What's New?
Would like to contribute, OR, become the official Meigs County Coordinator!
- Are you familiar with the area?
- Do you have a family tree connection to the area?
- Volunteers are always needed!
- Please consider contributing your pieces of Meigs County family history.
- Corrections, updates, and additions to this site are always welcome.
QUESTIONS? Please contact the Temporary County Coordinator: Randy Cummings
August 19, 2024
Meigs County Needs a Volunteer Coordiantor!
Added a Table of Contents to Larkin's History.
Repaired the Larkin Pioneer History of Meigs County Pages.
Added Transcription of Civil War Volunteers of Meigs County Rangers. Thanks to Cheryl Hartley.
Repaired Links to stories on the Civil War Pages.
August 15, 2024
New Meigs County OHGenWeb Home Page!
August 14, 2024
New Temp County Coordiator Randy Cummings repairing County Pages.
Updated the Resources Page.
May 28, 2023
New Meigs County OHGenWeb Home Page!
New Temp County Coordiator Wyatt Arnett repairing County Pages.
Meigs County OhGenWeb is available for adoption.
Brad A. Frecker Meigs County Coordiator retires.
2001 - 2017
Added a Biographies section and 16 biographies.
- These Bios do not show up in the Overall Site Index yet.
Added hundreds of obituaries.
Added more Transcriptions to the Wills section.
Rebuilt the News Transcriptions page to a "News" 'year by year' format. .
Added Transcriptions of the 1860 census for Chester Twp. & Olive Twp..
Added Transcriptions of the 1860 U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedule.
Added Transcriptions of the1890 U.S. Federal Census Veteran's Schedule, including:
Added many more Transcriptions to the Miscellanea section, including:
November 29, 2001
Updated the Overall Site Index. Now over 61,000 entries and 7000 surnames!
Added an extraction of the 1850 Chester Village, Meigs County Census to the Censuses page.
February 9, 2001
Updated the Overall Site Index. Now over 50,000 entries and 6300 surnames!
Added a copy of the 1819 Meigs County Tax List as published in the Meigs County Telegraph, 1872, to the Miscellanea page. Thanks to Cheryl Hartley.
January 10, 2001
Added an extraction of the 1920 Rutland Twp., Meigs County Census to the Censuses page. Thanks to Merry Anne Pierson.
August 14, 2000
Announced the Meigs County Genealogy Database Project. Check it out and see how you can participate.
June 6, 2000
Completed the Deed Index with the addition of entries M-Z.
May 31, 2000
Updated the Overall Site Index. Now over 43,600 entries and 6300 surnames! I've changed the format of the indexes to reduce the file size, and I would welcome any comments.
May 2, 2000
Added several queries to the Researchers page.
Updated the death certificate index to include the years 1923 to 1927 for all surnames on the Vital Records page.
Added lots of stuff to the Newspaper Transcriptions page and the Obituaries page. Thanks to Cheryl Hartley for her contributions!
Updated the Overall Site Index. Now almost 43,000 entries and almost 6300 surnames!
April 25, 2000
Introducing the new Cemeteries page. It's been reformatted and has lots of new cemeteries and new information on them. Let me know what you think!
April 18, 2000
Added a transcription of the Middleport listings from Wiggins & Weaver's Ohio River Directory for 1871-1872 to the Miscellanea page. Thanks to Debbie Peppones!
Added lots of stuff to the Newspaper Transcriptions page and the Obituaries page. Check out the Police Blotter! Thanks to Cheryl Hartley for her contributions!
April 4, 2000
Added a 'Hometown News' section for Bedford Township to the Newspaper Transcriptions page. Thanks to Kay Williams for this material.
Added several obituaries to the Obituaries page. Thanks to Kay Williams for her contributions!
March 30, 2000
I've started changing many of the pages to use Helvetica for much of the text. This should make these pages much easier to read. Please pass along any comments you might have about the page styles.
Added an Obituaries page. Thanks to Cheryl Hartley for several contributions! If you have transcribed Meigs County obituaries from the original newspaper or microfilm of the original you are invited to donate them for publication here.
March 7, 2000
Reorganized the Meigs County in the Civil War page, and added a list of soldiers who died in the War. Thanks to Cheryl Hartley.
