These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
Unknown newspaper, Meigs County, Ohio 1907
Peach Fork J. M. Will and little May Thomas spent Sunday with the latter's father, George Thomas and family of Kingsbury. John Carl and family and John Heitger and family were guests of Albert Heitger and family recently. Francie King is doing housework for Mr. Carleton of Kingsbury. Mrs. Ida Hull had the misfortune to lose one of her cows last week. J. W. Carman has purchased the Jacob Geoglein farm and will move about the 1st of May. Mrs. Carman has one of the finest homes around here now. Tony Lightfoot purchased a horse of Elmer Frost of Rocksprings recently. Emma Carman and Della King were the guests of their teacher Edna Ashworth one night last week. Harry Will had a telephone put in his house last week. Mr. H. V. Bailey spent a few days last week visiting her brother Richard Entsminger and family of Pomeroy. Mrs. McCumber who has been visiting her son Lewis McCumber and family of Thomas Fork returned home last week. Will Ashworth made a business trip to Athens last Saturday. Enos Bosworth of Kingsbury moved his family to Needmore last Tuesday and Mr. Hayes moved in the house vacated by Mr. Bosworth. Effie Carsey spend Saturday night and Sunday with her sister, Mr. H. S. Will and family. Tony Lightfoot bought a horse of Mrs. Johnston, of West Shade, last week. Mr. Lydia Carl and little daughter Mabel spent Monday with Effie Will. Mary Will visited her parents Xaviar Thomas and wife of Grass Run, Sunday. (Transcribed by Kay Williams)
unknown newspaper January 11, 1907
Death of Mrs. J. E. Dains Occurs At Pomeroy, Ohio The Pomeroy Democrat has the following concerning the death of Mrs. Ella Dains near that city Saturday of last week. Mrs. Dains was the daughter in law of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dains, residing at 20 Race Street, this city: Mrs. Ella Dains, wife of J. E. Dains of the 1st ward, died last Saturday at the home of her parents, John Griffith and wife of Enterprise. Mrs. Dains had been a sufferer from dropsy and heart trouble for nearly a year and this was the cause of her death. Mr. Dains and Miss Griffith were married in March 1905 to which union was born one child, which died in infancy. Deceased leaves a husband, father, mother, three brothers, and three sisters, besides a host of friends to mourn her departure. The funeral was held Monday at the U.B. church at Enterprise, conducted by Rev. Stafford of the M.E. church of this place and burial was in the Hill cemetery at Middleport. The employees of the street car line, with whom Mr. Dains is employed presented a very beautiful floral piece representing the "Gates Ajar". Those attending the funeral from a distance were Samuel Dains and wife of Athens, the parents of the grief stricken husband, Peter Hoak Sr. and wife, Peter Hoak Jr. and wife, and James and Mike Hoak of Carbondale, John Andres and wife and Miss Margaret Griffith of Dayton Ky. [Transcribed by Kay Williams]
Tribune-Telegraph March 13, 1907
Mrs. Elizabeth Price (obituary) Elizabeth Mainwaring Price was born at Syracuse, May 16, 1868, died at Wheeling, W. Va., March 6, 1907. She was the daughter of Ann and Thomas Mainwaring. Her father died on March 26, 1906, not quite a year ago, and his devoted wife then made made desolate, is now doubly bereft by the death of a loving daughter. Mrs. Price became a member of the M.E. church at Syracuse under the pastorate of Rev. Joseph B. Boice, and has been a faithful member of the M. E. church ever since. She was united in marriage with James Price July 11, 1887. To them were born four children, two daughters and two sons, all of whom survive. Her illness was of some three months duration, although she has been in declining health for several years. As a daughter she was gentle and obedient, as a wife true and devoted, as a mother patient and gentle, as a neighbor always generous and obliging. She was loved and respected by all, and will be greatly missed. To her widowed mother, her brothers and sisters, her broken-hearted husband and her mother-less children, we extend our heartfelt sympathy. The funeral services were held at the residence of her mother, at Syracuse, conducted by Rev. Jewett, and the remains interred in the Town cemetery. The pall bearers were William, Arthur and Walter Mainwaring, Jon, David, and Thomas Price. Mrs. Willard Roush is quite sick at this writing. Mrs. Ralph Robson, of Hartford, spent Saturday with Charles Hood and family at this place. Charles E. McCoy and Mrs. Margaret Thomas spent Monday with Rob't. Hughes and family at Racine. John Gruser moved his family from the house belonging to the Pittsburg Mining Co, into the Morgan property Monday. Miss Edith Price, of Columbus, is here visiting relatives and old friends. Mr. Bennett of Welshtown, has been quite sick the past week. Edward Reese is very low at this writing with very little hopes for his recovery. Mrs. Robert Hughes returned home from Huntington Thursday where she spent several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. E. C. Moore. James Price and children, of Martins Ferry, spent Monday with Joseph Garland and family. John James, wife and baby, of Syracuse spent Sunday with relatives of this place. Ed Reese and wife of Racine, and John Reese and wife of Middleport, have been at the bedside of their father, Edward Reese, this week and part of last week. Mrs. Jacob Jones is improving. Albert Edwards, of Cincinnati, spent several days the first of the week with his mother at this place. [Transcribed by Bobbi Newcomer]
The Leader, Pomeroy, Ohio December 23, 1897
RUTLAND NOTES Death of a pioneer Mrs. Sarah B. Torrence died last Wednesday at 1:45 o'clock being 87 years of age, October 13th. The funeral services were held at the Christian Church of which she was a devoted member conducted by Elder J. Laurel Garvin at 10 o'clock Friday, after which her body was laid to rest in the Rutland cemetery. B. F. Knight and aunt Rhoda came down from Chester Friday to attend the funeral of grandma Torrence. Aunt Rhoda will stay a week or so and visit relatives and friends.
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