John H. PETTY Pearl Stanley, Oct 7, P. V. STILES Unnamed boy, Mar. 12, D. M. TURNER Unnamed girl, Nov. 6, J. H. CARL Nellie Evelyn, May 16, Ernest WARNER Transcribed by: Nancy Cain Knepper
The Democrat (Pomeroy, Ohio) May 26, 1904
The Little Dears List of Babies Born In Meigs County During Year Ending April 1st Following is a list of the births in Meigs County last year as returned by the assessors. The list will appear from week to week until every township, ward and precinct is in. If the name of your baby does not appear it is because the assessor neglected his duty; and you should call upon him to attend to the matter, or better still report direct to the Probate Judge. The first name is the given name of the child, then follows the date of birth and last the fathers name: * denotes mother Bedford Jewel Olmer, Jan. 31, H. A. CURTIS Emerson, July 6, Harvey DOUGLAS Kermet Hall, Aug. 15, E. W. FROST Dayton Harold, Oct. 31, M. A. FROST Wade Theodore, Dec. 15, Herbert HANING Evert R, March 8, Enos J. HOWET Howard Harvey, Nov. 23, N. H. McKEE Dana Clark, May 19, Orlando MIDKIFF Charles Edward, Feb. 29, John O'BRIEN William Ellis, Sept 23, Ellis QUIVEY Chas. Patrick, March 3, C. E. WILLIAMS Otis Glenn, Feb. 1, Elijah WILLARD Albert Leslie, Feb. 1, E. H. YOUNG Erret Otho, Nov. 19, G. H. ZEIGLER Iras Alda, Oct. 12, Otho ASHWORTH Estella Mabel, Apr. 10, John CARL Velma Mabel, May 21, S. A. EASTMAN Ethel Gladys, Jan. 28, W. J. FRANK Mabel Clare, Sept. 15, Geo. T. HENDERSON Anna Laura, Feb. 7, Wesley HAMILTON Jennie Helena, Jan. 12, Albert KING Mildred Agnes, June 13, Robt. PERRY Laura Dean, July 18, Geo. B. PENNYBAKER Edith, March 24, Herbert BIGGS Ada Naomi, March 17, V. G. WESTFALL Flossie Dell, Nov. 8, M. A. WILLIAMS Columbia Meryl Foster, July 31, Jarrot BOBO William Clair, Oct. 20, Almeda BRATTON Raymond, July 21, M. D. BOWEN Unnamed Boy, March 14, James T. COOK Charles WARD, April 18, G. W. LIGHTFOOT Gerald, May 29, I. H. SEARLS Vernie, Oct. 10, Frank ARBAUGH Hazel BLANCHE, July 4, Jerry BOLTEN Clara Belle, Aug 24, John CLINE Garnet, Jan 3, C. L. V. CASTER Nellie S., July 28, H. W. CHASE Purle, Sept. 26, W. C. COTTRILL Georgia Myrtle, July 1, A. B. RUPE Mary Fay, Dec. 30, Thelmore STANSBURY Myrtle Grace, Jan. 27, Howard THROCKMORTEN Emily Viola, Oct 11, J. A. WOOD Middleport Prect. Paul E., June 28, Edward FRENCH Leona, Feb. 20, Elsworth BAILEY Freda Evelyn, Feb. 13, Jos. KARR Idella Zelma, Aug. 16, George PULLINS Unnamed girl, Dec. 9, George RUSSEL Margaret Elizabeth, Aug 28, H. H. WYNES Middleport 2nd Ward Robert, Oct. 16, Melvin A BICKLE Raymond A., March 21, Harvey N. STEVICK Helen V., Feb. 15, Robert B. CORBIN Hilah V, March 13, Albert S. FORTUNE Julia Elen, May 22, F. B. MURPHY Esther, July 1, Oscar ROSE Frances, Sept. 24, Harry SMITH Doris, Apr 8, Robt. WILLIAMS Middleport 3rd Ward Harry, Feb. 25, Henry DICKERSON Clinton, Oct. 10, John C. FISHER Herman, June 17, Carlous HOFFMAN Unnamed boy, Feb 20, Henry JACKSON Charles R., Sept 3, Emmet KEESEY Chas. Edwin, Jan 25, Chas. B. MOTTICE John Charles, Sept 