These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
unknown Meigs County newspaper 1897
E. F. Vinning E. F. Vinning died at his home near Harrisonville, Saturday morning, of Consumption, and was buried Sunday in Howell graveyard, Elder M. A. Harvey conducting the funeral ceremonies. He was 52 years old and was one of the best respected citizens of Scipio Township and at the time of his death was Township Clerk. [Transcribed by Kay Williams]
Pomeroy Tribune-Telegraph January 6, 1897
Column 1 FROZEN NEWS Rescued from the chilly outside, and thawed out by the office stove. What has happened in one short week. Ed McVey returned yesterday from his visit to Youngstown. Charles Greenlees, of Cincinnati, who has been spending the holidays here with Charles Beahrs, returned home this morning on the Stanley. [B]iggs & Rappold have something [] called a slumber couch casket, [] takes away the gruesomeness of [] old-style casket. John Titus, son of Mr. and Mrs. []rry Titus, and Miss Jessie Lowery, [] of this city, were united in marriage New Year's Eve by Rev. Sparks. Sarah J. Walter and Ada Karr have returned to their schools, the former [] Oswego, N. Y., and the latter to []nkers. A daughter of Rev. John Schneider, well known in this city, recently died in Cincinnati. Miss Minnie McFarland, of Canal Winchester, is here on a visit to the family of Rev. Sparks. The parents of John Jay were paid $100 a few days after his death by W. L. Jones' insurance agency. Mrs. Kaspar, of Naylor's Run, lost a fine Jersey cow last Wednesday. She was foundered. The inspector of workshops and public buildings has ordered the County Commissioners to take the stoves out of the Children's Home and heat building by means of a furnace. The outer doors are to be made to open outward, and means provided for escape from the upper story in case of fire. Those who shipped poultry to the Pittsburg market from Meigs county for the Christmas trade are said to have realized good prices. It is reported that Capt. Maddy is about to sell out his furniture business in Huntington and go back on the river, his old love. The annual business meeting of the Baptist church was held Monday, December 28, and the following officers were elected for 1897: Clerk, J. W. Thomas; Treasurer, C. G. Day; Financial sec., S. A. Dyke; Asst. Fin. Sec., A. K. Oliver; Trustees, J. W. Thomas, C. G. Day, T. W. Baber, Geo. P. Daniels, and D. S. Lewis. Howard Williamson returned to business college at Huntington Monday. Prof. T. C. Coates, a former Pomeroyan, now at the head of the schools at Lancaster, has been granted a life certificate by the State Board of Examiners, also Prof. and Mrs. Wright, of Racine. Mrs. Hamm and Miss Susie Reuter, after a visit here, have returned to their homes at Glen Roy. Charlie McQuigg is back from Columbus. Emmet Peoples left for Syracuse Monday to enter Carleton College. Miss Carrie Yeager returned to school at Portsmouth Monday accompanied by little Barbara Seebohm, who goes to visit her uncle Charley Seebohm. Nicholas Yeager returned to his home at Toledo New Years. Mrs. Heaton and children, of Gallipolis, visited the family of Dr. Sto[b]art last week. James Byrne, of Rocksprings, who is lying very low with lung trouble, was taken with hiccoughs Friday which the doctors have not been able to stop yet. Quarterly Meeting will be held at the M. E. Church next Saturday and Sunday. Rev. Gillilan, of Middleport, will preach in the forenoon and Presiding Elder Tibbells will preach in the evening. Mrs. John R. Foster and daughter, who have been visiting her parents, Capt. F. C. Lanham and wife, returned home to Charleston Saturday. Joseph and Peter Rappold, of Cliff [To]p, W. Va., arrived here Saturday to attend the funeral of their father, Peter Rappold. Jacob Zieher made a trip on the Convoy during vacation, returning yesterday. The young folks to the number of about fifteen couples gave a very enjoyable dance at the old K. of P. Hall New Year's Eve. The Soldier's Relief Commission was in session Monday and made provisions to help the indigent soldiers and widows for the winter. G. W. Gilliland, of Syracuse, went up to Delaware Monday to buy Billy Russell, a three year old trotter with a record of 2:25 1/2. The Children's Home was re-insured yesterday for $5,000, one half of it by John B. Downing and the other half by John F. Downing. A telephone line is in course of construction connecting Letart, W. Va., Flat Rock, Graham Station, New Haven, Hartford City and Mason City, also a line between Graham and Racine. This will be a great public convenience. Hiram G. Smith and family returned to Cincinnati yesterday. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Jane V. Smith, who will make them a visit. Samuel Elberfeld was down from Columbus to spend New Years. Miss Bertha Osborn is suffering from a severe attack of grip. Frank Leib was up from Gallipolis Sunday. Wendel Roos returned from Columbus yesterday. Geo. Woods has returned from Cincinnati. Column 2 Born, to Philip Ohlinger and wife, of Lincoln Hill, a son, this morning. John D. Shannon, the new Infirmary Director, was sworn in Monday by Squire Philson, at Racine. He gave bond in the sum of $2,000 with Waid Cross, D. B. Cross, M. V. Sayre, J. C. Hayman, H. K. Coe, J. C. Ross and Wm. Chittenden, as sureties. Dick Downie will shortly move his flour and feed store from the Midway to the room next to the post office, now occupied by Davis' meat shop. Vere D. Brown, the telegraph operator has returned from Athens. The second and third rank will be exemplified at the Pythian Castle Hall Friday evening. Knights, turn out. John Hotchkiss, the band man, has been sick for two or three days. Wm. H. McElroy, who went to Arvilla, North Dakota, last spring, is back in Pomeroy again. Clarence Ihle and Earl Titus left for school at Cincinnati this morning. Mrs. W. W. Lesher, of the Grand Dilcher Hotel, is moving to Cheshire today. Gus Branch is now selling the Cincinnati Times-Star on the streets. Monday night thieves stole a whole dressed hog from Martin Ihle, of Monkey Run. He had it in a little out kitchen ready to be smoked when they broke in and carried it off. Mason City will hold her municipal election tomorrow. Thomas Bowen, who has been running on the Wellston & Jackson Belt Line, was promoted Monday to Conductor on extra freight, having passed a successful examination last week. Miss Abbie Flanegin has returned to school at Marietta. Miss Amy Whaley is back from Lincoln, Nebraska, and Cincinnati. Miss Carrie Schlaegel has returned to Dayton to resume her school duties. Miss Roxie Wheatley was down from Columbus last week to visit friends in Pomeroy and New Haven. Miss Edith Lust left for Marietta Saturday to attend Elizabeth College. R. P. Skinner has moved from the Scott property to part of the house on the same street occupied by W. A. Kingsley. Miss Lillie Alstadt, who has been her home with Rev. Sparks, has returned to Canal Winchester to live with her brother. Born, to John Schaeffer and wife, who live near the Catholic church, a boy, Monday morning. Monday the County Commissioners appointed John Holliday, of Salem township, a member of the township burial committee of indigent soldiers to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Wm. L. Halliday. John Stanley, a member of the Letart committee, has moved away, but no one has been recommended in his place. All the other townships are complete, so far as reported. At a recent meeting at Columbus, Supt. S. P. Humphrey, of Middleport, was made a member of the State Board of Examiners. John F. Downing, of Middleport, has secured an increase of pension from $12 to $17 per month from July 15, for Wm. Chaffin, of Bradbury. A dispatch from St. Albans, W. Va., yesterday stated that a man named John Moore, who had shot and killed John Legg and wounded Dick Legg on Christmas day, had been captured. Some Pomeroy people think the Leggs used to live here. Quarterly Meeting will be held at the German M. E. Church next Sunday, services begin tomorrow evening. Mrs. D. J. Bennett, of Cincinnati, died Monday of cancer. The remains will be buried in Beech Grove Cemetery here tomorrow, the funeral taking place from the Baptist Church at 2 o'clock. John, Dick and Bruce Davis, who were home to spend the holidays have returned to their work at Delaware, Columbus and Marietta. Miss May and Ralston Gross have returned from a visit to Wheeling, W. Va. D. M. Jones, who was called here to attend the funeral of his father, returned to Milwaukee Monday. J. F. Downing, the Pension Attorney, of Middleport, has recently completed arrangements and is now legally empowered to prosecute all claims for pensions coming to him of the late George E. Lemon, deceased, of Washington, D. C. Claimants of Mr. Lemon are now foot loose and can govern themselves accordingly. KEISER'S BOX OF MONEY Some of the money in G. W. Keiser's box, which was opened on Christmas, is still there. Seven persons have produced keys which opened the box and each got $5. Three keys are out yet. The seven lucky persons so far are: C. J. Vincent, Pomeroy; F. O. Duncan, Letart, W. Va.; W. S. Davis, Pomeroy; John McQuigg, Pomeroy; C. J. Johnson, Athens county; Louis Seyfried, Pomeroy, and C. P. Williams, Syracuse. GUARDING THE JAIL About two weeks ago the Sheriff made the discovery that some one had been making an attempt to dig through the jail walls from the outside in the rear of the building. He concluded that some person or persons desired to get in to liberate certain prisoners now confined there, and for the past 12 nights he has been standing guard with the hopes of catching the parties red-handed. He has been roosting in the jury room at the rear of the court room, where he could see all the rear of the jail premises. The arsenal he has had about him would make a Cuban patriot weep for joy if he had one half as good. Column 3 NEW YEAR'S ACCIDENT PETE BERKESS, A YOUNG MAN OF MIDDLEPORT, ATTEMPTS TO BOARD THE COMMUTER WHILE IN ACTION. AS A RESULT, HE LOSES A LEG AND FOUR FINGERS New Year's day came in here with an accident which will cripple a young man for life. At a few minutes to six o'clock Pete Berkess, a young man of Middleport, who had been about Pomeroy most of the day, drinking, attempted to board the Commuter after it had pulled out from the passenger depot and while in motion, with the result that he had his right leg cut off between the knee and ankle and four fingers cut from his right hand. The train was going out backwards. Just as it started Berkess dashed out of a Front street saloon with the remark: "I'll catch the train yet." He started obliquely across the street after it. By the time the train had moved about the length of itself and was under pretty good headway, he reached it, on the street side, nearly opposite the lower end of the platform. He ran rapidly toward the train and seemed to be partially under it, between the tender and the car, the tender wheels going over him. It seemed that he clutched at the hand rail and missed it, falling with his right side to the rail. The train went on, the train men knowing nothing of the accident until they came back. Berkess did not utter a word for a few moments and appeared to be dead. He was immediately picked up and carried to Seebohm's drug store, where several doctors were called in. Dr. Hysell, being the Hocking Valley Railway Surgeon, took charge of the case. The wounded man was later carried over to the depot and taken to his home at Middleport on the next trip of the Commuter, where his leg and fingers were amputated. The unfortunate young man is about 25 years of age, is unmarried and lives with his widowed mother. He was employed at Probst's Furniture Factory in this City as a finisher. The railroad people are in no way to blame for the accident, Berkess himself being solely responsible. The sidewalks were crowded at the time, and several witnessed the accident. In the several years that the Commuter has been running here [] is the first accident they have had. COMMON PLEAS COURT JUDGE WOOD STARTS IN WITH A THREATENED ATTACK OF GRIP The January term of Common Pleas Court was called Monday morning at 9 o'clock with Judge Joseph M. Wood on the bench. His Honor announced to the bar that he was suffering from a mild attack of grip, but hoped to be able to go on with court. The grand jury was empaneled and sworn in and immediately set to work. Capt. Timothy Russell, of Middleport, was appointed foreman. Samuel Russell did not appear, and Robert E. Roush, of this city, was sworn in his place. The grand jury will probably complete its work by tomorrow, there not being a large number of cases to examine. After the grand jury was set to work, the court called over all the docket. The Furman Smith case was submitted, and the court took it to his hotel for consideration, an adjournment having been taken until nine o'clock this morning. There will probably be considerable criminal business to be disposed of at this term of court, all of the alleged robber cases being set down. NEW CASES Two new cases have been filed in Common Pleas Court since last report. The first is the Board of County Commissioners of Gallia county vs. the Board of Commissioners of Meigs county, action in mandamus. This grows out of the jury fees of $3.75 in the Lindsey case, which the Meigs county Commissioners have failed to pay. The other is that of Ella Covert vs. W. A. B. Covert and Joseph Hamilton, action for alimony. An injunction was allowed in this case in the Probate Court January 2d. SUITS AGAINST THE OHIO RIVER RAILROAD Two suits have been brought in the Circuit Court of Wood county, at Parkersburg, against the Ohio River Railroad Company by the attorneys for Hiram Putnam, of Ripley Landing. Putnam sues for $10,000, claiming that the company was given the right of way through two farms with the understanding that it would build and maintain a depot north of Mill creek. The company did as agreed, but recently tore down the depot, near which Putnam had a house and store by reason of the depot being built there. The second suit is for the failure of the company to maintain fences and crossings on Putnam's farm as agreed. HOW STORIES GROW Saturday afternoon a story reached this city to the effect that a car had broken loose and ran away at the Mees mill incline at Mason, carrying a man down and drowning him. Investigation showed that a car had jumped the track with a man, but that was all there was of it. Column 4 A WEEK'S DEATHS MRS. STIVERS The Chattanooga (Tenn.) Daily Times of December 28 brings the intelligence of the death of Mrs. Jeanette J. Stivers, wife of Chas. E. Stivers, in that city the day before from pneumonia. Mrs. Stivers was formerly a resident of Pomeroy. CONSTABLE JOHN RUSSELL Constable John Russell, aged about 65 years, died at his home on Kerr's Run New Year's morning at 10 o'clock. He was buried at the Howell Cemetery on Thomas Fork Monday afternoon. Mr. Russell was serving as one of the Constables of Salisbury township at the time of his death. BABY WILL The nine months old child of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Will, of the Second Ward, died New year's morning as a result of a failure to assimilate food. It had been dwindling away for some time. The funeral took place from the M. E. Church Sunday afternoon, Rev. Sparks officiating. Four little girls acted as pall bearers. The remains were buried at Beech Grove. TWO CHILDREN Diphtheria is still prevalent out at the Lee settlement, in Sutton township where the Lee and McCollough children died recently. Two children of Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Roush, a boy aged 8 years and a girl aged 5 years, died Saturday night from the much dreaded disease. They have three more small children which they fear they will lose, two of them being sick when the others died. The father of the children is a brother of H. H. Roush, of this city. Mrs. Lee and Mrs. McCollough are his sisters. PETER RAPPOLD Last Friday evening, January 1, ex-Street Commissioner Peter Rappold died suddenly at his home down near the C. H. V. & T. railway freight depot. He was one of the night watchmen at the time of his death. The day before Christmas he was walking down Front street when a runaway tram ran over him and broke three ribs. He was taken home where he appeared to be getting along fairly well until the collapse came. The immediate cause of his death was heart failure, superinduced, it is thought by Dr. Owen, his attending physician, by the injuries sustained. Mr. Rappold was 72 years of age last June, and was badly injured in the Peacock mine a few years ago. He leaves a wife and several children. The funeral took place from the Catholic [Church] Monday morning. MRS. HAL C. YOUNG The many friends of Hal C. Young will be pained to hear of the death of his estimable wife, which sad event occurred at their home in Lincoln, Neb., Saturday, Jan. 2d. Her remains were taken to Cambridge, O., the home of her parents, for interment. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bridgeman, Mrs. C. Young and Miss Young, all of Syracuse, left yesterday for Cambridge to attend the funeral. EXCEPTIONS FILED The attorneys on both sides in the Lindsey case have at last agreed on the bill of exceptions which goes to the Circuit Court, and it has been filed at Gallipolis. To the exceptions is attached the skull used at the trial, the cane, the hat Cundiff wore at the time he was struck, the photographs of the scene of the killing, etc. Last Wednesday night the Court and the attorneys worked over the exceptions at Athens until 3 o'clock in the morning, when the Court signed them. COUNCIL MEETING The City Council met in regular session Monday evening with all the members present. The wharfmaster reported $23 collected in wharfage for December. The Mayor reported $80 collected as fines and licenses. The finance committee reported that the city will be able to pay most of its outstanding debts at the next meeting. The clerk was authorized to destroy certain bonds issued as redemption bonds as being defective in regard to the time the sale was authorized. Spitzer & Company, the purchasers, have furnished new bonds, the sale to that firm having been confirmed by resolution. Schwegman & Roedel offered to put in a crossing in the First Ward 85 feet long at a cost of about $50, the cost being assessed on the city at some future time. Mr. Weeks made a motion that the matter be postponed until next meeting, which was done. A narrow brick crossing was ordered put in at the foot of Laurel street near Gloeckner & Company's flour mill. The $6,000 in defective bonds were ordered put into the stove, which was done by councilman Jacobs. The Lincoln Hill road is to be speedily repaired. METHODIST SUNDAY SCHOOL The M. E. Sunday School has been reorganized for the year 1897. Following are the new officers: D. A. Alexander, Superintendent; Rev. L. C. Sparks, Assistant; Julia Humphrey, Secretary; Florence Race, Treasurer and T. P. Eiselstein, Chorister. Teachers: D. L. Geyer, J. B. Scott, E. E. Jones, Robert Roush, Mrs. L. C. Sparks, Geo. Heaton, Lydia Simms, Eva Simms, Bertha Hysell, Maggie Humphrey, L. H. Lee, Ina Feiger, Eva Faris, C. P. Alexander, Edna Robbins, Emma Waterman, Supt. of Primary department and Bessie Bradfield assistant. Column 5 BUSINESS CHANGES John Downing Jr. will shortly move his furniture store from the old Probst stand below Court Street to the Koehler Block on Midway in the room now occupied by W. G. Downie with a feed store. Capt. W. A. Maddy, who went to Huntington a year or more ago, has sold out his furniture business there and will come back to Pomeroy, going into the old Probst storeroom. It is said that L. W. Probst, who is now at Greenfield, O., will also go in with the Captain. WELL-KEPT APPLES Saturday morning Peter Korn, of Wolfpen, brought in a box of Willow Twig apples, picked in the fall of 1895, about a year and a quarter ago. They were well preserved and tasted about as good as when first picked. They were kept in an old log house part of the time and in a cellar. With a little care it seems that the apples produced in this country could be kept almost any length of time. EISELSTEIN'S PIN CONTEST The pin guessing contest at T. P. Eiselstein's dry goods store came to a close New Year's morning. The pins were counted by J. V. Webb, S. J. Newell and Chas. A. Hartley. The number in the ball of yarn was 321, and the prizes were awarded according to the correctness of the guesses and the time the guesses were made. There were about 5,000 guesses, the highest being 3,111 and the lowest 13. Eight persons guessed the exact number, seven one below and one above, of the sixteen winners. The awards were as follows: First, Miss Harriett McKnight, Pomeroy, $20 black silk dress pattern; second, Miss Helen Osborn, Pomeroy, $15 wool novelty dress pattern; third, Wm. Wright, Langsville, $15 silk waist pattern; fourth, Miss A. G. Osborn, Pomeroy, $15 Boucle jacket; fifth, Miss Agnes Young, Mason, W. Va., $15 plush cape; sixth, Walter Carman, Pomeroy, $6 linen table set; seventh, Mrs. R. H. Rawlings, Rutland, Arabian lace curtains; eighth, Miss Kate Roush, Syracuse, $3 tapestry curtains and poles; ninth, Geo. Henderson, Burlingham, $5 Moquet rug; tenth, Roy Fugate, Pomeroy, $2.50 lunch cloth; eleventh, Mrs. Allie Bradfield, Harrisonville, $5 table linen and napkins; twelfth, Mrs. B. N. Reuter, Pomeroy, $5 blankets; thirteenth, Mrs. Sarah Frost, Alfred, $2 underwear; fourteenth, Miss Kate Schilling, Pomeroy, $5 mackintosh; fifteenth, Mrs. Nathan Karr, Pomeroy, $2 kid gloves; sixteenth, Mrs. Mada Thompson, Wolfpen, $3 bolt of muslin. JESSE BREWSTER, RECORDER Early Monday morning Jesse Brewster, of Salem township, was appointed Recorder of Meigs County to fill the vacancy for eight months from the first Monday in January to the first Monday in September. The appointment was made by commissioners Davis and Stout. He succeeds Mr. Shannon, whose term had expired. Mr. Brewster is one of the defeated candidates of last fall, and will serve until Mr. Parker takes his office next fall. He gave the regular bond of $2,000 with Henry C. Williams, I. M. Colwell, J. W. Cline, G. B. Davis and A. L. Halliday as sureties, and was immediately sworn into office. He gave an additional bond of $25,000 in compliance with a new law, which is to be approved by the Common Pleas Court. Those signed to this bond are: A. L. Halliday, T. G. Thompson, Mahlon Taylor, Alvin Ogdin, M. J. Rutherford, Henry C. Williams, I. M. Colwell, J. W. Cline and G. B. Davis. After this matter was disposed of Auditor C. A. Roberts, Probate Judge Lewis Paine and Recorder Brewster met and appointed T. F. Dye, the old Commissioner, to fill the vacancy until his next term begins in September. He gave a new bond and was sworn into office. MARRIAGE LICENSES Frank Shumway and Etta B. Reed; J. J. Bailey and Emma M. Bailey; J. E. Turbin and Cora M. Lewis; John Titus and Jessie M. Lowery; E. G. Kimes and Ella Nelson; James O. Bowies and Edna V. Bryson; Chas. J. M. Donny and Rosa Hysell. FOUR JURORS Squire Donnally had a jury case in his court Saturday afternoon, in which Palmer & Hardin sued J. A. Neutzling and Elizabeth McDonald for $30.50, the primary object being to make it appear that Mrs. McDonald was a member of the late firm in the furniture business below Court street. A jury of six was called, but only four appeared, and it was agreed that the four should hear the case. They were: H. M. Horton, W. L. Downie, Joseph McKnight and B. J. Malone. The jury found that Mrs. McDonald was not a member of the firm, and found a judgement against Neutzling. Speaker and Lee appeared for the plaintiffs and Bradbury and Graham for the defendant, Mrs. McDonald. MIDDLEPORT FIRE During the very first hour of the New Year Middleport had a small fire. A little frame building down near the old mill site, belonging to a man named Sansbury, of Langsville, was burned. It was occupied at the time by Stella Nelson, a sister of the notorious Fred Nelson. It is believed to have been set on fire by parties who desired that the occupant move away from that locality. Column 6 PIERCE'S PLIGHT HE IS LYING NOW AT HIS SISTER'S DOWN AT EPITOME IN A WORSE CONDITION HE TALKS TO THE PROSECUTOR AND SHERIFF - STORIES ABOUT A SCHEME TO REMOVE PIERCE AND HYSELL Last Saturday morning the Sheriff and the Prosecuting Attorney received word that Arthur Pierce, who was shot by an assassin on Story's Run on Christmas night, had concluded that he was not going to get well and wanted to divulge certain matters before he crossed the dark river. On the Thursday before he had been moved down from Willis Butcher's, where he was shot, to the residence of his sister, Mrs. Dolliver Workman, at Epitome, or Russell's coal works. He was afraid to stay at Butcher's longer, as his bed was near an unprotected window, and he thought his enemies had too good a chance to finish him. The officials were closeted with him for nearly three hours and secured some valuable information, which we are not now at liberty to divulge. Pierce claims to know all about the arsons, hold-ups, robberies and other crimes in that locality. He says there are 18 persons in the organization, some of whom are not even suspected. Pierce acknowledges to having been into considerable mischief himself and is considerably alarmed over a horse stealing scrape he has lately been in. He is in a rather peculiar predicament. Before he dies, if that should prove to be the result of his wounds, he desires to square himself by making a clean breast of all he has done, and tell all he knows of what others have done, but if he recovers, he wishes to escape punishment for his crimes. He is hourly in dread of an attack from those who desire him speedily removed from earth. Sunday night there was a movement in that locality which excited considerable suspicion as to their motive in being thereabouts. Pierce sent for "Capt." Albert Evans to see if he could be used as a go-between to patch up the horse stealing matter and stop prosecution in that direction. About that time several other parties made their appearance on the scene who might have an interest in stopping the mouths of Pierce and Charley Hysell. The latter lives a few doors below the Workman residence and does not show himself out of doors after nightfall for fear of his life. The impression got out Sunday night that an effort was on foot to remove Pierce and Hysell by violence and throw the blame onto Evans, who, it appears, was there on an entirely different mission. Pierce and Hysell have a good many friends in that particular locality and they kept close watch on those congregated about in two or three places. It was expected that some fires would be started and the matter of removal of the objectionable parties would be made comparatively easy. Nothing developed, however. Feeling is at a high tension for two or three miles around, and at present but few of the more courageous venture out after dark. No one there-abouts hesitates to say that he goes armed. No one who has not visited that locality frequently and watched the movements of some of the people can comprehend the situation. There are feuds within feuds, and it rivals some of the gory spots in Kentucky. The matter has reached such a pitch that several killings are morally certain to take place. When a dozen or more daredevil men are watching each other for an opportunity to shoot, a tragedy may be expected to happen at any time. Pierce passed a bad Monday and yesterday morning he felt no better. It will be nip and tuck with him to get out. READY TO PROCEED Mr. Vorhes announces that he is ready to proceed against the Trustees of the Pomeroy Academy for possession of that building on the ground that they have exceeded their authority in the handling of the trust. He says he has a good case and will push it. It is reported that he has retained General Grosvenor, Russell & Webster and Judge McGillivary, the latter of McArthur, to assist him in the case. The trustees and members of the School Board will, no doubt, put up a stiff fight to prevent this valuable property from reverting to the heirs, their interests having been purchased by Mr. Vorhes. ELBERFELD'S PIANO The awarding of the piano offered by Jacob Elberfelds' Sons to their customers New Year's day excited considerable interest. There were thousands of guesses on the number of seeds in the three gourds. There were found to be 1909 seeds in the gourds, and two parties guessed the exact number, viz: Mrs. S. F. Smith, of this city, and Mrs. Henry Baker, of Middleport. Under the conditions of the contest these parties had to guess a second time on the number of seeds in one gourd. That took place Monday forenoon, Mrs. Baker winning on 409. NOTICE There will be preaching in the Baptist church next Sunday, Jan. 10, morning and evening. The Lord's Supper will be administered at that time.