Updated the Overall Site Index. Now over 39,000 entries and over 5700 surnames!
March 1, 2000
Added a Wills page. Thanks to Connie Schumaker for the first two contributions! If you have transcribed Meigs County wills from the original or microfilm of the original you are invited to donate them for publication here.
February 24, 2000
Added a list of winners at the 1859 Meigs County Agricultural Fair to the Miscellanea page. Thanks to Cheryl Hartley!
February 22, 2000
Added a transcription of the Pomeroy listings from Wiggins & Weaver's Ohio River Directory for 1871-1872 to the Miscellanea page. Thanks to Debbie Peppones!
Renamed '100 Years Ago in Meigs County' to 'Meigs County Newspaper Transcriptions', since the section is now three years old.
Added a link to Tom Cooper's home page to the Resources page.
Added a photo of Sugar Run in a flood to the 'Photo Gallery' on the Resources page.
Added several queries to the Researchers page.
December 20, 1999
Added several queries to the Researchers page.
September 29, 1999
Added several queries to the Researchers page.
August 16, 1999
Added a 'Photo Gallery' to the Resources page. If you have old photos of Meigs County people or places that you would like to scan and contribute, let me know. I'll be happy to add them.
August 11, 1999
Reformatted the marriage records on the Vital Records page. Changed the date formats to display the month name and redid the source citations. This cut about 50K off the size of each file.
July 28, 1999
Updated the Overall Site Index. Now over 37,700 entries and over 5600 surnames!
July 23, 1999
Added several queries to the Researchers page.
June 28, 1999
Added an extraction of the 1920 Salem Twp., Meigs County Census to the Censuses page. Thanks to Merry Anne Pierson.
June 23, 1999
Added several queries to the Researchers page.
June 7, 1999
Added a JavaScript to the Resources page to update the page look a little. Let me know if this causes anyone any problems.
May 28, 1999
Added some biographical sketches from Hardesty's 1883 Historical and Biographical Encyclopedia to the Miscellanea page. Thanks to Merry Anne Pierson!
Added several queries to the Researchers page.
May 7, 1999
Added lists of births, marriages and deaths (1900-1907) from the diary of Jennie Love Murray to the Miscellanea page. Thanks to Hily Richards!
Added a link to an 1895 atlas map of Meigs County to the Maps page.
Updated the Cemeteries page.
Cleaned up some broken links, added a link to the Meigs Co. library, etc.
April 22, 1999
Added several queries to the Researchers page.
March 4, 1999
Added a scan of a Historical Sketch of Peace Evangelical Church. Thanks to Mark Meinhart!
February 26, 1999
Added several queries to the Researchers page.
February 4, 1999
Updated the Overall Site Index. Now over 34,500 entries and over 5300 surnames!
Added an extraction of the 1920 Chester Twp., Meigs County Census to the Censuses page. Thanks to Merry Anne Pierson.
February 3, 1999
Added a link to Sharon Rickerson's home page to the Resources page.
Added links to the Barnhouse and Wayne Family Genealogy pages to the Resources page.
Removed two broken links from the Resources page. If anyone knows where the Wehrung site and John Rappold's site have gone, please let me know.
Added a link to a page about the McLaughlin Cemetery to the Cemeteries page.
Added a link to a very informative page about Grace Episcopal Church to the Churches page.
February 2, 1999
Added several queries to the Researchers page.
January 21, 1999
Added several queries to the Researchers page.
January 15, 1999
Added several queries to the Researchers page.
January 13, 1999
Added an extraction of the 1920 Letart Twp., Meigs County Census to the Censuses page. Thanks to Merry Anne Pierson.
December 10, 1998
Added an extraction of the 1920 Orange Twp., Meigs County Census to the Censuses page. Thanks to Merry Anne Pierson.
December 9, 1998
Added several queries to the Researchers page.
November 25, 1998
Updated the Overall Site Index. Now over 31,000 entries and over 5200 surnames!
November 11, 1998
Posted a revised version of the Birth Records page, with over 2900 records! Thanks to Sharon Rickerson for supplying much new data.
October 21, 1998
Added several queries to the Researchers page.
September 14, 1998
Added a page for Co. E of the 4th Virginia Infantry, recruited in Meigs Co.