2, John D. NASH Herschel, Feb 23, Clark WILLIAMS Amy Isabel, Nov 29, Sid P. COE Clara M., July 9, C. F. HAWKINS Catharine F., July 16, Robt. LYNCH Lucy, Aug 29, Henry PETERMAN Faye Yavowne, Feb. 6, Hezakiah ROOT Middleport 5th Ward James A., Aug 30, Hiram W. BORING Freeman Cathcart, Apr. 23, Fred DUNN William E., Feb 17, Marion D. THOMPSON Gustave, Jan 16, Wm. TAYLOR Great River Prect. Ray, Sept. 30, Chas. C. BEEGLE Frank C., Dec. 13, Philip A. BOYD Robt. V., Sept 30, Edward EASTERDAY John Wesley, Sept 3, Frank LAWSON Chas. Emory, Aug 22, C. J. OURS Catharine L., Nov 18, Ruben D. BROWN Chlorice, May 16, Oliver COE Freda, Apr 22, Frank ERVIN Lottie Marie, Dec 31, David A. PEARSON Edna A., March 11, Albert THEISS Portland Prect. Arthur Joseph, Feb. 21, W. T. BLUME Ernest Lester, Nov. 18, David BREWER Wm. Gurtha, Apr 29, Joseph COZART Robert Virgil, June 9, Mary M DAUGHTERY* George Theodore, Sept 12, James HEUTHORNE John Rodney, Oct ?, James KIMES Joshua Russell, Dec. 31, Wm. KEYES George Lester, July 27, W. J. POWELL Ernest Clifford, Sept 8, Evert SMITH Ernest Clayton, June 8, J. J. STRAIT Gurney Raymond, Sept 25, W. H. STEED Harley Benj., Apr 7, Lee TIMMONS Wm. Stanley, June 2, Wm. TALBOTT Nell Lenore, Oct 5, W. E. ADAMS Helen Augusta, Nov 14, T. H. AUTHERSON Ruth, June 3, P. E. BROWNING Bessie Myrtle, Dec 26, Thomas GARRELL Leda, Feb 17, Joseph McDOLE Mae, Jan 20, Robt. OURS Leona, March 14, Anna E. PEASE* Anna Laura, Sept 19, George POWELL Dorotha Gertrude, Nov 4, Ora WELCH Mabel Virginia, May 24, Homer YOUNG Transcribed by: Nancy Knepper
The Democrat (Pomeroy, Ohio) June 9, 1904
Published in The Democrat, June 9, 1904 The Little Dears List of Babies Born In Meigs County During Year Ending April 1st Following is a list of the births in Meigs County last year as returned by the assessors. The list will appear from week to week until every township, ward and precinct is in. If the name of your baby does not appear it is because the assessor neglected hs duty; and you should call upon him to attend to the matter, or better still report direct to the Probate Judge. The first name is the given name of the child, then follows the date of birth and last the fathers name: * denotes mother RACINE Carl Batey, Oct 27, D. B. CROSS Unnamed boy, Mar 9, Addie FARLEY* Clifford Leo, Dec 11, Stanley D. HOLTER Unnamed boy, Mar 28, Ben MORRIS Raymond, Sept 20, Louis JOHNSON Donie Earl, July 12, John C McKENZIE Ralph Amos, Apr 30, Speed PICKENS' F. Stanley, Jr., Nov 14, F. S. ROUSH, Sr. George V., Sept 9, John J. ROUSH Robert H., Nov 23, J. M. SPENCER Lawrence, Jan 4, Emory SHAIN Josiah, June 6, A. C. SMITH Florence, June 22, Geo. BEAVER Lena, Dec 22, Will BEEGLE Alice, May 20, Reed BIGLEY Virginia, Nov 20, Chas. CIRCLE Susie Lou, June 3, Clyde DARST Mandy Pearl, Jan 4, Chas. EASTERDAY Florence, Dec. 3, Harvey JOHNSON Aileen, Oct 24, G. S. LANE Vernon, Aug 10, Chas. McNAMEE Mary Frankie, Jan 23, Joe McELROY Bessie Macil, Sept 4, F. M. NEASE Dorothy E., Apr 9, John N REED Ilene Enid, Apr 29, Joe THOMPSON Alice, Jan 27, Edward