These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
Unknown newspaper 1909
Conductor C. O. Snyder and family returned Thursday from a week's visit with Mr. Snyder's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Snyder, of Rutland. They also attended the funeral of Mr. Snyder's niece, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mr. Andy Colwell, of Rutland. []
Unknown newspaper 1909
HIGHEST EVER KNOWN Was the High Water at Rutland Rain fell in a deluge in the valley of Little Leading Creek Tuesday with the result that that ordinarily well behaved little stream got obstreperous, broke over its banks and made a whole lot of trouble. It was very high a year ago but the oldest inhabitants say it was the highest ever known. It got into George Carter's post office a foot and a half, the telephone exchange the same depth, was in Dr. Chase's office, Jackson's barber shop, Ray Rawling's home three inches, Mrs. Rightmire's house, occupied by Mrs. Dr. Lee, 6 inches, George Musser's, John Spires', Burton Barrett's drug store and damaged some of his goods, in Mr. Barrett's house, in Mrs. Dr. Bean's residence and many of the barns of the village, three feet being the depth in Binus Hogue's. In that part of the village next the depot, it flooded M. P. Ralph's residence, and Mr. Ralph who is seriously ill from typhoid fever, had to be moved to John McFarland's. Of course the cellars were all filled. The basement to Rathburn's big store was almost filled and the building is without heat. The flood was highest about 9 o'clock. The water was very high at Langsville and throughout the whole eastern part of the county. Some washouts on Leading creek near Carpenter are reported. K. & M. Damages. The destruction on the K & M is pretty heavy. At Fishers in Athens county a thousand feet of the track was washed out by Sunday Creek, said to have been the highest it was ever known. When train No. 4 (the train that reaches Middleport at 5 o'clock in the evening) reached Carpenter, it was held there because of a washout near Rice Longstreth's below Langsville, and while waiting for orders the track was washed out just above Carpenter. After that the train could neither retreat nor go forward, and at noon today (Wednesday) it was still at Carpenter. Traffic between Athens and Middleport is suspended, but it is thought trains will get through this evening. Dexter Hit. Leading Creek got so high at Dexter that it entered Freeman Pearsalls residence and made the occupants thereof hike for taller timber. As the telephone exchange is there wire talk in that village and neighborhood is suspended. Flood in Shade River Valley. At 8 o'clock Wednesday morning the water from Shade river was six feet deep in the Chester mill. It was rising exactly one foor an hour at that time and it was thought that it would be fully two feet higher. In B. K Smith's house the water stood five feet deep and many other houses in the lowlands were flooded. Service over the Citizens' line is greatly impaired, and it is almost impossible to get any details of the flood along Shade river valley. This stream is reported to be higher than it has been for 53 years, another flood in 1856 being higher than this one. ----------------------------------- Mrs. Will Hughes and son, Willie, arrived here Friday from Athens to spend a few days with relatives. They returned home Monday. Wm. Davis came in from Columbus Sunday to spend the day with relatives. He returned in the evening, accompanied by his wife who has been visiting here a week. Quarterly meeting will be held at the M. E. church next Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Dick, district superintendent, will be present and deliver the sermon. Quarterly conference will be in session on Wednesday evening, March 3. Everybody is cordially invited to attend these meetings. Rev. Thomas Edwards filled Rev. Jewett's pulpit at the M. E. church Sunday morning. Dan Fox, wife and son, Dennie, were the guests of relatives at Huntington the latter part of last week. Mrs. Eliza Simons was quite sick a few days last week. Several from here went over to Hartford Sunday to attend the funeral of Mr. Smith and Mr. Bonnett, who were recently killed in the explosion at that place. A man of middle age recently had the mumps and he complained so with the miserable things that his wife had to get up in the middle of the night and rock him to sleep to get rid of his complaining in order that she and the children could get a peaceful rest. His children, one-half dozen in number, all had