These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
Meigs County Telegraph January 7, 1885
DIED AWAY FROM HOME. - James Heaton, an old and respected citizen of Bedford township, died on New Year's day at Council Grove, Kansas, quite suddenly. He left here December 23rd, in company with A. J. Pullins and Nathan Pullins and wife, who were going to Kansas, his intention being to visit a son and other friends there. On Friday last a telegram was received here announcing his death. His remains were brought home to be buried. Mr. Heaton was about 75 years old and leaves six children. He had been married three times. The first and second wives are dead and from the third he had, for some time, been separated, by mutual agreement, and she is now living in Pennsylvania.
Meigs County Tribune February 4, 1885
DEATH OF SALEM'S OLDEST CITIZEN. Mr. John McVey died last Sunday morning very suddenly at his residence in this township. Mr. McVey was born in Ireland on the 25th day of December, 1790, consequently was 97 years of age last Christmas. Mr. McVey went to Scotland when ten years of age, and from thence he emigrated to the United States, and settled in Meigs County in 1834. He first worked for Mr. Horton, but in a few years bought a farm in Salem Township, where he resided until the death of his wife in 1854. His wife was the widow McMaster, and the mother of Mrs. Crosbie, Mrs. Wadman and Wm. McMaster, of Rutland Township, by her first husband. Mr. McVey and his wife had three sons, Mr. James McVey, who resides at Baton Rouge, La., John McVey, who was accidentally killed a few years ago at Hamilton, O., and the Rev. Homer McVey, who lives in the vicinity of Columbus. His daughters are Mrs. Margaret Patterson and Mrs. Elizabeth Halliday, of Salem, and Mrs. Thomas Radford, of Salisbury. His remains were interred yesterday in the Rutland graveyard beside those of his wife. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
Unknown Meigs County, Ohio, newspaper March, 1885
WOLF PEN RUN Wilbur Gorsuch commenced school at the Gray Rock School house, near Zion Church, March 16. A. Greenlier and R. Church each lost a valuable cow last week. Mr. W. N. Thompson wants to sell his farm. Squire Michaels, of Bedford is very poorly. Elder Wiggins and Wm. Hysell son of John C. Hysell, were visiting W. S. McDaniel last week. Miss Hattie Martin closed her school at the Gorsuch School house March 21. Miss Mary Alkire was visiting her parents Saturday and Sunday. TUPPERS PLAINS Art Ballard has returned home from West Virginia where he has been teaching school. Mr. M. Oppenheimer, of Pond Creek, W. Va. is here trimming fruit trees. Simon Beatty and Emery Green expect to start for Kansas City, Missouri, next Monday. Miss Jennie Dodderer is visiting friends at Little Hocking. Mr. M. Wolf spent last week with his family at Letart, Oh. Miss Laura Coleman of Long Bottom is visiting at Sam Coleman's. Ed Flowers, nephew of J. P. Barrett of this place was killed by a runaway team last week in Franklin County, where he went a short time ago. He was brought home and buried at Fairview. (Transcribed by Kay Williams)
Meigs County Telegraph March 25, 1885
Mr. John A. Mauck, who has been lying very sick with dropsy, died last night at 11 o'clock, and the funeral will be held tomorrow at the Presbyterian Church at 11 o'clock. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
Unknown newspaper, Meigs County, Ohio March, 1885
BUNGTOWN A great many of the farmers are complaining about the scarcity of feed this Spring. Enos Cowan and wife left last Thursday for Clay Co., Nebraska. Lester Cowen has gone to Lebanon at attend the National Normal University at that place. Edward and Herbert Sanborn will start in a few days for Chattanooga, Tennessee, where they expect to work at the carpenter trade. Mrs. Thurston, who has been confined to her bed by consumption for some time past, is no better. John Quivey and son have gone to West Virginia to look after the farm which Mr. Quivey has rented. He expects to move his family in a short time. J. H. Ewing closed a very successful term of school in the Ball district last Thursday, and Eugene Campbell carried off the laurels at the spelling match held in the evening. The Burlingham Educational and Debating Society, recently organized at the Burlingham school house, promises to be a success. All persons interested in intellectual improvement are cordially invited to join the society. Meetings held every Friday evening. Rev. Vanhorn, who was to preach at the Baptist Church Sunday evening, did not come. Nial Castle has sold his property in Millersburg to David Cleland, and will move to Colorado in a short time. (Transcribed by Kay Williams)
Unknown newspaper, Meigs County, Ohio May 6, 1885
