These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
Meigs County Telegraph March 8, 1861
In Wayne County, Ill., Feb. 18, 1861, of Consumption, Mrs. Eliza HALLIDAY, in the fifty-sixth year of her age. Mrs. Halliday, daughter of William and Betsy Parker, was born April 7, 1805, in what is now Rutland, Meigs County, Ohio. On her seventeenth birthday she was married to Mr. Samuel Halliday, then recently from Dumfries, Scotland. She became obedient to the faith of the Gospel at the age of twenty-four, from which time to her death she lived an irreproachable Christian life. During her last long and painful illness she was resigned to the Divine will, and that hope which is as an anchor to the soul. She spent over fifty years of her life in Meigs County. She leaves a stricken husband, and a family of intelligent, enterprising children to mourn her loss, on whom she bestowed much care. She hath done what she could, and rests from her labor. W.P. [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph March 22, 1861
[This appeared in the Meigs County Telegraph, March 22, 1861 and pertains to a LINDSEY family of Pomeroy:] From the "San Bernardino Herald, Cal." The Lost Gold Seekers Two men, Mr. Henry M. Lindsey and Mr. Jas. Fowler, in the company with others, started from this place on the 17th of Aug., 1860, for the "Silver Mountain." After twelve days of fatiguing travel they arrived at "Bennet's claim," about 50 miles distant from the said mountain, where they camped on the 29th of August. On the 1st of Oct., Messrs. Lindsey and Fowler started for the mountains to prospect, having with them two good animals, mining implements, fire-arms and about twelve days provisions, expecting to be absent from camp about five days. Three long, anxious weeks passed away, and not a word or a signal from the brave, but unfortunate "Prospectors." The rest of the company returned to this place, after having sent out persons in search of them. Nothing has yet been heard from them. Mr. Fowler leaves a wife and several children in this place to mourn his loss. Mr. Lindsey leaves parents, brothers and sisters in Pomeroy, Ohio, for whom we write the above lines. The Mr. Lindsey above referred to is a son of Mr. D. Lindsey, who lives but a mile or two from this place. His son was well known to many of our citizens who remember his departure from here some five or six years ago. There was a poem attached to the article we copy above, inscribed to the friends of the deceased, written by "Beccie," which we could not find room for. [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph March 29, 1861
In Letart Township, on the 18th inst., Mrs. MARY BEBEE, wife of Elijah Bebee; aged 60 years and 10 days. Mrs. Bebee was a worthy woman, and a member of the M.E. Church for many years; was always ready to give when asked. She has gone from labor to a glorious reward that will be rendered to all the good. J.H. In Pomeroy, on the 22d March, 1861, of brain fever, MRS. SARAH P. STEVENSON, wife of Capt. Richard Stevenson; aged 36 years. The deceased was born in Melleville, Cumberland Co., N.J. Her parents -Enoch and Anna Heritage -removed to Cincinnati in 1835, where Mr. Heritage died, leaving the cares of the family upon the devoted mother, who, last week, was unexpectedly summoned to the death bed of her daughter, but not in time to bid her final adieu. Mrs. Stevenson was taken slightly ill on Tuesday, the 19th, and so firmly was the disease fixed, that it accomplished its work in between three and four days. The announcement of her death produced much surprise, as well as feelings of profound regret and deep sympathy. Many had been endeared to her for her benevolence, and her amiable and social disposition. [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph April 12, 1861
On the 29th day of March, 1861, of apoplexy, at his residence in Scipio Township, Meigs County, Ohio, MR. LEONARD HEDRICK, at the advanced age of eighty-six years, eleven months and twenty days. Mr. Hedrick was born in the county of Randolph, in the State of North Carolina, in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy-four, May fourteenth, and emigrated to the State of Ohio at an early age; having early learned the value of liberty, and fired with a zeal for the good of his common country, young Mr. Hedrick joined the American Army as a volunteer, under the command of Major General Lemuel W. Tupper, of Gallia County, Ohio, and discharged with soldier-like fidelity every duty assigned him by his superiors, in the war of 1812; since which time Mr. Hedrick has ever continued to be a staunch and unwavering democrat of the Jeffersonian school; opposed to all secession movements, by whomsoever made. Hr. Hedrick sailed, to the day of his death, under the stars and stripes of the American Union, yearning that the evils of the present crisis would dig the grave of his liberty and entomb his gloy (sic). Mr. Hedrick leaves a deeply afflicted wife to mourn the loss of a tender and affectionate husband; Margaret Camp, Mary Larkin, Catherine Misner, Sarah Forest, Melinda Starkey and William Hedrick to mourn the loss