Unknown Meigs County newspaper February, 1897
Elias Story Jr. Dead The following telegram was received here Monday evening: Bozeman, Montana Feb 8th 1897 To Elias Story, Flora, Ohio Nelson Story wires me from Los Angeles that Elias died in Honolulu the 25th ultimo, Body landed from steamer last Saturday and is now enroute to Bozeman. Wire me fully your wishes. All at your service. W. F. Williams The deceased is an only son of Elias Story of Bedford township. He has been for a number of years engaged in the four milling business at Bozeman, Montana, with his uncle, Nelson Story, and has much of the time, had entire control of the largest flouring mill in Montana. He had gone to California for his health, having injured it by giving too close attention to his duties. From the telegram it seems he had gone from Los Angeles to Honolulu. He was about thirty-five years of age and was a bright young business man. He has many relatives in this county and hosts of admiring friends. He had acquired a handsome fortune since going to Montana and was unmarried. Transcribed by Cindy Montle
Unknown Meigs County newspaper February, 1897
From a telegram received yesterday Mr. Elias Story learned that the body of his son had not reached Los Angeles but was expected on the next steamer which was due on the 11th instant. Mr. Story has telegraphed orders to W. F. Williams to forward the remains for burial unless his son had expressed a desire to be interred at Bozeman. In case the body reaches here it will be laid at rest in the Burlingham cemetery in Bedford township. Transcribed by Cindy Montle
Meigs Co Newspaper February 1897
Mrs. Elizabeth Frank was born in Uniontown, Fayette Co., Pa., August 12th, 1810 and died at her home in Chester township, Feb 1st 1897 aged 86 yrs 5 months and 18 days. She was united in marriage to William Frank, Dec 14, 1834; to this union was born three children, one son and two daughters, all of whom survive her. She was a devoted wife, a mother to the motherless, a friend to the friendless, and kind to all. In her death this community loses one of its best friends and neighbors. Funeral services conducted by the Rev. S. R. Woodard from the Flatwoods schoolhouse. Interment in Flatwoods Cemetery. [Transcribed by Kay Williams]
Pomeroy Tribune-Telegraph February 24, 1897
Column 1 IN SHORT METER OUR NEWS SONG OF THIS WEEK MAY BE SUNG WITH OR WITHOUT HORNS AND FIDDLES. BRIEF CHAPTERS FROM THE EVERY DAY BOOK OF LIFE WRITTEN FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT. When Sheriff Ashworth reached Franklin, Indiana, last week he found a man under arrest there by the name of John Cochran. He was just the size of the John Cochran wanted, and had a scar on his neck, as does the man wanted, but he was not the right man and was released. Last Wednesday night a great lot of rocks fell from the cliffs at the lower end of the Fourth Ward, but did no particular damage. Marshal Ohlinger took Wm. McElroy to the Cincinnati work house last Thursday. It will take him about five months to work out the fine and costs. A heavy roll fell on the foot of Frank Gottfried, at the rolling mill last Thursday and crushed it. Martin Ebersbach has leased the Vorhes mine, on Second street at the head of Linn street, and will take house coal from it. They will also make an opening into the same vein of coal near the Catholic church, opposite the Elberfeld residence. The Hocking Valley railroad company has secured the contract of taking 1000 car loads of square timber out of here the coming summer, there being 25 sticks in a car load. The timber will be brought here by river and shipped to Europe. Meagher County, Montana, has been divided and Townsend has been made the county seat of the new county. Dolph Schreiber, a former Pomeroy boy, has been made one of the commissioners of the new county. He gets $8 per day for his services and 15 cents per mile. He lives at Diamond City, 30 miles from Townsend. A 30 day sitting of the commissioners is about to commence to arrange for a court house, jail and other necessary matters for the new county. W. G. Downie has gone out of the flour and feed business for the present and will drive a wagon for the new Pomeroy steam laundry. In a recent K & M freight wreck at Dyesville there were 2400 bushels of rye. M. E. Rathburn and F. A. Bean, of Rutland, have bought the McHale grocery at Gallipolis. Bishop Vincent will preach and administer confirmation in Grace Church on Tuesday evening, March 2d. Service will begin at 7 o'clock, standard time. For the accommodation of persons in Middleport who may wish to attend, the commuter will make a special trip, leaving Walnut street at 6:15. Two or three Pennsylvania oil men were in town last week looking up leases. Buck Ringold, the darkey with the Mills Opera Troupe, won the cake at the cake walk at Bauer's hall last Thursday night. Born, to Will Stewart and wife, of the Second Ward, a daughter, last Thursday. The ground hogs in this neighborhood made a mistake in coming out February 2d. They are getting served up at the saloons. Miss Nellie Crew, of Allegheny city, Pa., arrived here, over the O. R. R., last Thursday, with her sick sister, Miss Bertha, who has been under the doctor's care for the past week, suffering from a severe attack of la grippe, also an abscess in the head. B. Baer left Friday night for Pittsburg with a fine lot of cattle. Isaac Baer left Saturday night with a big shipment of hogs. Rev. Turnbull held services at the M. E. Church Sunday evening in the absence of Rev. Sparks, who is still in poor health. Rev. Geo. Heber Jones, the missionary, preached his farewell sermon at the German M. E. Church the same evening. Himself and wife leave to-day for Cincinnati to visit a few days before he returns to his missionary labors at Seoul, Korea. Mrs. Jones will remain here until fall when she will join her husband in the Hermit Kingdom. Geo. Longlotz, as will be seen in our advertising columns, will shortly move back to Pomeroy from Cincinnati and go into his old business. John Schilling was here from Logansport, Indiana, to attend his grandmother's funeral Sunday. Some money was scattered among the working people of the Pomeroy Bend Saturday. The rolling mill, the Charter Oak and the Hartford and Liverpool furnaces paid their men that day. Born, to Henry Pfarr and wife, of Monkey Run, a daughter, Friday. About 35 Knights of Pythias attended services at the Presbyterian Church in a body Sunday morning in celebration of the XXXIV Pythian period of the institution of that order. Rev. Turnbull, the pastor, preached an appropriate sermon for the occasion. Mrs. B. Baer and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Joseph Baer, left for Chicago Monday afternoon. Chas. Campbell, a young colored man of Thomas Fork, had one of his big toes amputated last week. It had been frozen and injured the bone. Geo. Reuter has received 33 more headstones for dead Meigs county soldiers. On account of the death of Sidney A. Stewart at Long Bottom Sunday, the Auditors office was closed from Monday morning till today at noon. Mrs. Winters and son Edward and Column 2 Miss Ella Murdock, of Ironton, visited relatives here a few days last week, returning home Monday morning. Miss Clara Koester is now employed at Miss Blazer's millinery emporium. The following two marriage licenses have been issued in the past week: G. R. Michael and Lizzie M. Whaley, Ellsworth I. Kelley and Isabella H. Holcomb. The parlor car on the C. H. V. & T. railway has been removed. It did not pay. Ten car loads of cedar poles for the long distance telephone line came in over the Hocking Valley road last week. Miss Addie Curtis, of Jackson, and Miss Curtis, of Marietta, are guests of Mrs. Thos. Turnbull. Mrs. L. T. Pilchard entertains the Shakespeare Club next Tuesday afternoon at the home of her mother, Mrs. Young, in Syracuse. Miss Grace Horton entertained the Whist club in a very charming manner last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oppenheimer will entertain the club next Friday evening. Judge Stanberry is at home from Cincinnati. Mrs. D. A. Russell entertained last week with one of the largest luncheons and card parties of the season. This was one of the prettiest affairs as the house is so large and well adapted to the entertaining of a large number. The guest list included many from Gallipolis and Middleport, some fifty people in all. Mrs. Dunbar, of Gallipolis, Mrs. Homer Grant, of Middleport, and Mrs. Abe Horwitz were the fortunate prize winners. Many Pomeroy society women attended the luncheon and card party given by Mrs. Downing and Mrs. B. Downing, Jr., at Mrs. Downing's home in Middleport, last Thursday. Prizes were won by Mrs. Talbot and Mrs. John Reuter, Middleport, and Mrs. Will Downie, of Pomeroy. Mrs. Talbot, of Middleport, has issued invitations for a luncheon and card party for next Thursday at her home. Mrs. C. D. Reed is giving a large luncheon and card party to-day (Wednesday.) Everett Shaver, son of J. W. Shaver, has accepted a position in Bichman's jewelry store. Rev. Sparks expects to be able to fill his pulpit next Sunday morning and evening. A little child of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Roush is seriously ill from pneumonia. John V. Webb, who had his leg broken January 28, had a starch cast put on the break yesterday so that he can sit up and enjoy the sights of the flood. Peter Meier, of Naylor's Run, has a young mastiff dog which weighs 110 pounds. Mrs. Mary Flanegin, of Syracuse, widow of a former brakeman on the C. H. V. & T. Railway, drew the gold watch at the Opera House Saturday night. CERTIFICATES GRANTED Months Blanche Howe, Pomeroy 36 *Celia Finlaw, Pomeroy 12 *Elsie Bradfield, Harrisonville 12 Mrs. Lulu M. Poindexter, Dexter 12 David Salser, Syracuse 24 Charles C. French, Harrisonville 12 H. D. Caldwell, Syracuse 24 Frank McClure, Harrisonville 12 Robt. G. Lewis, Darwin 24 D. J. Folden, Dexter 36 William Amos, Apple Grove 12 *Ray D. Thomson, Hemlock Grove 12 J. F. Hannum, Long Bottom 36 Charles S. Sayre, Plants 12 *Grade for two years, but lacked the necessary experience. EAST END The rain Sunday night did a great deal of damage to this part of town. The wall in front of Jno. Roedel's new house has partially fallen. The property of councilman Robbins was badly damaged by the water from the hill. While every one suffered more [or] less from the torrents of water sweeping down from the hill. Measures to secure proper drainage should be taken promptly. Mrs. Mary Ann Partlow an aged lady living on Kerr's Run was found dead in bed Saturday morning. A small grand child slept with her and her death was not discovered until she was called to breakfast. Wm. McFadden an old resident of this city, whose wife died recently, is very sick at the home of his daughter Mrs. Fred Bearhs. Doug Merritt who has been very sick with lung fever is improving slowly. Mrs. James Merritt is suffering from grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Major of Middleport, were the guests of her brother Tom Curtis Sunday. A horse belonging to L. D. Davis died Friday. A new brick crossing is being laid from the corner across to Pilchard's Store. A new brick pavement has just been completed in front of this building. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hysell and little son returned Saturday from a visit to friends in the valley. Walter Malone has moved his family to Enterprise. Sarah Parson has returned from a two weeks visit to Middleport friends. HOCKING TIME CHANGES A new C. H. V. & T. Railway time table went into effect Sunday. The Columbus trains reach here now at 12:20 p. m. and at 8 p. m. They leave here at 10:15 a. m. and 3:10 p. m. This makes the departures a little later and the arrivals a little earlier. Column 3 IT'S A FLOOD! THERE SEEMS TO BE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT THIS TIME. THE OHIO ON A SECOND RAMPAGE IN THE TEARFUL MONTH OF FEBRUARY. THE OLD THEORY THAT IT TAKES SNOW IN THE MOUNTAINS TO MAKE WATER KNOCKED GALLEY WEST. It seems that February is bound to give us a flood this year after all. The first effort just caused a few cold chills to chase each other up and down the spines of our people, but now they have whole flocks of them. The latter part of last week in commenced to rain and just kept it up, coming down in deluges. That seems to be the way to make a flood, snow or no snow. Sunday morning the marks showed 19 feet here and swelling slightly. Monday morning there was 26 feet and rising 12 inches an hour. At 8 o'clock it dropped to 9 inches per hour and kept up that rate nearly all day. At dark Monday evening the marks showed 37 feet, being an average for all day of about 11 inches per hour. In the meantime it kept raining all the time about like it must have done in the days of Mr. Noah's flood. When our people saw that it would not stop raining and that the river kept rising right along they became thoroughly alarmed and began moving their goods out of the Front street cellars. It was an all night job and was not done too soon. The Hope Salt Company people concluded to be on the safe side and proceeded to load their salt into barges, working all Monday night. They have two barges, one of bulk and one of barrels. Yesterday morning the marks showed 45 feet, a rise of about 8 feet for the night. This filled the cellars half full along the front and brought it to within five feet of the floors in some of the stores. By that time, however, the rise had fallen to 4 inches per hour and hope of no serious results revived accordingly. It began to look like we would escape a soaking. At that time the water had gotten into the Hocking Valley yards and shut off travel at the Charter Oak Coal Works, at Minersville and some places above. BAD NEWS At nine a. m. bad news began to come in. The first telegram was from Parkersburg. It came by the Ohio River Railroad wire and stated that the marks showed 29 feet and 11 inches there and rising 1 inch per hour, with all side streams falling. This was not so bad. The next came from Wheeling and was worse. It stated that the river was 18 feet and 9 inches there and rising 7 inches per hour. This was followed by a socdolager from Pittsburgh, viz: River 21 1/2 feet and rising 6 inches per hour. This looks like the water is bound to get into the Front street business houses. The people in the most danger here are the salt manufacturers. There are 2 barge loads in the salt house at the Pomeroy furnace, 2 barge loads of bulk and barrels at Hope, 40,000 bushels of bulk at the Buckeye, 40,000 barrels at Coalridge, 20,000 of bulk and 1000 barrels at Excelsior, three barges at the Kanawha Works and two barges at White Rock. Most of that was loaded in barges during the day. BULLETINS Parkersburg, Feb. 23, 9:40 a. m. - Ohio here twenty-nine feet and six inches and stationary. Kanawha not rising. Upper waters, Pittsburg 24 feet, rising eight inches per hour. BULLETIN NO. 2 Pittsburgh, Feb. 23 - Noon - River 26 feet and rising 6 inches per hour. BULLETIN NO. 3 Charleston, W. Va., Feb. 23 - Kanawha River higher than 1884. Charleston flooded. Water 5 feet deep in Kanawha & Michigan depot. People riding all over the city in skiffs. BULLETIN NO. 4 Point Pleasant, W. Va., 3 p. m. - River 47 feet and rising 3 inches per hour. The town flooded. BULLETIN NO. 5 Parkersburg, W. Va., 3:41 p. m. - river 31 feet and rising one inch per hour. About 4 feet more expected. Column 4 BULLETIN NO. 6 Pittsburgh, Feb. 23, 4:20 p. m. - River 28 feet and rising slowly. 29 feet expected. MOVING OUT LIVELY By the middle of the afternoon Tuesday merchants were moving out lively along the front, having come to the conclusion that the water was going to get into their stores. Every one that wanted to work could find plenty to do. GONE TO PRESS Tuesday evening it looked like the Tribune-Telegraph office was about to be flooded and the forms were closed and the paper went to press. We hope to be able to tell the rest of the story next week. TERRIFIC RAIN STORM OVER THREE INCHES OF RAIN FELL IN 48 HOURS - CONSIDERABLE DAMAGE ABOUT TOWN Sunday and Sunday night brought the heaviest rain storm seen in many years, accompanied by vivid lightning and heavy thunder. There was an incessant roar of thunder for several hours Sunday night. The rainfall for the 48 hours ending Monday morning was over three inches, half of that amount falling Sunday night. The heavy downpour did considerable damage about town. Henry Priode's livery stable, Huber's saloon and J. A. Daugherty's curiosity shop on Second street, were flooded. Water was several feet deep in Davis' stable, near the planing mill. The culvert at the lower side of the show grounds became clogged and backed up the water into the basement of Abe Priode's house, and the cellar of the Schmidt residence was flooded. It came within two inches of getting into the basement of Chas. Bengel's residence on Union Avenue. Down at the mouth of a little stream at German Avenue in the Fourth Ward the Hocking Valley track was washed out so that trains could not pass over the place that day. Rocks fell down in a dozen places from the face of the cliffs from the lower end of town to Kerr's Run. At the latter place a great section of high stone wall in front of Schwegman & Roeder's fell into the street. NOTES There is no complaint about empty cisterns now. A 700 barrel cistern at Bradbury's dairy was filled and ran over. One of Abe Priode's boys had a fine game rooster drowned. The rolling mill was drowned out Monday, the pits being full of water. A 12 foot wall slipped into Councilman Robbins' kitchen Sunday night. Thomas Fork was higher Monday morning than ever known, and Leading Creek simply tore things by the roots. The K. and M. Railroad was badly crippled by washouts and flooded tracks. Schwartzwalder's nursery was nearly all washed out. Commissioner Frank Dye reports that Scipio Township was just simply flooded. A heavy wall in the rear of the old Anthony Russell residence on Kerr's Run, occupied by Walter Malone, fell in against the house Monday morning. A Chester township man reports that Shade River was running from hill to hill Monday and cleaned out every thing on the lowlands. A house belonging to Emory Aultman at Welchtown was injured by a slip. More slips are reported over the country than were ever known at one time. Clerk Smith's cellar was full enough of water Monday to float the Great Eastern, and the trouble was he could not get it out any faster than it found its way in. Loff Jacob's cellar on Lincoln Hill was filled with something Kentuckians don't drink Monday morning. Dr. Schaefer's property near the fair grounds was almost drowned out. He had to cut a ditch across the fair grounds to save his place from being ruined. There will be another heavy draft on the bridge fund to repair bridges. A big slip at Sliding Hill Monday delayed Ohio River trains several hours. A gang of men worked there all day in the rain to clear away the obstructions as fast as they rolled down. A section of wall at the old Dabney furnace fell into the street Monday. There is a big slip on Naylor's Run near Geo. Bauer's barn. A big slice of Lincoln Hill is sliding into Monkey Run from near C. F. Smith's. PENSIONS The following Pensions allowed through J. F. Downings agency since last report: Joshua B. Rice, Hemlock Grove Meigs Co., Ohio Co. B 140th O.V.I. Original Invalid Pension $6 per month from July 30th 1896 date of his application. Mrs. Mary Henderson Middleport, Ohio, widow of John G. Henderson, Co. I 122nd O.V.I. Original Invalid Pension $8 per month, from Nov. 1st 1896 date of her application also receiving the arrearages of her dead Husband, about $480 total amount between $550 and $600 will be paid to Mrs. Henderson. Jasper Russell Middleport Ohio, Co. F 192 Reg. O.V.I., increase from $14 to $24 per month, with arrearages from Nov. 4th, 1896, the date of his examination. Column 5 DEATH OF ENGINEER EPH. AUMILLER At eight o'clock Sunday morning, Engineer Ephraim Aumiller, of the steamboat Jessie, answered his last stopping bell and safely moored his craft in the haven of the great beyond. His death took place at his home at Racine, after a brief illness, surrounded by the members of his family. Deceased was probably as well known in river circles as any steam-boatman in Meigs County. He was born on Horse Cave Creek, in this county, in 1833, and was on the river before he was twenty years of age. During his 44 years of service he navigated the Ohio, Mississippi and Missouri Rivers from mouth to source. His reputation has always been that of a first-class engineer, shrewd, carefull and far-seeing, and through all the years of his service no man was ever injured in any way by the fault of the engineer. He had a chief engineer's license forty years old, and a pilot's and master's license. Nearly 20 years ago he was Captain of the steamer W. H. Harrison, running between Parkersburg and Gallipolis. At the time of Cleveland's first term he was appointed postmaster at Racine and for the time being retired from the river, but again succumbed to the allurements of river life and went back to his first love. He was taken sick in the engine room of the Jessie just a week before his death. He leaves a wife and several grown-up children. DEATHS HIRAM HANING, an old soldier of Scipio township, died last Thursday and was buried Saturday from the Freewill Baptist Church at Downington, Rev. E. N. Long officiating. Deceased was 57 years of age. SIDNEY A. STEWART, of Long Bottom, died Sunday after a long illness. He was 66 years of age, and was a prominent citizen of Olive township. We expect to give a more extended notice of his life next week. MARTIN ADAMS, probably the oldest citizen of Portland, died last Saturday. He was over 90 years of age. The funeral took place Monday. Mr. Adams was the father of Mrs. John Carriens, of Mason city. MRS. MARY PARTLOW, an old lady of the First Ward, died last Friday evening at the age of about 70 years. Deceased leaves four children, viz: James Partlow, of Chester township, Adam Partlow, of Greenfield, Ohio, and Wm. Partlow and Mrs. Isaiah Griffith, of Kerr's Run. The funeral took place Monday afternoon. MRS. JACOBINA KATHERINE KUNNATZ, mentioned last week as being dangerously ill at her home on Monkey Run, died February 19, aged a few days less than 93 years. Deceased was born in Neulusheim, Baden, Germany, February 28, 1804, and has been a resident of Pomeroy for the past 46 years. Her husband, George Henry Kunnatz, died in 1834. Deceased leaves but one living daughter, Mrs. Margaret Schilling, of this city. She leaves seven living grandchildren, among whom are Geo. Schilling, of Chicago, John Schilling, of Logansport, Indiana, and Mrs. F. W. Steinbauer and Miss Katie Schilling, of this city. There are 22 great grandchildren and three great great grandchildren. The funeral took place at St. John's Church in the Second Ward Sunday afternoon, Rev. Weisswasser officiating. THE F. AND H. CLUB DANCE The Pomeroy Fishing and Hunting Club, an organization for the purposes which its name would imply, was organized in this city April 10th, 1896, and during the past season the members have had many pleasant outings. Monday evening the club varied the programme and gave a ball. It was one of the most pleasant social affairs held here this season. The rain poured in torrents all evening and before the ball was over, the river was over the streets in several portions of the city. This of course cut the crowd attending, down considerably. The Hetzel orchestra furnished the music. The membership of the club is as follows: Joseph Andrew, President; Peter Stark, Vice President and Treasurer; W. J. Stewart, Secretary; Felix English, John Hotchkiss and Ed. Graber. The club numbered twenty members at the organization, but the others have either removed from the city or dropped their membership. HOUSE BURNED A vacant house belonging to H. C. Fish, of this city, was burned on his Olive township farm last Friday night. It was a good house. He had no insurance on it. About 40 bushels of wheat were in the house and were lost. Column 6 THE RIVER! Capt. Frank Summers went out Friday as engineer on the Jessie, in place of Eph. Aumiller, who was at his home at Racine dangerously ill. Capt. James Summers, aged 66 years, brother of Engineer Frank Summers, of this city, was run down by a street car at Gallipolis last Wednesday evening. His right arm was broken and he was badly bruised about the face. The new marine law which makes it a punishable offense for steamboatmen to drink while on duty is being vigorously enforced by the U. S. local inspectors. These officers have the power to revoke the license of any man infringing the law. As a consequence, and it is a wise provision, steam vessels in future will be navigated only by temperate crews, but the law will also have the effect of banishing the bar-room from steamers, thus removing another feature of old time river travel. The river men, who have been wanting the Upper Ohio dammed to give a navigable stage of water the year round, seem to be in the way of getting their wish without waiting for a congressional appropriation for that purpose. A dispatch from East Liverpool, O., says that the highest hill for 200 miles below Pittsburg is moving out into the Ohio river at that point. It is of solid clay, and like the country editor, has come to stay. A corps of United States engineers will view the condemned piers on March 1. Their removal must be made before March 1 of next year. Last year the several steamboats trading on the Ohio carried 2,376,659 passengers without a single fatality, a record that has never been equaled elsewhere in the country. Capt. Nye came down ahead of his boat Monday and spent a few hours with his family. THE BURNING OF THE JOHN D. LEWIS The towboat, John D. Lewis, owned by Capt. J. F. Beatty, of Paducah, Kentucky, burned to the water's edge last Wednesday morning, February 17, at Livingston's Point, three miles above Louisville. the boat was values at $36,000; insurance $5,000. RIVER OBSTRUCTIONS The work of improving the Ohio River has taken a new turn, and one that will cause general satisfaction among river and coal men. Notice has been issued to the effect that the Secretary of War will require the removal of some piers of the bridges in the vicinity of Bellaire. The piers condemned are at the Steubenville and Bellaire Bridges. The channel pier of the Steubenville Bridge will be removed, so as to lengthen the channel span, and the pier on the West Virginia side of the Bellaire Bridge will likewise be removed for similar reasons. These piers have caused many accidents to steamboats and coal fleets, especially the pier at the latter bridge, and many a man has lost a fortune by the loss of floating property being carried against these obstructions. PAY DAYS AT ROLLING MILL The following notice has been posted at the works of The Pomeroy Iron & Steel Co.: Commencing March 1st, this Company will compute employees' time from the 1st to 15th inclusive, and from the 16th to the last day inclusive, of each month and will pay twice per month, instead of every two weeks. This will bring pay days for the balance of the year on the following dates: March 6th and 20th, April 10th and 24th, May 8th and 22d, June 5th and 19th, July 10th and 24th, August 7th and 21st, Sept. 4th and 25th, Oct. 9th and 23d, Nov 6th and 20th, Dec. 4th and 25th. REVIVAL AT MILLWOOD Rev. E. L. Meadows, M. E. pastor at Millwood, W. Va., closed one of the greatest revivals of religion ever known in that town. The town was shaken from center to circumference by the spirit manifested in the meeting. The church now has one or more representatives in every family in the place except one or two. There were 65 converted who joined the church on probation, and 17 came in by letter. Up to the time of this meeting there were two speak easies in the place. They now have discontinued operations and one of the proprietors has gone into the church. Some Pomeroy liquor dealers have been making inquiry for their former customers at Millwood. What has become of them is above stated.
Republican-Herald March 18, 1897
Mrs. Elizabeth Nobles Widow of the late Lewis Nobles, was born in Harford Co., Maryland, July 9th, 1821, and departed this life February 22, 1897, age 75 years, 7 months and 13 days. She united in marriage with Lewis Nobles October 12, 1848. From this union there was born one daughter, which still survives her. She also leaves one sister and two brothers to mourn their loss. She came to Meigs county, Ohio, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stansbury, in 1837. Mrs. Nobles was very highly respected for her many excellent traits of character, being kind-hearted and of sweet disposition and a great lover of her home and family. She never turned the poor away from her door without assistance in some way, and in her death her daughter loses a kind and loving mother, and the community a good neighbor. She was not a member of any church but she was a believer in Christian religion and many years ago intended to unit with the F.W.B. church of Rutland, but circumstances prevented. She was a great reader of her bible, and the day before her death had this conversation with her sister-in-law, that her peace was made with God and she was prepared to meet Him as she had never missed one night many years without bowing in prayer to God. At the last breath of her husband she repeated this verse: Jesus can make a dying bed Feel soft as downy pillows are, While on His breast I lay my head And breathe my life out sweetly there. Thus we are once more reminded that the old landmarks are fast disappearing. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Thomas Lasley at the F.W.B. church of Rutland. -- John V. Webb Dead John V. Webb, local editor of the Pomeroy Democrat, died Wednesday night at 10:30 o'clock from neuralgia of the heart. In getting off the Commuter near the Pomeroy fright depot, on the 28th of last January, he slipped on the steps and fell, breading his leg, which finally brought on neuralgia of the heart and resulted in his death. He was born in Salem township, this county, in August, 1856. His younger days were spent in teaching school. In November, 1890, he became local editor of the Democrat. In this position he has shown himself to be a man of great ability and firm friendship. He carried $2000 accident insurance and $1000 life insurance, and will leave his wife and two sons in fairly good circumstances. The funeral services will be held at the Pomeroy Methodist church, Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. Spa?ks officiating. -- The funeral of Capt. Dan DeWolf was held last Friday at the M. E. church, Rev. Garrett conducting the services. The deceased was born in Luzerne county, Pa., July 31, 1816, and came with his parents to Meigs Co., in 1824. He was married to Eliza Rays, April 30, 1842, by whom he had nine children, five of whom are living. He was an old resident of Syracuse and well respected. -- Middleport at the Front It is with pleasure that we mark the success of another of our town boys, Anthony L. Entsminger, son of David Entsminger, of this place. He has been in Carbondale, Ill., for some time, studying dentistry with his two brothers, Guilbert, and Ed, and also taking a course at the Dental College, Chicago. This week the following invitation has been received by the several members of the class of '91, of the Middleport High school, of which Mr. Entsminger is a member: The class of '97, of the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, requests your presence at the Commencement exercises, April 1st, 1897, at 2 o'clock p.m., Central Music Hall, Chicago. Mr. Entsminger is one of the 153 members of the class. The invitation are both beautiful and elegant in get up, and his classmates here desire to thank Mr. Entsminger for his kind remembrance, and to congratulate him on the useful profession he has chosen, and may he keep his class motto constantly before him. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Republican-Herald March 28, 1897
The Wedding Married, on the eve of March 19th, at the Presbyterian church in McArthur, Mr. William E. Shockey, the foreman in the Record office, to Miss Marie Speelman, one of our compositors, by Dr. Taylor, our editor-in-chief. The bride, the groom and the preacher are all printers and employed in our office. We extend our [hand] in congratulations. May Will and Marie live long and be happy. May the "proof" of their lives be clean and pure. May no bitterness ----- the cup of joy from their lips. May their "make-up" be so exactly "justified" that the "form" of their happiness may never "pi." And when death's em Shall put a . to their earthly existence, may they find a resting place in the better land. -- Vinton Record. -- RUTLAND March 22 - Mrs. Miller, of near Langsville, mother of Frank Miller, of our village, died last Wednesday and was buried Friday. She was the daughter of Aust Barton and was liked and respected by all who knew her. She leaves a large family and a host, of friends to mourn their loss. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Pomeroy Tribune-Telegraph March 31, 1897
Column 1 RAKINGS SOMETHING WE HAVE FOUND FOR YOU THIS WEEK WHILE GARDEN MAKING. A LITTLE HERE AND A LITTLE THERE, SOME OF WHICH IS SURE TO PLEASE YOU. Mrs. Lafe Grim and two children left over the K. & M. this morning for Rich Hill, Mo. She had been visiting at Syracuse. Last week Fierst & Stultz, of Duncanville, Pa., bought 18 head of draft and driving horses in this county and shipped them East Friday night on the Kanawha. The price paid for the drivers was from $70 to $125. The draft horses brought from $55 to $65 each. O. G. Schoenlein expects to teach a German school in Portsmouth the coming summer. Prof. T. C. Coates and wife are down from Lancaster spending a week with relatives and friends. Solomon Spencer, of Chester township, has a hen which has gone into the business of laying Easter eggs. She laid one the other day which had big letter "C" in black on it. It was sent into Schwegman & Roedel's store and by them turned over to this office. It is certainly a curiosity. The pension of Joseph Humphrey, of Cooville [sic], has been increased. James Darling, who has spent the past four months here with his brother, Adam Darling, has returned to his home in Canada. James A. Towns, of Preston, Idaho, sends us a bunch of Salt Lake City papers. A. J. Archer, of Bashan, received a fine Plymouth Rock rooster from Bradley Brothers, of Lee, Massachusetts, last Friday. The sire of this bird took a premium at the New York show last year. Mr. Archer has a coop of first class chickens which took the premium at the Meigs County fair last fall. Joe Prall left Monday on a trip to Memphis and New Orleans. Col. Will Backrow, traveler for the wholesale cigar house of E. Moore, Cincinnati, is here on a short stay with Abe Horwitz and family. The subject of the paper to be read at the Preachers' Meeting next Monday is "Ministerial Qualification and Its Effects" by Rev. Alexander Mason. Miss Alma Flanegin, of Marietta, is here on a visit to her father. Henry Stanbery came home from Cincinnati Friday to attend the funeral of his grandmother. Conductor John Bowen, of the commuter, accompanied his mother to Nelsonville Friday, where she will spend several weeks visiting her daughter, Mrs. John McCulloch. Thomas Bowen, of the local freight, commanded the commuter Friday and Saturday. Northrup W. Moore, of Kansas City, Kansas, is home on a short visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. M. Moore. Isaac Baer & Co., the stock buyers, shipped a car load of hogs from Pt. Pleasant and a car load of Ohio cattle from Mason City, Saturday, to New York. The horse buyers recently here left about $1,800 in cash in the county. "Batty" Eppelin is now employed in Hart's jewelry store. There are two boys in Pomeroy who pay attention to what the daily press records. A day or two after the execution of Jackson and Walling they rigged up a scaffold out in the back yard and hanged two fish worms. They were about to incinerate one of the worms when their mother interfered and made the boys bury both worms. Last Saturday the incorporators of the new school at Mason met and organized as follows: Virgil A. Lewis, President; Seth Thomas, Secretary, and C. E. Peoples, Treasurer. The directors are the five incorporators: Messrs. Lewis, Thomas and Peoples, Prof. C. T. Coates and Hon. J. M. Hensley. Earnest Joachim came down from Charleston on a visit Sunday. M. H. Jenkinson, late assistant postmaster, is to be the new local man on the Democrat in the place of the late J. V. Webb. Anthony Neutzling will take Mr. Jenkinson's place in the post office until the new postmaster takes charge. T. Jesse Jones is here from Marietta College. Clarence Ihle is home from medical college at Cincinnati. Wendel Roos got one foot crushed in the rolling mill last week by a muck roll falling on it. Dr. Martin, of Athens, a recent graduate of Starling Medical College at Columbus, will locate here in a few days. He is a brother-in-law of Waldon, the produce man. It is said that he will occupy the Dr. Titus office, the latter having concluded to move to Delaware county. Capt. D. A. Hartley, the mail man, is out as an independent candidate for constable in Letart township. Phil and Hart Stanbery were home from Gambier College to attend their grandmother's funeral. Misses Edith Lust, Bertha Osborn and Gretta and Sadie Davis are home from Marietta College. Mrs. M. B. Brown and C. W. Petty, of Hartford City, gave a card party yesterday, which was attended by several Pomeroy people. Miss Eliza Lafferty, of Cincinnati, has arrived and taken charge of the trimming department at Newmans. Miss Lafferty has the reputation of being a very artistic trimmer. Column 2 Miss Callie Baer, daughter of B. Baer Esq., has accepted a position as saleslady in the dry goods department at Newman's store. News comes from McArthur that Syndicate Wilson has started over three hundred sinners on the right path. The business houses closed on Friday in the interest of the great revival. A. J. Archer, of Bashan, has two Plymouth Rock chickens which weigh together 41 pounds. He has a dozen which average 9 pounds each. Considerable complaint comes from about Antiquity about boxing matches. For the three Sundays past over 100 people have congregated on one farm to put each other's eyes in mourning. The law has been put in motion to stop it. A swamp at Dyesville, which is thought has caused a great deal of typhoid fever there is being drained at the expense of those interested. J. W. Shaver has invested in a Rambler racer bicycle for his son Everett. Albert Neutzling had a finger cut off in the Davies planing mill Saturday. He met with a similar misfortune at the rolling mill a few weeks ago. Presiding Elder Tibbetts will hold quarterly meeting at Simpson M. E. church next Sunday. There will be sacramental services in the forenoon and preaching in the evening. The new mine near the Davies planing mill is about opened and ready for business. The German-American Insurance Company of Sutton and Chester townships is out for business. They have a meeting at Pine Grove school house April 6. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Minich, Sr., will celebrate their golden wedding in May. Their children and grandchildren will be here in full force. E. C. Menager, of Gallipolis, was here last week for medical treatment at Dr. Owen's. Some miscreant threw a stone through a window at the Catholic church one evening last week while services were being held. P. F. Daley and John Weiss and their families, consisting of six persons, left Mason for Toledo yesterday. They are railroad bridge builders and had been spending two months at their old home in Mason. Peter Gloeckner received a very fine pure blooded, silver laced Wyandotte cockerel from northern Ohio the other day and is going into the fancy poultry business. George Schlaegel has received a fine Indian Game cockerel from New York State, direct from the importer, He is a great fancier. The Millinery Opening of Mrs. B. Mack and Daughters will take place at their Middleport store Wednesday, April 8th. All that is new and stylish in millinery can be seen on this occasion. The Ohio Valley Commandery No. 24 E. T. will attend Easter services at the New Church at Middleport, Sunday morning, April 18th. Rev. Mr. Keep will deliver the sermon. Abe Horwitz, the Midway Clothing man, started out for a drive Sunday afternoon with John Bauer's sorrel stepper attached to a light single seat buggy. In passing under the runways at the rolling mill the horse took fright and whirled around, upsetting the buggy. The harness gave way and Abe leaped out, but held to the horse. The buggy was damaged some, the harness broken Abe's left arm bruised and all was over. George Huber, of Streator, Illinois, spent a few days here last week visiting his mother and brothers. M. Hammerstein has moved his boot and shoe repair ship to the New York Clothing store. Henry Pfarr, of Monkey Run, has been suffering from an attack of neuralgia of the heart. A new screen has been put in at the Peacock Mine and the miners have gone to work. nearly all the mines in the bend are now in operation. The Bonanza now has a string band made up from among the cabin boys. C. H. Lyman came down from Columbus Saturday evening to spend Sunday with relatives. Born, Monday night, a 11 1/2 pound son, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson, of the Fourth Ward. It costs about $1,400 per mile to run the long distance telephone line through the country. The company pays for the privilege of placing poles in fields. The Lend-a-Hand Society of Simpson M. E. Church will give a warm maple sugar social in the parlors of the church Thursday evening. Tickets 10 cents. Sugar free. No April fool. George M. Patten left yesterday on a trip South in the interest of J. C. Probst & Sons. Miss Rose Wolff, who has been visiting relatives in Indiana for several months, returned home Monday evening. Judge Bradbury shipped a big calf by Adams Express Monday to J. S. Miller, at Ellsworth, Ohio. Pensions increased through J. F. Downing's Agency since last report: Infirmary Director George Moore, Pomeroy, O., $17 per month from June 17, 1896, date of examination; Hiram W. Muchler, Rutland, O., $12 per month from August 12, 1896, date of his examination; James W. Moulden, Rutland, O., $8 to $12 per month from August 19, 1896, date of examination; Thaddeus H. Fuller, Middleport, O., $8 per month from February 5, 1896, date of his examination. Adolph Shiff, of Newman's Cheap Market, is in Cincinnati this week purchasing more new spring goods. A house at West Columbia, formerly owned by Asa Burnap, was consumed by fire Saturday evening. Column 3 Mrs. J. C. O'Bryan, of Huntington, W. Va., who was in the employ of Mr. Newman for ten [y]ears, while he was in business in that city, has accepted a position at Newman's store. The firm are very much pleased to secure the services of Mrs. O'Bryan as she is one of the most experienced and obliging salesladies in the business. George Crosbie, of Starling Medical College and Chas. Downie, of the Columbus Dental College, Columbus, are here on a short visit. Charlie Gloeckner returned to Cincinnati Monday. Mrs. Jacob Meinhart went to Ashland last evening to attend the bedside of her son, Chris. Meinhart, who has typhoid fever. Eph. Dalrymple and a boy named Cooney were arrested at Middleport yesterday on an indictment from the last grand jury on the charge of destroying property at the old steel plant. They were released on bonds. Born, to John Lynch, brakeman on the C. H. V. & T. Railway, and wife, of the Fourth Ward, Sunday night, a girl. Rev. Wisswaesser will hold his confirmation examination at St. John's Church this evening. Herman Meier, Henry Meier, Barbara Joachim, Edith Young and Lena Graber compose the class. The confirmation will take place Sunday forenoon. Christian Endeavor meeting in the evening led by Mr. Massar, English services in the evening. Col. S. R. Thompson, of Bellefontaine, will be here tomorrow to close up a lease of the new Remington Hotel. Col. Thompson is a thorough hotel man and no doubt will make the Remington a popular place to stop. Capt. and Mrs. W. L. Downie are visiting at Columbus. SUIT FOR DAMAGES W. H. Huntley has entered suit against S. F. Smith for $10,000 damages. This suit grows out of a malicious and false publication in a recent issue of the Leader, Smith's paper, against Mr. Huntley's character. The plaintiff has employed able attorneys to look after his interests in the case and proposes to see whether or not one may be slandered by a malicious writer without redress. HE ELOPED, AND LEFT A WIFE AND FOUR CHILDREN Mrs. Hannah Lambert, of Bowman's Run, Sutton township, filed suit in Common Pleas court Saturday praying for a divorce from her husband, Millard C. Lambert. At the same time she went into the Probate Court by her attorneys, Russell & Webster, and had an injunction issued to prevent her husband from disposing of any of his personal property or mortgaging his real estate. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert were married in Gallia county October 3, 1878, and have four children, all boys. Mrs. Lambert charges that her husband on March 16th eloped from Pomeroy on the steamer Bonanza with Miss Stella Griffith, a young woman of Kerr's Run. THE LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE It is quite interesting to watch the men engaged in the business of erecting the long distance telephone line, which is passing through this city this week, There are about 90 men at work. In the beginning a squad comes along locating the line. They are followed by a squad whose business it is to secure franchises, then comes those who dig the holes, the pole raisers, those who trim away the tree branches and then the wire stringers. One man is kept busy finding places for the men to board as they pass along and another is on the move hauling out dinner buckets at noon and distributing them, moving the tools, grip sacks, etc. Through this city the Central Union poles are taken down and better ones put up for the use of both companies. There will soon be a station here where one can talk to nearly any place in the United States. NEW CATHOLIC CHURCH There is an animated move on foot to begin the erection of a $16,000 Catholic church in this city the coming summer on a site near the present church. A meeting of the congregation was held Sunday to consider the matter, and a building committee was selected. It is expected that it will take two years to get the edifice completed. In this connection it may be stated that there is also good prospects of the German M. E. people making a move in the same direction this spring, not on so extensive a scale, however. Mr. DUMBLE'S DECLINE Last Monday, we were at Middleport, and called on J. W. Dumble, who is very sick; has been so for several months. His malady is catarrh of the stomach. His face wore the genial smile of years ago, but his weight is down to a hundred pounds or less. He does not seem to get better. Mr. Dumble was foreman of the Register office before the war, and many of our people remember him kindly. - Ironton Register. It will be sad news to many here to learn of Mr. Dumble's decline. His responsible connection with the Marietta Register for a dozen years gave him a wide acquaintance and made him many friends. It is sincerely to be hoped that his malady may yield and his health be restored. - Marietta Register. Column 4 DEATH OF JOHN V. WEBB THE SPIRIT OF A GOOD MAN AND TRUE PASSES TO THE GREAT BEYOND. John V. Webb is dead! His immortal spirit took its flight from earth at 10:7 (sic) o'clock standard time last Wednesday evening, March 24th. Few outside of the immediate family and close friends had any hint that the end was near until shocked by the announcement of his demise. Thirty-six hours before the call came he was apparently on the high road to speedy recovery. It will be remembered that Mr. Webb fell from the commuter steps while getting ready to leave the train at his home in the Fourth Ward on the 28th of January, breaking his right leg at the thigh and otherwise injuring himself. He was carried to his home a few rods away and tenderly nursed by wife, sister and friends, and given the best medical attention by Dr. Hysell & Stobart. No one had the slightest idea that he would not speedily recover and be out again early in April at least. The nature of his fractured leg was such that he was compelled to lie on the flat of his back for about five weeks, but after the fixtures were removed he immediately sat up and in a few days was moved about in a chair. Finally he got to going about on crutches and was able to get out on the front porch on Saturday a week ago. In the meantime, however, he began to complain of a peculiar pulling down sensation about his breast and on two or three occasions remarked to the writer that he feared that he had suffered some internal injury in the fall and would never recover. About the time he first began to sit up he had two or three bad days as the result of pains about his heart. On Monday night of last week these pains recurred, first attacking the right shoulder and side and drifting across the breast to the heart. On Tuesday his condition became alarming and his father and Mrs. Webb's mother were summoned by telegraph. He gradually grew worse until 10:7 (sic) that evening, when life left his body suddenly. He was conscious to the last and was able to converse with his family. Drs. Hysell & Stobart were with him all the time of the 24 hours he was in an alarming condition, also Drs. Hartinger and Miller visited him, but they were unable to stay the hand of death. These physicians gave it as their opinions that death was the result of the injury. Some of the internal organs were injured in such a manner as to not manifest itself until he got to going about on his feet. His last hours were ones of extreme pain, partially relieved by opiates, but he maintained his fortitude to the end. A more cheerful and philosophical patient never passed through nearly two months of suffering. Friday afternoon at the instance of the Standard Life and Accident Company of Detroit, Michigan, in which deceased had a $2,000 accident policy, a postmortem examination was held to determine the exact condition of the heart and surrounding organs. Drs. Reed and Thomas, of Middleport, and Mullen, of Pomeroy, made the examination on behalf of the company, while Drs. Hysell & Stobart, of this city, and Dr. D. S. Hartinger, Middleport, looked on in the interest of the widow and orphans. So far as given out by the physicians nothing was found to indicate that death was not caused by the accident. Born 40 years ago the 25th of last August, the deceased was cut off in the full vigor of manhood. In fact he had just prepared himself to live to a ripe old age educated and possessing all the gentler and refined instincts he could live to the full worth or life surrounded by his family and his books. There was but one ache in his manly and generous heart that could not be healed - a gnawing pain that often caused him to pause in the rush of business life and gaze into space for an answer to the question as to why it was sent to him - why Death, that relentless nemesis of mankind, should seek the bosom of his family and rob him of the only sweet girl baby of the home. The wound caused by the death of his little daughter, Mary Grace, a year ago last fall, had not healed, but her presence in a better world drew his attention thitherward. Deceased was born in Salem township, this county, his parents being Mr. and Mrs. R. H. D. Webb, who reside three miles from Dexter. Besides his parents he leaves four sisters. Mr. Webb began teaching in the common schools of his native township in 1878, when a mere youth and continued with great success until he came to Pomeroy in 1890 to take charge of the local department of the Column 5 Pomeroy Democrat, which position he held until his death. He was a writer of marked ability and his influence was widely felt and appreciated. He had the happy faculty of using plain language and making himself understood. For many years previous to coming to town he was a valued correspondent of many of the county papers. Two years ago he was elected a member of the Pomeroy School Board and took a deep interest in the progress and prosperity of the schools. He had a year to serve on his first term when he died. He was also a member of the Board of Health. He has held other positions of trust with equal credit and satisfaction. March 22, 1874, Mr. Webb was united in marriage with Miss Cora D. Darst, a school teacher of Salem township. To them were born three children, George, Wesley and Mary Grace, the latter dying November 19, 1893, at the age of three years. The boys are aged about 11 and 8 years respectively. Mr. Webb made careful provision for his family and leaves them in a comfortable position financially. It was the main desire of his life to make it possible for his children to have an education in case anything befell him while they were yet in their youth. Besides a comfortable home in Pomeroy, he left a small farm near Dexter, a life insurance policy in the Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company worth $1,373.10 and $2000 accident insurance in the Standard Life and Accident Company, of Detroit. On Friday evening before his accident on the next Thursday he took the Page rank in the order of Knights of Pythias of Pomeroy Lodge No. 596. Under the law he was not entitled to sick benefits, but the members turned out and assisted in nursing him. The lodge also attended the funeral in a body. Mr. Webb was a man of strong likes and dislikes. If a man was his friend he was a friend in return to the fullest sense of the term. He formed few intimate friendships, however. No man was fully admitted to his confidence until he had passed the crucial test of friendship. While not a member of any church, Mr. Webb was a man of the strictest integrity, uprightness and honor, and those who were nearest to him know of his devout nature, cool, calm and sunny disposition. He was a man of few words, but strong and unflinching convictions, which he always stood ready to defend. Over his desk at the Democrat office hangs a picture of his little daughter which looked down on him with the innocent eyes of childhood. He has said that if he ever contemplated doing a mean act, he never could have done it with those child eyes resting upon him. The funeral took place from the M. E. Church at 10 o'clock Saturday morning, Rev. Sparks officiating, assisted by Rev. Bridwell. The church was crowded with friends and acquaintances. The pall bearers were selected from among the newspaper people of the Pomeroy Bend, as follows: W. H. Huntley, A. W. Hartley, Will Yeager and Chas. A Hartley, of the Tribune-Telegraph, S. J. Newell, of the Leader, and David Miller, Jr., of the Middleport Republican-Herald. There were fine floral offerings by the Knights and the teachers of the Pomeroy schools. The Knights, the Pomeroy teachers and the School Board attended the funeral in bodies. -- Chas. A. Hartley OTHER DEATHS Mrs. Katherine Koester, widow of the late John Koester, formerly of Sutton township, died Sunday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. August G. Bartels, at Cluff, Hamilton County. She was about 70 years of age and had been an invalid for many years. Her husband died two years ago at an advance age. Deceased leaves six living children, viz: Rev. Samuel Koester and G. H. Koester, of Wauseon, O., Wm. Koester, Mrs. Geo. Reiniger and Mrs. A. G. Bartels, of Cincinnati, and Mrs. Chas. A. Hartley, of this city. Four children are dead. The Koester children, of this city, are grandchildren of the deceased. Mrs. F. Quebe, of Cincinnati, is the only surviving sister of the deceased out of the large family. The funeral takes place at Cluff today. Mrs. Hartley left on the Bonanza yesterday morning to attend the funeral. She was accompanied by Mrs. Christena Koester, a daughter-in-law of the deceased. MRS. EMILY HART died at the home of her only daughter, Mrs. Judge P. B. Stanbery, last Thursday afternoon from old age. Deceased was nearly 77 years of age and had been in declining health for some time. She was born in Allegheny County, Pa., but has made here home in Pomeroy with her daughter for 25 years of more. She was married in Sharon, Pa., to Jacob Hart, who has been dead many years. She had three children, John W. and Mattie being dead. Of a family of nine brothers and sisters, but three survive, viz: Mrs. Scott, of Zanesville, O., Mrs. Isaac McMunn, of Oil City, Pa., and S. A. M. Moore, of this city. Mrs. Hart was a member of Grace Church. The funeral services were conducted at the Stanbery residence Saturday afternoon by Dr. Ohl. Burial at Beech Grove Cemetery. Miss Frances H. Ensign, national organizer of the Y's, will lecture at the Presbyterian Church Friday, at 6:45 o'clock, sun time. Subject, "Christian Citizenship." Miss Willard speaks of Miss Ensign as a lecturer in the most flattering terms. Give the young woman a good hearing, which is all she asks. Column 6 MARINE The Boaz on her way up from New Orleans, arrived here Monday and tied up at the ice piers, while Steward Theo. Guenther came ashore to visit his parents and sisters. The Joseph Walton passed down yesterday for St. Louis on a three months trip. John and Peter Kober, of this city, are members of the crew. The Ada V. is engaged in towing ship timber from Pt. Pleasant to the incline. The Eagle is having her boilers repaired at Middleport. Capt. Mack Gamble, of Marietta, left Nashville, Tenn., last Friday with his boat, the W. R. Cummings, which he purchased for $12,000. The Handy No. 2 will be put on the docks at Middleport this week, where she is to receive a new hull. The Geo. W. Moredock and the Jessie both got out last week with tows of coal and salt. The Moredock also had a barge of cinders. The Tom Rees No. 2 passed here Thursday and had in tow the Fallie, which broke her shaft at Maysville last week. Val. Kohl, steward on the Tom Rees No. 2, stopped off here several hours Thursday. He left at noon on the Ohio River road to catch his boat at Ravenswood. James Rees & Sons, of Pittsburg, have about completed another steel hull freight and passenger boat for the Magdalena river, South America. The dimensions of the hull are 33 feet wide and 145 feet long. The boat will be shipped to its destination in sections. This makes the 13th steel hull boat which this firm has built for South American firms. Many Ohio river steamboatmen are now located in that section. Capt. Thomas Rees, of the firm, says that they expect to turn out several more boats during the year for South American waters, but that they have very little work on hand at present. He says that the machinery for the new Queen City is about ready to be shipped to its destination. The current of the Ohio river has cut away acres of the land of Tow Head Island of late years, but many acres have been added to the lower end of it, and it continues to grow in length and width at the lower end, where it is only a matter of time when it will be joined to the shore above the coalboat landings and coal floats, says the Courier-Journal. The Ohio river is 975 miles long, but a third of this is bends, as the direct distance from Pittsburg to Cairo is only 615 miles. It drains about 225,000 square miles, which embraces parts of 12 States. At Pittsburg it is 1,021 feet above the sea and 322 at Cairo, which makes an average of only about 9 inches of fall in a mile, yet at Louisville it descends 27 feet in two and one-half miles. The current, at an ordinary stage, ranges from one to three miles an hour, and in places with much greater velocity. Its width at an ordinary stage is from 1,000 to 3,600 feet. At Pomeroy it is less than 1,500 feet. The amount of freight carried on it is said to be greater than that of any other river in this country. When the importance of the river is considered, it isn't strange that it should sometimes swell out of its banks. The Raymond Horner passed here Monday evening with the largest tow of coal that was ever handled by a single towboat on this end of the Ohio. Oh here last trip she started from Pittsburg with 14 coalboats and 2 barges and took on some more coalboats and two barges at Bellaire, swelling her tow to 20 coalboats and 4 barges. The amount of coal handled approximated over 500,000 bushels, and her pilots are not blowing much about it, either. The pilot who can safely steer through the channel span at the Steubenville bridge with 14 coalboats and 2 barges is certainly a genius. MARY STEWART SOLD Capt. Callie M. French, of the showy New Sensation, who recently lost the "C. O.," by sinking, at Hickman, has purchased the Mary Stewart for $2500. WILL OUTDO PETER Capt. Robert Cook, of Americus, Ga., who is at present in Boston, announces that he is making arrangements to walk on the water of the Ohio river from Pittsburg to Cincinnati. "Capt." Cook, who is 23 years old and weighs 140 pounds, will attempt to make the journey in fifteen days for a wager of $1,000. The total distance is between 450 and 500 miles. MARRIAGE LICENSES E. C. Bowles and L. Vesta McCoy; August Voss and Florence Spencer; Robert R. Stobart and Katie Young. D. B. Gilliland and Mary L Frank; Elmore Amos and Eliza Strong; Simeon Young and Nettie Shoemaker.
Republican-Herald April 9, 1897
RACINE Death of J. J. Petrel Last Friday forenoon about 11 o'clock, in his beautiful home surrounded by his family and friends, Uncle Jerry Petrel sweetly and peacefully fell asleep. He was born Jan. 1, 1828, being at the time of his death, April 2, 1897, 69 years, 3 months and 1 day. He married in 1850 to Martha Swallow, and to them were born nine children, eight of whom are still living, the oldest Jed, having died about ten years ago. Those living are Mrs. Kate Stobart, of Antiquity, Mrs. Fanny Mauck, of Logan, Mrs. Ella Swallow, of Superior, Iowa, Mollie, Carrie, William, Charles and Earl. Mr. Petrel's life was an industrious one. At twelve years of age he commenced work in his father's store. His last position was with W. A. Ellis & Co., where he served as salesman for many years. In 1874 he was converted and joined the M.E. Church and was seldom absent from the preaching service, the prayer meeting and the Sunday School. About twelve weeks ago while teaching his class in the Sunday School he was taken sick, since which time he was confined to his home by slow paralysis. The funeral services were held at the M.E. Church Sunday forenoon, conducted by Revs. Aten and Clark, after which the Masons took charge of the services and he was laid to rest in Greenwood cemetery. -- John Glover has been dangerously ill the past week, with but slight hopes of recovery. -- Geo. Alexander has charge of John Glover's blacksmith shop while the latter is laid up with a tumor on his leg. -- Elias Kneebuagh died Sunday at his home on Skinner's Run in Chester Twp. -- Mrs. John Webb received a check Tuesday for $1,373 from the Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Co. on the life of her husband. -- The Funeral of J. J. Petrel, a pioneer of Racine, took place Sunday. He was buried with Masonic honors. The Mason City and Pomeroy Lodges F. & A.M. went up by boat. -- Benjamin Roush, age 80 years, died at New Haven, Monday night. Burial takes place Wednesday. -- Silas Jones, well respected citizen of Minersburg died Wednesday, at 1:30 P.M. of stomach trouble. He leaves a wife and no children. Burial will take place Friday at 10.00 A.M. -- Syracuse David Phillips and sister, Mrs. Jonathan Burnell, attended the funeral of Miss Woods at Great Bend, last week. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Republican-Herald April 16, 1897
Armstead Simms (colored) died last Saturday afternoon. The funeral services were held at the A.M.E.W. church, Monday at 2 p.m. -- The remains, of Milton Nye, who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Flora Matthews, at Columbus, Monday were brought here Wednesday for burial. Mr. Nye is a grandfather of A. H. Grant and was formerly a resident of this place. -- Last Wednesday, week, the body of a man was taken from the river at Reedsville, supposed to be that of young Middleswart, drowned near Marietta about a month ago. -- Miss Katie Keck, daughter of Leonard Laubner, of Rock Springs, died at her home in Cincinnati Friday. The body was brought here over the Ohio River R. R., Saturday, and interred Sunday at Rock Spring cemetery. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Pomeroy Tribune-Telegraph April 28, 1897
ESCAPED THE FROST ITEMS THAT ARE AS BRIGHT AND SMILING AS A SPRING MORNING. A SOLACE AND A SOURCE OF INFORMATION ON A HUNDRED SUBJECTS OF INTEREST. The residence of Geo. G. Grow, on Lincoln Hill, took fire this morning and had a narrow escape from being destroyed. The new Mason City school authorities have ordered their college furniture. It is said that the Pomeroy National Bank people are looking for an eligible site in Pomeroy for the erection of a modern bank building. O. C. Holcomb, a former Pomeroy hack driver, died in Columbia township Friday after a long illness. He was a son-in-law of W. G. Caster. The Standard Accident Insurance Company paid Capt. B. J. Malone $150 last Thursday for a dislocated ankle. Born, to Theodore Voss and wife, of the First Ward, a son, Friday morning. Fred and Michael Mosler, who recently reached here from Germany to visit the Kreuter family in the Nease Settlement, left here last Thursday over the K. & M. for San Francisco, California. Donald McDonald has sold out his bicycle repair shop to Harvey & Russell, and it will be operated by Herbert Lowery. Mr. McDonald and family are preparing to move to Lima, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morris, of Gallipolis, were here Saturday on their way to Washington City and New York. They looked over the new Remington Hotel with a view to renting it. H. E. Soule, a McArthur editor, was in town Saturday. B. L. Hood and family are expected here from Robbins, Tennessee, about May 10th on a visit to their old home. The Red Anchor people have put in an up-to-date cash register in their dry goods store. About May 1 they will open out a grocery store at their old Second Street stand. "Under the Laurels" will be given Wednesday evening, April 28, at Schwegman & Roedel's Hall. Part of the proceeds will be for the benefit of the Union Sunday School. Hiram Smith and family left for Cincinnati Monday on business. Alvin Ogden, of Columbia township, has been granted a pension. Dr. James Johnson has been reinstated to the Board of Pension Examiners at Gallipolis under the rule that old soldiers shall be given preference. Henry Stanbery fell from his bicycle Saturday evening and badly bruised his head and arm. Saturday evening B. F. Knight, of Chester, fell from a wagon in this city, and was so badly shocked that he was unable to get home until Sunday. He was making a short turn from Sycamore Street to Front Street when the wheel passed over a large stone on the corner, pitching him out into the street. His injuries are not considered dangerous. A recent act of the West Virginia legislature makes it unlawful to kill a deer in that State before 1901. Heavy restrictions have also been put on most other game. All the game the Pomeroy hunters can kill over there is bears and wild cats. Mrs. Bruck, an old lady of Monkey Run, fell from a table Friday while hanging a picture and fractured one leg at the knee. Geo. Walden and Walter Hartwell, of Coolville, spent Sunday here with relatives. Joseph Young, formerly of Pomeroy, now located at Cleveland, is here on a visit. John Meier is here from Jellico, Tennessee, being called home by the illness of his father. Last Wednesday Geo. Meier, the Front street butcher, went out into Chester township to buy stock, and while out there suffered a paralytic stroke. He was found lying on the highway by Arthur Knight and brought home and has been lying in a dangerous condition ever since. Wyatt G. Plantz, of the First City Bank, has indulged in a new spring style Waverly bicycle, purchased from E. Davis & Co. of Middleport. George Hauck purchased a new blue Fowler bicycle from M. Blaettner, Jr. It is the only blue Fowler in town. Ground was broken yesterday for the foundation of the new Catholic church. The work on this building, street paving and other projects on foot will furnish a lot of work in Pomeroy this summer. The Sheriff took Hawkins and Slack to the Cincinnati workhouse Tuesday. He will take young Vincent to Lancaster tomorrow. The Middleport O.N.G. boys will be here on May 29 to participate in the Memorial exercises. Felix English has a new Crescent bicycle purchased from M. Blaettnar, Jr., Agt. Wm. Swisher, Marshal of Middleport, was fined a dollar and costs by Squire Connally yesterday for attempting to provoke a breach of the peace with Frank Vance. Frank Bunce, of Middleport, was placed under $300 bonds by Squire Donnally, yesterday, on complaint of Cora Cundiff, who has preferred a paternity charge against him. The building of the stone culvert at Ables', above Syracuse, was sold yesterday by the county commissioners to W. T. Mercer & Son at $1.91 a cubic yard. Harry Robertson went up to Columbus yesterday. Column 2 Miss Mary Williams left Friday for Cambridge, Ohio, where she will take part in a chorus, similar to the one organized here by Prof. Davis. Miss Frances Blazer, of Gallipolis, visited her sister, Miss Mae Blazer, Sunday. Philip Hepp purchased a Hartford bicycle from M. Blaettnar, Jr., Monday. E. E. Jones left for Cincinnati today to lay in another stock of dry goods for the Red Anchor store and to purchase a stock of groceries for the new Red Star grocery which is to be opened at once at the old Red Anchor stand on Second street. The DeLeon Company's week's receipts were attached Saturday night at Parkersburg to satisfy a claim for a $40 board bill, contracted at Hartford City last winter. A. W. Vorhes returned Monday night from a business trip to Joplin, Missouri. He visited J. W. McMunn, of Webb City, near Joplin, and had quite a pleasant time. Julius Hagman, of Monkey Run, is ill from the effects of grip last winter. He thought he suffered a paralytic stroke Monday, but this is found not to be true. H. H. Mercer, of Hemlock Grove, has been granted a pension. The regular semi-annual meeting of the directors of the Pomeroy National Bank was held Monday and a dividend of 4 per cent was declared. Glen W. Roush and Miss Lizzie Fisher, of Minersville, were married Sunday by Rev. Sparks. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Roush. There will be another marriage in the Roush family in a few days, so said. Raymond V. Vincent, a 13-year-old boy of this city, has been sentenced to the Boys' Industrial School at Lancaster. Benjamin Yeager, Cheshire, Ohio, Co. G 116th O.V.I., original invalid pension $12 per month from April 28, 1896, allowed April 9th, 1897, through J. F. Downing's agency. A. W. Loeb, of Columbus, spent a portion of last week with Phil. Wolf, of the New York Clothing House. Someone stole 10 fat chickens from Artemas Williams the other night. James Smith, an old colored soldier of Prospect Hill, was stricken with paralysis yesterday, and there is no hope of his recovery. His son Enos has been summoned home from Columbus, and his daughter from Point Pleasant. Thieves are becoming quite bold up at Bowman's Run, above Syracuse. They went upstairs in W. J. Vigar's house one night last week, and helped themselves to several pieces of meat. One man in Pomeroy taking time by the forelock, has killed his dog. He fears Capt. Malone's dog tax. Miss Elna Wehe, of this office, is confined to her home by illness. Mrs. H. Newman returned last Wednesday from a three month's visit to relatives in the East. NEW BICYCLE TRACK POMEROY TO HAVE A RACE TRACK, BALL PARK AND PLEASURE RESORT RIGHT AT HOME The Pomeroy Bicycle Club and Base Ball Club have leased what is known as the show grounds, on Sugar Run, for one year, and will build a quarter-mile cinder track and a base ball diamond, and otherwise fit the grounds for a pleasure resort, within the next two or three weeks. A grand stand will be erected and band concerts, bicycle races and other amusements will be held there in the evenings. B. F. Biggs has donated a corner of his lot in order that the track may have the proper turns, and it is thought a corner may be secured from B. Baer's lot, which will make the track still better. The base ball boys have organized a club of fifteen members, which includes a number of talented players, and they expect to have very interesting games there this season. The bicycle boys, with Capt. Barnes at their head, have always been very successful in their efforts to help furnish amusements, and, since they are to be limited to eight miles per hour within the city limits, they must have some place to "scorch" now, and the same will likely be well provided for in the future. The new ordinance passed by the Council will compel all riders to carry lighted lamps after dark, and the new track will have the appearance of a grand, torch-light procession every evening. TEACHERS' MEETING The city teachers held their regular monthly meeting at the Academy last Saturday forenoon. All the teachers were present except Miss Anna Barclay. It was the last meeting of the year, and proved to be one of the best. The first part of the programme was a recitation in pedagogy, on the subject of attention. The discussion on this topic was very interesting. The following are some of the statements made: Attention depends upon interest; interest upon desire. The mind will wander at times away from any subject. Attention is necessary in order to do good work in the school room. Mr. Flanegin next read an article taken from the Columbus Evening Dispatch, entitled "Education too Complex." In this the editor trys to show that much time is wasted in studying subjects which are of no practical value, and of no value at all except to develop the mind. A recitation on civil government on the judicial department was followed by a quotation by each teacher from some of our great writers. So closed the work for the year and the assembly adjourned sine die. Column 3 SOME FUN BUT NOT A VAST AMOUNT OF BUSINESS TRANSACTED AT THE COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY EVENING. CAPT. MALONE SPRINGS A NEW TAX SCHEME ON THE BOYS. The City Council met in adjourned session Monday evening with President Jacobs in the chair and all members, except Capt. Malone, at their desks. The matter of the appointment of Deputy Marshals had been referred to Mayor Seebohm and Marshal Hamilton and they submitted the following nominations: Gottlieb Bentz, First Ward; C. Voss, Second Ward; George Fick, Third Ward; Eldorado Carrier, Fourth Ward. The appointments were confirmed. Geo. Bauer was given the contract for repairing the culvert at show grounds on Lasley Street on his bid of $20. At this point a good half hour was taken up in discussing the stock topic of street lights, Col. Barnes wanted the light on Condor street in the rear of the rolling mill moved down on the St. John's Church corner to aid in its artificial way, the gospel light in dissipating the darkness of this locality. Congressman Wilhelm was of the opinion that A. W. Vorhes Esq. was too highly favored by having a street light in front of his residence and another at his property further up street occupied by Mr. I. L. Oppenheimer. He wanted these lights scattered about town where there are none at present. Mayor Seebohm complained of the cimmerian condition of Second Street near St. Paul's church, at which point, he stated, a certain sober and industrious citizen had collided with a corner stone to the great damage of his countenance and wearing apparel. A light was needed at this point. Brother Hess of the Fourth District thought that if there was to be a general distribution of light throughout the City, German Avenue was as deserving as some of the other corners and by-ways and less prominent thoroughfares. The Fourth Ward needed light badly. It is the only Democratic Ward in the city. The discussion was brought to a close by Mr. Wilhelm moving that the whole matter be referred to the Light Committee, for investigation and report. Street Commissioner Owens was authorized to purchase lumber and repair a box drain on Nailors Run. Senator Osborn of M[ulbery] Bend hit the cinder paving business a rib roaster and knocked it clear of the ropes. The Senator is in for street paving but he wants it done with more substantial material than ashes. He got a motion through restricting the Street Commissioner from doing any promiscuous repairing of streets with cinders, when the same shall cost in excess of $8 and all repairing must be with the consent and knowledge of the Street Committee. For his part he was tired of paving the city streets with hundred dollar bills and ashes. Colonel Barnes the bicycle expert and general manager and promoter of bicycle tournaments and parades and chief perpetrator of $800 pyrotechnic displays, got the floor and the attention of the chair and introduced an ordinance "To regulate the riding of bicycles in the City of Pomeroy." The provisions of which prohibit the riding of bicycles on the sidewalks from Sycamore to Butternut street on Front street and on both sides of Court street. The speed limit is eight miles an hour within the city limits, and all bicycles are required to be provided with alarm bells and properly lighted lamps at night. The penalty for fracturing this ordinance is a fine of from $1 to $5 and costs of prosecution. The rules were suspended and the ordinance adopted, by a unanimous vote. Congressman Wilhelm got the speaker's eye and wanted the solicitor to turn the legal department's X ray machine on the statute governing the two day labor on streets. Solicitor Fish read the statute which was a reenactment of the old law, passed in April 1896, requiring every able bodied male citizen between the ages of 21 and 55, not exempt by reason of having served in volunteer fire company, to perform two days labor upon the streets or pay the sum of $3 in lieu of such labor. It required the enactment of an ordinance to enforce this statute. Mr. Wilhelm wanted an ordinance presented at next meeting. At this juncture Capt. Malone appeared and took his seat. He did not sit still when a project of this sort was on foot. He took the floor and informed Council that this sort of law, if it was the law, was a step backward and not forward, it was not a just law in any event. It was opposed to the poor man and the laboring man. It was specially hard on this class of citizens. As a rule they owned no property and had no carriages and wagons and had little use for the streets. It was unfair for them to pay rent for their homes and also devote their time and labor on the streets for the benefit of their more favored neighbors. It was a system handed down from the dark ages, antiquated, moth eaten, run down at the heels species of barbarism that modern folks ought not to trifle with. He had moved out of West Virginia to avoid this ancient custom and hoped that Ohio folks had more up to date notions about public matters. On a vote to request the Solicitor to bring in an ordinance at next meeting, all voted aye except Mr. Malone and he asked to go on Column 4 record as opposed to the whole scheme. Capt. Malone did not get in until late but he made things lively after he did get in. He is always loaded with suggestions and plans. He volunteered an address on the question of raising revenue. If this was the idea of the poll tax, which he opposed he had a POLE tax scheme which laid the other in the shade so far as revenue is concerned. His idea was to tax all telegraph, telephone and electric light companies and all private individuals who had poles of any description planted in the public streets, the sum of $1 per year for the privilege. This would raise revenue and at the same time raise Cain. The City of St. Louis taxed at the rate of $5 per pole. Mr. Malone wanted an ordinance on this subject at next meeting. A general discussion followed and the Solicitor is to inquire into the subject and report. The matter of maintaining a watering trough at the head of the ferry landing at $1.25 a month, was referred to the Street Committee with power to act. On motion of Mr. Malone the matter of filling the depression in Front street near J. M. Williamson's in the First Ward where the recent slip occurred, was referred to the Street