Hoyttown Farmers are busy planting corn. David Cleland has rented the Lon Hoyt place and moved his family there this week. He will do blacksmithing in the village the ensuing year. Ceph Carpenter has moved his family to Rutland Twp. Sam Mercer and Jacob Miller's wife have moved to Hurricane Station, WV where they have bought land. Edward Johnston, who has been working at Kearney, Neb., for the past year, came home on a visit, last week. George Midkiff's address is Council Grove, Kan. Burt Heaton is Pa. Its a boy, born on the 14th of April. Master Harry McClain is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Emmor Clark. William Curtis went on a business trip to Cattlettsburg, Ky. last week. Elder S. B. Tengarden ____a two week's meeting at the Christian church on the 29th. There were two additions by baptism, namely Katie Clark and Samaria Story. Our school commenced on the 4th inst, with Lucetta Smith as teacher. William Blackwood, of Athens Co spent Sunday in the village. The Union Sunday school is increasing in number and interest. (Transcribed by Kay Williams)
Meigs County Tribune July 8, 1885
DIED. - William W. Long, an aged citizen of the First Ward, died Saturday evening of heart disease. His remains were buried in the Gilmore graveyard in the Nease Settlement, Monday. The deceased was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, October 20, 1827. He was married to Catherine Rummell in the year 1852. He leaves a wife and six children. He is spoken of as a kind father and loving husband. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. T. DeWitt Peake. WM. SWEARINGEN, late book-keeper at the Pomeroy Flour Mill, died Monday evening at his home in the Nease Settlement, aged 41 years. He had been confined to the house since early in January with consumption, and his death was daily expected for a few weeks past. The funeral sermon was preached at his residence this morning, and he was buried in the Nease Settlement graveyard, his late companions of the Flour Mill being the pall-bearers. Mr. Swearingen was an exemplary Christian gentleman and an earnest temperance worker, his honest conviction being that prohibition would prevail in the end. He leaves a wife, four children, and a large number of friends to mourn his untimely death. His widow is Alice, third daughter of W. H. Nease, Esq., of Nease Settlement. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
Meigs County Tribune July 22, 1885
Mrs. Mary Turnbull (nee Chaytor) wife of Edward Turnbull, died at her residence in this city Sunday evening. At noon on the 15th inst. she was stricken with paralysis, after which time she never spoke, being unconscious most of the time till death relieved her more than four days later. Miss Mary Chaytor was born in the village and parish of Trimdon, Durham County, England, in 1810, and was married to Mr. Turnbull in 1840. In 1845 Mr. Turnbull and family, consisting of his wife and three small children, emigrated to this country, and for a few years resided in the saline regions of the Kanawha Valley. They then removed to Pomeroy, and have lived in the same house for 34 years. Two children were born to them in this country, a son and daughter, the latter dying in infancy 33 years ago, and the only son dying 29 years ago last December, at the age of 8 years. Mr. Turnbull has been superintendent of the Pomeroy Salt Company ever since he came to the place, and has also been a subscriber of this paper for 34 years. Mrs. Turnbull has been an exemplary Christian lady, and made a host of friends while living here. She was 74 years, 8 months and 7 days of age at the time of her death. She leaves a husband and three daughters to mourn her loss. The three daughters who survive her were all born in England, and are now married and have families of their own. Mrs. Frank T. Humphrey, of this city, Mrs. Thomas R. Jones, for the past six years a resident of London, Ohio, but who formerly lived here, and Mrs. Donald McDonald, also of this city, are the names of the daughters who were present at the funeral. The religious services were held at the residence at 5 o'clock yesterday evening, conducted by Rev. Stephen C. Frampton, of Athens, after which the remains were buried in the Beech Grove Cemetery. The funeral procession was the largest seen here for a long time, there being thirty carriages and buggies, and a large number of persons on foot. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
Telegraph, Meigs County, Ohio September 9, 1885