Added several queries to the Researchers page.
September 1, 1998
Removed the "Meigs County in PERSI" page due to a threat of legal action from the Allen County Public Library. Sorry!
August 21, 1998
Added several queries to the Researchers page.
July 29, 1998
Added several queries to the Researchers page.
July 21, 1998
Added queries to the Researchers page from Terry Sayre, Merry Anne Pierson, JLAWS63@aol.com, Billy F. Montgomery, Susan Gibson, Amy Whinery, JHorton61@aol.com, bobmoyer@asheboro.com, M. Grothouse, Rotho@aol.com, branham@bright.net, D. Sullivan, Roy Siple, and Benny Littleh.
Added links to marriages from 1862-1865 to the Vital Records page.
Updated the Meigs County in the Civil War page.
Added J and K entries to the Deed Index page.
June 19, 1998
Added queries to the Researchers page from Jim Scharf and Kathy Vanderpool.
June 5, 1998
The last several queries added to the Researchers page were from Jimmie Barnes, DRuhinen@aol.com, tuchiep@aol.com, Louise White, William Pratt, Betty Henry Pilkington, Nancy Holland, Jim Clark, Beth Lauer, and David Marshall Dunlop.
June 3, 1998
Added a query to the Researchers page. Details later.
May 29, 1998
Added several queries to the Researchers page. Details later.
April 30, 1998
Added several queries to the Researchers page.
April 15, 1998
Added an extraction of the 1920 Columbia Twp., Meigs County Census to the Censuses page. Thanks to Merry Anne Pierson.
Updated the Overall Site Index. Now over 28,000 entries!
Added queries from maxtom@hal-pc.org, Fredric Z. Saunders, Randy Sue McKeever, Stan Meeke, Michele, Bob Peck, Ruth Frees, Linda Stuckenschneider-Epstein, Lola M. Weber, Barbara Madden, Gary R. Hawpe, and John A. McCall to the Researchers page.
March 24, 1998
Added queries from Graydon W. Gorby, Linda Lovely, buckeyevi@aol.com, Jim Oiler, J. Smith, Nancy Stricklett Galaway, Tami McMahan-Feldhaus, and Jennifer Moreo to the Researchers page.
March 11, 1998
Added an extraction of the 1920 Olive Twp., Meigs County Census to the Censuses page. Thanks to Merry Anne Pierson.
March 6, 1998
Added an extraction of the 1920 Sutton Twp., Meigs County Census to the Censuses page, with more to come!. Thanks to Merry Anne Pierson.
Updated the Overall Site Index. Now over 23,000 entries! Also fixed some non-functional links. If you find a link in the index that doesn't work properly, please contact me.
Added queries from Jim Woodyard and Karin Smith-Davidson to the Researchers page. I also rearranged the queries into separate pages by year (1996, 1997 and 1998). This will eventually allow me to provide a more accurate index, as well as reducing the amount of time it takes to download the latest queries.
February 26, 1998
Added queries from Fluffie@worldnet.att.net, Vivian Bailey, Pam Roberts, Susan K. Thomas, Mike Salster, Louise R. White, RUTHJAN@prodigy.net, Dick Sommer, Terry Littleton, Mariellen R. Cockerham, gburch@inreach.com, Rosemary Flamion, Ann Reed, Mike Guisleman, John Butler, John L. Lewis, Bonnie Coyle, and zuelsdorf@cybertime.net to the Researchers page.
February 25, 1998
Added a page with information on some 19th century Ohio State Penitentiary Inmates from Meigs County. Thanks to Carrol Swanson!
Updated the Death Records page.
Added H and I entries to the Deed Index page.
January 23, 1998
Added to the list of personal Web pages that mention Meigs County - see the Resources page.
Added queries from Patricia Johnson, David Frey, Peggy Bullard, Deane Hayes, Marshall W. McCoy, Ed Haynes, Jacque Davis, Kathleen Rizer, judyn@garlic.com, Noltens@aol.com, RHaynes639@aol.com, and Jamela85@aol.com to the Researchers page. Sorry it has taken so long to get these posted, but work, family and the holidays all conspired to keep me from keeping up with my hobbies. Look for some new features on the site in the near future, along with the rest of the issues of '100 Years Ago in Meigs Co.' I hope to have more time to work on the site over the next two months or so. Thanks for your patience.