the mumps and his wife says he made more fuss over the mumps than all the children combined. John Reese, wife and son, Floyd, of Middleport, spent Sunday at this place. Mrs. Anna Blumenauer has been quite sick the past week. Geo. Wolfe, wife and children spent Sunday at Pomeroy the guests of Will Phillips and family. Mrs. Joseph McBride, of Syracuse, was calling on Mrs. John Stobart Sunday afternoon. News reached here recently from Canal Winchester, O., of the serious sickness of Mrs. Elwood Saiber, formerly Miss Mary Price, of this place. She is in a critical condition from childbirth. The baby girl is getting along fine and is the pride of the father and mother. It is sincerely hoped that the mother will pull through all right. The M. E. Sunday school are making arrangement to render an old fashion Easter program. All Sunday school scholars are welcome to sing, speak or read a paper for this occasion. We have the talent and there is no excuse why we should not have an entertainment better than the ones years gone by. The Misses Ebersbach, of Pomeroy, spent Monday with Miss Elsie Entsminger. The Mexican fortune tellers are camping at this place. They are a tough looking set. No one will be sorry when they leave. We failed to make mention of the arrival of a fine daughter at the home of John Houdashelt and wife last week. The small daughter of Dana Brown was quite sick a few days last week. Mrs. Albert Houdashelt who was reported getting better from her siege of sickness, is much worse at this writing. A lady was heard to remark: "If all the men were dead but one what would become of us poor women?" Better inquire what would become of the poor man. []
Unknown newspaper 1909
Harrisonville schools are certainly coming to the front rank as a place for pupils to acquire a good education, as the following enrollment of foreign pupils will show: Atta V. Folden, Florence H. Hayes, Langsville; Blanche E. Johnson, Dexter; Pearle Tuckerman, Middleport; Else Warner, Harrisonville; Oleva E. Gotschall, Mamie Winn, Rutland R. D.; Fave Knopp, Beatrice Stanley, Snowville; Mary E. Welch, Lillian Gorslin, Carpenter; Golda Staneart, Pomeroy R. D.; Florence Williams, Pratts Fork; Glenn Gotschall, Rutland R. D.; Martha Jewell, Zaleski; Agnes Crow, Willow Grove, W. Va.; Ray Minor, Miles Nelson, Dexter; Earl Cuckler, Pratts Fork; Dale Musser, Rutland R. D.; Emmet G. Nelson, Point Rock. The above pupils are all enrolled in Geo. H. Crow's school. --------------------- [On the reverse of this clipping is a partial list of Civil War soldiers with no context. - ed.] O.V.I. 140, Geo. W. Chase, Rutland, 79. O.V.I. 140, James Church, Rutland, 65. O.V.I. 140, Lewis Spires, Rutland, 63. O.V.I. 140, John Gorsuch, Rutland, 75. O.V.I. 140, James Hoppes, Rutland, 65. O.V.I. 140, Allen Edmundson, Langsville, 65. O.V.I. 140, Austin Barton, Langsville, 62. O.V.I. 140, F. J. Wyeth, Langsville, 78. O.V.I. 140, William Carson, Middleport, 76. O.V.I. 140, Chas. B. Nobles, Middleport, 75. O.V.I. 140, P. A. Sayles, Middleport, 75. O.V.I. 140, J. B. Bradford, Middleport, 72. []
Unknown newspaper, Meigs County, Ohio January, 1909
Obituary Loren Perle Lee was born near Harrisonville, O., Aug. 24, 1875, and at this place spent the years of his boyhood. He began teaching in the public schools of Meigs county at the age of 17 years. After teaching for four years he entered the Wesleyan University at Delaware, O. After a three year preparatory course in that school he entered Starling Medical college at Columbus, O., and was graduated from there with the class of 1903, and was actually engaged in the practice of medicine at Harrisonville and Rutland to the time of his death which occurred at his home in Rutland at 9 a.m. Dec. 30, 1908, at the age of 33 years, 4 months and 1 day. He was converted early in life and became a member of the Methodist Episcopal church at Harrisonville later transferring his membership to Rutland. Dr. Lee was married April 15, 1903, to Bessie Forrest, of Rutland. To them were born two children, Florence and Evelyn. Florence died in infancy in January, 1905. He is survived by his wife and daughter, Evelyn, his father and mother, six brothers and a host of friends. The deceased was a member of Troop G, 1st Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, during the Spanish war, and it is stated on his discharge that he was an exceptionally good and trustworthy soldier. During a recent illness when he thought the end was near he repeated the words of Paul in 2nd Timothy 4-7: "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." He died as he lived - loved by all who knew him. []