Stephen Ohlinger, of Monkey Run, aged 88 years, died Saturday of old age, and was buried Monday afternoon in the Austin graveyard on Nailor's Run. The infant child of Peter Kiehling and wife, formerly of this place, died at Coalton Friday and was brought here and buried in the Beech Grove Cemetery Sunday. Joseph, the eight months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Elberfield, died Sunday morning of summer complaint. The remains were buried in the Beech Grove Cemetery from the German M.E. Church Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The wife of Barney Curtis (nee Crow) died at Middleport Friday in confinement. The mother and child were both buried in the Catholic Cemetery Monday morning at 9 o'clock. Mrs. Curtis was 36 years of age and leaves a husband and five children. Intelligence has been received here of the death of the wife of Lieutenant S. W. Fountain, now stationed at San Antonio, Texas. Mrs. Fountain died in Minnesota on August 26th, after a lingering illness of two years. Lieutenant Fountain was born and raised in this county and went to West Point from this place. The wife of Charles White (Fleetwood), porter of the Grand View Hotel at Middleport, died in this city Thursday, and was buried Saturday. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
Meigs County Tribune September 30, 1885
FATAL ACCIDENT. - Last Thursday evening, about five o'clock, Frank Schwartzwalder, son-in-law of Frank Gloeckner, attempted to climb onto a salt wagon driven by John Church, one of Priode's teamsters, as it was passing Epple's new building in the Second Ward. He took hold of the chimes of a barrel, which was standing on end, and partially swung himself up, pulling over the barrel, which weighed 307 pounds, striking him squarely on the breast and stomach. An eye witness says the barrel bounded from his body like a rubber-ball and rolled a few feet away. He was carried in, and Dr. Lilly, who was in the immediate neighborhood, summoned. In a short time he was sufficiently revived to be taken to his home at Monkey Run, where he died Sunday evening, exactly three days after the accident. He was about 32 years of age, and what makes the accident more distressing is the fact that he leaves a wife and three children, the youngest of which is but a few days old. Mrs. Schwartzwalder has the sympathy of the whole city. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
Telegraph, Meigs County, Ohio November 11, 1885
The wife of Addison BRALEY, of Langsville, died last Saturday, and was buried Sunday. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. L. PICKENS. Mrs. BRALEY was the daughter of William STEVENS, our Infirmary Director. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Canton Repository, Canton, Ohio November 17, 1885
A MINE HORROR Four Men Buried Under Ten Tons of Slate - Two Killed Outright Pomeroy, O., Nov. 17 - The most appalling mining disaster that has occurred in this district for years happened Monday evening about 5 o'clock in the Peacock Coal bank. Several tons of slate had fallen from the roof of the bank, about 125 yards from the main entrance, and Jacob Ohlinger, Jacob Hoke, Valentine Koenig and Martin Ebersbach, the manager of the banks, were at work clearing the track of this obstruction when suddenly ten tons more came down and buried them. Ohlinger and Hoke were killed outright, and Koenig had his right ankle and left leg broken in three places, and is also injured internally. His body was badly bruised. Ebersbach is injured internally, and his spine is crippled badly, if not broken.
Telegraph, Meigs County, Ohio November 25, 1885
About noon one day last week William MURRAY'S house was discovered to be on fire. As it happened Mr. MURRAY had a husking bee on that day and plenty of help saved his house. Jacob WERNER'S wife died on the 11th and was buried on their farm in the South Side. She leaves a husband and a large family of children. [and we wonder why we can't find where our ancestors are buried] [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Telegraph, Meigs County, Ohio December 2, 1885
On Monday last S. F. BERRY completed arrangements with Oliver ROWLEY whereby he becomes a partner in the hardware store lately purchased of Charles ROOT. Meigs Quarterly Meeting (F.W.B.) convenes on Friday of this week at 2 o'clock p.m. with the Old Kyger church, and continues over Saturday and Sunday. Married - Thursday, November 26, 1885, at the residence of J. W. DUMBLE, editor of the Republican, Mr. W. E. BRYAN, son of F. P. BRYAN, and Miss Fannie DUMBLE, Rev. PEAKE, of Pomeroy, officiating. Mr. BRYAN was recently the genial assistant ticket agent in the C.H.V. &T. office at this place, but he is now located at Gallipolis, and both he and his bride have a large circle of friends here who wish them much happiness and prosperity. They left Friday for their new home in Gallipolis. Quite a number here have received cards to the wedding of Mr. William HESS and Miss Mattie WELLS, which takes place to-day at the bride's home in Fredonia, Kansas. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Joseph WELLS, a former resident of Middleport, who, with his family left here last spring for their new home in the West, and she has the well wishes of a host of friends here. Miss Anna MOORE, of Gallipolis, after spending the past week visiting friends here, leaves to-day for her home in Gallipolis. Miss Lola SAUNDERS, who has been visiting her cousin, Miss Fannie SMITH, left last week for her home in Parkersburg. Kittie RHOADES with W. R. Ward's Comedy Company arrived yesterday and will give the most popular plays every evening this week at Coe's Opera House. Also a matinee Saturday afternoon. They played M'Liss last night. The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will give an oyster supper at Coe's Hall on Tuesday evening, December 8th. All cordially invited. The Ladies' Relief Corps cleared $50 at their supper last Thursday evening. Revs. Mr. and Mrs. CARNEY will hold a protracted meeting at the Christian Church, commencing next Saturday evening. Rev. W. J. FULTON, of Rio Grande, will preach in the Freewill Baptist Church next Sunday evening. Howorth's Hibernica drew a crowded house last Friday evening. Born -- November 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. POWELL, a son. Mrs. William RUST returned Saturday from her visit to Parkersburg. Montie CRANSTON came up from Cincinnati last Friday, and paid his grandmother, Mrs. Ann BEHAN, a short visit. A Grand Masquerade at the rink next Saturday evening. Asel HYSELL has moved his family into the Murphy house, corner of Second and High streets. Mr. Lemuel POWELL is laid up with rheumatism. Mrs. RUTHERFORD, whose house was burned last fall in Salem, will move back to Rutland, near Lima, this week. The roads are in deplorable condition for this early in the season. S. P. HUMPHREY and wife spent Thanksgiving in Gallia County. The posstoffice seems to be gone to the Democrats, as nearly all other offices have gone. The Democrats believe in the old proverb, "To the victors belong the spoils," and are acting it out here, so reports say. Frank HAYES, a merchant on Grass Run, has at last captured it, after an earnest effort for several months through the Democratic Central Committee and other influential men. We are sorry to see Mr. BARRETT go, for he has made an efficient postmaster, and as good a one as Meigs County can show up any place. We say this for Mr. BARRETT, and challenge any county in the State to produce a better or more accommodating postmaster; not because he is a Rutland man, but because he is a man of business capacity whose equal is rarely found in any community. As to Mr. HAYES, we can not tell what he may turn out to be. We have always heard of him that he is an honest, upright gentleman, with ordinary business capacities, and he will probably make a good postmaster, but the citizens generally do not want a change. The neighbors of Thomas LEE and family surprised them one evening recently by their appearance, about fifty in number. They brought with them oysters and other eatables, and had a good time generally. Mr. LEE has been in rather poor health this fall. Died, last Friday night, Mrs. Bart ROMINE, of consumption, aged about thirty years. She leaves a husband and two small children. The funeral services were omitted on account of not procuring a minister. She was buried in the old Chase burying-ground on Sunday. The Masonic fraternity at Harrisonville, at their last regular communication, elected the following officers for the ensuing year: F. A. BARTLEY, W.M.; Howard DAY, S.W.; George CHAPMAN, J.W.; I. N. CHASE, S.D.; Art. ALKIRE, J.D.; James MARSHINGTON, T. The appointments were, J. DAVIS and D. WICE, Stewards; and Dr. S. DAY, Trustee. They will be installed in December. Grandma BLACK is suffering a relapse. G. C. MUSSER had a severe spell of sickness last Friday night, but is better now. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Telegraph, Meigs County, Ohio December 16, 1885
Mrs. Andrew Reid, Sr., died at her home on Butternut street last Thursday morning of typhoid fever. The funeral was preached at the residence Friday afternoon by Rev. E.W. Brown, of the Presbyterian Church, and the remains were buried in the Beech Grove Cemetery. Mrs. Reid was born in the Parish of Coldstream, Berwickshire, Scotland, March 28, 1822, making her 63 years, 8 months, 12 days of age at the time of her death. Mr. W. B. Reed, a prominent citizen of Reedville, died very suddenly at that place last Friday. He had been postmaster and a merchant at that place for over twenty-five years. He was about 60 years of age. [Transcribed by Elaine Balasky]
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