These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
Meigs County Telegraph January 31, 1860
DIED In Orange Township, Meigs County, O., Jan.. 23d, 1860, of Consumption, POLLY FISH, wife of Absalom Fish, aged sixty-seven years. She was born in Plympton, Plymouth county, Massachusetts. Removed to this county 41 years ago where she resided till her decease. [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Pomeroy Weekly Telegraph April 24, 1860
Sad Affair A sad accident occurred on Thursday afternoon, the 12th inst., resulting in the death of William Smart, son of Caleb Smart, of this place, and Miss Martha Cable, daughter of Mrs. Smart by a former husband. In company of Miss Rhoda Church, they were in a skiff pleasure riding, when by some means the boat upset. Miss Church held on to the craft, and was finally rescued, but her companions above named, perished before relief could be afforded. Their bodies have not yet been recovered. The sudden death of these interesting young people has thrown a gloom over a large circle of friends and acquaintances, and has left a void in the home of their parents which will be filled no more on earth. TERRIBLE ACCIDENT Near his residence, on Monday, 9th April, Franklin Middleswart, while driving his team, the horses became alarmed, and while in the act of running away, Mr. M. was thrown from the wagon, and almost instantly killed. Mr. Middleswart was born in Allegheny County, Pa., in 1810, and while but a boy, moved to Washington County, O., and in 1837 came to Meigs County, where he remained until his death. Mr. Middleswart's employment was that of farming, and as such was a perfect pattern. He was one of those men that had a place for everything, and kept everything in its place. As a neighbor, he was kind and obliging. He leaves a companion, and five children, together with a large circle of friends, to mourn his loss. His companion, though deeply afflicted can say, "The Lord gave, the Lord taketh away; blessed be the name of the Lord." May he rest in peace. S.M.H [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph May 1, 1860
On Monday, April 16, 1860, in Chester Township, Meigs county, Ohio, at the residence of C. B. Cowdery, ABAGAIL O. COWDERY, aged 93 years, 8 months and 10 days. Sheriff's Sale Joel BRALEY vs. John T.B. LEDLIE, and Wm. LEDLIE. By virtue of an order of sale to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs County, I will offer for sale at the door of the Court House in Pomeroy, at 11 o'clock, A.M., On the 21st day of May, 1860, the following described lands and tenements, to-wit: situate in said county of Meigs, beginning at a post 17 chains and 25 links west of the south-east corner of section number 2, township number 8, and range number 15, in the Ohio Company's Purchase, at the south-west corner of George NEIGHBORGALL's lands; thence west on said section line 16 chains and 72 links, or to the south-west corner of James HENRY's land; thence north 42 degrees 45 min. west 25 chains and 58 links to a post; thence north 20 chains and 38 links, or to the east corner of said HENRY's land; thence east 9 chains and 38 links, to the south-east corner of John McVEY's lands to a post; thence north 8 degrees west 2 chains and 97 links to a post; thence east 41 chains 94 links, or to the east line of said section to a post; thence south on said section line 12 chains 63 links to a post, or to the north-east corner of said George NEIGHBORGALL's land; thence west 17 chains and 25 links, to the north-west corner of NEIGHBORGALL's land; thence south 29 chains, or to the place of beginning, containing 147 acres; excepting 33 acres out of the south-east corner of said land, deeded by Cyrus BRALEY to James THOMAS, excepting therefrom the two following lots, sold by said T.B. LEDLIE, to-wit: The first one beginning at the south-west corner of said land; thence north about 6 rods and 17 links; thence east about 37 rods; thence south about 6 rods and 17 links; thence west about 37 rods to the place of beginning, containing three several lots of about one-half acre each: also the other lot, beginning at the south-west corner of said lands so sold by said John to Wesley BRALEY; thence north about 7 rods and 17 links; thence east about 12 rods to the line of the lands owned by James THOMAS; thence south about 7 rods and 17 links; thence west to the place of the beginning, containing about one-half acre; to be sold as the property of John T.B. LEDLIE, at the suit of Joel BRALEY. Appraised at $2,240.00 Terms of sale, cash. J.J. WHITE; S.M.C. April 10, 1860 [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph July 17, 1860