Committee for investigation and report. On motion of Mr. Blaettnar Council blew out the lights and departed. THE WORK OF DEATH William Price, of Minersville, who fell into a draw settler at the Coalridge furnace nearly two weeks ago, and was badly scalded from the waist down, died last Friday night. He was a son of Milton Price, of Chester township, and was about 36 years of age. He leaves a wife and three children. The burial took place Saturday afternoon. W. M. BOYD, An old colored man of the First Ward, died last Friday night, aged about 76 years. He was a good citizen. The burial took place Sunday afternoon. ROBERT ASHWORTH, A pioneer of Meigs county, died at his home near Rocksprings, Monday morning, at about 7 o'clock, at the age of about 80 years. He had operated a tannery at the place for over 50 years, and was one of the most highly respected citizens of the county. He leaves four sons and one daughter, viz: David Ashworth, of this county; R. H. Ashworth, of Colorado Springs, Col; Charles E. Ashworth, who resides at home; Augustus Ashworth, of Middletown, Ohio, and Mrs. Kate Haskins, who is now at home. The burial takes place at Chester to-day at 10 o'clock. WENDELL REIBER, At noon Monday the remains of Wendell Reiber reached here from Belt, Montana. He was killed there at 3 o'clock last Wednesday morning while employed in the Anaconda Copper Mining Company's mines by 20 tons of coal and slate falling on him. He had been killed instantly, his back being broken and other wise badly crushed. Deceased was 34 years, one month and [4] days of age and was single. He was a son of John Reiber, of the Nease Settlement, where the remains were taken for burial. The deceased had been in the West about 12 years. His remains were accompanied home by two brothers. J. E. BING, The following was clipped from a West Virginia paper and will be of interest to many Meigs county people as J. Ernest Bing was born and raised in Rutland township, and was the father of Mrs. J. C. Chase, of Wolfpen, Ohio. Prof. J. E. Bing died at Valley Head, W. Va., Wednesday, March 31st, 1897, at 11 o'clock a. m., aged 50 years. A post mortem examination and inquest was held. Drs. P. Bosworth, Cameron and Price were summoned, who dissected the body of the deceased, finding the brain, kidneys, liver and lungs in good condition and also the stomach, but the small and large intestines were very much inflamed, showing that some terrible irritant had passed beyond the stomach and set up the trouble that caused the death. Mr. Bing was in good health Tuesday and was out on Point Mt. to settle up with parties that were due him for goods. He returned home in the evening, transacted some business with several persons, retired for the night about 7 o'clock, and about 3 o'clock in the morning called Lee Sherman from an adjoining room complaining of being very sick, and said he wanted a physician, and that he believed he had been poisoned. He soon became unconscious, sank rapidly and died as stated at 11 a. m. Mr. Bing was a man of more that ordinary intelligence, his brain weighing nearly fifty ounces. He had bitter enemies and warm, personal friends. If he was a friend, he was true; if an enemy, he was bitter. His remains were taken in charge by the members of the different lodges of I.O.O.F. in attendance and were laid to rest in the cemetery near the Valley Head church, to await the resurrection morn. PENSIONS James A. Bryson, Hemlock Grove, increase to $17 per month from Sept. 30th, 1896. Josephus Icenhour, Mason; reissue and increase $17 per month from April 1st, 1896. Alvin Ogdin, Wilkesville; original, new law, $12 per month from Oct. 26, 1896. Anna M. Reuter, Pomeroy; original widow's new law, $8 per month. These were allowed through the agency of Jesse Brewster. Column 5 POMEROY'S POSTMASTER WILL H. HUNTLEY WINS BEFORE THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE WITH BOTH HANDS DOWN. A STINGING REBUKE TO S. F. SMITH FOR HIS RECENT ATTACK ON THE COMMITTEE. The Meigs County Republican Central Committee held a meeting at the Court House Saturday afternoon for the purpose of selecting delegates and alternates to attend the judicial convention at Athens on Friday of this week, to recommend a candidate for postmaster at Pomeroy and to transact such other business as might properly come before it. Twenty-six of the 27 members were present, J. L. Hays, of Bedford township, being confined to his bed by illness. The principal matter on hands was the recommendation of a candidate for the Pomeroy post office. There was no strife for the selection of delegates to the judicial convention, as Judge D. W. Jones is to be nominated without opposition. DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES The following delegates and alternates were chosen to attend the judicial convention at Athens next Friday: Delegates Alternates Ira Graham L. O. Cooper F. C. Russell W. E. Stansbury A. W. Vorhes O. L. Bradbury Ed Hysell Joseph Martin H. C. Fish M. S. Webster E. C. Hecox J. H. Hysell S. P. Deem A. A. Nease Otis Sayre Jos. Higginbotham J. L. Carpenter W. G. Caster John Eiselstein Geo. Frecker J. L. Hayes A. J. Howard Martin Chase H. C. Day D. Longstreth J. B. C. Vale O E. Russell W. A. Hanlin John Grogan Thos. Middleton I. M. Rhoades J. R. Philson E. W. Rine John B. Halsey J. W. Cline Wm. E. Hysell W. S. White W. J. Smith August Zahl Geo. Smith J. C. Van Zant E. H. Grimes John Blair, Jr. John McDaniel E. M. Young Wm. Stanley HUNTLEY'S VICTORY A vote was taken on who should be recommended to General Grosvenor for postmaster here. There were two candidates before the committee, viz: Will H. Huntley, editor of the Tribune-Telegraph, and John Geyer, a Second street merchant. The vote stood 23 for Huntley and two for Geyer, Allen Edmundson, of Salem, not voting. Those voting for Geyer were E. D. Robinson, of Chester, and Thos. H. Davis, Jr., of the Fourth Ward of this city. Those voting for Huntley were: M. R. Merritt, Columbia; J. F. Jividen, Great River; William Day, Harrisonville; C. W. Hayman, Letart; August Zahl, Minersville; J. S. Russell, Middleport Precinct; John Grogan, First Ward; J. N. Hayman, Second Ward; S. F. Berry, Third Ward; W. H. Carpenter, Fourth Ward; Geo. Bowers, Fifth Ward; Dr. S. P. Deem, Orange; M. A. Stewart, Olive; John L. Clark, Pageville; Ed. Hysell, Pomeroy Precinct; W. A. Dalus, First Ward; Dr. R. E. Stobart, Second Ward; H. C. Fish, Third Ward; J. I. Anderson, Portland; M. E. Rathburn, Rutland; J. M. Weldon, Racine; Wm. J. Lawrence, Syracuse; Will C. Russell, Silver Run. The recommendation of Mr. Huntley was immediately signed and forwarded to Washington and will no doubt be acted upon favorably this week. A STINGER! The following stinging resolution was passed: "Whereas, S. F. Smith, editor and publisher of the Leader, has publicly attacked the integrity of this committee in his newspaper, under date of March 11, 1897, and maligned and slandered its several members in a shameless manner, and otherwise has attempted to belittle them before the public; Therefore, Be it resolved: That we brand the statements published in the Leader, respecting this committee, as basely false and malicious, and we publicly denounce S. F. Smith as a slanderer and a man totally unworthy of public confidence and respect." All the committee voted for the resolution except Robinson and Davis, with Edmundson still on the fence. OTHER MATTERS G. E. Parker was recommended for postmaster at Tuppers Plains, W. S. Reed at Long Bottom and Theo. Winters at Antiquity. F. M. Roup was recommended for the position of engineer on the lighthouse tender Golden Rod, J. M. Weldon, of Racine, for some suitable position, and August Zahl, of Minersville, to a place in Washington, also S. H. Olmstead to be one of the postmasters in California. There will be another meeting to take up the fourth class postmasters in Meigs county. THE MEES CONCERT Prof. Jacob Mees, the talented young violinist of Mason City, will give a concert at Washington hall, at Mason to-morrow (Thursday) evening, at which he will be assisted by the leading vocalists and musicians of Pomeroy bend. In addition to the Mees orchestra, the Pomeroy Mandolin Club will be present as will also Prof. Lewis Goets, Cornetist, of Middleport. Dr. T. Spencer Owen the well known basso is on the programme while our own Amy Whaley who has charmed every audience she has appeared before will be the soprano soloist. The concert promises to be quite an affair in a musical way. Column 6 MARINE A half-starved, half-naked negro flood sufferer at Memphis was given two dollars to buy something to eat with. In less than half an hour he was seen in a ranch on the levee: He never gave his stomach thought, but went and spent the money To buy a banjo, and he sung: "Come an' hug yo' honey. The Jos. Walton, of which John Kober, formerly of Pomeroy, is mate, is towing coal from Cairo to St. Louis. Peter Kober is also on the same boat. As yet there has been received no order at Cincinnati from the Civil Service Commission for an examination of applicants for the position being temporarily filled by Capt. Horton, on the Goldenrod. The Ida Smith, which has been in the Parkersburg and Long Bottom trade, has entered the Little Kanawha trade and will divide the business with the Hilton. A passenger war is on. The Vesper, which was sunk by the ice at Gallipolis, last winter, is to be rebuilt at the Pomeroy boat yard this summer. The hull was brought up last evening by the Mary L. Hatcher and work will probably begin this week. The John C. Fisher brought down a raft of timber for John Genheimer, the planing mill man, yesterday. The report comes from Cincinnati that Capt. Mack Gamble, of Marietta, has decided to place the Will J. Cummings in the Pittsburg and Cincinnati trade. If this is true, there will likely be some very lively times along the river. The Cummings is now at Marietta. A GREAT DAY THAT'S WHAT THE ODD FELLOW CELEBRATION AND DEDICATION AT MASON PROVED TO BE MONDAY. MUSIC, PARADES, SPEECHES AND DRAMATIC DEMONSTRATIONS GALORE. Our sister city of Mason covered herself with glory Monday in the celebration of the 78th anniversary of Odd Fellowship in this country and the dedication of their new brick hall, recently erected, to take the place of the one destroyed by fire April 20th of last year. There was a much larger attendance than expected by the most sanguine, there being lodges from Parkersburg, Ravenswood, Point Pleasant, Huntington, Pomeroy and many other points out in full force. A large number of the friends of the order were in attendance. The exercises were directly under charge of Almedia Lodge and Olevia Lodge, Rebekah degree, of Mason, and there were ample provisions for the care of the crowd. In the forenoon there was music and welcoming of visiting lodges and a welcome address by Grand Warden W. E. Ruttencutter at the public school grounds with responses by representatives of visiting lodges. The remainder of the forenoon was taken up by addresses and singing. In the afternoon there was a big parade on the principal streets of the town, followed by the impressive dedicatory exercises of the new hall. These exercises were conducted by Deputy Grand Master Septimus Hall, of New Martinsville, assisted by the proper officers. Following this Past Grand Master Hall made an address at the M. E. church. Prof. Virgil A. Lewis also made an address. In the evening Uncle Tom's Cabin was rendered by local talent at Washington's hall, followed by more addresses. At 10 o'clock a grand reception at the hall was held by prominent representatives of the order, followed by a sumptuous banquet at 10:30, with toasts and music. The music for the occasion was furnished by the Pomeroy Band, the Middleport band and Mees' orchestra. Taking it all in all it was a great day in Mason and shows that the order is prosperous and growing. One of the most attractive features was the singing of "America" by a lot of little children. THE KIRMESS The grand spectacular Kirmess will be given at the Pomeroy Opera House by home talent under the able direction of Prof. C. A. McCloskey, for the benefit of the Pomeroy Library on the evening of May 14th. TEACHERS HIRED Monday the Letart Township School Board employed Prof. J. K. Bush to teach the next term of school at Antiquity at $30 per month, also Ralph Roush at East Letart for seven months.
Pomeroy Tribune-Telegraph May 12, 1897
SHORT CAKE STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM WOULD GO WELL WITH THESE ITEMS. FULL BOXES OF GOOD NEWS WITH NO TRICKERY AT THE BOTTOM. Column 1 The young folks gave a very pleasant impromptu dance at the old K. of P. hall Monday evening. Miss Maggie McKnight is here from Cincinnati. Lawyer Hutchinson has moved from Scipio township to Middleport. Mr. Bodie, the Portsmouth stone dealer, was here Saturday and sold George Bauer a large bill of flag stone. Editor and Mrs. Peoples expect to go on the Hocking Valley Editorial Association excursion to the South next week. Telephone Davis says he saw an airship pass over this city going East last Thursday night. There were three men in it and he thinks they were Bill Pratt, Sam Moore and Ben Biggs. Rev. U. G. Humphrey and family, of New Burlington, Ohio, are here on a visit to relatives. John Clark, an old forty-niner of Sutton township, was in town Saturday on his way to Columbus. At the depot he pulled out a purse and from it took a little piece of buckskin in which was wrapped three gold nuggets about the size of peas. These are the net proceeds of two years of hardships in the mines of California, with a tramp across the plains. He has carried these little reminders of the greatest adventure of his life nearly 47 years. The buckskin in which they are kept is part of the first purse ever sold on the coast by a Jewish peddler. J. A. Daugherty has traded his running horse to Dr. Thurston, of Burlingham, for a house and lot there. It is said that the wages of teachers have been reduced by the Boards of Education in many parts of the country for the coming year. In Bedford township the figures are $22 per month for 7 months. The "Yellow Kid" craze has struck Pomeroy. The big baby was out on the streets Saturday advertising the New York Clothing Store. Miss May Matthews, of Charleston, is here visiting relatives. There were 69 applicants at the teachers' examination Saturday. Gilbert E. Rummel and Andrew Mitch, of Minersville, left Sunday for the Kanawha and New River coal regions where they will give graphaphone exhibitions. Theo. Baber fell from a house on Thomas Fork Saturday and was pretty badly shaken up. He was working on the house. Mrs. Frank Baber, of Union Avenue, is seriously ill. Col. Brooks is erecting a fine new house on his farm near Harrisonville. A new grocery firm by the name of Wolf & Fox is a late venture at Antiquity. Mrs. T. S. Home and little daughter Marjorie, of Los Angeles, California, arrived Monday on a visit to her parents, Major and Mrs. A. D. Brown, of Lincoln Hill. Elmer Ashworth left for Parkersburg Monday to attend business college. With the number of fire companies springing up all over town the rates of insurance will no doubt decrease very materially. D. J. Bennett, of Cincinnati, has ordered a fine granite monument from C. J. Vincent. This is the sixth recent order Mr. Vincent has received from Cincinnati. During the thunder storm Sunday a barn in the lower end of Mason county was struck by lightning. It was the most threatening cloud seen here for years, having the appearance of brass. David C. Hood, of Minersville, has been granted a pension. C. J. Vincent has gotten in an 1897 Victor bicycle which is a fine one. J. M. Cooper, the accident insurance agent, sent William B. Caldwell, of Letart, a check Monday for $75 for an injury to a finger he recently sustained. The Bonton barber shop on Court street is being overhauled. On Saturday, May 22d, all day and evening, an ice cream social and fair will be held at the German Presbyterian Church, at the corner of Second and Linn streets. Pilchard & Schoenlein have gotten in a hard-wax lock-stitch machine, the only one of the kind in southern Ohio. Walter and Hubert Landaker, the two Bedford boys who were jailed for whipping their mother, were released on parole Monday. This vacates the jail the first time for over a year. The High School Commencement at Syracuse will be held at the M. E. Church there next Tuesday evening. There are eleven to graduate. J C. Rupe, of Rutland, has been allowed an original pension. Ella Schmidt is home from Cincinnati. J. L. Manring, of Middleborough, Kentucky, is here on a visit to his wife's people. There will be a good acreage of watermelons planted in Meigs county this spring if the weather will permit. Miss Ida Massar, of Chester township, is visiting friends here. A musical entertainment was given at the German Presbyterian church Sunday evening. Rev. Turnbull, pastor of the Presbyterian church, has been here ten years. He preached a sermon Sunday evening reviewing the work for that time. Henry Meinhart rides a new Admiral bicycle bought from Harvey & Russell. Column 2 Chas. Kuehne has a new Rambler, bought from Harvey & Russell. Judge Lochary was out to Rutland Saturday and made a rallying speech to the Sons of Veterans there. The meeting had not been well advertised and as a result there was not the attendance there should have been. It is reported that there is a good prospect for a strawberry crop in Meigs county. The first of the crop is expected about the 20th. The first big Hocking Valley Sunday excursion out of here for Columbus, which was made Sunday, was a success. Six coaches went into Columbus with standing room at a premium. There were 102 people from here, 56 from Middleport, and 104 from Gallipolis. The train got back to Pomeroy before midnight. The K. &. M. people had six coaches. Next Sunday the Hocking Valley people run an excursion to Cincinnati at $1.50 for the round trip with no change of coaches. A letter from Mrs. Llewellyn French, of Maynard, Iowa, received here Monday, states that her husband's death was caused by brain fever. He was sick but a few days. The new room in the Midway is being thoroughly overhauled for Kelser's clothing store. Arthur Roush, of Minersville, and Lizzie N. Jenkinson, of Naylor's Run, were married last Wednesday evening by Rev. Sparks. Pensions allowed through J. F. Downing's agency April 24, 1897: David C. Hood, Minersville, Meigs Co., O., $6 per month, with arrearages from July 29th, 1896. Mr. Hood was a member of Co. I 33rd Rgt. O. V. I., raised principally at Pomeroy. Billy McKain was captain of this company and C. R. Pomeroy 2nd lieutenant, both of whom yielded up their lives before Atlanta. Horace Horton was also member of Co. I 33rd Rgt. Only two of the personal property assessors in the county had reported up to yesterday morning: Middleport 5th Ward and Silver Run Precinct. The boys seem to be taking their time this year. Up to this time last year nine had reported and they started out later. H. B. Asbury has resigned his position as ticket agent for the K. &. M. railroad and accepted a position with the C. H. V. & T. railway as assistant district passenger agent with Col. E. R. Davidson at Toledo. John Schilling and family, of Logansport, Indiana, are here. There was a report in circulation that Mr. Schilling was going into partnership with his brother-in-law, F. W. Steinbauer. This is not true. Mr. Schilling will look for a location elsewhere. Wade Donnally, Fred Ohl and Miss Libbie Allard go to Columbus next Monday with the Pomeroy Iron & Steel Company office. George Donnally will have charge of the office here. J. M. Basom has been appointed postmaster at Coolville. James Bowie organized a church at Middleport Sunday with seven members in full standing and two for baptism. Bowie is the elder of the new organization and Joseph McCormick the deacon. Benjamin Boggess, son of J. S. Boggess, of Middleport, graduates from Hahnemann Medical College, at Philadelphia today. Miss Callie Hauck, of Charleston, W. Va., is home on a short visit. Wm. Stanley's store at Snowville was burglarized one night last week and about $35 worth of goods carried away. There will be no services at the Episcopal church next Sunday, as the rector expects to go to McArthur. Miss Bella Staneart, aged 18 years, daughter of J. R. Staneart, of Lebanon township, was adjudged insane yesterday and application made for her admission to Athens Hospital. George W. Pilchard, of Kerr's Run, is suffering from an attack of pneumonia fever. Miss Callie Bay, of Marietta, is here on a visit to relatives. Dr. Hartinger, of Middleport, is the Democratic doctor to be retained on the Board of Pension Examiners. Drs. Hoff and Miller retire. Carl Bickle had an ankle badly sprained at the rolling mill Friday morning. Jacob Mees has bought a new Conn clarinet. Miss Helen Osborn visited the family of Hal Hysell at Athens last week. The colored citizens of this city have set about to organize a colored fire company. Commissioner Davis was out in the country last Friday and got so badly poisoned by ground ivy that he had to go to his room Saturday. There will be 20 horses on the training track at Syracuse this summer. Q. N. Bridgeman, of Syracuse, has purchased a Rambler bicycle for his son from Harvey & Russell. A large number of ministers came in on the Stanley last night to attend the Central German Conference at the German M. E. church today and tomorrow. Homer Myers and wife left for Chicago Sunday. Frank Neutzling was down to Middleport last Thursday evening carrying on pretty high and was taken before the Mayor, where it cost him $14 for his liberty. Asbury Gregory, of Columbia township, was before the probate Court this morning for examination as to his sanity. He had been at the Athens Hospital before, and was discharged April 15, 1895, as cured. He will be returned. C. Seyfried, of the Fourth Ward, put new home grown potatoes on sale this morning. They were raised in the house. Column 3 ANDERSON -- DILL Mr. Charles F. Anderson, a prosperous young man of Putnam, Illinois, and Miss Josie Dill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dill, of Syracuse, O., will be married at Hennepin, Ill., this (Wednesday) evening, May 12th, 1897. Rev. J. C. Zellar, pastor of the M. E. church, officiating. Miss Dill is well known in Meigs county, having taught several terms of school here with wonderful success. She left here in the spring of '95, and has taught school in Putnam county, Ill., since that time, teaching one term in the Hennepin High Schools. She is a graduate of Carleton College at Syracuse, and a scholar and teacher of rare attainments. Mr. Anderson is one of the best young men of his city. Immediately after the ceremony they will leave for Chicago, and will arrive here on the noon C. H. V. & T. train Friday, and will spend several weeks among Ohio relatives and friends. They will be at home to their friends at Putnam, Ill., after July 1st. We join their host of friends here to wishing them unbounded success. TEN YEARS THAT IS THE LENGTH OF TIME REV. TURNBULL HAS BEEN PASTOR OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. Thomas Turnbull, pastor of the Presbyterian church, has been located here ten years. Sunday evening special services were held in celebration of the tenth anniversary of Rev. Turnbull's coming to Pomeroy. In addition to a special sermon for the occasion the choir had made special preparations for the occasion. In the ten years Rev. Turnbull has been with us he has preached 1131 sermons exclusive of special services and besides delivering a number of addresses. He has officiated at 56 weddings and 110 funerals, baptized 600 persons, fifty of this number being children. He has taken into full membership in the churches at Pomeroy and Syracuse 210 members and given letters from the Pomeroy church to 51 persons. There have been 19 deaths of members in full communion, including three elders and a trustee. In that time the fine new church has been erected here, which, with the improvements, cost $14,500. Money has been collected for other purposes amounting to $13,855, making in all $28,355. This gives a yearly average of $2,835.50. The church is in a prosperous condition and enjoys a good attendance. DEATHS THIS WEEK BABY GLIDDEN Monday evening Ernest Blair Glidden, the eight months old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glidden, died at the residence of Mr. John Blair in Syracuse. Mr. Blair is the grandfather of the child. The funeral takes place from the Blair residence at 2 o'clock this afternoon. MRS. STONE, wife of Jacob Stone, died at Hartford City Monday afternoon, aged 44 years. She leaves a husband and a son 1[] years old. Mr. Stone is a brother of Capt. Nick Stone. MRS. HADLEY WHITE, of Harrisonville, died Monday night from consumption. She was about 31 years of age and was a daughter of Lon Graves. She leaves a husband and two children. MRS. HALEY Mrs. Frank Haley died at Syracuse last night from typhoid fever. She was about 27 years of age and leaves a husband and two small children. MIINCH GOLDEN WEDDING Next Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George A. Miinch, Sr., of Breezy Heights, will celebrate their golden wedding. All their children and families are expected to be present. Peter Minich and wife, of Kansas City, Missouri, and Samuel Minich and wife, of Dayton, Ohio, got in last night on the Stanley. The Kanawha to-night will bring from Pittsburg Capt. Jamison, Mrs. Bohm and Daniel Minich. Philip Minich will be in from Canton later in the week. These together with the children living here, will attend. STUDENTS IN TROUBLE The Columbus Post of last Friday had a long article about some trouble between the faculty of the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware and several students. Several have been suspended and others brought upon the carpet and are now awaiting the result of an investigation of the infraction of some of the rules. Among those mentioned as suspended is O. P. Coe, of Great Bend. N. W. Wheeler, of Portland, is up for investigation. A HOOP SNAKE Last Thursday Andrew Duffey and another young man of Sugar Run killed on the hill back of Louie Gottfried's what is thought to have been a hoop snake. It was four feet, two inches in length, was spotted and had a hard, bony spike on its tail about 2 inches long. They were gathering flowers and when they stirred it out it took the end of its tail in its mouth and began to roll away like a barrel hoop. A well directed blow with a club stopped its rolling. Miss Nellie McVey, of Youngstown, Ohio, will arrive this week on a visit to her brother, Col. S. B. E. McVey, of the Pomeroy Iron & Steel Company. Louis Reuter, a motorman of Warren, Ohio, is here visiting his mother. Column 4 CAPT. ROBERT BARNES THE FATHER OF THE SIDEWALK BICYCLE ORDINANCE THE FIRST TO BREAK IT. All Pomeroy has a horse on Capt. Robert Barnes, the Senator from the Second Ward, which is at least 17 hands high. He was elected to the City Council this spring, and among his first official acts was to get an ordinance through Council to prevent frisky bicyclists from riding on the sidewalk on Front street and on Court street. The ordinance went into effect last Friday, and that ordinance was not three days old, before the sportive Captain had punctured a hole in it big enough to let out a cat. Sunday morning the local lawmaker and erstwhile bicycle sport, mounted his wheel in the Second Ward and rolled leisurely off down town. At the same time he was resolving some weighty matter in his mind, and unthoughtedly rolled along down the sidewalk in front of the Midway block with the eclat of a Grecian soldier going out to meet the unspeakable Turk. He wore his peaked cap and baggy knee breeches with the grace and ease of a Roman Senator. As he emerged at the Linn street crossing, a bystander reminded him that he was playing fox and goose with the law -- his own law. Thereupon, the Captain's mind was recalled from wool gathering with such suddenness that he was very nearly thrown from his wheel and he shot out into the street like he had been fired from a catapult. It was not an hour until the whole town had heard of the Captain's slip and was poking fun at him. He took the whole matter good-naturedly, however, and Monday evening, when Joe Andrews swore out a warrant for him before Mayor Seebohm, on the charge of fracturing a city ordinance without the fear of the law before his eyes, he peddaled down to the Mayor's office, pleaded guilty and was fined $1 and costs, amounting to $1.85. His Honor gave the Captain a good-natured lecture on the observance of the law, and the Captain responded by complimenting the Mayor on his diligence in enforcing the same and hoped he would be as faithful in other cases that might come before him. There was a good-sized audience in the Mayor's office to see the Captain walk up and toe the mark. NEW REMINGTON LEASED Monday B. R. Remington leased his new hotel for five years to J. C. Morris, late of the Park Central at Gallipolis. Mr. Morris will take charge at once and begin furnishing the building, but will not open up until about August 1. It will be furnished in modern style and will be the best hotel in southern Ohio outside of the large cities. Mr. Morris has had a great deal of experience in the hotel business and has always been successful. Himself and estimable wife are not unknown to our people. He was formerly landlord of the old Gibson House here before. It was remodeled and made the Grand Dilcher, and he opened this new hostlery. From here he went to Huntington and took charge of the Hollerden Hotel, later came back to Middleport as landlord of the Grandview and later still went into the Park Central at Gallipolis. ALLEGED MOCK MARRIAGE A PECULIAR STORY TOLD HERE YESTERDAY BY A GALLIPOLIS WOMAN. A strange young woman made her appearance in town yesterday, claiming to be Mrs. Henry McElhinney of Gallipolis. She went to the Court House to get a certificate of her marriage, which she said took place here on the 31st of last October. She said her maiden name was Minnie Siders and that she came up here last fall with McElhinney, who is a finisher in the Gallipolis furniture factory, to get married. They went to the Court House, as she claims, and she stood out in the hall, while McElhinney went into the Probate Judge's office to get a license. After a while he came out and they proceeded to some place in town, she does not remember where, and a marriage ceremony was performed by a strange man, whom McElhinney said was a minister. They went back to Gallipolis and lived together as man and wife. Recently she began to suspicion that there was something wrong and came up here to get a marriage certificate. She made a mistake and got a blank pictorial certificate to frame. When she took this home McElhinney raised considerable of a racket and finally told here that they never had been married and that she'd find no record of it. She came back yesterday [to] get a certificate of their marriage and was greatly shocked to find that there had never been a marriage license issued to parties by that name. She went back home vowing that she'd prosecute McElhinney and the man who played minister on that fateful October day. BURGLARY IN SCIPIO Last Wednesday night some one broke into the residence of Albert Coates, two miles east of Pageville, and stole two watches, a suit of clothes and some bed clothing. He was in town Monday and left the numbers of the watches with the jewelers. COLUMN 5 The School Board met in special session Monday evening with all the members present. There was not much to do. John B. Downing, Jr., was paid 50 cents for an easel furnished the schools. It was decided to make the price of admission at the coming Commencement 10 and 15 cents. It was thought that this price would assure a good attendance. Rev. Turnbull appeared before the Board on behalf of the circulating library. He asked permission to have the library removed from Dr. Whaley's office to the library room in the High School building. This library has lately added about 50 new books, making the number now about 250. These added to the 150 High School books will make about 400. The privilege was granted and the library will be moved. A librarian will be there every Wednesday and Saturday afternoons to give out the books to the subscribers. FELL BY THE WAYSIDE A STRANGER OF GENTLE BIRTH AND BREEDING IS PICKED UP ON THE STREET AT MINERSVILLE IN AN UNCONSCIOUS CONDITION. A man bearing all the marks of a perfect gentleman appeared in Minersville last Friday between 12 and 1 o'clock, and when near Jacob Simon's store he fell to the ground. Within a short time several bystanders were at the side of the stranger and carried him to Ed Rhodes' barbershop, where restoratives were given him which served to "bring him to." After the man recovered sufficiently to talk he told a sad story, which contained romance and foundation enough for a novel. To a Tribune-Telegraph representative he told the following story: "My name is Charles Ottis Gebhardt and I was born in Germany, where I grew to be a young man and became acquainted with a young lady with whom I fell in love. We had a quarrel in our family and the girl and myself quarreled, and I left my native home for America. I have worked at my trade, that of a wood carver, wherever I could get work. The last place I was employed was near Cincinnati. I am now 46 years of age and alone. I have a brother in Baltimore in the wholesale liquor business." and here he produced a clipping from the Press-Post of Columbus, O., which gave an extended account of the man's former life. It stated that Gebhardt's father was a well-known railroad man in Germany; that one of his brothers was a government officer with headquarters at Berlin; that our subject was walking the streets of Columbus when he fell on one of the principal streets exhausted from walking and the lack of food, and that he was on the point of starvation, and in reply to the question why he did not ask for something to eat, he replied: I am no beggar." thus showing that he would rather starve than beg. He was taken to the city hospital in Columbus where he was cared for and remained over a week. During his stay in this country he married and his wife is dead. A few days ago he received a letter from his old home in Germany stating that his mother was dead and that there was due him 31,000 marks, which is equal to about $8,000 in U.S. money. The stranger was cared for by Ed Rhodes, Isaiah Rummel and Leonard Greuser, the last keeping his all night. Saturday morning he started for Ravenswood where a relative of his wife lives and where he will rest and recuperate and wait the development of his expected fortune. WATCH RECOVERED Monday afternoon Andrew Sayre, cook on the Little Queen, dropped a gold watch in the river just outside of the wharfboat in 18 feet of water. He gave it up for lost and went off on the boat. Shortly afterward Andy Kohl came along and was shown the spot where the watch went into the water, whereupon he lashed a dip net to a long spike pole and dragged it along the bottom of the river. At the first trial he drew the watch up in the net. It was still running. KIRMESS PROGRAM 1. Gorgeous, gigantic, spectacular Grand March of the Amazons, by sixteen charming misses. 2. Tambourine Ballet. Louise Stanbery, Florence Russell, Elise Wolff, Jennie Jacobs. 3. Castanet Solo. Dacie Trussell. 4. Gavotte Der Kaiserin. 5. Scarf Ballet, by seventeen pretty girls. Leader Solo. 6. Hornpipe La Adaline, Prof. F. A. McCloskey. 7. Egyptian Beggar Girls, Mattie Smith, Ella Shannon. 8. Butterfly Dance. Helen Clifton, Elsie Wolff. 9. Baxter's Hornpipe, Winnie Mott, Winnie Smith. 10. Dutch Wooden Shoe. 11. Highland Fling, Miss Sybil Cooper. 12. Grand March of the Ancient Greeks, by seventeen beautiful young ladies. Electrical effect. BIRTHS To Dick Davis and wife, of Kerr's Run, a boy, on the 9th. To John Campbell and wife, of Enterprise, a girl, May 9th. To Spencer Hysell and wife, of Thomas Fork, a boy, May 10. Born, last night, a son, to Rev. Rose and wife. Column 6 MARINE Capt. Robert R. Agnew, has been appointed commander of the new steamer Queen City, which the Pittsburgh and Cincinnati Packet Line is building, and will have in cimmission (sic) in 30 days, is one of the youngest men on the river, but old in the service of the line. Capt. Agnew who is commander of the Hudson, is receiving the congratulations of his friends over the appointment. It was concluded by everyone spoken to that it was a most merited elevation. Capt. Agnew is a great favorite among the people who travel on the river and he will no doubt add new laurels to his already large collection. Capt. Agnew says the crew for the new steamer will not be selected for several weeks. The United States steamer Bee, intended for snagging, dredging and keeping the Great Kanawha river in navigable condition, has been rebuilt at Point Pleasant docks, and will now go to Charleston and take up her old place at the bank. A model barge belonging to the Carnegie Company, containing 500 tons of steel rails, destined for New Orleans, sunk at West Louisville. The barge was towed there by the Moren and was to have been taken South by one of the boats of the Barrett line. The Steamer Hudson has been chartered to the Coney Island Packet Company, of Cincinnati, and will enter the trade May 29 under command of Capt. John Sweeney, mate of the Virginia. The Queen City will take the place of the Hudson and will be commanded by Capt. R. R. Agnew. The new boat will leave here on the Hudson's day. Capt. W. L. Downie has commenced repairing the wharfboat by putting in new out riggers and guards. The M. P. Wells formerly in the Ravenswood and Middleport trade has had a complete new cabin put on here at Cincinnati. The Frank Gilmore was sold at Pittsburgh last week by the Sheriff to Captain Briggs. Capt. Jack Leonard has been appointed mate of the Pittsburgh and Cincinnati Packet Company's new steamer, Queen City. Captain Leonard is a first-class man, and will have the finest boat on the river. Captain Leonard was formerly master of the John K. Speed. The venerable engineer, Wm. Johnston, father of Capt. Johnston of the engineering firm of Crawley & Johnston and of chief Engineer George Johnston of the fast flyer Virginia, has also stood his last watch, rang his last bell and closed the throttle forever on his sphere. He died in Newport Thursday. Capt. Frisbie, of Cincinnati, will visit his old home at Chester this week. John Long, the veteran steamboat clerk, died at Vevay, Indiana Sunday. The following description of English steamboats for the African river service will be found very interesting to Ohio River steamboatmen: "Stearn-wheel (sic) steamers with two wheels and compound engines have been built by Easton, Anderson & Goolden, of Erith, England, for the African river service of the Royal Niger Co. The hull is of steel, 317 feet long, 27 feet beam, 6 feet deep, with a draft of 26 inches. The square stern is indented or cut away at each corner to make room for a wheel 11 feet diameter, with 8 floats, 5 1/2 by 1 1/2 feet The center part of the hull is extended between the wheels and forms the support of the shafts, the sides being curved inward to give a free flow of water to the wheels. The wheels normally work together, but the shaft may be disconnected by a clutch. Each engine has two inclined cylinders, 10 by 30 and 22 by 26 inches, the low pressure cylinder being below and the high pressure cylinder above the center line of the shaft. Steam is supplied by a single ended cylindrical boiler 9 1/2 feet diameter and 9 1/2 feet long. On the trial trip, with a boiler pressure of 126 pounds, the engines developed 188 HP at 13 revolutions per minute and gave the vessel a speed of 7.38 knots per hour." A steamboat like the one just described would be nothing less than a monstrosity on the Ohio River. SALT COMBINE At a meeting of the salt manufacturers of the Pomeroy Bend at the Pomeroy National Bank the other day a movement was set on foot to combine the products of the various furnaces and attempt to raise the price of 280 pound barrels to 65 cents and bulk salt to 6 cents per bushel. The organization has not yet been perfected. MARRIAGE LICENSES Arthur Roush and Lizzie N. Jenkinson; John Heilman and Maggie Klein; Wm. A. Banks and Nellie C. Cook.