December 1, 1997
Added queries from John Carpenter, SGEN911@aol.com, Valerie Hurd, Dawn Hedrick, Don Curtis, Thom Foulks, Melanie Brown, Roger Byers, Jonathan Snyder, and Gene Page to the Researchers page.
October 29, 1997
Added a link to a Meigs County Will Index to the Resources page. This is a commercial site, and I am not connected to it in any way.
Added queries from Helen Lewis, Millie Alexander, Laura McKenzie, and hilyr@iswt.com to the Researchers page.
October 20, 1997
Added queries from Merry Anne Pierson, Lisa McClatchy, Millie Alexander, and Gene Schrage to the Researchers page.
September 26, 1997
Added queries from Loraine Kerns, Barb Waits, and Margaret D. Pricer to the Researchers page.
Updated the death certificate index to include the years 1918 to 1922 for all surnames on the Vital Records page.
September 24, 1997
Added queries from jagloe@inlink.com, Kristi1792@aol.com, Darryl R. Stroup, Emmett Mason, Sue, Janis Aguilar, Steve Peters, and Ruben Hernandez to the Researchers page.
September 3, 1997
Added queries from Joanne Pettit, Connie L. Blackwood, Jim Shivler, and David L. Beavers to the Researchers page.
August 27, 1997
Updated the Lookups page.
Added a query from Jack Armstrong to the Researchers page.
Updated the death certificate index to include the years 1918 to 1922 for surnames A-K on the Vital Records page.
Updated the Libraries, Archives and Museums page.
August 20, 1997
Added about 30 death records to the Death Records page.
Added about 90 entries to the Birth Records page.
Added queries from Homer Thiel, Merry Anne Pierson, Marion Sohn, Michael Wayne, Michael Anthony, and Richard Sommer to the Researchers page.
August 7, 1997
Added queries from ddunlop@accesscomm.net, Maryann Robbins, and LMIC2@aol.com to the Researchers page.
July 28, 1997
Added a query from Bill Foss to the Researchers page.
Added a BENSON/SNIDER query to the USENET posts page.
Posted the July issue of '100 Years Ago in Meigs County'.
July 22, 1997
Added queries from Don Bowman and Audrey Dain to the Researchers page.
July 17, 1997
Changed the main page to use tables. If you have any problems accessing this page, please let me know and I'll change it back.
Reformatted the Meigs Co. marriage records on the Vital Records page to reduce the page sizes.
Added a query from Jeff Harbrecht to the Researchers page, and moved all 1996 queries to the Old Queries page.
July 15, 1997
Added queries from Ruth Minnery, Rick Albright, demart@eastlink.net, and Pat Sproat to the Researchers page.
July 11, 1997
Posted the June issue of '100 Years Ago in Meigs County'.
July 10, 1997
Added queries from jcnest@gj.net, Linda Hermes, Lisa Wilson, and James A. Cook to the Researchers page.
July 7, 1997
Added 38 entries to the Birth Records page.
Added a query from Michael Wayne to the Researchers page.
July 3, 1997
Posted the May issue of '100 Years Ago in Meigs County'.
July 2, 1997
Added queries from Steve Snider and Selma Bonewald to the Researchers page.
June 12, 1997
Added some new deeds to the Deeds page.
June 11, 1997
Updated the Overall Site Index. Now over 20,000 entries!
Added about 600 entries to the Birth Records page.
May 30, 1997
Added queries from Eve Olson, Lila Hardin, David Frey, John Cook, Rhonda Snyder, and Phyllis Zachow to the Researchers page.
May 23, 1997
Reactivated the Lookups page. Please read the new guidelines before requesting lookups.
Added Olive, Lebanon, Letart and Salisbury townships to the 1850 Meigs County Census on the Censuses page.
May 20, 1997
Posted the April issue of '100 Years Ago in Meigs County'. Sorry this is late, I'm running a little behind.
Added queries from Mary K. Goodyear, Glida Bothwell, Jim Woodyard, deckerara@aol.com, poland@nauticom.net, Helen A. Shaw, Merry Anne Pierson, Eve Olson, Carrol Swanson, Linda Lane, and Robin Nevegold Scharff to the Researchers page.
