People researching in Meigs County, Ohio

The following are summaries of the interests of various folks who are researching in Meigs County, in order by submission date. You can contact them at the email or other addresses listed. If you would like to be included in this list, send us an email with a list of your family names or other research interests, and let me know whether you prefer to be contacted by email or another method. These are queries posted in 2003.

July 30, 2003  
VANCE, HARRIS, SNYDER:  I would very much appreciate any information on the ancestry of my 
ggrandfather Silas Nathan(iel) Vance who died in Marion county, WV, on Jan. 17, 1927, 
age 70, a coal miner. He was born in Pomeroy, Ohio about 1857 or 56.  He married Mary Harris
of Gallopolis. I have name and dates for their children.  My grandmother was Ida M. Vance Snyder.
Mike    (

July 30, 2003  
BENNET, OGDEN, WINE:  In the 1840 census are Silas Bennet Sr. and Silas Bennet Jr. The son Silas 
married Annis Ogden in Meigs Co. 1837 he moved to Indiana. Silas Sr. was married to 
Lucinda Wine. I think she died in Meigs Co.  Does any one have any information on
this family?
Edith Williams    (

July 24, 2003  
THURSTON, WOOLERY:  I am interested in any data on the family of Dr. Jacob H. Thurston and his 
wife Rachel (Woolery) who are listed in the 1880 census of Bedford, Meigs, Ohio.  He is 
described as a physician age 50 and she is age 47.  A daughter Phoebe Thurston, age 27, 
is also in the household.  Rachel is believed to be the same person as the daughter of 
Michael & Elizabeth Woolery of Clinton County, Ohio.  The only other reference that could 
be found on Dr. Thurston is a newspaper article (The Tribune Telegraph, Pomeroy, Meigs 
County, Ohio, dated 12 May 1897) which mentions a Dr. Thurston of Burlingham.  Thanks for 
any help.
Terry L. McAfee    (

June 26, 2003  
BARRETT, MOORE, MCDOLE:  I would like to get information concerning my 2nd great grandparents, 
Samuel and Sarah Jane McDole Barrett that got married in 1850, Meigs County, Ohio.  
They had several children, Anna M.,b. Abt. 1852,  William, b. 1853, Lafayette, 
b. 1854 and Susan, b. 1859.
Samuel is the s/o Thomas Barrett, Sr., b. Abt. 1794 PA
and Sarah Jane is the d/o Wm. and Rachel Moore/More McDole.
Any information on any of these is appreciated.
Marilyn    (

June 15, 2003  
HARPER, MCALISTER, PARSONS:  Ancestry in Meigs County includes Daniel Harper, wife Mary McAllister, 
Daniel Hills Parsons, wife Elizabeth Harper. Have extensive information on 
Daniel Hills Parsons and Elizabeth Harper Parsons family. Name found in some 
documents as Persons, sometimes Pearsons. Most of family migrated from Meigs 
county in late 1800's. Remaining family in Meigs probably goes by Persons and 
are likely decendents of Freeman Persons (died 1922). Next closest relationships 
would likely be in Columbus, OH. Migration paths include Illinois, Indiana, 
Kansas, Nebraska, Oregon, California, Idaho and Washingtom. Daniel H. Parsons 
was born in Enfield, CT, and raised in Bristol, NY. He migrated to Meigs, OH, 
in the 1820's.   Have many documents and photos of family.

May 11, 2003  
JONES:  I would like to locate which cemetery my forbearer is laid to rest in.  
He, Richard Jones, lived in Columbia Twp. and died about 1862.

Any help would be appreciated.
Evan Jones    (

April 7, 2003  
KEVAN, WAYNE:  Please include me in your list for:
Peter Mark Kevan,born 6 Apr 1876,Ohio.
Parents:James Kevan & Sarah E. Wayne.
Looking for more info.  He had family in Meigs County.
John Hinkleman    (

March 23, 2003  
LOVETT, WEST:  I'm looking for information on a couple of people in
my family: Daniel Lovett born about 1775 and died after
1840 in Meigs Co, Ohio.  He married Phebe West January
1, 1798. There is also some information about Daniel's
son William Lovett who owned about 105 acres of farm
land in an area called "Old Town Flats" and that they
were the earliest settlers of the area.  There is also
a road in front of their land called Lovett Rd. and
across the road is the Morse Chapel.  The Chapel was
built in 1859.
Crystal Lloyd (Lovett)     (

March 20, 2003  
MCELVAINE, STANLEY, GREEN, KRESS:  I am searching for information on Alexander McElvaine who was born 
in Pomeroy, OH around 1852 to Alexander and Mary J. (Stanley).  He 
was to marry Martha Elisabeth GREEN KRESS, who was born in England 
and married a "Mr. Kress" and had a daughter, Margaret (Maggie) 
KRESS, in 1865, in Ohio.  As Martha met Alex, I am trying to find 
out if they were in the same area when Maggie was born in 1865.  
Martha was known to be of the Methodist faith later in life, so I 
would like to know if there is a Methodist church I could contact 
in that area.  Martha married Alex about 1875 and they bought a 
home in the Pittsburgh area of PA in 1880.