probably The Leader (Pomeroy, OH) March, 1909
LANGSVILLE March 1.--Death has again visited our little village and claimed as his victim Alex Braley, an aged citizen, who passed away early Sunday morning at his home here. Mr. Braley had been in failing health for some time but was able to be around the village until attacked with grip about a week ago. He has lived in and near Langsville nearly all his life except a few years spent in the West. He was actively engaged in the merchandise business here for a number of years and was always clever and accomodating to everyone. He was aged 75 years and leaves an aged wife, two sons, John M., of Athens, Frank, of Langsville, and two daughters, Mrs. Vona Grimes, of Athens, and Mrs. Lelia Brown, of this place, with their families, several sisters and one brother and many friends to mourn their loss. The bereaved family have the sympathy of all. Funeral Tuesday at 10 o'clock at Midway church. Burial in the Robinson cemetery. A 12-pound boy came to live with George Romine and wife last Friday. There was a wreck in the Stansbury cut below Langsville last Monday evening which delayed the trains for several hours. The flood last Tuesday night did much damage to the bridges and railroad around here. The trains were delayed one day caused by a washout above the R. C. Longstreth place. The water was in both stores, post office and all the houses on the low ground except Rutherford's and Alex Braley's in Langsville. We had no mail from Rutland for two days and the Langsville deliverer missed Wednesday. Ira Grimes and wife and J. M. Braley, of Athens, were called home last week by the sickness of their father, Alex Braley. Frank Braley is able to be out again. Leo Johnston was quite sick Saturday morning. Dr. Jividen was called and pronounced it a mild case of appendicitis. Dr. Jividen was called to see Walter Stout Saturday who is very sick with the grip. Harry Pierce has been having the mumps the past week. Millard Romine was the guest of relatives at Downington Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Mary Rutherford was the guest of Mrs. Lucy Longstreth recently. Mrs. Margretta Stout is improving and able to walk about the house. Cash Braley and family were the guests of Walter Stout last Friday. --------- HARRISONVILLE March 2.--Daniel Carl and Miss Bertha Ashworth were united in marriage Saturday evening, Feb. 27, by Justice D. U. Michaels. The wedding took place at the home of the bride's mother in Beford township in the presence of a few relatives. Their many friends wish them a happy journey. Philip Boies, of Athens, is the guest of Cush White for a few days. Finley Anderson bought a fine driving horse of G. H. Crow last Tuesday. Mrs. Andrew Dye, Sr., was quite sick Monday. Mrs. W. F. Day is spending several days with the family of Marcellus Forrest, of Rutland. A. M. Might went to Wilkesville Saturday to visit his parents for a few days. George Clark was home from Athens county to spend Sunday with his family here. The Woman's Union of the Presbyterian church will hold its regular meeting next Saturday. The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. church will meet Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Jennie Alkire has as her guest for some time her aunt, Mary Hiland, of Thomas Fork. G. H. Crow and W. D. Hogue purchased three colts of Mrs. Mary Bauer, of Pomeroy, Saturday. []
The Leader (Pomeroy, OH) May 20, 1909
LANGSVILLE May 10.--The stork has been busy in this vicinity lately. A fine son was left at the residence of John Brown and wife April 26, and two fine boys came to stay with Allen Ward and wife in the village here last Friday. All three are grandsons of N. J. Ward and wife, of Langsville. []
The Leader (Pomeroy, OH) June 3, 1909
DEXTER. McCann-Davis May 25.--There was a very pretty wedding Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. D. McCann, when their only child was united in marriage to George Davis, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davis, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Davis and also of the late F. H. McKnight and wife. The home was tastefully decorated and the impressive ceremony performed by Rev. Henderson, of Dyesville, in the presence of about 40 invited guests. A bounteous supper was served and enjoyed by all present. The young couple received many useful and valued presents, tokens of the love and esteem of their many friends. We understand they will not go to housekeeping until fall. This worthy young couple are among our very best young people and have our sincere wishes that they may live long, happy and useful lives. []