In Rutland, O., Thursday morning, July 12th, after a severe and distressing illness of about two weeks, Rev. SELAH BARRETT, in the 71st year of his age. He was born in Stafford, Tolland County, Connecticut, February 25th, 1790. His parents removed to the State of Vermont, and settled in the town of Stafford, when the subject of this notice was a boy. In this place he received his education, such only as the best common schools of those times afforded. His religious training was not overlooked, his parents being worthy members of the Calvinistic Baptist Church. At the age of twenty-two he made a public profession of religion, and subsequently became connected with the Freewill Baptists, differing materially in some points of doctrine from the Church to which his parents belonged. In the Spring of 1817 he was married, and in the ensuing Autumn removed to what was then called "the far West," and located in Rutland, Ohio, the first settlement in the place having been made only eighteen years previous to his removal. Hence he may be included as among the pioneer settlers, having made Rutland his home during the period of his residence in Ohio. Becoming again connected with the Freewill Baptists, he was soon approbated as a minister of the Gospel, and sustained that relation to the time of his death, preaching as opportunity presented. He was a warm and zealous friend of the various enterprises of the day: especially temperance and anti-slavery. He took an active part in these causes at an early day, when it was less popular to do so than at the present time. But the fear of frowns had no influence in deterring him from carrying out principles which he deemed just. He was of an impulsive temperament, and hence was liable, in the moment of excitement, to carry things to extremes. But those who best knew him could make sufficient allowance for this defect of character. Energy and perseverance were marked traits in his character. He never yielded a point until thoroughly convinced that he was wrong. His funeral obsequies were attended to on the 13th, and an appropriate discourse delivered by Rev. L. L. Haning, to a respectable audience, from Thess. 4: 14, after which his remains, followed by the large assembly, were interred on the farm which he had by his own industry, cleared up and improved. COM. [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph August 21, 1860
At the residence of her father, Isaac Behan, Esq., in Middleport, August 7th, 1860, Miss FRANCES M. BEHAN, in the 17th year of her age. In Rutland, O., on Tuesday, August 14th, 1860, Mrs. SUSANNA LARKIN, in the 90th year of her age. She was born in Nova Scotia, March 19th, 1771 -- was principally raised in Massachusetts, but went to Rutland, Vermont, while a young woman, and was there married to Abel Larkin, where they lived till they moved to Leading Creek, in Ohio, where they arrived in June, 1804, and on the farm where she died in March, 1808. In February, 1830, Mr. Larkin died leaving her a widow for more than 30 years. She embraced religion and was immersed in the year 1805, and attached herself to the first Free-will Baptist Church that was ever organized in this place, and was a member of that denomination at the time of her death. [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph August 28, 1860
Fell asleep in Christ, on the 20th of July, Mrs. Mary CULP, of Middleport, Meigs County, Ohio, aged 29 years, 7 months and 19 days. The deceased was born in the State of New York, Gennesee County, not far from the place where Batavia now stands. We will not invade the privacy of home to speak of her many social and domestic virtues. It is enough to remark that both nature and grace had done much for her; and those who knew her intimately loved her best and missed her most.-- During her long and painful illness, she bore it with great patience. She spoke distrustfully of self, but confidently of the Savior, on whom alone she relied for wisdom, righteousness and redemption through His blood. All fear of death was taken away, and, surrounded by her numerous friends, who ministered unto her with loving tenderness, she calmly waited until her change came. The services at her funeral were conducted by the Rev. Mr. COLER, of the F.B.C., and she was followed to her last resting place by a long concourse of sympathizing friends. Peaceful be thy silent slumber, Peaceful in the grave so low; Thou wilt no more join our number, Thou no more our songs shall know. Green be the sod that's o'er thee, Friend of my better days; None knew thee but to love thee, None named thee but to praise. W. Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley
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