March 10, 2003  
TAYLOR, STEED, RUMFIELD:  My grandparents: Charles Emery Taylor married Maggie Frances Steed.
Maggie was born in 1875, in Meigs Co., Ohio.  Lucinda Rumfield married
William Taylor (my great-grandparents).  I would like to share info.
Vicki (Taylor) Kimberlin    (

March 2, 2003  
PARTLOW, BAILEY, VINING, CARSEY:  Looking for anyone related to or information on the following Meigs County 
residents who are my ancestors, Amos Partlow (1786-1866) who came to Butler Co., 
Ohio in May 1809 where he married my ancestress Sarah Bailey (1788-1862), possibly
sister of John Bailey (1787-1860?)--Amos and Sarah came to Meigs Co., Ohio later in 
1809 (living in Salisbury, Sutton and Chester Twps.) and had 13 children, known 
issue includes William, David Hudson, John (my ancestor), Thomas, Martha 
=George Savage, Catherine=James Young, Amos Jr., and Elizabeth =Malhon Myers. 
 John Partlow  (1812-1886) =Elizabeth Vining (1813-1881) who was the daughter 
of Joseph and Elizabeth Vining, a farmer family originally from Hartford, Ct. 
who lived in Salisbury and Rutland Twp.  The children of John and Elizabeth 
were Sarah=John Christy, Joseph, Moses (my ancestor) and Elizabeth=George 
Willaim Christy.  My ancestor Moses (1848-1926) married Sarah Emeline Carsey 
(1850-1892), daughter of Luther and Eliza Gibson Carsey who left Athens 
County, Ohio to Meigs County, Ohio not long after the Civil War.
Tommy Woodward    (

March 1, 2003  
DAVIS, STATTS/STOOTS, FIELDEN:  I am looking for information on Anthony Elmer DAVIS b. 2/3/1885 Pomeroy,
Ohio to William Marion DAVIS b.1846 Ohio and Rebecca STATTS or STOOTS b.
1844 Ohio. m. Agnes FIELDEN d. 12/18/1926 Shoshone, Idaho. He is my

Thanks for any help in advance,
Denise Davis Homer    (

February 15, 2003  
HYSELL:  We are looking for information on the Hysell family of Meigs County
Ohio.  We do know that the early Hysell settlers came to Ohio from
Virginia, receiving land from service in the Revolutionary war.  Our
family goes through Spencer Hysell and Mary T. Warren.  We would be
interested in visiting with anyone doing research on this family.

Dale and Kathy Rasmussen    (

February 12, 2003  
LAX, PACKARD, HANKS, SUDRON:  I am researching my LAX and PACKARD ancestors from Meigs County.  Would 
gladly furnish/or exchange information with anyone with common interests.  
My PACKARD line in Meigs County begins with William Howe Packard, Jr. who 
came from Vermont with his wife Ermina HANKS about 1833. One of their 
daughters, Florence Estelle PACKARD, married Thomas LAX. Thomas LAX was 
born in Stockton-on-Tees, Durham, England in 1843, and came to America in 
September1856, with his sister Sarah, father and step -mother, Ann (White) Lax.  
Thomas and Sarah's mother was Elizabeth SUDRON, who died in England in 1848.  
George William LAX came to Meigs County after he remarries (Ann White in 
England) and has a daughter Jane and two other sons, in Meigs county, George 
William Jr. (1859) and John Wright (1861).  Anyone interested in more 
information, trying to establish a link with my ancestors, or having additional 
LAX/PACKARD information can email me anytime.
Tom Turner    (

February 4, 2003  
WOODRUFF, SMITH, LAW:  Looking for information on John Woodruff who was married to Dolly Smith. 
They had several children named Eliza, John J., George W. and several others. After 
John's death, Dolly married someone with the surname of LAW.  They had a daughter 
named Sarah. Any bit of information on any of these names is much appreciated.
Rudy Flores    (

January 26, 2003  
ROUSH:  I am trying to backtrack a Roush family who ended up in Washington Co.,
OH.  The people are Absalom Roush born in 1812 in Ohio and wife Nancy ?
who was born in 1814 in Ohio.   The couple had the following children
that I know of:

James, William H., Harriet, Martha, Absalom, Lucy, John, Franklin, and
Perry.  Would be appreciative of any info that anyone in Meigs may
have.  I'm not for sure that he came from Meigs Co. but the name
similarities are there.
Leslyn Lang    (

January 20, 2003  
BARBER, ROBIE/ROBEY/ROBY:  I am searching for information on any person with the last name of Barber, 
past or present. I am also looking for information on the Robie/Robey/Roby family.
Belinda Bailey    (

January 11, 2003  
JOHNSON, BAKER:  I am looking for information regarding my paternal grandfather, Otis Johnson.  
He was supposed to have had an identical twin named something like "Motis" Johnson.  
They were born around 1882 in Letart, Meigs Co., OH.  Otis Johnson married 
Georgia E. Baker in 1910, in Ravenswood, Jackson Co., WV.  He died in Jackson Co. 
(of pneumonia, I think) in 1926.  I am not sure about the twin's name, but I know 
it was something that sounded like MOTIS and rhymed with Otis.  I heard my grandmother 
say once that the twins looked alike.

I would be most grateful if you could point me in the right direction regarding this question.
Teresa (Terry) Sue JOHNSON Shank    (

January 6, 2003  
KOBLENTZ, VINING, CHRISTY:  I am searching for information on the parents of Jacob Aaron Koblentz and his 
wife, Ida Mae (Vining) Christy.
Jacob was born 21 Dec. 1860 in Meigs Co.
married:  12 Sept. 1889
Ida b. 16 Feb. 1871, in Chester, Meigs Co.
Jacob was one of twelve children: six boys and six girls. Am looking for the names 
of all his siblings. Some names are: Catherine, Phillip, Mary, Henry, William and Peter.
Ida Mae had the following siblings: Charles, Don E., Walter E., Michael Glen, Carl Mott, 
and Dale Webb.

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