Added Bedford and Scipio townships to the 1850 Meigs County Census on the Censuses page.
April 25, 1997
Added a good Meigs County township map to the Maps page.
Began a list of personal Web pages that mention Meigs County - see the Resources page. If you know of any that should be listed, please let me know.
Added queries from Betty Carl, Merry Anne Pierson, Gwen G., Dave Wright, Pam Carte, S. McGilvray, Toni Rodgers, Debi Lewis, Kathy, R. S. Gilmore, Jill Orr, NatPuck@aol.com and Pat Binegar to the Researchers page.
March 19, 1997
Added some letters home from the Spanish-American War and some memories of the Nease Settlement to the Miscellanea page.
Added queries from Hardie Hartung and Michael Anthony to the Researchers page.
March 17, 1997
Added queries from Richard C. Renner, Dbutton2@aol.com, Rene' B. Davis, Gene Young, Selinda Lay, Dave Leavenworth, and Barbara Madden to the Researchers page.
March 8, 1997
Added a query from Merry Anne Pierson to the Researchers page.
Posted the March issue of '100 Years Ago in Meigs County'.
March 5, 1997
Added queries from Val Barneson, Randy Sue McKeever, and Ron Parks to the Researchers page.
Updated the Meigs County entries in the Roots Surname List to the March RSL.
February 25, 1997
Added some new deeds to the Deeds page.
Added queries from Pam McGee-Martin, Joel A. Hartley, Jeff Monroe, Sharen Chambers, Chuck Wolfe, Carole Ann Heaster, Bruce Kemp, and Duke Hayes to the Researchers page.
February 19, 1997
Added some new deeds to the Deeds page.
Added John Grubb, Jerry R. Ennis, Stephen E. Snider, Sr., James Bissell, and Duke Hayes to the Researchers page and broke the page up into two smaller pages.
February 4, 1997
Updated the Overall Site Index.
Posted the February issue of '100 Years Ago in Meigs County'.
January 29, 1997
Updated my ahnentafel.
January 28, 1997
Added John Grubb, Phyllis Hembree, Cheryl Malo, Mary Matheas, MzOHCW@AOL.com, Peggy Pearson, Jay C. Russell, and Cleta Terrell to the Researchers page.
Added about 600 entries to the Birth Records page.
January 20, 1997
Added James Bissell, jgcook@aol.com, and Tim King to the Researchers page.
January 17, 1997
Added an index to '100 Years Ago in Meigs County' to the Overall Site Index.
Added Nancy C. Adkins, jzach@tctc.com, Tony Leach, M. Ratliff, and Judy Warth to the Researchers page.
January 10, 1997
Added a new ongoing feature - '100 Years Ago in Meigs County'.
Added two Enumerations of School-Age Youth to the Miscellanea page.
Updated the Meigs County entries in the Roots Surname List to the January RSL.
January 9, 1997
Added Jean Schaefer and NJeff69430@aol.com to the Researchers page.
December 20, 1996
Added a MCKINLEY query to the USENET posts page.
December 16, 1996
Added the Meigs County seal to the main page. Let me know if the extra graphics are a bother - I can move it to another page if necessary.
Added Millie Alexander, Bill Bojanowski, Diane Dunnigan, Cheryl Mowery, and Shirley Quintero Researchers page.
December 6, 1996
Added Mary Lee Marchi, Sarah Rose, Steve Diddle and Mark Meinhart to the Researchers page, and updated Eleanor Weiss' query.
November 22, 1996
Added some new deeds to the Deeds page.
Added Jean Mejerle and Robert Mixon to the Researchers page, and updated Jeanie Reed's query.
Added a CARTWRIGHT/WHITNEY query to the USENET posts page.
November 13, 1996
Updated the Overall Site Index and fixed the problem with displaying the linked files.
Added several deeds to the Meigs County Deeds page.
Added Al Davis to the Researchers page.
November 11, 1996
Added a Meigs County Deeds page.
Added Allen Richmond to the Researchers page.
November 5, 1996
Added Michelle DeVore, Sarah Cox, Steve Kennedy, and Robin Hommerbocker to the Researchers page.
November 1, 1996
Added a PAINE/PETTIT query to the USENET posts page.