THEISS Esther, Feb. 26, L. W. SAYRE OLIVE Jas. Rufus, Feb 3, J. F. BROOKS Wallace, Jan 5, Scott BARBER Alfred Lawrence, Aug 17, J. C. BLACKMORE Alvin, July 16, Isaac BUCHANNAN George, Aug 22, Wm. BUCHANNAN Allen, June 14, A. B. BILES Everett, July 1, Leander BUCKLEY Perry Osborn, Nov. 20, Dallas BEAM Etta Inez, Apr 3, Aaron CONGROVE Unnamed boy, July 5, Chas. CHEVALIER Earle Kenneth, Nov 1, Herman COWDERY Robert, Mar 9, Arthur COLEMAN Unnamed boy, Mar 17, S. H. DEETER William, Feb. 10, John JACCAUD Robt. Stewart, June 24, E. M. KELLER John Wesley, May 16, O. W. McBRIDE Francis Leo, June 19, Ray PACKARD Carl Allen, Feb. 13, H. W. RICHIE Dane Frank, Aug 23, Chas. REED Charles, Oct. 11, Elmer REED Herman, Feb. 16, Jos. TRIBBETT Howard, July 24, Peter VAN DYKE Unnamed boy, Feb. 9, Horace WILLIAMS Unnamed boy, Feb 15, Sam'l WILSON Elizabeth Jane, Nov 3, C. H. BROOKS Gustie, Aug 17, Leslie BORHAM Della, Dec 20 or 29, Edward BOLTON Nancy Annie, Mch 9, Jasper BAKER Freda Augusta, Aug 2, Martin BAKER Helen Pearle, Nov 7, Wm. BENTZ Zelda, Sept 24, Geo. A COLEMAN Elizabeth Sarah, Jan 17, Geo. CRAFT Calla Edna, Sept 24, Z. T. FOUNDS Esther, July 9, Thos. DUGAN Frankie, June 5, Robt. HALSINGER Bernice, Nov 10, Chas. KELLER Effie Ellen, Apr 26, Eli LEMASTER Stella, Oct 15, T. N. MILLS Doris May, May 10, Harvey NORTH Cassie Belle, Dec 24, Edson E OSBORN Laura May, May 8, Watson OSBORN Forest Rose, Nov 8, Humphrey OSBORN Bernice Ola, Oct 8, Wm. PULLINS Kate, May 29, Jas. RANDOLPH Bernice, July 9, Harry RUTH Lena Ruth, Mar 6, J. E. TURBEN Thelma, Feb 3, Chas. WILSON Wilma Audrey, June 26, B. F. WHITESIDE Mittie Ruth, June 14, Fred YOUNG CHESTER Unnamed boy, Feb. 1, Homer ASHWORTH Durward Alba, Mar 5, G. A. BAHR Frank, Dec. 31, Charlie BROWN Chas., Dec. 31, Charlie BROWN Wm. Clayton, Jan 29, Dana BOOKMAN Leonard L., Nov 28, A. D. BIGGS Willie, Nov 17, Will FRECKER Wendel, Nov 17, Will FRECKER Henry Ascher, Nov 25, Geo. KIMES Unnamed boy, Mar 28, Lowell RIDENOUR Leland, Sept 26, John SHUMWAY Ervin V., Aug 3, Jack SMITH Jewell E., Aug 23, Robt. WALKER Chas. Dale, July 3, Andy WIPPEL Sylvia, June 17, M. A. ADAMS Hilda, Apr. 7, Lawrence BAUM Jennie, Nov. 24, H. F. BAILEY Elma, Sept. 4, Andrew BURFORD Mabel, Nov 8, David FRECKER May Evaline, Nov 4, B. N. KNIGHT Nevada Caroline, Feb. 24, Will OSBORN Goldie Belle, Feb. 15, (1903) Bertie RIDENOUR Eva Almeda, Oct 4, Guy SINGERS Sadie Leora, Nov 25, W. J. WARNER Adda M., Sept 25, J. M. WINDON Louise, Apr 7, W. A. WILL Mabel, July 21, Will WALLACE ORANGE Herald Davis, Nov 5, Truman FROST Franklin E, Apr 6, W. B. JEFFERS Dwight M., Dec 17, E. G. KIM George E., Apr 23, O. E. PYLES Frank E., Feb 2, J. O. SMITH Unnamed boy, Feb 24, E. H. SPENCE Floyd Hudson, Oct 19, John T. VANMETER Unnamed girl, May 6, J. O. BAKER Ada B., Apr 23, G. W. CHRISTY Dorothy M, July 12, J. R. FISH Sarah E., May 24, Daniel HOLLAND or BOLLAND Addie Lola, Apr 7, Elmer HASELTON Unnamed girl, Apr 1, J. B. HAYES Mabel, July 12, Wm. KAPPEL Opal C., Dec. 15, J. F. REED POMEROY 1ST WARD Unnamed boy, Mar 21, Geo. BATEY