of a kind father; the Christian Church a model member, and the world the loss of an honest man. Elder William Metcalf made a very appropriate funeral sermon from the following text, latter clause of the 12th verse of the 4th chapter of Amos: "Prepare to meet thy God, O Israel;" after which the remains were followed to the Pogetown burial ground by the largest funeral procession I ever remember to have witnessed, while the solemn tolling of the bell bespoke in unmistakable and mounful (sic) sounds the deep agony of mind of all concerned. The hope of Heaven his soul sustained, While in the cold embrace of death; But now the Elysian Field he's gained, And calmly has resigned his breath. G. DOWNING [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph May 3, 1861
In Letart township, Meigs Country (sic), Ohio, on the 25th April, 1861, Mr. MOSES SAYER; aged 77 years and some months. Mr. Sayer has lived in this place since 1803. He was a good and kind neighbor, husband and father, respected by all who knew him. When convinced that his time on earth was short, he spoke of his departure freely, and although he had never connected himself with any branch of the Christian Church, yet he was not backward to speak of the goodness of the Lord to him, and said that He had blest his soul, pardoned all his sins; that he was ready and willing to die, and that he would soon meet his brothers and friends who had gone before him, where sickness, sorrow, pain and death would be felt and feared no more forever. COM. [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph June 21, 1861
We whose names are hereunto annexed pledge ourselves to close our respective places of business on the 4th of July, 1861, after 9 o'clock A.M. O. Branch & Co. T. J. Smith Daniel and Rathburn A. Seebohm D. Reed G. Probst P. Lambrect John Probst George Huttel C. Koehler Smith & McQuigg Simon Silverman Bichmann & Burkert George L. Joy V. Duttenhofer John T. Davis Samuel Silverman C. A. Katz Eiselstein & Swallow J. W. G. Stackpole Moore & Osborn William Todd W. J. Prall George Ioachim Cohen & Cadot Michael Bentz Jacob Phillips M. Eppelin Patten & Smith B. Blumenthals A. Gatchel J. B. Hampton W. A. Aicher Henry Dilcher The above embraces all the business establishments of Pomeroy, except Wm. H. Remington's. Secessionists in Mason Co., Va. Hartford City, Va., June 14, 1861 Editor Telegraph - Dear Sir: - You will please publish the following names in your paper. They are those who voted for the ordinance of secession in Mason Co., Va. We desire that every person should have a chance to know them, now and forever. We think by having them entered upon the columns of your paper they will be well marked. We hope every Union man in Mason Co. will obtain a copy of your paper with the following names and lay it upon the shelf for future references. UNION FOREVER L. G. Maupin Fenton Edmons Joseph V. Rawson Bornelus Holley Benjamin Franklin Sampson Wyant Jacob A. Kline George Young J. V. Newman Edmund Meadows T. B. Kline John W. Guthrie James Hutchinson Rawson Whiten James M. H. Beale Ham Lemaster John W. English Jesse Hannan Robert McCauslin John R. Wallace Pres C. Eastham R. M. Stribling J. S. Boak E. C. Hannan J. W. Smith George Miller William W. Newman James Meadows B. F. Jones John L. Blagg R. Mitchell W. L. Colier Frank Puffenbarger J. W. Hariford Alex McCauslin John W. Young W. L. Ruffner Nelson Fletcher J. Diltz E. D. Hanan J. M. Eckard J. W. Cristy R. B. Hackney Thomas Holley James B. Risk B. L. Jones H. J. Fisher J. M. Waugh Reuben Knapp J. E. Hannan A. R. Darst James M. Carrol Dan Darst W. F. Riggs George Barnsides Timothy Holey Charles Rhodes Emerson Chapman E. I. W. Rawson Austin Meadows Hugh Burnsides W. A. Tunan P. T. Love Jehu Hanley James Carr John Meadows M. R. Rogers J. B. Penebaker W. B. Hawkins Henry Cremens Perry Sebrel Henry Waugh Thomas Lewis Lewis McCoy W. V. Lynch Granville Holley J. E. T. Mitchel John Carpenter David Long James Smith W. B. Yeager E. S. Hanley A. L. Knight W. L. Hawthorn Thomas V. Hawkins Andrew Wallace William Vanmeter Eson H. Hannon D. S. Vanmeter Robert Ervin E. D. Wethers Richard H. Neal M. D. Altic(?) Levy Fetty W. H. Jones Andrew Macadoes A. J. Collier Winfield Edmons W. H. Williams W. C. Holley A. G. Eastman Sampson Chapman Ira H. McCanagh E. H. Riggs William Whitehead J. M. Wallace John W. Bright Joshua Adams H. P. Mitchell John W. Whetter Pascol Hathorn George R. Reese Joseph Riggs John W. Page Henry Quinn W. V. L. Wheler P. H. Hanley The following persons dodged the question by not voting: Daniel Roush George Oliver Andrew Rosebery (Sheriff) [Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley]
Meigs County Telegraph September 20, 1861