Pomeroy Tribune-Telegraph June 9, 1897
FRAGRANT BOUQUET NOT ALL ONE KIND, BUT A TASTEFUL ASSORTMENT OF FLOWERS. BUDS AND FULL BLOWN NEWS POSIES SELECTED WITH CARE. Rev. P. J. Graessle, of Marion, O., is here on a brief visit to old friends. He will remain in town until Friday, and will preach at the German M. E. Church Thursday evening, June 10th. Mrs. Otho C. Holcomb, of Salem township, has received a check for $1,000 from the Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company on account of the death of her husband. He had just paid one premium of $100.20. It is reported that Nicholas Schuchell, a shoemaker, formerly of Mason City, recently committed suicide in the Kanawha Valley. C. H. Priode is building an addition to his residence on Mulberry street. Austin Bartin, a young man of Rutland, will shortly open out a drug store in the Court street building lately occupied by Chapman & Pilchard as a grocery store. Miss Lona Grant gave a card party last Wednesday evening in honor of Mrs. Campbell, who is here on a visit from Youngstown. Mrs. Charles McQuigg and Mrs. Neusbaum won the prizes for ladies, and John McQuigg and W. G. Downie the gentlemen's prizes. Mrs. A. A. Nease and son Stewart, of Tuppers Plains, left here last Thursday morning on the Sherley for Portsmouth to spend two or three weeks with her sister, Emma Lottridge, and to visit a classmate at Ashland. Pensions, strawberries, wool and a good wheat crop will help out matters wonderfully this season. Over in Mason City the day of the late earthquake a class was at recitation at the new school. The Professor propounded the question: "What is an earthquake?" Before the answer could be given the building began to tremble, and one of the pupils told the professor that he had his answer promptly. At the next temor (sic) the school proceeded to vacate the building. Gus. Schmidt had one of his fingers cut off at Probst's factory Friday afternoon. Four steam threshers were taken from Pomeroy and Middleport to the country last week. One of the finest was taken out by Theiss Brothers, of near Racine, Saturday morning. In passing under the runways at the rolling mill the smoke stack was knocked off. Mrs. Carrie Boyd and child, of Lorain, Ohio, visited the family of John Deubach last week. Lizzie Steiner and three children, of the same city, visited at Leonard Kloes' at the same time. Miss Anna Bauer has returned from a lengthy visit to Cincinnati. Pensions have been granted to Meigs County people as follows: John T. Huggins, Harrisonville, Russell T. Davis, Middleport. Probate Judge Lochary and wife and son Patrick spent Sunday with the family of Mel Rutherford in Rutland township. We have a report from there to the effect that His Honor consumed a peck of strawberries. The correspondents of the Pomeroy Democrat are all college graduates. They went through Carleton College Saturday. Invitations have been received here to attend the marriage of Mr. John Benjamin Wilkinson to Miss Katharine Clare Hughes at Piqua, Ohio, on Thursday evening, June 17. The bride is a daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Thomas L. Hughes, formerly well known residents of Pomeroy. Rev. Hughes was pastor of the Presbyterian church for a number of years. Ernest E. Evans left for Byesville, Ohio, Monday morning, where he will spend a few days with his father and then go on to West Point to take a course at this Military school. John W. Wandling, of Litchfield, Illinois, one of the sons of Mrs. Diana Wandling, who was murdered in Bedford township two weeks ago, reached here Friday evening. He saw the notice of his mother's death in a St. Louis paper, and immediately came on here. Last month the new moon was away up north and reclined supinely on its back. This brought cool and rainy weather. This month it is further south and is at an angle of about 45 degrees. By the same token, then, June must be dry and warm. Miss Ella Kraft has a new Crescent bicycle, bought from M. Blaettner Jr. John Bachman, of Union Avenue, has typhoid fever. Judge Stanbery and part of his family are over at Old Point Comfort enjoying the sea breezes. Next Sunday morning Presiding Elder Tibbles will preach at the M. E. Church and administer the Lord's Supper. In the evening Pastor Sparks will preach from the subject: "Future Punishment, What it is not and What it is." On account of the rector's absence there will be no services at the Episcopal Church the next two Sundays. Abe Ohlinger and Dana Krause are back to Pomeroy from Charleston. Andrew Gloeckner, formerly of this city, has moved from Cincinnati to Columbus. Mrs. J. M. Lyman and daughter are spending a month with friends at Byesville, Ohio. Miss Katie Gress spent last week at Athens. Rev. H. F. Schmidt, who is now located in Wisconsin, is here to see his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Schmidt, Column 2 who is dangerously ill. A letter from Dr. Cooke at the Athens Hospital says that Bella Staneart, who was taken there recently is getting along nicely. In all probability she will return home cured in a few months. The second quarterly meeting of the New Haven Circuit will be held in Washington Hall, Mason City, Saturday afternoon and Sunday. The business meeting will take place Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Halterman, the elder, and one of the leading ministers of West Virginia, will preach Sunday evening. Music will be furnished by the New Haven choir. Capts. Maddy and Morgan, of Gallipolis, received a notice from the supervising inspector Friday ordering them to measure all life boats on the steamers in their district and have the cubical capacity branded on each one. This duty conforms with a new law that is in vogue after July 1. "Garibaldi, The Italian Patriot," the subject of Rev. Turnbull's lecture, was postponed until Thursday evening of this week at the Presbyterian Church at 8 o'clock. Proceeds for the benefit of the library and reading room. Mrs. Dr. Hysell and E. L. Keiser were recently added to the Library Board, which is now composed of the following persons: Rev. Turnbull, President; Miss Whaley, Secretary; W. G. Plantz, Treasurer; Mrs. Ohl, Mrs. Ewing, E. C. Hecox, Mrs. Hysell and E. L. Keiser. The Book Committee consists of Mrs. R. P. Skinner and Dr. Ohl. Mrs. John Oetjen and son Albert are here from Cincinnati, visiting friends. The Epworth League, of the German M. E. church, cleared $19.35 at their social last Friday night. Mitt Lowery, of the Fourth Ward, who has been quite sick is improving. Frank Fisher, of Monkey Run, employed at the Pomeroy Salt Works, as salt lifter has been very sick for the past 3 weeks. Harry Seebohm received a horned toad from Ed. Wallace at Hachita, New Mexico, Monday. It looks some like a flying squirrel. Miss Minnie Siders, of Gallipolis, who supposed she married Henry McElhinney here last fall, was here Monday trying to locate the place where the bogus marriage took place. She says it was in a dark frame house below Court street, but she was not just able to put her finger on the spot. She was also keeping her eye out for the man who played preacher that day. McElhinney has been arrested and will be prosecuted. Rev. Rose is attending Synod at Columbus. He will be out of the city for a couple of weeks. Schlaegel Brothers have commenced extensive repairs on the store room recently vacated by Keiser's clothing store. At the M. E. Church Sunday evening Rev. Sparks preached an anti-mob sermon, taking the recent trouble at Urbana as a basis for his remarks. He said that mob violence is deplorable and exhorted the people to stand firmly for the law at all times. He said that there have been 10 lynchings in Ohio the past 20 years largely as a result of the uncertainty of the law and its delays. He warned the people to hold their passions in check and to be on their guard lest a like calamity come upon the people here at any time. Thomas Roush was over from the Athens Hospital the first of the week on business. Mrs. Amsden, of Racine, Dr. Alice Williams, of Syracuse, and Rev. Wisswaesser, of this city, left for Toledo Monday to attend the State Sunday School Convention. Born, to Josh Chapman and wife, of Minersville, Saturday night a son. Hiram Whitlock and bride have returned from their wedding trip. Pomeroy is now better supplied with volunteer fire companies than any other city of its size in America. It now has four with brilliant prospects for at least one more. The Fourth Ward is certainly entitled to recognition. A new paper has been started at Point Pleasant by J. R. Rayburn and C. M. Hall, called The Monthly Review. It is independent in politics and looks all right. Miss Bessie Maxwell is visiting friends in Athens. Mrs. George Heber Jones will give a talk on Korea at the Presbyterian Church next Sunday evening. Quite a number from Thomas Fork went up to Athens yesterday as witnesses in the Michael Schwartzwalder divorce case. John Glover, the Middleport blacksmith, is at the point of death and is expected to live but a few days at the farthest. The County Commissioners and Infirmary Directors are holding their regular monthly meeting this week. The Commissioners will fix the rates of taxation for this year at this session. A card party was given Monday evening by Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Reed in honor of Mrs. Campbell. Those winning the prizes for the ladies were Miss Lona Grant and Mrs. Oppenheimer; gentlemen, G. W. Plantz and Harry H. Feiger. Mrs. Cahoon, of Porter, sister of Mrs. Dixon, was here the first of the week on business. It is said that the foundation of the new Catholic church is to be constructed of Hallwood paving bricks. It is thought that the sandstone hereabouts would not stand the pressure of the heavy wall. Mrs. H. F. Donnally, of Hartford, and her sister, Mrs. J. D. Stanton, of Wheeling, were passengers on the steamer Virginia the last trip down, having gone to Oxford to attend the commencement exercises, from which Column 3 Miss Laura Donnally graduates this week. We are pleased to note that Miss Donnally has reaped the reward of a studious career by sharing the honors of the class equally with Miss Echo Hart, of Cincinnati. Harvey Hysell, of Thomas Fork, is very sick with heart trouble. Adam Weisman and Mrs. George Buschel, of Cincinnati, brother and sister of Michael Weisman, were here to attend his funeral yesterday. Theodore Lasley and wife arrived here from Tennessee last evening. Mrs. Deltombe and son and Jennie Dunn, of Gallipolis, are visiting here. Silas Wandling, the Bedford township prisoner, is spending his days and nights in sleeping and eating. He does not seem to be worried over his crime in the least. Prof. and Mrs. Davis and Miss Mary Williams are conducting a chorus at Spencer, W. Va. A dance was given at Franz & Heckar's Hall Monday evening in honor of Dr. Stobart. Peter Berkes, who had his leg cut off by the commuter New Years, was sent transportation to Columbus by the Hocking Valley Company yesterday, where he will receive an artificial limb free from the Company. Miss Flora Blazer, of Gallipolis, is here on a short visit to her sister, Miss Mae Blazer. Miss Mabel Race is visiting at Cheshire. Fred Kalb received a new Ben Hur bicycle yesterday, purchased from Arnold & Dawson. FIRE COMPANIES GALORE CITY COUNCIL RECOGNIZES TWO NEW ORGANIZATIONS IN THE UPPER WARDS. CAPT. MALONE HAD ON HIS KICKING HARNESS FROM START TO FINISH. The City Council held its regular June meeting Monday evening with all the members present. The wharfmaster reported $24 collected as wharfage for May. A resolution was passed to compel all long line boats to pay wharfage. The Hatcher, Little Queen and other local packets were excepted. The street commissioner mentioned several places where the culverts across the streets ought to be made larger. One is near Adam Long's on Sugar Run street and one on Lincoln Hill. At that point Capt. Malone began kicking about the Enterprise Landing and he did credit to a Texas broncho. He finally got the street committee to go to look at the place and to order it repaired. He said they had to have flying machines to get people on and off boats there. The Wildermuth sidewalk in the Fourth Ward was reported completed, also the sidewalk at the Rolling Mill, except a small piece where the railroad track crosses the street. The street committee was authorized to receive bids and award contracts for crossings above the Rolling Mill and at the lower Hocking Valley depot. Ordinances for paving the streets heretofore mentioned, were read the first time, the rules suspended and read the second and third times and passed. The levy for the coming year was fixed as follows: Interest fund, 6.7 mills, light fund, 1.7 mills, police fund, .3 mills, sinking fund, .01 mills, sanitary fund, .06 mills, fire department fund, .7 mills, and street fund 1.83 mills, total 12 mills. This is the same total as last year. The Pomeroy Iron & Steel Company was granted the privilege by ordinance to lay water and steam pipes under Condor street. After the first of July this company expects to move their boilers across the street. Malone made a fight for time on the passage of this ordinance, but he was voted down. He said that he did not know that he was opposed to the ordinance, but wanted an investigation. At this point Capt. Barnes arose in his place and stated that a fire company 25 strong had been organized in the Second Ward, that fire plugs had been put in shape there and he asked the Council to recognize the company, which was done. Capt. Malone then bounced to his feet and stated that he had a company of 135 members in the First Ward which he wanted recognized. He said it included everybody there except four cripples. He said they have a plug, too. He said that they have everything up there necessary for a fire company - they have water, buildings to catch fire and men to put the fire out. After much discussion he cut the number of patriots willing to serve their country to 25 and the prayed-for recognition was granted. The discussion of the matter created a good deal of levity and some pretty lively tilts. A motion was then passed to advertise for bids for street paving and Council adjourned for two weeks. MORE BONDS SOLD. Meigs County sold $35,000 4 1/2 per cent bonds Friday for the purpose of taking up the floating indebtedness of the county. They were bought by D. H. Moore, President of the Pomeroy National bank, for $150 premium. There were four other bidders, viz: Seasongood & Mayer, $135; W. J. Hayes, $100.25; Rudolph Kleghbolt & Company, $97.50; Lambrecht & Company, $61.50. MARRIAGE LICENSES Scott Wiley, of Athens, and Ida A. Ruth; Herbert Douglas and Elizabeth Harding; Andrew Bentz and Georgie May Hummel; Clay Jones and Mary A. Wells. Column 4 THE NEW QUEEN CITY The new Queen City, companion for the Virginia, was launched at Cincinnati Saturday. It is conceded to be the finest of her class ever built and floated in the Western rivers. In the old days of steamboating no finer stern-wheel vessel was ever built and entered into service than the Queen City. The boat is 236 feet long, 44 foot beam, 51 feet wide over all, with a seven-foot depth of hold. Her estimated capacity is 1,460 tons. Her machinery consists of four boilers and an auxiliary boiler, and her engines have an indicated horse power of 2,000. This is the highest power on any boat of the class in the Western waters. There are on the boat in all 14 steam engines for all purposes, such as making electric light, pumping and the like. The boat will be lighted throughout with electricity, there being 400 incandescent lights on her and 100 in the main saloon. The cabins will all be furnished with electric lights, and the cabins will be finished in as fine style as possible. The woodwork on the interior of the main saloon is all of mahogany finish, trimmed with brass mountings, and presents a fine appearance. The ceilings are of the decorative steel sort which has lately come into such favor for uses of this kind. The bottom panels of the cabin floors are trimmed with gold-plated mountings of attractive appearance. FINE CABIN INTERIOR The cabins themselves are fitted up in taste, each one being furnished with a nickel-plated water tank, beveled edge plate glass mirror and similar luxurious fittings. There are cabin accommodations on the boat for 160, and the capacity for passenger purposes is 250. For excursion purposes she is allowed 1,600 persons. The main saloon is decorated in a tasteful and ornamental style. The panels of the forward gangway doors are decorated each one with a scene typical of one of the four seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter. The paintings are of high order and were executed by David Swing. At the forward end of the main saloon is the most noticeable of all the attempts of the work of the decorator in the instance of the setting off of the name of the boat. The name, "Queen City," appears arising from the waters of the beautiful river, the letters wreathed and twined with a profusion of roses, fully calling to mind Longfellow's famous and oft quoted passage descriptive of the city: The Queen of the West, In her garlands dressed, On the banks of the Beautiful River. At either end of the fanciful name of the city and the name of the boat spelled by the letters rising from the water and covered with garlands of roses, are seen the banks. on the left is a representation of the Suspension bridge and the city beyond, showing the Chamber of Commerce towering above the other buildings and the tall spire of the First Presbyterian church standing out against the rugged sides of Mt. Adams. Beneath the bridge can be seen the Virginia, the companion boat to the Queen City. On the opposite side of the illuminated name is shown the Central bridge in a view looking up the river and the new upper bridge, rebuilt by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. The Kentucky shore is visible and boats with their tows come and go on the surface of the river. ARTISTIC PICTURES The two views are, in themselves attractive pictures and the illumination of the boat's name surrounded by such artistic work is the idea of Captain J. F. Ellison and well worked out by the artist, David Swing. The prevailing color in the exterior decoration of the boat is red. On the other boat, the Virginia, the color is blue. A noticeable feature about the boat is a marble tablet forward, upon which is engraved the names of the builders and outfitters. The tablet is a departure from the accepted features of boat-building and one that is full of interest. As the boat was entirely built in Cincinnati and mostly furnished and equipped by Cincinnati firms, it is appropriate that the names of her makers and furnishers should be placed together on a tablet thus. The tablet included names as follows: Cincinnati Marine Railway Company, hull, cabins, &c; McIlvain & Spiegel, boilers; L. Schreiber Sons Co., James Reese & Sons, John H. DeCamp, E. E. Locke, James Horne & Co. , Edw. C. Wendt, Ohio Scroll and Lumber Company, John Van Range Co., Triumph Electric Company, Homan & Co., Kogh & Braunstein, Consolidated Boat Store Company, Crawler & Johnston, Eureka Block and Tackle Company, Cincinnati Manufacturing Company, Wm. Glenny Co. The formal presentation to the new boat by the Chamber of Commerce of a piano and stand of colors on Thursday will be an event of no little interest. A fund has been raised by the members and the piano and colors purchased. The members of the Chamber will march to the boat after Change hours, headed by the Chamber of Commerce Band. The Mayor and President of the Chamber will make the presentation, and the afternoon or part of it will be spent in a trip up and down the river at the invitation of the owners of the boat. POSTPONED. Owing to the bad weather the Cycle Park dedication did not take place last Tuesday evening as was advertised, but will be held Thursday evening, June 10th. In the meantime the grounds have been improved and the track placed in first class condition. Column 5 THE DEPARTED MICHAEL WEISEMAN, a young man of Monkey Run who was crushed in the Peacock Mine May 16, 1896, and who was helplessly confined to his bed for over a year, died Saturday evening. He had wasted away to a mere skeleton, being paralyzed from his hips downward. He was about 21 years of age at the time of his death and was the only support of a widowed mother. The burial took place from the Catholic Church yesterday morning. JACOB HOLTER, one of the oldest residents of Sutton township, died at his home in the Nease Settlement Saturday night. He was over 80 years of age, and leaves a large family of children. The funeral took place Monday afternoon. Burial at the Gilmore cemetery. MRS. EMMA J. KAUTZ, wife of Adolph A. Kautz, died suddenly at their residence in the first Ward, Sunday afternoon, a short time after her baby was born. Deceased was 40 years of age. She was married to Mr. Kautz January 12, 1887, and leaves a husband and four children, including the baby. The maiden name of deceased was Emma J. Donaldson. The funeral took place at 2:30 yesterday afternoon. Burial at Beech Grove cemetery. A. G. KINGSBURY. A postal card has reached here from Ponca, Nebraska, announcing the death of A. G. Kingsbury, brother of Mrs. W. F. Robinson, formerly of this county. He was ill about three months from gall stones and liver trouble. He submitted to an operation in Sioux City, May 3, and died May 7. He was buried by the Grand Army and Odd Fellows. He leaves a wife and one child. MARINDA CLINE. Marinda Branch, widow of the late Madison Cline, was born at Chester, Meigs Co., Ohio, Jan. 23, 1823, and died at St. Joseph, Missouri, June 5, 1897, aged 74 years, 4 months and 18 days. DIVORCED AND MARRIED We are requested to publish the following: Kanawha Circuit Court Charleston, W. Va., May 25, 1897 MRS. ROSA DAY, POMEROY, OHIO Dear Madam: Your letter of yesterday was duly received, and it gratifies me to say that you are now free from your husband, Solomon Thomas. The divorce has been granted and he is now married, and you now have your maiden name, Miss Rosa Day. Grant P. Hall, Clerk GOING TO EUROPE P. L. Pfarr, a Chester township boy who graduated from the Ohio State University last June, leaves Columbus to-day in company with Prof. Plumb, of the Indiana Experiment Station, for three months' travel over Europe. They will spend Saturday and Sunday in Washington City and set sail from New York City Monday. They will visit England, Ireland, Scotland, Holland and Denmark to study the pasteurization and sterilization of milk. On his return Mr. Pfarr will take charge of the dairy department of the Ohio Experiment Station. He is a young man of push and ability and no doubt will make a success in life. By the way, the Meigs County Agricultural Society has another two years' free scholarship to give to some deserving young man of Meigs county who will make application at once. This is valuable to any one who desires to follow scientific farming. Write to H. C. Fish, Pomeroy, for particulars. DEMOCRATIC DELEGATES At a meeting of the Democratic Executive Committee of Meigs County Friday afternoon the following delegates were chosen to attend the State Convention the last of this month: C. E. Peoples, J. F. Bowles, A. B. Kibble, Jule Henderson and W. E. Bryan. Alternates: C. J. Vincent, Lewis Caster, R. D. Rawlings, H. A. Parr and J. M. Watts. C. J. Vincent was nominated for member of the Board of Deputy Supervisor of Elections for Meigs County. A BIG STORM Pomeroy had a heavy rainstorm last Thursday afternoon. According to Dr. Allard's measurements 1.68 inches of water fell. Lightning struck Mrs. Pick's residence on Monkey Run and knocked a few boards off it. The Bicycle Park was pretty badly damaged, and as a result the Park opening had to be postponed. The sewer at J. B. Scott's residence on Mulberry street, which has been making so much trouble in the past few years, caved in and will have to be rebuilt. DR. KNIGHT'S BELIEF In our notice of Dr. Knight's death last week we stated that he believed that death ends all, which accounted somewhat for the style of funeral he requested. We have since been informed that such was not a fact. We are told that he hoped as ardently as any of us for immortality and on the afternoon of the day before he died he was not afraid of death and that he could trust himself with God. We are sorry that such an assertion should have been made, but published it on what we considered good authority, and knowing that there are many people in the world with such a belief it went in unquestioned. Column 6 MARINE Assistant United States Engineer R. R. Jones is making preparations to resume the survey of the Ohio River from Pittsburg to Marietta. This survey was begun last year, and completed as far as East Liverpool. As soon as the stage of the river will permit, the survey will be resumed. The survey is being made with the view of obtaining all information possible for use in improving the river by locks and dams. It will hardly be completed this season. Marietta is supposed to be the southern terminus of the locks and dams of the river. The Smoky City laid up at Middleport last Wednesday and paid off her crew. John Parks, aged 19 years, second engineer of the Ida Smith, died at the Marine Hospital at Gallipolis, Friday evening. He was taken to Ravenswood for burial. NEW WHEELING PACKET The brand, spanking new steamer W. J. Cummings, belonging to Capt. Mack Gamble, just completed at Marietta, and having a 500-ton capacity, made her maiden trip Saturday. She left Wheeling for Cincinnati, and will run regularly between Cincinnati and Wheeling as an independent weekly packet. DEMOCRAT CORRESPONDENTS CONVENTION The regular annual convention of the correspondents of the Democrat took place last Saturday, June 5th. The correspondents from all over the county gathered at the Court House in the morning, and after the Boxwell diploma presentations they went to the wharf and boarded the steamer Mary L. Hatcher for the purpose of an excursion up the river. The Pomeroy Band was aboard and kept up the spirits of the writers by plenty of stirring, solemn and ear-destroying music, decorations were galore, and all in all no more suitable setting could be established for a day of pleasure. At Syracuse the boat landed and the crowd moved to the college campus, where dinner was served. Among the two hundred people present there appeared to be nearly as many well filled baskets and in a remarkably short time a feast was before the people capable of causing any journalist's eyes to sparkle and fit to satisfy his appetite. After dinner came the business and literary events; the election of officers for the ensuing year constituting the business. All the officers of last year were re-elected. The program, while perhaps just a little short, was very beneficial and interesting. Essays entitled "Mother, Home and Heaven" and "Literature" were among the other good things. And Prof. Coates was there, too! It is well understood what he added to the fun of the occasion by his humorous selections. Again the crowd boarded the boat and she steamed on up the river as far as Racine, and returned to the wharf here somewhat after three o'clock. Correspondents, friends, band boys - in fact everybody was loud in his gratitude for his courteous treatment at the hands of Mr. Peoples. This being an annual affair, anticipation is great for the repetition of the enjoyment next year, although likely in another manner. OHL-CONANT TOLEDO, OHIO, June 6. The social event of the week, and one of the most brilliant affairs of the season, was the marriage of Miss Mary Cynthia Conant to Mr. Franklin M. Ohl, which was solemnized at the home of Mrs. Walter Newell Conant on Tuesday afternoon. The residence of the bride's mother was beautifully decorated for the nuptials, the reigning tints being pink and green. For a long time Miss Conant was acknowledged as one of Toledo's reigning belles, and she never looked more queenly than when as a bride she appeared in a gown of lustrous white satin with its garniture of lace. She carried white roses. The maid of honor, Miss Edna Bolles, of Chicago, wore white mousselaine de sole over pink silk, and carried pink roses. J. K. Ohl, of Washington, served as best man for his brother, and Miss Conant's brother, Mr. Frank Conant, gave the bride away. The ceremony was pronounced by Dr. W. W. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Ohl will spend their honeymoon in Montreal and New York. REV. FISCHER RESIGNS Rev. G. Fischer, pastor of the German Presbyterian church at the corner of Linn and Second streets for the past nine years, has resigned and accepted a call to a church at Monroeville, Ohio, 33 miles north of Columbus. He preaches his farewell sermon July 18, and leaves immediately thereafter. The church and the community at large regret his departure.