Unnamed boy, Feb 13, James HAWLEY Albert C., June 24, Mack A. MALONE Ralph J., Dec 20, Charley YOUNG Mabel, March 25, William BEARHS Garnet E., Dec 8, W. W. MORGAN POMEROY 2ND WARD Unnamed Boy, Mar 7, Lawrence GUINTHER William Reed, Sept 10, W. H. JENKINSON Edward Joseph, July 6, Geo. MEIER Robert LeGrande, Dec. 15, James McINTOSH Charles D, Feb. 4, Geo. OHLINGER Rolland H., Dec 26, Chas. PRICE Earl D., May 4, Dudley SMITH Leona G, Jan 7, Park BRADSHAW Unnamed girl, Oct 28, Dan BEAL Veva, Apr. 23, J. W. CORNELL Nellie M., Dec. 21, W. J. EVANS Elma Alice, Oct 3, Chauncy INMAN Helen M., Feb 24, F. A. RAPPOLD Emelia, Nov 20 (1902), F. W. REIBEL Frances, Mar 5, Chas. SCHWOPE Thelma M, Sept 22, J. C. TITUS SYRACUSE PRECT. Albert E., Aug 6, John W CAPEHART Willie, Sep 17, Thos. CLOUSTON Harry P., Dec. 12, David CLARK Clarence, July 25, Wilbur DUSKY Richard E., Oct 21, James DUCKWORTH Harold, Aug 4, John R. DUCKWORTH Unnamed boy, Jan 9, Melzer E HUTTON Dale W, June 22, Chas. HOLTER Harold H., Nov 13, Theo. E. HAMM Adam L., Jan 15, Adam LALLANCE Ernest A., Mar. 18, Melvin PAULIN Bennie D., Apr 25, Amer QUILLEN Franklin M., Oct 29, James H. QUILLEN Glenn E., Sept. 16, Philip SCHWARTZWALDER Harry, July 1, Porter STAATS Otis V., Dec 7, Otis WEESE Chas. K., Apr 7, Chas. E. YOST Edith, Sept 5, Edw. THOMAS Norma C., May 9, Chas. W. GREATHOUSE Mamie J., Jan 4, Thos. E. HOLTER Lillian, March 11, Wm. B. HOLTER Teresa, Nov 2, Wm. H. HAMM Dorothy F., Nov 9, F. E. HOLMES Helen M., July 1, Chas. E. McNAUGHTON Della, July 29, Castine REIBER Olive V., Dec. 7, Otis WEESE Marcella, Oct 17, John WILLIAMS SALEM Pearl Martin, Oct 31, Walter AMOS Guy Oliver, Apr 3, Henry CLARK Harley Austin, Mar 1, Joseph HARMON Unnamed boy, May 28, Howard MILLER George E., June 12, Daniel NEIGHBORGALL Stanley, Nov 21, Jacob PHILLIPS Amos Harold, Feb 24, Chas. RATHBURN Laing Job, May 30, Glenn STRONG Unnamed boy, June 18, H. O. SHENEFIELD Neva Goldie, Oct 11, W. H. DYKE Alma Pearl, June 26, Geo. R. GRATE Reba May, Jan 15, Oren LYLE Hattie Florence, Aug 18, Elias P LYNCH Mildred Amelia, Sept 11, Sam LYMAN Fern, Aug 12, Blaine McCLASKEY Unnamed girl, Mar 22, J. E. McCATHRINE Geraldine, Mar 5, Sherman MINOR Neval, Oct 28, G. W. NELSON [Transcribed by Nancy Cain Knepper]
Tribune-Telegraph August 17, 1904
Mrs Elizabeth Hartley Roush was born Jan 30, 1835 in Jackson Co., WV and died Aug 11, 1904, aged 69 years, 6 months and 11 days. She was married to Eli Roush Dec 26, 1858, who preceded her to the other world 6 months and 5 days, he having died Feb 6, 1904. 9 children were born to this union, 7 boys and 2 girls, all of whom are living. Many years ago she united with the M E Church and maintained the Christian life until the end. She was kind and neighborly, a faithful and devoted wife and mother, helping her husband and children solve many of the problems such as are characteristic of a large household. She was sick but one week and death like that of her husband, was unexpected and sudden. For many years she and her husband were earthly pilgrims but on the heavenly highway. they have finished the journey and entered into that rest that remaineth for the children of God, They were not separated long on earth, who would bring them back? Let theirs go to them. The old home is broken up but with its memory a sweet fragrance will ever rise to waft both relatives to that city with foundations whose builder and maker is God. [Transcribed by Joel Hartley]
