These pages contain transcriptions of news items published in Meigs County newspapers. They were transcribed from microfilm copies of the originals or from the originals themselves.
Further contributions would be most welcome.
unknown newspaper January, 1926
OBITUARY Melissa Hugg was born at Dexter, O., December 17, 1849 and departed this life January 17, 1926, aged 76 years and one month. Her entire life was spent in this vicinity with the exception of a few years in Vinton county. She was the daughter of William and Emmarillus Wiseman, who died in early life. She had two brothers, Rufus and Roscoe, now deceased; two sisters, Cynthia, who died in infancy and Emmarillus Folden, who survives. Melissa Wiseman was united in marriage to Charles Hugg, June 1, 1867. To this union were born five children, John of Wellston, Amer of Wilkesville, Oren at home, Jennie of Carroll, and Earl of Athens. Nine grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren survive. She united with the Bible Christian church in her early married life. She has always lived a quite, inoffensive life and always had the interest of her family at heart. She was a mother of whom her children are justly proud and who will always remember her with love and with a feeling that she always cared for them the best she could. []
unknown newspaper August?, 1926
OBITUARY Marcellus Forrest, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Forrest, was born February 9th, 1842, at Rutland, Ohio, and departed this life August 23, 1926, at 9:00 A. M. at Dayton, Ohio, aged 84 years, 7 months, 15 days. He spent most of his life in his boyhood home town. He served faithfully for his country four years in the Civil War on the Union side. A few years after the war he was united in marriage to Miss Rozella Plummer of Rutland, who preceded him to the Great Beyond four years ago. To this union no children were born but they took to their hearts a little girl to raise, who is now Mrs. Homer Comstock of Point Pleasant, W. Va. Mr. Forrest was a kind and loyal citizen, always ready to do his part. He enjoyed talking with old friends and comrades until illness made this impossible. He could not get around as he would have liked to, but his friends never forgot him, for they often went to see him. The Supreme Father will surely reward him for his goodness. He leaves to mourn his departure: Mrs. Homer Comstock, seven grandchildren, a few relatives and a host of friends. "There is a world above Where parting is unknown, A whole eternity of love, Formed for the good alone." []
Tribune or Tribune-Telegraph September 1, 1926
Langsville Aug. 31.--Cash Vanzandt, who has been in poor health was taken to the home of Mrs. Vanzandt's mother, Mrs. Barton at Rutland, Wednesday. Worley Chase still continues very sick. Dr. Gribble of Pomeroy was called Sunday in consultation with Dr. Jividen. We hope he will soon recover. Ray Miller and family after a visit here with relatives returned to their home at Parkersburg, Saturday. George Brown spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Smith. Mrs. Henry Caves and son Morton returned to their home at Columbus, Monday. They were accompanied by her father, David Gardner who will attend the state fair. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wilcox after a visit with relatives at Huntington returned home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hunt of Aurora, Ill, arrived Saturday and will spend a week here visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Davis and other relatives. Mildred McKnight who has been employed at Columbus this summer returned home Saturday. Mrs. Will Allen and children, Christine and Byron of West Mansfield spent from Wednesday until Monday here with her mother, Mrs. Mary Entsminger. Mildred Laymen visited Dorothy Ledlie the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ledlie, Theron Ledlie and family and Mildren Laymen spent Sunday with Dale Ward and family at Morgan Center. Ferry Chase was called home from Columbus, Saturday on account of the illness of his brother, Worley. Hazel Gardner resigned her position at Millers store, Saturday. Bert Davis and family spent Sunday with O. S. Davis and family. Kirk Thompson and family of Amsden accompanied by Mrs. Cora Morris returned to their home Wednesday. T. M. Pickens and son, and Carl Miller painted Harry Smith's house the past week. Charley Elliott accompanied by Mary and Billy Bope of Columbus, came Saturday. His family who has been visiting relatives here, returned home with him on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nelson motored to Springfield Monday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Grace Rathburn and family. Nina Braley is assisting Mrs. Lena Pickens with her housework. ROCKSPRINGS Aug. 31.--The people of this community were shocked to hear of the sudden death of Mrs. William Keebaugh. Rush Stevens who hs been at the Holzer Hospital returned home Sunday much improved. D. A. Terrell and son John and daughters Emma and Linna and Mr. and Mrs. Don Christy were calling on Rush Benheimer and family Sunday. []
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