Pomeroy Tribune-Telegraph July 28, 1897
NEWS NUGGETS TURNED OUT BY THE STEAM PLOW OF INVESTIGATION AND MADE READY FOR THE MINT OF PUBLIC INSPECTION. ITEMS PANNED OUT OF A FEW RICH POCKETS THIS WEEK. When the burning heat beats on the street, And the thunders roll and roll, 'Twould be good to go in a ship of snow, On a picnic to the pole! At the time of the evening performance of the circus at the Pomeroy park, last Friday evening, the boss canvassman, who gave his name as Ed Wilmer, made his way under the seats and assaulted several ladies by pinching them. He was promptly arrested by Deputy Marshal George Fick and brought to jail. On complaint of Mrs. Louis Gottfried, he was taken before Mayor Seebohm, Monday afternoon, and fined $25 and costs. He had no money and was sent back to jail. Miss Anna Turley, who has been visiting her parents, at Syracuse, left Monday, for Columbus. Mrs. Jos. Matthews, after a visit of three weeks to relatives here and at Syracuse, has returned to her home, at Columbus. Father Schneider left for Columbus, Monday. There will be no services at the Episcopal Church next Sunday, as the rector expects to be at McArthur. Mrs. George J. Woods, of Lincoln, Neb., is expected here in a few days to visit Miss Amy Whaley. Everet White cut a vein in his arm, Monday, while working with a piece of steel, and bled considerably before he could get to a doctor's office. Elder C. P. Wiggins is holding a meeting in what was formerly the old post office, on Third street. He baptized eight by immersion, recently. A citizen remarked Monday morning: "Congress passed the tariff bill, Saturday, and on Monday morning the work of paving the streets of Pomeroy was begun. Who says that Pomeroy does not catch onto the drift of things promptly?" The Pomeroy rolling mill is assured an area of prosperity for at least four years. The new tariff bill places $10 a ton protection on cotton ties. A 15-ton steam plow was put to work on Front street, Monday morning, from Massar's corner to Court street, making the excavation for street paving. The street is exceedingly hard and difficult to plow. The Pomeroy salt works shut down for repairs, Saturday evening. Misses Alice Merrick and Mary Ohl left, Saturday, for a ten days' visit to the Athens Hospital. Albert Young is home from Portsmouth. W. B. Barnitz, of Letart township, left a basket of very fine apples at this office, Saturday morning, which were highly appreciated by the force. Mrs. John Wippel and two children came down from Columbus, Saturday. The Pomeroy baseball club is making a tour of the Hocking Valley. Two Syracuse boys, Gene Quillen and Dan Jones, are with them. W. S. Davis, telephone manager, tells a story about the wire between here and Hartford City growing through two saplings, and yet the sound of the voice could be heard over the wire. He cut out a section of one of the saplings and brought it to Pomeroy to prove his assertions. The sheriff sold several pieces of property Saturday morning. The Carleton property, in Bedford township, appraised at $1,700 was sold to George R. Carleton, for $1,135. In the case of Thos. Carleton vs. James W. Carleton, in the same township, the property involved, appraised at $1,000 was sold to George W. Carleton, for $667. The property in the case of Coe vs. Will did not sell for want of bidders. The Ohio River Railroad is having quite a boom in freight and passenger traffic. George Joachim, Jr., got his wrist badly cut, at Davies' planing mill one day last week. Mrs. Postle, of Columbus, came down, Saturday, to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. E. E. Jones. David E. Evans' family left for Byesville, where Mr. Evans is employed, last evening. The Hocking Valley Railroad has tendered a picnic, at Buckeye Park, July 31st, to all of its employees and families from one end of the road to the other. Single men are given a ticket for their best girls. Every one else can go on the same train, on a low rate. Quite a number of the young folks attended a dance at George Bradford's, Thursday evening. Otto Schoenlein has returned from Ironton, where he has been teaching a class in German, the past month. Miss Mullenaux, who has been the guest of Miss Maggie McKnight the past week, returned to her home, at Cincinnati, Thursday. Andy Schwarzwalder left, Sunday, on a visit to relatives at Columbus. Misses Katie Ruschel and Lizzie Faehnle, of Cincinnati, arrived Tuesday evening on the Henry M. Stanley for a visit of several weeks to the former's mother and other friends. Miss Mary Grow left, Monday, on a visit to friends at Columbus. Miss Greta Donnally has returned Column 2 from a visit to relatives and friends at Columbus. G. M. Massman, manager of the Gallia Wheelmen's Race meet, was in town Monday putting up lithographs and making arrangements with some of our riders to be with them on the 12th of August. The Gallipolis boys have put in a new 4 lap track at Lakewood Park and expect to have one of the best race meets ever held in this part of the State. Rev. R. J. Poston, of Dayton, O., was in town, Thursday. The cake walk on the platform, back of Kaspar's store, in the Second Ward, drew an unusually large crowd, Thursday evening. Heck Jackson, of Middleport, won the first prize, $2, while Chas. Stewart, of this city, captured the cake. Secretary of State Kinney has appointed John Grogan and C. J. Vincent members of the County Board of Deputy State Supervisors of Elections for Meigs County. Misses Lottie Evans and Mary Jones, of Centerville, Gallia county, who have been visiting Miss Anna Evans, of Minersville, for the past two weeks, returned to their homes Wednesday morning Miss Evans recently completed the course in music at Rio Grande College, while both are students of that institution. The street paving work attracts more attention than a circus. Great crowds stand around to enjoy the sight and to offer suggestions. Application has been filed in the Probate Court to have Edna Molden, of Middleport, sent to the Girls' Industrial Home. The case will be heard Saturday. The Pomeroy Social Colored Club will give a grand cake walk, back of Kaspar's store, this evening. There will be eight couples in the walk. Mrs. Lewis Paine and daughter, Miss Anna, returned, Sunday from a pleasant visit with relatives at Columbus. Enos Quimby had an injunction granted in the Probate Court, Monday, to prevent Alanson Green from cutting timber from a certain tract of land on which Mr. Quimby has a mortgage of something like $450. Misses [Teekla?] Hess and Jeannette Wright, of the Xenia Children's Home, who have been visiting the former's parents at Syracuse for the past month, left for Xenia, Monday. Mrs. Draut, who has been visiting the family of Lewis Roos, left for her home at Columbus, Monday. Guy Stewart, of Middleport, has returned from a trip to the Pacific coast with the Christian Endeavor people, and gives a glowing account of the West. He went 600 miles up into Alaska, and says the gold excitement there cannot be described. Men are throwing up positions worth $80 to $90 per month to go to the gold fields. He thinks now is the time to go to the Northwest, when a good position can be had for the asking. James Barber has been appointed postmaster at Vales Mills. There were four marriage licenses issued in the past week, but three of the couples do not want the fact published. The couple which has no objections to the whole world knowing of the marriage is William A. Carman and Elizabeth D. Toban. If a man brings a report into court and swears to it and spells hogshead "hogsit," spells kettle "cittle," and kitchen "citchen," does that make the spelling right? The iron bridge across Indian creek, in Olive township, was recently knocked down by a flood, and now lies in the bottom of the creek upside down. The abutments are also piled there in a heap. Miss Emma Halliday, of New Orleans, who has been the guest of G. W. Plantz and family the past week, left, Saturday, to visit relatives at Gallipolis. Henry Moldhorst, a saloon keeper of the Fourth Ward, was arrested, Saturday, on the charge of selling intoxicants to a miner (sic) girl named Molden. He plead guilty and was fined $5 and costs by Squire Donnally. Miss Anna Joseph returned home, Monday, from a month's visit to her uncle at Glouster, and friends in the Hocking Valley. The remains of Otto Franz, who was buried at Pt. Pleasant, 22 years ago, were brought here today and buried in the Catholic cemetery. He was buried in a place which is caving away, making a removal necessary. Deceased was a brother of J. A. Franz, of Columbus. Mrs. Geo. Kraus and little son left, for Indianapolis, Ind., Tuesday morning, on the Bonanza, to visit her brother and sisters. Wade Bowles, who left here, broken in health, and who has been roughing it for one year in California, dropped in on his friends at Dexter, Monday, 25 pounds heavier, brown as a nut and sound as a dollar, having entirely recovered his health in that healing climate. He says that miners are returning from the Alaskan gold fields with fortunes, and that the gold fever is running high there. The city is putting down a brick sidewalk and crossing near the old freight depot. J. H. Miller, of Dayton, spent Sunday with the family of John E. Williams. Henry Huntley, of Gallia County, is visiting his brother, J. W. Huntley. Misses Tona Elben and Norma Goessler spent Monday at Gallipolis. Jos. Faehnle & Son, the wagon manufacturers of Middleport, have made a handsome delivery wagon for Chris. Kuntz, the Midway grocer. Miss Nora Wehe, of Pittsburgh, arrives today on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wehe. Otto Reuter, after a pleasant visit with relatives here, returned to Marietta, Sunday. Chas. Downie, who has been spend- Column 3 ing the summer with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Downie, left yesterday for his home at Columbus. George Donnally left Tuesday on a visit to Columbus and Cincinnati. Mrs. George H. Jones will speak on Corea (sic) at the Presbyterian Church, Sunday evening at the usual hour. Both fire companies attended Elder Carrier's funeral yesterday in a body. Frank Blake's brother Charley, is now at Trail, British Columbia, working in a smelting works at $105 per month. He says that if his wages are not raised he will leave there in August. The award for putting in the foundation of the Catholic church has not been made. The committee is still considering the bids which were opened a few days ago. The plans for the new German M. E. church have reached here. S. Schaffner, of the Cheap Market store, leaves for St. Paul tomorrow, on business. Mrs. Powers, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. C. Pownall, on Lincoln Hill, expects to leave, tomorrow, for her home at Ashland, Kentucky. Mrs. Garrett, of Middleport, will accompany her. The Ohio River railroad will run an excursion to Cincinnati next Saturday, at $2 for the round trip, good for four days. The Building Committee of the German M. E. Church is advertising in this issue for bids on building a new church. J. F. Downing, the pension king, informs us that citizens of the following named states and territories have recently sent him their applications for pensions and increase of pensions: Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, Missouri, Illinois, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Indian Territory, California and Pennsylvania. Ernest Rehm and family, who have been visiting relatives here the past few weeks, returned to their home at Cincinnati, Monday. Mrs. F. W. Steinbauer left Sunday on a visit to her brother, John Schilling, at Lancaster. Rev. Isaac B. Moosby, an Armenian, of Cincinnati, will preach at the Presbyterian church, Sunday morning. He comes highly recommended by professors of Lane Seminary and others. His father was killed by the Turks. His subject will be "Armenia." Mrs. McDaniel, who has spent the past year at the home of her son-in-law, B. J. Malone, returned to her home at Mason City, Saturday. D. S. Lewis made a business trip to Cincinnati, this week. Miss Ella Kautz is riding a Ben Hur wheel, lately purchased. A new crossing has been laid from the corner to Schwegman & Roedel's store. Mr. and Mrs. Burket, of King's Mills, near Cincinnati, arrived here Monday, and will visit relatives until the Fish property, which they have purchased, is repaired. Miss Virgie Williamson, who has been visiting friends at Cincinnati, Ashland and Huntington, returned home, Saturday. She was accompanied by her aunt, Miss Lydia Williamson, of Huntington. A meeting of delegates from the mines along the bend was held at Schwegman & Roedel's hall, Monday evening. Mrs. Pfirrman, a highly respected German lady, died at her home, Monday morning. She was nearly 76 years old and had been in poor health the past six years. She leaves a husband, two daughters and a son to mourn their loss. The funeral will be held at the Lutheran church, Wednesday afternoon. PENSIONS The following pensions have been allowed through J. F. Downing's agency, for week ending July 24, 1897: David Pearce, Rutland, Ohio, Co. M. 7th Reg. Ohio Cav. Vol., $14 per month, from Nov. 4, 1896, date of his examination; Thos. Edwards, Hartford, W. Va., Co. A. 4th Reg. West Virginia Inf. Vol., $30 per month, from Feb. 10, 1897, date of his examination. GONE FROM EARTH ELDORADO CARRIER, the Deputy Marshal of the Fourth Ward, died, Sunday, after a long illness from consumption. He was on his feet, however, until within a short time of his death. He was a member of the Pomeroy fire company, and his fellow firemen attended his funeral, yesterday. Deceased was aged 37 years and 2 months, and leaves a wife and six small children. JOHN STANSBURY, an old resident of Rutland township, who has suffered from paralysis for the past two years, died Monday. He held township offices for many years and at one time was trustee of the Children's Home. KILLED BY THE CARS Asa Grayson, a son of Wm. Grayson, of Columbus, was run over and instantly killed by a Scioto Valley train, four miles this side of Circleville, Thursday afternoon. This is the second child Mr. Grayson has lost within a year, the other being scalded to death at the steel plant at Columbus. Mr. Grayson, until recently, lived at Middleport, but went to Columbus with the steel plant. COURT ROOM RENOVATED Work has been commenced on the court room for the purpose of thoroughly renovating it. It will be papered, painted and re-carpeted, and otherwise made more comfortable. Column 4 REDS DRAW A BLANK MASON CITY SHUT THE BOYS FROM THIS SIDE OUT IN A GAME OF BASEBALL LAST WEDNESDAY. The Pomeroy club went to Mason, Wednesday, to duplicate the victory gained earlier in the season, but ran against an obstacle, in that they were unable to score a tally, while Mason harvested five. The game was delayed until late in the afternoon, owing to an argument as to which club should claim the services of the Syracusians, Guinther and Williams. They finally turned their backs to their brethren and locked arms with their time-established enemies. The game was short and uninteresting, resulting as above stated, 5 to 0, in favor of Mason. BASEBALL GOSSIP The Reds got off on the Hocking Valley trip, last Friday. "Pud" Smith, John Leifheit, "Hap" Neutzling, C. W. O'Brien, Wes. Chaffins, Gleasoncamp, John King, Dan Jones and Will Quillen constituted the party. Guinther and Williams were not taken, on account of their actions at Mason, Wednesday. Nothing but defeats can be looked for from the boys for a day or so, until they learn one another and play together. And besides, they met extremely hard teams at the very first. MASON DEFEATS SYRACUSE Last Saturday, the long looked for game between Syracuse and Mason came off at the Syracuse baseball park. Mason went up expecting an easy victory, and they were not disappointed. The game was one of the poorest ever played at Syracuse. Mason did some good batting - enough for both teams. The Syracuse scoreman says Rodgers got down-hearted, in the third inning, and merely pitched the ball, much to the satisfaction of the Masonites, who wafted it to all parts of the field. After the third inning, both sides did some good playing. Quillin and Jones, who are taking in the Hocking Valley trip with the Pomeroy boys, were greatly missed by the Syracuse club, as they are both excellent players. Following is the score by innings: Innings: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Syracuse: 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 - 3 Mason: 1 2 7 0 1 0 0 0 * - 11 Batteries - Rodgers and Williams; Allemang and Rightmire. Struck out - By Rodgers, 3; by Allemang, 4. Errors - Syracuse, 8; Mason, 7. NOTES Fred Guinther did good playing for Syracuse, holding his head, while most of the other players were up in the clouds. Eve Williams was there, too, and he, also, stayed on the ground, while some of them were soaring in the aerial heavens, knocking two safe base hits, which was the best done by any of the Syracuse team. Schreiner did good work at the bat, for Mason, but poor work at short. J. Dornick made three of the tallies for Mason. John Guinther did the best playing that he ever did in his life, putting out seven men, which is a very unusual number for a second baseman. It was a "scrub" nine that wanted to play Ravenswood, as mentioned last week, and not the first nine, as some supposed. THE REDS IN THE VALLEY Special to the Tribune-Telegraph Word from the Pomeroy boys, en route through the Hocking Valley, says they are having quite an enjoyable time, and are indebted for the utmost hospitality at every place they have visited. The first game, at Nelsonville, was lost in the seventh inning. The score then stood 4 to 1, in their favor, when a wild throw sent their hopes glimmering. When the game was over, the score stood 10 to 4, in favor of the Nelsonville Greys. The opposition put up by our boys is said to have been the best the Greys have met with this season. The second game was declared off, as the Nelsonville club was to leave for Marietta, Sunday evening. The grounds and amphitheater are something fine, and a brass band plays at the games. The Nelsonville pitcher claims that the Pomeroy team is the hardest hitting aggregation that the Nelsonville team has ever met. Dan Jones, the gentlemanly Syracuse player, lifted one over the fence and brought in two men. AT BUCHTEL. Sunday they met the Buchtel club, assisted by some of the Nelsonville Greys. Under the handicap of a "roasting" umpire, the boys put up a good game. The score was tied until the seventh inning, when Buchtel filled the bases, with two out. The batter up knocked a liner toward first, and Johnny Leifhelt attempted to field it, when he was run over by the runner and knocked down. While in this position, he tried to pitch it to first, which was only a feet (sic) away, but the first baseman let it roll a few feet away and couldn't find it, Buchtel clearing the bases in the meantime. The boys, after retiring the side, at their time at the bat, tied the score again. In the ninth, a wild throw let in a run for Buchtel, which made the score 6 to 5, in favor of Buchtel. Will Quillin, the other Syracuse player, got a three-bagger in this game. Column 5 THE CITY COUNCIL THE PAVING CONTRACT ACCEPTED - A FRUITLESS TALK ABOUT THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. At a meeting of the City Council, last Wednesday evening, the bond of Messrs. Kelley & Berry, the street pavers, for $2,500, was accepted, with Michael Stanton and B. H. Kelley as sureties. The contract was also signed in which it is provided that if an injunction against the work is brought and sustained that the city shall not be compelled to pay for work not completed, and that all teams and labor shall be employed in Pomeroy, provided they can be gotten as cheaply as elsewhere. The work is to be commenced by August 1st. The Improvement committee was empowered to employ a competent man to inspect the work and material. The Third Ward member of the street committee was given power to abate the stagnant pond of water, near the mouth of Sugar Run. The First Ward sidewalks were reported as progressing nicely. The city engineer was instructed to go up to the First Ward and do some surveying, to decide where the street lines ought to be, near Schwegman & Roedel's store. The clerk was ordered to notify certain parties in the First, Second and Fourth Wards, to put down their pavements. This includes the Hocking Valley Railroad Company. In a communication to the light committee, the Electric Company refused to accept the proposition of Council, as published recently, and made a new one, as follows: That, if the city will extend the franchise 10 years from the expiration of the present contract, the company will put in new poles where the city is to pave, repair the others, replace defective wires, and put in 30 arc lights instead of 27, for $2,400 per year. The company also proposes to sell out to the city, at the actual cost of the plant, on long time and at a low rate of interest. The Council refused the proposition. A good deal of time was consumed in fruitless talk. No conclusion was reached, and the squabble remains as it was. CENTRAL COMMITTEE MEETING The Meigs County Republican Central Committee met at the Court House, Saturday forenoon, to fix the date of the primary election and to transact any other business that might come up. There were 20 members present out of the 27. Saturday, August 14, was fixed as the date of the primaries. The candidates for county offices were assessed $20 each for election purposes, and each candidate for central committeeman is required to pay $1 for the same purpose. The candidates for central committeemen are to pay their money to the central committeemen of their respective precincts and wards on or before August 5, at 6 o'clock p.m., and the candidates must pay their money to the treasurer of the committee on the same date, or their names will not be placed on the tickets. The printing of the tickets is to be awarded to the lowest bidder. The printing is in charge of a committee comprised of H. C. Fish, R. E. Stobart and S. F. Berry. E O. Rhodes, of Minersville, was recommended to a position in the Athens Hospital. J. M. Weldon asked the committee to recommend him for the position of postmaster at Racine. There are several applicants for the place and quite a good deal of discussion followed on the advisability of making the recommendation at that time without giving all the applicants an opportunity to have their applications and petitions heard. It was late at that time and an adjournment was taken to one o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of taking up the question of recommending some one for the Racine postoffice. Before the meeting was called all but a half dozen of the committeemen had gone to Syracuse to a ball game, which did not leave a quorum. There will be another meeting at 10 o'clock, Saturday, August 7, when this and other postoffices in the county will be disposed of in the matter of recommendation. EXCURSIONISTS About 400 persons came down on the excursion from Columbus, Sunday. Over half of them got off at Gallipolis. The colored K. of P. band of Columbus, accompanied the Gallipolis party and played at the park there. Following are the names of a few of the hundred or more who spent the day with relatives and friends here: Andy Eppert and wife, Henry Yeager, Thos. Wheatley, Val Reuter, Will Atheran, Rev. Schneider's father and brother, Herbert Hysell, Misses Armstrong, Kate Smith, Kate Ohlinger, Maggie Ohlinger, Mrs. Chas. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schneider, Mrs. Andy Gloeckner, John Schilling, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman, Mrs. Fred Zwilling and children, Otto Gall, Mrs. Leonard Good and Sam Elberfeld. A DREADFUL ACCIDENT A dreadful accident happened to a Fourth Ward boy, last Thursday, while picking berries out on Parker Run, a mile of so back of town. John Bowen (not the conductor) and Raymond, his eleven-year-old son, were picking berries in a hollow, near a dead tree. The wind broke a large limb from the tree and it fell, striking the boy on the head. He was brought home unconscious and remained in that state until Saturday, when he seemed to come to himself. Column 6 MARINE The body of Mrs. Emma S. Fisher, who died in St. Louis, was brought to Cincinnati and interred in Spring Grove, Tuesday. Mrs. Fisher was the wife of Captain Mart Fisher, once a well-known river man. The steamer Silver Wave was destroyed by fire at Higginsport, Ohio, at 3 o'clock, Wednesday morning. The steamer was on the docks for repairs, and the fire was caused by the explosion of a lamp. The Silver Wave was 63 tons capacity, and had been running between Augusta and Portsmouth. The Benton, sunk at Sioux City, was 22 years old and belonged to Captain Thomas B. Sims, of St. Louis. She was valued at $4,000. Commodore Robert W. Wise is possessed of a blue book that is one of the finest publications ever issued for the guidance and information of those engaged in marine service. It is copiously illustrated with engravings and colored lithographs, and contains the name of owner, place of building, dimensions, tonnage, capacity and everything worth knowing about every lake, ocean and river steamer afloat. The Commodore values his work very highly. The Catlettsburg Democrat says: "A new coal and coke company, now being organized by moneyed men of Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia, will soon begin operations on the Waldron property, near Williamson, considered the finest coal field in this section. The charter for the company has been drafted by Attorneys Sampselle & Hoyte. The coal can be shipped both by river and by rail." The Dauntless was sold, by the United States Marshal, Saturday, to Capt. John Ailes, for $3,000. Captain Robert A. Cunningham, a former well-known steamboatman, now of Dayton, Ohio, passed through the city yesterday on his way to visit his old home in Middleport. The Kentucky and Ohio Ferry Company, of Covington, was incorporated at Frankfort, last Thursday. The incorporators are S. H. and B. G. Goodwin; capital, $2,500. The steamer Ruth, which is towing French's New Sensation, has just made a successful tour of the Kanawha Valley and is on the way down the Ohio river to exhibit at Southern towns. The two model barges now being built at Cincinnati for the Interstate Transportation Company will be rigged with all the necessary appliances so that they can handle cotton with as much ease and as quick, as a steamboat. The old Capitol ran from New Orleans to Memphis in [1858?] in 3 days and one hour. That same year the Landis ran from New Orleans to Cincinnati in 7 days and 6 hours. As a general thing the boats of the 50s made better time than has ever been made since. [Louisville paper] The Epworth League, of the Middleport M. E. Church, has chartered the elegant Pomeroy and Cincinnati packet, Bonanza, for Monday, August 9th, and will run an excursion from the Bend to Huntington, for 50 cents the round trip. The boat will lay at Huntington three hours. This will be the cheapest and best excursion of the year and hundreds will avail themselves of this opportunity to spend the day on one of the largest and most beautiful packets on the river. Capt. H. C. Pownall, who has been steamboating between Louisville and New Orleans this season, on the Beaver, resigned his position and came home, yesterday. He says that steamboating on the Mississippi River is too hard in the summer. The boat made six trips this summer to New Orleans. The Captain goes, on business, to Pittsburg, today. About 1,500,000 bushels of coal got out of Pittsburg on the present rise. Capt. Jack Leonard, who has been standing watch on the Hudson, has taken his own berth as mate on the Queen City. There is a well-defined rumor on the river front that the Magnificent steamer Island Queen will discard her new condensers at the end of the season, because they do not come up to the expectations of the owners of the boat. It is claimed that the builders of the condensers guaranteed to save the boat at least 25 per cent in fuel as well as to make her speedier. According to statements supposed to come from the boat the Island Queen burnt a little more coal in one month this year than she did during the corresponding time last year. [Cincinnati Tribune.] The United States snagboat E. A. Woodruff took out the two boilers which were lost off the Vesper, when she turned over in the ice last winter, at Gallipolis. The boilers were located a short distance below the ferry landing, near shore. The Woodruff also removed several snags in the bend below that city.