The Leader (Pomeroy, Ohio) October 27, 1904
Sudden Death John KLEIN, of the Nease Settlement, died very suddenly at the home of his sister, Mrs. Chris SCHAEFER, at Minersville, Monday evening about half-past seven. He was returning home from Pomeroy where he had gone to have some teeth extracted. He fell to the ground in the yard at his sister's home, was carried into the house, and fell into what seemed to be only a natural sleep, from which he never regained consciousness. He was born in Germany 70 years ago, and came to this country to avoid military service in his native land. The funeral service was held at the German Protestant church in Germany, Chester township this (Thursday) morning, after which his remains were laid to rest in Pine Grove cemetery. The deceased leaves a wife and one son, C. H. KLEIN, of Minersville. He was a good citizen and universally esteemed. Wednesday Morning Marriage A very pretty wedding was solemnized at Sacred Heart church Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock, the contracting parties being Mr. Aloysius GLOECKNER, son of Frank GLOECKNER, and Miss Edith MASON, of Middleport, Rev. Father MATTES officiating. The bride was elegantly attired in a suit of pale blue taffeta and wore a white silk bobinet veil. The groom wore a neat suit of black. Andy SCHWARTZWALDER acted as best man, and Miss Veronica GLOECKNER, a sister of the groom as bridesmaid, the latter being nicely attired in a suit of blue lansdown. This worthy young couple will go to housekeeping at once in the Galia-her property on Salt street. The Leader extends congratulations. A Portland Wedding A pretty wedding scene was solemnized at the home of Jefferson CHASE Wednesday, when at high noon their beautiful and accomplished daughter, Mamie, was united in marriage to Clarence BROWNING by Rev. BLUME of the M. E. church. The bride wore white crepe de chine trimmed in silk lace and chiffon, the groom the usual attire. After the ceremony the guests passed into the dining room where a sumptuous dinner was served. The presents were as follows: N. M. WHEELER and wife, towels; E. M. GIBBS and wife, towels and bedspread; Erastus CARLENS and wife, set of silver knives and forks; D. M. COWDERY and wife, table linen; H. H. BROWN and wife, table linen; W. J. BELL and wife, China berry set; Floyd BELL, cake plate; Ruth T. WELLS, granite ware; Jefferson CHASE and wife, table linen and fifty dollars. In the evening the "Tom-Toms" paid their respects, after that the Portland band gave a serenade. After a wedding trip to the World's Fair Mr. and Mrs. BROWNING will be at home to their many friends in Lowery City, Mo.
