These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
Tribune-Telegraph January, 1906
Charles Bell, an old soldier and esteemed citizen passed away Sunday evening at 9 o'clock at his home in Racine after an illness of a week. He was stricken with paralysis Saturday evening, December 23, and with other ailments incident to old age, the end came quickly. Deceased was born February 14, 1833, and was 72 years 10 months and 16 days of age at the time of his death. He was married to Mary Jane Jones, October 25, 1855, and to the union four children were born. Edwin, the oldest dying in Yazoo City, Miss. Besides the wife the following children survive him; Mrs. A. F. Ollum of Racine; Bradford K. of Couch, W.Va. and William of Yazoo City, Miss. He enlisted in Co. K. 18th OVI October 9, 1861, and served three years and one month and received an honorable discharge at Camp Chase, Ohio on November 9, 1864. Charles Bell was a member of Wm. Bush Post GAR of Racine, and UVU Order of Middleport. Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery near Racine. [Transcribed by Connie Cotterill Schumaker]
The Democrat, Pomeroy, Ohio February 15, 1906
GRANDMA MOORE Ninety-One Years Old, and with 105 Living Descendants Settled on Thomas Fork 84 Years Ago, and is a Pioneer of Pioneers Will you allow me space in your paper to refer to the life and history of Mrs. Frances Moore, better known as Aunt Fan. She was born in 1815 in the Shenandoah Valley and emigrated with her parents to Meigs county in 1822. They settled on the tract of land opposite the residence now owned by Emerson Harper on Thomas Fork on the west side of public road. She was the oldest of 10 children, and a sister of the late Washington and Isaac Russell and others. She loves to sit and tell of her childhood when her father carried her on his shoulder to the clearing and sugar camp which surrounded their cabin home, from which home-made maple sugar and syrup and molasses were made in abundance. On March 15, 1836 she was married to George Moore, a son of David and Hannah Moore of Clarksburg W. Va. Her father gave her a small lot on which they erected a cabin with puncheon floor and just room enough for two bedsteads. They called it the mud house. Her husband was a school teacher and taught several schools in various places, one being in the house now owned by Wm. Burrel near the coal Valley school house. In 1848 they moved to Clarksburg, W. Va. And resided there about 5 years, it being the only time she ever left Meigs county. They returned in 1853. She is 91 years of age and enjoying her share of this worlds goods. She is now a resident of Middleport Ohio. In 1860 her husband passed to the great beyond leaving her a widow with 8 children. In 1864 her oldest son, Alonzo enlisted in the civil war in Co. F. 174 Reg. And was killed in the battle of Mufreesboro the same year. From that time her only support was pension awarded her by the Government. CHILDREN 6 Celinda Moore Densmore, Middleport; Emily Moore Baker, Lincoln county, W. Va.; Hannah Moore Baker, Towerhill, Ill.; Elizabeth Moore, Middleport; Sarah E. Moore Archer, Murray City, O.; Rosa L. Moore Russell, Middleport. GRANDCHILDREN, 29 Celenda Densmore's family: Anna Moore, Wm. Santon, Charles Alonzo, Dora Bailey-Boice, Hannah McKnight. Emily Baker's family:- George Wesley, Alonzo, Isaac, Richard, Charley. Elizabeth Moore's family- Nettie Archer. Hannah Baker's family- Fannie Burgener, Mollie Miller, Celenda Miller, Dora Proctor, Florence Alkire, Lucinda Procter, Charles Louis, Isaac Pickard, Lanson Mailon, Vanson Eddie. Sarah Ellen Archer's family:- Emma Greenler, Elizabeth Wise, William, Herbert, Lucy, Frasie, Fannie. Rosa Russell's family:- Frederick, Harriet McManigal. GREAT GRANDCHILDREN, 60. Anna Moore's family:- George Washington, Edward Eugene. Wm. Densmore's family:- Edith Russell, Mary Celenda, Anna Wilhelmine. Chas. Densmore's family:- Richard James. Dora Bailey-Boice's family:- Norma Bailey, Lawrence Henry Bailey. Hannah McNight's family: Silvia Bell, Hazel. George Baker's family:- Anna Nettie, Letha May, James Madison, Mary Jane, Chas. Jennings. Alonzo Baker's family:- Wm. Delbert, Lucy Jane, Hannah Elizabeth. David Lawrence, Richard Lanson, Jacob Bryan. Nettie Archer's family:- Della, Ray. Emma Greenler-Verigon's family:- Wm. Vernigon, Ellen Vernigon. Elizabeth Wise's family:- Harry, Herbert, Lula. Lucy Frasie's family:- Bertha, Della, James. Wm. Archer's family:- Willie Gorden. Herbert Archer's family:- Cora, Patrick. Fanny Burgner's family:- Alfred Marion, Amos Franklin, Christopher Harlow, William Jacob, Clarence Edgar, Lawrence Alonzo, Elbert Leroy. Mollie