Pomeroy Tribune-Telegraph August 18, 1897
CONDENSED STORIES NEWS OF INTEREST AND IMPORTANCE GROUPED UNDER A SINGLE HEAD. MATTERS YOU COULD NOT FIND OUT IN A MONTH BY WAITING FOR YOUR FRIENDS TO TELL YOU. Several weeks ago the trustees of the German M. E. church advertised for bids for the erection of a new church on the site of the old one. At a meeting of the trustees, Monday evening the contract was awarded for the building of the new church to John Genheimer(Cap of this city, for $3767.35. The new church will be built of brick, one story, 31 feet in height, and will have a 58 ft. tower. Geo. Bauer has purchased the old church building for $50, and will tear it down at once. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Otto, who have been here on a visit to Rev. Andree and family, returned to their home at Marietta Friday. Henry Koepf, of Chicago, is here visiting his parents in the Third ward. Rev. Frank B. Cramer, late of Cincinnati, died last week, also his son Henry W., late of Smyrna, Indiana. The father was well-known in this city, having attended the conference of the German M. E. ministers a few months ago. At a meeting of the conference committee of Simpson M. E. church, the other evening, a resolution was passed asking the Presiding Elder to use his influence to have Rev. Sparks returned to this charge next year. Marshal Hamilton has bought two Fowler bicycles, on for himself and one for his wife. He has sold his horse and buggy. The personal property of the John E. Williams estate at Minersville was sold at auction, Saturday. The real estate did not sell for want of bidders. Mrs. T. S. Home and little daughter, accompanied by Mrs. A. D. Brown, left Saturday for Atchison, Kansas, where they will visit for several weeks. Mrs. Home is on her way home to Los Angeles, California. Reuben Tamney and wife are back to Meigs county from Cripple Creek, Colorado. Born, last Thursday evening, a girl, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tracy, of Thomas Fork. Thomas Headley, of Middleport, has taken the place of Colonel Davenport as civil engineer on the streets here. Mrs. Webb and children are spending a couple of weeks at Dexter. Valcie Vining, who is employed at the Milwaukee Sanitarium, arrived here Saturday. He has been employed to teach in Meigs county. O. H. Myers, the livery stable man, has been sick for about a week. Miss Sain, who has been visiting Miss Helen Ebersbach, has returned to her home at Columbus. Albert Hobt, and family, of Wellston, arrived Monday on a visit to his mother. J. E. Evans, of Glouster, and Will Johnston, of Straitsville, are the guests of T. T. Williams. There were over sixty applicants at the teacher's examination Saturday. Mrs. Bean, of Gallipolis, visited here Sunday. John Woode is home on a visit to his parents, from Cincinnati. Willie Hilton, who has been visiting at Dr. Stobart's, returned to his home at Parkersburg. Before October 1, Deputy Game Warden George Fick will have a number of pairs of Mongolian pheasants to be liberated in the woods of Meigs County. They are fine birds and a heavy fine will be imposed for killing them before 1900. Messrs. A. P. Ashworth, E. C. Hecox, Chas. Ihle and H. J. Blackmore left yesterday on a fishing trip to the lakes. The rolling mill is now running three turns every 24 hours. Heretofore the best they could do was two turns. Born, to Artemas Williams and wife, an eight pound son, last Thursday. The street paving is progressing nicely. The bricks have been laid on Front from Butternut to Court streets. W. A. Kingsley came down from Columbus, Monday evening. Louie Baer has returned from Springfield. Seth Haley, of Rutland, and Miss Daisy Stevens were married at the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stevens, near Harrisonville, Saturday evening at 5 o'clock. Miss Mauck, of Gallipolis, is the guest of Mrs. Abe Horwitz. Rev. Beller, D. D., Vice Chancellor of the American University, at Washington, D. C., and Dr. Edward Fisher, of Lyons, Kansas, were in town, Monday. Miss Edith Eiselstein, who has been visiting at Charleston the past few weeks, has returned home. Albert Kuntz has returned home from a two week's visit to Columbus and Cincinnati. John Wood, of Athens, is the guest of A. W. Vorhes. Ed. Cursey and wife, of Ludlow, Ky., are here on a visit to relatives. Misses Julia and Helen Lochary are visiting at J. F. Alkire's at Harrisonville. The Opera House was crowded last evening to hear Hon. V. A. Lewis lecture on The French and Indian War. His lecture was full of valuable historical information. Column 2 Chas. Pridemore and Miss Cordie Brotherington, a strange couple, dropped into town yesterday evening and were married at the Starcher House by Rev. Ernest McDougle, who happened to be in town. Wm. McElroy had a narrow escape from drowning, last Thursday evening. He was on the wharfboat when the Valley Belle came down and, as usual, had been drinking too freely. He attempted to grab the line when the boat was making the landing and fell backwards into the river. Some of the men on the boat grabbed him as he came up the third time and had a hard time in preventing him from being crushed between the boat and the wharfboat. Miss Mae Blazer left Monday for a visit to Gallipolis and Proctorsville. Services will be held in the old German M. E. Church next Sunday, for the last time, before it is dismantled. Mrs. Will Morgan and two children, of Zanesville, are visiting relatives in the Nease Settlement. The ferryboat, Champion No. 2, was placed on the Middleport docks, where she will undergo extensive repairs. The fifth game of the season between the Pomeroy and Syracuse clubs was captured by the latter club, Saturday, at the Syracuse ball park. The game was a sloppy one, and was anything but interesting. The score stood 17 to 8, in favor of Syracuse. C. T. Coates was appointed County Examiner, last evening, by the Probate Court, to succeed S. P. Humphrey resigned. It is understood that L. W. Philson will be appointed to succeed himself, when his term expires, August 31st. Prof. Coates is one of the foremost educators in the State and it would be impossible to find one better qualified Abe Horwitz is at Cincinnati this week. Cam. Roberts, salesman for Boggs & Buhl, at Pittsburg, is home on a visit to his parents. The Charleston club came down to Mason City, Sunday, and got defeated to the tune of 13 to 2. They came as far as Point Pleasant on the K. & M., and from there they came in cabs. Jacob Rose, of Excelsior Hill, has typhoid fever. Pensions allowed through J. F. Downing's Agency for week ending August 14, 1897: Wm. A Young, Co. D, 18th O. V. I., Bedford, Meigs County, Ohio, $11 per month from April 14th, 1897; Richard Preston, Co. K, 14(?)th O. V. I. Letart, Ohio, $17 per month, from March 17, 1897. The Gallipolis District Conference will be held at Rutland, O., August 30-31 and September 1, 1897. An excellent programme will be carried out. The Gallipolis and O. H. E. teams crossed bats at Gallipolis, Saturday to decide the championship of Gallia county. The score stood 5 to 13 in favor of the O. H. E. The latter team now holds the championship of Gallia and Mason counties, and will play Syracuse, Saturday, August 21, at the Syracuse ball park, for the championship of Meigs. Daniel Mauck, the young man who was thrown from a bicycle and seriously injured, at Cheshire several weeks ago, died Tuesday morning at 5 o'clock. He was sixteen years of age and was an unusually bright young man. From lengthy comments seen in numerous papers of the State, we infer that Prof. Eugene Davis and wife, who conducted a choral society here last winter, are having abundant success. There was a red hot lawsuit at Reedsville last Saturday between Prof. J. M. Black and Seneca Stewart over a $32 bill for teaching Stewart's daughter music. There were over one hundred spectators. Black won. Black was represented by Sol. Nickerson and Stewart by Sid. Smith. Mrs. Mary Morgan, who has been visiting at Rio Grande the past three weeks, returned home, Saturday. Miss Abbie Morgan, who has been spending her vacation at Wellston, returned Saturday, accompanied by her cousin, Mrs. Mary Irvin, who will remain here a few weeks. Mrs. Ida Curtis returned from Long Bottom, Friday. J. McHenry Jones, who lately returned from a trip to England, was visiting his parents, here, a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mockbee, of Alabama, arrived here, Wednesday evening, on a visit to Mrs. Mockbee's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Lanham. John Davis, of Carbon Hill, is visiting relatives and friends here. Will Thompson, formerly of this place, but now living at Glouster, was calling on friends, last week. Two of Martin Jay's children are suffering from typhoid fever; also a little girl of Chas. Starks. A social will be given at the Union Chapel, Saturday evening, August 21st, for the benefit of the Union Sunday School. Let all friends of the Sunday School and lovers of ice cream attend. Joseph Huber and Henry Druffel, of Cincinnati, who have been here visiting friends, returned home yesterday. LECTURES Prof. F. S. Fox will give an entertainment at the Opera House tonight. It will consist of elocution, wit and humor accompanied with dramatical expressions. An admission fee of 5 and 10 cents will be charged to help defray expenses, which have heretofore been borne by the businessmen of the town. On Thursday evening Prof. T. S. Lowden will lecture on "The Child's Heritage" at the Opera House. Mr. Lowden was formerly a Meigs county boy being born in Middleport and having taught school for a number of years in this county. Lecture free. Column 3 EDNA GAREN RETURNS Miss Edna Garen, whose mysterious disappearance from here last February created considerable comment, returned on the packet Bonanza, Sunday night, and is now at her home at Bashan. Since she left here she has been making her home with Mrs. A. L. Keener, at 198 South 4th street, Ironton, Ohio, a sister of W. A. Will, of Chester Township. Mr. Will went down to Gallipolis and came up on the boat with the young lady and took her home in a carriage, reaching there early Monday morning. There is considerable of a story in connection with this case, the facts of which have been in our possession for months, but at the present at least we think it will be better for all parties concerned to withhold further mention of the matter. HORSE ON POMEROY THE NELSONVILLE BASE BALL CLUB BEATS OUR BOYS AT HOME. The game of base ball at the park yesterday afternoon, between the Pomeroy Red Legs and the Nelsonville club, was about the liveliest game that has been there this season. It was noted mostly, however, for scores, long batting and the large attendance of spectators. In the beginning, it looked like Pomeroy was going to be shut out, but, in the fifth inning, Gleasoncamp opened up the game with a home run, which seemed to break the shell, and from that time on, they redeemed themselves. Only seven home runs were made, Nelsonville getting three and Pomeroy four. Gleasoncamp made one, Chaffins one and "Pud" Smith two. Following is the score: Innings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Pomeroy 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 6 0 13 Nelsonville 3 0 3 3 0 1 3 0 1 14 PASSED BEYOND JOHN HARRIS, one of the earliest residents of Syracuse, died at his home there Tuesday morning at 5 o'clock, from inflamation (sic) of the bowels. Deceased was born in Wales, March 11, 1831, and emigrated to America while yet quite young. He moved to Syracuse about the time the Syracuse Coal & Salt Company began work there over 40 years ago, and has been a resident of that place ever since. The funeral will take place from the house, Thursday afternoon and the remains will be interred in the town cemetery. MRS. BENJAMIN SMITH, an aged resident of Middleport, died at her home there, Friday, after a long illness. Deceased was born February 3, 1812, and was one of the early pioneers of the county. She was the mother of Mrs. D. C. Whaley, of this city, and Mrs. F. P. Bryan and Mrs. James Hoppes, of Middleport. Funeral services were held at the residence Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. F. Gillilan. The remains were interred in the Hill cemetery. STEPHEN OHLINGER, a well-known old German resident of this city, died, last Friday evening, August 31th, after several months' illness. He was 63 years of age on the 7th of last June. He was born in Bavaria, Germany, and came to America in 1851. The first work he did in Pomeroy was to make bricks where the Pomeroy show grounds are now located. About 1852, he went to the Pomeroy Salt Company's works and was employed there until the time of his death, well on toward a half century. Deceased leaves a wife, in very poor health, and eight children, viz: Mrs. Jacob Thress, of Zanesville; Mrs. Otto Schukart, of Cincinnati; Chris. Ohlinger, of Cincinnati; Mrs. Chas. Schukart, of Cincinnati; Val. Ohlinger, a barber of Cincinnati; Mrs. Bickle, of Pomeroy; Lena Ohlinger, of Cincinnati, and Mrs. Sheridan Evans, of Pomeroy. The children were in attendance at the funeral, which was held at the residence, Monday afternoon. The funeral was preached by Rev. Herbet, of Columbus, Rev. Uhle, the regular pastor, having been called away by the death of his sister. COUNCIL MEETING The City Council held a meeting, Monday evening, with all the members present except Mr. Robbins. A petition was read from citizens on Court street, asking that the sidewalks be increased to twelve feet in width there. The petition was accepted and the city solicitor ordered to draw an ordinance in accordance therewith. A petition for a ten foot sidewalk on the southwest side of Second street, between Court and Linn was also presented, read and accepted. Capt. Malone reported that the building of sidewalks, in the First ward, was progressing nicely and that the work was beginning to move in the Second ward. A statement from the arbitrators in the case of the city against B. Koehler was read. The proposition was that Koehler move his fence, cellar way and pipes and make ready for the new sidewalk, and bear one-fourth of the expenses of putting in the sidewalk and the city three fourths. Koehler is to deed the land to the city. There are 250 feet of the sidewalk. The proposition was accepted. There were two bids in for the work, viz: George Bauer, $200, and Jones, Bradshaw & Ryther, 75 cents per running foot, complete. This contemplated about one-half of the sidewalk being made of bricks turned on edge. The bids were not accepted and Messrs. Malone, Blaettnar and Barnes were made a committee to receive bids and to look after the construction. Column 4 DEATH OF MRS. ANN C. FISHER At Wall's End, County of Northumberland, England, there was born, to Rev. Edward and Ann Comble, on August 9, 182(5?), a daughter, to whom was given the name of Ann C., and whose life was extended to August 13, 1897, dying at her home in Middleport, O., at the age of seventy two years and four days. Her early life was spent under the saintly teaching and influence of her parents, at Wall's End, and was greatly helped by the preaching of her father, who was an ordained local preacher of the Methodist church. On July 13, 1843, she was united in marriage with John Fisher, by Rev. Rollin, being the first marriage in that parish under the permit of the Government. About six years of their married life was spent in England, coming to America in 1849. They landed at New York, July 1, 1849, and went immediately to the State of Pennsylvania, but remained only fifteen weeks in that State, and then coming to Middleport, O., where she lived till the day of her death. She was the mother of seven children, three of whom were born in England. One son died in early infancy and rests in the mother country, and two are buried in the old cemetery in Middleport. Three sons, one daughter and husband remain: Dr. Edward, of Lyons, Kansas; Dr. Joseph, of Oklahoma; John, of Seattle, Washington, and Mrs. Anna Beller, of Washington, D. C. She united with the M. E. church in early life and lived to honor the cause of Christ through her entire life. As a wife, she was loyal and true in every sense, a helper at home. Her husband's interests were her interests, and she believed in the scriptural statement, "They shall be one." "At home" was no meaningless phrase to her, but to her it was the greatest place on earth, the center of all moral and religious influence. As a mother, she was intelligent, sympathetic, faithful, with love deep and true, such as is found in true motherhood. As a neighbor, she was discriminating, yet kind, generous and ever ready to help those in need, not only in a material way but to give them spiritual food and to point them to a better life in the here as well as the hereafter. While she had decided opinions of her own, she had such a fine sense of honor and respect for the opinions of others that she would give due credit to them, and thereby avoided the mistake, made by many, of becoming a hobby rider. She possessed an intellect of more than ordinary power. There was that in her intellectual life that showed keenness, a power of penetration possessed by few. She was the happy possessor of one of God's greatest gifts, a well balanced mind. The scope of her intellectual vision was very broad, making the whole world contribute, in some way, to her store of knowledge. She excelled as a woman of industry, which was not narrowed to selfish purposes and ends, but for home, society, the suffering, native land and best of all for God. In society, she was a favorite, uniformly kind and courteous, a good conversationist, with a musical voice and a vein of wit and humor. She readily took rank as one of the first women of the best society. In courage, she was not wanting. If she believed a thing to be right she would not attempt to hide from the duty of doing it because of criticism. She was one of the leaders of the "Great Crusade" of a few years ago, and was proud of the fact that she, with so many other sainted women, marked a new era in temperance reform. In church life, she was a great power for good. She filled every office in the M. E. church to which women are eligible, and successfully. She could sing, with great propriety, "I love Thy Kingdom, Lord" because it was her delight to help build the walls of Jerusalem. She was not a church fanatic or bigot, but with "malice toward none and charity for all," she worked for her own denomination with a faith and zeal which brought results in the present. She had no doubts about her conversion, but her christian experience was very clear and convincing. To her the witness of the Spirit was a most blessed reality. She possessed a peculiar insight into Scripture and could make clear many passages of the Scripture which were obscure to many, and could impart that knowledge to others. Her memory will be a savor of life unto life as long as the present generation lives, in this community. Her voyage of life has been one of toil and hard work for the Master. The funeral took place from the M. E. church, at Middleport, at 2 p. m., Sunday, August 16, 1897, conducted by her pastor, Rev. F. Gillilan, assisted by Rev. W. C. Hartinger, and her body was laid to rest in Hill cemetery. Column 5 DEATH OF COL. DAVENPORT At 10:15 o'clock last evening Edwin Rush Davenport passed away at his home at Middleport. He was stricken with apoplexy last Thursday evening August 12, and sank rapidly from that time until his death. He was employed as civil engineer in the street paving work in this city and appeared as well as usual the day before he was stricken. Deceased was a son of J. B. and Mary A. (Ruffner) Davenport, and was born at Charleston, W. Va., February 17, 1843. Was confirmed by Bishop Robertson, of the Episcopal Church at Hannibal, Missouri, June 17, 1869. He was married to Miss Lena McIntyre at Carbondale, Kansas June 12, 1871, the ceremony being performed by Rev. J. N. Lee, of Grace church, Topeka, Kansas. To this couple three children were born. The first, a daughter, survived only a few hours. The others, E. R. Davenport Jr., born August 13, 1874, and Lena, born March 25, 1881, with their mother survive. Two brothers and two sisters are living, viz: Mrs. Eva T. Thayer, of Charleston, Mrs. Mary Vickers, of Charleston, Joseph R. Davenport, Superintendent of Lock 5, at Brownstown, W. Va., and J. H. B. Davenport, of Chicago. Mrs. Thayer and Joseph were present at the time of the Colonel's death. The deceased built water works at Alton, Illinois; Hannibal, Missouri; Stillwater, Duluth and Fergus Falls, Minnesota; Wahpeton, N. D.; Oskaloosa, Iowa; Charleston, W. Va. He came to Pomeroy ten years ago to build water works and to construct a street railway and has been here ever since. Deceased was a civil engineer of ability and a man devoted to his family and friends. The funeral takes place from the residence at 1:15 p. m., Thursday. Burial at Beech Grove cemetery. SATURDAY'S ELECTION The Republican Primary election in Meigs county, last Saturday, was pretty warm, thank you, the hardest fight in most places being on central committeemen. The nominees are Dr. J. O. Clark for Representative; T. H. Davis for Commissioner; A. P. Ashworth for Sheriff; S. A. Johnson for Surveyor; J. F. Alkire for Infirmary Director and J. B. Scott for Coroner. As is shown by the official abstract published elsewhere, George P. Sanford is second in the race for Representative, D. A. Alexander third, Dr. Cline fourth, Judge F. C. Russell fifth and O. E. Russell last. There is so much space between the candidates that there can be no question at any point. T. H. Davis for Commissioner beat D. L. Thomas less than 1 3/4 to 1. Thomas beat Davis 18 votes in the five wards of Middleport and in Middleport Precinct. S. A. Johnson, of Chester, had a walk over for Surveyor, with Watkins second. THE COMMITTEE Following are the Central Committeemen and the votes each received: Bedford C. M. Brooks, 77, and W. G. Sanders, 65. Chester E. D. Robinson, 100, and J. G. Frecker, 42. Columbia M. R. Merritt, 72. Great River Elias Jividen, 44. Harrisonville James McKenzie, 60, and C. Welch, 44. Letart C. W. Hayman, 125, and Joseph Higginbotham, 37. Minersville August Zahl, 98, Israel Parker, 49. Middleport precinct J. S. Russell, 69, and Thomas Wilkinson, 28. Middleport First ward John Grogan, 60, and L. C. Crary, 44. Middleport Second ward J. N. Hayman, 97, and J. B. Hysell, 68. Middleport Third ward J. H. Williams, 79, and S. F. Berry, 54. Middleport Fourth ward W. V. Willock, 67, and W. H. Carpenter, 33. Middleport Fifth ward George Bauer, 37, and T. H. Headley, 16. Orange E. M. Young, 53, W. S. Stout, 53, W. O. Stout, 4, S. C. Stout, 4, C. M. Guthrie and M. Stout, 4. On casting lots Stout won. Olive J. E. Coleman, 102. Pageville James Ervin, 67, and A. Howell, 56. Pomeroy precinct Ed. Hysell, 99, and S. E. Bailey, 65. Pomeroy First ward W. E. Arnold, 69, and W. A. Dains, 65. Pomeroy Second ward M. Blaettnar, Jr., 52, and J. A. Smith, 41. Pomeroy Third ward H. C. Fish, 144, and C. Ihle, 117. Pomeroy Fourth ward T. H. Davis, Jr., 40, and Frank Anderson, 29. Portland E. E. Brown, 99, and E. S. Rose, 31. Rutland J. J. McLain, 192. Racine J. R. Philson, 124. Salem Allen Edmundson, 148, and H. O. Chapman, 74. Syracuse Chas. McDaniel, Jr., 87, R. S. Hess, 59, Alex Crooks, 50, and W. S. Knapp, 8. Silver Run W. C. Russell, 26, and E. H. Vale, 14. NOTES Now will you be good? If the colicky sheet on Second street had slandered Bill Hysell and others a little more there is no telling what would have happened. Letart township voters did not make a single error. There were 3738 votes cast at this election, 84 more than last year. MARRIAGE LICENSES Wm. S. Sauvage and Elizabeth Epple; John Pierson and Emma Sayre; Seth Haley and Daisy A. Stevens. Column 6 MARINE Capt. H. C. Pownall, of the steamer Beaver, was a visitor on Change at Cincinnati, Friday morning. The Eagle brought up 16 empty barges from Cincinnati to the Kanawha, on her recent trip. Captains Wallace and Scott, owners of the Lorena and Hazel Rice, have contracted for a new sidewheel boat for the Zanesville and McConnellsville trade, to make daily trips. She will be 145 feet long, 21 feet beam and 1 1/2 feet hold. The hull will be built at Marietta. She will be ready for the spring trade. Capt. Job Whysall, one of the pilots of the Iron Age, which arrived yesterday, is one of the best known Ohio river steamboatmen. For several years he was in command of the towboat Ajax, the largest coal towboat on the rivers until the Joe Williams came out, and was the first captain to take 500,000 bushels of coal down the rivers at one tow. In 1870 his boat grounded on a sand bar near Lake Providence, La. A towhead formed there, which is still known as Ajax towhead. [St. Louis paper.] Capt. W. S. Vankaren, of Kingston, N. Y., Grand Captain of the American Association of Masters and Pilots of the United States, has been appointed local inspector of hulls of the inland lakes of New York State. Capt. Vankaren is now serving his third term as a member of the New York State Legislature. He is well known and highly esteemed in marine circles. Captain D. W. Woodward, formerly of the Ida Budd, has assumed command of the Pacific, recently purchased by Capt. P. R. Budd, of Cincinnati. The Charleston, W. Va., Gazette says: "A Government dredgeboat has completed the clearing of the chute at Leon, which had become filled up with logs and rubbish by the rise in Elk about a month ago. The work was done under the supervision of Capt. Berry Stalnaker." Capt. A. B. French writes that the steamer Mary Stewart, towing French's show boat, ran through herself, disabling the starboard engine. Repairs will be made at Cannellton, when she will make a trip up Green River. The Sam Clarke has been equipped with steam steering gear, and the Charles Jutte is being equipped. Pilot James Rawley, Jr., resigned his position on the Will J. Cummins to accept one on the H. M. Stanley in the Cincinnati and Kanawha river trade. Before going on the Cummins Mr. Rawley was on the Kanawha, in the Pittsburgh and Kanawha trade. The Portsmouth Press says: "Capt. T. T. Johnson, of Ironton, is an applicant for the position of Supervisor Inspector of Steam Vessels, and Congressman Fenton made a special call upon the President a few days ago in the interest of the Ironton gentleman. Captain "Tripp" is a native Scioto countain (sic), and his many friends down this way would be pleased to see him get the plum -- always provided, of course, that no present resident of the county is an aspirant. There were whisperings, when the year was younger than it is now, that one or more Portsmouth marines were casting glances in the direction of the good thing in question." Capt. W. W. O'Neil says much coal is being shipped into Pittsburgh by rail from the Fairmont district. The coal operators in Pittsburgh believe that unless the West Virginia miners are brought out, the miners' strike will be lost. The H. R. Bedford, is carrying the old Bob Pritchard's whistle. The shaft and the remnant of the steamer Vesper's wheel, were located near Clipper Mill the other day and removed from the river. Enos, Hill & Co., of Gallipolis, are fixing the shaft so that it can be used on Capt. Brown's new boat nearing completion at the Point Pleasant docks. Capt. Thomas C. Powers, of Helena, Mont., and Upper Missouri river fame, late president of the Powers line of Bismarck, contemplates building eight steamers for the Yukon river in Alaska, and has, it is reported, already closed contracts for them. They will be built in the States, made portable and shipped and taken overland to Alaska. Quite a number of Missouri river steamboatmen here are making negotiations with the management to command and pilot them. They will be stern wheelers, light draught and adapted to freight and passengers. [Waterways Journal] TOWBOAT ONWARD BURNED Monday evening the towboat Onward, will-known on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, was burned while lying in the Monongahela river, near Glenwood. She was owned by Jutte & Co. and Munhall Bros. She had been in service about 20 years, and cost $75,000 when built. It is thought the fire was caused by a spark from the towboat Wasp.
Republican-Herald August 20, 1897
Aurilla Halsey Smith wife of Benjamin Smith, died August 13th, 1897. She was born in Chester Meigs county February 16, 1833. Smith also a native of Meigs county. By this union there were born five children, four of whom are living, Virgil Smith, of Huntington, W. Va., Mrs. F. P. Bryan, of Middleport, Mrs. D.C. Whaley, of Popery, and Mrs. James Hoppes. Mrs. Smith was a faithful kind and patient wife and mother. She united with the Methodist church 64 years ago, and has always been a consistent member, devoted to her church and church work, earnest and strong in the saving and keeping power of the Lord Jesus Christ. The many friend who pa?? [paid] the last tribute of respect last Sunday, were not those who came to pay a tribute to renoun, but who came to show their appreciation of the life of a patient, faithful little God fearing women, She loved the house of God and His teachings. When the Summons came she was unattended, save by her faithful friend in all her troubles, her bible. She was buried beside her husband, who died May 12th 1887, in the lower cemetery. Rev. Gillian conducting the services. -- [This was in the same paper but in a different section as the article on the death of Mrs. Benj. Smith (above) -- Grandma Smith and Mrs. Benj. Smith could be the same person. However with the name Smith one can't assume anything] SAD DEATH Last Friday the people of Middleport were shocked by the news that Grandma Smith was found dead in her chair. She was as well as usual at breakfast time, but when her dinner was taken to her she was dead. Dr.'s Hartinger and Hysell were called and pronounced the cause of death as heart disease. She was sitting in her chair with a crutch beside her and had evidently been reading her bible, as it was lying on the floor at her side. -- Death had evidently came to her ??lently and she passed away without a struggle. -- DEATH OF COL. DAVENPORT At 10:15 last evening Edwin Rush Davenport passed away at his home at Middleport. He was stricken with apoplexy last Thursday evening August 12, and sank rapidly from that time until his death. He was employed as civil engineer in the street paving work in Pomeroy and appeared as well as usual the day before he was stricken. Deceased was a son of J. B. and Mary A. (Ruffner) Davenport, and was born at Charleston, W. Va., February 17, 1843. Was confirmed by Bishop Robertson, of the Epis?????? Church at Hannibal, Missouri, June 17, 1869. He was married to Miss Lena McIntyre at Carbondale, Kansas, June 12, 1871, the ceremony being performed by Rev. J. N. Lee, of Grace church, Topeka, Kansas. To this couple three children were born. The first, a daughter, survived only a few hours. The others, E. R. Davenport, Jr., born August 13, 1874, and Lena, born March 25, 1881, with their mother survive. Two brothers and two sisters are living, viz: Mrs. Eva T. Thayer, of Charleston, Mrs. Mary Vickers, of Chicago. Joseph R. Davenport, Superintendent of Lock 5, at Brownstown, W. Va., and J. B. B. Davenport, of Chicago. Mrs. Thayer and Joseph were present at the time of the Colonel's death. The decease built water works at Alton, Illinois, Hannibal, Missouri, Stillwater, Duluth and Fergus Falls, Minnesota, Wa?peton, N. D., ???loosa, Iowa, Charleston, W. Va. He came to Pomeroy ten years ago to build water works and to construct a street railway and has been here ever since. Deceased was a civil engineer of ability and a man devoted to his family and friends. The funeral took place from the residence at 1;15 P.M., Thursday. Burial at Beech Grove cemetery. -- [Found in another section of the same papers, relating to Col. E. R. Davenport's death] Joseph Davenport, wife and son, of Brownstown, W. Va., arrived Saturday to be at the bed side of Col. Davenport. Ed. Davenport and sister Lena were called home Saturday by the serious illness of their father. -- [Found in another section of the same papers, relating to Col. E. R. Davenport's death] Col. E. R. Davenport, who was stricken with paralysis Thursday evening of last week, died Tuesday evening. His funeral was held yesterday at his residence, conducted by Dr. Ohl, of Pomeroy, and Rev. Echols, of Middleport. His remains were laid to rest in the Beech Grove Cemetery of Pomeroy. -- Syracuse John Harris, an aged resident of this place died Tuesday morning. -- Burlingham Dan Sanborn and Mrs. Emma Whaley attended the funeral of their brother, Amos Sanborn, at Bashan. -- Joseph Bradbury Higley -- son of Ransom Higley, of Portsmouth, formerly of Middleport, was recently run over by the cars and killed. -- Dan. Mauck, of Proctorville, who was so seriously hurt a few weeks ago by being thrown from a bicycle, died Tuesday morning at 5 o'clock. -- Sunday the sad funeral rite of two of our most respected and aged ladies was performed, Mrs. Benj. Smith and Mrs. John Fisher. They had been neighbors and friends for yeas, both were devoted church workers in M. E. Church of Middleport. They died only a few hours apart and were buried the same day. -- By the explosion of an oil well boiler near Marietta, O., Amos Miller was killed, his infant daughter fatally scalded and his wife badly injured. -- The derrick was demolished and several persons had miraculous escapes. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Republican-Herald August 27, 1897
Henry L. Castro, aged fifty-five years died at his home near Cheshire., August 21st, 1897. Deceased was a native of Jackson County, W. Va. He served during the war in Co., F., 9th Reg. W. Va., Vol. Infantry. He was taken to his last resting place by the G. A. R. Post of Cheshire, of which he was a member. He was an honorable citizen, a kind husband and father. He leaves a wife and three sons to await the great reunion in the life beyond the grave. -- FINAL FAREWELL DANIEL W. MAUCK, GONE TO THE SILENT LAND Master Dan Mauck is dead. Suddenly he passed away; sorrowfully the people gathered around his dead form to testify their love and respect; softly he sleeps, the sleep of the righteous, to await the resurrection morn. "Fair are the words of eulogy, but how sad also"? Only yesterday he was in our midst, able to ride out with his Mother, and how he was greeted by friends, crowds gathered around the carriage to shake his hand, the genial, generous-hearted boy that he was. Tuesday morning the 17th, was a solemn moment to all this community "Dan Mauck is dead," went from mouth to mouth until the whole community was aroused with the sorrow of the news. Our readers all remember the distressing accident of his fall from his wheel at Cheshire some five weeks ago. At first his case seemed hopeless but day by day he grew stronger and better, when two weeks after the accident he was able to be brought home. Since then he continued to improve and for the last ten days was able to be up and around. His mind seemed fresh and clear as it ever was. But some hidden injury lay concealed there, an injury the physicians could not reach. On Monday night after his pleasant drive, he retired in the best of humor and feeling unusually well. He talked and joked with his father and about nine o'clock went to sleep. About eleven o'clock he called to his mamma saying he had a severe pain in his head. So Mr. Mauck hastily summoned Drs. Ricketts, Reynolds and Atkinson who worked heroically with him but to no avail. Some blood-clot or something of the kind brought on convulsions and he died in a paroxysym of pain at 5 o'clock Tuesday morning. Daniel W. Mauck, son of D. B. and Rachael C. Mauck was born in Proctorville, Ohio, Sept. 19, 1882 and died Aug. 17th, 1897 aged 14 years, 15 m'ths and 28 days. Dan was a bright boy much loved by the entire community. He had just entered the High School and had a bright future before him. But by his untimely death all this is changed. A shadow of gloom is cast over the village and his parents are prostrated with grief, and feel that their dear boy has been snatched from them like the fading of a shadow on the floor. We sympathize deeply with this bereaved family and can only commend them to the God of Heaven and Earth, who doeth all things well and "heareth even the ravens when they cry." -- Proctorville Phonograph. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Republican-Herald September 3, 1897