The Democrat (Pomeroy, Ohio) November 10, 1904
Mrs. Daniel Wilder Lydia, wife of Daniel Wilder, residing near the Bradford church, died Tuesday night of consumption and will be buried Thursday morning at 11 o clock in the Bradford cemetery. Deceased was 71 years old and leaves an aged children[?] but no children. Smith-Sponagel Miss Zelda Sponagel of this city and Alban Smith of Chester were married at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Adam Ebersbach, Saturday evening, Nov. 6, at 8 o clock. They are both fine young people and the DEMOCRAT extends congratulations. Died in North Dakota. Jacob Geyer, brother of John Geyer the merchant, of this city, died Oct. 25, at his home at Arville, N. D., from the effects of gallstone. Deceased formerly lived in this city and will be well remembered by Pomeroy people, who will be grieved to learn of his death in his far western home. He owned a fine farm in North Dakota, and was a prosperous citizen there. He leaves a wife and three children. His wife was formerly Miss Agnes Campbell. [Transcribed by Homer Thiel]
The Democrat (Pomeroy, Ohio) November 17, 1904
TERRIBLE EXPLOSION Dynamite Lets Go at Oreton With Fatal Results KILLED: PETER BOYCE INJURED: WILLIAM ARTIST, probably fatally hurt. WILLIAM ELLIS, leg broken. WILLIAM WISEMAN, leg broken. NOAH STOUT, foot broken. A dynamite explosion at the Alma Cement works, Oreton, O., Wednesday morning killed one man instantly, seriously and perhaps fatally injured another broke a leg each for two others and a foot for still another. The men were tamping a charge of dynamite in the lime stone quarry when it exploded prematurely with the foregoing dreadful results. Wiseman, Stout and Boyce are all familiar names in Meigs county and the injured men were probably members of the families of that name here. This is only conjecture at this time however. The news of the dreadful affair was brought in by the passengers and crew of the 12:40 Hocking Valley train. Dropped Dead Newt Ragans, son of John Ragans of this city, dropped dead in Cincinnati, Monday, where he had lived for a number of years. His body will be brought here for burial. He was 33 years old. Mary C. Brickles Mary C. Brewer was born Nov. 14, 1845, in Bedford township, Meigs county, Ohio. She was married to J. D. Brickles in 1869, was received into the Christian church when twelve years old and was a faithful and consistent member until her death, which occurred Friday evening, Nov. 11, at her son's home in this city, being 58 years, 11 months, and 27 days old. She was the mother of four children who survive her, three sons and one daughter, William, George. Robert, and Rebecka. The funeral services were conducted Sunday, Nov. 13, 1904 at the Pageville F. W. B. church by Rev. W. H. Dutton and the remains were interred in the Wells cemetery. Died of Tuberculosis Miss Melsie Wolf, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Martin Wolf of the Second ward, died Wednesday morning of tuberculosis after a long illness. Deceased was 24 years old and was a most estimable young lady and her death is deeply regretted by a large circle of friends. The funeral will occur Sunday from Simpson M. E. Church conducted by Rev. Evans and interment will be in Beech Grove cemetery. Grandma Jones Dead Grandma Jones, an aged lady residing in the Fourth Ward, died Saturday and was buried Monday in the Middleport cemetery. She was the widow of Wm. Jones who died many years ago. She was 84 years old and was a fine old lady, loved by young and old. Mayor Weed in Jail. Alonzo Weed, former mayor of Amesville, Athens county, spent last Thursday night in our jail and was released the following day and was ordered to leave town. Weed was once the most talked of man in the state, when he was elected mayor of the little Athens county village as a huge joke that was bitterly repented when it was too late to remedy the mistake. He is a common hobo now, as he was then, and manages to spend most of his time in jail somewhere. MARRIED TUESDAY MORNING Probate Judge A. D. Russell and Miss Harriet Merrick Joined in Wedlock. Probate Judge A. D. Russell and Miss Harriet Merrick were united in marriage at 8 o clock, Tuesday morning, at the home of the bride's mother on Butternut Street, Rev. Thomas Turnbull officiating. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a number of invited guests and an elegant wedding breakfast was served and the happy couple left at once on the K. & M. train for Athens, where they took the B. & O. flyer for Cincinnati and thence to New Orleans. Judge Russell and his charming bride are among the best and most popular young people in our city and they have the best wishes of their hundred of friends and acquaintances. They were accompanied as far as Athens on their wedding trip by Ralston Russell and A. P. Miller, who went along to see that no one on the train overlooked the fact that they had just been married. The marriage of Judge Russell was the first instance in the county where it was necessary for a prospective groom to go out of the county to procure a marriage license. The law will not permit a Probate Judge to issue his own marriage license, and Judge Russell had to send a representative to Logan to secure the coveted document from Judge Wright of the Common Pleas Court. So Attorney A. P. Miller was delegated the pleasant task of securing the prized document. [Transcribed by Homer Thiel]
unknown Meigs Co. Newspaper December 29, 1904
Old Pioneer Gone Horace Atkins, 87 years old, one of Bedford township's pioneers, died at his home near Darwin last Friday, after a longering illness and was buried Sunday in Burlingham cemetery. Deceased leaves an aged wife, one son George, two daughters, Mr. John Devinney and Miss Rose Atkins, and a brother and two sisters who reside at Frozen Camp, WV. [Transcribed by Kay Williams]
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