Miller's family:- Oka Maona, Floyd Etner [?], Hannah Lee, Fleeta Bernice, Delmar Lewis, Ezra Kerr. Celenda Miller's family:- Rilla Maude, Lola Mae, Odessa Pearl, Olive Belle, Homer Roy. Belle Alkire's family:- Lemuel Oston, Harvey James. Chas. Baker's family:- William Guy. Lawson Baker's family: Maona Marie, Norma. Frederick Russell's family:- Ralph, Ray DeValdy. GREAT GREAT GRANDCHILDREN George W. Moore's family:- Chester Neal, Chas. Alonzo, Lewis Francis, Paul, Anna Eva, James Donald. Edith Russell's family: Florence Evelyn, William Staunton Edward Moore's family:- Harry Wilhelm. Alfred Burgner's family:- Alfred C. I would ask the public if they could give an account of any one that can show a record of more than five generations living at the present time. Come along. Respectfully, Wm. S. Densmore. Transcribed by Homer Thiel
The Democrat (Pomeroy, OH) February 22, 1906
Died of Pneumonia George Harper, a farmer residing on Cherry Ridge, near Flora, died Monday, Feb. 12, of pneumonia, after a short illness. Deceased was fifty-five years old and leaves a wife and eight children most of whom grown to manhood and womanhood Mrs Reeves Dead Mrs. Chris Reeves an aged colored lady, living in the lower part of town near the Middleport line, died Saturday and was buried Monday. She formerly lived up town and for years her husband was the janitor at the Pomeroy National Bank. Clara Nelson Clara Nelson, eighteen years old, daughter of the late Miles Nelson of Bedford township, died Saturday in a hospital in Pittsburg of peritonitis, and her remains were brought here Monday and taken to Hemlock Grove for burial, Tuesday. Deceased worked for a year or more as dining room girl at the Remington hotel and will be well remembered by patrons of the hotel. She was a grand-daughter of Urias Nelson, of Hemlock Grove. Frank Sayre Dead Middleport, O., Feb. 20- The many friends of Frank Sayre were greatly shocked to learn of his sudden death at his home last Thursday afternoon about three o clock. Mr. Sayre had been suffering of throat trouble but this was not considered serious and he was employed at his usual work at Hobson, the previous night. Frank H. Sayre, son of A. H. Sayre and wife, was born at Middleport, Sept. 11, 1870 and died Thursday, Feb. 15, 1906. He was married to Miss Kate Brown of Cheshire, Dec. 22, 1895. He leaves a devoted wife, a loving father and mother, three brothers and two sisters to mourn his death. Funeral services were held at the late residence, Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. McCracken of the Presbyterian church. Relatives and friends from a distance who were present at the funeral were: Messrs. George and Harry Sayre of Clarksburg, W. Va., Mrs. V. Frizzell and children of Huntington, W. Va.; Mr. And Mrs. Wm. Jackson of Vinton; E. T. McMillin of Lancaster; S. R. McMillin of Corning; Mrs. A. F. Herritt of Columbus; Mrs. Laura Adams and children of Ripley, W. Va.; Mr. And Mrs. B. B. Mallory of Racine; O. J. H. Reynolds,. E. F. McMillin and Mrs. Swisher of Cheshire. SALEM (extracted from column) A Mrs. Davis of Middleport was here last week to attend the funeral of her aunt Mrs. Rebecca A. McMann. Mrs. Rebecca A. McMann an aged and well respected lady of Salem, died last Monday evening from the effects of pneumonia of which she was just recovering. Rebecca A. Norton was born in Columbiana County, Ohio June 13th 1827 married to John McMann in the year 1851 died Feb. 12th 1906. She was the mother of five children three sons and two daughters Mrs. Edwina Peden of near Ewington J. I., J. N. and I. D. McCann all of Salem. The youngest daughter Mrs. Lydia Hampton passed to the great beyond almost eight years ago. The four remaining children were at the bedside during her last sickness. Besides the children, she leaves a number of grandchildren and great grandchildren who will all miss her. The funeral was held at the Center church Wednesday morning. Rev. C. B. Tuttle conducting the services, after which the remains were laid to rest in the old Pt. Pleasant burying grounds. Funeral director Benton Strong of Wilkesville having charge of the remains. The pall bearers were G. B. Davis, Henry Williams, Wesley Shenefield, James Great, Samuel Kemper and Fleet Woods. Mrs. McCann was one of the first class that was organized at the Point Pleasant M. P. church that stood near the burying grounds. A log structure which was replaced by the church in the village. [Transcribed by Homer Thiel]
Pomeroy Tribune-Telegraph March 28, 1906