A. J. Hubbell whose sickness we reported last week died and was buried Sunday. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Holcomb. -- Clarissa L. Bissell daughter of Hiram and Elizabeth Bissell, was born July 20, 1838, departed this life Aug. 18th, 1897, aged 59 years and 19 days. Such in brief is the history of this sketch. Of a family of 10 children she was the seventh to answer the call to a higher life. She grew up to womanhood near the place of her birth. On June 11, 1863, she was united in marriage to Phillip Wise, and for 34 years they walked together down the journey of life. To this union were born five children. Two sons and five children [this is exactly what was written], all of whom survive here. On June 20th she was baptized and became a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Her sickness was of several months duration but without complaint she patiently submitted to the will of Him "so doeth all things well." -- Two sisters and a brother grieve the breaking of the brightest link in the family chain. Five children mourn the loss of a kind and affectionate mother, and her companion is left to bear his loss alone. Sad indeed is this Providence, but we rest in the hope that "death is swallowed up in victory." The funeral service was conducted by Rev. W. A. Echols, of Middleport. The interment was in the Carleton cemetery. [I have been checking the cemetery book listings when a cemetery is listed in these obituaries. For Clarissa Wise the date of her death is incorrect for her in the cemetery book transcribed by MGS. This error could be from an old and worn tombstone or a typo. If you have the Bedford Twp. Cemetery book, page 61, Carleton Church Cemetery, you may want to make a note for the year of her death. It is 1897 NOT 1889. The year of her birth is correct. This is another example where we need to try and find other sources to help us verify dates whenever possible.] -- Anna Gertrude Byers was born in Mason Co., W. Va., August 9, 1877, died in Middleport, Ohio, August 7, 1897, after a lingering and painful illness. When about 14 years of age she was converted to Christ through the teachings of S. J. Weed and baptized and received by him into the First F. W. Baptist church, of Middleport, in which relation she continued steadfast and faithful until called home by the Master to enjoy the mansion prepared for her. Sister Anna was also a devoted Christian Endeavorer, being a charter member of the church society, and always present at its prayer meetings when possible for her to be there. Her personal influence was pure and uplifting and her voiced always on the side of right. As a daughter she was loving and obedient, as a friend steadfast and true. During her entire illness she expressed her willingness to depart were it the Masters' will, yet anxious to remain as long as possible to comfort the loved ones here. Just a few day before her departure, while her father sat by the bedside watching what seemed to him to be the last moments of life while the spirit wavered on the boundaries of the visable and invisable, she suddenly opened her eyes and turning to him with a smile, exclaimed, "Everything is so bright, the gates of eternity are open to receive me, but the Master is not quite ready and says I may remain a little while with you." A few days later she quietly fell asleep to mortal, to awaken to the immortal. She was buried from the F. W. B. church, Aug. 9, service conducted by Rev. Bolton. Thus in the very blossom of her young life she was taken away, being buried on her twentieth birthday, and very many friends and relatives to mourn her early departure. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
Tribune-Telegraph (Pomeroy, OH) September 22, 1897
FROSTWORK LITTLE SQUIBS OF NEWS THAT HAVE BEEN KNOCKED OFF BY THE EARLY FROSTS. LIKE GOOD, RIPE PAWPAWS AND PERSIMMONS, THEY ARE GOOD, HOWEVER. No more we growl about the heat, Nor wear a look distressing, But for the weather man invoke The richest kind of blessing. No more we joke at his expense, No more we say things hateful, But at him throw our best bouquets To prove that we are grateful. Regretting all the bitter words, When his predictions fizzled, We join in thanks for welcome change, From days when long we sizzled. In every walk of life is heard, The sound of jubilation, Again to tasks men buckle down With strong determination. Dancing was the order of the evening with the young folks at Franz & Heckar's Hall, Monday. There were sixteen couples present. Those present from neighboring towns were: Roy Davis, Miller Downing, Dr. Brad Hanlin and Miss Dolly McGhee, of Middleport, Miss Grace Grosvenor, of Athens, Miss Laura Donnally, of Hartford, and Earl and Carle Bridgeman, of Syracuse. Those wearing ghost clothes about town suddenly disappeared Sunday. Sebastian Fischer, who has been employed in the coal field in the Norfolk & Western Railroad in West Virginia, is here on a visit. W. H. Osborn left yesterday to spend a few days with relatives in Indiana. He lost 20 pounds of good hard flesh while worrying with the street paving. James Hoban, of Cincinnati, was here last week to visit his father who is very ill. To-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, sun time, the corner stone of the new German M. E. church will be laid with appropriate ceremonies. Miss Florence Allard returned Thursday from a visit with her sister, Libbie, at Columbus. Mrs. W. A. Race and son, Frank, returned Friday from a visit to relatives at Marietta. Miss Lillian Stander, who has been visiting relatives at Cincinnati, returned home, Wednesday. Albert Young, of Breezy Heights, left Saturday, for Decatur, Ill., where he has accepted a position with the Warren and Scharf Paving Co. Chas. F. Gilmore, son of Arnold Gilmore, formerly of this county, and his wife, of Los Angeles, California, arrived here Thursday and will spend a few weeks visiting friends and relatives. L. S. Stivers arrived here last week from Iowa to visit relatives. He left for the West 25 years ago, and has never been back since. Miss Reckie Rehm went to New Holland, Ohio, Saturday. The Kanawha salt works is being repaired preparatory to resuming operations in three or four weeks. The Board of Election Supervisors held a meeting Saturday to advertise for bids for election tickets. David Foreman, who was mentioned last week in a clipping from a Nelsonville paper as having married a widow at Stewart and mulched her out of $100, was in town Saturday. He says he only got $15, and that was to be used for expenses in finding a location for a new home in another locality. Quite a number of people from this neighborhood went to Columbus Sunday on the K. & M. excursion. Thirty-four tickets were sold at the Pomeroy office and 28 from Middleport. Rev. Sparks had a large congregation Sunday evening to hear him preach on the strike. The Pomeroy saltworks is closed down for the lack of coal. Talk about the extreme changes of weather in the Klondyke regions! What is the matter with Pomeroy. We had a change of nearly 50 degrees in a little while the latter part of the week. One day last week the flag on the Central school building was hoisted upside down. It remained that way all day and only 6 of the 65 pupils noticed it. That shows that the children do not pay much attention to the stars and stripes. There are two things the average citizen will lie about without the slightest compunction and that is as to the result of hunting and fishing. If all the squirrels had been killed this fall by Pomeroy sportsmen that have been reported, there would not be one left in the county and there are quite a good many yet in the woods. Even right fair old Methodists in this neighborhood patronize Sunday baseball! A Pomeroy preacher claims that the number of churches in town is an injury to the cause. He says it scatters the people and makes many weak congregations and discourages those who would attend church with larger crowds. John Schilling arrived here from Lancaster Saturday. He and F. W. Steinbauer went up to Charleston yesterday to visit Mike Herscher. From there Mr. Schilling goes to Indiana. John Brown, son of A. Q. Brown, left for Atchison, Kansas, yesterday. Mrs. Robert Hughes, of Minersville, left Saturday to visit relatives at Xenia, Ohio. Column 2 Master Miles M. Lesher, celebrated his birthday anniversary, Friday, by inviting a number of his young friends to the Grand Dilcher Hotel to spend the evening. Capt. Horace Horton, of the United States light house tender Golden Rod, came home Saturday to spend a few days with his wife and daughter. Fred Ohl, came down from Columbus, Saturday, on a visit to his parents. Miss H. Newman who has been at Cincinnati the past two weeks attending the millinery openings arrived home, Monday. Miss Ellen Smith, who has been spending her summer vacation here with her parents, returned to Cincinnati, Saturday. Miss Iva Clarke, for the past four years a teacher in the Syracuse public schools, is now teaching in the Primary Department of the McDonald, Pa., schools at a salary of $40 a month. There will be no services at the Episcopal church next Sunday, as the rector expects to be at McArthur. Even golden rod is plentiful this year. Everything seems to be as nearly like the yellow metal as possible. Anthony Myers, of Reedville, and Hannah Salvin, of Little Hocking, were recently married. Henry Blackaller, advance agent of Fitz & Webster's "A Breezy Time" Company, has been in town the past week. Henry was formerly a Pomeroy boy. Frank Gloeckner 2nd returned, Monday evening, from Columbus, where he had been receiving treatment. He was accompanied by his wife. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker left, yesterday morning, on a visit to Fayette, W. Va. They were accompanied to Beech Hill by George Baker. Jack Goodwin, colored, an uncle of Alex Kent, died at his home, at Corning, last week. He formerly lived at Middleport. H. Newman has moved from the Juhler property on Union Avenue into the Vorhes property on Front street. A little five-year-old child of Wm. Potts, of Clifton, died Monday. John Schilling, of Lancaster, is here on a visit to relatives. Mrs. Mary Carter, of Glen Roy, sister of Mrs. Val. Kossuth, of the Fourth Ward, died, at Columbus, last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Kossuth left Saturday for Glen Roy, to attend the funeral. Miss Lydia Thomas, of Indiana, has accepted a position as trimmer in Newman's Millinery department. Miss Thomas has been formerly employed at Washington C. H. and comes highly recommended. Miss Lettie Price, of Welchtown, was married, Thursday, to Mr. W. Rubadue, of Columbus. The marriage was solemnized at noon, at the home of the bride's parents, Rev. Schultz, of the Baptist church officiating. Only the immediate relatives of the bride and groom were present. Hunters are about as numerous in the woods on Sundays, these times, as any other day. Mr. Tully, of Charleston, came down to attend the marriage of his sister-in-law, Miss Lettie Price, Wednesday. Jimmie Stiveson is quite sick with sore throat. Mr. and Mrs. James Merritt and little daughter returned, Saturday, from a visit to relatives at Zalaski. Wm. Ginn, of Chicago, is here visiting his parents, after an absence of six years. Mrs. A. E. Collins, of Alfred, Ohio, is the new saleslady in Newman's dry goods department. Dr. J. W. Hoff and family are moving in their First Ward residence, lately occupied by Mrs. M. P. Wells and family, who have moved in with Major Skinner. The Werling Sisters have opened out their dressmaking establishment in the rooms above Miss Mae Blazer's millinery department. W. W. Lesher, proprietor of the Grand Dilcher Hotel, was called to Pennsylvania, Saturday, by the death of his mother. Homer Sparks is attending College at Marietta. The game of baseball at Mason City, Sunday, between the Mason club and the Nelsonville club resulted in a score of 4 to 5 in favor of Nelsonville. Fifty years ago to-day, September 22, 1847, Uncle S. A. M. Moore landed in Pomeroy and he has been here ever since. He will celebrate the event in a quiet way. Tons upon tons of commercial fertilizers are being hauled out of town these days. Mrs. G. W. Kelser will entertain the Shakespeare Club on Tuesday, September 28th, at 1:30, standard time. A full attendance is desired. The programme is the reading of "Tempest" with quotations from Shakespeare. The P. H. S. Club went to Kerr's Run and defeated the club at that place last Saturday. Score 24 to 15. Batteries; H. S. McQuigg and Crosbie; R. R. Still, Still and Schoemaker. Mrs. John Hayes is the new apprentice at Newman's millinery department. Two men were recently sent to the penitentiary, from Hocking county, for two years each, for stealing brass from the Hocking Valley Railroad company. Miss Carrie Brainard, of Little Hocking, Ohio, of the Universalist church, will preach at the Carlton church, at Kingsbury, Sept. 25th and 26th, Saturday evening and Sunday morning. T. F. Dye was sworn in as County Commissioner, Monday, for his second term. He gave bond in the sum of $5000 with J. O. Clark, E. N. Cooper, Column 3 R. H. Douglas, E. P. Brooks, Wm. E. Hopkins, Z. Welch and A. J. Carpenter as sureties. Capt. D. A. Hartley, who was recently shot in the shoulder at Antiquity by J. K. Bush, was in town Monday. He is getting along all right. Miss Grace Grosvenor is visiting in the city. She is the daughter of General Grosvenor, of Athens. Herman Andree, who has been spending his summer vacation at home, left Friday to resume his studies at Buchtel College, Akron, O. Great preparations are being made for the soldier's reunion at Middleport, Thursday and Friday. Jacob Meier is again at Davis' meat market, having been laid off several weeks with a disabled hand. Leonard Young, who has been visiting relatives at Columbus, returned home, Saturday. C. Kuntz returned Saturday from a weeks visit to relatives at Marietta. The Charleston Gazette says: "The teams that will be in the West Virginia League next season will be as follows: Charleston, Huntington, Ashland, Ironton, Gallipolis, Pomeroy and Mason City." Louis Roos and Donald McDonald are in Columbus attending a soldier's reunion. Hon. J. K. Pollard, steward of the Deaf and Dumb Institute at Columbus, was in town yesterday. Frank Diehl Jr., is in Cincinnati buying fall goods. The following marriage license appeared in the Portsmouth Sentinel, last week: N. D. Bigelow, 30, Lynn, Mass., and Flora May Kirby, 25. Rev. Bigelow was formerly pastor of the M. E. church, at Syracuse. N. E. Arnold and A. W. Hartley are attending the Ravenswood fair this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richardson, of Chattanooga, Tenn., are here on a visit to relatives. Chas. Kraft, of Hartford City, is in charge at the Grand Dilcher Hotel during Mr. Lesher's absence. Wm. Yeager, of this office, leaves, to-day, on a visit to his brother, at Gallion, Ohio. A barge belonging to the Pomeroy Coal Company sank, at the boat yard, last Wednesday evening. Frank Gloeckner 1st and Jacob Noll and wife took in the excursion to Columbus, last week. Isaac Dyke and two sisters, of Danville, Ohio, spent several days last week with Mrs. H. J. Ewing and family. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Smith left, yesterday morning, for their future home, at Pittsburg. THE LINDSEY CASE October 12th is the date set for the Circuit Court to decide, at Gallipolis, whether or not John B. Lindsey is to have a new trial. That is the date in which the Common Pleas Court sets here, and it is probable that the case will be argued before that date, at some place where the Court is in session. ESCAPED BY HABEAS CORPUS Misses Dora Watkins and Sarah Evans, the two woe-be-gone specimens of humanity from Wells' Run, who were jailed recently by Squire W. H. Steed on the charge of conducting themselves improperly at a camp-meeting, were released Saturday through habeas corpus proceedings before Probate Judge Lochary. The mittimus was certainly a curious piece of English composition. Among other things the Squire charged them with "assembling at a campmeeting held for the purpose of prostitution." This paper was defective in so many ways that the Court promptly discharged the prisoners. AN OLD PAPER A copy of the Daily Cincinnati Commercial, of August 24, 1850, Volume XIII, No. 119, has fallen into our hands, and it is quite a literary curiosity. The editor, L. G. Curtis, claimed "the largest circulation in America" for it. It has four pages, six columns to the page, with half a column devoted to local matters. The Tribune-Telegraph has more local news in a week than this paper had in a month. The California gold excitement was building at Cincinnati to take miners to San Francisco at $300 for their fare, time from Cincinnati 100 days by the way of the Strait of Magellan. SEPTEMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATES Mos. Grace McBride, Tupper's Plains 12 Nora Chase, Dexter 12 Florence Throckmorton, Carpenter 12 Lou Harvey, Alfred 12 Wayne Lutz, Alberta 12 *C. P. Alexander, Letart Falls 12 !Arthur White, Syracuse 12 Wm. Amos, Apple Grove 12 Maggie Amos, Apple Grove 12 Ray D. Thomson, Hemlock Grove 12 *Two years, grade and higher branches. !Three years grade. A SCARCITY OF MINERS Alex McDonald, superintendent of the large coal works at McDonald, Pennsylvania, has been here the past week after men to work in the mines. Two hundred men are wanted at once and the company offers to pay their railroad fare to McDonald. Mr. McDonald says that not for years has there been such a demand for men as there is at present and that they are not only wanted at his mines, but at all the mines in Western Pennsylvania. Column 4 CITY COUNCIL WHAT IT HAS COST TO PAVE THE STREETS SO FAR. The City Council met in special session Monday evening with all the members present, except Senator Malone. The meeting was held for the purpose of ascertaining the situations in the matter of street paving. The engineers, Messrs. Headley and Middleton, made a partial report of the cost of the paving of streets as follows: "Property owner's proportion for laying brick on Front street, including paving, tar filling and excavation, 48.84 cents per square yard. City's proportion for same 24.41 cents per square yard. Total 73.25 cents per square yard. "Property owner's proportion for the laying of brick, tar filling and excavations on Court, Second, Linn and Mulberry streets is 36.63 cents per square yard. "The property owner's proportion for the curb stone on Front street is 39.47 cents per lineal foot. The property owner's proportion on Second, Court, Linn and Mulberry streets is 59.20 cents per lineal foot. Total cost, $11,822.50. City's proportion, $3,575.38. Contractors' work amounts to $10,871.72." They added a verbal report in regard to the work to the effect that it is a most substantial job and much cheaper than that done for most surrounding cities. They said that they would be glad to see the boys now walking on it live long enough to see it worn out. An ordinance was passed to sell bonds to the amount of $12,000, running from 6 to 120 months, to pay the cost of the paving. Council will hold a meeting next Monday evening when an assessing ordinance will be passed, showing what each property owner will have to pay. JOINT MEETING OPERATORS AND MINERS IN SESSION ALL OF YESTERDAY, IN A VAIN EFFORT TO GET TOGETHER A majority of the mine operators and delegates from the principal mines of the Pomeroy Bend were in session at Bauer's Hall all of yesterday afternoon, in an effort to get together in the matter of the price of mining, in order that the miners might be put into operation at once. This failed, however. L. H. Bridgeman, of the Syracuse mines, was chosen chairman, and Arthur Jones, a mine delegate, secretary. The miners demanded the Ohio mine scale of 56 cents per ton. This figures out $2.61 per hundred bushels for clean, marketable coal; $2.24 for run of mine without slack, and $1.79 for the coal as mined. The operators very emphatically stated that they could not pay this price, and disputed that it mounts to that much on the 56 cent basis. They say that it should be $1.81 per hundred for clean coal, and $1.42 for run of mine. This dispute is an old one, and arises on account of taking out the top coal. This has always been a bone of contention here, and always makes trouble in a settlement. Messrs. Bridgeman, of Syracuse; Thomas, of Coalridge; Malone, of Charter Oak; Ebersbach, of Peacock, and Kingsley, of the Rolling Mill, were present, and took part in the discussion. They unanimously agreed that they could not pay the price asked, and the delegates did not have power to accept anything else. Finally, it was agreed to adjourn until later in the week, when one of the National officers will be here to help in the matter. In the forenoon, the delegates voted to shut down the rolling mill and all salt works, until a settlement is effected. This was later reconsidered, and these institutions will be furnished sufficient coal to operate them until Saturday night, at the two-cent rate. STAND PRIVILEGES SOLD Secretary Fish sold the stand and other privileges for the fair, Saturday morning as follows: No. 1, P. H. Schwartzwalder $3.75 " 2, W. F. Bartels 7.00 " 3, T. M. Holmes 11.00 " 4, G. T. Musser 20.00 " 5, W. F. Bartels 2.50 Tent Privilege on hill, J. W. Dill 7.75 AMPHITHEATER No. 1, S. F. Smith 15.00 " 2, A. T. Ball 7.00 " 3, W. M. Sines 6.50 " 4, S. F. Smith 3.50 " 5, S. F. Smith 2.50 " 6, S. F. Smith 3.50 " 7, A. T. Ball 3.25 " 8, W. H. Howell 3.00 " 9, Robert Cozzens 4.00 " 10, Robert Cozzens 4.50 " 11, S. F. Smith 2.25 " 12, S. F. Smith 1.00 " 13, S. F. Smith 1.00 " 14, S. F. Smith 2.50 " 15, Henry Smith 1.75 Peanut privilege G. T. Musser 14.75 Tent privilege at Amphitheater S. F. Smith 31.00 Lemonade privilege, S. F. Smith 10.00 Hot candy and popcorn, T. M. Holmes 5.00 Hokey Pokey, Chas. Holmes 3.00 Melon privilege, Chas. Hysell 3.50 Column 5 DISTRICT MINE OFFICERS The new officers of this mining district, the 17th, which includes the Pomeroy Bend on both sides of the river, are as follows: Jacob Mitch, President; James Ables, Vice President; Arthur Jones, Secretary. The members of the Board for this side of the river are James James and John Martin. There will be two members for the other side of the river, which have not yet been appointed. The District Organizer is Jacob Mitch. HEAVY FROST Monday night, there was a heavy frost in the Ohio Valley. The ground being warm and dry, however, not a great deal of damage was done, except to sweet potatoes and like tender vegetation. SHANNON'S PENSIONS J. D. Shannon reports the following pensions allowed, recently, through his agency: Philemon H. McCracken, Spillers, Ohio, increase from $12 to $17 per month. James White, Portland, Ohio, increase from $6 to $12 per month. Joseph Partlow, Sumner, Ohio, restoration and increase from $12 to $17 per month. In this case the soldier died June 7, 1897, and the pension was made payable to Matilda J. Partlow, his wife, to the date of his death. INSTITUTE INSTRUCTORS The Executive Committee of the Meigs County Teacher's Institute met Saturday and employed instructors for next year's Institute, which will be held August 22 to 26. The place has not yet been decided upon. Prof. T. C. Coates comes back at an increase in wages of this year. The others are S. P. Humphrey, of Ironton and B. O. Higley, of the Ohio State University at Athens. It was decided to employ Byron W. King, the elocutionist, for one day and evening, if he can come. FIRE AT SYRACUSE The two-story frame residence of William Gibbs, at Syracuse, caught fire from a defective flue, Monday morning, and burned to the ground. The fire had gained such headway before it was discovered, that few of the household goods could be saved. Had it not been for the splendid work done by the bucket brigade, several of the adjoining residences would have gone likewise. Mr. Gibbs' residence was insured for $500. There was no insurance on the contents. The residence of Thos. Mumaws, adjoining, was damaged to the extent of $50, with no insurance. DILCHER'S SPEECH Fred Dilcher, of Athens county, a member of the National Board of United Mine Workers of America, made a speech at the Court House, Monday afternoon, to several hundred coal miners of the Pomeroy Bend. Mr. Dilcher was born in Pomeroy some 32 years ago, but has lived in Athens county for several years. His mission here was to impress upon the miners the importance of organization, and he did that in an eloquent address. He told about the condition of unorganized districts of West Virginia, where the Court Injunctions flourish. On Loup Creek the miners get the lowest prices going for mining and pay 25 cents for three pounds of beans, $2.50 per keg for powder, $1 per gallon for oil, 25 cents for 4 bars of soap, 30 cents per pound for coffee extract, 9 to 11 cents per yard for calico that sells for 3 cents a yard in Pomeroy, and 12 1/2 cents per pound for salt meats. His remarks brought out hearty applause, and no doubt he did the cause considerable good. He complimented Rev. Sparks very highly for his sermon Sunday evening on the lessons of the strike. OCTOBER JURIES The following grand jurors have been drawn to appear at the Court House Tuesday, October 12, at 10 o'clock a. m: E. J. Lee, Scipio. Joseph Vincent, Pomeroy E. W. Vale, Columbia. A. W. Cowdery, Olive. Daniel Wilder, Salisbury. Benjamin T. Flesher, Middleport. E. P. Cartwright, Salisbury. Henry Pickens, Racine A. A. McDonald, Rutland. Joseph Neutzling, Pomeroy. David Welke, Bedford. James W. Wells, Middleport. M. J. Rutherford, Rutland. W. A. Race, Pomeroy. Adam Cayer, Middleport. PETIT JURORS The petit jury will be in the day following at 10 o'clock a. m., as follows: Michael Woode, Jr., Orange. P. C. Powell, Middleport. Wm. F. Day, Scipio. O. E. Russell, Middleport. C. E. Keller, Olive. E. E. Jones, Pomeroy. I. P. Anderson, Portland. John Zier, Salisbury. Seldon Biggs, Bedford. Chas. F. Rathburn, Rutland. Nial Brine, Rutland. Henry Schoneberger, Syracuse Pr. MARRIAGE LICENSES James A. Goff and Sarah D. Ogden; J. M Circle and Alice Archer; Harvey Wyne and Ella Kinney; Vincent C. McComas and Myrta A. Forrest; Phil. M. Smith and Hermina F. Eppelin; Henry A. Rubadue and Lettie Price. COLUMN 6 MARINE The Syracuse and Gallipolis packet, Mary L Hatcher, is laid up at Hartford until the river rises. The Millwood and Middleport packet, Little Queen, is on the docks at Middleport, undergoing repairs. The towboats, Convoy and Eagle, have each been handsomely improved by a bright coat of paint and have been placed in first class condition. Capt. Horton, of the light house tender Golden Rod, is home to spend a few days with his family. Diver Vic Ehrhart, who made an examination of the Belle of Memphis, which sank in the Mississippi river, about a week ago, has reported to the insurance companies that she is falling to pieces and is not worth raising. A call has been issued for the annual meeting of the Ohio River Improvement Association, to be held at Evansville, Ind., October 11th. The organization is two years old. The first meeting of the association was held in Cincinnati, and last year, the convention met in Pittsburg. There is considerable business of importance to be transacted, owing to the contemplated improvements to be made on the Ohio river. Among the important matters that the convention will ask Congress to consider, will be, the survey of the Ohio river, from Marietta to Cairo, and the location of dams and locks necessary to complete the slack-water system from Pittsburg to the mouth of the Ohio river. The rivermen believe that it will be many years before the Ohio is improved with a system of locks and dams its entire length, but they intend to impress the national legislators with the importance of the improvement. A great many rivermen believe that the Government will improve the Ohio as far as Cincinnati with a system of locks and dams before many years. A number of Pittsburg rivermen will attend the Evansville meeting and will assist in helping any movement that will benefit them. [Chronicle Telegraph] A diving feat has just been accomplished which probably beats anything heretofore attempted. In 1895, a steamer with $11,000 in gold coin was sunk in 162 feet of water off the coast of New South Wales. The treasure has just been recovered. At times, the pressure upon the divers was from 70 to 75 pounds to the square inch, and their suffering was very great. Free navigation on the Monongahela river reduced the cost of carrying passengers 70 cents each from Pittsburg to Morgantown and return, and the packet company has magnanimously knocked off 50 cents from its old rate. That the low stage of water in the Ohio and Mississippi rivers should effect the price of wheat in Germany is a condition quite out of the ordinary, but it is a fact, just now. Much of the export wheat of the United States is shipped from New Orleans, and is gathered there by the Mississippi river and its tributaries. The present extremely low stage of water allows only one third of a cargo to be carried by the grain barges, the export shipments are, consequently, light, and correspondingly effect the European markets, especially those of Germany. William T. Johnston, of Crawley & Johnston, of Pittsburg, has contracted to furnish their new steam l[e]ver brake steerage gear for the steamers Jim Wood, tornado, Delta, [B]oaz, Voyager and Jim Brown. The Argand, owned by Capt. Gordon Green, who is also the owner of the H. K. Bedford, will come down from Wheeling, to run on local river lines, during the low water. The Argand is a new boat, drawing only 18 inches of water. In the Wheeling and Pittsburg trade, the Argand has had for its captain Mrs. Green, wife of the owner. [Enquirer] Capt. Albert McDaniel, who commanded the Quaker City and side-wheel Keystone, before the war, and who now resides on a fine farm in Mason county, W. Va., near Mason City, and who celebrated his eighty-fifth anniversary, last August, writes his old time associate and friend, Mr. Cons. D. Millar, that he is a great sufferer of rheumatism in his lower limbs. He said he would like to sell his farm and go South, where the climate is milder than in West Virginia, during the winter. Capt. McDaniel was a sailor in the United States Navy in his youth, and says he would like to build another steamer for the Ohio river trade. [Enquirer] James Rees & Sons have completed another new steel hull towboat for South American waters. It will be made portable, and will be shipped to New York for transportation to the South. Several Ohio River steamboatmen expect to go to South America this winter. There is not a single steam craft running on the river now. The last to go to the bank was the Mary L. Hatcher. The Little Queen will be taken off the Middleport docks, Friday.
The Leader October 14, 1897
ZANESVILLE Mrs. Hornets PLY, who has been sick with typhoid fever for the past two months, died yesterday morning at six o'clock and will be buried today in the Radcliff burying ground in Vinton County. She was formerly the wife of David COTTERILL, who was killed at the Hulbert House in Pomeroy by Harmon RADCLIFF. Miss Nancy VALE is pretty sick at this writing with considerable fever. Dr. DAY, of Harrisonville, is the attending physician. The other sick folks are all said to be improving slowly, except W. L. SLATER, who is not quite so well. Fire got started from the train just north of Dyesville Friday and burned over quite a strip of ground for E. W. VALE, Marion CHASE, and J. L. NICHOLS and burned quite a lot of fence for Mr. NICHOLS. The county commissioners are having the old bridge below Dyesville, torn down and a new one put up T.S. VALE and Wm. JORDAN are managing the work. Mr. JORDAN served along time on the K. & M. bridge force and is a No. 1 bridge builder. A. W. VALE will move his saw-mill from W. G. CASTER's farm to the farm of Clement CASTER the first of the week. E. L. WILSON purchased himself a new road-wagon and set of harness of R. H. RAWLINGS last Monday. RUTLAND Saturday was a big day at Rathburn's it being their fall opening. There was a large crowd of ladies present all afternoon. They had a very fine display of hats and wraps. They sold during the day about thirty-five hats and ten wraps. Mrs. Agnes SMITH is having a new floor put in her barn. Lou COOPER is doing the work. Mrs. LARKIN contemplates a similar job. Let the repairs go on. Miss Clara M. STRONG has been having the old eaves troughs and spouting removed from her dwelling and replaced by new ones. GLOECHNER and HYSELL, of Pomeroy, are in the village repairing stoves by putting in backwalls of fire brick and cement. They seem to find plenty to do, having already put in about fifteen. It is believed to be genuine work. The C. E. Society of the Christian church are having the meeting house painted. John FLEMINGS is doing the work. Mrs. John M. CHASE was visiting at Seldon BRADFIELD's near Harrisonville a part of last week. Dr. BEAN, of Gallipolis, was calling on friends and relatives in the village last Thursday. Miss Martha CHASE returned to the village Saturday after a two weeks visit with home friends near Side Hill. Miss Lulu PARKER spent a part of this week and last in Cincinnati. Mrs. Jennie (GILES) LEWIS, of Pt. Pleasant was calling on friends in the village last week. Rev. A. POLLOCK, District Superintendent of the Anti-Saloon League, will address the people at the Baptist church Friday night, Oct. 15. Come and hear him. Mrs. John BECKLEY went to a hospital in Columbus for treatment. Her husband accompanied her. Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker
The Leader, Pomeroy, Ohio December 23, 1897
Wilkesville Mrs. H. H. Bishop after quite an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. W. W. Tierce, of Washington D. C. returned home last Friday. Miss Katie Bowen after a lingering sickness, died at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. H. R. Hawk, and was buried at Vales's Mill Monday, Dec. 13. B. S. Wells has been confined to his room for Th. past week with quinsy. Charlie Wagner who, has been quite sick with the typhoid fever, is able to be about again. Antiquity Born, to Robert F. Sayre and wife a daughter. Mr. Sayre was a soldier in the 92 O. V. I. He is 57 years old and is the father of 19 children. (!) Prof. J. K. Bush and wife visited his parents last Sunday and Monday. Farm for sale Five hundred acres of choice grazing land for sale. Situated in Bedford Township, Meigs County Ohio, and known as the Allen Blackwood farm. It is well watered and timbered. All buildings necessary; farm in moderate repair. Will be sold as a whole or in part. Also 44 acres in Scipio Township, mostly Bottom Land (several words missing) information inquire (more missing) ALLEN BLACKW___ FRANCIS BLACKW___ RUTLAND NOTES Death of a pioneer Mrs. Sarah B. Torrence died last Wednesday at 1:45 o'clock being 87 years of age, October 13th. The funeral services were held at the Christian Church of which she was a devoted member conducted by Elder J. Laurel Garvin at 10 o'clock Friday, after which her body was laid to rest in the Rutland cemetery. B. F. Knight and aunt Rhoda came down from Chester Friday to attend the funeral of grandma Torrence. Aunt Rhoda will stay a week or so and visit relatives and friends. Little Octa Plummer was quite sick a few days last week. Mrs. Mat Stedman had the remains of her little daughter, Etta, removed from the Middleport cemetery to the Miles cemetery last Thursday, Harve Gardner doing the work. Dr. Hysell came out from Pomeroy last Thursday to see George Prall, who, it will be remembered was shot, in his left arm last Monday morning, and decided to amputate the member. Accordingly Dr. Hartinger was summoned by telephone to come to assist in the operation. George has suffered much but hopes to pull through by faithful care which he will have at the hands of Dr. Stanley an his wife. Henry Spires' residence, which is being built down by the depot, is nearing completion. A MATRIMONIAL HEADQUARTERS The New Remington Hotel is becoming quite popular for matrimonial ventures. Two marriages were solemnized there last week. On Wednesday evening Edwin S. Wallace was married in the parlors of the hotel to Miss Katie Bletnar (sic), of Mason, and on Saturday evening W. G. Nease and Miss Cora Holter, of Syracuse, were married there, Rev. Magee performing both ceremonies. Early Modes of Travel Mr. Byron Story, of Bedford, was in town last week and while enjoying a good meal told a little early history of his family. He says that in 1836 his father came to Meigs County from New Hampshire, making the trip in an old fashioned stage coach, the body hung on leather straps. At Bungtown, as it was then called, Mr. Story bought the farm of his brother-in-law, Mr. Quivey. The following March Mr. Quivey took his family in the same vehicle and started for Wisconsin. Later, by the same mode of travel, they went to Oregon, where Mrs. Quivey still lives, being past 90 years of age. Mr. Story lives on the farm his father first bought. Death of Mr. Roush John Roush, and aged citizen of Horse Caves, died very suddenly Tuesday morning. He had been in poor health for months but his death was not expected. He was 69 years old and the father of ten living children, most of whom are grown. He was the father of our fellow townsman, H. H. Roush, who left but a short time before his death for Crown City on a business trip and could not be lacated (sic) The burial will take place at 2 o'clock to-day at Lee Chapel. Deceased was an uncle to Mrs. Collins, of Newman's store, and a brother to Mrs. Eph Aumiller, of Racine. [Transcribed by Kaye Fick]
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