The Leader (Pomeroy, OH) July 1, 1909
LANGSVILLE June 20.--A quiet wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Entsminger when Margaret, their youngest daughter, was united in marriage to Mr. A. G. Combs, of Caldwel, O. The bride, who is a handsome lady, looked beautiful in embroidered white. The groom is a handsome young gentleman. They left on the afternoon train for his home. We join their many friends in wishing them much happiness. []
Unknown newspaper, Meigs County, Ohio October, 1909
LANGSVILLE (Left Over.) Clair D. Rutherford Dead. Oct. 4.--A telephone message was received here from Dexter yesterday morning stating that Clair D. Rutherford, of Floodwood, Minn., was dead. No particulars. Frank Hayes left yesterday for that place in response to the message from his daughter, Mrs. C. D. Rutherford. Mrs. Hamilton, who has been visiting with her father, Mel Romine, received a message Monday morning that her daughter was dead. She left immediately to go to her home. Mrs. N. J. Ward, who went to the hospital at Columbus last week, was operated upon Saturday morning and was getting along nicely Sunday. Kirk Thompson and wife accompanied Mrs. Ward to Columbus and have not reutrned (sic). [The following is a partial obituary found on the back of the above clipping. -ed.] ... She remained in her childhood home until her 18th year, when she came to America with her brother, John Adam, then only 15 years of age. They came to their brother's, Michael Frederick Morhart, who was living near Pittsburg. In a short time the three moved to Gallipolis, Ohio. There, after the marriage of Michael and the death of John Adam, killed early in the Civil War, Mrs. Reinwald married her first husband, Joseph Windwart. To this union were born twin daughters, Hattie, who died in infancy, and Emma, now Mrs. Lloyd. Mrs. Reinwald's second marriage was in 1863 to Frank Reinwald. Nine children were born to them, of whom Frank, George, Clara and Otto survive. Mrs. Reinwald died Saturday, Oct. 21, 1909, after an illness of six months being 72 years and 9 days old. Besides her own five children and Mr. Aug- [clipping ends] []
Unknown newspaper, Meigs County, Ohio October, 1909
KILLS HIMSELF By Firing a Revolver Shot into His Head The first distressing intelligence flashed over the wires to Mr. Frank Hayes, of Salem, was that his son-in-law, Claire D. Rutherford, was dead. The next word was that he was killed. That added information only intensified the anxiety, and the next telegram that he had been shot, only doubled the anxiety, and a day later came the unwelcome truth that he had, in a period of melancholy, fired the fatal shot with his own hand. He and his wife were about to retire, he complained of not feeling well, his wife insisted on doing something for him, he dismissed her by saying that he would be better in a little while and telling her that she would best go to bed. Mrs. Rutherford had hardly got into her own bedroom when she heard a shot. Startled, she hurried into her husband's bedroom to find him dying on the floor, the fatal bullet, 38 caliber size, having entered his brain through the center of his forehead. He left a note addressed to the president of the Floodwood Bank, of which he was the cashier, saying that the bank was all right. He was also postmaster of the place and the post office has been found to be in good shape. So also are all his business affairs. The only cause for the tragedy is found in the death of both his parents during the past year. He kept the two telegrams announcing their death, wept over them, brooded over them and finally resolved on self-desrtuction (sic). His remains were brought to Langsville for burial, Rev. Thomas, of Middleport, speaking words of consolation to the bereft wife, son and brother, to the relatives and friends innumerable. Dec. 29, 1897, he was united in marriage to Miss Maud Hayes. Nine years ago Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford went to Minnesota. He was a Mason, a member of the M. E. church, a good citizen, a splendid man. In their loss the wife and son have the boundless sympathy of all. ------ Mrs. DAVID MARTIN Passes Away at the Age of Eighty-three Louisa McKinstry was born Jan. 10, 1826, and departed this life Oct. 2, 1909, aged 83 years, 8 months and [clipping ends here] []
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