SYRACUSE The following persons were called here this week by the serious illness and death of Thomas Mainwaring, W. S. Mainwaring of Belle Vernon, Pa. Charles Mainwaring of Arnold City, Pa. D.C. Mainwaring and Arthur Mainwaring of Pittsburg, Pa. Mrs. W. S. Cowie of McMechen, W. Va. Mrs. James Price of Cadis, Ohio and Mrs. Timothy Evans of Martin's Ferry, O. [Transcribed by Bobbi Newcomer]
probably Pomeroy Tribune-Telegraph May 1, 1906
MAHALA HARPOLD DEAD. Mahala Harpold, widow of the late Peter Harpold, who died a few months ago, and for the possession of whose wealth a bitter contest has been and is being waged, to the extent that it has become a public scandal, died at her home in Racine early Monday morning. The immediate cause of her death was a paralytic stroke, suffered some time ago, but in addition she was old and discrepit and her last years had been made miserable by the human leechs who fastened themselves upon her and her late husband in an effort to get hold of their hoard of riches. For a year and a half her mind has been that of a child and her person and property have been under the guardianship of Janitor Sayre of the court house and Former Squire and now Postmaster Titus of Middleport. Her demise will put them out of a nice easy and good paying job, but Mr. Titus will not notice it so much since he has been given the postoffice at Middleport. The blow will fall heaviest upon Mr. Sayre, who will now have only his jobs as janitor, chief of board of election supervisors, deputy sheriff and assistant recorder to fall back upon. The deceased was eighty-three years old and was buried in the Wolf cemetery, Wednesday morning. [ NOTE: The article was one of many in my g-grandmother's scrapbook, unfortunately she didn't save the names or dates of the paper. Most likely this is from the Telegraph-Tribune of Pomeroy, however, Racine had its own newspaper for a few years (I don't know the years it was in operation) so this could have come from it also. The "Janitor Sayre" mentioned was Elson Paden Sayre, b. Oct. 19,1867, d. August 19, 1914, m. Mary-----, and they had a daughter, Helen J. Sayre, b. Sept, 1898. Elson was the brother of Lewis Ellsworth Sayre and Mary Caroline "Mollie" Harpold (my g-grandparents). Susan Kuhl ]
The Democrat May 31, 1906
Felix Stanley Dead Felix Stanley, a prosperous farmer living on the old Stanley farm at Snowville, one of the best in all that section of the country, died Monday of Bright s disease, after a long illness. He was once a powerful man, possessing one of the finest physiques of any man in Meigs county, but he had been going down for two or three years and on his last visit to town, which was only a few weeks ago, appeared to be only a shadow of his former self. Deceased was a brother of Dr. Stanley of Rutland and an uncle of Supt. J. F. Alkire of the Children s home. He leaves a wife and four children- three daughters and one son, the youngest being about twelve years old, He had considerable property and the family is left in good circumstances. The funeral occurred Wednesday at one o clock at Snowville, and interment was in the Wells Cemetery. Townsend Clark Dead Townsend Clark, an old war veteran, residing on Thomas Fork, died Monday morning after a long illness and was buried Tuesday afternoon, the funeral being held at the Midway School house, conducted by Rev. Bolton. Deceased was quite an old man and leaves a wife and several children, most of them grown to manhood and womanhood. [Transcribed by Homer Thiel]
unknown Pomeroy newspaper October 11, 1906
Hiram McCumber, aged 87, an old resident of Bedford, died Tuesday of flux and was buried Wednesday in the Carleton Cemetery. The funeral services were held at the church. Transcribed by Kay Williams
unknown Meigs County newspaper December 7, 1906
Mrs. Elizabeth Laubner, 74 years old, residing with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Leifheit at Rocksprings, died of heart failure sometime Saturday night, her lifeless body being found in bed Sunday morning. She had evidently been dead some time when found. Deceased was the widow of the late Leonard Laubner and was a fine old lady. She was the mother of a large family of children, four of whom are still living. They are: William and George of Halsey, Oregon, Mrs. Dock Radford of Flatwoods, and Mrs. Fred Leifheit of Rocksprings. Five of her children died after having grown to manhood and womanhood. They were: John Laubner of Halsey, Ore, Mrs. Isaac Castle, Kate, who married a man named Keck, and Cinda and Emma, who were unmarried. The funeral occurred Tuesday at one o'clock at the house, conducted by Rev. Hempleman of this city, and interment was in Rocksprings cemetery. Transcribed by Kay Williams
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