October 31, 1996
Added Vicki Isborn to the Researchers page.
October 24, 1996
Fixed a problem with the 1840 Meigs County Census on the Censuses page.
October 23, 1996
Added Tim Hopkins to the Researchers page.
October 22, 1996
Added the 1840 Meigs County Census to the Censuses page.
Added Gary Turner to the Researchers page.
Updated the Overall Site Index.
October 14, 1996
Added Anna Herbertson to the Researchers page.
Updated the Meigs County entries in the Roots Surname List to the October RSL.
September 30, 1996
Added a number of lookup offers to the Lookups page.
Added Ginny Kane to the Researchers page.
September 27, 1996
Added Ted Jones to the Researchers page.
Added a number of lookup offers to the Lookups page.
September 24, 1996
Updated Cecily Sprouse's query on the Researchers page.
September 17, 1996
Updated the Meigs County entries in the Roots Surname List to the September RSL.
Added Sherryl Barger and R.S. McKeever to the Researchers page.
August 30, 1996
Added Linda McMillen to the Researchers page.
August 26, 1996
Added an index to most Meigs County death certificates for 1913 to 1917 to the Vital Records page.
August 21, 1996
Added Gail Denkers to the Researchers page.
Added a special cemetery lookup offer to the Lookups page. Limited time only!
August 8, 1996
Added a number of queries to the USENET posts page.
Added a description of Morgan's Raid to the Meigs County in the Civil War page.
Updated the Meigs County entries in the Roots Surname List to the August RSL.
Added some new resources to the Lookups page.
July 31, 1996
Added two BICKLE queries to the USENET posts page.
Added Clarice Mitchell to the Researchers page.
July 29, 1996
Added the autobiography of Dr. Thomas Barton to the Meigs Co., OH References page.
July 23, 1996
Added a biographical sketch of W.W. Hurley to the Miscellanea page.
Added a number of new references to the Meigs Co., OH References page. Look for the
July 22, 1996
Added Cynthia Fulcher to the Researchers page.
Added about 200 more death records to the Vital Records page.
July 18, 1996
Added a page on Meigs County in the Civil War.
Added "A listing of entrymen on lands in Meigs Co., Ohio", by L. Richard Kocher, to the Meigs Co., OH References page.
July 17, 1996
Added a collection of marriages of Meigs Co. natives in Cabell Co., WV, to the Vital Records page.
Added Brendon Duffy and Cecily Sprouse to the Researchers page.
Added John Rappold to the Researchers page. His entry includes a link to his web site.
July 08, 1996
Added Carroll Erskine and Beth Wilson to the Queries page.
Updated the Meigs County entries in the Roots Surname List to the July RSL.
Joined the Ohio Genweb project. Added a Lookups page.
July 05, 1996
Added Tom Foreman to the Researchers page.
July 01, 1996
Added Debbie Smyth to the Researchers page.
Added a WALLACE/SMALLEY/MCBRIDE/HAYDEN query to the USENET posts page.
June 20, 1996
Added a GEORGE query to the USENET posts page.
June 14, 1996
Added the 1820 Gallia County Census to the Censuses page.
Added Pam Nelson and Larry Flesher to the Researchers page.
Added a MUTCHLER query to the USENET posts page.
June 7, 1996
Added Edwin Twitchell to the Researchers page.
June 6, 1996
Added the 1830 Meigs County Census to the Censuses page.
Added 11 pages of Chester Twp. to the 1850 Meigs County Census on the Censuses page.
Updated the Overall Site Index.
June 5, 1996
Added the marriage records to the Overall Site Index.
June 3, 1996
Added the 1820 Meigs County Census to the Censuses page.
Updated the Meigs County entries in the Roots Surname List to the June RSL.
Updated the list of Meigs County references in the Periodical Source Index (PERSI) on the Resources page.
Added some new extracts from Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio (pub. 1900).
May 30, 1996
Added an initial version of an Overall Site Index.
May 28, 1996
Added a page with some extracts from Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio (pub. 1900).
May 22, 1996
Added a KOBLENTZ query to the USENET posts page.
May 20, 1996
Added a page listing early Meigs County surnames mentioned in the 'Christian Messenger'.
Added a link to a better Meigs County map to the Maps page.