In Rutland, Meigs County, Ohio, Aug. 29th, 1861, of Typhoid Fever, Mr. HENRY E. TITUS, aged 21 years, eight months, and 18 days. Up to the sixth year of his age, his father, Mr. Nicholas Titus, died leaving him, together with two brothers older and one younger, to the care of their mother, with whom the subject of this notice resided the principal part of the time until his death. The usual facilities of education were assiduously improved, and much of his time from sixteen to eighteen was at the Academies at Pomeroy and Gallipolis, where he acquired a good business education, securing also at the same time the respect and friendship of those with whom he stood intimately connected. In the meantime his step-father, Mr. Samuel H. Brown, died, leaving his bereaved mother a widow a second time. Being now the oldest son residing at home, he understood the general management of business, conducting the same with skill and prudence. Indeed, few of mature years are better qualified to conduct business with energy and perseverance than he. During the past summer, he manifested a patriotism worthy of the highest commendation. When the present hostilities in our country commenced, his spirit was aroused, and in proper time he put forth efforts to raise a company of Infantry for the war. Failing in this attempt, he immediately joined his cousin S.N. Titus, in raising a company of Cavalry, and on the 4th of August, started with the Company to Columbus. Upon their arrival, finding that the Company was not complete, he immediately returned for the purpose of securing the requisite number. He entered upon the work with his usual energy, but over-exertion brought on an illness which terminated his life. His funeral obsequies were attended to on the 30th day of August, and an appropriate discourse delivered by the Rev. E.S. Weaver, to a large audience, from Samuel 3: 18, "And, he said, it is the Lord: let him do what seemeth him good." To those personally acquainted with the deceased, it is needless to make any further comments. But for the information of others, it is proper to say that Mr. Titus possessed the elements, in a high degree, that constitute the man. In short he was distinguished for integrity, morality, industry, enterprise, and active business habits. Indeed, his loss, not only to his friends, but to the whole community, will long be felt and deplored. In this dispensation of Providence, a mother, two brothers and a sister are called to mourn. SELAH HIBBARD BARRETT Rutland, Sept. 17, 1861 In Rutland, Aug. 24th, 1861, of Consumption, Mrs. MAHALA M. JOHNSON, wife of Mr. Charles Johnson, in the twenty-seventh year of her age. Mahala McFarland was born in Salem, Dec. 27th, 1834. From the time of her marriage with Mr. Johnson she resided in Rutland. A few years since, she became obedient to the faith of the Gospel and united with the Christian Church. Thus, Godliness combined with her natural amiable and brilliant qualities enabled her, in eminent degree, to perform her duties of wife, mother, church member, and the various relations of life.-- Her last illness was of a lingering and trying nature, which she bore with that fortitude which "Christ formed within" alone can inspire. When it became evident that her days were about summed up, a holy calmness settled upon her placid countenance, while she expressed her entire resignation to the Divine Will, but always with an anxious look to her little family. Thus has passed away a lovely young Christian mother, leaving as more immediate mourners, three little children and a most devoted and faithful husband, and breaking up one of the happiest families in this vicinity. W.P. Transcribed by Cheryl Hartley
Pomeroy Weekly Telegraph November 1, 1861
Meeting of the Military Committee Pomeroy, Oct. 24, 1861 The Military Committee for the county, consisting of Jacob S. Earhart, N. Simpson, J.C. Golden, D.A. Smith, and S.A. Burnap, for the purposes of carrying out the duties prescribed in the recent proclamation of Gov. Dennison, has appointed the following township committees: Salisbury -- H.B. Smith, C.E. Donnally, D.R. Jacobs, G.W. Cooper, and Washington Stivers. Sutton -- Dr. J.R. Philson, Col. Thos. Smith, J.R. Ellis, Dr. Ackley, Sr., and Geo. L. Parker. Letart -- Wm. M. Swallow, Geo. L. Piper, and Josiah Hayman. Lebanon -- Vincent Walker, Martin Adams, Anthony Jenkins. Olive -- Seldon Humphrey, Major Reed, John Roberts, A.S. Tidd. Orange -- Dr. Tiffany, J.F. Brown, Robert Peoples, Aaron Reed and Peter Hoffman. Bedford -- Leroy Jones, Job Phelps, J. Castle, Sr. Chester -- Stephen Kennedy, J.C. Bestow 2d, Jessie Scott and Geo. Bell. Scipio -- Rob't Simpson, Ami Condee, Martin Hays, Martin Dye and John Bartley. Columbia -- Elias P. Davis, Robert Carpenter, Robert Skelly. Salem -- Robert Brewster, Jr., Wm. Ledlie, Esq., Jeremiah Davis and T.G. Thompson. Rutland -- Eli S. Branch, Milton Tuckerman, Josiah Simpson, Nicholas Stansbury, Joel P. Higley, Alvin Bingham. Donations of blankets and other necessities for our volunteers should be forwarded to Oren Branch, Pomeroy; E.S. Branch, Rutland; J.J. Petrel, Racine [Transcibed by Cheryl Hartley]
Pomeroy Weekly Telegraph December 6, 1861
LOOK, LIZZIE Lizzie, daughter of Dr. H.L. and Elizabeth Look, died of Diptheria on November 23, 1861. She was aged 3 years, 3 months, and 1 day. But say ye weeping kindred, why ye heave that melancholy sigh; she is not dead, but lives above, in world of light, and endless love. [Transcribed by Maria Leamond]
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