Updated the Meigs County entries in the Roots Surname List to the May RSL.
May 03, 1996
Updated the Researchers page.
April 15, 1996
Added Eric Walters to the Researchers page.
April 12, 1996
Added a MCKENZIE query to the USENET posts page.
April 11, 1996
Added some Ohio holdings of Marshall University to the various References pages.
April 10, 1996
Updated the Meigs County entries in the Roots Surname List to the April RSL.
April 9, 1996
Added collections of birth and death records to the Vital Records page.
April 4, 1996
Added a LALLANCE query to the USENET posts page.
Added the Meigs County holdings of the New York City Public Library to the Meigs Co., OH References page.
March 27, 1996
Added a list of Meigs County references in the Periodical Source Index (PERSI) to the Resources page.
Added a WEHRUNG query to the USENET posts page.
March 13, 1996
Added References pages for Gallia Co., OH, and Vinton Co., OH.
Reorganized the Resources page, and added a Vital Records page.
March 06, 1996
Updated the Athens Co., OH, and Meigs Co., OH References pages.
Added Jeanie Reed to the Researchers page.
Updated the Meigs County entries in the Roots Surname List to the March RSL.
February 23, 1996
Updated the Cemeteries page, including several new cemeteries, and the addition of USGS topographical map names on which the cemeteries are located.
Reorganized the References page. Added new pages for Athens Co., OH, and Mason Co., WV.
February 22, 1996
Added Jonathan Shaw to the Researchers page.
February 19, 1996
Added a description of a privately held photo album with Meigs Co. connections to the Miscellanea page.
Updated the USENET posts page.
February 13, 1996
Updated the USENET posts page.
February 08, 1996
Added the holdings of the Houston, TX, Public Library to the References page.
Updated the Meigs County entries in the Roots Surname List to the February RSL.
February 05, 1996
Added the USENET posts page.
January 30, 1996
Added Robert Page and Jan Howard to the Researchers page.
January 23, 1996
Added 'The BICKLE Family', by Sharon Bickle Rickerson, to the Miscellanea page.
January 17, 1996
Added 'The GREEN Family', by Sandra Reuther, to the Miscellanea page.
January 15, 1996
Added Sandra Reuther to the Researchers page, and added her writeup on The HONAKER Family to the Miscellanea page.
January 12, 1996
Added the Meigs County Tiny-Tafels page.
January 10, 1996
Added Jeff Mabrey to the Researchers page.
Updated the Meigs County entries in the Roots Surname List to the January RSL.
December 14, 1995
Added Sharon Rickerson to the Researchers page.
Added a biography of Dr. Joseph A. Fox to the Miscellanea page.
Added "Ornate & simple forms : Pomeroy furniture & fashion, 1840-1880" to the References page.
December 8, 1995
Added a link to the LDS Ohio research guide to the Further Info page.
Added Clark Blake to the Researchers page.
December 7, 1995
Updated the Meigs County entries in the Roots Surname List to the December RSL.
December 4, 1995
Added a Meigs County Miscellanea page.
Added Ronald Opfell to the Researchers page.
December 1, 1995
Added a 1% extract of the 1880 Meigs County Census to the Censuses page.
Updated the MILITARY REFERENCES section of the References page.
November 16, 1995
Added the Meigs County Censuses page.
Added Jeff Johnson to the Researchers page.
Updated the newspaper holdings of the Ohio Historical Center on the References page.
November 13, 1995
Added the township for several cemetery locations.
Updated the holdings of the LDS Family History Library on the References page.
November 7, 1995
Added a page with all the Meigs County entries in the Roots Surname List.
Added links to the available home pages of the institutions mentioned in the References page.
Revised the style of this page.
November 2, 1995
Added Carol Mitchell, Mike Poston and Fran Simmons to the Researchers page.
Reorganized the References page and added holdings of the LDS Family History Library.
November 1, 1995
Updated Meigs Co. references at the Library of Congress.
October 30, 1995
The whole page is new. I hope that you have found
some useful things here. Comments can be sent to the County Coordinator.
We'd appreciate any suggestions for additional resources or
features that might be helpful. If you would like to be
included on the Meigs County Researchers page, drop me a
note with your family names or other interests.
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